0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEB: SUNDAY, JUXE 16, 1901. SOCIAL DESPITE THE HEAT Ornalu Bart Piople Hata a fw Things I)nrioth Wielt, LUNCHEONS LEAD THE LIST OF DOINGS bcvfrnl Vpr) Flnliornte ArTnlr mill Jinny Mllle Oih-h Kill In the Time nt I he I'lrxt Hot , Wri'l. In June. One large luncheon and a half dozen smaller ones, an equal number of small, but elabjrato dinner parties, and a larfio garden party, complete the list of happen ings among Omaha's fashionable for the week past, but not the lint of their doings, for several of the real features of tho week occurred over tho river and the smart set from this side wero Invited over to partici pate. Among these, .Mr. and .Mrs. N'. P. Dodgo's tea, on Thursday, was perhaps the most prominent, given as It was for an Omaha party, but tho sailing parties, of which there v.cro somo half dozen, and the picnics nnd suppers, which marked nearly evary day last week, wire most enjoyablo and proved attractive, at tho expense of a number of alfalrs on this side. Tho home coming of many of tho collcga men and women occasioned sovoral family dinner parties tho last of tho week nnd give prom lso of informal affairs this week, but the question that Is still uppermost In tho minds of society Is: "Whore will we spend the summer?" and at the rato It Is being decided In favor of out of town resorts, July and August will be a nulet season for thos.0 who arc to remain at home. Tho majority of thoao who played golf last week Indulged early in the morning or lato In the afternoon, when the .un was not so warm, but there ore still those whose enthusiasm dctles tho possibility of hunstroke or even physical discomfort and the links havo been dotted with players most of tho time. The tournament next Saturday is being generally anticipated and If tho weather permits, there will be a largo crowd at the Country club to witness it. Wf-ililInK" nml Wcdnotday evening, June 12, nt S o'clock, at tho homo of tho bride's mother, Tho Normandle. occurred the wedding of Miss Grace .May Maxwell and Willis I. Hoopcs, Rev. T. V. Moore officiating. Only Im mediate relatives of tho brldo and groom were present. Tho young couple will begin housekeeping at onco at 2113 Grant street, In this city, and will bo at homo to their frlcnda after July 15. St. Matthias' church was tho scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday evening, when the marriage of Mlf s Anna Mable Cameron and ltov. K. K. Henry was solemnized, Kev. lllshop Williams officiating. Flowers and grccii3 docorated tho church, which was filled with friends. Tho bride was nttended by Miss Nettle Bnyharsch nnd Dr. Ellis acted as best man. Hev. and' Mrs. Henry will be at homo after July 1 at 4116 North Twenty-fourth street. One of the prettiest home weddings of tho spring was that of Miss Sara McKarland and Mr. Georgo I). McKlroy, which occurred at G o'clock on Weducsday evening at the homo of tho bride's mother, 118 North Twenty-fourth street. A mass of wnxy whte blossoms and greens arched tho door ways, while festoons of asparagus ferns hung from tho chandeliers to tho corners of tho ceilings nnd shower bunches of plLk rosea wcro combined with tho greens nbout tho rooms. To tho opening chords of the Lohengrin bridal chorus, two llttlo bo-3 In white duck suits entered, stretching tho white ribbons which formed an alslo the length of tho double parlors, through which the brldo nnd groom advanced, sldo by nldo; the bride gowned In opera batiste, over which a long tulo veil hung to tho foot of tho train. Following thorn camo two llttlo girls In dainty white frocks and Carry ing tho onds of tho ribbons. Heforo tho palmbankcd window In tho front parlor tho nmrrlago sorvlco was read, Kev. J. R. Hons of tho Central United Presbyterian church ofllclatlng. About fifty guests, relatives nnd near friends witnessed tho ceremony, which was followed by an Informal reception. Mr. and Mrs. McElroy luft on tho ovening train for Vinton, In., whero thoy will make their homo. .Snt'lnl ("lilt Clint. Mis Hattlc Ilehfeld returned from Peru on Friday. Miss Doanc Is expected homo from llnunl bal this week. MIhs Wessolls Is expected hero to visit friends In July. Tho MIssoh Crounso nro at their summer home In Cnlhoun. Mr. Earl Klpllngcr Is at homo from Culver Military academy. ,Mlss Helen Millard will cntertnln for Miss Iluck this week. MI33 Phoebe Smith Is expected homo from Smith college this week. Mrs Edgar Morsman will entertain In Miss Buck's honor Mils week. Mrs. Savage, who Is now In floston, will summer at Beverly Farms, Mass. Mrs. John Patrick was a guest nt Happy nonow lor n few days last week. Mrs. I.ueien Stephens will entertain the Betting club at this week's meeting. Mr. St. A. I). Balcombe Is contemplating a trip to llunnlo by wny of tho lakes. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Knox expect to spend tho summer at Ocenn Grove. Mr. Ezra Millard will attend tho triennial class dinner at Cambridge this week. Mrs. J. H. Grossman will leave this wcok for hor summer homo at Green Lake, Wla. Mrs. Mary E. Klrkland nnd children will ipond July nnd August nt Lako Mlnnetonka. Mrs. Mlchlo left last Sunday for Staun ton, n., whero her daughter is at Bchool Miss Mnry Lee McShano will return thli week from Now York, whero sho has been at school. Miss Stolla Hustcss will entertain the rnmblo-Bothwell wedding party at dinner White Waists $1,115, $1.50, $1.75 ami better. Colored Waists SI, $1.25. $1.50 anil butter. lew Dressing Sacquas Lawn Sacques, dainty patterns, (1.15. 1 And n fine nFsortment of Challls Saccules and Klmnnns. New Walking Skirts. Now Blnck .Taffeta Bilk Skirts. Taffeta Silk Etons nt low prices. OK 5CDFIELD CLOAK &, SUIT CO, New Shirtwaists 1510 Douglas St. on Tuesday evening, at her home In Kountze Place. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Howvcr have re moved to their new home at 1614 Emmet street, Mr. Ilex Morchoute Is at home from Cul ver Military academy, where he graduated with honors. Miss Viola Coffin has gone to Chicago. She will spend her ncatlon at tho Chicago Bench hotel. Miss Elizabeth McConnell has returned from Wcllcsley college nnd will bo at home for tho summer. Miss Tcsslo McOuIro left for Los Angeles, Cal., on Thursday to visit Miss Weir, for merly of Omaha. Miss Mao Itothschlld will entertain the A. O. T. Bowling club at Its next meeting, on Thursday nft rnoon. Miss Prudence Sherwln of Cleveland Is expected soon to ho the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Buck. Miss Caroline Mercer and Miss Jcannle Brown are contemplating n visit to Miss Clarke nt Ncttiah, Wis., In July. Miss Ellzabith Cooley Is nt homo again, having returned from Knoxvllle, whero she has been attending St. Mary's school. Mrs. David Chambers, who has been vis iting her brother, J. A. Sunderlnnd, leaves for her homo In Chicago this evening. Senator Charles II. Dietrich and daughter, Miss Gertrude, wero In tho city yesterday, the guestu of Dr. and Mrs, W. H. Hauchett. The Misses McShano entertained Thurs day evening for Mr. and Mrs. William H, Clarke, who leave this week for their now homo In .Memphis. Miss Goodrich left last week for Chicago where she will meet Mrs. Goodrich this week nnd together they trill go to Ocean (lroe for the summer. Mrs. F. B. Stephens of Snlt Lake City, w'lfo of City Attorney Frank B. Stephens, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. James P. Clarey, 2132 South Twentieth street. Habbi and Mrs. Simon will bo at home, on next Sunday, at 1117 South Thirtieth avenue, In honor of Kev. and Mrs. Charles J. Frcund of Toledo, who will bo their guests for sev eral days, while enroute to tho Pacific coast on their wedding tour. Mrs. T. K. Nenl has returned from Kan sas City, where she attended tho Ward- Fuller wedding. Mr. Noble Fuller, the groom, wns formerly of Omaha, but now of Knnsns City, where ho Is connected with a wholesale Jewelry firm. , Miss Curtis went to Chicago on Tuesday, whero sho will be Mrs. Frank Avery's guest for a few days. Sho will bo Joined by Mrs. Bird and Mrs. Curtis and Miss Carlta Curtis, when all will go to their cottage at Lake Geneve for tho summer. Mrs. Hsnry W. Yates and Miss Yates will leave on Tuesday for Cambridge, Mass., to attend the class day exercises of Harvard, where Mr. Hal Yates will graduate this year. They will return by way of Buffalo, stopping there to visit tho exposition. Among the young women who enmc uo from Peru on Friday are Misses Isabcllo Williams, Henry, Mabel' Smith, Josephlno Fearen, Janetto Nowlcan, Lola Tlllotsen, Belle Knupp, Elslo McKenna, Agnes Mc- Llroy, Stella Flanagan, Nelllo Horn, Ala Neville, Mary Griffiths, Leah Mark, Joy Markell, Adele Ryan and Nina Klnkado. I'lciiniircK I'll!. Tho Sowing club met with Mrs. Charles Kountzo last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Keller entertained at dinner on Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. L. Krcldcr entertained at dinner nt tho Omaha club on Wednesday ovening. Mrs. William J. Broatch entertained a small whist party on Wednesday after noon. Tho members and friends of tho Mexican club enjoyed a picnic at Rlvorvlow park on Tuesday. Mrs. George Crandall cntertnlned tho Outlook club on Wednesday afternoon nt her homo on Florcnco boulovard. The young women of the Y. L. P. club wero entertained by their men friends at in oiulng at Pries' lako on Monday. Miss Mabel Stephen wns hostess at last week's meeting of tho Jnhmel Ohecol club, when stxty-thrco was tho game of tho afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Mandcr son nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Buchannn were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Green nt a dinner on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kruder gave an elab orate dinner Friday evening nt tho Omaha club for Mr. and Mrs. William Hill Clarke. Covers wero laid for eight. Misses Bceslo Towle, Swcnsburg nnd Edith Smith nnd Messrs. Arthur Cooly, Haskell and Shlvcrlck made up a sailing party nt Manawa on Friday evening. Mrs. Charles Granden was hostess at last Thursday's meeting of the Prlscllla Kensington club, Mrs. L. Harmann and Mrs. B, Miller winning the prizes In tho after noon's contest. Miss Vntllo cntertnlned at dinner nt tho Madison on Tucsdny evening, when her guests wcro Bishop nnd Mrs. Williams, Dean nnd Mrs. Fair, Mr. and Mr3. Wester nnd Miss Vnlllo of Boston. Mrs. Irvlno entertained at luncheon on Friday at tho Omaha club, In honor of Mrs. Dompstcr. Covers were laid for Mrs. Dempster, Mrs. Rugg, Mrs. Guthrie, Mrs. Bnrkalow, Miss Alton, Mrs. Davenport nnd Mrs. Kccllne. In honor of her ulster, Mrs. Dctwllor of Peoria. III., Mrs. Ben Johst gnvo a very pretty luncheon at her homo on Wednesday. Red roses wero used In thu docoratlon of the rooms nnd tho table and covers wero laid for seventeen. . Mrs. H. Owens entertained tho members of the Roynl Twenty club on Frldny after noon. Tho tnblo decorations wcro entirely of pink nnd green nnd the luncheon was followed by a musical program. Mrs. Tony wan the guist of honor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnnderson entertained at a dinner on Wednesday evening, nt which Mr. and Mrs. Vales wcro tho guests of honor. Tho other guests present wero Mr. and Mrs. Green, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Coutnnt and Mr. nnd Mra, C. K. Yost. About flfteon of tho friends of Mrs. A, L. Hold wore, entcrtnined at hor homo on last Saturday nftcrnoon, tho occasion being her blrthdiy. The afternoon was spent In play ing high five, for which tho prizes were awarded Mrs, I). Miller nnd Mrs. Charles Rosenbery. Miss Florenco Wheeler entertained tlin members of the Carnation Social club last Saturduy evening, It being her birthday. Music was the feature of tho ovening. Theru wcro about twcnty-tlvo guests present. Miss Borgll .Mnnson will bo the hostess nt tho next mtctlng. Mr. nnd Mrs. William H. Clarke wero Mr. and Mrs. William Rector's guests nt a din ner on Wednesdny ovening, nt which covers wero laid for eight. Pink cnrnntlons con stituted tho tablo decorations, n Inrge basket of them occupying the center of the Inblc, nnd the same color being carried out In tho bon-bons and ices, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Rector gave a din ner on Wednesday cvonlng In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hill Clarke. Around tho tnblo, which looked very attractive with a largo baskot of pink carnations nnd ferns, wero seated Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Lowls, Mrs. Spencer of Nebraska City, Mr. and Mrs, Rector. For Miss Gertrudo Bothwull, whose mnr rlago to Hnrry Trumblo Is to occur at AU Saints' church on Wednesday, Miss Daisy Rogers entertained Miss Stolla Hustcss and Miss AntoaeUe Tscbuck, who, .with Woman's Work in Club Tho nursery commlttco of tho Child Sav ing Instltato mot in the parlors of the Young Men's Christian association Friday to comploto arrangements for tho beds for the new home Into which they expect to move nbout the middle of July. Tho beds nre alt to be of white Iron nnd of uniform size. The women havo $1,000 to ralso before that time and have arranged severnl benefit occasions, from which they hope to realize n considerable sum. The summer club work of the Tenth Street city mission wns begun Friday afternoon, when Mrs. Shlnrock, In chnrge of tho boy3' tcmpcnincc clubs, nnd Miss Magcc took a band of urchins out to a vacant lot In tho vicinity of Thirty-second nnd Burt streets for a game of base ball. Tho Young Omnhas and tho Bine Streaks wcro tho two nines nnd tho game nttractcd widespread Ktcrcst among tho children of the mission, many of whom were present to witness it. Tho children of tho various clubs aro to bo taken for such outings frequently during the Bummer nnd the Interest promises to continue. The Woman's Veteran Relief union will give a lawn social Wednesday evening nt the home of Miss Ruth Rogers, 3702 Ames avenue, for the benefit of tho Vetcrnns herself, nre to bo tho bridesmaids, 'nt a box party at Boyd's on Saturday after noon, tho other members of tho party being Mrs. Guy French, Mrs. Turney, Miss Kit tle Smith, Miss Edna Martin and tho Misses Sncll. Miss Agnes Llvcscy cntertnlned on Tucs dny at luncheon for Mrs. Colin Clinton Joslyn nrul Bnby Catherine of Minneapolis. hollowing tho courso luncheon tho women enjoyed n guessing contest, after which the hostess sang several selections. Miss Joslyn wns presented with n handsomo plate by Miss Llvcscy as a memento of hor first nppearanco In socloty. Thoso present were: Mcsdnmes Joslyn, Palmatler, Cop ley, Sherman, Lcdwlch, Bradbury, Misses Wilson. Bauraan, Collctt, Llvcscy, Mary Llvcscy, llttlo Misses Sherman and Joslyn. In honor of the engagement of their dnughter, Miss Kntherlnc nnd Mr. Blum, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Polack held an Informal reception on Sundny afternoon nnd even ing nt their home, 1308 South Twenty eighth street. A prolusion of pink roses nnd greens wore used through tho rooms, whero the presenco of a number of assisting young women made nn additional attrac tion. In tho dining room numerous pink shaded fairy lamps furnished tho only light and here Misses Louise Heller, Mao Heller, Lena Rehfcld nnd Mrs. A. Haas presided. During tho afternoon about 200 friends called. Complimentary to Miss Dccrlng of Port land, Me., who has been Mrs. Rogcra' guest, Mrs. Charles W. Hull entertained twenty- four young women at one of tho most elaborate luncheons of tho season, nt tho Omaha club, on Thursday. Tho long table, at which all of the guests were seated, was Btrotchcd In tho west rooms on tho upper floor nnd decorntcd with bridesmaids' roses, nrranged In threo tnll vnses. Tho pinto cards were Gibson heads, sketched In Ink by Miss Stanton. Tho young women pres ent were: Mmcs. Hnrry Wllklns, Fairfield, George Palmer and Crofoot, Misses Dccrlng, Kountze, Preston, Yates, Lomax, Edith Smith. Hamilton, Helen Millard, Kllpatrlck, Beulah, Sharp, Lewis, McKenna, Mercer, Morse, Hoagland, Stanton, Taylor and Elizabeth Allen. Movement null Wlierenlinnf. Dr. Mattlco has returned from a western trip. General Manderson has returned from tho cast. Miss Peck rcturnod from Chicago on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton havo gono to New York. Mr. Mosler Colpctzor spent a part of last week in Omaha. Mr. William Tupicr Wyman spent last week In Denver. Miss Carrlo Glacomlnl has returned from Hinsdale, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith aro back from their trip to Wyoming. Mr. Wilbur Maynard left last wcok on a trip through the southwest. Mr. John McShnno returned on Tuesday from a month's trip to Texas. Miss Webster Is in Chicago, where sho expects to spend a part of tho summer. Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith nnd chil dren havo gono cast for tho summer. Miss Esnbello Wylo is at homo after a six week's visit with relatives In Oakland, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Earnado Snrdou and chil dren havo gone to New York for tho sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConnell left for California on Monday evening, to be gono several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rolchenbcrg have gono to Chicago, whero they w(ll Join friends nnd go east. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hodgln returned on Wednesday morning from a visit to Old Point Comfort and Chester Hill, O. Mrs. A. Mandclberg nnd family returned last week from a two months' visit with friends nnd relatives In tho cast. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. L. Whitney loft Omaha on Wednesday evening for a two-weeks' eastern trip, which Is to Includo Buffalo. Rabbi A. Simon left on Wednesday for Cincinnati to nsslst nt tho marrlago of Mrs. Simon's sister. Miss Elizabeth Obendorfcr and Rev. Charles J. Frtund. Miss Frances Emerson left on Tuesday ovening for Boston, Mass., where she will spend n fortnight visiting friends, return ing by way of Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. W. B. Molklo has gone to Detroit, whero sho will visit Mr. Melkle's people, going later to Boston to Join Miss Hlggln son, who will spend her vneatlon there. Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. French nnd family will leave this evening for tho east to visit the Buffalo exposition and spend tho re mainder of the summer In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Morltz Meyer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Sol Degen and Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Frank returned on Thursday from Kansas City, where they spent a part of tho week. Mrs. W. P. Harford roturned on Thursday morning from nn extended visit In tho east. During her absenco sho nlso attended the National Congress- of Mothers at Columlus. Carl Brnndols nnd his dnughter, Miss Stella, have gono to Chicago, whero thoy will spend a few days. From thnt point Miss Helen Brnndels will Join them on a trip through tho Groat Lakes. Mr. Bran dels will return to Omaha In nbout two weeks and tho Misses Brandels expect to bo homo August 1. Out nf TiMvn (iurntft. Mr. F. E. Ryner Is spending his vacation at Cheyenne, Mrs. Ralph Kitchen returned to Kansas City on Sunday. Mrs. A. A. Scott Is tho guest of tho MtsMca Glacomlnl. Miss Myrtello Ross of Wllber, Neb., Is the guest of Miss Josephine Alley at 2561 Harney street Mrs. C. C. Joslyn and daughter returned to their homo la Minneapolis on Thursday, Monument fund. Tho social Is for nil old soldiers nnd their friends. Tho board of directors of tho Woman's Christian association will meet Tuesday morning nt 10 o'clock In the parlors of tho Young Men's Christian association. At its latest meeting the executive com mlttco of tho Omaha Wonura's club np pointed Mrs. E. II. Towle nnd Miss Mc Cartney nil members of tho auditing com mittee. Tho executive committee will meet ngaln tomorrow nftcrnoon nt 2, when the other members of the committees will be nppolntcd. These committees nro: Houso and home, educational, constitution nnd courtesies. There will bo n meeting of the directory nt 3 o'clock, when nrrangemcnts will bo completed for the publication of tho club nnnunl, In time to hnvc It distributed nt the first open meeting of tho fall. At the recent meeting of tho membership commlttco Mrs. C. C. Rosewatcr was elected chairman Mrs. D. H. Neely wns hostoss nt a luncheon Friday nt her home, 4371 Hamil ton street, with twenty-four members of the -Mu Sigma club as hor guests. Tlio deco rations, Including those of tho tnblo nt which nil of the twenty-four guests wcro seated, wcro in the club colors, lavender after n visit of two weeks with her parents nnd Mrs. C. H. Rich. Mr. Joseph Garncau of Chicago spent u part of last week In Omaha. Dr. Learned nnd sons nro tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Myron Learned. Mrs. Gnnnett of Washington Is tho guest or ber son, Mr. Herbert Gannett. Mrs. Bcntty of Mobile, Ala., Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Allco of this city. Mr. P. J. McLaughlin was tho guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McLaughlin. Mrs. George Kinney nnd llttlo daughter of St. Joseph nro guests of Mr. und Mrs. Axford. Mrs. Torter nnd Mrs. Snrson hnvo as their guests Mrs. Chany nnd her daughter of Washington. Miss Vnn Wngcncn Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Georgo Mlckle, nt COG South Thirtieth street. Mm. C. H. Purscc of Kansas City Is vis iting Mrs. George N. Clnyton, 620 South Twenty-sixth street. Mr. E. Icvy nnd Mr. M. Goldberg of Ne braska City wero guests of Omaha friends for several days last week. Miss Annn Anthony of Pittsburg, Pa., Is vlsltlut; her aunt, Mrs. W. L. Coakley, 126 South Thirty-seventh street. Miss Mnrlon D. Carpenter of York, Neb., nrrlved Saturday to be tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Colvln for a fow days. Miss Fannie Wallace of Georgetown, Colo., Is visiting ut tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calander on North Nineteenth street. Mr. Frank White nnd sister, Miss White, of liattsmouth spent last Sunday In Omaha, tho guests of Mrs. C. H. Rich, 2110 Lako street. After spending somo tlmo In tho city vis iting her son, Mr. Herbert Gates, Mrs. Gates returned to her home in Denver on Saturday. Captain nnd Mrs. S. P. Wallaco arrlvod from Now Orleans on Tuesday. Captain Wallaco will remain but a fow days, but Mrs. Wallace will spend tho summer In Omaha and Florcnco with friends. Mrs. Noel Griffith, who hnB spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. F. Lceder of 1434 North Eighteenth street, left for her homo In Dos Moines on Thurs day, nccompanlcd by hor sister, Miss Caro line Lceder, who will spend somo tlmo In Dcs Moines. Omaha summit. Florence, Tho Mondamln club gavo n picnic at Prlca lako Saturady night. Misses May Walker and Olga Tucker gave a dancing party nt Pries lako Saturday night. F. Harold Roynolds nrrlvcn home Friday from Bellevuo college, where ho has beeu studying. Charles Purcoll nnd A. C. Cublcy nro at home, nfter a threo weeks' term on tho petltl Jury. L. W. Wight was a business visitor to Herman, Neb.; Monday morning, returning homo Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cain and a friend from Omaha wero tho guests of Mrs. S. B. Tracy Saturday evening. Rev. F. C. Phelps, pastor of tho Prcsby torlan church, nttended commencement ex ercises nt Bellevuo college. Glaus Mecke of Blair and Mrs. P. Hanren of Omaha wore tho guests of Mrs. Andrew Anderson Friday and Saturday. Rose Rebckah Lodgo No. 139, Independ ent Order of Odd Follows, will give an lo cream social at tho now hall Tuesday night. Mrs. W. R. Wall left Tuesday morning for Johnson county, this state, on account of the serious Illness of her sister, Mrs. W. C. Lewis. P. Petersen of Ponca. Neb., on his way to Denver, Colo., spent a couplo of weeks hero visiting his parents, leaving for tho west Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Brown and son, who havo been hero tho past two weeks visiting rolatlvcs, returned to their homo at De catur, Neb., Tuesday. Sam Miller of Vlacnlln, la., visited friends here. Tuesday and Wednesday, leaving for Johnson county, this stato, Wednesday evening, to vlsltl rclntlvcn. W. C. Crosby, P. A. Johanscn nnd Henry Johanscn spent Sunday here with relatives and friends, They aro employed by tho railway company north of hero. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Wallace arrived hero Tuesday and will visit a couple of weeks with Mrs. Tracy, Mrs. Wallace's mother. They spent the winter at New Orleans. llCIINIIII, R. Kelly Is visiting at tho homo o'f his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Kelly. H. J. Orovo Is erecting another now cot tago on his block In tho west purt of town. The Lndlcs' Aid society will meet at tho home of Mrs. Dickson Thursday nftcrnoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nowklrk returned to their homo last Tuesday, after a fow days' visit nt tho homo of tholr son, Georgo Newklrk, Mrs. Wuoif Is enjoying a visit from her sister from Blair, who nrrlved In Benson Tuesday, Iva Dodton was surprised at her home by a number of her little friends Frldny after noon In honor ot her blrthdny anniversary. Tho public schools closed last Friday for tho summer vacation. Tho schools will open In tho fall with three new teachors', YOU NEED WATCHING and we'vo the stock we'd llko you to select from Wo carry only the best grades such as tho Hamilton Railroad Watch all of tho best American makes Sole Omaha agents for tho celebrated Swiss Watches, mndo by Patek, Phllllppl & Co. Como In and let us talk watch to you. Mawhinney & Ryan Co., Jewelers tnd Art Stationers, . I5tli and Douglas. and Charity nnd white. There was nil Informal discus flon of tho year's work. In discussing tho history study for the coming year an In formal voto was taken, resulting in n ma jority of one In favor of the study of Greece over the study of Holland. There was n tailed meeting of the exectitlvo commlttco of the Omaha Equnltty club Frldny nftcrnoon In tho stnto head quarters, for tho purpose of making ap pointments to fill tho vacancies In tho club caused by the resignation of tho president, Miss Nevlus, nnd the secretary, Miss Gregg. Mm. C W. Damon wns appointed to act as president until the nnnual election In Oc tober nnd Mrs. E. H. Stephens will fill thy office of secretnry. The Clio club held Its final meeting or tho season Frldny afternoon. Tho nnnual elec tion resulted: President, Mrs. I). W. Mor row; vice presidents, Mrs. Coulter, Mrs. Washington Pcrclvnl; secretary, Mrs. T. S. Cather; treasurer, Miss Evans. The women of tho Eighth division of Knox Presbyterian church gnve n parlor musical Friday evening nt the homo of Mrs. Tostorln for the benefit of their work. Tho nroirrnm included soncn and Inatru. mental numbers, Interspersed with recita tions, Prof. Fox nnd Miss Shlppard havo resigned their positions, also Miss Mack. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvev J. Ornvo nml rhll drcn returned Inst Monday evening from n few days' visit with friends lu Lincoln nnd Asnianq. Tho memorial services of tho Modern Woodmen camp of Benson, to hnvo been neid mis nftcrnoon, has been postponed indefinitely. Tho Hoard of Education has elected ns teachers: Miss Gertrude Lowo 01 Benson, Prof. John Speedy of Lincoln, Miss Mercer anu miss Kredrickson of Omaha. The Children's day exercises of tho Meth odist church, which wcro postponed last biinaay, will bo held today at 11 a. m., tak ing the hour of tho usual morning services. Under tho nusplces of tho Benson Sunday school, Mr. and .Mrs. Levorctt of Council lJiuns will give n stcreoptlcon view enter tainment nt the town hall Friday, Juno 28. County Superintendent Bod well camo out last week to cxamlno the eighth grado pu pils who havo comnleted hn i-mtrun in M,n Benson public schools, nnd tho following nine pnsscci successfully: Ella VanCura, Ethel Fox, Ernest Tlndcll, Florcnco John son, Fern Schonborn, Henry Thomas, Mary Erlckson, Sophia Hackmau nnd Sndlo Kel lar. IMPORTED Medicinal AND Toilet Preparations. All who use medical or toilet preparations of foreign make will find our stock of such goods SUKPH1SIXGLY COM PLETE. We do not attempt to enumerate here t)ie different lines of perfume and toilet pre parations, but confine ourselves to the odd articles for which people are wont to send direct to New York, thinking they can not be obtained here. AVe ob tain our goods DIKECT FKOM TOE IMPOKTEH8, and thus can guarantee FRESHNESS and GENUINENESS. Brou's Injection, $1.00. Bully's Aromatic Vinegar, $1.00. Bccthnm's Glycerlno nnd Cucumber Cream, 50c. Cando's Lalt Antephcllque, $1,00. Chnpotcnut's Phosphoglyeernto of Lime Capsules, 75c, and powder, $1.00. Chnpoteaut's Strontium Lncate, $1.00. Aplollno Chapoteaut, $1.00. Auberglcr's Pnsto of Lactucnrlum, 50c. Auberglor's Syrup of Lactucarlum, $1.00. Glnlr's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, 50c nnd $1.00. Blnncard's Pills of Iodldo of Iron, 50c. Botot's Eau Dentifrice, 75c. Boudault's Popslno Powder, $1,00. Boycr's Eau do Mellsso des Cannes, 50c. Bravalns Wine, $1.00. Colchl-sal, for gout nnd rheymatlsm, $1. Dcclnt'a Proparntlons, $1,00 per bottle, Ducro's Alimentary Elixir, $1.00. Edward's Harlono, $1.25. Eeckelaer's 141 Baby Soap, 25c- cake. Esplc's Anti-Asthmatic Cigarette. '75c. Fayard & Blayn's Antl-Rbcumatlc Paper, 25c roll. Frank's Grains de Snnto, 50c. Garnlei-I.amoreniix Granule3 Protoldld of Mercury, 50c nnd $1.00. Gombault's Cnustle Balsam, $1.50 bottle. Grllon's Tnmnr lndlcn, 75c. Grlmnult & Co.'s Kouson Powder, $1.60. Orlmault & Co.'s Injection, $1.0u. Joy's Asthma Cigarettes, English, $1.00, Lnrocho's Quinine, plain or ferruginous, $1,00. Lo Grnnd's Violet Orlzn Oil. 7.1c. Mathew Caylus' Capsules of Cnpalvo. $1. Mldy'a Capsules Santal, $1.00. (Snntal Mldy.) Rigollot'a Mustard Leaves, 35c box. Simon's Cream, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Tamnr lndlcn, (see Grlllnn). Tnnrcl's Pelletlerlene. $3.00. Antl Stiff, for tho muscles, 20c and 35c. Cucklc's Pills, antl-blllous, 50c. Do Sanctis' Gout Pills. 50c and $1.00. Uno b Fruit Snlt, $1.00. Ilolloway's Ointment, 50e. Lloyd's Euxcsls, (by widow of A. S. L.), 60e. Morrison's Pills, Nos. 1 or 2. Mulready's Bilious nnd Liver Pills, 75c. Patey's Cold Cream, 25c. Posts, C. B. Q. Pastil Mack, for bath und toilet use, $1. Price's Glycerine. 25c and 50c. Rocho'H Hribnl Embrocation, $1 71 bottle. Taylor's Adheslvo Piasters, 50c yard, Wilson's Hair Tonic, $1.2.1, Wright h Liquid Carhonls Detergenn, 50c. Rowland's Mncassnr Oil, $1,00, Sherman-McConiiell DRUG CO., Corner 16th nnd Dodge. A Is as good as .a government, bond. There is no Hurt na tion in the value of the Steinway piano. The famous name is 1111 absolute guarantee of iiali(y a quality that i! not duplicated under any other name or for any other price. The signature of the government is no more signifi cant on a bond than the name "Steinway" on an instru ment. Our prices on new Steck. Vose, Ivors & Pond, Emerson, Stcger, Jcwctt, Packard, A. B. Chase And 13 other standard makes of pianos, are as low as can be obtained on this continent. We take used instruments in exchange, and arrange the terms to suit the conve nience of the purchaser. Visitors are cordially invited to inspect the wonderful SELF-PLAYING PIANOLA An instrument by which anyone can play the piano. In dorsed by the world's greatest pianists, Paderewski, Ro senthal, Mos.kowski, Saner and I tollman. Sold on easy; payments. For catalogues and prices call or write. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, Nebraska's Leading Piano House, 1313 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. TELEPHONE 1523. Iowa Branch, 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Tolephouo 378. In whlto, with or without linen, batiste, mercerized nnd nrttv nlnt.- and blues. Colored shirt waists, 33c and up. Elegant novelties In belts m mln nf rimt. blo faced satin ribbon, 6-inches wide, prlco $1.00 nnd $1.75. Another lot of those rlnstln rinvni nr.Ha Just In, 1 nnd 1J inches wide. Elnstlc bcltlnc. from 1 In 3 In Mi not wMn NEW BATTENBERO LACE PATTERNS In tUrn-OVer Collars, hnmlkorxhlnfa hnhv bonnets nnd hnt crown, and all kinds of laco patterns for Battenbcrg work. HAYDEN'S PIANOS the Chickenng. It. is used in .every clime and in every country, where music linds its highest expression. You lind it in the leading homes of the land, in the leading conservatories, in the convent, hall and upon the stage. wherever there is a demand for a perfect piano. You will also find the Fischer in their most elaborate cases, hestcr, Doll, Franklin and 11) other makes to select from. All instruments sold on easy payments, if so desired. Pianos slightly used going at their actual value. Sew pianos for rent. We handle liur dette. and Newman liros' organs. Pianos moved, tuned and re paired. Telephone HS). Concerts every afternoon and evening, by the Scottish Concert Company. Tickets free at any department in the store. HAYDEN BROS' The Women's Shoe Store The Sorosls Shoo Storo Is a special linn shoo storo, with women's, girls' nnd boys' shoes at popular prices. Tho best shoo for women in tho world that is Sorosls worth $5,00 coBt you $3.50 both for street nnd dress any weight solo and all tho new shapes. v Boys' and girls' shoes In all sizes, big and little, mndo specially to (It both pocket book nml feet. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th Street, Frank "Wilt-ox, Jluunuer. Send for Catalogue, Steinway Piano MRS. J. BENSON NewShirfWaists Coming in Every Day. Wo havo all tho now brulds for this work. Including flax or linen color nnd blnck. Light weight wool coats, 1 to 10 years, at Just half former price. The choicest light weight box coats, for llttlo above half former price. Plvo hook pongco silk corsets, regular prlco $3.50, for $1.50. FOR MONDAY ONLY Goblin Art Draporles for 0c a. yard wcro 15c and 18c. Silkollno, regulnr prlco 10c nnd 15c Monday 5c nud 7c. A 50c knit vest, low neck nnd no sleeves Monday L'fic, 'If you visit our piano depart ment you will see the grandest assart meat of magnificent pi' anos ever exhibited under one roof. You can compare here, side by side, the leading brandw antl makes of tho world's fore most piano manufacturers. Among this grand stock of in struments is found one piano' that the sun never sets upon MflH Ipntnrl Complexion Powder The I'Arflti, .orltty wnm(n S ""1'-, SUny women o roldflla Ufa that tutu uik. I ououl'i htts ftlmoit child. portly t IMret,' itox rVcr , " ii,nni to, St. Loult nr Nnw York, W?5 You'll Be Night in Style IK YOU WRAR ONK OK OUR SHIRT WAISTS You want to i-o quick nbout It If you oxpeet one. Only got In 21 dozen ni.d thoy'ie going llko "hot enkos." Kvery ono Is n benutj. BLACK, The Man That Sells $2.50 Hats 107 .So. Kith SI. Is