Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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V.'VJfc bt.- 'hk Lk. -- . a
The Bee Gives Twelve Trips
Third Annual Vacation Contest
The Bee will send another delegation of twelve young ladies, who earn their own living, on trips to the lakes and
mountains, to watering places and the Buffalo Exposition. All expenses will be paid and transportation
furnished for a traveling companion.
This year the trips will be divided as follows: Four young ladies from Omaha, one from Council Bluffs, one from South Omaha, three
from Nebraska outside of Omaha and South Omaha, two from Iowa outside of Council Bluffs, and one from South Dakota.
Where the Cool Breezes Blow
From Omaha to Chicago on the Milwaukee,
tho only electric lighted train between the two
cities. Is a pleasant trip for nnother young lady.
Thero !s Just tlmo enough In Chicago to eaten
a train over tho Nickel Plate for Buffalo, with
out hurrying. Thin will bring one Into the cx-
i.i .1... T jt ...... nnak it.n fena linri nn 11 T"l .
etlto created by the Ttansmlsslsslppl Josltlon .,J'a"r"
cim exposition win win ''"." ,m '!:""":., ..t.Z
trln to bo long rememocreu. xvn uaj iuiu . ""i;
to ico the exposition thoroughly nnl every comfort will bo !it
'fonled at one of tho hotel of the Pan-American Hotel System.
Th s Institution controls several of the best hotels In Buffalo,
which Hro convonlontly located for the exposition. The Bucking
ham. The Ll ncoht. The Marlborough. Besides these hotels, they
havo made arrangements with a largo number of prlvato dwell
in ca In the neighborhood, whero an overflow can be accom
modated Every opportunity will be afforded to see the exposi
tion at ts best! tl and all tho attractions. The return
trip will allow a day's stop at Chicago at tho Grand Pacltlc
Chicago's most popular hotel, nnd back to Omaha again over
tho Milwaukee.
This trip Is over tho Fremont, Elkhorn A
Missouri Valley Rullroad to tho Black Hills and
Tinf Rnrint.. nn! mturn.i The Elkhorn carries
'you through ono of tho most lieautlful farming
countries in ino worm inc i, u'".
ui. it ortiin 1 tiiii unit tvpll-bullt berss.
'rhnnrvTthB nlack Hills, both picturesque and Interesting, with
Its cold mines and typical western towns, 'Ihe chief attraction
thero win bo a two weeks' stay at tho Hotel Evans, the finest ap
pointed hotel In tho west at Hot Springs, wh ten "
largest and finest plunge bath in America. This will Include all
of the privileges 0! tho baths without expense and tbU I a
treat to bo envied. Pleasant paths .and drives. wonde.fiil t .
cascadns, canyons, flowers and waterfalls go to make up the K.iu
tics which nature has abundantly f urhlshcd.
. This trip will bo made on the Illinois Central,
which has become one of the popular Omaha-Chl-cago
lines, on account of Its high class train and
iiinrrnlleri service. A day's ston In Chicago at the
. fnmniin Ornnil Pueiilc- Hotel, and then to the
morthward over the Pere-Marnuette Railroad to
;lward tho prettiest spot in 'all the' state iif Ml,h-fgan-well
named "Charlewlx. the tfeadlliiil
Thn Ttnlvedere lintel has been cho.-'Cll fcr a
week's breath of lako air. It Is not only beautifully situated, on a
point of land botwecn Round and Pine Lakes, but Is such a
home-like hotel that tho plcasuro is doubled. There Is everything
everyone can wish for in the way of amusement sailing', row
ing, bicycling, tennis, tiathtng, bowling, golfing and fishing, to
gether with numerous excursions on the many little launches and
steamers of Pine and Round Lakes, or out on Lake Michigan,
with all tho chances in tho world to delight tho eye and enjoy
tho pure air. which acts as a tonic to shattered nerves. Tho re
turn trip will he by water on the steamship Manltou to Chicago,
and home again over the Illinois Control.
From Omaha to Ike OkoboJI on the Mllwau-
VA9JSk,w kco Is only u night's ride, and. the same splendid
IfrtiniiMii service is auoiuuu 11s uuiwecii uuiunu auu .m
MlUrAUXffl caco. All of the Milwaukee trains are electric
Hf'SXPAtl lighted and U1I3 Is a feature which no other
Two wcekB stay at The Inn at Lake OkoboJI' offers
a- delightful rest for any ono. As every one knows, Lake OkoboJI
Is one of tho most beautiful spots In tho west to spend a summer
vacation. It offers boating, llshlng, driving, and enough going on
all of tho tlmo In a .social way to keep something doing without
being ultra fashionable.
mm hi v? v
llll If' WW
From Omaha to Chicago over tho Northwestern
Is but a night's ride and a most pleasant ono in
these dai of luxury. A dojl. e tr.icl: spun be
tween Cr'iaha and Chicago makra It a safe as
well as Pleasant Journey. A day'a stop at the
Grand Paclllc Hotel, centrally loo.itrd and splen-
hasty Ump offllfe
oring ono to vt aimesii". hut. .
COTho"'Fountaln Spring House, wore there no other ttretloni 1 nt
Waukesha, would furnish every comfort and co """'".'"r r."f
and a good time. The groundH nro not only, most be uitltui. nut
Sfto have arrangcmerlfs for nil sorts of outdoor ; spor s. am I .
famous fountain spring Is part of tho hotel pro orty. lUiln
twenty minutes ride of the hotel nn the tro ley Ino
sha Beach with opportunities for fishing, boating and bathing
M..i... A rtnnvn m-itp (ho Ttiirllnctou will
not only kIvo the younj? ludy who tnko this trip
an idea 01 nc vimi itmrniv-tn " i n
braska, but a chance to enjoy tho host of ra Iroad
service In every detail. Three days at the Brown
Palace Hotel in Denver Is a last.) of uMiry and
also an opportunity to see the capital olty of C.0I0-
ver Plume through Clear Creek Canyon is a trip that tip iravcler
to Colorado shou d miss. Then ten days at Colorado Springs at
the Alta Vista Hote will furnish ft chance to enjoy the grandeur
of the Garden of the Gods and Pike's Peak, tho most famous spot
in Colorado The table of the Alta Vista Hotel Is alwayu ade
nuate to satisfy the nppetlte even when stimulated by hp mou 11
t'aln atmosphere and everything is thoroughly comfortable ond
From Omaha to Minneapolis via the "North
western Lino," with rrolco of trains, either tho
"Twin City Limited," a fast night train, or tho
"Twin City Express." n faMt day train. 'Ihe night
train leaves Union PaRsengcr station. Omaha. :!5
p. m.. dally, arriving Minneapolis tho next inorn-
I.. .Im. tnr hr..nltf.lHl Till. ll.1V tmlll lcaVOS
Union Passenger station. Omaha. 6:55 arriving Minneapolis
for supper. It Is less than two hours ride from Minneapolis to
Lake Mlnnetonka. over the Great Northern, which Is the 1 best
known and the most beantlful of tho lako rcsor s, Two weeks at
the Hotel St. Louis will convince ono that this Is one of the
best conducted summir hotels In the country. Iwo weeks will bo
given to the fortunate young lady to enjoy tho boating, driving,
and summer gaiety of Lako Mlnnetonka, which is one of 10
spots of which naturo can be truly proud, for it la one of the
most beoutlful little shteta of water In tho land, and offers every
opportunity, for' diversion and rest.
From Omaha to Kansas City over tho Missouri
Pacific, with three days at the biggest and best
hotel In the west the Coates House. Tho Coates
House is eminently the leading hotel of Kansas
City, and the traveler naturally says "Ihe Coates
House" In tho same breath with "Kansas City."
From Kansas City to Warrensburg. Missouri, Is
' rrv DUl ft cumiiiiivcjf Duuii wwow
Warrcnsburg Is Pertle Springs, and thu Hotel Minncwawo.
where everything Is as defightfully refreshing as the name. It
Is decidedly restful there, but still there Is plenty to do If one
has the incllnatlon-boutlng, fishing, driving and other season
able pleasures never ullow time to hang heavy. Two weeks
there will convince the fortunate young lady that tho tlmo Is
altogether too short.
No traveler between Omaha and Chicago really
appreciates tho trip unless they take tho daylight
train over tho Burlington Route, which Affords fait
service ovor a smooth road, as well as the oppor
tunity to see this splendid western country. Two
days at the Grand Pacldc nt Chicago, which has
been entirely rebuilt riurlnc the last vear or so.
making It second to tio hostelry in Chlcano. From
Chicago to Lako Geneva, with two weeks at tho Garrison House, is
a nrnHnect nnt only for a cool and beautiful vacation trln. but the
pleasuro of Btaylng at so well an eaulppcd hotel, makes the trip
doubly desirable. The lako Is a most beautiful sheet of water, twenty-four
miles In circumference, nnd nn almost Infinite variety of
Cnarming SCt'Ilvs. ll onuiva uiu micu iui iiu.i-ri niiiiiiiiri
dences, club houses and hotels, which doubt of its pp "r
Ity. Fishing, boating, driving and the kindred summer plcasi . z are
at anyone's command, within reach of the hotel. Tho return trip will
bo via Chicago and again over the Burlington Route, with a chance to
comparo the nignt scrvico wun ine hhjhkiii inp.
This trip will be over the Great Rock Island
Route to Denver, Colorado Springs ond Manltou.
Thero Is only ono Rock Island Route and every
body praises Its splendid equipment and reliable
service. On this road thero Is a choice of three
equally splendid trains. A night's Journoy and then
ono Is In Denver with 3 days nt tho Brown Palace
Hotel. A day's excursion on tho 'Colorado Road"
through tho Clear Creek Canyon, up to Georgetown,
around (ho famous Loop and then back again to
Denver before evening. Then over tho D. & R. G. through the fa
mous Royal Gorge, with Its three thousand feet of towering rock.
Into tho Grand Canyon, nnd at last reaching Glenwood Springs and
Hotel Colorado, for ten days' pleasure thero. No more beautiful situa
tion for a hotel will be found than In this romantic spot, with Its
pure mountnln air and magnificent scenery.
m im 11
Umat From Omaha via. the Union Pacific, tho Overland
vEnnnijv Routt'' ,0 S!,lt T'ak0 City. This trip through the heart
VjWIalB of Nebraska Is an education In Itsplf, teaching therc-
puurctja ul .M'uiuann mm iv viuw ... iiic uivob
thriving towns of our stato. The newest point of In
terest on tho Union Pacific Is the Sherman Hill Tun-
Jfnel. ono of tho latest engineering enterprises In per-
oir-"v lectlllB illu ronu. iius mcuuies ien uaya in ine
pictoi"- Hotel Knutsford at Salt Lako City, the repu
tation of which extends In either direction across tho continent as
one of the finest hoatelrles of the country. When one goes to Salt
Lako tho Knutsford Is tho place at which everyone stops. Salt
Lako always has more than ordinary attractions on nccount of tho
Great Salt Lake. Salt Lako Is within easy reach of Garlleld Beach
and Saltalr, famous for their splendid bathing facilities. Tho return
trip will bo via Denver, with three days at the Brown Palaco Hotel,
the Just pride of Denver. It Is well named, for It Is a veritable pal
ace. A day's excursion around tho famous Georgetown Loop nnd
then return home via tho Union Pacific.
From Omaha to St. Louis over tho Omaha & St.
Louis U. R. and Wabash, with three days ut the South
ern hotel, with Its broad corridors and Its Ideal service.
Thero Is something about the Southern Hotel which
makos it unlike anything in the land, whether it Is the
fact that it combines tho luxury of tho modern hotel
with tho home-like atmosphere and thu courtesy of
the old southern hostelry or whether It is because no
tnn u left unturned to make the I'.uests comfortable.
It Is hard to say. From St. Louis to Toledo, with a day of rest at
tho Boody House, Toledo's leading hotel, it Is so conveniently lo
cated that it is easy to get a glimpse of Toledo, ao well iih enjoy
ing the splendid hotel service of the Boody House, l rom Toledo It
Is a three hours' ride over the waters of Lako Erie from Toledo to
Put-In-Bay on one of the Detroit ond Cleveland coast lino stenmers,
which so completely combine safety, comfort and speed and which
afford comfort and luxury to those who havo the opportunity to en
Joy a lnke trip. Two weeks at Hotel Victory at Put-lnBay will glyo
a thorough enjoyment of the pure lako air and tho luxuries of prob
ably the finest hotel on the lakes. The Hotel Victory has nn envlablo
reputation, which has been well earned.
The trips will be awarded as follows Four trips to the four
young ladies living in Omaha receiving the most votes? one trip to
the young lady in South Omaha receiving the most votes one trip
to the young lady in Council Bluffs receiving the most votes; three
trips to the young ladies living in Nebraska outside of Omaha and
South Omaha receiving the most votes; two trips to the young
ladies living in Iowa, outside of Council Bluffs, receiving the most
votes; and one trip to the young lady living in South Dakota receive
ing the most votes
The young lady receiving the highest number of votes will
have the first choice of the trips, the next highest second choice,
and so on
No votes will be counted for any young lady who does not
earn her own living
All votes must be made on coupons cut from page 2 of The
Prepayments of subscriptions may be made either direct to
The Bee Publishing Company, or to an authorized agent of The Bee
No votes sent in by agents will be counted unless accompanied
by the cash, in accordance with instructions sent them
No votes will be counted for employes of The Omaha Bee
The vote from day to day will be published in all editions of
The Bee The contest will close at 5 p m, July 22, 1901,
I Cut Coupons from Page 2
Votes will be counted when made on a coupon cut from The
Omaha Bee and deposited at The Bee business office or mailed
addressed "Vacation Contest Dept.," Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.