THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs TIIUHSPAY, JUKE 27, 1001. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES AArertlacmenta for these column will lie lakeu nnlll 13 m. far the venln- edition and until 8:80 p. tit. for moratn- and Sunday edition. Rate, 1 l-2o a word flrat tnaertloii, le a wsi thereafter. Notlilntc token for teas thnn 33a for the first Inerr tloa, Theke adrertlaementa moat ! raa eoaaecatlvely, Advertlaera, by reqneatlna; a nam kered check, can hare nniwtn ad dreaaed to a numbered letter In car f The Ilee. Ana era ao Address ed frill be delivered oa prcaentatloa mt las hack amly. SITUATIONS WANTED). rOAITION wanted an nll-nround baker; bent of references. A 35, Hce. A M270 to WASTEU-MALE! Hi: 1,1'. WANTED We, have atcady work tor a fow good hustlers of good habit and appear, ancc. c. K. Adama Co., 105 Howard St. U-SH BARBER trade taught thoroughly In nhort time; catalogue and particulars free, Western Harbor' ltutltute, Omaha, Neb, B-SI9 WANTED, man with horse and Unlit spring wagon. 1617 Howard Bt. D M4&2 THE Equitable Life of New York will mnku dcslrablo contracts with one or mora business getters In Colorado and Wyoming. A good renewal contract Is offered to the right tun. Inferences as to Integrity and ability tu accompany applications. C. A. Stcyn, Manuger, . Denver, Colo. B-Mtls 29 vnnvn . 111....1....1 .' i avwiiu melt) w u lliuavidtcu IjtlUIIUKUt! UA plains how we teach barber' ir.tdu in eight Weeks, mailed free. Mdlrr Kurrnr ffillxV't. 1623 Karnam at. 11 MWa 7 ' OMR ltt?Mntt.-r -i,,-.. ..- r. .i... planer and mllllnK michtn.) hand. Oood wages ior nrsl-clnsn men: steady woilc. Strong & Isorthway iUg. Co,, AIIhumiiuiIIb, Minn. ii-aid:' 27 'WANTED, capable man to travel and ap point agents; salary 1100 monthly and ex RS.ngB'u Kot , Particulars address Manager, 'BUTCHER at tlio City Meat Palace, New man drove, Neb.; must bo all-around man; atcady Job. 11 M273 27 OUNa bdy, about IS, to drive a delivery' wagon. 2023 Sherman ave, H M2GS 27 WAN TED KIJ )1A1,U HUM', 'WANTED, 200 girls. ,1.521 Dodge. Tel. 876. C-S50 11ELIABLE help. Canadian olllce, 1522 Doug, W S51 VANTED. competent girl for general housework. Mrs. 11. A. McAllastor, 2u27 , Wirt street. C-649 WANTED, ladles to loar.i halrdresslng, manicuring or facial ina:nie. We rum antee to qualify glrlo for diplomas In four WCCks: COimilcti) OUtnt Of Icols ulnn nnrh graduate; posltlona Ktixrautced nt 12 to 15 weekly, .Call or write, .loler Colb-to, 4vj tx iiuiit nil C MUSS !' WANTED, experienced nurso girl; refer ences required and .good wages naid. Mrs Thomaa E. Casady, 623 Sixth ave., Council C M935 LAUNDRY woman nt 2212 Soward, C 912 COOK wanted, 2225 I'arnam St: I t C 221 WANTED. ra hVsWbrthy yountf girl for euiciai iiuuocnnn m ninuil Iiuniiy. " fal I. with r.a f r.i n k .. ') ! 1 1' 1 1 1 ... I . . ...... ..,.v.i.or uv vuurieir hi. . f . C-M237 27 COCJK wanted, 'm 8. 25th avc. C-M22G 27 COOK; no washing: wages $5; references, Mrs. John Rliib'wult, 3110 Chicago st, C M228 27 WANTED, girl for general housework In minny oi inrco; gooa wages. Mrs. Him cral, !76 North 2:h .Ave. C 242 OIHL for.general housework, small family. ' ' . C-210 27. WANTED, young1 girl to assist In house, work, 51S Bo. 23d St., City. C M2IS 27 WANTED, by Mrs. A. J. Ponnleton: n iirst class second girl for dining room ana nrst floor worn. ' 2232 Sherman avenue. C-2C3 27 COMPETENT girl for general housework. 1CKM Park avenue. C M279 29 WANTED, an experienced girl to do gen oral housework. None others need apply. Wages It wr week. Address II; Bee ottlco. Council Bluffs. . c M278 JRIOHT woman to canvass; ndt necensary to devote all of the day to the work: pleasant ond profitable; call botweon 11 and 12. 220 Bee bldg. C M271 Jy3 FOR KENT HOUSES. 1?,YSU w.?in,t,your h0.UB" well rented place them with Bnnawa & Co. D-852 TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage Co., offloo 1M1J4 f'arnam, or tel. 1669-563 D-S3 HOUSES for rent In' all parts of the rltv Brennan-Lova Co., 320 South 13th strcot. D-S3I HOUSES, atorea. Damls,' Paxton block. D-S5 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. D-866 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. D-857 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D-S5S HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D-S59 B-ROOM house, bath and closet, 36th and Charles. Monroe & Co., 811 N. icth Bt. D-M&34 MODERN 7-.'oom flat, 24th and Farnam. t2&, H. B. Graham. D M559 11-ROOM modern house, 2413 Capitol ave nue. The O. F. Davis Co., 552 Beo Bldg. ' D-802 ' TO small family, n four-room house. 2604 Blondo Bt 19 per month. Apply 607 North 19th st. D-MS97 FOR RENT, modern house, furnished, line location, half block from Walnut Hill car lino. 812 North 33d street. 'Phono 126. D-921 27 FOR RENT. 8020 Cass St., 8 rooms, modern, largo yard, $22.50. 2129 Farnnrrt St., 2d floor, 6' rooms, newly papered, 326.00. 2017 N. 24th St., 5' rooms and barh,'$10.C0. 1433 80. 16th St, storo'reom with 6 nno ruunm autive, in oesi oi repair, wu.ui GEORGE te COMPANY, 1601 Farnam flt, D-M166 27 FOR RENT, 2103 N. 29th nve house, newly Sapercd Anil, painted; alx fine lorgo rooms. eoN. L. Trimble. 1218 Farnam. D-M199 AN ELEGANT APARTMENT In 'the AI- BldN, 10th and Pncltlo Sts., of FIV1S ROOMS Janitor servleo, telephone, gas ranges, laundry, electric light or Baa, hades and, awnings, good neighbors. Wo will (also have a SWELL SIX-ROOM apartment in the WINONA by July 1. PAYNE-KNOX CO,, Main floor, N. Y. U Bldg. D-2SS 3317 CUMING, 8room house, all modern except lurnace: rent, ?.v. OMAHA LOAN fc TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas, P-9G0 HANDSOME furnlthcd. house for rent for July and August. Apply H. B. Payne, W,N, Xl'WW. U-7223 -ROOM cottage, first-class .nnd all mod- crn. 2124 .Miami street. P-ui MODERN1 7-fOom house, "near Tartt; 1M9 DO. tn. . , u-.a Jj-i FOR RENT. A 6 or. 7-room cottage. Call at Room 436.' Board of Trade. D 2l 3i -4 ; TWO now houses, 6 rooms each, porcelain bath, electric light or gas, speaking tubes, furnace, cemented cellar; everything flrat data; rent. $30. Apply to Payne-Knox CcS, main floor N, Y. Life ldg' Fan RENT, part of furnlahad ,nlriwrgom. UNEQUALLED central 7-room house. 6. room flat, 4room flat, 3-room cottage TUard, N. 21th. D-ili: i:oh 11U.T HOUSES. NEW S-room hou3o neaf Park' avc, .and jitcKson sis,,, sine ly modern, ueiaonuu, corner, south and east front, tawttlni?, fori all windows; possession July -1; only Jli Ucmls, Paxton Block. D M2I0 ELEGANT 8-room . house, all modern lmr provements, 406 North 23d street Inquire- nui in 3u sireci, jj 'u if :C22 N, 21TH ST 8 rooms, all modern; Lartl, beautiful larce lawn and shade; W. Stringer, Paxton blk. D-.M1-57 '' l'OK UE.T-rtlt.MSIlUl ItOO.IlS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Karnanv E itU niE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. E-SS4 HOUSEKEUP1NO rooms, S up. 2623 St May's. E fi32 J:8' THREE rooms, light houseKcoplng. 1112 South 11th. . E-S15- SINOLE or en suite; south front. 2S76 Har ney, E M7b3 23 SUITE of two front rooms, well furnished, 116 8, 20th St. K-OuC 29 DOUBLE parlor for two geritltmen! 230S Cuming st., 2d lloor. E 2W TWO largo rooms, all conveniences, 2201 Webster St. E-23S 27 KtHMsllEU HOOJIS AM) llOAUU. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport 8t, K-4CJ UL.ENCAIIlN,trunslent8,H.25day. WJ Doug. r THE Mcrrlam, summer resort,- 5 & Dodge. NICE south room. The Pratt, 212 SCth St K-S15 TWO largo front rooms, with board. 1909 Capitol ave. F-M947 THE HOSE, 2020 Harney; rooms anil board. F-5 MJylli' FRONT room with nlcove, suitable for 2 or 3 young men. 1919 Burt St t -9u9 ROOM nnd board In private family. 2516 Davenport. F M913 27 FRONT room, first-class board. .251' Har ney. F M270 29 FOU HE.NT t'M'LU.MSHKl) IIOOMS. DESK room space, 13 per1 month, 'ground tloor room In The Bee. building, facing F ii mam street; no expeflsu for light, heat or Junltor service. It. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agent, Bee building.' Q lis FOIl llBYr STOKES AND OFFICES. FOR KENT, store in llrst-class locution; rent reasonable. Apply It. C. Peters A Co., ground lloor, Bcu ill dir. 1266 FOR RENT, the building formerly, occu pied by Tha Bee at 916 Faruam St It has four stoiles and a basement which was formerly used as the Bee press' room. Thlii will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at onco to C. C. Itoso water, tccretury. room UK). Bco building. 1-261 FOR RENT, store, 2103 Leavenworth. I-S60 Jyl7 agents Wanted. WANTED, canvassing agents In i . every county to solicit subscriptions, .for .THE the. new. cyclGpfjJia-.Sk -,iUi STOCK jvND. ccPliETE.tocnrJaof:. TOR. This spTchdid ,bpok ;con.uinji J.4Q0. . impe(uii. ucmvu f uaaua, ouu uujcti-uuicn. Ing, engravings slid la tha ouly .book on llvo stock over-published adapted to the every-day, practical, money-saving use of every farmer and stock .owner.. Steady employment wltn assured, good Income. Agents In, the country with .horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers rriake ' easily SCO to $100 per month.. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau, Bco Building-, Omaha. J 447 WANTED, men and women to .work, fpr us at home; good wages; no, canvassing or delay; wprK mailed on receipt of -stamped uiiveiyiJG. . muiL-iim, qupiiiy lo, vtui rnilU' delphla. .M1S WANTED TO KENT. GENTLEMAN and wife want large, well furnished room with board;. must be Awt- ciass; private lamuy preicrrea. Address j Ji, uec. -ii. 243 26' GENTLEMAN, wife and two children want iwo mrgu, wen lurnisnea rooms, com municating, and board; 'must b& 'llrst class; private family preferred,- Address iioom is, unneu mates uanx mag. WANTED, good front foom arid board In private family for one gentleman: AM, STOHAQU. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.,- Sll- ii uuiiea, aoueiai aiuruga una lorwaraing. -am OM. Van fitor. Co.. 1611H Farn. Tela; 1G59-M3. -869 STORAGE Household goods and 'Other aitlcles stored at low rates. J. J. Derlght & Co., 1119 Farnam at. Tel. 353. M 017 FOR SALE Kt'H.MTUIUl. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 202V. New 2dnand turnltuiu buugut, BUU, MUlAlliCU, (J OlO ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO., 102-4 8'.' liih HI. 'I'l y'!M Nan.nnrl ..nn.. t... -.1 larnliure bought, sold unu exchanged,' C II75-JIJ-31 FOR SALE, cheap If sold, at once, single or uuih, lurniHiiiiig cumpieie or lour uvu rooms. 2222 j.'urnum. p 22 26 FOR SAl.E-HOHhES, VEHICLES, ETC. FOR SALE, top phaeton. 2209 N. llth'St LIGHT omnibus, In good condition, at a sucniicu. n. i'luai, iiui uuu J-A'avenwoxth, P-SH- FOR SALE, cheap, a 3i-liich wagon Kiiar. with l-lnch tires, but little uscu. O. m! llUri, iMI JOIIVH HI. I' flI634 A GOOD drlylmr horse, gentle and suitable lor iaay to arive. 1111 vinton. P 223 M 1'OU SALE MIStELtANEOUS, SAWDUST, cheapest posts,, poultry--and nog luiice, km vuusi, ( . - . eis REPAIRS and supplies for all makos of bl- Q-5ftf 2DHAND safe cheupf Derlght. 1119 Farnam, w "II SAFES, standard makes, a'old;ronted. Hi 8. 13' WIRE' fence for youttry. Rolgfan hiire, hog lioid or lawn, wire worgs. ui a. mm St. Q-M87S.Jy7 BIG line of secondhahd wheels, .13; $5, $S, $10, Omaha Bicycle Co., icth an Chicago sts. FRESH Jersey cow, 2C11 Capitol avende.' ' s trite imfet fit t T T F T.' a nAll - 4- n-a an 1 net nt tniiba k nOd unu bupgy, enow cases, can w:ny turning- st. r Q-263 26' FOR SALE (Butchers note), one 110-gal. tendering kettle; one SO-gal. rendering ketr tie, Wltn stove aiincni'iin in sen cne.ip. Inquire E, A. CarmlchneU oaro -MoCord Q-M27t as; FOR SALE, National cash, reglstnr; gobA condition; terms to suit purchaser. Ai a Kclkennoy, 216 8. 17th st. Q-M266 23 CI.AIHVOYANTS. MRS; FRITZ, medium, 81 North- 16th. 8 STT MME. OYLMER out of city. Will" return Juiy ). , .ovyj. PERSONAL. DR. HOT: -chroDodlitt corns Ml auoirfltioui balr removed by electricity. R. U, Fremtf diock. , . - , - , ... VtU VIAVA, woman'a way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 318 Bee Bldf. PiiVATE home beforehand during confined rTaot, bablea adoptkd, .Mrs. Iiurgrt. 26jei ruree)c'V. WW,t'iwti fluila-'' PEKSIIXAL, SUPPLIES for all machines; for rent. , white Sewing Macnine, iti-'u Doug las: -tel, 2231. .U-8J1 RUPTURE trJted; 110 knife, ho "pain, no uanger; senu ior circuiam. tmiHii! uup vure Cure, N. Y. Lite" liullulug. Omaha. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and aunng connncmeni; oaoies aaopteu. iwt Grant St. U--&I M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect uc- curuion pieaung plant in tne west; mail orders solicited, tiulte 2y.', Douglas Block. U Hi ADROIT HAIR BAZAR New location, 1620 jjougias; private booms tor nair dressing and manicuring: ladles' shoe bhtntng and inukeuging. U-Mlii FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATINO; mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1524 Douglas. U & LEARN hypnotism; complete course by man, wc; painusiry, zua; particulars ireu, Globo News Co., 1513 Farnam at. Omaha. U M21Jyl A OOOD physician to take established tice m Tiiistllng little city, county Thyroid Lyinpri .o., Iw uce uiuk. prac- ;e UlUKv . u-61. MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. ISth, 2d "floor, loom 7. u tiil-Jl .MO.NEV TO OAN ilEAt kisiATW, -L. l.UAAS 'n runlein Nebraska and western Iowa furn.a at j per cent; borrowers 'cuu l,uy JIim or utl muuipiu; uli liilelea, uUiu; ho uulay. Ijiciiiiu, 1-1.0 vo Co., tw a. Hill at, uuuna, v Ml MONET to loan' 011 'Improved Omuh- it'll I kslutii. tiieiihu'u-iuv'u lu,', tfUJ 1111, ' . V j WANTED, oty loans; bonds and warrants. Uioigt, 4c, comirtiiy, xwi ruiiium xireet. WANTED, city and furin loana", also bonils an4 iUriUIUil. it. C. Puluis ii CO., I'M FarilUlil Ut, Ueu lildg, V i)W FIVli per cent money, Bern's, Paxton block. MONEY to loan ut 4b and SVi per cent Oil WUiatia property. Nt . is. .UeiMu, tUl a. lutli. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, UU Douglas. PRIVATE mojiey. Sherwood, 937 N. 1. L. CASH on hand. U. E. Turktngton, dX B. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate; 0 per cciu imurcai, nu uuiiiiiiisbiuii, privi lege of pa) uig 1100 or moru odtoiu ma. tuiity.' uitnwesterii Mutual l.itu Ins. Co,, John W. uljli, special louu agent, 21 Jf'irxt Nul'l BufiK Biug,, omaliu, no. " W-037 & AND ui per cent loans. W. 11. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 164&. 1? WB WANTED, city loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smiln it Co., M-u Farnam St W MS61 5, 6V4 P. C. loans. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. w oai jyi 310.VEV TO LOAN CHA'ITELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan 10 and up on luriuiuie, pianos, , hordes and oilier chattels. : SAlAllK l.UANS .without mortguge to people holding perma- I Ileal poiuoiu. iuu cuu gei inu luoney in Uku 1. VS.. 0, & months or more in which tu pay it uucK..MUU,ypa .nud nut pay ior . 11 oiiu uuy luiiaut ,tutii juu Hvtrji ii. urn .... p.. a tii.tlilfiu fur .lililtMiM unit w.t u 1 u.t yuu ihe lull, amount lu cash. Thare uru . no luwer rutea ttiaii ours; our temp axe the euslcst: our business u cunnueiHUI una our indttu is "try to please." 1 OMAHA MOKTUAGE 1A1A.N CO., 119 Board of Tradu Bldg. Tel. at. (Estaullshed. IWl.) 30 ti. Ma St loans to Salaried people on plain note. There goes Fritz, coming uuck ugatn to get lawcr latea and easier uayuienta. ia nays our rates are .lower ana puymtmu 1 uuler timn,liiiev';ouipuiiie. Can ny. ue RttilAiiL, .CREDIT COMPANY. THIRD FLOOlt, BOOM 303M PA.V1UN BLOCK. . X29i . CONFIDENTIAL LOANS . (oa, houHthptu, xurnitury, piunus, horses, wagons, etc , In two nour time; also tu salaried people. on their plain notes, with out seuutlty. Eusleut pwyiaellts and low est jatea in.Onmlia. l-i)vutu interviewing room. Amerlcuii ioan Co., room au Brown block. Cor, lUih aim JJougias a la.; eiurancu uu ltith tit, upposilu X, M. C. A. Bldg. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding nouses, etc., without se curity; easiest terrfis! 40 oltlces lu prlncipul clllea. 'loltnau, 44U Board of Tradu Bldg. X-tW LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. live stock, etc. uulck service and lowest I rates guaranteed. J. W. TAXL.UE, 8.U (top floor) fajtton diock, nortncasi corner jetu and Faxnum; entrance on itiiu utruet X-803 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew- .1... I ....... r .. , IJ. M DU, qiug if ciijt, IIWIBCB, vwna, civ, v. a. . . v m, .u. X-SOJ MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry, uuu urueti, ii. s,uurer uik. SHORT time loam. Joe Pleasants, 64 Barker biocK. X-906 $1,000,00 TO "place quick. M.'J. Kennard & Son. Suite 310, Brown block. X-90 BUSINESS CHANCES. Wanted, exserlenced Dhysiclan to take ' . . 7 . T- . . .. . . ,M n ...III . . I ,. ,i Cnarge Oi UU1 jdiivvi uiiivqi mil iw aturt oltlces in other cities for competent Dhyslclans. Tiiyroiu-ivmpii wo., sm uea bldg. , Y-M963 Je2J unn RAi.r. nr rent, mv blacksmith shoo and wagonmaKer snop, ooinp a gooa uui- ness, uu account oi my uvuiiu. u. . Walter, Norfolk, Neb. Y-Moil Jy' FOR SALE, a $2,000 stock of drugs, paints f,wi nil. rrniH miock win.oe soiu ai in voice price The reasons for selling Is that Did stock Is lu tho hands of an ad ministrator. For further particulars call on or address w. w. Sinclair, tne uuminis trator, Bancroft, Neb. Y-907 26 $200 TO $300 per week can bo earned by rep resenting us and handling our dividend- paying ull siock; iiuerai contracts given to good agents. Address the Petroleum Producing. Co., agency dept., -AKron, O. Y M232 Jyl l.rt,, n T T. Inln.a.l 111 llintltAP a tl rl farm machinery business, or will sell half Interest In lumber nnd all of machinery bUJlness; reason tor selling, partner wishes to retire: no trade, u. I. con verso & Co., Bhlcklcy, Neb. Y M229 Jyl $5,000 CHOICE stock boots and, shoes In inriviug iuwii; nno pubiiicdb. n tann, 7 good Improved land. J. 11. Johnson, rv. i Life, r Y-MSS7 Id nVI nT.rA W oana.iil mAmt. I n V In irnml flV.WV, Ul,,l., v,v..i ....... r .wbn .,. f.T tnriving town, uoing una ousiness; ihiiiuk health of owner; will exchange lor good improved land, J, 11. jonnson, in. y. i-ite Y-iISS8 $16,000 CLEAN stock general mde live lowa town: oio estaniiBnau, mrito, proni. nhla business: bear closest Investigation ran uso vi good clear lowa laud, J. II Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-167 JtM CLEAN Grocery stock: location line good cash trade; owner leaving city; will sell cneup. j. n. jonncon, r.. i. i.ue. Y-HS56 VOn SALE, millinery, the largest stock In tha tlncst store in the city; established trade in corsets and all notions. Fur terms, Mm L. Walsh, Fremont, Neb. Y-950 29 WANTED, party with $500 to $1,000 to manufacture the best selling urtlclo yet offered: iiermanent position to right man. Lyman Waterman, promoter of enter- prisca sou uec uiuk, i i FOR SALE, drug stock In eastern Kansas fine opening for doctor or pharmacist invoice RDOUl Auurn vv m, hoc. Y-M2J3 27 OHANn- unTEI. furnlshlnas and four-yea lease ior sale for cash only; thirty-five nuwlv furnished rooms: the best stand the state: Is a bargain. II. P. Rankin Hartlngton, Neb. Y M253 GOOD.navlnc restaurant nt a bargain: must be sold at once. Canadian Office, 1523 Douglas St. Y 24 1 27 rem HAT.E, ca'ndv factory', with well es tabllshed retail trade In Kansas town of 3.000: Ice cream oarlor. soda fountain: Ice for the seainn; am selling out to quit business. Address a 3, Bee. r msis .v BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE, the leading hotel In Tracr (la.) junction, everything aoovr tmtttrcses; 20 rcdins, well furnished; bath room; Inside clorots, D. N Tracr, la. Y-M274 2S FOR EXCHANGE. FOR TRADE, good city prftperty for hard- waro euick; luniuur yaru or inna; viucks Invoicing fioni Jl.uuu to UO.v.v. Address A 27, Bee. Z-213 30 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON', 1203 Farnnm st. RE-171 IRRIGATED LAND .FOR SALE. In the rich valley of Lojp river 1 can offer ior sale many larms ai reusonnme prices. This laud la a rich sandy loam una pro duces elegant crops. 'Ihu farmers are last putting their land Into altalta, which brings them lino returns, in roc and lour crops a year oelng harvested ut little or no expense, netting hb high us W Uer ucre Income euch year. Most 01 this land Is under a tluu Irrigating camil. with a steuuy and rellublo tlow of water irom the Loun river. 1 will n.ime a few uleecs: tu acres, 1 mile from county seat; 2u acrds meadow, balancu oasture land. Price. ITO. 20u uutes, H-mlle from county seat; good & room house, orcniuu, 101s or timoer, m uures can be Irrigated, 2v acres line al- rir llf, tu pm nt.Mtlirl Print, tl (mil 1&) acre., huuse, wind nil If, orchard, so acres pasture, so acres iiirm lanu, w acres irri u:iiiii. l'riou. il.60. 32u acres, lw under plow, balance pasture; house, windmill, burn. Price, ll.ltw. '10u iures, lino place for stock, dame house, orcnaru, oarn, picuiy ui water nnu um ber, l'rleo. 1800. Many other places at very low figures. ' Send lor lull particulars. Address, II. A. STEWART, Taylor, l.oup County, Neb, HE oli OR BALE, cheap, my rcsldonce, 2137 S. 33d st; all modern. Apply Richardson, Merchc.nts' National bunk, G. . W. Me geath. . RE MSw 'OR SALE, 220 acres of land at n bargain, lu section thirty (30). in Holt county, Neb, Address F. J. Neuslium, Otttunwa, 10. UE M930 2s WANTED, an experienced cook; also a competent, secouu gin; reiorences re quired. Apply 423 8. K'Jth St. C M213 23 HOUSES, lots, furms, lands, loans; also tiro insurance, ucinin, i-uxiuu uik, lmvu SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-91U RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by th union l'acinc ltaiiroau company, u. A. MrAllastcr, laud commissioner, Unbn Pacltlc Headquarters, Omaha, Nob. RE-S12 FOR SALE, on monthly payments, S-room modern nousu on ixorm inn at. car uik; also vacant lots which will be Improvod for purchaser on moderate payment down, Mutual Loan and Building Asoclatlon, G. M. Nattlnger, secretary. Bee Bldg, RE 911 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also aero property ana larni .anus, ine u. f . Davis Co., Room t52, Bee Building. RE-909 BEMI8 PARK. A few vacant lots left ,ln block 4. These lots are beautiful for situation, DlxHO feet, only $000. ON EASY TERMS. PAYNE-KNOX CO., Main Floor N. Y, Life Bldg. RE-M230 27 SNAP IN" ACRES. 26 full 50-foot lots, solid Utocfc'S'acreB; high, signny; in.umiiua iieignts, nt vnux fM.w per lot,' ' '. -. . . ".,1 -D.' V. 8HOL'ES',CO Tel. 829. ' 310 N. Y. Lite,' Sole Agents. ; '' RE-M.'7o Of MEDICAL. GONOVA la. a French treatment for ma.'k ana female, for the positive oure of Uon. orrhoca, UWe.t, Unnatural-Discharges, In flaminallons,, lrrllatloua und Ulcerations of the mucuus iiiem lunu. All lnturual remedy with ' Injectiuil" comuuied, .war ranted to cure worst caui'U 'In' one weeK; $3 per package or tv t.oxv.JS. Sent any where on receipt of price.'1 The Ktdd Drug Co.. Elgin, 111. American Office, retail, wholesaie,'Myera-DllloavUrug.Co Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Davl Drug Cu Council Bluffs. Full llnusof legiti mate rubber. goods., tr ,, LADIES 1 Chichester's English Pennyroyal mis are trie Dest; sate, reliable; take no other, eerm 4o atamp foc.parUculara; "He ller for Ladies" in letter by return mull; ask ydur druggist. .Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading ape. nuiiai in umeuneB ui lumcil in Umanu, would cull the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations be lore and during 'confinement, "and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omuha, Neb. ' M-230 Jy24 BICYCLES. NEW and ladles' wheels rented; CO cents iur iuu evening ur Hiivmooii, .except Sun day, louls Flescher, ltL'2 Capltoi Ae. -753 WE ARE closing .out our bicycle stock and tu imn no uiu niuiiiug special prices. $io.(aj wheels,..,......,. . .ijo.uo 25.00 wheels 17.50 lllfll i,.,...n . I. n ml ......l : i av.wv Dvvwiiuunim vr uccia, . , , , , u,w See us before buying a bicycle and wc will NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Cor, 16th and Harney, 952 29 PATENTS. PATENTS No fee unless successful. Hue. 6c co ueo uiug., umuna, Neb, Advice tree. iw jyu WILL BUY any good invention or patent Auuresa ucs. cux ivi, ws xiioiues, la, 3 MASON, FENWICK & LAWRENCE. Washington, O. C. J I. J. Cowglll, agent, 4ij iianiHu uiucH) uiiiuiui,, Jou OSTEOPATHl, JOHNSON Institute, 615. N. Y, L. Bide. Tel. 16W;. Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; uiu wuiiiittun, wobvui'uiiiiai, jllgr. 916 DONOHUE, Osteoputh, Paxton Blk. Tel. 13S7 917 A. T. HUNT, D O.. 305 KarbaCh Blk. Tol.235: 31 1?4 LOST. LOST, Auditorium brick eXo, 423. Reward if returned to umana uauy News. Lost 261 FISHING AND PLEASURE ItESOHT, IF YOU want good bass and croppy fishing gu iu .uuauuii, .110. vury uust Ol uotei uccommodatlons. Plenty of.' boats and minnows, .writo 11. a. uittmar tor rates. B BRIEFS AND BLANKS. THE printing of lawyers' briefs In a per fcctiy satisfactory manner requites training, experience ami eriuipxncnt. 'Tho Omuha Mercury does this worK Just right, i.egai nianKS, nunureus ut 101ms, ior saiu. oenu ior cuiaiugui:. .11 jy CARPENTERS AND :JOBllE.RS. ALL kinds of carpenter wdrk and repairing promptly attended to. J. U Ochiltree, 20th ana L.QK0 sis, 3V PIANO TUNING, PIANOS tuned, $1.50. Mandclberg's Jewelry siure, i'axton uiock, 'iei, wj-j, -260 Jy25 UOILEK SIAKEllS, OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1&9. 12th and Izard fits ACCORDION PLE4T1NQ. ACCORDION Dleatlnc:. cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C Mark, S. E, Cor., 17th ana irarnam. ELCiCUTlti.V., " ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge. Mn. Wd. Thur.Sat -155 Jy22 SHORTHAND AND TYPKWKl'lNO. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 71 N. Y. Elfe. -913 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Beo Bldg, -919 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater, 920 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 A Doug, -921 PASTLKAOE. PLENTY grass, shade and spring water. Chas. Andersen, 21st and Mandcrson. 915 2V DRESS. VI AKIN (i. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 318 So. 26th st. 310 Jy6 ST A MM EKING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vft'lghii, 400 It urn wo Illdg. 930 PlW.MlKOKEltS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; ull business confidential. 13ol DougUi. I'tllMTLIli: KEPAIRINO. TEL. 1231. M. 8. Wulktln. 2U1 Cuming St -92S LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1T50 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. -uu EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS. LESSONS In bookkeeping, ctCy day or ing, R. 15, Cum. Nat Bank. G. R. Rathbun. -923 SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS Stone, cement, brick. Wei shuns' Mantel und Tile Co., i0 So. 17th st. Sli jya GARBAGE HAULING, ANTIMONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans cess pools & vaults, removes garbage & dead unlmuls at reduced pi lecs. tl N, 16, tel.i'iV. -274 Jy3 Pay Your City Taxes But don't neglect yours or ynur fumlly'H teeth to do It. Teeth decay faster than 1 per cent a month" when once started. Seo jHg Bailey the Dentist 'llilnt Floor Paxtun Block. PHONE 10S3. n8i POSTOFFICE NOTICE. 1 cRlirmlil be read DAILY bv all Interested as changes may occur at any time). Pnrxlfrn mulls for the week endlne June 29. 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In nlicases) at tne general pumoiucu 119 iuiiuwb; CELS, POST MAILS close one hour earlier Ulan closing lime unown ucmw, 1111 tci post malls for Germany close at 6 p. in. Monday and Wednesday. ftpmilnr nnd niiDiilementary malls closo at foreign branch half hour later than clos. ing time snowu uciow. IP...-l,l..lln Mall. THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE. .. . ........ I . I .. ,ln Qllimnlllh .1 ,wl iter i. n vuiuuium, i, a i?...,,,.., -Inmburg (mail for Franco, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey. Egypt, Greece, British India and Lorenzo Mnr quez, via Cherbourg, must be directed "per s. a, Columbia"): nt 7 u, m, for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND,' ITALY, iSPAIN. PORTUGAL, TURKEY, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LOR ENZO MARQUEZ, per s. s. La Bretagno, vja Havre (mall for other parts of Europo i.a ,ll..,t.1 "iw. u u 1 .n nretnirnf." V SATURDAY' At 7:30 u. m, for NETIIER- iMlua uireui. icr .... jtiuaivi.. (mall must be directed "per s. s, Amster dam"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND dl-. rect, per s, s. City of Rome (mall must be' directed "per s. s. City of Rome"); at 10:30 a. m, (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Lucanlu, via Queens town: nt 12 m. for ITALY, per s. a. Wcrra, via Naples (mall must be directed "per a. b. Wcrra"), PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer taxes I'rinicn ainuer. uommercuit i-u-pert and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for uthor parts of Europo will not bo sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. Aftor tho closing of the Supplementary Tinnsatiantic fliuui namcci nuove, am dltional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American. English, French nnd Oerman steamers.- and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of tailing of steamer. Malta for South nml Central America, Went Inillea. Etc. THURSDAY At 12 m. for SANTIAGO, per 8, s. Santiago ao t-uou, ni u;jm ii. in. ior JAMAICA, per b. s, Admiral Schley, from Tirtuf nn iminAYAt 12 m. for MEXICO, ner a. s, Niagara, via lampico unuu musi ua directed "per s. s. Nlagnra"); at 11 p. m for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s, s. Cartha. irrnn. from Phlladelnhla. BATURDAY At 3 a. m. for ARGENTINE Tmi'imijic unuuuAi ana rjiu- GUAY, per s. s. Alnwick; at 9 n. tn. (sup plementary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO via San Juan). VENEZUELA and CUBA CAO. per s. a. Maracalbo (mall for Sa vnnllln nml Cnrthnretia must no directed "per s. s. Maracalbo"); at 9:30 a.m. (sup. plomcntary 10:30 a. m.) , for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SAVANILLA and CARTHAGENA, per s. s. Athos (mall for Cnnta Ttlea must be directed "ocr a. a. Athos")' at 9.30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for iiaih nna aniA aiauia, per s. s. Alps: at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. Mexico, via Havana: at 12 m. for PERNAMBUCO, SANTOS and SAO PAULO. Der s. a, Hclmtleld (mall for other parts of Brazil must be directed "per s. s. Helmflcld"): nt 12:S0 p. m. for MATANZAS, CA1BAIUEN, NUEVITAS, GIBARA and BARACOA, per s. s. Cur Ityba (ordlnnry mall only, which must be directed "per s. 8. curltyba"): at 1 p. m. for BERMUDA, per p. 8, Trinidad. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney and thence by itoamer, close at this olllce dally nt C:30 p. m. (connecting close nero every .-tionnay, runcsauy nnu tjaiur lnvl. Mulls for Mlnualon. by rail to Bos inn and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, by mil to Port Tampa, Flu,., and thenso by steamer, 'Close at thin ofllco dally (except Sunday) at i a. m. (the connecting closes are on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fla., nnd thencv by steamer, close at this otllce every Sunday at "S'j, m. Mail for Mexico City, overlnnd, unless specially addressed for dis patch by steamer, close at this olllce dally at 1:30 p. m, and It p. m. Malls fur Costu iTtlen. lifllie. Ilierto Cortoz nnrf Guatemala. by rail lt New Orleans null" tWencn by tnmer. close at this omee dally at 1:30 p. m, (connecting closes here Mondays for .Belize, Puerto Cortoz and Guatemala end POSTOFKICE NOTICE. Tuesdays for Costa nic,. "Registered mall closes at 6 p. in. previous day. Trnnn-Pnrlilc .llnila'. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Rocs via Europe, and Now .ca lami, which goes la Han Frnnclsco) and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver close here dally nt 6:3u p. m. nftcr June IS and Up to Juno 22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Mlowera (supplementary m.IIs, via Seattle ami Victoria), close at 6;30 p. in. Junc"23. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd Philip pine Islands, via San Frnnclsco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to Juno 21, In clusive, for dispatch per s. e, China, Malls fur Hawaii, via San Francisco, t'lose here dally ut 6:30 p. in. up to Juno "21, for dispatch rer s. s. y.calnudla. Malls for China nnd Jnpnn, via Vancouver, closo here dally nt p. m. up to July 2, inclusive, for dispatch per s, . Em press of China (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver''). Malls for Hawaii. China, Japnn nnd Philip pines, via San Frnnclsco, close here dally at 6.30 p. 111. up to July "4, inclusive, for dispatch per a. n. Doric. Malls foi Auslrnlla (except West Australia, which :a forwarded via i'.jrnue), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa nnd Hawaii, via Snn Francisco, closo hore dally at 6;30 p. ni. after Juno 23 and up to July 6, In clusive, or on arrival of a. n. Lucantu, due at Nev York July M6, for dispatch per s. s. Sierra. Trans-Paclllc malls arc forwarded to port of sailing dally ami the schedjlo of clnul ig Is arranged en the presumption of their un- Inlnrrnnlitil .ivnrlii ml Irnt.alt II i.t? I t If A, I mail closes nt 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllce, Now York. N. Y Juno 21. 1001. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR IIRtCK. LIME, CE ment, lumber, otc, etc. Department of the Interior, I.'. S. Indian Service, Omnha, etc., Agency, Wlnnebngo, Neb.. Juno 15. 1W1. Scaled proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for Brick, Lime, Cement', Lumber, etc., etc.," and uddrcs.'et! (o the undersigned, will bo received at this olllco until 2 o'clock p. m. of Juno 27, 1901, for furnishing and deliver ing u quantity of brick, lime, ccmunt, lum ber, etc., etc., required to complete neces sary Improvements and furnishings at Win nebago school. For full lll and descrip tions, apply to the U. S. Indian agent, Omnha, etc., Agency, Nebraska, c, P, MATHEWSON, U. 8. Indian Agent, and ofllcc of The Bee, Omaha. Neb, WANTED-For V. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between uges of 21 und 35; citizens of the United StHtcs, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak,- read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Olllcer, Cor, 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Neb, LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVERS NOTICE. In tho Disitici cuurt lu und for Douglas Ccuuty, Nebraskn. Wllllum G. .Madden, plaintiff, against Ne braska Flro lnsiirniico Company et nl de fendants. Nutlco tu creditors of eald in Huruucu company to present their claims for dividends. To all creditors of the Nebraska Flro In surancu company who have not claimed or received their respective dividends hereto fore ordered in thu above entitled action: You, and each ut you, arc hereby nutlned that lu and bv the urder uf thu court In the 'above entitled action, made and entered on tho 4th day of May, A, D. 1901, you must present fur payment your respective claims tor dividends heretofore ordered in said action within 60 days lrom thu eomnlutloii of the publication ut this notice, which t'ma will expire on tho 31st day of August,- A. D. 1901. nnd that unless you so do your rospeo ' ilvo rlKhts iO such dividends will be con cluded und you will be barred of the tight to participate in the funds appropriated therclor. ;SJch claims -may be presented at tho olllce of Hie undersigned receiver In thu Brown blocks In the city of Omaha, In Dougras county nfbresaid, or transmitted to him at that address by mull. Dated this 25th day of May, A. D. 1901. ALBERT U. WYMAN. Receiver of tne said Nebraska Fire Insur ance company. May30d-sun-30t Bids for brick Methodist church at Car roll, la., will be received up to J 11110 30. Plans and. specifications on hlo with F. II. Sinclair, xccretary, and also with the archi tect, W. C. Barton, 609 Walnut strcot, Dcs Moines, la. Right reserved to reject any enl all bids. J19dtf RAILWAY TIMU CARD. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam St Telephone, 661. Depot, Tenth uuu Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. , o. AIIIIVi Daylight Chicago Spe ini a 7:00 am n11:M om Chicago Passengur a 4:15 pm a 8:40 an: Eastern Express. Dcs Aioines, xiiursnaiiiuwn. Cedar Rapids ana Chicago ul0:55 am a 4:05 pm lastcril Special, Chi cago and East a 4:55 pm a 4:06 pm 'ast Mull. Chicago to umana a ;a pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:45 pm a s:yo um UBl mull... o.ov nill ledar ruplds Pussuiigcr. u b:M pin a Dally. FREMONT, ELKHORN & Missouri Valley ituilroad "The Northwestern Line" General Ofllces, United States National Bank Bulluing, H. VV. Corner Twelfth und Fur- Ticket Olllce, lioi Farnam St. 661. Depot, 15th anu Webster Telephone, H6!. Leave, Arrive. Black Hills, Doadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm e 6:00 pm Wvomluir. Caauer and Douulaa d 3:00 pm Hastings, lorK, uavia city, eupeiior, Geneva, Exoter and Seward. ...b 3:00 Dm b 5:00 pm Norfolk,' v emigre ana Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln, wanoo dc Fre mont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Lucal ;...c 7:30 am Dally, b Dally except uunaay. o Bun- day only d Daily except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "Tho North western Line" Genul! Ofllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th und Webster Hts. City Ticket Olllce. UM li'iirnutn a Tolnnhona. 5U1. Ualiot. 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone, 1458. l.anvii. ArrlvA. Twin City Passenger.. ..a 6:oo am Bloux City Passenger.. .a 2:45 pm n 9:lo pm all:lo am b 8:30 um umerson ocui u o. yiu a Dally, SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad. "The North western Line" General Unices. United States National Bank Building, S. W. Comer Twelfth and Furnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam St Telephone. 661. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:66 um alo:25 pm Twin City bimmiu a i.oj pm a o;io am Sioux City Local u 8;w am a 3:50 pm a uauy. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and & Paclilo Railroad "The Oreut Rof.k luliiiul Dnnfa" ! Ticket Olllce. 1323 Far nam Street. Telephone, 42t. Depot, Tenth anu Marcy streets. Tele phono, b.j. Leave. Arrive. H A si . Chicago Daylight 8po...a 6:00 am a 2:00 am ucn biuiiivb n ------- nort Local a 7:25 am bll:3j am Chicago Express. iiiH am a 8:10 am Des Moines a y.m pm a ;io pm Chicago Fast ttxprees..a o:w pm a i:u pm and and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 9:35 pm nocky Mountain Llm...a 2:00 am a 6:00 am Lincoln, uoiorauu opss.. n..ini. PiiAliln linrl Wilt a 1:30 Dm a 4:16 om ni,irm1fi. Oklahoma &c u I u ....... Texas Flyer w..a oiw pm a :do am a Dally, b Daily except uunaay. UNION PACIFIC-'THB OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Furnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 1324 l-arnam aireet, iciepnone, -lis. ui'pai, ienui ana Aiarcy a is, Toiepuonc, u, j.eave. Arrive. The Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm Thn Ohlcueo-Portlanit Special a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm The Fast Mall. a 8:50 am a 3:15 pro The Mall und xpress,.all:35 pm a 4:26 pm The Colorado Special. ,.all:35 pir. a 6:50 am .Lincoln, ueatrice ana 'Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:05 pm b 12:30 pm Thn. lnH!n Kitirfss a 4:23 nn ' The AtuuUu Express.,. a'6'SO'am Grand IMand ixcai d 6:m pm u 9:35 am a uaiiy. u uany except aunaay. nam Sts Tolenhoiio. Sts. - m imp RAILWAY TIME CARDS. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River iV'!..i. The Burlington Route -General Ollices, North west Corner IVnth a id Furniim Streets. Ticket Olllci'. 1302 Farnam Street. '!... nurllngtun Station, lenui und Maiion Streets. Telephone 123. ivcavu. Arrio. Hia ,.,.,:r.t.':,.,:'f...'.1:: . 7: Pm n0BCkii..;::a,9p'n, Jjjgffg ymorc, oemnn.' "ii" Uncoli .....a 8140 am Denver, ioloradn, Utah and California Fort Crook, So. Bend, Louisville, Plattsm tn.b 3:20 pm Bcllevue, Piattsniouth & . . Paclilo Junctlor .a iMO pm Bellevue, P'.attsmoutll Ac bll:53 am a 6:15 am bll;06 am a 8: :0 um I'ariiK junciiuu " n Dally, b Dully except Siuulay. IV ,L , .,,. - , . . . aeph N council uiuna Kallroad "The Burlington RoutC'-Tlcltct Olllce, 1603 Fariium Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 123. l.tavc. Arrive. a 6:i"i pm a 6:13 am all:l3 am Kansas City Day Ex....u :w um Kansas City Night Ex..nl0:30 pm St. Louis Flyci. for at. Joseph and St Louts. a 5:10 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & VlUincy iiauronu -1 ne Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce, 1502 Farnam Street. , Telcphono 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets, Telephone 1!S, I.i-ave. Arrive. I liit lit I, t Pl,l"iril Sinn. ...... ....0w -' clal i a 7:00 bid Chicago Vesllbuled Ex.u 4:00 pm Chicago Iocul Express. a 9:30 am ntO'M nm a 7:45 um a 4:0a pm a 7145 am a 2:45 Piu Chicago l.imupu a r.w pin Fust Mail x i;aiiy MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Oltlces and Ticket Olllces, Southeast Corner 14th and Duuglas Sts. Telephone 101, Depot, Union Stutlon. Leave. Arrive. St. i.ums und Kansas City Express u io;u am a 0:25 pm a 6:15 am K. C, St. L. Express.. a 10:W pm Leavo from 15th and Webster rStroeti: Nclirasan Local, Via Weeping v atet-. ...... ,b 4:10 pm ul0:45 am a Dally, 'i Dally excopt Sunday, ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rnllroud-Clty Ticket Of llcc, 1102 Farnam Street, Telephone, 215. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Streets. 4ilHQiy Leave. Arrive, ChlcwgoExprcss a 7:w am a o:lo pm Chicago l.lmlteu.......w.u i.w pin :w uni .MllUleH.'lOllS iV i.. rm , . Exuresi b 7:00 am b 9:40 nm Minneapolis & SI. Paul i.imitea a i;opm a e:oi am Fort Dndiii; Local from Council niurfs b 4:50 nm a 8:15 am Fort Dodg. Local Irom Council Bluffs 6:00 am a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. Lfffiv. Arrlv St. Louis Cannon Ball ExnreuK n KIS im n .n Kansas City and Qulncy " gai a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally. St. Louis 'Cannon Ball" Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kanmis t.'lty & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of llce, 1415 Furnam St. Tele, phone. 322, Depot, Tenth und Murcy Sts, Telephone, 6. Leave, Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a pm n o,.v am Kansas City nnd Qulncy l.OCUl ..u I .W UIII K ,.W MI. a Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE St. Paul Railway City ' Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Farnam htteet. Telephone, 2k t. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, 619 ' mnwAUh Leave. Arrive, rhinmrn Omaha Ex..b 7S15 urn b 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex. o:w p... u ..w .... a llaliy. u un.. vv- - Summir Touri on Ltk Mlohlttn. . BlMI Ma Va)laMk I . . ""?!.ir .rBi.i..l. mil- trl-WMklf llarkar rlaJ, ,,tV,l M.elhU ."a-nn.ct(na with all tKAVEB CHIOAOO AS rOLUOWBI Tn.. 10 . m. Tkur..ll.ra. na.p.-. Man tou stoamsnip vomi-iiyt OFFICE A DOCKS. Ruih and N. Walaf 6ti..CMea0. Direct nont to CllaaBOTr Bxhlliltlon ANCHOR LINE Uteniualilpa from Smrr York Weekly for GLASGOW VIA LONDONDKRUl. Baloon.JW and up. Second Cablr., wz.&o ana Up. Tnira uiuss, o ami For Illustrated folder and Jurthor Informs. lion apply to imnutnoun ,.w. nt.lA.irn n. GEO. E. ABBOTT, 1324 Farnam St., Omaha. iHtcord Vorg 6 Pin. 7Huri. 22 Mlnulat.l BOSTON te LIVERPOOL vlaOUEENSTOWN Commonwslth, Twin Screw, 12,000 Tom July a NewEeaiand. " " 11,600 " July 17 PORTLAND te LIVERPOOL vl QUEENJIOrYN Dominion Jul 6 I Vaneoumr.... Julr 27 Cambroman .... July 13 I Dominion Aug, tO ForlsrtkMlslai atlai.aMrMt I Ce-eaay's Olllcti. Dtarkaf a St.. Cklufr. Ills. J TOO MUCH THOUGHT OF WARS Herbert Spencrr Wrltea u Letter De ploring Tendency o Pres ent Day. Nttw vnrtK. Juno 20. Herbert Snoneer has written 4 letter ploading'for mitigation' of the war spirit, says a onaon anpaica to tho Journal ana Aaveruser. iu ii no says: . . . , , r., ... 1 1 1 1 r I u n, mnlrna f AT barbarism; whatever fosterH peace tnakca' for civilization. mt imu iunu- . I . ........ 1 l,i4Hnlnlna am . . , V. I A V. mrm mentally oi'iiuncv. iii,ii(.i.iv-n wii vtiiiv.ii fa cial llfo may be organised compulsory co- .. .. .. ., ..1....,,.p.r .n.Alin..l!nn I I. A operaiiuii ,u'r".'Ji,. .t ' ' .: '.i: one Implying coerclvo lnsttutlonB, tho othor "S9. 'n"u"""'':;. . .. creat docs the coercive regime more per vade tho whole society. Jlrnco to oppose militancy Is to oppose a return toward "";.'.0l"8m:.. , ... ment will become too strong to be checked oy argument or gnn .m.n. NO G0VERN0RSHIPF0R SC0JT KaiiMnn Conarrcsiimmi-at-Lnriie Hnya He Will Stay with tho Leajlalatare. LAWRENCE, Kan, Juno 26 In an au thorized statement today Hon Charles F. Scott, .congressman-at-large, says: "I do not deny that I should like eorne time to be governor of Kansas. It Is a compliment even to receive honorable mention tn 'con nection with It, but I feel an If ray election to congress Imposes an pbllgutlon upon "me to stay there. When tho proper time comet I shall be a candidate for the office of con-gressman-at-large." Congressman Scott lives at Iola andVs,a neighbor of Brigadier Oeneral Fredarlok Funaton, It had been' stated' from time to time that General,' Funitbn insight V X candidate for congresi for his home dis trict. i :i;iiflt laaafTMrMI JBSL VI c- W A BASH' RAILROAD IvfTSwal. Ticket Ortlce, 1415 Farnam JAM Street. Telephone. 322. De Yf"5Sii, pot. Tenth nnd Marcy Sts, ' Telephone. fi29. V Leave. Arrive,