10 TIE OMAHA DAILY BETS; TITEST)AT, JUKE IS, 1001. THEIR JOBS IN JEOPARDY luiloniiti on Otuntj Board Anxious to Ininie R-Eleotion, SPRING A GERRVMANDER RESOLUTION grhrme In llrnrrntiRn the Cnmtitl iilonrr Districts no thnt tlir niii Incr of the Fusion Force Jlny llnre mi Knny Time. County Commissioners Hoctor and Con nolly, with the silent assistance of Hofcldt, carae out In the open for the first tlmo yes terday with their scheme for gerryman der tho county. It was at tho first ses sion of tho Juno meeting of tho county commissioners and Chairman Connolly re linquished tho chair to Hoctor and then In troduced a resolution to chango tho lines of tho comrnlesloncrs' districts. Tho reso lutlon recites that It Is the duty of tho board to divide the county Into five dis tricts at Its first meeting after the dato of tho publication of tho fodcral census, and then proceeds to define tho districts as fol lows: First District Fourth, Seventh nud Eighth waids nf Omaha. Second Dlitrlct First, Second and Third wards of Omaha. Third District Chicago, Douglas, Elk horn, Florence, Jefferson, McArdlo, Millard, Union. Valley, Waterloo nnd West Omaha precincts. Fourth District City of South Omnha and Clontarf precinct. Fifth District Fifth, Sixth nnd Ninth wards of Omaha nnd East Omahn precinct. Ostrom Make Olijccllitn. Connolly moved that the resolution bo made a special order of business for 10 a. m., Wednesday, Juno 19, and tho motion was about to bo put to a voto, when Mr. Ostrom presented n protest In writing. Mr. O&trom's protest was ngalnst tho In troduction or consideration of a resolution, or any other action, nt tho present session looking to or having In view an alteration of tho dtstrlct lines, for tho reason that tho lines are not subjoct to chnngo oftcner than once In threo years, whereas they wero changed In July of 1800, and for the further reason thnt tho Btatutcs provide ".that district lines shall not bo changed at any session of tho board unless all the commissioners nro present." Commissioner Harto was absent. Mr. Hoctor. as chairman, overruled tho protest, but allowed Mr. Ostrom's demand that It be spread upon the minutes. Connolly then renowed his motion to tako a recess until 10 o'clock Wednesday morn ing and to make the consideration of tho gerrymander resolution a special order of business for that time. The motion pre vailed, Commissioner Ostrom voting In tho negative and Commissioners Connolly, Ho fcldt and Hoctor In tho affirmative The gerrymander proposed by tho reso lution Introduced today has been In con templation by tho fusion majority of tho county board for some months, but, re specting tho law which provides thnt all the commissioners must bo pretent to chango the district lines, the fuslonlBtB have been waiting in vain for a full .meeting. Either Mr. Harto or Mr. Ostrom has been absent from every meeting during tho last few months. Intent of ihr Knlonl. Tho resolution was prcsonted yesterday morning, because the fuslonlsts pretend to bn of tho opinion thnt a redlstrlcttng of tho county Is made mandatory at tho first regu lar meeting of tho boaro nftcr tho dato of the publication of a fedornl census. This Is one of tho questions that will bo In volved In the litigation that Is likely to follow the adoption of the gerrymander resolution on Wednesday. Other questions tq bo Involved will bo whether the board haB a right to change the districts without a full moetlng; whether tho districts havo undergone a chango within throe years, nnd whether tho proposed chango conforms to tho statutory provisions; that each district shall embrace as near as may be nn equal num ber of Inhabitants. That tho districts proposed by the Con-nolly-Hoctor gerrymander do not embrace "as near as may bo an equal number of Inhabitants" ts shown by tho following table: I'roponfd ropu-rropoel I'opu- districts. ltlon.dliitrlct. Utton. rirnt . Sl.tll Fourth tt.141 Kecond SMHFIfth i 1,970 Third I'.f5 Dlai'i-epniiPlm Arc Mnrkril. The Second district, In which Mr. Con nolly expects to run for ro-electton next tall, would havo a population of 36,645, Just 25,091 more than that of the Third district. The First district would havo 5,133 more population than tho Fourth, 19,720 moro than the Third, 3,696 less than the Fifth and 6,371 less than tho Second. Another Important feature of tho pro posed gerrymander would bo tho legisla tion of Commissioner Harto out of his dis trict and out of his office. Mr. Hnrte lives In the Second ward, which the fuslonlsts propose, to take out of the First district and put In tho Second dtstrlct In order to Increase Connolly's chances for ro-elcctlon this fall. Connolly's present district Is the Second, Including tho Third, Eighth and Ninth wards, and It is proposed to tako out tho republican Eighth and Ninth wards nnd substitute the democratic Second nnd the doubtful Third. This change, so Connolly calculates, will mnke tho First district democratic; by about 600 majority. Why Connolly Moved, In contemplation of such a gerrymander Connolly moved out of tho Eighth ward to tho Dellonc' hotel In the Third ward about a month ago. Hoctor Is tho only other commissioner whoso term expires this year, and tho gerrymander is arranged eo as to make his district, the-v Fourth, more reliably democratic by taking out Millard, Mc- Ardle and' Douglas precincts nud leaving It with South Omaha nnd Clontarf precinct only. I'ostnur to He Ilettiierd to One Cent. Tho president who succeeds In getting this measure through congress will hold a high plnco In the esteem of tho people, but no higher, perhaps, than tho esteem In which everybody holds Hostotter's Stomach flitters. This medicine gets nt tho starting point of dlscBso by nctlng on the stomach, helping that organ In Its duty of digesting food. It cures dyspepsia, indigestion, con stipation, stimulates the kidneys and strengthens the nerves, ne sure to try It. SIMMUll KXCIJHSION HATES, Vl the MIlTrnnkee Railway, June 12, 13, 14 and 15, Omaha to Chicago nd return, $14.75. July 4, 5 and 6, Cincinnati and return, $22,50. July S, 6 and 7, Detroit and return, $22. July 20, 21 nnd 22, Milwaukee and return, $14.75. Low rates to summer resorts. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam at. Tel, 284. All resident, members of Deacon lodge No, 20, I. O. O. F., are requested to mcot at ball. Fourteenth and Dodge streets, at 9 o'clock a. m, , 'Tuesday, Juno IS, for purpose of attending the fuueral of our late brothor, Sol Frank. Services at Templo Israel, Twe ntjviecoml nnd Harney streets. Drothers of sister lodges Invited, THOMAS DOWD, N. O. J. L. ALVI30N, Secretary. MORE MONEY IS IN SIGHT Salislantlnl Addition to the Audi torium I'lmil In Atiiiounord Uy Com in I Iter. At the meeting of tho auditorium com mittee yesterdny n subscription of $1,000 by Allen Dros. was reported by J. F. Carpen ter nnd $250 by tho Chicago Lumber com pany was reported by C. II. 1'lckcns. New lists of parties to bo canvassed for sub scription, compiled from the telephone directory, were handed around by President Sanborn to tho various members of tho committee, who wero urged to push the canvass during tho next two weeks. The list comprised about 240 business men and firms, many of them of considerable magni tude. An hour was spent In a discussion of the steps to be taken by tho committee In view of the editorials In Tho Iloo concerning tho auditorium project. Tho mntter was brought up by Home Miller, who declared that tho discussion of the subject In Tho Heo was calculated to embarrass tho com mittee In soliciting subscriptions, and he did not feel llko giving his time, money nnd energy to a project If ho had to bo put on tho witness stnnd every tlmo ho asked anyono to subscribe. C. C. ltosownter said thnt he thought tho nrtlcles In The Dee were cnlculntcd to help the committer to Rccure funds for nn ndequnto building which would servo not only for tho Omaha of today, hut for tho Omaha of ten, twenty or twenty-flvo years henco, In that It would teach tho public what It Is necessary for It to do In the way of contributions. B. K. AndrowM, J. F. Carpenter, W. S, Wright, C. H. Pickens, F. E. Sanborn nnd Clement Chnsn spoko In nbout tho samo tenor ns did Mr. Miller nnd upon motion of C. S. Elguttcr a motion prevailed In structing tho secretary to Invito tho ad visory board, of which Mr. Uosewntcr Is a member, to be present at tho meeting Thursday afternoon. A report was submitted showing thnt tho profits it the recent Auditorium ex position wero $1,200. Another report Bhowcd book sales to tho rauslcul festival to havo reached $9,050, and sales of con cessions $270. Tho box ofllco Bales wero $1,421.25 for the first week and $1,311.35 for tho second, mnklng tho total receipts 112.- 032. BURGLAR MAN GETS BUSY Itinmneka Several Holmes nnd Then Hnriileiily I)lmiitienrn from Vler. Residents of North Twenty-fourth street spent soversl of tho early hours yesterday morning In searching for a stocky burglar, who wasn't found. About 2 o'clock W. II. McKay of 5135 North Twenty-fourth street was awakened by n man who was mnklng n dcllbcrnto senrch through a bookcaso In nn adjoining room. Mr. McKay thought It was a ntrnnge hour for tho use of n rcfcrcnco library. Tho searcher for Information waa a short, heavy-net man. Mr. McKay shouted at tho man nnd asked him what ho wnnted. Tho myste rious visitor disappeared as though tho earth hnd swallowed him up. A diligent search of tho house was made and finally mo search sprcnil through tho entire neighborhood. It was discovered that burglars had paid a visit to several houses In the neighborhood. Hugh Armstrong of 5115 North Twenty- fourth streot was the heaviest loser. Money and clothing wero taken from his house nnd thoro wns every evidence that tho placo had been thoroughly ransacked by a skillful thief. Hefore taking Mr. Arm strong's purso tho thief laid otit n number of checks and other papers which might have given tho officers a clue. An attempt was nlso mndo to gain entrance to tho homo of Fred Youngs. RIWE COMPANY II0S LOW Certain Cliumc In llentlnir I'rnpiml. Hon Milken Clinntte In the Sltnntlon. A clnuso In the nrnnnsnl suhmliinH iv John Rowo & Co., for tho Installation of tho heating nnd ventilating plant nt tho High school hns provoked considerable discussion, Tho nowe bid on the work wns $16,900. This wns read In an odoii meeting nf the board. J. J. Hanlghcn offered to do tho work ror $16,800. Upon closer examination it wns found that tho Rowo hid rnntnlnnrl tho following clnuse, "If eastern contractors win bo allowed to do galvanized Iron work, deduct $1,350." Making this deduction, thn hid u tir. . 550, or much less than the bid of Hanlghcn, wno was originally supposed to havo been the low man. Upon examining tho specifi cations It is found that thoro Is no pro vision which would prevent any bidder from having tho galvanized Iron work d nnn nut of the city. A committee from tho Metnl vorners- union protested against having tho galvanized iron work rinnn hv nnn. union labor. Mr. Ilowe has announced that no will havo thu work dono In a union shop In Chicago, In case he gets the contract. Although the local metal workers prefer to have the work dono In Omaha, tholr opposition was less pronounced. ECHO OF REDELL CASE Attorney Mnkr UlTnrt to llnre. Hear ing Ailvnnccd on Supreme Court Docket, The attorneys for John Redell. ex-flro chief, have signed a motion requesting that tho supreme court advance the hearing on the appeal from the decision of Judge Es- tollo that tho Hoard, of Flrn nnd Poll Commissioners has no right to try and dis miss members of tho fire department. City Attorney Connell will nroscnt this motion to the supremo court this morning. He will ask that the case bo ad vanced on account of Its great publlu Im portance. Today the suprome court will end Its sitting for the present term. It will be tmposslblo to havo the hearing In the Itedoll case beforo September, even If tho caso Is advanced. Clinmlierlnln' Colic, Cliolern and lllnrrhorn Kenn-ily Is tho best nnd most popular medicine In uso for bowel complaints. It never falls and Is pleasant to take. Mr. R.. Woodward of Rosslyn, Ky says: "I have handled Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy for twelve yeurs, havo never sold n bottle that did not glvo perfect satisfac tion and It Is the best soiling diarrhoea medicine that I hnndle." For sale by all druggists. Elltht Trnlna to 11 u (To In from Chicago dally via Lake Shoro & Michi gan Southern railway, Including two new ones Just placed In service, leaving Chicago 3:00 and 8:30 p. m and reaching Buffalo the next morning at 6:50 and 10:30 re spectively. Now Pittsburg service through sleeper from Chicago 10:30 p. m., reaching Flttsburg 11:15 the next morning Low rate Pan-American and Tourist tickets now nn sale. Send 4 cents In stamps for Interest ing printed matter. B. r. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas City. F. M. Dyrou, G. W. A., Chicago, Srnd articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Dee. We will gve tbem propor legal Insertion. Telephone 23S. Tubllsh jour UkI notrcti m Tb Weekt; Dee. Telephone 238. MINISTERS AND CITY MORALS! Union Adopti a Sit of Hetolutioni Advccnoy of Roform. in COMPROMISE REACHED BY THE FACTIONS litremlM of lloth llrnnehr (Jive AVny to n Moderate Hxtirrsslon of Sentiment on the Vexed flue itlo ii. The nllcgcd degeneracy of Omaha's morals and n feasible means of Improving them tho problem which has been ngltntlng tho clergy of the city for some two months past wns finally settled onco for nil as fnr ns tho preachers nro concerned by tho passing of n compromise resolution nt tho regular meeting of tho Ministerial union yesterday morning. It rends: Tho Ministerial t'nlon of Omaha declares Us conviction thnt the good nnme of our city Is being Injured nnd tho moral wel fare of our people Imperilled by tho con tlntinl and unrestrained violation of Inw. Not in wneiik of other lmtnnces. this Is especially true of the laws relating to gambling nnd tho suln of liquor. It Is u matter of common knowledge that gambling In varied forms Is openly carried on through slot machines nnd games of clmnce In many places throughout tho city. It is a matter of equally common knowledge Hint ma snioons nuimunuy violate innny features of tho law under which they are licensed, especially under tho laws requir ing their doors to closo on Sundny and forbidding tho sale of liquor to minors and drunkards. Wo en 11 upon tho mayor, who has re cently demonstrated his power, to correct nt least part of these evils, to observe his otnclnl oath In tho full nud continued en fotcemint of all laws and ordinances. Wo call upon tho law-abiding citizens of Omaha to assert themselves In nil possible ways against tho contempt for law nnd tho consequent Injury to tho mornl welfare of our city. This expression represents n gcncrnl 'monn between tho opinions of two factions of tho local ministry. It wns presented by a special cumralttoo of five nnd wns passed unanimously, Itovs. Hatch, Her ring, Hirst, Martin nnd Jcnks comprised tho committee. There was no discussion. This mntter has twlco before been con sidered by tho union. At tho regular meet ing n month ago It enmo up, nnd again nt n special meeting called a week Inter, Neither tlmo wns tho body nblo to ngrco upon tho resolutions presented by tho com mlttco appointed for that purpose, nor were tho members to nny extent unified as to what should bo done. Tho moro radical desired to indulgo In somo bitter censuro of tho nuthorltlcs. Others advocated doing nnd saying nothing nt all nbout it. Be tween theso two maximums other clergy men rnnged themselves nlong by degrees. Tho formal expression flnallv adopted yesterday morning Is acknowledged to bo n concession on tho part of both factions. About twenty ministers attended tho meet ing. Seven Yenrn In lied. "Will wonders ever ccaso?" Inquire of the friends of Mts. L. Peaso of Lawrence, Knn. ' They know sho had been unablo to lcavo her bed In seven years on account of kldnoy nnd liver trouble, nervous prostra tion nnd genornl debility; but, "Three bot tles Of Electric Bitters enabled mo to walk," sho writes, "and In three months I felt llko a now person." Women suffering from hndachc, backacho, nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells will find It a priceless blessing. Try It. Sat isfaction Is guaranteed by Kuhn & Co., only 50c. CIIHAI Tit II TO CALIFOIIMA. Vln nurlliiKtnn Itonte. $52 round trip to San Francisco, Los An geles, San Diego and many other California points. Tuesday, Juno 18. Tickets good for return for twenty-one days. Personally conducted excursion In through tourist sleeper leaves Burlington stntlon nt -8:40 o'clock Tuesday morning. Through standard sleeper for San Fran cisco leaves Burlington station at 4:25 p. m. dally. Tickets, 1502 Fnrnara streot. Knit to Sennlinre nnd .Mountain lienor!. Atlantic City, Capo May and principal re sorts on New Jersey coast nro senshoro terminals of Pennsylvania System. Trains from Chicago connect nt Philadelphia and New York with trains for Attnntlo const. Resorts In New England nro reached through New York, to which six trains run dally from Chicago over Pennsylvania Short Lines. For details npply to H. R. Derlng, A. G. P. Agt., 218 South Clnrk St., Chicago. Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgery.Brown blk MOSSBAGKS OR PROGRESSORS. Shall wo go hack and do business ns we did 25 yeurs ngo sit nrnund the stove and wait 'till customers come In hold him up on full prices (and more on somo articles) do a little volume of business making ex penses nnd a "cheap skato" living allow tho stock to get old nnd tlnnlly become n the Omnha drug trust would like us to do-a BACK NUMBER OUUSELVES-or shall wn push tho business, Increase the volume have a quick sale nnd small prollt system, and havo new coods bo un to dnto In fact run a drug store llko the Deutsche ApomcKer uoes, winch is tho store tnat made It nosslblo to get drugs at cut rate prices? Even though there Is a drug trust in town. AVo nro not In It. Peruna 75a Laxative Bromo Qulnlno 15c Carter's Liver Pills 15c lllro's Root Beer ,,, ISc Malted Milk I0o Temptation Tonlu "So 1 doz Qutnlue capsules, 2 grain 7c 1 doz. Qulnlno capsules, 3 grain 10c 1 doz. Qulnlno capsules, 5 gruin 15c OUimCrCIf O Drugstore. Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. Kith nnd Chleniro. Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. TRUST OR NO TRUST SKI. I, 'lM AT TIIHSK PRICES OR BUST $1.50 Fellow'u Syrup $1,25 $1,00 Peruna 75c $1.00 LUterlno 75c C5c Castorla 25c 25c Cutlcura Soap 20c 25a Packer's Tar Soap 20a 20c Pears' Soap 12c 75c Hall's Catarrh Curo 05c 25c Mcnnen's Talcum Powder 15a 25o Carter's Pills 15c 25c Bromo Qulnlno 15c 25c Schlltz Malt 15c 60c Hoff Mnlt 40o 75c Mellln's Food C5o 60c Syrup of Figs 40c 25a Allcock's Plasters 15a 50a Malted Milk 40a Theso prices aro tho lowest In tho city and we sell 'em. FULLER 3 CO., II 111 and nongln 9ta. (t Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE . Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900. F. R. RICE M. Q. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE monument for fallen hero Reversed Ciiuiion Murks t lie Spot Where Colonel Hubert Wns Killed. Through tho efforts of Major Kulp of tho medical department of tho nrmy n monument hns been erected In memory of Colonel Harry Clay Egbert of tho Twenty-second United States Infantry upon tho spot In tho Philippine Islands where he fell whllo leading his regiment In notion, March 27, 1899. Tho largest ennnon tnken by tho American troops from the Insurgents nnd Incidentally ono used to defend tho American ndvnnco on Mnlolos, stands with Its breech skyward nnd Its muzzle In tho ground, tho "revcrso nrms" compliment to tho dend. Surrounding tho bnsc of this gun nro four 13-Inch shells tnken from the same enemy. Tho . gun Is an S-lnch steel Krupp ennnon, weighing 5.7S0 pounds, onco n pluco of Spanish ordnance, but later used by the Filipinos, Two-thirds of tho cannon Is below, tho bnso nnd embedded In tho ground. "Tho base Itself reaches to tho trunnions and Is mndo of Mnrlvcles stono covered with n cement cont pnlnted whlto. Tho shells nro disposed nt tho corners of tho bnso and llko tho gun nro cnnmelcd blnck. PRICES 19 JE INCREASED Omnhn Cluli i.uneneoiiH (in Up 'I'm enty-KI vi! Per Cent July J , "On July 1 these goods will be marked up 25 per cent" ts tho edict promulgated by tho directors of tho Omnha club. Tho order relates only to the noondny luncheon, which for several years hns been spread for tho benefit of rlub members. Pntrons of tho luncheon who hnvo all that tlmo bean signing checks for 40 cents will sign them for 50 cents nftcr tho' first of tho month. In tho announcement of the chango tho explanation Is ottered that tho Incrcaso Is forced by tho Increased eost of materials. Tho ralso. In price, so far ns tho present order goes, will not affect the other Items on tho club blll-of-fnro thnt nro served to members separately from tho noonday luncheon. (KIT HIS IIAIIt ll.VCIC. V'n l'rrfeetlj- llnld IVIipn He Started to I'ne .VfMvliro'n llerpielde. Frederick Mnnuell, Mnrylnnd block, Butte, Montnna, bought n bottlo of Now bro's Hcrplcldo April fi, 1S99, nnd began to uso It for entire bnldnesr. In 20 days, ho says, ho had hair all over his head, nnd on July 2 ho writes, "nnd today my hair Is ns thick nnd luxuriant na nnynno could wish." Nowhro's Herplrlde works on nn old principle nnd with a now discovery destroy tho cause nnd you rcmovo tho ortect. Hcrplcldo destroys tho gnrm that causes dnndruff, falling hair nnd flnnlly baldness, so that with tho causo gono tho effect cannot remain. Stops falling hair at onco and stnrts tho now growth In n week. Very j,nw llntes, $14.75 to Chicago and return Juno 12, 13, 14 nnd 16. Good till September 15. Corre spondingly low rates during tho summor to Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Buffalo ex position. All via "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE," 1401-1103 Farnam stroet. Special facilities for securing low rates, berths nnd Information regarding steamer trips on tho great jakes. Attention, Modern 'Woodmen! Mombers of Beach camp aro requested to nttend tho funeral services of Neighbor Sol Frank, which will bo held Tuesday, Juno IS, at 10 a. m., at Templo Israel, Twenty fourth and Hnrnoy strcots. A. T. BENSON1. V. C. F. WHITMARSH, Clerk. Made of Cream Our lee erenin In made of pure crenm not n lilt of milk or uuv nilnl ternnt or chenpener. Tho FI,A VOHI.Vti I pnre nnd liiirmlen. Our lee crenm and our xodii In pure rnoiiKh fnr leW folkN nnd ehllilren, DelleloiiN tnmtliiur eniiili to mnke jou remember (lint ours Is the lie.it. Sherman &McConne!l Drug Go. "Tho Drug Sloro on tho Corner." SIXTEENTH AND DODGE STREETS. The Chicago Record has 61 of these Type writers In daily use YOST If you want typewriter, why not come first wher you can se EVERY GOOD SORT OF TYPE WRITER In Its best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all machines. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The finest catalogue ever issued Is yours tor the asking. Writeor"call. United Typewriter and Supply Co., 1014 Vmruam St., Ouinba. E3 PERFIELD Weber Pianos BEE BLDG,, ROOM 7. WORK to Make a Good 10c CIGAR GANG KNOWN IN ST. LOUIS'1 til I eli Itreently .Mode liy Omnhn Po lice In Iteunided un Important, Chief Donnhue received n letter yesterday from C. (1. Olllnspy, netlns chief of pollco of St. Louis, saying that tho Rang of con fidence workers rnlded hero last week nro well known In tho Missouri metropolis, lies slo Moore, tho woman now nwnltlng trial hero on tho charo of robbing a man of $17, Ii known there, ho snys, ns Ucsslo Mantel, Tho woman who gavo tho namo of Miss Hall Is tho widow of Frank Kelso, who committed sulcldo In tho Jail nt Ilos ton, Tex. Tho three men aro nleo well known there. With tho letter was Inclosed a rogue's gal lery picture of ono of thorn, known as Ed ward Mcl.aln, alias Charles Moore. All nro "good people," ho says. Miilt-Nulrlnc has tho unanimous endorsement of tho medical profession ns n truo tonic nnd strength-builder. It Is prepared by the fn mnus Anheusor-Rusch Brewing association, which fuct guarantees tho purity, excel lence nnd merit claimed for It. The best ready-to-wear woman's shoe in the world. Tho SS.fiO shoo value sold everywhere for S3.&0 that's Sorosls, Don't nsk for your size, nsk to bo fitted. Sorosls have lifting nunlltlcs possessed by no other lino of women's line shoes nnd when properly lltted nro tho most comfort able nnd up-to-dato footwear on tho mar ket. Tho price Is nlways tho samo $3.50 any leather nny weight sole and till tho new shapes. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th Street, Frank Wilcox, Muunitcr. Send for Catalogue. LATEST DRUG CUTS $1.00 Lambert's Llstcrlno 75c $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Curo 75c $1.00 Pc-ru-na 75c 25c Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills 15c 25c Rromo Qulnlno 15c 2Sc Allcock Piasters 15c 35c Castorla :5o COc Fig Syrup 40c $1,25 Warner's Snfo Curo $1.10 $1.25 Vln Murlana $1.15 $1.75 Pond's Extract $1.50 $1.75 S, S, S $1.50 $1.C0 Fellow's Syrup $1,23 $3.75 Malted Milk $3.23 $1.00 Malted Milk 80c 50c Malted Milk )0c 25c Mcnnen's Talcum Powder 15c 25o Packer's Tnr Soap 20c 25o Colgate's Talcum Powder 19o $1.00 Dutfy Malt Whiskey 000 25c Cutlcura Soap :oc Myers-Dillon Drug Co. lUtli and Fur 11 11 in Sts. If AVIlFIt MI ULUS Tn iw. i;. i. ...... mi i ... ...I, uguui iiuum a.uuHtiay. xne most asionisiiing bargains ever given in Omaha. dii-in. Cotton Foulards, worth 39c. at 12.U Scotch Lawns, fast colors 10 cases of tine Corded Dimity, regular 10c, goods, in all the new spring colorings.. 5 cases of real Irish Dimity Urn ml, -never sold for less than 15o yard 0 cases of 3(i-in. line liatiste, regular "25c goods , , , 1 case of extra line finished Black Satin regular 15c goods 1 case Dotted Swiss Muslin, worth 18c'.. 5 cases of Pineapple Tissue and Tissue An tique these goods are sold from 10c to 25c on Tuesday 3 cases of tine Pique, in white evening shades regular 15o Remnants Remnants of Lawns, worth 10c lc Remnants 30-ln. Percales, worth 12Hc, 2V4o Romnants of Wool Dress Goods So Shaker Flannel, worth lOo 2a Art Drapery, worth 12V4c 5c Sllltollne, worth 15c go i yards of flno Crepon tho regular $1.50 goods entire pattern will co nt $1.98 Another Crepon, 4 yards for 08c Silks in Bargain Room 25 pieces of new Facono Silk, worth 30c per yard i5c THE BIG SALE OF SILKS from the Alex Schwartz, Rosen & Co,, Is tho b'lggest kind of a success. Tho silk bar gains for Tuesday nro most wondorful. Two bargains that no lady In Omaha should miss. This sale for two hours Those famous silk sales nre what bring the people. Wo glvo just what wo ndvertl'so nnd you nro never disappointed. Two hours from 9 until 11 o'clock Tuesday mornlne in the big silk department. ' 111 100 pieces all colors a limited quantity to each customer on sale liJC 500 pieces of tho finest kind of Wash Silk, plain' whfto ami 'biacit ' Fancy Silk, worth $1,00; Ilrocndes, Taffetas, In good heavy rustling quality; nn shades mm fancy silk for dresses all for two hours remember the tlmo from S O 9 until 11 o'clock, nt Groceries Largo bottles .Mixed Pickles 8 Largo bottlo Sweet or Sour Pickles. ...H Threo full .pint bottles Pure Tomato Catsup Threo onus Condensed Milk Four cans Oil or Mustard Sardlno Fo.ir bars Wool Soap 10 burs best Laundry Sou Perfection Starch, per package Hlcetrlo Lustre Starch, nor packngo ., Elastic Starch, per packugi) IXL Starch, per package Defiance Starch Magnetic Starch Laundry Starch, per pound 4 pounds Sago 4 pounds Tapioca 4 pounds Farina 4 pounds Carolina Rico 10. pound sack flrahatn lO-pound sick Ryo Flour 10-pound sack of Corn Meal Corn Starrh, per packago l-3c l-3c 23c 25c 23c lllc 25c 6c 5c 6c 6c 6c 6c 4Hc 2:c 25o 23o 25c 10c 19c HC Fruit Sale Fresh Apricots, per dozen, 10c, Fresh California Peaches, per dozen, 15c. Cholco Lemons, per dozen, We. AYDEN BROS I DON'T KICK A MAN braska clothing" gives better satisfaction both ways. High price kills the one Low quality kills the other Your money back if we fail to please you. I SEE FARNAM STREET WINDOW. I Good Looks nro spoiled by decayed or discolored tooth. We will make your TEETH look line, If you let us fix them. Gold Crowns $5.00 Gold Fillings $1.50 up. Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. eURSEpFDRM WHITE DOVE CUKE never fntto to drmoy crav HiK iur Pirunff unnic, inn up cult after uninK till, reined thn firinetltn for which nsnnot till, remedy. (Ilvrn In any liquid with orwIlhoutknovlodKeof rati aiienit iR.ieirt'i iir; Sherman & Mct.'onncll ami Kuhn ti Co., druKEliti 2nd D& of the Roberts, Gainer 8c Powell Stock Sale mi . , ... 1 case of ladies' Ho ',Uc He. uc Tic 5c 2 cases of line everywhere all will go at 10c and all the goods 5c 1 case of Lace jj pieces or .'1-inch flno Satin, regular GOo goods 3jj0 5Q pieces of Liberty Satin, regular 75c Roods, will go nt 39c 11)0 short lengths In waist stripes, worth $1.00 yard ' 39c 50 pieces of flno Printed Foulards, sell .everywncro at fiOo to 75c 38c 100 pieces of Plaids, Stripes and Fancy Silks, worth from 50c to $1.00 yard, nil will go at 25U Notions 200-yard Spool Cotton Thread lc I ueming nros.' Silk Thread, 240 yards i Best Sowing Silk worth 25c 10c Dried Fruit Ruby Prunes, per pound 6c Largo Santa Clara Prunes, per lb 7tc California Mulr Peaches 8 l-flc i-Vur in Vi"unty Knt'J' Peaches, lb.. 10c I'ancy ban Josq County PcnrH, per lb. 10a Crackers Wo havo lust contracted for 5 cars Crack ers and Cnkrs. to bo delivered to ub as wo need thorn. Tho goods will thus bo fresh and crisp every day at prices below regular fuctory cost. Soda Crackers, Olngcr Snaps, Butter Crackers, Oyster Crackers, 6o pound. Orongn Sweets, regular cost 12ijc; our price, hic Sugar Molasses Cakes, cost 12lc; our price, 8 l-3c. Cunterbcrry (new), regular cost, 15c; our price, 10c, Jelly Fingers, regular cost, 15c; our prlco 12fec. Klondike Specials, regular cost, 15o; ojr price, 12Vjc German Honey Cake, regular cost, 15c; our price, 12'4c Jiccuuso hp Happens to disagree witli you in trilling mutters. A 'good follow" is the neutral man, He provokes no opposition; is never the subject, of criticism ov the ob ject of censure. If you havo doubts nbout our selling you first-elnss goods nt low figures, try a small purchase first, and yon shall have no reason to "kick." A cheap article at a low price is no bargain; but a good article for little money is a business secret open with us. Some Men Think. A high-price tailor only can give satisfaction. Others think cheap nindo-to-order clothes is the only thing. More Men Think Nebraska clothing is better than cheap made-to-order clothes, nnd cheaper in price than the high price tailor, so there's where "Ne MONET Refunded nnteoDr.Kny'iiKcnovtor I P? Hon. liver and klnoi.cSraTiSt?T. r, nl!.rlCr.llC,own ,or 011 chron 0 dl "0Se; J?,.,cs nd InvlRorates 1 ho whole system and McutUmgitlatB. tir.U. J. Kay, Saratov. N?v; Dress Denim, worth 12Ac Be imported Pique, sold always at I'oc 2 cases of St. Gaul Swisses, in all the, deli cate shades, as well as linen shades, reg ular 35c and 50c goods, all will go. at... 10c 15c. 1 case of old Kentucky Flax Linen-'for la dies' skirts, sells at 15c and 19c, our price, 5c 15 pieces of 3(5-in. Mercerized Foulards, sells all over at 25c to 30c, our price will be 12JC WHITE GOODS IN THE BARGAIN ROOM, 1 case of 3-in. India Linon, in book fold, regular 12ic goods' 5q 1 case of White Dimity, regular 10c 3ic Stripes, worth 15c 7c 15c Ribbons Ed 25c Ribbons ioj 5c nnd lOo Embroideries j0 15c nnd 25c Laces 440 23c Laundry Hags lOo 25c Perfect Ladles' Belts lo t Furnishings Goods 50c Comets J3a 39o Underwear i5o 200 dozen of 50c nnd 75c men's nnd boys' Fancy Shirts 20o Special salo on CROQUI2T SETS 45c to. $3.00. Special sale on HAMMOCKS, 65c to $5,00J Special for Tuesday 1 lot of men's flno Halo and mercerized Shirts nnd Drawers, worth $1.00 and $1.25 on salo nt 60a All sizes and every garment warranted perfect. Grand Handkerchief Salo Tuesday " Soo window. Tho best values In Hand-; kerchlofs over put on sale. For Tuesday only. Newsboy Jumbles, regular cost, 15c; our price, 12V?:. j,ahy Mix, regular cost, 15c; our price- Cocoa Tnffy, regular cost, 16c; our prlco Cocoa Cream liar, regular cost, COc; our price, 16c. Walnut Marshmallow, regular cost, 20c; our price, 15c. Chocolate Marahmallow, rcgulnr cost, 20c; our price. 15c. Moss Wafers, regular cost, 20c; our price, 15c. chocolate Fingers, regular cost, 20c; our prlco, 15c. Meats and Lard No. 1 Sugar Cured Hnms, 10V4C. Chipped Dried Hoof, 15c. Fancy Breakfast llacou, 12!$c. liest brand Ilolosna. 6c UnnelcHs Corned Ileof, 7c. Young America Cheese, 12Wc. Wisconsin Ilrlck Cheese, 12!ic. Ilnynl Luncheon Cheese, per Jar, Sc. Krltzer Case Cheese, each. 7o. lO.Doim.l tiatlH Puro Leaf Lard. 0c. Fancy IC. K K K Norway Herring, iOe,