8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Hlpid hj Right: Ctblti and Bmtllir Wtrld'a Shipmnti. JULY CORN CLOSES QUARTER-CENT DOWN Ont More Actlse Than Any Other Market II Ik Deiunnil from Short Provisions Dull nml rcnturcless. CHICAGO, Juno 17,-The wheat mnrket developed Home weakness toward the end of tonay's session, though, as a whole, prices were fnlrly steady, the Jul)' deliv ery closing ic lower. July corn closed itr lower, July oats Wic Improved utid provisions lrom a shade ti Vie lower. Tho volume' of wheat business was not large. 'Iho improved lone of the Liverpool cables, coupled with a decrease In world's shipments, and quantity on passage, gave the wheat mnrket a good start today, July delivery opening unchanged to ',c lower. On covering by shorts, who were moved to action by reports of big erop damages In Eunpu, ttiero wns nu early advance to TOUc, tit which trading wns mostly of n local nature, though there was some luy ing for export. Disappointment wns felt by the bulls over the small decrease In tho visible and the long wheat accumulated on the upturn was put out, breaking the price to wu. Some considerable purchases oy tho elevator people caused n reaction to itMic, at which the mnrket closed 'ic lower and fnlrly Htcady. The visible supply de creased 16.0jO bushels, ngnlnst CIO.OOU bush els the week before nnd 23I.W bushels u year ago. World's shipments "of whent and flour were equal to S,13.j,iM) bjshels nml tho nuunltlty on ocean pnssngo ilccrcased LUS.Mn) bushels, Kour loads were taken for export Primary receipts were f!19,OJJ bush elB, against 745,000 bushels a year ago. Sea board clearances of whent and Hour were equal to 41S,noo bushels. Minneapolis nnd Duluth reported 308 enrs, against Ml last week and SIS a year ago. Local receipts were seventy-four cars, six of contract grade. Tho bull clement that caused the notable appreciation In corn Saturday was on hand at tho beginning of business today nnd despite reports of a continuation of ex cellent weather In tho corn belt the July option opened firm, Helling between 42sty 4.1,,5c, nnd closing steady nt ': down nt 43i-ic. The llrmncss nt the Inltlnl sales wni of brief duration, owing to selling orders from tho west nnd n ready acceptance of bids sent out two days ngo. nnd the de cline abroad absorbed all the profits nnd added a loss of about 14c. A rnllj toward ho close was the result of the exhaustion 1 offerings nnd the return to the buying Idv of tho elovntor peopln who ran tho rices up Inst week. Trndlng wns dull. Local receipts wero 2I cars, sixteen of con tract grndc. Five londs wero reported tnken lor export. Tho onto mnrket was more active than any other. There was a big volume of trado early In tho day and the demand came principally from shorts. July onts old between 27H nnd 2MAc and closed Wu Improved nt 28Jc. Local receipts wero 161 cars. The provisions market was dull nnd bnre of speculative Interest. July pork sold bo tween I14.62U nnd $14.70, closing 7',ic down nt JI4.67M- July lard ranged from 58.50 to JS.fi2l41i8.55, at which latter price It closed n shade lower. July ribs sold between IS.03 j.)7tt nnd IS.10. closing 24c down. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 120 cars; corn, 255 cars; oats, 210 cars: hogs, 24.000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. I High. Low. Close. Ycs'y. Wheat I I I I I June.. 70 70 July.. 70UfiU 70H July.oUrd 70'J Corn I June,, I I July.. 43VfH4 43'4 tJ',4 42i "J?4 70i4 T0 42U 70 701,4 701,4 42'j 1.1 V. 1.1 - 4IUUU . Hept..4IHGil 4IS4I 43MI,.4'S V oats 1 I I 1 1 July.. 2Si1?V4 2S',4 274 2S Sept.. 26g2f,V4 2i"i, 253 2iltf, 28HU May.. 2S',4 2SS 2Si IS'itfH 25?s I'oik I July.. II 70 14 70 14 fi2Vi 14 67"$ 14 75 Sept.. II 87V4 14 00 11 S') 85 14 92 Lard 1 July S 55 8 55 Sept.. 8 fiO 8 624 8 574 S 00 8 es Oct... 8 60 8 K2V4 8 GO 8 C2!4 8 63 nibs 1 July.. 8 00 8 021,4 " 92',4 8 024 8 05 Sept.. 8 07V4 8 10 8 05 8 20 8 124 No. 2. 'null nuot.itlons were as follows: n.Oim Quiet : winter patents, J3.7CKf3.S0; straights. $3.20(3.60, clears, $2.6O(it3.30. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 70V!'873c; No. 3 spring. mStfuMc; No. 2 red, 72c. CORN-No. 2, 42V4c: No. 2 yellow.' 43c. OATS-No. 2, 2Sc; No. 3 white, 28)i(iJ29c. HYE-No. 2. 47iC. PIIOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $11.63 14.70. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.52i,4fl8.55; short ribs sides (loose), $7.90JJ8.10; dry salted shoulders (boxed). $6.87V4'y7.12V4; short elenr sides (boxed). $8.108.50. WHISKY-Unsls of high wines, $1.27. Following nro, the receipts ind shipments for today: ltecelnts. Shipment" Flour, bbls 230,00 174,000 Whent, bu 137.000 I24.00O Corn, bu 222,000 555,000 Onts, bu 215,000 253,000 Rye, bu 6,000 2,000 Barley, bt 4,000 2,000 On the Product exchange today the but ter market was easier; creamery, 16V4W lSic; dairy 13V4fjl6c. Cheese, dull nt 8&0 1014c. Eggs, steady at 104c. xi:w voiiic r;Ki:n.ii, jiAnitET. ttimtiitliiiiN nt tho l)ny on Vnrlnnt ('niiiini)illtlps. NEW YOIIK, June 17.-FLOUR-Itecclpts, 25.017 bbls.; exports, 10.393 bbls.; quiet, shade easier; wlntet patents, $3.45fj3.50; winter straights, $3.453.55; winter xtray, $2.50 2.83; Minnesota bakers, $2.90j3;.lb; Mluno fota patents, $3.95t(U3; winter low grndos, $2,5012.10. Hyo lloiu-, quiet; fair to good, J2.8i)5(3.10: choice to fancy, $3.2OQ3.50. COBNMEAL Steady; yellow western, 95c: city. 91c: Brandywlne, $2.45(?(2.55. IlYE Weak; No. 2 western, 6614c, adent; state, o'i5lc, c. I. f., New York earlots. BAHLI'JY Quiet; .feeding. 48c, c. I. f New York; malting, ESSj2c. c, I. f Now iurK, carioi. ... .... ..... ii-iu in i No. 1 northern. Duluth. Mijc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Duluth, 85!4c. f. o. b., afloat. Options opened steady on foreign buying, but the latter sold off under the liquidation prompted by a small visible hiinnly decrease, benrlidi h onii .nin iimvq and smnll export day nnd closed steady, nt Ml He advance over Saturday's official ..lAUn. I . 1 I . . m f 1 .... 1 I . . . . .,vij.i, miij, iu',gvf,fv, uiuiiiig ai ttyic; Sep tember. 715174'ic, closing at 7Hic; October, i4tl75io. closing nt 74-4c; December, 75H (OibUc, closing nt 76u. CORN Receipts, 25C,60i) bu.; exports, 236, B5 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. 46?4c In ele vator and 4Sc. f. o. b afloat. Option market opened firm on small receipts nnd higher cables, but turned weak under realizing, better crop news and following wheat. It milled finally on covering and closed nt iMiHc net ndvance; July, wui 4i4f, closing nt 47i4c; September, 47Vn i;m, tiuMiih in ii'.tci i-;iiiuer, 1H2r01?;iC, closlllg at ISUc. OATS-Recolpta. 127,&0) bu.; exports. !) I'M! bu. Spot, dull; No. 2, 32c; No. 3, 31 Wo; No. 2 white, 32ic: No. ;i white, 32c; track, mixed western, 31'33J4c; track, wiilw, 32 Cj3,o. Options dull mid easier. itAY-Qjlet; shipping. 7075c; good to choice, OiiifiMijC. .J,lo,'8s;l.c,".,1y' H,a,, eommon to choice, 1900 crop, l&Ulfcc: li?9. mnu: old olds. 211,0. PnclfU! const. 190Q crop, lCflSc; 1SPD. Ufl5c o il olds. 2fi6c. IIIDLS-tJtendy: Oalveston, 20 to 23 lbs,, lS'jc 'lexas dry. 21 to 30 lbs., 146l4Uc. LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole, Buenos d,AcU,cs'. S,Wio: l''clled shoulders, $7,ulft7.25; pickled hams, $3.754110.23. Lard fiV,?"5 w.c,ler" tennje'l. JS.SS: continent', $S.!5: South Amerlcn. $9.a; compound, SO.S7I4 7.00. Pork. tendv: family, Jis oof, le.oti; Khort clear, $16.00jjli.2a; men, $15.75816.75. TALLOW Firm; city. 4Tic; country, 5 6c!Sla7aQ,::,V4A.es,le ,a,p 10 cholce-! keoH.r?;!3& 0r,ean8- ni'TTER Receipts, u.tlt pkgs.; firm, creamery, 15?il9Vie; fnctory, 12Qli,4c. CHEESE-Recelpts, 5.912 pkgs.; firm: tnncy lnrgo colored and white, 9c; fanes tmall colored and white, 9c, EGOS-Recelpts. 10,703 pkgs,; nrmcr; west. .e.rj;.n!:';'n"llrd' 13W3Wc; western ungradod, POULTRY-Allvo easier; springers. 1T 18c; turkeys. 8c; fowls. 10V4c; dressed lower; springers, 16330c; turkeys, 7QM4c; fowls, lOo. MKTALS-ontlnued activity prevails In American Iron markets generally, despite the fact thflt 70.0OO tons of Bessemer pic Iron was purchased by tho steel trust nt the old basis. Values were In buyers favor at the. closo on the bails of $D.50fl 10.25 for pig Iron warrants; northern foun dry. J14.i5fll5.60! southern foundry, $13.75tf 15.25. nnd soft, $t2.75 15.25. English mar ket! wtro eomhat ;owr, Glasgow closed BARLEY MALT Dull; western, C5072c. WHEAT-Itecelpts, 225.600 bu.: exports. 170,543 bu. Spot, eay; No. 2 red, 78!4c, f. n I, nflnnt Vrt '' ..,1 "T 1 ' I .. -1 ......... , ,11111 , "3fl"iUc tvcigms, .'ijjic; ncld, " imbviSlONS-Beuf, quiet; family. $10.50 fil2.00; mess. $9.0039.60; beef hams. $"0.501D $21.00; pack.J10.03H 10.60; city, cxtrn India mess. S15.00ifl7.00. Out meats. iwniv ri,.ir at 53s 5d and Mlddtesborouch 41s WV41. In response to a decline of ij In spot tin nt London the local market ruled weak all day and dropped about 60 points without any business of consequence being done nnd at the close the market wns very dull, with spot quoted nt .U27.75?! 27.99. Spot tin In Ijndon closed at 127 10s Id, futures nt t'":t. t 'upper In London was 6s lower to 1 iitn!fr an absence of buyers, and closed , y a' JS6S 16s 3d for spot and 69 5s for futures Locally, copper was nominally unchanged. Lead and spelter were with out change here from Saturday's close, I4.37li and J3.95gi.0O respectively, being the closing oasis. OMAHA WHOLESALE, MAflKET. Co ml 1 1 Inn nt Trndr nml (Inotntlnns on Staple nml I'tiney Produce. EGOS Ilecclpts liberal; good stock, firm, 10j(l0:ic. LIVE POULTRY-dlens. 7c; young nnd lid roosters, aytic, turkeys, Gfftic; ducks and gcesc, fct; spring chickens, per lb., 15TJ20O. BUTTER-Common to fair, 12Vs$J13c; choice dairy, In tubs, 14B15c; separator, ISc. , FRESH KISH-ninck bass, 18c; white bass, 8c; blucllsh, lie; bullhcaJs, loc: blue llns, ic; buffalo, Co; cattish, 12c; cod, Uc; crapples, 7 floe; clscoes, 7o! halibut, lie; her rlnir, ic, haddock, 10c, pickerel, 7c; pike, 9c; led snapper, lv.; salmon, lie; uur.tlsli, Lc; trout. wbltefiHb. ri.. ' PIOEONS-Llve, per dor., 11. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Healers association: Choice upland, J8..Vj; No. 1 upland. JS; medium. J7: coarse, J6.50. Hyo straw, JC.50. These prices aro for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Itecelpts, 7 care. OATS-No. 2 white, 29c. CORN-No. 3, 12c. bran-iis. veuetablw. SPINACH-Por bu. box, 40c. ASPAllAOUS-Niitlve. per dor., 35340c mil'DAHH-nomc grown, per lb., Ic NEW HEETH-I'cr doz., 2yd25c. NEW CAltltOTS-Pcr dor., 3u135c. NEW TI'KNll'H-I'er doz., 2U'325c. I'UCl'MIJEHS-Hothousc, per uor., 4050c CAKHiM S--l-er l)J., 50c. LETTUCE-I'cr bu.. 20y25c. HAD18HES-lVr doz., lo20C. l'AHSLEY-2'er doz.. Sue. I'OTATOES-Old, per bu., Jl. NEW POTATOES-l'er bu.. Jl. t 'A II f! AO E New California, 2c. TOMATOEH Klorlda, per 6-basTtt crato, fancy. J2.50; Ttxas, 4-bsk. crates, J1.50. ONIONS Bermudas, per crate, $2,23; now California. 2c. CAULlKLOWEIl-Hnnse-grown, per doz., 9jc. H EANR Wax, per !Vbu., 95c; string, per '4 bu,, 75c. PEAS-Per bu., $5; per H bu.. 75c. CELEHY California, per bunch, 60i375c KKUIT8. STHAWHEUHIES Home grown, $2.00; Missouri J2.tw. CMEItniES-Cnllfornla, per R-lb. box, $1.25; Missouri, per 21-qt. case, $1.50. PEACHES-Callfornla, per box, $1.00. AIMllCOTS-Callfoniln, 4-baskst cratM, $1.50. PLt'MS-l'allfornln. per crate, $1.60. UOoaEBEHHIES-Per 21-qt. case, $1.75. TIIOPICAL FltUITS. OHANGES-qallfornla beedllngs, $2.76i9 3.W, uavals, JXW; Med. sweets, J.25Sa.50. LEMONS-Cullfornla, extra fancy, $3.75; choice, J3.25. HAN AN AS Per bunch, according to size, J2.W42.W. K1US California, now cartons, 75c; layers, C3c; Imported, per lb., 10gl2c. DATES Persian, In 60-lu. boxes, Salrs, 60 per lb.; Halloween, 6V4c per lb. l'INEAPPLES-Per doz., $1.7502.00. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, per 21-sectton case, $3.75. CIDEn-Per bbl.. $1.50; per half bbl $2.75. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; Al berts, per lb,, 13c; almonds, per lb 18&.20C: raw peanuts, per lb., E(35V4c; roasted, tSV4ff 7V4o; Brazils, 13c; pecans, luH22c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6V4c; No. 2 green, 4i(4c; No, 1 salted, 6Vac; No. 2 salted. 5V4c; No. 1 venl calf, 8 to 1214 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides, &G13c; sheep pelts, 2oU7oc; horse hides, $l.5a2.25. St. Louis (J nil 11 mill Provision. ST. LOt'IS. Juno 17. WH EAT Higher ; No. 2 red cash, elevator, tfflc; track, 71(o72c; July. 66c; September, COHc; No. 2 hard, C9G70C. CORN Strong; No. 2 cash, 41c; trnck, 41 842c; July. 41V4'fJllKc; September, 43c. OATS Firm; No. 2 casn, 2Hc; track, 29c; July. 27'4c; September, 20i"26',4c; No. 2 white, 3KU31'4C. RYE Weak nt 51c nsked. FLOl'R-Qulet: patents. $3.6033.75;. extra fancy and straight, i3.15'3.25; clears, $2.i0 CORNMEAI Steady at $2.30. BRAN Dull und weak; sacked, east track. b"2c. HAY Timothy, steady to firm 'at $9.50fl! 15.00; prairie, scarco and firm nt $3 50tfll.60. WHiSKY-Steady; l.27: IRON COTTONTIES-$1.03. BAaGING8-6i-iiW7c. HEMP TWINE-Uc. PROVISIONS-Pork, llrm: Jobbing, $15.75. Lnrd, quiet nt $S.37i48.40. Dry snlt meats, easy; boxed -lots, extra shorts, $8.23; elenr ribs, $3.37H; clear tides, $8.50. Bacon, easy; boxed lots, extin shorts, 9; clear ribs. J9.37V4: clear aides, $9.50. MKTALS Lead, strong at $1.3234.33. Spelter, nominal nt $3.77H. POl'LTRY-Dull; chickens, 7c; springs, )2(14c; turkeys, 7c; ducks, 6c; springs, ygi 10c; geese, 4c; springs, 8c. BUTTER - Steady; creamery, 1419c; dairy, 12fi Ic. EGGS Steady at lOftc, repacked nnd cases Included. RECEIPTS-Flour, 10,000 bbls.: wheat. 4G.O0O bu.; corn, 47.0UO bu.; oats, 47,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 10.000 bbls.; wheat, 10,000 bu.; corn, 61,000 bu.; onts, 25,000 bu. Liverpool (irnln mill Provision. LIVERPOOL. June 17. WHEAT-Spot, No. 2 red, western whent, dull nt 5s lid; No. 1 northern spring, dull nt 6s lOHd; No. I California, steady nt 6s Id. Futures, easy: July, 6s 8id; Septembor, 5s Sid. CORN Spot. American mixed, new, 3s lUid; American mixed, old, 4s 2nd. Fu tures, quiet; July, 3s HJtd; September, 3s llid; October, nominal. PEAS Canadian, steady at 8s 5d. HOPS At London, steady. 4W4 15s, FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, dull at PROVISIONS-Becf, firm; extra India mess, b3s 3d. Pork, prima meBs western, steady, at 61s. Hams, short cut, firm at 478 3d. Lard, llrm; prlmo western, 43s; American refined, In palls, 43s 3d. Bacon nrm; Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady at 44s 9d; short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs,, 46s 9d: long clear mlddlcc, light 14s 3d; long clear middles, henvy, 42s; short clear backs, 42s 3d: clear bellies, 17s 3d: shoulders, squnre, II to 13 lbs., stendy ill 36s 3d. BUTTER-Dull: flnes.t United States. SSs; good United States, 60s. CHEESE Firm: American finest, white, nnd colored, new, 4f. TALLOW Prime city, quiet nt 25s; Aus trnllan, In London, steady at 20s 6d. Kiinsns ('Hi' (irnlii tin, I lFiirUin. KANSAS CITY. June 17.-WHEAT-July, OATS-No. 2 white, 2914030c. RYE No, 2, 53i,4c HAY Cholre timothy, $ll,50Jr 12.00; choice prairie. J9.50U10.00. ' -"u,ce BUTTER - Creamery, 14V4fil6'.4c; dairy, fnncy. 13j14c. EGGS Weak; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, Pc: loss off cases returned; new whltewood cases Included, He more, RECEIPTS-Wheat. 120,800 bu.; corn, 12, tOO bu.: oats, 9,000 bu. ... SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 46,400 bu.; corn. s.000 bu,; onts. 10,000 bu, riillndi-lpliln Prndiicr Inrkpt, PHILADELPHIA. June 17, BUTTER ni ins MiKMi iifiiuuiiii inncy western cream ery, 15Vto; fancy western prints. 19c; nearby EGGS Steady: fresh nearby and western, lie; fresh southwestern, 13c; fresh western! VnEESE-Steady: New York full creams, fancy small. 9i4o: New York full creams fclr to choice, M4ii9c, ' Toledo Grnln nml Mrc, TOLEDO, O., Juno 17,-WHEAT-Dull: steady; rush, 7lUc; July, 71Vic; September, iOTic CORN Dull; easier; cash and July, 43c: September, 41c. OATS Active; higher; cash, 2Sc; July. 2Si;c: September, 26c. RYE 63c. CLOVERSEED Cash, prime, $6.50; Oc tober, $5,27, MliinriiiiiiliM Wlicnt, I'lonr nml llrnn. MINNEAPOLIS. Juno 17 .- WHEAT -Cash, C7,c; July, 66c; September, tMc: on track. No. 1 hard, 65He: No. 1 northern. 67c; No 2 northern, 63i4t((o,c. FLOUR First patents, $3.8033.93: second patents, $3.60y3.7o; tlrst clears, $.'.65?72.75: second clears, J2.Wa2.10. J ' BRAN-Ili bulk, $i 1.5011.75. Mllmutkrn tJriitn Mnrkrt. JHLWAUKEE. Wis., Juno 17. WHEAT steady; No. 1 northern. 72c: No. 2 north, 'r.11'''0'0: Jul'. 69itiCDTic: September, .Y4fJfi$!e. RYE-Weak: No. 1, 50tj50i4c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 5Cc; sample, VM Jijc. Vlsllili- Suunl- of (irnln. NEW YORK. June 17.-Tho visible supply If ....111, Oatlllwtn,, T..I.. .r ' r. r wu4u; cjuicuiut.-i , oo-i CUPII, iNO. Hard. 66 G66!ic; No. 3. Cui0ji4c; No. 2 red, 69c. CORN July, 40-,a; September, 41Hc; ensh, Nu. '1 mixed. lp N'o. 1 whtiw Ar v o . - "., v. . ,iu, u, Z. ?i "V7 "";r"i".V, "Vs 10. comparen by tho New ork Produce exchmge. Is as follows; Wheat. 33,t59.0 husheM: de crease, US,(X bushels. corn, 17,271,000 bushels; lncreae, 1,222,000 bushels. Oats. 10,fc32,000 Jiushels; Increase, 241,000 bushels. Rye, 616,00 bushels; decrease, 82.CO) bushels. Barley, 6l5,ono buthcls, decrease, 1I9.0VJ bushels. Porln 3lnrkpt, PEORIA, 111., Juno 17-COnN-Stendy; No, 3, 41c, OATB-Inactlve; No. 3 white, 27ic, billed through. WHiaKY-On basis of $1.27 for finished coods. MOVKME.TS IX STOCKS AXIJ IIOXDS. Mnrket Miicciinibs tn Henvy Gold Ex ports nml II lull Money Itiitf. NEW YORK, June 17.-The stock market made n vigorous attempt today to with stand the chilling effect of henvy exports ot gold and tho flurry In the money rate to 6 per cent, but the general, show of strength nt the opening was forced to succumb to this development, In spite of the persistence of some notnbly strong spurn, i ne closing snowed nuvances very generally wiped out except In tho few stocks which moved against the current, St. Paul continued to bo most conspicuous of these and tho strength In that stock was supplemented by nuvances In varlojs other rnllrdad stocks from Individual causes nnd by n buoyant tone for the In- ncpenueni companies and a few industrials .Missouri Pacific was slightly affected by the dividend. The opening was strong, with io,wo snares or St. Paul taKon nt t spread of 2V4 points, tho quotations varying from 181 y., to 181, compared with M on Saturday. The stock touched 185 later In the uav on enormous deallnes. Tho belief Is well defined thnt nn offer Is to be made of 4 per cent at the ratio of 20) at par of the bond for 100 nt pnr of me siocks, ns was uone tor tne liurnngion. As certificates for the Burlington stocks nre ruling at 196J4, the price seemed to bo the objectlv-i point for St. Paul. The de pendent steel stock companies were affected oy rumors of pending absorption Into tho United States Steel corporation. TcnnesBco conl rose an extreme 7U, Colorado fuel, tH; Republic steel. 3a; the preferred nnd Hocking Vnlloy. 214. The ndvnnce of IT4 In Illinois Ccntrnl hnd no other explanation than the rate of tho dividend return. Amalgamated Copper was firm nil day, but It was not until tho llnnl dealings that It was rushed perceptibly up to 130, with indications of distress on tho part of tho shorts. The activity of the trndlng de creased conspicuously after the gold ship ments were announced to nn aggregate of t,0uo,000. The sterling exchange rate there reu loaay to ."u mnrKs 40 ptgs., compared with 20 marks 44VI pfgs. last Monday nnd 20 marks 46 pfgs. two weeks ago. Instnnce of a fall In surnlus reserves on Saturday of $4,569,373, following n decrease for tho week before of $7,991,550, thus cutting down nearly two-thirds the bank's surplus over the general requirements, nnd In view of preparations this week for several large dividend disbursements, Including thnt of Standard oil, nnd tho preparations for half yearly requirements io do met in tno roi lowlng week, the demand for cash of tho proportions of today'H gold exports wns not to be considered. The mnrkot closed irregulnr, but nt some recovery from the reaction. Tho bond market was rather nctlvo nnd Irregular. The total sales, par value wero $3,393,000. United States refunding 2s, the 3s nnd new in uecuncu i per cent on tno iast call. The follnwlnr re th closing prices oa the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Ualtlmore & O do pfd Canadian Paclflo . Canada Southern Ches. & Ohio Chicago tc Alton,, do pfd c, n. & q Chicago, I. & L... do rtfd , S0i So. raclflc . T4 , Sit, , S8H . 4U . 2214 , 38 ,113S , 81 23H . 1, , 21 , :i ' i!4 !t75 200 , 93 ,1U ,12) , 3Vi , 87!, i 2IU , 50 . 61 ,102 ,137 , 50i , si'.; ,132 !mi 67(i 1184 ,"M , 6114 23 77 , 97 81 4: hi; 41 77 loin 71 42!4 118 45 SH 203 2214 7014 mi; 7314 1U 71 Hli 72 4 :t t. 4814 n fi',4 Vttvso. Hallway .. 110 do nfd M tOI'l Tex. & Pacific T.. St. I & W.. . 7!4 do pfd Union Pacific 5) )i ilo pfd , 81i'Wabash ,1W do pfd , 39 W. & U K , 73H do 2d pfd ,12 Wis. Central , 24 do pfd . SOU, P. C. C. & St. 1... . HYi Adams Kxpres ... '.03 lAmer. Kxpress .... ,17014'ir. S. Express , Wells-Kargo Ex.... , M Amal. Copper , !.'.',4 Amer. C. & V , t: do pfd , 23 Amer. Lin. Oil ,1CDH do pfd ,138i Amer. S. & R , ttt do pfd ,10H Am. Tobacco , 44(1 Ana. Mln. Co , 72 Urk. Rap. Tr SS Colo. F. & I 156 Con. Oas i Sl',4 Con. Tobacco 78i do pfd !(8 General Klcctrlc .. . ?6)i Qlucosc Sugar .... . 65 Hocking Coal , M llntln'l Paper 120 I do pfd ltl',1 Int'n'l Power i::4 Laclede Gas 175 Nat. niscult 291! National Iyad .... US National Salt Us do pfd , 1C2H No. American , 3i"4 Paclflo Coast Chicago & E. I.... Chicago Ot. W do lnt prd ,ln M nrd Chicago A N. W... C, R. I. & V Chicago T. & T... C C. C. & St. L. Colo. Southern .... do let ptil do 2d fd Delaware & II Del. L. & W Dtnver & R. O.... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd rin 2.1 tifd Ot. Nor. pfd llocKing aney ... do pfd... Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd.... L. K. A V. do pfd.,.,1 Lout. A Naih Manhattan ,L .... Met. St. Hy Mex. Central Mex. National .... Minn. & St. L Mo. Pacific .., M.. K..& T do DM , 65 Pacific Mall N. J. Central , Jf. Y. Central , 160 1S71 DO 120 I"cople'a Gas Preiised 8. C do pfd Pullman Pal. Car. Republic Steel Nor. & Weit , do nrd No. Paclflo do nfd M'i do pfd. Ontario V 37'4 Sugar Pennsylvania 1MH Tenn. C. A I ucaninc 474 SO'.i 58 47H1 E5 74; tm lS3'i 191 Union II. & P. Co. do 1st pfd.. do 2d Dfd do pfd U. S. leather St. UAH. F do pfd V. S. Rubber do pfd do 1st pfd , do 24 pfd St. u s. w do Dfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Western Union ... St. Paul do pfd Trust receipts. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: What activity thcro was In the stock market today was furnished by American shares. They wero freely dealt In, but other departments of the market wero Idle. Consols were heavy In anticipation of another Issue. American stocks opened firm nnd then went higher on New York support. ' The tenturo was St. Paul, which touched 191. This advance was partly due to covering by tho bears, who have become somewhat fenrful that the recent shipments of the certificates of the Stock tn New York hnvn tirnHnrH a shortage of 10,000 shares here. The main cause oi tno advance was the report that Union Pacific would get control of St. Paul on the basis of $200 In bonds for $100 par value of St. Paul stock. This Is regarded as n good thing for St. Paul nnd the prediction is mado thnt it will touch $210. The nrrnngement Is considered na bad for Union Pacific. Tlntos are 56!i on Paris sales, fortnightly statistics show ing an Increase of 202 tons In stork nd i7 tons in supplies. Discount rates aro unaiieren. Tomorrow mere will be n call for 10 per cent of the 60.0u0,ooo consols. Paris exchange, 25.40; Berlin, 25.40V4. Xevr York Money Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, June 17.-MONEY On call, rather steadier nt ZTto ner cent: last loan. 4 per cent. Ruling rate. 314 per cent. Prime mercantile pnper. aniVj per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with nctunl business In bankers' bills nt $4.8814 f nr- A a m n i ,1 unrl nl ti fiS.'. -, alvlt, posted rntes, $4.86H and $1.69; commercla bills. $4.858614. SILVER CERTIFICATES Nomlnnlly 60c; bar sliver, 69V4c; Mexican dollars, 4714c BONDS Government, weak; state, Inac tive; railroad, Irregular. The cluiliig pticcs on bonds toda'. are as follows: V. S. 2, ref., reg, do coupon rin 2s, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg... do coupon do old 4s, re: Io coupon , do 3s, reg do coupon D. of C. 8, 63 Atch. gen. Is do adj. 4s .tt'fij .107 ,108i ,CSV. .138i .:;$; ,n'-!i ,U3' .'.CSV, ,V)S ,126 .104'4 , OSS ,1C94 ,10814 ,120 II1H ,122 . W.ti , f ,t03i; , om.4 ,107 u-.W US ,101 , 87 N. Y. Central 1s... N'. J. C. R, 5s So. Pad ft" 3 do 4s N V C A St L Is .V. A W, c. Is .1074. ,1421, 7214 1S ,107 I02S .103 .P13 123', 113 fSi 10.1 117 mi is;i, 118 no'; U5i 6.' 1I8',4 99 10i lll, lll'i lIMi 91S XI, Oregon Nav. Is.... do 4s O. 8, I.. Cj do ronsol 3s Tteadlng nen Is. .. rtlo O. W. Is St L A 1 M c. St LAS V k. Is, St. Paul consols... Can, So, 2s C. A O. (', llo As St, P.. C. A P. Is. C. A N, V. c. 7s.. do f So. Pacific 4s do S. F. deh. it. Chicago Ter. 4 Colo. So. 4s So. Railway 5 S. n. A T. 6s Tex. A Pacltlo Is,. D. A R. G. 4s llrle Ken, 4s do 2s. Union Paclflo Is... F. W. A t). C. Is.. Gen, Electric Is.. Wabash Is la. Central Is L. A N. unl. 4s... do 2s West Shore 4s.,.,, Wis. Central 4s M., K. A T. 2s do 4s 59 H ,Vn. Centurle Offered. London tock luniii(lniiK, LONDON, Juno 17. 4 p. m.-Closlngi Cons, money o:i flo Ul pfd.. ... 72i ... 24S ... 7fl4 ...100 ... lli ... to, ... i . . . 1 Jl'i do acct 1-16 Tteadlnir Atchlfon .. 90 ..ItAS ..118 Pennsylvania ,., Can. Paclflo .... ,o. rariflc pfd. Grand Trunk ... St. raul Illinois Central Ismlsvlll U. P. pfd Anaronoa Rand Mln ..lISS .. It ..nn U. S. Steel N. V, central.,. do pfd Krla ., .. 45H1 BAR SILVBR-Stendy at 27 7-I6d per ox, MONEY 114 ner cent. Th rni. nt hi. count In the open market for short bills, per cent; for three months' bills, 2 9-16g2i per cent. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Juno 17.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the sen- eral fjnd, exclusive of ths $100,000,00') gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows; Available cash balance $I68,713,7; NEW YORK, Juno 17 -The following are mc closing quotations on mining stocKs: Adams Con .,, 1J ,t,Utle Chief 11 Alice to Ontario llreecc , 160 uphlr M Ilrunswlck Con ;) Ipnoenlx 13 Comstock Tun., t4 Potosl 7 Con. Cal, A Va 210 .Savage 5 Deadwoocl Terra ., fj sierra Nevada 20 Horn SlUer til small Hopes 4) Iron Silver ,, ; standard 'M Leadvlllo Con., i j Ilnttk t'lenrlitK. OMAHA. .Imio 1? iianW i1parlnsi In day, $1,223,058; tor corresponding day last year, $1,052,528; Increase, $170,530. . CHICAGO, June 17,-Clearlngs, $24,924,130; balances, $1,770,174; posted exchange, 60 days, $1.8614; demand, $4.9; New York exchange, 10c tiremlum. , ST. LOUIS, Juno 17,-Clcnrlncs, $7,911,118; balnnces, $1,438,556; money. 6a7 per cent; Now ork exchange, 10c discount bid; par $19,762,193: bulnnrea. 13.AI 1. 003. BALTIMORE, Juno 17,-Clearlngs, $3,187, 315: balances. $527,221. BOSTON. June 17,-Exchanges. $19,827,974; uniances, j,jjj,3.7; holiday on HtocK ex change. NBW YORK. June 17.-Exchangcs, $HS,- Dnndsi for the Trrnsnry WASHINGTON. June 17,-Secretnry Gage today bOUcht II70.fl linrt lorm 4 nr ronl bonds a 113.8c97 and $132,000 short 6s at Cotton Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, Juno 17.-COTTON-Todny's rKiiin in inn couon mantel were cmpnat Ically bullish. While the rise was started by Liverpool, the New York market rub seqtiently took the lead, only to bo outdone hy New Orleans late In the session. The Strong nolnt Of tho duv wnn In Ihn mlrl. afternoon, when shorts lost their ncrvo owing io reports or large New Orleans nnd Other southern hitvln nnlrri. Tln wni poured In orders for August nnd October anci January, tho ndvnnce carried .inly to 8.33c. August to 7.77c. October to 7.41c and January to 7.13c, after which there was a reaction of 311 points. It was reported thnt drouth complnlnts were becoming numerous In Texas, spot cotton wns iiald to be hardening rapidly on n scare of north ern spinners nnd urgent buying for the July "clique." Tho market wns finally steady, with prices 9ffl4 points higher. Spot closed dJll, He higher; middling uplands, SH: middling gulf, 8-4. Sales wero 1,900 imics. M.l.ltl UUIIU il.V.UI IW.t 0P1II. fair demand, 13-32d higher: American mld- niing, mir. bsa; gooq miildl ng, 47a; mid- .llttfr. jKy.l, I 1 V.. .1 1 1 , tA ...1. ' uuitK. ivs, u'w iiiiiidlllle;, Kouil ordinary, I 5 32d; ordinary, 3 29-32d. Tho sales of tho day were 10,000 bales, of which oOO were for speculation and cxnort. nnd included 9,300 American; receipts, 10,000 uaies. an .American. NEW ORLEANS, Juno 17.-COTTON-Steady; sales, 1,403 bales; ordinary, 64c; Kuuu uiiiiiiury, u i-ioci low luiuiiiiiig, fuel middling. 81c; good middling. Sc; mid dling fntr, 81(,c : nominal; receipts, 3,65$ naies; hiock, iu,mi Dales, ST. LOIIia, Juno 17.-COTTON-1 l-16c higher nnd steady; middling, 715-lfic; sales, 300 bales; receipts, 1,019 bales; shipments, a, 10,8 bales; stock. 69,937 bales. OALVESTON, June 17.-COTTON-Steady at c. OH nml Ilonln. NEW YORK. June 17.-OILS-Cottonscel, steady: nrlmo crude, nomlnnl: nrlmo ytdlow. 3SfJ39c. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, qulot; strained, common to good, $1.42V4gi.45. Tur pentine, qulot but steady, 3tVfl36!4c. OIL CITY, Pa.. June 17,-OILS-Credlt balances. $1.05; certlllcates, no bid; ship ments, 239.352 bbls.; avornge, 91,527 bbls.; runs. 210,103 bbls.: average. 80.343 bbls. SAVANNAH, On.. June 17,-OILS-Splrlts 01 lurpeniine, Awiiio. jtosin, nrm; qtinto: WW, $3.153.30: WO, $2.8503.93: N, $2.602.65: M. $2.30; K. $1.80: 1, $1.55; II. $1,40; G. $1.2T.; F, 120B1.15; D, $1.10; A, $1.05. New York Dry Good Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. June 17.-DRY GOODS The market for stnplc cottons Is strong In most directions. Home demand for brown cot tons good nnd prices advancing. Looks as though quotations for blenched muslins would bo raised shortly. Wide sheetings, dun, coarso colored cottons stirter in some directions. Print cldths strong. Prints sell ing freelv. Glnchams well sold In all lead. Ing makes. Better Uemahd for whlto goods for next year. EllKln IlntOr Mnrkrt. . ELGIN, III.. Jurien.-mJTTER-The of ferings of Dutter on the Board of Trade aggregated 13,200 lbs., for which 19c was bid Manufacturers declined the offers nnd the cnll closed with no sales made. Tho quotation committee announced a strong market at 19c. an advance of c. Sales for tho week were 882,000 lbs. Supreme Court Syllabi. No. 9.834. Shcpard against Easterllng. Error. Buffalo. Affirmed. Sutllvnn, J. 1. The Jurisdiction of the district court to henr nnd determine actions for the en forcement of claims against counties nrls lne ex contractu and embraced within the provisions of section 37, chapter 18, article 1, uompnen statutes, isw, is derivative and not original. 2. A claim agnlnst a county must be pre sented in. writing, to the county board be fore that body has Jurisdiction or authority to net upon It. 3. Tho only clnim which the county board Is. by section 37. chnpter 18, nrtlcle 1, Complied Statutes. 1899, authorized to ex nmlne, ndjust and nllow, or reject. Is one which must be paid by the Issuance of a warrant upon tho county treasurer. 4. Tho right of n taxpnyer to test tho validity of a claim against the county does not arise until there has been an adjudica tion by tho county board In favor of the claimant. 6. The npprovnl by the county board of tho report of a county officer made In comrdlanco with tho requirements n! section 43, chnpter xxvlll, Compiled Statutes lMt'j. is not a judicial order, it has not tho force or conclusiveness of a Judgment and Is not appealable. Cnptnin Sentenced tor Ilrlliery. MOBILE. Ala.. June 17. In the United States court todny Captain C. W. King, former, construction quartermnstcr nt Fort Morgan, Ala., was sentenced to Imprison ment In the penitentiary for one vear nnd a half and to pay a fine of $3,000. He gave notlco of appeal nnd mnde the required bond of $10,000. King was convicted several weens ago 01 receiving a orioe wun intent to Influence his ofHclnl conduct. llrnvy Gold Shipment. NEW YORK. Juno 17.-Heldelbnck. lekel. hclmer & Co. will ship $1,500,000 gold on the steamer sailing for Eurone tomorrow. Thero has been $2,500,000 gold ordered nt tno suDirensury ror snipment to Europe tomorrow. This gold Is suppoFcd to bo for tho Nntlor.nl City bank, Totnl exports for tomorrow, $1,000,000. Thousand Cnnl Workers Strike, W1LKESBARRE. Pa.. Juno 17.-Ahoiif LOCO men and bnvs eninloved at tho nrnri- erlck collieries of the Temple Coal and Iron company struck today becnuso the compnny roiuseu 111 iiiscnarge inree non-union miners. Editor Commits flnlrldr. CHICAGO. Juno 17. Jnmes Shenerdsnn editor of a weekly society paper, rominltted suicide loony at nis nnmo in wns city by shooting. His mind had been Impaired by brain fever. Ilrnke II mm Conipnnlrn I'nltp, oi. uuuia tfwm 11. 1 uc wioop-ucmo- crnt says today that If posslblo the com ing week may see tho consolidation of the four great companies Interested In tho manufacture of brake beams. TIIR HKAI.T Y M.tRKBT, INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, June 17: Wnrrnnty Ilepils. A. M. Harrison and husband to Amerl- onn National oanK, lot 3, niocK 7, Eckcrman Place 1 1 Joseph Krlxon et al tn Peter Tlmm, nVi lot I, Ilascall's subdlv i,5o'j George Pnterson nnd wlfp tn O. M, Webster, lots -yj and z", niocK 20, Hlchland Place fi.sim Krlstine Hnnsen to Peter Madsen, lots 21 and 22, block I, Lobeck's subdlv.. 100 O. A. Blomberg nnd wlfo to Minnie l.eninan. lots 13 ami 11, oiock 2, Ames Place 'n L. S. Kimball to Jacob Olsh. east 33 reet lot a, niocK 10, Keen s 1st ndd.. l.ono , A. Howard and wife to C, E. Otis tnfson, lot 17 and 18, block 15, Halcvon HelRhts . :cn L. G. Dorsey to Fred Paulsen, lot 15, block 23. Omnhn Vlow extension . 450 O. E. Ford 'and wife tn A. D. Slaugh ter, lot 10, uiock 16, itounizo riace. 5,o:o dull C'lnlm Deed, Sidney Dlsbrow and wife to E. II uisurnw, lot 10, uiock uwignu A L.'s ndd 1 IllTll, Sheriff to J. H. Morehead, lot 1, block 4, ranters nan 1,71 Total amount of transfers ... . CINCINNATI, June 17.-Clearlngs, $1,747. i00; New York exchange, 10ff20c premium; money, 3fn per cent. , PHILADELPHIA .tiinn 17 Clnnrlni-s ,.sic,c: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET CattU Maikit SIot aid All ths Way from Weak to Tea Cuts Lower. HOGS CLOSE TO A NICKEL LOWER Fnlr Receipt of Sheep nnd Lnmba, bu So Particular ChniiBC Wns Aotlcc slile lrom the Close ot l.nst Week In the Prices Puld. SOUTH OMAHA, June 17, Receipts wire: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Otltcial .10ntu1y 1,101 3,iol 4,'JOJ bame duy last week 1,k3 n 11 1110 week before.. 3,w bamu tnrce wcuks ago.. 4,10.1 Maine tour wccks ugu,,. 2,4i bumu uuy lust year i.ki'j 0,1 !M 0,9.6 4,i3'J 3,.lJ 0,J"A .vverayu pricu pain tor nogs a I With South omana 111c past eeverai d'j cum piti'lsons: 1 1901. 190U.1899.lb98.lS97.l896.9,' May May May May May June June June Juno Juno June June. June June Juno JUNO Juno JUtlu June JU1IO June June 27... M... 29...; :o... 31... I. ... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 6..., 7.... 9.... 10... II. .. 12... 5 00 I 6B3H 5 6 bs;, b Vital I 3 60, 4 201 3 3I 3 3I 3 3b I 3 39 3 4i' 2 93 4 17 4 95 4 J 4 tb &3 4 Hi 4 3 60 3 5i 4 10 3 b7 4 141 i 6ji 4 21 3 53 4 U 3 b9 4 IUI ' I li 3 5S I 3 M 4 01 1 3 b( 3 6S 3 0U1 3 ill - Hi 2 'Jt 1 93 I 4 31 4 JS 4 39 4 m 4 M 4 34 4 W 4 35 D IU 2 !)6 4 &! i i- 3 36, 3 31 I 1 80 2 8j 2 il 2 9J, 6 70 5 71J4I 6 JyVil 6 711,1 4 83 4 yii 4 9I 3 Oil 4 a I 4 34 ? ial 4 9j 6 W 601 5 00 4 92 4 8b 4 f6 3 30 o ion 5 S3 i o 91 6 sy'i 3 Jl 3 US 3 bl 3 Ui 3 &J 3 99 3 2JI 3 Ml a V4 1 93 2 W 3 00 3 0JI 4 it 4 14 1 4 fij 3 3'li 3 57) 3 b4 3 bC 3 l 3 621 3 63 4 i 4 3. q 807, 3 71 J 3 79! J "W 3 90 3 03 II... 5 81 A 3 29 3 3J 3 22 3 18 4 38 15, 5 1 B3i Si 2 KSl 3 10 3 0S 4 44 16... 4 95 17. 5 83?4 I 4 44 Indicates Sunday. Tho official number of cars ot stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's -, ii. et oi. t iiy O. & St. L. Hy I U. P. system 3 C. & N. W. Ry.... I 4 1 3 10 t 3 U 1 3 1 F E. & M. V. R. It.. 22 10 S. C. At 1'. By.. C, St. P., M. Ac O. Ry B. & M. R. R. 11.... C, B. As Q. Ry K. C. Ac bt. J C, R. 1. & P., east... C, R. 1. Ac P.. west.. Illinois Central Totnl receipts .... 49 51 17 The deposition of the day's receipts was aui ioiiows, cacn ouycr purcnasing me num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle, Hogs. 618 1,041 b29 1,157 Sh'p, Omaha Packing Co 121 4txi Swift & Co 49s Cuduhy Packing Co 217 Armour & Co t.3 R. Becker Ac Dcgan .... 1 Vansant & Co 32 Lobman Ac Co 1 Livingstone & Schaller. 55 II. L. Dennis Ac Co.... 3 Other buyers 84 2.092 4b3 111 Totals 1,075 3,407 3,631 CATTLE There was only a light run of cattla hero today, but tho market was very slow In getting started. Tho sharp dccllno at Chicago last week, and at aome of the other markets points, mado buyers very cautions about starting In hero this week. Tho light receipts, however, pre vented any very radical change. There was little offered on salo but beef steers. racKers started out and bid gen erally a dime lower, but sellers were not willing to take oft that much. As a result of the dlffercnco of opinion the morning was well advanced beforo much of anything was done. When tho cattle did begin to move townrd the scales It was found that tho choicest hunches did not sell so much lower than nt the close of last week, but anything but tho choicest wore easily 6c or iuo lower. Tho situation could nernaps best be described by culling tho mnrket wenK 10 a oime lower. After tho market wns once, well under wny It was but a short time before practically everything wns told. Cows and heifers sold today Just about a dlm lower. This seemed to be true of the good kinds ns well as of the less desirable grades. Kansas City for last week reports tv uiuu ill liio cunimnn nnri nrannv Hiurr nr about 60c, and Chicago wont off 25'j35c. with mo suuq Kinus iuxhoc lower, in view or such reports sellers at this point could not well prevent a drop In prices. Bulls and stags were also slow sale today nnd could bo reported weak to a dime lower In svmnathv with tho ilorlinn on other cattle, veal calves wero also hard to move at steady prices, nnd they sold lower unless iney were goou. Stockers nnd feeders wero In llsht minnlv and the few good bunches offered brought iust about steady prices. The common Inds, however, were neglected, and If anything tney wero lower. Representative buicb: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Tr. 1 720 3 10 20 1087 5 05 1 760 ' 3 25 28 1101 S 10 1 580 3 15 24 1011 5 :0 2 1040 4 10 15 UJg 5 20 1 820 4 25 5 1071 S '6 2 975 4 35 77 11H JJ 28 653 4 ?5 34 1178 5 ID 3 796 4 40 SO 1139 S 54 4 792 4 iO 29 129S 5 60 11 863 4 80 19 1394 I rs 2 1020 4 30 18 1387 6 65 13 1062 4 90 (4 1461 0 70 18 981' 4 .10 68 1330 5 70 3 1023 5 0) 67 1456 6 15 STEERS TEXAS. .... 972 4 80 STEERS AND HEIFERS. , 991 4 ?5 13. . 90) .1161 4 14 6 t0 1436 872 970 910 925 835 944 940 920 1064 m 1060 904 1065 1005 1214 1024 ta 1054 1490 1125 1250 1023 884 1110 4 85 4 90 7.... 8... COWS. 2 04 7... 1032 1156 1170 1060 .... 964 ,....1060 1010 905 800 929 1104 ....1380 ,....12M .... 944 ,....1204 .... 750 ,....1063 .... 880 ....1084 ....1284 .... 974 ....1031 ....1035 ....1173 962 ,....1314 ....1315 .... 950 .... 582 3 75 3 S5 3 95 4 00 4 04 4 04 4 0) 4 03 4 00 4 03 4 14 4 14 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 35 4 .13 4 35 4 4-) 4 (4 4 14 4 50 4 50 4 55 4 53 2 fO 2 25 2 10 2 54 2 64 2 75 2 85 3 85 3 00 3 04 3 15 S 15 3 15 3 25 .1 ?3 3 25 3 34 3 .15 3 35 3 ?5 3 25 3 44 3 54 a ro 3 -0 3 50 3 SO 3 2.!.'.'.'.'.', 11. 915 ....1120 .... FW .... 864 .... 840 .... 9fr ....1844 2 12 3 50 3 55 COWS .... 842 4 AND HEIFERS. 20 733 4 25 HEIFERS. 4 44 1 , 4 10 1 1 t 1 1 1 944 744 1290 1414 1(90 1114 1131 1340 4 93 BULLS. 300 3 25 3 .14 3 40 1 fO 3 SO 3 53 3 55 3 53 1 1554 944 705 644 1104 1770 1080 1120 1800 1139 204 170 184 3 '5 3 73 3 75 4 04 4 14 4 15 4 25 4 23 4 35 4 V) 6 25 6 34 7 0) 1... 1... 1. 1 1244 1.. 1.. .2104 1154 1344 1184 334 135 175 145 1... 1... 1... 2... 3 -0 1... CALVES. 3 V) 6 04 6 10 6 40 1... 1.. 1.. STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 424 825 2 54 9.. 488 3 23 3 73 2 75 2 85 7.... 1.... 3.... 570 90 , 370 843 3 17 3 25 3 IS 3 35 695 , 330 1.... 5.... 514 3 05 4.. 8TOCK CALVES. 1 3.V) 3 iv STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 0 3 n 1 300 4 41 3... bii 3 50 IS 467 4 4) 7 4H 4 2i 1 776 4 If 6 55f 4 25 4 693 V) HOGS There was. a light run of hons to- day, but other markets wero all quoted lower and ns a result prices nt this point took a tumble. Packers were bidding gen craly 5c lower, but sellers were holding their droves nt good stiff prices nnd did not like to cut loose at the prices ofTcred. :n some cases the mnrket was fully 5a lower, while In others It wns onlv about 2i.4u lower than on Saturday. The hulk of tno early sales weni irom so.su io r.o, it was rather a slow market, but owing to tho light receipts it wan not long before the hulk of the hogs was out of first hands. The last end of the market did not show much of any change though the feeling was no better. Everything was sold In good season and the long string went at J5.S2H with the bulk nt J5.S0ff5.85 and the top nt o,6i'.4. so mai me general market was only about "wioc lower than on Saturday, Representative sales: Nt, AV. tin, Pr. No. ,v. 7 1S3 n 2i !,.. 221 ei 24i ei : Sh. l'r, ... 5 W, ... & ni ... ss:vs 200 s :', ... tt: PI 192 120 S 774 ... 5 (0 5 M :m 5 to 40 5 M s ;u :s 2U 50 21 5) 191 if 194 5 83 5 1 5 S 6 80 I 2'i 5 Mi 3 53i i 2'i 6 ( 6 $2') 5 W, i 831, S 3 5 iV 5 lit, 3 K-, 3 i2Va 3 f 2 3 f2( 5 2j 3 2Vi f; 25J O 5 !2lj 65.. ......319 169 3 85 53 27.1 ... 5 '.5 1,9 W ... 5 83 70 2St 5 81 64 250 HO 5 5 77 226 120 5 3 66 267 1) 5 79 237 M 5 35 57 851 80 5 IS 66 25! 80 5 '5 fj 2J6 164 5 S3 74 252 544 8 85 71 231 ... 3 83 76 234 80 5 H M 214 8") 5 fS 71 ,.254 ... 6 83 89 221 63 5 83 74 .233 fO 5 S3 71 2:4 ... 5 5714 72 211 84 5 ;, f8.. ......295 ... 5 !l 78... ,19 7.. 76.. 61.. 34.. 63.. 15.. :.. ....193 ....213 ...,:ii ....231 ... J77 ,2-i .216 .275 40.,.. 66 227 84 120 44 14 84 160 12) 184 44 120 84 8.) 6.3... .....235 84 210 64 213 65 237 67. 242 62 254 87 m 84 216 92.. 193 90 201 78 .201 89 1 80 5 S2Vi SHEEP Thorn' was a fair run of sheep here today as compared with tho receipts of Into and the mnrket did not show much of nny change from tho clos of last week. Wethers sold as high as $,1.i5) and owes sold at 13.00. A bunch of heavy tambs brought 11.25. while a good bunch of lighter weights sold at 11.55. Buyers seenvd to Aant the stuff, but they did not like the Idea of paying steady prices In view of tho declines at other points last week nnd also to the lower tendency today nt Chicago. Prnctlcnlly everything, however, wns iold In fairly good season nt right close to steady prlcos as compared with Friday. Quotations: choice clipped uethcrs. 53.75 5f4.0O; fair to good clipped wethers. W.jOif 3.75; choice clipped ewes, $3.25fi3.50; fair to good clipped ewes. 13.0033.25; choice woolcd lambs, 14.9036.15; fair to good lambs, J 1.70V 4.00; choice clipped lambs. J4.60Jl.iS; fair to good clipped lambs, $4.25Ml.oO: spring lambs. I5.0O1I5.50; feeder wethers, J2.75ys.00; Iceder lambs, J3.26g3.S0. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 1 buck 200 J3 00 1 ewe ICO 3 60 4 native, ewes 142 3 60 19 mixed 81 4 00 129 native lambs and yearlings, lis I 25 1 spring Urali 80 4 50 1 spring lamb 5 '. 15 cull ewes 71 II io 69 stockers, ewes M - 00 41 Nebraska ewes 85 2 .. 156 Nebraska ewes 85 2 .5 9 cull lambs 65 2 m 60 Nebraska ewes 81 2 .5 62 stockers 61 3 ) 63 western ewes M 3 0) 5 cull .buck lambs 72 .1 60 460 western wethers 107 3 CO 121 spring lambs 75 4 65 62 spring lambs 61 5 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHKKT. Choice Cnttln Strndy IIors WVnk Sheep Hinder. CHICAGO, Juno 17.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 2,300 head, including 1,000 Texnns: choice, steady; others weak; butchers' stock slow: choice Texans, sternly; others slow; top Texans, 15.65; good to prlmo steers, J5.fST6.20; poor to medium, Jl.40fl5.30; stock ers and feeders, slow nt J3.o0'if 1.85: cows, J2.70iTj4.90; heifers, J2.75fi5.20; ennners, 12.00 (U2.6S; bulls, J3.00,g-l.6O; cnlvcs, Jl,25fl5.6i; Texas fed steers, J4.25g'5.63; Texas bulls, J2.75(It3.73. HOGS Receipts today, 42.000 head; tomor row. 28,000 (estimated): left over, 6.01U Market opened weak, but closed steady; top, J6.12H; mixed and butchers, J5.75ffi5.07is; good to choice, heavy, J5.yofi6.12ft; rough, henvy, J5.75H5.85; light, J5.7016.O0; hulk or sales, J5.9OR6.02U. SHEEP AND J, A MBS Receipts, 20.000 head: sheen and lnmbs. stendy to 10c higher; spring lambs up to Ji.75; Colorndns, J5.10; good to choice wethers, J3.901j4.23; fair to choice mixed, J3.60f? 4.00: uetcrn sheep. J3.9034.25; yearlings. Jl.oogi.50: na tive lambs, ti.WQb.10', western lambs, Ji.75 05.10. Xtw York Live Stork MnrWrl. NEW YORK, June 17.-BEEVE3-n.c-celpts, 4,(06 head; steers slow and 15c on; bulls steady to a shade lower: mpdlum grade cows 10c off; others steady: ordlnnry to c lolce. J3 02i4Ji6.90: extra, i .00116.15: oxen and stags, J4,C0tj6.00; bulls, J3.ooii 1.70; cows, J2.70S4.10; extra fat cows, Jl.35'o"4.l0; cables steady: exports, none. t--Aiviss itecelpts. 478 Head. Market ac tlvo nnd 50fj75c higher: vculs, jl.50t(6.25; tops. J4.60; culls, J3.50l.00; buttermilks, J3.6094.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, M.OSX hend; sheen more nctlve nnd firm; lambs firm to ISc higher: yrnrllngK, steady; sheep, J2.5O5H.O0: extra , J4.25; cuiu. J1.75'ii2.20; year. lings, J4.2.Vff4.60: lambs Jj.50fi6.ia; two cars extra at J6.y5'ii7.00; culls. J5.(KS6.25. HOGS Receipts, 10,021 head. Market lower; state hogs, Jfi.25igc.35; western quoted nominal at o.iu',(t).. . Kansas City Live Stock Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITY. June 17. CATTLE Re celpts, 2,000 natives, 3,500 Texans. 400 calves nest steers, sieany; common, snnde lower other cattle about Bteady: choice beef steers. JJ.35fi5.H0: fa r to irood. J4.90ff5.30: stockers nnd feeders, J3.60B5.00; Texans nnd Indians. S3.802Tb.30: Texas srassers. tt.VXrti j.ia; cows, m.uiioi.w; nciters, w.brcio.s: can- tiers. J2.25fl2.90: bu is. - J2.90fi4.50: calves. x3.0wi6.zi1. HOQS-Rceclnts. 6.600 head. Mnrket 214 ?6c lower; top, J5.9714: bulk of sales, J5.W now, neavy, Jo.yoH&.uiw: mixed packers, 56.7505.90: light. J5.l5i765: Dins. Ji.60fI5 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.5W head. Market steady? western lambs, J4.25 i5.00; western wethers, J.5Of4.00: yenr lings. J4.0OS4.50: ewes. J3.25H3.75: culls. J2.0U stj.ou; uexns grass sneep, i3.wrja.5o; Texas larnns, M.svtlH.uu; sjiring inmDs, ii.i'auu.o. St. I.onls Live Stock Mnrkrt. CT T rMTta T,,r.n 17 rATTI C,) head, including 600 Texans; market sieany on natives, iuo lower for otliers: steers. J5.00fi6.5O: dressed beef steers. S5.50 cut.7o; steers under 1,000 pounds, J3.75ii5.30: stockers nnd feeders, J2.i5fJ5.00; cows and heifers. J2.00fi3,O5: canners. 1.5W2.85: bulls. J3.0083.65; Texas and Indlnn steers, J3.60 b.15; cows and heifers, J2.50f?4.25. HOGS Recelnts. 4.700 head: market 6c lower: Mrs and llcbts. 5o.50fiD.90: nackers. J5.8506.95: butchers. JS.Oo'Iie.lO. HliBEl' AND LAMBS-llece nts. 1.100 head; market steady; native muttons, J3.50 14.011; lamns, ii,tuiijt.7B; cutis nnci ducks, 2.50fi4.16; Texas muttons, J3.25fJ3.75. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Juno 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 392 head: market steady to 10c lower: natiyes, 4.iitfo.eo; cows ann neirers, w.uow 5.20; veals, J4.00fJ6.60; bulls and stags, (2.75 05.20; stockers and feeders. J2.75ffl.R0. HOGS Receipts, 2,934 head; market stendy; light and light mixed. J5.o2i,if5.92V4: medium and heavy. JS.SaiiiS.flO: nlcs. Jl.OOfi) b.00; bulk of sales, Jo.S7V&fJ5.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.755 head; market steady; lambs, 10c lower. Stock In NlRht. The following tnhlit shows the recelnts of rattle, hogs and sheen at tho four principal live siock manteis dune 11: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, South Omaha l.otil I, 131 42,000 6,500 1,700 4.!ii Chicago. 2,300 20,0 0 I.5HI l.UO Kansas city -." St. Louis 6,900 Totals 12,261 55.951 30,5Mi Slonx City Live Slock Mnrket. SIOUX CITY. June 17.-tSnoclal Tele- gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,100; market steady to lflc lower; beeves, J4.75f5.I5; cows and bulls, mixed, J2.60f3.75; stockers and feeders, J3.50fj4.25; cnlves and yearl- ngs, j3.25g4.GO. HOGS Recelnts. LfViO: market weak to 6c lower, selling, J5.50ff5.87i,4; bjlk, Jo.80. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. June 17.-COKI-'EE-Snot Rio. dull: Nn. 7. Invoice. 6c. Mild, nulet. Cordova, SU?12l4c. Mnrket changed but little and was Inactive today The opening ocal v was steady, witn prices uncnnngeii, Tho close wns steady, with prices net un changed to 5 points lower, in tne intervnl of trading business wns quite of a local professional turn and In tho way of even- ne nn. The foreign news was or nourish iiurport and Brazilian receipts were fully ns ante as anticipated. But offerings wero small and the room trade was Indifferent. Total sales were hut 16,750 bags, Including July at 5.05c;' Sentomber, 6.15c; October, 20c; rsovemner, o.juc; weccmncr, o.iuc; jnn. uary, 5.45c; Marcn, o.osc; .May, 5.ic, Kvnporntrd nnd Dried I'rulls. - NEW YORK. Juno 17. EVAPORATED APPLES The market for evaporated ap ples had a good sale movement today De mand wns of fair volume for choice nnd fancy grades, but prices wero unchanged, although fully sustained, State, common to good. 35oc; prime, SviySc; choice, tutoc; rancy, awuc- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'lTS-lluled dull and nomlnnl; prunes, WMtC per pound, as to slr.o nnd quality; Apricots, Royal, S1fl2c; Moor Park. 7!ic; peaches, peeled, HQlSc; unpecled, fifJIOc. Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. June 17.-WOOL In fair de maud and steady; medium grades, 11817P; light tine, llflltc; heavy fine, 9gilc; tub washed, NV82IVc. NiiKnr .Mnrket. NEW YORK. June 17 -SI'OAR-Raw. steady: fair refining, 2sc. centrifugal, 90 w EDWARD C. now COMMISSION $i,r"?J'tt . ........... .u,,np,ianncn inll1, 1'rlrale Mlrrs la all Important I'olaU l.'atl urn) U'nl. lest 41 'jc, mrinsrs siiKnr, e. refined quirt. NEV f ORLEANS. June 17. Hl'OAl R-Mnr. hot unlet Otien kettle. .1 3.1RHMr: mien kettle. centrifugal. .VVHCr; centrifugal yellow, 4t C?4Hc; second, 2Sl(lc Molasses, dull; ecu- truncal, sjioc $5,00 H MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 1& years In Omaha VARIC0CC1E and HYDROCELE: cured. Method new, without Cilttluir. pr.lu or loss oi time. CV DU1 1 1 ic cured forlltennothspo'son O n I U 1 5J thoroughly cleansed from the system. Soon every sign nnd symptom disappears completely and forever. No "BREAKING OUT" or the disease on the skin or f.ieo Treatment contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicine. WSAK MEN F.xcesses or Victims to Nmvni's DttniLiTV or Exhaustion, WA8TINO WlAKNKSS with KAril.r Drcay In Youno and Midiilk Anr.n. lack of Tim, vigor and strength, with organs Impaired nnd nesk. STRICTURE cured with a new Horns -Treatment, No pain, no detention from bus!' nets. Kidney and lllndrt'r Troubles. CHARGES LOW, ComultiilM I rr f . Trritmt nt by Mall. Call on on or address Q So. 1 4th St, Or. Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neli... NO CUHE, NO PAY. MCN'.-lf J oil small, nesk organs, lust powr or orsktnlnt , drains, our acuum Organ llrlor will rrMoit J on without drugi or f Iff (rlcllyi Stricture and Varlcoc!s permanently eurrd tn I tn 4 wr Ws IA.oOO In upf t not onft fallurei not nns rf turnrdi nct Immediate I no I' ii.ii. r-au.li writ ror rrf partlctl far. ralp1 In i,lnln anvelnr. LOCAL APPLIANCE CO. lit Thtrp Ilk., IKUnipilli, Ind. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure (mpofeucy, Wight Emissions, Loss of 5Ica nrr, an wasting uiseaees, all otlccts of scli.abuo or .. .1 1 .. 1 1 . 1 jtiaiuaD hum iiiuiAtiuuuii. 4r A nerve tonic and jULDioea Dunacr. urtngt tho nliik g!ow to tialo choc.'t nml restores the V,flri of south. By nia , 60e pf,r box. O boxes fr w,r box. U boxes fort. 2.60, with our bankable ganrnntee to cura or refund tho money paid. Scud for circular and CTiyof. our bankable guarantos bend. Nervita Tablets : n.XTRA STRENGTH Immediate Results (YELLOW LADED Positively guaranteed euro for Loss ol Power, Jarlcocolo. Undorolopod or Shrunken Orgnns, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nonous Prnsttn. tlon, Hysteria. Fit", Insanity. Paralysis and tlio Itesults of Excnsdvo U90 of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. Bv mail in plain pnekngn. $1.00 a box, O for $3.00 with our bankablo guar antee bond to euro In 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton .J 'or' I"!., wr.CACO, 111 For ante by Kuhn St Co., 15th and Douglas, BU.. Omaha. Neb.; Ueo. a. Davis, Council III u (Yd, Iowa. Failure in life Is more often due to exhausted nerve force thnu to lack of capllnl. Strong nerves are the capital that iiicu luuqucr conomons. When people lose their cnpltal they set to work to regain it. When we lose our nerve force we ought to seek a menus of getting It ha,ck'.,Tll:rc ls n way certain and scientific feed the nerves, making- them steady and strong as steel. We do not believe they can fait to cure Nervous Debility and physical ex n.iustlon : tliat's why we agree to refund your money if six boxes do not cure you. $1.00 per box; fl boxes S5.00, mailed securely sealed upon receipt of price. Book free. lor sale by Kulin & Co.. J. a. Dillon, Puller Paint & Drug Co.. Omaha; and Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Ic. CHEAPER THAN EVER TO COLORADO and UTAH Dully June 18th to Sent. 10th, 11101 .... VIA THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE no t'.M) Tltll" HATES KROM Omnhn to Dr iver, Coliirndii Sprlusa nnd I'liehlo. (IE July 1 'to 9. CIQ J -'"e IS to 30. 0 U Sept. 1 to 10. Ol3 July 10 to Aug, 3L " Return Limit October 21, 1901. ropiii'lloiiiitcly 4'licnii IIiKch on Hume' ilnten to oilier C'olorndo 11 nil L'tnb. Tourist I'iiIiiIm. Wrlto for details und Colorado literature. C, A. Itutlierroril, lirnl, Ant., l,'l-!l I'niiiiiin St.. Omiilin. CeWitt LSiilo The famous little nllis Fnr IHllousncss. Tomld Liver, Conyti pation, Sick Ilcnrinehe, D!z7liics, in testinal Obstruct tons, Jir.intllco anr" all otliur LivtT nml Unwol Troubles DkWitt'h Liitlh Kauly ItiHUiifl aro unequalled. They act luomptly and never Rrlpo. They are so small thnt thoy can bo taken without any t rouble. Propi'rod l ;'C.O. OoWSii-vGo.. Clilono- oldest: s.irr.sr: iuisti WALL STREET Slonej Will linrn Ilia .Moiiibly Helium The Investor's Kund Pays Suinl-Moiithly. Tin. oldest estuhllslwiil in ,,,,i,.,, certltlcate-holdcr ever lost n 'cent. Pay ments made tu till MIlbHCrlhpru .ivnri- 'm I days. . No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demand, Wrlto today for particulars, free to uny address, C. H. M AI iv I, A- I I),, HiiiIhoii HiiIIiIIiiu, .Ni iv YurK. Teteiihoiiv man, Boyd Comiuissiou Co Successors to James E. Boyd & Co., OMAHA. NEB. COMMISSION UIIAI.N, PROVISIONS AM) STOCKS. Unhid uf Trnde lliillillim, k Direct wires to Chicago nnd New Yorfc l'orrspi'ni1"iic .fohti A v. ihii-i & Co. HEEMAW witn MERCHANTS. Ln Qnlle Ot.. OHICACO. ubiIt nd spec U inukM ettsrs msl ed on riminl. GO PILLS SO r.T5. IP Ik