( SPECIAL NOTICES Adrertlaementa for these column ttIH le taken unlit 13 in. for the evening edition nml until NiHU p, m. fur morning; mid Sunday edition. Rnte, t I.Uo n word flrat Insertion, In n vtorA therenfter. Kolhlnu tnken for lea than 23o for the Drat Inser tion. These advertisements must be rus consecutively, Advertisers, br reqnestlnsr nam tiered check, can hnve ana era ad dreaaed to a nnntbercd letter In ears of The llee. Ana ere ao addreaaed will hm delivered 01 presentation f the eaaak only. W A XT I ID M A L E IIKLI-. 'WANTED Wo have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear ancc. C. F. Adurua Co., I0v Howard at. B-MS XARBER trade taught thoroughly In lihort Jlja; cataloguo, and particulars free. Western Carbon' Institute, omuha, Neb. U-819 WANTED, man with horno and light oprlng wagon. 1617 Howard St. B AH&2 1Iili8JL,IN,P V nretlo men, don't be 5dI?Vwrlt.lJ,.tno Huwks Nursery Co., Mil ?u.keo' tor 'fecial term and ter ritory. B-M546 Jc2f Suitable Life of New York will make desirable contracts with one or more business gcite,H In Colorado and Wyoming. A good renewal contract li pnertd to tho ngnt man. References as to Integrity ana ability to accompany applications. U. A. dtcyn, Mnimger, Denver, Colo. D-MIU a, lOUNO men, our illustrated cataloguo ex plains how we tench barber trade In clgnt weens, mailed free. Moler ilatbir Col lege, liia Furnam at. B M622 21 .... , TO SMOKERS. ,Vt hen you have grown tired of the brand of cigars you are now smoking und feel ih0.V-? ' ,ty- t,e.'rlncu ot Omanaj you SIL11?.1 l'.l.,,u',c,,0 our timo; I a K?Jt .P.'a.Vhy. mo!c. H contains noth ini tL15..'r-' bm f,t tobacco and 1 Ln.".a byi worKincni ua equal can not he duplicated In 6c smokes; to dial fl'.u',7,y?. Hc.r thousand. Matiutuotur..d !'.y !no HtoccKer Cigar Co. Save the bands of tho Htocckcr cigar. BSI2-20 WANTED, two good moulders at onceT Address I rcmont Foundry und Mnchino Co., rremonl. Neb, ll-.MWj 23 WANTED, flrsl-cluss salesmen for our niiuu-nniu nui-u ueptirimcnt. Apply. Willi references, to L. Atuy ot Co. til. 1'a 11 Minn. iimsh -it WANTED, young mnn to tnko caro of horse tor scholarship In business cnllcge. AddresH W tn( .Bee. U Man 23 WA.NTUD FEMALE IIKLP. WANTK1', 20o girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 76. C &j0 ' WANTED, lady, Turkish bath operator: must have had good experience. Apiily room 2m, ueo buiumig. c-tw- RELIABLE help. Canadian office, 1522 Dcug. c ail LADIES wanted to learn hulrdregglng, manicuring and facial mussage. We guaraiileu to qualify gins for tilpiomas In lour mccks; complete outilt of toon, given eucn graduate; poiuuna guuruutecd ut U to lo weekly, can 01 wiltu. .uoler College, 162j I'lllnum at. C .Utj23 "l" AVANIED, housekeeper lh family of three work light; permanent positiun und pieus am home to right puny. Audreys v 31 Wee. C-MuJl- ' ANTED, compotcnt girl for general housework. Airs. ti. A. AIcAllaoter. ac Witt street. c-aia WANTED, 2 bright young ladles of renno mont, rCHpccluuiiity am, good auurcss. 18 to m yuid 01 age, to nccompany gentle man ana wife in business to eastern ciiles; employment thoiougniy lespectaulo ana very pruuiuote; reuruneo lenuiru: expenses uuvuncca. Adurcsa W 61, llee. C A18.tj jj WANTED, girl for housework; two In family. 301o Harney. C-Jtoiu 2" 1VAVTIf.Il 11 .1 . 1 " pericneed In caiuly business, one oipablo SLU,J1,."I unurui Kivo age, experience und retcrenccs. C-Mtfl5 23 FOIl UE.NT-llOCSES. IK YOL' want your houses well rented ulaca them with Hiinawu u Co. i J?8j2 T?MOXK r-Bht. gt Omaha Van Storago CO., oincc loiih uurnain, or tel. ltw-stu. UHoJ HOUSES for rent In all parta of the ilTv" llrennan-l-ovu Co., 3. bouth 13th street. D-55t HOUSES, atorea. ..llcmls, raxton block. U-S55 BEE HEN11Y 11. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIKE HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad. 1521 Douglas. D-&57 HOUSES and flats. Illiigwalt, Barker block . D-slx ' HOUBE8 wanted. Wallace, Brown block D-asj 2237 SI'IIUCE ST., 8-room house, city water and kitchen on each floor, suitable for two families, 15. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. ltfth und Douglas sts. D-C53 TO LET, elegant large 13-room homo; large lawn und burn, U5 per month. W, Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Kurnam St. U-M293 D-ROOM house, bath and closet, 36th ami Charles. Monroo & Co., 811 N. icth St. I1-M53I 13 M K ST.. South Omaha, 5-room cottago In good repulr; rent, I12.W. OAIAIIA LOAN & TRUST CO.. ICth and Douglas Sis. D-M821 MODERN 7-.)om flat, Slth and Farnam, lii. II. B. Graham. D M333 11-ROOM modem house, 2113 Capitol ave nue. The O. F. Davis Co., OW ilea Hldg. D-S03 2 8. 23D ST., nice front room flat, city water In kitchen, 17. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 10th and Douglas Sts. D-637 BIX-ROOM modern cottage, southeast ror tier th and Puclllc. D 614 AN ELEGANT APARTMENT In the Air BION, 10th and Paclflo its'., of FIVE ROOMS, Janitor service, telephone, gas. ranges, laundry, electric light or gas, hades and awnings, good neighbors. Wa will also have a SWELL BIX-ROOM apartment In the WINONA by July 1. Como In and see us, PAYNE-KNOX CO., , Main floor, N. Y, U Bldg. D-iSi TWO cottages for rent ut 2Uh and K Sta South Omaha, good houses, good condi tion, good location. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO,. 10th and Douglas Bts. D-63S 09 CAPITOL Ave., S rooms, modern. J30: 312S Cass St.. 9 rooms and ham, modern : 1554, N. 20th St.. 4 rooms. Jli); others Rlngwalt Bros., Barker block. D-M7M 1020 CASS ST., S rooms, modern, largo vard, 125.00, 1129 Farnam St,, Id floor, 6 rooms, newly papered, 125,00. 2017 N. 2tth St.. 8 rooms and barn. J12.50. 1129 Farnam St., store room,' J20.00. I129V4 Farnam 8t., store room. llO.on. 1433 So. 16th St.. store room with 6 fine rooms above. In best of repairs. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam 8t. D-Stl 23 4-ROOM house, 815 S. 46th st. M0. room, basement, 2722 8. SUh st Hear Vin ton, newly papered. W. L. Selby, 334 Board of trade bldg. D-SIfcM 2.' r0Jl.,.lBNTi 10-room modern brick house, 623 N. ISth st. Brennan-Lovr Co.. 39 8. Uth st. D-MS67 25 TO small family, a four-room house. 2004 Blondo at., 19 per month. Apply i7 North 19th t. .D-SIS97 FOR RENT, elegant S-room house, all mod em Improvements, large rpoms, 4lu N. 23d. D 905 22' FOR IlKMT rilllMISHISU ROOHI, DEWEY, European botl, uthand Farnam. E S53 r on nn.yr fl H.MsiiEn rooms, pbiisoxal. von sale-real estate. I ,,..,.. I JT. ; " T THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. B-Mt HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 1 up. ISil St. Marys. E 832 Jel8 TL4IM':.K..r2oms' "8"' houseKOepIng. , 1112 tioutn nth. E ili SINGLE or en suite; south front. 2576 Har "ey. E-M76.5 29 A LARGE fjrnlshed front room, with alcove, gas and bath. 221 No. 19th. E-M781 22 NICE room to onrc Or two pentlemen; prU vnto family; line neighborhood, M So. 20th st. E ME98 23 SUITE of two front rooms, well furnished? 115 S.20th 8t. E-Sv 29 -M'RNISHED rooms for light hounekeep Ing. 1923 Douglas. E-M917 23 I LIIMSIIEI) llOOMS AND IIOAIID. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-S65 aLENCAIRN,translcnts,1.25 day. 1609 Doug. F-W THE Mcrrlam, summer resort. 23 A Dodge, F-85 NICE aouth room. Tha Pratt, 212 S.25th'St, F-815 TWO large front rooms, with board. 1909 Capitol ave. K MS47 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms and board. E-662 MJyU WANTED Summer boarders; delightful rooms and surroundings; rates. II. Refer ences required, Bellevue college, Uellc vue, Neb. F SSI 23 FRONT room with alcove, suitable for 2 or 3 young men. 1919 Burt fit. F-909 TWO furnished rooms with largo closets; llrst-class board. 207 South 2tth St. F-90S 24 ROOM anil board In prlvato family. 2616 Davenport. K M913 27' FOIl ItK.M'-U.MtllMSIIKD ROOMS. DESK, room space, S per month, ground floor toom In The Deo building, facing Farnam strce'.; no cxpenso for light, heat or Janitor service. It, C. PCtcrs & Co., Rental Agent., Bee building. O 416 UNFURNISHED rooms In Wllhnell bldg., corner 15th and Harney. See Janitor. G--MS66-21 WANTED, by music teacher' with piano room and board In exchange for lessons. C, Bco office. So. Omaha. H M900 23 FOIl Itn.NT-STOHES ANri OFF1CBS. ton RENT, store in flrsl-class location; rent reasonable. Appl- R. c. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu pied by The Bca at 916 Farnam St. It has four atcrlcs and a basement which was formerly used as the Bee press room. Thin will be rented very reas6nably. If Interested apply at onco to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1-261 FOR RENT, store, 2103 Leavenworth. I-8W,jyi7' AGENTS WASTED, WANTED, canvassing agents In every- bu,i;,i. BUUBcrillMonB ior TiiK TWENTIETH CKN'I I'lO FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.40O Imperial octavo puges, 800 object-toaoh-Ing engravings and. Is the only book on llvo stock ever published adapted to tho cycry-day, practical, money-saving use of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employment with assured good Income. Agents In tho country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 160 to J100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau. Bco Bulldlngromalm. r" WANTED TO nENT. FIRST clasH board with room for gentle man and wife In private family, w 64 lice- K-818-19- WANTED. to rent, with the privilege of buying later, n modern nine-room house In good location. Address W 66, Rce. K M919 23 STORAGE. 1'A9I.I,'IC Storage and Warehouse, Co... S12 911 Jones, genorul storage una forwarding. -863 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tels. 1559-863. -869 STORAGE-Ho-isehoId goods and other ai tides stored nt low rutes. J. J. Derlght & Co.. 1119 Farnam st. Tel. 353. M-517 WANTEIl-TO BUY. MEAT market. W 26, Bee. N 533 22 rou sam:-iiohses, wagons, etc. FOR SALE, marc, road wagon and hiir- llfHS! VTV fllit'Xill. l.v rntu.. ti ..... . , - .....iw, si, tail Bii', U years olu, sojnu, gentio; lady can driVo her; weight uuout -l.uw lbs.; brand new ruua wuboii, puejmuiiti tlieb, uest miiKo. coat $2w, singiu narness; no trude. cunsia ercu; cush omy; wouia Hue to -fialt oom ploto outnt, uut wilt sell separately, u-' uress W 08, Bee. 1 AlsUI ta FOR SALE, bay gelding, years old, six teen lianas high, steuuy pucor; luay win drive. Aadress E, Bee oilice, Council UMtXa. I'-Msmi n l'Oll SALE rtlt.MTUllfcJ. CHICAGO FURNITURE Qo 14W Dodge. Id. 2u-u. New as .uuuiiu luuiiluro boUiiu. kliill. r'VI'hli IIUI.fl. . . a K O 0,1) ENTEIIPUISE FURNITURE CO.. 102-1 8 '. 14.n at. Tel. 22116. ixew und Mecoimtuud faiulturo uougnt, soiu una exenungea. Q-s;b-jiv.ii FOR SALE-HOUSES, VCHICLES, li'IC. FOR SALE, top phlieton. 22u9 N. 19th St. . I'-MUI Je., 2 HORSES, fine matched carriage team. H, f Dll JC21 , LIGHT omnibus, In good condition, at a sacrtilco. 11. Fiost, iih unu Leuvcnwurth l'-8T.' ' FOR SALE, second-hand speeding wiicon shop worn surrey ana tnrec-iluurter tuu buggy, uu gooa as new una burgulns. u M. uurt, 13u7 Jones st. P .M639 21 FOR SALE, cheap, a 3ft-lnch wngon gcarT with 4-Inch tires, but llttlu usua. O. Ai Hart, 1307 Jones st. P M63s l'Oll SAI-E-MlSCEI-JvANUOUS, SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog fence. 901 Douglas. t3-873 REPAIRS and supplies for all makes of bi cycles. Omaha Bicycle Co,, 16th & Chicago U-f.o 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam Q-S74 WIRE fence for poultry. Belgian hare, hog fleld or lawn, wlro Works, 617 S. 16th St Q-MS7S Jy7 SAFES, atandard.makes.sojd.rentcd. Ill S. 13 W 8,6 BIG line of secondhand wheels, 13, 15. 18, 110. Omuha Bicycle Co., 16th unt Chicago sts. Q-521 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS, FRITZ, medium. 19 North 16th. S-S77 MME. GYLMER, palmist, 315 So. 15th St. S-878 MME. GYLMER out of city. Will return 3fly 1. S-904 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chropodlst; corns & superfluous hair removt a by electricity, r. u, Ftnier block. U-S79- PRIVATE home before and during confine, ment; bablea adopted. Mrs. Burgrt, 2620 Burdette. U SS0 VIAVA, woman'a way to health; rational, wholeaome horn treatment. 3 IS Bee Bldg. U-SSl SUPPLIES for all machines: machlr.es for rent. White Sewing Machine, 1620 Doug las. Tel. 2231. IJ SSa NEW rollers for clothea wringers. Novelty Iron and BrMi Works, 417 8. 10th. 'Phone USO. U-MT23-JeM THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUK'E 21, 1001. RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; acnu tor clrculais. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Lite Building, Ohiahiu U-MJ PRIVATE hospital for ladles before anu during conilncment; babies adopted. J3ufl arant St. u ssi M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only perfect he cordlon pleating plant In the west; mall orders solicited. Suite 2U0, Douglas Block. U-SS5 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1324 Douglas. W-Siti ADROIT HAIR BAXAR New location, 1S20 Dotiglaa; private booths for hair dres.lng and manicuring: ludles' shoe shining una massaging U-M1M DR. CUSCADEN, 113 8. 18th. U-572-Je21 LEARN hypnotism; complete course by mall, SOps palmistry, 25c; particulars free. Olobo News Co., 1515 Farnam st.. Omuha. . U-M21Myl A GOOD physician to take cstabl'shed prac tice in bustling little city, county seat, 'ihyrold Lympn Co., lw Beo Bldg. U-2 DR. IT SANCHE is tho originator, inven tor and patentee of oxydonor, which Is the only genuine Instrument on this line for the cure of dlstfane. We would be pleased to receive tho public and explain to them the merit 01 Oxydonor. New cords replaced, free to old patrons on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. U. 11. Sunche & Co., Suite lul, Bee Bldg. U-soS 2.1 MME. SMITH, baths. 113 N. 15th, 2d floor, room 7. U 461 21 J1U.VUV TO -AlAM-UlJAL UslA'l'E, LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at a per cent; borrowers can pay Hw.or uny mumpiaj uny interest uuie; no uclay. Breiinuii-Lou Co., 3u b. Utn St., umanu, Neu. V NJJ MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha reul cstutc. iireniiuii'Lovu cu., Mj toutii ljtn. V WANTED, city loans, bonds and wurruntH. Utorge in: Conumny, ton Furnum street. V M9 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds una wut runts. H. C. Peters At Co., 1702 Fur nam St., Bee Bldg. V dw FIVE per.ceiit money. Bemls, l'axton block. W-s'.l MONEY to loan at i and 6Vi per cent on omuha property. W. B. MelKle, 4U1 S. loth. W 6m PRIVATE monoy. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. W-691 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 9J7 N. Y. L. W-69i CASH on hand. G. EM'urklngton, 605 Beo. W-8.6 JIONEY' TO LOAN oh improved real estate; 6 per cent Interest; no commission; privi lege. Of palug 1W or mure beloro ma turity. Northwestern Mutual Lifo Ins. Co., John W. Ulsh, special loan agent. 211 First Nat'l Bunk Biug., Omuhu, Meb. W-697 i AND 6V4 per cent loans. W. II. Thomas. First Nulinnal Bank building. Tel. 1618. W-898 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 61 Co., VS2U Farnam St. W-M561 5. t P. C. loans. Garvin Dros., 1612 Farnam. W-351 Jy7 MO.NEl 'lO LOAA Cn.li'lELS. DO YOU NEED A10NEY7 Wo loan ill) and up 011 luruuuru, pianos, horses and other chattels. SAL.ARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. Yuu cuu gel the money In u tew hours after making application una tuko l, 2. 3, 4, 9, tt montns ur more in which to pay it uuck, una you need not pay tor It unu day longer than you keep it. Wo charge nothing tor papers una wo givu you the mil umount In cash. There ure no lower rates ihun ours; our terms ure the easiest; our business Is confidential und our motto is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Hi) Board of Trude Bldg; Tel. 229u. (Esiublishcd 1692.) SOli ti, lbth St 1 ' LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE' ON PLAIN NOTE. There (iocs Fritx, coming buck again to get lower lute and easier payments, lie says our rutcs uro lower und puymcnta easier tnau oilier rompumcs. Cuu una bo convinced. RELilABCU CREDIT COMPANY, THIRD FLUUR, ROOM BUS, PAXTON BLOCK. X293 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household lurmture, piunos, horses, wugous, etc. In two Hours tune; uluo to salaried people on their pluln notes, with out security. .Euslcbt payments und low est rates 111 Omaha. Private Interviewing room. Ainerlcun Loan Co., room 312 Brown block, Cor. ltilh und Douglas ats.; entrance on luth at., opposite AI. C. A. Bldg. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding nouses, etc., without se curity; cuslcs terms; 4u olllces In principal cities. Tolman, 41u Board of Trade Bldg. X-899 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, llvo stock, etc. guIcK service una lowest , rutcs guaranteed. J. W. TAYLUE, 6J1 Hop floor) l'axton block, northeast corner 16th ana Farnam; entrunce 011 16th. street. X-903 MONEY loaned, on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 U. 13. 1 X-907 MONEY loaned on pianos; furniture, horftes, cows, Jewelry. Dun Green, R. 8,Uurker blk. x-m SHORT tlmo loans. Joo Pleasants, 54 Barker block. X 905 11,000.00 TO place quick. M. J. Kennard St Son, Suite 310. Brown block. X-OOtt BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED, .experienced physician to take charge of our Denver olllce; will also start olllces in other cities for competent physicians. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 500 Beo ,bldg. Y-M965 Je3J FOR 8ALE or rent, my blacksmith shop and wagpnmaker shop, doing a good busi ness, on account of my health. B. C. Walter, Norfolk, Neb. Y-M531 Jyi2 FOR RENT, restaurant and fixtures In good location. Mrs. West, 219 Alain St., Fremont, Neb. Y-M622 22 FOR SALE, llrst-class shoe shop In good location. Write L. B. Emerson. Creston, la. Y MSO.'l 22 110,000 CLEAN general mdse. stock In aood thriving town, doing fine business; falling health of owner: will exchange for good Improved laud. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. '-MSS3 15,000 CHOICE stock boots and shoes In thriving town; lino business: H cash, H .good Improved land. J., II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-MSS7 1150 CLEAN grocery stock; location flne; good cash trade; owner leaving city; will sell cheap. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-HSS6 FOR SALE, n 12,000 stock of drugs, paints and oils. This stock will be sold at In voice price. Tho reasons for selling Is that tho stock is In tho hands of an ad ministrator. For further particulars cull on or address W. W. Sinclair, the adminis trator, Bancroft, Neb. Y 907 26 OIL STOCK for sale In Beaumont oil fleld; Incorporated company; big opportunity to get In on the ground floor. Address W 65, Bee. Y M920 23 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-Exnerlenced newspaper man with 11,200 outfit wishes to engage In business In good county seat town with a partner having 5O0 In cash to Invest. This is a splendid chance to get Into business. Addrets W 67, Bee. Y-M012 21 FOR EXCHANGE. 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. Z-90S ILL pay cash difference for trade of C feet on Burt 8t.r near 16th. W..T.- Gra ham, Bee Bldg. Z-STS 21 FOR SALE-HEAL ESTATE. HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loam; alo flra Insurance. Bemls, Paxton Blk, RE-913 S,EE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y, LIFE. - RE-010 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the" Union Pacific Railroad company! n. A. MrAUaster, land commissioner. Union Paclflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-D1J FOR SALE, on monthly payments, 8-rootn modern houso on North Jlth St. car line; also vacant lota which will be Improved for purchaser-on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Building Asoclatljn. U. M. Nattl.'iger, secretary; Bee Bldg. RE-911 HOUSES nnd lots In all parts of city; also aero, property und farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552, Bee Building. RE-909 FOR SALE, cheap, my residence, 2137 S. 33d St.; all mojoni, Apply F. Rlthnrdsuu, Merchants' National bank. U. V. .Me gcath. ItE-M5so IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALEi In the rich valley ot Lojp river 1 can offer for sale many tarms at reasonable prices. This land Is a rlcn sandy loam and pro duces elegant crops, 'llm farmers are iftst putting their land Into iillnltu. which brings them flne rcturiiH, three and tour crops a year being harvested at little or 110 expense, netting us high as KJ per ncrc Income each year. Most of, this land Is under a flne Irrigating canal, wlin a steady and reliable flow of Water troin the Loup river. 1 will name n few pieces; 210 acres, 1 mile from county scut; 2i acres meudow, balance pasture land. Price, 7io. 200 acres, li-mllc from county eat; good 6 room house, orchard, lots ot tltnDcf, 80 neres can be Irrigated, 20 acres tine al taltu, 115 acres pasture. PMct, l,00o. 160 acres, house, windmill, orchard, so acres pasture, 80 acres tarm land, 40 acres Irri gated. Price, 11,630. S2u acres, 100 under plow, balanre pasturo; house, windmill, barn. Price, ll,13v. lOo acres, fine place tor stock, frame house, orchard, barn, plenty of water and tim ber. Price, 8u0. Many othor places at very low llgircs. Send for lull particulars. Address, II. A. STEWART, Taylor, Loup County, Neb. RE-675 BIO SNAP, 13 full lots, 3 being on car line, In Rose Hill, Joining Country club, ut llo per lot or 5W tor nil. D, V. SHOl.ES COMPANY, 310 N. Y, Life Bldg. Tel. S29. RE-8b 21 LYMAN WATERMAN, real estate nnd financial agent, promoter of enterprises. W0 Bee Blag. RE-8U 22 WANTED, warehouse space, 50x150, with trackugu for machinery business; would llko proposition trom owner ot- vacant to build tho above. W o7, Beo. RE-803 22 sTtoTH ST.. 47-ft. lot between Martha and Dnrcnn sts., 3 ft. uliovc grade; street paved and paving- paid In full, j.nio. The Byron Reed Co., 2I2 ti. nth st.. RE-M81U SOME BARGAINS A good houso In good condition, 8 rooms, 2213 Locust St., 12,200. House S rooms, 8. E. cor. 22(1 and Spen cer St., paved street, cement walks; half price, 2,ijou. Good cottage, 5 roams, full lot, 3032 Emmet street, jio. Two houses, 291 nnd 291D DJpont St., both tor 1775. Cottage rooms. 303 N. 27th St., Il.nro. 100x181 feet S. W.. cor. 2uth ond Bancroft St., 3 buildings, will sell at great bar gain, or trade. Make nn offer fur ensh or trade. Good house, 9 rooms. 37Jj fect, paved street, ivoimuzu i-ince, Near 14th und Jackson St., 22 feci for J950. 291S Franklin St.. 6 rooms, t,23o. 8. W. cor. 26th and Maple, rooms, l,3o0. 1420 Dorcas St., 10 rooms, 11,700. Vacant lots, Isnbell add, west of 21th, near Ames avenue, $150 to 1350 each. Two mortgages, 2,t00 each -tor sale. W. T. GRAHAM, Bco Bldg. RE-S77 21 WE havo customers for several cheap cot- lugea 111 norm pari 01 inu city, una soino four or llvo In tho soutli part, of tho city. Parties desiring to sell at once nnd at tho present prices will And customers by list ing their property with us ut once. A. P. Tukey & Son, 411-415 Board of Trade. RE 8S3 22 TEN-ROOM house. ALL MODERN, near 30th ave. und Pacltlc st.,,,2 blocks from llnnscom pnik, tine reception hnlU. oak finish down stairs, elegant, etalrcasc, nice Hluulo and lawn, pcrmancnV'slucwalk nnd driveway, largo barn. Wq havo Just se cured the ngency of thlij jilnco and tho owner in desirous of selling 'at once; EX CELLENT opportunity for some ono wanting a flne home. For further Infor mation call upon R." C. peters & Co., 1702 Farnam et., Bed Bldg. .RE-M902 22 A FINE NEW HOME..' EASY TERMBji I r - HI II Anlr.". The owner of two EAST) .FRONT lotB on 28TH AND PACIFIC STREETS has au . thorlzcd PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY to erect two hnndsomo residences of 6 or 7 rcoms each, to bo sold on TART CASH, balance MONTHLY payment's. The plans can bo EXAMINED at our,ofTlce at any time. Anyono who wishes to enter Into a CONTRACT for ono of theso HOMES before the building Is COMMENCED can have it hrranged largely, (to .SUIT his own taste. Purchase price and pthcr partic ulars, given at the ofllcc.. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY., Main Floor Now York Life Bldg. RE-M691 21 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY. 1'l.yu?.and,ot-on'aore ,rnc,B near Suuth .Omaha, J90 to J12j per acre. I8.000 for 120 acres near South Omaha, with flno Improvements. $18,000 for brick business block In. business center, lensed 13,000 per yeur and nays 12 per cent net. . GlXlRGE AND COMPANY, 417 N, IJth St.. South Omahn, or ltfol Farnam St., Omaha 'RE-MS90 23 TUKEY 8 SPECIAL BARGAINS. W o have Just bought' two or three very nice six or seven-room houses on Maple near 20th St.. with city water, tath anil closet, newly painted out-ldo and In flno b?,n.dltlT-1,I?'"le' wl.,.n nlco J;arrt and corner ils-., Parties wanting modern homes on small cash payments and balance monthly will look no further after saethg these properties. A. P. TI'KBY & - HON, 411-445 Board of Trade. RK-A19I6 21 BEAUTIFUL HANSCOKl PARK HOME FOR STOCKMAN, On Georgia nve., 0 rooms, everything strictly modern and up to date; qwnpr leaving the city, authorizes us -to reddee price from 17,000 to 16,000. TERMS REASONABLE. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. RE-M911 22 MEDICAL. DR' FlK? the acknowledged leading spec allst In diseases ot womeii in Omaha, would ca l the attention of Buttering ladies to his unsurpassed accommodation before and during confinement and his treatment for irregularities, no .nutter what cause. Call or address with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omaha, Net: M-424 Je2J GONOVA la a French treatment for ma.'a and female, for the positive cure of Gon orrhoea, G Wei, Unnatural Discharges, In flammations, Irritations and, .Ulcerations or the mucous membranes. An internal remedy with Injection combined, war' ranted to cure worst casen In one week: 13 per package or two for 15. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kdd Drug Co.. Elgin, HIV American Office, retail. wholesaTe, Myara-Dillon Drug C!o."bmaha M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drue Co Council Bluffs. Full line of legltf mute rubber goods. SHORTHAND A.D T VPEWllIVINU'. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 Nf Y. Life -918 ' nBeoLBMiF0"r8e' C0Uft re,irter Principal. 31 d NEB. Buslnesn & Shorthand College, Boyd', f neater -t)?o GREGO Shorthand. Ora. C. Col., 16 Si Doug - . -921 IIHIEl'S AND ULANKS. 1 HE printing of lawyers' briefs in a per fectly satisfactory manner reouires training, experience and efiulpment. Tho Omaha Mercury does this work Just right Legal blanks, hundreds ot focms, for sale Send for catalogue. L-a; JyJ" ' FISHING AND PLEASURE RESORT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy flthlng go to Langdon, M- Very beat of hotel accommodations. Plenty of boats and minnows. Write n. a. Dtttmar for ratos. -JIG- JOHNSON Institute. SIS N. v t.. tn,i i-M 16t)l, Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept H vim rfuiiiisuii, uaieuputnist, .Mgr. 91fl DONOHUE, Olcopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. I317 -91? A. T. HUNT. D O., 303 Karbach Blk. T1.2S32 M 174 MRS. JOHN R MU8ICK. Douglas block. M-473 JC21 PATENTS. PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues & Co., Beo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Advice free. -13S JylS WILL BUY nny good invention or patent Addrets Lock Box 760, Des Moines, la. M939 BICYCLES. NEW and ladles' wheels rented; 50 ccntj for the evening or utternoon, except Sun day. Louis 1'lcscher, 1622 Capitol Ave, 753 CARPENTERS AND JOntlERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to, J. T. Ochiltree, 2utn ond Lake Sts. 270 BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 13o9. 12th nnd liurd mi, -923 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, Sis So. 26th st. 310 Jyu" 1 VWMIllOKEItS. LAGLE Loan Olllce, tellable, accommodit. lug; ult uusliuss cuiiiiucnilui. Uul uougtAJ. U TAILORING. 2j PER CENT savyt; high class tailoring, latest designe. sitepnen J. Brodcrlck, loi( Fuinum tit. MjB LAI'NUR V. OMAHA Steam Laundiy; shirts, ,c; collars, 2c; cutis, 4c. lido Leuveltworth. Tel. 34?. -9J2 EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or ovMn ing, R. 13, Coin. Nat. Bunk. 0. R. Rathbun. SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS-Slone, cement, brick. Wei shuns' Mantel una Tile Co., 309 So. 17th st. 512 jys LOST. LOST Pair rimless eyeglasses, with chain attached; suitable reward It left ut Del lone hotel. . Lost MulS 23 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 93U GARBAGE HAULING. ANTIMONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans cess pools & vaults, removes garbago & dead uulinals at reuueed prices, 0:1 N. 16, tel.li9. 274 Jy3 WANTED TO IIOHKOW. $2,000 FROM a prlvato party; good security. AddrcHS W 62. Bee. 889 23 Fl RNITtlUE RKPAIIlING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2UI Cuming St -923 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs,. A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 926 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should bo rend DAILY by all interested as oTiangcs may -jeeur nt ahy time). Foreign mulls for the week ohdliig Juno 22. 1901. will closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) ut the general poslofTlce as follows: PAR CELS, POST MAILS clc-o ono hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany closo ut 5 p. m. Monday und Wednesday. Regular nnd supplementary malls closo at foreign brunch half hour later than clos. Ing time shown below. TrniiN-Atliiiitle Mnili. SATURDAY-At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. c. Umbrla, via Qucenstown; at 7:30 a.- m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. e. Rotterdam (mall must bo directed "ner s. s. Rotterdam"); at 8 a. m. for ITALY, per h. s. Hohcnzollern, via Na ples (mall must be directed "per s. a. llohenzollcrn"); nt 9:30 n. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per h. h. Ethiopia (mull must bo directed "per s. s. Ethiopia";. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.r-This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany only. Tho same clasd.of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not he scut by this ship unless specially' directed by hep;' After tho closing of (ha Supplementary I'ninsatlaiitlc Mulls named above, ad- , dltlonal supplementary mails are opened on tho piers of tho American, English, French nnd German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of tailing ot steamer. Malls for South nnd Ccntrnt America, Welt Indies, Etc. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Mnntanzas, via Tamplco (mall muat bo directed "per s. s. Matnnzas"). SATURDAY-At 9 n. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Sun Juan, via San Juan; at 9 a. m. (supplementary :30 a. m.) for CU RACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per . s. Dag gry (mall for Savanllla and Cnrthagena must be directed "per s. s. Daggry"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA. CARTHAGENA nnd GREY TOWN, per s. s. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s. Alene"); at 10 u. m. for CUBA, per s, a. Morro Castle, via Havana. . Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney nnd thence by fxeamor, close at this ofllce dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday. Wednesday and Satur day), Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Bos ton nnd thence by steamer, closo at this oincu dally ut 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., and thenco by steamer, closo at this otlico dally (except Sunday) nt 3 a. m. (tho connecting closes are on Monday, Wodnesday and Saturday). Malls for CJba, by rail to Miami, Fla and thenco by steamer, close at this ofllco every Sunday nt C a, m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dis patch by steamer, closo at this ofllce dally at 1:30 p. m. and 11 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortcz and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans and thenco by steamer, close nt this oinee dally at "1:30 ?. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for lellzc, Puerto Cortcz nnd Guatemala end Tuesdays for Costa Rica). "Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Trnns-Pnclllo Mnlla. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pines, via Sen Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 u. m. up to June IT, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hung Kong Maru. Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close hero dally at 6;30 p. m. up to June 18. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Kin shin Maru (registered mail must be di rected "via Beattlo"). Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to June 20, IncUsivc, for dispatch per s. s. Ta coma. Malls, for Tahiti nnd Marquesas Islands, via Snn Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Juno 21. Inclusive, for dis patch per s, s. Australia. Mails for Australia (except West Australia, which goen via Europe, and New Zea land, wnlch goes la San Francisco) nnd Fill Islands, via Vancouvei, closo here dally at 6:XG p. m. fitter Juno 15 and up to Juhh 22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Mtowera (supplementary mtlls, via Seattle and Victoria), closo nt 6:30 p. m. Juiie "23. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip pine' Islands, via Hnn Francisco, closo here dally ut 6:30 p, m. up to Juno "24, In clusive, for dispatch per . s. China. Malls for Hawaii, via San Frunclsco, i-Ioho here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Juno 21, for diapatch per s, s. Zealand!.!, Malls for China und Japan, via Vancouver, close hpre dully nt 6:30 p. m. up to July 2. Inclusive, for diapatch per s. s. Em press of China (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via fl-jrnne). Now Zealand, FIJI, Sarnoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally ot 6,30 p, m. after June 23 and up to July 6, In 'elusive, or on arrival of s. s. Lucanla, 'due nt New York J.ily "i, for dispatch per s. 8lern Traiis-Puclllc mnlls nre forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clol tg Is arranged cn the presumption of their .in Interrupted overland trnnslt "Resist red mall close, at p nt. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postotllce, New York. N. Y , Juno 14, 1W1 LEGAL NOTICES. RKCKtVER sT NOTICn! in the uimiii'i tourt In and for Dotisl.ts i-cinity, Nebraska. William G. Madden, plaintiff, ngaliut No. braska Hru 1 Insurance Company nt nl., dc lendunts. Notice to cicdltora of snld in sjraiicu company to present their claims for dividends. To ull errdltors of the Nebraska Fir In Hurullco company who have not claimed or received their respective dividends hereto fore ordered in the above entitled tictlon. You, and each of you, ure hereby not, .led lhat in und b the order of the court In tlw nbuve entitled fiction, mndc und entered on tho 4th day of May, A. D, UJl. you must present for payment your respective claims tor dividends heretofore- ordered In mid action within (M days from the completion uf the publication of this notice, which t'niu will expire on tho .list duy of August, A. U. 19vl, nnd that unless you so do your respec tive rights ,0 such dividends will lie con cluded and you will no barred of the tight to participate In tha ltinds appropriated therefor. ' SjcIi claims may bp presented at the ollko of the undersigned receiver in the Brown block, In the city of Omahn, In Douglas county iiturcs.Hd, or transmuted to him at thut address by mall. Dated this 25th day of .May, A. D. 1901. . . . ALBERT L W Y.MAN, Receiver of tne ald Nebraska Fit Insur ance company. May3jd-un-30t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the cumnilnidoiiir of public lands ami buildings, Lincoln, Nb., until 12 o'clock noon, June 21. liut. fot the erection of a stand pipe ut the Asylum for ItiH.tuo at Norfolk, Neb. Speclllcatlons may be seen at the olll.'c of the commissioner of public hinds nnd buildings or at the ofllce of tlui .superin tendent of the uxylum at Norfolk, Neb. Each proposal must be accompanied bv n ccrtllled check tti the amount or 10 per rent of the bid, made payable to the utate of NebrnHku. to bo forfeited to the slati' In ciiho the bidder being ntvardtd tt.e contiact shall fail to execute tho contract nnd fur nlnh bond reijulrod within ten day.1 after tho receipt of notice of acceptance uf his bid. The succeshful Udder to glvn bond In it surety company In the sum of 2.i0j, cuull tlbiicd 011 tho fnlthf ill performance of hU Contract. Tho Hoard of .Public Lands and Buildings reserves the right to reject any und all bids urn) to waive defects. , , , GEO. D. FOLLMER. Commissioner Public Lands and Bldg. Lincoln, Neb., Juno 11, iiwi, JlMI0t-m Bids for. brick Methodist church at Car roll, In., will be received 1111 to Juno 30. Plans and specifications on (llo with F. II. Sinclair.' secretary, nnd also with the nrrhl-te.-t, W. c. Barton, iWJ Walnut street, Des Moines, In. Right reserved to t eject nny m l all bids. JIDdtf GOVERNMENT NOTH Ks. pRorosAt.8 forirTcii.mece- ment, lumber, etc.. etc. Department uf the Interior, r. S. Indian Service, Omaha, etc.. Agency, Wlnncbngo. Nob.. June 15. l!ll. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for Brick, Lime, Cement, Lumber, etc., etc.," and nddrcsied to the undersigned, will be received at Ihis ofllce until 2 o'clock p. m. of Juno 27, 1101, for furnishing nnd deliver ing n quantity of brick, lime, cemont. lum ber, etc., etc., required to complete neces s.iry Improvements and furnishings at Win nebago school. For full ILit and descrip tions, npply to the V. 8. Indian agent. Omaha, etc.. Agency, Nebraska. '. P. MO'HEWSON. V. 8. Indialt Agent, and ofllce of Tho Bee, Omahn. Neb. RAILWAY TIMh CARD. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. 'Depot, Touth unu Marcy Streets. Tele- pnonu, 029. Leave. Arrive Daylight 'Chicago Bpo- cfal .: a 7:00 am oll:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:13 pm a 8:40 am Eastern Express. Des Moines, Murshalltown, Cedar Rapids and Chicago al0:55 am a 4:06 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and East i..,a 4:53 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha 1.- a 2:45 pm Omahs-Chlcngo Lt'd...a 7:45 pm u s:uu um I'nst Mall a M:30 am Cedar rapids Fussenscc. u 5:30 pm a Dally. FREMONT, ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Lino" General Olllces, United Stutca National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twultth and Far nam Sts. Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. Depot, 15th una Webster Sts. Telephone, 1154. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, cupeilor, G'novu, Exeter und Sewurd...;b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, veiuigro ana Fremont b 7:30 um bl0:23 am Lincoln, watioo & Fre mont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am c Dally, b Dally excopt Sunday, o Sun day only d Dully except Saturduy. e Daily excopt Monduv. f CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis sc umanu Rullwuy "Tho North western Lino" Oenerul Ofllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam St Telephone, 661. Depot, loth and Webster Sta. Telephone, 1458. Leave. Arrive, Twin City Passenger.. ..'a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Sioux. City Passenger.. .a 2:4i pm nll:lo um Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8:20 um a Dally SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General Olllces, United States National Bank Building, S.- VV. Corner Twelttn and Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce,. 14UI .Farnam St Telephone, 501. De pot, Tenth and Mu'rcy Sts. Telephone, u. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:55 um alo:25 pm Twin City, Limned, .... .a-7:55 pm a 8:16 um Sioux City Local a 8:00 am u 3:50 pm u Dally, CHICAGO, ROCK I8L and & Pacific Railroad "llio Great Ror.k Island Route" city Ticket Olllce, 1323 Far. nam Street. Telephone. 428. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele- tihmwi. flj! Leuve, Arrive. a 2:00 am bll:33 am a 8:10 am a 4:45 pm a 1:23 pm a 9;35 pm a 6;00 am Chicago Daylight 8pe...a 6:00 am nort Local a 7:23 am Chicago Express. .1(11:15 am Des Moines Local, ,;..,.;a 4;20 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:00 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:10 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim..,a 2:00 am wllllUlll, I.UIU11UU 0JgB.. Denver, Pueblo una West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 nm Colorado. Oklahoma. & v 1,,s pm Texas .'lycr..... a 6:20 pm a 9:60 am a Dally, b Dally exceui Sunday. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER. n1"- ".0titeM7;J?ner'" Ofllces. N. E. Cor. Ninth nri Streets. City Ticket Ofllcc, 1324 Farnam Street. Telephone, 316. Depot. Tenth and Marcy sti Telephone, 629. The Overland Limited, .a 8:2u am The Chicago-Portland Special ,. a 8:20 am Tho Fast Mall...., a 8:60 um The Mall und Express,. all :35 pm Tho Colorado Special. ,.all:3i pm Lincoln, Beatrice nnd Strumsburg Express. .b 4:05 pm Tho Pacltlc Express, ...a 4:25 pm The Atiantlu Exnress... Arrlvo, a 7:30 pm a 7:30 pm a 3:26 pm a 4:25 pm a :80 um bl2:30 pm arand Island Local, ...,b 6:30 pm t om am a 6:60 am remade & 8t'. pJ"l Hallway-citv Ticket Ofllce, J6O1 Farnam btreet. Telephone, 2 Depot Tenth and Mason Streols. Telephone. 629 Leave. Arriv,. IMlLWAUh Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am h 3 10 nm Chicago Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a 8;05 an. a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, I m 0 RAILWAY TMU! CAIIDS. Bl RLINGTON A MIS ouii Rtvor Rullrosd" '"ihu Burlington Route" Gi neral ottues, North west Corner Tthlli' and luiii.un titrcetf. Ticket UIlHi'. !!(' K.trnam Hlriut. , Teiepm uu v. liuriiugiui st.ituii, Tenth . titid .MtioLll dlli-els, leivpuoue y3. t.euvo. Arrive. Llncrln, Hufctlngs and McCoua .... .. .... a am a 7:33 pm Liiaolii, Denver, Colo rado, I. tah, Cahfon.ta 11 ;23 pm a 3:00 pm Alilaiau Express . .. a 4 .j pm a 3:00 pm Uuculli & Black Hills, .a Kao pm a 0;l3 am .Montana, Pugel SuuiuL.u v.w pm a :43 am Uncoln Fast Mall b 3;i0 pm u :17 um Wytnorc, Beat rice und Lincoln aSilOam blt:53 nm Denver i-olorndn. .Ltan and l.tiltoniin a ;IS am Fort Crook, So. Bend, LouUWIIc, Platlstn'tll.b 3:2J pm bll:0J am ilelifvue, I'luttsinoutli Puclllc Junction a 7:40 pm n 8:9) am DclUvue, P.tittsmouth & 1 .irit Junction u 3:t0 am a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO M'ph Si Council Blurt Rilllrond-"Tho Burlington Ronto"-TlcHct Ulllc. liuj Farnam Street, 'lelcphono 25o. Depot, Tenth and Aiuson Streets. Tele phone 12S. ueave. Arrive. KansHs City Day Ex ...a 9uo nm a 6:u3 pm Ktiniis Clt Nlplit Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:15 am St. l.oi.ls Flyct, for tit. Joseph mid St. IajuU.u 5:10 pm nil:l5 am a Dully. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON Si oulncy Rallroud-"Th Burlington Routn" Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Farnam Street, Telephone 250. Depot, letiin and Mason Streets. Telephone III Leave. Arrlvo. Uuyli:ht Chicago Spe cial a 7.00 am al0;20 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.n 4:0-) pm a 7:13 um Chicago Local Express. a 9:30 um a 4:03 pin Chlcug i Limited u 7:60 pm n 7:13 am Fust Mail a 2:15 pm A Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL-road-General Olllces and Ticket unices. Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas bis. 'Jolophonc, int. Deoot, tition Million. Leave. Arrive. st 1.0,., a ami Kansas City Express a PiiCO am a 6:23 pm K. c, si. 1. Express. .a io:5o pm a 0:13 am Lnavn from 13th and Webster Streets: Nebrasxa Local, Via Wei pln? ater b 4:10 pm alOHS am a Dally. Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS. CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Ot flee, 1102 Farnam Street. Telephone, 246. Depot, Tenth ami Marcy Siroet. Leave. Arrive. a 7:oo am a j;lo p:n u 7:15 pm u 8:05 um Chlcnuu Exnress Chicago Limited. Mluiieii. lolls r. Em"!1! Mllilieapoile St, t-n 111 i b 7:00 am b 9:10 pm Paul ........a 7:l!nm a 8:03 am Fort Dnileo Local from Council Bluffs b 1:30 pm a 8:15 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Rluffs n CM nm a Dully, b Dully except Sunday. St, Ixm.s Cannon Ball ArtlVe- K-ircity knd Quincy" S!" Pm "!M nm fny a 7:M am 1 n:oo pm l.linileii W ABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce. 1115 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. De pot, Tenth nnd Marcy Sts. Telephone. 623, Leave. Arrive. St, Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 nm 11 Dally. OMAHA Si ST. LOUI3 RAIL road Omnha, Kansas City Si Eastern Rallroad-"The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1415 Farnam 8t. Tele phone. 322. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sta. Telephone, 629. ' Direct Route to tiliivr Exhibition ANCHOR LINE Jtciiiulili)a from New York Weekly for GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. Saloon, 130 nnd up. Second Cabin. 132.60 and up. Third Class, 26 and upwards. For Illustrated folder and further Informs. lion apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, or J. S. McNALIA". 1323 Farnam St., . ' GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Furnum St.. Omaha. Summir Tours on Likt MiohlgM. STEAMSHIP NIANITOU for taeDKr rtl elMlelr. makes Irl-WMklr trip lor l!hrlivlr, llarkor t?pris. I1T. li I'cianktT and Matklaae lalaa4 eonacollng Him. all Sttannhlp Lines for Laka Haperlor, Eaatetn and Canadian Point. Hpoelal Hatea to Pan-A-"'"''- LEAVES CHIOAOO AS FOLLOW8I Tnea. 10 a.m. Thar-1 1 a. Hat.Br-- Mniiltou Stoomshlp Company, OFFICE & DOCKS, Ruih and N. Water 8tt., Chicago. NEW SECRETARY IS. CHOSEN Mra. Ilyrra of KcoUiik, In., Will Fill Vaeaiiey Cnuaeil liy the Realgnri t lo 11 of Mlaa FerKtiaon, To fill tho vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Miss Agnes Ferguson,, the Advisory board of tho Young Women's Christian as sociation hue appointed Mrs. M. F. Byers of Keokuk, la., as general secretary. Though Miss Ferguson tendored her resig nation tho luttcr part of April, the board has deferred making the announcement un til this week and yesterday the namo of her successor was made known, MIfs Ferguson took tho secretaryship late last fall and during her term the associa tion has mado advancement in many of Ua branches. She resigned because' her health would not permit of her holding It longer and will turn 'over the work the lost ot July. Tho new secretary will not begin her du ties hero until September 8 and though tt has not yet been decided who will carry tho work in tho interval, MIbb Margaret O'Con noll, tho extension secretary, will probably act temporarily. Mrs. Byers has bad extenilvo experience In tho association work, having formerly bcon state secretary of Kansas and later secretary of tho Topeka association, and the board feels that the Omaha organliatlon Is most fortunate In securing her for this Held. L0IKS GOOD TO CAPT. FISHER 31 on from Clindrmi Tells 11 f Proa jicroua Cimilitloiia In the Northwest. Captain Allen O. FUhcr ot Chadron, is in the city on professional business and Is unable to And words with which to tell how generous naturo has been In providing rains for the northwest part of the stato this year. "It has rained in that section," aid he, "more than In any year alnce ,1886. It has rained, and rained, nnd rained and rained, und then some. It means lota of fat cnttlo for that section, for. there has not been so much grass In yea'rs as there la now, Prospects are good for a big crop qf watormelons In that part of the "country and wo ralso some qf tho biggest that come to tho markets." A BALI) NEWSPAPER MAN. GetlliiK New Crop or'llalr,. nnd llaa Sn Store Dandruff. ', Everybody In tlw northwest, knows Colonel Daniel Senrles, tiie veteran journal 1st and publicist of Butte. January 10, ifc)5, 'tho colonel writes: "I psed'.a, couple of bottles, of Newhro's Herplcldo with marvel ous results. Tho dandruff disappeared, a new crop of hair hua tnk'cn root And iho bald spot Is rapidly bolng covered." Herp)' cldo Is tho only hair preparation ihrtt hills the dandruff germs th.at digs up ilie ncap In scales ftB it byrrows Its way to tha root of iho hair, causing tho hnlr to fall out. Kill the dandruff germ ,wlth Herplcld. B5 4b 1 I fl 1 4