THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. JVXE 17. 1901. 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Adrertiaeraeat for these colorant rill W taken ttntll 12 m. for tlio evening edition and nntll ft 30 p. m. fur moraine and Snndas edition. Ratta, I l-lle? a nnrd Ural Insertion, le a ward thereafter. Nothlair taken for lets than 25c tor the flrat Inaer ttna. Tbfif adTertUemeat malt ran roaseeotlrely. Advertisers, hy reqaeatlaa "" fcered cheek, can have nmneri ad dreaaed to a nam tiered letter In ears f The Dee. Ana era ao addressed HI be delivered oa preaentattoa f tka akeak aalr. WAMCU-MALC HELP. W ANTED We have steady work for a few good hustlers of gouu habit and appear ance C. F Adams Co., iflui Howard St. B Ml BARBER trade taught thoroughly In abort t.tne. eataiorur arid particular free. vieterr. 1'trMn' Institute. Omaha, Neb. B U W ANTED, man with horse and light spring wagon, in; Howard fet. B-M4S JJUhTUNQ and energetic men. dont be idle, writu the Hwks Nursery Co., Mil waukee. VU., Icr i.ecial terms and ter ritory. B M&46Jeil- THE Equitable Lite d Ntw York will make Ueiirabli contracts with ont or V"m 's' A ooJ renewal contract li 4 w,.k,cu iv me rt(,uL 1z3a.11 jieierrnces ti to Integrity ana ability to aeboropany Applications. C. A. riteyn. Manager, Denver, Colo, B AH Is Yt'' NO men, our Illustrated rataloa-ue ex i 'in how e teach barber trade in elgct eevs, mailed tree. Moier Hurbtr Col lege, 1C3 f'arnam St. B ilcii a 'jMVi good moulders, steady employment. Fremont Foundry 6l Mathlne to, Fre rr. nt. Nfb. B-MST 17 2 HAVE a vacant house and work br the month on a horticultural farm for a mar ried man. Thro Williams. Bensun. Nen. li-CK 17 MEN (.aHlng en the retail urocer trade in western Iowa and all of Nebraska can net a new lae Hnc. a good rt-peater lhat lii be well adveruscd. Ak-xandrr Jj'.obsn Co., 1(6 Bee iiltXs , l-elore l m B M7wj 15 TO SMOKERS V hsn you have grown tired pf the brand Lt cigars you are now smklnr and feel .it doubt, try the Frince of Omaha; you will rind it suited to your lattc. lt is a pure healthy smoke, as lt -contains noth. ing but the vcrv but of toh(w snrt made by skilled workmen; Its equal can-! rot be duplicated in I smokes, to deal- i ers, 7 " per thousand. Manufactured 1 by the W F. Stoecker Cigar Co. Save me nanus oi me moecKer cigar. If WANTED, correspondence with civil en Klnser relative to plans for water works and electric light plants. Address L. 11. Hertert, town clerk. Pierce, Neb. B-MSil 19 WA.TIU FEJ1AL.K HELP. ' WANTED. SOS girls. lUi Dodge. Tel. S7t C-.M0 . WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator, must hav had good experience. Apply room 2. Bee building. C-6J RELIABLE help. Canadian oflce, Doug CBi WANTED, bright, capable lady to travel and arotnl agents; must be in good health, unincumbered and furnish nrt .. references, salary JIM per month and all expenses, position permanent, no experltn 'e necessary. Sales Dept.. itjj Star Bldg.. Chicago. c-M3 u LADIES wanted to learn halrdreslnc. manicuring and facial massage. We guarantee to qualify girls for dipjomas In lour wi-eks, complete .outfit of tools given each graduate, positions guaranteed at ??:'0 "f,J"2K1' Clllt or rile. Moler College, 163 Farnam St C MC2S a WANTED, housekeeper in family of three work light; permanent position and pleas ant home to rlgh? rany. Address v U. Bee. C-MC1' WANTED, competent, girl for general housrsrorlL; Jtrs." B. A. -McTAtlsjlerT C7 W lrt atreeU C-64 WANTED A girl for general housework in a family of two. M6 s. toth St. C-M707-H FOR UUT HOt'SES. IF YOU want your houstss well rented place them with Brcnaw-a. 6t Co. D-a TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage Co.. umcc liilh rarnuts, or tel. D jj HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city lirennan-love Co., Ui Suutli th street. D iit HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-45J SEE HENRY B. PAY'NE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. d at HOUSES, etc F. D. Wead, IKi Douglas. D-J7 HOUSES and Cats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D bis HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D-y 1227 SPRUCE ST.. f-room house, oltv nu. and kitchen on each floor, suitable for iwo lamiues, io. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ISth and Douglas Sis. D 655 TO LET. elegant large IS-room home; lars lawn and barn, ITS per month. .V. Farnam Smith Co., 1110 Farnam St. J-F.OOM house, bath and closet, 36th' and Charles. Monroe ic Co., Ul N. ICtb St, D MMl U14 K ST.. South Omaha, f-rcom cottage in good repair; rent, IU.0U. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ICth and Douglas Sis. D MfCl MODERN "-.-oom flat, J4th and Farnam, KK. H. B. Graham. D M159 NEW. dainty Cottage, t rooms. 3th Ave, and Dodge: ready June 1. strictly up-to-date. Call ISOS Dodge St. D 1110 11-ROOM modern house, !41l Capitol ave nue. The O. F. Davis Co., 15J Bee Bldg. D-SM FIVE unfurnished rooms; all modern, mi North irnd 6u D J77 f-ROOM cottage, with w-atr. Wild ae. UU Park KJ 8. 3D ST.. nlcs front room flat, city irr in aiicnen. tt. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. D-7 FOR RENT-4174 Cass St: very desirabia modern cottage, large yard, good barn, I17.C0. 4170 Chicago St., lO-room modem, freshly riatedandpiipered, large yard, good Patterson' & Ytter, 43 Paxton Block. D-ST- RIX-ROOM modern cottage, southeast cor ner 11th and Pacific D 6lfr M$ 8. :STH. lC-roora brick, modern. D-MS71 AN ELEGANT APARTMENT In the AL BION, 10th and Pacific it., of FIVE ROOMS, Janitor service, telephone, gas ranges, laundry, electric light or gas, shades and awnings, good neighbors. Wa will also have a SWELL SIX-ROOM apartment In the WINONA by July L Coma In and tea us. PATNE-KNOX CO Main floor, N. T. L. Bldg. D-tt 54: CAPITOL AVE S rooms. 125. D-MS7J South Omaha, good houses, good condl- OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO , ICth and Douglas Sts. D- NEW ?-room strtctlr modern, detached. N. W. corner 3(th and Jackson, south and east front, stable, awnings for all win dows, possession July 1, only IS. Bemls. . ivn I L 9V. TOR RENT, for summer, completely fur- nitnrq, nr.cint nous in nee location Addr W U, Bet, D MMl IP ron rent 1101 ses. .1 ArlTOL A f , I fw, ro-derr, tT, I Cass St y roo and barn nwlerr. . W4 N :"th St 4 rooms. W, other. Ulnrwait Br"? Barker WmcIc P-MTM ran heni-fiunished noons. DEWEY, European hotel, llth and Finiim. E- TUB TH I' RST0N7 coH. alir rootn E IM HOUSEKEEPING roams, K up. ZCZt Eu Marys. E tit JC3 NICELY furnished room, modern, m Farnam street, third floor, west, tele phone LI429 E-MS45 V THREE rooms. Hght houstkeeping. 111! Caulk H IT SflTE of ! or S larce. cool, well-furnished rooms; modern, phone, etc. lit S. 3th st E-MIjO S CHOICE, nealy furnUhed rooms, thor oughly modem. ST Douglas. E MJ Sl'lTE of two front rooms, well furnlthd. US S. th- su E Mt57 LARGE front room and alcove, modern. ill No. Sd it. E Mt K SINGLE or enjsulte; south front. 2176 Har ney. E MT6S NEWLY patred room for llcht house keeping; pood location. Dodee st. E-M79i 1W FARNAM, furnished rooms: reasonable E-M7C II' A LARGE fjtnished- front room, with nlcove, gas and bath, r No. lth E M7M KtllMJHEI) ROOMS AU BOARD. UTOPIA. 17n Davenport St. F SSS day. 1CP Dodg. F JCt THE Merriam, summer resort. S A Dodcc, F NICE south room. Th Pratt, Z S.Sth EL F-iU TWO large front rooms, with beard. W) Capitol ave. F-MM7 THE ROSE, SOW Harney; rooms and board. F-M MJyi: ROOMS and board in private family 1511 Davenport. F MfrM 5u FRONT room,, first class board 2.1 Har ney. F MMO U Fon nnnT r5i'iniiinD noosis. DESK room space; JJ per month, ground Cooi room In The Bee building, facing Farnam street: no expanse tor light, heat or janitor sen-ice. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Ageptr, Bee b-jlldlng. G 416 FOR HEAT-STORES ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT, store m flrst-clas location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters St Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg, I i6 FOR RENT, the butldinc formerly oeeu- piea vj j ue see n i i-arnam et, jt nas i four stories and a basement which was . formerly used as the Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If imrrriira appiy at once to C Hose water, secretary, room 1W, Bee building, I-ISl AGENTS WASTED. WANTED, canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions for THE TWENTIETH ("KSTt'ItY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.409 Imperial octavo pages, S object-teaching engTaiinns and Is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to the every-day. practical, money-savini: use ofevery farmer and stock owner. Steady employment with assured good Income Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $ff to I1M per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau Bee Building. Omaha. J 4S7 WASTED TO RE.XT. ""BY gentleman, convenient to Farnam car, n or wunoni Doara. t'artlcuurs. Ad dress W 45, Bee. K M(42 17 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., Mi ni j once, tuciai storage ana rorwardlng. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511 Faro. Tela. liiS-SC. -S3 STORAGE Household goods and other articles stored at low rates. J. J. Derlght St Co.. 111! Farnam st. Tel. Si M-517 WAITED TO BUY. WANTED 50 secondhand ladles' wheels. Nebraska cycle Co., Cor. lath & Harney. N-54-JlS WANTED To buy fire 'and burglar proof cue Auuirri, mmtu j axua rn 9U N-M4-JeJ9 MEAT market, W 56, Bee. N-SJS SECOND-HAND sUnding deak. Address Box 203. Council Bluffs. la. N M644 FOR SALE KLH.MTCKli. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge, v . .uuauu iuxueure Dougnt, sold, exchanged. o tu ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO.. 1CC-4 S. 14lh St, Tel. KW. New and secondhand tarniture bought, sold and exchanged. O S7i Jlya FOR SALE, cheap. Remington tvpewriter No. 6. In splendid condition. Inquire 415 city hall. Q-M40 IS- FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. FOR SALE, top phaeton. 72C9 N. Uth St. P-M7K Je27- J HORSES, fine matched carriage team. H, ii-ui ijkauu, uta ana uoage st. P-I Jel4 LIGHT omnibus, in good 'condition, et a imwv. .i. iuil, 4IU) ajia uuq orta, FOR SALE, second-hand speeding- wagon shop worn surrey and three-quarter xod buggy, all good as new and bargains, o. M Hart, 137 Jones st. P MGJ 1 FOR SALE, cheap, a IVinch "S5on gear. - ( . 1. l.ln.h I... I.... II. .1. .. . X . . - .'iii.M uirf, out mtic useu. u. a. Hart. 1JJ7 Jones st P MC5 TEAM, wagon and harness, j. lanj n h P -Mm; is FOR SALE MISCKLLAM-OUS. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog fence, Ij1 Douglas. - Q 7i REPAIRS and supplies for all makes of tl cycles. Omaha Bicycle Co., Uth fc Chicago. Q :m rDHAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnira. Q-K4 WIRK fence for poultry. Belgian hsre. hoc field or lawn. Wire Work. 617 S. lth sC Q-MI7I Jy7 SAFES, standard nufkes.sold.rented. 114 S. 13 Q-i7C l.ow.O'" BRICK for sale. John P. Weaver. ( Pearl St,, Council Bluffs. Q Mt& JelS BIG line of secondhand wheels, J, U. is. 110. Omaha Bicycle Co.. 16th an Chicago Sts. PIANO at sacrifice. no n :th st. Q-M7C 1S CLA I It OVA.NTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. SU North ICth. S-177 MME. GYLMER. palmist, SIS So. 15th St. S-171 i'i:ito.v.L. DR. ROY. chropodlst: corns fc superfluous hair reinoved by lactrlcil-. R. 12. Frnxer M'Vt- Ll &1J PRIVATE home before and during confine. roent; babies adopted. Mrs, Burgt. rsro Burdelte. U SS0 VIAVA. woman's way to health; rational. boleone.hcm treatment. Hi Bee Bldg. U SU SUPPLIES for all machines: for rent- TAblta Sewing Machine, 1CJ Doug, las. Tel tSL U S3 personal. NEW roller for clolhea wringer. Novelty iron and Bras. Work. Ui E. JMb. 'Phona , isa ' u-MTa-Jcit RUPTURE cjred. no knife, no pain, no danger, cend for clrrulai. Empire Rup ture Cure. SZ2 N. V. Lite Building. Omaha. U 6SI ! PRIVATE hospital for ladle before and during confinement ; babies adopted 30S Grant Et U i M. GOLDMAN & CO.. oniv perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mall order solicited. Suite 200, Douglas Block. FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall order solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1M4 Douglas. U W WANTED 3 secondhand typewriter. Ne- ' braska Cycle Co., Cor. Uth and Harney. I ADROIT HAIR BAZAR New location. ICO Douglas; prtrate booths for hair dressing and manicuring; ladles' shoe shining and massaging U-MIU j DR. CCSCADEN, 1 S, 18th. U-W-JtJI LEARN hypnotism; complete course by maiL Kv, palmistry, S-c; particulars free. Globe Netts Co., HIS Farnam st. Omaha. U-MHaJyl WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemlst. Tel. 1S5. Best of city references. Leave order at lilS Farnam. V MMl 17 MME. SMITH, biths,. RtKm 7. Ill N. ISth, 5d floor. t.-i: A GOOD physician to take established prac tice in bustllnc little city, country seat. Thyroid Lymph Co., bv Bee Bldg t rRI ATE lessons In German by competent teacher, V) cents, special rates to classes and G rman-Amerlrans who wirh to per fect their knowledge of the German Un puace. W H. Bee. C-M771 1 JIUMIV TO OA.N HBAL CS1 A l tl. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa fanr.s at i per cent, borrowers can pay i w or any multiple, any mtertst catt, no delay. Brtcnaa-Lo Co., X3 c lith St., Omana, Neb. W e7 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. urcnnn-Joe Co., jS bourn ith. W M J WANTED, c-ty loin, bonds and warranti. t Ueorge &. Company, IwjI Farnam strett. I W i WANTED, city and farm loans, also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters it Co., 17W Farnam St,, Bee Bldg. W v FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-t&l MONEY to loan at H nd hh per cent on Umaha property. W . B. MelsJe. 401 S. lith. s;; PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, lKt Douglas. W-sM PRIVATE money, Shtrwood. K7 N. 1. L. W-SDi CASH on hand, G. E. Turklngton, 6' Bee, MONEY' TO LOAN on improved real estate; i per cent Interest; no commission; privi lege of plng IH0 or more before ma. tunty. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., John N. Glsh, special loan agent, Ut First Nat 1 Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Nb. W-ai i AND Vri per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First National Bank bulldlnK. Tel. 1A. WANTED, city loans and warrants, W. Farnam Smith i. Co., 12-M Farnam St. V MtCl 5, ih P. C loans. Garvin Bros., I'll Farnam. W Si Jy7 110EY TO .OA.N-CllA'lTEU, DO YOU NEED MONEY: We loan 110 and up on lurtutuu-, pianos, horses and other chattels. SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. You can get the money in a few hours after making application and take 1, 1. ;i,i,E months or more in which to pay ll pack, ana yoj need not pay for lt one day longer than you keep it. We charge nothing for papers ana we give you the full amount in cash. There are no lower rates than ours; our- terms are. tho easiest; our business Is conflaential and our motto ts "try to please," OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 11 Board of Trade Bide;. Tel. ZJKu. (Established IIUZ.) 30i 5. Uth St. X-Sf.'l LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON PLAIN NOTE. There goes Frits, coming back again to get lower tates and easier payments, rle says our rates are lower and paymenu easier than otner companies. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, THIRD FLOOR. ROOM 3U2. PAXTON BLOCK. X2 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household turnlture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc , in two hours time; also to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security. Easiest payments and low est rates In Omaha. Private interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 31! Brown block. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.; entrance on ltth St., opposite Y. M. C A. Bldg. X-e-x: LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc, without se curity; easiest terms; 4'J offices in principal cities. Tclman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-K5S LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLoE. Ot (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner Hth and Farnam; entrance on ltth street. X-MJ MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc C F, Reed, Sll S. 12. x-so; MONEY' loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows. Jewelry. Luff Green. R. S,3arker blk. X-KH SHORT time loans. Joe Pleasants, bi Barker block. X-900 tl.0CC.CO TO place quick. M. J. Son. Suite 110. Brown block. Kcnnard & X-K BLSI.ES CHANCES. WANTED, experienced physician to take charce of our Denver office , will also start offices w other cities for competent physicians. Thyroid-Lymph Co.. .VM Bee bldg. Y'-MSw Je:3 FOR SALE or rent my blackfmith shop and wagonmaker shop, doing a good busi ness, on account of my health. B. C Walter. Norfolk, Neb. Y-M5H Jyll FOR RENT. S acr near ilth and Nicholas sts.. suitable for coal, lumber, etc; U. P. and Illinois Central traekF; frontage on pared st.; long term if desired. Apply THE BYRON REED CO.. 35 S. Hth st. Y-MMJ IS GOOD livery outfit; only stand here. Real estate, collections (A. D. A.1 Box J. P.. Lawrence. Neb. Y-Misl 15 WANTED, men to invest with a stock and grain company and take position. Ad dress, with stamp. W Zi. Bee. Y" M577 1 GOOD opening for shoe store. First-class room for rent. Address Box yz. Council Bluffs. Ia Y-MSH FOR SALE, best drug business in south eastern Nebraska; old established and do ing splendid business; invoice Si.ftjO; no dead stock; fixtures new: low rent; good location: will sell at invoice; one-half cash, balance six and twele months. Ad dress W . care Bee. Y M715 IS AUCTIONEER. L. W Newrll. expert auctioneer in all lines of merchandise. Address for dates. L, W. Newell, care Byrne-Hammer D. G. Co.. Omaha. Y MTU 1 ten) WILL buy the best paying restaurant In the state: must be sold at once. Cana. dtsn Office, Douglas. Y-MCS" 15 MAKE IU"WO annually. General mer chandise, A good country town store pays better profits than any other The best one In Iowa for sale; invoice !L.'.ai Clear land In Iowa or eastern Nebraska for half; balance cash. Rare opportunity for live man. Business will clear U (.') to IV"i annually. Deal will stand closest in vestigation. Lock box N, Mondamln. la. Y-M5J4 li FOR RENT, restaurant and fixtures In good location. Mrs. West, as Main t , Fremont, Neb, Y MSH rT" SMOKE the best when you can get it at the same price, the Prince if Omaha. y-mm: : FOR EXCHANGE, ID-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheel Omaha Blcyclt Co., ICth and Sts. Z-Ki tor sale real estate. OWING to m acceptaire ment 'f another office Ir f the tnar.aee- fur 1 will dispose of my residence ootrtpr:. "r rtit lu a nrst-elais tenant The hows' 1 tew . rrfn rom. built on -t ago jusi papered throuelvnit Flfty-fvH front, oulh exposure, splendid jard. plent of shade, valklng olstaacr ef the Hty . one and one-half bick from the Ftrnam rheM. N finer vle- in Omaha A lovely home for a small family. Call et residence. Dery avenue, or at ray office. Smith Premier Typewriter Co . ICS Farnam. J H McDowetl RE MTtt It D V SHOLES COMPANY. H N. Y. Life BkJg- Tel S3. TRACKAGE BARGAIN. A BIG SNAP. Northeast corner Mh and Douglas, two full cit lots. lSxir feet. B. A- M and C. N W. track, with street on the south and alley north. Price only Il.(w. Tb-se lots are owned by an caatern estate anxlou to close out Make us an offer. They are a SNAP even at the price, but they must be okl RE M f$S 1 FOR SALE, a first mortgage of tl.X on a i .-room house, with two lots. rfi'iPlnL ci1AS.V.. GM Bee BMr Tel . 1411. RH-M7M li INVESTMENT BARGAINS. A six-room modern house and lot conven iently located, for fl.7'J. A nine-room house, all modern, of superior build nnd plan, costing i...'. with a full lot. for tJN"0. A tt-foot front on business street with building in South Omaha, for M. ;,.'. An f-room brick house, modern except fur nace, for 11.500. A small farm In Ssrpy county, well equipped, lor tilM. Some bargains in farm, ranch and pasture lands J B. Piper, agent. Ramge block, Omaha. RE M7T! 17 LOTS on So. IfCith street, between Martha and Dorcas 47 feet each. 8 feet above ' grade, paving tax paid In full. ILOtUTO, for both. The Byron Reed Co . Ill Po. Hth St. HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans, also firo insurance. Bemls. Taxton Blk. RE-U ! SEE HENRY a PAYNE. CM N. V. LIFE. RE 910 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. -V. MrAllaster. land commissioner. UnJjn Pacific Headguarters, Omaha, Neb. RE HI WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room hause. close to good car line Eastern owner anxious to tell. M. J Kennard A; Son. a.V-ltf Brown block. RE P14 FOR SALE, on monthly payment, f-room modern house on North Mth St. car lln: also vacant lots which will be lmproed for purchaser on moderate payment dowa. Mutual Loan and Building Asociatlon. G. M. Nattlnger, aecretary. Bee Bide. RE Sill HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also aero property and farm Sands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room HZ, Bee Building. RE-9J9 FOn SALE, cheap, my residence. HS7 S. Sd st ; all modern. Apply F Richardson. Merchants National bank G W 11c peath. RE MSS0 IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE In the rich valley of Loup river 1 can offer for sale many farms at reasonable prices. This land is a rich sandy loam and pro duces elegant crops The farmers are fast putting their land into alfalfa, which brings them fine returns, three and four crops a year being harvested at little or no expense, netting as high as J39 per acre income each year Most of this land Is under a fine irrigating canal, with a steady and reliable flow of water from the Loup river, 1 will name a few pieces. 140 acres, 1 mile from county seat, j acres meadow, balance pasture land. Price, I7M. yi acres. H-mlle from county seat, good s room house, orchard, lots of timber, S3 acres can be irrigated, SO acres fine al falfa, US acres pasture. Price, I4.(VH 160 acres, house, windmill, orchard. SO acres pasture, to acres farm land, 40 acres irri gated. Price. !1.5j0. 20 acres. 1W under plow-j balance pasture; house, windmill, barn. Price. Sl..l. 1W acres, fine place for stock, frame house, orchard, barn, plenty of water and tim ber. Price. tvl. Many other claces at very low fle-jres. Send for full particulars. Address. H. A. STEWART, Taj lor, Loup County. Neb. RE-75 EASTERN owners desire .to sell block of five substantial brick houses three stor ies, all modern three block from post offlce: also the lot and building formerly occupied by The Omaha "Guards. 1714 Cap itol avenue. Apply Byroa Reed Company, m So. 14th St. RE-MCVC 20 A. P. TUKET has some customers for ont Fld acres at the right price. A. P. Tukey fc Son. Board of Trade RE MCS 17 A P. TUKEY will buy for customers six houses located north of Cuming, east of I4th and south of Lake sts. Must he at the right price and net cash. A. 1'. Tukey & Bon, Board of Trade. RE MOM 17 TUKEY wants an offer for two lots in Mahoney & Mlnnehan's addition to South Omaha, and ten lots in Favette Park ad dition. A. P. Tukey & Son. Board of Trade. RE Md 17 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women in Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement, and his tieatmest for .rregularitits, no .natter what cause Call or address with stamp. Dr. Pries, 111! Dodge SU, Omaha. Neb. M-S-JeM DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure the most stub born of monthly stoppages. Irregu larities, obstructions ana suppressions brought on trom whatever abnormal, un natural diseased or pathological cause; II a package, 01 2 for li; sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, til, American office, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon. South Omaha. Davl Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full Una of legitimate rubber goods. PATENTS. MASON. FENWICK & LAWRENCE. Tatent Lawjer. Solicitors and Expert Washington, D. C. ' 1L J. COWGILL, Western Representative, Room S15 Ramge Blk. Umahv Neb. Phone l.St. ADVICE FREE. -441 Jell PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sue ft Co., Bee Blag., Omaha, Neb. Advice free. -155 jylt. WILL BUY" any good invention or pateat. Address Lock Box TOO. Des Molnea.Ta. -MRS OSTEOPATH. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tal 1064, Alice Johnson, D. O, U riles" dept Gld E. Jonnson, osteopathia. Mgr. -91 C DONOHUE, Orteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 13iT -; A. T. HUNT, D O., 3X Karbach Blk. Tel.Ki: M-474 MRS. JOHN R MUSICK. Douglas block. 172 Je.l LOST. LOST, from carriage, blACk fheviot Jacket, with black taffeta lining and trimmings Return to Mrs, J. Benson s and rereue reward. Lott-MCSS li LEMON and white color pointer dog. Leave at Windsor barn and receive reward. lxt-M763 17 SHORTHAND ANU TVPEWRIVINU. A. C. VAN SANTS school 717 N. Y. Uf SIS BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. 3eo Bldg. yu NEB. Business at Shorthand Colle, Bovd's .iiiiici. -9Zv GREGG Shorthand. Om. C Coi, is i Doug. Sll BRIEFS AND BLANKS. THE prtntlrg of lawyers' brief in -t per fectly satisfactory manner require training, experience and equipment. The Omaha Mercury does this work just tight Legal blanks, hundreds of foimt, for sale. Send for catalogue r7 Jyt DRESSM.4FKING. IN families. Mttt Sturdy, 111 So. Ittb tt -i40 JyS- CAItPKMUH AU JUDUCn. All. Vlrxls of rarp-Mer woris and reja'rlrg prorapti auenara lu J 1 t-'tn ..rte ?"tn 1 ata i.kc ms ;:o SKCvNDHAND bic: eles fr-m Is f" up Ne. braska Cycle Co , Cor lth and Harney. -:si JelS NEW and ladles wheels rented. fc cents ler the fveain or afterroon. except Sun day. Louis Ficscher. id capttoi Ait. Til FIHIIMi AMI I'LKAHItl; RESORT. IF TOt want good bass and croppy fishing go to Lancdon. Mo Very best of holl accommodations. Plenty of boats and mmnews, nrlle R. a. Dittmar for rates. -V7- WAMKD-TO IIOUIIOW. WANTED To trrow U.W0 at 7 per h en improved resiaeace properly. South Omaha, renting for ?: per )ear. Ad dress, 6 4S Bee. M2M WANT to borrow tl.OM; will Sh a first mortgage on 7-rv.m modrn bouse, with i two lull lot. Address W M. Bte I -M7SS U BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, tteam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc TiL lZJi. Lib and lxsrd a. I'tWMIROKEK. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, aeeommdt lng, all business confidential. HA Douglas. -7 TAILOltl.NO. m. rrVT v4 M-h i... .. wt. th deStas V.APhJs? h'm rarnarn ? -lfI1-cn J' BrtAe-!J Farnam at -IU Ilorlnr. Broderlck, 1U7 EXPERT At COLATA.M'5. LESSONS in bookkeeping, etc . day or ev.-n- ; lng, R. 11, Com, Nat Bank. O. R. Rathbun. LA I. DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry, shirts, 7c; collars, ic; cuffs, 4e 17 Leavenworth. Tel. MJ. -in FIRMTLRE llBl'Airil.NO. TEL. 13L M. S. Walklln. ail Cuming St. SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS Stone, cement, brick. Wei shans' Mantel and Tile Co., 309 So. 17th st, 511 Jys STAMMERING AM) STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 413 Ramge Bldg. SO'J GARBAGE HAILING. AJCTI MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans cess pools & vaults, removes garbage & dead tnimals at reduced prices, ten N, 16. tel.lio. -174 Jy; ACCORDIOA PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best. Quickest, Mrs. A, a Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. SIC LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. In th Disttict tourl in and for Douglas County, Nebraska. William G. Midden, plaintiff, against Ne braska Fire Insurance Company el el., de fendants. Notice to creditors ot said in surance company to present their claims for dividends. To all creditors of the Nebraska Fire In surance company who have not claimed or received their respective dividends hereto fore ordered in the above entitled action: You. and each of you, are hereby notified that in and b the order of the court in the above entitled action, made and entered on the 4th day it May. A. D. 1W1. von must prerent for payment your respective claims lor dividends ntreioiore oracrea in stiia I action withtn GO days from the completion l of the publication of this notice, which fnw i "ill expire on the list day of August, A. D. 1901. and that unless you so do your respec tive rights .0 such dividends will be con cluded and ou will be barred ot the right I te participate in the funds appropriated I therelor. Such claims may be presented at the office of the underrignea receiver in the 1 Brown block, in the city of Omaha, ia Douglas county aforesaid, or transmitted 1 to him at that address by mail. Dated this Uth day of Ma. . A. D. 3 POL ALBERT U. WYMAN. Receiver of the said Nebraska rire Insur ance company. MaySOd-sun-SUt In the matter of the estate of Richard Kitchen, deceased, notice is hereby given to the legatees and all other persons inter ested in the above estate that a motion to confirm the sale ot the assets of said estate, made oy James B, Kitchen, executor, on the . aay 01 uune, a report 01 wmcn sale is 1 now on file in this court, has been filed in the cojnty court of Douglas county, Ne ( braska. and that raid motion win be called un for hearing on Thursday, the Mh dur of June. 1J1. at the hour of S o'clock a. m. and that unless sufficient cause is shown against said sale the same will be con firmed and such other orders made In the premises as may b proper and necessary. DUNCAN M. VINSONHALER, County Judge. JunelldMM NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received st ih. office of the commissioner of public lands ' and buildings, Lincoln. Neb., until 11 o ciock noon. June ;i. jor the erection of a stand pipe at the Asylum for Insane at Norfolk. Neb. Specifications may be seen at the office of the commissioner of nubile lanil and 1 buildings or at the office of the superln 1 tendent of the asylum at Norfolk. Neb. ' T.-h ntituual miiHf K. ....... . ... I . j v..., 1 ' ' ' " - m hwiujaiiirg uy a certified check to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. made payable to the state of Nebraska, to be forfeited to the state In case the bidder being awarded the contract shall fall to execute the contract and fur nish bond required within ten day after the receipt ot notice of acceptance of his bid. The successful bidder to .give bond In a surety company In the sum of H(", condi tioned on the faithful performance of his contract The Board of Puolic Lands and Buildings reserve the right to reject any and all bld and to waie defects. GEO. D. FOLLMER, Commissioner Public Lands and Bides. Lincoln, Neb.. June 1L WA. J Edict-rn ATTENTION, TAXPAYERS: The Board of County Commissioners of Dourlai county. Nebraska, will sit l, a 1 board of cquiilzatiou for the purpose of I equalizing the assessment of Douglas cuuno iui me- jrm ir jm inr i-yraniiEiiDD er's chamber at the court house, Omaha, brsrinnlnc Tuesday. June 1L l?.n. rt v o'ciock a m., and continuing from day to ; tdf up to and including June 17, l&n al b.)ii iiui ii-iiiuuwi -9uiii-j.i. ah iirrrons t wnlng rel or personal pioperty suiiject to taration should ra and examine their as sessment, that any error a to valuation may be adjusted by ad board, a the li.w provides. By order of tne Board of Cojnty Com mlsslcntrs. Omaha, May !. 1IM D. M. HAVERLY. County Clerk. By C. L. HARRIS. Deputy. ;OVERNMET NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha. Neb . June , 1M1 Sealed pro pofalt. In triplicate, rubjfrt to the js-ial conditions, will te ;elvrd at this office until I ic!o.l; p m. central time, June H. IW1, for the construction of a pumr ho-ie and heater rsom for water tank at Fort Robinson. Nb Full Information furnlsh-d upon appll-atlon to this ffficr or to the Quartermaster. Fort Robinson, where plans and specifications may be seen Proposals to be marked ' Proposals for Pump Hou.t elr at Fort Robinson, Neb.." and ad dressed to the undersigned. F H. HATH WAY.0QM MornDlI-U-U-H PROPOSALS FOR BRICK LIME, CE ment. lumber etc etc. Department of tne Interior. I" a. Indian Senice Omaha, etc. Ageno Winnebago. Neb., June 15. ICrtl. Sealed propcaals. indorsed "Proposals for Brick. Ume, Cement, lumber, etc. etc," and addressed to the undertlgned. will be received at this offlee until I u clock p m. of June 17. 1!1, for furnishing and deliver ing a quantity ot brlefc. lime, cement, lum ber, en etc . requirrd ta complete neces sary lmproements and furnlshlnrs at Win nebsgo s'hciol For full list and descrip tions. appl to the U S Inditn agent. Omaha, etc , Ageney, Nebraska "" P MATHEWSON V i Indian Agent, and effice at The Bte, Omaha, Neb r.oi:niET otkks. OFFIfF .fNSTRVr-T1Na QVAR"rrr" master. Fon Jeanworth Kansas J e f IM - Sealed prrptair in triplicate .j be recehed re u;,tln ll a rn . cri ra. time June 1 i 1 1 r lonstrocin of h -pltal sewer, m' hre aro Cush tanks this port. Information furnished e apr-i-titlon here. I s reres right U a'-cept r rejt-rt an or ell pf posal?,' or any part tfareof nvelppes te ee lnlersed, Pr lHals for sewer, etc. addressed I) E. McCarthy. 1 M Jl-10-H-1M7-1 rosTori 111: oiitE. Sheuld d be read DAli.v v,. .11 i-.-HTT ' si ' ehangei may .OTr at any time) I S. ln wtrelV.PR0MW iu":".,PVu loLJhe "-k ending June .,..!hf generi iostott)ce as follows ik- iv1- iiST MAILS close one hour taflur than dosing uroe shown below FarVi I. ot uerman cJos at i p rt Monday and Wednesday lng time shown below- Trans-Atlantic Mall. TUESDAY At : a m for El ROI'F. per W,rt, h"h.a mal1 .""L must 'be XE.DvSrSDAY-At 4 tor IRE LAND. p.-r s. r Oceanic. Ma Oueei.s lown imall for othrr nan nf must be directed -per s. s. Oceanic .. at S 30 a m for EUROPE, por s. s Si. Pa al. la Southampton, at 7:a m. lor ITALY, ier s s 1.1 pur. ja Naples tmall must be directed ;er a. s. Ligura . at lu a m for BELGIUM direct, per . s. South-w-trk imall must be directed "per s Southwark'i Till RSDAY At . a. m. for EUROPE. '"r."..' Augusl nctoria. via Pljnu.uth I iS?-,- . ., ? IS and , HambuTs: man for Trance, .-'witrer- j H?- c.'1?.!m.v aun. land. ltal, Spain, lortuKal T irkej .tla',' i- Lai.y eictpt sunaaj, c Sun Egypt. Greece 'Urltlsh India and lV.r"t. f', oni APlP "ccpt s1"'"--1 juarqucz. via i nerbourg. must be d,r--'ied ilKNZO MAROUKZ wr. I. An,:lt .In. Ma Havre imall for other parts ot K,ir,-re must be directed 'per s. s. LAuui talne' SATURDAY At 30 a m for EUROPE IT s. s. Lmbrla. 1a Oueenatown t - a. m. for NETHERLANDS dlrrf per s. s Rotterdam imall must be dlrec'ed per s. s. Rotterdam I. at S a m f..r ITALi . per s. s. Hoheniollern ta Nh. pie immi must be directed -r s s Hnheniollern"! . at :3? a. m for S'"'iT LAND direct, per . t. Ethiopia imil must be directed -'per s. s. Ethloria PRINTED MATTER. ETC -This steamer take Ir!nled Matter. Commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany otily, The rwiur- iiirs ua iiihia niKiirr lur i inrr ri'irii of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. V . 'o1 o. cue ouoirujrniar a i kiln dltlom on Fr open until within Ten Minutes cf the hour ox tailing ot stramer. Malta for South and Centra Weal Indies. Etc. A merlon. .,.,?DA'TAl ijw .a-m- (SJPPlementary ' 10:30 a m ) for CENTRAL AMERICA lex- ' S?,a R,ea and SOUTH pArlFlC roIT6; ? ' Alllanca, via Colon, (mall for Guatemala must be directed V1..'.' Alllanca I . nt 6:3' p m for JAMAICA. ier s. s. Admiral Dewey from Boston at 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per, Ztla ' iiiiaueipnia x- . . ...... . 30 mTor INAC5UA ; s Mt Vernon at I ter s. ., Prins wil- " MW.iOLA 1-A1 C - ana maiti. per s 10 a. m. for HAITI Ham V (mall for Curacao,' Veneiuela Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per . s, Prins William V at II m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAM- PECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per r. r crsuranca, via iiavana anu iro- greso (mall for other narts of Mpilr must be directed 'per s. s, SegTirana t THURSDAY' At S:30 a. m. for BRAZIL. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. a. Colendge (mail for Northern Braxll must be di rected "per s. s. Coleridge"!, at lt m (supplementary 11:30 p. m.) for NASSAU, per s. s Antilla (mall must be directed "per s s Antil a"), at II ra (tun-ilo. mentary 11:30 p. m.l for NASSAU. GUA.' TANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Sara tofa, at -.30 p. m for JAMAICA per s. . Admiral Sampson, from Boston. FRIDAY At II m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Mantanzas. via Tampico (mail must be directed "per s. s. Matanzas"). SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. . San Juan, via San Juan, at a m. (supplementary :X a. m ) for CU RACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. -r Dair gry (mall for Savanllta and Carthagena must b dlre-cted "per s, . Daggrv j, at . a m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA. CARTHAGENA and GREY TOWN, per s. s Aiene (mail for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. s. Alene"). at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Morro Castle, via Havana. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North ftl'iltinl' T i' r i toamur -In,, . . V. I . oaice aaiiy ai v.ju p. m. (connecung close here every Monday. Wednesday and Satur- day. Malls for Miquelon, by rail to Bos - tnn -t.a hv .t-.n... c ,v.i. ton and thence by steamer, close at this office daily at 6:30 p. ro. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla.. and then-e by steamer, close at this office dally (except Sunday! at i a. m. (the connecting closes are on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Mails for Cuba, by rail to Miami. Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this office every Sunday at C a. m. Mails for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addrfssed for dis patch by steamer, close at this office dally Mt 1 '2il Tv m ftnrl Tin m "If&lla fn,. frfa Rica. Belize, inierto Cortez and Guatemala. by rail to New Orleans and thence bv steamer, close at this office daily at "l:l p. m. (connecting closes nere Mondays far Belize. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala end Tuesdays for Costa. Rica). "Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Trnna-I-arlflc Mails. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pines, via San Francisco, close here dally at CM p. m. up to June "17. inclusive, tor dispatch per s. s. Honr Kong Maru. Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here daily nt 6J0 n. m. up to June IK Inclusive, for dispatch per s. Kin shin Maru (registered mail must be di rected "via Seattle"). Mails for China and Japan, via Taconva, close here daily at CJ0 p. m. up to June "10. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ta coma. Mails for Tanitl nnd Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to June "ZL inclusUe, for dls natch ret s. s. Australia. j Malls for Australia (except West Australia, , jinn kuts via r.urope, ana .New i.a land, which goes via San Francisco) end 1 Fiji Islands, via Vancouver, close her.-, daily at :' p. ra after June "ll and up t to June "ZZ, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Mlowera (supplementary mil. tla! f-rniue nnu icionaj, cioe at t so p. m. June "ZZ. Mail for Hawaii. Japan. China and Phllln- 1 piny islands, via San Francisco, close here . aauy at p. m up to June "14, In- 1 elusive, for dispatch per s a. China J . " . tvi ii.n.ii, .a rtan -ranciscn. los her. ilnllv at f.-Vt n m ,n t,,. .i-J t. dispatch W s. s. 7,enl'andl - . Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally at CM p. m. up to Julv ... t.i,iMi... ..i-kb.Iv. .. I . - nres nf Chtnn .Ttfimf.r. .it .... iL directod "via Vancouver"). Mails for Australia (except West Australia, ih'cll is forwarded via Btrniwi. v.- Zealand. Fiji. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m aftr June "ZZ and up to Julv in clusive, or on arrival of s L'ucanla, due nt New Y'ork July ", for dispatch per e s. Slera i rans-Paciftc malls are rorwarded to ort . of rsil'ng dally and the schedule cf clo! ,g Is arranged cn the presumption of tblr iin- ' Interrupted overland transit. Regist-red I mail r.oses at C p m prevlr,u day ' CORNELIUS VAN' COTT. Postmaster , Postcffice, New York. N Y., June 14, ivi RAILWAY TIM Is CARD. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL. ff anq & Pacific Railroad -,ine urcat Rot.k Island Route" flt I Ticket Office. 1ZZJ Far. ' nLm btreet. Telephone. ) 4ft. Depot, Tentn anu ' Marcy Streets. Tele phone, tzs. Leave. EAbT. Des Moines and Davep.- port Loca. ,, ., a '.Zt am Chicago Express ill U dot Des Moines Local . .. .a 4.39 pm Chicago Fast Kxprtev .a ": pra Arrive, bll:S am a am a 4 :45 pm a l:r5 pm ut vioinc noTt isl and and Chicago . . .a wr.sT. 7.40 pm a 1.35 pm Lincoln. Colorado Spgs , Denver, Pueblo and West a 1.30 pm Colorado. Oklahoma & a 4;is pm a .M am Texas rl)r . a t-.ii pm a Dally, b Daily except Sunday CHir-AGO. MILWAUKEF A St. Paul TUllwr-icTt? Ticket Office. 14 r,7wa btreet Telephone. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, ezt VlLWALJJCL, Leave. Arm. & Omaha Ex b ,ii ira b 140 pni Limited Ex a O.-oo pm a i.o an. r. b Da;:y except Sunday, Chicago a Dei! ,r-.. ..ufusia Victoria , at 7 a m 'J. f . fi 8 " I TZ E H L A N I J. ITALY tlAif:.VOHTl nAl- TURKEY. E-lYFi, GREECE. BRITISH ivni i i . awaniic- Maui namea a Dove, aa- 1 4." ,.t;;. 1 al supplementan- malls are opened A.""1 V.' . Limited.... the piers of the American Enrtlsh. . ,cu S1' x-utai .... rench and German steamers, and remain 1 1 a" I IIMLMA1 TI.Mi: CAKUS. CHICAGO & NORTH, w -jtei 1 lia.lwa The Northwestern Line' city Tirket Offlee. 141 1 ainaoi ?L Telephone. in Depot. Tenth ana Marty Streets. Tele phone. tES. Leave. ArrUe. !' Sr.' 1 h i.lo tP- cla. a 7J am all: pro a 1:19 am Chli .(;. Fasfenc-r ... a i ll pm LirK'in r.xpress, Lrt Moines Mr uio ti. iVdkr Rai4ds and Cbkago alO.K am a 4:0 pm Eastern .Spetitl. chl- 'S.'!nl. t-11 4:S pm a 4K6 pm a S:ii pm a ;0J am a l: am a i:tl pm Fast Mall, muago u l.maha Omaha--hlcago l. 1 a a , 4. pm tl Mal' , v- Jar rapids Fastecgtr a Dal)). FREMONT ELKHORN Missouri itallroad 'ihe Northwestern Line ' General offices, United Mates National Bank Buimtr.g. & W. Corner rweiitii and Far nam Ss Ticket Office, 14vl rarnam SL itu.b. it. tQ Depot. Uth and Webster Leave. B ak 11 lv Deadwood. Arrlxe. a i.-oo pm 1:00 pa b 1:00 pm blO:U ara u L W "V t ,jT ''.Tf i" iict Springs a Fra Casper aba d SaD pm Hastings 1 ork, David City, .-upeiier. Gna, , Exeter ana Gerard o J:00 pm Nortolk, eiu:gre ana Fremont b "Jo am Lincoln. noo i Fre- blO:S am jmuu. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis Omaha Kaliwa The North western Line" General Offices. Nebraska Divi sion, ltth and Webster hts, Cltv Ticket Office, 14U Farnam St. Telephone, ML Depot, litn ai.a Webster Sts. iciepnone, lis. I , ., X S, l!r!"n'r I ?l0JX 1 k'? Passenger Leave. Arrive. ,a am .a X i pm b pm a s:10 pm am b ..S3 am t-merscn ujcai a Dai.y SlOLX CITY ft PACIFIC Railroad The North western Line ' General Offices. United SUtrs National Bank Building, d. W. Comer Xwelftn and Farnam Sts. Ticket , notvnth .V?7! iv ( -H,t c,lU- Marcy il l irntm St. Telephone, ML De- Sts. Ttiepnone, (. Leave. At rite ,a 6:w am alO: pm ,a ".hi pm a 4.11 am a i'M am a J:M pm Bt RL1NGTON St MIS bourt River Railroad The Burlington Route General Offices, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office 1MI Farnam Sweat. 1 t.epni'rie j, Burlington fetation. Tenia and Maijn Stieut. leiepnone Ua. iavc Arrive. Urccln. Hastings and McCooa a 1:4) am a . :1 pm ' 0'. L'uh. Cal.'foFrila.a 4:15 pm a 3:w t A.ilan'-e Exprer a 4:ra pm a l:0p ' Lincoln & Black Hills., a M pm : Llniiji. Denver. COIO- pm am 1 Muntunu, Puget S&und..a pm a ;4i am a 1:17 am ' Lincoln Fast Man .0 j:w pm ! Wymorc, Beatrice and Lincoli' .a ;40 am ' Denw. 'oloraan, Utau bll:&5 am a f.ii am blliCS am a 1:10 am j,""'"""" Fcrt Crook, So. Bend. Louisville. Plattsm th.b :M pm Beilevue, Plattrmouth St Pacific Junction a 7:40 pm Beilevue. P.attsmouth tt Pa-. fie Junction a 1.10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office. Wit Farnam Street. Telephone 30. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele chona Uf. Leae. Arrive. Kansas Cltv Day Ex. ...a 1.20 am a S:( pm Kansas Cit Night Ex..al0:30 pm St. Louis Flyct. for L Joseph and Su Louls.a 5:10 pm a Dally. a 6:15 am all:15 am CHICAGO, BURLINGTON St Qutncy Railroad 'Tb Burlington Route" Tleket Office, 1MI Farnam Street. Telephone ZV). Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets, Telephone 12b. Leave, Arriva. el0: pm a 7:45 am a 4:0a pm a 7:45 am a 1:45 pm DayUght Chicago Spe- cisi fhirir-o V.tthn1 r 4-M nm 1 JI!,i rrS'a 30 !?"? Kfl ! TaSS Chicago umitea a .w pm , .in Fast Mail Dally. UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor, Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 134 Farnam StrceL Telephone, 316. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone. CI. ieave. Arrive, a 7 JO pm a 7 JO pm a l:lf pm a 4:15 pm a C:W am 1 The Overland Limited. .a i:la am t The Chicago-Portland Special . a ItZi am The Fast Mail a S:M am The Mail and ExDress. .a 11:35 cm The Colorado Special. ..all:55 pr Lincoln, ueatrtce ana Stromsnurc .Express .b 4.-05 pm bll: pm The Pacific Express ...a tlZH pm The AU-lihIc Espress... a 6 50 am Grand island Local b 5:30 pm b S.IZ an a Daw, b Daily except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Officer, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas fcts. Telephone, 104. Depot, Union button. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis and Kansas City Express .a 1(':00 am a 6:15 pm a C:15 am K. C, St. L. Express. .a 10:60 pm La e from ISlh and Webrtrr otrrcts: Nebrasxa Local, Via Weenln? "ater... b 4:10 pm al0:45 am a Dally K Daily except Sunday, ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of fice, HCC Farnam Street. Telephone, 145. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. ChitiisoExprest. iMini s. pa ' ChlCAKO Limited. .. . . a pm fAUi b 7:00 am Paul a S.-0" am b 5:M pm a I. -05 am Mirtit-anolis at ?. 3i'r" ,,-; M.uneappii & at. Limited a T:45pm 1 ort Dodge Local from ' ,-Co.u?":,i liluttt.... b 45 pro a 1:15 arm r.,Xtn.Z lron Council Bluff C:00 ara a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas City ft Eastern Railroad "Tba Qulnry Route-' Ticket Of fice. HIS Farnam St. Tele phone. 3ZZ. Depot. Tenth and Marcy ts. Telephone, cza. Leave. Arrivn. Et Lou's Cannon Ball . Kansas dty and Qutncy Express a s;is pm a S:I0 am ..a 7:0) am a 8.00 pm St Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5 li pm a 5:10 ara Direct rtontr to Glasso Exhibition ANCHOR LINE traiutlilpa from Nets York Weekly fat GLAM.OW MA LONDONDERRY'. Saloon.150 and up. Second Cabin, (12.50 and up. Third dan j:t and upward, Tor illustrated foider and further inform. ticn apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chic&g", or J S M-NALLT. IKS Farnam St., GEO. E, ABBOTT. 1S4 Firtiim St . Omaha, Summer Tours en Lakt Mlehlcaii. THe setn8th.p MANITOU fr vuMbitr ftrrnr. tc.uiili. mtla trk-wrtr tni Ivr, llrkr i-prlas ar flw. I'n.-.r; ts atarklaa I.U.J eesMula vltk all ftisihip Lia far Lk Siris, ,Mra i Cassias Point. Rum ta PB.4trirta, LEAVES CHICACO AS FOLLOWS! T.n. ItB. Tkin, 11 .a, u p. m. Manltou Steamship Company. OFFICE k DOCK!, Ruts an N. Water SU.. Calca. Twin r'.fv- V . . a . i-H7B--KI mmm H I F.TTk .r.aaaaai I I Local a uauy n V.' ABASH RAILROAD r7: 1 Ticket Office. 1415 Tarnara V.lllHlA Street. Telenhone. 31i Dt ,M,lWWTiV pot. Tenth and .Marcy St. JZZZ3L Telephone. CS, V Leave, Arrive.