Kittnor Hns It tlmt Several City Franchised Corporations Have About Completed. ARRANGEMENTS FOR A FRANCHISE wuii ii Ciiiiiiiiiiiitiuii of IfTlilx Hi-ill In t'niixiimiiuiteil Hvi-rj' tiiirl nf OiiiiiIiii Mice! rlelly Will Vny IrllHiti- lo II. Ill these lIllJ'H Of IllOIIStrOUS Combines 1111(1 iiIiIc-ImkIIi'iI (niHlH nothing III the way of in IKinito c:i l t a) l.ii I loll Im surprising. Tho lillllon-ilollar steel (rust stiirllcd tho coun try fur 11 few days, but oven this onor iiiiiiih hiiiii mi longer excites comment, so riiplilly iln uo ikIu pt ourselves to conditions In IIiIh lillllon-clollnr country of oiii-h, ifl.lMlo.OOO.I MM I Ti-iinI lii OiiiiiIiii would awoken Interest no ilnulil. It must not lie forgotten In passing Hint $30,000,000 In a single cnmhlnntlim for Omuha In 1 1 1 1 1 c iih tri'incniloiiH n n billion dollars In n Irimt which operates throughout tho entire Intnl. The oilier fnct worth considering ts foutnl In tho HiioIn or tlio .Vctv ComiIiIiiiiIIiiii. In oilier ilnyH corporations were cnpltnl Izeil upon their net worth. In them hitter ilnyH tho basis nf capitalization Ih tho enrn lug power of the rorportitlotiH entering tlio comlilnntlon. Monro It follows tlmt tho vnrlnus concerns thrown together In (his Oinnlm coinhlno nro expected to enrn divi dends upon tho largo hiiiii of $.10,000,000. Till' Life I ll ft ii ril life TriiNt, which l milking Nebraska, Ih nn nllcn com liltiiitlon. Tho great custom life cotnpnnlus through tho Nebraska llfo triiBt nro nhlo to tako nwny from our productive Indus tilfM $l,r.00,000 a yenr, of which Hum $1,200, 000 r lodged forever In tho hanks of the eiiHtern eoncortiH. Allen I. Iff Co in pii I 'n I'oiiilft nro not expended In protecting our people. They go to swell n mirplim In which we do not pnrtlclpnto or nro expended In pny Ing liiwsim In fnr nwny communities who have no commercial relations with Ne braska. Tho Nebraska life co.mpanlcs nro devoting theuiHelves to tho good work of correcting tliln manifest ovll. Tln IliinUern Itcnerve l.lfr, of which II. II. HolilHon Ih president, Ih foremost In thlH nght for home liiBiirnuce, because It Is tho strongewt, most nggroHBlv and most fenrleBH of tho Nebraska compa iiIch. IIh policies nre nioilcrn. Its methods nliovo criticism, Its Hccurltles nro deposited with tho state nuthoritlcH nod it Ih pmhtng IIh liiislneHs. Whenever Mr HoIiIhoii can find on nctlvo solicitor he Ih pluced In the Meld nnd tho IiusIuchh goeH forward for nn olher $2,000,000 In 11101 The people are with tho Hunkers Itcserve nnd are Inter 081 oil In Its success. JKIAI.TKKATMKSIT MIKK. ""I forfait ao for tiy nm f IutrrnKl.KmlrmiiliirllrlilnB - . . hit ihii. tneuro. llitlaiilanilrHiriiianuiitrtillrf. Wrllrnl iinrn. Jrru MrillriilC'o.,213 K. 3.1 tit., liirliiiiiill, o. FREE! f 3 k " ' KINTUCKT UQIWB CO One Quart Black berry Brandy - (I'roni .lime lntli III Jill)' ltll, IIIOl), Midi vt,ry FULL Or f, .Iiik., S3.00 DIRECT TO CONSUMER i:rit i:ss or iitr.HiiiT I'liiiiMin. Absolutely pure, 8-yrar old douhlo ceppor ilia, tllleil whlakcy. No home should be with out It. Shipped In Plain hoxrs. Money refunded If not iui represented. Inferences: Any luink or express com-pony. Money order or Or nft payable to Sol. 8. OotJitrom, If pro ferreJ. Kentucky Liquor Co., lllNllllern mill Imiiorleria, "MUll SI. - SO. OMAHA, MOM. N. ll,-Onlcr for Soulli Dnkotn, Wyoni I Dir. Colornilo, I'tnli, Montnnn, Idaho, Ne vada, California, Wmlilnnton, Arliona, New Mexico nnd PreRon, must call for 11 or to quarts uy fu-lnlit prepaid. Com plete price list for liquors sent on application. .Mr. WIiiiIii'iv'n NooIIiIiik Syrup him been used for over FIFTY YKAH8 by MILLIONS of MOTIUOlia for their CHU, Ultl'JN WllII.U THUTIIINO. with I'KH FKf'T HUCCK88. II SOOTIIU3 the CHILD, HOFTHNH the OUMH, ALLAYS all PAIN, CUHK.S WIND COLIC nnd Is tho best rem edy for DIAHKHOUA. Hold by druggists In every part of tho world, Ho sure nnd ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's HoothliiB Syrup" and take no other kind. Twenty-five centi ii otlle. Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Huvonth Pago.) Iilgh prices. I havo boforo mo a list of some of tho greasy wool sales of last ear, showing that certain buyers got as much as C cents a pound moro than tho ordinary market rates. Thoro Is also n difference In tho prlco according to what part of tho sheep tho wool comes from. Hvcry sheop Ih dlvldod up Into sections, and after tho llooco Is token off tho wool from tho legs goes Into ono place, that from tho hollies Into another, and so on, a dozen classifica tions being made from tho samo Bheop. Sydney has Its wool exchange, whero all tho wool auctions aro held. The exchange THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. 6,000,000 sheep In this colony. Then all tho sheep were herded. Now they ore kept In paddocks, fenced with wlro and It takes fewer shepherds and tho cost Is much less "Where did your first sheep como from 7" i asked. iney were brought over by tho con victs," was tho reply. "When Captain Philip camo hero In 1788 ho brought twenty- nlno sheep and other llvo stock. These sheep did very well, and It was a few years uftor that that Captain Mncarfhur started tlio Idea of making a sheep country of Australia. Macarthur wns a military mnn with n scientific bent. Ho had a arm near Sydney and experimented In crossing somo cast Indian rams and Irish owes, nnd as a result produced wool better than that of Juno 10, 1001. KZsjJ iiiiiiiPMLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(tLBiiiiiiiiH SOUTINO TUB WOOL, Ih situated nenr the wharves in tho heart of tho city. It Is a long, narrow room. much Ilko a chnpel, with nu auctioneer's desk llko a pulpit In ono end of It. The various wholesnlo dealers or commission merchants nro allotted different days on which they may auction off their stock and on those days tho buyers como to bid. Ca ble reports aro received as to tho prices In tho great wool marlicts over tho world nnd tho excitement rises nnd falls with the quotations. The commlKslou merchants nro only Interested In getting us much as thoy can for their customers nnd tho wool often hrlngH moro than It Is worth. After It Is sold tho commission man delivers It to the stenmor packed ready for shipment. Colli'Ki'n for Wont SI en, Hero In Australia tho government has colleges for wool students. A branch nf tho technical schools Is devoted to night classes for sheep bleeders and wool dealers. In theso schoolH tho students are taught all about sheep, Tho diffcteut breeds aro exhibited and their qualities pointed out. Tho students have to grade and elnsstfy wool and hundreds of bales from tho sta tion nro supplied lo tho school by wool dealers for this purpose. Koch student wears an npron nnd overalls to kocp tho grensy stuff from soiling his clothes whllo he goes through the bales, picking out tho gooil and bad wool and sorting It according to quality. Ho Is taught how to shear sheep and how lo scour wool He Is takon by the teachers Into tho wool stores and Is given the host of practical Instruction as to feeding, shipping and marketing. Thero Is a regular prnfcFslon of wool sorting In Australia and tho man wh 1 knows all about wool and sheep can get a high salary as a manager or expert Sup pose a squatter has 100,000 ulieep and can ndd one pound per sheep to his crop of wool, the difference Is 100,000 pounds por nnnuiu. which moans n fortune. It Is so with tho men owning smaller docks and henco the wool nnd sheep exports aro sure of good wnges. Men from the woolen mills of England aro brought out hero for this purposo and overy ofTort Is made to produce the highest priced wool. I had a talk as to the growth of Aus tralia's wool Industry with one of the old time squntters, a man who hns been raising sheep for llfty years and who has now about 60,000 on two different stations. Said ho: "Wo havo fower sheep In Australia today than wo had ton years ago. Hero In Now South Wales we had moro than C!), 000,000 In 1S91 and now wo have Just about 10,000,000. We have lost 20,000,000 by tho drouth fcnd overstocking and havo now Just about what wo can easily feed. I con remember tho tlmo when thore wcro only cither of tho ancestors. IU then ex perimented with tho Merinos. You know, perhaps, that up to tho present century tho finest wool camo from Spain, which had always been noted as n shcep-brccd-Ing country. Tho Spanish had largo flocks of Morlnos, and tho government forbade their exportation In order to keep tho wool trade In Spain. Tho dealers of that tlmo thought that good wool could bo grown nowhere clao than In Spain, and tho Span ish wool consequently brought tho highest prices. "Cnptnln Macarthttf Imported several Merino sheep from tho Capo of flood Hope, and ho also got somo from tho flock of King Oeorgo III of England, who had originally secured them from tho king of Spain. "The English government gavo Macar thur a grant of 10,000 acres of land to try his experiment, and in a short tlmo he proved that Australia could produco as good sheep as Spain and that Its wool was equally fine. It was long boforo the wool oxportn tlons amounted to much, but tho flocks stoadlly Increased (and Iho character of tho wool Improved, until now wo raise moro wool ami better wool than any nthor coun try. Wo are, I think, furnishing at least ono-flfth of nil tho wool raised In tho world today." FHANK (I CARPENTER jL?Tti6 Chicago Record h" 61 of time Tvoe w. .er In dally uie YOST If you want a typewriter, why net come first where you can EVKHY ClOOD SORT OF TYPE WRITER In Its best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIBI of all kinds for all machine. TYPBWRITERB RENTED. TYPEWRITERS RBPAIRBS. New Century The flBMt cUlof ue m Uiued It your for ike uking. WrKiorCill. Italtid Typewriter ud Supply Of,, THE rEOCNT -SHOE Co MAKER Nro WEARER Perpetual Bargains nro offered dally In theso famous shoes. rou savo ji.w anu js.uo on cacn pair, ior no ono clso can sell their caual for less than Jj.OO or $0.00. Wo aro factory agents that's the reason. Regent Shoe Co. uin .south i.vrii stui:i:t. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Loyalty to'Omaliu Is best muuircMtcd by wearing an AUDI TOHII'.M brick and drinking our popular Ulilo Itlliliim llottled lleer. After being once used In your home the quality of the goods. In conjunction with its bright and sparkling appearance, ut once appeals lo gBPJkJLpPPPP your good tnsto nnd you feel that you havo purchased tho right kind. Our Hluo Itlbbon Is a prize and trade winner. If you havo never tried a case, do ho now and bo convinced of Its superior merits. Storz Brewing Company Telephone 12((). RED GROSS WHISKEY 4ts CO 00 S3! FULL QUARTS for Direct tn rcimimaH Express charges prepaid Recommended by leading physicians A pure and nutri tious stimulant for family use. Such whiskey as we of fer for $3 cannot ho purchased else where for $5.00. Wo ship In plain packages no marks to Indicate contents and If not perfectly sat isfactory return at our expense nnd we will refund money at once References: First National Bank of Oniuh or any Expr Coin ny. WESTERN Sole Owners DISTILL. G CO Omaha LET US START YOU HW to mto WrfUly anil Ex. priism. ait.i aiii niijinx AT HOMIK or TIIAVKLIIO. Our koiH sml ulcimen mailr over (OOO.OOO.OO UkI rrai MirrlJlnn tho I'linrmoun drmsnil fnr our famoiu iunkrr Ilalli Cxlilnc! anil ap. poliiilim hkciik Ytoniieriill ffller. Mil Mliriu or fillip nirthiMls. U IIITK. liMUy for Ntr lropo- lllnn. IMnii. Kir. I'REK World JITn. '., n WurM ll'lil'i;. Clnrliiniill, O. Ut'e rtcommtnil abovt firm at lettable. Editor.) 7 LS1I June Wedding Cakes ICK CREAM, WISH HONES, DOVES, ROSES, Etc. Wo glvo special attention to furnishing everything for weddings, breakfasts and receptions we'd llko to talk with you. W. S. Balduff, 1518 nnd lfi'JO Fnriinni Street, OiiiiiIiii, "WITHOUT A HEADACHE" That legend ought to be pasted on overy bottle of Motz IJeer. When you don't care when any old thing Is good enough don't ask for Met. Uottled H e o r. Adulterated beer Is cheap there Is moro profit in It for brewer and dealer but the after effects aro bad. Try a good beer notice tho differ ence the prlco to you Is no moro tn fact you pay less and you can wear tho samo hat In tho morning. Think it over and phone 119. Cases of pints or quarts as you order. Metz Bros. Brewing Co., OMAHA. Vet bu8"p,oWV:0e I Baxter. 'r0 A. I. ROOT, Printer 414-416 South Twelfth Street Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NEB. i Jnhan tie Arnica. Savon litntltrice 1)' Arnica. Arnica Zahn Sflfn. The Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for jo years. PreoerveM nnil whitens the teeth, strengthen, lliu itums-nwi-Heustlie breath. JSC at All Drugglits. C H.STRONa&CO.,Props.,Chlcai:o,U.S.A. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF.