THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THTfrJDAY, JUNE 20, 1901. "10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wiak Cablei and Good PrupfcU Matdud bj Export Dtmand. SEPTEMBER CLOSES SHADE LOWER Corn Strnwr LIMit Receipt nnd buinll Country OfferliiR Con tinnril .lellir IlnyliiK of Onta Pro Isliius Stendy. et wild featureless, cxrrot for a. svmna- thetlc rife with tin In London, where values advnnced 17b 6d on Hpot to C12S 10. but fu tures clrscd unmanned at JL123. The local market ruled llrm nt $23. 15? 2S. 35. Copper wan a little firmer today abroad, closing llrm In time at L'69 Is 3d and rutin c at 69 10s Id. Here the markc for copper was nominally urn hanged. Lead ruled feature less all da. closing at II 37li. In London amen niivanceu is ,iu, closing wnn spot noted at L12 7h fid. Hnclter. no the other hand, wan 2s fid lower nt 17 7s (id. while here it wbh unchanged at ti-WJU.W. Amer ican Iron market were unlet and ruled nt old prices. Pig Iron warrants, tD.fiOfilo.OO; northern foundry, $ll.2Mil5.6o; southern foundry, $13.7Sft 15.25; soft southern, $12.75j 15. 2u. CHICAGO, June 19,-Wcakness. In the for tlgYi markets a ml fine crop I"!" E matched today by a strong export demand wheat September wheat closed a shade lower Heplcmbtr corn Uc higher. Hcpwm ber oats Uc up and provisions from a'.iH&c to 100 lower. i,i Finegrowing weatne Tvero the teniures in " " i tnai illieilll'tl III um,u ",'1, on the local operators at the start a there was exhibited a General dlsposltlu to sell. Toward the close there wni pood cash and export demand, which encouragement to wic uuim ... .... ........... l.nt.unutlMn' w In 111 "WrV....".,,'V''"..hlllC n nn. 111 pwiriK, nuirt'u pun,, , . ;., shorts. September opened ?.c lower nt .i flfishc Md ncr going to rat;69'i,c. close, u shade lower at Hvic, Seaboard reported flftren lioat binds taken for export and clearance of wheat and flour were cijiial to 4H.9V1 bti Primary receipts were 431,925 bu., against 575,017 hu. a year ngo. Mlnne spoils and Duluth reported 262 cars, com pared with 27 n week ngo and Sol last year. local receipts were ID cars, none ot contract grade. lluslnesM In the corn pit was moderated rullve, with buyers largely In the majority during the greater part of the day. Country offerings continue very small and this fact, combined with light receipts, was re sponsible for the strength apparent during most of the eeMon. September opened un changed at IWMtHc nnd on fair demand by local shorts the price advanced to he. At this figure, moderate realizing set In nnd the market sagged toward the close, final llgurcs being 'ic hluher than yester day's close at IIHWIIV. Seaboard reported 25 boat loads taken tor export Locnl re ceipts were P"5 cars, only two of which were of contract grade. Light receipts nnd more or less talk of possible manipulation of July had n much to do with the firmness In oats as anything. September wna the strongest feature and the greater part of tho day's buMncss was done In that delivery. There was eon- .1 1 f I I. I... .1... I ... .. ...I.I..I, iinuni iicuvn iniyiMK it) inu mnjitnin .. supported the market yesterday. September imtMlCfl IlIluimilKvll lu tl rim'iu ii'rih-i ... 2i!,.i?;2tiHc. The price wni bid up to 2''i'u by local longs and later by shorts, but nfterward receded slightly, closing ',kc higher at 2i5e. Local receipts were 12t cars. Provisions were steady nnd the market was quite dull, with rather an easy under tone. There was less demand for Septem ber lard, which resulted In a little setback for the whole list. Outside, longii were dis posed to take profits nnd local packers were also moderate sellers. September pork opened unchanged to Cc lower nt $15.021(15.1)7, but weakened to $ll.97'i. at which point It closed at n loss of 10c. Sep tember lard opened 21fej5c lower, at $S.77Vs. went up to JS.fO. but reacted, closing 2'4f 6c lower at JX77V4. September ribs held fairly steady during the session, opening a shndc lower nt !U7'.iH.2o. the high point of tho dny. nnd closing 5f7',c lower at iH.Vo. Estlmnted receipts for tomorrow: AVheat, CO cars; corn, 175 cars; oats, HO cars; hogs, 30.000 hend. Tho leaulng futures ranged as follows: AtTlcics.j Open. High. Low. Closed YcVy. Wheat Juno July Sept. Corn June July Sept. Dec. Oats July Sept. May I'otk July Sent. Lnrd July Sept. Oct. Bibs July Sept. oiiilltlon of Trade mill Uitntn tltin nn Maple mill Pniicr Produce. EUOS ItecelntR 1 lli..rr. I nnmt ntnnts firm lOlfl&jic. ,V'VE POULTJIY-Hens, 7e; young and old roosters, SiBCc; turkeys, tV83c: ducks nnd vrf' ,l eI,r'ng cnicKCtis, per lb., iti'yisc. Ciimmnn tn tnir 19Uc1.1' c'1le'1lalry. In tubs, liyir.c; separator, lie. KHKSH riSII-Illaek bass, 18c; white uubb, oq, Diueusn, uc; uuilhcads, ioc; uiuo crapples. yioc; ciscocs, 7ci halibut, Ho; her- u i;, uc; nuauocK, ioc, picKerci, ic; piKe, va; cd suiiMier. 10e: salmon. He: suntlsh. Cc: trout, jc; whltellsh, 9o i iuf.uji.i-i.ive, per doz., VKALS-Cholre. 3S10c. HAY Prlen niml.d In- Dmnlm Wholesale lay Dealers .isKnclatlr.n: Choice unland. S.5o; No. 1 upland, s; medium, 17: coarse, W&O. llye straw, M.50. These prices aro ior nay oi goon color unci quality, .ucmuua iinr, ,n tresn receipts, OATa-No. 2 White, 23c. COHN-No. 3, 12c. HUAN-J15. V K(J KTA II L v t. SPlNACII-l'er bu. box. o. AriPAltAOL'S-Natlve, per doz., 3S(34t)c 69 I UWii 0 ff'd i l I 09 s I rot,l 0' u 2STl-',i 11 S7U 15 02H S 70 ' g SO 8 VY, I M 1 1 j . 8 17,1 45 2CU : 20U S7HI 07Vi 70 80 SO 0714 20 44-?i 41 28!i 14 SO 11 07l I 43UI 42 43!4316VS H7sf7n llUyib .1. I. 4lVil 2SJ, 23UI K I.J 8 72Vi S 2h 8 0711 8 15 I It SO 14 07',4 0 1 8 07H! 8 16 2S'S 2H4 2ST(i 14 87 15 07Vi 8 70 8 SO 8 SO 8 12V4 8 22(4 Nf. 2. Cash nuotatlons were as follows: FLOTJU-Qatot; winter patents. $3.703.80; Htraignts. clears, AVHKAT-N'o. 2 spring, 7(VT172?;c; No. snrlne. 65J69c: No. 2 red. 715i72c. COnN-N.0. 2, 43043HCI No. 2 yellow, 43!i ff43e. OATS-No. 2, 2SWc: No. 3 white, :3ff30V4c iiyi:-No. 2. 4nmfi5ie. HAItLKY-aood feeding, 6153c; fair to ciioich nmuing. waa.c. SEKDS-No. 1 flax, .75. Prlmo timothy, 13 95. PrtOVISIONS-Mcss pork, ner bbl.. $14.W C14.S5. Lnrd, per 100 lbs., K67&. Short ribs fides (loose), tS.0CKS8.15. Dry salted should ers (Doxein. i.iioii(7.2S. bliort clear sides (boxed), JS.43S8.55. WHISKY-Hasls of high wines, 11.27. Following are the receipts and shipments ior touay: Hecelnts. Shlnments Flour, bbls 33,000 18,000 Wheat, bu , 122,000 61.000 Corn, bu 2H7.0OO 3'6 000 Oats, bu.- 260,000 317.10) Rye, bu 4,000 l.OtO Barley, bu 11,000 2,030 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 16VJW ino; dairies, Mifilti'.ic. Cheese, quiet, at tuivu. ibss, sieauy, at iuvjC. NEW YOH1C C.nNKIt.VI, SIAltKKT, Qnotntlona of tlir Dny nn Various Cnnimoillt les. NEW YOniC, June 19.-KLOUn-nccelpts. 16.175 bbls.: exports. 4.520 bbls.: easv and quiet: winter patents, $3.45(33.60; winter iraignis, j,-ijrua.uo; winter extras, J2.50B B.S5; Minnesota bakers, J2.9CfcJni.lj; Minne sota imtcnts, J3.85ii4.10; winter low grades, t2,30(2.10. Ijye Hour, quiet; fair to good, 2.80(f(3.1O; choice to fancy, J3.2OJf3.50. COHNM1CAL Firm; yellow western. loc; city. Vic: Brand v wine. l2.4j(fi-.BR. UVl--Hnsy; No, 2 western, nC'ic, afloat, uiir, o.iiou, k, i. i,, new lorn canois. BATtLHY Stead v: feedlnir. ISc. c. 1. f. New York: malting. 68flC2c, c, 1. f New jnrK car iois. BAHLKY MALT Dull; western, 65S72C. WHKAT-Receipts, 13,000 bu.: exports. 9C, in mi. ouoi. weaa: ino. j reii. ..;e. r. n b. afloat; No. 2 red, "(ic. elevator; No. 1, northern. Duluth. 77Ue. f. o. h. ndnnit No. I hard. Duluth. SfV4e. f. n. b. float. nntlnn wore generally weak all day under renewed iiquinaunu, oeciiue anronu, Dearlsh home crop nowa, light export demand and short selling. A number of Mniall rallies took niacn on covering nnu soiunwest buying, but tho close was easv at UfffAie not ,ie. cllno; July. 76,I(fr7iio, closed at 76c; Sep tember. 73 15-li(7l 5-16c. closel at 74Uc; Oc tober, 74H1t74He. eloped at 71Vac; December. CORN Receipts. 9O.SO0 bu.: exnorts. 4KS. 116 bu. Snot, llrm: No. 2. 4Sc elevator nml ltso f. o. b. afloat. Tho option market was firm and a little higher on northwestern clique buying, better cables, covering nnd small receipts at Chicago. Closed llrm at J45Hc net advance; July, 474iM7c, closed nt 47Te; September, 4S,t?48?kc, closed nt i&'c: uoiouer ctoseu ni 4sa4C OATS-Recelpts, 275.HW bu. Spot, firm No. 2. 32Uc: No. 3. 12c: No. 2 white. 33tfX3V.Sc No. 3 white. 32?ic: trnck. mixed western B21T3312C! trnck, white, 32HQ38C. Options nil inn steady wuu corn. HAY Steady; shipping, 70f75c; rock! to HOPS Quiet: state common to choice ijhw crop. o'Ic; iwj, y'oiuc: old olds. DtCo Pnclflo coast, 1900 crop, 10fjl8c; 1899. Ilgl5c old olds, 2iff6c. HIDKS Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs. ISHc; Texas dry, 21 to 30 lbs., 14414V4c i.kai uiiii aieauy; nemiocK sole, lluenos Avres. ngui io nenvy weignts, 24U20c; acid PliOVISIONS-Recf. steady; family. $10.50 s u.w mess, jj.wdia.on: Deer nams. 22.60; packet. $in,00rt!0.&0: city, extra India mess, $16.0517.00. Cut meats, steady; nick- lirii ucilll-CT, n74if,vT4u. i,l.n,rii SIlOUUHTSj J7,00iff7.25; pickled hnms, J8.00(frio.23. Lard, fctnmlv! tvnl.iril Ht,jinio,l th f,ni,tln.n,i IJiS; South America, $9,75; compound. $68714 in.w. ruift, niiiuij luimiy, ia.oa lit w shori. clear. Jlfi.00fll7.23: mess. JlS.75filK.75. TALLQW Firm; city, 4c; country, IQ '4C. . RICH Steady: dom.e3tlo fair to choice, 3, Rfie: Japan. 4'ti'nnic. MOLASSKS Stendy; Now Orleans, open Rl'TTKR Receipts, H.W5 pkns.: firm creamery, 15ffl9Vie; fuctory, 12!4'Bll?ic. CHKESE-Rccelnts. 5.49S nkgs.: firm fancy, large, colored. 9c: fnncy. white large. 9c: fancy, small, colored, 9c; fancy. man, wniie, sc. KdClS Recelnts. 14.1S5 likes.: nrm: west em, ungraded, 1 Iff 12'.4o ; western, candled 1313lc. POULTRY-Allvo, firm; springers, 15ti tuc; turKoys, c; towis, mw, uressea steady: springers, iiv-'ic; turxeys, tqsc fowls, 9B10c. METALS The usual sales movement oe curred In order to meet tho Immedlati pants of consumers, but otherwise the mar IxtV davs. l.SOe. demand! New York change, 15c premium. hi uuL'iu, june is. Clearings,; balances, jl.C01.670; money. ,$; per cent; New ork exehnnee. Ion itlarnnm hlH. nsked. HUSTON. Juno 19,-Clearlngs, $23,0.17,553; balances, $2,W9.737. i'mii.auklpiiia, June 19,-Clearlnas, 2it.715.69a. balances, $2.653.2lfi. 14 NKW Ynillf. .time !!). flrnrlnc. . 3S8,t; balances, $10,625,741. .movhmh.nts ix stocks axij no.vits. St OMAHA AVHOLHSALl!. MArtKKT. Ilm how 1 nl gan Mt II 1SS hal jwiLiiAiui-iiomo grown, per 10,, iKW HUKTS Per cloz., 2fr125c. NKW CARROTS-Pcr doz 30;35c, M3V TLRNIPS-I'er doa., 20&25c. COCUJIDURS llothoiihe. ner noz.. 4or(J60' LKTTUCIO Per bu 2((2uc. ItAUISHKS-l'or doz VaWUK. l'All.SLi;y-l'cr doz.. 3Uc. POTATOKS-uld, per bu.. $1. NKW POTATOKS-Per bu., Jl.wgi.lO. CAR U AO K New California, 2c. TOMA I'tJKH h'inrlilii. h.hiixloit erntn. fancy, $2.60; Texas, 4-bsk. crates, J1.60. UNIONS Urrniudas. tier crate. 12.25: new Calltornla. 2c. CAULIFLUWKR-Homc-nrown. Dcr doz.. 95c. 11LANS Wnx. ner Wbu.. 95c: string, oer (, bu.. 75c. i-Jiia i-cr tiu., $2; per nu., 10c. FRUITS. STR A V B K R R I K S H 0 m e grown. $2.60: Missouri, J2.t0; Colorado, J2.75(3.O0. JfLAUKUKRRllJS Per 2W;t. case, JS.OO 2j. CHKRHIKS-Callfornla. ner K-lb. box. J1.25; MUsourl, per 21-qt. case, $1.60. I'EAtlHKS-Calllornia, per box, $1.00. Ai'iiituin-uuinornio, i-casKoi cruies, $1.60. l-LU.MS-Callfornla, per crate, $1.50. GOOSKIlliRRIKS-Per 24-qt. case. $1.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANaKS-Cailfornla seedlings. $2.75 3.00; navals, ;3.&o; Med. sweets, 3.25J.50. LKMUNS California, extra fancy, $3.75; choice, J3.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to slzo. $2.tA)(i2.60. FIUS Cnllforn a. new cartons. 75c: layers. C5c: Imported, ner lb.. 10tfl2c. DATES Persian, In Mu. boxes, Salrs, 60 per iu.; iianoweeii, bw per iu. i-iist,Ai' l-er tioz.. i. itiui.w. MISCULLANKOUS. HONEV Culltornta. Dur 21-bcctlon case. 3.75. ClUliU Per bbl., $1.50; per nair bt)i., J3..0. NUTS Kncllsh walnuts, ner lb.. 15c: fil berts, tier lb.. 13c: almonds, ner lb.. lbilCOc; run iiiiiiiiii tin II, Z!l?U.n rnnntefl. KlAfj 7lin llrnyllu !;( r.nnu tlt7ih?n HIDES No. 1 green. 64c: No. 2 green, 4c; No. 1 salted, 6V,c; No. 2 salted. 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12U lbs.. 8c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry h!Uen, fcgl3c; sheep pelts, Joy 10c; horse lUUe:i, jLon-.-.o. St. I. outs (irnln nnd Provision. ST. LOUIS. June 19.-YHKAT-Lower: No. 2 red cash, elevntor. 69c: track. 10ffl 71c; Jiuy, wawivic; scptemncr, eoc; no. 2 hard. CSfjiiOc. uuitiN 1 uglier: no. z casn. vw, tracK, 2'i4291c: July, 42c: September, 43ttM 43yc. OATS-Hlsher: No. 2 -cash. 2SWc: track. 29029lic: July. 27c; Soptember, IBHQSG'ic; No. 2 white, 31(Q'31!iC. HYis Lower, isc. r 14Uuii-4uiui, i'iiiciiip, o ,wy , tra fancy and straights, $3.10fi3.20; clears, J2.804i3.oo. steady nt $2.30. Bit AN' Dull; sacked, east track. $6.62. HAY Firm for best: timothy. $3.O0fll3.50; prairie, $r,.00W6.W. FLAX SKliD-No market. WHISKY-Steady, $1.27. IRON COTTONTIES-J1.05. 1 . HAGGINaS-GVM7c. HEMP TWINE 9c. I'ROVISIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing. J15.75. Lard, easier, nt J.'3.6214. Dry salt meats. quiet: boxed lots, extra Bhorts, J3.23; clear ribs. SS.37: clear Bides. $8.50. Bacon, quiet: boxed lots, extra snorts, yj; clear riDs, J9.37H; clear sides, J9.60. METALS Load, steady, ji.30fft.32Vj. Bpei- tcr, quiet, J3,7iMi. poultry atcatty: cnicucns. 10: spring crs, l2jllc. Turitcys, ,c. uucks, t.c; anrlngers. SSt9c: geese, 4c: springers, sc. BUTTER-Steady; creamery, 14fl20c; rinlrv. 12?illc. EGGS tsteaay, lWic, repacKea ana casei Included. RECEIPTS-Flour. 3.000 bbls.: wheat. 14,- 000 bu.: corn. 22,000 bu.; oats, 27.000 bu. SHIPMENTS 1' lour, s.uuu unis.; wncai, 6,000 bu.; corn, 44,ooo mi.; oats, j.uuu ou. t.lvrrnnnl Cirulli mill Provlslolia. LIVERPOOL. June 19. WHEAT Spot, o. 2 red, western winter, dull, 5s lOd; No. .. . I ..I ,.n Ra inrl XTn 1 rnll- J IIUI IIIUI II Bllilli(, ll(IVl, ivu,.w, fornla, dull. 6s; futures, steady; July, 5s Slid; September, 69 8Ud. CORN Spot. American mixed, new, firm, 3s ld; Amcilcnn mixed, old, quiet, 4s 2'.jd; ... T.,1.. 4. 11S.:. U.laml,Ar 4s d: October, 4s ld. I'KAB-uanauian, sicuuy, ui on yu. IIUI a nullum,, niLuuj, .i(fx,is. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, dull at 8s. . .. ... PROVISIONS Beer, nrm; extra India . I'O . 1A Unrb- nflntu mnou rAatan lltcon, wo a ou a uini imu 1 1 1 v o iivvin, Rtcady at 61s, Hums, short cut, steady at 46s 9d. Lard, llrm; prime western. Us; llrm; Cumberland cut, 6 to 30 lbs., steady, A a- fiJ - 1i! OI IU. Am O.I. In.,.. iiM n ui l iiu.i, iu in .t iur,. tin un. ihiik cieur iiiiuuica, ukiu i mi, iuiik cicui mlddlep, heavy, 42a 6d; short clear backs, 42s 3d; clear bellies, 47s 3d; shoulders, square, II 11 Ua m (Hi lr Vitrn tA nUTTER-Dull; finest United States, SSs; KOOU I'lllll'll DIUIVD, iwn, flinrSK-Vlrm: American flnrst. whlto. nml itnlnrml .1 TALl.uw t'rime cny, quiet at s; Aus- ....1ln In 1 nnilnn efnn,l. n , "Co CI Kniiana City (irnln nnil Provisions KANSAS CITY. Juno 19.-WHEAT-Julv. C3'ic; September. 62?ic; cash, No. 2 hard, B5V460c: No. 3, 611.4050; No. 2 red, 66,i67c; No. a. 0511060, CORN July. 40T4c: September. 41?ic: cash. No. 2 mixed, 4ZVic: No. 2 while, 43c. OATS NO. 2 White, 3UC. RYE No. 2. 60c. HAY-Cholce timothy. $n.50i?12.00: cholco prairie. Jio.ooifiu.w. jiuiTKii-urcamery, ji4'uhc; nairy, fancy. 13B14C. EGGS Weak: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, 9c doz., loss off, enses returned; new wnitewoou cases inciuiieii. .o more. RECBIPTS-Whcnt, 31,400 bu.; corn, 14,100 nu.: on is, i,iiu mi. SHIPMENTS Wheat, f.2,400 bu.; corn i,wj uu.; oats, iu,i.w mi, Mlnitfiipnlla Wlicnt, Flnnr nnd Itrttn MINNEAPOLIS, June 19. WHEAT CaHh. 07c: July, MHflfi5He: September, 66Vj(fICfl?ic. On track: No. 1 hard. G9te: No. 1 northern, 671c; No. 2 northern, 63?ic. FLOUR First patents, J3.R0I3.90: second patents, J3.b04f3.iu; urst clears, J2.65U2.75 seconn cicars. i;.wu.w, BRAN In bulk, $ll.COgll,25. Duliitli Grain Xlnrket. UI.'Ijutii. .Minn.. June jy. whkat Cash, No. 1 hard. 72c; No. 1 northern. 69c; No. 2 northern, 64c; July, tai.e; September, wit, CORN No mnrket. OAT3-27',!g27',;c. l'mrln. )lrLit. PEORIA, III.. Juno 19.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3. 42c. OATS-Innctlve; No. 3 white, 2SUo billed throucli. WHISKY-On tho basis of $1,27 for finished goods. nek Mnrket Slums .Mnny nnd Suil- ilen II ii i' t il it 1 1 on n. EV YORK, Jane 19. The decided ne- t ij ill iviju i n niuun in ill hfi i fiieu lMi doubts and hesitations In speculative mlndM, i i if i e nun it t.uiiniut:iiitnu tiuiwu u i ui op;u II In It vo llntllriiillnn. hilt tlir nrnfrnrtntinl bears also nnd their share In the wrakneq.q In the market, as was juiltp conclusively shown by the substantial rally late In tho 1ul tftlf.11 111. .ft It.-...,... Il - - ... tt iihuii iu itjuiv iui Itiuunn iu -er their short contracts and found a ilted supply. The lute rally was achieved, IVDt'At fltl n llnht 1 1 r I ( l a . ,nn... 13 a, 'atil was conspicuous and the apprcJum- .uii uhu mnny o uip receni rumors re- n 1 ( 1 1 1 1 tf ( Pl'iilntimnntn l thai atnW liurplv mnjectural had much to do not only lrlll f b iv, . . t. . .... ' iiiviciiiviii, uui wnn hip Kenenuv tlttttlcd tone of tho tr.nllnc. Thprr w.i m.pgly rood authority cited today ior ettlons :int It was not contemplated -it vu m fuj .iciimi iioForiuion or leat .HiiK ol contici of St. Paul or any Inter- illf-n nf thn a...,). IH . i , ...... bsoiptlon of a part of St. Paul by other Ivnl ii.llroan inicttsts may ro far toward OnSMl-nf7 fhfl l.fntl, . 1. , i, i , . , . " ' 1 J i" kuiii:iiu rail road BLti.itlou. but n question arises as to the thh would result In the vest ment value M St. Paul stock Itself. Tho uiuimion ot .t.iRo amount of sloe-: an iiinttd " 01 tlb',,on 10 bc easily Thn nvrtnrta ---. t,i nHU... . . - ' , : rs'iM miiiuuiimi lotiay reached only leaving the week's Mi pments boiow JS.i.Of-rt. u Is not prob- i t . .. . 1,1111,1 iincr innu looay could reach Ilerlln before July 1, so that si U,o.".Lon".ll,crn"lp, 'cpli-tloM of the cash nir V f ?f ,ho bl,nks n,,(1 ,h'' expected re- ...... ...v...r. ,iai ivffn io iiretiarc tor tho unprecedented disbursement on July 1 make It probable that money will continue SF.'i !l,lr'"S. tlie rest of the month, Any ,X.' .V1UB lnr. "PPCtiiBtive use would .,!.?L tho money mar- slumi In Colorado Fuel of 17 points and a sytnpathetlc reaction In Pennsylvania Coal : oiKiii were one to uouots UU!1'.,.1r1cc.cnt ""rtlons that the com. any would be absorbed by the United .titles Steel corporation. St. Lot Is & Sn raiiclsoo rose 3.k over last nlnht, A ntttn" . ""-'"""iK American To nccu, evidence of stretiKlh. H Mil limtit ... .. ...... .. iiinmui huh quue aciive nnri Ki?U laS: ,To,.nl ",nIcs- Pr value. V3.135") thn it ,.2 I08 nls were ""changed on The following- are th cloilng price on de Now York Stock exchanBe: 1 bnc Can Mllrrnukee Ornln Mnrkrt. MHAVAI'KEB, June 19,-WHEAT-Dull; No. 1 northern. 7H5?72c; No, 2 northern, BW(we: Jiuy, KHiawiiiC. RYE Dull: No. 2. 50c. HARLEY Quiet; No. 2, B6c; sample, 40tf Ilnnk Clt-nrlnRi. OMAHA. June 19,-Clearlnfts. $1,01,KD corresponuinB uay last year, :rj3.Tl) ; in crease. $7.mi. RALTLMORE. June 19.-ClearlnB, 4.253, S33; balances. $130,331. CINCINNATI. June 19.-Clearln?s, $19, ssu.ew; money, sua per cent; New York ex' chanse. lOflliHc nremlum. CHICAQO. June 19. ClearlnKB. $27,501,350 balances, $2,543,149; posted exchanie, $4.SSV Atchison .., do pM o do pfd 11. rac He Can. Southern .. Ches. & O hi. & Alton do pfd C 1J. ,t Q '., 1, . I, do pfd C. & K, I '. A Ot. V do 1st pfd do 2d pfd '. A N. W .. n. 1. ti p.... Chi, T. & T no pfd .... .. C C. .t M. Colo. Southern . do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Del. & Hurt .. U & V ). A rtlo a do nM Erie do lit pM .... do 2d nfd Ot. North, pfd.. HocklnK Valley do nfd III. Cpntrnl Iowa Cntrl ... do pM K. & W do nfd 'iil. Manhattan I, ... Met. St. nv Mex. Central .... Mex. National ., M. & St. L Mo. I'aolllo M K. & T do pfrt '. J. Central ... N. V. Central ., Nor. & W do nfd N. Pacino do nfd Ont. & W Pennsylvania ... Heading do lt pfd do 2d Dfd St. L. & 8. F.... do 1st pfd do 2J nfd St. u s. w do nfd St, Paul .... fSH ....KUi ....10JV .... m ..:ot .... 'OH .... 411, .... 4:i .... VI ....lOSVs .... .... 73 ....130 .... 2((4 .... tt .... o.l ....170 .... 21 .... 4S; 1... sr. .... 15 .... 51 .... 62i ....167 ....238H .... Ml, .... 74i .... 431 i .... 71 .... 67U ....K."iij .... f5 .... 7HJ ....U74 .... 34 .... 66H .... 7 ....1M ....110 ....122 VI ....173U .... .... II ....1044 ....1M!4 .... 31 .... i ...,H0 ,...i:,6 .... 53 .... 9 .... 9;; .... 3:?, ISlTfc 47 .... 2PVV .... 57!, .... 53 U .... S3 .... 76 .... 31 1; .... a ....178 do pfd , 3. Pacific S. Hallway do pM Tex. ,fc I'aclfle T. St, 1.. & v.. do pfd I'nlon I'acltle do pfd Vntiash do pfd , V. & U E do 2d pfd rt'ls. Central do pfd P.. C C. & St. I Adnms Ex American Ex U. R. Ex Vlls.HarKo Ex..., Amnl. Copper Am, C. & r do pfd Am, Linseed Oil.. do pfd Am. S. & n do pfd Am. Tobacco Anaconda M. Co.. Brooklyn n. T Colo. F. & I Con. Oas Con. Tobacco do pfd den. Elcctrla Glucose Sugar .... HocklnK Coal Inter. Paper no pril Inter, Power Laclede Oas Nat. nlsrnll 'Nat. lad Nat. Salt do pfd N. American I'aetflo Coast ..... racinc Mall People's Gas Pressed S. Car..,. do pfd Pullman P. Car... Republic Steel do pfd Sugar Tenn. C. Union n 1 do pfd U. S. leather I do pfd U. B. Rubber . I do pfd U. 8. Steel .... do pfd Western Union & I.. & r. Co, ,111'i . 6SU . 33i . 7' . t . :i . 36'-, .11 Ui . 22' . 41. 2 . 33 . 2l'i . u'k 75 .173 .109 . 91 .135 .12DV4 . 32?i S74 '. ii . BfiTi .103 .139 . 50?i .1114 .221H . 6Ri .114 .218 . 6li . 22?. . 234 . 77!i . 97H . stH . 45V. . :ai . 4l!i . 77!, .104 . 72H . 41 .IIS!! . 4l'i . Sfi .298 22 75!4 .143i . 6, . 17H . "3,i . 13 . 7 . :ovi . 20 . 61 . 9f.Ti Trust receipts. Offered. Thn Pnh,m...l.l , .1 .1 T , t vu,nivii.iui auvci nacr a 1.UIIUUII financial cablegram says: The market today was nn Idle one. with quotations dropping. Old time stagnation was In evidence after tne urst hour's trading. The trading was m ivttm wuti uie money conditions may develop some stringency. The market held dull and Inert after tho early trading. when Now York purchases of Mllwnukee & oi. i-nui mm uniieu amies atcei corpora- uuii um.pu a uciier iinisu. Tne UanK of England has received 17.000 In bars and ..,vw tiifi,, nuu iiiillllil. runs exunungo is a.zi, ueruti exchange, 20.40. evr York Sloucy MnrUet. nkw vnnw .TuMrt 11 novui- it oit-.iui ui .iwg'i per cent; last loan, VA ruling' rate, 4; prime mercantile pnper, Zid STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with business In hankor' hiiu ot nt',.. .,' ... ......... . .. , , . .1,1)., liC- mand and at J4,85Ti for sixty days; posted rates.!n4.M; rammnrnlnl l.lllo I iivo 1 -.-.v.. l,c,74,J siLVER-Ccrtlflcates. nominal, 60c; bar. ' j 2 .ui-.Muui iiuimro, io'ic IiONDS State. Inactive; Btcadv: rnllrnnrl. Irrmitl ar ine ciusmg pticrs uu nuuds todax ar a follows: ' government U. 8. ref. 2s, res..., do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon ., do new 4s, reg.,., do coupon do old 4s, reg do coupon dn Ss, reg do coupon D. of C. 3. 65 Atchison gen. 4s,... do art, 44 Can. Southern 2s..., Chea. Si O, 4!, , do Ss C & N, W. c. 7s. , do S. K. deb. Js., Chicago Ter. 4a Colo. Southern 4s.., r, & n. o, 4 Erie gen. 4s , F. W, & D, C. is,., Gen, Electric. 5s... Iowa Central Is.... I & N. unl. 4s M K. & T. 2s do 4s 106',4 107H lOS'ii 10S4 13S 1884 u:ia U3H 106 176 104 !4 9!i 1C9H lOSli 119'i 142',i 1 122 ', 9CU , M4 104 , 90 ,107 m ,104 , 91 'N. Y. C. Pi 107: 'N. J. C. cen. IIM N. Paclflo it, J2i dO 4S IflR' N Y. C A St I. 4i. 10711 n. sc w. con, 4S....102 Oregon Nrv. 1 109 do 1 ; 103 Ore. Short Line 6s,. 130 do c. Ss 121 Heading gen. 4 OSH 1110 i, iv, is, 103 St L. & I M r. la St I. A H P iren. t.. 1 ht. raul consols ,.187 st, p., c. t r. is.ii no ss S. Paclflo 4s t-o. lta lwav Ks.. Standard n. A T Is 17 !4 6 no 9 Hi 119 f.9 Tex. & V. Is ui do 2s on Union Pacific 4s ....106!4 Wabash la ua dO 2S 1191. West Shore s us' Wis, Central 4 92 Va. Centuiles .... 96U OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattlt Marktt Slow in Opuinf, but About Bttadj Prici "Wtra Paid, HOGS AGAIN REACH SIX CENTS There Were Only n Keir Cnrs of Mieep on fnlc This Jlornlna;, Jnat Alionl Strndy l'rlccN Were Offered, hut ."So (ioml Liuiiba ArrUeil. SOUTH OMAHA. June 19. Recelnts worn- Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Olllclal .Monday 1,016 a.ial 1,9 Otllctal Tuesday 2,7.7 7.3G7 3,.'23 Ulllclal Wednesday 2,615 Io.ojJ ThtfiA ,lni.. Il,l t. 11S )! 1?S fl.77.1 Same days last weeK.... fc.221 26.1W 6,i) Hatnn wpnu lrn,. . . t 'UAi '2.aT K.lbH Same thrco wecks"ngo..ll,!iO; :u,li2 9,21.1 niiinc mur wccks nun... s.ioj oi.iii io,.ti latno days last year.... 9,lo2 2(,'.0 12,tto Al'iriii,., ii, ...... it.M. , nnlltli ......nv. , . , l. u IIUIU W ..Visa a. Omaha the past several days with coin-patlsons: I 1901, 10.1S9J.1S98. 1897. !S9.lb95. May .May May May May Juno June June June Juno June June Juno June June june Juno J line June JUIIU June June j mm Juno ... 9... 10.. 11.. 12., 13.. 14., 15. in., 17., !!.. 19., 6 CO 6 63i & ai 5 70 6 70 f mi 6 7oU B71W 6 Thin 6 ssy 6 91 1 6 1 p Slli, I o .I)',, I S l!il 6 95, 4 Mi I ii i W 4 !! 4 W 4 S3 4 91 4 91 4 91 6 02 5 10, 3 CO 3 57j 3 67 3 EKJ 3 53, 3 &3 , I 3 53! 3 63 3 67 3 001 3 61 3 62 d Ml 4 92 3 57 4 S6i 3 01 4 So i "j 4 t9 'J 611 4 931 3 621 3 63j .10.11 I 5 06 3 C4 4 03 3 lj 4 20 3 3I 2 03, .ill i j- 36 2 96 ' 2 93 3tfi II', i 301 4 10 4 14 4 21 4 12 3 4 0J 3 4 10 3 3 4 01 3 Si 3 92 3 3 9 3 J 50 J 3 3 711 " 3 79,3 1 77 3 3 901 3 3 63 3 3 SJl II 13 2 SS 2 So 2 S7 3 9j 3 01 3 08 3 04 I 93 2 911 31) 3 0 29 321 2 9S! 22 3 10 18k 3 CSl 211 3 lll 15 3 03 4 17 4 31 4 33 4 33 4 ii 4 30 4 34 4 3 4 35 4 29 I 31 4 i$ 4 31 4 il 4 36 4 a 4 3S 4 41 4 44 4 4) 4 IS Indicates Sundav Tho olllclal numlier nf ears o uroiiKiii in today by each road was: rtollla Vtrif7 SSh' C, M. & St. P. ny.. .. ' 13 O. & St. L.. Hy 6 1 .Missouri i'acltle Iiy.. a I'nlon racltle system 10 IS C. & N. V. lly 1 5 F., 13. & M. V. Ily.... 15 41 S. U. & l. Hy ... V., St. P.. M. & O, f s p.H 15 1 ft H. Ac M. It. Hy 62 C, II. & Q, Hy 3 K. C. & St. J. Hy.... 3 C, H. I. & P., cast... 7 C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 2 tock ses. 'i 4 9 S3 12 "i 1 145 8 Total recelnts 115 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. ber of head Indicated: Huyers. Cattle. Hobs. Sheep. Omaha Packlnc Co 475 l.t4 Swift and Company 311 2.6S1 Cildahy Packing Co 893 1,621 Armour & Co 612 2,792 Cudahy, from K. City Swift, from K. City 130 H. Hooker Sc Degan 35 Vnnsant & Co 4 .... Lobman & Co 11 .... Livingstone & Schallcr.. 15 .... II. L. Dennis & Co 21 A. S. Mnwhlnncy 15 .... Other buyers 67 .... Total 2,623 446 70 602 133 8,713 i,m CATTLE There was lust a fair run of cattle iu the yards today, and although pnekers seemed to want the stuff they tried on tho start to buy It for less money. Tne market for that reason was a little slow In getting started. There were about, eighty cars of beef steers on sale, and packers started In bid ding a shade lower on all but the best grades. They went around and picked up the more desirable loads at steady to stronger prices. Sellers held on for steady prices on the medium grades, and finally they succeeded In getting Just ubout yes terday's prices, ami In some cases the market looked a little better. Tho com moner grades were, of course, neglected and hard to move at any price, on tire whole the market did not show much change from yesterday. Ilccclpts Included aabout fifteen cars of cow stuff, and the good kinds could bo quoted steady. Tho market was not par ticularly active and In Home cases sellers thought they had .to take less money for all but tho best kinds, but the medium to common cos and grassers have been selling very unevenly, una for that reason It is hard to tell what the market Is on that class of stock. It Is certain, how ever, that tho market was no better, and the besi that could bo tald ot It is that It wnn just about steady. Hulls were not much difference from yes terduy, where the quality wus satisfactory, but tho common kinds were very slow. Stags sold about steady, and so also did veal calves. Stockcrs and feeders were rather scarce this morning, and tho good kinds sold In Just about yesterday'8 notches. The com moner grades, however, were neglected, and If anything .hey were a little lower. Itcprescntatlvc sales: BEEF STEERS, No. i 1 7 8 l!..!... 2 20 20 24 9 24 22 22 49 20 17 44...,. S 20 1 63 11 13 JO 17 17 4 Av. . 700 . 634 . 6fi0 . soo . 720 . 8irt . rj) . 870 . 822 . m .1430 . 940 . 740 . 841 . 780 . 841 933 860 910 923 1113 93S 1042 1113 1022 1129 1073 1416 1113 906 1079 lOCti 1036 10M ...1072 IT. 2 75 2 73 3 30 3 -3 3 75 3 83 4 00 4 00 4 53 4 23 4 .3 4 33 4 30 4 63 4 P3 4 70 4 75 4 ;. 4 73 4 73 4 SO 5 M 3 vo 3 03 5 U3 3 03 5 0 3 ;o 3 10 3 10 5 10 5 13 3 )S 3 13 & IS No. 12 2 II 19........ 13 (2 3 34 1? 35 19 '25 1 44 32 3 26 21 34 60 1 22 21 64 20 35 1 20 10 63 20 20 4 21... Av. ...1126 ...1030 ...1110 ... 984 ...1155 ...1119 ...1260 ...1203 ...1200 ...1152 .. .126:1 ...1200 ...1140 ...1250 ,..1135 ...1408 ...1164 ...1196 ...1282 ...1313 ...1660 ...1293 .7.1343 ...129 ...1416 ...1340 ...1200 ...KCl ...1417 ...1416 ...1400 ...1214 ...1334 ..1326 19 1167 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 640 .. 631 .. 913 .. 761 .. 690 ..1192 4 03 4 40 4 65 4 .0 4 90 3 10 8., 17.. 9.., 13... 34.., 16.. os: ...1023 ...1114 ... 923 ...1112 .1250 STEERS AND COWS. 19 1150 3 '0 STEERS TEXAS. 1 1290 5 15 1 U10 1 1230 5 13 3) 1232 miva, Bid. "Offered, llnatnii Stocks nml Itnnda, ROSTON, June 19. Call loans, 3fj3U per cent: time loans. 3!4ffl!4 nor cent. nm,"ini closing: A T. & St. Fe.... do pfd Am, Sugar do pfd Amer. Telephone,, Iloston &. Albany,, noston 1, ...... lloslon & Me L, H, & Q Dominion Coal .... do pfd ., U. 8. Steel no pfd Kltchburg pfd Oen. Klectrlo N. n. Oas & Coke. do 5s Old Colony Old Dominion ..... Hubber Union raclfla . 88 .103H .113 123 '.53 llllng, M. Co. 251 .177 .193 42 .114 . 49 . 98 i .144 2)7 . 7 . SHi West Cnd Westlngh. Klec. Atchison 4s Adventure Atnal, Copper Atlantlo noston & Mont.... Itutte ,t noston.., Cnl. & Hecla .... Centennial Franklin Humboldt , Osceola Parrot Qulnoy , &anta vt Copptr Tamarack Utah Mining winona .. 94i .. OS ..103; ., 17 .. 21 ..i:c,4 .. 34 ..494 ..123 ..813 .. 2H .. 17 ,, 23 .. t 34 !, ..150 .. 6,i ..333 .. 29'i .llll4iWolverlnes London Slack Quoin tlniia. LONDON, June 19. t p. m. Closing: Consols, money , 93'i do account 31', Atchison 9'.'; Canadian Paclflo ..156 ft. Paul 11; 111. Central VAi Louisville 1124 Union l'ae. pfd 93 :? V. Central 100 Erie 41'. do 1st pfrt 7214 Penns)vanl,i 77!j Reading "-ji. No, Pacific pfd 1W4 Orand Trunk H'i Anaconda pu; nana Mines l.'N U. H. Stiel t(,f, do pfd 101H I1AR SILVER-Steady, at 27Hd per ounce. MONEY Iflfe per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2492 9-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 9-1S per cent , 820 , 70 , 760 , 876 , 911 ......1010 1018 990 98) 1010 870 1103 910 820 910 1020 U4 9W IOvO 930 931 1060 1150 !5 1 740 5 &IS 1 1260 11 1022 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 15 7 1 2 6 1 1 1 7.. 2... ... 8... 13... 5.., 30.... i6i!.'! 1021 1105 833 936 932 904 963 830 1140 w;o 10W 780 1190 1230 1130 91S 630 410 400 573 8(0 , 820 634 1 50 1 73 2 25 3 11 2 60 2 05 1 70 2 75 2 73 2 75 2 73 2 75 3 73 3 ) 3 00 3 J 3 "0 3 t 10 3 13 3 35 3 25 - , 3 ;5 "3 23 3 25 3 25 ' 3 V, 3 25 3 M 3 10 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 15 3 50 3 (0 3 50 3 dO 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 V 3 63 3 li 1 1070 19 979 2 1155 1 1009 4. 2.... 3.... I. ... 3!!!! 1.... 2.... II. ... 1.... 1.... .1130 1170 1233 1880 1180 1153 680 1043 915 1080 910 6 1058 6 10VS 2 1190 1 1310 4 907 3 1043 23 963 5 8 JO 2 1040 3 1120 2 1100 1190 1173 ...1200 ... 9 ...1250 1. 1. ..... 3.!'.'.'.',', 3 1. HEIFERS. 3 eg 4.. 7.. 1 1850 1 1100 1 1250 1 1140 3 00 3 25 3 60 3 A3 3 75 4 CO 7... BULLS. 3 M 1 1460 3 T5 1 1370 .1 33 1 1400 1 33 1 1220 1110 -1360 ....1030 .... 926 ....1060 ..,,1051 ....1060 .... 93) ....1100 ,....i:03 ....109) ,....1286 ....1373 .... (90 360 717 918 9tt 1010 910 811 Tr. 3 !5 5 23 5 27 5 25 6 '.0 3 25 5 25 5 33 5 35 5 40 5 J5 3 43 5 45 5 45 S 50 5 50 b JO 3 60 5 30 6 30 6 ro I 35 3 ro 6 60 S CO 5 60 5 C5 S 63 5 (5 5 65 3 65 5 10 5 70 5 70 6 73 3 10 3 13 3 ."0 3 -0 5 "5 S 50 3 15 6 15 3 15 3 75 3 73 3 73 3 SO 3 SO 3 65 4 00 4 00 4 W 4 0 4 (0 4 i) 4 '0 4 W 4 !0 4 10 4 10 1 15 ( 13 4 20 4 10 I 23 4 13 4 25 4 IS 4 25 4 25 4 30 4 30 4 SO 4 30 4 20 4 ':o 4 35 .15 4 40 4 4) 4 IA 4 SO 4 35 4 M 4 60 4 0) 4 75 4 to 4 25 4 41 4 30 4 i) 4 (i 4 55 4 0) 4 rt) 4 ft) 4 13 1840 9.10 13JO 750 :) 1010 1 1270 1 1630 6.. 18.. 1.. 1.. 186 , 496 , 220 2!0 4.. 1..V" 9. li0 STOCK 530 660 friO 372 812 "60 , 960 370 650 3 40 J 10 3 63 3 f, 1 S 4 00 4 ) 4 CALVES, 4 25 1.... 4 23 1... 4 50 1 ... 5 M STAOS. 3 C) 3 60 COWS 1170 1010 1790 1350 ...,1760 1 S) 1 1324 110 1(0 14) 1 20 4 ;3 4 13 4 .10 4 3) 4 ?S J M 3 50 6 50 1 30 : .10 : so 2 SO 2 fS 2 S3 2 33 2 8. STOCK 360 2 !0 ,300 3 00 16 3 '.3 1 94) 4 23 1 1273 I 83 AND HEIFERS. 1 6') 2 85 3 52,1 7 M7 13 :i 3 683 17 11 19 CALVES. 4 1 . 810 .1018 411 110 3 M 3 25 3 ."5 3 73 3 73 3 th 4 20 4 10 4 73 STOCKHRS AND FEEDERS. 1 650 3 23 1 J 4 70 2 4V) 3 4) 2 700 t 70 12 314 3 18 1 52) 4 35 11 837 3 (V) 12 613 I 30 1IOOS There was a good liberal run of hogs here this morning, but tho market opened Just about n tuckel higher. The first hogs (.old mostly nt I5.92U and $-".M. nnd as high ns J6.W was paid for prime heavy weights. Not all of tho packers were In the field at those prices, and as a result the market did not long maintain tho advance. As soon as Chicago was re ported closing weak the feeling hero wna easier, and packers said they would not pay over $5.90 for tho best hogs, and as sellers were holding for the morning prices net much wns done for 11 time. Tho close of the market was very slow Hnd weak, and the advance was very largely lost. Sellers were slow about mak ing the conceptions nsked, nnd It was late before a clearance was mane. Tho last hogs EOld largely nt $5 90, and from that down. At 2 o'clock there were still several loads unsold as buyeis ami sellers were unable to ngreo on terms. Representa tive saics: No. A v. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. 1 r. II 158 ... 5 85 66 217 80 3 .'2!i 86 ICO 200 5 85 71 26.1 80 3 ill 69 190 8) 5 83 65. ...... .224 40 3 92'j 65 218 80 3 S-.i 71. ...... .229 ... & )l!i 73 201 160 5 7Vj 73 1.1 1 ... 3 9ij 82 2 160 3 I1I4 75 201 160 S t 80 210 ... 5 7i 109 ;3 K0 5 JI'l 83 202 ... 3 8i'i 76 2.13 120 i 92V 6S 238 ... 5 D) 73 220 200 J 9;i I16 261 ... 5 90 56 2.16 50 3 0ii 55 ISO 120 5 90 70 236 ... 5 02',, 82 197 ... 5 M 74 215 4) 5 9 4 75 224 80 i :M 64 255 ... & ?2'4 77 210 12) S W 74 235 60 5 92i 166 211 ... 5 924 70 219 HO 5j2!i 76 244 ,,. 5 I'i'i 107 J17 2) 5 52Kj 74 217 100 3 2Va 0 215 40 3 .d!, 79 114 160 5 92' a 71 213 SO 5 H', 72 233 50 3 92t (6 2.10 80 b S2'l 41 232 40 5 91'j 69 249 SO 8 92!, 58 222 120 5 921, fo 215 12) & 92V, 69 229 8) 5 I1',4 74 191 I'M 5 tl", 67 (237 60 S 92V, 77 101 40 6 92!, 76 219 160 5 921, ;o ;3i 40 b 924 84 217 200 o 924 70 2t7 200 & 12!, 44 130 ... 5 !, 86 232 80 6 9.'!, 63 222 120 5 91!, 34 2(7 ... & 93 60 217 1C0 3 0J1, 63 231 ... 5 95 63 3() ... 5 37!, 76.., 24 4) 3 95 65 244 80 6 95 69 238 ... 5 91 6.0 273 80 3 !'5 67 307 160 5 93 69 261 20) 3 93 69 225 120 5 05 167 213 ... 3 95 65 220 80 5 93 62 240 ... 5 !3 59 270 40 5 93 72 235 80 S 95 43 313 ... 5 95 53 306 60 3 93 61 23) 40 8 95 64 25S ... 5 07!i 61 23 ... 5 95 79 187 0 5 9) 61 111 60 5 93 76 194 ... 5 1.) 61 151 120 S 95 63 248 80 5 9) ' 63 278 80 3 33 71 199 80 5 90 47 272 160 3 91 73 211 240 5 90 65 249 SO 5 05 68 204 120 8 '10 38 253 ... & 15 4! 270 SO 5 M 67 214 ... 3 95 76 216 110 5 79 236 120 5 35 69 200 ... 5 00 61 221 ... 3 93 64 229 ... 5 0) ss 317 40 & 95 73 233 SO 5 90 60 205 80 5 95 18 121 ... 5 90 67 229 ... 5 07'4 70 238 ... 5 :0 60 272 ... 5 974 68 218 ... 5 90 56 297 200 1 97V, 43 216 ... 5 0 66 251 80 6 97!, 66 222 80 3 90 73 270 60 5 07J, 73 216 160 5 CO ;o 267 80 5 974 S3 183 120 5 90 68 223 ... 5 074 89 210 100 5 9 ) 46 349 ... 6 00 79 123 60 5 02 4 61 309 ... 6 00 51 203 240 5 t'2!, 63 200 ... 6 IU 75 2(5 SO 5 324 SHEEP There were only Just a few cars 01 snecp on saio mis morning, unn mc market ruled active and stendy. Packers seemed to want a few sheep, and as a result everything desirable was soon out of Urst hands. Two cars of wethers sold at $3.60 and two at $3.75. which wna fully steady with yesterday. There were a few common lambs on sale, but nothing with wnicn to mnxc a fair test- or the mantel. The way packers acted It looked as though good stuff would have sold readily at steady prices. Quotations: Choice clipped wethers, $3.65 3.75; fair to good clipped wethers, $3.ri0frf 3.C5; choice clipped ewes, J3.00ii3.25; fair to f;ood clipped owes. $2.7503.00; choice woolcd ambs. $l.75tf5.00; fair to good lambs, $4.50ft 4.75; choice clipped lambs, $4.40f 4.G0; fair to goou cupped lamos, 4. 201 4.40; spring iamo 4.&oa.2o; feeder wethers, $2.7E3.00; lamns, i.2&ij3.oo. feeder Representative sales 160 western fed wethers 219 Nebraska fed wethers.. 220 Nebraska fed wethers., 241 western lambs Av. 109 98 99 6J Pr. 3 60 3 75 3 75 4 00 ers. $2.2565.10: veals. $3.75576.25; bulls and stag!". $2.&U5.10; stockers nnd feeders, $2 (64.76.' , , , IIOOS-Hfcelpts, 1,796 head; market opened mostly 5c higher, closed with .halt tne advance Inst: llclit olid mixed. $o.80u 5.9JU. medium and heavy, $5.90'd.07lj; pis'. 1.i'.ViiMSl; UIIIK, j.!XTl6.W. . . . SHEEP AND LAMnS-Recflpls. 3.S2; market active, steady on best, others dull. lntft City t.ltf. Mtiit-k Mnrtirt. SIOl'X CI! Y. June 19. Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 4r) head! steady: beeves. St. 75575.10: cows and bulls mixed, $2.25511.25: stockers and feeders, J3.60 44.55; calves and yearlings, $.l.U.Vfj 1.40, nuns Heceipts, 3,7m head; daifc higher, sellng at $5.9056.00; bjlk, $5.95. Cotton .Mnrket. NEW YORK. Juno 19.- COTTON-Whlle there was a fair movement In cotton today, values wero exceptionally light and the net result of fluctuations did not materially favor either side. The market opened llrm, unchanged to 3 points higher on de mand rrom shorts, light southern receipts nnd some buying for New England spin ners' accounts. Cables were slgnnlly better than looked for nnd for u time sentiment rather favored- a bull tnarkft. Rut before 11 o'clock a dispatch from Fort Worth an nouncltig that showers to fair rains had fallen In northern Texas tills morning un dermined several large amounts of July cotton and orenttd distrust among later holders. From t.21c July broke to 8.15c and from 7.37c October declined to 7.31c Dur ing tho noon hour there was it slight tend, ency toward reaction, but In the absenco of Important new business the ileellno was very small. Spot closed quiet, l-16c lower! middling unbinds. S 7-16c; middling gulf, S 11-160. Sales, 1,216 bales. LIVERPOOL. June 19.-COTTON- Spot was In Increased demand; prices unchanged; American middling, 4 21-32d, The sales of the day were lO.iioo bales, of which were for speculation and export, and In cluded S.fWTO American. Receipts, 1,(00 bales, all American. NEW ORLEANS. June 19 COTTON- atilet and easy; sales, SOO bales; ordinary, . ie; good ordinary, fi-16c: low middling, 7',io; middling, SHc: good middling, SHc; middling fair, 8'dc. Receipts, 9,117 bales', stock, IIS.OM biles. ST. LOl'IS. June 19.-COTTON-Mnrket quiet: middling. Sci snlr.i. 103 bales; re ceipts, 1.416 bales; shipments, 2.121 bales; stock, 63,756 bales. Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, June 19.-WOOI-Prlces well sustained; medium grades, 11 17c; light fine, ll14c; heavy fine, f811c; tub washed, 1617 24Hc. ROSTON, June 19. The American Wool and Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow of the wool trado: There is a steady, fair, average business In the ivool mnrket, with the tendency toward an Improvement Con sumers arp buying wools only us they need them nnd cannot bc Induced to do other wise. Fine wools continue very stendy and am fully as llrm ns previously noted. Terri tory wools are selling at practically the same prices as those previously noted 40fj42c, clean, laid down In the seaboard markets, In Oregon large sales have been mado within the last two weeks. At Pendle ton 600,000 pounds were sold In one week nt prices ranging from fc to loHc per pound. The sales for tho week In llojton amounted to 2,8S2.0oO pounds domestic and 30ii,i0 pounds foreign, making n total of 3.SS2.0OO, against n total of 3,305.0X1 for tho previous week nnd a total of 6.HI.O00 tor tlm corresponding week last year. The sales since January 1 amount to 101,393,1km pounds, against 66,731,100 pounds last year. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. June 19,-COFFEE-Spot. Rio, steady: No. 7 Invoice. 6c. Mild, Cor dova, Siitil2Ho. Indifferent speculation and nslgnlltcnnt variations were noted on tho exchange today. Tho opening was steady, with prices partially 5 points higher, an In different rrsnonsp to favorable European market n'dvlces and rather smaller Rrazlllan it'CMpts, i' imiMfiiig tin. call business was stupidly dull nnd tho room trade evinced no desire to mako a stand on ono side or the other. There were no orders from thu outside and for tho rest of the day tho market was dlscouraglngly nnrrow. Tho close was narrow. 6 points higher to 5 points lower. Total sales, 6,250 bags, Includ ing: July. 6.05c; September, 5.205jj.25c; De cember, 6.45f0.60c: May, 6.70c. CIIICAfiO LIVI) STOCK MARKET. Steers nnd Hors Five to Ten Cent HlKlicr Sheep Sternly. CHICAGO, June 19.-CATTLE-Recclpts, 14,000 head, Including 1.500 Texaus: steers 10c higher, others weak: butchers' stock about steady; Texans steady to strong; good to prlmo steers, $5. 60(36.25: poor to me dium, $4.50W0.10; stockers nnd feeders, slow, $2.9003.1.90; "cows. $2.70H.90; heifers. $2.75 6.00; canncrs. $2.00ifi'2.6j; bulls, $2.604il.60; calves, steady, $4.15(36.60; Texns fed steers, $4.25t?o.25; Texas grass steers, $3.8504.10; Texas bulls, $2.50(ff3.75. HOGS Receipts today, 31,000 head; tomor row, 28.000, estimated; left over, 8,000; opened 5c higher, closed about steady; top, $6.20; mixed and butchers, $5.SO(fj6.17S; good to cholco heavy, $5.95(36.20; rough heavy, $5.M Ifi5.90; light, $5.76S6.07',4; bulk of sales, $5.55 (DC.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recolpts. 16.000 head; steady to strong; lambs opened shade nigner, ciosea wpiik; spring lower; gooa 10 choice wethers, $3.954.30; fair to choice mixed, $3.605il.30; western sheep. $4.0081.30; Texas sheep, $4.00JJ4.50; native lambs, $4.00 5)5.50, spring up to $5,70; western lambs, $3,0003.25. Kniisn City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Juno 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.000 natives, 1.6C0 Texnns. 450 calves; native ncei sieers, sieany to tuc nigner; best Texans nnd Indians. 104120c hlzher: stockers nnd feeders, stronc: cows and heif ers, lower; cnoicc export and dressed beef steers. $5.60(fio.90: fair to nood. $4.9006.40: stockers nnd feeders. $3.50fH.95; Texans and inuiatib, ji.Kmo.jj; Texas grass .steers, $3.05 (7T3.S5; cows. $2,901(4.50; heifers. $3.55i?5.00; canners. $2, 0002. 85; bulls', $3.0031,90; calves, $3.25$u'.00. HOOS Receipts, 19,500 head: steady to 5c higher; top. $6.05; hulk of sales, $5.8506,00; heavy, $5.9306.03; mixed packers. $5.8506.00; 111,111, ivyju.01 72, liitt". 4u,iiU J,u, SHEEP AND LAMBS Hecelnts. 2.600 head; market steady; western lambs, $4,350) 5.00; western wethers, $3,5001.00; western yearlings, $4.0004.50; owes, $3. 2503. 75; culls, $2.0003.00; graas Texans, $3.0003.55; spring lambs, $1.2505.00. Xeiv York Live Stork Mnrket. NEW YORK. June 19. nEEVKS Re celnts, 2,309 head; steers 5010c lower, hulls and cows steady to 10c oft: steers, $1,800; 5.86; oxen nnd mixed cattle, $3.0005.00; bulls, tj.euiM.Do; cows, latues steaay Shlpments, 5.900 quarters of beef. CALVES Recelnts. C.436 hiad: veals Mt 15o higher, buttermilks steady; veals. $4,60 06.10: extra. $6.50; tallends, $1.0004.60; but- lernuiKS, w.swm.w, SHEEP AND LAM US Recelnts. fi.310 hend; active trude, sheen firm, prime sheep iii'd 10c nigner, minus nrm to luc nigner sheen. $2.750 1.25: culls. $2.2002.70: lambs. $5.62406.85. two cars nt $6.90; culls, $1.75; low yearnngs at i.wmo.ui. HOGS Receipts, 5,758 head; market tlrm at $6.0006.10. St. l,onl Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOl'IS, June 19.-CATTLE-Recclpts. 3,000 head, Including 1,500 Texnns; market strong; native shipping nnd export steers, $5 0006.10; dressed beef and butcher steer. $1.2005.60, steers under l.Ouu lbs., $4.0035.25: stockers nnd feeders, $2.8504.60; cows and heifers, $2.0004.75; canners. $1.5002.85; bulls. $2.8601.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3,500 6.15; rows nnd heifers, $2.650 4 15, HOOS Receipts, 8,700 head; market ttrong to 5c higher; pigs and lights. $5,8555.95; packers, $5.8506.00; butchers, JH.OO06.17H. SHEEP AND LAMHS-RccclptH, 2.500 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.50 04.00; lambs, $1.5005.60; culls nnd bucks, $2.60fil.O); stockers, $3.000 2 85; Texas mut tons, $3.0001.00. Slack In SlKlit, The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tho four principal live stock markets Juno 19: Cattle, Hoes. Sheep. South Omaha 2.615 10,057 1.SS5 Chicago , 11.000 3l,f') 16,000 Kansas City 6,500 19,500 '.',floO St. Louis 3,601 S.70O 2,61.0 Kvnpornlril nnd Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, June 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Cholco and fancy grades re ceived the most attention today and con siderable business was executed In those grades nt steady prices, but otherwise the market was featureless. State, common to good, 3V405cr prime, 6V45ftc; choice. 60 6!ic: fancy. 6U07c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Market ruled Inactive, Prunes, 2Hrf6ic, ns to slfce and quality. Apricots, Royal, 08Hc: Moor Park, 754012c, Peaches, peeled, 1101Sc; un peeled, 6010c. OH nnd Itoaln. NEW YORK. June 19.-OIL Cottonseed, quiet: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 3SS3Mjc. Petroleum, dull. Rosin llrm; strained, common to good, $1.45. Turpen tine, firm, at 37037Vic. SAVANNAH. June 19.-OIL Spirits of turpentine, llrm, nt 34Hc. Rosin, firm, at theso quotations: A, H and C, $1.05; D, $1.10; E, $1.15; F. $1.20; O, $1.25; II, $1.40; I, $1.65; K, $1.80; M, $;.30; N, $2,60; W. G $2.90; W, W. $3.05. New York Dry Goods Mnrket. NEW YORK. June 19. The demand for print cloths continues good and wide makes navo advanced a sixteenth. Urown sheet ings and drills arc firm nnd tending up ward. Bleached cottons in good demand at new prices. Denims are advancing nnd other coarse colored cottons firm. Prints iu good request. Stnple ginghams 2ic higher. Woolen and worsted goods firm, with more doing. Snisr Mnrket. NEW YORK. June M.-SUOAR-Raw. steady: fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 96 test, Hie; molnsses sugar, 3Hc; refined, quiet. NEW ORLEANS, June 19. SUGAR Quiet: open kettle. 3 3-1604c: open kettle, centrifugal, 3Ti04!4c: centrifugal, yellow, 41404o; seconds, 3H04c Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 7015c. Xen York Mtnluc Stock. NEW YORK, June 19.-The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice Ureece Drunswlck Con... Comatock Tun.... Con. Cal. & Va.. Deadwood Terra Horn Sliver Iron Silver Leadvllle Con . 15 I Little Chief 13 . 43 Ontario 175 .155 Ophtr 90 . 16 l'hoenlz 13 . 64 Potosl 7 .100 jHavnge 6 . 53 Sierra Nevada 15 .125 .Small Hopes 35 . 69 Standard 363 . 4 I Totals 20,715 22,935 St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket, ST. JOSEPH. June 19. CATTLE Re' celnts. 1.055 head: market stcadv to 10c higher; natives, $1.5006.00; cows and heir- Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. June 19. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows:" Available cash balance, $169,891,789; gold, $95,637,008. TUB nEALTY MAIUCET. 500 600 6i0 2,000 2,200 2,000 INSTRUMENTS placed on file Wednesday, June 10, 1901: Wnrrnnty Deeds. Omaha Realty company to Carl Wcg- ner, lot 12, urexet (c ,m. s sunuiv..,. E. C. Gnrvln to Katie Morrlssey, s!j lot 20, block 3, l.ipton l-iace L. 8. Reed and wife to !.ars Hansen, lot 15, block 7, Hazel Terrace Harriet Martin to Bessie Martin, sub- rilv. lot 1. tax lot 17. 20-15-13 Charles Flngerlos nnd wife to Salllo wawrzynklowicz, lot 3, diock i, Hasenll's subdlv Samuel Ritchie and wlfo to U. Jetter, lot 6, diock 7, jetter s nun Karl Wnrstadt nnd wife to Odolf Dietrich and wire, ww feet or niz',4 ... , . ' I.. 1 . n , 1 ' 1 1 ' -,1.1 IIUI Ifli u, Uluwrt r. 1, iilua a nut, 3, D, Miles .and husband to C. H. urown, 101 ic- ana n, iui si, uiock 3, Summit Place M. H. Burnhanv lo Edward McEach- ran, lot 6, oiock 1, Hncrwoou's sun-dlv Omaha Realty company to D. A. N. Chase, lots t, 10, ji and 14. oiock 1, and lots 5. 7, 8 and 9. block 2, Van- dercook Terrace Quit Claim Deeds. M. E, Moran et al to M. A. Kelly, WW of w lot 3. block 5. Park Plnco J. C. Wilcox and wife to Olof Die trich nnd wife, wso rect or ni-in lot 5, block 9, Wilcox's add Deeds. Sheriff to J. H. Merchant, eK feet lot 1. block 71. Omaha. . ...... , . Sheriff to M, R. Woodard, lot 35, block 14, Orchard HIU, , and lot 4. block. 14. Saunders & II. s Highland Park Total amount of transfers, . . 1,6) 1,K J.ltO CORPORATIONS MUST APPEAR Board Wants to Know Why Anjssminti Should Not Halted, SENDING NOTICES TO TAX SHIRKERS List Includes Street Hnllnny, Wnter nnd Telephone t'oiiipunlei nml the South Out nil n Puckers nud Stock Ynrdn, County Clerk Hnvcrly is preparing no tlces to bo sent to more than 200 taxpayers to appear before the Hoard of Equalization and show causo why tho atscssments re turned on their personal property should not be raised. These notices will bo sent out today, the list of Individuals and companies to whom they will bo fcnt n'ol being completed by the members of tho Hoard of Equalization. Tho list so far as made up, however, contains the following corporations, whoio assessments have been shown by Tho Uee to bo ridiculously low and Inequitable: Asesmf nts. 1900. 1901. Armour Packing Co $16,600 $16,.Vk) Cuduhy Packing Co 22,6f6 1D.M3 Hammond Packing Co 10.830 !',) I'nlon Stock Yards Co U.3U 10.193 Amerlcnn Smelting R. Co. 7$,000 75 Old Nebraska Telephone Co 2.1,3'i0 l9,6co Omnha Street Hallway Co... 91,(0S 91.6"4 Omaha Water Co 125.0W There Are Others. When the list Is complete.! It will tiUo contain the names of the Omiha Oas com pany, the New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric Light company, the Omaha rack ing company, tho Omaha it Council UI11II.1 Railway and llrldgo company, tho Omaha Terminal llnllwny and Urldgc company, tho Union Paclllc Ilallroad company nnd others wIiobo extremely low assessments hsvo been disclosed to the public by The Ilee. Tho total valuations placed on taxable? property In tho Fourth ward of South Omaha, which contains the Union flock yards and ell the packing houses except Swift's, Is only $522,040, or $30,044 less than It was last year. Tho county tax department has made up the totals of nssessed valuations in all of tho country precincts, but has not com pleted the vork for the city wards. Tho totals In tho country precincts follow: In- De- Prcclnrt. Chicago ..,$ Clontarf .. Douglas ... E. Omaha. Klkhorn .. Florence .. Jefferson .. MoArdlo .. Millard .... P. Valley.. Union Waterloo . W. Omaha. 1900. 2X229 6. SOI 265,533 96,579 115,696 211,039 177.625 221,196 206.952 260.f.'!0 198.549 13S.101 369.I63 loni. crease, crease, 225,414 7,19 $ 392 216.031 13,506 U0.05 110.351 226,672 153.1W 21,59!1 271.17:1 213,017 1 13.07.1 396,016 15,633 5,631 10.54S 14,49 11,973 20,776 $ 7SI 'i9,ys "fCsiS 5,51'6 1.3l Totals ...$ 2,497.69.1 $ 2.63S.4G3 $93,767 $32,957 This shows a net Increase of $60,770 In tho country precincts, but It Is thought tha,t this Increase will bo more than wiped out by tho reductions mado In tho asseasmcnts In Omaha and South Omaha. FRUIT IN TRANSITORY STAGE Strnwherry Meilsiin nt nu End, lint Other Vnrletle Will Sonn .MnUe Good the Deficiency. The Omaha fruit market la in a transi tory stage, tho regular strawberry season having ended and the season for other fruits having scarcely opened. A ' few blackberries are being received and sold at $2 per crate, but not enough Is being handled to constitute a market, A few cantaloupes are being offered at $1.75 a crate. They are taken up ,as goon an- they ' arrive, but this fruit Is never handled largely In Omaha and cuts llttlo figure lu tho business. A few currants are on the" market, offered at $2 per crato, with a slow movement. What few strawberries that arrlvo by express And ready sale at $2.25 to $2.00 per case and today there will be a large consignment from Colorado, a part of which Is already contracted for at $2.75. Watermelons will bu on the mar-T kct next week and will remain until frost. Tho first of this fruit will cotnc from Florida. KANSAS SOUTHERN UNDER WAY. elirnskn In Fnlr Wnr to Henp Hene tttu of the Line Whether Ilondn Are Voted or .Not. C. S. Wheeler of Kansas City, president of tho Kansas Southern railroad, Is In tho city to renew, If possible, negotiations for tho construction of tho lino from Emporia to Omaha. In an interview ho Is quoted as saying that he may take steps to havof the bond question brought forward again, but local capitalists Intimate that his trip Is rather for tho purpose of trying to bcI! stock in tlu company to residents of Omaha, Persons glviug this Information state that, he has net met wljh success, as several ofi tho parties ho desired to see aro out ot tho city and others do not take kindly to the. plan as outlined by him. It Is understood that worn has been commenced In several of tho counties In Kansas which have issued bonds In old of tho enterprise for the pur pose of holding the counties to their obli gation and It Is claimed that this work will result In bringing tho road practically to tho coutbern line ot Nebraska. Haven Two r-rntit Dentil, "Our little daughter bad an almost fata! . attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havllond of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other rcmcdlos failed, wo saved her life with Dr. King's New DIs- covery. Our niece, who had consumption In an advanced stage, alio used this wonderful medlclno and today sho Js perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to ' Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medlclno on earth. Infallible- for couchi and (olds, 50c and $1.00 bottles guaruntced Kuhn & Co. Trial bottles free. C0I1I for Europe, NEW YORK. Juno 19.-Kuhn, Loch & Co. will ship $250,0''O gold to Europo tomorrow. Trip il, one ioan. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James E. Doyd b. Co., OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION (iHAIN rilOVIHIO.VH AM) STOCKS. Uuaid of Trade nnlldlnK. Direct wires to Chicago and New YorJt, Correspondence, John A. Wuiren & Co. OLDEST! SAFEST! II EST! WALL STREET Money Will Earn Ill- .Monthly Returns The Investor's Fund Pays Semi-Monthly. The oldest established In America. No certificate-holder ever lost a cent. Pay ments made tu nil subscribers every 15 days. No trouble, No delay. Money refunded on demand, Wrlto today for particulars, free to any address, V. E. MACICEV CO., Hudson lliitldinu. evr Yorlf, EDWARD C. HEEMAN Now with COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (IRAIX. PROTItlONH. STOCKS, noxnn im rflTTIlM. Oln.ion In nallx R.. nuirinn Your builDMi KllalUd, CorrMrondane lnlt4. liallr ao4 pouTrorit Uiuri mlld 00 requMt, l-MTst mrra la all lapartaat ralata r.ait waau