Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1901, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Hajn Arbitration Court ii Alrudj Justify
Inr; Its Eiiitmce.
"White Britain In Ilimy In .Sutitli ACrlon
the I'nthcrlmid Will Protect It
On 11 Co in in c rein I Intercut
In the Knt.
DEnUIJ. Juno 15. F. W. Holls, United
States mcinbor of Tho Haguo arbitration
court, during an Interview today informed
the correspondent of tho Associated Press
that Tho Hague arbitration court had only
Just been organized with tho appointment
of tho last of the llfty-flve Judges, but
several International questions nro before
the court. The Transvaal question was cer
tainly not ono of these, because at The
Haguo peace conference tho Iloer states
wcro not recognized as sovereign states.
The court will not be In permanent ses
sion, but will only act when suitable ques
tions aro presented to It, when the wholo I
court will select a bench to adjudicate cacu
Mr. Holls said both Count von Buclow
nnd tin ron von Rlchthofen, tho foreign min
ister, had received him In tho most Ulodly
manner, sharing his belief that the estab
lishment of The Hague court was the adop
tion of a principle, like tho magna chnrta,
around which International law will crys
tallize. Mr. Holls believes tho emperor,
tho German government and tho German
pcoplo aro now sincerely In favor of Tho
Hague arbitration court on all questions
which seem to properly bolong there. This
Is all tho more remarkable because Ger
many at tho beginning of tho rnnferenco
presontod a number of serious nnd weighty
objections agalust arbitration. She has
now, says Mr. Holls, honestly altered her
Drcllnilii! Will Continue.
During tho laRt week tho two interna
tional topics havo been tho speeches In tho
Italian Chamber of Commerce relatlvo to
tho Drelbund and Groat Britain's attitude
toward the question of Germany maintain
ing a garrison at Shanghai. Tho press ex
pressed tho opinion that Slg. I'rlncttl,
tho Italian minister of foreign nffnlrH. can
not be relied upon by tho other powers
forming tho Drcibund, although tho news
papers Incline to tho belief that after Fri
day's proceedings tho continuation of the
Drcibund Is assured. Government circles
novcr hold a different opinion after
Premier Zanardelll's declarations to Count
von Duelow.
Regarding the attitude of tho Ilrltlsh
press toward tho Germans at Shanghai tho
Gorman press nnd government continue to
hold tho opinion that Germany, by the
terms of the Ynngtse agreement, Is bound
to protect the Ynngtso valley, nesldcs
Germany has tho samo rights as Great
Britain, Franco and Russia.
Referring to tho Washington cable dis
patch saying tho United States does not
mean to protest against tho maintaining
of a German garrison nt Shanghai, the
Frankfurter Zoltung says: "This Is a very
sensible conception of tho situation, slnco
Shanghai Is Chlneso nnd not English. Tho
only country having the right to protest Is
Chlnn. Germany has precisely tho same
right to take care of Us Yangtso Interests
and commorco that any other country has.
A number of German papors during tho
week Jntlmated that Germany, Great
Britain bolng practically powerless for the
tlmo, used 'strong pressure to bring about
tho Anglo-German Ynngtso agreement.
The Tageblatt says:
Tho abandonment by Great Britain of its
Yangtse sphero-of-lntercst idea Is, per
haps, the most severe blow Great Britain
has sustained since tho South African war
Tho Lokal Anzelger prints a dispatch
from Japan saying that Count von Waldcr
sce had n farewell audlenco of tho Japa
nese emperor yesterday and received a
number of valuablo presents. Tho Vos
slscho Zoltung says that Count von Wnl
derseo will be created n prince by Emperor
William nftor his return from tho far east.
The agrarians aro greatly disappointed
with General von Bodblclskl, tho new min
ister of agriculture, owing to his speech at
the Hallo Agricultural exposition, whore
he expressed the conviction that agrarians
should bo ablo to help themselves In most
cases except crop failures. This opinion
clashes greatly with his' former utterances
on the same subject.
Emperor William will start his yacht
Iduna In tho Elbo regatta Juno 18.
Mrs. White, wlfo of tho United States
ambassador, gave a ladles' farewell lunch- ,
con today In honor of Mrs. Boise. The i
Ladles' American Colony presented Mrs. J
Boise with a vnluablo gift, In testimony of i
ner errorts in Denau 01 mo ucrnn Amer
ican Woman Students' club.
llonl mill A n nil llotvlliler Purl vrlth
Their Mnrvcloue Crcntloim
of Revelry.
(Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Juno 16. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Tho Castcl
lane havo opened nnd will close the
week which ends tho Paris season
by two fetes which will go on record as tho
most magnificent affairs slnco the downfall
of tho last French emperor.
Last Saturday at Autcil they gavo a
steeplechase aud at night a reception with
orchestral nnd vocal music and dancers, all
the performers being expcnslvo stars. The
court of honor of the mansion was Illumi
nated with Incandescent bulbs concealed
among bushes nnd banks of flowers. Twelvo
valets In the Castcllane livery of scarlet
and gold stood nt the Iron gate ar.d twelve
more at tho outside marble steps to tho
vast hall on tho lower floor, In which Count
Bonl and Countess Anna received their
guests. Tho two flights of grand stair
case leading to two super-Imposed gal
leries were also Hnt with big, motionless
valets, their short breeches, scarlet and
gold coats and powdered wigs standing out
In splendid contrast ngalnst tropical plants,
A French orchestra downstairs nnd a
Hungnrlan orchestra on the second floor
gnllery played alternately. Tho guests
wcro 330 of the most exclusive aristocrats.
Tho vaudevlllo concert, no act of which
cost less than $500, began In the ball room.
Tho fountnlns distributed throughout tho
halls and stair landings of the Interior
courts of tho Castcllane palace played for
tho first tlmo on this occasion nnd wcro
a great success. Though tho evening was
hot, tho ntmosphcro hero was delightfully
cool. Tho water running everywhero In
nol3y cascades nnd brooks, tinkled delicious
music, giving, with tho profusion of plnnts,
quite nn outdoor effect. At midnight the
concert ended nnd tho company passed out
to tho dining room, whero supper was
served. Tho arrangements were superb.
Hero a delightful surprise awaited tho
guests In tho shape of a marble basin from
which a sheet of water twenty feet wide
fell Into n largor one on tho floor. The
wholo arrangement was trimmed with
plnnts and flowers nnd elicited expressions
of admiration from nil tho guests.
Tomorrow nftcrnoon (Sunday) after tho
races, tho Castcllnnoa will glvo a garden
party on tho polo grounds In the Bols do
Boulogne. At night their mnnslon In tho
Avcnuo Mnlakoff will bo thrown open for
another fete, Intended to eclipse that of
last Sunday and to wind up the Tnrls sea
son In a burst of glory.
Society Is rathor humiliated by the man
ner In which tho Cnstollanes are pcllpslng
everybody else In tho splendor of their en
tertnlnmcnts, and snccrlngly nsks what
usurer Is paying for nil this,
Only three Americans, outside of embassy
attaches, were recognlzod by the Cnstel
lanes on their Invitations. They were
Mrs. Henry Drake, Mrs. William Moore and
the countess de Coctlogon. Nono of the
American embassy, though Invited, at
tended. llonl' Brother Admit EiiRnfrcinent.
Stanislaus Castcllane, Count Bonl's
brother, admits his engagement to the
daughter of Emlllo Terry, brother of Sybil
Sandersons lato husband. The girl Is a
great hciross. Her father bought tho mar
velous chateau, tho Chenoncaux tho his
torical residence of Frnncls I, Henry II,
Catherine do Medici and Mary Stuart, and
later tho property of Mme. Dupln, who
constantly had there Voltaire, Rousseau,
Bollngbroke and other famous men.
Thus tho two brothers of Bonl, like him
self, havo obeyed their father's Injunction
to "marry money, my boys, for I am living
on my capital." Count Bonl, of course,
mado tho richest catch. Jean married,
through the enormous Influence of his fath
er's first cousin, tho Immensely rich widow
of Trlnce von Furstenburg, Mario Loulso
de Valcncny do Talleyrand Porlgord. Stan
Islnus, with Senorlta Terry, gots perhaps a
llttlo less money than the other two, but
ono of the prettiest nnd sweetest girls In
the world.
A strange feature of tho betrothal Is the
fact that Stanislaus during tho llfo of
Antonio Terry was so conspicuously In
fatuatcd with his wife that some unpleas
antness resulted. consequently many
thought that Sybil Sanderson herself might
become Bonl's sister-in-law nftor a reason
nblo season of widowhood, but Bonl, who
Is very level-headed In theso matters, con
vinced his younger brother of the advan
tage of transferring his attentions from the
aunt to the niece. Tho date of tho wed
ding has not been settled.
America' Colored Wonder Finds (In)'
Sword Piny it Tonic nnd
n Delight.
(Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, June 15. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Major
Taylor hbs seen four duels In tho, three
months and n half he has been In France,
three with swords nnd ono with pistols,
nnd Is anxious to see more. He says noth
ing is so intsrestlng to him as the sight
uf two men with shining, murderous blades
trying to perforate nach other. Thursday
bo was an excited witness of the Regis
Richard encounter. Immediately after
ward ho took tho train for Toulouse, where
he rides his exhibition race today. He
goes next to Bordeaux, where, besides a
mile run, ho is entered in n tandem Ave
mile race. Taylor may sail for home on
Juno 26 .unless pending negotiations with a
French mnnnger succeed, in which case he
would remain hero permanently. Ho says
there Is more money In racing on this side.
Miller, winner of several Madison Square
six-day races, Is also here, but ho has had
bad luck since coming. In his race at
Brussels with Roubnlx ho got both tires
punctured, riding sixty miles on rims.
Miller has quite recovered from his recent
terrific fall and Is training hard for the
Paris, Brest and return road race. If ho
wins the 4,000 frnncs prize in this ho will
go back to America Immediately and quit
Corn, Lady S.rnfford, Give nn Im
portant Dliilninntlu
(Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Juno 15. (Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Corn, Lady
Strafford, gavo a musical Thursday which
was qulto u diplomatic function, ovory am
bassador In London being present. Shu
has tho teputatlon of being a power In
diplomatic circles.
Mrs. Cavendish Bcntlnck, nee Mills, Is
giving a scries of dinners, followed by
bridge whist, Last Thursday she had tho
dukn and duchcas of Dovonshlre. Tho play
w.ih long and high,
The Mnrlsboroughs havo no box nt the
opera this season, hut the duchess, usually
with Mrs. George Cornwnllls West, Is often
seen In the stalls.
Mrs. Tony Drcxcl Is going about n great
deal. She was arrayed In dazzling dia
monds nt Mrs. Carl Meyer's party on
J. Pierpont Morgan, accompanied by his
Bon, went yesterday to tho Graves gallery
in Pall Mali to Inspect the rival to tho lost
"Duchess," which Is nBscrted to bo a genu
ine picture, and Morgan's $150,000 purchase
only a copy. It was believed that Mr. Mor
gan proposed to mnko an offer for the
plcturo, but after looking at It for about
two minutes he left without saying any
thing. Many leading experts believe that
It has more marks of genuineness than
Mr. Morgan's acquisition, and this Is said
to bo the opinion of Werthelmcr, tho best
Judge of eighteenth century English work
Author of Dreyfus' Jtnln Spend Klve
Ilnyn In Pari to Sec lilt
l'n inlly.
(Copyright 1001, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, June 15. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Major Ester
hazy, at the risk of imprisonment, came
over from London nnd spent flvo days hero
with his wife and children. Before return
ing to London ho visited tho Paris bureau
of tho World to offer a series of articles,
but they were declined. The author of the
bordereau for which Dreyfus was con
demned looks prosperous. It Is said that
after a period of terrible distress In Lon
don two bankers havo taken pity on him nnd
helped him out and ho now hobnobs with a
lot of stock brokers nnd politicians, who,
whllo despising htm, find him Interesting
and llUo his comrany. With "Inside tips"
from thcBo men Esterhazy has made a great
deal of money lately and ho has Just taken
n fine house nnd lives hnndsomoly.
"A fortnight ago," said Esterhazy, "I was
Introduced to Mr. Chamberlain. Wo nat
urally drifted to the Dreyfus nffalr and after
listening to my explanations Mr. Chamber
lain wound up tho conversation thus: 'There
arc two kinds of Imbeciles in France Drey
fusards and antl-Dreyfusnrds.' "
You feel old. A single day seems
almost a year. Hour after hour, from
morn till night, you can hardly drag
yourself through your work. Even night
wings no rest, for you toss about, too
tired to sleep.
What is the cause of all this? Impure
blood. Get rid of these impurities at
once. Put your blood in better condition.'
Build up your nerves.
Take a bottle or two of the only Compound Conccn
tratcd Extract of Sarsaparilla you can buy that's Aycr's
Ayer's Sarsaparilla makes old blood young.
I want to tell you of the good your Sariaparilla hn done for me. I was to poorly)
that I could hardly get about to do my homework. After taking two bottlei of the
Sariaparilla I now feel well, have a good appetite, can do all my work, and ileep good )
at night." Mm. N. S. Swjnney, Princeton, Mo.
One dollar
a bottle.
All druggists.
Aik your doctor what he thinki of Ayer'i Sariaparilla. The probability
it he has prescribed it a great many timet and knowt j'ust what it will do.
Then aik him if he doet not think it is precisely the medicine you need thit
ipring, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass.
'j? 'jr -jr 'r a tsr
Low prices on patents
Don't pay high prices for Patent Medicines when you
Rend our Dr
Stationery Dept.
Crockery Dept.
Writing Tablets, extra flno
nunllty, regular 10c value,
Monday only C-W
Tlmo Hooks nnd l'ockct
Monduy only
ui ,
White House Cook Books, Illustrated,
contains Instructions for all kinds uf
cooking, and l.OKi house- t mm
hold recipes, bound In Jajfc '"T
enamel cloth Spcciul vj KJ
uuiiaay oniy
Paper Hound Novels, assort
ment of works by lending
authors special Mon-
uiiy. ni
25 White Wove Envelopes
extra good (Uiillty Zp
Monday only KJm
Largo assortment of Catholic Prayer
Hooks, at 12c, ISc, :5c and up.
Second Floor
Hot Weather Goods
Woven Hummock, with
stretcher nnd pillow
size 36x72
Woven Hammock samo
hh above without
Canvun Weave Hummock,
with pillow, stretcher
und vnluncc size
Splendid, close woven
Hammock, with Inrgo
tufted pillow nnd
Tho "Progress" ncfrlgcrutor.
nit out gnivanircu
lee chamber; Ice
capacity 60 pounds;
price ,
Refrigerator samo
as nbove; ice ca
pacity 100 lbs.;
Apartment Refrigerator, with galvan
ized ico chamuor,
lee capacity
120 pounds,
Mixed, house paints, per
gallon 11.20 per half
gallon fiOc per
Monday Special,
A beautiful line of Lemonade Sets,
In decorated and gold work colors,
also solid panel gold
nnd opalescent glass,
full set 7 pes, choice
Peerless Flint Class
Horry Sets, 7 pieces,
Dead Kdgo Pearl Glass
Berry Sets
only Kxtrn large, Flemish
Hccr Pitchers
Covered Steins
large VfflC
can buy the best in tho market at Bennett's low prices
'ur Ad below -teg25&
Bennett's Patents Low
Travelers' Necessities
Igcrutor, with
tor, with galvnn-
Flemish Stone, 3
Ion cooler
only Scml-Porcclnin tlcrry
Footed Crystal Dcrry
Stem Ware Ileer
j3-oz. Class-only
Sporting Goods.
Trust Patents
ITrtinott'N l'n ten I Miilltliit"i ftunr
ii n to cil .'it mi I In miytliliiK mi
Hip iiinrl;ct. lour iiiiinoy rc
flllllll'll If OU I'llll llml lll
IllllIK mi-iiuk vtlth niir tuitcntw.
The trust nnd combines have forced
the prices up on patent madlclnes be
yond reason. While wo carry nil tho
patents, nnd aro compelled to sell
them at tho trust price, wo also havo
the Old Reliable Ilennett's Patents.
Read this list nnd then comparo
incm wiin otner patents.
T.unk. Suit Cises. Leather Bags,
etc Wo not only wivo you money, but
gle ou tho nrtltlo you aro looking
Dri-m Suit Cages
olto color
Drr1! Suit Cafes 22-Inch-ollvo
Drcus Suit Cnncs-21-lueh
olive color
Dennett's Sarsaparilla n vrm
Fishing Rods 10 foot
Ramboo Rod 12-foot
a lino ono
Spilt Ilamboo, Lanco Wood and steel
Rods; lines, bait, hooks all kinds.
A lino nssortment of Tackle Uoxcs
from 80c up.
Twenty kinds of Reels to select from
as flno as nny aud down to 11c
largo bottle and
Dennett's Kidney and
Llvfr Cure-only
Dennett's Kmulslon Cod
Liver Oil-only
Dennett's Condition l'ow-,
dcr 23 ounce
Ilennctt'H F'lg Syrup
largo bottle
only Dennett's Carbolic
Dennott'8 Lightning -.j t
Roach Poison j O
Dennett's Malt
Newest Shapes
Dans leather lined, with plated lock
and Hprltig catcher, from o 7U
J5.W rlown to XAJ
IaMoh Club Dngs. In tun, chocolate
and nllvo colors new 'IWf'
shapes and stylos ouv
Fancy mctnl covered
Largo M-lnch metal cov
cri'd Trunk
Vi lmvp n complete line, Q ft
up to -'-''-'
Woo den ware Dept.
I'spful articles for little money- UUY
Hat and Coat Ruck-only
20-Inch Towel Roller i(r
lron ends '"
lS-lnch Towel Roller hard Oc
Vegetable Cutter iOr
only 1-lV'
Towel Racks nickel tips Qr
3 nrniH
Wooden Spoons
only Rolling Pln-lilack
Wash Hoards- 50c
down to
Washing Machines
1ft stvles to HPlrct from, prices O Oft
from N.I5 down to ai.-ZO
MlP SP' f9 f?' X' J'
Hi Orerruni WathingWi Noted PUoet
with Umbrella nd Cne.
Ornate Interior of Wnnhlimton Miimi-
inent DeMiollcd Tourlut Wntclicil
nml Public Plncfit Care
fully (iuiirdod.
Nearly every tourist who visits Washing
ton wants to take away a souvenir, sou
venir stores in the national capital aro as
nlenty as saloons, but your true souvenir
hunter wants something that he has culled
himself. By preference ho will hammer;
hew or sllco It off from some monument or
landmark. That Is why It costs Undo Sam
a young fortuno to guard his treasures of
history, wonder and beauty. Whatever pub
lic building you enter, your rane. umbrella,
or whatever you may havo that would mako
a good hammer, Is taken from you and
and theso remain untouched, save by pen
cils that mark their owners' names only
to have their traces washed off on tho
next cleaning day. But of the delicate carv
ing there Is llttlo left. Tho hnndsomcst
slab, though ono of tho smallest, measur
ing 3x5 feet, Is that presented by tho
American Medical association, representing
a group of tho fathers of medicine. It Is
about midway up tho monument, ubout
whero climbers rest, and about four foot
from tho floor a convenient reach. Hence
tho condition of tho figures, two headless
and threo armless. Two landings above Is
a slab representing a locomotive. Tho
locomotlvo looks as If It had got tho worst
of n collision. Tho souvenir hunters did It.
Not fnr nwny la a largo slab occupying tho
center of ono wall for a height of six foot.
In Its present condition It would do for
n puzzlo picture. Before tho enthusiastic
tourists got ut it with their umbrollas nnd
canes It represented a flro cnglno of tho
old type. A volunteer llro department of
some city presented It. Probably tho nnmo
of tho city 13 In somo old record. It Isn't
on tho slab. Onco It was, but the souvenir
sharks got It. Ono thing that they haven't
got Is tho fine cnrvlng of n pellcnn, tho
symbol of tho stnto of Loulslann. Tho
reason Is that, Instead of bolng a bas-relief,
tho pelican Is carved Into tho stone, ln-
for rclli'fl. Iloto nothing Is preserved,
everything Is chipped nnd marred nnd
broken by travelers like myself. I return
herewith, etc." Signed not at nil.
Tho head was stuck on, the glue stained
tho marble nnd the milk white deer has u
yellow streak uround his neck.
Mt'lirmc fnr l':i incut of Chlncup In
demnity In (irinrliiK' In
I-'n vor.
WASHINGTON, Juno 13. Tho news dis
patch from I'ckln conveys to tho olllclal
mind hero tho belief that what Is known as
tho Drttlsh-Amorlcnn plau of settling the
Indemnity question is making hendway and
that It will in tho end bo adopted na tho
only feasiblo scheme. The firm attltudo
of tho United Stntes In declining to enter
Into a Joint gunranty of tho enormous bond
Issue In believed to havo hnd Its effect In
Inclining the ministers to ucccpt tho Ilrltlsh
American proposition. It is certain that
nny movement toward tho settlement of tho
Indemnity question must result in
unanimity to bo beneficial.
Tho details of tho Ilrltlsh plan havo not
heretofore been given und they wcro learned
checked; and at tho Congressional library
nnd Corcoran art gallory you nro watched
very closely, lest you might get an oppor
tunity to use your heels, TheBe two places
aro particularly ontlclng to tho vandal, with
all their statuary and carved marble.
Unfortunately tho Washington monument
has not been so well guarded, consequently
It Is badly scarred by tho depredations of
the souvenir flonds. In3ldo It Is very dim
In spots, tho light bolng supplied by an oc
casional incnndcsccnt lamp along the stair
way. It Is In this atmotphere that vandal
ism flourishes. Like whlto squares amid
tho blacks of a huge checker board Btand
the memorial slabs presented by tho states
In tho union at tho tlmo of the monument's
erection, and by the societies and organiza
tions of tho country wishing their names to
be Immortalized nt the national capital.
There are more than 150 of these, nnd mnny
of tbem are In a dlstreieful condition of mu
tilation. Missing heads, nrms, legs nnd
drapery, from tho statuary bear eloquent
witness to tho appreciation of visitors who
were so favorably Impressed with the monu
ment that they couldn't tear themselves
away without taking something with them
to remember It by. JuBt exactly what
value, real or sentimental, tho left ear lobs
of tho Ooddess of Prosperity, for Instanco,
can have for any person Is hard for a sane
man to understand. Somebody got It, how
ever CnrvliiRK Jliilllntcil.
Most of the slabs presented by the states
bear simply names and dates In large, bold
letters that defy umbrellas and tho like,
tagllo fashion, and no predatory umbrella
can dig that out.
When most of the vandalism In tho mon
ument occurred no ono knows, but It proba
bly took place boforo tho checking system
was thorc, compelling visitors to loavo all
potential Implements of destruction beforo
going up tho monument. Orcnt protest
against this order Is mado by the camera
fiend, wno generally wants to take n blrds
eyo vlow of tho city from tho top of tho
monumont. But ho has to do his best with
out his tripod, for that triple crowbar tttaya
below with tho umbrellas and canes.
At Mount Vernon there Is n small army
of "spotters" on tho lookout for tho worker
of souvenir Iniquity. A quarter admission
is charged and tho monoy goes to defray
tho expenao of guarding tho placo. In
Washington's old homo there Is ono thing
that strikes tho notice by Its contrast to
the provalllng simplicity. It Is tho carved
mantelpiece of Carrara rnarblo In the din
ing room. Ono who Is not n vandal cannot
gaze upon It without anathematizing tho
wholo race of rello seekers. Even with
watchers In every room somo Individual
managed to "got In his work," nnd knock
off tho head of a galloping deer In the
center of the group. Tho animal roraalned
headless for months. Then one day back
camo tho head In a llttlo box, postmarked
Paris. Tho culprit had realized tho evil
of his ways, tho villainy of hfs vandalism.
Bald the accompanying note. ' It did not
occur to mo In my own country, whero
everything Is so perfectly preserved, the
outrage that it la lo mutllato historic places
today from nil nuthorltatlvo sourco lo ho
as follows: Tho Chinese government is to
Issue bonds to each of tho powers to the
amount of the Indemnity due onuh. Theso
bonds nro to bear 4 pur cent Interest, with
r. cIuubo providing ano-half of 1 per ccut
for amortization. Ccrtuln of the Chinese
revenues, tot spocltlenlly designated In the
proposition, aro to bo cirmarlt'Ml, for tho
liquidation of the bonds. A rommltteo ap
pointed by tho foreign powers Is to tiilio
chnrgo of tho quoHtlons relating to tho
revenues thus carmurked, and the commit-
teo Is to arrange- details by which tho
roveiiuos uro to ho applied on the
In euso of default on the bonds, tho default
Is to bo to the committee und not to tho
hovoral powers. Tho foregoing is, in sub
stance, the entlro proposition, but later It
was proposed in addition that the period of
tho tlmo bo thirty years and that they bo
(sued In Installments. In this foim tho
proposition ttcod, up to .vlthln a few days
ago, but It Is not known In what particulars
it may have been modified by tho ministers.
Tlu-lr ltiKllcnl Curp Warranted by thi
Hr. llcnni-H Method of AlMilylniT
i:irctrlolt llend nnd Investigate.
Do not linger along In your misery until
your iillmentH havo reached nn Incur-
nble stage. If you nro Buffering from any
form of wpiik-
ness, Lost ViK- vWt
-...I .I.nll... W
or illiu ii.oij. .VSV
crime to neglect
yourself or dopa
your stomach
with strong
drugs. Nature
Iioh furnlshiid a
remedy In Elec
tricity which
will euro every
phasa and guise
or mimnn ins
It Is a sure, spoedy nnd
snfo euro In overy case
whero tho proper cur
rent Is applied right. If
you nro suffering from
any form of theso pe
culiar nnd baflling
Nervous Aliments I will
warrnnt to euro you
and the expense Is
slight within tho reach
of all tho nflllctcd. Ths
exclusive use of my
method of applying
ijicciricity to me nu
man system has been granted to me b
tho United states Government as a, rowan)
for my diligent study nnd experiment. I
cull my Electric Appllnncn an Electric Belt,
becauso that in tho proper namo for It thai
Appllnnco bolng a Body Battery worn
around ths body ns n belt, but you must
r.nt confuse It with the many so-calUii
electric belts now being offered the public
i mm
Dr Bennett's New
Electric Belt
Is thn only perfected and effective methedl
of applying electricity for the radical ours
or Nervous und Kindred Ailments. It ha
soft, silken, chnmols-cevered iponce elo
trodes which do away with that frightful
burning' and blistering' cnusod by otherj
belts, which have bare metal eleotrodes and
which nccumulnto verdigris, a deadly pel
son. My Belt has Interchangeable Battery)
Cells and can bo renowod when burned out
for only 7Gc: when othora burn out they lira
worthless. My special electrical attach
ment for men, free to malo pntlenta.
My Niircpaa ha called forth many
wortlilemi liultntlona. Iiultatlona
nr linre-inetnl electrodes cov
ered vrltli n thin niece of abeep-
Uln. They ivlll not give cur
rent. Never purchnae an lmlta
tlon of n ntiiudard appliance.
The kciiiiIiip In not ui expensive
on the counterfeit.
My Now Electrlo Belt 1h guaranteed ta
cure Varicocele, Nervous Disorders ana
nil Weaknesses In either sex; restore Lost!
Vlcor nnd Vltnlltv. euro niioumattsm In
nny guise, Kidney, Llvor nnd Bladder
'jrouuips, uonstipation, Binmncn uuoraera,
an i'omaie i.'cmplaints, otc.
Wrltn mil tndnv. I havo Wl lten two val
unble books on Nervous Ailments and Thelrj
euro by Electricity which nro sent rree,
tritnnlfl. tor thn iinklnc. Communication;
t.acredly confidential Advlco and dlagnoili
wituoui cost, hoiu oniy v
Dr. Bennett Electric Bill Co.
17- to 17." Union IllUif., Denver, Colli,
Dully .lime ISth to
.sept, llllli, 11(01. ... '
O in nil n In Denver, Colorado Sprlnaa
nml 1'iifhlii.
eiC July 1 to 9, 0Q June 18 to 30.
Old Hept. 1 to 10. 010 July 10 to Aug. 31.
Return Limit October 31. 1001.
I'riipiirlliiniili-ly ( licnp Unlet on nme
ilnti-K In other Coloriiilo mid Utah
Toiirlnt I'otiilN.
Wrlto for details nnd Colorado literature,
(. . , Itullierfoi'il, lienl. .tut.,
Iftua Kuril ii iii St., Oinnliii.
Philippine .Inline Appointed,
I MANILA, Juno in.-Tho United Mates
Philippine commission liau appointed tho :
, following supremo court Judges: Chief
! Justice. Cayotano Arellano; I'. Lorentlno,
Torres, attorney genornl; J. Cooper of
Texas, General James F. Smith of Call
fornla, formerly collector of customs
Charles A. Wlllard of .Minnesota and Vic
torlana Mapa of Hollo. i
Tho rommUslon has appointed L. R
.Wtfley of Missouri to bo attorney genoral.
, Ills assistant tuid solicitor will be tiatlvcu, ,