Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Wht Btiong and Btnij Deipiti Short
OlUe Enjor Fnlr Trmle nnd Close One
Eighth o (tnarler Hlnncr Pro
v. ... Visions Dull nnil Close
Wenk. , ,
CHICAGO, June 26. Higher cables and
rood export demand were mainly responsl
bio for tho strength In the wheat market
today, and although there was considerable
nhorl selling, prices held steady. September
closing firm with a aln Of MfVic. Soptem
lcr corn closed higher ami oats was
J.iQlic higher, while, provisions closed tvjloc
lower. . , , , , .
Wheat opened quiet n"'1 a shade higher
on cables. Tho trading was nearly all on
local account. The early strength was not
of long continuance, tho break coming when
lodal commission houses with southwestern
connections began selling as hedges against
the purchases of new crop. Longs all sold
freely. Tho strength later In the day was
duo to n gcod export demand and covering
by shorts. September opened lift-Tic higher
t OSJic, but dropped to.66'.o soon after the
opening. Toward tho close the market, ral
lied on actlvo buying by shorts, at one time
tho prlco being 6TW7c; tho close was tlrm
and 3ic higher at twc. Seaboard reported
twenty-ono boatloads taken. Clearonccs of
wheat and Hour were equal to 514,161 bush
els, Primary receipts, 409,000 bushels,
ngalnst 432.W0 bushels last week and 427,000
h year ago. Minneapolis and Dulutli re
ported 153 cars received, compared with 262
week ago. Local receipts were twenty
nine cars, one of contract grade.
The opening In corn was llrm on higher
cables, hut before the session was far ad
vanced a weakness developed, caused by
felling on orders for outside account. In
Mympathy with wheat and on covering by
horts, a rally occurred toward the end of
tho session and, the close was firm. Sep
tember sold between iiftc and 45c, closing
Uo higher nt 44?1I5c. Clearances were
329,62:1 bushels, with twenty boatloads re
ported taken for export. Primary receipts
-were 34.214 bushels, against 359,000 bushels
last week and l.SSO.OOO a ycir ago. Local re
ceipts worn 155 cars, with thirteen cars of
contract grade.
There was a fair trade In oals and tho
opening was steady and a shadu higher tlinn
yesterday's close. Commission houses sold
freely on tho udvance and a reaction set In.
Toward the close the market became llrmcr
In sympathy with wheut and the closo was
firm and laf?lic higher for September, tho
latter month closing at 26?fi1i27e, after sell
ing between '26!i127c. Clearances were 27.
706 bushels and the local receipts were
eighty-eight cars.
Provisions were dull and there was nn al
most complete absence of buying orders.
The opening was lower on largo receipts of
hogs and on commission house selling the
prlco weakened slightly, but reacted on
strength In grains. Tho closing was weak.
September pork ranged between J14.S2W and
$11.90, closing at M4.K2V4fcU.85, 7H1(10o lower
than yesterday. Lard sold between $S.724
unci J177V4. closing 6c lower at $S.75; ribs
ranged between Jx.12V4ft8.15 and S.15ft8.17Vi.
closing Be lower at $8.15.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
45 cars: corn, 160 cars: oats, 105 cars: hogs,
80.01V head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlclcs. Open. High. Low. Closo. Ycsy.
Juno July
July Sept.
Pi 6574
WVlfl 6C4 65 WAfl, 661? I j,
43 43VJ
43H 43H H 43H 43'.41fH
44it 45 44$ 4Uj4l$ll
44V, 43!J 42$ 43V4 43
I26T4T27 27Vtff,J 26V4 27l,fiU 26Ti
Tk 27 26V4 2627 26i
I Vi 29 20U 20)i29VMr',i
It G2'4 14 72V4 U 62V4 14 63 H 72V4
14 82V4 U 90 11 82V4 14 85 II 9214
8 67W 8 70 8 67V4 8 67V4 8 75
8 77V4 8 77V4 8 72$ 8 75 8 60
8 72H 8 73V4 8 70 8 72V4 8 7714
8 05 8 OT. 8 05 8 05 8 10
8 15 8 15 8 12V4 8 15 8 20
No. 2.
Cash ouotatlons wero as follows:
FLOUR Easy: winter patents. $3.501i3.60:
troirhts. $3.301?3.40: spring patents, $3.25fj
8,i.f.tlffehl9 2.70O3.M); bakers'. $1.80112.50.
WHEAT No. 2 spring, 66c; No. 3 spring.; No. 2 red, fcflfir.He.
9JiN-LNo' 2- 43'c! No- - yellow, 4314c
. OA,Ts";Ji?;i.77Wo! No- 2 whltp' 30Uc; No.
8 white, 2SV430Vic.
RYE No. 2. 47c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax. M.SS; No. 1 northwest
ern. M.88; clover, contract grade, $9.60.
, PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl.. M 1.650
r im sides (loose). $7.931?S.15. Dry siilrcd
nhoulders (boxed). $7,0017.25. Short clear
aides (boxed), $8.458.63.
WHISKY Bnsls of high wines, M.27.
Following are tho receipts and shipments
for today; '
,. .... ' Receipts. Shipments.
Vi 2UI b,S 2m 18.000
9,' l'J 2M.000 132.CO)
Oats bu 219,000 237.000
JJye. bu. , 3,000 , ''yfi
Barley, bu slooo i'looo
On the Produce exchange today the but.
ial. i"!5fit J2R,?.,,,.,,,,lrS creameries, 14V4W
UHc Cheese, Bteady, 9810c.
Qnotntlana of the Day on Vnrlout
' Commodltlva.
NEW YQRIC, June 26. t-'LOUIl Iterelnts
27.315 bblsT; exports, 19.3S5 bblV.; weak ml
lower: winter patents. 13.6013.90; winter
5 sv'.V' 'll3:i winter extras, S
2.8J; Minnesota bakers, $2.903.15; Rtinn
tnPntB, winter low grades.
"NMIj-AI-Stcaily; yollow western, 94c:
clJyi.9.4rj..Unu,llywinc. 2.45y2.56' '
Hit. eak; No. 2 western. B3Wc ntlnnf
'iVfhPSi40' .'',.f New Vor, carlots? U'
UAItLbJ-Qulot; feeding, 4So c. 1. f. New
York: malting, 6862o c. l. f. Now York
UA.IK1' MAIT-Dull: western. f",75c.
M.s.a i bu. Snot, llrm; No. 2 red. 76We f o
b. afloat; o. 2 red 74Vla elmitor; No. 1
norther.., Dtilnth i. 7 1 Tic f. o. b. afloat ; No. 1
r2'DV1lu,h f6.Hc r' - n"0"'. Options
ffiTvi ih'. n. ubsequont roactlon nt
trabted short soiling' and lower strength on
covering Inspired by exports and clcariiiice"
".enonr'! Kjai'l.. nj4fJ74Nip, closed at
21L4o: September. 71 ir.-1672?ic. closed at
Hc; October. 72?iU73!4c-, closed at 72?ic;
December, 73 7-lGc, closed at 7IV4c.
I COllN-Itocclpts, M.OOO bu.; oxports. lo.loo
l.u. Snot. steniy: No. 2. 47io elevator, and
i.f? ',0.b "float. Options oprned tlrm
with wheat and on cables, but later told
off on better crop news, small clearances
and realizing. On n final rally with wheat
Ui?? ,lrm "5 bet udvance; July.
iJ.fr4' ?c' ro8(,(l t 47sc; September. is.
4S'4c. closed at 4S7ic; October, 4S4c.
OATS Receipts, 15,600 bu.; exports, 42.300
btl. No, 2 white. 33c; No. 3 white. 32',Jc:
track, mixed western, 31'4fj33c; track
white, 32U37c. Options slow ami steady.
HAY OuW: shipping, 7214c; good to
choice, S7V4fj'JOc.
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice.
1900 crop, ,16'rtlSc; lk99 crop, 10yi3c; old olds.
2H6c; Pacific coast, 1900 crop, lOftlS'Sc: 1S9'J
crop. HR15o: old olds. 2Cc. JJJ
HIDES-flrm; Onlveston, 20 to 25 lbs..
o8r,24c?o,fSrYb(.:.:!i14,ii3c.,bs-' 1J!4ci Te"
LEATHElt - Steady: hemlork sole.
Buenos Ayrcs. light to heavyweights, 24'o
I5c: acid, 24f25c. '
PHOVISIONS-Reof. steady; family. Jli.lH)
11.50; mess. 9.Wi 10.00; bcof hams' 120 Mti
;21.60; packet, M0.00B10.D0; city, extra India
'mess. M6.00ms.00 .Cut meats, steady; nlckled
bellies. OOllc; pickled shoulders, J7.23K7.50;
pickled hams, I9.75H10.25. Iird. easy:
western steamed, JS.95; rullned, quiet: con
tinent, 19.10: South America, $3,50: com-
r,0rur'. W-S'H07,00-. I,,,rk- "r,: family.
J 5 WI i': short clear, M5.00gi7.00; mess!
TALLOWi Quiet ; city ($2 per pkg.), 4T4c;
country (packages free), 5fI5V4c. '
ItlCE-qulet; domestic, fair to choice, 4?i
4(6V4c; Japan. 4ic. '
MOLABSES-Qulct; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 355f42c.
Rl'TTER Hecelpts, 13,457 pkgs.; steady;
camcry 15iav4c: factory, 12V5i5o.
CHEEHE Receipts, 5,731 pkgs.; irregular;
.fancy, large, colored, Oftc; fancy, large,
white, 94c: fancy, small, colored, 94tf95io;
fancy, small, white. 94fi9Hc
ECiaS Receipts, 10,404 pkgs.; nrm: west
rn. candled, l3V4c; western, uncandlcd, 13
0 1SV4C.
POULTRY AHve, steady; springers. ISO
20c; turkeys. 8c; fowls, no; dressed, firm;
uprlngers. 2ftlt23c; fowls, loui0".4c.
METALS-Oeneral conditions In metal
.circles In New York and Iondon varied
'little from a speculative standpoint today.
Futures .neglected. Copper In Indon de
clined 10 owing to an Increase In available
stocks and a weak undertone prevailed all
day, with the-'final phase of ,tho murket
easy, spot sUndtnir at 17 17s 6d and fu
ture! t 6S 7s M. Locally copper wu
neglected and nominally unchanged. Lead
was featureless and unchanged. Spelter
continues very dull at old prices 44.5!V4 t
8.97V4 while in London prices fell i.fl ,s
to 16 los 6d for spot. Domestic Iron mar
kets ruled dull, but about steady at un
changed prices. Pig Iron warrants, I'I.mj
10.00; northern foundry, ML25M15.50; fouth
ern foundry, JI3. 7515.25, and soft southern.
112. 76f15.25. Glasgow warrants closed at
2s id and Mlddlcsborough, 43s 7',4d.
Condition of Trade and Quotations on
Stnplr nnil I'nncy Produce.
EGGS Receipts liberal; good stock, firm,
LIVE POULTRY-Hcns, 7c; young and
old roosters, 3'jsVc; turkeys, 0(c; ducks and
geese, i)c; spring chickens, per lb., Iti'uUc.
UUTT13R Commun to Mir. 12V,!!n3e:
choice dairy, in tubs, H13c; separator, lac. rjau liiuck pass, idc; wnuo
bass, tic; blueilsh, 11c; bullheads, loc: blue
crupples, 7jloc; ciscocs, 7c; halibut, 11c; her-
iiiL'. oc; iiuuuock, luc, picxerei, ic; pme, vu,
tea snapper, luc; salmon, lie; suunsh, be;
trout, 9c; Whitehall, 9c,
PIQEOANS-Llve, per doz., M.
VEALS-Cholcc, tyiOc.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers association: Choice upland,
M0.U0: No. 1! tinlnti.l. I9.M! medium. J9.00:
coarse, JS.00. Rye straw, 16.50. These prices
aro for hay of cood cplor and quality. De
mand rair. no iresh receipts.
UAl'a No. 2 White, 29C.
COHN-No. 3, 12c.
SPINACH-Per bu. box, 40c.
ASPARAUUS-Nutlve. per doz., SSfflOo,
RHUIIARU-Homu grown, per lb., lc.
NliiW CARROTS Per doz., 2025c.
NEW TURNIPS-l'er doz., 2U025C
CUCUMUERS Hothouse, per doz, 40SMc.
LETTUCE 1'er bu., 20c.
RADISHES Per doz., 15320c.
PAltaLEV-I'cr doz.. 300.
l'UTATOES-Old, per bu.. 90c.
CARI1AUE New Cullfornla. 2C.
TuMATOES-l-'lorlda, per 6-basket crate,
fancy, t2.60; Texas, l-bjk. crates, M.50,
ONIONS Bermudas, per rratc. 2.25: new
California. 2c.
CAULIFLOWER Hnme-srown. ner doz..
HEANS Wnx, per 1-3 bu.. 40c; string, per
1-3 bu.,- 30c.
PEArf-Per bu., 1.00; per i i bu 40c.
STRAWRERRIES Home grown, 2; Col
orado. 2.50.
HLACKUERRIES Per 24-qt. case, 1.50
RA8PUERR1ES Per 24-qt. case, 2; red,
per 24-qt. case, J4.0o; per 2t-pt. case, 2-5u.
ClllultlES Cuillonila, per MU. box,
1.23; Missouri, per 21-qt. case, 1.75.
PEACtiEb Citlliomla, per oox, 90cg1.00.
Al'ltlCOTS Calltomld, i-baskot crates,
PLUMS-Calllornlo. per crate, 1.23.
UOOSEUERRIES-Per 24-qt. case, 1.50.
ORANGES-Callfornla seedlings, 2.75(9
3.W; Med. sweets, 13.50.
LESIONS Culitorniu. extra fancy, 3.75;
choice, W.W.
RANANAS Per bunch, according to stzo,
F1US California, new cartons, 75c; layers,
6jc; Imported, per lb., 10012c.
DATES-Persiuii. In CO- !a. Doxcs, Salrs, Eo
HONEY California, per 21sectlon caso,
per lb.; Halloween, 5V4c per lb.
PINEAPPLES-Pcr doz., 1.76(32.00.
CIDER-Pcr bbl., 4.50; per half bbl., 2.75.
NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c: ill
bcrts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 1S&20C;
raw peanuts, per lb., 5S5V4c; roasted, iK'tt
7V4c; llrazlls, 13c; pecans, 10U22c.
I1IDE8 No. 1 green, 6',4c; No. 2 green,
5Vic; No. 1 salted, 7V4c; No. 2 salted, 6V4c;
No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V4 lbs., Sc; No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides, ft! Vic; sheep
pulu, 2575c; horse hides. 1.C0&2.25.
Nt. I. on Is (irnln nnil Provisions,
ST. LOUIS. June 26. WHEAT Higher;
No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 65Vc; track, HK
63c, new; 7y6fV4c, old: July, 63V4c; Septem
ber, 64e; December, 66a14c; No. 2 hard,
CORN Easy; No. 2 cash, 42',4c; track,
43f(4lc: July, 42c: September, 43c.
OATS-Hlghcr; No. 2 cash, 29c: track,
29V4fl30'ic; July, 27ic; September, 26:5ia26;4c;
No. 2 white, 31Vjo.
RYE-IIIgher at 40c.
FLOUR Dull; patents. 3i453.60: extra
tancy and straights, 3.0OTJ3.15; clears, 2.65
Zl 2. 80.
CORNMEAL Steady at 2.30.
RRAN Quiet, steady; sacked, cast track,
HAY Timothy, steady, 7.60014.60; prairie,
tlrm for choice grades, which are scarce
and in demand, not quoted, ri .
;WHI8KY-8tcady, 1.27.
PROVISIONS-Pork. llrm: Jobbing, 15.75.
Lard, lower nt 8.E2V4. Dry salt' meats,
UUlot ; boxed lots, extra shorts, 8.12V4;
clear ribs, R.37ti: clear sides, S.G0. Racon.
steady: boxed lotH, extra shorts, 9; clear
ribs, 9.37V4; clear sides, 9.50.
METALS Load, llrm at M.30-4.35. Spel
ter! llrm at 3.82',i.
POULTRY Steady: chickens. 7c: springs.
12(jl4c; turkeys, 8c; ducks, 6c; springs, 8c;
geese, 4c: springs, 8c.
RUTTER Steady! creamery, Hf20c;
dairy,. 13fll4c.
EGGS Steady: western nnd southern, 7c.
RECEIPTS-Flour, 3,000 bbls.;, 24,
000 bu.; corn, 20,000 bu.; oats. 12,000 ba.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 11,000 bbls.; wheat,
15,000 bu.; corr,, 12.000 bu.; oats, 22,000 bu.
Liverpool (iriitti nnd Provisions.
dull; No. 2 red western winter. Es7Vjd; No.
1 northern Hprlng, 5s 7d; No. 1 California,
os lO'.id. Futures, quiet; July, Es6id; Sep
tember, 5s 6!Jd,
CORN Spot, American mixed, now, quiet,
4s "id; American mixed, old, Arm, 4s 2id.
F.iturcs, (Ulot; July, 3s UTid; September,
4s ?;d; October, 4s -);(..
PUA8 Canadluu, steady, at 6s lOd.
FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, dull,
7h ,4d.
HOPS At London (Paclllo coast), steady,
4iffjC4 15s.
PROVlSIONfci Reef, llrm; extra India
me.HS, tils Ed. Pork, steody; prlmo mess
western, 61s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs.,
steady, 47s 3d. Lard, lirm: prime western,
In tierces, 12s 3d; American refined, in
pulls, 43s fid. Huron, tlrm; Cumberland
cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 44.1 ImI; short ribs. 16 to 24
lbs.. 46s 91; long clear middles, light. 28 to
31 lbs.. 45s 3d: long clear middles, heavy,
35 to 40 lbs.. 43s Cd; short clear backs, 16 to
20 lbs., 12s tid: clear bollles, 4Ss. Shoulders,
square, 11 to' 13 lbs., steady. 48s.
RUTTER Finest United States, quiet,
90s: good. dull. S7s 5d.
CHEESE Firm; American finest white,
45s: American llnest colored, 46s 6d.
TALLOW Firm; prlmq city, 25s 6d; Aus
trnllan, In London, 26s 9d
Knnsnr City (irnln nnd Provision.
KANSAS. CITY, June 26.-WHEAT-July.
60V4c; September. fiOHc: December, 62V4o;
cash. No; 2 hard, 63fl63V4c; No. 3, 6fl63c;
No. 2 red. CWi63V4u; No. 3, 62c.
CORN-July, 41'ic; September, 42ttc;
cash, No. 2 mixed, 42c; No. 2 white, 42V4
OATS-No. 2 white. 31c.
RYE No, 2. 49c.
HAY-Cholco timothy, ll.60gi2.00; cholco
prairie, Ml.00ffll.60.
RUTTER-Creamcry, 15917c; dairy, 14
EGGS Lower: fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock, 8V4c per doz., loss off, cases re
turned; new whltewood cases Included, V4c
RECEIPTS-Wheat, 32,000 tiu.; corn, 12,500
bu.: vats, none.
S 1 1 1 I'M ENTS W heat, 48,000 bu.; corn,
2,400 bu.; outs, 8,000 bu.
Toledo Crnln nnd Seed,
TOLEDO. Juno 26. WHEAT Dull,
higher; No. 2 cash nnd July, CSHc; Septem
ber, CS'&c. ' '
CORN Dull, unchanged; No. 2 cash and
July. I3!4c; September, 44c.
OATS Dull, unchanged; No., 2 cash, 22Vlo:
July, 26ic; September, :Vjc.
RYE Dull, unchanged: No. 2 cash, Elc
CLOVERSEED-Dull, higher; prime cash,
(6.50; October, (5.65.
Minneapolis AVhent, Flour and Bran.
Cash. 6IHc: July. 63&6JV4c; Septomber, 64c;
on track. No. 1 hard, 66y,c; No. 1 northern,
64c; No. 2 northern. 63V4c
FLOUR Firm: llrst patents, (3.70ft3.S0;
second patents, (3.60Jj3.60; first clears, 2,C04P
2.70; second clears, (2.
RRAN In bulk, (10.60.
Penrln Mnrkot.
PEORIA, June 26. CORN Steady; No. 3.
OATS-Slow; No. 2 whl, 2SV4c billed
WHISKY-Rasls of (1.27 for finished
JJIlvrnuUee (irnln .Market.
Firmer: No. 1 northern. 67C6Sc! No. 2 north
ern, 65(fififlc; July, 6ts4c; September, fHc.
HARLEY Dul; No. 2, 65c; sample, 63
Phlladelphln Prodoce Market.
Firm: fancy w'estern creamery, lV4c: fancy
western prints, lDc; fancy nearby, 10c.
EGQS-6teady; fresh nearby, Itc; fresh
western, 14c; fresh southwestern, 13o; fresh
southern, 12c.
CHEESE Firmer; New York full creams,
fancy, small, 9noc; New York full creams,
fair to choice, 9U5I9V4C
Lnrcst Drop Is In St, Pnnl nnil
t'titon t'nelflc.
NEW YORK. June 26. Tho sentiment re
flected by the changes In stock prices under
went an astonishing number of mutations
today, considering the small volume of tho
trading and tho narrowness of the Interest
In the market. The market was palpably
soft, notwithstanding these occasional va
riations. Strong supporting orders were put
In tho market at the opening to guard
against any disturbance of prices. Tho ad
vances caused In that way weio met by con.
niuerauie selling orders uy me clement
which professed to expect further trouble
The trading took on the tone of the recent
market and consideration turned to the sit
uation of the money market. The money
rate stiffened to nVout 6 per cent nnd In
creased offerings came on tho market and
prices therefore yielded easily. This period
of greatest weakness In the market was
also that of the greatest activity. Tho
Hurry In money rates was oxnetly what had
been anticipated for two weeks past and
What Is a Usual Inrlilont nt Mm lnt urol In
June, on ncoount of the large accumulations
nrcefcsary lo provide ror dividend and Inter
est disbursements. This week optimistic
hope haH hinged on tho probability of tho
repayment to the market of some large bor
rowings of the syndicates and rnllwny com
panies. Possibly yesterday's disturbance to
credit, slight though It was, had Its effect
In tho shifting of loans which occurred to
day nnd which precipitated tho sprinkle of
liquidation owing to the dllllculty of secur
ing new accommodation. The decline In
prices was most pronouneed In St. Paul,
union Pacific, Manhattan and some of the
less prominent stocks which have been un
der manipulation recently for an advance.
St. Paul fell nn extreme 2!4 under Inst night,
Tho latter port of the dny was taken up by
a general but desultory rccoverv. Not n
few of the most Important stocks were
lifted well above last night's level, while
tho larger number rallied to that level. The
close whs dull but llrm. Tho reaction In
sterling exchange In response to the rise In
the money rate and the favorable progress
In the stock exchange settlements In Lon
don and Ucrlln, in spite of bank failure In
Lclpsle. carried I he. price of oxchangc welt
away from the gold export point.
The bond market wos dull, but prices
yielded to selling In sympathy with stocks.
Total sales, par value, (2,995,000; United
States refunding 2s advanced U per cent on
tho lust call.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
tlnanclal cablegram says: The stock mar
ket today was stagnant, except for settle
ment arrangements. Quotations were again
ower. with Horlln still a free seller, follow
ing the recent bank failures In Germany.
These failures, largely tho result of ovcr
tlnnnctug Industrial Issues of electric stock,
caused a flatness In copper on a restructlon
In tho demand for (he metal. Rcrlln offered
American stocks freely and ns London was
not buying prices gcncrnlly crumbled away
from lack of support. The contango Is 5ti
In St. Paul unci Union Pncitlc and 6 on
United Stntcs Steel corporation. Contungo
on steel shares was stiff, because tho
trust's brokers wero discouraging bulls.
-Money was In good demand, call and fu
tures at 3 per cent. Tho Rnk of England
again lent funds heavily. Tho Rank of
England has bought JC205.0U0 In bars. Rcr
lln exchange Is 20.41.
The following are tVi closing price os
the New York Stock exchange:
do IM
Ilnltlmore A O...,
do pfil
Cnnndlan Pacific
Cannda Southern
Ches. & Ohio
ChlcaKO & Alton.,
do pfil
C, It. & Q
Chicago, I, A. I,.,
do pfd ,
Chicago k 12. I...
ChtcnKD Qt. W...,
Mo 1st pfd
do 1i sM
Chicago A N. W,
C. R. I. & I
Chicago T. & T.',
do pfd
C, C C. & St. I
Colo. Southern ..
.. do pfil ,
..103 Bo. Paclllo
..'MK So. Hallway
.. 9I do pfd ,
..104 Tex. & Paacllla...,
.. f8 (T., Bt. L. A W....
.. 4S!l do pfd ,
.. 45'i Union Paclflo
... 79 i do pfd ,
. SJ'.i
. 86-H
. 44'.;,
. K
. it
. 32',,
. :t
. 47K
. 77
. DO
. KT.
. ii
. 51
. iS
. 48
. 8IH
. 67 li
. 2JW
. J1U
. 90
. 83
. 41
. 2 Hi
. tilt
. 76
. 64
. 42!i
. 41
. 85
- 21?t
. "S
. 67U
. lSVa
. 73
. in;
. 78',
. :i
. 61
. 4
. 9?Vi
. 9:h
., 34s do pfd
.. 71 iW. A 1. K.
..HI do :d pfd
.. : Wis. Central
.. MVi do pfd
.. 52 P. C. C. A fit. L.
..So Adams Expresa
..'.6 Amer, Express ...
.. 2iV4'U. 3. Express
.. 44 Wells-r'argo Ex....
,.. ff.;i Amnl. Copper
i5 Ajner. c. & v
do. lt pfd
do pfd
Amer. Lln. Oil....
do 2d pfd 2';i
Deliv. ft Iudon....tU
io pfd..
Del., L. & W....
Den. & Jtlo G...
do pfd
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd
at. -Nor. pfd
Rocking Valley .
do pfd
Illinois Central .
Iowa Central ....
do pfd
L. E. & W
do pfd
IjOuIi. & Nash...
Manhattan L ...
"Met. St. ny....
)lcx. Central . . .
Mex. National ..
Minn. .& Kt'. I....
Mo. Paclflo
M.. K. & T
do pfd
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central....
Nor. & WcBt
do pfd
No. Pacltlo
do pfd...
Ontario A Weit.
Pennsylvania ....
do Jut pfd
do 2d pfd
Bt. I & S. P....
do In pfd
do 2d pfd
St. I P. W
do pfd
St. Taul
..:u,4 Amer. S. A It
... M
do pfd
Atnr. Tnhaprn
.. 9)
.. 4:
.. 70T4
.. !
... m,
... 40W
.. 71 VS
.. 63
,. .174(4
,.. H
,.. 11
,.. 62V
.. Mti
.. M
,.. 3C'i
.. 43
,.. 7fVi
... 51V4
,.. 8.1
,.. Ui
,.. 324
,.. CSVi
Ana.Mln. Co
Illrk. Ran. Tr
Colo. F, A I
Con. Oas
Con. Tobacco ....
do pfd ,
General Electric .!
G hi cone Sugar ....
itocKing Coal
Infn'l Paper
do pfd
Int'n'l Power
Laclede Gas
National lllacult ..
National Lead
National Kaalt ....
do nM
No. American
Pacific Coast
Paclflo Mall
Peon e a Gob
I'rested S. C
do pfd
Pullman P. f!
Hepubllo Steel ....
do pfd
Tonn. C. A I
Union II. A P. Co.
do pfd,...:
U. 8. Leather
do pfd
U. S. Rubber
do pfd
U. 8.. Steel..,
do pfd
.Vcatern Union ...
Trust rccclpts.Ex-dlvIdcnd.
New York Money Market.
NEW' YORK. June 2C.-MONEV-On call,
firm, 4JMJS per cent; last loan and ruling
rate, 6; prime mercantile papor, 3W04W.
nctual Luslness In bankers' bills at 4.87
4.8i for demand and at J4.S3ViQ4.SJi,4 for
.B,l!5U',.as; P3tc,l rates, H.884.S6 and
$4.8SU0M.89; commercial bills, J1.84UG4.S3W.
SlLVBR-CertlllcateB, nominally tioc; bars,
E9ic; Mexican dollars, 47Uc
UONDS-Government. steady; state. In
active; railroad, easier.
Tho cluilnt: pilcc on uonda tod. are a
IT. R. 'rf. 2. rff
IN. T. C. Is ,
,. 72
. 9S74
. 9.-.H
. 61
. n
. Dili
. 9614
do coupon
do 3a, reg
do coupon
do new 4, rfit...
do coupon
do old 4i, ttg
do coupon
do Si,' rcc
do coupon
n. of r 3. 63a
N. J. C. B. t...
No. Paclflo 3s
do 4s
N V O A St L 4s
N. A W. pnn i
Ore, Nav. Is ,
lo 4a
O. S. L. 6a
do con. 3s
Rcadlnc D,n.
Atcli. gen. Is
. ii
It. O. V. Is ,
St I. A 1 M c. 5a.,
St L A 8 F b. s.,
do ailj. 4a
Canada So, 2a ,
Chen. A Ohio 4Ws.
do (a
C. A N. W. c. 7a..
do B. V. A. 3a, ,.
ChlraKo Ter. 4a....
Coin. So, 4s
D. A It. G. 4b
Erlo general 4s
P. W. A D. C. la.
Oen. Electric 5s...
Ia. Central Is
U A N. unl. 4s...,
St.. K. AT. 2s
do 4s
.'.OtVi St. Paul consols.,
St. P. C. A P. la
do 3s
So. Pacific 4 ,
So. Railway 6a
8. R. A T. 6d
T. A P. la
, W'14
. 8)
. sou
, 87
, 9s
do 2a
Union Paclflo 4a..,
Wabash la
do 2s
Wtst Shnr
Wis. Central s,.
lVa. Centuries
Rnaton Ntocka nnd Honda.
ROSTON, June 26. Call loans, 3I3V4 per
cent; time loans, 3HQ4j per cent, Oitlclal
A.. T. A S. P
do pfd
Amer. Sugar
do pfd
Am. Telephone
Iloiton A Albany,,,
Roiton Elevated ..
Hoston A Me ,
C 11. & Q
Dominion Coal
do pfd ,
U. S. Steel
do -pfd
Mex. Central
N. E. G. A C
Old Colony ,
Old Dominion
Union Pacltlo
Union Land
West End
West. Electric ...
ning. Mln. Co....
Amnl. Conner ....
,. 3
,. 93
,. CO 4
,. 20
,. 23
,. 8
,. 2?
,. 161,
,. 23
. i
i. 61H
,. 7
,. 63
Calumet A Recta.
Osceola ,,,,,
Parrot ,,,,,
Santa Fe Conner..
Utah Mining
flank Clenrlnice.
OMAHA-Juno 26.-CIearinss. JSS3.750; cor
responding day last year, 31, 132,143; de
crease. S24S.399.
ST. LOUIS. Juno 26.-Clearlngs, J7.787.123;
balances1. $1,353,727; money, 5ft7 per cent;
New York exchange, 15c discount bid, par
CINCINNATI, June 26.-Clearlngs, 2,9S5,.
850; New York exchange ot par; money, 3V4
06 per cent.
PHILADELPHIA, June 26-Clearlngs,
$16,105,303: balances, 12,155,301.
BALTIMORE. June 26.-Clearlng, $4,405,
189: balances. $326,629.
NEW YORK, June 26.-ClcarIng, $239,
482.154; balances, $11,581,850.
CHICAGO, June 26.-Clcarlngs, $22,664,910;
balances, $1,522,990; posted exchange, $4.S6Vi
for sixty days, $4.89 on demand; New York
exchange. 15c premium. .
ROSTON, Juno 26.-Clearings, $23,447,7tf;
balances, $1,619,794.
London Slock Quolnllotin,
LONDON, June 26.-4 p, m.-Closing!
Consols, money ,
do pfd
Canadian Pacific
St. Paul ..........
Illinois Central ..
N, V. Central...
,.. 3
,.. 9?4
,.. 8-'4
. M'i
.. 41
do 1st pfd
, 7714
, 23
, 99
No. Paclflflc
Orand Trunk
Anaconda ,,.
Hand Mines
V. S. Stfel..
do pfd....
RAR SILVER-2UI2 6-16d per oz.
MONEY 2V4 per cent. The rato of dis
count In the open market fy short bills Is
2HJi2 11-16 per cent; for three months' bills,
Xcr York MlnlnK Stocks.
NEW YORK, June 26.-The following ard
the closing quotations on mining stocks:
Adams Con IS .Little Chief ........ 11
Alice 41 Ontario ..1......SI;
Ilrecce ...1G0 ophlr . 'J
Ilrtinswlck Con,,... is ,1'hoenlx 1J
Comstock Tun 314 Potosl ;
Con. Cal. A Va 210
Deartwood Terra . 53
Horn Silver ir,
Iron Sllxer 69
Lradvllle Con I
Hlerru Nevada i"
Small Hopes 45
Standard S6S
Sloek IliFlmnge tja Open.
NEW YORK, Juno 26.-TI10 governors of
Hie Stock exchange have voted not to oloso
the exchango on July 5 and 6.
Cotton Mnrkct.
NEW YORK, June 26.-COTTON-KolloW-lug
the decline In the new crop options of
vesicruay. uuium huiu nmt-i
The opening was steady, with prices down
" in 1 imintH under illannnolntlnz cables and
hick of wet weather In tho southwest. After
the call the market turned weak, following
a further decline in Liverpool nnd 11 severe
break In Now Orleans prices. The early dc
cllno carried August off to ".'lie; October,
7.49c, nnd January, 7.43c. In the afternoon
there was a further decline to 7.74c for Au
iMif T.Wi- for October and 7.43u for January.
Trading was active and pit operators were
at times excited. The last half witnessed a
heavy spurt or room liquidation ana selling
for southern account, under which prices
again gave way. Spot closed dull and l-16c
lower; middling uplands, 8?ic: middling
gulf. 9ij,c: sales, none.
fair demand and l-32d lower; American
middling, fair, 5 9-32d; good middling, 61-32d;
middling. 4 25-32d; low middling, 4 9-16d;
good ordinary, Ili-IRd; ordinary. 4 l-16d. Tho
sales of tho dav wero 10,000 bales, of which
WO wero for speculation and export and In
cluded 8,100 American.
quiet; sales, 1,700 bales; ordinary,
513-I6c; good ordinary, Cic; low middling,
7 7-16c; middling, 8 5-16C, good middling,
813-16c; middling fair, 9 M6c, nominal; re
ceipts, 7,661 bales; stock, 120,833 baleM.
ST. LOUIS, Juno 26.-COTTON-l-16c
lower and steady at the decline; middling,
SUc; sales, 93T bales; receipts, 2,033 bales;
shipments, 2,920 bales; stock, 66.370 bale.
at s;"-16c.
Wool Mnrkct.
ST. LOUIS, June 26. WOOI-Stcady to
llrm, particularly strong on better grades,
which are In demand; medium grades, lilt
17c; light fine, llllc; henvy flne, 9lllc; tub
washed, 16g24c.
BOSTON. June, 26. WOOL The American
Wool and Cotton Roportcr will say tomor
row of tho wool trade: The market con
tinues to improvo slowly but surely. Some
of tho now wools bought in eastern Oregon
will cost 4c clean. The sales of tho week
In Boston amounted to 3,100,000 pounds
domestic and 275,000 foreign, making a totnl
of 3,375,000 pounds, ngalnst 3,392,000 tho pre
vious week and 3,932,000 for tho correspond
ing week Inst year. The sales since Jan
uary 1 amount to 104,774,900 pounds, against
67,63,100 for the corresponding time last
year. Tho receipts of wool In Boston this
week amount to 21,010 bales, against 19,792
last week und 14,838 last year. 1 The total
receipts since January 1 have been 228,022
bales domestic and 76.813 bales of foreign,
ngalnst 142.852 domestic nnd 100.927 foreign
for tho corrcspondlngporlod of 19iio. This Is
nn Incrcaso of 85,170 bales domestic and a
decrease of 24,084 foreign. Shipments ot
wool for the week ending Juno 24 wero
4,599,330 pounds. This shows an Increase of
662,828 pounds over 'the' shipments of 3,936,
602 pounds for tho 'previous week. Since
January 10 tho toV.l; shipments amount to
117.952,945 pounds. '
' CofTecl,.)jWrket.
NEW YORK, Jane '26. COFFEE-Spot,
Rio, quiet; No. 7' Ittvntcc, 6c; Cordova, 8!4
1214c. A lower opening In the local market
later gave wny to'An advarice. with senti
ment at the close quite bullish as to the
nearby futures. The market opened steady,
with prices 5 points lower In sympathy with
heaviness In European markets .and large
receipts in tho crop' country. Thero was
very little offered and before midday some
options wero 5 points, higher, having stif
fened on room nnd foreign light buying,
Tho Into, session showed a tolerably llrm
tone. The close was steady, with prices
net unchanged to 5 higher. Total sales
wen 28,750 bags. Including: July, 6.0&S5.15c:
September. 5.25(!5.30c; October. 6.30c; No
vember. 5.35c: December, 6.55c; March, 6.65c;
May, o.7&35,80c.
Hngnr Mnrkct.
tlrm; fair refining, 3 9-lCc: centrifugal, 9
test. 4 7-32c; retlned llrm; No. 6, 4.95c; No. 8.
4.75c; No. 9, 4.70c; No.tlO, 4.65c; No. 11, 4.60c;
No. 12, 4.55c; No. 13, 4.55c; No. 14, 4.50c;
standard A, 5.30c! confectioners' A, 6.30c;
mould A, 5.85c; cut loaf. 0.00c; crushed, 6.00c;
powdered, 5.60c; granulated, 5.60c; cubes,
Qulot; open kettle, 3 3-lftfiftc: open kettle,
centrifugal, 3TMS4ic; centrifugal yellow,
4l,il 9-16c; seconds, 2?;s$lc; molasses, dull;
centrifugal, 715c.
4)11 nnd Iloaln.
NEW YORK. June 26.-OILS-Flrm;
crude, nomlnnl. Petroleum, dull. Rosin,
stendy. Turpentine, quiet.
SAVANNAH. Juno 26.-OII,8-SplrltB tur
pentine, llrm at 34c. Rosin, firm nnd un
changed. LONDON, June 26.-OILS-CaIcutta lin
seed, spot, 51s 9d. Turpentine spirits, 26s
OIL CITY, June 26.-OILS-Credlt bnl
ances, $1.05; certificates, no bids; ship
ments, 70.865 bbls.; average, 89,875 bbl3.;
runs, 113,442 bbls.; average, 83,410 bbls.
Dry (Jnods Mnrkct.
NEW YORK, Juno 26.--Tliere has been no
further chnngo In tho market for brown
cottons; the tone continues strong, with
more buyers than sellers. Bleached goods
llrm, with fair demand; wide sheetings
show an advanced tendency; denims, ticks
nnd other coarse-colored cottons llrm; print
cloths, quieter but firm; prints In stendy de
mand; men's wear woolens nnd worsted,
scarce In plain goods; dress goods quiet.
Young Asahnicn Command .Inly 1.
SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 26,-Gcneral
Samuel B. Young, who Is to succeed Major
Oeneral Shatter In' tho command of tho
Department of California, has arrived In
this city from the east, accompanied by hlsj
daughter. Ho will assume command July
1 and will then take up his residence at
Black Tolnt, occupying tho residence where
General Shaffer has so long been living.
General Young sayB thero will be no
change In the personnel of tho department
at present with the exception of aides, who
form the personal staff of tho genernl.
General Young will have for his aides Cap
tnln H. P. Hownrd, Thirteenth cnvalry;
Captain W, R. Smedberg. late' of tho
Fourth cavalry, and Lieutenant Jnmes F.
McKlnley of the Sixth cavalry. Lieutenant
McKlnley Is a nephew of the president.
Ynlc Ouramcn In (Jood Trim,
GALES FERRY. Conn.. Juno 26.-Ynle'i
oarsmen who will figure In tomorrow's
races were In -the best of spirits today.
The coaches declare all tho men physlcnhy
tit, the Htaleness which followed the
strenuous effort of the four-mile race
ngalnst time last week having passej
away. All the 'varsity men look well and
their action in the big boat has steadily
Improved during the week. The practice
of the morning was mainly 11 llmbcrliu
process, consisting of a few racing stnrts
only for each of the crews. The freshmen
pulled their usual , strong stroke with Miller
at bow, where he will undoubtedly row In
the race,
Heperr Snlls for Enrope,
NEW YORK, June 26.-Senator Chauncey
M. Depew sailed for Europe today. He
said ho expected to return In time to take
part In the New York mayoralty campaign
In the fall.
Jollel IMnnt Cloaca.
JOLIET. III., Juno 2S. A strike of ma
chinists at the Bates Machine company's
works here resulted in the closing of the
entire plant. Two hundred nnd fifty nre
nut. Attempts at settlement have proved
I.eblKh Valley Men Go Out.
PITT8TON, Pa., June 26. Two hundred
machinists are on strike at the Coxtnn
yards of the Lehigh Valley Railroad com
pany. Pickets from the strikers' ranks
patrol the ahopi.
0h!c Ef CattU Abont Steady, but Othin
Blow to Ttn Otmti Lowtr.
llcninml for Sheep nnd I.nniba Knthcr
LlKht nnd Mnrkct Wim Slow nnd
About Ten Cents Lower, Ex
cept un Some Lntnba.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hog.-, Sheep.
Otncial Mummy 2,112 2,101 1,J
Ulitclal 'luesuay 3,137 V,16-J 2,Ml
uiiicml euuesdny 2,1ns 'j.osJ 2,i-2
Tlrco duys this week.. 8,77 19,097 7,266
Same days last week.... t,456 21,L6 9,lf
&amo WtcK betore k.lii 2o,lW MlO
Same three weeks ago.. 8,3s 2j,u16 e.'M
siimu tour weeks ngu...,ll,svi a'J.iii 'J.t3
same duys last,656 30,202 s,4u4
Averuge prlcu pa.d for hogs ut Soutn
MmhN tw ....-I . . . . .1 1. ... -
mc J'tlOl scvtitu uttyH wiui cum
1901. 190U.1S9J.U93.1!97.1J96.1'9.
.1 uild
t uiie
I 6 iU I
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4 Kit
4 K!
4 111 I
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3 221 3 10)
3 1( 3 Wl
1 M. l In)
4 44
4 4u
3 15 3 02;
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f, in
3 711 3 80
3 69 3 611
3 Sol 3 ":'
3 63) 3 721
3 62 3 bi
1 3 Ui
3 63 - I
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5 13
3 15
4 37
r. cm:
3 21
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3 01
4 40
3 02i
" -' I M "-I
3 26 3 W;
3 2JI 2 97(
3 151 - 1
4 40
r. 'i'ii-,
5 171
4 46
. 1
I 5 92Vi
S 1U
4 b2
Indicator Sunday.
. Tho. ofllclal number of cars of stock
uruuglit 111 today by each road was:
u., .M. & si. i'. uy 1 o
O. & St. L. Ry 3 3 2
Missouri Paclllu Ry 13 1
Union Pacific system.... 24 31 4
C. St N. W. Ry 3 2
F E. & M. V. R. R 3S 40 3
C St. P., M. & O. Ry... 11 10
B. & M. R. R. R 23 28 4
C, B. & Q. Ry 1 S
K. C. Ac St. J 10 1
C, R. I. & P., cost 9
C. R. I. P., west 2 1
Illinois Central 11..
Total receipts 128 138 11 45
Tho disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, cacn uuycr purcnasing tne num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 452 1.862 132
Swift and Company 763 2,242
Cudnhy Packing Co 752 1.561 "21
Armour & Co 330 3,161 601
Omaha Pack. Co., K. C... 81
Swift and Co., country.... 299 ....
R. Becker & Dcgnn 329 ....
Lobman & Co 2 ....
Ldvlngstone & Schallcr.... 69 ....
H. L. Dennis & Co 4
Wolf & Murncn 5 ....
Other buyers 48 ....
Totals 2,857 8,826 l,6.n
, CATTLE There was a fair run of cattle
nore today and tne mnrkct was slow nnd
lower under the Influence of unfavorable
reports from other nolnts. Chlcaeo re
ported nil but the best about a dime lower
and outer markets reported a similar de
cline, so that packers here succeeded In
pounding down values to a greater or less
Packers seemed to want tho cattle that
wero offered, and the good to cholco kinds
did not sell so much different from yester
day. In some cases salts were made that
looked steady, while others wero undoubt
edly a shade lower. Tho medium grades
nnd common stuff sold unevenly lower,
though 6c'or 10c would about cover the
neenne in nearly an cases, as comparer
with last Friday choice grades are steady
to a dime lower, and medium grades' will
average about 16c lower. As ' compared
with the hlch time cholco cattle are very
close to steady, and certainly not over a
dime lower, out the medium to common
kinds aro 231) 33c lower, and In some casea
Until today tho cow market has held up
In good shapo this week, but buyers suc
ceeded in pounding down values consid
erably today. The choicest bunches wero
not so much lower, but anything but the
very best could be quoted 10(fi5c lower.
Sellers did not llko. to take off to that
extent, and ns a result It was n slow,
draggy market from start to finish.
Cholco heavyweight tuills were clcse to
steady, but common kinds were slow nnd
lower. Veal cnlvcs did not show mucn
change and stags were weak to a dime
There were only a few stockers and feed
ers In the yards, and anything at all de
sirable sold In practically yesterday's
notches. Representative sales:
No Av. I'r. No Av. Tr.
1 770 3 33 40 1203 5 :0
Z 820 3 75 19 1233 5 20
1 1060 4 23 21 1230 i :s
1 1040 4 25 1 1130 6 23
3 S7S 4 40 20 1226 3 25
2 m 4 fO 26 1234 S 15
1 930 4 CO 40 1067 5 TO
:0 (25 4 60 37.... 1168 5 33
1 1160 4 K, 96 1271 5 35
2 10) 4 IS 31 1345 S 33
33 1001 4 ',0 13 1042 6 31
21 1010 4 (0 27 1136 6 4-1
SO 1133 4 S) 22 1241 5 43
3 m 4 'J SO 1437 5 IS
1 , 870 S CO 22 117 3 43
14 10S5 6 00 12 1266 3 M
18 1043 5 00 41 1290 3 HO
3 1303 5 CO S3 137s 5 :0
16 1073 5 00 21,,,., 1325 5 ',0
23 965 6 00 7 1375 i to
10 793 5 CO 91 1J11 5 33
7 1023 5 0', 18 1238 i 35
36 1150 5 lb 13 1308 5 60
1S... 933 i K 31 1441 5 0
22...., 1083 5 03 CO 1394 5 C)
19....! 1108 5 05 33 1253 5 (O
20 1003 6 10 40 1300 3 CO
36 897 6 10 31 1329 3 60
14 1233 5 10 32 1283 5 60
21 1148 S !5 19 123 5 63
87 (93 4 40 67 1036 4 70
24 813 4 IS 22 10.(5 5 '.0
4 967 4 63 16 1186 S 35
35 1123 3 10
77 1111 5 03
1 840 2 00 1 970 3 $3
1 870 2 '.'o 1 965 3 S3
1 90i) 2 35 2 1240 3 90
18 830 2 O 3 1063 3 90
2 1105 2 10 6 1116 3 10
1 810 2 '0 1 960 4 00
1 10S0 2 to 1 1100 4 (0
3 10.V) 2 ',5 1 10SO 4 uO
1 810 2 75 4 10O7 4 CO
1 940 3 75 2 875 4 tO
1 830 2 T5 4 1102 4 O)
1 1020 2 83 S 1300 4 03
1 109) 2 () 2 1030 4 03
1 960 3 CO 41 831 4 20
1 620 3 00 1 1000 4 20
3 1330 3 '5 20... 951 4 20
2,.,., 1010 3 23 5.. 1182 4 20
14 896 3 35 3 983 4 23
2, 9S0 3 25 4 3C0 4 25
1 1010 '3 40 2 1040 4 23
l...,........104u 3 10 1 110) 4 23
1 1100 3 50 2 1115 4 25
2 PX 3 TO 16 10C0 4 35
1 650 3 50 2 920 4 40
3 11C0 3 53 6 1041 4 '-)
3 tt 3 3 8 1207 4 SO
5 1066 3 a 1 1294 4 f5
14 945 3 M 8 932 4 75
6 882 3 10 5 922 3 M
5 696 3 ', 14 994 4 10
9 995 3 75
3 1060 4f)
1 770 3 30 21 6(9 4 TCl
1 550 3 73 1 1120 4 40
1 900 2 75 1 1190 3 70
1 960 3 CO 1 1460 3 73
1 1410 3 CO 1 1630 3 30
1 1000 3 10 1 1340 4 00
1 956 3 15 1 1410 4 00
1,.., 1330 3 75 1 1300 4 10
1 1380 3 15 1 100) 4 IS
1 1130 3 10 1 2000 4 25
1 1120 3 40
1 810 1 Ci l 690 3 10
1,,., 540 3 0 1 770 3 10
1 110) 2 70 1 , 10) 3 10
I , 980 3 83 1 840 3 25
1 350 3 00 1 , 710 3 75
730 3 00 2 315 3 50
1 370 4 23 2 130 5 7t
1 80 4 30 3 Ut U
1 ID S'0 3 Its V)
3 176 3 75 1 140 ( fO
333 3 00 10 811 4 M
1 820 S fO 4 817 4 20
1 81 3 CO 1 t 4 20
11 820 3 M 10 4 4 35
1 CM 3 tO 12 810 4 40
3 cows , $62 60
HOGS Thre was a fairly liberal run of
boss here todnV. ntul nn nilvlees from
other pclnts were unfavorable to the sell
ing interests, packers started n here bid
ding a nickel lower or S'dlUc lower thnn
yesterday. In other words, they took off
neuriy nn mey put on yesteruay. in mo
morning packets went around and picked
up the bottom grades at $o.92V4 and JS.9.",
top $6.02li. The mnrkct was not particularly
active owing to the fact that sellers did
not like to take ore that much. The feel.
inn, noHcvcr. 11111 noi improve ns me morn
ing advanced and that was about the way
the bulk of the sales went. Lnter on Hi
the day packers did not Want to pay over
$3.92ty for the general run of hogs and for
tne ugnier weights they wero bidding
Tho close of the market was very slow
anil weak and It took good hogs on the
last end to bring over S.!io. Representative
I'r. No. Av. Ph. IT.
5 85 71 203 120 5 92'4
3 60 23) 120 6 9J),
5 87i, IS 211 v) J mi,
3 87,i 63. ....... 211 ... 5 92',
S) 72 2J1 ... 6 92k
3 90 77 211 ... J M'4
6 JO 69 228 160 5
5 1") 72 UO 40 5 f2't
5 90 61 220 160 6 92!,
6 "0 77 214 120 5 W,
5 90 63 242 ,,, 5 91',i
5 :0 66 228 40 5
3 90 60 339 ,,, 6 92'i
5 90 63 239 ,,, ( 9J'
3 90 64 222 ... 5 92!,
3 90 65 213 240 5
3 Ol'.i 63 233 ... 5 924j
5 914 60 2.11 ... I 92!fc
5 92 61 233 ... 6 914
3 (24 63 277 80 5 924
6 W4 58 334 tO 5 93
5 92 4 37 243 (0 I SI
3 914 79 238 ,,, 5 M
5 924 63 239 ... 6 95
5 JJ4 85 215 80 6 95
5VJ4 67 228 ... 6 93
b 9.'4 61 243 80 3 93
3 92 4 81 231 80 6 93
6 J4 37 263 10 5 03
5 924 CI 274 80 6 95
5 924 S 246 80 5 93
6 94 60 233 200 & 93
5 924 C8 232 ... 5 9)
6 924 C 211 ICO 5 93
6 924 67 300 ... 5 93
6 924 66 252 ... 6 93
6 924 67 250 4 ) 5 93
3 92 4 92 J.-.7 ... 5 95
5 C2 4 72 2.16 160 6 95
5 924 62 2X3 80 R 93
6 024 16 247 30 6 93
6 924 60 219 160 5 95
6 924 71 2i2 ... 5 9j
3 924 C) 243 ... 3 93
3 914 73 211 ... 5 95
5 l'4 68 229 120 5 95
3 .)2i 61 2.V) ... 5 93
3 924 CI 277 80 . 93
3 924 80 211 120 5 95
5 924 72 2S5 160 3 93
5 934 C5 262 .,. 3 93
6 92 4 78 270 80 5 93
6 924 CI 261 ... 5 15
6 P.1 4 73 232 ... '3 93
6 424 73 233 240 6 95
6 934 62 277 ... 3 93
6 924 61 212 80 5 33
S J24 C8 240 ... 6 93
5 32 4 70 230 80 5 93
6 !;,j 68 246 80 5 93
6 924 63 24S 80 6 93
6.'4 72 276 ... 5 93
5 024 69 278 160 6 97 4
6 69 2S6 80 6 974
5 92', 73 235 ... 6 914
6 924 49., 281 ... 5 974
5 924 67 283 ... 6 0)
6 924 59 256 tO S 034
79 206
92 IS!
61 179
67 203
67 12S
81 191
46 33)
ft Ml
63 223
Kt 22S
87 213
78.., 232
80 200
74., 224
88., 220
60 235
7i 223
41 229
90... . ..193
42 212
60 232
(3 242
63 268
76 241
72 222
73 222
42 245
71 234
65. ,..,...229
83 241
141 248
73 212
77 211
72 224
63 2i7
76 241
72 223
47 2M
68. '. 237
67 221
72 ..245
69 '..230
37 226
76 205
13 214
74 233
6 924
SHEEP There was not whnt mlcbt he
called a heavy run of sheep hero today, but
iminrrs uiu tower irom tne start, anu ns a
result they succeeded In getting their sup
plies for less money. Sellers" wero slow
about cutting loose at lower prices, but
they finally took off about a dime. Tho
western grass wethers that sold yesterday
for IA26 brought 13.15 today and other sales
were made that also looked Just about a
dlmo lower. Lambs did not show so much
change from yesterday, though the mar
ket waa slow. A string sold at 11.66 which
looked Just about steody with yesterday.
Quotations: Choice clipped wethers. $3.01
Si 3. 75: fair to COOd rlllinerl unlhrrj It MM
3.65; choice clipped owes, S3.00JT3.25; fair to
kuuu cmipcu ewes. -iohj.uu; cnoice wooieo;
Iambs. Il.75n0.00: fair to cood lambs $1 MID
4.75; choice clipped lambs, J4.40O4.60; fair to
f ood clipped lambs. $4,2534.40; spring lambs,
4 50&5.25; feeder wethers, J2.75'3.00; feeder
lamus, w..;i'a iicpreccntuiive saics:
172 western lambs
... 67
. SO
. 72
. 97
. 51
. 93
4 60
2 37ft
2 37Vi
3 15
6 20
3 37,4
6 western eweB
8S western ewes
610 Wyoming, grass wethers
132 spring lambs
438 Montana fed wethers....,
Choice Steera Stendy lloga Close
Stronn Lnnilta Hotter.
CHICAGO. Juno 26. CATTLE Receipts.
20.000 head, lncludinz 800 Tcxans: cholco
steers steady, others weak; butchers, Block
ers anu Texans steaay; rnncy steers,;
Sood to prime steers, $5,407(6.40; poor to me
lum, $4.35(5.30; stockers and feeders, $2.90ft
4.80; cows nnd heifers, $2.7S3.15; dinners,
$2.0002.75; bulls, $2.90fH.0; calves, $1.30410.60;
Texas fed steers. $4.2ofi'3.40; bulls, $3,404(4.10.
HOGS Receipts today, 30,000 ncaii; tomor
row. 25.000 head, estimated: left over, s.ow)
head; market opened weak, closing strong;
mixed end butchers. $j.8o6.20: good to
choice heavy, $6.00c"6.23; rough heavy, $5.S3(ij
5.t5: light. 3.9iKfi0.1f,'A: hulk of sales. $6.00
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 15.000
head: hteadv to slow: snrlnc lambs
stronger; good to choice wethers. $3,9011,25;
fair to choice mixed. $3.60ifl.00: western
sheep, $4.00fl-!.2o: yearlings, $1.0081.60; native
lambs, $(.Oyy5.15; western lambs, $1.5053.15.
Knnsna C'ltr Live StocU Market.
eelnts. 6.500 nntlves. 2.000 Texans. 600 calves;
native beef steers, steady to 10c lower; com
mon cattle, lurrioc nigncr; cnoice nnuvo
steers, $5,405(5.9'); fair to good, $l,95fJ5.33;
stockers and feeders, $3.30jH.73: western fed
steers, $4.75f 5.7o; Texans and Indans, $l.20ft
5.40; Texas grass steers. $2.20Q4.O0; cows,(
2.85JH.50; heifers, $3.60'U'3.40; canners, $2.O05j'
:.75; hulls. $3.004.75; calves, $3.60173.00.
HOGS Receipts. 14.000 head: market 5c
lower: ton. 6.12V.: bulk. S5.90iii4S.10: heavy.
$6.00fifl.l2V4; mixed puckers, $5.WV4fl6-10; light,
$5."u'fl6.00; pigs, $5,601(5.70.
tttiui-Ji' a Nil iAiMiis iteceipts, ,ow
4irirl innrlrAl fAnArnllv etjir1w wentnrll
lambs, $4,601(5.25, including Arlzonas ut $5; i
western wethers. S3.5lMH.uo: western year
lings, $4.004.73: owes, $3,251(3.75: culls, $2.00
3.00; Texas grass sheep, $3.231('3.90.
Nerr York Live Stock Mnrket.
celpts, 2,766 head; cholco steers, tlrm: others
steady, but common slow; bulls ond cows,
steady to snune lower; steers, jd.uuthj.w;
oxen, $3.73; bulls, $3.0Off(J.90; cows, $2.25'g3.80.
Cables, unchnnged; shipments, 4,260 quar
ters of beef. .
HALVES RecelDts. 6.214 'head: markot
opened 2W5o lower; closed fully 25c off nil
around: veals. $6.25U6.30.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,612
head; good sheep, firmer: others steady;
lambs opened strong for all grndes, quality
considered; under grades closed slow and
easier; sheep, $3.0084.00; few extra, $4.50;
lambs, $4.75Q6.25; mainly, $5.6013.25; culls,
$3.62 WH00.
HOGS Receipts, 4,500 head; firm at $0.3714
St. Lonla Live Stock Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS. June. 26.-CATTLE-Rcce!pts.
2,900 hend, Including 700 Texans; market
steady for Texans, 10a lower for natives;
native shipping and export steers, $4.0S'S
6.00: dressed beef nnd steers, $4,751(6.55:
steers under 1,000 lbs., $3,6015.00; stockers
and feeders, $2.7&K i.uo; cows nnu neiiers,
$2.O0fcl.70; canners, $1,251(2.65; bulls, $3.25K
4.25; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3,4016.00;
cows and heifers, $2,6011.20.
HOGS Receipts, 7.3W neaa: market b'aic
lower; pigs and lights, $5.906.05; packers,
$6.10116.13; butchers, $6,101(0.20.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,600
head: market steady; native muttons, $3.50
04.00; lambs, $4. 6015.60; culls nnd bucks,
$.,5014.25; stockers, $2,6013.00.
Sioux City Live Stoek .Mnrket.
RintlX CITY. Juno 26.-(Sneclsl Tele-
gram.)-CATTLE-Recelpts, 600 head; mar
ket slow and weak: beeves, $5,0015.65; cows
and bulls mixed, $2,6054.23; stockers and
feeders, W.4Ui,2j caives nnti ycuriuiK".
3i1l'4.0- m . ,
tlUUb-iteceipis, z.tiuu nrau. .isnu iuvvui,
illlng $5.80lf5.9u; bulk. $5.8515.90.
St. Joaepli Live Slonk Mnrket.
bt .inSKPH. June 26. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 2,200 head: market on best steady to
Kt. !' others (Yii:,c. lower: natives. $4.76
Q6.10; cows and heifers, $2,751)4.90; bulls and
ti puumt Mllelted. CorrMpoaitanca lalta. Dallr and pol Tnrlit Tttiiraull4oa ihuml
rnvaia wire la all Ietel fulala Kaet e4 Wb
stags, 3.008i3.10: stockers and feeders, M.75
4f-t.ti.i; vents, !4.V3U.50.
Hoas-Rccelpts, 12,562 head: market
mostly 5c lower; lights, Jo.901i6.05; medium
and heavy, J5.93JI6.h; pigs, ll.00ijo.00i bulk,
SIIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head;
market stendy; lnmhs, mostly 6c lilgherj
top, 13.00.
Stuck In Slulit.
Tho following tnblo shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at the four principal
live siock niariieis junr
South Omaha
Chicago ......
Kansas City .
, s,rx)
, 2.900
31,318 6),7f!3 23,02:
President of Cnlnrndo Kuel 4'onipiiiiy
iKiiornttt of Atlnntlo Trust
Coniimti)'' (irlrvnner.
NEW YORK, Juno 26. Subpocnaes wcto
served this afternoon on John C. Osgood,
president of tho Oolortulo Fuel nnd Iron
company, In two suits brought by the Atlan
tic Trust company. There was no complaint
filed In cither Bull as both are suits nt law. In
one suit tho dnmngea nre placed nt $100,000
and In tho other $225,000. At the ofllce ot
counsel for tho Atlantic Trust company nil
Information wns refused, counsel saying
thnt It wns a suit In which only the par
ties concerned had nny Interest nnd that
tho public was not concerned In any way,
Mr. Osgood said ho did not know whnt
the suits wore nbout nnd tho only surmise
ho could mnko was that they were suits
growing out of tho liquidation of tho White
Bre.m Fuel company of Colorado, of which
the Atlantic Trust company was a mortgage
trustee, and In which Mr. Osgood tald ho
was Interested.
Aajroe Upon Wskf Srnle.
CLEVELAND, Juno 26. As tho result of a
conferenco between the American Tin Plato
company nnd representatives of the Ameri
can Tin Workers' Protective msoclntloti,
which has been In session here for several
days, a wngo scnlo has finally been agreed
upon nnd signed by tho conferees. It is
understood tho now scale gives tho work
men nn advance of about 7 per cent. Tho
men asked for a 10 per cent Increase. Tho
new scale will affect about 30,000 worltmcn
nnd will go Into effect July 1.
Ilmtka I'ny Debit Ilnlnnren.
NEW YORK. June M.-Edwnrd R.
Thomns, the newly elected president of the
Seventh National bank, took chargo of the
Institution today. w am N. KlmlKili.
who retired from tho presidency of tho
bank, will remain on tho bank's direc
torate and will continue to tako an acuvo
Interest In Its affairs.
At 11:30 It was announced that all tho
banks havlmr debit balances at tho clear
ing houso paid them today.
More IlcBtlliiK Men Strike. ,
READING. Pn,. June 26.-TI.lrti' addi
tional Readlnir railway shopmen struck:
today, while six endeavored to return to
work, but wero refused employment. Dur
ing tho day at the various meetings' of tho,
unions represented In the company's syr
tom the men wero counseled lo remain
nwny from company property nnd obscrvo
tempcrnto habits. It is said that the com
pnny, In anticipation of trouble with thn
trainmen, hnn placed extra men on many
of tho trains.
Ilryfin Leaves Watertovrn.
WATERTOWN. N. Y.. Juno 26. W. J.
Bryan left hore early today' for Clnyton.
meeting .Mrs. urynn una rnmny on nonrii
the steamer at tho point and with them
going down the St. Lawrence river to
Quebec. " .
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tues
day, june 2o, isoi:
Warranty Deeds.
K. K. Henderson to F. W. Carmlchael, .
block 21, Halcyon Heights $ . 1
G. E. Avery and wife to same, block
19, same .....,.......i.r..i.T..i.,.n....r- 1,075
A. M, Goodrich to J. A. Gibson, a 35
foot lot 44, and n 25 feet lot 45, block
8, Hanscom Placo , 4,200
J. J. Hyrne to'Jnmes May, lot 12, block
1, Hoppes Bonanza sub,. 130
C. V. Gnrrigan ot at to M. A. Wind,
lot 4, block 4, William Hagedorn's ad. 78
E. R. Richardson and husband to
snme; same, and middlo 1-3 of sV4 tax
lot 2, In 12-14-12 200
E. M. Coyle and husband et al to W.
A. DcBord, middlo 1-3 of sV4 tax lot
2, In 12-11-12 r.
E. Vandergrlft to W. E. McDonnell,
lot 6, block "B," Lowe's add ',
S. A. Blaydcs ot nl to W. A. DeBord,
middle 1-3 of bV4 tax lot 2, In 12-11-12.
Christ Brucgger nnd wife to B. P.
Sweeney, lot 3, block 1, Cottage park.
J. C. Bernard nnd wife to I. A. Ed-
wnrds. nV4 lot 16. Nelson's add..
Samo to AV. D. Edwards, ai lot 16,
A. F. Sterzbach and wife to C. E.
Mntthews, lot 5, and sVj lot 4, block
254, South Omaha , 1,00
Quit Clnlin need.
M. E. Bowman and husband'to E. W.
Homnn. lots 1 and 2, block 113, Dun
dee Placo , x
Emll Johnson and wlfo to Mnrblo Sav
ings bnnk, lot 9, Wilson's add. to
Kountzo Placo 5
Sheriff to Christ Schludler. lot 43,
Windsor Place extension; nr 60 feet
of w 35 feet lot 6, Hnrtman add IU
Totnl amount of transfers
INSTRUMENTS field for record Wednes
day, Juno 26, 1901:
Warranty Deeds,
N. G. Hanson nnd wlfo to Mary Cha
dpnlcc, 8 44Vi of w 155 feet lot 20,
block 16, Improvement Association
add $ i,5to
Frank Spangenberg nnd wife to Julius
Miller, n 35 feet of w 144U feet lot
9, block 13, Improvement Association
add ,, !ijo
L. C. Hnrdlng to Parkway Real Es
tate company. nV4 no se 26-16-12 und
part hw nw 25-15-12 3,!i0
Joseph Vrnna nnd wlfo to Frank
Vrnnu, n',4 lot 6. block 258, Omaha,
nnd strip adjoining 1 mi)
Snrah McOavoo to C. E. Fowler, w 40
feet lots 1 and 2, block 1, Hoppes Ro
nanza add Uo
Etta Sugarman nnd husbnnd to Jumc
May, lot 11. block 1. Hotme.i Bonanza
8 8.0
Sheriff to Omaha Realty company, a
tract In se so 19-15-13.
Samo to same, lot 10, block 4, Shlnn's
Same to same, lot 3, block 11, Shlnn's
Same to Henry Colmnn, lot 2. bbek 2,
Lincoln park: lot 20. block 8. Shrlver
Place: undivided 1-11 lot 4 of tax lot
3, and sub lot 1 In tax lot 3 In 6-16-13
Total amount of transfers. ,w.
Money Will linrn 111k Monthly Returns
Tho Investor's Fund Pays Seml-Monthly.
Tho oldest- established In America. .So
certificate-holder over lost a cent. Pay
ments made to all subscribers every 15
days. No trouble. No delay. Money
refunded on demand. Write today for
particulars, free to any 'address.
U. 12. MACKl'll' Jk. CO.,
Hudson llullillna;, Mere York.
TeiepHone lOStr,
Boyd Commission Co
Successors to James E. Boyd 4 Co.,
Duaid of Trad Dnlldlnw.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York,
Correspondence, John A. Wairen ft Co,