THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, Jt'XE 11. 1001. 9 ( X SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for these rnliimm will taken until 12 in. for tlio irnlna; edition nml nrvtll p. tn. fur morning- and Sunday edition. Ratra, 1 l-2e rrnrd firm Inaertlnn, lc a rvord thereafter. Xottilnic tnken for leaa than 2fto Inr the flmt Inirr tlnn. Tlifir ndTertlsenir n ts moat be rnn coaseca t Ivrlr. Advertisers, hr reqaeatlnsr a xi n Hi tiered check, can have nninrra ad Ironed to a nnmhered letter In car of The Dec. Anairera ao addressed will he delivered oa presentation of tae keck oalr. sitiatioxs waxti'd. SITUATION wanted by bookkeeper of -x-perlcncc and good habile. Good refer ences on request to 6. Bee. A -154 H A AXTliD HALE 111,1.1'. WANTED Wo have Heady worl: for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear ance, c. F. Adams Co., ltoi Howard St. BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particular free. Western Barters' Institute, Omaha, Neb. H-M9 WANTED, man with horse and light wiring wagon. 1617 Howard St. B-MlM HUSTLING and energetic men, don't be Idle; wilto the Hawks Nuraery Co., Mil waukee, Wis., for special terms und tr rltory. U-MMtiJeSi 1HE Equltnble Life of New York will muke deilrablc contracts with one or more business getters In Coiurado ana Wyoming. A good renewal contract Is offered tu the right mun. References as to Integrity ana ability to accompany Applications, c. A. riteyn. Manager, Denver, Colo. 11 Alltj i-j WANTED, two sood canvassers; big money; don't apply unless )uu ure ex perienced and a hustler. Call between and 12 a. m 30 Doulas block, Itith and Dodge. B-53J lb WANTED Carriage trimmer Drurnmond Carnage Co. YOUNG man who understands cure of horse can earn stnoiarstilp in Omaha a bent buslnceif college. Auutess W yj, Bee. ii-bSi MI4 to CA RPENTER9 fr Sioux City, In. Apply to Armour v Co.. South Omana. B-595 13 WANTED, capable man to travel and a point ugents; salary uw monthly mid ex penscs. For partlcularN address Manager, A, Star llidg.. Chicago. B-M611 lo BALLOONIST wanttd for 4th Jul) tn cor respond with me at lted oak, In. T. It. U. Maloney. B-MtH 16 ref SALKS.MIi.N WA.N'l'UD. DALESMEN for pen carbon copying books and o her quick rclling oittce specialties, fine aide llnea, cutaloguo tree; earn weekly. Model Mlg. Co., Box 11, south Dnrt. lnd. -M12a Jell' H'A.Ti;U-l'l..ll.ll.t; II ELi', WANTED, sirls. 1W1 Dodge. Tel. 476. C-tuv ANTED, lady Turkish bath opeiator, tnuat tl,'-( lud good expel lencc. Appl) tc-oiu ..o, tlec uji.uuig. C KELiAiiLE heip Canadian ottlce, ixst Doug C Sil WANTD, bright, capable lady to travel and upjiolui ahtiut, must oe in good health, unincumbered, unu luinlfch urst Claa leieiencehj aailfry jliio per month anu all expc-np; pomon jierinaneiit, no expciicil e lircobur). aaica Dept., you biar mug., cnicago. c .mu ls WANTED, competent girl for generul hOUHuwork, no rustling ur Ironing, wugea 4. Mis. u. it. I'uyuc, Jwj i.incoin boule vard. C-345 WANTED, girl for housework and cooking In smuu ikimi). luo Liojias m. C-&01 Mil GIRL wanted for general hou.-curk. 1710 N. 1'sth St. C 6oU H AS ANTED, n cook ar onfe. Metz, r;i S. :'oih st. Mrs. Arthur u iiota ij WANTED, girl tor general hojuework In lftinll) ut two. imiuite ut II., r. jjth st C-.AU74 GIRL for general housework. 1917 Wirt. C MoiU 15 WANTED. n( once, working housekeeper. Must i,e ot mtuaie ag nnu witn ue, of reterencek. u oojeciion tu one icmale child. Addtcss, mil tiiiormatioii. i.-rins, etc . to tleraid, Carron. lu. c .Sltnw u WANTED, thoroughly competent girl lor General hounewoiK: lamilv ut tun iit.n,i nalary will bo paid to one who ran nil '.ho bill call morning, E. it. tiprugue, one block south ot Country cluti, uutiuit HIM car. X -Mol3 lb Foil iti;.T-iiui m;s, IF YOU want )our housei. well rented place them with BmIihwu jc Co. D j; TU MOVE right, get Umaha Van Storage Co., ottlce IjiIVs I'arnum, or tel. ltoa-iibj. D-Sj3 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city lirennan-L-ove co., buuth 13th street. D-&i4 HOUSES, storeb. Bcmls, Paxton block. D-SM SEE HENRY. B. PAYNE. SOI N. Y. LIFE. D 45b HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad. 1524 Douglas. D-157 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D-S5S HOUSES wanted. Wallace. Brown block. D biJ TO LET. elegant large 13-room home; large lawn and barn, 176 per mouth. W. Farnam Smith Co., 132o Farnam St. D-M293 8-ROO.M house. 4ath and closet. 3cUh and Charles. Monroe at Co., Ml N. loth St. D-M63I COTTAGE on Omaha Reach. Lake Okobojl. for rent. Captain Slaughter, Army Head ciimrtclb. D--MH3 Jell FOR RENT, June 1. s-rosm brick house" all modern, 31b N. 23d 8t. D 542 314 K ST . South Omaha. 6-room cottageln good repair; rent. $12.00 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. lull and Dougia Sts. D-MS21 MODERN 7-.oom flat, i:i. 11. H. Graham. !4th and Farnam, D-M559 NEW, dainty cottage, 9 rooms. 29th Ave. and Dodge, ready June 1, Strictl) up-to. date. Call 0O Dodge St. D-M'33 11-ROOM modern house, 2U3 Capitol ave nue. The O. F. Davis Co 552 Bee Bldg. D-sn-j H.M, location, central, seven-room house, flve-room flat; four-room flat; three-room cottage. Tlzald, 223 N 24th. D 534-1G FOR RENT 4174 Cass St.; very desirable modern cottuge, large yard, good barn, $17.M). 4170 .Chicago St., 10-room modern, freshly painted , and papered, large yard, good barn. gas. $22.50. ratterson A; Yettcr. 421 Paxton Block. D-S32- FIVE unfurnished rooms; all modern. 27U North 22nd St. D-977 (.ROOM, stitctly modern, house In line con. dltlon, 1334 Sc. 2Sth L. $30 per month. Geo. P. Bemts, Paxton Block. D 303 l-ROOM cottage, with tvuter. Wilde ave. 1213 Park D-315 FOR RENT, furnished house, S rooms, fer the summer, within walking distance, to private family only. Address W 14, caie The Bee. D-532 16 l-ROOM modern house for rent and furnl ture for sale. 516 So. 26th ave. D 342 SIX-ROOM modern cottage, southeast ror ner lJlh and Pacific. D-.5I6 FOR RENT, furnished hojih. fnr tha months of July and August. Applv 1125 S, JSth st. .D-M5C3 14 DESIRABLE S-room modern house, tlnel location. 141, Vinton. Inquire llli D-M614 16 6-ROOM furnished house for July und Au .gust modern 1619 Kyner vc. D M597 15 IC 8. :ST1L 10-toora brick, modern. , D.M571 19 FUR TEXT HOI SES. AN ELEGANT APARTMENT In the AL BION, loth and Pacific it., of FIVE ROOMS, Janitor service, telephone, gas ranges, laundry, dectric light or gas sha'lra nd awnings, good neighbors. We will also have a SWELL S1X-ROOM apartment In the WINONA by July 1. Come in and see us. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. Main floor, N. V. L. Dldg. ' D-2v 2542 CAPITOL AVE., S rooms. $25. D-M572 1? 5-ROOM cottage, modern, lawn, trees, city water, good well and cistern, small fam ily preteriod. joIS Hlnney. D-M4C If FOR REVl-l'l Il.XI'HEll ROOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 58J THE THURSTON. ISth and Jackson, steam. E tot HOUSEKEEPING rooms. C up. 2623 St. Mary's. E 132 Jea THREE furnished rooms. 2561 Harney. E-Mt.i3 11 2 CHOICE, newly furnished rooms, thor oughly modern. 2113 Doug.itt E Mfcfci 14' NICELY furnished rooms, modern, 2129 Farnam street, thiro floor, west, tele phone L241W. E M5t0 li FRONT room, first class board. 2554 Har ney. MSjij 15 THREE rooms, South Uth. light housekeeping. Ill: L 54J SUITE of 2 or 3 large, cool, well-furnished rooms, modern, phone, etc. lid S. lath st. E-Mo5u FURNISHED front room and alcove. 221S Cass st. E Mo.Vi IB FOUR unfurnished rooms, modem. N. lfth St., references required. Address W 17, Hec. E-M570 14 W, FARNAM, furnlthed rooms; reasonable. E-M0"J 14 illt.MMIl.lJ .KSu uUAUU. ciuriA. 11 Davenport St. F 6ij ouL..'CAii;i,truuient,l.:a day. Id Doug. a' lov injc Mcr.-lam, summer resort. t. Dooge. NICE south room. The Pratt, 212 S.25th St. 1' sis TWO latge front rooms, with board, lwa Cujiluu ave. l'' MIH7 THE ROSE, "fX1) Hartley; rooms and board. f oi).: aljyu Roo.MS and board In private family. 2MB Uuvelipoii. ! .iinii , OH llE.N'l L.SKl ll.MMHEII HOOMS. ur-tiiv room space, per month, ground boor loom lu Hie u bunuintt,. lacing rainam atreei, no expense tor imiu, neuc ui juiiiior set vice. n. c r'eters A: Co., luiuui Acent-, juce oullaing. o 4io FOll It K.Vr STO II Kt AMI OFKICEs. FUR RENT, store In llrst-class location, lent reusoiiuuie. Appiy li. c. Peters ac CU , glOUIIU liooi, 1...C ulug. lM FuR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by ine bee at it ar:ium at. It has lour merits and a casement which was luimcriy uaeu as tne live preaa room, 'una will on rented very reasonably, it lii.c-rcsled apply at once to C. C. rtose Walcl, leClciatj, I0UII1 IW, Bee building, l-:ti AUU.NTb MM.MUD, WANTED, canvusslng agents lo every county to solicit suosciiptiuns tor THE i !.. liEm cl.mliu r.-tttMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA UF LIVE CTlOCK AND COMPLETE STUCK DOC 'lUll, This spicliuid oook contains 1,403 imperial octavo pages, swl ob)ect-teucn-lng engravings aim is the omy booK 011 live siock ever puolUneu aoaptea tu the ewry-ua), prucuc'ai, money-laying ue of, every tariiiur una stock oilier., ottaay ciiipioincnl wltn ussured good Income. Aquino 111 tho coutitr) wltn horse, and c,Mr,gy capeciully ueslreu. Canvassers liikue eusiay iw to 11W per mouth', Ad uress Century Faimr Soltclturs bureau, uee jiuuuing, Omaha. J lii AGENTS to travel; $75 per month and ex penses, home worn, fM. call at a.'4 N. 16th, loom 1. J Mo,9 la WANTED, men with rig to advertise und introduce Monarch poultry mixture, struigm sulai, i tveeitiy and expenses. .Aimn-.-a witn stamp, Monarch Mtg. Co, uux ui:, Spriugticiu. Illinois, j Mtw lb RELIABLE men and women to. handle agents tor quick selling manicure anu hpecialtlee, pays a jear. iciory .vilg. Co.,, Ohio. J M012 It OH A (ill. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., W2 hi J ones, general storage and torwardrng. M OM. Van Stor. Co., lSlKi Farn. Tela. 1553-t63. b'SU STORAGE Ho lsehold goods and other uiticies ktored at low rates. J. j, Dertght & Co., 1119 Furnum st. Tel. 3a3. Mbil WA.vrt-u to uux. WANTED 50 secondhand ladles' wheels. .Ntijrasha. cyciu co., cor. Litn ec Harney. N Jtv J eli WANTED To buy fire and burglar ptuof talc. Addicfib, .oil Farnam St. N-Al450-JtJ WANTED, a large aire fireproof book safe. vv . j. ciow & oro., morions, jxep. N M5.76 15 MEAT market. W 20. Bee. N 593 22 I'Oll .NALt r c K.vlTlHli, CHICAGO F.URN1TURE CO., 1410 Dodge. lei. .u.u. .xevv a. .ununu luruuuie oouglll, soiu, exchanged. O SJil ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO., 102-1 S. I4vh at. Tel. 2296. New and secondhand uriilture Dougm, sold and exchanged. O 975 J 1)31 FOll, VEHICLES, ETC. FUR SALE, top phaeton. 22U9 N. 19th 6t. P-MISJ Jejl 2 HORSES, fine matched carriage team. 11. E. Fieanckson, lath and Dodge St, P-57I Jc2l LIGHT omnibus, In good condition, at a sacrifice H Frost. Hth and Leavenworth. P-872- FOll SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAW DU3T. cheapest posts, hog fence. 901 Douglas. poultry and Q-873 REPAIRS and supplies for all makes of bi cycles. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th fc Chicago. Q-520 IDHAND safe cheap. Derlfiht, 1119 Farnom. Q-M4 SAFES, standard makes. sold, rented. 114 S 13 Q S76 WIRE fence for poultry. Belgian hare, hog field or lawn. Wire Works. 617 8. Hth St. Q-MS7R J) 7 1.000.000 BRICK for sale. John P, Weaver. 6 Pearl St . Council Bluffs. Q MISS JelS BIG line of secondhand wheels, $3. $5, Is. $10. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts - Q-621 FRESH family cow; city and larlet broke 4402 Dodge. Q-565 16 CLAIIIVOX A.NTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. E19 North ICth. S-S77 MME. GYLMER. palmtit. 315 So. 15th St S i' PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chropodlst. corns .fc superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Fier.zer block ft U-S79 vfRlVATE home before and during confine, mcnt, babies adopted. Mr. Burget. 2S20 Burdette. U SSOv VIAVA, woman's way to health, rational, holesoptt lioin treatment. 315 Bee Bldg. 1 U-fSl lno.AL. St PPLIES for all machines, for rent. nite Scw'ng -Matnine, iwj Doug iaa. Itl. 24. L' ssi NEW rollers for clothes wringers. Novelty iron and lira WorKS, 41," a. luth. I'hoiie lJu. C Mi22-Jex RUPTURE cjred, no knlte, no pain, no ualiger, sella tor klrLUluta. Empire Rup ture Cure. VJZ.N. 1 Lite iiUlluni6. omuna. Vssi PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and uurtng connncment, oaoits adopted. Grant St. U 44 M. OOLDMAN &. CO.. only perfect ac cordion pieuitng plant In toe west; mall ordti a solicited, suite 20U, Douglas lllouK, FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited, umaha Pleating Co., UJ4 Douglas VXbo NO better work done In any shop In I he wotld than lirown blucx barner shop; neat, clea i, antiseptic, lace inessdQe; via ator entrance or through Tracy . U-1-Jel6 WANTED J5 secondhand typewriters. Ne braska Cycle Co., Cur. lstn and Harney. U 2M J els ADROIT HAIR BAZAR New location, ltUO Douglas; private booths tor hair dressing and manicuring, ladies snoe mining una inaasbging U .J4jS DR. CUSCADEN, 113 8, Hth. U-5T2-Ji24 LEARN hypnotism, complete course by mall, Soc, palmistry, :vc, particulars frau. Clobo News Co., ljia l-'urnum st.. Omaha. U MXlwyl 600 BUSINESS CARDS for JL We eave you one-thira on all Joo printing. Socialist Printer). 1615 Chicago atreet. CiU lb WALL PAPER cleaner. C., Tel. 125s best ot city references. Leave order at Ibi'j Farnam. c MD11 IT MME, SMITH, baths,. Room ,. lis N. 15th, I'd lloor. PRIVATE lessons In German by com petent teacher, oo cents, tpeclal lato to classes. W ;'n, Bee. U 55h .Mil' .MU.NEl Til UA. HUAL KSTATK, LuANS on eastern Nebraska und western lowu farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay JH'J or uny multiple, any Interest uale; no dela). Ureiinan-xove Co., 3cK a. utn St . umana. Neb. W 7 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real ttiulc. ilrentian-Luve Co., 'M aoutn Utn W WANTED, cy loans, bonds and warrants. Ueorge A: Compan), Iwl farnam street, W-bb WANTED, city and farm loans, also bonds 1 und warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 170.! 1 t arnam at , uee uiag. vv tvj FIVE per cent money. Bcmls, Paxton block. W-BD1 MONEY to loan at 4H and 5Vi per cent on umaha property. W . U. Melkle, 401 S. 13th. W 39a PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. W aw PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-S95 CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton, 605 Bee. W-wtS MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate, 5 per cent Interest, no commission; privi lege of pa) lng 1100 or more before ma turlty. Northwestern Mutual Lite Ins. Co., John W, Glsh, special loan agent, 214 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. W-S37 S AND 6H per cent loans. W. II, Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 164&. W-S9S WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Ac Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-MSC1 6. 5V4 P. C. loans. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W-351 Jy7 JIO.VEV TO LOA.X CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan 410 and up on furniture, pianos, horses and other chattels. SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. You can get the money In a lew- hours after making application und take 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 months or mute tn which to pay It Duck, ana yoJ need not pay tor it one day longer than you keep it. 'We charge nothing for papers and wt glvo you ihu lull amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours; our terms are tho easiest, our business Is confidential and our motto la "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2?Ju. (Established llsUi) 30t S. ltilli St. X-9J1 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON PLAIN NOTE. There goes Fritz, coming back again to get lower lates and easier payments. He says our rates are lower und payments easier than other -ompanles. Can and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. THIRD FLOOR, ROUM 303. PAXTON BLOCK. X29J CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household turnllure, pianos, horses, wagons, etc , In two hours' time; also to balatiea people on their plain notes, with out security. Easiest payments and low est ratea lu Omahu. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown block, cor. 16lh and Douglas sts., entrance on ltoth St., opposite Y. M. C. A. Bldg. X-9JJ LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team Mers, boarding nouses, etc., without se curity, easiest terms; 40 offices In principal cities. Tclman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-H99 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J, W. TAYLOE, 6SS Itop floor; Paxton block, northeast corner ICth und Farnum; entrance on loth street. X-903 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry. horses, cows.xtc C. F. Reed, 319 h. 13. X-907 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, hordes, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. b.Barker blk. X-904 SHORT time loans. Barker block. Joo Pleasants, 54 X 903 tl.OoO.OO TO place quick. M. J. Son. Suite 310. Brown block. Kennard & X-90U ni.six.nss ciiAXCEs. WANTED, experienced phyBlclan to take charge of our Lincoln office, will also start offices tn other cities for competent physicians. Thyroid-Lymph Co.. 500 Bee bldg. Y-M955 Je3Q COMPETENT bookkeeper with $2,500 wishes to become partner In good business. W 19, Bee. Y 559 M14 FOR SALE or rent, my blacksmith shop and wagonmaker shop, doing a good bust, ness, on account of my health B. C. Walter. Norfolk, Neb. Y'-M351 Jyl2 FOR RENT, 5 acres near Hth and Nicholas sts.. suitable tor coal, lumber, etc.; U. P and Illinois Central tracks; frontage on paved st : long term If desired Apply THE BYRON REED CO , 212 S. 14th st. Y-M5S3 19 GOOD livery outfit, only stand here. Real estate, collections (A. D. A.) Box 2fi. J. P.. Lawrence. Neb. Y' M5S1 15 WANTED, men to Invest with a stock and grain company and take position. Ad dress, with stamp. W 23. Bee. Y M577 19 FOR EXCHANGE, elean staple stock nf general dry goods, furnishing goods, no. tlons, etc.. completo and salable, few. If any. broken or odd lots; store onl) run about 16 month', so everything up to dat; owner closed b) creditors and will give liberal exchange, Invob e original i-ost $10 -2i. rash required. $."UVi to settle bills, bol. ance stood real estate write quick, giving full description of pripcrt) . another good stock of $5.4f"i. cash required. $1,710. bal. ance real estate, mention which stock wanted Potr.ers A- Br-n. 507 Manhattan Bldg.. St. Paul. Minn Y--M609 11 FOR EXCIIAXGU. ID-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels Omaha Bicycle Co.. ICth and Chicago Sts. JJ-90S FOR EXCHANGE, for hardware stocks or fatm property, good Improved and unim proved residence li, the neighborhood of tne l p Tratsfer depot, council Bluffs, la Address Box 20S, Jefferson, In 2--M610 16 ciAnilAiiK IIAl LING. A NTI MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans cess pools fc vaults, removes garbage & dead animal at reduced prices, ul 16, tel ins. -274 Jy: FOR feALK-IIEAL KM ATE. WHERE 13 THIS? IN REM IS PARK Facing SOUTH on Lincoln Boultvard four large WWoot let, for EACH. A DISCOUNT OF $301 will be given to any person who will take TWO of these lots and BUILD a house to cost not less than Jl.Coj. NOW Is your time. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED PA YN E-KNOX COM PA N Y . MAIN FLOOR N. Y LIFE ULUU. RE-MojC 16 SEE HENRY D. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-SIJ RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Paciric nanroaa company. U. A. MrAllaster, land commissioner, L'nlJti 1-acitiu iicudyUiiiers, umaha, Neb. RE-912 WANT offer on line lot and seven-room house, close to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to seil. M. J. iiennard & Son. 3t'j-lu Brown blosU. RE-914 FOR SALE, on monthly payments, b-rooin modern house on jonh :4ih at. car line, also vacant lots wmch will be lmprovud tor purchaser on moderate payment down, Mutual Loan and liulldhig Asoclatlon. U. M. Nattinger, secretary, Uee iildg. RE-llll HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also aero property end farm :auds, The O. F. Davis Co., Room bn:, dee Rullolng. ItL-WJ A GOOD CHANCE IN UEM1S PARK. We have only a FEW lots left In thls FINE LOCALITY. The last opportunity for ONE of the BEST luts In the city on EASY terms Is NOW offered. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR N. Y LIFE ULDG RE-Mol 15 HOUSES, lots, fnrmR, lands, loans; also tiro Insurance. Bemls, i'axton Blk. RE-U13 FOR HALE REAL ESTATE. Of the bargains ofctcd lust week two have been sola and the following described pieces are Just as good, and at the prices quoted should sell at once It vvjil be 1 worth while to investigate them It you want an Investment or property that w ill afford you a homo and a handsome ad- 1 vance In value In the future. ONE ACRE of land saving u south frontage of 133 feet on Spencer street by 1U5 Itet in depth, two blocks from 24th street car line. The whole lies about lour teet above the grade ot Spencir street, with u six room house and city wuter, sheds, etc. This land can be subdivided Into seven good lots. Price is only 2,Si. Ternls, H.OOO cash, balance 120 monthly. LARGE two-story tram, six rooms or more, with full lot, east front, on 31th street near Davenport, lor tl.'f't on favor able terms Improvements alone wortli more than the price asked W Y.MAN, iER COMPANY, NEW YORK LIFE Be lLDlNO RE-5S2 MM 2 LOTS on So. 20th street, between Martha and Dorcas, 47 feet each. 3 feet above grade; pa lng tax paid in full; $1.000. w for both. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 SO. Hth St. RE 567 GEORGE G. WALLACE. Sll Brown Block, 16th and Douglas Stfl. EVERY ONE Of the following properties is A BARGAIN $850 2920 Burdette, 6-r. cottage, large barn, city water, rental value-, $10. $1.1W House, barn, large comer lot, room for two more houses, 17th, near Vinton. $l,l('-P-r. house, lot 40xl0 rental, $12. ' $1,2003336 Larlmore, 8-r 2 lots. $1,250-716 S. 40th, 7-r, rents $12.50. $1,500 Good -r. house, 2 lots, Clifton Hill neighborhood, tl 141r,.r. house, two serf. Benson. $1,60032x140, 2 cottages, tiring $19S yearly. $2,25075x223, with cottage, .ISth, near Vin ton. V , $3,5(10 Nice modern, cotuve.e. near High school. w 1 $3,10o-9-r. house, lot 60xi7, fine location, bath, closet, gas. good barn, fruit and flowers. $3,500 9-r. house, modern, hot water heat. asphalt paving. $3,50033x132. and 3 cottages, at 1612 Cns; rents for $300 a year. $3,50O-21-222 N 24th St., 8. AW cor. 24th and Davenport; rents now $336 yearly. Room for 3 more houses. Investigate. $3,750 Choice E-r house, modern, lot 6"xliVi. fine lawn, trees, permanent walks, good neighborhood Look Into this at once. VACANT, $300 Choice lot. Spauldlng street, paving paid. $4.'i0 South front. Ames ave . East 2Sth. $iVio-33xl42, Chicago. East 27th. $95033x142. Dodge, all paving paid Jl.r.00 100x150. Calif ornlii, west of 30th 11,500-I0x2i6. at N. E. corner 27th ave. and Grant, runs from Grant to Ersklnei 3 street fronts and alley Will make eight lots 35x106 and will sell fnr $10 Cer font at least. Splendid tract for ulldlng cottages or siib-dlvldfng. No better bargain In the city. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Riock. RE-M5M 14 A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. We offer TWO beautiful EAST FRONT lots on 2Sth st., near Pacific, for $900 to $1.0n0 each, if TAKEN THIS WEEK. This is a RARE opportunity for a SPLENDID building lot. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE-M555 15 FOR SALE, cheap, my residence. 2137 S. S3d st.; all modern. Apply F. Richardson, Merchants' Nntlonal bank RE M5S0 IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE. In the rich valley of Lojp river 1 can offer fnr sale many farms at reasonable prices This land is n rich sandy loam nnd pro duces elegant crop Tho farmers are fast putting their land into alfalfa which brings them tine returns, three and four crops a year being harvested at little or no expense, netting as high as $30 per acre Income each year Most of this land Is under a fine Irrigating canal, with a steady and reliable flow of water from the Loup river. I will name n few pieces: 240 acres. 1 mile from county sciit; 2fi .teres meadow, balance pasture land Price. $7rA 200 acres. H-mlle from county seat; good 8 room house, orchard, lots of timber. M acres can be Irrigated. 20 acres fine al falfa, 116 acres pasture Price, $4,000. 160 acres, house, windmill, orchard. 80 acres pasture. 50 acres farm land. 40 acres Irri. gated Price. $1,650. 320 acres. 100 under plow, balance pasture; house, windmill, barn. Price. $1,150. 100 acres, fine place for stock, frnme house, orchard, barn, plenty of water and tim ber Price. $S1. Mnny other places at very low figures. Send for full particulars. Addrass H. A. STEWART, Taylor. Loup County. Neb. RE-75 A REAL BARGAIN. 9-room house on South 10th street, large lot. east front, on paved street; permanent sidewalk, price, tl.400 . O. C. OLSEN. 1704 FARNAM ST. RE-594 15 FOR SALE. 4i.arre farm: HQ acre, plow land, balance hny land and pasture; will put up 160 tons hay. 10 acres clover; coot soil, Improvements worth $l,fiO. thref. miles from Atkinson. Nh. : price. $3,000; possession Jan 1. 1902; a big bargain. Ad. dress J. M Bennett. Atkinson. Nb. RE-M60S 16 ACRE PROPERTY. SO acres improved Joining Benson, $125 per acre 20 acres well Improved, on Military road, $4,000. 1(0 acres fine farm Imd near Soutn Omaha. $60 per acre. 10 acres near South Omaha. $7.A 6-acre tract near South Omaha. $150. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St., Omaha, or 417 No 25th St , South Omahu. RE-MW, 16 11.650 FOR 40 feet t n Harney st , between 35th and 36th sts $1,550 for 44x132 feet extending through from 23d to 24th st.. between Cuming and Izard J975 fnr 23-foot lot on 22d st . between Cali fornia and Webster sts . paving, sewer, pas and water all In and paid for GEORGE it COMPANY ItVd FARNAM ST RE-M6'15 16 EASTERN owners desire to sell block of five substantial brick houses three stor les, all modern three block trom post office; also the lot and building formerly nriupled bS' The Omaha Guards, 1714 Cap Itnl avenue Apply Byron Reed Comnanv 212 So Hth at. RE-M5?6 POIl M1.K Itl. U EJtTA'li: FOR SALE nrst m 'rlgaB- I. " e i.:,.l by improvFil nmiw pr,,ptt w tiIi JJ.'"1. hearltic Ms per ,111 Innro't due In Me ears Shltnet & chase RE-MWIi Mllllll A I.. DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged leadiig specialist in diseases of women In Omaha, 1 would call the attention of sunernirf ladies to his uiisurpused accommodations 1 before and during eonllne ment. and his 1 ttcatment (or .rrcgularlllet, no .natter I what cause. Call or address with stump, 1 ur. rvict, iiu Doaee in., umune. .u M 0r? JeJi LADIES, Sou reward for np a'onormal ob stinate case of suppression, any cause, ni) regulator falls to relieve In iwent)-four hours, positively guaranteed, no ergot or pills; many saved from suicide; ideal sale home treatment, mall, J Dr. Jackson, R. C, Ml. 1'. Dearborn, Chicago. -174 15 DR. LE DUES Female Regulatoi, posi tively warranted to cure the mott iud- i but 11 coses of monthly stoppage, irregu- larltles, obstructions ana suppression brought on from whatever abnormal, un. natural diseased or pathological cause, 12 a package, 01 3 for U; sent anywhere pre- j paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co , Elgin, ill. American ofnee, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, M A. Dillon, South Omaha, Davl. Drug Co., Council Muffs. Full line jf legitimate rubber goods. I l'ATEXT. MASON. FENWICK LAWRENCE, Patent Lawyers, Solicitors and Experts, Washington, D. C. H. J. COWGILL. Western Representative, Room 315 Komgo BiU. Omaha, Neb. Thone 1J ADVICE FREE. -411 Jel9 PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues t Co., Bee Dldg , Omaha, Neb. Advice free. -1SS JyH WILL HUY any good Invention or patent. Address Lock Box 7C0, Des MOInes, la. -M939 OM'liOl'ATIIli. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Rldg. Tel. 1UM, Alice Jonnson, D. O, ladles' dept., uiu E jonnson, usteoiiatmst. Mgr. -91b DuNuHUE, Ofteopath, Paxtbn Hlk. Tel. 13 -K17 A. T. HUNT. D O., J'fi Karbach Blk. Tel.SSi: M-474 MRS. JOHN R MUS1CK, Douglas block. M 178 Je:'l SIKIIli IIAMJ AMI TVI'KXVIU'IMJ. A. C. VAN RANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -91S BOY-EES' College, court reporter principal, Beo Bldg. -918 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 820 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug. -921 1I1CYCLE!.. SECONDHAND bicycles from $5.00 up. Ne. braska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. 2i5 JclS. NEW and ladles' whoels rented; 60 cents lor the evening or afternoon, except Sun day. Louis Fiescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. , 753 HIIIUl'S AMI lll.AMv.S. THE printing of lawyers' briefs in a per fectly satisfactory manner requires training, experience and equipment Tha Omaha Mercury docs this work Just right. Legal blanks, hundreds of forms, fof sale. Send for catalogue .97 Jy4 FIMIl.Mi A .Ml I'l.KASt HH IIKMlHi. IF Y'OU want good bass and croppy fishing go to Langdon, Mo. Very best of hotel accommodations. Plenty of boats and minnows. Write R. A. Dlttmar for rates. -976 CAHI'E.M'mtt AM) JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carptnter work unci repairing 'promptly attended to. J 1 . Ochiltree, :utn t.nd Lake Sts. 370 WAXTKI) TO llOilltOW. WANTED To borrow $1,000 at 7 per cent on Improved residence property. South Omaha, renting lor J210 per year. Ad dress, S 4S. Bee. MJ'Jj WANTED, to borrow. $1,000 at 5's per cent, 3 to 5 years' time, secured t nrst mort gage on "-room house, all modern except turnace, 2 lots 10oxl24 feet. W 31. Bee. 59S 15 llOH.EIt MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 139. 12th and lzn.rd i-ls. 925 ACCOHDIOX PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C Mark, S E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 9.'ii imENS3I.VKl.NG. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 31S So. 26th st. -340 JyC" p vw.nuoKi:its. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential, 13'J1 Douglaj. -927 TAILOItl.VO. 23 PER CENT saved; high class tailoring, latest designs. Stephen J Broderlck, lbli Farnam St. -M5;6-Jj23 EXPERT ACCOI XTAXTS. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or ovn lng, R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. G. R Rathbun. 9ii LAI XUR V. OMAHA Steam Laundry, rhlrts, 7c; collars, cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. ' -9.': rmMTlHE HEPAIRIXG. TEL. 1231. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St, -925 SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS Stone, cement, brick. Wei shans' Mantel and Tile Co . 309 So. 17th St. 512 JyS STAMMEIUXU AM) STLTTEIUNO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 930 FOl M). FOUND, gold-rlmmed spectacles, owner c:tn have same by paying for this notice. Bee. Council Rluffs. Found M615 14 POSTOFFICE XOTICE. ifihniild be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur ai mu time.. Foreign mails for the week ending June 15. 1901, will close i PROMPTLY' In all cases) at the general postofflce as follows: PAR CELS. POST MAILS cloie one hour earlier than closing time shown below. -Parcels post malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls clos at foielgn branch half hour later than clos. lng time shown below- Trana- Xllnndc Mnlla. SATURDAY At 7:30 a m for NETHER LANDS direct, per s s Maasdam imMi mutt PC nuecten per s s .naunciani i. at lo a m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s s Furnersla imall must be directed "tier s s Furnessla"i; at II a m for DEN MARK direct, per s. s Norge imall must be directed "per s. Norge' i; at 11 :" a. in. (supplementary 1 p m i for EU ROPE per s. s. Campania via Queens town, ut 12 m. for ITALY, per s ,s. Trave. via Nnplos (mall murt'be directed "per Travn"), at 2.30 p m for ITALY, per s s Nord Amcrba, via Naples imall must be directed "per s. a Nord America"! PRINTED MATTER ETC -Thle steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa. per and Samples for Germany only The b. ime rlai of mall matter for other pxrts of Europe will not be sent by this ship Afer the doling of the Supplementary unless specially dirertd ty per ro.vf nrriu. mm nr. Tf atiSHtlanll Mall uini'-'l nt,v, ' iHtlntial npplementar inall ur" open' ,1 on th ters ,,i the Amrrleaii. UnglUh. Frrtu h and llerinnn steamors and remain (pen until within Ten Mltr.tta "f the l'U of sfiltltiK ct so ami r lnll fur ?imiIIi nml (riitinl A tnerlen, ! Iiiillr. i:tc. SAT1 RlA Y- t H 11 m. isjpilenintary !:a a m for PORTi' Rlco (Ma Pan Jtiani. VKNR.UEI.A Htul t'l'RM'Ao. per i r. Carat as (mall tor SanUl and Cartha gena must be dlret led per s s Cnrn cas , at PIP 11 in is ippleinentarv 10 a mi for ST THOMAS. ST CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA. per s RcrHlma. at a m isiipiilenientsr) pi.3" it. m 1 for FORTVNK ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAV -NILLA nn.l CARTHAG1C.NA. per s. s Altai 1 mall for fnsta Rien must be di rected 'pern. Altnl"), at P:.11 a m (sup plementary V i a. m. for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA. i s s Andes; at K a m. mr :AT!.Gll per t. s. Clelifue pos, at i a m for mk t 1 a m for MEXICO, pee s. s i nca. via Tanipleo (mall must be dl- 1 per s. k SegurHiu-it 'i. at 10 11 in . Megura reeled for CUBA, ner s. s. Mexico, via Hiivhii.i: at 10 J a m. for ARGENTINE REPUB LIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY per a. s Milton, at 12: p. m. for MA I AN ZAS. CA1IIARIEN. NUEVITAS. GIBARA and HARACOA, per s s. Oltndit (ordlnar) mall only, which must be directed ' per s s. Ollnda ); at 1 p. m. for BERMUDA, per s s. Trinidad Malls for. New foundland. by rail to North 1 Sydney nnu thence hy steamer, close at this 1 ntllce., dall) at 6:30 p. m (connecting loc here every Mondav. Wednesday end Satur- Oay .Mans tor jnqueion. iy ran 10 no- 1 ton and thttiee by steamer, lose at this ! olllce dally at 6:30 p. m Malls for Cuba, b) ran to I'ort ram pa. na . unci incn.'o ny 1 steamer, close at this oltlcc dally (except Sundnyi at 3 am. (tho connecting rinses 1 nre on Mondnv. WVdnrndiiv and Suturdav I aiuiis iqr cilia, uy rail to .Miami, r in , nun thence by steamer, close nt this office every Hunrtiiv at 6 n in Miilla for Mexico City. overland, unless spcclnlly addreneed for CIs- paicn uy steamer, close at tins omcc cinny at 1 30 p tn and 11 p m Malls for Costa Rica. Bellre, Puerto Corter Hiid Guatemala, bv rail to New Ot leans and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at "1:30 ft . tn.- (connecting closes here Mondays fori,,.,,,,.,,,, t imited Bell7e. Puerto Cortez and Gunlemala rnd 1 ' "m"1' .lm,,ea Tuesdays for Costa Rlch ReBlstered ("l i;.,,a,U ;j.' nail closes at C ,.. m previous day co,orad0 Social Tu tn Truim-l'lii'lllc Mnll. Mails for Hawaii, JoVan, China and Philip pine lslandj. via San Francisco, loe hero dallv at 6:30 t m. un to June 9. Inclusive. lor uispatcn tier s. s. uaeue Malls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver. I close here dall) at 6:30 p. m up t June 1 11. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Em- 1 ptvus of Japan (registered mall must be directed "vlrt Vancouver"). Marls for Australia (except West Australia, i wnicn is rorvvarueti via ijropei -e "'."".J1!.1.' ?nmn nUd.,,.Ifllv.ulJJi'l?.Kiir after Mnv "X and tin to June "15. Im lu- slve. or on arrival of s s. Umbtln. due ut , New York Juno 15. for dispatch per s. s eniurit Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip plnec. via San Francisco, cloe hre dall) nt 6 30 p m up to June 17,;, lor dispatch per s s Hong Kong Maru. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle, close here dall) nt C.30 p m. up to June IS. inclusive, for dispatch per r. s. Kin shln Maru (reglsterecl mull must be di rected "via Seattle' 1. Mnlls fo: China and Japnn. via Tnioma. close hert dally at p. m tip to June 20, Jneljsivc, for dispatch per r. s. To coma. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco. -lne here dally at 6.30 p. m up to June "21. lor dispatch per s. t. Zealandln Malls for Australia (except West Australia n.l.lAl, ....... I'll I , 1 rt .... r,il V.- Vnn. lnnil tchleh uiipa vln Snn Krnnrlseni end FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dallv nt 6.30 p. m .after June "ij and up to June 22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s s Mlowera (supplementary mMls, via .Seattle, and Vlctorlai, close at 6.30 p. m. June 33. Mails for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, closo here dally at 6:30 p. m up to Juno 25. Inclusive, for dis patch put s. s. Australln TranJ-Paclfic malls are forwarded to port of BOllInK dally nnd the schedule of clolig Is arranged cn the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. Reglstred mall clones at fi p m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y'., June 7. 1901. l.Kl.AI, XOTICE RECEIVER'!? NOTICE. In the District Court In und for Douglas County. Neb'raalta, William G. Madden, plaintiff, against Ne braska Fire Insurance Company et al.. de fendants. Notice to creditors of said in surance compuny to present their clalinj lor dividends. To all creditors of the Nebraska Flro In suiance company who have not claimed or received their respective dividends hereto fore ordered in the above entitled action: You, ajid each of you. are hereby notified that In nnd b.v the order of the court in the nbove entitled action, made and entered on the 4th day nf May. A. D. 1901. vou must present for payment your respective claims tor dividends heretofore ordered In said action within & da)s from the completion of the publication of this notice, which t'mo vlll expire on the 31st da) of August, A. D. 1901, and that unless you so do your respec tive rights .o such dividends will be con cluded and ou will be barred of the right to participate In the funds appropriated therefor. Sjc-h claims may be presented at the oltire of the underrlgned receiver In the Brown block, in the city of Omaha, in Douglus county aforesaid, or transmitted to him at that address by mall. Dated thlb 25th day of May, A. D. 1901. ALBERT U. WYMAN, Receiver of the said Nebraska Fire Insur ance company. May3Jd-sun-30l ATTENTION. TAXPAYERS! Tho Board of County Commissioners of Douglas county, Nebraska, will sit as a board of equalization for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Douglas countv for the year 1901 in the commission er's chamber at the court house, Omaha, beginning Tuesday, June 11, 1901, at lo o'clock a m., ard continuing from day to day up to and Including June 27, 1901 (15 days, not lpcludlng Sundays). All persons owning real or personal property subject to taxation should ca'l and examlno their as sessment, that any errors as to valuation may be adjusted by said board, as the luw provides. By order of tne Board of County Com missioners. Omaha, May 2".. 1901. D. M. HAVERLY, County Clerk By C. L. HARRIS. Deputy. In the matter of the estate of Richard Kitchen, deceased, notice Is hereb) given to the legatees and all other persons Inter ested In the above estate that a motion to confirm the sale of the assets of said estate, made by James B. Kitchen, executor, on th- id day or June, a report in wnicn saie is now on file In this court, has been filed in the county court of Douglas count). Ne braska, and that said motion will be called up for hearing on Thursday, the 20th da) of June, 1901, at the hour of 9 o'clock a m and that unless sufficient cause Is shown against said sale the same will be eon firmed and such other orders made In the premises as may he proper and necessary DUNCAN M VINSONHALER. County Judge. Junel2tlStM NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposal will be received at the ofllce of the commissioner of public lands and buildings. Llncolnl Neb . until 12 o'clock noon, June 21. 19ul, for the erection of a stand pipe at the Aeylutn for Insane at Norfolk, Neb SpeclflcatloriB may be sein nt the ofllce of the commissioner of public lands and buildings or at the ofllce of the superin tendent of the asylum nt Norfolk, Neb. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified 'check to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid, made payable to the state of Nebraska, to be forfeited to the state In case the bidder being awarded the contract shall fall to execute the contract and fur nish bond required within ten days after the receipt of nojco of acceptance of his bid The successful hlrider to clve bond in ft surety company in the sum of $2 !, condi tioned on the faithful performance of his contruct The Board of Public Lands und Buildings reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to walvo defects. GEO. D FOLLMER. Commlmloner Public Ianrts and Bldgi. Lincoln. Neb . June 11, liwi. , . , JlSdlut-m (iOVERXMEXT XOTICES. OFFICE CONSTIlT'CTINO QUARTER master. Fprt Leavenw-.-rth, Kan . June 3, jc,j Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until Ham central time, June 17. 1J1. for constractlon of roads, curbs, sidewalks, gutters, drains, catch basins, also grading, top soiling, seeding and sodding at this post. Information fur nlshed on application here, or at ofllce depot quartermaster. Omana V S. ie serves right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or Htiy part thereof. En velopes to l Indorsed. "Proposals for Grading, etc." addressed D. E M'CAKTHY, y M. J4-5-6-7-H-15 pnnt'OSAT.B FOR FRESH BEEF AND .Ml'TTON-Offlce Chief Commissary. Den J ver, Colo, May 15, l?1! -Staled proposals MM I'llXMIlXT .XOTIl R. f'T t .rni'hlng .1. 1 n, in ,-rln; ftesri heef an 4 timt.,n un blik rtn'lna ncal veftr cm mem lug jui 1 pii, ,e received at this iiifti and oIIIks mi i-ommlssarle s at 1-iTts Ma, kensle and .fhakle. Wyo . until 11 a tn standard inounuln time. June 1j IWM and tin 11 opened Proposals will be received nn.l opened nl same '.itne for fresh beef und mutton 10 be delivered at thee Jtta. at temperature not rreater than W lr-ee '.; ;tormn tlon furnished on appn. ni,,i, Enfl'ies containing pro posals should be m irked "Propcual for frosh beef -.nd tnnttnn. and addresed to underslgiixl or to vutnmistarv at post to bo stipp ieri j ir jfajor. Q M . AotltiE Chief Ciim v Ollh'e ConMriietliig Ouartermaster. Fprt Leavenworth. Kansas. Ma ). 1W1 Sealed proposals. In triplicate will be received here until 11 a m. ential time. June IS. 1H, !er eonstrtietlon of H storehouse at this ikisI. Information fjrnlshed on appll cation here or at office Depot Quarter master, omana. 1. v reserves rlKht to accept or reject any or all prvpo.als or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed, 'Ttoposnl for storehouse." addressed. D, E M. arthv . Q. M M-;l-U-.11-Je.l-2 13-H-M PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY HORSES ofllce of Chief Q M , St. Paul, Minn June IS. 1901 -Sealed proposals, lu triplicate, will be received at this olflie until 11 o clock ! a m . June 27. liil. and opened then, for I furnlh1tig and delivery nt Fort Meade IS D . 3Sfi e-jvalrv horses. Ulda for less than the entire number of horses required and for delivery at principal railroad prints other than Fort Meade, will be entertained Deliver) to begin within ton days after nonce 01 awarti aim to ne compieteti witnm fort) days thereafter Roans or light sor- rels preferred Full Information may b nan at mis omee t nited Htates reserves the right to accept or reject any or all nro. posals or any part thereof. George E, Pond. C. Q .Si Jol3-ll-2SM RAILWAY TIME CARD. I .MUX STATIO.X-K1T1I AMI MAflCV. t 11I1111 I'ncltlr. Leave a .a) am . a s.50 am ..all. 35 om Arrive a 7:30 pm a 3:25 pm a 4:25 pm a 6:50 am bl2:30 pm a 6:50 am b 9:35 am nil .3) pm a s.40 am 4:05 pm a 4:05 pm a 2:45 pm a S.O0 am a 5:30 pm xnress. a 11 .35 pm Llncoln-StrottiHlierg Ex.b 4 oj pm Pacific & Atlantic t:x..a 4. pm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm ( lilenuo A Xiirllnve(ern. c nieugo rpeciai Chicago Passenger... );nstern Expres.. Kaslem Special ).Hst Mull Ciinaha-Chkago L t d Fast Mall. .. .. . .11 'M am . .a 4.15 pm . .aki..V, m . .a 4:55 pm a 7.45 pm a r:30 am u'ednr Haplds Passenger M Itr A Pacllto. .'.wln .!!$ i"? n 6:55 am a 10:25 pm a 7:55 pm a S:15 am a t:iJ um a 3:50 pm " ) '! Sioux (.It) Local ( lilenuo, Mllvv A .St. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a S:05 am Chlcugo V Omaha Ex. .b 7.15 am b 3:40 pm lliliiiiln Central. Chicago Express . ..a 7:00 am a 5:10 pm Chicago, .Minneapolis - St. Paul Llnutca a 7.45 pm a e.05 am Minneapolis .v M. Paul Express b;:(Dttn b f:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, irom Council Ulurfs b 4:50 pm a S. 15 am Fort Dodge Local, from Council Bluffs a 6.00 am ht i.ouls "Cannon Ball" .xpress a 5:15 pm ft 5:20 am c uleiiKii, Hock Ibliuid .V I'nclflr. ! Des Mclnes A; Dav'eli- nort Locul ... . a 7:25 am bll:35 am Cntcago Expre .. . .011:16 am a s:lo am Des Moines Local ... .a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express a b:iJ pm a 1:25 pm Des Moines, Rock Island A: Chicago a 7.40 pm a 9:35 pm Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver. Pueblo and West . . Colorado, .a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Oklahoma Texas Flyer . .a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am .MIiiRiiurl I'nellle. St Louis Express hIO.OO am a 6.25 pm K.' C. fc St L. Express .al0:o0 pm a 6:15 am Oiniihn A St. l.ouU. St. Louis "Cannon llall' a 5:15 pm a s.20 am Kansas City tc yulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. Ut IILIXOTOX STATIOX 10TII A MASOX Knnsna Cl(. St. Joseph A t'linncll llltifTa Knnias City Day Ex a 9:20 am a 6:f5 rm Kansas City Night Ex..alo:30 pm a 6.15 am St. lxiuls Flyer a 5:10 pm all .15 am HiirlliiKtoii A Mlaxuurl lilvcr. Leave. Arrive Nebraska Expiess .. ..a ;um a 7:35 pm Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln n HO am Denver Limited a 4.25 pm bll:55 am a 3.W Pm Black Hills and l'uget Sound Denver Con- nectlon a 9:00 pm a 6:43 am Lincoln Fast Mail b 3:0i pm ft 9:17 am Fort Crook and Plntts- mouth b 3:2) pm hll:05 am Bellevue fc Pacific Jet a 7:40 pm a 5.20 am Bellevue A; Pacific Jet.. a 3.10 am l hli'imo, HiirlliiKtoii A (I ill tie). Chicago Special a 7:00 am al0;20 pm Chicago Vetlbuled Ex .n 4:ki pm Chicago Local .. . a H:3o um a 7:i5 am a 4:05 pm a 7.45 am a 2;i5 pm Chicago Limited . . a 7.0 pm Fast Mail u Dall). b Daily except Sunday. wkiistkii nnroT-iniii a. wcnsTnii. Oilmen. St. Paul, Minneapolis Ar O m ii lin. Twin City Passenger Sioux City Pasienger Leave Arrive, .a t',:0o am a 9;10 pm .a 2:45 pm all:10 am b 5::xi n m b S:;t0 am Emerson iocai Fremont. Elklinrn A Mlaannrt X alley Black Hills, D'adwood, Hot Springs a 3:03 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:0) pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva. Exeter and Seward.. ..b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:!5 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am .Missouri I'nellle. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4.10 pm alO.45 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday day only d Dally except Saturday, except Monda) C Sun e Dally Direct Route to Glaauovr Exhibition ANCHOR LINE jteanmlilp" from Xew York Weekly for (i LA SLOW VIA LOXnOMlERRV, Saloon. $50 and up. Second Cabin, $32.50 and up. Third Class, $26 and upwards, For Illustrated folder nnd further Informs, tion apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, or J. S McNALLY. 1323 Farnam St, GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnam St . Omaha. VICTORY FOR THE SHEEPMAN llri-cli-r from Oreirun Ilrlnit In Bl Hunch nnd Break Qunr nntlnr I.nvv. CHEYENNE. Wyo. June 13 (Special.) Sheepmen who have lcn driving flocks into tho state or trailing them through to other spates have, won an Important vic tory over Hie State Board of Sheep Com missioners nt Evanslon, where a decision was rendered averse to tho slate quarantine laws A week ago three Oregon sheepmen un loaded 23,000 head of sheep at Milliard, I nnrl hv order of Secretary Snow of the Statu 1IUHI C V IIIIV V j ' VUtM Ul DIUUVIB I UV t'UMta was quarantined. The owners carried a clean bill of health from tho government Inspector at Ogden and objected to tho quarantine. Thoy were arrested for ro fusing to remain tn quarantine and at tho trial of the yeiterday It was held that the bill of health iBsued at Ogden was sum-.-lent protection und that tho sheep should bo permitted to enter the state. This case is the first successful attack upon the quarantine laws of Wyoming. Cliolern Morliua n Ilnnserona Dlaraar. In many instnnces attacks of cholera, morbus terminate fatally before medtdn can be procured or a physician summoned. The safe way is to keep at hand a reliable medicine for use in such casea, For this purroxe tin re is nothing so euro aa Cham berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea xtemedy w E Bosworth of Lafayatte, Alabama, sa)t "In June, 1900, I had a serious attack of cholera morbus and on, dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy gave me relief in fif teen minutes.'' For ttte by all druggists.