7 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JU2E JIO, 1001. INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION These ate twin evil which work leflouj mischief In the humin body. They sap the strength, destroy enefgy nd Impoverish the blood. Asa result of these ailments, the system gradu ally becomes disordered and the con stitution weakened so that the body loses vitality and Is unfit to stand the strain of hard or continuous labor; thus, the victim offers a shining mark for kidney disease, lung trouble or the life-crushing malarial fever. An .easy and certain means of warding off this condition Is within th recn oi every one. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS the System Regulator, !j the remedy. A few doses whenever the dlgestlcn U disturbed, or when the bowels fail to move regularly, will remove the diffi. culty and stimulate the vital organt to a better and more complete per formance of their duties. With vigor and regularity In the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, there can be no Ic-m of ttrength or energy, the blood win be pure and nourishing, and the apaelty of the body for work thereby maintained at the highest standard. Send for a bottle to-day. Keep It always in the house. A half wln. glassful when the stomach feels bloated, when the breath Is bad, or the bowels constipated, will quickly restore the feeling of vigor and cheer mines. DRUGGISTS SELL IT AT $1.00. PER BOTTLE. BBrflUSBil-Btffl nTaaTQaKaaV' flBBal FREE. A Marvelous New Book on Personal Magnetism and Hypnotism. Startling. Facts which are! Agitating the whole Country. The Labor of Nearly Fifty Experts Combined for the Elevation of Mankind. The Ore it Universities of America and Europe Contribute to the I'iniil Course. The Occult so Simple that Everybody Can Be Successful. s One of tho most astounding now books ot tho ago Is tho ono Just published by the American College ot Sciences, of Phil adelphia. Tho new facts presented provo that very person has tho power to exert an Influence over others, and that It Is not merely tho "strongest" mind that can sway multitudes. This wonderful book divides hypnotic science Into Its various branches and tells how each may bo quickly mastered mas tered so completely at homo .- that anyone can perform, tho most marvelous, things thut all havo read ah'out, but that fow havo ' seen demonstrated. The'truo secrets of Hypnotism, Mag netic Healing, .Personal Inlluenco and Ab sent Control nro laid baro so that the most ordinary persons enn readily grasp and utlllzo what naturo has endowed "them with. Ily devoting a llttlo tlmo to the science you can lift yourself from despair to the grandest heights ot afflucnco and success can gratify your ambitions and gain marked business and social power. Professional and business men every where havo given this new book their un qualified praise, nnd even ministers ot tho gospel havo expressed their heartiest approval. It you wish to avail yourself of tho knowledge contained In this beautifully Illustrated work, simply send a postal or Jotter to tho American College of Silences, Dept. 130 Q., m to 420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa., and a copy will be sent fou by return mall, freo ot charge. PIMPLES POSITIVELY CURED. With my icientlfie treatmanU. spe cially prepmed for each Individual cum, I speedily and permanently cure blackheads. Ure pores, ulmplei. ai'd all disorder altectlna; the sktn. the acaln and nervous ayatem, at your home. Consultation In person or by letter Is tree and strictly confidential. JOHN H. WOODBURY D. I., MH STATU ftT on. Means, CUICAQO. MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS Uon Utohlntry Shippid in for Uti in Hunting for HomeaUkt On. RON HILL MINE IS LOOKING UP AGAIN lllch Tin IlenrliiK I.giIhcn to lie De veloped by MnKiiru Cinnpiiii) KeKotlntloiiB Opened for Sully Cm iiiiiiiikIi I'riitierty. LEAD, S. D., Juno 29. (Special.) The Mack Hills Licit Development company has brought In from Denver ruoro machinery to bo used at tho shaft south of this city, which Is being put down In quest of the Homcstnko oro lode. A diamond drill was also brought, It being tho Intention of tho company to put down several prospect holes on dllfcrcnt portions of the ground. Tho shaft Is down nearly 300 feet. Llut llttlti water is being encountered and rapid head way is being mado with tho sinking. Tho University company brought In a holster and boiler at tho tamo tlmo that tho lllnck Hills Development company's machinery ar rived, ono of tho machine manufacturing companies In Denver furnishing a duplicate plant of the licit Development company for tho University company. Tho latter com pany has nil of tho machinery hauled out to tbo Vcrxa mine, northwest of Custer, and U will ho Installed next week. Dans for a sixty-ton cyanide plant havo been drawn for tho Alder Creek Mining company of Denver, to bo built In tho Yel low Creek district. Several Earloads of ma chinery havo already begun to arrlvo at Kirk. This company's ground lies Immedi ately south of the licit Development com pany's claims and It Is tho belief that Homcstako oro will bo found underlying tho upper nuartztto contacts. There is n con siderable, amount of cynldlng oro In sight in tho upper workings of tho properties pur chased. Work on tho now plant will begin July 1. To llmini the Iron Hill Mine. Allen Uros. and associates, who owned a cyanide plant In tho Hogged Top district, havo purchased tho cynnldo tanks in tho Hildcbrand stamp mill at tho mouth of Dlacktall district unci they will bo moved out to tho Iron Hill mlno In Carbonato camp. At this old mine there, is a very largo dump of oro that contnlns silver and gold. Tests mado on tho oro show that It enn bo treated at a good profit by tho cya nide process. Tho iron Hilt mlno holds tho World's fair premium for tho richest horn silver. Tho mino is bolng worked under leaso by W. A. Homer of Dcadwood. This company has applied for a new charter, It having been organized twenty years ago, and Is ono of tho oldest mining corporations In South Dakota. During tho '80s tho mlno was tho foundation for a stock boom in the Hills such as fow mining countries have over seen. A stock exchongo wns In ex. istenco in Dcadwood. and n number of for tunes wero mado on Iron Hill stock. Several of tho stockholders of the Good Wlll-Tcmplo Mining company of Chicago aro expected to arrive in tho Hills soon to look over a property that was acquired north of this city toward Sawplt gulch two months ago. Tho ground" Is In direct lino with tho Homcstako and Hidden Fortune properties and for several weeks past de velopment work has boon In progress. This Is tho benevolent organization that was re cently formed at Chicago to develop, first, a mining property In tho Cripple. Creek dls trlct, and, Intel, something in tho Black Hills. It Is stated that all tho capital ncc- 1. ....... . . I. ......... I ,-. I. V. t,,Jz installed, It being tho plan to put in ma chinery. NreiiiKl lloiiicsliike Cynulile I'lunt. Thero Is now no further doubt about tho bulldlntr of tho second cvanldo nlnnt bv the Homcstako company. Tho slto has been povcrished, must ot necessity, nnd In tho tbey were left alone, exposed to tho In surveyed r.enrold Central City nnd It Is Jong run, bo thtf enemy of "tho United .trlgues nnd nmbltlons of the powers of Eu statcd that tho full eaulnmont has been Stnlea. Anil ns usually hannena. tho great rope. ordered for the tanks and tho necessary machinery. Tho building of this plant will add to tho output of building from the Homcstako something llko $25,000 or $30, 000 per month. In a tow' days tho com pany will start up tho old DeSniet mill at weiurai laiy, wuicu una ivu stumps, uuai ness In Central City is sure to' Increase from now on rapidly. Thoro will bo tho Increased forces of men at tho stamp mill and tho cyanldo plant nnd above tho town a quarter of a inlle the Hidden Fortune. company Is working thrco shifts on tho big 3,000-foot tunnel. Thero aro also tho Portland DO-ton nnd tho Ilollly & Barry 25-ton cyanldo plants, which are In steady operation. Tho old town is rapidly putting on metropolitan ntrs. A policeman has been put on duty, all of tho store, buildings havo been painted and placed In repair and most of them havo been leased nnd nro ngaln occupied the first tlmo In fifteen years. Thero is now being published, a weekly paper and tbo old Shannon house, ono of the largest hotels In tho Dlnck Hills, has been sold and refitted. The workings about tho camp will soon bo employing several hundred men. The camp will bo connected by tho now electric rail' way with Deadwood and this city. KlUhorn Itoml to Extend. It Is stated that tho Elkuorn Hallway company will soon put In a spur of narrow gauge road up Dlacktall gulch about a mile, the .road to start near Central City, It will bring down ore from the Imp al company's mlno to the now 100-ton cyanldo plant In Dcadwood. Tho secretary and general manager of tho Niagara Tin Mining company, together with two tin experts, are scheduled to arrlvo In tho Hills early In July, to look over their property located in the Dear Gulch district west ot tho city. Tho company has pur chased eighty acres of ground, through which a series of tln-bcarlng ledges runs. An average of 3 per cent tin has been ob talncd by actual mill runs from some of the larger veins. It Is stated that the com pany Is mooting with success In tho plac Ing ot stock, but It has bocn a difficult mat ter to get capitalists Interested In Dlnck Hills tin. 'Tho effects of the Harnoy Peak Tin failure are still lasting. Notwithstanding the oxcellent reports that havo recently been made on the tin deposits of tho Hills by men as noted as Dr. Franklin H. Carpenter ot Denver, there Is In Inclination on tho part of eastern Investors to wait until a tin mlno tins actually prouueca somctning in tbo Dlnck Hills. 1 in in rime (lunutltlra of Tin. Tho Niagara company will Boon bo In a position to produce. It was on this com pany's ground that Dr. Carpenter reported that bo had sat by tho hour trying to break pieces of ore, taken from tho main ledge thnt did not carry tin. Dr. Carpenter makes tho nsscrtlon that there Is enough tin In tho Bear Qulch district alone to Bupply the needs ot tho United States Indefinitely, All that Is necessary to create a tin boom In tho Hills la for ono company to pro duco tbo metal and place It on tho market. Considerable cassltcrlto has been shipped from this district, somo of which has gono as high as 75 per cent pure. This was taken from the creeks In tho district, as placer gold Is taken. Tho Niagara company Is said to be well backed financially, most of Its officers nnd directors being wealthy. They havo started out with tho determination of proving to the world whether or not tin exists la com- End of Cuban Controversy (Copyright, 1001, by Collier's Weekly.) At tho very dawn of our national con. sclousucss, American statesmanship formu. lated tho axiom that the foreign power which held tho mouth of the Mississippi was of necessity tho enemy of tho United States. Tho result was tho Louisiana pur chase. To control the mouth of tho great river we bought a largo part of tho conti nent. Tho profound wisdom of this policy is now, as obvious as the great states which havo been carved out of the wilderness which Jefferson bought. Uut the axiom upon which he acted might havo been with truth extended to the proposition that tho foreign power which held Cuba was also of necessity an enemy to tho United States, for Cuba commands the approaches to tho Mississippi. Tnke down tho map and study It. Thero you will find spread before you plainer than and words can express It tho meaning of Cuba nnd her Inevitable relations to tho United States. Tho great Island runs In from tho Atlantic and projects Itself beyond Florida. There It lies, less than ninety miles south of our Florida coast, the Inter vening strait, n narrow spaco of water easily crossed by steamer In a few hours. Thero It lies athwart the Oulf of Mexico nnd facing South America throughout Its TOO hundred miles of length. It thus com mands the Caribbean sea, all the routos to the Isthmus and to tho projected Isthmian canal, all tho approaches to the Mexican i gulf and to tho mouth of the Mississippi. Fortified and In tho hands of a strong and unfriendly power, Cuba would hold in a deadly grasp all access to our southern coast nnd to tho outlets of tho mighty river which reaches from New Orleans to tho Canadian lino. There Is, Indeed, no ono spot on the earth so Important to tho safety of tho United States as Cuba; for Mexico nnd Canada, al though they Join us on tho north and south, do not command tho sea or tho narrow waterways which lead to tho Isthmus and the gulf. No Monroe doctrlno, therefore, was needed to dctcrmlno tho policy of tho United States in regard to Cuba. Tho primal law of self-preservation defined our vital Interest In that Island. This Interest was ttanslatcd Into action at a very early period, but, "owing to tho cxistenco of slavery, our policy for many years was warped and distorted nnd took a wrong direction, Tho rovolt against Spain at tho beginning of tho century ought to havo embraced Cuba, but as it carried frco dom to tho black man In Its train, tho American slavo power Intervened and would not permit Cuba, lying so near our coasts, to pass from tho grasp of Spain and sot Its slaves frco. As tho years went by, tho Interest of tho United States in Cuba suf fered no diminution, but tho slave power changed Its policy. It ceased to dcslro that Spain should hold Cuba becauso It thero maintained Afrlcnn slavery and began eagerly to covert tho Island for Itself to tho end thnt more slavo territory might bo added to tho United States. Then camo tho days of revolts of tho Cubans and of filibustering expeditions Intended to wrest tho island from Spain, with their culmina tion in tho Ostcnd manifesto, which dis closed with brutal frankncsB tho designs of tho slavo power of tho United States. Thoso designs, together with much else, went down In tho crash of tho war of tho rebellion, but Cuba did not go down, and tho sraoko of the great conflict had hardly cleared away beforo wo again had n Cuban question on our hands. Now, at least, it was. trco. from tho distorting influence of Blavcry, and wo, resorted to the old policy toward Spain .by, causing. It to bo under stood that wo should novorfiuffor Cuba, to pass from, her hands Into any but our own. This plan appeared .for'.somo tlmo to work, but it was at bottom radically vicious, for It disregarded tho (acts of the map which kept on repeating' in monotonous under- tono tho ax om that tho foreign power whlrti holds fiiih.i. even If' feeble and im- facts of naturo and of llfo proved to bo right. Tho Insurrection of 1895 enmo at last, followed by tho war with Spain; Spain was driven out of- Cuba.-.nnd a long Btcp twns taken toward- getting ourselves Into agreement with tho'.facfs of tho Cuban caso which for half a;ccntufy ,wo had been hope lessly 'trying to'nvold-'and elude. Just now It is well for us to tako care that wo do not drop back Into tho old pre tences nnd tho old efforts to close our eyes to facts Instead of observing them and obeying their dictates. Thoro has been a great change, it is true. Spain has gono and Cuba is free, nut the geography has not bcon altered. Tho vltnl interest of tho United Stnteo in tho. island Is Just what it nlways has been nnd always will bo. Thero Is nothing, then, of moro Importance than at this moment of n new departure to es tablish rightly our relations wlth'Cuba and tho Cubans. Theso relations havo apparently been much complicated by what Is known as tho Teller amendment, but tho difficulty has been enhnnced by the misunderstanding which hno grown up In regard to that clauso of tho war resolutions. Passed at a mo- merclal quantities In tho Hills. If they make a success ot their undertaking, they proposo to float other companies In this same district. At Orovlllc, In the southern part of Pen nington county, , a London syndlcato, through ono of tho former stockholders of tho Harney Peak Tin company, Is negotiat ing for tho Sally Cavanaugh tin mlno, owned by Mrs. Jeff McDermott. This Is considered to be ono of tbo richest tin properties In tho Black Hills. This London company has re cently sent a number of cablegrams from London, making further Inquiries about tho property. Ira D, Ileckard, Duncombo. Ia., writes; 'My llttlo boy scalded his leg from tho knee to tbo ankle. I used Banner Salve im mediately and in threo week's tlmo It was almost entirely healed. I want to' recom mend It to every family and advlso them to keep Bonner Salve on hand, as It Is n suro remedy for scolds or any sores." THI8 TRADE MARK ON EVERY BOTTLE. Write to VAX UYUU 1I1TTEUS CO., NT. I.Dlh, MO for a Copy of Ull. VAX IIYKK'S UIII2AM llOOK A.NU FOllTLMJ TULLUH aud' It will be Hiullcd AUSOLL'TULY VIWU. ruent of excitement, on tho cvo ot war, with genuine enthusiasm and honest Intent, tho Teller amendment committed tho United States to the promise that It sought neither conquest nor dominion In Cuba, That promise, whether wisely or tinwUely mude, tho United States Is In honor bound to keep. Hut It Is of tho utmost Impor tance to bear clearly In mind what we did not promise ns, well as what wo did. Wo did not promlso to withdraw from Cuba be fore a stablo and sufllclcnt government should, bo established there. Indeed, wo are pledged to rcmntn until that consum mation shall bo reached, and wo are also hound to do so in Justice to ourselves, to the Cubans and to the world. Further more, nnd this is the point to bo most seri ously borno In mind, thero was nothing In tho Teller amendment which In tho least derogated from our rights and Interests in Cuba ns they had always existed prior to that time. In disclaiming nny Intention ot conquest or dominion In Cuba we did not proclaim our willingness to allow freo Cuba to do what wo never would havo permitted to Spanish Cuba. Wo nover would hnvo suffered Spain to turn Cuba over to nny other power, os Span and tho world knew, and wo shall never permit Cuba by Itself to meet a similar fate. This policy of tho past of necessity Is tho policy of today, wholly unmodified by tho Teller amend ment. Wo shall no moro turn Cuba loose upon tho world to mako friends or enemies, alliances or wars as It pleases, than wo shall permit Staten Island to becomo an Independent stnto and enter upon relations with othor powers. Hero, then, in the safety and tho funda mental Interests of the United States, Is tho, point of departure, and these. Interests and that safety must bo tho final test In all ar rangements. Wo must not only havo n sta blo government established In Cuba, but from that pocrnmcnt and from tho Cuban pcoplo wo must havo tho most nbsoluto guaranties in protection of our own Inter ests. That protection is found in tho pro visions o' tho Piatt amendment to tho army bill. Tho wholo purposo and policy which con gress embodied In tho Piatt amendment can bo summed up In a word. Tho safety ot tho United States, its vast and vital Interests In tho Quit of Mexico, tho Caribbean sea and tho Isthmus mako It absolutelyneccsBary that no foreign power should ever got a foot hold In Cuba. With that object In view, wo held a strong hand over Spain to prevent Its alienation of tho Island. With tho samo purposo wo do not now Intend that Cuba, free and Independent, but weak and ot small population, should over bp In a position whero foreign Interference would bo pos sible. It is not a question to bo argued; it is not touched by tho promise ot the Teller amendment. It Is simply a condition which must bo accepted In its entirety and In good faith by tho Cubans beforo wo lcavo tho Island. It Is not a treaty which can bo nmended or modified by the Cuban consti tutional convention or by nny ono else; It Is a law of tho United States. Wo havo dono much for Cuba; wo nro ready nnd anxious to do much more, but we cannot and will not sa'crlflco our own Interests nnd our own safety by leaving it to deal as' It pleases with foreign notions without consultation 'with us. Wo hnvo given it freedom, wo will glvo It Independence; wo dcslro most earnestly for it a strong ana stauio govcrn- rnent of its own, pcaco, prosperity and weami. mil townru me rest iu mo worm Its relations must bo ourB. Wo havo not "driven out Spain in, order to let somo other nation becomo our, enemy and 'our danger by grnsplng tho bulwark' ot tho Mexican, gulf and ot the Caribbean sea. All this Is plain 'to us nnd It will 'soon becomo plain "to nil Cubans as It Is now to the wisest and strongest ot their leaders. They will como to seo that our Interests are theirs; that snfo under tho . shield of tho United Status they will hayo n freedom, Independence nnd stability to which they cpuld never. attain Such, briefly stated, Is the political aspect of tho Cuban question very slinplo In real ity If wo look history and facts In tho face nnd conform honestly to what they teach and require. But thero nlso Is anothor sldo to this question, tho commercial and eco nomic, which U equnlly Insistent In bchnlf of tho policy nnd tho relations proposed by tho Plntt nmendment, and which should bo ns thoroughly understood as that law both by tho Cubans and by the people of tho United States. Cuba Is probably the richest nnd most valuablo nroa as .yet undeveloped on tho faco of tho earth. It has coal, Iron of a peculiarly valuablo kind, and copper all, so far as Is known, In largo quantities. Its forests nro ot great extenl, abounding In mahogany' and other valuablo timber as yet practically untouched. Tho soil of Cuba Is ot unrivaled richness and fertility, capable of producing almost nnythlng. In sugnr and tobacco alono Is an opportunity of untold wealth to tho Island. But all theso vast resources await devel opment. Spain has held tho Island for four centuries, but, Incapable ot gpvernment and economically Inefficient, Spain has CALLS VERDICT A TRAVESTY General Dnvln lll!i!ritNC! with qulttnl nf Mnnnucr of Con trnvtluK Firm. Ac- MANILA, Juno 29. The military court composed of volunteer officers which, Juno 2C, ncqulttcd Harold M. Pitt, manager of 'Evans & Co,, government contractors, on charges of ' improperly purchasing govern ment stores, which verdict Provost Mar shal Davis ordered to be reconsidered, has reiterated Its acquittal of Pitt. Tho lat ter's Ignornnco of tho law and tho un certain testimony of Captain Barrows wero given ns rcarons for Pitt's non-convlctlon. Tho volunteer olficors who composed tho court which tried Pitt completed their scrvlco Juno 30. General Davis, who, when, ho ordered a reconsideration of, tho first verdict', con sidered that Pitt was convicted on his own DR. VAN DYKE'S HOLLAND BITTERS l'O.NITIVEl,Y DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEART-BURN, AND ALL DISEASES DUE TO A DISORDERED OR 80UR STOMACH. A SUltK PREVENTIVE OF MANAMA. IT IS AN OLD AND TRIED REMEDY. YER MEHREN, FRICK & MEYER, Distributors. Henry Cabot Lodge in Collier's Weekly dono nothing in all this tlmo with Its great prize. Tho Island of Java, about one-fifth larger than Cuba, supports a population of 23,000,000. Cuba's population Is 1,500,000. This comparison alono gives a sufllclcnt Idea ot tho sparsely populated, undeveloped condition ot this great Island. How Is this condition to bo changed? Ob viously, by pursuing a courso tho very op poslto of that followed under Spanish rulo. Spain discouraged foreign capital, taxed tho pcoplo to death, plundered and oppressed them, corrupted Justice, and by thus breed ing discontent fostered brlgnndago and brought on recurring Insurrections. To ful fill Its destiny nnd reap tho wealth which naturo has given Cuba must havo a firm nnd stable government nnd honest courts which will Invito capital by assuring to It safety. Taxation must bo rcasonablo and tho revenues honestly collected nnd hon estly expended. Thero must bo pence nnd order so that its pcoplo enn labor In se curity and contentment nnd Immigration bo thereby encouraged. Tho Cuban people can attnln to nil theso conditions, but, weak In numbers, new to Independence, nnd utterly without cxporlenco In government, they can only do so tinder tho guldanco nnd protec tion of tho United States. Their position geographically not only binds them to us politically, but econom ically' their fortunes aro Involved'wlth ours. Tho prosperity of Cuba' depends- primarily on tho markets of tho United States, Tho abrogation of tho Hnrrlson reciprocity treaties, coupled with tho fall In tho price of sugar, throw thousands ot Cubans out' of work, crippled Its great Industry and brought on tho Insurrection of 1S95, which would not hnvo occurred when It did with out these economic chingcs. Tho duty and the Interest ot tho United States nllko de mand that theso economic evils should not recur in Cuba. It is of tho utmost Impor tauco to us thnt Cuba should bo prosperous and contented and advance rapidly, both In wealth nnd population. This wo cannot havo If tho finanaclal distress of 1S93 comes again to tho Island In tho samo ruinous do gree. As wo havo given it "'freedom and pcaco, reorganized Its municipal govern ments nnd provided, by tho I'lntt amend ment for lt safety In foreign relations nnd Its financial arrangements, so now It Is necessary thnt wo should secure Its ceo nomlc prosperity by assuring to It a mar ket for Its sugar. In other words, wo must glvo to Cuba aprefcrentlnl duty on Its sugar and tobacco. Tho profcrenco need not be largo, for a small difference In favor of Cuba will glvo It our markets over Ub German and French competitors whom wo havo no reason to encourage, whereas every reason ot wlso statesmanship commands that wo should aid Cuba bo far ns wo possi bly can without Injury to our own pcoplo. Again, ns It Is deeply important to tho United States politically to havo Cuba peaceful ami prosperous, so It will bo very profitable to us commercially to favor Cuban productions, llctwecn' January 1, 1809, and tho 31st ot March, 1001, tho total Importations Into Cuba amounted In round numbers to $163,000,000. Of this amount $75,000,000 camo from tho United States, $23,000,000 from Great Britain, $23,000,000 from Spain, $7,000,000 from France, $G,000, 000 from Germany and $20,000,000 from all other countries. Hero Is a largo trade, al though Cuba 13 but Just recovering from the effects of n prolonged war. Instead ot having less than halt, wo can readily secure two-thirds or three-quarters of it It wo will glvo Cuba a slight preferenco In our own markets, and ns .tho, lajand develops nnd prospers the trade will pdvan.ee proportion- ately. Wo aro seeking eagerly to Increase our extorts and, find new markets tor our products. Here Is ono closo at, our door large now, destined soon to be very much larger of which wo can get almost com plcto possession It wo will but glvo some comparatively slight preferences In return With tho strongest political considerations combine thercforo marked commercial ad vantages In tho policy ot giving to Cuba a reasonable preference In our markets on Its two great staples. If wo assuro n market to Cuba for sugar, wo shall solvo tho Cuban problem and tho next session of congress ought not to pass without action in this direction. Tho Piatt nmendment must be ac copted, of courso, ns it stands. It is oacournglng to noto that, thanks to tho flrmnc-Bs of our administration, the Cuban convention has abandons 1 the Impossible scheme of ndopttng the Piatt nmendmen; with explanatory prenmblos and additions which wero wholly Inadmissible, nnd has wisely accepted it unconditionally. The constitution has still to bu accepted by tho people, but tho decision ot tho convcn tlon will, without doubt, have the sup port of nil tho consorvnllvo elements In Cuba, of every man who has n stako or a hopo In tho Island's future nnd of tho great mass of tho rural Cubans. Freed from depression nnd tho long misery ot civil war, they now dcnii'o only to bo left In peace, to labor and enjoy tho fruits thereof and to sccuro tho education ot their children. Then Cuba will enter nt last on tho courso of prosperity which nature Intended tor it. but which has hitherto been thwarted by tho mlsgovernmcnt of Spain. admissions now characterizes tho verdict as a travesty ot Justice.. Itn In Cool In Ciilorinlo. With tho thermometer nbovo 100 degrees In Omnha and tho round trip rate to cool Colorado only J15, why do you, remain In town? Leavo Burlington station, Omaha, 4:25 this afternoon, Arrive Denvor 7:10 tomor row morning. Through sleeper to Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Glcnwood Springs and Grand Junction. Tickets, 1502 Farnnm street. 1'roMicrouK Seiinon for OIiikh Worker. MILLVII.LR. N. J Juno 29. The glass fnctorles tlirouuhout southern Now .Tersnv will close with the end of this month after one of the most successful seasons In the history of the Industry. Tho plants in thli city, which nro tho largest In tho oust, wero .compelled to work overtlma to get out nil .their orders .beforo. closing for the summer. Tho demnnd has been greater thnn tho supply, and many Inrgo orders from foreign buyers hayo not been filled nnd aro left ovor until noxt winter. C'UItKN omaiia, m:i. Pimples, Blackheads, Red Rough and Oily Skin PREVENTED BY T Tl7nLLIONS of Women use CUTICURA SOAP, assisted hy 1V1 Cuticura Ointment, the Great Sktn Cure, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest them selves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing cf flower odours No other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes'of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP .at: ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Complote Extornal and Intornal Treatment for Evory Humour. Connletlng ot Cuticuka Soap, to demise tho eUlu of crusts nnd k11 1 lf)llYC ncnlcfi nnd notion ths thickened cuticle; Cuticuka Ointmkkt, to HHl-lljBH mm Instantly allay itchlnp. Inllnmmittlon, nnd lrrltntlon, and hooUib aml noa anil cu-nCUKA JtKnLVi!NT, to cool andclcnneo tho blood.. TUC CCT A SINOl.K Skt 1b often eufllclont to euro torturhig, dlMtffiirlrii1 1 " K o t I luinioui-, with loss of Imlr, when all oleo fnlln. Sold throughout tho world. llrltUh Depot: K. M;vjieiiv & Bonn, 27 and 'is, Chnrterhoueo Sq., Loudon. K. O. roiTEU DUUG AMU CllEMICAX, COIU'OUATION, Solo l'TOIii.. Boston, V. 3. A. summit THE CHICAGO BEACH FIFTY-FIRST BOULEVARD AND LAKE SHORE; - CHICAGO n tbo flncst summer and winter hotel on the Great Lakes for families, tourists and transient euc8ts. lias nearly a 100O feet broad veranda, llko tho above. Unlit of stone and pressed lirlck. 450 larpe rooms. All outside. No courts. Furnished throughout In mahogany. 2J0 nrl vatc'bath rooms. Just 10 minutes by Illinois Central Express from the shopping and theatre district of the city. Cool In summer, away from the city's dust, noise and smoke. Golf, tennis, boating, bathing and fishing. Send for handsome, new, Illustrated booklet. ma "In All the World Chicago to Buffalo VIA NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO.'S LINE PAlgENorX.p "WORTH LAND" and NO 1TH WEST" will mako sailings twlccn-wtolc botwcoti CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE. DBTnoiT CLEVELAND, UUl'KALO and DULUTH throiiKhout tho Hcnion. Evory BATUHDAY and WEDNESDAY ut 2:3) p, in. from CUICAaO; and over TUliX DAY and BATUHDAY ut 19:15 p. m. from HUI"FALO. First sailing from Buf falo Juno 11, from Chicago Juno 15, This trip by the Great Lakes, calling at Milwaukee. Harbor Oprlngs and Miiklmio Island (4 hrs. nshoro wlioro connec tion Is made with ono of tho finest uonts of tho company for Duluth and Huult Hto Marie), will bo tho Ideal way of vlsltlnir the Exposition, combining all tho tonic and rest of an ocean voyaao In smooth wator. Equipment, Appointment and Cuisine equal to tho finest Trans-Atlantlo Lluors. Write for purttculnra to W. M. LOWRIE. G. P. A., Buffalo, N. Y. mm cHicHrrrcn's cnqlish Pennyroyal pills l.-&?v lrlUT 0lr Utaalne. W-fyHXrK. i;-M.t.ll.il. I..HIf-. lrf ,1. for UlIIUHraTHIt' KMiLIMII lie ltr.lt a4 Void uclilllt bum ...1,1 7 im kliiilttMa. rumiallitr. Ktruia !fferaa ubttltatlaa mu4 Imlta Uva. Sir f icur Drvukil. ,.al 4e. !'rUalara. TMtlaaoaUU U " Ut liar tor Ladlaa," lit luitr, bj re. tnra Mall. I O.flUft T.allnt&l.li. ttM b. I lira ..1.1. f'l, 11,. .... I... lU.UU..t(, MatUf n.aara. VUlLiZ I'jZ iti:soiiTs. No Trip Like This." Pqn-AmorloanN Exposition. ) Every Woman 111 utiuutlUo WQuilerful nMitYLL ttinriing Spray lion imd Hurlioiun'nl-Sil, .mom CuiiTcrlo.. ........ ia-.uu. latl IMP rfn(al t,.m I pU.ff, but Ttiu ftiamti for II. IMBlrulaul I . r"iiiiiiininiiu ni r I mil 111 Uoom Ktf Tlnum lild;;., N, Y, Its. aa.