TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FTUDAV, jrXE 14, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheit Bnojed Up bj Eeporti ef Orp Damag. by Ply. CLOSES STEADY, HALF-CENT HIGHIR Corn r)pircnl liy Selling of l.onit I,lile Oiila lycrnlliiKl rriiii from IVrfcrl Wciitlier ihiiII-tlnn-i Vrn MIoiin Wcnk. CHICAaO, June 13.-Tho wheal mnrket was holpcil when It most needed it todny by rcportH of crop dntmiKi- by fly In Illinois and Knnsns nnd liy thu Inrse number of lo.uls tnken for export ami the July deliv ery clotted sternly and )v J p. July torn cloned Xt'c lower, July outs sc down nnd provlxlons from unrhnngi-d to ,tie under yestcnlny's llnnl price, i he volume of mmo was not InrK'-. With Liverpool cnble restricting' the con ditions exImiiK here yesterday, and with a continuation ot favorable wenther, to duy's wheat market Invited a decline. July opened a shade to V '"C lower at ""'i'll'i'Vic, with liberal offerum and llxht oemand from professional lass. I'lidt-r a continua tion o'f lliiillntlon the price declined to G94c, the lowest or the day, and then came a icactlon l)iid mi reports of iliunngp by fly nnd New York s reports of a continu ance of the continental demand. July mi lled to 7M?l'kr at which It closed stendy and He higher, September sold betw.cn WH'Mt iiihI K'V nnd closed steady nnd !t?'4c up at 6'J'i'dKlSc. Seventy-six londs were, reported taken for export, Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour were equal to "Ilt.fKrt bushels, l'rlmary receipts were W2,m bushels, against Birfi.foO bishels a year ao. .Mlnniapolls and IJiiluth reported KiO tars, nnalnst 311 last week nnd I3S a year bro, Local receipts wern elKhty-sIx cars, twenty four of contract grade. Advices that unexpecteilly favorable con Jltlnns existed In the corn belt and the sell InK of nearly l.UiO.lMi bushels b the bull lender caused an early weakness in the :orn pit Tho only bullish feature consisted of moderate receipts anil th" small propor tion of contract corn they contained. For i while It was apparent that the holders of Ioiik lines were anxious to sell without re tard to prices, though later there was con ildrrablo buying back at slightly Improved prices on local cash demand. The volume of trade was moderate July corn sold be tween 41Hfli:ie and closed fairly steady nd lift'ic, lower at 41'iMttic. Klghty-tliree oads were taken for export. Local receipts aero 23.1 cars, eighteen of contract grade. Perfect weather conditions, coupled with die weak torn market, helped to nuiko solders of oats exceedingly nervous at the Jpcnlug and tho only feature of tho llrst mlf hour was a general desire to realize. Elevator people were free sellers. There ivns partial recovery toward the close on local demand. July sold between M',4: and !7'c anil closed stenoy and ?c down at IJ'frc. The local receipts were 120 cars. Provisions were weak to begin with be tauso of a decline nt the ynrds of fie In the price of hogs, nnd large receipts. The weakness In pork was maintained, but lard and ribs later became firm on buying by packers. July pork ranged between $n.724 and tU.l'Vt and closed 10c lower at H.T5; July lard sold from JS.4S to S.52Hf(J..V, clos ing 2V4f!wc down at SS.fJO, July ribs sold be tween $8.05 nnd J8.u.'4, closing unchanged at tho latter tlgure. Kstlmated receipts for tomorow: Wheat, SO cars; corn, 225 cars; oats, 150 cars; hogs, tG,noo bend. The Undlng futures rnnecd as follows: Articles! Open.) HlghTi Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat t I I 0071 St'.li! June. July. Sept. Corn June. July. Sept. Oats- ft)". 70 60 iQ'.Al C9 t!V II ri42 43U 41' 12 H1 42, 43H! 27 11 77V4 14 97V4 r no 41 42 2GV4 I3'.4'i July... Sept... rotlt- July... Sent... Lard July... Sept... Oct ... Sept. . . 27Hfi2fi 271.4, 14 77HI 14 72V4' II 73 I 14 S3 14 97 W S 45 14 90 8 4.i 8 55 14 92J4i 1 02Vs 8 50 8 55 S B2,4! S 00 8 K2Vj 8 57H1 8 57H1 n WW S to I S OR 8 07H 8 05 8 (WM 8 071.4 8 0714' 8 UVsi 8 07HI 8 12s S 12(5 No. 2. Cnsh ntintatlons were ns follows: FLOt'll-Kasy: winter patents. M.S&gs.OO: straights, J3.20H3.70: clears, J2 KK3.0; spring specinls. Jt.yi; patents, .i.loft3.iu; strnigms, 12.90fl3.25; bakers. S2.20fl2.C0. WHKAT-No. 2 spring. 71fi'72c; No. 3 snrlnir. CofiiOc: No, 2 red. i2c. CORN No. 2, 41Uc; No, 2 yellow, 41UQ OATS-No. 2, 27T?2Sc; No. 2 white, 2ic No. white, 2772Siic IIYK-No. 2, ISc. HAULISY-Good feeding, 4511520; fair to choice malting. 56c. SICBDS-No. t llax, $1.70; No. 1 northwest ern. 11.71 ; prime timothy, $3.ooW3.co. I'HOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $14.75 Tit. SO. Lnrd. per 100 lbs.. JS.47V4.p8.60. Short ribs sides (loose), J7.95ffS.15. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). JG.S7Hil7.12Vi. Short clear aides (Iioxed), J8.23ftS.37','.,. WHISICY-Hasls of high wines. $1.27. SUOAn-Cut loaf, '$6.35: granulated, $5.77; conrecnoners a, .i.ut; on , Following are the receipts nnd shipments lor louay: Rocelnts. Shlnments. Flour, bbls 23.000 24,000 Wheat, bJ lll.Otio 53,0O0 Corn, bu 250,000 603,000 Oats, bit.. 187.0IK) 201.(VH Hye, hu 3,0m) a.ooo Unrley, bu 7,000 1,000 On tho Produce cxch.iuce todav the but ter market was firm; creameries, 155J18ic; dairies, 13&16V4c. Cheese, steady. lOHc. Aggs, toss on, cas-s reiurnea, lO'.sc NKW YoniC ISK.NHItAL, JIAItKBT, Quotations of the Ilny on Vnrlon Commodities. NEW YORK. Juno 13. FLOUR Re ceipts, 17,500 bbls.; exports, 7,210 bbls.; quiet and barely steady, winter patents, $3.6503.90! winter straights, $3.15(5(3 55; winter extras, $2.602.i5; Minnesota bakers, $2.90t 3.15; Minnesota patents, J3.9uil.l5; winter low grades, J2.30ft2.40. Rye flour. dull; fnlr to good, J2.S0tt3.10; choice to fancy, $3.20 ff3.50. CORNMEAl Steady; yellow western, 9Sc; city. S3c: llrandywlne, $2,455(2.65. HYEQulet; No. 2 western, 59c, afloat; state, 65i5tic, c. I. f.. New 'ork carlots. IIARLEY Steady ; feeding, ISc, c. i.f., New York; malting, 5S5i62c, c. I. f., New York, carlots. IIARLEY MALT Dull: western, C5H72e. WHEAT-Hecelpts, 139,250 bu.: exports, fiS.CIS bu.; spot firm; Nn, 2 red, 79c f. o. b. afloat nnd 77c elevator; No. l northern. Duluth. 84ic f. o, b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Dj luth, 87Ho f. o. b. nfloat. Options had a steady opening, but Immediately declined under renewed pressure on July, foreign selling nnd bearish crop news, in the after noon the market rallied on export demand, Wall street buying, some unfavorable crop news from Kansas City nnd local covering; closed nt 76'4c. CORN Receipts, 179,900 bu ; exports, 91,017 bu,; spot steady; No. 2, 4ii'c elevator nnd 6'ic f. o, b. afloat. Option market was very weak early under liquidation, favorablo crop news, tne uremic in wnent and small clearances: It finally rallied a little on ev. port demand and closer! about stendy at '4c net decline; July, 43'iti46lc, closed at 4CUc; Bebtember. 47'.M(47ic. closed at 47ic. OATS-Recelpts US.floo bu.; exports, 2,125 h f f.nnt Wpnlf ! Xn .Tf Vni'nmhnp Tlli-rt. No, 2 white, 32c; No. 3 white, 33c; 'trn'ek! mixed western, 3HVii33c: track, white, 32W 37c. Options weak and lower on crop news and with com. HAY Quiet, spring, 70073c; good to choice. 90ti?92Ho. HOPS-Julet; state, common to choice, 1900 crop, 17020c; 199. lliriSc; old olds. 2f6c; raclfle coast, UHO crop, lG19c; 1S90, lllfloc; nM olds. J9i6c. . HIDES Steady; Oalveston, :o to 25 lbs., ISVic: California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs., HStHVjc. LEATHER-Stendy; hemlock sole. Ruenos Ayres. ugni 10 neuvj wciunis, zrtfsc; ncld auifl24',c. PROVISIONS-Reef, steady; family. $10.50 ITlW.eVi UiesK, ..wri,,ui, urci uatllS, I;0.MIJ1 21.50; packet. $10.Wfl0R0; city, extra India mess, JlS.qOtfjTT.OO. Cut meats, steady; pick- len neiiies, n-i'i) luvjc; picaiea Mliolllders, l7.Q0rt7.25; pickled hams, J9.75'i 10.75. Lard, leiui) , wenirrii nieuiiu'i,, o.ao; ICllneil jnlet; continent, JS.U3; South America. iXM .omnound. J6.7U Pork. steady: f.imllv HS.6WJ18.(tt; short clear, JlCOotf 17,35; mess IU SWT 16.60. TALLOW Quiet; city, 4Tc; country, 5 HICE-Qulet; domestic fnlr to choice. S b6c; Jnpnu, 4H1Tlriic. MOLASSES-Stendy; New Orleans, opsn Keme. Kiiou 10 enoice, .tfiiitc. JIUTTERRecelpts, 7,i pkgs.: steady arenmery. l5'..19Vsc: factory. 12W1IV40. CHEESE Receipts, 7,tK pkgs.; market iteady; fmicy large colored. Sc; fHiicy 'arge white, SSc; fancy small colored nnd a-iute. '.'c. EOOS Steady; receipts. 7.619 nkgs, iteady; western candled nnd selected, 12Wf ISc. western regular naekrd. ll(S12c rOULTRV-Alive weaker; springers, 1 zx; turkeya, tc; iowij, wijc; urcsscu, slow i-untu ii 111 in -g'uyau uei oovauce; July. 76Wf77Hcl closed at 77ie; September, 7l's(fj 74?Sc. closed at 747ic; October, 74?iiS75ic, rinsed at 7.Vic: December. 75 li.tiMtTitUiv springers, lf?:4t , turkeys, "110c, fowls, 9'i tl lr . MKTALS-Thc general market for metals was ii, ,iei nnd featureless. Tin In London declined ' 17s xl under light selling orders and n lack of support and closed easy In tone, with spot iiuoieo ai iiao un ano iu turcs nl ilUti. Itere the market for that ini.ial was exlrernelv dull and values fell off la points In consequence of the weakness in Loniion. copper was wnnoiu ciihoki; to price, but nominally steady at l for l.nke Stnerlor ami 16 62'i lor cnstlng nnd elei trolytk. The London coiiper market eard on slightly and closed barely steady nt JtW 2s till ror spot and 69 lis 3d on fu tures. Lend ruled dull but steady here nt j.'k so for lots or lift v Ions or over, despite n lo-s of Is id abroad, whero snot big lead closed at 12 6s. Spelter was nominally tin- cnangeu ai .uird i.nu, American iron mar kets were inlet, but Indicate an easy tono nt J9.2.)1tl".2i lor pig Iron warrants; north ern foundry, $1 1.201(15.50, southern foundry, $l3.7;l.ri.25; sou southern, $12.75?fl5.15. Olns gow siock warrants closed at 5s oil and Mid dlcsboroJgh nt 45s OMAHA VIIIM,KSAl.b MAItKI3T ('ondlliiiii of Tinde nnd tlnotntlnn on Mnplc mill I'll ne r I'rodiicc. KtiaS-Itecclpts liberal; good stock, firm, 10l10',c. LIVK POULTUY-llens, 7c: young and ild roosters, 3KCo; tJrkcys, &ljsc; ducks nnd geese, 6c, spring chickens, per lb., l320c. HL'TTIOH-Common to fair, 12W13c; choice dairy. In tubs, WjlSc; separator, 18e. Fltnsil FLSII-Hlack bass, 18c; white bass, Ic; blilellsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c; bluo Huh. linnulns. Ir. rnttlxh. 12c! Cod, Vol crapples. "'iluc; clscocs, 7c; halibut, 11c; her ring, 6c; haddock, life, pickerel, 7c; pike, fc; l eel snapper, loo, salmon, uc; sui-.iisn, w. trout, :ic, whltetlsh, c PIOKONS- Live, per doz., $1. VKALS-Choice, WOc. HAY- I'rlcin quoted by Omaha Wholesale ilny Dealers association; Choice upland, J9.(; No. 1 upland, ?S.&1: medium, $7.50; coarse, $7.00. Ityo straw, J6.E0. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand. Itccelpts, 6 cars, OATS No, j white, :'JC. CUUN-No. 2, 43c. H(tAN"$lS. VKGICTABLES. SPINAt'M-l'or bu. box, 4Cc. ASPAHAUl'S-Natlvc, per dor., 3S-40e. mtUUAUIl-llomo grown, per lb., 1'Ae. NUW UKKTS-Per dor., 45c. NKW CAHHOIS-Per doz., 50c. NEW TL'HNIPS-l'er doz., 60c. CUCL'MUKUS-Hothouse, per doz., 60c $1.W. CAP.HOTS-Pcr bj., 50c. LHTTUCU-ler bu., 20'i(25c. HA D1SI I ICS Per doz., 16820c. PAltSLIIY-I'er doz., 30c. POTATOi:S-01d, per bu., $1,001.10. NUW POTATOKS-Per lb., 2c. (.'AIIHAOK-New California. 2Hc. TOMATOKS-FIorlda. per 6-basket crate, fancy, J3.50; Texis, l-bsk crates, $1.50. ONIONS Bermudas, per crate. $2.25; new California. 2c. CAULIFLOWKU I lomc-grown, per doz., $1.50. UKANS-Wnx, per 1-3 bu., 90c; string, per ti bu., 73c. PHAS-Per bu., $2; per V4 bu., 7So. CULUHY California, per bunch, 603750. FHUITS. STHA Wni'JHRIKS Homo grown. $2.00; Missouri $2.(). CHKltniKS-Callfornla, per 8-lb. box, $1.50; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, $1.75. PKACHRS-Oallfornln, per box, $1.00. APHICOTS-Callfornlu. i-baskot crates, Jl.W. OOOSlCUKItnilCS-Per 21-qt. case. $1.75. THOPICAL FHUITS. OUANOKS-Callfornla seedlings. $2.75 3.W; navals, $3,60; Med. sweets, $3.253.50. LMMONS California, extra fancy, $3.75; chotce. $3.25. HAN ANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.((2.50. FIOS California, new cartons, 75c; layers, 63c; Imported, per lb., 10igi2c. DAT ICS Persian, In 60-Iu. boxes, Salrs, 6c per lb.; Halloween, 5Hc per lb. P1NEAPPLI3S-Per dor.. $1.7502.00. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, per 21-sectlon case, $3.75. CIDEH Per bbl.. $1.50; per half bbl., $2.73. NUTS English wnlnuts, per lb., 15c; fil berts, per lb.. 13c: almonds, ncr lb.. 18i20c: raw peanuts, per lb., 54J5Vic; roasted, 6V4W Tljc; lirazils, uo, pecans, 103i.;'c. HIDES No, 1 green, 5Hc; No. 2 green, 4'ic; No, 1 salted, fi4c; No. 2 salted, SVjc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to lbs., Sc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, Kfl3c; sheep pelts, 25575c; horse hides. $1.50Ci2.25. St. Louis tirnlu nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Juno 13. W H EAT 1 1 Igher ; No. 2 red. chjIi. elevator. 69V4c: track. 72 To'Eic; July, 67ic; September, 66T4c; No. 2 lianl, 70ViifiTr.iu. COHN-Flrm. No. 2 cash, 40i,4c; track July. loe: Sentcmber. 4Hic. OATS-Steady; No. 2 cash. 28c; track, .JW-Jiic; Juiy, zt7ic; sepiemuer, .one; rso. 2 white, 31c. HYE Dull at 53t.ic. FLAXSEED No market. FLOUH Dull: patents. $3.50-33.70: extra fancy and strnlsht, $3,1013.25; clears, $2.S0S a.w. COHNMEAL Steady at $2.30. I1HAN Dull and weaker; sacked, east tracK. W((iiic. HAY Firmer; timothy, J6.50S13.00; pral. rie, 5;i..i''jm.j". WIllSKY-Stendv: $1.27. 1 HON COTTONT1 ES-$1.03. HA(iaiNOS-Ci,ry7c. HEMP T INE-!)c PHOVISIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing, $15.75. Lard, lower, at $8.35. Dry salt meats, quiet; boxml lots, extra sjiorts. JS.25; clear ribs, $8. 37; clear sides, JS.50. Hacon, quiet; boxed lots, extra shorts, $9; clear ribs, :i...i'.s; clear sides, ja.au. METALS Lead, firm at $4,321,494.35. Spel ter. unlet at J3.82Vi. POULTRY Steady- chickens. 7c: snrlngs. 13R10c; turkeys. 7c; ducks, 6c; springs, 9 iuo; geese, -ic, springs, sc. H UTTER Steady; creamery, 14S19C; dairy. 12fll4c. KiMlH Steady at 10?ic, repacked and cases inciiiiieii. HECEIPTS-Flour, 5,000 bbls.; wheat, 24 Ooo bu.; corn. 37,000 bu.; oats, 33,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 6,000 bbls.; wheat, j oil.; corn, oi.uuv ou,; oais, ii.uw ou, Liverpool Ciruln nil it Provision. LIVERPOOL, June 13. WHEAT No, 1 northern soring, quiet. 5sllHd: California. steady. 6s Hid. Futures, easy; July, 5s0T4d; September. 5s 'sd. corn spot, quiet; American mlxen, new, 4s Ud. Futures, nulet; July. 3sl0Vid; septemuer, ;is 1111; uctoner, nominal. I'RAH Camullun. steady, at 6s Sil. HOPS At London. Pacific coast, steady. ai is'ins inn. I LOl'R St. Louis fancy w nter. Sd. PROVISIONS-neef. firm: extra India mess, ws 3d, pork, steady; prime mess western, mm. i.arn, arm; prime western, in tierces. 13s: American refined, in nails. 43s 3d, Hucon, lrm; Cumberland cut, 26 to 20 lbs., 41s 9d; tiinrt ribs. 16 to 21 lbs., 45s 9d; long clenr middles, heavy, 30 to 40 lbs., 42s; short clear backs, 16 to 21 lbs, 42s 3d; elear bellies. II to 16 lbs.. 41s. Shoulders. square. 11 10 1.1 urn., muuuy, ois mi. Ill' l thu uiui ; iineai uiiiicu males, 6s; good United States, 65s. I'llRIfslM-Amnrlrall llnosf whlt rfnll ot 43s; American unesi coioreq, quiet, nt 43s. TALLOW Prime city, quiet, at 25s; Aua trlan, its uu. Kansas City tirnln nnd Provisions, KANSAS CITY. June 13. WHEAT-Julv 65c; September, 63T4c; cash, No. 2 hard, 67V4 tisc; mo. 3, tujjwivsc; jno. . reo, oj'aiuc. CUltN Jiliy. S'J'.iic; Bcpiemner. iusc; casn No. 2 mixed, uc: iso. z wnue, iivsc. OATS No. Z Willie. i"JiiC. HYE No. 2. 53HGu4c. HAY Cholco timothy. J11.504n2.00: choice prairie. J9.wmi0.eu. lie 1 1 Kit creamery, nituib'c; nairy, fanes. 131il4i'. EOOS Weak: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, 9c doz.. loss off, cases returned; new wnitewoou cases me uurn. more. HECEIPTS-Wheat. ,i0.40O bu.: corn. 2.400 liu. ; oats. 7,tHi uu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 52.000 bu.: corn. 22. 4W bu.; oats, 15,0(10 bu. 'loir do (Srnhi nml Seed. TOLEDO. June 13. WHEAT Aetlvn snrl strong; ensn, iU4c; Jiuy, 7Uc; September, inc. CORN Actlvo and lower: cash. 42'4c Julv. 42c: Sentember. 43c. oats mill nnu weaK; ensn, -so; July, sijic: neptcmDor, ;o',jc. HYE S30. CLOVERSEED Cash, prime, $6.50; Oc loocr, Mlnneni'olls Wlienl, l'lour nml Ilrun MINNEAPOLIS, June 13. WHEAT Cash, esvie; jiuy, bic; September, 6754c on track, No, 1 bard, i0Hc: No, 1 northern ('.iter.. 'n ? unrtliern. IIA'Jir7p FLOUR Lower; first patents. $3.803.90 second patents, $3.60'(3.70; first clears, $2.65 2.76! seeonn Clears, ..".'il..ui. RRAN-In bulk, higher. $U.60flll.75. I'oorln lnrkrt. PEORIA, 111., Juno 13,-CORN-Lower No. 4. 3Sic. OATS-l.ower; No. 3 white, 27!ifl27t4c billed through. WHISKY-On basis of $1,27 for finished goods, Mllrtnnlirp (Irnlii .MnrUpt, MILWAUKEE. June lS.-WHEAT-Dull No, 1 northern, 7H4ij72'4c; No. 2 northern 69l,l i(l'iC , J Illy. CTli7C'iC. RYE Quiet: No. 1. 51Ufi52c. HARLEY-Steady; No. 2. 86c; sample, S3 yuic. Iliilltiiinre (irnln 11 nil Provisions. BALTIMORE, June 13,-FLOUR-Dijll; re celnts. 3.775 bbls,; exports, 337 bbls. WHKAT-Sleadlcr-. spot. 73HWl1c; June, i5Jii'ie; JUiy. 5M7.K", August, 72H5J721irC btcamcr, No. a red, 72S75'c; receipts, 42,035 bu ; exports, 24,(iO bu. , southern, by sam ple, 70ft 1615c, southern, on grade, 73HG76ie t'OHN Steady nt decline, spot and June, ilttff,.H1 . n lull 1 l.17.l llz. mtrts- HllVAll 43'J.lc. receipts, 161.8SS bu,, southern nun, iiiMi'iiC. OATS-Steady; No. 2 while. Mmjaic; No. mixed, 375ii34c, receipts, 1S.330 bu. Ht'TTEFl Firm: fimrv. Imltntlnn. illi ISc; fancy creamery, 19'rtJOc; fancy ladle, l&filfic; store packed, 121TI3c. .v.-j i-uiii, iicimi, ii'iiii:. (. HEESE-Flrm; large, 9c; small, 10c. PhllHilrlpliln I'roiliicr Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA. June 13 nt'TTEH Firm ami In good demnud: fancy western renmerv. 19He! fniicv western tirlnts. 19c: fancy nearby prints, ;oo, EOOS Steady; fresh nearby, lie; fresh western, lie: fresh southwestern. 13e: fresh southern, 12c, CHEESE Quiet; New York full creams, fancy small, OU'ic: New York full creams, tair 10 cnoice, svfcyi'c. MOVHMKNTS l. STOCKS AMI IIOMIS. I)n's lliislurss mi the Mai'linimo Henehes Venrl.v Million Shores. NEW YORIv. June 13. There was a notable Increase In speculation In stocks today, the day's business running up to near l.OOO.cn) shares. The continued strength loony or i.-oiorndo Fuel nnd the buying of thnt stock hv ttnmn IipnlApa Kailnllt om ployed by the Oould Interests, aroused a conjecture thnt the control of the Colorndo company was being sought by tho Oould- iiiiiiiiiiitn interests, rne anvnncc in Colo rado Fuel reached S14. mrrvlncr It nliove yesterday's high price, The Oould-Horrl- man oroKers wore active in various stocks, notably In Union Pacific. The buying In tills Stock Wns on nn enormous srtila nnii was c losely followed by St. Paul through out all Its fluctuations, A well defined rumor gained currency toward the close 1 oai some neavy original holdings of St. Paul retiresented In Itm Hlrrrtnrv tnr munv years have been sold and that the stock wiii appear in tne collateral for the Union -aciuc convertible bonds. Un On Pacific ross nn extreme U nn.i at t' ,,,i u- ,. sourl Pacific and some of Its affiliated stocks notably Denver & Rio Grande, con- iiuui-u m jnuw me innuence or expetcca ac tion on consolidation. Minneapolis & St. LOUIS, after a fUrtller rionllrin nt 1 nnlnl owing to disappointment over yesterday's .n.nii6ri iiiviucnii, milieu strongly 5 points. The buoyant outburst In Union Pa cific made the doting firm, although there had been constant reactions on profit-taking, Several convertible hnnH n.r strong and active in response to tho move ment of their stocks. The market generally was moderately active and quite firm. Totnl sales, par value, J5,740.0iO. United nuiirn nonus were an uncnaiigcd on the last call. The followlnr are lht ctoslnr nrl- n the New York Stock exchange: Atchison .. St'.il do pfd ...,1SS W.14 34 !i S3 45 1J3 3V4 1135 ixili 2Ji 43V Ifltj 33, 23 Vi L... 78 ISO 200 do pfrl . & O lO pfd ..103'i R, Pacific . Ill S. Hallway .... .. SJli do pfd ..104H Tex. & Pacldc .. 7'VT. St L. & V. ..40 do pfd .. 4Mi Union Paclflc .. .. 8IH do pfd ..mywabnsh .. 3SH do pfd 72 w. & i. k ..130 do 2d pfd .... .. 24 wis. Central ... .. 14 do pfd .. MH P.. r . C. & St. ..Ml Udnrrn Ki Can. Pacific ., Can. Southern dies. & O Chi. & Alton . do pfd C, U. & Q C, 1. & L do r(d C. & K. I C. Ot. W du 1st pfd ... do 2d pfd .... C. & N. W.... 11. I. ft P. ..lSS'i'Amerlcnn E.... .. 21 lU. S. Ei Chi. T. Ai T . M .135 .123. . 3ti Sl'4 do pfd , 41l Wells. Fnri?o Ex. Wi'Amal Cotnier ... C, C, C. St. I Colo. Southern ..... ... M Am. C. & F ... 5! do pfd ... !J'. Am. Linseed Oil ...ICS do pfd ...237!i'Ain. S. & It do 1st pfd do 2J pfd Del. & Hudson 1)., L. At W SI 1 1M I). & Rio a ... KV do pfd ...102i Am. Tobacco do pfd U9Ti 4SO. tz 116 Erie ... 4l't Anaconda M. Co do 1st pfd .... do Id pfd Ilrooklyn it. T.. ... Colo. v. & I Ot. North, pfd.. ...185 Con. Oos . .. 53',s Con. Tobacco ... 77,i do pfd llaGen. Electric ... 3'j alurose Sugar HocKln valley ... 68 'J ... ri, ... 21', ... 2214 ...79 ... !'Mi ... fa ... 41 ... iVi, ... 4IU ... 771, ... SOI, ... 67i4 ... 42 ...H5i ... 45H do pfd 111. Central lows Central ... do pfd u E. & W do pfd ... Hocklnit Coal .... , .. S8 Inter. Paper ...120 do pfd ...UOt'inter. Poer .... ...153 Laclede Gas l'41i Nat. Illscuit ... 2'1 Not. Iad ... Nat. Salt ... 9S!4 do pfd ...1234 X. American .... ... 31',j Pacific Coast ... 6I4 Pacific Mall ...160 People's Oa .... ...ISCU'rreesed S. C ... 14 I do pfd ... rullnian P. Cnr.. 13' Hepublla Steel ... ... 9S'i! ,io pfd ... 3Ii Sugar Ixmlf. & N Manhattan L ,, Met. St. Hy Mex, Central ., Mcx. National M. & St. 1. Mo. Pacific .... M., K. & T do pfd N. J. Central ., N. Y. Central , Nor. A West... . Sll4 .209 do pfd N, Pacific . 2I'H . 7C. do pfd Ont. & W ennsylvanla . ....55", !,, c. & I Heading union 11. & P. Co... 13 W do pfd 71!, SS'jiC. S. leather 14V. do 1st pfd .... do 2d pfd St. U S. F... . 4;i4 do pfd 80 do 1st pfd .... do 2d Pfd .... " C f. Iluhber !1 do pfd 624, 3.1i L'. s. Steel 45'i . 63i do pfd M irOT, Western Union sr.. St. I.. S. V.... do pfd St. Taul The Commercial Advertiser's London flnnnclal uablecrnm says: Duslness on tho stock exchange wns nenernlly meager, with American siock 100 iQie 10 move much. Union Pacific. Baltimore & Ohio. Southern Pnclflc nnd Eric bulged on New York buy ing, with the continent slightly assisting mo ursi iwo. ew York Moner Mnrkrt, NEW YORK. June 13.-MONEY-On call. steady, nt 214'33 per cent; Inst loan, 2 per cent; prime mercanine paper, afttji'.i per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Stronc with nctual business In bankers' bills nt $4.SSU 4.tS3 for demand and nt SLS.WfiM.857L for sixty clays; posted rates, $4. 864 nnd $4. SO; commercial bills, $l.5Ql.S5!4. SILVER-Certlflcntes, nominally, 60c; bar, 69c; Mexican dollars, 50Hc iJUTWJS siaie, nun; railroad, stendy; governments, unchanged. the clcslne puces un nonds toda. are a. follows: U. S. ref. ts. reK...:0Ci N. Y. C. 1 N. J. C. sen. 5s. .107 .132 do coupon iui',4 U. S. 3s. res 1W . IMCIflC 31 do coupon ivj do new 4s, re....13 do coupon 13) do old 4s, reg 11214 do 4s 10314 N Y. C & St L 4a 1MT4 X. & W. c. 4s 10214 Ore Nav. Is 103' do coupon ..... do i. Ttg do coupon ..... .113'., do 4s insii ..108; ..los;; ..124 Ore. S. L. 6s issu ao conso ss... .120 D. of C. 3 6S,,.. Heading gen, 4s, Hlo O. IV. 1,... Atchison gen. 4,... ..104', ...10:14 do sdl, 4s .. S',4 St L & I M c. r.s....r.7U st l & a f r 6a. . .lac'i Canada So. !s Che & O. '&... ..103 ..119 -ji. i-aiii c., 1S4 do ts ... "ft. f , C. & P, Is, .lis 119 91 1ISV4 C. & N. W c, 7s ll-'i do 5s do S, F. deb. 5..i:z S. Pacific 4s ri. Hallway 5, .... Chi. Terminal 4,.... 9S Colo. South. 4a S9i S. Jt. & T 6 Tex, & raclfle Is do 2s Union Paclflo 4s , Wabash Is do 2s West Shore 4s .. 63V, ..list, .. 99 ,.1M!4 ..118 ..112 .1144 9i'.4 .. sen D. & Rio O. 4s 1024 Erie en. 4, sc; F. IV. & U. C. Is. ..10714 Uen. Electrlo 5s...lSV,, Iowa Central Is... ..115 N. unl. 4s M.. K. & T. 2s S! Wis Central 4s do is M'.i "Va. Centuries Rid. Offered. Iloston Stock ((antntlona. BOSTON. June 13. Call loans. STtm. nr cent; time loans, 3V4fJ3t4 per cent. Official closing: A., T. & S. Fe,. ... M'i ...103. ...143 ...122 ...U2'4 . . .1534 ...1R7 ...195 West End Atchison 4s 914 .1031. . lf-i - t: IZVi . ?2'4 118 III .Ml . 23 17 . 25 . H4 . 51 172 . 7 .130 . 29 . 214 . 54 do pfd Am. Sugar Adventure do nf(. Hlng. M. Co Amal. Copper .... Atlantlo '. Hoston & Mont., llutte i Iloston..!; Calumet & Ili-cla Am. Telephone . Boston A Albany Hoston Ii Hostnn Maine., c. n. & q. .197; Dominion Coal Sl'4 Centennial do pfd HI lanlilln U. S, Steel do pfd nen. Electric ., . . 41 Humboldt ' Oioeoln ..:t7", .. 2i .. Ti' ..206 .. 21'i .. Sl'i ..113'i Parrot Mex. Central .. Qulncy ;;' N. E. C.as & c, do 5s Old Colony .... Old Dominion . Htibber Union Taclflo . (anla Fe Copper.. T.imarack Utah Mining Inona Wolverines London Slock llnotntlnns, LONDON, Juno 13. 4 p, m. -Closing; Consols, money do account .. Can. Pacific .... St. Paul HI. Central Umlsvllle 1' P. Pfd N Y. Central Erie ...93 L18I do 1st pfd .. Pennsybanla ..,3 1-61 1C6 177'4 14814 Heading Hi .100 7. Pac hlo .... Orand Trunk US . 9', 112'i Anaconda V S. ritoel ... do pfd nand Mines ., .... r2 !....w; 44. . tl; Ml . 43 11AR SILVER-Steady, 27 7-lCd per oz. MONRY-3S3V4 per cent. The rnte of dis count In the open market for short bills Is iwiitt per ttnii nir uireo montns- b f. 2 per cent. Ilnnk I'lenrlnus, ..9A,A.lIA' Jul IS-Hnnk clenrings today, $1,009,243: corresponding day last year. SI.. 132.451: decrease. $33.20. r' . L'HICAOO. June 13,-Clenilngs, $23,221,915: P'V2ct?' . rn'ted exchange. $I,S6 (fll.89; New ork exchange, HX' premium CINCINNATI. June 13,-ClearliU, $3.774,. n"i niuiiry, a'u'i per cent; jsew York ex chnnge, 15flWc. ST. LOUIS, June 13.-Clearlnss, $7,077,200; bnlnnr es JSTnifl, money, 51T7 per cent. New nin rii nn ii, i5c Miscount Olll, !"' '" . ROSTOV A ,-..,ins. l; '3.307.36.'. tin Inures. $2,n;t 101 ,n4'''7.U', VOHK. June M.-Clearlnss, $252,533,. 101; balnnces, im.nj.soT. .I'HILADELPiUA. June 13.-ClenrlnKs, J1J;3;V,.?.'i.lmln''''''. s.'.ssou . ..BALTIMORE, Juno l3.-ClenrlnKS, $3.9il,- iuh niiinuces, I5S7,1'07. err VorU .lliiilnc StncUs. NEW YORK, June 13.-The following are the. closing quotations on mlnlna stocks; Adams Con Alke llre-, Ilintiswlck fen .. 10 I.lttl Chief ... .. 4 fOntarlo .115 Ophlr . 1 Ph'ienlx 5'4 Potosl .?) Sasa . 10 sierra Nevada .113 Ismail Hopes . . . t! Standard .. S I .. 12 . .SJ0 .. w .. 14 ... 8 .. 7 .. 20 .. 45 . .365 Conislo'k Tun Con. Cal. tt Va tMdood Terra Horn Silver .. . Iron Sliver Leadvlllo Con . , G08D COTTON PROSPECTS Despite Enrl)- llrntvbnrUs 1'till Ylrlil Is Kxprcteil ConilKlon of Wool Clip llrntlf) ln. NEW YORK, June 13.-Dlspatchcs to Dun s Review from the entire cotton belt make a most satisfactory sliowlng, al though unfavorable weather conditions during tho opening weeks of tho season In jured much of the seed and made replant ing tiecessar. This adds to the cost of tho crop, but does not prevent a full yield. There seems to bo trom 6 to 10 per cent Increase In the acreage under cultivation, nnd while dntnngu undoubtedly has been scvero In some sections, fnlrly good weather from now to the beginning 01 picking will Insure it 11 nbundanl yield. Excessive rain has made the growth of grass unusually rapid nnd the scarcity of labor, together with large grnln crops, makes It dlfllcult nnd expensive to keep tho llelds In good condition. Injury from Insects Is light In most stntcs except for boll weevil In parts of Texas, anil lice in regions where moisture has been exceptionally heavy. These pests are not as harmful as usual, however, nnd aside from the probable Increase In cost, the planters have cause for gratification. Reports from corespondents for R. (1. Dun & Co. In the principal sheep-raising states Indlrntc that the season has neen most satisfactory both as to size nnd con dition of tho clip, but complaints of prices nro very general. On many ranches tho shearing Is about completed and a yield somewhnt larger than tho ono preceding Is assured. At far western points there Is much wool still on the sheep's backs, but the animals nre healthy and no dlfllcillty Is anticipated. Not only Is the quantity Inrger this season, but the quality Is better and the wool so much cleaner thnt tho losses In scouring will be less than usual. A few reports Indicate that growers havo already sold much of their wool, but In the majority of enses Ihero Is no desire to ac cept current prices. This Is especially trim of the wealthier ranch owners, who can afford to hold their product. Buyers are not alarmed by the tendency to refuse offers, which nre nbojt 1 cent lower than a month ago and express tho opinion thnt still easier terms may be se cured later. Considering current stocks nt tho east and conditions In the manufac ture, prospects for higher prices are not encouraging, notwithstanding tho steady flnnllnn nt tho Inst Vfnr. NEW YORK. June 13.-COTTON-Most of tho ndvnnce mnde In futures here yesterday was lost this morning under a heavy selling movement, led by nervous longs and the foreign clement. The mnrKei was nnniy slenilf. with nrlees net 1 bluher to 6 lower. Spot closed dull, middling uplands, SHc; middling gun, M(,c: snies, none. LIVERPOOL. June 13. COTTON-Spot fnlr demand; prices MGd lower; Amerlcnn mlddllm fnlr. 5',kd: nood middling. 4 27-32(1; middling. 4 19-3211. low middling, 4id; good nnllnnrv. 4t4il: nrdlnnrv. 374d. NEW ORLEANS, June 13.-COTTON Quiet nnd steady; sales, 1,900 bales; ordi nary, hc: good ordinary, 0 5-lfic; low mid dling. 7l,p; middling. Sc; good middling. SVc; middling rnlr, 8ic; nominal; receipts 2,241 bnles; stock. 111,506 bales. ST LOIMS. June 13. COTTON Oulet: middling. 74c; sales, 000 bales; receipts. R73 bales; shipments, S23 bales; stock, 71,942 bales. Coflec Mnrkrl NEW YORK. June 13.-COFFEE-Qulet; spot Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 6c, Mild, quiet; Cordova, f'igi2Hc There was not much movement In values today, desplto thu fact that business was unusually large for these days of conservative trading. Tho market opened steady at unchanged prices ntnl ror n tltno jient up on room support nnd fair iniying ,rpr toreign account, ue spite easier European markets, disappoint' ment In tlemnnd .tor snot and Inrger Hra zlllan receipts than expected. Rut In the late session there was n decline of 5 points 011 several monlln nn liquidation and sell' Inir for short account. The close wns nulet with prices net unchanged. Totnl snles,z4.60O nags, including: June, o.iuc; Jiuy, ooo'if Bloc; August. 5.13c; September. 6.207J5.23c; Otcober, 6.25c; November, 5.35c; December, 5.45(if5.60c; January. 5.55c; February, 5.55c; March, B.CTc, and May, s.tj&ys.i&c. Evfiiinrntril nml Ilrlrit I'rults NEW YORK. June 13.-EVAPORATED APPLES Tho market for evaporated an pies wns a quiet one today. 1110 oemand wns onlv of n locclnc nature and this was at tho old basis. Stnte, common to good, 3hf'5c; prime, ShfySc; choice, (VijCic; fancy, hiiic. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Market lnnctlvo nnd nomlnnlly steady nt unchanged prices, mines, Jiniuc pet in., ns to size nnn quality. Apricots, iioyni, su.'c; .100r j'nru, .tis.v.jc. i'eacnes, peeicn, jitoisc; unpecled, oiioc. .etr York Dry fniiiils JIarkef. NEW YORK. June 13.-DRY OOODS- Thero will be no reduction In tho prices of tho leading mnKcs of cottons, lirown cot tons nro firmer; some export goods ad vanced YzVhtC Home demand wns better today for heavy brown cottons. Good busi ness done In narrow and wldo nrlnt cloths outsldo of regulnrs; wldo goods firmer. Prints sold well. Ginghams unchanged. Tho market ns a whole Is distinctly lm- provins. OH nml Ilnalii, NEW YORK. Juno 13. OILS Cottonseed. quiet; prlmo crude, nominal; prime yellow, ;s3yc. I'eiroioum. uuu. uosin, stenuy; stratned, common to good, $1.50. Turpen tine, dull nt 354j36c. iuuurs. June 13. uu.a Linseed, 31:3 10',4d. uiij cii i. I'a.. June ia. uii.a ureou balances. $1.05; certificates, no bid; ship ments, 13I.5SO bbls:; average, 9j,53j bbls., runs, 82.93G bbis,; average, 7S.S70 bbls, Sniinr llurkrt. NEW YORK. June 13. Sl'GAR Raw. stendy; fair rellnlng, 3;c; centrlfugnl, 96 test. Hie; molasses sugar, 3c; refined, quiet. INl'.w um,KA,a, June r-iiuuaji-Onlnt: on.Mi kettle. 3 2-liVfiic: onen kettle. 'centrifugal, 37(,fM'.4c; centrifugal yellow, 4'4 54c; seconds, ituic. .-Moiasses, .,uiei; centrifugal, 715c. Wool Mnrkrl. ST. LOIMS. June 13. WOOL Quiet nnd unchnnged; medium grades. 11TJ17C; light line, iiofnc; neavy uno, uuiic; mo wusucu, lC1j'2l'4c. Killisns Clly Live Stock Mnrkft. KANSAS CITY. June 13.-CATTI.E-Re- celpts, 4,0ii0 natives, 2,000 Texans nnd 550 calves; best beef steers steady to 10c lower; packers nnd feeders steady, other cnttlo Mi' 15c lower; cholco dressed beef steers, $5.40ji u.83. fnlr to good, S4.90ifi5.35; stockers and feeders, $3.75iH,80 .western fed steers, $4.G0f 5,50; Texans nml Indians, $I..VW5.35; Texns grass steers, $3.23Si,25; cows, $3.2594,75; heif ers. $3.60fr5.35; canners, $2.2o(3,lo; bulls, $3.20fri.('5; calves, $3.501r5.50. IIUUH Iteceipts, 10,iai neau; inarnei steady fo 2V4c lower; ton, $6.05: bulk of sales, $5.S5(fit.fln; heavy. $5. 95fl6.ro; mixed packers. $5.SiSfti.00; light. $5.7of(5.874; lBS. $4.l'i05(5.70. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts. 4,000 bend; market stendy to 10c lower; western lambs. $t.5CKff5,10; western wethers, $3,.5W 4.25; western yenrllugs. $1.255.50; owes. $3.2504.75; culls. $2.2563.00; Texns gross sheep, $3.25f3,CO; Texas lambs, $3.2jjjI.2o! spring lambs, ?4,g.W3,25, Xov- lurk I.lvr Stock Market. NEW YORK. June 13,-riEEVES-Re-celpts, 810 hem) J no sales; steady. Cables quoted livo cnttlo stendy. lO'.iUlp'.c; sheep, unchnnged; refrigerator beef selllne nt SW 9c: no shipments today, CAI.VES-Hecrlpts, 107 head; no trading; lower to sell; prlmo veals, $5.25; buttermilks nominal. . ' SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 5.031 head; sheep, slow; yearlings, stendy; Inmbs, firm; sheep, S2 50J3.SO; extrn, $4.25; year lings, 4.37'417l 75; lambs, $B.37',4S6.S5, IIOGS-Recclpts, 1,116 hend; strong; west ern, $6.35. Stock In SlKlit, The following tnble shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt the four principal lives stocK markets June m Cnttle. Hogs. 10.737 28,0ml 15,0i V ,f0 Sheen South Omaha Chicngo Kansas City . St. liuls Totals 1,802 !,rf1 4,000 4,700 1.273 IO.OiV) 4,fMl !) 20,002 0O.6T7 16,173 SIoiit Cltv l.lvr Stnek Market. SIOl'X CITY. June 13.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE - Receipts, 100 head; xtoiwlv lum-.n ;4lvnvK.V. rows and bulls. mixed, $2.50fi3.7u; stockers and feeders, $1,25 04.50; calves and yearlings, $3. Soft -1,50. MUliH Iteceipts, -'.ono netin; or iuci, kii Ing at $5,70ij6.S5; bulk of sales, $5,80, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Caul Htoelpti Light aid Good Beef Iteeri told ttudj, Othtri Blow. HOGS FIVE TO SEVEN AND A HALF LOWER Sheep Receipts Muht nnd Mnrkrt Ruled I-'nlrly Active nnd Just About Stendy vltli Vestcr tlny All Around, SOUTH OMAHA, June 13. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 1.4.M 3,.M l.'AO Official Monday .... Oinclal I'uejiinv ... Uinciui luiiusdav . Ouiciai 'liuirbaay.... llM.il Four days this week. 10,030 Sanio uays 111st wceK....lu,i0 otiino wecK bftorc SlllllO 111 I IO WflKS K0...1w,H5 aiinio tour um Hto. ...u.osl name uays last yen' lu.uoj Average price puiu lor nogs Omanii tliu past several duy with com- pansons I 1001. ilSOO.awO.lliW.ilMi.llSW.IlWS- May 27... Alay 2s..,i May .May May 31... June 1.... June. 2..,. June 3.... June 4.. .. June 5,, . June 6.... Juno v.... Juno 8..,, June 9.,.. Juno 10... June 11... ....... ,,, 6 0 1 1 3 60J 4 20 3 3I 2 93 4 17 5 63'il I 5l 14 031 3 31, 1 W, 4 31 b biit 4 IW 3 ti 1 3 3tt 'i 'Jl 4 ilt 4 39 4 ci u bv.,1 4 (5i 3 5i 4 10 I i ; n 71i. I M :i hi 4 in 3 3Ji 6 70 1 4 S 3 5)1 4 21 3 2 Sbj 4 30 4 W 6 70 5 71S 4 831 3 tM 4 L 3 32, 2 So 3 OKI 4 IM 3 M I 8. 1 34 1 4 ll) 3 il 2 ti 1 3 5 701-4,1 4 yl, 3 5!, 3 31 2 'Jo 4 3o 0 u;s 4 o 7o;, 4 Ltjj 3 till 4 01 3 67 1 3 8S 3 bOi 3 Sil I J I'll s . 3 30 I I 31 3 311 3 08 4 16 3 2.i 3 l4 3 'Hi 2 9J 4 38 3 Hi 2 ail 4 14 B 7Si; b 0.'; 510, 3 tl 3 Vi 5 a 3 6J 3 'JS a 'J l 0 (Ml I J UUIIU J,., Jlllle 13. ,. 6 S3'il 4 92 3 571 3 31) 3 (fi 1 16 t 8o-a 4 8t 3 ol 3 71 1 3 J 4 a ' Indicates Sunday. Tho ofllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by ench road was: Cattle. Hons. Sheep. H'r's. C., M. & St. I". Ry.... 3 O. At St. L. uy Mo. Pacific Hy 7 Union Pac. System... 7 C. Ai N. W. Hy 1 b' E. & M. V. R, H.. 17 S. U. & P. Ry C, St. P., M. & O.... 10 H. & M. R. R. R 11 C, U. A: 'J. Ry 2 K. C. & St. J 1 C, R. 1. & P., cast.. 6 Illinois Central I Total reclpts 72 i,iv 3o,t97 7,133 ta.ioJ 'i,,y 4. ,'., lj.-lJ.) 31,03 2U.6S2 at Solltll 3 O 8 21 1 6 3 53 1 2 3 12 28 4 1 9 12 "i 2 ISO 6 10 The Jli position of the day'b receipts was as lotlows, each buyer purcnaslng tne num. bcr ot neau umicaieii Huvers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omatia Packing Co. .. 113 l.tHl Swift nnd Company Cuualiy Packing Co Armour Ai Co...j Swltt, from K. C R. llecker Ac Degan Vnnsant & Co Lobmnn At Co Livingstone & Schallcr, L. E. Husz A. S. Mawhlnney Other buyers 2ii 67a 393 85 3o 6 3 9 20 4 19S 2,o30 3.3KS 3,7b6 19 1 l.U 15 Totals 1,820 11,271 1,438 CATTLE-Aftcr the liberal receipts of the past few days the supply on salo tills morn ing seemed rather light. The market was not what might bo called active, but still no material chango was noticeable on the more desirable grades and all such kinds were sold In fnlrly good season. Good to choice beet steers were In fairly good demnnd this morning nt Just nbout yesterday's prices. Huyers, however, did not take hold with ns much life ns they hnvo on some days and for that reason sell era found It a little dlfllcult to dispose of tho commoner grndes at what they con sidered steady prices. The light receipts, though, prevented any material change In prices and everything at all desirable was out of first hands at a reasonably early hour, Tho cow market opened n little slow, but still the good to choice grades brought Just nbout the same prices as were paid yester day. The grassers and the common to medium grndes wcro neglected and If any thing the tendency of prices was downward on that clnss of stuff. Tho grasners aro not killing out any too satisfac torily and for that reason packers want to buy them for less money. Good bulls brought stendy prices today, but tho common kinds wero hard to move at any price, as no one seemed to want them, Stngs wero not far from steady If of desirable quality nnd veal calves sold In yesterday's notches. Stockers and feeders sold without ma terial change from yesterday. Tho supply was light, so that the demand was sufll clent to take tho good kinds at steady prices. The common grades, however, are slow sale and tho tendency of prices Is downward. Representative sales; DEEP STEERS. No. Av. Pr. 770 4 W .... 7) 4 i6 ....1077 4 40 .... 841 4 :o .... C52 4 6) . ... wo 4 n ....1182 I SS .... 770 4 f-5 .... ?24 4 10 ....1017 5 U ....1110 i 15 ....830 5 15 .... $94 S 15 ....1170 6 25 ....1292 S.10 ....1155 5 30 No. 41 22 1 1 11 24 28 CS 1 1 21 23 tl 19 6 20 :o A v. rr. ..1154 5 35 ..1096 J 15 ..1140 S Zi ..1020 5 ,.m3 5 41 ..1225 5 10 ..1257 5 10 ..1449 5 40 .. 970 5 40 ..1060 5 50 ..1040 5 f5 ..1315 5 A) ..1410 5 1.0 . .112-1 5 ) ..1345 5 60 ..1311 5 65 ..12H 5 ;o 2 4..... 4 7 4 : 13 34 3 M I 19.. .1263 5 Z 1 1310 5 15 19.. .1532 t fO STEERS AND HEIFERS. 2.. .. w 4 50 21. .loot 4 90 . 717 4 70 16 . 691 4 75 17 ,675 4 75 12 , . "73 IU !1 . 791 4 . 11 . 575 Hi 14 , . 813 4 M STEERS TEXAS. .921 4 50 65 . 9S0 4 50 10 . 960 4 75 1 , .1046 4 15 . S37 4 9-5 .1018 5 00 .1101 5 10 .1050 i 10 .965 5 60 .1030 & 35 G . In . 5 1 1 10 1 1 1 , 1 1 i 5.. ... 1 1 1 1 i 2... . 1... . 1 1 6 .'.'.'.. 1..., 1 : 1 9 1 2 4 3 1 1 3 1 2. . . . . .'!!!. 3 3 1 3 1 .1127 5 25 .1111 5 ?0 .1550 5 SO COWS. f-00 1 50 1.. 10W 3 75 1230 3 73 932 3 55 1090 3 51 1060 3 .) 1170 3 90 1230 3 90 1037 3 !) 1130 3 V) 900 3 90 1110 4 00 1000 4 0) 1090 4 0) 971 4 00 110O 4 O) 1010 4 O) 1W0 4 05 1090 4 10 1300 4 10 1060 4 25 1180 4 Vi 9J0 4 25 1103 4 '0 1I3S 4 30 1150 4 35 1410 4 10 1480 4 40 1128 4 45 980 4 IS 1030 4 50 1062 4 SO 1I0O 4 '0 1300 4 50 1088 4 :3 1300 4 '5 1143 4 70 1153 4 70 1150 4 70 1160 4 75 1500 4 90 1410 & 00 1350 5 00 W 1 50 1... 790 2 DO 4... 810 2 00 1... 840 3 50 1... 835 2 -5 1... 983 2 75 1... 101) 2 75 4... 1040 2 75 5... 1130 3 75 1... 680 2 73 7... 1100 2 75 1... 960 2 85 1... 880 3 (0 7... 900 3 f I. 1020 3 00 1. 920 3 f 0 15.. 1050 310 1.. V)5 3 21 1.. 840 3 1.. 1140 3 7!, 1.. 990 3 25 1.. 102-) 3 25 15.. 1180 3 ,'i 5.. 1050 3 23 1., 972 3 1) 1.. f-50 2 40 1.. 1110 3 10 8.. 1020 3 40 1.. 876 3 W 1.. 6V) 3 60 25.. 1070 3 50 1.. 1066 3 10 1.. 970 3 fO 10.. 106. 3 50 :.. 1200 I 50 96 3 60 1140 3 60 1010 3 C5 1140 3 70 993 3 75 970 3 73 1070 3 75 6 9 1 1 '.'.'.'.'.'. 1 HEIFERS. .... 496 2 85 1 560 S 25 4 723 3 25 S 485 3 US 2 740 3 30 1 835 3 SO 1 620 3 51 1 , 1160 3 55 14 690 3 75 13 Ml I 75 46 450 4 00 1 610 4 "0 630 4 M 750 4 15 . 560 . 945 . 600 . 740 . 780 . 715 .1013 . 600 4 '3 4 33 4 M 4 40 4 50 4 65 4 '5 4 75 650 I 00 HULLS. ...1270 3 75 . . 870 3 83 ..1430 1 '0 ..1810 3 90 ..1700 3 00 ..1560 4 0) ..1380 I ro ..1320 4 10 ..1610 4 10 ..1390 4 15 ..1180 4 25 ..1300 4 ?S ,.10 4 23 ..1667 4 75 ..I00 4 35 ...u0 3 00 ...13C0 3 13 ...1000 3 10 ..920 3 45 ..1560 3 50 ..135) 3 10 ,.1360 3 W) . ,.0i) 3 JO , ..1520 3 50 , .1821 3 t0 , 1180 3 50 ,. .110) 3 rs , .1470 3 $) 113) S 80 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. , f,90 2 75 1 310 11 00 670 4 oo 4 10 1 0 4 50 I 50 4 5 4 a 8 0 2 90 3.v 3 473 3 05 ,410 3 oO 30) 3 r.o 310 1 50 CM 777 700 411 , 63 , in 4... 1 . 6. . :i . is, . . S8 4 t5 ,. . 42-) 4 75 .... IM 6 0 .... 173 SS .... 170 IS CALVES. .. tOO 4 I 3 3 1 1 2 1 t .. 330 h 00 .. 0 6 M .. 31) "1 . . 2M 6 it, 110 220 75 6 75 7 00 .. 10 6 2 190 STAOS. 1 70 3 7(1 21 ... 1115 4 SO STOCKERS AND FF.KnUHS 1 30 3 f 1 MO 4 ro J 5 , 35 M J-, 3 730 3 85 7 4) I ft) 1 H 4 CO SO 3J2 4 ;j COWS AND HEIFERS. 8 9J 115 13 jo;- 4 5,) 6 106J I 25 HOGS There wns nnother heavy run of hogs here today and us advices from other polntB wero unfavorable to the selling In terests the market opened 6c lower th.m the, close vesterdav. ur .V!i7Ue lower Hum yesterday's general mnrket. Sellers did rot IIKC to cut loose at tlic figures orrered and as a result It was lute before tho market n.ni llllitrr It'll! Tlin l.llb nf lltn l,m,n a.,1.1 at $5.S2Vi nnd $5.ta, with some of the choicer loans going irom mat up to jo.'.i3'4. Tiie llghlcr weights sold from $5A2'.i down. The market grew weaker ns tho morning ad vanced and on the close packers wero only offering $5.80 nnd $.1.S2V4 Today's decline carried thu market back to about where It wns 011 Monday, hut prices are still higher than they were nt the close of last week. Representative sales; M 3 CO 2: M) 3 'b 1 , , No. Av. ?h. Pr No. Av. Hh. IT 19 14S ... & 73 76 222 240 3 S2'4 41 211 120 6 75 69 234 80 5 2S, 42 187 1M 3 73 67 232 ... 5 82'i 81 2M 120 5 80 76 22S ... 5 82i 81 199 ... 5 80 ( 4 238 80 5 W 64 231 (0 5 (0 71 242 ... & !, 81 204 80 S 80 80 231 ... & 3't 68 222 41 5 80 09 235 80 5 SJl 40 211 160 5 50 62 267 40 5 2'(, 72 :M 80 h :o 65 281 80 & 82', 74 203 10 5 50 64 240 18) 3 Vt 68 209 40 5 80 62 211 ... 6 '2's 73 268 ... $M 48 215 ... 6 ?2', 74 219 ... 3 8) 84 237 2(0 5 82i 98 199 160 I 80 71 216 120 5 81', 55 210 80 5 31'4 40 218 ... 6 121, 76 315 200 5 52', 64... 231 S" 6 85 70 232 240 5 S:j 49. ,T 205 ... 5 83 77 241 ... 6 2', 61 341 . . 6 85 66 229 1M 5 $2', 72 25S 60 5 (6 71 227 80 3 S2Vi 2 25 80 5 S3 70 Vii 40 3 82', 64 320 ... 6 85 65 236 80 6 Ml, 66 255 80 6 8J 7 211 120 & 82', 61 281 SO 6 5 60 218 ... 5 8211, 05 227 ... 3 85 8) 211 13) 5 S3', 63 281 8) 5 V 83 227 40 5 ti'i 70 246 ... & 83 68 191 ... 3 82', 73 243 120 3 S 45 190 SO 5 82', 73 276 120 5 S3 72 228 40 . S2'4 71 219 80 S 8 71 220 ... 3 82', A3 270 160 5 f.1 90 188 80 5 SUi V.' 247 80 3 85 62 243 ... 5 !2, 69 254 120 5 S3 70 203 ... i 82',, 74 247 40 5 85 72 2(0 60 6 82', 61 342 ... 5 85 73 210 SO 5 82', 7J 559 160 3 85 66 231 80 5 828, HO 266 ... 5 81 71 318 160 3 i-2'i, 63 261 240 5 85 61 233 160 5 ill, 65 299 80 5 f5 73 211 120 5 82', 56 360 80 5 35 80 215 12) 5 ?2', 70 211 210 5 5 73 224 40 5 S2',j 67 258 ... 5 85 C9 229 160 6 S21, 61 273 120 5 S3 20 241 80 t 82j 63 268 SO 5 S3 66 260 80 5 S2'i 62 242 210 0 85 69 265 120 5 82' 29 231 ... 5 3 66 231 ... J iV:i 66 264 80 5 85 67 224 60 5 8214 57 246 SO 5 85 55 S39 ... 5 524 71 249 20-) 5 f!3 61 261 160 6 H3I4 61 288 8-) T, 85 C3 241 SO S Sl'i 67 249 160 5 t3 70 235 40 5 62'4 63 239 160 5 5 67 211 M 5 I2',i 61 301 ... 5 S3 57 247 160 5 32Vi 71 240 80 C S 66 234 ... 6 82', 68 280 300 5 13 67 342 60 6 iH, 60 2.53 120 3 85 C9 237 40 3 82', 78 263 360 6 85 78 318 60 5 82',, 63 264 ISO 6 83 66 229 80 3 82'4 CI 238 60 5 85 22 242 2-) 6 82i, 61 244 SO 5 S3 63 347 60 3 821, tc 267 ... 6 65 63 233 ... 6 811, 69 260 ... 3 35 47 2,58 340 5 32', 70 270 120 6 85 61 250 ... 3 13', 67 213 40 6 55 54 185 240 3 Ki, 77 241 ... Hi 69 317 80 5 8214 70 235 80 r, 55 60 261 280 6 i, 66 257 ... 6 S3 41 218 160 6 821, 127 VA SO 5 83 63 23S ... 5 81',-i 63 278 SO 6 S3 68 217 20) 5 82 U 72 265 160 5 3 41 213 ... 5 t2'4 63 389 16-) 5 83 75 238 ... 5 1V, 68 256 60 6 S3 73 235 160 3 8284 00 265 ... 5 83 59 238 ... 6 S2'4 63 153 ... 5 63 79 200 ... 6 S2'4 64 271 80 6 S5 62 227 160 3 S2'.4 66 271 ... 6 5714 68 215 160 5 Si', 55 271 120 5 874 S6 229 240 5 f2', 6-8 287 ... 5 ) 63 229 360 5 62', 66 313 0 3 92'4 72 244 160 6 62'4 C6 313 60 5 92'4 33 214 ... 5 S2i SUEEP The supply of sheep wns rather light this morning and as packers wanted nil that vero on sale It did not take long to clear the pens. There was no particu lar chango In tho prices paid nnd tho situation could best be described by calling it a good, steady mnrket. Clipped lambs sold from $1.25 to $4.75 nnd wethers went from $3.6-5 to $3,75, whllo ewes brought $3.10. Everything was sold nnd weighed up early In the morning. There were no Colorado wooled lambs ofTcrcd. Quotations: Choice clipped wethers, $3.o Q4.00; fair to good clipped wethers, $3.u0H?i 3.75; choice clipped owes, $3.25(53.50; fair to good clipped ewes. $3.003.23; cholco wooled lambs, $4.9035.15; fnltfUo good lambs. $I.70W 4.90; choice clipped lambs, $1.5054. .5; fair to good clipped lambs, $4.25M.50: spring lambs, $5.00g5.50; feeder wethers, $2,751(3.00; teeder lambs, $3.253.50. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. G culls 75 $1 50 1 cull, ewe M 2 00 1 cull, ewe 70 2 00 247 clipped owes M 3 19 clipped eves I'M 3 10 202 mixed sheep 3 3 10 22 spring lambs 44 -1 40 15 cull ewes 84 1 3.Va 107 ewes !8 3 10 2S clipped wethers 99 3 ti 9 clipped native lambs 94 4 00 532 clipped lambs, 4 2o 111 clipped native lamoa ' CHICAGO 1,1V IO STOCK MAIIKUT. Sheep nnd Choice Steers Sternly Holes Open Wenk. CHICAGO. Juno 13. CATTLE Receipts, 9,600 head, Including 6,000 Texans; choice steers nbout steady, others weak; similar conditions fur butcher stock and Tcxnns; top sales, $6.25; good to prime steers, 6.25; poor to medium. SJ1.40Q-5.40; stockers and feeders, choice, steady, others slow at $3.0iJM.S5; cow. $.'.70fi5. 00; heifers. $2.7535.10; canners, $2.00(32.65; bulls, slow nt $2,8014.60; calves. 25c to 10c higher at $l.50'i?6.25; Texas fed steers, sales up to $1.S6, $t.35'ou.60; Texas bulls. $3.75. .,. HOGS Receipts today, 28,0u0 head; to mnrmw. '5.ooo hentl. estimated: left over. 5,000 head; opened weak nnd closed steady; top, t..u; mixcu ami uiiii-nt-18, u.fli,ii good to choice heavy, $3.95(S6.20; rough, heavy, $5.80S5 90; light, $5.S036.07'.4; bulk of sales, $6.00(36.10. SHEEP AND- LAM RS Receipts, 10.000 head; sheep and lambs steady; spring lnmbs up to $5.70; good to cholco wethors, $3.8534.10; fair to choice mixed, $3.ty5j3.9o, ul..rn Khrnn. $3.K5t!l4.10: venrllngs. $1.10 4.50; native lambs, $i.OO0o.OO; western Iambs, $1.6U(J'i!.UU. St. I.011U Live Stork .Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS, Juno 13. CATTLE Receipts, 4.700 head. Including 3,500 Texans; market blow, wenk nnd lower; natlvo shipping and export steers, $4.7.V(jfi.OO; dressed beef anil butcher steers, $1.113475.50; steers under 1.000 lbs.. $l.00tf6.30; stockers nnd feeders. S2.75W nf)! t-nwH and heifers. $2.00ff5.00: ennners. Vl.50Q2.R5; bulls. $3.25fM,00; Texas and Indjnn steers, w.iayvj.io; cows nnn nciiers, ivw 4.25. HOGS Receipts, fl.90i head; market 60 lower; pigs nnd lights, $5.8557-3.95; packers, $5.856.00; butchers. $6.0076.20. t , SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 90O head; market sternly: natlvo muttons. W.MW4.00: lambs, $4.6Tia,5.50; culls nnd bucks, 2.50fi3.50; stockers, $2.tiCu"2.75, Texas muttons, $3,50, St. .!ineilt I. Ire StorK Mnrkrt. n-r- Tnarcnir .tnn 13 CATTLE Re ceipt's, 1.1RS head: market weak to 10o lower; native", t..wuD.o-, uin uu, minio, $2.2RW5.25; vrnls, $4,XV?jf..50; bulls nnd stags, $2.'.W5.00; stockers nnd feeders, $3.4i5t4.S5. H008 Receipts, S,83l hend; market 2'4(f? 6c lower; light nnd light mixed, ji.mjo.: medium ana neavy, :i.uu(u.vn; pig!1, o.o-'w 5,00: bulk. $5 S7'4(86.00. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 1.7.? head; mnrket slow nnd stendy; lambs. $!..- (35.00, STfRW BREAKS UP A DANCE Dm troy Striietnre In Wlileh It I" Held nml I'lve of the Merry mnkrrs Injured. LAMBERTON, Minn., Juno 13, Reports have Just been received that during tho storm of Tuesday In Redwood county the now grnnary of Fred Schultz In Waterhury township. In which a large party of young people were enjoying n social dance, wns demolished and Ave dancers severely In Jured. Tho Injured are John Noltlng. EDWARD Now jEc. COMMISSION GRAIN, rKOVIMON'x, DTOCKH, IIHNI1S AMI COTTON. 20-22(l L(l Ballo St.. CHICAOO. Your tiutlnM olltluJ. CorrMpondnnce Infitvl, lllly unit ioll innrku Irll.ii raIM ou nxjuint. Private Vlrr la all Imporlmit I'liInU l l ai"l II rl. John nittncr, Charley Long, Idn Blttnrr, Christ Noltlng. All will recover. Tho granary was lifted from Its foundations and hurled against n barn, demolishing brth buildings. A number of buildings wcro de stroyed by the same storm tit Echo, Ilcvero and Sundown and additional repotts of fur ther damage aro coming In KNIGHTS ELECT OFFICERS I). S. DIurk nf Ronton Is CIiommi Su premo Dlctntnr nl Convention nl .IIII18 nnki'i. MILWAUKEE June 13. The supremo j lodge of tho Knights of Honor tod.iy elected .the following nfllcor.ir Supremo dictator, I). S. Dlggs of Iloston; supreme vlco dlr 'tntor. J. O. Sheppard of Edgefield. S C. supreme district attor ney, Clark H. John son of Providence, It. 1.; suprepio reporter, Noah M. IHkrs of Hnrrlsoiivllle, Mo.; su- premo treasurer. Joseph W. Ilrnnch of St. I Louis, supremo chaplain, Ucv. Herbert M. 1 Hope of Richmond, Va.; supremo guide, John II. Hancock of Louisville. Ky.; su premo guardian. William Orover of Indian apolis, Intl.; supreme sentinel, II. II. Col lins of Memphis, Tcnn. WILL ALLOW-NO DRAWBACKS Srerelnrj- of TreiiNtir; Mollis Untie Pnld on lln vi it I In 11 Ti-ndo t 'nii 11 ot lie Refunded. WASHINGTON". June 13. Tun secretary of tho treasury, acting under the recent de cisions of the United States supreme court In tho lnRiilar cases, has held that no draw back can be nlloucd on merchandlpo shipped to the Hnwallnn Islands after July 7, IMS. these Islands having censed to be a foreign country within the meaning of tho tariff lnws iip:Ur the Joint resolution of congress nnncxb'.g the Islands to the I'nlted States, approved on that date. linen llnek on Ni-nm Miiiotiry, TACOMA, Juno 13. The grand lodge of Morons has rescinded (he re-olutlnn adopted two years ago, recognizing negro Masonry. Tho action of the lodge at tint time was severely criticised nil over tho t'nltrd States, and as a result tho uet uc ston of the grand lodgn attemp.teil to return to the old established principles, but the resolution wns so artfully drawn that sltt"r lodges refused to construe It 11s nn honest expression Tho lodge has now In unmis takable language made Its position known. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omatia Tent and Awning Co., Omaha, Neb. Manufacturers of Tents and Canvas Goods. Send for Catalogue Number 23 ELECTRICAL SUtTLlES. Uistern Electrical y Company Electrical Supplies. Etaetrto Wlrlnc Balls ud Gas LicktlsH Q. W. JOHN8TON. Mgr. 1B10 Howard St. Davis & Gowgili Iron Works, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF MACHINERY. OBNCnAL REPAIRINO A IPBCTALTl IKON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Ml. 1B03 aa 1BOD Jaokaaa Street, Oaaaha. !. Tel. 098. B. Zaferlskl. Acent. J. B. Cawdll. Mrr, ELEVATOR SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS Improved Qulok and Easy Rising Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH OATKS. Band for catalogue. BALL. BROS.. COUNCIL BLUFFS, 1 lln loitci. -lciepofliia 411. c H. Davis & Son Acenta (or the Rlcnraoad Safetr Gatea anil Fir Doari. Blerator Hydraulic and Hand EltTatort. Elaratar ropalrlm a specialty. Leather Valva Cups far EUratora. Enilaaa and Printing Prasosag. WALL PAPER. Yetter Wall paper Co., joniiivRS WALL PAPER. Large, well aelectad stock, prlcea aajna as taatein houses latest novelties. Dealers send for '.S01 sample line nnd terms. 12lf.-r.tir. I"- " O111 aim. COMMISSION. Qavid Cole Co., Fresh Dressed Poultry, fa Oysters and Celery. nie So. llth St. Otiiabn DRY GOODS. HE. Smith & Co. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Qoodt AND NOTIONS. PAIrtTS AND OILS. National Oil & Paint Co. (Incorporated.) JIANUPACTUIU5IIS AN JOHHCIIS. Paints for all Purposes, Varnishes, etc, 1015 and 1017 Jones St., Tel 1'.21. Omaha, Tt'riliunu lO.'tt). Boyd Commission Co Successors to James 12. Uoyrt & Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION (illAIN I'HOVISUtNS AMI STOCKS. Ill, kill of Till dr II 11 1 1 d I II It. Direct wires to Chicago and Now York. Correspondence, John A. Warren & Co. C. HEESVSAN with Jones c2& CSo MERCHANTS.