0 if w THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JU2s"E 10, 1907. The Bee Gives Twelve Trips 1 1 to Third Annual Vacation Contest 1 The Bee will send another delegation of twelve young ladies, who earn their own living, on trips to the lakes and mountains, to watering places and the Buffalo Exposition. All expenses will be paid and transportation ' furnished for a traveling companion. " ' This year the trips will be divided as follows: Four young ladies from. Omaha, one from Council Bluffs, one from South Omaha, three from Nebraska outside of Omaha and South Omaha, two from Iowa outside of Council Bluffs, and one from South Dakota. . Where the Cool Breezes Blow .BBaSaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBBIBaaaaaBBIBaaaaBaaBMaaaBaa InWADM From Omaha i to Chlcngo on the Milwaukee, the only electric llghterl train between the two cities, la a pleasant trip for another young lady. There Is Just time enough In Chicago to catch a train over the Nlcke) plate for Buffalo, with out hurrying. Thin will bring one .Into the ex iinnltlnn cltv. h'ne nnv one who has had an ap petite created by the Tinnemlfslsslppl Kxpoltlon the Pan-Amer-lean exposition will otter a. nleafnnt kind of a vacation and a trip to be long remembered. Ten days In Buffalo Is ample time to see the exposition thoroughly and every comfort will be af forded at ono of the hotels of the' Pan-American Hotel System. This Institution controls several of the best hotels In Buffalo, which are conveniently located for the exposition, The Bucking ham, The Lincoln, Tho Marlborough. Besides these hotels, they have made arrangements with a largo number of private dwell ings In the neighborhood, where an overflow can be accom modated. Every opportunity will ,be afforded to see the. exposi tion at Its best, the Midway and all the attractions. The return trip will allow a day's stop at Chicago at the Grand Pacific, Chicago's most popular hotel, und back to Omaha again over the Milwaukee. This trip Is over the Fremont, 'Elkhorn tt Missouri .Valley Railroad to the Black Hills and Hot 'Springs and return. The Elkhorn carries you through one of tho most beautiful farming countries In tho world tho Elkhorn Valley, wllh Itn frrHt flolrlfi nnrl wllhllllt herffs. Thence- to the Black. Hills, both picturesque, and Interesting, with Its gold mines and typical western towns. The chief attraction there will be a two weeks' stay nt the Hotel Evans, the finest ap pointed hotel In the west at Hot Springs, which boasta of the largest and finest plunge bath In America. This will Include all of the privilege of the baths without expense and this Is a treat to be envied. Pleasant paths and drives, wonderful caves, cascades, canyons, flowera and waterfalls go to make up the beau ties which nature has abundantly furnished. This trip will be on the newest road from Omaha- to Chicago, which also- combines the newest equipment, A day's stop In Chicago at the fa .motis Orarid Pacific Hotel, and then to the northward , over the Pcre-Marquette Railroad to ward. tho nrettlest snot Innll the xtate nf Mloh- 3 If nnTiyq1'. named VCharievplx,' the Beautiful." Tha .HolVrdprp tfntfil .hnit hepn rhnn for a week's broath of lake hlr. .It Is not only beautifully situated on n point of land between Round and 'Pine Lakes, but la such a nome-IIke hotel that the. Pleasure Is doubled. There Is everything everyone can wish . ;tqr In the way of amusement sailing, row ing, bioycllng. tcnnlsbathlng bowling, golfing and fishing, to gether with numerous excursions on- tha "many llttlo launches and steamers of Pine and Round Lakes, or out on Lake Michigan, with all the chances In the world to delight the eye and enjoy tho pure air. which acts, as a tonic to shattered nerves. The re turn trip will be by water on the steamship Manltou to Chicago, and homo again over the1 Illinois Central. From Omaha to Lake OkoboJI on the Milwau kee Is only a night's ride, and tho same splendid eervlce Is afforded as between Omaha and Chi cago. . All of the Milwaukee trains are electric lighted and this Is a feature which no other road bffers the same advantage. .Two weeks stav at The Inn nt Lake Okohotl offers a delightful rest- for any one. As every one knows, Lake Okobojli Is ono of tho most beautiful spots In the west to spend a summer vacation. It offers boating, llshlng, drlvlirg, and enough going on all of tho time In a voclal way to keep something doing without being ultra fashionable. fltlLWAJXEf) From Omaha to Chicago over the Northwestern Is but a night's ride and a most pleasant one In these days of luxury. A double track span be tween Omaha and Chicago maKes it a sine as well as a pleasant Journey. A day's stop at the rirnnri Tnrifln lintel, centrally located and sulcn- nnnnlntid will ll VR fill (MinO I t II til t V fOT U hasty glimpse of Chicago. Then a comparatively short ride will bring one to Waukesha, the most famous watering place In Is- t0Then,Fountan Spring House, were there no other attractions at Waukesha, would furnish every comfort and convenience for rest and a good time. The grounds are not only most beautiful, but also have arrangements for all sorts of outdoor sports, and the famous fountain spring Is part of the hotel property. Ithln twenty minutes ride of. the hotel on the trolley line s Wauke sha Beach with opportunities for fishing, boating and bathing. EBB From Omaha to Denver over the Burlington will not only give tho young lady who takes this trip an Idea of the vast resources of tho state of Ne braska, but a chance to enjoy tho best of railroad service In every detail. Three days at tho Brown Palace Hotel In Denver Is a taste of luxury and il,n an nnnnrtllnllv tn SPn thn cnnltal rltV of Colo rado. A day's excursion up to Georgetown and Sil ver Plume through Clear Creek Canyon Is a trip that no traveler to Colorado should miss. Then ten days at Colorado Springs at the Alta Vista Hotel will furnish a chance to enjoy the grandeur of the Garden of the Oods and Pike's Peak, the most famoua spot In Colorado. The table of the Alta Vista Hotel is always ade quate to satisfy the appetite even when stimulated by the moun tain atmosphere and everything Is thoroughly comfortable and commodious. From Omaha to Minneapolis on tho Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad. It makes a short and pleasant ride, leaving Omaha at p. m.. and arriving at Minneapolis In time for breakfast. It. Is less than a two hours rldo from Minneapolis to Laxo Mlnnetonka, which Is i the best known and the most beautiful of the lake 'resorts of Minnesota. Two weeks at the Hotel St. Louis' will convince one. that this is-one of the beat conducted summer hotels In the country. Two weeks will be given to the fortunate young lady to 'enjoy the boating, driving and summer gaiety of Lako Mlhnetonka. Mlnnetonka la one of the spots of which nature can be truly proud, for It Is one of the most beautiful llttlo sheets of water In the land and offers every opportunity for diver sion and rest. '' ' , From Omaha to, Kansas City over the Missouri Pacific, with three days at the biggest and best hotel In the west the Coates House. The Coates House Is eminently the leading hotel of Kansas City, and the traveler naturally says "The Coates House in me same Dream wun "ivansaH my. From Kansas City to Wnrrensburg, Missouri, In out a comparatively snort trip, just outsiae or. Warrensburg la . Tertle Springs, and the Hotel Mlnnewawa, where everytning 11 as- aengniruuy retraining as tne name, it B, DUl BUM Is decidedly restful there. there Is plenty to do If one has the Inclination boating, fishing, driving and other season able pleasures never allow time to hang heavy. Two weeks there will convince the fortunate young lady that the time Is altogether too short. Bfli No traveler between Omaha and Chicago, really appreciates tho trip unless they take the daylight train over the Burlington Route, which affords fast service over a smooth raod, as well as the oppor tunity to sco this splendid western .country. Two days at the Grand Pacific at Chicago, which has been entlrolv rebuilt durlnsr tha last vear nr so. . , , . , . making It second to no hostelry In Chicago. From Chicago, to Lake Geneva, with two weeks at tho Garrison House, Is a prospect not only for a, cool and beautiful vacation trip, but tho pleasure of staying at so well nn equipped hotel makes the trip doubly desirable. Tho lako is a most beautiful sheet of water, twenty-four miles In circumference, and nn almost Infinite variety of charming scenes. Its shores -.ire lined for miles with summer resi dences, club houses and hotels, which leave no doubt of Its popular ity. Fishing, boating., driving and tho kindred, summer pleasures are nt nnybno'B command, w)thln reach of tho hotel. The return trip will be via Chicago and-agHln over the Burlington Route, with a chance to compare tho, night service with the daylight 'trip. EBB This trip will be over tho Great Rock Island Route to Denver, Colorado Springs and Manltou. There Is only one Rock Island Route and every body praises Its splendtd equipment and reliable service. A night's Journey and then one Is In Denver with three days at the Brown Palace Hotel. A day's excursion on the "Colorado Road" throgh tho Clear Creek Canyon, up to Georgetown,, around the famous Loop and then back again to Denver before evening. Then over the D. & R. G. through the fa mous Royal Gorge, with Its three thousand feet of towering rock. Into the Grand Canyon, and at-last reaching Glenwood Springs and Hotel Colorado, for ten days' pleasure there. No more beautiful situa tion for a hotel will be found than In this romantic spot, with Its pure mountain air and magnttlcent scenery. From Omaha via the Union Pacific, the Overland Route, to Salt Lake City. This trip through tho heart of Nebraska Is an education in Itself, teaching the re sources of Nebraska and giving a view of the most thriving towns of our state. The altitude gradually In creases until at Cheyenne one Is 6.0C0 feet above tho ocean, soon plunging Into the Rocky Mountains, through the grandest scenery of all the continent. This Includes ten days at the Hotel Knutsford ut Salt Lake City, tho repu tation of which extends In either direction across the continent as one of the finest hostelrles of tho country. When one goes to Salt Lake the Knutsford Is the placo at which everyone stops. Salt Lake always has more than ordinary attractions on account of the Great Salt Lake. Salt Lake Is within easy reach of Garfield Beach and Saltalr, famous for their splendid bathing facilities. The return trip will be via Denver, with three days at the Brown Talace Hotel, the Just pride of Denver, It Is well named, for It Is a veritable pal ace. A day's excursion around the famous Georgetown Loop and then return home via the Union Paclllc. .From Omaha to St. Loula over the Omaha Sr. St. Louis R. R. and Wabash, with three days at the South ern hotel, with Its broad corridors and Its Ideal sorvlce. There Is something about the Southern Hotel which 'makes It unlike anything tn the land, whether It Is tho fact that It combines the luxury of tho modern hotel with the home-like atmosphere and the courtesy of the old southern hostelry or whether It ta because no .niunn la ici, utitUAiicu tu tusiavu (lie buvoiq buiuiuiinuio. It la hard to say. From St. Loula to Toledo, with a day of rest at the Boody House, Toledo's leading hotel. It la ao conveniently lo cated that It la easy to get a glimpse of Toledo, as well as enjoy ing the splendid hotel service of the Boody House. From Toledo It Is a three hours' ride over the waters of Lako Erie from Toledo to Put-In-Bay on one of the Detroit and Cleveland coast line steamers, which so completely combine safety, comfort and speed and which afford comfort and luxury to those who have the opportunity to en joy a lake trip. Two weeks at Hotel Victory at Put-lnBay will give a thorough enjoyment of the pure lake air and the luxuries of prob ably the finest hotel, on the lakes. The Hotel Victory has an enviable reputation, which haa been well earned. RULES OF THE CONTEST The tripwiil be awarded as follows Four trips to the four young ladies living in Omaha receiving the most votes; one trip to the young lady in South Omaha receiving the most votes one trip to the oung lady in Council Bluffs receiving the most votes? three trips to the young ladies living in Nebraska outside of Omaha and South Omaha receiving the most votes two trips to the young ladies living in Iowa outside, of Council Bluffs, receiving the most votes and one trip to the young lady living in South Dakota receive ing the most votes The young lady receiving the highest number of votes will have the first choice of the trtipsr the next highest second choice, and so on. tVv No votes will be counted for any young lady who docs not earn her own living All votes must be made on .coupons cut from page 2 of The Bee A Prepayments of subscriptions may be made either direct to The Bee Publishing Company, or to an authorized agent of The Bee, No votes sent in by agents will be counted unless accompanied by the cash, in accordance with instructions sent them No votes will be counted for employes of The Omaha Bee The vote from day to clay will be published in ail editions of The Bee The contest will close at 5 pi m, July 22, 1901. Cut Coupons from Paare 2 Votes will be counted when made on a coupon cut from The Omaha Bee and deposited at The Bee business office or mailed addressed "Vacation Contest Dept.," Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. V Si? 1