THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, JUfr'JS 32, 1001. 12 rrnnrvrc IlVC lib rLUUIilLi LIUU leard of Park CommiHioners RewiTM Kt- nueiti for Strip of Griuid. NOT YET READY FOR OFFICIAL ACTION rrr.ltlrnt ttnn or rnrk nonrn -ihim on of Propped Extension Another Ucmmnl 'in Kxpoul tlou Directors, nf iho Hoard nf Park Commts- sloneri are receiving many communications (rom persons who aro anxious to have the board donate a thirty-foot strip of ground along the south side of .Miller park for the what Is technically known as "mill con ui nf n nronosed extension of the Omaha structlon," which means that the new build- Street Railway company's system from Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue to Florence. No official nronosltlon has been made to the board by ofticers of the street car com- pany and the board will not give the mat- ter consideration until the plans (or tho road ari! decided upon nnd submitted (or Inspection. Tho commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting Tuesday aft- rrnoon at 3 o'clock. Delegations of citizens who are urging the construction of a car line to Klorenee will attend this meeting and It la likely that the street car company will outlltiO Its plans at that time. President i:nn Tnlkx. in discussing mo proposed lino rrcswtiii ... I - . IJ..4 ' j. it. tifUB oi mo uoaru oi rar yaiiiiiii- loners samr "i no not Know cnougn nuout he proposed extens on to express an opln- Ion as to whether the board should grant , , ""hot :z.,:rzi:i""ZA r. vuuu.o . - municauons irom men wno urge me grain ing of land to tho company are tne oniy f ourtcs from which I have had any Infor- niauon. inc street car company hub ui Uja'IV 111! iui iuav II HI ' ' w ..! 'In my opinion a car line In tho vicinity ! of Miller park would be nn excellent thing (or tho park, but It would be well to havo such a lino located a block from the park. A car line along the edge of the park would not be desirable nnd I would not favor granting tho company a right-of-way through park ground." said E. J. Cornish of tho park board "It would be better to havo no street along the south line of the park. Where a street faces a park It Is Impossible VP kcqy peace with the persons whose homes (aco tho park. Kach property- holder wants his (ront yard extended half way mrougn me narn anu is aissniuucu u the landscaping Is'not done In such n man- ner that It will make n great Improvement In his property." in .viiiiit- .runnier ifrniniiii, i ino uoard or rarK commissioners has u...c,i iu itiu no unuwi. upon me directors of the Transmlsslsslppl cxposl- tlon for $o.000. The. members of tho park boaid assert that the exposition company agreed to set aside $5,000 for filling up the lagoon In Kountzu pnrk. This money was xicvpr paid. The exposition company has n ""'i" " mo ' xorium compnny is attempting to secure. The park commissioners aBsert that this money should be expended In Kountze park and Insist that tho exposition directors have no right to glvo It to the Auditorium. A Trrrlltle Kxptnnlon "Of a gasoline stove burned a lady here frlfrhlfllllv." Tvrltnn V P Pnlm.r nf ttlrb. man. la. "Tho best doctors couldn't heal iha rnnnlnrr anrn that fnltmvAri tint TtnV. len's Arnica Salvo entirely cured her." In- fallible (or cutB, corns, sores, bolls, bruises, kin diseases and piles. 25c at Kuhn & Co.'s Drug Store, 16th and Douglas streets. MUST REMOVE THEIR HATS Flrat MvtkortUt Church Gora on Hcc- ord AitnliiKt Altltudlnnua Itradicear. Here's another blow at the Tarletan pat- tern hat with Its wealth of flowers and airy uuvu.iibucbb. c . . n ri i u .... u t i i I ucavvi uuuua, to III IUUUCU ui all 113 cnarms. wong ago tneater-goera tabooed nuiunu d uvuugvni uuu iic,nicii 1 1, iu HID Vi,Un Al, Tk hiLHn I. U 1.. umiuuni ur 1.11111 uu id 1110 uuijr piaie I where tho milliner's offerings tower above their gayly-dreased owners. nut now churchmen havo rebelled. Chris- tlan fortitude can. tolerate tho mountains of chiffon no longer and the hairdresser will have her Inning. At a meeting of the official board of the First Methodist Episcopal church tho fol lowing was unanimously adopted: Where'aH, Tho wenrlng of hata In church by tho ladlca greatly obstruct the view, causing others both Inconvenience nnd an noyance, thereby detracting from the en joyment of tho services, to which nil are equnlly entitled, thereforo be It Resolved, That it Is tho desire of the officiary of this church that ut nil the public aervlcea the Indies remove their nuts alter entering tne pews, COLORADO, One of the Moat ChnrmlnR State In the Dnlon Mr Health and Plraanr.. Reached best by "The Overland Route." Lowest excursion rates made for many ,9 UFA n r nit In mTaa V. ltHl.. Pacific, enabling tourists to reach the Rocky mountain regions without unneccs- eary expenditure of time or money. Do not make a mistake. All western states and points of Interest renched with least Incon venience via tho Union Pacific. New city ticket ofnee 1324, Farnam. Haydcn nros. aro the high price breakers uu iuvi yritc rauKcru, iiehq our BQ on page 7 and como and see. tockholders" meetings, etc.. to The Bee. W will give them proper legal Insertion. rrelephcne 228. Wash Petticoats 65g Ladlss' Striped Gingham Tettlcoats, with ruffle on deep flounce red, blue, black nnd White. You would willingly pay 11.00 or (Bore. Take them at 65 cents today. Open ttlll 0:30 p. m. MCSCOFIELD U IXCLUK&SUITCO. 1010 Douglas St. B AMtHAr A RFNNFTT CONTRACT IS LET nochrforrt A Hoald Will Ifnrr Chnrffc ni innntrnrtian nt ftltnth nnd ttHTntr The contract ror tne construction or tne street u let yesterday to the Arm of nocneiora & uouia. me contract price was not announced, both nartles belnc silent lne gubject. The plans call (or a building 176x132 (eet, (our stories with basement. The material to ba used In the outer walls Is gray brick with tone trimmings. A separate wall will be constructed on the west side, where the now building Joins Boyd's theater, this being done to provide additional ea(cty In case of Are. All material used In the building will be lng will not be flroproof, but will have slow - burning material In Its construction. No definite time has been fixed In the contract ror the completion of the struc ture, but the. Bennett company hopes to havo It ready to occupy by October 1. The contractors will begin., the construe Hon Immediately aid have promised to let nothing Interfere with Its speedy comple Hon. At the time bids were first received sov enteeu firms submitted figures. Of these twelve were rejected and five were consld- ered at the final letting. Of tho five bids submitted the variation between the highest an" ,Be lowest w"8 than 13,000, while I SoOO WOUln hnvn lnvr,1 ihn vaplnllfln tween the mnlxr tv nf Ih. hl.r. . v V,UU lU ,f be 8Uro need, cleans- ,,.' ... '; "r weather arrives; It will put tho stom ""'"wi. m ordtr nd hciP y0U tnrougn tne heated term The nrleea wn nk wnnlH .i.i-t-. . rm man lf kept up ,ong Haydcn Br0j. Read our ad on page 7. CHEAP su.MMnn ic.xctmsio.Ns Via Itllnol Central It. It. St Taut nnd return, June 18-30, $13.65. Minneapolis nnd return, Juno 18-30, $12.65. liuiuw ana return, June 18-30, $lff.95. Cincinnati and return. July 4-6, $22.50. Detroit and return, July 5-7, $22.00. Chicago and return, July 2, 3, 5 $14.75, Loulsvllle'nnd return, August 24-6, 421,50 Buffalo nnd return, very day, $25.75. Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Buffalo and Intermediate points. Staterooms re served In advance. Call at city ticket of- b-- i j SdVeVaVT Brllf b P f I r n' n" " fv i " Brn1' D' P' A" h C' R' R" Kriifc I'nrk pour nlrnln r,nriin. ,u. i- and manufacturing houses of the city and blc monkv flo.t. .r. f,. that aro on the program to enliven and mako noteworthy today at tho popular Krug park. The monkey fiesta will take piace at 3 p. m, Theso e ,s cerUtnIy offer the limit of fun In' the way of en- tcrininment and are so delightful for Juveniles that mothers could scarcely find a more enjoyable treat for the children Tho' nark id a h.Biitifiit .nri i i, with an abundance o( entertainment to whllo awny the hours these warm n(ter noons and evenings.3 It Is a (avorlto with the very best class b( family trado and numerous small parties are seen grouped throughout tho big crowd any fine day. It offers the best of Inducement to (ra- t"nal "'S&nlzatlons and: others to give nlcnlcs - A PIaej to Spend the Snmmer, On the lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY are some of the most beautiful placet in tne world to spend a summer vacation. camping out or at the elegant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beautiful Jakei ana streams and cool weather, These resorts are all reached easily from Omaha. A book describing them may be had nn nnnllrnHnn ni the PhUan tll wnuk1, R, p.,,1 n.iu... -i.l '..m,.. offlcei jB04 Farnam 8treet, Omaha. Round tr n HelcRtn. inn,! until Ootnh.r fll nn ' . -, " - wu .gin Hi fft-!ltlv rarillxon1 rot.. Fl A. NASH, General Western Agent, rr a KTr r- t . . . . . , .. . . ,u u a . . lh v.a "tabll.hed trade In r ' " "l".?L"y 10 mi iibnv iiiuu, n.jt riancii, Chicago. Omaha's Finest Shoe Store Broken lines of men's and women's Shoes at reduced nrirfkB (a4iif4ar ret,UCeQ PrlCeS Saturday. e clenr out every broken line in the houne. Our motto Is. Never allow them to nccumulate ns, others , do. The price will move them quickly. " . . We hnve arranged the stock so you will find your choice easy. Also, add! tlonnl Raleampn will wflnts P'onipUy. k ton KinlfAn tin a a rt rv leAe ahnAr na" Price. 1515 Diu!at Strut. TRUST OR NOT RUST 8,EIIi .M AT THESE PRICES OR BUST $1.60 Fellow's Syrup $1.25 $1.00 Peruna 75c $1.00 Ltsterine ... 75c 35o Castorla ....t 1 25c 25c Cutlcura Soap .' 20a :5c Packer's Tar Soap 20c 20o Pears' Soap 12c 75c Hall's Catarrh Cure 65c 25c Menncn'a Talcum Powder 16c 26o Carter's Pills 15c 26c Dromo Qululu 15c 25o Schllti Malt I5e 50c Hoff Malt 40c 76c Mellln'i Food '. 5c 60c Syrup of Fig ..... 40c 26c Allcock'a Plaster '. 16c I 60c Malted Milk 40c These prlc are the lowest In the city and we sell 'tra. FULLER 3 GO., KELLEY, STIGER k CO, Catorday'i Bptciali in Women'i and Chil dren's Bnmmtr Hoiltrj and Uiderwtar. SURE OPEN TILL 9i30 SATURDAY EVENING Laities Fancy rnrninla, EiclnalTe Styles from f to f IB A Special for Saturday la One at ft. BO Children' Paaraaols, SSo TO $2.00. Women's fast black seamless cotton hose, double heel and toe, special quality, our Saturday's sale, only 16c, 2 for 26c. Women's dron stitch fast black lisle thread or cotton hose, fast black fine cotton ose, with maco soles, high spliced heel nd too, cannot be equaled elsewhere (or less than 35c pair, for Saturdny only 25c pr. Wo have an extcnslvo line of women s fancy Imported lisle thread and fine cotton hose, a great variety of styles and colors, black lace and real lace llslcs, real novel ties, 65c values, our price only 60c pair. Children's fast black fine ribbed hose, ouble knee, heel and toe, on of our special bargains, size C to on our coun ter at 16e pair. Misses' black lisle thread hose, fine rib bed, double knee, heel and toe, wears well and looks well, regular 35c quality, size C to 9, Saturdny 25c pair. Wo will mention a few of our choice bar gains In women's underwear. Women's best I-'gyptlnn cotton rlchelleu ribbed vests, low neck, sleeveless or wing sleeves, only 15c, 2 for 25c. Women's lisle thread vests, fnncy knit, cry prettily trimmed, well made, low neck, slcovclcss or wing sleeves, umbrella draw- rs, with laco trimming, comforts for warm weather, for Saturday only ,25c each. We have tho largest, best and cheapest lino of women'a silk vests! the now patent shield In pink, blue and cream, fancy lace silk vests with vory pretty laco yokes; tho new vest without shoulder straps to bo worn with fancy yoko dresses. This entire lino on our counter for Saturdny only 50c each. Boys' Balbrlggan shirts nnd drawers, high neck, long or short bIccvcs shirts; ankle or knee length drawers, very good value, all tzes, 24 to 34, only 25c each. Women'a fancy parasols, vory pretty styles, new and exclusive stripes, checks, embroidered, from $1.26 to $15.00. Special for Saturday, n very pretty white silk parasol two ruffles, enameled handle and frame, silk tassel, a rcnl bargain, only $1.60. Women'a red nnd blue silk umbrella, n protector In sunshine and rain, natural wood handles, Paragon frame, silk tassel nnd cover, (or Snturday, $1.65 each. KELLEY. STIGER & CO., 16th nnd Farnam Sts Dnnce Tonliflit. Jolly Eight's lively ball this evening, Washington hall, Eighteenth and Harney streets; fine orchestra; a grand good time for you. Gents, 25 cents. Welcome. Publlih your legal notr:e in Th Wetkly nee. Telephone 2SS. - Cold Soda We have made special arrangements with the Ice man whereby each customer of the ONYX QUEEN during tho next 90 days will be supplied with nil the Ico they can consumo while drinking at our fountnln. Drlnka will be ICED at the ONYX QUEEN Just as though Ice was ns PLENTY AS KAI.N. Our soda wtter has a flavor that Is necullar to "OUR" SODA. Everythlnk that enters Into a, glass of aoda here ft perfect. The soda has that nip nnd sparkle tnat given it tone ana lire. The syrups have as near the natural flavor of the fresh fruits as It is posHibte to make thorn, and the ICE CREAM every one says la PERFECT. Try n Phonphnte for that Thlraty Fecllnfr. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, "The Drug Store on the Corner. SIXTEENTH AND DODGE STREETS. Fit and Fashion. That Sorosls fit Is fully demonstrated by the dally output at the Sorosls Shoe Store, That Sorosls are fashionable Is shown by the class of women folks that wear them. In every city of any Importance In this country thero Is an 'exclusive Sorosls Shoe Storo for the sale of nothing but women' shoes. There Is more caro taken to properly fit the feet with Sorosls than any other line of women's fine, shoes made. Every person selling Sorosls takes per sonal pride In their proper fitting. Don't ask for your size; ask to be fitted If they hurt they aro not Sorosls. Sorosis Shoe Store " 203 South 15th Street, Frank Wllcos. Maaaser. Send for catalogue. Hphe ladies of the Hans com Park Methodist church will have full charge of our soda fountain . Monday, June 24th. The entire proceeds will go to the above church. Come and bring yonr friends. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. I6th and Farnam Sts. Good Looks are spoiled by decayed or discolored teeth. We will make your TEETH look fine, If you let us fix them. Gold Crowns .,, $5.00 Gold Fillings ,.$1.50 up. Taft's Philadilphia Dentil Rooms 1517 Douglas St. BUMMEIl RXCUUSlOIt HATES. Via thei MIlTrankee Itallrrnr. June 12, IS, 14 and 16, Omaha to Chicago nd return, $14.76. July 4, 5 and 6, Cincinnati and return. $22.60. July 6, 6 and 7, Detroit and return, $22. July 20, 21 and 22, Mllwaukeo and return, $14.75. Low rates to summer resorts. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam st. Tel. 234. Our nrlr.eN nhnn whlrh wnv thfl wind nf nrlce lowness hlnwa. Havden Ilros.. with an ad on page 7. niUD. NEVILLE Mrs. Joseph, June 21, 1901, at ner lato residence, Zw2 Dodge ntreet. Funeral notice later. "From Missouri" We admit thnt thn aUnvn iihrnnn Is nn one, but Is right to the polnt-and that h our style. Wo consider that every one nowadays Is "from Missouri" nnd havo to be shown. That Ih why we think It Is to ridiculous for n mnnv nf our WriMl.fl.riM competitors to howl continually about hav ing mo iikst drugs and tho PUREST drugs and the RAREST drugs, nnd that mey save you an the way rrom 40 per cent upwards on vinir nreaerlntlnim. nr. All we ask to convince the most skeptical Hint ii pays io irane nere is a. single cn.uico to "show you" on every article In the drug line. SURE DEATH fnr hue nnnlhllnllnn... lSn $1.00 Peruna TJo $1.00 Uncle Sam's Tobaqo Curu (guar anteed) ., 60c $1.00 Temptation Tonic 75c 25c Laxative Dromo-Qulnlno 15c 25c Carter's Little Liver Pllla 15c $1.00 Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure.. "So uem laturrn Powder ac rears- Boupt i;c nnd 15c Woodbury'B Preparations 10c llcr's Unit Whisky 75c Ulroa Root Urnr ISn Malted Milk wc SCHAEFER'S Cut Price Driiii Store. Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. lfllh and Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. UAVnElT IIAT UCIlS We invoice July 1st. Our stock is lnro: the largest in Omaha; the largest in tho west it must be reduced onehalf in thn next ten days. That means the enormous lot of stuff. We have greatest bargains from recent spot cash purchases ever known in America. The prices were never-so low as they will be dur ing this sale. We have 05 extra fine snmnlo suits, direct copies of imported soiu at 500.00, ?G0.00 jyid .?7o.00, in this sale at We have 200 suits, nearly throughout, very fine imported one this season's make garments made up to sell at L'y to ?35 preinven- tory price z7 zf J Your choice of 200 suits, eleirant cloths: no cheap trash, but well made, stylish coods. for THE SKIRT DEPARTMENT Is crowded to Us very llmlti with silks, ralnv-dava. wash and dress, skfrts. Ladies' silk skirts made from finest quality silks, at 16.9S, $7.98, $10.00. S12.00. 16.00 and J20.00.ik.. Women's black, skirts In pebble, cheviots. mohairs, sergea and other materials, ner- fect fit and hang, made to sell for .$8.50 on sale at 4.98 Extra Specials Women's silk canes. 1.98 trimmed with lace and satin ribbon, worth $5.00, for , Women's silk waists 1.90 worth $5.00, for CHILDREN'S DRESSES A manufac turer's entire stock at 25c, 39c, 69c and $1.00. HAYDEN BROS READ BARGAIN'S Thooo Unt Houo You want to wear something light and airy. If you want to be thoroughly comfortable and enjoy the summer it is necessary to have one of our Fine Fancy Striped Flannel Outing $15, $18 and $20 Suits and reduced them to Men' $8.50 Worsted Trousers at $1.50 Men' 4.60 Fine Tailored rants for $2.50 Men' $6.60 Extra Fine Dress Trousers at $3.75 Extra Special Clearing Sale in Our Boys Clothing Department. ' Coys' $1.25 Washable Suits nt 45c Boys' $2.60 Washable Suits for 95c Boys' $3.50 All Wool Knee Pants Suits at $1.60 Boys' $10.00 fine Long rants Suits at $5.00 Boys' $3.50' Odd Long Panta now $1,50 Boyi' 25c Washable Knee Pants at lOo Read Ad on Page Seven. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. fry i,ott tlntm, $14.75 to Chicago and return June 12, 13, 14 and IS. Good till September 15. Corre spondingly low rates during the summer to Detroit, Cloveland, Cincinnati, Buffalo ex position. All via "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE," 1401-1403 Farnam street Special facilities for securing low rates, berths nnd Information regarding steamer trips on the great lakes. More Shirt Waists and the swellcst lino of White Negligee Shirts ever shown In Omaha, BLACK, The $2.50 Hatter, 107 So. tilth St. PERFIELO Weber Pianos BEE BLDG,, ROOM 7. Pre"inventory Charing Sale in 0 Cloak Dept. selling of an some of the models that ff &J.JJ all silk lined cloths:. everv f Cf S AA JtJJ Women's rainy-day skirts worth $5.00 for Women's rainy-day skirts, double-faced, worth $S 00 for each 1.95 500 WOMEN'S WASH SUITS the entire stock of nn eastern manufacturer at $1.08, $2.DS, $3.9S and $4.98; they are worth up to $12.00. for Saturday Wash waists made of excellent cloth at 19c. 200 dozen wash waists special for Satur day, $1.50 quality, each, 90c. Finest wash waists at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. 100. dozen wrappers mado of very best S4 percale, tho $2 quality, Saturday, 98c. Women's wrappers, 15-Inch flounce, ex cellent quality percale, at 49c. ON PAGE SEVEN. UiVftCII' SUITS at $5 Just tho coat and trousers, you know and a negligee shirt, and yon ara fixed not only cool and comfortable, but correct and stylish. A beantlful range of higher grade Fancy Strlpod and Checked Flannel Outing Suits at $6.50 and $7.S0. Single and doublo-breastfifl Dluo and Black Sergo Coats from $2.00 up. Extra Special for Saturday Too many Men's Flno Suits. Somothlng extraordinary had to be done to move them, so wo took all our $10.00 Men's $10 Finn Blue Sergo Suits for $5.00 Men's $7.60 All Wool Casslmoro Suits at $3.75. Men's $13.50 Steln-nioch Suits, now $7.50 SATURDAY The store is full of right things for right buy ers. Ther'e arc many reasons for it, First the stock is enormous. Second the trade continues without letting up. Next we want your trade. MEN'S SUMMER CLOTHES. Men's lHue Serge Coats, 2.00. Men's Blue Serge Coats, double breasted, 2.00. Men's Striped Flannel Coats, 2.75. Men's Coat and Pants, all wool bine llaunel, stripes or plain, 4.75. Men's Coat and Pants, all wool, new and st.vlisli for summer, well made,' 5.25. Men's Fancy Flannel Coat nnd Vest, 6.75. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Men's Pndershirts nnd Drawers, good quality bal briggnn, 25c. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Men's ' Undershirts and Drawers, in fancy colors, each, 35c. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Men's Undershirts nnd Drawers, fine quality, plain or ribbed, each, 45o. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Men's extra fine silk faced Shirts and Drawers, each 65c. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Extra fine quality Vests and Drawers, each, 1.00. BOYS' WAISTS. Good quality, light and dark colored percales, all sizes, each 25c. BOYS' WAISTS. Fancy colored Madras cloth nnd percale blouse waists (mother's friend), 45c. BOYS' WAISTS. Fancy Waists nicely trim med, large or small collars, plain white embroidered, 75c. BOYS' WAISTS. Best grade French percale and imported Madras, 1.00. MEN'S STRAW HATS. Men's Straw Fedoras, complete line of sizes, 45c. MEN'S STRAW HATS. Panamette Fedoras, or rough straw, 45c. MEN'S STRAW HATS. Stiff or soft brim, different styles to plain eight select from, 25c. BOYS' STRAW HATS. Sailors, all new this year's patterns, 15c. BOYS' STRAW HATS. Sailors, and half-a-dozen other styles, each, 20c. WOMEN'S WASH WAISTS. In a choice line of pat terns, 19c. WOMEN'S WASH WAISTS. Made of the best standard percales, 25c. WOMEN'S WASH WAISTS. In Ginghams, Madras, Chambrays, plain and col ored, 45 c. WOMEN'S WASH WAISTS. In a handsome line of pat terns, large sailor collars, 59c. WOMEN'S WASH WAISTS. nandsomely embroidered, trimmed waists, in a large selection of designs nnd col ors, 69c. WOMEN'S Womon'a fnst black seamless hoso Mo values Women's seamless cotton hoso, hlnrk. tun nnd faunlcn ,. ,10c 15c Womon'a lino iiuallty black, tnn and fancy cotton Iiohp 2fic extra good values "uw AT BOYS' SUMMER CLOTHES. .Boys' Knee Pants, 4 to 14 years, 25e. Boys' Knee Pants, 4 to 14 years, extra values, 35c. Boys' Knee Pants, 1 to 10 years, patent waist bands, 50c. Boys' Summer Suits in choice line of suitings, 1.25. Boys' Summer Suits made of serges, cassimeres, Scotch plaids, etc., excellent values, 2.50. Boys' Crash and Linen Pants, 4 to if) years, 15c. MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. Men's summer comfort Shirts, full line of sizes, each 45c. MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS. In a pretty line of Madras and Cheviots, etc, 75c. MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS. In English Madras, Cham brays, Cheviots, in big line of patterns, 1.00. MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS. A new shipment of high grade, negligees, all sizes, 2.50 values, 1.45. MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS. With or without collars nnd cuffs attached, 45c. BOYS' SHOES. In satin calf, good solid serviceable shoes, for 1.25. BOYS' SHOES. In good quality vici kid, 8$ to II, every pair guaran teed, full line of sizes. 1.20. BOYS' SHOES. The do-not-rip kind, good quality satin calf, neat, dur able, 13 to 2, 1.35. SOYS' SHOES. The kind to romp and kick in, they won't rip, all you pay here for such a pair, 1.10. MEN'S HALF HOSE. Good quality seamless cotton hose, 5c. MEN'S HALF HOSE. Fine Maco cotton, fast colors, 10c. MEN'S HALF HOSE. In a large variety of stripes, checks, etc., regular 35c values, 15c. MEN'S HALF HOSE. Fine quality lisle thread, fast colors, 25c. MEN'S HALF. HOSE. - ' In tan, black, split soles, regular 50c values, 25c. WOMEN'S SUMMER SHOES. Women's Oxfords, me dium toe, cloth tops, 1.25. WOMEN'S SUMMER SHOES. Women's Oxfords, heavy soles, English toe, 1.25. WOMEN'S SUMMER SHOES. Women's Princess low shoes, elastic in front, no lacing, regular 2.50 values, 1.50. WOMEN'S SUMMER SHOES. Women's Oxfords in black or tan, with or without cloth tops, 1 .50. MISSES' SUMMER SHOES. Misses' patent leather neat, comfortable and drossy regular 2.50 values, for 1.90. HOSIERY Woman's two-thread maco cotton lls'e thread solid black and fancy oe. stripes, with lace effect OOC Fine quality women'a hose, In black lace, Richelieu ribbed, IngTaln, AKr dye, handsomo line patterns ,..'Ol All Millinery Moves Tho entire stock of ready-to wear mil linery must go during the next few dayB You'll find some wonderful bargains here if you're prompt. Ready-to-Wear Trimmed Hats $5 values for 2. 46 8. 75 values for $1. 45 Walking hats 26c, 45c, 95c worth double.