'opyrlght, 1901, Dy Frank Q. Carpenter.) f VD.N'UY, Aus 3 Chat with Man Who Owns a Million Sheep k Q. Carnenter.) trnlln. .Iiy II. - (Spe cial Corre spondence of ho lice.) I had a lint tho other day illi the sheep king Australia, the blg .st sheep osncr of 'lis grent sheep nitlnent. Aus ralla Is tho wool titer of tho world, i' has more than iiiO.OOO.OOd sheep and 't cuts enough wool 'rom their hacks to i ring In $100,000,000 i year. It has some if tho largest Hocks of sheep over gath ered together. Job's enttlo upon 1,000 hills cannot compare with them. There are 100 men in Son South Wales alone who each own flO.000 head; there nro hun dreds more who havo 20,000, 100 who each havo 10.000 and mnny who own (locks of 1,000 and upward. There are twenty ono men In this state who each own 100,000 sheep and McCaughey, tho king of them all, has more than 1,000,000. line Million Kliei-, 1 TnKliK worth n great deal. 1 hnvo soino Bbccp which will average seven and a half pound? to tho lleece, and I think hy hreedliiK that I can Increase this to fifteen pounds per lleece. 1 have had sheep which produced ns much as forty-live pounds of wool nt ono shearing, and at one time we cut tlfty two pounds of wool from one of our Ver mont rams, and thlrty-llvo pounds from n uwe. I have distributed tho Vermont shoep through my Hocks both In Now South Wales and In Queensland, and tho result Is a con siderable Increase In the clip. We And that the sheep which come from a cross of tho Vermont nnd tho Australian retain their wool much longer than the Australian sheep," How it !.-., UIIO Sheep Limit. I wish I could show you Borne of tho Bhoep exhibited at tho Sydney sheep show. There were In t-1 1 700, representing every part of Australia. Kour hundred of those wore Merinos, being in the lino wool class, and 3C5 were fat sheep entered In the competl Hon In tho class for frozen mutton. Kvery sheep nt the show was worth several bun dred dollars. Anions tho latter was Mr McCnughcy's jr.,000 ram, which took first prize. It was a great oblong bundle of wool with a pair of big horns nt ono end of II Tho wool Iny on It In Jolds and rolls, tho skin apparently wrinkling Itself In order that It might hold more. Its ears were entirely hidden by the wool. Tho wool A l-'l V 15 THOUSAND. DOI.I.AIl It AM KHANK (5 OAUl'HNTi:il rope. It used to bo that (Sormany, Hoi- tnkes Uss than four pounds of wool to glum nnd Krnnro bought tholr wool from mnko a suit of clothes, nnd for a cent you Australia through London. Now each enn carry tho wool for tho suit from Aus- camo out three Inches over Its eyes and country sends Us own buyers nnd the most trnlln to London. Tho sailing vessels of lliero were small holes In It through which or tnom ucnl flircctiy wmi tlio coiuuUhsIoii mo wool ueei go nrounu uio capo or noon tho eyes looked out. I stuck my finger "Rents of Sydney. Hope, whllo tho steamers, as a rulo, travol Into tho lleece nnd could Jest touch tho Oii.-l o.n Hi fenl n I'miml Tln lho Bwz cannl Thu flll"rU'Hl rmt" M skin without putting my whole fist Into it. ' ovcr 11,000 miles, nnd tho carrying of four In 1897 W. II. GlDson sold The wool hung down In great bunches on 11 18 BUrpnsing now cheaply tho wool can pounds 11.000 miles for I cent is one of the brought 12. GOO the ram "Iloyallst" for $5,000, and In lSU'J tho belly nnd tho legs were covered clear bo ta,cn ,rom A,l8trnlln to London. There wonders of modern civilization Think what" 1.000,000 sheep means! Let Tnolllns Gibson sold "Admiral" for 1.D00 to the hoofs. On tho outsldo tho wool was nro n,nny llnc8 of B'cnmors nnd thcro are Tho prices of wool vary according lo them weigh 100 pounds anieco and they Kulncns' or .uw ai mcse sales nunurcus oi a ciiriy coior, dui wnen I pulled It nsldo hi,u i iuu uum- quality. Tno coarso wool win oricn nrmg would give enough nuittna to furnish a "f sllcep solJ from 100 t0 1.0. nuJ 1!ny rtml looked In, It was of n rich creamy nca8, Somo of tho steamers nro of 10,000 only 13 or 14 conts, while tho flno brings slice to every man woman and child In tho BOla ""ween i,uuu ana ?5,ouo. in isue wnuo. mo sirancis or wool were spiral u mucn ns ai mucn ns 30 and 3& cents. Thoro nro United States and leave enough for an Irish Mr Gluson sot on tho average $S30 for the and springy nnd very fine. 10.0U0 bales. Somo of tho sailing vcsboIb ccrtnln brands of wool, known by tho stew for our wholo nation next day The Blieop llu brouKut t0 11,0 B!'. nd In 1890 In some of tho stnlls I saw owes which wl11 take 2,000 ba,C8- ana" tno compotltlon names of their ownors, which always bring on, upon them would clothe tho people of . r ! "! JJ?. V" ? W! " !hom' " IVZtV "'"'l 'l". . , 4 onu rn f ui. ...in. it... n..iin tuivuu uu inu uyuiuk'j i uia win ovurywaero i iienru mo nrniscs nr our vor-i " - ..v.... .v v..m.h.m.i -. perhnpx of New York or Chicago and they Bll0W you lhat " pays to brccd fine ,bcop mont 8hecP- 1 nB'(C(1 "e "ln" whether tho would annually produce enough pet lnmbs ln Australia, and will give you some Idea sheep did not lose their wool from genora- for tho Marys of half tho United States ot tbe enormous value of Mr. McCaughey's Hon to generation In so warm n country All these i,nen nr., nwnn.i i.v Snmimi Mc' holdings, many of tho sheep being very as New South Wales. Ho replied that they lino. Caughoy. an Irishman, who camo to Aus tralla In lSr.6 with practically nothlnu. He Slieen ICIiik LII.p Verniont lliiiun. failed at first and stnrtcd again with a Mr. McCaughey belloves that tho best ftnall (lock and from year to year has added rams for Australian sheep are thoso from in his holdings until ho has now more Vermont There is a large Importation of sheep than any other man In the world, such sheep every year, and thcro nro Atnor- Iln hag mnrn noma nt lnml Minn ciTinnn nnd Irnns whn mnkn n linsliiesn nf tnklnt- nhnnn hi- possessions nro In tho best parts of across tho Pacific to Australia for sale. thom nt tbo show- Thcy looked more llko a Australia. I am told that one nf his farms They choose the finest and best bred Vor- "owd of Yankee business men than nny- n th" Darling Downs Is thirty-six miles mont Merinos, ship them to Puget Sound th,nK C'B0- nni1 nt the dinner which was long and forty miles wide. Ho has other nnd thence by steamer to Sydney. Sovornl ?,vt'n th7. .mn,, Rpo(,cllPB n vesponso to did, and thnt tho bringing In of cold-cllmnto sheep, such ns "tho Vcrmonls," provented this. AniiiiiK Hie SiinntttTN, Tho sheep owners, or squatters, as they are called, wero nil well dressed nnd well cducnted men. Thcro wero hundreds of stations In New Smith Wnles nnd nltogether shipments have been made around the Capo ho owns more than 1,000,000 acres toasts which wero ns goed ns you will nnd of Good Hope, but ns a rulo tho latter hear nnywhore. They were all landholders Bidorod prlnclpalltlrs In tho United Stntcn. chat with Mr. McCaughey ho told b,,t wn'c,, o looked upon as quite small he had been importing Vermont bcro- .For I?? ,"11 11HI VICt' Jll Uailll'HL llllll 11 llllf," minimi leases nhout 1,000,000 or so more. His cs- routo Is too long nnd the sheep sometimes tales nro fenced off with wire into great die on tho way, paddocks, In which the sheep nro kept. He In my tins Bunk artesian wells to supply them mo that ho had been importing with water and ho Imports lho finest of rams for nlmost twenty yenrs. Said ho: Vermont rams to Improve hl3 btock. At "I went to Vermont first In 1886 nnd one shearing he sold l.SSO.OOO pounds of picked nut 120 owes and forty rams. I wool nnd at another tho product nmounted sent them to Austrnlln and used them for to 12,000 bales. Somo of his ordinary sheep breeding. Tho following spring I went havo cut ns much ns twenty-two pounds of back and brought 102 moro sheep, and since A NEW ART SERIES The Ileo has secured n series of beautl fill reproductions of fainoUH paintings and beautiful pictures In colors. These picture h am nil suitable for framing and will look handsomo In any homo The first of the ho rlen will bo Tho reply was that ho had not, nnd thnt his possessions nil told comprised only nbou'. Cfi.OOO ncres of lnnd. Another ninn wns pointed out who owned 200,000 acres and nnnther whn hnd hnlf a million neres, nil under fenco. In Ilie Wool WnrelioHHi-N. Sydnoy Is tho chief wool market of Aus tralia. It ships hundreds of millions of pounds of wool to Ruropo ovory year and It has somo of tho largest wool warehouses In tho world. Lot us take n wnlk through ono of them. Wo nro In a grent room covorlng mnny ncres. It Is roofed with glass and upon Its floors nro thousands of bnles of wool. Kach balo Is as high as your shoulder. It is wrapped In yellow bngglng, but tho top Is open nnd lho whlto wool seems to havo burst forth nnd to bo pouring out upon tho floor. It Is marked with tho stntlon from where It comes. In othor parts of tho warehouse aro mountains of wool which have been tnknn out of tho bales, nnd In other places tho men nro repacking tho wool for shipment. Come with mo to ono of those piles nnd examlno It. Soo how dirty nnd grensy the wool Is. Tho sheep nro not washed befnro shearing and lho wool Is exported ns It comes from their backs, the cleaning be ing dono nftor It rcachos the Huropean markets. Thrust your hand Into tho pile. Now look at It! It shines ns though It wore coated with vnsollno nnd your cuff Is soiled with tho grense. SrltliiK Wool In Sydney, One of tho curious fentures of Sydney Is Its wool snles. Rverythlng Is sold at auc- A TIIUi:i: TIIOUSAND-DOLLAIt KWH. Tnn Bn'0B ,nko p,nco 'n November. December and January, when buyers from wool nnd nt n roenni honrin.r twnniv.flvfl 'bon 1 bavo bouKht 1u,te a lot of Vermont nuglnnd nnd tho continent nnd from tho averaged over sixteen pounds each One atock- My puro Vermont Bheop now num- "nltcrt States and Japan como hero to bid. of his rams, which took a premium at tho lr about 2,000 head and 1 hnvo sold many Tho buyers wear long overalls nni linen l imiis, iuiu v Ail 111 1 11 1 iik 1 uu vvuui. i nvy tho aheep from bnlo to Imlo, tnklng notes of oach man'fl Block, In order that they may know not Includ- how much to offer for It In the auction n l.n nnr. nf 41. filmin fnnlnil llrt ftflfl vnntnn A n n 1n AAA t.l. I -j.il! . 1'K turn, ui iuu ouvuji, iuwii;u j' Tuivw, luiMiia. no iiiuiijr un iu(uuu UUIt'S nr HUinO- It i n 1 Ur fnr,ncrs ,0 know that but I think that tho results havo fully Jus- times sold In a day, and slnglo sales will for it uncommon th'nB In Australia tf)ed tho expondlturci. I value my Vor- foot up ns much as 7r.0,000. ward 11 ram t0 Be" for --000 anJ up- mont flock at 60 guineas a head. I bavo I chatted with Mr. V, E. Wlnchcombe, "r aro shcep 8nlo 1'cro every sold aomt. 0f them nt 500 gulnens, or I2.K00. one of the largest wool dealers of Sydney, Hon nni ti0cl( U 8old nt auo" 1 BoI(1 n ram t0,,a' for '2'000- nni1 1 bav0 about the business. He tells me a few curr'e. i l." T, ll,s,nnct'B llavo - sold ewes ns high ns 750," yeari go almost all the wool of Australia 1 000 mil nuns lmvo sold ,or "' supposo that tho chief profit comes wu shipped direct by the squatters to Lon- i' hi ,as' or moro tllan ':,'00 cad"- from tll0 improvement of your own flock," don. and there resold and reshlpped. At the Vhpn i m, .th0 hlfihc8t prlccs ot said I. present the greater part of the product Is In 1000 i m i c,urlnB lho past ten ycara- "Yes. That's whero tho money Is," replied seit to commission agonts at the ports, the to Mn V i P WCr 80lJ frora ,1,E00 Mr- McCaughey. "I think my crossing my Sydnoy brokers Bhlpplng nbout 400.000 bnles : J" 891 tho highest prtco broeds wltn tne Vermont sheep has added annually. Mr. Wlnchcombe and his part- Went ,,n Jhe ram "Prcs' at least a Iound of wool per Bhoep a year ncr sell about $7,000,000 worth of wool, I8 0OO m !L y . wmC5.. S,lb80D' ,oW for to ny oc"B- You sco I have about 1,000,- skins and other such things eyery year, w wnue 0M of Mr- McCaughsy'a sheep 000 sheep and an Increase of this kind Is and their dealings are with all parts of Eu- recent sheep show, hnd a lleece upon It (,u,fin!: h1 'nst, ten ycari!l , , which, ho told mo, would cut forty-live , ,s not 0"P"Blv 10 Ket pounds nnd. nlthough ho wns offered 5,000 here from Vermont? I nsked. for tho sheep, be rofused It Ves' My nrst ln'portatlon. PHARAOH'S HORSES This Is n copy nf tho painting of tho Kugllsh artist, John Preileriek Herring, anil Is probably tho most famous pli turo ot Us kind Tho heads of these noblo aiilinnlH aro executed with remarkable vigor, nnd tbo lithographic copy Is most satisfactory. How to Gel Them These pictures aro 21 by 25 Inches anil havo never been sold nt the art stored for less thnn one dollar. Ily securing nn Immense n,unntlty of them wo nro nbln to offor thom With a Coupon for IS Cents. When ordering atnto tho nnmo of tbo subject, and If thoy aro to bo mailed on closo tlx cents nddltlonnl for poBtngo nnd packing. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present nt Ileo OIllco or mall this coupon with lGc nnd got your choice of Photographic Art Studies. Whon ordering by mall ndd fic for postago. ,IIT IIDI'AHTMK.Vr, HUH I'UIII.INIII.Mi C OM.ll. ah r ni:i',ii tmi:. r, THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 17th mid Fnrnnm Sts. We have provided a largo ii u in I (! of frames for The Mot m- lures and are offering lliein at a special price. Call and see lliem. KOSIO'S AKT STOKIO, 1521 Dodge St., Omalia, Neb