THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: HESDAY, JL'XE IS, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES A4rrrlUrmrnl for these column will ! taken nnttl 12 in. for the evening edition and ontll 8.3(1 p. ta. . lor morning and Fnnday edition. t Ilitfn, 1 l2o a nrd first Insertion, 1 lc a word thereafter. Nothing: taken , for lea than 2r,c for the Unit Inner ' tlon. These adrertUemeuts most be ' ran connrcntl vel r. , AdrertUem, by rrqnllB( a nam- : tered check, can hare nn era ad- i dreed to a numbered letter In care f The nee. Aninrn a addreaaed will he dellt ered oa precentatloa ot ta akeak aalr. MAM i;I)-HTt ATION'. AN EMPLOYEL ' f 'he Plate, 3 months per year seeks empl"mcrit from date tl i Sept If, w h iu or Smith-Premier. A T t Nebraska School tor the Deaf, Omaha A 846-17 W A TED MALE II ISLP. WANTED We have steady work for a few coed hustlers of good hubltt and appear ance C. F. Adams Co., 1W5 Howard Su , JU 818 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In sJiort Ujfi cutftiogJe and particulars free. cstcrn Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Net;. B-849 WANTED, man with horse and light spring wagon. 1617 Howard bt. B M4K2 Ut'OTI tvn . . -. . i , . n . . . t w-.,,..i,j .uu wui hull, turn, iiuii i uv Idle, writo the likWks Nursery Co., Mil waukee, Wit., for tpociul term and ter ritory B-M546Je24 THE Equitable Life of New York will make deslruble contracts with one or V.,,u in . - , rr. I . . .. i'omlhc A tjood leiifwal contract Is ! toii-fetJij' ttuttuy lo uucxjlill'iiiiy il.p.itiaUonn. c. a. Steyn, Mnuutrtr, ttnvrl, COlo. B-.MHI 1 TO NO men. our Illurtrated catalocuc cx fi.a ni. hon we trh barber trade in tlc"t weeks, mailed free. Aloipr ilarbei col lift iCSt l'arnam St 'B Mtil 21 I HAVE Ji vucunt house and work by the muntb on a horticultural furm for u mar rlta man. Theo WUIUittia. Botihoii, Neu. It Clti 17 WEN calling on the retull procer trade In western Iowa and all of Nebraska can M t & new side line, a good repeater that will be well advertised. Alexander Jacobsen Co., 105 Bee Bldg.. before 10 u. m ii M7io :s TO SMOKERS. When ou have crown tlrod of the brand of clears you urc now smbkltiB and feel in doubt, try the Prince of Omaha, you will find it suited to your tuite, it Is a pure, healthy smoke, as It contains nolh. me but the very best of tobacco and Is made by skilled workmen; Its equal can not be duplicated In be smokes, to deal ers, S7.oo per thousand. Manufactured by the W. F. Stoccker Cigar .Co. Suve the bunds of the Stoccker cigar. BSC-20 WANTED, correspondence -with civil en gineers rclutlvc to plans for water works and electric light plants. Address L. it. Herttrt, town clerk. Pierce, Neb. B-M841 19 YOt'NG man of good address for deliverer and collector for Installment book house; must come well recommended and fur nish surety bond. Address, stating age and previous exjicricnce, P. o. box 773. . B-MK7 WANTED, salesman familiar with tho sta tionery and book business, only flrst tlass men need apply. Address W 65, Bee B-Mtsil 20 .WAATJ&D l'XMALl; HlILr, WANTED, 200 flrls. 1K?4 Dodge Tel. r,C C-&-M WANTED, ludy Turkish bath opcrutor; must, have had good experience. Apply rt'Otn 220. Bee building. C &2 UELIABEE help, Canadian office, 1D22 Doug C 851 ' WANTED, bright, capable lady to travel and uppolnt agent; must be In good health, unincumbered and. furnish nrst aat. references, sulury jIOo per month and -all expenses; iioatuon permanent-, no experitn-e noccssar'. Sales Dept., yuc Star- Bldg., Chicago. C mJs3 li' LADIES wanted to learn hairdresslng, manicuring ana facial massage, we guurantee to qualify girls for diplomas in lour weeks, compline outfit of tools given each graduate, positions guaranteed at H2 to n weekly. Call or write. Moler College, 162i Furnam tit. C MC23 21 ft ANTED, housekeeper In family of three work light, permunont position und pleas ant home to right puny. Address w 34. Bee. c AI6H WANTED, competent girl for general housework. Mrs. B, A. McAUaster. 20-7 Wirt street. C-C4!) iV ANTED A girl for general housework In a family of two. 6Ct s. 2Mh St. C M707-1S COMPETENT cook und also second girl. MH 60. 25th Ave. C 845 17 1'OJl IlCN'i' HOUbUS. IF YOU want j-our houses w ell rented place them with Bonuwa Co. D ai2 TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storcee Co.. office loilVs i''urnam, or tck 155K-M3. D 6j3 BOUSES for reut in all parts or the city Brennun-Love Co., 220 South 12th street. D 85 1 SOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-855 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. D 856 aOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. D-857 SOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. , D iSS BOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D 85a 27 SPRUCE ST.. -room house, city water and kitchen on tach floor, suitable for two families, (15. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., llith und Douglas Sta. . " T) Go 3 TO LET, clccan". large S-room home; large lawn und barn, f"t per month. !V. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 l'arnum St. D M2!1 t-ROOM house,' balh and close't,' atth and Charles. Monroe & Co., til N. leth St D M534 S14 K ST., South Omaha, D-room cottar' In good repair, rent. J12.00. OMAHA LOAN TRUST CO., ICih und Douglas Sts. D MS21 dODERN 7-.-O0 flat. 24th and Farnam, 125. H. B. Graham. D M559 3-ROOM modern house, 2413 Capitol ave nue. The O. 1 Davis Co., 552 ilue Bldg. D-S02 K S. 23D ST.. nice frgnt room .flat, city water in kitchen, 7 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ICth. and Douglas Sts. D-637 rOR RENT 1174 Cass St.; very desirable modern cottage, lurge yard, good barn, 117.&0. 17o Chicago St.. 10-room modern, freshly painted und papered, large yard, cood barn, gas, K2.W. Patterson &. Y'ettcr, iZ3 Parton Block. D-S22- 11X-ROOM modern cottage, southeast cor ner 13th and Pacific. D BIG 65 S. 2BTH, 10-room brick, modern, D-M571 18 IN ELEGANT APARTMENT In the AL I1ION, 10th and Pacific ., of TIVE ROOMS, Janitor service, telephone, ran ranges, laundry, electric light or gat, shudes and awnings, good neighbors, Ve will also have a SWELL SIX-ROOM apartment In the WINONA by July L Come In and see us. PATNE-KNOX CO.. Main fiobr."N. Y. L. Bldg. D IJsi M2 CAPJTQL AVE.. E rooms, 25. -D-M572 1 ?WO cottages for rent at Hth and IC Bts., South Omaha, good houses, good condi tion, rood location. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. lSlh and Douglas Ets. D-S5S FOR HEXT-IIOL5BS. FOR RLNT for summer, completely fur nisher attrAftlve house In line locution Add.-e-s V. t:. lice D MMW 18 NEW 8-room strictly modern, detached. N W turner 3"th and Jackson, south and ee-t front, stable, awnings fr 611 win dows possession July 1, only $35. Bemls, Faxton blk D 804 2l'iS rAI'JTOt. Ave. 8 rooms, modern, WO, J12S e h St . 9 rooms and bam, modern. tx:. lf4 N. 20th Bt., 4 rooms, lift; other. Ringwalt Bros., Barker block. D-M704 3M CASS ST . 8 room, modern, Jargc vard. $25.00 2128 Furnam St. 5d floor C rooms., newly taiTf'fl. lSO0 2017 N 24th St.. h rooms and bam. ffE.SO. 212!i Farnam St . store room, XSfl.Jw. -12 -t Farnam St . store room. fJ(i.oe, 3438 So Kith St.. store room with 6 line rooms above. In best of repair. GEORGE & COMPANY, I6W Farnam Ft. 1J-HM 22 FOR RENT 1'LRNISIIEU ROOMS. DEWEY. Europoan hotel. 12th and Farha-- E SC THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms IE J&l HOUSEKEEPING rooms, SG un...:E2U SU Mary's. E-KT JOJf THREE room, light housckeeplfiR, .. Hi! South 11th. E.-HV- 2 CHOICE, newly furnlahAd l-oomr tftorl ouphly mndrn. 2213 Douglas. . , E-f.fe 11'', St'lTB of two front rooms, well furnished, lit S. 20th St. E-MKS12,. SINGLE or en suit! ; south front ' ifi'liais ney. . t E-rM7f. 2D. NEWL.Y papered -ooms for llchti liiUstf lieeplns; Rood location. 2ft)S Dodce M, ,E-rM3IKlS 1807 FARNAM, furnished rooms; reasonable " i:-?7. is A LARGE famished froni rocr&'."TwItfi alcove, gas and bath. 224 fia' rt IIMMIKK ROOMS A.D IIO.VRU. VTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St, p-scs . (, 1 0 guuge. W 44, Bee. U-M771 18 THE Mtrrlam. summer resort, S Ad6oDiirn to take established prac . . rtb' tice in bustling little city, co.nty seut. NICE south room. The rratt. ri2 SJoth St Thyroid Lymph Co., 5ut Bee Bldg,. r-ay i-G- TWn larce front rooms with' Ijaard 'l"6s H- J5ANCHE Is the originator, Inven- CiSltnl ave T00- Mi: X2T "n? Pa,,n''e "f Oxydonor. which Is capitoi ae. t emu th? 0Jlly KrulIlf. inrtrumcnt pn tniE nn,. tup nnsf w?ft Uim.r mnm. t.r,A 4vrit. for ..thi cure of dlscuse. We won'd be THE ROSL. AJ Harner , roonm and am. j.jtugpd 0 receive the public and explain . J".'' to them the merits ot Oxydonor New WrlpSS? l'ard l?SSl "5.,S TSa,Pu1nadCTbUfrsSa0ofOn1.x, ff Daenport. F-Mwl .0 H Sunrnr & Sutte ,01( Bt.e IU(1 FRONT room, first class board. 2W Har- f 85u 23 ney. r M530 18 r MO.EY TO -OA-IlUAL USTA'l'li, FOR iikm-iiM'tusisircu rujojis. r . , . Z1- LOANt on eastern Nebraska and western DESK room space. K per month, -ground ttu M 6V p'11?,c,n,U b,Sw,t,,,' 5un floor room in The Biw bulldlhg, facing '? s T. ntrm""1'1l,;,,,lun,lnr,-t Farnam street; no cxpenie for light. -heat ?5'J"n' Hlnu 1oxu Co:.i,l' or Janitor scnlce. R. C. Fotert. & -Co., tit.. Omana. Neb. M-nCT Rental Agent-. Bee building. G-4le MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real cstutu. Brennun-Love Co., 3o9 South 13th FOR IICM-STORES ASD OF.FICES. W 884 ' FOR RENT, store in first-class location; WANTED, c-ty lons, bonds and warrunta. rent reusonable. Apply R, C. Peters & George & Company, lwi l'arnam street. Co., ground floor. Bee. Bldg, I 2CG W b FOR RENT, the building formerly oeou- WANTED, city and farni loans; also bonds pled by The Bee at P16 Furnam St. It has a,ncl w'1anl?,, u- Peter. & Co., 1702 four stories and a basement which was omam &t.. Lee Bldg. to Thil UtiCareSUc?rabK0tf F-VE V cent money. Bcmls. Paxton block. interested apply at o'neo to C. C. Rose- W M water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. ,riv-r-- . i,. , , r,. ici MONEY to loan at 4Vs and 5tj per cent on 1 Omutia proj-erty. N . B. MeUle. 401 S. 15th. 1 W &)2 AGENTS WANTED, : PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. WANTED, canvassing agents in evcrv W bw county to solicit subscriptions for THE ; . ; TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and PRIVATE money. Sherwood, IC7 N. 1. L. the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE W-BOi STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC- T , - - - . TOR. This FplcndlS book contains liioo CASH on hand. G. E. Turkington, MS Bee. Imperial octavo pageeu SOO object-teach- W tWi lng engravlnas and Is the only book on ,,nVi?r ti rnv - i h ... 77777" live stock over published adapted fO' the MpSET TO .IA MjBPfreal"; cvery-day, practical, -tnor-iarlrlr u 6 percent Interest! .no copuntssiorf: rivj- of even- farmer and ttSaTnenw Stt . !,e,'bSf?.re employment with assbred cood Income. Fitr.&,orw niU i,H1tot,Ue lnJ-' Agents in the comtr' with horVe and' .'Vii vA-i nk'p iLLl pnt buggy especially -dnalred. - Canvassers Plrst - at 1 Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb make easily JM tot tlOO per month. ' Ad- M7 dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau.- . k-t-i ri tv ir , npp RuiMinp nmahn ric- ' B ANt i per cent Joans. . h, Thomas, ec nutidlnc omalia. .-45, First National Bank building, Tel. l&ii." : w-tos WAXTIiD-TO flEVT, , : " WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. ROOM by gentleman, convenient la Far- Parnam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnum St. nam rnr, with or without board. Par- W MM tlculars. Address W 45, Boe. K MflK-lB . 5H P. C. loans. Garvin. Bros., 1C13 Farnam. FIRST class board .with room for gentle- W 31 Jy7 man ntid wife in private fnmlly W 54 Pt'c- .K-MS-lf MOM1. TO LOAN CHATTELS. WANT-ED, room with .flrst-c!a?s board, in DO YOU NEED MONEY pood neighborhood for man' anc 1 wife! y We jVand o? lurnuure, pianos. . w- oc- K-4, 1, norsts and other chattels. : : SALARY LOANS STORAGE. without mortgage to people holding penna- : ' cent povttlonb. You can get the money In PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co . SI- a ,Iew hours after making appllcaUon und 14 Jones, general storage and forwardlns. lake lf V s' h 0 nl0lhs ur more In which ITssi to pay it back, anu you need not pay lor w . It one day longer thun you keep it. We OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511. Farn. Tels. 1559-8C3. charge nothing lor papers ana we give v. iJTOM. you lno lull mt)Unt j calsi,. There u:e no lower rutes than ours; our terms, are STORAGE Household goods and Other- tusiest; our business is conjluentlul articles stored at low rates. J. J. Derlgh! rwTWTrYrV- VrVZ: L Co 1119 Farnam st T.l TiJL fii-Jki? OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., : (Established 1822.) 20, t. Ibth St. WANTED TO BUY. X-it.ll WANTED 60 secondhand ladles' wheals. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th it Harney. ON PLAIN NOTE. N 284 JelS There goes Fritz, coming back again to get : lower tates and easier payments, rie WANTED To buy fire and burglar proof W "ur rateb are lower and payment, tale. Address, 2511 Farnam St. easier than etner companies. Call and be N M4ioJe20 convinced. , RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. THIRD MEAT market. W 2C, Bee. N 5M 22 ' FLOOR, ROOM 3U3. PAXTON BLOCK. : X22 SECOND-HAND, standing .desk. Address . , . box 203. Council Bluflt. le,. N-MC44 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS Zjl, : t on household furniture, pianos, horses, A RELIABLE party would huy home on wagons, etc. in two hours time; also to monthly payments, or wou,d like to meet salaried jcople on their plain notes, with- party who would build Box 7Wi. out uecurlty. EueIci payments and low- N MS58 IE" " est rates in Omaha. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown block. Cor. 16lh and Douglas Sts.; entrance roil SAL1J ri It.MTl UK. "U loth St., opposite Y. M. C. A. Blag. X CHICAGO EURNITURE CO., 1410 Dodge. ; .riPBT wsivs toavc tA Tel. 20J0 New t .anund. turn ture bought, Vs riTT-r?V.f-,rNrMS 1Js iH0ANS. T0 sold, exchanged. O-Z'u SALARIED PLOPLL. merchants, team- Z a'u tlfTh. boarding houset., etc., without st- ENTERl'RISE FURNITURE CO ifr'.l ' " curlty; raslest terms, 4b offices In prlnclpul 14ih b" Tet s& N?w' and secopahanl' clUfh- ''llua- u ot Trade Bias, tarntture bought. Bold aha exchanged- ' A " . C 975-Jli'a ANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. FOR SALE. Cheap. Remington typewriter rL?es.uarameea U J CWBTXYLuEd iTf cili nu"' .. Q-M810 19 tnd F-num: entrance on lBth street. - . X-903 FOR SALE 1IOHS1.S, VKUICLCS, ETC, r . MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- FOR SALE, top phaelon. .2209 N..lth St. lrj'( horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 b. 13. P-M77-J27' x-w HORSES fine match-id FrrTi MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, FwomkTon l"th Hi St!"3- H' 3ewtlr-- Oreen. R. 8,Barker blk' P-Sil Jt24 . Ji-M LIGHT omnibus, in good condition at fc. , l0Bnt- Joe p,e5.toJ)B,M eucrluce. li. Frost, lth and Lt-aven worth, ' -parkcr diock. ---a3" P-87:- tjjooo.oo TO place quick. M. J. Kennard & FOR SALE, second-hand .speeding wagon." S"' Sulte m Brown Moclc' xWt' shop worn .surrey jind thre-qurter top " MHaVu'-'jQlHsr "a bgHS-a- BUSINESS CHANCES. thh SutVe11 "3'"&nJ& alto Hart 1307 JoneT st V &rL pUrt offlct,i ln "h" cities for competent liart. 130, J ones st. P-MCU8 physicians. Thyrold-Lymph Co.. 5o6 Bee TEAM, wagon and harness, W.' ijos , 24. ' t)ldE' Y M9C Je3Q P-MC57.18 FOR SALE or rent, my blacksmith shop and wagonmuker shop, doing u good busl- ion ALC-MIsti!LLtvinnc ness, on account of my health. B. C. ALU M'S-anlods. M-qiter. Norfolk. Neh, Y-M551 JW SA'VVI?H,BI'0,lU Poult"" AnlJ "R RENT. 6 acres near 11th and Nicholas hog fence. 901 Douglas. Q-873 ttsM suitable lor coal, lumber, etc . U. P. ..,,.. , . , and Illinois Central tracks, frontugc on REPAIRS and supplies for all makes of bl- pared St.. long terra If desired. Apply cycles. Omaha Bicycle Co.. 16th - Chicgo. THE BYliON REED CO.. 2E I. 14th st Q-ft-'O . M5S3 19 2DHAND safe cheap. Deright, H1J Tarnam; GOOD livery outfit, only stand here. Real Q S74 estate, collections lA. D. A.) Box 28. J , " r-r r I , Luwrence , Neb. Y-.M5Q 48 WIRE fence for poultry, Belgian hare, hog 1 I field or lawn. Wire Works, C17 S. 16th St. WANTED, men to Invest with a stock and Q MS78 jyi grain company and take position. Ad- , " " ; . - J. dress, with stamp, W 25, Bee. Y M677 16 SAFES, standard jnnkcn, sold. rented. 114 S. 13 J. . . GOOt) opening for shoe store. First-class . a a -.t,.- : T, "w : j room for rent. Address Box 203, Council 1,000.630 BRICK for sale. John V.' Vaavec? BloC s, la. V MC43 C Pearl St., CouncllaBluffs. Q-M4S5 JelS -I . , - j TOR, SALE, beat drug business In south- BrSLltnc r "fcpndhand wheels, II. 15. S, tlO. , eatirrn Nebraska, old established and do. Omaha Bicycle Co.. 16th ant" Chlvaga'fts. 4 lng splendid business; Invoice, no Q 821 r dead stock; fixtures new, low rent, good -tv-. . , r..n v. J location, will rrll at Invoice; one-half TIANO at sacrifice. 910 N. 26th St, - . . cash, balance six and twelve months. Ad- Q-M7S2 IS- dress W 3S. care Bee. Y-M71t 19 FOR sal 10 head fresh cows; call afjf r- FOR RENT, hotel, will sell furniture for noon. Jesters yard. 25th and Burfcai . uoo. Address 2Cth and M, South Omaha Q-MM9 Y"-M5i3 U CL,AIIlVOYA.TS. MRS. ritlTZ. medium. S15 North S-577 MME. GYLMER. palmitt. 15 So. 15th St 5-S7J l'Elt0Al,. DR ROY, chropodUt; corns & superfluous balr removed by electricity. R. 12, Ftenter block. U-57J PRIVATE home before and during confine ment, babies adopted. Mr. Burget. 2C0 Burdctte. U 880 VIAVA. woman s way to health; rational -wholesome home treatment. SIS Bee Bide. U 881 SUPPLIES for all machines: for rent. White Sewing Machine, ICi Doug las. Tel. 2234. V 8S2 NEW rollers for clothes wringers Novelty iron and Btass Works, 417 S. 10th 'Phone : 1SS0. U M722 Je26 I .RUPTURE cjred; no knife, no pain, no dancer, send for clrculais. Empire Rup- lurfe Cure, Or N. Y. Life Building, Omuha. l wa PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; babies adopted. 22M .-Grant St. U-S84 M. GOLDMAN &. CO.. only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mall orders solicited. Suite 2oo, Douglas Block. , FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING, mall or-crs solicited, umaha l'leatlng Co., 1524 Douglas, A7 4J8C WANTED 25 secondhand typewriters. Ne braika Cycle Co., Cor. 13th and Harney. U-2S3 JelS ADROIT HAIR BAJJAR New location, IC20 Douglas; private booths for hair dressing and manicuring; ladles' shoe shining and messaging U M45S DR, CUSCADEN. 113 S. ISth. U-572-3t24 j LEARN hypnotism, comjilete course by luttti. ui;, jidimiHiry, ..c, particulars tree, Globe News Co., 1515 Farnam st.. Omaha. U-M21iJyl MME. SMITH, baths,. HE N. 15th. 2d floor. Room 7. 54: 17 PRH ATE lessons In German by competent teacher, 50 cents; special rates to classes and G rmati-Atnerlcans who wish to per- f . ........ 1 ......... J r ... ,-. 1 niMNEK CHAtES. , . AUCTIONEER L W New ell, exiert auctioneer In all lines of merchandise Address for dates, L. W Newell tare Byrne-Hammer t G Co., Omaha Y M714 WILL bur the best paying resusuraht in the state, must be sold at one Tana blan Office. 1&22 Douglas Y-M6S6 18 MAKE J4.CJ0.'.i0 annually General mer chandise. A good country town store pays better profits than any other The best one In Iowa for sale; Invoice nft,iiuw Clear land in Iowa or eastern Nebraska for half, balance cash. Rare opjxirtunlty fur live man Business will clear J4.IK0 to la.0f annually. Deal will stand closest In vestigation. Lock box N, Mondamln. la. Y-MSIH TOR RENT, rcstauran and fixture In good location. Mrs. West, 21 MAln St., Fremont, Neb. Y Met 22" SMOKE the best when you can get it at the same price, the Frlnce of Omaha. -.mi: FOR EXCHANGE. 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chlcaeo Sts. Z 906 FOR exchange 25 clenr lots In Omaha. wen incaten want gooa farm western Iowa, eastern Nebraska or Kansas will put In cash or nssum" mortgage. Z-S52-17' For EXCHANGE, lW acres good" timber land In Missouri for Nebraska land or stotk. Address W 5fi, Bee. Z-MS5S 18 run silk real ttatu. D V SHOLES COMPANY. 210 N. Y. Life Bldg Tel. 823. TRACKAGE BARGAIN. A BIG SNAT. Northeast comer Rth and Douglas, two full city lots, 132x122 feet. B. A- M nnd C. & N. W. truck, with street on the south Rtid alley north. Price only tl.(t. These lots ate owned by an 'eastern estate anxious to close-out. Make us an offer. The' are a SNAP even at the price, but they mart be ld RE-MG95 1D FOR SALE, a first mortgage of jl.xxw dn a room house, vlth two lots. SHIMER CHASE, bu4 Ilec Bldg . Tel.. 1442. RB M7W 18 ! LOTS on So. 20h street, lietneen Martha and Dorcas 47 feet esch, 3 feet atiove grade, pa-lng tax paid fn full. Sl.wo.00 lor both. The Byron Reed Co . 212 So. 14th St. RE-567 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also flra tnsurancc. Bimls.'Faxton Blk. RE-B1J SEE HENRY B. TAYNE, 01 N. Y. LIFE, ' " RE-910 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale the Union PacMc Railroad company. B. A. McAUaster, land commissioner. Unlan PailSc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 912 FOR SALE, on monthly payments, S-rnom modern house on North f4th St car line; also vacant lots which will be lmprood for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Building Asociatlon. G. M. Nattlnger, secretary. Bee Bldg. RE 911 HOUSES and lots in all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552, Bee Building RE-933 FOR SALE, cheap, my residence. 2137 S. 33d st.. all modern. Apply F Richardson, Merchants' National hank. -G. W. Me geath. RE MoSU IRRIGATED LAND rORSALE! In the rich valley of Loap river I can offer for sale many lnrms at reasonable prices, This land is a rich sandy loam and pro duces elegant crop,. The farmers are last nutting their land Into' alfulfu, which brings them fine returns, three and lour crops a year being harvested at little or no expense, netting us high as J30 per acre income each year Most of this land is under a line Irrigating canal, with a steady and reliable flow; of water from the -Loup rivet. I will name a few pieces. 240 acres. 1 mile from county seat, 2i acres .meadow, balance pasture land i"rlce, J7J0. 200 acres. H-ralle from counlji seat; good 8 room house orchard., lots of timber, 80 acres can be Irrigated, acres fine al falfa. 115. acres pusturiPclrfc M.OOO. 160 acres, house, windmill, orchard. 0 acres pasture, oo acres iarnwarKt, acren Irri gated. Price, S1JB0. , 320 acres, 100 under plow, balance pasture, house, windmill, bam Trice, H,I3. 100 acres, fine place for stack, frame house, orchard, barn, plenty of watei- and tim ber. Price, $8ifl. . Many other place at very low figures. Send Jor lull particulars. Address. H. A. STEWART, Tqylpr, Loup County, N'eb. EE-oTS EASTERN owners desire to sell block of tlve substantial brick houses 'three stor ies, all modern thre. block from post oRlce, also the lot and building formerly occupied by The Omaha Guards, 1714. Cap itol avenue Apply Byron Reed Company, 212, So. 14th Ft. RE MC 20 $000,000 being exjiended at 3Cth to 42d st liv the Northwestern. 1 have 32 lots udjoln lng this improvement and will sell them at price that you can, trcbl your monoy. Come In and Investigate. Lvman Waterman, Bee bldg. RE 851-17 A GOOD CHANCE TOR A NICE HOME. 6 rooms. GAS, BATH. EEWER, FUR NACE. In fact, all modern. LOCATED ln AVONDALE PARK. Convenient, to Webster St. school; also HIGH SCHOOL, business and one block from NEW Har ney St. CAR LINE. RECENTLY put In good REPAIR, This property is cheap nt $2,800. EASY TERMS. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y Life Bldg. RE M856 19 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged lending specialist ln diseases ot women ln Omaha, would cull the attention of ludice to his unsurpassed Bccommop-ulumi before and during confinement, una his tieutment for .rrcguiatitlef, no aiatitr what cause. Call or adurfss with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1C13 Dodge St., Omuha. Neu M a2.' J c.j GOfvOVA is a French treatment for ma?b and female, for the positive cure of Gon orrhoea, Glec.t, Unnatural Discharges, dn flammullons, Irritations una Ulcerations ot the mucous memyiAnes. An internal remedy with injection combined,, war ranted to cure worst cusec in one vvcttK, $2 per puckuge or two lor $5. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co. Elgin, Hi. American Office, retau wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A, Dillon, South Omaha, Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of legiti mate rubber goods. LADIES I Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills ure the best; safe, reliable, take no other, send 4c stamti for nartlculam !. litr for Ladles" ln letter by return mull; ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. i-blladelphia, Pa. PATENTS. MASON, FENWICK & LAWRENCE. Patent Lawyers, Solicitors nnd Experts Washington, D. C. H J. COW GILL, Western Kepi tentative, Room 315 Ramge Blk. Omaha, Neb. 'Phont 1798. ADVICE FREE. 441 Jel9 PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues & Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Advice free. 15s JylS WILL BUY any good invention or patent Address Lock Box 7C0, Des Moines, la. M93S OSTEOPATH1, JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel lt64, Alice Johnson. D. O., lidies' dept.; Gid I. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -916 DONOHUE, Or teopath, Paxton Blk. Tel, 1337 -917 A. T. HUNT, D O.. 305 Karbach Blk. Tel.2352 M-474 MRS. JOHN R MUS1CK. Dourlas block, M 171 Je21 PIMIIG ANU PLEASURE RESORT. ir TOU w-ant good bass and crpppy fishing go to Langdnn, Mo Very best of hotel accommodations. Plenty of boats and minnows. Write T.. A, Dlttmar for rates, -976- SHORTHAND .UD Ti I'EWIII SING, A. C. VAN SANT S school 717 N Y Lit' -918 BOYLES College, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg -m NEB Business & Shorthand College, Bovd s Theater 920 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C Co'.., 16 & Doug: -921 11 HI EPS AN D lILAMvS. THE prlntl.ig of lawyers' briefs ln n jier fectly satisfactory manner requires training, experience and equipment The Omaha Mercury does this work just right Legal blanks, hundreds of forms, for sale. Send for catalogue. 297 Jy4 lllCTi CLES. SECONDHAND bicycles from JSsm p Ne braska Cjcle Co., Cor. lath and Harney. 285 J i IS. NEW and ladles wheels rented; 50 cents for the evening -or afternoon except bun. day, Louis Flescher, lti22 Capitol Ave. -7SS WANTED TO 11011 HOW, W' ANTED To borrow tl.POO al 7 ier cent on Improved residence propert), South Omohu, renting Lor $240 per )ear. Ad dress, S 48, Bee. Mila WANT to borrow $1,000. will give, a .first mortgage on .-room modern house, -with two lull lots. Address W -1, Beo. M78 IS LOST. LOST, from carriage, black hevc.t Jaeltel, with l'iai k taffeta lining and trimmings. Return tu Mrs. J. Benson n and reevtve reward. Lost MCSS 18 CARPE.M'EltS AND JOUI1EHV. ALL kinds of carj.enter work and rcpatrlflg Tromptb attended to. J. T. Och.ltree. 2i'th tind Lake Sts. 370 ROILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bfcllers, tanks, ttatks, He. Tel. 13o9. 12th and lix.rd i-is . 925 ! 1WNIIROKER.. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, nccommodst ing; all business contldcntlul. 13U1 Dougiaj. -927 TAILORING. 21 PER CENT saved, high class tailoring, latest designs. Stephen J. Brodorlck. 3B17 Farnam St. MUG JJ23 EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS. LESSONS in bookkeeping, etc., dav or av-in-lng, R. lo, Com. Nat. Bank. U. R, Rathbun, KM DRESS MAlvINt. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 318 So. .26th su 310 Jy6 LALNURY.. OMAHA Steam Laundry, t-hlrts, 7c; collars, 2c, cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. B.-2 11 RN'ITl RE REPAIRING. TEL. 133L M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St 828 SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS Stone, cement, brick. Wei shuns' Mantel and Tile Co., 309 So. 17th st, C12 Jy6 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge 'Bldg. 930 ' GARBAGE HAULING. AJfTIMONOPOliY GarbHge-Co. cleans cess-'. pools & vaults, removes garbage, & dead unlmuls at reducia prlccs;.ti N. ic, tel.lnV ' 274 Jy3 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, tiest, quickest. MrstA. C Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnum. 926 Our $5.00 Sets of tcctb, have stood nearly four teen years They cant be ex celled in a perfect fit by any dentist. s Bailey the Dentist Third Floor Paxton Block. PHONE 10S5. The Court House Is located on 18th and Farnam I Streets and just opposite the Repository and Factory OF Drummond Carriage Co where the largest line of Runa bouts Stanhopes and fancy vehic les are fhown POSTOITK E NOTICE. .UIIWUIU . ' . .U UJ J (, , , IIKtllMlU ' ml li r. t .,. ,.r.ilr n ci. ,f-m..k .. v . . li i , p. i ....... . u . ,i j ,..,v rorelcn muili lor the week endin-: June 22, 1901 will Uosc i PROMPTLY In all cases) nt tho general postofflce as follows: PAR CELS, POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls lor Germany close at 5 "p. m.. Monday and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than clos. lng time shown below. Trnns- Vtliuitlc Mnll. TUESDAY At 6.30 a m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Lahn (mull for Ireland must be directed "per 3 r.. Lahn'). WEDNESDAY At 4:30 a. m. for IRE LAND, per s s. Oceanic, vln Queens town (mall for other- parts of Europe must be directed '"per s. Oceanic"); at 6:30 a. m for EUROPE, per l. s St. Paul, via Southampton; ut7;30u. m. for ITALY, ter s. s. LI guru, via Naples (mall' must be directed "per E. S. Llgura"); nt 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per k. s, .South wark i mull must bt directed "per a. s, Southwurk' i THURSDAY-At 6:30 a m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Augusta Victoria vlu Plymouth and Hamburg (mull for France, Switzer land, Italy. Spain. Portugal, Turkey, Egypt Greece British lndlu and Lorenso Marqucz, vlu Cherbourg, must tie directed "per s s Augusta Victoria"), at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LO RENZO MAROUEZ, per a. s L Aqultalne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s s. L Aqul talne"! SATURDAY At 6:30 a m. for EUROPE, per s b I'mbrla, via Qucenstown. at 7:3o a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Rotterdam (mail must be directed per s. s. Rotterdam"), nt 8 a. m. lor ITALY, per s. s. Hohenzollern. vlu Na ples tmail muBt be directed "per s. s. Hohenzollern" i , at 9:30 u tn for SCOT LAND direct, per a s. Ethiopia (mull must be directed "per . s Ethiopia") PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa per and Samples for Germany only. The same clut. ef mull matter, for other parts of Europe will not be sent by thli ship unless specially directed by her After the cloaing of the Supplementary Tiansutlantle Malls' named above, ad ditional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the AmtrP-aP English Trcnth and German fTamers and remain POSTOFI-JC E NOTICE. open until w.thln Ten Minutes of the huu of sailing a tiarmt SlnlU for South ami Central America. West Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At s a tn isjpplemenuir.v in.Jfi a m for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex cept Crista Rlcflt and SoUTH PACIFIC 1RT8. jht s s AJIIatica. la Colon, ttnall lor Guatemala must tie directed "per s s Aniatiea ., st 6.jt p m. fr JAMAICA, per s s Admiral Dewey from Boston, at 11 p tit tor JAMAICA, per ivii.,"...!".1""- ,rom Philadelphia W EDNKSDAY-At ": n m lor INAGVA and HAITI, per s, s Ml. Vernon, at U' u m. for HAITI, per s. s Prins Wtl i!.n.m. lma" for uracao. neruela. Trinidad. Hrltlsh and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s s Prlns Wllllatn V . f.'eJ?,,? lSr ,cyUA- YUCATAN. CAM PECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Seguratica. via HaraiM and Pro greso (mall lor other prts of Mexico -fJi'.'UJU: A,.rp,"'d p Seguratica"! T.KS.?.A.?,At m ti,r BRAZIL. ARGENTINE REPl'HLIC. I Rt Ul AY and PA RAG I Al , per s. s Coleridge tmail for Northern Uracil must be di rected "per s s. Coleridge1 . at 12 m (supplements 12:3i p. m i for NASSAU, per s 8' Antllla i mall must be dtrerted "per s s Antllla' . at 12 tn (supple mentary 12.30 p m.) for NASSAU. Gl AN TANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s s Sara toga; nt 6:.K p m for JAMAICA per s. s Admiral Sampson, irom Boston FRIDAY At 12 m for MEXICO, pet s s Mantartzn. ln TriujiIco tmail must be dlrwld "per s. s Matan.a"i SATURDAY At Ham. for 1'ORTO RICO, per s. s San Juan. vU San J Jan: at 9 a m i supplemental V.'M n m i for "U" RACAO and VENEZUELA per s s. DaB gry (mail for Savanilla and Carthacena must be directed "per s. s. Daggry' i, at !'; a- m (supplementary 10 a tn i . for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VAN1LLA. CARTHAGENA and GREY TOWN per s. s. Alene imall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s s Alene "i; at lit a. m. for CUBA, per s s. Morro Castle, via Havana Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North S.dney and thence by steamer, close at this ofliec dully at 6.3U p m (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Satur dayi Mails lor MKiilon. by rail to Bos. ton atd tin Hie by sleutner. close at thts oRlce dal) at U.ln. p. m. Mails for Culm, by rull to Port Tampiu Fia and then.-e by steamer, dose at this ofkee dally iex-eri Sunday at 3 u. nt 4tbe connecting closes are on Monday Wednesday Htid Saturdayi Mailt for Cuba by rail to Miami Flu., and i tnrnee ny steamir. close nt tnis ntiice eierj I Sunday at U n tn. .Malls for Mexico City, avcriano. uniesb- specially addressed lor ols patth bj stesmrr. close at this office daily ut 1:3 p in and 11 p. m. flails for ''osta Rica. Beltse, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer close at this office dully at "1.30 p. tn (connecting closes nerc Mondays for Bellie. Puerto Corter and Guatemala end Tuesdays for Costu Rica). "Regis lured mall closes at 6 p. m. provlous duy. Traii.-l-nclflc Mnlla. Mulls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pines, vlu Sun Francisco, close here daily at 6;so u, m. up to June "17. Inclusive, Jor dispatch pel s s. Hone Kong Maru Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dully at f:.'lu p. tn. up to June 18. Imluslve. for dispatch per s s, Kin ship Mnru (reglHercd mall must he di rected -via Seattle"). Malls fu. Chtnu und Japan, via Tacomu, close here dully at 6.3" p m. up to June 20, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. t Tu coma Mails for Tahiti and Marquesas Island", via Snn Francisco, close here dallv nt P:3 p. m. up to June "21. inclusive, for dis patch pet a. s. Australia Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which cues via Europe, and New :n land, which goes via San Franeiscoi and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6.3i p, m. after June "If. and up to June 22. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Mlowcru -(supplementary m.ll, via Seattle and Victoria), close at X;30 p. m. June "23. Malls for Hawaii. Jnpan. China and Philip pine Islands, via San Franclico. close here dally ut 6:30 p. m up to June "24, in clusive, for dispatch per a. s. China. Malls for Hawaii, via Sun Francisco, -lose here dally nt 6:3(i p. m. up to June "21, for dispatch tier s, s, Zenlatidla .Mnlls for China and Jupan, via Vancouver, close here daily- at 6:30 p. m. Up to July "2, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Em press of China (registered mail must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mnlls for Australia (except West Australia, which is forwarded vln Europe). New Zealand. Fill. Samon nnd Hawaii, via San rrunclsco, close here dallv ut 6:30 p, m. after June "23 and up to Julv "6, In clusive, or on arrival of s. s. Lucanla. due at New York July "6, for dispatch per,, s. -k Slcra. Trans-Pnclfie malls arc forwarded to port of willing dally and the schedule of closing is arranged en the presumption of their on lnterrupled overland transit. "Registered mall closes at 6 p m previous day. CORNELIUS VAX COTT. Postmaster Postofllce, Nrw York, N. Y , June 14, 1M1 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Pro. posals for Brick, Lime Cement, Lumber, etc . etc.." und addressed to the Under signed, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p m of June 27. 1901. for furnlsh lnc and delivering n quantity of brick, lime, cement, lumber, etc, etc . required to com plete necessary Improvements and furnish ings at Wlnnebngo school. 5K.000 brick. 43 barrels limp. 20 barrels cement. Louisville b barrels cement, Portland, 16 squures iron shingles; 70 yards sand, 100 pieces lumber 2x 8x10. 1.334 feet; 100 pieces lumber. 2x6x10 1,600 feet; 1,(I0 foot roof boards, 1.5TO feet flooring. 1 door. 2-8x6-8xl"v; 6 windows. 4 llght. 16x36; L000 feet common lumber. 1 ker nails; 200 feet wall plates 100 feet roof cut ter, 30 pieces lumber, 1x6x14. 210 feet, 3.000 feet lumber. 1-lnch, for shelves, bins, etc 3.000 brick, 6 burrels cement, 3 yards sand! 100 pounds blue pranr, seed, 50 pounds white clover seed. 48 window shades, 2 feet 3 inches wide, 6 feet 10 inches long, 33 window shades, 2 feet 11 Inches wide, ti feet 10 Inches long, 81 wire cloth screens, full size of windows, for hanging at top. 9 screen doors, 1 couch, for reception room. 1 center table, for reception room, 2 rockers, for re ception room, 2 chairs, additional.- fioo gal Ions gasoline, deliver at the school; 1 gaso line storage tank, an-guiion, with brass faucet. 25 tons coal. hard. 4 pairs curtains, luoe, oO yards carpet, Rnxbury; 10 chairs reed seat; 12o feet sewer pipe. 6-Inch CHAS. P. MATHEWSON, U. E Indian Agent- J17 diot WANTED For U S. army, able-bodied unmarried men. between uges of 21 und 35, citizens of the United Stutes, of cood character and temperate habits, who cun r.rii, iruu anu rjie i.nciisn. For In- formutlon apply to Recruiting Officer. Cor ICth and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Neb. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER r ln,'3,:rc!. F,'ri Leavenworth, Kansas, June S, 1901 -Sealed proposals. In trlplicute will be received here until) ji . m t.entrai time, June 19, l!)l, for construction of hos pital sewer, 'man holes and flush tanks at this post Information furnished on appli cation here U S. reserves right to accept or reject any or ell proposals, or any part there-of Envelopes to be indorsed, "Pro posals for sewer, etc.." addreised D E. McCarthy. Q M J8-10-ll-12-17-lb PROPOSALS FOR BRICK, LIME. CE tnent. lumber, etc.. etc Department of the Interior, V. S. Indian Service, Omaha, etc.. Agency, "Winnebago. Neb., June 16, 1901 Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for Brick, Lime, Cement, Lumber, etc. etc.,' and addressed to the undersigned will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p, m of June 27, 1901, for furnishing and deliver ing a quantity of brick, llrae, rumen t. lum ber, etc.. etc- required to complete neces sary' Improvements- and furnishings nt Win. nebago school For full list und descrip tions, apply to the U. S. Indian agent, Oman, etc. -Agency. Nebraska. P MATHEWSO.-Cl B.' Indian Agent, and office of The Bee. Omaha, Neb, LEGAL NOTICES. ATTENTION. TAXPAYERS The. Board of County Commissioners of Douglas county. Nebraska, will sit us u board of equalization for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Douglas county lor the year 1901 In the commission er's chamber at the court house, Omaha, beginning Tuesday, June 11, 1901, at lo o'clock a m,, and continuing from duy to day up to and including June 27, VjjI (15 days, not including Sunauys), All persons owning real or personal property subject to titration should call and examine their as sessment, that any errors as to valuation may be adjusted by said board, as tht law provides. By order of tne Board of County Com. mlsslcners. Omaha, May 2.., 3911 D. M. HAVERLY. County Clerk. ' By C. L. HARRIS. Deputy NOTICE TO. CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received nt the office of the commissioner of public lands and buildings. Llnroln Neb., until IS o'clock noon June 21. 1901. for the erection of a stand pipe at the Asylum for Insane at Norfolk. Neb Specifications may be seen ut the office of the commissioner of publh lunds and buildings or at the office of the superin tendent of the asylum at Norfolk, tieh I Each proposal must be accompanied by a of the bid. made payable to the state of , Nebraska to be forfeited to the state in j ease the bidder being awarded the contract LEG VI NOTICE. shsll fall te rxet utt the contract and fur nish bond reuuir. ,i nitnln ten days after the rt i-eipt 01 not tie of aceeptance ef hit bid The sueeefwrMl trtodpr to give liflbd' in a suret ioniin in thi sum it $J.tnn epndl tlonen on me fnlthlul perMrmanee flf hli contract The Board of PuolU Lauds and Rulldlngt reservihe rtpht in teeox, any nnfl all bids and to tinar defeots. . , OhJU. li. KOLLMUR, Commlsslotter PubiK Lands and Illdrt. L!lioIH, Nrb, June 1L linn. Jl!W10tm ln the matter of the twtatt of Richard Kitchen, deceased, notice ir hereby given to the legatees ana all ot'hri persons inter ested In the above estatt inm a motion te i-ontlrin the sale of tht assets i.f ald estate, inane oy James B. Kitch-n txeculor, on the M uay ot June, a reairt ot which sale Is now on nlc ln this- court hu ien niid in the county ooutt of Douglas ipuntv, Ne braska, and that said motion mr i,t. called up lor hrarlns on ihursdty. the j h jav ot June iiwi. at thr hour t 9 o lock a. m. and that unlss sutnclent cauv i shown against said mI the same will 1- con fit med and such other orders made m th piemices as may l proper and necessary. I'L'XVAN M. MNSUNHAl.Ell, Count) Jjdite JnnrtsjstM RECEIVER'; NOTICE, ln the l)isiti' court In aud lor Dpuglat Ctutit). .Ncoraska. William G Maaden. plaintiff, against Ne braska ( Ire insurance company et al de tentUnts Notice to u editors of said In sjiamo company to present their claims tor dividends To ull creditors of the Nebraska Fire In surance, compaii) who hue not claimed or reieieil their iespet!ve dividends hrscto fore ordered in tin uinne entitled action. Y.tu. and each of ou. are hereby tiotiilwl that In and t the order of the court In the above entltlcu uitloti, made and cnlcrod on tht 4lh day if Mu. A D. 1. vou must ptusini lor paytnoiil jour respective claims tor dividends heretofore ordered In raid action within t)u dajs lrom the t-ompletion of the publication of this notice, which t'me will expire on the 31st uay of August, A. L. 10j1, aud that unless you so do jour respec tive rights .o such dlvldtnds will be -oon-i hilled und you will tie -tmrred of the right to participate In the lutids appropriated ilieieior. Such claims may be presented at the othie of tlis underrlgnea tecelver ln th Brown block, in the city of -Omaha, in Douglas county alurcsala. or irantmlttea to him at that address by mail. Dated this 26th day ot May, A D. 1991. ALBERT U. WYMAN. Receiver of tlio said Nebraska Fire Insur ance computiy. Muy3iKl-sun-30t RAILWAY TIME CARD. IMON STATION 10T1I AND MAHCV. 1 nlon l'ncltlc. . . Leave Arrive. Overland Limited a 8.24) um a 7;30 pm Fust Mull ... .n 8;ot am a 2:25 pm Mall end Express,. . .ull:;t. pm a 4:25 pm Colorado Special .11:3J pm a 6:50 am Llncoln-Stromsberg Ex.b4:oipm bi2;30 pm Pacific & Atlantic Ex n 4:28 pm a U.80 am Grand islund Locul . b 5.30 pm b 9.35 am ClilcnK" A NnrthM estrrn. Chicago Special ,...u7:)nm all:30 pm Chicago Passenger. u 4:15 pm a 8:40 am Eastern Express al0;.i5 um u 4:05 pm Eastern Special a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fust Mall a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd,..a 7.45 pm a 8:00 am Fast Mull u 8.20 am Cedar Ruplds Passenger a 5:30 pm Illinois I enlinl. Chicago Express a 7:00 um a 5:10 pm Chicago. Minneapolis iS. tit. i'uul Limited u 7:45 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis v.- St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, trom Council Blufis b 4:50 pm a 8:15 am Fort Dodge Locul, from Council Bluffs a 6:00 am (iilcnto, TMIIw nuker A- St. I'nul. Chlcugo Limited u 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omuha Ex..b 7.15 am b 3:40 pm Sioux llt A. i'ii ci lie, Twin City Express a 6:65 am nl0:25 pm Twin City Limited u 7:55 pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Local a 8:iu um a 3:20 pm Wn, St Louis "Cannon Ball" Express ... .a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am ChlcnKii, lliick laluud c' I'nciiic. Chicago Dajllght Spe'l. d:00am 2:0oum Des lvlolnes u Daven port Local n 7:25 am bll:35 am Cnicugo Express... bllUa-am a 8:10 am Des Moines Local .. .a 4120 pm a 4:45 pm Chlcugo Fast Express. .a 5100 pm al:25jtn Des Moines. Rock Island & Chicago a 7:40 pm a 9:33 pm Rock Mount'n IJmlted 2:00 am Ciooam Lincoln, Colu -Springs, Denver, Puchlo and Went u 1:30 pm a 4:13 pm Colorudo. OlUiihumu A; Texas Flyer.. ... u 5:20 pm a 9:30 am MUnourl l'ncltlc. St Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C. & St L. Express.. al0:50 pm a 6:15 am Omiilia A St. l.ouls. St. Louis "Cannon Ball"u t;13 pm a 8:20 am ivansus City ic Qulncj' Local u 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunduy. HtllLlNGTON STATION HlTH & MASON' Kiiiii.ii City, St. Joseph A Coancll Illufffe Kamas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 an a C:t pm Kansas City Night Ex..alO:;io pm a f.:15 am St. Louis Flyer u 5:10 pm ull:15 um ' HurmiKtoii .V .VHoKOii.i lilver. I Leave. Arrive, t Nebraska Express ......a 8;4U am a 7:35 pm vv J more, ucuirice ana i Lincoln .,...a 8:40 am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm I Black HlllB and Puget bll:55 am n 3:oo pm Sound Denver con nection ......a 9:00 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:ou pm Fort Crook and Plutts mouth b 3:23 pm Bellevue k Puclfio Jet.. a 7:40 pm a 6:45 am a 9:1" am bll:05 am a 8:20 um Beilevue A: Pucinc Jct..a 3:io um (.iiicHit'i, Ilinilmcloii A- (tulnrf-. Chlcugo Special u 7:00 am al0:20 pm Chlcugo Vcstlbuled Ex.. a 4:W) pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local :'. .u I'.uo am a 4:05 .pra Chicago Limited a 7;5o pm a 7:45 am Fast Mail a 2:15 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WEIISTER DEPOT l.'.TH A WEUSTEIl. Chlcniso. St. (I in ah a. Pool. Minneapolis at Leavei Arrive. 6:00 am a 9:10 pm "!45 nm fitl!lft am Twin City Passenger ...a Sioux City Passenger... a Emerson Local b I'reinotil, EILliorn A 5:30 pm b 8:30 am Missouri Vnller Black Hills, Deudwood, Hot Springs a . 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm 1 3:0) pm e 5:00 pm tVvomlnc. Casner and iSntii-Inu . . . .ri I'likflfifru Vorlc Dul'lfl tity, superior, ueneva, Exeter und Peward b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm .-orjoiK, cmcoin una Fremont b Fremont Local . c 7:30 am bl0:25 am 7:30 am Miaauurl l'ncltlc. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water . b 4:10 pm al0:45 am a Dully, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun day only d Dally except Saturday, e Datljr except Monday Hscofd Vc-upe d Ptl. 7 Hours. Z-HlnuteT HnSTnc in l IvtHWnni u, niiccutrnuiu L CnmmnnwftAlth. Twin fcr,i OAnnt... i.,i- Hew England, " " 11.600 " Juna 16 PORTLSND ta I ll'mpooi .,: mirtvcTA ji Vancouvsr June 2? Dominion .... lub 6 i Csmbroman Jul 13 Vancouver June 22 For Inrlh Islernslkti, iddrrti Co-Hcr'i Oinctt. , Ucirbofi St.. CtlCJfB. Itlc Direct Route to Clasgtivr ExhIMtlaa ANCHOR LINE oteauikhiis from tw York Weekly for RLAS4.0W VIA LONDONDERRY Saloon, 150 and up. Second Cablr., 132.50 and up. Third Class, $20 and upwards, For Illustrated folder and further Informs. tlpn apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, or J B. McNALLY. 1223 Farnam St., GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnam Bt. Omahts Summir Tour on Lake Michirin. THE sctk8th,i. MANITOU Casifitn polott. Riwl) r.ttat tn I'to-A rrl .n. LEAVES CHICACO AS FOLLOWBl Tar. 10 . a. Tfcnr. lla-nt, St. t . rlnnltou Steamship Company. OFFICE i DOCKS, Ruin nd N, Water Sti Chlogft,