10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1901. BEACON LIGHT OF TRUTH Tin Gxduatsi of Orelfhton Uiinriitj Ditcuti tha Ona Topic, LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS THE ORATIONS YuuiiR .Men MNooiirKC on Trolli lllstiiry, In Philosophy. In Phs Iciil Science mill In He IIrIoii. . .. .... mi.. i .uorv part of tho ,n auuienco mat, mi --- n.h(llm i?fSfrt.ePrSUit. -ep.rt.nt of Crelsliton university- The firaduatlng class was t'BP"0' 11 vminif men all of whom participated In Z" Prolan, each deliver an oration ''"'hrtstopher J'- Kc'lcy was 11,0 flrst of tlV? Has o "peak, taking for his subject "Truth In History" Ho began by remarking that the principal study of tho graduating year In all Catholic colleges Is philosophy. 11 sold I" t,rt: fsmmm SR UWele w'c -SS'V I!" Cl..T,na0rft.torla.. can claim none of tho Eiak fo?thChWUh Pr?ncrive.l noHoim o dramatic propriety. ot he ' 'cl ruen,kp: iirccoiu-c"vct heorltM lire unother. Hence many of our most popular hlstor ans ure wry unre liable. I lime wrote bef ore tho now school of h wlorlc research hud en tered "in II b rnl task, 'Olbbo.i nerver -ted history " mi purpose to support lilt nntl rh sUan theory And yet Mn lory mm. hliie with lh power of truth If It wuuni rilumlnaVo the unknown path of dark turlty: tin over burning torch constantly fed with tho consecrated oil of truth. John Mencwltz, the next speaker, had for his themo tho necessity of truth In tho pur pull of philosophy. Uc said In l'hllosonhy In Its search for truth enters iilr hliihcst true ciiuhcb. rnai i nhHosonhy which Is mere theory. Every Eeneru on of men beholds ldlo speculations h? so ti o cor-llke. Hash for n llttlo while knd then fade again n thoy came. True ,"h oiSShy like truth Itself. 1 ncorrupt b e and Immutable: and as far aB It is reallj Hcicntl It; It Ih certain. Wo ennnot dignify with the name of philosophy that babel of ntr. Mctory speculations, conflicting and proofless assertions atyled "modern phil osophy." Wo cannot honor with the i n of philosopher a Descartes, who tore i .low the temple of truth reared by Aristotle nnd milt up Instead a structure of novelty nnd originality of which today not a stone re mains upon a stone: nor on a Hcrkeley. who would make the material world a mere phantom of the human brain: nor on a Hume, who struck tit the root of all morality by denying all causality and tho llrst cause of tho universe In particular. Truth In tho physical sciences was treated by Thomas Smith, tho third speaker. Ho said: What the two llncons taught mankind was the proper use of scientific Induction in Its application to the material universe. Induction Itself rests for Its certainty on the correct syllogism which says: "What rver property or action Hows from tho very nature of objects must always accompany them, even In cases never yet observed; but a certain property or uctlon has bean found by it sufficient variety of experi ments to flow from the very nature of a class of objects; therefor It must ever ac company those objects." To appreciate the achievements of inductive studies we need only look at the Inventions of modern Im provements that we ilnd all around us. Yet a certain class of rash theorists havo at tempted of late to return to tho former chaotic state of science: In particular tho votaries of Infidel systems of evolution. John S. Hakowskl had for his topic, "Truth In Religion." He said: Religion viewed as u science depends for its excellenco upon its certainty, the su premo dignity of Its object, and tho Int portiinco of Its subject matter. Its doc trines arn cssentlnlly Immutable. Progress In It conslBts nut In theory, but in practice of its teachings. The true religion castB Its brilliant light upon tho end for which man la created and upon the means necessary to Hlttalu that end. Hoth cud and means nre. made known by religion and by revela tion. Natural reason would by Itself suf llco to teach us that there Is a sovereign Lord and Master of the universe, to whom we owo supremo homage nnd whoso will Is law for overy one of His creatures. Yet owing to the strength of man's passions nnd tho weakness of hla will It Is morally Impossible for him without the aid of su pernatural revelation to gain this knowl edge to the extent required by the im portance and tho dignity of Its object. Christianity Is the light of the world. Like truth real Christianity Is ona and Im mutable. It stands before the eyes of man kind like a city upon a mountain, tower ing In strength and magnlllccnce of pro portions. It is a rock In tho ocean of con flicting waves of doubt and error. The same Ood who gave It being gives It in fallibility and perpetuity. It Is the beacon light on tho voyage to eternity. William J. Leary, the Valedictorian, dis coursed on "Truth, the Guide ofLlfe." He said: Man being essentially both animal and rational the complexity of his desires can be measured only by their number nnd vnrlety. They reach far beyond the sphern of time and search for their fulfillment tho very heart of eternity. His brightest Ideals cannot be realized but by sacrificing hla lower desires, yet the latter nro over striv ing for tho upper hand. To him who looks for happiness In time there appears a de ceptive guide In tho brilliant glory of earth, which gllmmora athwart the horizon in meteoric brightness and Boon sinks back into the void whence It arose. To the loftier mind there Is visible a constellation In tho heavens whose magnetic attraction guides hlb course ns unerringly as the north pole attracts tho magnetic needle. It Is tho bright star of truth. At tho cloae of our boyhood, standing on the shoro of tho world's restless sea. on which we are now to sull, wo rojolco that our characters have boon moulded by nn institution whoso lofty aim Is to mako that star of truth the trusted guldo of the lives of men. We re joice that tho sciences taught In her halls, philosophy and religion In particular, have answered for us tho most weighty ques tions which every man of senso must, at Mrs. Laces in Most Any Style You Could Wish. Gnloons and bauds in blaok, white, cream. lineu or flax narrow or wider Edges in all widths in Arabian, Point ' de Chenes, Point de Paris, Point Gauze, Etamine, Flemish, Venetian, ele. All overs in laces, bolero dotted v .Swiss, batiste and tucked goods. $pe-.,. c eial prices on parasols for mdies'f5-'--" misses and children. Colored sun urn- . vreiiUN; .fi..ou up. some stag or other of his life, nsk himself, and has dissipated all the clouds that hang over the minds of so many well meaning men. Thy work, dear alma mater, has been nobly and successfully accomplished. Out gratlludn can only be measured by tho extent of our obligations to Crclghton col lege. Wo hope to be faithful to thy teach ings. The task Is all before us. We enter on Its performance with Joy and manly purpose. Father Dowllng, president of tho univer sity, In a few well chosen words, awarded diplomas to tho graduates and conferred tho degree of A. M. upon Louis Bushman, Daniel Leo and Francis Morrcll, former graduates of Crelghton. TO SWELL ANNUITY FUND OninliR Tenchors' Association Adopts L'nliiur I'lnn to Itnlse ' Money. Tho Omaha Teachers' Annuity association Is about to launch an enterprise from which It expects to derive not only a permanent Income but cno that will soon en.tMo It to begin the payment of annuities. Under tho direction of Miss Mary Lucas tho association has arranged a scries of "Model Letters for Use In Schools," which Include, business and social forms, every day letters and letters of famous persons. Tho business forms comprise promissory notcJ, drafts, advortliements, telegrams and correct business forms of every kind. Tho social form Includes formal and In formal Invitations, acceptances, regrets and social notes and tho everyday letters In cludo correct forms for such letters nnd among thr.m arc letters written by famous persons. The letters, havo been printed on cards which are Intended to be used as models for the children to copy and In presenting them In this form tho pupil will unconsciously assimilate more difficult matter than he could wre It presented to him In any other way Tho complete scries consists of seven sets of fifty cards each, cne set for each grade. Tho letters have been carefully graded with a view to tho development of the child's mind and a pupil who has used each set of tho scries has unconsciously acquired a knowledge ot correct forms, as well ns familiarity with the matter and manner of the best letters. These cards will be sold at the uniform price of 60 cents per set and will be presented about tho last of tho week, the series being pro tected by n copyright. It Is the Intention of tho association to present them to the school boards of all of the cities nnd endeavor to have them adopted tho same as textbooks. The teachers are very enthusiastic as to the outcome of their enterprise. The organ ization Is the publisher. IR0U6HT IN BY TiW LINE Xcbrnska City filrl I, tired o Evil House ! World-Herald Wnnt "Ad." Sixteen-year-old Nellie Allgood ran away from hor home in Nebraska City yesterday and came to Omaha In response, to an ad vertisement in tho World-Herald. Her prospective employer turned out to be the keeper of h bagnio. The girl did not know tho character of the place and had It not been for the timely Intervention of tho police It would havo taken something better than a tow line to have saved hor from ruin. The girl Is of a poor but respectable fam ily nnd was lured away from home by the advertisement. Sho clipped it from the paper and had It In her possession when arrested on an incoming train by Sergeant Welsenbtrg. The clipping Is now in pos session of tho police. Tho Nebraska City police were notified of the girl's arrest and they Informed her mother. Mrs. Allgood Is anxious to have her daughter come home and she Is willing to go, but tho mother Is too poor1 to pay for tho ticket. Tho county agent will be asked to provide transportation today and if this Is done the girl will be sent back at once. In the meantime she will remain In charge ot the police matron. Quick Ilelirf' for Asthma. Miss Maudo Dickens, Parsons, Kan., writes: "I suffered eight years with asthma in Us worst form. I had several attacks during the laot year and was not expected to live through thorn. I began using Foley's Honey and Tar and It has never failed to give tmmediato relief." COLORADO, One of the Moat Cliurmlnir States lu the Union fur Hrnlth and Pleasure. Reached best by "The Overland Route." Lowest excursion ratos made for many years are now put In effect .by the Union raclftc, enabling tourists to reach the Rocky mountain regions without unneces sary expenditure of time or money. Do not mako a mistake. All western states and points of Interest reached with, least incon venience via the Union raclflc. New city ticket office 1324 Farnam. SUMMISU EXCURSION RATES. Via (lie Mlltrankee ItaflWar. June 12, 13, 14 and 15, Omaha to Chicago ana return, 114.75. ' July 4, S and 6, .Cincinnati and return, 122.50. July 5, 6 and 7, Detroit and return, $22. July 20, 21 and 22, Milwaukee and return, $14.75. Low rates to summer retorts'. City ticket office; 1504 Farnam st. Tel. 2S4. TIcketB for the High school commence ment exercises to be held at the Crelghton Orpheum theater will go op. sale -this morn ing at 9 o'clock at the box office. PERSINAL PARAGRAPHS. J. C. Post of Thedford Is a Murray guest, F. N. Prout of Beatrice 1.1' at the Her urana. P. F. Zimmerman- of Battlo Creek Is at me iier urnnu, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ttose of Central City are at the Millard, Ncbrasknns nt the Merchants: Mr. Hnd Mrs, A. li. Wood, Gerlng: Fred Echenberg nun nun, ArtuiBion; J. a. Adams, Genoa: .1. oung. Stanton: J. c. McKlnley, Humphrey: P. P. Scott. A. S. Johnson, Hurwell; A. Holtberp, Crelghton: W. K. Worley. Grand Island; J. M, Nelion, Har yard: J. U Codington, Auburn; D, A. Lord. Fullcrton. ' ' J. Benson. j BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Mere That a Oar Load of New Rtmnaiti on Sale Friday. REMNANTS OF SILKS, 49C AND 69C YARD Ilenmnnts of Lnees nnil Embroidery UOc Children's Wnsh Knee Pants, Kto :itc Children's Overalls, lflc 30c Knee Pants, itBc. $1.25 WASH SUITS, 4DC. REMNANTS IN UASEMENT. 1,000 yards of all kinds of short lengths of lawn, lc yard. Short longths of shirting prints, 2Hc yd. ItemnantB of tho best calico, 34c yard. Itemuants of all grades of white- goods and India llnons nt 10c yard. Remnants of 36-Inch percale, GV4c yard. Remnants of tho best grade chambray gingham, Cc yard. Remnants of fine French ginghams, 10c yard. Remnants of Imported percales, 8ic yd. Remnants of mercerized sateen, plain colors, 15c yard. Short lengths of very flno 32-lnch lawn3, worth 12V&C, go at 6 Vic yurd. Remnants of 36-Inch wide plain colored lawns, worth 40c, go at 6So yard. REMNANTS OF SILK, 49C AND 69C. For tomorrow, Friday, wo havo placed on salo nn Immense assortment of China silks, both plain and figured, wash silks, foulardB, taffetas, plain and fancy, brocaded silks, In lengths from G to 10 yards, go at 49c and 60c yard. Short longths of fancy silks, yard lsngths, !4 yard lengths, U yard longths nnd H yard lengths, brocaded silks, plain-colored silks for neckwear, millinery purposes, trimmings and fancy work, go on sale according to length ot remnant at 25c, 15c, 10c, 6c and 2c each, LACE AND EMP.ROIDBRY REMNANTS. All tho odd pieces and remnants ot all kinds of plain and fancy laces, worth Up to 25c, go ot 2ic nnd 5c ynrd. Remnants of nil kinds of embroidery and Insertion, all widths, flno qualities, worth up to 2.c, go nt 3',4c, 5c and "Vic yard. Remnants and odd plnccs of all-over em broideries nnd tucktngs, fancy open work patterns, worth up to 50c, go at Sc and l!)c each. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, J. L. Rrandels & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers Pcot &. Co. men's clothing. SHOE SALE AT BOSTON STORE. ON SALE ON SECOND FLOOR. Tako clovator. Ladles' $3 shoes, 98c AT BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. HAYDH.VS WK.ti'I'KR SALE. The Crentest Sale of Alt Friday In Oar Clonk Department. Women's wrappers In dark colors, made of excellent quality pcrcalo, a wrappor worth $1.00, for 39c. Wrappers with 15- Inch flounce, extra waist lining, ruffles over shoulder, trimmed with braid, $1.25 quality, for 19c. 100 dozen wrappers In percales, lawns, dimities, etc., worth up to $2.00, for 98c. A manufacturer's stock of wash waists at 19c, 25c, 50c and $1.00 each. Just re ceived by express, 200 silk dress skirts. HAYDEN BROS. Read Hayden's great remnant salo. Mnsunlc .otlcr. Installation of officers will take place at Masonic hall, Sixteenth and Capitol avenue, on Saturday evening, June 22, commencing at 8 o'clock sharp. All Master Masons cor dlally invited to be present. JOHN D. HOWB, Acting Mastor Nebraska Lodge, No. 1. JOHN H. CHAPMAN, Master ,'apltol Lodge, No. 3. LUTHER B. HOYT. Master Covert Lodge, No. 11. CHARLES S. LOBINQIER, Master St, John's Lodge, No. 25. Covert I.ndKo No. 11, A. V. A A. M. Brother Jonathan F. Gardner died June 19, 1901, near Benson, Neb., aged 76 years 10 months. Tho brethren of Covert lodgo are urgently requested to meet at Masonic hall on Frl day, June 21, nt 2 o'clock sharp to attend the funeral of Brother Gardner. LUTHER n. HOYT, W. M. EBEN K. LONG, Secretary. Send articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bes. We will give them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 238. This Bath Cabinet $5. Tlii Buckeye Cabinet shown above is every bit as .good as mnny brands that Rro sold for $i.5fl and $10.00. Call nnd see it or write tor ciinuiar. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, Corner lGth and Dodge. It's All in Mens In choos ing a KODAK or CAMERA Bo sure you ' get one with a good lens. WE ONLY CARRY INSTRU MENTS OF THE BEST MAKES AND GUARANTEE EVERY LENS SOLD BY US. Premos, Pocos. Karonas, etc. A beautiful 4x5 Cycle Poco for $6.50. Call and sco us or write for prices. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Far tin m Street. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN PHOTO MATERIAL. fi me.vs hli;e sniion hits, SOU Sninnlcs llo s Odd Cnntx, Aicen 8 to IT, Yenrs, nt fOt Eneli. AT BOSTON STORE SATURDAY. These are two of tho most remarkablo bargains wo havo ever offered you. Tho suits wcro made by a high-class manufacturer for a retailer who failed after the order was given and before tho goods were delivered. To got them off his hands quickly tho manufacturer offered them to us at n great sacrifice. Every suit Is mado of tho best navy blue serge, all double breasted coats. On sale Saturday at $3.00. 500 samples of boys' coats In all tho latest styles purchased from tho manufacturer nt a low figure, on salo Saturday at 50c each. LACE SALE SATURDAY. 115,000 yards of allovor laces bought from the Jennings lace works, Brooklyn. Over 100 stylos will be sold for a fourth their value, worth up to $2.60 a yard, on snlc nt 15c, 19c, 25o and 49o yard. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA.' J. L. Brandcls & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, rect & Co. men's clothing. CHEAP SU.1IMEH K.CUHSIOS Via Illinois Centrnl II. It. St Paul and return, Juuo 18-30, $12.65. Minneapolis and return, June 1S-30, $12.65. Duluth and return, Juno 18-30, $16.95. Cincinnati and return, July 4-0, $22.50. Detroit nnd return, July 5-7, $22.00. Louisville and return, August 21-6, $21.50. Buffalo and return, every day, $25.75. Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Buffalo and Intermediate points. Staterooms re served In advance. Call at city ticket of fice, 1402 Farnam St., for pnrtlculnrs, or address W. H. Brill, D. P. A., I. C. R. R., Omaha Neb. A rtncu ti !iienrt the Summer. On the lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY are some of the most beautiful places In the world to spend a summer vacation, camping out or at the elegant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beautiful lakes and streams and cool weather. Theso resorts are all reached easily from Omaha. A book describing them may be had on application at tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Taul Railway city ticket office, 1604 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good until October 31, now on salo at greatly reduced rates. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Very t,orv nates. $14.75 to Chicago nnd return June 12, 13, 14 and 15, Good till September 15. Corre spondingly low rates during the summer to Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Buffalo ex position. All via "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE," 1401-1403 Farnam straet. Special facilities for securing low rates, berths nnd Information regarding steamer trips on tho great lakes. mm Registered A. Mayer Co., 320 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. Mons Ills Re-No-May Powder Not only relieves, but positively cures all disorders of .tlfafeet, stops odorous perspi ration, cures leader, swollen and painful lest. PricS 50. Cents. AH For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealer Couiultstion Free from 3 to 4. When ordering by mall add S cents tor postal. Re-No-May Skin Food for facial massags. Re-No-May .Cream softens and whitens the hands sjid'tac. UlXintU' y 4) nAI UCnS Day in Bargain Room Free concert every afternoon in music room. Never in bur history have we remnants of wash goods, silks Friday morning at the most HEAD THIS. Remnnnts of 10c lawns Uc Remnants of SG-luch percales I'io Remnants of 25c percales, in nlco long lengths Sc Remnants of 10e white dimities 3V4c Remnants of 25c ginghams Ma Remnants of 10c glngliums 5o Remnants of 19c organdies He Remnants of 19c dlmltlcn Ec Remnants of ll'c batiste fc 4 yards of 75c crepons, black 9Sc 4 yards of Sl.M crepons I l.'M Remnants of loo drapery f,c Remnants of 10c Shaker flannel 2c Remnants of, 25c, 60a nnd COc whlto goods, at H'C WASH GOODS IN THE PIECE 10c Scotch lawns iu0 10c dimities 2 Vic 12V4o piques, In', all colors 5c 10c shirt Inn crash Sc 60 different brands of dimities and ba tiste, worth from joc to 15c per yard on sale at 8n 600 pieces of new spring wash goods unit som at uc, uc nnn c yard on sale in tho bargain room nt 10c SII.KS IN THE BARGAIN ROOM A handsome line of 3Dc silks, on sale nt . v. 15c 1-incn satin, worth 76c. nt s30 Men's 35c Suspenders at 10c. 200 dozen men's and boys' fine suspen ders, with linen ends, good buckles, every pair warranted full length nnd perfect. Theso suspenders aro sold nt 23o nnd 33c around town, In the bargain room nt 10c. MEN'S "Ec AND $1.00 UNDERWEAR nt 25c. 300 dozen men's flno bnlbrlggan shirts and drawers, In plain and fancy colors, all sIzeH from 30 to -IG overy garment war ranted perfect, worth up to $1, on salo In bargain room nt 25c. Men's $1.60 union suits, in fill sizes, nn sale rriuay nt uc, GROCERY Nice country butter, 10c Choice dairy butter, lie. Fancy superator creamery butter, Large bottles Mixed Tickles ISc. ,.R1-Jc .81-30 to .. 230 .. 250 .. 25c .. )0o .. 25c Thrco full pint bottles Puro Tomn r.ntlm Three ennh Condensed Milk ', t.-rt.i nawa ftll nr Mutilnni Harillnn Kojr bars Wool Soap 10 bars best Laundry Soap I'errociion oiurcii, ! i'mko Electric Lustre Starch, per packago 6c 6c 5c 6o Eu Ec 1lc Kc 23o 23c 25c Elastic Starch, per pucKagn .., 1XL Starch, per package Detlnnce Starch Magnetic marcri i niinilrv Hinrnh. ner nound 4 pounds Sago 4 pounus ti""ui , nnnnri, lnrlnn i pounds Carolina Rice HAYDEN BROTHERS. BE GOOD TO THE BRIDE by selecting some piece nf Sterllnn Silver or Cut Olai that will bo a lasting reminder nf tho event Wo nro rhnwlng a beautiful lino of Punch Howls, Tea Setx. Hun Hon Dishes, ColTco Sets, Rread Dlnhes. Pitchers, Candlesticks and numerous other artlrlcs suitable for ths occasion. We'll tako pleasure In showing you these goods. Mawhiiuiey & Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art Stationers, I5lli and Douglas. tut ami I'linn cocnitT. I'rlilny .Uterinum nt Ilnyilen Ilros. The celebrated Scottish Concert Klncmo tograph Co. of Aberdeen, Scotland, will give two concerts Friday afternoon nt 2 and 4 o'clock. Their Illustrated songs, Instru mental selections and perfect moving pic tures have been admired In Great Britain, Canada and the larger American cities. Haydcn Bros, secured this famous organi zation nt great expense nnd every after noon aro affording the people of Omaha, ab solutely free, the highest class entertain ment In tho world. Frco tickets can bo obtained In nny department In tho store. The concert takes place In tho music room. HAYDEN BROS. Publish your legal notrcca In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 233. A Sfeinway Piano Is as good ns a government bond. Thero Is no fluctuation In tho valuo of tho Stelnwny plnno. Tho famous namo la an nbsnluto guarantee of quality n quality that Is not dupli cated under any other namo or for tiuy other price. Tho slgnaturo of tho government Is no more significant on n bond than tho name "Stclnway" on an Instrument. Our prices on new Steele, Viupi Ivern fc I'nnil, Knirrmin, Strjtor, Jcwett, I'nuk nril, A. II. Chime nnd 13 other standard makes ot pianos are as low as can bo obtained on this continent. Wo tnko used Instruments In exchnngo nnd nrrango tho terms to eult the convenience of ttie purchaser. For rutnloKiien nnd prices call or write SCHM0LLER & MUELLER Nebraska's Leading Piano House. 1313 FARNAM ST. OMAHA. Tclephono 1C25. Iowa Branch, 337 Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs. Tclephono 378. A Big Reduction On Itmiuuotits, Hikes, Traps, Stnnhopes nnd Pneumatics, FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY- We linvo n lurpe vnrlety nnd this. Is the opportunity of your life. KINGMAN IMPLEMENT CO, 10TII AMI FAllXAM STS. Friday is Rfimnant shown such a grand array of fine and dress gootls, as we will snow ridiculous prices ever heard of. 21-lnch foulard, In nil colors, nt 3So 60c plaids, utrlpcs nnd fancy silks 25c "jo printed Liberty satin 33o 60c nil wool challls 10c Silk strlno chnllla 23c I.IN'KN'R AND WHITE GOODS Unbleached muslin, 10 yard limit 2Uc Wenched muslin. 10 yard limit 34c I.lnen towels, worth lftc, b to cacn customer 6c Whlto Roods, worth f0c. 60c, 75o ynrd speclcl 10c Tablo linen, worth fOc, nt, yard 23c Red tablo linen, ynrd 12c nimltv. worth 15c yard, nt bl4c Dimity, worth 25c yard, ut 7iic Hcrlm, worth luc ynrd, nt lo Cambric, worth 10c ynrd, nt 6J4c NOTIONS 200 yurd spool machine thread, lc. 240 ynrds lidding Uros' sewing silk, 10c. 10c ribbons, 6o. 15n and 'Be rlbboiiB. lOe, KmluyildTlPH nnd Insertions, yard, 5c. Ladles' 2.V leather bells, each, lc. 15c nnd 2.")C laces, per ynrd, So. 75c curia"lus, per pair, 25c. $1.1) curtains, per pair, 35c. SPHPIAI, CLEARING SALH ON HAM MOCKS SPlCOt AL CLEARING SALE ON CRO- QUl'-T SliTH $25,0M) STOCK OK HOSIERY- CLOSED OUT FOR SPOT CASH BY AN EASTERN MILL on salo at about half their value. In main nlslo bargain i siiuures, i Ladles', men's and children's hosiery, In fast black, brown und fancy colors, every i pair warranted fast colors and seamless, worth double what you can buy them for In HiIh sale, LndieH' hosiery worth up to E0c, go nt 1 10c. 120 and 10c. I Men's hosiery, worth up to 50c, at 10c, 15c and 25u. Chldren'H hosiery, worth up to 20c, go in huh mill) in juc nnu iic. SPECIALS 10-pound sack Graham lOo iO-pound sack Rye Flour ido 10-pound sack of Corn Meal lOc Corn Starch, per packngo Ic DRIED FRUIT- Ruby Prunes, tier pound 5c Largo Santa Clnra Prunes, per lb "He California Mulr Peaches 8 j.Jc San Rosa County Fancy Peaches, lb,, 10c California Pears, per pound 8 l-3c Fancy San Joso County Pears, per lb. 10c GRAND LEMON SALE FRIDAY Fancy largo Juicy lemons, 200 cases at 7V4e por dozen. MEATS AND CHEESE- No, 1 sugar cured hams, lO'.fcc, Chipped dried beef, ISc. Veal loaf, per can, 7,ic No. 1 hreakfast bncnii, 12c. Pickled pig's tongues, ut 20c, Pickled pig's feel, 4i,ic, Wisconsin full cream cheese, lie. Sap sago .cheese, each, 7c. McLaren's Imperial cheese, 10c Fancy herring, 2lc each. in Prices In the Shoe IfcJ bbbbtvbbbbbV pppciBBBBBBBBBBBBr LsssBBBBbBBB sbbT touch up the shoe humbugery but no matter tho incen tive, the highest note of comfort and economy strikes him as peculiarly manifest here. Clear business- sense and successful thought, are throwing up entrenchments around the wants of shoe traders. The store is perhaps reflecting best interests of the retail money spenders, but we are cautious not to raise more hopes than Ave mn conjure. YOU MAY COME IIEKE WITHOUT FEAll of being overcharged, or disappointed. Your money back if we fail to please you after you have made the purchase. WOMEN'S GOOD OXFOIIDS ? 1 25 WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES ? 1 90 WOMEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES ? 2 50 WOMEN'S VtCI KID with or without patent leathpr tips, regular .?3.ii0 value $ 2 50 In the Shirt Waist Store l'retty patterns in women's waists at , 25c Madras, chum brays, etc, regular $1 waists at 45c Waists with large sailor collars, $1.'J5 values at.... 59o Waists of tine lawn, chambrays, etc, $1.50 values at 69c Women's white waists, beautifully made, 1.25, 95c, 59c HAVHEII! HAT UCIlS THIS IS HOW WE HAVE DONE IT flu Stein-Bloch men's suits now 7.50 Men's .$10' II. S. & M. line suits now 5.0o! Men's $13.50 blue serge suits now 7.50; Men's $18 military cut suits Men's $7.50 all wool cassimere Men's 22.50 Stein-Bloch suits now 12.5Q Men's ?25 Stein-Bloch suits now . 15.00 Men's ?3,00 worsted odd pants men's .f-i.ou line worsted pants Men's $0.50 finest tnilored pants now Boys' $7.50 all wool long pants suits now Boys' $9.50 worsted long pants suits now Boys' $13.50 very llnest long pants suits now Boys' $1.25 odd long pants now Boys" $2.50 worsted odd long pants now1 1.25; .'Joys' $4.50 finest odd long pants now J 2.5 Boys' $3.00 nil wool knee pants suits now 1.50 Boys' $5.00 fine knee pants suits now 2.50i Boys' $1.25 washable knee pants suits now 45oi Boys' $2.50 washable knee pants suits now 05q Boys' 75c to $1.50 odd wool knee pants now 25c, 60c and 75cj Boys' 25c and 50c odd washable knee pants now . .10c and 25c HAYDEN BROTHERS. Selling the most clothing in Omaha. HIGH SCHOOL PINS Every pupil should wear one of our Sterling Sliver Enamel PlnH iMiicn CKvrs and io ccmtd. Spend n few minutes at our S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1510 Douglas St. I FANrV HfKIFIH' I A (jpeclnl lino of up-to-tlie-mlnuto fancy hone. It's a tart ,llnn and you T ought to eo them. 25c or J1.I0 for six pairs, We are solo agents for D. H. H. r mxiuie instep uoxiery, in piiim rowm. every ono that falls to give satisfaction. lUtli and ChicitKu Streets. Slirader's 10 Minute Headache Powders No doubt hos no equal In tho world today, or will It ever havo when a headache pow der rollovcs a hcadncho In 10 minutes, sick or nervous, nud leaves no bad after effects, no more than If you never had a headache, must be a harmless powder and so It Is. Why not try a 10c or 25c package noxt tlmo you havo a headache. If your druKPlst don't keep It wo will send It to yo'j at once. Address W, J, Shrader Medicine Go,, 170-17- WIIIIiiiii St., Nimt Viirk, or .. Ultu St., OuinUn, Ncl). Department! 11.. i ., ,,. 4 !rt rv.. t,4..ti! S) iiifrucmuii n I III llll 1UI1, or some other way. the shoes hero have a fascination for the "ad'' man. It may be from desire to see-saw WEATHER During May and June Warm one day, cool the next. This has had a tendency to make people a lit tie indifferent as to their summer clothing. We did not tlgure on this sort of weather, and the consequence is our great stock of MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING has not moved ns faat as it should have done. We do not permit any stagnation here. If things do not move as we' want them to, wo take extraordinary measures to change the sit-, uation. We know of no better means than to reduce our FORMER LOW. PRICES STILL LOWER. now lO.Oti suits now 3.75 now l.Bffl now . . 2.50j 3.75 3.75 5.00 7.60j "7oci utoro. Look for the name, ? t i v m no givpn iree ior KELLEY 8r HEYDEN They make shirts. It's Just Like This If wo had Joined the druc trust! Ws couldn't sell goods at the yrlces we do ns the trust controls and rkes tho prices. Hut ns we didn't Join them, we can "ell our Koods for what wo please. Wo nre thi originator of cut prices, and propose to continue tho leader of low prices. Oem Catarrh Powder Ma Pears Soaps 120 & Ijo Woodbury's Preparations 130 Iler's Malt Whisky JSo Cramer's Kidney Cure 75o Peruna , 'jo Laxative Hromo Qulnlno 16a Carter's Liver Pills If-o Hire's Hoot Heer t.....( 18o Malted Milk . .-. o Temptation Tonlo .. ...... iM 1 doz Quinine capsules, 2 grain 7o 1 dot. uulnliio capsules, 3 grain 10a 1 doz. Qulnlno capsules, S grain lta SCHAEFER'S c Drug Store. Tel. 747. 8. W. Car. 16th and Chicago, Goods delivered FREE to toy part of city, i X I