THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1901. 8 WILSIIIRE TALKS ALL ALONE Challenger of Erjtn Tslli a. Imall Lincoln Audience of Coolallim. FOR NATIONAL OWNERSHIP OF TRUSTS ralllnsr to Lnnil thr- Vlh He Anxled J'or, Ho finvr ChnllenKea Any Sinn to Take Cn Hie Toplo with lllm. (From a Slaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Juno 21. (8pcUl Tolegram.) II. Oaylonl Wllehlro o( Los Ar.ccles, Cal., socialist, critic anil seeker lor notoriety, i poke for two hour before a smalt audi ence In tliu Oliver theater tonight on the subject, "Let tho Nations Own the Trusts." In opening he called attention to the fact that W. J. Bryan had ignored his $10,000 offer for a Joint debate Ills oratorical ef forts were modest. Oil) Tlrynn n I) end Wall, Wllshlro Is an expert In the art of se curing notoriety. Thla Is how he spoke to tho reporter this afternoon concerning his .attempt to induce Bryan to Join him In a debate; "It Is unnecessary for me to say that 1 regard Bryan simply as a dead wall that, with no thanks to Itself, happens to bo In a particularly fine position to commend the public eyn and I was willing to pay a heavy premium for tho privilege of posting my advertisement thereon. Every dead wall bus Its price and I bid $10,000 for the Tiryan one. I say $10,000 to flatter and be polite to Hryon. Howover, Mr. Bryan had no right to assume tbat ho would bo do feated and neither had he the nerve to tell the American people that his time Is worth too much money to accept a paltry $10,000 for a one-hour talk. It seems to me that he con offer no rational ozcuso to Justify hlmtdlf before tho public for Ignor ing my proposition. It Is true that accept ance -meant defeat for him and defeat meant oblivion, but, on tho other hand, his ellenco will be Interpreted, and rightly, too, as couardlco and onco lot that stigma be attached to Urn It means his polit ical tlcnth. "I feel a certain loss In personal dignity In beginning ray career In public life by using poor Bryan as the first rung In my ladder to fame, but It Is the way of the world and I cannot help him to oscapo from that Inexorable law of tho survival of tho fittest. He Is a demngogue, It Is true, but he Is not to blame." Tenchea Snolnltsla Publicity. On tho subject of notoriety Wllshlro said: "Tho only art I can teach socialists, and nobody needs Instruction more, Is the one of which I have made more or less a pro fession, that of publicity. I get letters ovcry day from socialists saying that they cannot get the press to notice them. Now the press will never notice a man unless It finds money In tho noticing. If social ists have no money to pay the newspapers directly then they must do It by Indirec tion. "If you nra a farmer, pay In pumpkins. As I am a, professional 'fakir,' according to some of tho Los Angeles papers, I am per mitted to have tho privilege of raking oft 'faki-n' Instead of .cash for advertising. I succeeded In getting arrested In Los An ficlen for speaking In a public place and I succeeded also In getting' the city ordlnanco iliclarcd unconstitutional because It pro hibited free speech. Anybody can do the time thing in hla own town. And there are other Incidents of the same nature." Mr. .Wllshlro says Mr. Bryan Ignored aii' 6( kchriltenbes. Ho ays -b aVtYjt bis offer's in personal letters to Mr. Bryan by registered mall and has his rocelpt there for. ChnllenKe la Drnadcaat. After reiterating the details of his chal lenge to Bryan and Indulging In other mis cellaneous remirks, Wllshlro began his argument, which was In favor of govern ment own' i Hhlp of trusts. Wllshiro has Issued the following chal lenge.: A challongp; I will meet any man In de bate upon the "trust problem" and bet him nuy sum h wishes, from J500 to $2,0, at odds nf two to jane, that I can carry the iimllonco ugnlnst him: Tills offer Is made particularly to congressmen, editors and 4(iIIcrc profrsHorH, but It will hold good ngalnst anybody daring to accept the offer, 'i he place of meeting to bo arranged by agreement. I am ready to meet my an tagonist any place he may designate. limirct Ion of Xntlonnl (iunril. Adjutant General Colby today Issued the following orders detailing the work of an nual Inspection of companies of the Ne braska National guard: Lletitcnnnt Colonel V. Claris Talbot will inspect the following companies at their company stations: Klrnt regiment Com pany A, at York; Company O, at Geneva: Company M, nt Broken Dow. Second regiment Company A, at Kcnrneyj Com pany B, nt St. Paul; Company H, at Aurora. Cavalry Troop A, nt Seward. Major John W. McDonnell will Inspect the following companion nt their company (tuitions. First regiment Company C. at jientrtir-i Company 15, nt Wllberj Company 31, nt Nelson, Second regiment Company C, nt Nebraska City: Company V, at Kalr bury; Company V, at Lincoln: Company I, tit TccitrnKeh. Light artillery Battery A, at Wymore. Major Charles A. Vlckers will Inspect tho following companies at their company sta tions: I'Mrst regiment Ctnniinny 11, at Kill lert'inj Company D, nt Weeping Water; Company V, at Madison; Company I, at Ail Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant inothod und beneficial ' cltccts of the well known remedy, tiYiiui' or Finn, manufactured by tho;onNiA Fio Smut' Co., illustrate tho vnluoof obtaining tho liquid laza tivo principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative and presenting thorn in tho form most refreshing to the tnsti rtntl nccuptrtblo to tho system. It la tho one perfect strengthening laxa tl , cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, heiulnches nnd fevcre (rimtly yot promptly and enabling one to ovcrcomu habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from awry objectionable qunllty nnd sub stance, nnd its acting on tlin kidneys, liver and bowclfi. without weakening or irritating them, make It the ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing flea nro used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but tho mudlcinal qualities of the remedy are obtal.ied from senna and other aromntic plants, by a method known to tho California. Fio Svbup Co, only, In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid Imitations, pVase remember tho full namoof thcCompany printed on the front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHANCIBCQ, OAU LOUISVILLE. KT NEW YORK. If. T. FmmIo brail rmjguta. PrlceWc et bottla Wahoo; Company IC. at Columbus: Com pany I,, at Omnhn. Second regiment Com pany a, at Omaha; Company K, nt Schuv icr; Company at Norfolk; Company M, at Albion. Each inspector's sphere of Inquiry and Inspection will be general and Include every branch of military affairs of the com panies, and such Inspection will be con ducted In accordance with the rules of the iJnlted SlaHs army. Commanding ottlcera will see that every facility Is afforded for such examinations. A repo-t of the inspection of each com pany, troop and battery will be prepared and .orwarded to, the adjutant general's office as soon after the inspection as prac ticable. State Auditor' Itepnrt. Tho semi-annual report of the state audi tor shows that tho total outstanding In debtedness of the state on June 1 was $1,081,286.29. The amount Is considerably larger than on a corresponding day two years ago because of the deficiency and miscellaneous claim warrants which were Issued within the last few weeks. Look for Mnn Who Stnhlierl. Tho police authorities are looking for Ous Carrloto, an Italian fruit vendor, who Is wanted hero to answer to tho charge of stabbing Tony ninio, another fruit ven dor. nio Is not expected to live. The trouble occurred over a woman. It Is al leged that Itlsro Insulted the woman nnd that another Italian held him to the floor while Carrloto stabbed him. The latter has escaped, leaving no trace as to his whereabouts. Xelghtinrly now Complicates. Trouble between neighbors as the result of the discomfiture of ono at the expense of the other, has precipitated a complica tion which now bids fair to stop tho con struction of an $8,000 building, Increase the bitterness between the two families, In volve both parties and the city In a lawsuit of no mean proportions and lose to tho mu nicipality elxht feet of alley. At the last meeting of the city council the matter was brought to Its notice through a communication from C. r. At- srood, notifying the members of the city's legislative body that a house being built under the supervision of T, r. Kennard, Im mediately In the rear of his property at 740 South Sover.teonth street, was resting upon foundations erected on the land be longing to the city In the alleyway. A com mittee was appointed to look Into the mat ter, and tho condition of the affair dis closed Is to complicated that building may have to bo suspended until certain ques tions are decided by the courts. Henri the Olijeotnrs. The city council struggled for two hours this morning and Is still tussling with tho various owners of property who think that their assessed valuation is too high. Not one of tboie whose protests were turned down by the tax commissioner and tho committee of the council which Investigated all of the complaints and who appealed to the council either In person or by attorney succeeded In moving the hearts of the al dermen. One after another they came up with sledgehammer arguments, and one by one they were calmly knocked down. Some times tho protests received the support of flvo members, but never more than that. Validity of Land Lenaee. A dectslon of the supreme court Just ren dered will seriously affect the validity of land leases In the Omaha and Winnebago Indian reservation. The case passed upon was one brought by the First National bank of Tender against A. Larson. The Flournoy Land company for a num ber of years has held leases of Indian lands upon, tho reservation. In part this was a mere real estato speculation, aad the com pany hat sublet tho land to various per sons. Ono of these lessees was Larson, who executed a note to the company for tho amount of his rental $600. This came. Into the hands of the First National bank of. Pender In the due course of business. Lar son refused to pay and 'was sued. Tho supreme court holds that he doesn't have to pay because the United States stat utes say that any subletting of. the Indian lands shall be null and void. Thcreforo any contract of that character Is unen- forcible In court. In Chnrare nf Finn Hatcherlea. Governor Savage, together with Deputy Gamo Warden Slmpklns and Deputy Fish Commissioner O'Brien, made a trip to South Bend, Nob., where Mr. O'Drlen wilt bo put In charge of the state fish hatcheries. Ttonrri nf Education, The Board of Education tonight post poned tho opening of bids for new school buildings until Friday night. Nearly all of tho teachers recently employed were as signed to work for the next year. HASTINGS CONVENTION ENDS State Snndny School Association Clone It Hesaalon lir Amend In the Constitution. HASTINGT, Neb., June II fSneclal.l Tho final cession of the Nebraska state bunday school convention was last night in me rresDyienan church. An amendment to the conatltutlon nro. vldlng for the election of a fourth vice president, who shall be superintendent of temperance work, was adopted. The com mittee on attendance reported a total at tendance of 2S2 delegates. The attendance from counties most uumerously represented was as follows: Adams, 40: Webster. 28: Kearney, 27; Clay, 22: Hamilton, 18; Lan caster, 17. The denominations most largely present were: Methodist, 76; Presbyterian. 42; Baptist, 25; Congregational, 20; United wotnren, 10; union schools, 11; Christian, 12. The committee on resolutions presented resolutions thanking the people of Hastings for their hospitality and to Dr. E. T. Cas sell for the music. An acknowledgement was made to the speakers at. the conven tion and tho officers of the association. The committee Indorsed the work of tho normal department, the home department. the primary department, the temperance couse and Decision day. Diplomas were given to the following normal graduates: Maggie Wilson, Jessie Howard and Carrie Barmare, all of Adams; Miss Mtnnte Thomas of Netunda, Mrs, Anna Brown of Blue Hill. Miss Bertha Simpson of Pauline, Griffith Evans of Negunda, Mrs. Ada Simpson of Pauline, Mrs. Carrie P. Stowell of Auburn, Rev. William Murchle of Alerton. la.; Mrs. Ida Nichols, Mrs. Ella W, Tttterson, I.N. Clark and Ttev. Robert A. Evans, all of Mlnden. First seal, Miss Carrie Barmare of Adams; second seal, W H. Klmberly and Eunice I. Klmberly of Lincoln, Mrs. H, I. Felers of York requested that the secretaries of schools throughout the state correspond with her relative to tem perance work In the schools. The work of tho convention was closed by nn appeal from Rev. C. L. Kirk of Denver that the Sunday school teachers not only have a clear and definite Christian experi ence, but that they seek to have power to bring their scholars and friends to Christ. Allricrl Bnrnlar la Content, FALLS CITY, Neb., June 21. (Special.) William Mount, who has been wanted here to answer to a charge of burglary, was cap tured yesterday by Sheriff Hossock In Otoe county, and Is now lodged In Jail here, Mount was charged with statutory burglary and bound over to the district court about a year ago, but was released on ball and fled. Ilnlna for Mine Dnya. CONCORD, Neb., June 21. (Special.) It has rained daily In thli section for nine days, r-reventlng the farmers from plowing their corn and starting rust In tho small grain, The new creamrry has been completed and will begin operations Monday. TRAMPS SLASH EACH OTHER Bloody Result f Fight ti t Box Car at North Bind, ONE VICTIM IN FREMONT HOSPITAL Doctors Flnda Hla Wounds Ileyond the Hone nf Snrglcat Skill Gives .Vnmc nf Thomas 1'nlne. FREMONT, Neb., Juno 21. (Special Tel egram.) Early last night three tramps, one of them armed with a knife, had a fight In a box-car at North Bend, and as a result one of them, Thomas Burke, alias A, Paine, Is In the Fremont hospital with a five-Inch wound at tho base of the lungs and a dozen more other cuts elsewhere. Joseph Dusseldorf, alias Bill Hlgley, Is In Jail with a cut on his wrist and Charles Durkln Is also In Jail with a three-Inch cut on his back. Burke will probably die. The three men came to North Bend yes terday morning. Two came from Ames. Burke stopped at a box-car near the flour mill. In the afternoon Dusseldorf and Burke quarrelled. Burke knocked Dussel dorf out, Dusseldorf Invested a quarter la a Jack-knife, went back to the car and hostilities wore renewed. Burke claims that he was sitting In the car reading when Dusseldorf came back. The latter was ugly and particularly mad at- Durkln, Burke says: "He slashed the kid In the nock and then came at mo." He refuses to tell anything more ct the fight, except that It lasted some minutes the car is spattered with blood. Burke was taken to Dr. Egley's office and It was found that there was a gash on his left side between tho ninth and tenth ribs five Inches long, passing through the pleura, exposing tho lung, and then through the dlaphram, so that the Intestines pro truded. There were two cuts' on the right arm reaching to the bone. Tho doctors consider his case hopeless. To Mr. McCon noll he said his name was Thomas Burko and to tho doctor, Arthur Paine. Neither, ho said, was his true name. He appeared anxious to hear of Durkln, who, he said, waa not In the mlxup. For some time after ho regained consciousness he refused to talk of the fight or to tell who It wae that stabbed him. This afternoon he was brought to Fremont on a Union Pacific train nnd taken to the hospital. Dussel dorf Is sullen and morose and bad nothing to say when he learned that Burke was In the next building to tho one he was In. NEBRASKA SUGAR FACTORY Plana Made for Erection nf Plant at Sonth Slonz City Offleera Elected. DAKOTA CITY, Neb., June 21. (Special.) The incorporators and subscribers to the tock of the Sioux Beet Syrup company met at South Sioux City, Neb., yesterday to organise and elect a board of directors. The following wero choten as a board of directors: William C. Peterson, Honry Haubens, Frank B. Burness, F. A. Wood and Louis Jeep. Tho first three are of Omaha. A recess was taken In tho meeting, dur ing which the directors elected these offi cers: President, Henry Haub;ns; vice president, Frank B. Burness; secretary, F. A. Wood; treasurer, Abel Andersen; man ager, William C. Petersen. It Is the pur pose of the company to begin at an early date the erection of a plant of large ca pacity to manufacture uncrystallzed beet' syrup and also to construct a.plckllrig and canning factory at South Sioux City. OFFICERS GEJTHE LIQUOR Sheriff and Ilia Deputy Itald DrnuT Store and Saloon at Lodge Pole. LODGE POLE, Neb., Juno 21. (Special.) Sheriff King and bis deputy, John JJaugh orty, made a raid last night on the drug storo of Dr. E. L. Yarletr. and the saloon of Atolph Englcrt. These men havo been ac cused of selling liquor without a license and complaints were lodged against them before County Attorney Gapcn at the county seat yesterday. The complaining wit ness was a Methodist preacher named Un copber, representing the Anti-Saloon league of this placo. Dr. Yarletz and Englert were taken to Sidney for a hearing. The officers confiscated several barrels of bottled beer and threo barrels of whisky. MORE DISTURBERS ARRESTED Stanton Pnrtlra Plead Guilty to Egg ing Endeavor Meeting and Are Fined. STANTON, Neb., June 21. (Special.) Threo more parties were arrested yester day, charged with assisting In egging the Endeavor meeting In the Duffy schoolhousu Sunday night, and pleaded guilty before County Judge Vlnlng. They were fined $20 each and costs. This makes seven arrests. LIGHTNING STARTS A FIRE . Elevator at Wakefield Destroyed with Content Town and Wood . men Ilecnrda I.oat, WAKEFIELD, Neb., June 21. (Special Telegram.) Lightning struck the Peavey elevator here at midnight and It burned to tho ground. It was a total loss as was also two empty freight cars. All the village records wero lost, also Woodman records. Organise n Humane Society. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb,, June 21. (Spe cial Telegram.) A branch of the Nebraska Humane society was organized hero this evening. State Organizer Chanlon pre sided at the meeting and delivered an ad dress, outlining the plan. These officers were elected: President, J. Sterling Mor ton; vice presidents, A. T. Richardson and Mrs. M. L. Hayward; secretary, Miss Martha Helsc; treasurer, John W. Stein hart.. Papllllnn la Victorious. PAPILLION, Neb., June 21. (Special.) In tho suit brought against Papllllon by Mrs. Catherine Thomas for $1,000 damages for Injuries received In a fall on a side walk, and which was appealed by the vil lage to the district court, the Jury brought In a verdict for the defendant. Woman Ilreaka nn Arm. FAIRMONT, June 21. (Special.) Miss Saddle Keegan, whllo driving yesterday, lost control of her horse and It ran away. I throwing her out, breaking her left arm at the wrist and Inflicting other Injuries. J, II. Spnrka Geta the Contract. BEATRICE, Neb., June 21. (Special Tel egrara.) The contract for the county bridge building was let to J. II. Sparks or St. Joseph, Mo, who represents the Ohio Bridge company of Youngstown, O. nnslitea Change at Stnckvllle. STOCKVILLE, Neb.. Juno 21. (Special.) W. A. Bradbury sold bis store Wednesday to Graham & Reed of this place, Klnlah Yenr with a Picnic. WEEPING WATER, Neb.. June 21. (Spe cial.) La.t nljht the Weeping Water acad emy finished Its year' work with a concert by the Musical union. Today the students are picnicking at tho stato fisheries, J. .. Howard Adjudged Insane. BEATRICE. Neb., June 21. (Special Telegram.) J. N. Howard, who was brought before the Insanity commissioners yesterday, as adjudged Insane today and will be taken to Lincoln tomorrov by Sheriff Waddlngton. FI6HT ON THE BIG PACKERS , tlprurr netnllera Say Eastern Con cerns Are Cutting In on nnalnesa. DENVER, June 21. The Denver Retail Grocers' and Butchers' association has adopted resolutions which It hopes will prevent further encroachment on the retail meat business of tho city dealers by tho largo eastern packing houses. Thcso houses, the local men assert, arc working the market, so that In a short time the Jobbers will be forced entirely out of tho business and tho field left entirely to the big packers, who will then be ablo to deal directly with the retailers. The resolutions adopted pledge tho mem bcrs of the association to refrain from buying meat from all Jobbers who refuse to sign an agreement to sell only to those whom tho association should designate, Those firms in Denver who have refused to sign aro Armour Packing company, Armour & Co., Swift Se Co., and the Hammond Packing company. Tho retail dealers also assert the packers are dealing directly with the restau rants and small butcher shops, and those packing firms continuing this practice, It Is said, will be boycotted by members of the association. Seven Veara In lied, "Will wonders ever cease?" Inquire of the friends of Mrs. L. Pease of Lawrence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed In seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostra tion and general debility; but, "Three bot tles of Electric Bitters enabled mo to walk," she wrltea, "and In threo months I felt llko a new person." Women suffering from hadache, backacho, nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, fainting und dizzy spells will find It a priceless blessing. Try It. Sat isfaction la guaranteed by Kuhn Co., only SOc. Cropa Were Sever Iletter. ABERDEEN, S. D., June 21. (Special.) Crop conditions have changed greatly In tho last ton days. Frequent rains have fallen and vegetation of all kinds has made a good growth. Small grain could hardly look better. Corn has been damaged to some extent by late frosts and cut worms, but this Is the exception. Those who are well advised say that South Dakota, as n whole, never had better crop prospects than at the present time. Five Hundred-Ton Smelter. RAPID CITY, S. D., Juno 21. (Special Telegram.) Final arrangements were made today by Dr. H. H. Muggley of Boston for the erection of a 600-ton smelter east of this city. The plant will be built by the National Mining and Smelting company. TOE FIBALTY MATIKET. INSTRUMENTS placed oh record Friday, June 21, 1901: Warranty Deeds. B. F. VanCamp to J. 11 McCulloch, lot 13. block S. VnnPnmn'n nrtrt t SIM A. S. Carter and wife to Genevieve Ty- lec, ioi diock 6, f irsi.aua. to Fow-. ler Place ?. 90a J. M. Manning and husband tb' Katie .Morrissey, lot 21, IiIockTsj --.Upton nlaco ( e-.-i-...- "Vi J. E. Georgo. to Patrick O'.Connpr, ei lots 69 and GO, Sullivan's add 160 D. N. Jones to W. J. Plckard. si lot 14, and n 124 feet lot 13, block 129, South Omaha 700 C. H. Brown to N. A. Fullington ct al, block 141, Florence 760 Omaha. Realty Co. to M. A. Byrnes, 70x76 feet. In lot 65, S. E. Rogers' Okahoma. and lot 22. J. E. Riley's ad. 610 Same to Michael Theiler; lot 9, Droxel & M's add 230 Bates-Smith Investment Co. to Rich ard Edwards, o 1.05 feet of w 26.05 feet lots 23 and 24, block 4, Hanscom Place 1 Quit Claim Decda. C. A. Dupee, executor and treasurer, to W. B. Dupee. und. Vi lot 30, block 12, Brlggs' Place and other property. 1 Warder-Bushnell & Qlessner Co. to Ann Appleby, seH, nwU iw'i, seii swtt. swV4 sw4 15, nnd w'4 swU 22-16-10 1 Deeds. C. A. Dupee, trustee, to F. W, Dupee, und. U lot 30. block 12, Brlggs' Place and other property 1 Same to J. A. Dupee; bame 1 Same to Ella Dupee; same 1 Sheriff to E. S. Mnrston, lots 29 to 33, 62 to 6, In sub of block "A," Reser voir add 6,977 Total amount of transfers $6,997 FAIR SATURDAY ANDSUNDAY Nebraska, Kanana nnd Dakotaa Have Thla Proanect Farther Weat, Cloudy. WASHINGTON, June 21. Forecast: For Nebraska, North and South Dakota and Kansns Fair Saturday and Sunday; variable winds. For Iowa and Missouri Fair Saturday and Sunday; variable winds. For Colorado, Wyoming and Montana Partly cloudy Saturday and Sunday; winds mostly westerly. For Western Texas Fair Saturday, with cooler In northern portion; Sunday, fair; variable winds. For New Mexico Fair Saturday, with warmer In northern portions; Sunday, fair; varlablo winds. For Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Ar kansasFair Saturday and Sundav: fresh southerly winds. I.ocnl Itecord. OFFICE OF THR WEATHRn mrorin OMAHA, Juno 21. Official record of tem perature ana precipunuon compared with the corresponding da of the last threa years: . . 1801. 1900. 1S93. 1893 Maximum temperature..., 81 (11 ss fr Minimum temperature..., fil tin i ku Mean temperature 72 SO 7fi 7t Precipitation 31 ,04 .35 t Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1: Normal temperature 11 Deficiency for the day 1 Total excess since atarcn 1 1S7 Normal precipitation 20 inch. Deficiency for the day 11 inch Total since MBrch 1 10,31 Inches Deficiency since March 1 2,6t inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1900, ., '.',77 Inches Deficiency for cor, period, 1S99... 2.33 Inches Iteporta from Statlona nt 7 P.' M, . , ft 6TATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. e Omaha, cloudy North Platte, partly cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lake City, clear Rapid City, clear Huron, clear Wllllstou, clear Chicago, partly cloudy St. I.otils, partly cloudy St. Paul, partly cloudy Davenport, partly cloudy ... Kansas City, clear , Helena, partly cloudy Havre, clear Bismarck, clear Galveston, clear , si Si SO S6 fO S 76 92 so; si M &6 9ft 92 T; 76! T6 7Si 70 72 SI!..., T indicates trace of, precipitation. U A. WELSH, Local Forecast Official. TREATMENT AT HOME Dr. -Hartttiati's Free Advice to Women A Generous Offer to the Afflicted. Mrs. Nellie Blyler, President of the Ladles' of the G. A. R., has tho following to say nbout Pcruna: Oentlcmcn "In taking a medicine I con sider It of vital Importance that yon should bo suro that It Is the right kind and that It will cure. As a rule patent medicines claim to do much whllo they really do little; but I will say for Pcruna that It' is thn nniv medicine I ever know that does all and mor- than It claims. "I recommend it csneelnllv fnr n-nmnn as It promptly cures tho weaknesses of our sex and will always be suro to give satisfaction." Mrs. Nelllo Blyler. Secretary Illlnnln Women' Alliance. Miss A. Brady, Corresponding Secretary Illinois Women's Alliance, writ ia from 2723 Indiana avenue, Chicago, HI.: "Last year from continued strain In lit erary work I became very much exhausted, my nerves seemed to give way, and I had backache, headache and nnrtnnn Iniltcroatlnn One of my friends suggested that I try Pc runa. 11 certainty actcu line magic on my system. The Greater Union Pacific Railroad. f uH&' jt a if. s rsk'"fV Spy "ir '"A mi or union wcine siiiaota l ... uniilwl .101 IIU New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam. Tel. 316 Union Station 10th and Marcv, Tel. 629. THREE FAST COLORADO VIA Leave Omaha.... I 30 p.m Arrive Denver.... 7:45 a.m. Colo.Spgs.7:35 a.m. Pueblo 9il0a.m. I.KAVC OMAIIA 3lOO .A.M. Aiibivk nnXVKn..ltl."i p.m. COLO. gPGS..liI)0 p.m. MAXITOt7..SlOO .m. CHEAP EXCURSION CITY TICKET OFFICE: Wentworth Military Acadimy Ei WmVMm Oovernmentnpervllon and equipment. Army offlcer detailed. Prepare" f aaffcf?b , national Arademln or for llie. COL. SN0f ORD SELLERS. M. A., Supl., I "Within ten days I felt new life and health given me, and by taking an occa sional dose off and on when I feel extra tired, I keep my system In perfect order." Mlsa A. Brady. Miss Esther G. Lowe, a prominent young society lady of Washington, Gx., writes: "I took l'erunu lit early spring, receiving glorious benefits from flame. He fore taking Peruim I suf fered with cntarrh, always felt tired and had st dull headache. A friend of mine told 111c of Pcruna. I began taking it nt once, gaining each day. .1 now feel run well as I ever did in all my life. I udvise all my suffering friends to give Pcruna a fair trial." Esther. Lowe. Miss Millie Baker writes from 290 East Ohio street, Chicago, 111.: "I suffered for years with weakness pe culiar to women, severe bearing down pains and continual headache My system secraod completely upset and I did not know where.' 'to And rcllqf. Tho doctor tried FOR A SUMMER OUTING io the Great Salt Lake Regions Cross the Rockies on u 43 foot grade light, easy curves, SO-lb. steel rails, a perfectly ballasted roadbed, gigantic embankments of disinte grated granite, through tunnels, bored in solid granite, and over stone nnd steel bridges. A fascinating panorama of marvelous engineering. To see this, be sure your ticket reads over the UNION PACIFIC R. R. LOWEST RATES MADE for SUM MER EXCURSIONS in Many Years STUDY THE MAP . .1 jf TRAINS DAILY TO- Leave Omaha.... 5:20 p.m. Arrive Denver.... 1 1 :00a.m. Colo. Spgs. 10:35 a.m. Pueblo.... 1 1 :50a.m. RATES ALL SEASON. 1323 FARNAM STREET. Oldest and largest salutary sckool la teatrat west. for Universities, LfllflgtOn. Ms. three different remedies but they did nq seem to help me any. "After using five bottles of Poruna 1 was as well and strong as ever, I would not be without It for any money." Miss Millie Baker. Free Home Advice. In vlw of the great multitude of women suffering from some form ol female dlscaso and yet unable to find any cure, l)r, Hnrtman. the re nowned specialist on female ca tarrhal diseases, hits announced his willingness to direct the treatment of as many cass us make applica tion to him during the summer months without churge. This offer will hold good only during the summer months. Any woman can become a regular patient by sending 11 written statement of her age, condition of life, hHtory and symptoms of her derange ments. Thoso wishing to become patients should address Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Colum bus, Ohio. DR. JVlcGREW Office open contlnaonsly front s my as. to O p. m, Snndaya from 8 a. m. o B p. m. (Dr. McOrew mX Aare B3.) - THE MOST SUCCESSFUL, SPECIALIST In the treatment of all forma of nia- raaea and Dlaordera of Men Only. 2 reara' experience. ,16 yeara In Omaha. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A permanent cure guaranteed in 1M than 10 days, without cutting, pain or Ion of time. OTDIPTIIDC cured In lesa than 6 day OiniUIUnC without pain or hlndranct from business. A perfect and permanent cure guaranteed. QVDUII IC nnd 0,1 Blood Dlsenses cured Oirniblu by a treatment -which la far more aatlsfactory and aucceasful than "Hot SprlnK" treatment, and at less than half the cost. All breaking out and signs of the dltease disappear at once, A cure that It guarantee! for life. mCD On (inn cases cured of nervoiia UVCn ZUlUUU debility, loss of vitality and MANHOOD, bashfulnesa, Gleet and all unnatural weaknesses of mon. Cures Guaranteed. Conanltntlon Frea. CHARGES LOW Treatment sent everywhere free from. f aze. P. O. Box 764. Office over 215 South th street, between Farnam and Douglas street. OMAHA, NEB. NO CURE, NO PAY. ltFft. If you bate until, watfc oritini, lot po"r or "eueoinf rimlni, our Vacuum Ornn IKreloxr will restore you without drugs or electricity i fitrloture &od Varicocele permanently cured In 1 to I weekt) 74, MO In utei not one failure) not one returned effect Immedlatei no 0.0 II. fraud i write for free rartf'Q. lart. enl seated In nlaln envelnn. tOCU APPUANCE CO. 138 Thsrp Ilk., hfllfiipilli, 1st. The Chicago Recorf h.ta of these Typ, writers lo dally sit YOST If you want a typewriter, wtoy sot came first where you can see EVERY dOOD SORT OF TYPE WRITER In Its beat form? ' 4 - ,i TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES L J of all kinds for all machine. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED New Century The finest caUlof tie ever Issue. Is yours for the asklof. Wfttaor"Call. fc r' United Typewriter and Supply Co., . HI Fai.aa U. Qmrnrn. :