12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt " WED2f ESDAY. JVSE 19, 1901. WILL CALL TAX SHIRKERS Ohtlrmm tf Board f EquaHution Stjs flotlcii win at iiiatd. BIG CORPORATIONS MUST SHOW CAUSE Jltmsrholdrrti Wlin llnri Striven I.omk lo Own Their Humes Ohjert to Tn Olscrlinliintlitii la I'm or of tbc 01k Coiieenm. Chnlrman Connolly of the Uonrrt of Equalization Raid yesterday that all of tho big corporations whose property had been assessed by the county assessors at less than 10 per cent of Its actual value would bo notified within a day or tno to appear and show cauo why their assessments should not be raised. This means that the Omaha Street Hall way company, assessed at 2.29 per cent of Its actual value; the Omaha Ons company, assessed nt 2.11 per cent; the Omaha Water company, assessed at l.l5 per cent; the Ne braska Telephone company, assessed at 3.9 per cent; the Now Omaha Thomson-Hous-ton Electric Light company, assessed nt 3.(3 per cent; the t'udnby I'.-icklnt? company, as sessed at 2 09 per cent; the Union Stock Yards company, assessed at 1.5 per cent; Armour A Co., assessed ut 2.29 per cent; 8wlft and Company, assessed at G.l" per cent; the Omaha Packing company, assessed t 5.R7 per cent, and many other big tax- shirkers are to be called to account. .Many small property owners are com plaining that they havo been assessed In j excess of IS per bent of the actual value I of their property and are demanding a I reduction. In order to reduce any of these excessive assessments and to IncreaRO the tax rovenuc to a sufllclont amount to meet the demands of the county It will be nec essnry for the Hoard of Equalization to raise tbc assessments against the big cor porations. City Clerk V. II, Klbourn has filed with the County Board of Equalization a com plaint against the assessment laid against certain lots of his in Maryvllle addition. He , says tho lots are not worth more than $1,500 I and they aro assessed at moro than ono " third of that amount, while similar lots In thq same neighborhood am assessed as low as one-fifth of their actual value. "I protest," says Mr. Elbourn in his complaint, "against being nssesscd at one third of the actual cash value of my prop erty when it Is n well known fact that there aro million of dollars worth of prop erty In this county which ,1s assessed at less than 5 per cont of Its actual cash value." Complaint of Smnll Owner. J. C. Iloltorf, owner of the house and lot ' on the northwest corner of Karnam and Twentieth streets, complains that his prop erty is assessed at about 25 per cent of Its actual cash value, whllo that of John A. Crolghton on tho qpposlte corner is as sessed at less than JO per cent and that of tho Cudahy Packing company In South Omaha nt less than per cent. The Board of Equalization will probably notify tho officials of the street railway, gas, water,, electric light, telephone, smelt ing and packing companies, all of whom have been assessed at a ridiculously low percentage, to appear some time this week end show cause, It thero is any, why their assessments should not be raised. y Shy on Household fined. According to tho returns made by County I Assessor A. E. Hubbard all of the house I hold goodb in Platte Valloy precinct aro I worth only $420. Personal property Is sup posed to bo assessed at oncslxth of its actual value and the total assessment on household goods In Valley precinct Is Just $70. Tho total of the similar Items la Mil lard precinct is $2,527; In McArdle, $1,245; In Jefferson, $2,035, and In West Omaha, $6,147. The people of Valley precinct aro no poorer In household eftects than those of the" neighboring precincts, but the as sessor ovldently does not believe in taxing such property. Edward Huss, a well known business man of Salisbury, Mo., writes: "I wish to say I for the benefit of others that I was a suf ferer from lumbago and kidney trouble and all the remedies I took gave me no relief. 1 was Induced to try. Foley's Kidney Cure, and after the use of threo bottles I am cured." , Fhnnrtlo I'o'em nil the New York Central. n. y.'c. & h. n. n No 1' l-dora' what U 11. , From Gr8 N. Y. 2 Buffalo U point the way that all should go 2 C the. Far that takes the bun B-4 the close of 19-1. lip the Hudson, 'cross the SJ8, Thr,U towns & cities small & grS, Past- mountains high, ft valleys deep, Where brave men (0 & heroes sleep, Ech foot of way a Nature shO From Qr8 .Npjy, York 2 Buffalo. t In day coach or psror car, .Nothing's llko U near or far; V'R slowest train a cannon ball, You speed ahead of rivals all. A da-Z that is what U R, Or-S N. Y. C. & H. n. R. F. A. D. Mortality atatlntlca. The following births and death were re ported to the city health commissioner for TiieedT'" hours ending nt noon Blrthsf Frank Cherek. Twenty.fourth nnd Bancroft, girl; Clyde 1 Ratckln, 3219 Sew ard., boy; Joe Mnneuro. 707 South Four T,?,nth'.J?lrJ! tJ?,h." Fellow. 3512 North Thirtieth, boyi Edward Smith. 4113 North Lw.enJy,,B,,"Jlvenu,e' tr: A. a Eychmor. 26rt4 Be wan!, boy George Froehllck. llli .Bancroft, girl. Death-86lomon Frank, 418 North Seven teenth, aged 42. William Wooward of Decatur, la., writes: "I was troubled with kidney disease tor everal years and four one dollar size bot tles of Foley's Kidney Cure cured me. 1 would reromend It to anyone who has kid ney trouble." Dr. n. Dv Mason.rectal surgery.Brown blk Another lot of those elastic inches wide. Elastic belting from 1 to 3-ln. wide. NEW BATTENI1ERO LACE PATTERNS-- In turn-over collars, handkerchiefs, baby bonnets and hat crown, and all kinds of lace patterns for nattenberg work. We havo all the now braids for this work, Including flax or linen color and black. Light weight wool coats, 4 to 10 years, at Just half former price, The choicest light weight box coats, for Uttls, ftbovo br( former price. STILL DISCUSSING REDELL Coinnirrrlnl f.'lnl Committer He It en .Matter Already Offlclnltr .Settled, At the regular meeting of the executive committee of the commercial club yesterday a report was submitted by the committee appointed at a prior meeting to ascertain whether or not there are nny available, means by which ex-Chief ncdell could be retained at the head of the Are department. C. F. Wcller, submitted a report to tho ef fect that the decision of Judge Estelle left the Commercial club without any recourse in the matter. Tho report brought out considerable dis cussion, In which every speaker expressed a willingness to fight if only the weapons were provided. Euclid Martin was espe cially In favor of making every effort pos sible to .retain rtedcll, declaring that the charges were trumped up against that offi cial, and that tho entire conduct of the nnlt-Ilcdell forco had been fraudulent both In regard to Hcdell and the club. It would bo cowordly In the 61ub not to stand up for Hedoll, oven though another chief were sug gested who would bo Just as good, ns the merchants had brought him here and he had been n good chief. Remarks were also heard favorable, to Iledell from C. P. Weller. E. E. nruco and a number of others, after which the com mittee was continued to still keep up Itn search for means of restoring ncdell to the head of the department. Secretary Utt was instructed to preparo n letter to the officials of the Rock Island railway urging the construction of a cut off from South Dend, Cass county, to Mc Farlond, Kan., which will receive the sig natures of the business men of this city. This Is In pursuance of the projoct dls cussed in last Monday's Issues of The Deo for supplying Omaha with a lino of railway that will open up to Omaha trade the ter ritory through which the proposed Emporia lino was Intended to run. PAINT SPEAK5 FOR ITSELF Kvldeiirr of MlKh School Cadet' Hilarity In Visible In Mnnj- Places. Notwithstanding tho denial of Principal Wnterhouso of tho High Bchool that the cel ebration of cadet Company D's victory In the competitive drill was carried beyond tho limits of seemly conduct, nraplo evi dence still remains In various parts of tho city of a lavish uso of the paint brush. It appears that the victors did not confine their "decoration" to the vicinity of Cap itol hill, but extended it to localities com paratively remote from that seat of learn ing. It seems, also that Company C turned out to help "paint the town." The results of their handiwork aro seen In many plnces, among others the following: On a new bill board at Eleventh and Douglas streets, on tho granatold pavement at Seventeenth and Dodgo streets, on the south side of tho county Jail, on the sidewalk at Sixteenth and Dodgo streets, on the sidewalk at Twentieth and Dodgo streets, on tho archi tect's sign next to tho new High jhaol building and on tho staircases tnsldo the building. .MIIS, MARY GKKGOVlCH, Of rhlllimhiirir, Montana, TelU Hoir She' Wan Cured of Dandruff. Mrs. Mary Oregovlch of Phlllpsburg, Mont., under dnte of November 26, 1&99, writes: "I had typhoid fever this summer, consequently was losing my hnlr terrible, and my head In places was perfectly bald. Newbro's Herplclde had Just come Into uso In Phlllpsburg and the doctor strongly recommended It to me. After three or four applications my hnlr stopped falling out and Is coming In again quite thick. I used to be troubled greatly with dandruff, of which I am now quite cured." kill the dandruff germ with Herplclde. Eight Train to tlntfalo from Chicago dally via Lake Shore & Michi gan Southern railway. Including two new ones Just placed In service, leaving Chicago 3:00 and 8:30 p. m., and reaching Buffalo tho next morning at 6:60 and 10:30 re spectively. New Pittsburg service through sleeper from Chicago 10:30 p. m., reaching Pittsburg 11:15 the next morning. Low rate Pan-Atnorlcan and Tourist tickets now on sale. Send 4 cents In stamps for Interest ing printed matter. B. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas City. F. M. Byron, G. W. A.. Chicago. A Placv to Spend the Summer. On the lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY are some of tho most beautiful places In the world to spend a summer vacation, camping out or at the elegant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, . beautiful lakes and streams and cool weather.. These resorts are all reached easily from Omaha. A book describing them may bo had on application at the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway city ticket .office, 1504 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good until October 31, now on sale at greatly reduced rates. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Read Our Thermometer Look nt our new 8-foot Thermometer nnd you will see how hot (or cold) It la. Rend the 'prices given below andtyou will know HOW CHEAP we sell drugs. Mennen's Talcum Powder i5o Irene's Talcum Powder , loo 10c package Bird Seed 4c 25c Thompson's Wild- Cherry Phos phate Ho Soda Mint Tablets, bottlo I0c Chlorate Potash Tablots, bottle 10c 2-lb. bar Oreon Castile Boap ...... t 15c 60c Marshall's Extract of Beef 19c $1.00 Imk Cabin Sarsaparllln 61c 15c bottles Gold Paint So H-plnt can Sherwin-Williams' Paint.. 15c Finest Blueing for Inundry I0o Good Paint Brushes lOc Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, "The Drug Store on the Corner." Corner ICth nnd Dodge. MRS. J. BENSON New Shirt Waists , Coming in every day. In white, with or without sailor collars, linen, batiste, mercerized and pretty pinks and blues. Colored shirt waistB, 85o and up. Elegant novelties in beltsmade of dou ble faced satin ribbon, 6-inches wide, price $1.00 and $1.75. Royal belts just in, and H Five-hook pongee silk corsets, regular prlco $3.50, for 11.60. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY Ladles', Misses' and Children's velvet Rrlp hose supporters Wednesday 10c reg ular price 15c and2pc. Drees Form Bummer corsets, site 25 and up Wednesday 50c regular price $1. Children's Gulmps, 4 to 10 years one ouflh off regular prlca, BAD GANG LEAVES TOWN Ini Moon and Htr Pali Are Oirtn Honrs by tb Pallet. NO EVIDENCE TO CONVICT THEM Further Senrch of Trunk Deepens the Shadow of Trnnlc llomnncr Which Clusters About the Ell Woman's Career. The American trunk Is said to bo tho homo of the American mystery, and such It proves to be lu the caso of Bessie Moore, who, with her four companions, has been In tho city Jail for a week. Sho Is one of tho gang of confidence workers raided near Soventcenth and Chicago streets, and her Saratoga, which Is of enormous size, has been furnishing tho dotcctlvcs with some rare entertainment. Tho contents wero subjected to a final overhauling yesterday and as nothing earao to light that would warrant holding them longer, tho entire party was discharged and given hours to leave tho city. Letters and newspaper clippings In the trunk have already furnished material for one romanco in tho life of Its owner. They havo told of Jail deliveries, hinted at sui cides nnd marriages In Jail nnd related In touching terms tho facts connected with tho elaborate funeral of Frank Kelso, the all-round crook. But this last inspection or the hump-backed chest has yielded an other chapter In "tho story of hor life." Here is an excerpt from one of tho let ters: Frank Is awfully bluo because I don't wriio io mm any moro than I do and I think now Is thn rlcht tltnn In cot In vnllr work. Send In tho little bluo steel one In chicken dressing or something. He'll think you Intend to help him get away. This letter was written to Charllo Moore about Frank Kelso while tho latter was In Jail nt Boston, Tex. Besslo Moore, at that time Kelso's unfaithful wife, was tho writer. She wanted to get rid of him. Tho "llttlo bluo steel ono" was sent. It was n pistol. With this weapon Frank Kelso ended his Ufo In tho Boston Jail and then Besslo Kelso became Bessie Moore. Ono moro triumph for woman's cunning. PEARSE DISCUSSES CHANGE superintendent I.ooUn Upon IIIrIi School IMnn na nn Ex periment. "Working High school tcachern rprrntart v for six periods of forty minutes each day, instead or rive periods, as has been the prnctico In tho past. Is somethlnc of nn m perlmcnt. It Is Impossible to tell exactly what tho result will be," Superintendent Pcarso rcmarkod In discussing the reduc tion of tho tenchlnc forco nt thn itinh school and the lncrcaso In tho amount of work to be done by each teacher. "This change was carefully conaltlnrprl nnil infor mation was gathered concerning tho prnc tico in all tho leading high schools In the country. It was found that Ave classes Is tho averago work given to teachers. In n.ansas juy mo teacners work during six periods and In Chicago and several other cuies incy worn oniy tour periods.. "In some branches six classes will prob ably bo too much for one to.irhor. ever, It is not' likely thnt tho extra work win no nenvy cneugn to impair the effl etcner of the instruction In the Hfrh srhnni A year's trial cf the new plan will test it inorougniy. Ira D. Reckard, Duncombe, la., writes: "My "little boy scalded bis leg from the knee to the ankle. I used Banner Salve Im mediately and In three weeks' time It was almost entirely healed. I want to recom mend It to every family and advise them to keep Banner Salve on hand, as it Is a sure remedy for scalds or any sores." DIED. NORDENBERG Charloy, nged 36 years 5 months 10 days, Juno 17, 1901, nfler an Illness of live weeks. Funeral Hervlces Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his lute residence. Twenty fourth and T streets, South Omaha. Inter ment In Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends in- vitcu. A Steinway Piano Is as good as a government bond. There Is no fluctuation In the value of the Steinway piano. The famous name Is an absolute guarantee of quality a quality that Is not dupli cated under nny other name or for sny other price. Tho signature of the government Is no more significant on a bond than the name "Steinway" on an instrument. Our prices on new Strok, Vone, Ivfru A Pond, Emerson, Strurr, Jewftl, Pavck nrd, A. II. Chnae nnd 13 other standard makes of pianos aro as low as can be obtained on this continent. We take used Instruments In exchange and arrango the terms to cult the convenience of the purchaser. For cntnlOKuea and prices call or write SGHM0LLER & MUELLER Nebraska's Leading Piano House. 1313 FARNAM ST. OMAHA. Telephone 1625. Iowa Branch, 337 Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs. Telephono 378. Good Prices if you Need the Goods. Castorla Mellen's Food Malted Milk Peruna Bovine Dnnderlne Wliif of Ciirdul Cramer's Kidney Cure , Miles' Nervine : Duffy's Malt Root Beer. Hires' Paris Green, pound Shaudnn Bells Soap, box Shrnder's Headache Powders, Headache In 10 minutes Fig Powder that prevents all Ills, Ice Cream Bod a 2SC 40C 40c 75C W)C za b5c 75c o K ISC 25c 25c stops ,.10c & box,. 25c 26c 5c Our prices never change. We save you car fare, and the prices are the same as down town. Prices like this will show thero Is no drug trust In Omaha, W. J. Shrader, Ob 34th and Serrara Sti. SUM.MElt BClll!IO. ItATKS. Via the Mllvrnuken HnllTrny. June 12, 13, 14 and 15, Omaha to Chicago and return, 114.75. July 4, 6 and 6, Cincinnati and return, 122.50. July 5, 6 and 7, Detroit and return, $22. July 20, 21 and 22, Milwaukee and return, (14.75. Low rates to summer resorts. City ticket orace, 1504 Farnam st. Tel. 2S4. Very i.ow Ilntes. $14.75 to Chicago and return June 12, 13, 14 and 16. Good till September 15. Corre spondingly low rates during the summer to Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Buffalo ex position. All via "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE," 1401-1403 Farnam street. Special facilities for securing low rates, berths and Information regarding steamer trips on the great lakes. Stnt fo Happier Hunting Grounds. A dead Injun Is a good one but a bed bug sent to the happier hunting grounds beats nn Indian all hollow especially If dispatched by SCHAEFEIl'S SURE DEATH. We're making a new slio now a pint for 15c a quart for 25c Vi gallon, 50c gallon, Jug, $1.00. Ono shot will kill a million. Gem Catarrh Powder 35c Pears Soaps 12c & 15c Woodbury's Preparations 13c Iler's Malt Whisky 75c Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c Peruna 76c Laxatlvo Bromo Qulnlno 15c Carter's Liver Pills 15a Hire's Root Beer ISc Malted Milk '0c Temptation Tonic Too 1 doz qulnlno cnpsules, 2 grain 7c 1 doz. Qulnlno capsules, 3 grain V)c I doz. qulnlno capsules, 5 grain 15c CPU AC CCD' C cut Price OU LI ACT Cn O Drugstore. Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. Kith nnd ChlcnRn. Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. A New Sensation AT BOSTON STORE. SHOES ON SECOND FLOOR, On Bargain 'Squares. A Colossal Shoe Sale, entirely different from any ever held in Omaha. Also an other shoe sale in basement. And a spe cial sale men's shoes on main iloor. Four Shoe Stocks on Sale nt Once AT BOSTON STORE On Second Floor Moloney Bros., Rochester, entire lloor stock Misses', Children's and Infants' Fine Shoes. B. F. Richardson's Iowa stock Ladies' Shoes, Oxford Ties and Slippers. G. W Richardson's Dubuque stock of Boys' and Youths' Shoes. On Main Floor G.-Wl Richardson's stock of Men's Sporting Boots, Hunting Hoots and Fine Shoes, 5, 6 and 7 values, at $1.98 nnd $2.50. Men's 3.50 Regent Shoes, .?1.0S. Hanan & Sous' ?G Men's Shoes, 3.00. In Basement A Chicago bankrupt stock Men's, Women's and Chil dren's Shoes and Slippers, all on sale at Boston Store. 1,000 pairs Women's Shoes on Bargain Squares in Basement, 39c, 59c, 75c. BOSTON STORE, Omaha. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Props. II.I.IMH.IIJB.IIIinill.lU.IMU.IIMn HAYDEN ' During Warm next. This has had tie indifferent did not figure should have We do not things do not MSTEWBLOOlXa LOWER. THIS IS HOW WE HAVE DONE IT $15 Stein-Bloch men's suits now 7.50 Men's $10 II . S. & M. line suits now 5.00 Men's $13.50 blue serge suits now ' 7.50 Men's 18 military cut suits now 10.00 Men's 7.50 all wool cassimere suits now 3.75 Men's 22.50 Stein-Bloch suits now 12.50 Men's 25 Stein-Bloch suits now 15.00 Men's 3.00 worsted odd punts now 1.50 Men's 4.50 line worsted pants now 2.50 Men's 0.50 finest tailored pants now 3.75 Boys' 7.50 all wool long pants suits now 3.75 Boys' 0.50 worsted long punts suits now 5.00 Boys' 13.50 very finest, long punts suits now 7.50 Boys' 1.25 odd long punts now 75c Boys' 2.50 worsted odd long punts now 1.25 .'joys' 4.50 finest odd long pants now 2.5f. Boys' 3.00 all wool knee pants suits now 1.50 Boys' 5.00 fine knee pants suits now 2.50 Boys' 1.25 washable knee punts suits now 45c Boys' 2.50 washable knee pants suits now 95c Boys' 75c to 1.50 odd wool knee pants now 25c, 50c nnd 75c. Boys' 25c and 50c odd washable knee pants now . .10c and 25c HAYDEN BROTHERS. Selling the most clothing in Omaha. Send articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The nee. We will give them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 238. Publish our legal notitts in The Weekly Ree, Telephone 233. Omaha's Finest Shoe Store Ladies' Slippers all tho patent leathers, beaded toes all the new ideas kid slippers tho grandest, great est showing over attempted in Omaha. A price conces' sion unequaled at much loss than elsewhere for two days, Wednesday sand Thur- day. Tho Btock is replete with fashion's latest dictates $2.50, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1,00, 75c mid down to 50c. 1515 Douglas Strait. On Second Floor 5,000 Pairs Ladles' Shoes, worth up to three dollars pair 98c On Bargain Squares SEE - SAW WEATHER May and June- one day, cool the a tendency to make people a lit as to their summer clothing. We on this sort of weather, nnd the consequence is our great stock of MEN'S nnd BOYS' CLOTHING has not moved as fast as it done. permit any stagnation here. If move ns we want them to, w take extraordinary measures to change the sit uation. We know of no better means than to reduce our FORMER LOW TRICES STILL MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS f 45c, 75c and $1.00 Women's Summer Shoes It's encouraging to us to pen this de partment growing growing growing ' Blowly but surely climbing up to bo tho greatest women's shoo storo In this sec tion. Moro hocs going oat, moro custo mers coming here for women's footwear. 'Twns hard nt Ilrst to get you to under stand that we sold women's shoes, but today on nrount of our genuine values, offered you. It's a rnce between our men's nnd women's departments. For years we've lmd tho repntntlon of selling tho best men's shoes In the west for tho money, but today wo claim as good ns any In the land. Women's Oxfords Medium weight, opera too, cloth top?, $1.25 Women's Oxfords Heavy solos, English too, cool, comfortable, $1.25 ayroe-Mfeiia6Q. MtiuBMiinifii'iiinu Wednesday in the Bargain Room Third day of ROBERTS, GAINER & POWELL STOCK SALE. Yon will never believe that it until you examine them. 10 cases of Scotch Lawns mill guar antees them faat colors and worth Gc lHo 10 cases of flno Corded Dimity, worth 10c yard , 2c S cases of Royal Irish nimlty worth 15c, Cc 1 caso of extra flulehed flno black Satin, worth 10c Ec 5 cases of Pineapple Batiste, regular 25c goods 10c 12'e Dress Denims 5c 12Vc Linen Crash 5c ZVic Kentucky Flax 5c 1 case of tine Piques, In all colors and white 5o 15 pieces 36-ln. Satin Foulards, worth 39o 12tfc 12V&C Art Drapery 5c 15c Art Drapery G',5c 10c Shaker Flannel 2?4o 1 ease of 30-lu. India Llnons 5c Boys' Wash Clothing in the Bargain Room at 25c on the Dollar Suits worth $1.50 to $2.00 nt 45c Suits worth $2.50 to $3.00 at 95c 25c and 30c Washable Knee Pants at.. 10c 35c Cloth Knee Pants at 16c Special Fruit Sale Fancy Lorr.ons, per dozen 10c Large ripe Dananas 12V&c California Peaches, per dozen 15c Meats No. 1 Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 7c Fancy Breakfast Dacon 12c Kreah Now Bologna 5c Chipped Dried Deef 16c Potted Meats, assorted, per can 3V4c Spiced Pigs' Tongues, cooked 20o Pickled Tripe 3V$c McLaren's Imperial Cheese I0c .Wisconsin Fnll Cream Cheeso 10c Sap Sago Cheese, each 7c HAYDEN 1 LAST CALL FOR GRADUATION GIFTS Wo have n liirfro nnd olesnnt Btock of nin'gH, Pins, BrooclicH, WntchPS, Bororjuo Twirl Pendants, Sash Buckles nnd Pins nnd other pretty things for grndun tlou gifts. We'd like to show you our stock. Mawhinney & Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art Stationers, 15th and Douglas. Straw Hats oil styles-nil sizes-60c to $2.50. Soft Shirts Frigid Shlrtsf for torrid weather at tomperato prices, Belts Every thing that's new. BLACK, The $2.50 Hatter, 1 ior so. itith st. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTURED BT CALIFORNIA FIG SYURP CO., NOTE THE NAME. Satisfactory shirts Pleasingly priced Comfortable and cool. You havo no Idea tho comfort you can tlnd In n-Kllge shirts If you havo never tried them, l.ny oft your vest end Invest In one of our upkIIkcoh nnd you'll nay thnt It's tho best In vetment you've, mndo this season They nrr properly cut, amply shaped nnd extra well mndo. All bright, now patterns choice of plain or plaited bosoms, with or without currs nttnehed regular and Ctf A K 12.00 ncRllKtes, for jpiJ3 Thoy tell us we've tho best and largest collection of negligees In tho town. A fnll nnd riMiiplrto line of cX ninilr, rooinj-, rumfortnbl m-KllRrr nt j i . . . . 1 I Women's Oxfords Blnck or tan, with or without cloth tops, $1.50 HAYDEN is possible to give such bargains 10c White Dimity 30 12ttc Sllkollne &a 4 yards of Blister Crepon, worth $1.60 yard entire pattern $l.9S SILK SALE. 30c Facono Silks b0 75c Satin, 24-ln. wide 390 60 pieces of fine Liberty Satin, worth "5o yard 300 100 short lengths In waist stripes, worth $1.00 yard 33,, 100 pieces of fine Printed Foulard Silk, worth 75c yard 39Q 100 pieces of 50c Wash Silks 250 NOTIONS. 200 yards Spool Cotton ia 15c nibbons 50 25c nibbons jq0 10c Embroideries, yard 0 15c and 25c Laces p0 25c Ladles' Delts 'ia Grocery Specials Largo bottles Mixed Pickles g Largo bottlo Sweot or Sour Pickles. ...8 Three full pint bottles Tura Tomato Catsup Threo cans Condensed Milk Four cans Oil or Mustard Sardlno:;..'.. Four bars Wool Soap ,?.. 10 bars best Laundry Soap Perfection Starch, per package Electric Lustra Starch, per package .. Elastic Starch, per packngo IXL Starch, per package Defiance Starch w. ........ 1-ao l-3o 25o '2.-.0 25o lOo 23o 5o 60 Eo Co Co 60 4Wo 26o 25o 25o 25o IDo 19o 10a So Laundry Starch, per pound 4 pounds Sago 4 pounds Tapioca 4 pounds Farina 4 pounds Carolina nico , 10-pound sack Graham , lO-pound sack P.ye Flour 10-pound sack of Corn Meal Corn Starch, per packago Dried Fruit Ruby Prunes, per pound j0 Large Santa Clara Prunes, per lb 7Ho California Mulr Peaches ................8 l!3o San Rosa County Fancy Peaches, lb.. 10c California PearB, per pound 81.3o lancy Han Joso County Pears, per lb. lOo BROS. It's All in the Lens In (linos Ins a KODAK or CAMERA no sure you get one with a good lens. WE ONLT CAIUIY I.NSTRU- f MENTS OF THE REST MAKES ANP GUARANTEE EVERY LENS SOLD RY US. Premos, Pocos, Karon as et A beautiful 4x6 Cyclo Poco for 18.50. Call and see us or write for prices. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER C0MP AN V 1215 Furnam Street. EXCLU8IVE DEALEItS IN PHOTO MATERIAL.