Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Dyspepsia Cure
Some people wonder why pepsin preparations don't
help their dyspepsia. They probably suffer because
they can't digest foods that pepsin does not affect.
The reason is, pepsin digests only nitrogenous foods,
while different substances are required to digest the
variety of other foo,ds necessary for proper nourishment.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure contains all the digestants, and
is capable of completely digesting every kind of food.
That is why it digests what you cat and allows you to
cat all the variety you want; and that is why it cures
indigestion, even after everything else has failed. As
it is the only preparation of the kind known, the de
mand for it has become enormous. Its use affords in-
stant relief from all forms of stomach trouble.
can't help but do vou nood
Prepared by E. 0. DeWItt tt Co., Chicago. The SI. bottlo contains SH times the SOc Ue
When you suffer from blllounncss or constipation, use tho famous llttlo liver
tills known as DoWitt's Little EARLY RISERS. They never gripe.
flier open anntlnuouiily from 8 a. tu.
to 1 p. m. Similar front
8 a. tu. to B p. ra.
(Hr. Mcttrew nt Arc flU.)
In the treatment of all fornm of nin
rcucN nml IJInorilem of Men Only. ISO
cars' experience, IB year In Oninha.
A permanent cure guaranteed In lets
than 10 days, without cutting, pain or loss
of time.
CTDIPTIIDC cured In less than 5 days
OlnlUlUnX without pain or hindrance
from business. A porfoct and permanent
cure guaranteed.
QVDUII nnJ n" Blood Diseases cured
OlrnlLIu by ii trentment which is far
more oattsfnetory and successful than
"Hot Bprlngs" treatment, and at less than
halt the coat. All breaking out and signs
of the disease disappear at onco. A cure
that Is guarantecl for life.
OWED Ofl flfin cases cured of nervous
UYtn ZUjUUU debility, loss of vitality
and MANHOOD, bashfulncss, Gleet and
all unnatural weaknesses of men.
Uure aiiitrnntceil. Caimultntlon Free.
Treatment sent everywhere free from
faze. P. O. liox 7Cfi. Olllce over 215 South
Ith street, between Farnam and Douglas
Htrects, OMAHA, NEB.
Uno IllgO for unnatural
clljclmwr", Inflammation,
Irritation! or ulcerations
of muoooi membrani.
I'alfileaa. .ni nut aaUla-
In 1 to 6 dsf,
el U trlelurav.
llHtEvAUSCHttlicuOo. tor polaonoua.
I sola oy nruggUla,
or tent In pUln wrappae.
Ir Ainr. r TiitM
jf.03. or S UoUltj, 1f&
Circular sunt on lit:.
ICnoVhHolel Victory,
'l lie world's largest Hummer Uoicl.
Put-lnBay Island, Laho Erie, O.
It fs renowned for tlie social standing of Its
patrons, for Its dimensions and magnificence,
for Its superb culsloe and admirable service,
for the lavish provljlons for amusement of Its
rueita, forlts superb Brass Hand and Orcheetra.
It Is universally ncanowledeed that 1 1 postesics
the attributes that appeal to particular people
undoubtrd luxury and comfort, and superior ap
pointments and location. To the pleasure lovlnc
uaui.iitr luunai ii nanus ior su inai i most
Open from June 20 to Sept. 15
Itatoii II M to $5,03 a i-nr, 110,60 to WJ.OO al
woo a. Cheap Itatoa for FaralllPi. 1
c j t ft , , . . 1
hiiu iui uur iinuaoic oouvenir roiuer.
Tj-.WMcCREARY, General Mnter.
I'uMn.llnr! Ohio. 72 Monroe St., Toledo, O.
All Hal ronila cntfrlrg Detroit, Mich, .Toledo.
O,, Pandnaky, O.. and Clrvela'U, O., maVo cloao
dully etcunibont oounectlona for l'ut-ln-llny, o.
Has nearly 1030 fectof veranda like the above.
A hiKli-class residential, tourlstand transient
hotel on tho lake shore. IN) outside rooms, i!!0
bath rooms. Most delightful abldlne; piaco In
Mimnicror wlnterln tho West, 10 minutes by
III. Central cp. from theatre and shopping
district of ("hlcarco. Fine-it boteloagreatlaUes
with golf, tenuis, lioatlnc, bathing ami llshlnr
teni or handsome nev Illustrated booUli
PRtlE! tOlCAL ADViOE, Wrltou.
""" all your symptom. ltouovatltiKthe
systctu Ii tho only hate and sure method of cur
lag nil Chranlo tl!caare. Dr Ka.T' Kenovatof
Is tho only perfcotsyMcm reaoraior. Freesanv
nIo tnd Iwok. Dr. 11. J. iCar, Sarutosa. N. V
3 &
1 the wabash I
' Mm It! own ralla W3miMm C
T and In he ihort- . TrMJfJfL 2
(I tiinoio 'xf&nHm! V
iu C. k CRUI, Ctt rMr m4 Tbfctt IT L0C14, ;1
ivSiat you
Tho following HOUND TRIP
RATES may Interest you. If so,
you may learn all about routes,
limit of tickets, ct cetera, at any
Burlington ticket office.
DENVER, $19.00
Until June 30. 91.1, July 1 to l.
Until June HO. "15, Julr 1 to U.
HOT SPRINGS, S.D., $18.40
Until June .HO. lai."., July 1 to l.
BUFFALO, $25,75
ThU Week.
July (, ft nml U.
DETROIT, $22.00,
July 5, O nml 7.
July (1 to 111.
July U to 111.
r July O to 13."
JULY H TO 111.
MILWAUKEE, $16 75,
July St), 'I nml U2.
1502 Farnam St.,
Telephone 250.
Burlington Station.
10th and Mason Sts.,
Telephone 128
Summer Specials
r cr 75 Buffalo and
&J return, daily.
$0050 Cincinnati and
return ?1"6a,tJU,y
$OO00 Detroit and re
turn 0W.OJuly
llomeseekers' Excursions
On salo first und third Tuesday each month.
Tourist rates on sale dally to all summer
resorts, allowing stoiiat Detroit, Niagara
Falls, BulTulo und other points. Far raten,
lako trips, Pan-American descriptive mat
ter and all Information, call at City Ticket
Oiricc, 1415 Farnam St., (Paxton Hotel
lllock) or wrlto Harry B. Moorcs, C. P. &
T. A., Omaha, Neb.
A Weak Stomach ?
Mull's Grape Tonic
strengthens the nerves of the stomach and
enables It to distribute throughout the sys
tem ail the nutrition of the food eaten. H
also has n laxative effect which Is most
MuU'h Grape Tonic to thoso suffering from
without weakening It, By reason of Its
wonderful tonic and laxative effects nnd do
llclous taste, wo cheerfully recommend
valuable, constantly cleunslng the system
weak stomuvhs and dyspepsia.
A large bottle for SA cents.
See Your Druggists.
Mull's Lightning Pain Killer relieves life
of one great burden Pain, rtub It on or
drum it, .'j cents.
Itemovea Tin. Plmplet,
Frtcklft, Moth l'atchfa.
v llaali anl 6kln !
1 1 coat, and avert
blemlah on beauty,
and deflta dftteo
tlon. It has atooj
the trst of S3
yaari. and la ao
harinltia w tita
it to tt aur
la proptrly md.
Accept no countar- or aimtlar
'name. Dr. U A.
Hayr tald to a la
dy of tht haut-toa
(a Datltntlt
"An you ladlos will use them. 1 recom
mend 'CIOUItAUD'S CKRAM- as tht least
harmful of all the Skin preparations." For
salo bv all Druggists and Fancy Qoodi
Dealers In the U. 8. and Europe.
PGnn. T. HOPKINS. I'rop'r,
17 Great Jones St., N. T.
12 iR. KAY'S
BBNOVATOR Invigorates andrnnotates the
avateoi; purines oud enriches the blood: cures
the worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache.
ilTcrandkl'Incja. 26o and $1. at druggists. Freo
Rsdrlce. sample and book.
Dr. D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y.
9 ib JWA
SnpiriiWncUnt Fowler Crilloiui Echima to
Outwit Votim.
"t'nreimonnlile nnd UnnrnMiinntile,"
UcclnrcB State Olftulnl Progress
of IrrlKnllon I'lnim (Jcn
eral Xelirnnkn ctts.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN", June 21. (Speclal.)-State Su
perintendent Fowler was asked today to
decide a novel and Important question of
law arising from a conflict of two factions
in tho rural school district In Webster
county. Tho question Is, whether an annual
meeting of the district held at 1 o'clock a.
m. Is legal. One faction on the school dis
trict held a meeting at Red Cloud at 1
o'clock this morning and elected school offi
cers and directors and levied the school
tax for the ensuing year. The meeting was
duly advertised, but on account of the un
seasonablcacss of the tlmo assigned only
thoso friendly to the leaders of the faction
were in attendance.
The proceeding was reported to Superin
tendent Fowler by long-distance telephone
this morning and he was asked for an opin
ion as to whether there was nny relief
for the outwitted clement. He replied that
If the meeting was duly advertised and
by the proper officials It probably was
legal, but later on prepared a written opin
ion modifying his decision.
"It Is my opinion that if there Is any
evidence to show that there was an at
tempt made ,to deceive tho voters as to the
tints of the meeting the courts would set
aside the meeting and declare the bus
iness transacted to bo void and Illegal," ho
said. "One o'clock In the morning Is an
unreasonable and unseasonable time for
holding an election. Elections nre usu
ally held In daytime, beginning not later
than 7 or 8 and closing not earlier than
4 and not later than 7 o'clock. The only
gtncral exception to this Is In case of
school meetings that aro held In evenings
beginning not earlier than 7 or 8."
To Consider Irrlsrntlon nill.
Congressman Ilurkett will Issue a call
for a meeting of western congressmen and
senators In Washington, D. C a few days
prior to the opening of the next session
of congress for tho purpose of considering
the Irrigation bill recently recommended
for passago by state engineers at a meet
ing In Cheyenne, Wyo. Several congress
men wrrp present at the meeting In Chey
enne and endorsed the bill and It Is believed
that It will meet with the approval of tho
confercuce to bo called by Mr. Durltett.
"To begin with this bill which we pre
pared at Cheyenne provides that all
moneys received from tho sale or disposal
of government lands In the western states
shall be set aeldo and appropriated for
the survey and construction of reservoirs
and other Irrigation works." said Stato En
gineer Dobson today. "Tho states Included
aro Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho,
Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New
Moxlco, North Dakota, Oregon, South Da
kota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.
Moneys derived from educational lands arc
of course excepted from the provision. Any
of the states- named In the bill desiring
to take advantage of tho benefits offered
shall enact a law accepting It and shall
creato the office of state engineer. This
engineer may bo authorized to make exam
inations and surveys, plans and estimates
for reservoirs and other Irrigation works
and tho law adopted by the atate must
provldo for the supervision and control
of such works.
Arid I. nml Hrolnmntlon.
"The money appropriated by the national
government wtl) go first Into what Is termed
tho 'arid land reclamation fund' and shall
be under the direction and supervision of
tho secretary of tho Interior.
"One proposition made at the meeting, not
by a stato engineer, however, called for
an appropriation by the national govern
ment of over $150,000,000. It was generally
conceded by the engineers, as well as by
the congressmen, that such a demand would
bo promptly rejected by congress. Here
tofore tho western representatives have not
only disagreed with the easterners on tho
subject of Irrigation, but they have been
unable to agrco among themselves. At the
meeting In Cheyenne there was a greater
unanimity, howover, than at any previous
meeting and we have reason to belle vo
that tho bill we drafted there will receive
favorablo and general support."
Congressman Durkett presided at the
Choyenne meeting and he was authorized to
call the conference for Washington, D. C,
prior to tho opening of congress.
Mcmhrr of Slate .N'ormnl Board.
Rev. L. P. Ludden of this city was ap
pointed by Governor Savage today as a
member of the State Normal School board,
to succeed J. E. Lamaster of Tecumseh,
whoso term has expired. This appoint
ment gives tho republicans a majority of
the board. Heretofore It has consisted of
four fusloulsts and three republicans. Par
tisan politics, however, has not been evi
dent In the recent deliberations of tho
Omaha 'Woman Appointed.
Governor Savage alno appointed Mrs, R.
S. Towno of Omaha and Mrs. W. E. Bur
lington of Lincoln as members of tho vis
iting and advisory board of the Industrial
home at Mllford, their terms to expire
April 1, 1904. Mrs. M. E. Hcmsworth of
this city was appointed temporarily a
member of the visiting and advisory board
of tho Home for the Friendless, to serve
during the absence of Mrs. D. E. Thomp
son, who is on a European tour.
Heptilillciiii Mtntc Committer.
Chairman II, C. Llndray expects a
largo attendance at the meeting of the
republican stato central committee in this
city next Thursday evening, Ho said today
that he would not be surprised If all
committeemen were present, notwithstand
ing the meeting Is held simply for the pur
posn of determining upon the time and
place for the state convention, and lo at
tend to a few matters of minor Importance.
"From what I have heard I bellevo a
majority of the committeemen favor hold
ing the -convention some time during itn
first wck In September," said Mr. Lind
say. "Some members aro urging the last
week in August, but the feeling seems to
bo general for a late convention. Any
tlmo botween the middle of August and the
middle of September would be convenient
for all purposes,"
Trli TlirniiKli llii lllack II II I a.
Govornor and Mra. Savage, Senator
Crounsc and daughters, Senator and Mrs.
Edgar of Beatrice and Mr. and Mrs. J, 11.
Ager will form a party that is to leive
tomorrow night for a week's trip through
tha lllack Hills, They will make bnof
stops at Lead City, 3pcarflsh, Dsndwoort,
Custer, Sylvan Lake and Hot Springs.
Articles of Incorporation of the McClay
Kennard company of Lincoln were recorded
In the secretary of state's office today.
The capital stock subscribed is 1.10,000 and
the Incorporators aro J. H. McClay, A. E.
Kennard, W. L. McClay. M. U. Kennard.
The company will transact commission and
Insurance business,
Tho Erlckson Social club of Erlckson,
Wheeler county, has Incorporated under the
laws of the state. The stock Is divided Into
hares of 2i cents each. The prluclcal or
ganizers are H N. Smith, Henry Nlelfcldt
and Charles Mills.
Sfiinilnliic for Xnrfolk, Aftyltim.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings this afternoon awarded a con
tract for constructing a standplpc at the
Hospital for Insane at Norfolk to Drake,
Williams & Williams of Omaha. Tho ap
propriation was 3,600 and the contract
price Is (3,440. Contract for a smokestack
at the Homo for tho Friendless In this city
was awarded to the Lincoln Steam Boiler
works. The prlco for tho latter Is $122.50.
Matters relating to the purchasing of stato
fair grounds and reconstruction of the pen
itentiary were deferred until tomorrow,
when another meeting will be held.
Demur to Suit on llunil.
Ex-Secretary of Stato Porter and all of
his bondsmen filed a motion or demurrer In
district court to tho statc'B suit on Por
ter's bond. They Insist they cannot be held
because the petition shows on Its faco that
the money never belonged to tho stato and
that It has no right to It; that the petition
shows the money was collected nnd used
by Porter In obedience to a legislative act;
that tho money was not received by him
as secretary of state, but as a member
of tho Board of Marks and of Brands and
was not any part of his duties as secretary
of state. Ex-Attorney General Smyth nnd
his former deputy, E. P. Smith, appear for
tho defendants.
(Continued from First Page.)
successful, but It could not have been so
had It not been supported by a republican
congress. His second administration can
he, and will be, even more Illustrious than
his tlrst If we glvo him that name sjpport,
but It cannot be, nnd will not bo so, if wo
withhold It.
I'nrtlvnlnrly True of Ohio.
All this might be truthfully said ns tn th
election of members of congress from nny
state, but It Is particularly true when
spoken of Ohio.
This Is the president's own stntp. In
population, wealth, Intelligence nnd In
fluence wo stand In the very forefront,
Ohio represents the average sentiment or
nil the states. When she speaks tho whole
country gives heed. Our Influence nffects
the president affects congress, affects pub.
Ho opinion, affects public pollcl'S, deter
mines public questions and promotes or re
tards the public welfare. ,
The achievement of the last four years
are still In large measure incomplete nnd
We have unexampled prosperity, but a
democratic wave would blight It.
We have unheard of combinations of capi
tal against which the rights of tho people
must be guarded without destroying our
Industries or rctnrdlng our development.
We have added new lustre to our nrms
and now glory to our flag, but an applica
tion of democratic policies would tarnish
the one nnd dim the other.
We hnve expanded our limits, advanced
our Jurisdiction nnd assumed new responsi
bilities, but democratic ascendency nt this
time would moan abandonment, retreat nnd
national humiliation.
This Is not Imagination, but serious fact.
The record shows It.
Drmorrnts Hons! of (ho Future.
It Is only June, but already, over and
over ngnln, In democratic newspapers nnd
democratic Imaginations there has been a
great democratic victory In November,
What docs It all mean? What has the
democratic party done that entitles It to a
new hearing in the people's court? Has It
turned a new leaf? lias It abjured freo
trade? Has It forsaken freo silver? Hns
It cast out populism? Has It fol'owed
Agulnaldo'n advice nnd tnken the oath of
allegiance? Has it denied any article of
Its platform? Not on.
The ofllcial declaration of principles re
mains identically the same bundle of tin
American fallacies that the people con
demned lost year nnd years before.
If It hns dono nothing, whnt, then, docs It
proposo to do? Can any mar. tell? Does
nny democrat know'.' Great questions con
cern us. How will It deal with them?
What about a merchant marine, the Nica
ragua canal,' Cuba, Porto lllco, tho Philip
pines? ' ,
These aro stupendous" problems. Thoy
aro worthy of the highest and best thought
of tho greatest men of America. They nre
of tho highest dignity. They are pressing
for solution. They cannot be postponed or
evaded. Our power as a nation, our pros
perity as a people, our good name, our
honor are all Involved.
we cannot afford to grope In tho dark, or
guess, or experiment, or halt, or hesitate
about such matters.
If we nre to send nn additional number
of democrats to congress, how will they
speak and vote on these questions?
Xrir nnd llntrlcil Diltlciil Urn.
Wo are beset with new and untried diffi
culties. We have had a war. Wo havo
changed the map of tho world. Wo havo
acquired new territory and with It have
como to us new duties and new responsi
bilities. We have assumed them nnd must
faithfully discharge them or stand dis
credited before tho nations.
The republican party has nn Intelligent
policy on this subject. It has been pro
claimed to the world. We have acted upon
It. Wc have legislated to enrry It Irto
effect. We are executing it with successful
and triumphant results. It should havo
universal support, but Instead It has fierce
opposition. It was attneked last year as
unconstitutional. Tho supreme court has
answered thnt Hssault, and now they are
attacking the supreme court.
Mr. Bryan declares that Its decision In
the Porto Rican cases Is ai Infamous
the decision In the Dred Scott case and
calls upon democrats everywhere to rally
for Its overthrow.
Senator Tillman denounces It as damnable
nnd says that we aro to have a battle to
the death before it Is finally accepted.
Other democrats, great nnd small, snv It
means the end of the republic: thnt Mc
Klnlcy Is emperor; that our liberties ate
lost, and all Join In dcclnrlng that the next
great political contest will be as to whether
this decision shall stand. If thoy make
such an Issue we can nfford It. It wllj be
the president, tho congress and the suprem?
court all the departments of the govern
ment on one side and the democratic party
and Its allies on the other.
It will not bo the first time we have had
such an alignment of forces and ns always
heretoforo patriotism and Americanism will
le;llnllon for Porto Ttlrn.
When we came to legislate for Porto Rico
we found there 1,000,000 people, more than
500,000 of whom did not own one dollar's
yorth of nny kind of property and moro
than SOO.OOO of whom could not either road
or write In nny language, None of them
knew anything about mir Institutions, our
laws, our Judicial system or anything elso
connected with the practical administration
of free popular government.
They had no system of property tnxatlon,
no school system and scarcely nnv kind ot
social order or organization, Thev had
been wanted by wnr and devnstnted by
hurricane, They were helpless as children,
IronV the first moment of our occupation I
was necessary to feed and supp rt them by
tens of thoutands to prevent starvation
tn. constitution nnd nil tho laws of thi
United States, not locally Inapplicable, had
followed the flog nnd gone Into force nnd
effect there ns soon as It was raised, ns
the democratic party contended. It would
have been Impossible to have relieved their
distress or to have established a successful
government of nny kind. Instead of peace,
order and progress which we havo In that
island today we would havo had universal
chaos and universal failure.
Such a theory would have required all
tariff duties on Imports Into Porto Rlro
from foreign countries to be collected and
p?''.yn,. tno treasury of the I'nlted States
at Washington, not for the benefit of tho
people of that Uland. but for tho common
benefit of the whole United States.
It would have required the Imposition of
liri.llcnvy In'riml revenue taxes without
ability on thefr part to pay or on our part
to collect.
It would have required the immediate ut.
, I.V.'. f 0,,r law2 for theirs and thel
faithful observance of tho snme before they
had opportunity to know or to learn what
they were.
iJ.l ?V0,.'.M required the Immediate
Introduction of our codes of procedure In
civil and criminal cases without even tho
Judges on the bench or the lawyers at the
lion nowl"K how 10 P",1 tnem '"to opera
Folly of Til In l,olli'.
To havo adopted such n construction ot
our constitution would have made the Fili
pinos and the Porto Rlcans, most of whom
are wholly unfit to govern themsdv-'s,
citizens of the I'nlted States, with nil'
power to nartlclpatn with all other citizen
1,JJ0Y(.r,"1 m- There Is no end to the
difficulties and tho ahsurd consequences
that would hnve ensued.
Such a construction of thnt Instrument
would havo been a libel on George Wash
ington and his Illustrious associates win
framed It To hold that It so restricted our
power would be to deny us an esentlil
attribute of sovereignty and make us In
ferior In the family of nations. It would
have made us Incapable of protecting our
rapidly Increasing commercial Interests in
distant parts of the earth. It would havo
been not only the end of expansion, but
also a denial of the power noccmuy to
tho control of tho Caribbean sea and tho
approaches nnd natural defenses of an
Isthmian canal.
It would have been worse than a mistake.
It would havo been n stupid crime ngalnst
the progress and development of our coun-
;noi niu.-nt All-Pourrful.
Wo rejected all such belittling nnd un
Amerlcntt views nnd proceeded on the
theory that our government has all the
power of the most powerful; that we nre
rightfully nt the hend of the nations n
roycrclRii power ns we are In physical nml
political power; that our constitution Is tho
constitution of the t'nltcd States of Amer
ica, but not the constitution also, until
congress so provides, of tho territories nnd
possessions belonging thereto, no matter
where situated or how Inhabited. Wo think
the constitution moons what It ?ays when
it provides that "the congress shall make
fill needful rules and regulations respecting
territory pr other property belonging to
tho I'nlted States."
.iwl.c",.n,,rpn(1 1,1 ,llP constitution about
the I'nlted States and then nlso about ter
ritory thnt simply "belongs" to the L'nttod
Stntes we think It clour that our fnthors
contemplated that territory might como
under pur Jurisdiction und Into our posses
sion without becoming n part of the United
States, and that territory that simply "be
longs to us Is to be governed under the
clause referred to, ns congress may pre
scribe, and that It Is tho duty of congress
In so governing to meet the necessities of
the Inhabitants of such territory nnd pro
mote their welfare.
It was for this reason thnt In legislating
for Porto Rico we provided that our Inter
nal revenue laws should not bo applied
there, and that all tariff duties that might
be collected should be paid Into tho treas
ury of Porto Rico, for tho support of Its
government. Instead of being paid Into tho
national treasury, ns has boon done In
overy Instance heretofore. All wc havo
dono In Porto Rico has beeM authorized by
the constitution nnd has been done not to
oppress the people of that Island, but to
generously nnd magnanimously nld and en
courage them in nn effort to cstnbllsh In
diistrles, develop agriculture, make needful
public Improvements, Inaugurate systems of
education and lead on, by gradual nnd safo
approaches, to order, prosperity and the as
similation of American ideas and American
Promise for tho Future.
As n result they have more prosperity,
moro contentment, more happiness, moro
schools and more promise for tho future In
Porto Rico today than thoy havo had In
that Island at any tlmo before during tho
last 2(i0 years.
Since oar legislation took effect produc
tions have Increased, business hns multi
plied, tho demand for labor has grown,
wages havo advanced, schools are rapldlv
Increasing nnd tho hearts of the people
hnve been wnrmed with nffoctlon toward
pur flag nnd gladdened with visions nnd
hopes heretofore unknown.
Although our law provided for the collec
tion of duties on certnln urtlcles of com
merce between Porto Rico nnd the United
States until Mnroh 1. 1902, our success has
been so complete thnt already a special
session of tho legislature of Porto Rico has
been called to meet on July 4 to pass a
resolution declaring tho collection of
rovonuo no longer necessary and thus mako
It tho duty of tho president to Issuo his
proclamation giving Porto Rico absolute
free Undo with the United States.
What the supreme court decided was that
all this was within tho power of congress,
nnd thnt It must bo upheld and enforced.
That decision will never be reversed. Men
may denounce It nnd rove nbout It, tv.i t as
the years go by Its wisdom, beneficence and
sound Judgment will stand out more and
more conspicuously.
Great Work In the Philippine.
It has como nt nn opportune moment. The
great work of the hour Is tho establishment
of a stable nnd successful government In
the Philippines, Had the democratic view
prevailed this would havo been Impossible.
The way Is now clear and well defined. We
can go forward Intelligently. This Is not n
mcro political matter. It Is also a practical
tiuslness question, nffcctlng nil classes of
tho American people, and no class more
directly than our wago workers. Wo have
reached a point Jn our industrial develop
ment where wo produce more than we con
sumo. We must find mnrkcts for tho sur
plus, or quit producing tt. Wo cannot re
strict without cutting down tho payroll.
That Is one thing tho republican party
never shortens, but always lengthens.
We can get pnrtlal relief by tariff re
vision and reciprocity treaties with .Euro
peon and South American countries, hut the
greatest markets of tho world ore in the
far east. We want our fnlr share of them,
and intend to havo It. and tho way to se
cure It Is not to haul down tho flag and
run oway, but to remain and hold on to the
position, the prestige, tho advantage and
tho opportunities that we now enjoy.
When men talk nbout overthrowing the
supremo court decisions In the Porto Rlcnn
cacs they arc striking nlso nt tho Philip
pines and aro raising Issues that not only
affect the vital charncter of our govern
ment, but also affect tho wages of every
man In the United Stntes who eats his
bread in tho swont of his face.
The Democratic Ilccoril.
It seems surprising that any party coutd
take such a position, und vet It Is Just like
tho democratic party to do so, for during
the last fifty years It has never conceded
to tho general government any disputed
power, nor struck one lick for labor. .
It denied the power to preserve tho union.
It denied the power to abolish slavery; It
denied tho power of reconstruction; It
denied the power to protect our Industries:
It denied the power to cstnbllsh the gold
standard, nnd now It denies the power to
hold possessions nnd govern them accord
ing to common sense, nlthough the constitu
tion Itself expressly so provides.
And ns to labor, although constantly
posing as Its friend and champion, It has
Deen at all times Its Inveterate enemy.
It was the enemy of labor when It uphold
slavery, by which nil labor was disgraced
and degraded. It wus tho enemy of labor
through all the years of Its opposition to a
protective tariff, by which we saved the
labor of this country from competition with
tho underpaid labor of Europe. It Is the
enemy of labor now In Its contention that
wo havo no power to protect the wago
workers of America from cheap labor of
our possessions In the tropics and the
Orient. And yet, wo hear, year after year,
democratic appeals for tho electoral sup
port of the wage workers of our state and
country, based on the assumption that tho
democratic party Is tho special friend and
guardian of all who toll,
Tribute to I.alior.
The laboring men of this country nre men
of brnlns, of Intelligence, of Judgment, of
keen memory and of good associations, and
therefore they have dented democratic ap
peals. They will deny them again, for they
know that If democratic Ideas prevail pros
perity will vanish nnd the pride nnd glory
of the hour will turn to shame and humilia
tion. Whatever else we may be, let us be Amer
icans, nnd bo worthy of the events with
which we tiro associated. This Is u great
history-making epoch. Except only Wash
ington and Lincoln, no president hns hail
such opportunities ns have fallen to Mc
Klnley. Not ono has escaped him. All
have been Improved to the honor nnd glory
of the republic. No emergency has arisen
that ho has not triumphantly met. nud no
duty ot wnr, pence or diplomacy has been
so delicate or so difficult that he has not
performed It grandly and successfully. All
his achievements nre the nation's. His
famo Is ours, It fills the earth. All races
honor nnd npplnud him, The single nolo of
discord Is hi:ro ut homo, nmong ourselves,
under our own ting. It misrepresents the
American people. It misrepresents tho pco
pie of Ohlc. Their verdict In November
will so declare.
Senator Foraker's speech was frequently
Interrupted by demonstrations of approval,
notably when ho said: "The ling will stay
wherever It is planted."
Tho convention adopted tho rules sub
mitted by Congressman Dick, and then the
vice presidents, assistant secretaries and
members ot tho various committees from
tho twenty-one congressional districts were
announced nnd the convention adjourned
until 10 o'clock tomorrow. The com
mittee on permanent organization to
night selected Senator Hnnna for
permanent chalrmnn and continued the
rc3t of the organization. Senator Hanna
will address tho convention tomorrow.
The new stato committco was organized
with P. W. Durr as chairman and Martlu
Slater as secretary.
Cnlilnrll .ot a L'nnillilnle.
Lieutenant Governor Caldwell caused'
quite o stir tonight by announcing that ho
would not be a candidate for rcnominatlon,
The representatives of the brewers express
their displeasure nt what they call the
enforced retirement of Caldwell, nnd the
recent defeat of State Senator Selber and
others for rcnominatlon, while the author
of the Clark local option law has beeu
renominated In Columbus. When Colonel
Caldwell declined rcnominatlon, George B.
Cox, chairman of the HamJiton county
delegation, suggested Staie Senator Carl
Nlppert of Cincinnati to a conference of.
the lenders and there Is now no doubt but
that Senator Nlppert will be slated for
lieutenant governor. Nlppert was formerly
principal of schools at Cincinnati and after
ward police prosecutor.
Says: "It Will Build Up
a Depleted System
Hon. W. F. Aldrlch, Congressman from
Alabama, writes from Washington, D. C:
"This Is to certify that l'crunn,
iiHinufuctwrcil by The Pcriimi .Med
iclnc Co., of Columbus, O., hits been
used in my faintly with success. It
Is u fine tonic and will build up n
depleted system rapidly. I can
recommend it to those who need a
safo vegetable remedy for debility."
W. F. Aldrlch.
H. 8. Emory, Vice Chancellor and Mts
ter of Arms, K. P.'s, of Omaha, Neb.,
writes from 213 North Sixteenth street,
tho following words of praise for Tcruna
as a tonic. He says;
Catarrh of Stomach.
"It Is with plcasuro I recommend Pe
runa as a tonic ot unusual merit. A largo
number of prominent members of tho dif
ferent orders with which I havo been con
nected have been cured by tho uso of Pe
runa of cases of catarrh of tho stomach and
head, also In kidney complaints and
weakness ot the polvlo organs.
"It tones up tho system, aids digestion,
Induces sleep, and Is well worthy the con
fidence of sufferers of tho nbovo com
plaint." H. S. Emory.
Nervous Debility.
Everyone who Is In tho least degree sub
ject to nervousness, sleeplessness, prostra
tion, mental fatigue or nervous debility tn
nny form, finds the hot weather ot June,
July and August very hard to bear, If not
I do not treat all diseases, but euro all I treat. I treat men only, and cure them
to stay cured. ,
Men. many of you nre reaping the result of your former folly. Tour manhood la
falling and will soon be lost unless you da something for yourself. There Is no time
to lose. Impotency, like all nextial diseases. Is never on the standstill, With It you
can make no compromise. Either you must master It or tt will master you and fill
your whole future with misery' and Indescribable woo. We havo treated so many
cases of this kind that we are familiar with them as you are wit i the very daylight.
Once cured by u you will never again be bothered with emission, drains, prema
tureness, small or weak organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition or
similar symptoms which rob you ot your manhood and abiolutety unfit you tot study,
business, pleasure or marriage. Our combined Electro-Medical treatment for weak
men, which combines all of tho curative powers of both medicine and electricity, will
correct all these evils and restore you to what nature Intended a hale, healthy, happy
man, with physical, mental and sexunl powers complete.
we also cure to etay cured by our combined Electro-Medical treatment--
Varicocele, Stricture, Syphilitic Blood Poison,
NervO'Sexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases.
and all associate dlf eases and weaknesses of men. We charge nothing for privata
counsel and give to each patient a LEGAL. CONTRACT to hold for our promise.
Is tt not worth your while to Investigate a cure that has made life anew to multi
tude ot men?
If you cannot call at our office, write your symptoms fully.
REFERENCE lleat Banka anl Lending; Iluslueas Men In Tal Cltr.
Office Hours: From 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
1308 Farnam St, Bet. 13th and 14th Sts., OMAHA, NEB.
FREE ADVICE by our Physicians and a FREE SAMPLE . I
of our medicine alto Froo Homo Treatment liopage illustrated book;
acscrioinK symptoms uuu cause 01 uiscbscb hiiu uesi ircaimem, mso many Tamable
receipts and prescriptions In plain language, saving you heavy doctor'a bill, ask for It. I
Dr. Kay's
Cures the very worst cases of Dyspepsia.
Liver and Kidney dlsesbes and bad results ot I.aGrlpno.
Write us about all your symptoms. Sold
seuu us lis cts. or tl.00 and wo will send Dr.
uk. j. mt mtuicAL
Those persons who are suffering from Nervo-Vltal Weakness nnd who lack
Enerey and Vigor aro at a disadvantage In this age of "rush" and "push," and It .
when others burn out they are worthless.
VADirnrEI C a5"c.ts. ,our ,r"'n. .ut ot e,V,er' "vp- H n- will have no
YAKlLULCLC effl0t. uon 11 whatever. Electricity Is Wie only nfo nnd
' T i. . speedy cure. An operation may euro you. but bownre of
the surgeons knife. All oporatlnna aro dangerous, and a Varicocele oneratlon
IL?",!",0! J13.1 MUST V? BEvfcllED'ANI) I.IOrED. which Pct ts Tort
and die Cme' W of nutrl,lon tno nartB "00 wither
My Electric Belt la sold under a guarantee to cire Varicocele and alt JVenk
?nrBm,ifiHn,.Vl?erTile,l' V?Bt iT"'0!', nntl Vitality, cure Rheumatism (n any
Komale f Complaints etc? I,ladder Troubles, Constipation, Htomach Disorders, afl
vr!i?,A0r?.ayi 1,ul1 nltorv f your case. Sacredly confidential. Get my hooks
bT 'roe
Dr. Bennett Electric Belt Co.
172 to 175 Union Bldg., DENVER, COLO.
Tho only safo course to take Is to keep
tho blood puro, digestion good, nnd sleep
regular. No remedy equals In all respects,
Teruna for theso purposes. If the system
Is run down and weakened by catarrh,
Poruna renovates nnd rejuvenates tbo
norves and brain.
A book on the catarrhi! diseases of sum
mer will bo mailed to any address, upon ro
qucst by Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Colum
bus, Ohio.
The nbovo testimonials are only two of
50,000 letters received touching tho merits
of Peruna as a catarrhal tonic. No moro
useful remedy to tono up tho system haa
evor been devised by tho medical profes
sion. Renovator
Constipation, Headache, Palpitation of Heart
Hend for proof of it.
bv druvirUts. don't accent anv substitute but
Kay's Renovator by return mail, Address,
co., Saratoga aprinsa, n. t.
Is only he who has Strong Norves, Plenty
of VlRor nnd Vltnl Force who can even ,
expect to succeed the Weak must glvo "
way to tho 8tronu. If you aro n tiuffercr,
Nature lias furnished a remedy In I5I.KC
TIUCITY which will euro you make you
llko your fellow men; It will mnke you a
Ablo nnd Robust as Naturo Intended you
should be. No matter what the cause of
your troublo Is, KLKCTIUCITY, applied
rlKht, will cure you, for the Vltullty, the
Vinor and the I.ifo Itsolf of every man and
woman Is nothing but Electricity, and If
you aro alllnK thuro Is a lack of Electricity
In your nystem, and It must be supplied be
fore you can again become strong nnd
perfect. My method of applying Electricity
Is a guaranteed cure nnd as a reward for
the discovery of this method the United
States Government haa given me tho ex- ,
cluslvo use of it.
Is a guaranteed cure and mum not bo confused with
the many so-called electno bolts now being offered
tho public. It Is not nt all llko them. My Helt has
soft, silken, chnmols-covcrcd sponga electrodes, which
prevent that hnrrlblo burning and blistering caused
by othor belts. It has iutcrchangcahlo battery cell,
which can bo renewed when burned out for onlv 75c:
These features my cxcl'jslvo patents.