10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, JUiNE 22, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Jhrktt Oenirallj Kules Dull and Oloiu Lower All Around. WHEAT FALLS UNDER ENORMOUS CROPS Corn SetlliiR Mostly r Locnl l.nngi- Oat Hnic Occnalonnl hpurt of Actl Ity Provision Wenk In Sympathy. CHICAGO. June Sl.-fnder pressjro of enormous crops the uhctt market showed extreme weakness today, the September deliveries closing Ujc lower. September corn closed c down, September onts 140 4c lower nnil provisions irom oraW to loo dLower cables, coupled with estlmntcs of an abundant harvest, combined to create 11 weak opening In the wheat nit. During the early part of the session thu feature wns the heavy selling by locals. Commission houses wero moderate buyers. Liquidation of July continued and was a powerful In fluence In bringing about the depression In .September, which Increased as the day ad vanced. September opened MNo lower at 67ifMe. I'nder continued liquidation prices dropped to 67'4C around which flg.ire there was considerable profit taking. The low point of the day was 66'lic, nt which the market closed weak, nradstreet's reported exports of wheat and (lour equal to 6,S21,OiiO bushels, against 4,791,000 Inst week. Argcn tine shipments wero 880.000 bushels, com pared with 621,000 last week and l.Mfi.OOO a jear ago. Nino boatloads were taken or export. Seaboard clearances of wheat anil flour were equal to 731.17S bushels. Pri mary receipt!) were 416,941 bushels, against 608,622 bushels a year ngo. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 147 cars, against 237 last week and 125 a year ngo. Local receipts were 46 cars, 1 of contract grade. Corn was dull. Selling by longs, mostly for locnl account, was the principal fea ture .Most of this corn was taken by com mission houses. During the latter part of the session the market was very m.ich af fected by weakness In wheat and the 'nw est prices wero near the close, September ranged between IS'WIJtyc nnd 4114c. closing 4c lower at the former figure, nradstreet's reported 2,426,100 bushels taken for export this week, compared with 2,569,000 bushels a wefk ago. Seaboard clearances were 211, 433 bushels. Primary receipts were 224,90.x bushels, against 610,075 a year ago. Local receipts were 160 cars, 2 of contract grade. Oats were weak and dull, but with oc casional spurts of activity. The weakness was largely due to sympathy with other grains and to continued liquidation. Buy ing was scattered. Commission houses Old most of tho selling. September ranged be tween 26'ic and 26ic closing V4Tt c lower nt former prices. Iocal receipts wero 136 cars. Provisions wero weak In sympathy with weakness in thu grain markets. There was also an npparent drslro'of outside longs to take prollts. Trading wan light. September fiork ranged between $11.80 nnd $15. closing 5c lower nt $11.85. Lard sold between JS.62V4 and $8.7714, closing 1001214c lower at 18.65. Lnrd ranged between IS.10 and $8.174 ftlS.20. closing nt decline of 50714c. at JS.lOff 8.1214. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 45 cars; corn, 200 cars! oats, 150 cars; hogs, 17.000 head. Tho lending futures ranged ns follows: ArticlcB. Open. I High. Low. Clone.) Ycs'y. Wheat Juno July Sept. Corn June July Sept. Dec, Oats July Sept. May J'oik July Sept. Lanl .Tuly Sept. Oct. Blbs July Sept. I 6'i 6SU 66 6641 6 '4 68UOJ m, fi" fi" I g:, !7IfGS 68 60!i C6T4! 68S1 I'll I 42",1 13 43WHIVJ'f1!; 42T4U2Tt'iH.T 4l?tt'.4 4114 nVd43tinil'4lWU 41141 ' 4114 40-)i 40HI 2Si4l2Si,4 27HI 2741 28 'i 26H 26i 26', 2fi'il26-l1(! 2914 0V 25iii2Siin(.l snu I I I I 14 62141 14 6 14 fi2H 14 65 j 11 SO 15 00 I 15 CO 14 SO II (5 15 00 I I I I R 70 R 70 R 55 S 60 8 70 R 7714 R 77U 8 6214 R 65 S 774 8 75 8 75 8 621i 8 621i 8 75 i I R 10 R 10 8 02!J R A2'4 S 10 8 1714 8 20 8 10 I 8 12'4 8 174 No. 2. Cash nuotatlons were as follows: FLOUR 8teady: winter patents. $3.70tf 3.80; straights. $3.2003.60; clears. $2.t0O3.30. WHEAT No. 2 faring. 6.V570c: No. S spring. 6IH(f67c; No. 2 red. 66"4064c. COIIN-No. 2, 4114c; No. 2 yellow, 4214tf 42ic . OATS-No. 2. 2Sl45i28;c: jc0. 2 white, 305 30'4c: No. 3 whlto, 27J029c. RYE-No. 2. 47i4047c, BARLEY Oood feeding, 61052c; fair to choice malting. r.0O5''e. BEEDS-No. 1 flax, $1.85: No. 1 northwest ern, $1.86: prime timothy, $4. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per hbl., $14.6214 Ci 14.65. Lnrd. per 100 lbs., $8.5508.60. Short ribs sides (loosol, S7.nofiR.10. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $7.0007.25. Short clear sides (boxed), JS.35flS.40. WHISKY-Basls of high wines, $1.27. Following ore tho receipts nnd shipments for today: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 17.M0 10,000 Wheat, bll 89,000 150,0(1) Corn, bu 145,000 191,000 Oats, bu 1SO.0O0 121.000 Bye. bu 3,000 Barley, bu 7,000 j,(u On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries, 11UO 19c: dairies, 111401614c. Chocs, steady, at 0310c. Eggs, stronger, nt 10iS10V4c NEW YOIUC tiEMlllAI, MARKET. Qnntntlona of the In- on VnrliiiiN Commodities. NEW YORK. Juno 21,-FLOUR-Recelpts, 20,602 bbls.: exports, 31,120 bbls.: weak and lower: winter patents, $3.1503.50; winter straights, $3.4003.60; winter extras, $2,500 2.85; Minnesota bakers, $2.904ju.lu; Mlnne sotn patents. $3.SOS4.00; winter low grades, $2.3002.40. Ilye tlour, dull; fair to good, $2.80'u3.10; choice to fancy, $X20Q3.D0. CORNMEAI Easy; yellow western, 91c; uyji yuiei; n. s western, B21J5IC, afloat; state. 625i64c. c. I. f., New York carlots. HARLEY Steady , feeding, 4Sc. c. 1. f Now York: maltlnit. ESflCLV. e. I. f. vu. York carlots BARLEY MALT Dull; western, 65fl72c. WHEAT Receipts, 173,600 bu.; exports. 129,487 bu. Spot market weaker; No. 2 red, iUc. f. o. b., nllnat; No. 2 red. 7IHc, ele vator; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 7&Sc, f. o. b afloat; Np, L hord. Duluth. S2lic, f. o. b.. afloat. Options experienced a severe break under free July liquidation, a determined bear attack, fluctuations abroad, disposing of tho crop dnmnge rumors, a poor spot demnud and favorable homo crop accounts, dfsplto the showers In harvesting districts. i-.',05.cJ,wcn,f ot HiWlWo net decline. July. 7.4!4.54c, closed nt 7t'sc; September. 72iW 39.6c. closed nt 72'4o; October, 73'5fi7tc. closed at 3c; December, 74;fl75Uc. closed nt 41-ic. i-oit.N-Recelpts. 44,400 bu.; exports, 139,755 bu. Snot, easy; No. 2. 47c. elevntor, and 4SV.C. f. p. b., nlloat. Option market wus VIII uuiei ami weaker, following wheat and In flnenced by more liberal country offerings, easier cables nnd poor seaboard clearances. Closed Weak at ';Sfln net rlnnllna 46MWUC. closed at IdTic : September, l7Vu n"i"- vinru in nc; icmner Closed at ti'c bu. NBpot, steady: No. 2. 32Hc; No, 3. 32o; No. 2 white, 33033!ic: No. 3 white, 3Hc trnck mixed western. .t5J7S3t4ri' im.b ...i.i.. 3:i4ft3Se. Options, dull and easier, with the other markets. ' Ji?7-"JL: ""'PP'nB. "2!so; good to HOPS Quiet; state common to choice 1M) crop. l6lRc: 1899. OTflOc; old olVwc; Vaclflc coast. 1900 crop. 16fiisUc: li99. imU.! old olds, 2iftki. . v. in ineais. nrm: n nk e.l 'JXtW, pickled shoulders. $7.15117 60 hams. $S.7T)OS.. Lnr.1 ..'.iVA. : '..2.. ' $10.60! rnnlltinnt M,'oJ...i. ilr)&SSl02t,y: 0veston. 20 to 25 Ins.. ISHc; Toxas dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. HdltUe LEATHER Stendv: hemlA.v'.i? mSSs?44c hl ' he'lVy wclBh,s' Wt'- "eld. I'HOVIB ONS-neef. firm: family sn no Denies, Pickled ern steamed America. $9.75; compound, $ti.87'47.() Pork 2?r2"Fi. 'nmlly. $li6fll6:oo; 8Vort clean $16.0017.25: mess, JlB.7otll6.75. ' 6jTALLOW-Steady; city. 4T4c; country, 5ff !rZviriU3 falr ,0 cholce' 3 liU A l 'KU-liewipic. 9.016 nkes.; trm: CHEESE Receipts, 4.533 p&": nrm; ,aJ?.9' J.argr: cl"r'', 8lc: fancy, lurge white. 9Vc: fancy, small, colored, ovifjgvic: fancy, small, white. 94i9ile. u ' ' LGOS-Rece pts, 3,749 cases; quiet; stnte and Pennsylvania, 13fjl34c; western. 12Hcl 13"l3c! we8,l?rn, ungraded. 11 ,J'ou-I'TRY-ALtve' "Jys springers. 15T strong; springers, !ft522c; turkeys, 7(OSV4c; fowls. lOHe. METALS Tho market for tin In local circlet was an irregular one. The opening wm wttk at a looj of about 40 points as the result of depressing information from abroad, where values declined 16s, doling easy nt 125 15s tor spot and nt 123 for iuturcs loiter in me uay, nowever, Buy ing orders beramo liberal, with a resultant rise of about 25 point, closing the locnl market quite firm and bringing the net loss to a matter of only 15 points. Spot closed nt $2.5og2S.t and still tending up ward. A grtod business transpired during tne day. opener experienced n decline oi 24 points under lack of support nnd In sympathy with u lower ruling of values In London. The cloe heie was easy at I3.02V4 n3.97',i nnd In toudon at 17 6. Domestic Iron markets were quiet and unchanged. (Jlagow warrants closed at "3s 6d nnd Mlddlesborough at Us ISd. Copper locally was nominally unchanged, while In London a net Ions of 2s fid was noted. nnt rlnnlnwr nt 6S 12s 6d and futures at 69 2s 6d. Lead was wunoui cnange. OMAHA AVHOI.KSAi.fc. SI A nit ET. Condition nf Trnite nnd Uuotntlons on Staple nnil Futicv Produce. EGflB ItrcrltilK Illi..rn1- - m- BMWU u iVVrt ail lOjllOwc. live POULTRY liens, 7c; youn and old roosters, S'dOci turkeys, 680; ducks and B0.?f.t'.,J:?.,'i'rlllK clilckens, per lb., I6lc. choice dairy, In tubs, 14&15c; scpatntor, 18c. FRESH FLSH-Blnck bass, isc; white uueh, oc; uiueusu, 11c; nuillicnds, iuc: uiuo litis, 7c: butfulos. bo: entllxli. 12c: cod. Uc: crnpples, 74luc; clscocs, 7c; halibut, lie; her- in t. oc; niicidocK, iuc, pickerel, 7c; puce. I'c; led niiupiier, loo; salmon, lie; suutlsh, 6c; trout, oc; whltctlsh, 8c. IMUKONS-Llve, per doz., $1. VEALS Choice, 9i10c. HAY Prlcen quoted by Omaha. Wholesale .May DculeiH association: Choice upland, 8.iiu; No. 1 upland, Vi medium, $7! coarse, $6.50. i;yo struw. $6.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. No fresh receipts. OATS-No. 2 white, 29c. CORN No. 3, 42c. BAN-$15. VEGETABLES, SPINACH-Pcr bu. box, 40c. ASPARAUUS-Natlvc. per doz., 35S0c iwiuuauii-iiomo grown, per id., ic. HV.W CARROTS Per doz., 20A25C. NEW TCltNIPS-Pcr 00s., 2(,(&"25c. Ci. CUMBERS Hothouse, per doz., 40c, LETTUCE Per bu 20c. RADISIIES-Pcr doz,, 15320c. PARSLEV-Per doz.. 30c. POTATOES-Old. per bU $1. NEW POTATOES-Pcr bit., $1.00gi.l0. CABBAGE Now California, 2c. TOMATOES Florida, ner ti-luisket ert. fancy, $2.60; Texas, 4-bsk. crates, $1.60. UNIONS-Bermudas, tier crate, tl.lb: new Calltornla. 2c. CAULIFLOVER-H!r.o.crown. ncr doz.. 50c. BEANS wax. nor 1-3 bu.. 60c: string, per 1-3 bu.. 60c. J'JSAH-Per bu., $1.00; per 1-3 bu., 40c. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Homo crown. $2.50: Missouri, $2.&j; Colorado, $2.50B2.76. BLACKBERRIES Per 24-ql. case, $2.00Q) RASPBERRIES Per 21-nt. case. $3: red. per 21-qt. case. $5.0u; per 24-pt. caso, $2.50. CUEuRIES-Calltorniu, per i-lb. box, $1.25; .Missouri, per 21-qt. caso, $1.60. PEACHES-Callfornln, per box, $1.00. APRiCOTS-Catlfoinlii, 4-basket. crates, $1.50. PLU.MS-Calltornln, per crate, $1.25. GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qL case, $1.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California set-dllncs. 12.76? 3.0o; Mtd. sweots, $3,254(3.50. L,rj.iu;N.--v.uinurina. i-Atra fancy, $3.?a; choice, $3.25. BANANAS Per bunch, nceordlnir tn size. $2.11442.60. it nib California, now cartons, 75c; layers, 63c; imported, per lb lcyi2c. uai lb-I'crsiun, in w-iu. ooxes, sairs, 6C per lb.; Halloween, 5Uc per lb. l'INEAPPLES-Per Uoz.. $1.75U2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, tier 2i-sectton case. $3.75. LlDEU Per bbl., $t.M; per half bbl., $2.75. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; III berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., is(20c; raw peanuts, per lb., Dili Vic; roasted, 6W(t i'.ic; itrnzlls, 13c; pecans, lw22c. HIDES No. 1 green. 6Vic: No. 2 green. 4',4c; No. 1 salted, CVic; No. 2 salted. 5V4c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to l.'4 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, fcQ13c; shoep pelts, 25U7oc; horse hides. $1.5Ci?2.2S. at. I.oiiIh (rnlii nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS. June 21. WHEAT t.nwer! No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 66',c; track, ffiip iu-,ji., juiy, ttivn'oiuc; tsepicmucr, w.tc; ino. 2 hard, C6V4''(i7Hc. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 42c; track. 4314c: July, 41io; September, 42Hff42c. OATS Lower; No. 2 .cash, 29c; track, 29V403OC; July, 27',-c; September, 26iS26-c; Nil. 5 Willi.. ."niii.'ilUr. RYE Firm nt 49c. FLOCR-Dull; patents, $3.5O'd3.60; extra fancy and straights. $3.10ffT3.20: clears. $2.80 ij3.(i. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.10. BRAN About steady: tacked, east track. IBc. HAY Timothy, stendy. at $10.00SH.OO; prairie, llrm, at $9.50ft 10.60. WHISKY-Stcady. 1.27. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.03. BAGGINGS d'.ifl 7c. HEMP TWINE 9c PROVISIONS-Pork. llrm; Jobblnc. $15.75. Lard, lower,, nt $8.45. Dry salt meats, weak: boxed loti, extra shorts. $S.25; clear ribs, $S.37!,4: clear sides, $8.50. Bacon, wenk; boxed lots, extni shorts, $9; clear ribs. 19.37V4; clear sides. $9.50. F',AXSEED-No market. METALS Load, llrm, $1.30111,35. Spelter, better. $3.80 asked. POI'LTRY-Stendy; chickens. 7c; springs, 1214c: turkeys, 7c; ducks, 6c; springs, Sc; geese. 4c; springs, Sc. Hl'TTER Steady; creamery, Hff20c; dairy. 13Ui4c. EGGS Lower; fresh, western, 9c: south ern. 8c. RECEIPTS-Flour. 4,000 bbls.; wheat. 13,(00 bu.: corn. 12,000 bu.; onts. 33,000 bu. SHIP.MENTS-Flour, 5.000 bbls.; wheat, 13,000 bu.; corn, 31,0oo bu.; onts, 11,000 bu. Liverpool (ruin nnil Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Junu 21. WHEAT-Spot. dull: No. 2 red western winter, 5s yd: No. 1 northern spring, 5s Sid: No. 1 California, 6s lid. Futures, quiet; July, 5s Hd; Sep tember. 6s 7d. CORN Spot, qulot; American mixed, new, 4s Hid: old, Is 2id. Futures, quiet; July, 3s U?d; September, 4s. PEAS Canndlan, steady, at 6s Od. HOPS At London, steady, 4ftl 15s FLOUR St. Louts fancy winter, dull at Ss. PROVISIONS-neef, firm; extra India mess, 63s 3d. Pork, prime mess western, steady ut 61s Hums, short cut, steady at 4n 9d. Lnrd. tlrm; prime western, 46s; American rellncd, In palls, 46a 6d, Bacon firm: Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady 44s 9d; short ribs 16 to 21 lbs,, 47s 3d; long v,-.ti ,i......vr.. . iuiik cicar middles, heavy, 42s 9d: short clear backs, 42s 11 to 13 lbs., steady. 36s Od. 1 BUTTER-Dull: finest United Stntes, S8s: good 1'nlted Stntes, 6"s. CHEESE Firm; American finest, white, nnd minted, now, 45s. TALLOW Prlmo city, quiet nt 25s; Aus tralian, In London, steady at 26s 6d. Receipts of wheat during the lust three days, 112,000 centals, including 109,000 Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during the last three days, 71,600 centals. Knnan Grain nnil Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June 21. WHEAT July, 60Vic: September. 60ftc: cash. No, 2 hard. 635itc; No. 3. 62'!tJ3V4c; No. 2 red, 65c. CORN July, 39c; September, 40e: cash. No. 2 mixed. 41ic; No. 2 white, 4l4042c; No. 3. 62Un63Vic. OATS-No. 2 white. 30c. RYE No. 2. 4Sc. H,A,YK!?nJA,,lmotny' n.5(VS12.0u: choice prnlrle. $10.00fi(10.W. R UTTER - Creamery, HVigKc; dairy, fancy. 131il4c. EGGS Weak; fresh Missouri nnd Kan sas stock, 9c. per doz,. loss off, cases re tamed; nw whltewood cases included, V4o more. RECEIPTS-Whcat, 36,000 bu.'; corn, 4,800 bu,: oats. 4.0n bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 53.600 bu.; corn, 13. 600 bu.; oats, 7,0u0 bu. Toledo (Srnln. nnil Seed, TOLEDO, Juno 21.-WHEAT-Cash, July and September, 79c. CORN Dull; cash and July, 43c; Septem ber, 44c. OATS-Qnlet, easy; cash, 2Sc; July, 27ic; September. 26c. CLOVERSEED Cash; prime, $6.50; Oclo ber, $5.55. RYE-Dull. Mltiiieniiolla Wheat, Flour and II ran MINNEAPOLIS, June 21. - WHEAT - i-nsn, tunc: juiy, w;,o; September, 63T4c; on track. No. 1 hard, tWc; No. 1 northern, 6tlc; No. 2 northern, 62c, l.-'l f'n'n T nu ... !. ..... . ... . . -.. ,ai7iii0. d.lvnilj.Mi: second patents. $3.5013.60; first clears, $2.60 V'.iv, n-i.uiiii i:ii-urp, BRAN In bulk. tlO.75tfll.0O, Penrln Market, inPEORIA. June 21.-CORN-Steady; No. 2. OATS Nominal; not quoted. WHISKY-On the basis of $1.27 for fin ished goods. ' Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, June 21.-WOOL-Falrly nc J.,vfl "nenanged: medium grades. Ill7c; at5; heavy flne mici DISTRIBUTION ON INCREASE Hois Lnznriom and Fancy Ooods Icing Shipped Than Erer Eefore. LESS LABOR TROUBLES AT SHOPS Shoe Production Is MlKhtty Rednred Store Export tn Clilnii Give EiiL'onrnKlntc Aspect to the Dry Goods Trade. NEW YORK, June 21. R. 0. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Increasing distribution of merchandise, particularly In the territory beyond tho Ohio river, including the tar northwest, is a lent ure of the general business situation and tells of widespread prosperity and con- imence. 1 nc railroads uro carrying more gooua that may be classed as luxutles than ever before, and in unite or Wall street's slightly higher money market there is no rear on tins scoro in any line of legitimate trade. Crini news continues good, there Is less trouble irom disagree ments with labor and tho lung laeenrd cotton goods market has recovered sligh'ly nun iiiv reuueuou oi unsold siocks ot print cloths. Less Intcrrjntlnn thrnlleh Inhnr rnnlrn. versles at machine shops makes the Iron and steel Industry moro tully employed than In recent weeks, and for another week there Is assurance of vigorous uc tlvlty at mills and furnaces. No alteration is recorded In prices, aside from a moderate reduction In gray forge. No decrease Is seen In nhlnmmita nt hnnl. and shoes irom Boston, forwnrdlngs con tinuing far In excess of other years. I tit actual production of tho shops Is slightly men: in less new nusiness ot frrcd. yuotntlons are shaded about ic for new grades, nartlculnru- n in iinr nnd seasonable goods, and fall deliveries arc more quiet. The more fortunate manu facturers have business to occupy shops to to the end of August. Local concerns have ialr orders from the west and nnnii tt.r nntumn goods, but are otherwise Inactive. Leather reflects the decreased needs of shops, though heavy stock commands top "'ioi unuiK 10 nciirciiy. r.ACCSUlVC SIOCK or nrlnf nlntlia nl T,"ill River have been reduced to 11 unmrlHlntr ' v..tui mm.,! iuc comninnuou or attractive prices nnd warmer weather Infused 11 little animation Into the market. Sales arc heaviest of wldo goods, but standard sizes are also sharing In tho enlnrged business. Tho rapid stride of exports to China In tho in own Kiron.1 division were not without In fluence, nnd. taken as a whole, tho cotton gOOdS ItldUStrV has ll moro ..lirnnr,,,.!,,,- aspect than at nny time for mnny months. An undertone of strength was seen In the raw cotton market on ncormni nf sninn activity nt tho mills, and good foreign buy- uicu mil, vii iu neutralize mo enect of better crop news. Improvement In woolen goods Is less pronounced, yet distinct gains are reported In certain lines, and a moro noneiui leoung is entertained as to the volume of new orders about to rami. for. ward. No change Is perceived In wool nnd prices rcmnln barely steady nt tho lowest llguro In nenrly four years. As the season advance ernn rnmlltlnna steadily Improve and In some states winter wneni is neing Harvested. No severe drop In quotations Is anticipated, however, for the crop is by no means beyond danger In the northwest and even n yield oquirl to the largest estimate mav be renlllrpd If tho most gloomy foreign fears are realized. In stead of raising sufficient for Its own needs i-mm..- nun come lorwnrn ns nn anxious purchaser and other forn fern nntfniin nrn dependent upon Imports to nn unusual ex tent, in tnreo weeks exports from Atlantic ports have been 10,401,316 bushels, ngnlnst 8.S26.3SS Inst year and 6.501,262 In 1899. For tho last week the movement from the eastern senboard docs not show the usual gain over last yenr, but Pacific shipments wrrc ouu.iiiu ousneis, against &it,43o in 1900. Failures for the week number 193 In tho United States, against 174 last venr. and II In Canada, against 15 last year. WEKKIiY CLEARING HOUSE TABLE. Ainrregrnte of nnslnrs Transacted by the Aftsnoclnteil Dank. NEW vrtnw M.. 01 ti,. 1 table, compiled by Bradstrcct, shows the nitnu flttfirltifH , V. .. i.ii..Li . . " ....... .. ,,,,,u,,ui ciiiuh iui the week ended Juno 20, with the perccn- '"(i nivicHiie ana accrcasc as cpmpiired u nc vwKcsuiiuins wcck lam ytur CITIES. New York Boston Chicago Philadelphia St. L.OU1S Pittsburg Baltimore San Frnnclsco Cincinnati Knnsns CMtv Cleveland Detroit New Orleans Loulsvllln Minneapolis iiuiinnnpons Providence MllwAllkp. Columbus, O OMAHA Buffalo St. Paul Savannah Denver Hartford Richmond Memphis Washington Peoria Rochester Now Haven Worcester Atlanta Salt I.nkn fllv Springfield. Mass....! Port Worth Portland. Me ', Portland, Ore St. Joseph 1,, Los Anceles . Norfolk .! Syracuse Des Moines Nashville Sernntnn Grand Rapids '. Dayton, O Seattle Tncoma Snokane Sioux City Toledo Galveston Colorado Springs .... Wilmington, Del , Fall River Augusta, Oa Lowell New Bedford Knoxvllle. Tunn Topeka Birmingham wicntta Blnghamton Lexington. Ky Jacksonville, Fin Kalamazoo Akron Chattannogn .'. , Rockford, III Canton. O Sprlngtleld, O Fnrcn. N. n Sioux Falls. S. D Fremont, Neb Davenport , Macon Evnnsvllle Mill RnnU Tlc!ena ', Springfield, 111 YoilnffHtown 11 Bloomlngton Jacksonville, in Wheeling. W. V Chester, Pa wiiKcsDarre , Totals, U. S Totals outside N. Y Clearings. Inc. Dec. $1,639,079,235 87.7 127.307.735 18.2 146,116,295 11.4 135,288,079 36.0 42,640,890 37.1 44,520,305 36.1 22.974,140 2.5 23,012,963 25.2 ...... 22,244, 650 43.4 15,289,798 18.8 14.62S.06I 14.9 10,292.974 27.1 9.470,260 23.3 9,501,493 19.9 S.R29.426 26. C 8.152.747 21.8 6,495,700 3.5 6,367.267 12.1 6,750,900 10.1 6,368,019 3.4 5.925,822 25.7 4.722.79S 2.7 2,745,995 6.0 4.205,211 5.1 2.3S1.8II 3.37S.S.9S 12.5 2.S40.8S6 30.6 2,723,111 12.2 2.150,985 11.3 2.053.815 25.6 1,401,365 l,699,oS6 21.5 1,577,890 15.8 4.419,967 123.4 1,339,819 15.M 2,104,955 29.4 1.301,095 33.2 2.160.567 12.0 4,536,833 14.7 2,931.158 33.2 1,376.855 2.6 1,407.107 17.6 1,607,697 23.8 1.201.481 1.8 1,618.414 16,6 1.278.482 7.8 1,109.972 2.3 2,805,103 1.13,9.758 21.9 1,07B,500 9.1 1,151,227 2.S 1,921,401 12,7 5,613.000 29.1 1,019.780 I 962.9SS S22.047 35.4 767,665 14.4 630.176 6.7 461.913 29.1 672,432 12,5 978, 656 23.9 832,273 5.3 4S5.239 1.4 301,200 ?6.3 437,725 14,0 390.S57 34.1 437.723 10.3 6S4.000 21.7 449.539 11.1 228.0S4 10.0 3.83,300 11,3 31S,80(i 14,2 337.729 192.225 57.3 120.606 20.5 826.031 5.6 553,000 1,2 966,509 38.1 638,015 30,5 741,425 30.6 411,885 18.6 I 620,803 71.0 182.093 8.3 13I.3SS 4.9 656,526 287,149 ! 724,024 $2,3X8. IS0T373 59.6 749,410,138 20,0 DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Hamilton St. John. N. B. Victoria Vancouver Quebec 531,951 514,6,6 872.119 662,811 717,508 758.515 613.120 961.379 491.917 13. 25.6 'si'.i 3.5 'sV. Totals ($ 37.fA5.079l 14.2 20,7 'ioj 'io!6 IHIADSTIIEBT'S nBVIEW OF TRADE. Lessening; Activity nnd Easier (Inotn tlons Mark the Week, NEW YORK, June 21,Bradstreet'B Financial Review tomorrow will say: Subsiding activity and an easing off of quotations have marked the present week In business. There was no decided liquida tion. While there Is no fear at present of atrlniency la the mont? market the reduc tion of New York bank reserves to $8,rv),coo last week and the shipment of some $500,0") gold to Germany this week created a feel tug that firmer rates of Interest are un avoidable. The July Interest und dividend payments will be the largest on record, and It Is thought that some pressure may be ex pected nnd that any expansion of specula tion would not be advisable. This seems to have been the chief limitation on tho ac tivity of the market. A feature was the modification of the views held a week ago about the proba bility nf a big deal In connection with tho St. Paul road, it now seems that the com munity of Interest principle will be applied In the ense of the St. Paul and other west ern roads, hut there will be no exchange of securities at high tlgures nnd assump tion of control by tho Union Pacific. 11 11 A DSTR i: ET'S It B V I E W OF TRADE. Crop Slttintlnii, ns n WJiole Is Oood Lenther Higher. NEW YORK, June 21. Bradstreefs to morrow will say: The situation Is one of sustained strength In some lines nnd further Improvement In others. The crop situation, of course, re mains the main subject of Interest, and this on the whole Is good, although too much rain In the South Atlantic states nnd too little In Texas, with the lack of wnrm weather for corn In the northwest, have constituted exceptions to otherwise fnvor uble advices. Perhaps the most significant features '.toted for some time Is that presented this week In regard to the prices of a number of lending commodities. Cotton goods, notably print cloths, blenched goods nnd a number of standard products, have been advanced and Interest In the price of raw material Is as much due to the better trade advices nt home and abroad as to crop damage reports from the south. Hides and leather, long threatening an advance, have at last succeeded In this re spect,, nnd In addition corn nnd onts among the cereals, lard among hog products, cheeso among dairy products und coffee and tin nro all higher on the week, the only Im portant reduction being In. wheat, due mainly to liquidation in the July option ns much ns to continued good crop advices. European ndvlces favor tho Idea that tho continent of Europe will bo a heavy cereal buyer the coming year. Iron and steel loso nothing In strength, ns tho turn of the yenr approaches. Woolen goods trade ndvlces arc quite cheerful and clothing manufacturers and dealers confident as to tho outlook for business. No particular change Is expected In wool prices, hut there is n cood vnlnmp of business doing at the east nnd nt lead ing Interior markets. Shoe shipments continue close to the maximum, ngaln exceeding 100,000 enses for the week, and for the season they nre 132,000 cases larger than a year ago. Hides nr tlrmcr nt the west nnd higher nt the cast. At Chicago lenther Is active and strong In sympathy with hides nnd storks of upper lenther are reported light. There Is a growing demand for fancy grades ot black leathers. An advnnce of half a cent on wnx calf Is reported nt Boston, where export business In leather Is also better. heat. Including flour, shipments for the week aggregate 5,029,831 bushels, against 6,159,10? last week. 4,615.100 In the corre sponding week of 1900. 3,746,718 In 1899 nnd 3,i99.470 in 1898. From July 1 to date this season wheat exports nre 211,612,214 bushels, against 196,4S0,136 last scafon nnd 223,193,476 In 189S-99. Cpm exports for the week nggregnte 2.345.3SI bushels, against 2,569.254 lnt week. 2.511,593 In this week a year ago, 2,867,243 In 1889 and 3,902,391 In lS9s. From Julv 1 to date this season corn exports are 173.0S1.949 bushels, against 198,768.926 Inst season nnd 165.299.162 In 1898-99. Failures for the week number 158. against 188 last week, 167 In this week a year ago, 199 In 1S99, 290 In 189S and 216 In 1S97. 1- allures In Canada for the week number twenty-s x. against seventeen last week, twenty-eight In this week a year ago, twenty-two In 1699 nnd nineteen In 1596. MOVEMENTS IX STOCKS AND BOMJS. More nnniorn Are nife IteRnrdlnR the St. Pnnl Deal. NEW YORK, Juno 21.-The tone of the money market wns easier 1odny. A new version of tho St. Paul deal today had It that tho block of 250,000 shares of St. Paul stock recently reported sold to Union Pa cific Interests was in fact to be exchnnged for nn amount of Union Pacific stock esti mated at nn equal value, thus furthering the estnblishment oCcommunlty of Interest. Union Pacific was crtrrled 3 points over Inst night and St. Paul nt ono time 2. although tho latter stock reacted. Reports that a working ngreemeqt,hnd been arranged be twocn Pennsylvania nnd the Wnbash caused tho Wabash securities to Jump, the common stock rising 14. the preferred 3T4 nnd the debenture B bonds i. Missouri Pacific also rose ,24 later In the day. Canadian Pncillc rose 3J. followed by some of its subsidiary lines, apparently on the hope of a strike settlement. Tho strength of New "kork Central seemed to be asso ciated with the dividend meetings of tho anderbllt companies. The local traction stocks wero strong, led by Manhattan, nnd Sugar showed n good gain, but without ex planation. Colorado Fuel selling ex-dlvl-dend showed a gain at one time of 49L but saved only 2 points of the gain. General Electric, nftor rising 2 points, broko at 8. The mnrkct closed quiet and stendy. Amal gamated Copper fully recovered Its decline, which had extended to 1'4. The speculative railroad bonds were gen erally nctlvo and strong. Total sales, pur value. $1,185,000. United Stntes bonds wero all unchanged on tho last call. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram .says: The Rtock mar ket was supremely Idle nnd trading drifted throughout the session, with prices still sagging. American stocks wero Idle with the rest until the last ten minutes of trad ing, when buying orders from New York In Wabash, Union Pacific and Canadian stocks caused n pronounced Jump In these shares. Tho better feeling was communi cated to tho rent of ihc list, with the result that 11 fractional rise took place all around. The close wns distinctly cheerful. The following aro tht closing prices ot the New York Stock exchange: Ohio G... Atchlon .. ttu pfd.... Ilaltlmore A no pfd Canadian Pacific . Canada 60 Cher. & Ohio Chicago & Alton. do pfd.... C. II. & Q Chlca-to. Iml. & L do pfd Chicago & K. III. Chltngo O. W to 1st pfd do 2.1 pfd Chicago & N. W.. C. It. I. it P Chi. Tor. & Tr do pfd C. C. C. & St. L.. Colorado Ho do lMt pfd do I'l pfd Del. & Rudiion ... Del. L. A W Denver & It. do pfd.... Krle do lut pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd llocklnir Valley .. do pfd Illinois Central .. Ioa Central .... do pfd Lake Krle ft. V... do pfd L. ft N Manhattan L Met. St. fly Mcx. Central Mex, National ... Minn, ft St. L, ... Mo, Paclflo M.. K. ft T do pfd N. .1. Central .... X. Y. Central .... Norfolk ft W do pfd No, raclflo do pfd Ontario ft V Pcnnnjivanla .... Reading do tat pfd.. do Id pfd St. L. ft S. F do lut pfd do 3d pfd St, L Southw.... do pfd St. raul . 83?4 do pfd... .tOiU So. Pacific ,109 So. Railway . am 00 prn .JMi Texas ft Pacific., . 71 Tol St. U ft W . 4JH do pfd . 414 t'nlon Paclllo .... . 7;'.t do pfd lv" Vt attain J5i do nfd . 73 Wheel, ft U E.. ISO 1 do !4 pfd . 2MI Wis. Central . sj'fc do pfd . SSi,4 P. p. c. ft St. L. ,M1 Adams Ex .KiS't American Ex , . tT. M. Kx . 41 Wrlls-Fargo Ex... , S!4 Amal. Copper .... ,. 15 .mer. Car & F... , Si 1 do pfd . 2-.i Anier. Mn. Oil ... .l6?i do pfd .:J7 Amer. S. ft It . n I "do pfd .1004, Amer. Tobacco . ti Anac. Mln. Co . 7IV4 flrooklvn P.. T . Colo. Fuel ft I.,.. .U3t Con. uas . StliiCon. Tobacco . 78U do pfd .UPt flen. Electric . 4li OliKoae Siifar .... . t:? iiocKing coal . 61 Inter. Paper .,:o do pfd.. .IMS Inter. Power .I2l!i l-aclede Gas .. .1T4!4 National lllicult . . Zi'i National Lead . 11U National Halt .108U do pfd .lSIttlVo. American . 319, Paclflo Coast . till 'aclno Mall .160 People's Oas . .U7'.i 'ressed S, Car .1M. do pfd.. . iVn 'ullnian P. Cnr.. 7 '. SI't . 4HI . 73t, . t:i . tilt . K . 75 . 3n; ,1T9U .1M htepublla Steel do pfd. ucar Tenn. Coal A Iron ''nlon Pa ft P... do pfd V. S. leather .... do pfd V, 8. niibber .... do pfd L'. S. Steel do pfd Western Union ... ..151 .. 32!, .. S7T, .. 4IH .. IlVi .. 37'.4 .U3i .. ns . ;, . 21'.. . 3.1 h .. 21 'i .. 4Ji . 70!J ..173 ..IDS .. 91 ..K0 ..12$ .. 3:s . sit, .. 24 .. C4 .. IV.i ,.103'i ..IJS'i 49 HI, ..115 ..:6: .. .nsu .. 60(1 .. 24 .. 23U .. VSl .. d:h . 84 .. 45 . 24 .. 4Ji 77H lOUi . 7l4 . 47 .110H 41'i ftSTt .205 !i . 7 .Mr; . T014 . 17'. . 7H, U'i . "9!i . :i!i . cm . St'i . t?'i . sin Trust receipts. Ex-dlvldend. Xen York Minlnc Stocks, NEW YORK, Juno 21 -The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks; Adams Con 15 iLlttle Chief n Alice 43 Ontario W0 Tlreece ,.,,.160 Ophlr 90 Brunswick Con 13 Phoenix 13 Cnmstock Tun I Potosl 6 Con. Cal, ft Vft J05 Iflatase i Deadwoot Terra ... $4 Isierra Nevada II Born Silver W 'Small Bores 40 Iron Silver M Standard 363 ladvllle Con 6 I Bunk Clearings. CINCINNATI. June 21,-Clearlngs $3.460,. 950, Money, 3fj5 per cent: New York ex change, 10c premium ST. LOUIS. June 21.-Clearins, t6.969.W3; balances. $1,095,904. Money, 6fj6t4 per cent. New York exchange, 10c bid, par asked. CHICAGO. June 21 -Clearings, $25,229,496: balances, $2,662,478. Posted exchange, $4 864 for slx'ty days and JI.S9 on demand, New York exchange. 25c premium, BOSTON, June 21.-Clearlngs, $17,395,876; balances, $3,021,610. BALTIMORE. June 21.-Clearings, $4,110, 58.1 ; balances, $499,965. PHILADELPHIA, Juno 21.-Clearings, $18,756,562; balances, $2,850,971. NEW YORK, June 21.-Clearlngs, $291, 685,741; balances', $13,S4o,924. Xew York Money Market, NEW YORK, June 2t.-MONEY-On call, firmer at 3Vd per cent: last loan, 44; rul ing rate, 4; prima mercantile paper, 3V481 4Va. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier at ad vance, with actual business In bankers' hills nt $4.88 for demand and $l.8fyl S5i for sixty days; posted rates, $i,86Vi'(54.S9; commercial bills. $4.S4iig4.$5. SILVER Certificates, nominally 60c; bar, 69c: Mexican dollars, I7',4C. BONUS State, Inactive; government, steady; railroad, strong. I'hu cluilnu piites un tionds todsA art at follows: U. S, ref. 2s, reg... do coupon do Is, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg.... do coupon do old 4s, rex do coupon do It, rtg do coupon D. of C. 3. 65s Atchison sen, 4s..., do adj. 4s,. Canada So. 2s Ches. ft Ohio 4Hs. do 5s .1 C. ft N. W. c. 7s., Mo 8. F. deb. Js Chlcano Ter. 4s Colorado So. 4s D. A R. Q. 4s Erlo general 4s..... I. W. ft D. C. lsv, Oen. Electric fs,. Ionn Central Is..., L. ft N. unl. 4s..., M., K. A T. 2s do 4 1014 ,107 ,10s; IDS5, ,1381, ,131 V ,U24 113',, 10! 1 10 its , tf', 105 10M4 120U it:'j ,12: 9S , fit'.i 101', , oi ,io:, ,:m ,113 103!, 86 .111; N. Y. C. Is N. J, C. uen. 5s. No, Pnclflo 3i.... do 4s N Y. r A Rt 1. Is N. ft W. con. 4s.. OrfKon Nav. Is.... do 4s OreKon S. L. s.. . do consol Ci... . Reading gen. 4s... Rio O, W. I St I, ft I M c. Ss. St L A S F gen. i.s St. Paul consols.. St, P. C. ft P. Is, do Is ., 8. Pacific 4s So. Rallnai' ts H, It. ft T. 6s Tex. A Pacific IS do 2s Pnlon Pacific 4... Wabash Is do 2s West Shore 4.... Wis, Central 4s Va, Centuries ... 107; 132 72 fC. .106', 102 '4 1u9 104 I an; 1IIS 103, 117 ,iS6i; ut ,1 J1'4 113'i , M 11M4 m 119 III 115 93 961 i Bid. Offered, Boston Stocks anil Bonds. BOSTON, June 21. Call loans, 3fl3',j per mt: time loans, aSi per cent. Official cen closing A.. T. ft 8. F do pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Telephone., Iloston ft Albany. Iloston Elevated . Boston ft Me C, n. A Q Dominion Coal .... do pfd V. S. Steel Kltthburg pfd Oen. Electric Mex. Central N. U. O. A C Old Colony Old Dominion Rubber t'nlon Pacific ..... Union land , . !; West End S3 .ton Westlngh. Electrlce. 67 .M3',i Atchison 4s 104 .123', N E. (), ft C. 6s... 60 .1M Adventure K; .Hi fllnghani Mln, Co.. :3i .178 Amal, Copper 12SU .m Iloston ft Mont M fliitte A Iloston 1231.5 . til, 'Cal. ft llecla 500 U3' Centennial 304 . 19 r'ranklln i;, .113 Humboldt 23 .2o3 Osceola . f3 . Parrot rjij . 4Qulncy 172 I0&U Santa Fe Copper.... 744 . 32 li Tamarack 335 . IP, Utah Mining SOU .'.13 VWInonn 2 . !',k Wolverines 69 Ex-dlvldend. London Stock Quotations. LONDON, June 21. 4 p. m. Closing: Consols, money., do account .... Atchison , Canadian raclnc, St. Paul , Illinois Central Louisville Union Pac. pfd. N. Y. Central ... Erie , ..93 9-16 ..13 9-16 .... 90S ,...10S ....Ml ....1501,4 ....m4 .... M'.j ....100 .... 4i :, do 1st pfd Pennsylvania ... Reading No. Pacific pfd. Orand Trunk ... Anaconda Hand Mines .... V. S. Steel ..... do pfd . 72 . 7:, . 23'4 .100 . 11!, ,.ior. 42, . M", .101 BAR SILVER-Steady, 27 1-lSd per oz. MONEY 1V4R2 per cent. Discount In the open market lor short bills is 2 7-1682 9-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 24152 9-16. Condition of the Trensnry. WASHINGTON, June 21. Today's state ment of tho treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $170,259,136; gold, $95,159,267. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June 21.-COTTON-The opening wns stead', with prices unchanged to 5 points higher. Tho market was finally quiet and stendy. with prices net 1 point higher to 4 points lower. Futures closed quiet nnd stendy. Spot. Jic lower; middling uplands, 8fi.l6o; middling gulf, 8 13-16c. Sales, 650 bales. LIVERPOOL, June 21.-COTTON-Spot, In fair demand, prices l-16d higher; Amerlcnn middling fntr. 5 3-16(1: good middling, 4 7-16d; middling. 4 11-16(1: low middling. 4 11-32d; good ordlnnry, 4 7-32d. Sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation nnd export, nnd included 9,300 American. No receipts. Following nre the weekly cotton statistics: Total sales of all kinds, 61,000 bales: total sales American. 54,000 bales. English spinners taking 51,000 bales; total exports, 6,ut0 bales; Imports, of an kinds, su.uo" bales; imports or American 25.000 bales: stocks of nil kinds. 89.000 bnles quantity afloat. American, 70.000 bnles: total sales on speculation, 1,200 bales; total sales to exporters, 1.400 bales. NEW ORLEANS, June 21.-COTTON-Spot market quiet; sales, goo bnles; ordinary, 5 u-itic; gooci ordinary, tv4c; low miuniiug, 7 5-16c; middling, 8 3-16c; good middling, 8 11-16c; middling fair, S1d-1Cc; receipts, 1,461 bales: stock, 114,093 biles. ST. LOUIS, Juno 21.-COTTON-Stendy; middling, 8 l-16c: snles, 60 bales; receipts, 9S1 bales: shipments, 1,190 bales; stock, 6S.395 bales. GALVESTON, June 21.-COTTON-Flrm, nt &J-itc. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 21.-COFFEE-Spot Rio, easy: No. 7 Invoice. 6c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, S!4ffil2V4c There wus n reaction today from the advance of yesterday. The market opened stendy, with prices 3 points lower. In sympathy with weakness In Euro, penn mnrkets. Shortly after the call liqui dation set In and created a weak feeling among room traders. Later declines on Hnvro nnd absence of outside support caused prices to scttlo an additional 6 points, from which there wus little change to tho close. Receipts In the crop country wero light and demand in the street mar ket was Inclined to drag and there wns a renort thnt clinue suDnort was not to bo depended upon. The close wns quiet, 10 points lower. Total sales, lii.txw nags, in cluding July at 5.10c; September, 5.25c; Oc tober. 5.3Cft 6.35c: November, 6.40c; Decem ber, 5.b0ja.5ac; Marcn, b.boc; May, 6.75c. New York II ry titindi .Market. NEW YORK. June 21.-DRY GOODS- Buycrs still putting forward bids for large quantities of staple cottons, but nctunl business less than yesterday, owing to the strong position of sellers. Print cloths narrow and wldo nnd unchanged In price. Brown sheetings and drills scarco und strong. Blenched unchanged, Coarse cot tons firm. Prints selling well. Linens Arm, but demand moderate. Burlaps quiet at previous prices. MANCHESTER, June 21.-DRY GOODS Qulct; yarns firm and advancing. Evaporated and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. June 21. EVAPORATED APPLES Offerings of evaporated apples are not Inrge. but the wants of buyers at this season nre meagre and the market on the whole was no better than quiet at old prices. State, common to good, 3456c: prime, 6Mf5ic; choice, 6tJ6!,c; fancy, 6',4if "CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Mnrket ruled dull. Prunes, 2,'56',ic per lb ns tn size nnd quality. Apricots, Royal, 8tfl2c; Moor Park, 7HW12C. Peaches, peeled, lift' ISc; unpeelcd, tfilOc. OH and Rosin. NEW YORK, June 21.-OILS-Cottonseed, dull: prlmo yellow, 38c. Petroleum, dull, Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady. OIL CITY, June 21.-OILS-Credlt bal ances, $1.05; certificates, no bid; shipments, 15,615 bbls.; average. 91,519 bbls.; runs, 93.718 bbls.; average. 83,865 bbls. LONDON. June 21.-OILS-Calcutta lin seed, spot. 61s lVsd. Linseed, 32s. Turpen tine spirits. 27s 4',4d. LIVERPOOL. June 21.-OILS-Rosln, common, steady, 4s 3d, Visible Snppl- of Cotton, NEW ORLEANS, June 21.-Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible of cotton shows a total of 2,948.096 bales, against 3.044,9St last week nnd 2.012.12S last year. Of this the total of American cotton is 1,865,096 bales, against 1,955,981 last week and 1,390,12? last year. .Mortality Statistic. The following births and deaths were re ported to the city health commissioner for the twenty-four hours ending at noon Fri day: Blrths-Oustaf Carlson. 1618 North Thirty, sixth, girl: O. Fort, 3304 Davenport, girl: W. L, Stewnrt. 4826 Davenport, boy; p. M. Kle burg. 2565 Poppleton avenue, boy: William Loftus, 1821 Mason, boy; Henry Brammam, 2625 South Fifteenth, boy; Victor Sebrlng. 1305 South Sixth, boy; J, M. Scully, 4645 Lafayette avenue, girl; E. Sick, 1709 Man derson, girl. Death Myrtle Frampton, 220 North Elev enth, aged OMAHA LIVE STOCK I A.IKET Cattl. RtceipU Light tnd lUrkit Blow, but About Iteidj, HOGS AVERAGED A LITTLE BETTER TODAY Scarcely Enough Sheep nnd Lnuilm on Sale to Make n Fair Test ot the Market, but the Fen- Dffercd Brouuht Stead) Price. SOUTH OMAHA, June 21. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oliicial Monoay um, 4,in -iiitmi 1 uesaay ,n Ulilcial Weulieeday 2,olo uiuciai 'inursaay 1,4 UiiicimI Friuay i,ovj Flvei dva thin ti,tb u iin Same uuya last week li,'li oitiiia wk oeiorc 1,ijo aatuo three weens ago. ..io,4U same tour WteKs iijjo. ...lo.nj sumo uuys Ust ytur n.sjj Avcruso price paid fot nogj t UUlana Hit j,ui,i btfVerl UJi vun puiuuus: lu,tud 1.vj i.iilb 2,l 9,uiS 2,tYJ &,3i0 11,91.) 4i,oi4 &,oio 4i,lJ 8,-0j O..V.W lt.nOI H,0lJ 2.,44 1i,1j4 luUtll mill- I ltUl. 11M). 1S'J9. l9a.lk9i.U6.lS9J. .lay May Muy Aik .tiny JUi.o JUIIu Juno juiiu JU1IO JUIIU t uiiu mlu JUilo jUllc uliu Juno w ulttt June , uilu June J una uiiu June JUMU Juno 27...I 2s... 1 w'J... JI...I 2.... i. ...I 4.... I i.. . t.... I .... I II).. . I 11.. .1 42... I 1J...I 14. .. 13. .1 16... I 1... 1... 19... I 21 ... I 6 oj 1 6 W,4 0 U! 0 ,! a uvti 6 iU 1 . 6 iO 0 itSl 0 iu! 6 85i! o Hi 1 i 6 AlVftl O S I 6 WHl 0 0 'j2t u 91 I I 3 W, I 95 I 4 Ki 3 60 coi 3 oi 4 M 3 all t J 4 bil '4 i ' 31 ti I 4 Vl 3 64 I 4 Hl 4 65 4 Vj 4 6i u W 4 00 0 W 4 ol I a M 5W 1 4 a: 1 3 Sq 4 60 b ul 4 b) 3 t 4 iJi 4 6i 4 U 3 62 I 4 bMj 5 03, 1 5 06 3 64 4 9t J 'H 4 W 3 b'J 4 0 4 U5 j 4 lut 4 ll 4 il 4 L 4 Uji t 10, j 4 Hi 1 4 fc9 4 in W, 4 W 4 t0 I 3 71 4 la, 4 hi 4 w, 4 00 1 . 3 80 3 81 4 34 1 4 '41 4 3 j 4 4U 4 '4i J V 4 .j 4 4il ' I 4 3'J 4 411 4 '4i 4 4I 4 2i 4 4 3 29 4 b. 3 22 4 IB, 4 il 3 15 1 3 15 1 yji 4 li 2 4 si t 'J0 4 lMl I 4 2 ibi 4 M 1 40 . B) 4 34 2 oil 4 it 4 lo 4 36 4 vl 4 Jl I 4 Jl 3 uSi 4 i J 04, ' 2 . 4 U t ai, 4 44 4 0W 4 U 4 Wi 4 0. 1 4 41 2 98i 4 44 3 10 4 W, 4 41 4 iu, 4 40 3 02, 4 4S '4 Uw, 4 10 I 4 37 Indicates Sunday. Iho onicial number of cars of stock brought In touay oy each road wob: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. C. v. St. P. Uv i O. At St. L. Hy 3 2.. 1 Missouri Pacific By... 4 4 Lnton Pacific Svstem 15 23 .. . C. At N. W. ity 7 f., tj. & M. V 13 41 S. C. & P. Ry 1 C, St. P., M. & O.... 8 14 B. & .t 11. 2 C, B. At Q 3 10 IV. U". & St. J 11 (.., It. 1. A: P., east., lu C K. 1. Ac P., west.. .. Illinois Central 1 7 U3 Total receipts 64 The dlsnositlon of the (lav's recelnts wns nt follow, each buyer purcnusing llie num. Dcr 01 neuu inaicuteo: Buyers. Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co 121 'j)3 .... Swltt una Cuiiquny 00 1 2,26 .... Cuuahy Packing Co 411 3, .55 160 Armour A: Co 2U 3,Uul 619 Om. Pkg, Co., from IC. C. 74 uuuany, irom iv. u -lJ R. BecKer At Dcgan 1 VaiiSHiit & Co 2o Livingstone cc Schaller.. 17 Wolf Ai M 2 Other buyers 41 Total 1.683 9,512 679 CATTLE There was another light run of cattle here today, nut as It wan tho last end of the week Duyers did not take hold with very much lite and as u result trad ing was a little slow. uooa beef steers sold In lust about the same notches they old yesterday, although tho market was slow und sellers In some cases tound It a little dutlcult to get steady prices. 1 no icss aesirame graaes were neg lected and in some cases tney sold proba bly a nickel lower than they old yesterday. '1 ho whole situation could perhaps best bo described by calling It slow but about bteady on the good kinds and weak on the commoner jrrnues. 'inero wne on v a few cows and heifers on sale today and the mnrkct was generally sicaay. iieuers. nowever. wero neglected anu tnc it'iiuency was ior packers to biy mum iuwci, uuycto irci wim nicy Jiuvo been paying pretty good prices for heifers In comparison with other cattle and as a result tney lire trying to pound them down a little. Bulls, calvtk and stacs all sold In lust auoui me same noicnes iney did last week, although traue was a little slow. mere were only a few teedcrs In the yarns today anu no particular change from yesterday A-as noticeable. Good cattle have met wun rcnay sale an tne week, but tho commoner grnues have been hard to movo at any price. Tho demand from the coun- try is not particularly nenvy, but as tho supply has been very light nil tho week prices have held right around steady on anything at all good. Representative sales: BEEF STEERts. Av. Pr, No. l IN 105,. 2 No. 1... 4 4 25 2.... 1.... 5.... 1.... 1.... 4.... IS.... 4.... 43.... 39..,. 11.... 2.... 17.... 23.... 6.... 1.... 1.... 1.... o I.'.'.', b.... 4.... 3.... 1.... 1.... A I'.'.'.'. 1.... 2.... 2.... 17.'... 1.... 16.... .... 620 .... 690 ....1075 4 10 ....1010 4 4) .... m 4 50 ....1010 4 50 ....1510 4 60 .... 142 4 JO .... 90) 4 ( .... 810 4 ''0 ....1041 4 7rt ....1111 4 :s .... SSS 4 4 75 .1049 4 0 Ml 4 ?0 1094 4 90 $20 1 M 740 1 50 9fc0 i'J 905 HO 1100 3 JO K4 3 '"O 932 2 ' 1073 t 7S 126 2 '5 1030 3 V0 93 3 (0 9S0 J 00 7M) 3 IO 930 3 CO StiO 3 00 1175 3 23 923 3 Vj 8S 3 VJ 120) 3 35 1CKJ3 3 35 23 19 18 6 21 23 21 20 C5 n 1 1$ 33 23 68 61 COW8. 1 4 1 1 1 Av. Pr. . 944 4 93 .1090 5 V) .. S7I 10 1 3 i ie 5 1 6 1 6... 10... 1... 3... 11. .1139 3 13 ,....1HG 3 !5 1332 5 20 ,....1131 S 30 U0t 5 20 nca S .10 ....11W 3 .13 ,....1091 5 ."5 109) 3 40 ,....130) 5 I) UN ;m ....1269 5 o3 ,....1238 S CO ....1130 3 CO ....1290 6 63 970 .1 10 1120 3 10 ....1U0 3 t) ,....1030 3 30 .... U.'iO 3 SO 1003 3 5 ....1190 3 75 1010 3 83 1100 4 uO 1027 4 00 10W 4 10 ) 4 00 910 4 00 99.' 4-0) 1130 I 15 110 4 IS 10J7 4 20 120-1 4 23 1143 4 23 S32 4 33 72 231 160 90 1 2tt ... S M (7 m $0 j 73 3.17 1J.1 S M 72 222 30 5 90 72 306 ... 6 90 11 220 120 W 61 2(3 10 JfO f9 231 SO 4 M 70.. ......M 120 5 90 72. ...... .223 10 5 90 CS ,.221 SO 5 9) 79 21 SO S 90 SJ 1!'7 ,S 5 JJ R2 235 ... & 10 S2 21S 240 5 U 67 221 40 J 90 SI 23 .., 6 9 77 221 lbO 5 90 71 232 In) S M 79 247 40 5 9) 67 213 M ..0 IW ... 6 90 ti 219 M 5 M M 124 M 6 M 0 212 S ) 5 30 211 4) 40 31 il M ,-,30 SO 251 10 33) 74 213 SO 5 90 6J 261 SO i ju S3 S3 1 M 6 90 71 STO ... 11 M 273 W J o M 2(3 ... J 90 SI 201 ... IM S2 20 I) J .10 S2 370 I") i to 2 K0 40 5 9-) 41 22J SO 3W t 2(3 1W ..i 63 234 fl 3 90 S7 211 SO 6 9-) 118 231 20 191 SO 323 SO I to 71 217 40 S SO hi 234 SO 5 10 M 229 SO 6 to 70 Ml 41 S 90 7 231 130 1 1 133 233 30 5 90 90 231 120 &9J 74 233 400 3 90 S 213 SO 3 !0 SO 201 SO 5 90 73 233 2M S 90 76 228 40 3 90 7S 32 240 J 9-) 70 ! ... 5 S3 240 SO 6 W 60 211 k0 3 9.) 7A ?.... 62 69 65 72 61 71 62 : ... s?i'i ..lit !W 8 924 270 $0 I l?i 73. .24(1 .171 ..at ,.) Id) .313 ..2 .Ml S3... 73... 73... 73... 61... 32... 3... 6.1... 131.. 64... 61. 80. 62. 67..., 61.... 61.... 69.... 76.... 72.... 66..,. !! ii.'.i! t?.... K ... 111.., bl.... ro... i.'.'.'. 71.... 60.. 6 .JN A 314 1W J91! FO 92, 921. SO 3 )IU 1M & 911 1 ... .1 rill. ....J 19 3 9214 ....993 ... i Ri. ....HA 13) 4tVi ....221 40 3 92li ....Ti-i ....231 ....260 ....112 ....CM ....It) ....211 ...263 6 tn. SO 6 92U S) 5 Ml, ... 6 90 4) Sf2H ... 5 9Ji, 200 5 9P, ... 3 mi. ...I.22S 160 3 921, 41 SO 5 9JU ,...236 ...237 1 ...261 SO ...236 ... ...2(1 1C0 ...2.i ... ...23J ...231 ...ii ...2!l ...217 .. 373 ....1)1 ,...312 ....231 3 92', 3 92t, i 6 92' i S 92, J Oi'.S to .' 921 , SO 5 92!, SO 3 l!j .. 3 92W 16,1 S 921. 160 5 921, SO 3 92', SO 3 90 IHO 3 92' j :, 951. 5 M ...211 24.1 3S.2', ..:ji ... 0 v;i, ..2S6 ... s. 57 26S M 3 f2, Jl.. 73. 87. S3. CI. 60.... 16... . SI.... St.... f.9.... 62.... S9 ... CS.... Jl.... 62. were 3 ...,:s7 ....227 ....273 . . . .Mi ,,..2S6 .2.D ,.270 .310 .211 .303 .307 .271 .212 "11 scarcely 210 ID 3 921, ... 3 160 X'Jt, ... 3 921, ... 53 SO 3 9. so :. 93 so 3 :s 4" 3 "3 SO 3 93 5 XI 3 93 SO .. fi f A enough 210 stipi'r ti,... ni.1 1. IH IC !t-1ltl3l 7lliiUHII sheep and lambs on sale todny to make a . v. . ,,,- "inrnci. inere were two enrs ?.f,Co,9r.f,I clipped lambs that sold lor $1.50. which Is steady with yesterday. Asirto from those there was nothing except a bunch of clipped wethers that brought $4.12 i and n little bunch of ewes at 13 l."5. Taking everything Into considerulion tho market could not well be quoted anything but steady. Quotations: Choice clipped wethers, S3.I.5 fl.i.io; fair to good clipped wethers, iS.mt a.to; choice clipped ewes, .1.iAa3.25; fair to pood clipped ewes, $2,7583.(0; choice woutiM lambs. $4.7595.(0; fair to good lambs. $lif 4.i5; choice clipped lambs, $l.40S4.O; fair to food clipped lambs, $1.254.40; spring lambs. $l.5fl5.2a; feeder wethers, $2.75s3w; feeder lamb?, $3,:5ir3.i0. Renrcsentutlvu sale: Ao, Av. Pr. 3 12',4 4 12V 4 to 27 clipped ewes ' ns JJ' clipped wethers S 4 12V 47 619 clipped Colorado 'luinbsi!! CHICAtiO MVIi .STOCIC MAItlvEl'. Cnttlc nnd SIicpii Mtendj IIoki l'lt: Cents lllubrr. CHICAOO, Juno :i.-CATTMi:Rccelpts, 2,500 hend, Including 500 Texans; generally steady: Tex mm llrm; good to prlmo steers, $..50ti6.."IO; poor to medium, $4.5oi5.lu; nock ers and feeders, slow, at $2.90yl5; cows. $52.70f 4.h3; heifers. S2.7O&5.0O; canners, '$2.t H2.BS; bulls, $3.004. t; calves, S5.l3tf.l0; Texas fed steers, $4.25?i5.40; Texas grass steers. $3.50771.10; Texas bulls. $2.75Q3.75. HOOS-Rectlpts. 1S,(K head; estimated tomorrow, 15,(XO; left over, 2,uu0; market So higher, active; top, $6.2214; mixed and butchers. $5.S5'fi6.15; good to choice heavy, $6.0057 6.22H: rough heavj-, $5.?5'u5.P5; light, 5.(0'(i6.(i5- bulk of wiles, J5.95ti6.12'A. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 5.C00 nenu; sneep nun lambs steady, spring inmns up to is.w, good to choke wethera It.00fi4.in: fnlr to rhnlrr. mlviul 1T5lln western sheep, $4,00&4.3o; yearlfngs, $1.2534) 4.60: native lambs, $1.003 5.25; western lambs. $5.(&5.2d. COWS AND HEIFERS, 6 873 3 19 HEIFERS. 2 690 3 00 1 410 4 25 3 , 763 3 73 33 600 4 53 4 815 3 73 49 707 4 73 3 813 4 00 BULLS. 1 1230 2 83 1.... 1 12M 2 "0 1.... 1 1260 3 25 1.... 1 1230 3 25 1.... CALVES. 1 130 6 00 2.... STAGS. 1 1360 4 M STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. hN J ) 1 930 3 SO 1 1 860 2 M 9 3 800 2 90 2 1 1130 3 10 1 STOCK CALVES. 1 400 3 30 2 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 1 710 3 00 II (,95 4 35 1 410 3 75 5 SSS 4 SO 2 320 3 73 17 733 4 00 HOGS There was about an nverngo run of hogs here today and the market opened uhnut 2Uc higher than the closn ventnrrlnv. or about like yesterday morning, Tho bulk of the iirst saics went nt ji.ao and $5.92V4. with some of the choicer bunches at $'.'j5 to $6.00. It wus not a particularly actlvo market, but still the hogf, kept moving toward the scales. It was practically a $5.90 and 15.92V4 market, ns thero was com paratlvcly little either above or below those ngures. Along toward tho last end the weakened a little, as Chicago was reported closing with the advnnce partly lost. Tho last hogs wero sold largely at $5.90. Every- tning was som in lairiy goon season. Penre dilative sales: Ho. Av. 8h. Pr. No. ,.V4 ... 5 13 o. 1270 3 75 1260 3 30 1290 3 50 60 4 25 120 6 00 733 3 20 .940 3 25 . 531 3 25 . 515 3 V, ,1310 3 35 240 S30 34 .. SI... 42... ... 79 . 74... 212 120 6 37i ....213 3 ifO ....241 160 5 )0 ....226 40 5 90 .. .231 ... 3 90 ...234 SO & 90 1,2. . . 64... 70... M... S7... 73.. Av. Sh. IY. 245 2(0 5 90 23.1 ... 5 90 239 160 5 9314 212 ... 5 MVi 217 120 3 Pi , ...276 160 5 MU 2(1 SO 3 5'i Knnsns City Llvr Stock Mnrkct. KANSAS CITY, June 21.-CATTI.E-Re-celpts, 1,900 head natives, 150 head Texans, 50 head calves; market generally steady; choice beef steers, $5.50g5,90: fnlr to good, $5.00105.40: stockers and feeders, $3.50t5.00; western-fed steers, $1.705.70: Texans nnd Indians. JI.25iro.25: cows. 32.M1i-l.Ril: hplfpr.. $3.25.90; ennners, $2.00-32.75; culls, $3.25 4.76; calves, $3,005(4.76. HOas-Rccelpts, 13,000 head; market 5 ;o uigiier; top, B.rj'A; ntllK, So.Wiu.Oi; heavy. $6.05ft6.12V4: mixed packers, $5.9015 6.05; light, $5.6.jf5.95; pigs. $5.&Ofl5.U5. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 2,400 head; market strong to 10c higher; western lambs, $1. 7516. U); western wethers. SlUOft 4.10; yearlings. $4.2oftl.75; ewes. $3.2503.75; culls, $2.O0Q3.0O; Texas grass sheep, W.ovfl) 3.70; spring Inmbs, $4.50&&10. mt York l.lve Stock Mnrkct. NEW YORK, June 21.-BEEVES-Re-celpts, 3,696 head; market Blow, but prices steady; steers, $1.60fr5.90; 2 curs extra. J6; bulls, $3.00i83.90; cows, $2.25f(4.10; extra fat cows, $4,40. Cables quote live cat tin and sheep steady; refrigerator beef llrm at Uo per lb. CALVES Receipts. 560 head; market strong, prices 10c higher; veals, $j.Wfl0.f.o; culls, $4.50; buttermilks, nominal. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,101 head; good sheep stead', others -pilot; lambs opened wenk to 10c off, closed lo'ij25c lower; sheep, $3.001.00; culls, $2.25; no really prime offered; lambs, $5.75'36.!U; 1 -car extra, $3.90. HOOS-Recelpts, 1.836 head; feeling firm, nominal quotations, $6.1036.45. Ut. I.onls Lire .Stock Mnrkct. ST. LOUIS. June 21.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 600 head, Including 200 head Texans: market stendy: native shipping and export steers, $5,0006.10; dressed beof and butcher steers, $l.75j5.70; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.7Sj5.25: stockers nnd feeders, $2.SUI'f 1.65; cows and heifers, $2,00(J5.CO; ennners, $1.5002.85; bulls, $2.9004,00; Texas and Indian steers, $3.55Q 5.20; cows nnd heifers. J2.7fi-fi4.20. HOGS Receipts, 5,400 head; market 6c higher; .pigs and lights, $5.90fri.00; packers, $5.9006.05; butchers, $6.050 6.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.300 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.30 (H4.15; Inmbs, $1.35'y5.50: culls and bucks, $2.50O'4.00; stockers, $2.6003.10; Texas mut tons, $3.3003.95. St. Joseph Lire Stock Mnrkct. ST. JOSEPH. June 21, CATTLE Re ceipts, 439 hend; market steady to 10c higher; natives, $4.800 6.(0; cows and heif ers, $2.0005.15; veals. $3.7604.50; bulls nnd stags, $2.7505.10; stockers and feeders, $2.75 04.70. HOGS Receipts, 8,403 head; market 50 Tljo, higher; light and light mixed, $5.S50 6.05; medium and heavy, $5.950 6.12!4; l'tgs, $4.250 5.0(1! bulk. $5.9306.05. SHEEP AND LAMBK-Recclpts, 1,629 head; market active, steady. Slnux City Live .Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. June 21.-(SieclaI Tole gram,) CATTLE Receipts, 3o0j market stronger, beeves, $5.00f5.65; cows nnd bulls, mixed, $2.ti00-1.00; stockers and feeders, $3.50 4.40; calves and yearlings, $3.250 4.40. HOGH-Recelpts. 3,80k; 2140-io higher; sell ing, $5.850i.OO; bulk of sales, $3.914. Stock In Slxlit. Tho following table shows the recelnts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the four principal live siocK maraeis juno .1. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1,560 9.578 2.6V) Chlcogo 2,600 is.ofn) s.roo Kansns city s.uio ln.non 1,4011 St. I-mils IM) 5,100 2,300 Totals 6,710 45,978 11,380 Sitscnr Market. NEW YORK. Juno SIBCOAR-Rhw. easy; fair refining, 3 9-16c; centrifugal, 91 test, 17-32c; molasses sugar, 3 3-16c; refined quiet. JNttVt Ulll.KAMj, juno 21. HUCJAll Quiet: open kettle. 3 3-160lc: onon kettlo centrifugal, 3-160'tJc; seconds, 2?iOIC, Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 7015c. TetrpuoB lO.lti. Boyd CommisKiou Co 8uccecsort to James E. Doyd & Co., OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION GRAIN PnOVISIOXS A.VI) STOCKS, Dusid of Trad llulldlnu. Direct wires to Chicago tnd New Yorlt. Correspondence, John A. Wdiren tt Co. EDWARD C. HEEMAN Now with COMMISSION MERCHANTS. aKA!H,l-noiIsin.l, STOCKS, nnMSAT COTTON. 820-220 Your bailBMt Clllt4. nnrrMMnri.,,, lnlt4 11.11 tA a..I.T m I'rlTste IVIm ( all laprtuiit Point,, f mn nd ll'iil. i La Balls St., CHICAOO. rkt ltut mlli1 cn rauit.