Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Third Annual Anionscimint of the
Popular Outlnp.
VotitiK Women Wlm I'.nrn Their Otrn
III vlnK Affnrilril n Chance to
Secure it l)rlllillnl
Vncntlon Free.
Tho Omaha I3eo nsaln announces a vaca
tion contest tho third annual tho purposo
of which Is to award pleasant summer out
ings to young women who earn tholr own
Tho Deo Is this year much more liberal
than ever In the matter of vacatlous. Ilct
ter trips und more of them nro announced.
The second year was a decided Improvement
over tho tirst, and now tho third completely
eclipses them all. This time the offer Is
extended to (.over South Omaha, Council
Muffs, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota.
The apportionment will be made aH follows:
Kour young women from Omaha.
One from Council Bluffs.
One from South Omaha.
Threo from Nebraska, outside of Omaha
and South Omaha.
Two from Iowa outsldo of Council muffs.
One from South Dakota.
Tho young woman receiving the highest
number of votes will be allowed to take
first cI.oho of aK tliii trlpi olfcro.1 It being
understood, cf course, that Tho Omaha llco
defrays all expenses incident to .hese trips,
Including not only rallroal transportation,
but hotel bills and the hundred-nnd-onu
other odds and ends that call for a. loosen
Ids of purse strings. In short, It Is a va
cation entirely frco to tho winner, Tho Ilea
bearing all expenses.
The second highest In tho number of votes
received will take second choice of nil the
trips offered, and so on down the list.
Whnl thn Trip Are.
It may be a difficult mntter for tho win
ners to decide which trip they prefer, for
they are all good. Tho management of Tho
llee. has taken caro to offer the roost do
elrablo trips on the map and tho ono who
gets even the last cholco will have some
thing very desirable. Among those offered
From Otnaha to Chicago, thence to
buffalo exposition over the Milwaukee nnd
Nickel Plato ronds.
From Omaha to the Mack Hilts region and
return over the Klkhom. This Includes
two weeks at tho Kvans, the finest hotel
In the west, at the celebrated Hot Spring.
From Omaha to Chicago over the Illinois
Central, thence over tho I'ore-Moriiuctte
road to Charlevoix, Mich. ThlB Includes
many side Jaunts and a week at the famous
Motel Bclvcdcro, returning to Chicago r.n
tho steamer Manltou, theiico back to
Omahu by tho Illinois Central.
From Omaha to hake OkoboJI over tho
Milwaukee. Words are unnecessary In de
scribing pretty OkoboJI, so rich In romance
and history, for everybody In Omaha knows
more or less of this famous resort. Two
weeks stay at the Inn, a most popular
hostelry, odds to the chnrm ot this trip.
From Omaha to Chicago on tho Turling
ton duyllght special. Two days at', the
Clrnnd Pacific, thenen to Lake Geneva,
where two pleasant weeks will be spent, at
the Garrison hotol, one of the best ap
pointed houses In the' United States.
From Omaha to Denver over tho Hock
Island. A short stop thero at the far
famed Hrown 1'alace, thence west to Glen
wood Barings over the scenic Wo Grande
routo and a ten-day stop at Hotel Colo
rado. From Denver there will bo a sldo
trip around the loop, which shows more
subllmo scenery than can he offered else
where In the Switzerland of America.
From Omaha via the pictorial Union Pa
cific to Salt Lake, the Zlon city of the
United States, the scat of many Institu
tions of rare Interest. Ten days In Salt
Lake at tho Knutstord, tho best
hotel In the city, with excellent oppor
tunity to rnmblo through adjacent places
of Interest, and within easy reach of Gar
field beach and Salt Air, the popular bath
ing resorts on Great Salt lake. Return
trip will Include a stop at Denver at the
Brown Palace nnd a journey around the
famous Georgetown loop.
From Omaha to Chicago over tho North
western road. One day at ,the Grand Pa
title, nnd then on to Waukesha, tho most
famous watering plnco In tho state of Wis
consin. At Waukesha, tho winner will ho
domiciled at the Fountnin house. Tho at
trnctloiih of Waukesha aro too well known
to require extended mention.
From Omaha to Denver over the Burling
ton route. Three days at the Brown
Palace, around the loop and ten
days at the Alta Vista hotol, Colorado
Springs, nestling at the foot of Plko's
Peak nnd within a few moments rldo to
pretty Manltou. Back to Omaha by way
of tho same old reliable Burlington.
From Omaha to Minneapolis over the
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha
road. From Minneapolis and St. Paul, tho
successful young tourist will go to Lake
Mlnnotonka, whero two weeks will bo
spent at the St. Louts hotel, one of the
foremost summer houses of tho country.
Return to Omaha over tho samo road.
From Omaha to Kansas City over tho
Missouri Pacific, und from thero, aftor
three days nt tho Coatcs house, to Pertle
Mprlngs, ono of tho most delightful rfpots
In Missouri. Two weeks there of rost and
pleasure and sumptuous living at Hotel
Mlnnowawa. Back to Omaha over the
name route.
From Omaha to St. Louis over the Omaha
& St. Louis and Wabash roads, three dnys
at the Southern hotel In St. Louis. From
St. Louis to Toledo, one day at tho Boody
house, Toledo, thenoo over the waters from
Toledo to Put-In-Bay. whero a delightful
stay of two weeks will be made. Back to
Omaha over samo route. This Is ono of tho
beat trips of the cntlro lot.
.Much Pleasure Promised,
.With this offering to select from, thero
Is no reason why the winners Bhould not
have a season of enjoyment such as tho
ordinary purso cannot afford.
Rules of tho contest, and they are simple
and easily compiled with, aro set forth In
display advnrttoeraents In Tho Bee. Read
them, study them and then get to work.
You mar be ono of tho winners. Who
can tell? Ono thing nbovo all othors must
be borne In mind only young women who
earn tholr own living are eligible In this
contest. No employe of Tho Bee, nor no
member of a Beo employe's family will be
permitted to tako part. Watch The Bee
for further particulars from time to time.
Erroneously Think ly Scouring Her
Scaln thfit She Corn Dandruir.
Cleanly woman has nn erroneous Idea
mat ny scouring tno scalp, which removes
tho dandruff scales, sho Is curing the dund
ruff. Sho may wash her scalp overy day
and yet havo dandruff her llfo long, ac
companied by falling hair, too. Tho only
way In tho world to cure dandruff Is tn
1:111 tho dandruff norm, and there Is no
hair preparation that will do that but
rworo n norpiciae. ncrplcldo killing tho
dandruff germ leaven tho hair free to siow
oh nealtny as nature Intended. Destroy the
caiu-e, you remove the effect. Kill the
dandruff germ with Hcrplclde.
Vcrr wit nates.
$14.75 to Chicago and return June 12, II,
14 and 15. Oood till September 15. Corre
spondingly low rates during tbe summer to
Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Buffalo ex
position. All via
1401-1403 Farnam street
Special facilities for securing low rate,
berths and Information regarding steamer
trips on tho great lakes.
VI (he Mllwankaa Rntlrrar.
June 12, 13, 14 and 16, Omaha to Chicago
nd return,' 114.75.
July 4, 5 and 6, Cincinnati and return,
July 5, ( and 7, Detroit and return, $32.
July 20, 21 and 22, Milwaukee and retura,
Low rates to summer resorts.
City ticket office 1504 Faraam at. Tel. 254.
Pimm Are tinier Wny Which Include
Fori Crook nnd I'niillllon
on Itonte,
Tlans aro being formulated by the Omaha
Street Railway company for the construc
tion of a line from South Omaha to Fort
Crook and It Is probablo that construction
will begin this fall and the line completed
so that It will be ready for traffic next
spring. Tho South Omaha line runs prac
tically to tho southern line ot Douglas
county nnd tho franchise for the extension
will havo to bo secured from the county
commissioners of Sarpy county.
It was stated a few days ago that tho
matter wns being taken up with the Sarpy
county commissioners, but this Is denied by
the officers of tho company, who say that
nothing will be done In this regard until
tho return of Mr. Murphy from the east and
tho final decision of the company as to the
exact route of tho proposed line.
Engineers familiar with the topography
of tho country between Omaha and the fort
say that tho electric line cannot follow the
country road to advantage on account of the
hills along the route and It Is understood
that the company will sccuro a right-of-way
for a portion of tho dlstnnco through
private property, thus avoiding the steep
est grades.
There Is a rumor, which Is considered
semi-official, that the lino which In to go
to the fort will be extonded to Papllllon If
tho county commissioners of Sarpy county
will grant tho necessary franchise on terms
satisfactory to' the company.
The company Is at present working n full
force on repair work and small extensions
In tho city. Tho Farnam street lino from
Eleventh street to Sixteenth street Is being
laid with heavy rails. Tho special work nt
tho crossings on Sixteenth, Fifteenth, Four
teenth and Thirteenth streets has been in
place for some tlmo and tho special work
at Twelfth street was changed Tuesday
Tho Walnut Hill cars aro now running to
Dominion street on Thirteenth, although
tho extension from Canton has not been en
tirely finished. Tho company will endeavor
to run tho extra two blocks added by tho
chango without changing tho schedule or
Increasing the number of cars on the lino,
General Manager Smith believing that the
time can be mado up at tho terminals.
Postnite (o Ue neduced to One Cent,
Tho president who succeeds In getting
this measure through congress will hold a
high placo In tho esteem of the people, but
no higher, perhaps, than the esteem In
which everybody holds Hostettcr's Stomach
Bitters. This medicine gets at the starting
point of disease by acting on tho stomach,
helping that organ In Us duty of digesting
food. It cures dyspepsia, Indigestion, con
stipation, stimulates the kidneys and
strengthens the nerves. Be euro to try It.
Salvation Army Enthniilnst Separate
l'nr.nt nnd Child Pending Pay
ment of Seventeen Hollars.
Mrs. Martha Hlgglns complained to Jus
tice Shoemaker yesterday that her 3-months-old
Infant Is being held by a family
named Olassman as security for a board
bill. She owes the family $17 for board and
lodging, she says, and hasn't the money to
pay, and now they refuse to let her havo
the baby.
Sho did not like the Idea of Instituting
habeas corpus proceedings, as she feared
the case would get Into tho newspapers and
give her too much publicity, and rather
favored tho pUn of replevlnlng tho baby's
clothes and running the risk of the consta
ble's being able to sclro tho infant on the
same writ. Sho has not as yet. decided be
tween these alternatives.
Mr. Glassman, a member ot tbe Salvation
Army, earns his living by peddling gaso
line. His delivery wagonbears In gilt let
ters tho device: "The wages of sin Is
If warm weather mak vmt fn1
you may be sure your system needs cleans
ing, use rricKiy asu bitters beforo tho
hot weather arrives; It will put the stom
ach, liver and bowls In order and help you
through the heated term.
i in
One of the Most Chnrmlnv State In
the Union for Health and Pleasure.
Reached best by ''The Overland Route."
Lowest excursion rntes made for many
years aro now nut In effect bv the Union
Pacific, enabling tourists to reach the
Rocky mountain rogtons without unneces
sary expenditure of time or money, Do not
make a mistake. All western states and
points of Interest reaohed with least inconv
vonlence via the Union Pacific. Now city
ticket' office 1324 Farnam.
Kmc Park.
The Krug park Is a delightful place for
summer entertainment and with Its many
amusement features Is drawing good
crowds. Robert S. Brown, business manager
ot the Lorenz concert band, tho big mu
sical feature at tho park, has just received
tho music used by the Thirty-second vol
unteer Infantry band In the Philippines.
Mr. Brown's contract with the government
for service in the Philippines stipulated
that the music ot this band Bhould go to
him at the expiration of the service. Major
Denning has been appointed chief ot po
lice at the park.
Chleaco, BiflO p. m. Today AHantln
City 4i!IB p. m. Tomorrow.
Tho Pennsylvania Limited takes passen
gers through In that time. No transfer
merely step from tho Limited to seashore
train In Broad street station, Philadelphia.
Baggage checked through to Atlantic City
or to any of -the popular resorts on tbe
New Jeraoy coast. Tho Limited runs by
daylight east of Pittsburg, crossing the Al
leghanles at tbe coolest point on that ro
mantic mountain range. Find out bow
nicely you can go east over Pennsylvania
short lines. Address H. R. Deering, assist
ant general passenger agent, 248 South
Clark street, Chicago.
Tickets for the High school commence
ment oxorolses to bo held at tho Crelghton
Orphoum theater will go on sale Friday
morning at 9 o'clock at tho box office.
Publish your legal notrrts in Tho Weekly
no. Telephone. 238. ,
No Dust There
There Is no dust In tho house where they
This oil will be found nn easily applied
finish for hard and soft wood floors, lin
oleum, otc.
It has the special quality of preventing
tho "raising of dust" from the floor when
Tha floor should bo entirely clean nnd
dry. Then apply with sponge, cotton bat
ting or wool rag, rubbing In well and using
only enough oil to thoroughly cover floor.
Surfaces treated with "SAUNDERS'
RUBV FLOOR OIL" will be found entirely
dry within 4 to 6 hours after applying.
NOTE This nil Is nut up In 40o and 75c
(H-gallon) bottles and Jugs holdltVt, gallon
for M.25. Never sold In bulk.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co
Gieit Bali Thnnday ef LdW Wtiiti,
Bkirtt and Tailor-Mid. guiti.
Also n Very Speclnl Offer In Ladles'
and tilrlo' Trimmed Nallnrs Cor
rect Styles In Summer Mill
ncry at Half and a Third
A new lot Just opened; all will be found
the new and correct thing, exceptional val
ues In white and colored waists, lawns, per
cales, madras cloth, etc., at 25c, 69c and 08c.
On tho second floor ladles' lino white
lawn waists, entire front trimmed with
tucking, colored lawn waists, madras cloth
waists, also everything new In Imported
woven fabrics, go at $1.25, $1.75, $1.98, $2.50
and up to $5.
A rare chance to buy high grade summer
wash goods nt loss than half roal value.
In this lot you will find a great assortment
ot flno Irish dimities, dotted Swiss, English
batiste, French lawns, otc, In dots, stripes
and figures, value 35c, go at 10c and 12Vic
An Immense assortment of ladles' and
girls' trimmed sailors. A new shipment
Just received, the correct block, In rough
Jumbo braid, light weight, also split Japa
ncso braids, go at 69c.
A special exhibit on Thursday of oxquls
He trimmed hats, everything that Is correct
In the newest style summer millinery.
Many of these hats modeled nfter tho most
exclusive forolgn designs. Tako any hat
you like and we will guarantee a saving of
at least one-half.
Leghorn hats trimmed profusely with
flowers, chiffon and ornaments, at $2.25.
$10 bats, beautifully lace-draped and made
on wlro frames, on sale at $3.50.
Golf skirts made of heavy, plaid back, alt
wool material, stitched and tailor finished,
$5 values, $1.S9. ,
Tho latest style tailor mado suits, In
cluding Etona, boleros, etc., made of cholco
materials, positively $10 values, at $2.50.
LADIES' $12.60 SILK SKIRTS, $6.98.
Ladles' flno silk taffeta skirts, tucked top,
ribbon, ruffle and ruchlng-trlmmed flounces,
extra well lined and bound, $12.50 values,
nt $6.98.
LADIES' $3 TUB SUITS. $1.98.
Wo have marked out regular $3 tub suits
nt $1.98 for Thursday's sale. They aro
mado of summer materials, with white
pique surpllco and largo sailor collars,
trimmed with Insertion and embroidery;
skirts mado with graduated flounce, spe
cial, $1.98.
10,000 yards of fancy-colored embroideries
and Inscrtlngs, all widths, up to 35c value
yard, 6c.
J. L. Brandels & Sons, Proprietors.
Selling Rogers Peet & Co. men's clothing.
Construction of .ew Cathedral to De
Considered Clerlcnl Fund So
ciety, to Hear Ilepo'rta.
The annual retreat of the Roman Catholic
clergy of the diocese of Omaha will begin
July 8 and close July 12. The retreat will
bo held this year at St. James orphanage
at Benson, being transferred .from Crelgh
ton college, the usual meeting place, be
cause of the Improvements being made at
that Institution. This retreat promises to
be of unusual importance to the diocese,
for at that tlmo the matter ot tho construc
tion of the now cathedral will bo considered
and plans adopted tor the' raising of the
necessary funds.
At tho same time thero will be held a
meeting ot the members of the Roman
Catholic Clerical Fund society, an organlta-
tlon composed of a majority of tbe priests
of tho diocese, having for Its object the
granting of annuities to members when
they become superannuated. At this meet
ing trustees and offluers will be elected.
ElKht Trains to lUifralo
from Chicago dally via Lake Shore ft Michi
gan Southern railway. Including two new
ones Just placed In service, leaving Chicago
3:00 and 8:30 p. m., and reaching Buffalo
the next morning at 6:50 and 10:30 re
pectlvely. New Pittsburg service through
sleeper from Chicago 10:30 p. m., reaching
Pittsburg 11:15 the nest morning. Low rate
l'an-Amerlcan and Tourist tickets now on
sale. Send 4 cents In stamps for interest
ing printed matter. B. P. Humphrey, T.
P. A., Kansas City. F. M. Byron, O. W. A.,
Dr. R. D. Mason.rectal surgery.Brown blk
The Shoe
for Womenfolk
The manufacturers ot Sorosts shoes have
revolutionized fine shoemaklng. Everything
they make Is $3.50 and thoy make every
thing. It Is a woman's shoo with character, as
well as style.
Every pair Is a $5.00 value, but the price
Is always $3.60.
They fit Uko thoy wero made especially
for you,
If they hurt they are not Soroils.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street,
Frank Wlloos, Manager,
Catalogue mailed free tor asking.
$1.60 Fellow's Syrup
$1.00 Peruna ,
$1.00 Llsterlne
35c Castorla
Cutlcura Soap
Packer's Tar Soap
Pears' Soap
75c Hall's Catarrh Cure
25c Mennen's Talcum Powder
25o Carter's PHI
25c Bromo Quinine
25c Schlitz Malt
Hoff Malt
Mellln's Food
60c Syrup ot Figs
25c Allcock's Plasters
60c Malted Milk
Theso prices are the lowest In tbe
&nd we sell 'em.
14th and r)oulaa St.
Edrrnrd Ilussell of Knnnnn City (let
Silted on Street nnd
Edward Russell of Kansas City had n
hearing In police court yesterday on charge
of being drunk. The nrrestlng officer testi
fied that he had met Russell on the street
seven times Tuesday night, that each time,
In compliance with tho Kansas City man's
request, he had directed him to his hotel,
but that tho defendant had continued to
wander about In a seemingly daied condi
tion. "What tho officer soys Is true," testified
Russell. "But every tlmo I'd start for my
hotel I'd find myself walking In n circle.
I'd start out from Bcllstedt and Concert
streets, walk eight or ten blocks In what I
thought was a straight line and bring up
again at Bcllstedt nnd Concert streets.
Every street corner I came to was tho In
tersection of Bcllstedt and Concert streets.
I guess I must havo been pretty drunk,
your honor."
Ho was discharged with tho usual repri
mand. Insuro your health In Prickly Ash Bit
ters. It regulates the system, promotes
good Appetite, sound sleep and cheerful
A Plnc.j to Spend the Summer,
On thc lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL
WAY are somo of tho most beautiful places
In the world to spend a summer vacation,
camping out or nt tho elegant summer
hotels. Boating, fishing, beautiful lakes
and streams nnd cool weather.
Theso resorts nro all reached easily from
Omaha. A book describing them may be
had on application at tho Chicago, Mil
waukee ft St. Paul Railway city ticket
office, 1504 Farnam street, Omaha. Round
trip tickets, good until October 31, now on
salo at greatly reduced rates.
F. A. NASH, General Western Agent.
Mortality Stntlstlcn.
The following deaths and births were re
ported to the city health commissioner for
tho twenty-four hours ending nt noon
Deaths-J. C. Teeney. Thirty-first nnd
Charles, aged 50; John McClnne. '.'506 Ames
avenue, aged 70.
Births-Henry Krebbs. 209 North Thir
teenth, boy; Charles Edgar, 2701 Walnut,
Drug Co.
I6tli and Farnam Sis.
Crutches at
Per Pair.
Weber Pianos
yiVnCII! $25,000 STOCK
CLOSED OUT FOR SPOT CASH BY AN EASTERN MILL on sale nt about half their
value. In main alslo bargain squares Thursday.
Ladlos, Men's and children's hosiery In fast black, brown and fancy colors: overy
pair warranted fast colors and seamless; worth double what you can buy them for
In this sale.
Ladles' Hosiery, worth up to 50c, go at 10c, 124c nnd 19c. iefllrti4 1 ' .
Men's hoclery, worth up to 50c, at 10c, 16c and 25c. 11 ,
Children's Hosiery, worth up to 35c, go In this bale at 10c and 15c. '1 '.
Great Sale in the Bargain Room from the Roberts,
Gainer & Powell Stock.
10 cases of Scotch Lawns mill guar
antees them fast colors and worth
64c lHc
10 cases ot One' Corded Dimity, worth
10c yard .' 2V4c
5 cases of Royal Irish Dimity worth 15c, 5c
1 case ot extra finished flno black
Satin, worth 10c 5c
C cases ot Pineapple Batiste, regular
25 o goods 10c
12c Dress Denims '. 5c
12&C Lluen Crash ' 5c
12l&c Kentucky Flax 5c
1 case ot fine. Piques, In all colors and
whlto uc
15 pieces 26-ln. Satin Foulards, worth
39c 12Uc
12Hc Art Drapery 5c
15c Art Drapory C'c
10c Shaker Flannel 2ic
1 case ot 36-ln. India Llnons So
Oxfords and Slippers
Women's fine $2.50 vlcl kid oxford Ties,
Women's fine $3.00 patent leather oxford
Ties, $1.97.
Hundreds ot pairs ot high-class oxfords,
left over from May sales positively worth
$2 and $2.50, gathered into one lot and put
Special Fruit Sale
Fancy Lerrons, per doicn 10c
Large ripe .Bananas 12 Vic
California Peaches, per dozen 15o
No. 1 Sugar Cured Picnic Haras
Fancy Breaktast Bacon
Fresh New Bologna
. 7o
. 12a
. 5c
. 15o
Chipped Dried Beef
Potted Meats, assorted, per can 3Ho
Spiced Pigs' Tongues, cooked 20c
Plcked Tripe 3VjC
McLaren's Imperial Cheese 10c
Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese 10c
Sap Sago Cheese, each 7c
Grocery Specials
Large bottles Mixed Pickles S l-'Jo
Large bottle Sweet or Sour Pickles..,,? l-3c
Three full pint bottles Pure Tomato
girl; James Moody, 19J2 North Twenty
sixth, boy; I. J. Doyle, Si South Twenty
third, boy; Martin Gallagher, 123 North
Eighteenth, boy; John Donnemycr, 1710
Dorcas, girl,
Send articles nf incorporation, notices ot
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Bee.
We will give them propor legal Insertion.
Telephone 238.
They All Want It
Because It Is something extra. It draw
tho crowd because It Is made for the crowd.
It has to bo Immensely good to suit every
bodybut It suits. It's our Ice Cream
Soda 10c for n great big glass then wc
havo a special for the little folks nt 5e
AVhcn joil are feeling hot, tired and played
out, pay a visit to nur soda fountain.
Oem Catarrh Powder X.a
Pears Soaps He & 15c
Woodhtity's Preparations 19c
Iler'ii Mult WhUky 7.".c
Cramer's Kidney Ouro 75c
Peruna 75u
Laxative llromo Qululiio 15c
Certer'8 Liver Pills iSc
Hire's Root Beer isc
Malted Milk uo
Temptation Tonic 7?o
1 iloz Quinine capsules, 2 grain 7c
1 iloz. (julnluo capsules, 3 grain 10c
1 doz. Quinine capsules, 5 grain 15a
CPU AT EST 51' Q Cut lricc
dunAlira&n O Drugstore.
Tel. 717. S. W. Cor. llilli nnd Chlcnico.
Goods delivered FREE to any part of city.
The Chicago Record
tm6l of these Type
writers In dally use
If you want a typewriter, why not
come first where you can see
WRITER In Its best form?
of all kinds for all machines.
New Century
The finest catalogue
ever Issued Is
yours for the asking.
United Typewriter and Supply Co.,
1014 Farnam St., Oajaba.
aro spoiled by decayed or discolored
teeth. Wo will make your TEETH
look fine. If you let us fix them.
Gold Crowns $5.00
Gold Fillings $1.60 up.
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 Doiigluu St.
10c White Dimity 3V4o
lliVic Sllkollno 6c
1 yards of Blister Cropon, worth $1.50
yard entlro pattern $1.98
39c Faconc Silks , . 6c
75c Satin, 24-ln. wide 39c
60 pieces of flno Liberty Satin, worth
75c yard 39c
100 short lengths In waist stripes, worth
$1.00 yard 39c
100 pieces of 'flno Printed Foulard Silk,
worth 75c yard 390
100 pieces of 50c Wnsh Silks 23c
200 yards Spool Cotton lo
15c Ribbons He
25c Ribbons (ic
10c Embroideries, yard Uc
, 16c and 25c Laco3 Eo
25c Ladles' Belts lc
on Sale Thursday.
on our bargain table to" closo out at once
at $1.47.
$1.97 for women's flno $2.50 and $3.00
patent leather oxfords, with neat exten
sion oolcfi for street wear, and turned light
weight soles for dress wear overy size
and width, at 11.97.
98o for women's $1,3." one strap houso
slippers In genuine dongola kid, turn solcn,
medium opera heels and new coin toes, all
sizes and widths on salo at 98c.
Children's 85c kid turn solo spring heel
shoes at 50c.
Hoys' Jl.50 dongola laco shoes, 98c.
Youth's Cue tennis oxfords, 39c.
I Catsup
Three cans Condensed Milk
'Four cans Oil or Mustard Sardine....
I Four bars AVool Soap
10 bars best Laundry Soap
Perfection Starch, per package
Electric Lustre Starch, per packago
Elastic Starch, per package
IXL Starch, per package
Defiance Sturch
I .Magnetic Starch
1 Laundry Sturch, per pound
1 4 pounds Sago
' 4 pounds Tapioca
1 IUU!!'IO .'..(Mill ,,
4 pounds Carolina Rice
10-pound sack Uraham
i0-pound sack Rye Flour
10-pound sack, of Corn Meal
Corn Starch, per package
Dried Fruit
Ruby Prunes, per pound se
Large Santa Clara Prunes, per lb. 7Uo
California Mulr Peaches ""si-Hc
Sart Rosa County Fancy Peaches, Tb.. I0o
California Pears, per pound . .. s l3o
Fancy San Joso County Pears, per lb. lOo
get $;i.7fi ami 5 for, our regular price 2.-15, goes for$1 45
You will notice those reductions are small compared with
other millinery ads, but these are facts und not false state
ments. When you see it in our ad you can depend upon it.
WALKING HATS 25c 45c 95c
Women's Shirt Waists
if you're large, you're lucky. We've somo wonderful bargains in large size
Bhlrt waists. Tho woman who hore-to-foro said "I can't find anything large
enough," can II nd them hero In nhundancc f
values up to $1.75 for QfJ
Others in a full line of sizes and pretty patterns
25c, 45c, 59c, 69c, 95c.
Women's Handk'rchfs
Specials for Thursday n pretty lino
of luce edge hemstitched handker
chiefs 25c values c
for y C
U Way J 1 3S9!fMmMHMiHV
Sold on Easy Payments
Chielcering, Fischer, Franklin, Jacob' Doll,
Haines, Marshall, and Wendell, nnd twen-tj'-one
other makes to select from. Every
piano guaranteed to give satisfaction or . v
money refunded. Slightly used pianos
are being sold at extraordinary low prices.
Don't fail to hear the , '
Scottish Concert Company,
At Our Music Department This Week
Every afternoon at 2 and 4.
Tickets secured without charge in any of .
the other departments. (
Telephone 1083.
da. A ?rSuV. rt lV XV
Worth up to $'10,00 eoch.
Women's nice tuffcta skirts with four rows of tucked taffeta and deep flounce, per
fect hang, worth $10,00, for $5.9S.
Women's taffeta skirt, mado of guaranlco taffeta, elaborately trimmed; two
flounces and clusters of tucks; mado to sell for $20.00; clearing sulo prlco $9,20.
Extra Special for Thursday's Trade.
Women's rainy-day hklrts, 10 rows of stitching, perfoct In fit and hang, bought
to sell for $5.00, on snlo nt $1.95.
Women's wash walHts for 19e.
Women's wash waists trimmed with Insertion and lace, all In tho new cuff, madi
to sell for fl.00, for 29c.
Women's, whlto lawn waists, sailor collar, trimmed with lace and made to sell
for $2.50, on salo for COc.
Women's silk waists, mado of excellent quality corded silks, the $5.00 qualif
ier $1.90.
Women's flno lawn waists, most stylish In America, nt $5, $S and $10.
Women's' wrappers, 15-inch flounce, extra waists lining, $1 quality for 49c.
Women's $2.00 wropners for 98c.
Is Now Being Made From Fine
F. R. RICE rvi. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE,
Thursday win ue a groat day
with the millinery buying people
Ready-to-wear Hats
Hats that most millinery stores
get $7.50 for, our regular price
$.1.00 room for $ 3 75
Hats that most millinery stores
get 5.00 for, our regular price
$:.7 goes for 2 45
Hats that most millinery stores
Women's Hosiery
Specials for Thursday a complete
lino of faat black, seamless hose
25c values -4 f
tor 1 CJC
Pianos !
I The Grtatist, Grandest and
SMost Sensational Clearing
Sale ever held in Imerica-
To add to this enormous business we were successful
in getting Meyers, Einstein & Go's cntlro st,ock ot Wash
suits, In best lawns, dimities, organdies, elaborately trim
med with laco and embroideries, at 25.conts on the dollar,
that with our wash waists bought at the failure at
Schwartz and Jacobs; tho wrappers from Henry Ettleson
nnd tho two stocks ot suits and skirts, make in all t,he
greatest lino of ladles' ready-to-wear garments ot any
houeo In tho wcbI. All to be cleared up and must bo dls
r.scd of before this salo closes. Tho bargains from this
clearing salo will nstound tho most Incredulous.
775 Wash Suits In all, assorted Into throe lots and
LOT 1 Very elegant suits mado of flno Imported ma
terials, trimmed with laco and Insertion, worth up to 96.00;
for $1.98. j,
LOT 2 Women's flno wash suits, worth up to $10.00
for $2.08.
LOT 3 Women's flno wash suits, made of fine Imported
organdies, dimities, worth up to $12, for only $1.98.
Women's all wool suits, made up In tho newest styles,
now cuff, new sleeve, not an old garment In the bunch,
worth up to $15.00, for $5.00.
Women's flno man-tailored suits; tho greatest variety
ever offered garments that havo sold up to $30.00 clearing
salo price, $9.90.
Women's silk skirts tho largost assortment In America.
WORK to Make a Good lOo CIGAR
Cuban Tobacco. Cron of Iflnn.