TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FT? I "DAT, JVSE 11, 1001. ALLEGED PLOW COMBINATION ProbabU Effect f Commnnltj of Agricul tural Implemtit Interim. LOCAL MANAGERS DISCUSS SITUATION Dcnlrr Otitnlilr (if tlir "Cnninitinlt) " Ueolnrr .rr .Mot iMni'iit AiiKti" Well for I In- Imlc V t penitent I'lrma. Omaha managers of Illinois plow com panics are as much in the dark regarding too result In the local field of the reported combination of theso firms an are the people not so closely connected with tho contracting companies. One of tho raaaag r. ' I know nothing about tho effect It will havo In Omaha and I believe that the presidents of the several companies know little more than I upon this phase of tho ubject. Ah I understand the deal, the , tockholdprs of the different companies have been offered an opportunity to dis pose of their stork In tho companies and ' to accept In payment cither cash or stock In tho company which Is to absorb tho present organization. Until the change ' takes place there must bo some question ' as to what interrst Is to control the new corporation. If a large number of the prcs 1 ent stockholders conclude to take stock. I they may control the new company and there may consequently be little change In tho business from an Omaha standpoint On tho other hand, a sufllclent number of tho present stockholders may tako cash. . placing tho control of the new company In ' tho hands of tho people unknown to us J and there la no way of telling what policy they may adopt. In the meantime, wo are all In tho dark as to what will be done and can only continue the business on tho present linen until wo receive Instructions." I.CM'nl MnnnmTx 'lull.. The Kingman Implement company Is mong those mentioned In connection with tho new combination, f. S. Illalr, the Omaha manager of this concern, said: "Tho combination will produce no change In tho methods of the Omaha house so far an I can understand. Aside from this I can say nothing, as there Is nothing that can bo given to tho public nt this time." C C Troxell of tho Sattloy Implement company said: "I know nothing of the ultimate results of the consolidation. It will come to us In tho regular order of business and until then we will be Igno rant, as these matters are not discussed with us." F. B. Kingsbury of the John Deero How company made practically the same answer a Mr. Troxell and other managers agreed almost verbatim with them. Tho manager of an Omaha wholesale Im plement house not connected In any way with the now combination, speaking of tho effect which may bo produced In tho west ern field, said: "This combination may bo the making of some of tho smaller plow concerns of tho country, ns the manufacturer of plows has to deal with the farmer and the farmer has very llttlo uso for trusts. Let It bo generally known that a trust Is making well known brands and that 'something Just os good' can be purchased from a houso outside of the trust and tho farmer will buy the now product. The Independent Jobbers In tho country will, 1 believe, en courage tho manufacturers who do not go into tho combination and some of these houses havo strength enough to supplant the grs of hoijFes In tho combination with other lines, "There Is ono objection to this, and that is that tho plow company stands very close to tho so-called 'steel trust" nnd Is one of tho heaviest consumers of Its product It may be nblo to make It difficult for in dependent manufacturers to secure ma terial If they attitnpt to wago actlvo war fare. LOW HATH n.('t'ltIOS. Vln II in-U Inliinil Itimtr. Juno 12, 13, II, 16, Chicago and return, 14 ifi. Juno IS to 30, Denver nnd return. $10, June IS to 30, Colorado Springs and re turn. $19. July 1 to !, Denver nnd return. $13. July 1 to , Colorado Springs and return, ia. July 4, S am , Cincinnati and return, July 5, fi and 7. Detroit and return, $22." July fi to 13, San Francisco nnd return $45. Every day nuffalo and return. $25.75. Also very low rates to all summer resorts. City ticket ofllce. 1323,Fnrnnm street. RlKtit 'I'm I in. in lliitmin from Chicago dally via Lake Shore & Michi gan Southern railway, Including two now ones Just placed in service, leaving Chicago 3;00 and S;30 p. m and reaching Buffalo the next morning at 6:50 nnd 10:30 re spectively. Now 1'lttsburg service through sleeper from Chicago 10:30 p. m., reaching Httsburg 11:15 the next morning. Low rate l'an-Amerlcau and Tourist tickets now on ale. Pend 4 cents hi stamps for Interest ing printed matter. II. P. Humphrey, T. P. A Kansas City. F. M. Byron, G. W. A.. Chicago. hosto.v .vroim iie.ma.ts. 7Bo SltU Miitirllni- il- !nlr nml All HimiI ( hnllUi !!.-. Yuril. Another new shipment of embroidered silk moussellne dc sole In plain colors and figures, also Imported strictly nil wool challls, light and dark grounds, polka dots and floral designs. These are all new, fresh goods In waist lengths, skirt lengths, many pieces to match, worth 75c yard, at 25c yard. SOC NUN'S VEILING, ALBATROSS 15C YAHD. Strictly all wool's nun's veiling and alba tross In evening shades, also black, tn lengths from two to three yards, many remnants to match, guaranteed 50c qual ity, 15c yard. REMNANTS OF SILKS, 49C, CDC. For tomorrow, Friday, we have placed on sale an Immense assortment of China Bilks, both plain and figured, wash silks, foul ards, taffetas, plain and fancy, brocaded silks In lengths from 5 to 10 yards, nt IDc and 60c yard, Short lengths of fancy silks, yard lengths, Vj yard lengths, 4 yard lengths nnd M yard lengths, brocaded silks, plain colored silks for neckwear, millinery pur poses, trimmings and fancy work, go ac cording to length of remnant, at 25c, 15c, 10c, 5c and 2c each. 25C BMIIIIOIDERV INSERTION, 7'4C. Remnants and odd pieces of many styles of embroidery and Insertion, all widths, worth up to 25c, go at 3Vjc, Bo and 7',4c yard. Remnants anil odd lots of all kinds of lace and Insertion, worth up to 35c yard, on sale at 2'.4c, 6c and 8Vic yard. Remnants of allovcr laces and embroid eries, also tucklngv, hundreds of styles, worth up to 60c, go at Sc and 19c each. REMNANTS IN THE 1IASEMENT. Remnants of 16c lawns and dimities, lc yard. 20c figured Swisses, lawns and dimities In short remnants, 2??c yard. 16c sateens, plain and colors, 2tjc yard. Remnants 12&c percales, 36 Inches wide, 6c yard. 25c dimities In new colorings, all designs, 10c yard. 35c Imported ginghams, 36 inches wide, newest patterns, 10c yard. 2c India linens, nainsooks, etc., 10c yard. 10c mercerized sateens, all colors, 15c yard. 35c sllk-flnished foulards, now colors and designs, 15c yard. Remnants 25c figured, dotted mulls, 12V4c yard. ROSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. RramlPis & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers Peet & Co. Men's Clothing. Union PclCo Silli Twthi Thousand Acrti in Ont Dy, GREAT DEMAND IN WESTERN KANSAS Uxtrnaltc Cnttlc HuUrrs anil Stuck- men I-'l ml It .eeer- tu Buy the I, nml They Formerly l.cnscil. HIS INJURY PROVES FATAL ll-nun n Ivulirr.til, I'm ton Klcvntor Victim, Illr in Honpltnl. Herman F. Kuhfahl, the plasterer who was Injured In the Paxton block elevator Sunday, died Wednesday night at the Clark- son hospital. Tho body Is now In tho un dertaklng rooms of Coroner Swanson, whero an autopsy has been held upon It to ascer tain the lmmedlato cause of death. At the request of the dead man's relatives an in quest will be held, but Just when cannot be determined until the return of tho coroner, wno is now out of tho city. The deceased, who was a member of the Plasterers' union, lived with his family at 2i63 Ohio street. Wednesday the Union Pacific land depart ment sold 12,000 acres of,terr!tory In west- rn Kansas In different lots. This Is mostly grazing land, and the fact that sales of that magnitude are becoming almost ally occurrences brings out sharply the predicament In which the big cattlemen nd extensive stock raisers are finding themselves in the Sunflower state. Whcro not so many years since they simply as sumed the right to uso the western grazing ands, nnd where Just recently they were compelled only to leaso It from tho rail roads, they now find themselves under the necessity of buying tno land outright If they wish to retain a feeding territory suf ficient for their stock. Peter Robldoux, an old-time cattleman, wns tho largest purchaser on yesterday's list. He Is a good example of the many stockmen who find themselves in n dilemma the two horns of which nro buy or bo rowded out by newcomers. Robldoux bought yesterday, nnd now 8,000 ncres of Wallace county land which ho had used for decades nre his own. Tho situation In Kansas Is that In alt other western states. It has reached a point whero title must bo obtained If the stockman expects to enjoy the benefits of his enterprise nnd expense In improving lio land and protecting his flocks. In n short tlmo now no moro one-year leases will bo known, though that method has been In voguo for years back. Theso leases woro always subject to sale, but only of re cent year? has that clause come to mean anything. Now, however, every acre pf tho land Is actually being sold, and If the old residents don't tako It now ones will Jump n and crowd them out. This condition Just reverses tho relative positions of railway companies and stock men from what they wero n decado or two ago. Af first It was with difficulty that tho ranchers were compelled even to tako a ease. They Just took tho land and used It for their herds and wero defiant, knowing that there was llttlo demand from tho out side for the territory they occupied. Now, however, tho Increase of farmers and stock men nllko In the west has caused n restrlc Hon of lands for suth purposes that Is be coming appalling and stockmen aro rushing into the market to buy the lands they havo held so long under lenses and before that by mere right of assumption and occupancy. Ira D. Reckard, Duncombe, la., wrltos: "My llttlo boy scalded his leg from the knee to tho ankle, I used Rannor Salvo Im mediately and In three weeks' time it was almost entirely healed. I want to recom menu ii 10 every iarany and advise tnom to keep Ranner Salvo on hand, as It Is a sure remedy for scalds or any sores." A (iraiiil Opportunity to take n delightful vacation trip is of fered by tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL In tho following cheap ratcB: Chicago and return, June 12, 13, 14 and 15, $14.75. St. Paul and return, Juno 18 to 30, $12.65. Minneapolis nnd return, June 18 to 30, $12.65. Duluth and return, Juno 18 to 30, $16.95. Detroit and return, July 6-7, $22. Cincinnati nnd return, July 4, 6, 6, $22.50 Tickets nnd further particulars at 1402 Faruam street. Very I.ott Itntr, $14.75 to Chicago and return June 12. 13 14 and 16. Oood till September 15. Corm. spondlngly low rates during tho summer to Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Buffalo ox position. All via "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE," 1401-1403 Farnam street Special facilities for securing low rntos berths nnd Information regarding steamoi trips on the great lakes. SUMMi:rt KXCIIIIMO.V HATKS, Vln the Mllwnnkce Itnlltviiy. June 12, 13, 14 and 15, Omaha to Chicago nd return, $14.75. July 4, 6 and 6, Cincinnati and return. 122.50. July 6, 6 nnd 7, Detroit and return, $22. July 20. 21 and 22. Milwaukee and return, 114.75. Low rates to summer resorts. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam st. Tel. 284. Bend articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc.. to The Bee. We will give them proper legal insertion. Telephone 23S. Publish your legal notices -u Tb Wsekly Bee. Telephone 2SS. Dr. R, D Mason, rectal eurgery.Brown blk LOW ItATEH TO. ST. LOUIS, Via IlnrllnKtnn Itnnte. Only $13.60 to St. Louis and return, Juno 12, 13, 14 and 15. ' Rood to return till Sentember 15. St. Louis Flyer leaves Burlington station 6:10 p. m., dally. Tickets, 1502 Farnam street. No "Jitie" for Us Tho new combine is "hot" at us because we won't "Jlne 'em," and you can bet tho last penny you've got that so long as w are In business we'll conduct It to suit our selves, without tho aid of a combine (or any other nation), either In or ojt of the city. hen we pay for goods they're ours and we'll sell 'em for what we please. Best Belladonna Plasters, 3 for Green's August Flower Laxative Bromo Quinine Carter's Liver Pills Porunn Malted Milk , , 40c SGHAEFER'S Cut Price Drug Store. Tel. 717. S. W. Cor. lflth nnd Chlcnun Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. MRS. J. BENSON, THE NEW CORSET. Dtsitnti by VAtt OKDSN. Cut low and fall n round th toD. it tuDDortsxh bust In natuial Bowtion without bortenlnc tb wihv A CORSET OF COMFORT. Th want liaa rum of down in front, ti'"l 'it ioi(.waiiiM, ttraunt tro.it fiur to rawnlUI for th ytient styl ol drui, A circular belt around ibr bottom eta tnujljr om th abuoman, reducing roaiia t ment from two to ii inchri They ere booed with tht Van Orden Patented Double Aluminoiil Conmf, which ii unbieakablt. Made with or without Hip TaSi, a peci.tl feature fur reducing large hip. "Tltn NEW CORSET." The LatMt creation tn Fathion end Art. tmy pair etaairieil ' La Urewjue." All othm The New Corset i workir. j a revolution m woeiaa I farta ftad Qgure. Nothiof ever before made hat been ' eiarrly accepted by the Fashionable world. t Ak (or thun at our Corset Department. P. N. SUMMER CORSET If you want to be pleased in a summer corset, try the New Batiste or Net P. N. Corset We have it in medium or short length all have a cork pad makes the bkeel very asy to the figuro and prevents it from rusting. BIG SALE OF GRAZING LAND A. O. lllanchard, West Ranrjor, N. Y., says: "I havo been troubled with kidney disease for tho last flvo years. Hovo doc tored with several physicians nnd I pot no relief until I used two bottlea of Foley's Kidney Cure. A I'liio. to Sprnil the Mi miner. On tho lines of tho MILWAUKEE RATI WAY are some of tho most beautiful places n the world to snend a summer varntlon camping out or at tho elegant summei hotels, floating, flshlnc beautiful lnkn nnd streams nnd cool weather. Theso resorts aro all reached easily from Omaha. A book describing them may be had on annllcat on at tho Chlenen. Mil waukeo & St. Paul Railway city ticket omce. In04 Farnam street. Omaha. Roiin trip tickets, good until October 31, now on sale at groatly reduced rates. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent Dries Quick Now Now is the Time to Paint It's no trouble to nnlnt If von use SHK1UVINMVILMAMS' Paint. It's nil ready for use Just stir It up. RliMKM- iiiJit, a paint mado for EVERY PITH POSE, not ono Rlnti-dnsli mlxturn fnr nil. Half-pint can Family Paint ,.16p Half-pint can Varnish Stain 3Uc Half-nint can Screen Pnlnl 20c QiiHrter-pInt can Knamel Paint 3)c tjuarter-pint can nicyclo Enamel loo unir-pint can nuggy 1'aint :sc Half-pint enn Bathtub Ennmel fflc You can buy "Rathtub Knamnl" for half this price but if you uso It you'll wish you had bought Sherwin-Williams'. Half-pint can OH Stain 15c One-pint can line Varnish 40c One-quart bottle Saunders' Rubv Floor Oil 40c One-pound can Shlnon Floor Wax 50o can ror color cord. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. "The Drug Store on tho Corner." SIXTEENTH AND DODGE STREETS. POWER TOUCHES GOVERNOR Uotifrlitft ('mint)- Micrlrt (frl Acllon from Ciiliirniln'i Chief lltrt'iill p. Governor Ormnn of Colorado helped Sheriff Power out of a tight place a few days ago. The Otr.aha sheriff went to Pueblo with Mrs. Mary Ralston, an Insane woman, who was sent to this city from Colorado, Her relatives could not caro for her and the Nebraska authorities declared she was a Colorado chargio and refuted to receive hor Into tho hospital for tho In-' sane at Lincoln, I She was in tho Douglas county Jail. Sheriff Power finally cjeclded to take tho waman back to the Pueblo institution. When ho arrived there he found that sho had been discharged as cured and the au thorities refused to tako her in. Sheriff Power explained the caso to Governor Orman, who ordered tho hospital authori ties to earn for tho woman. William Wnoward of Deiatur, la., writes! "I was troubled with kidney disease for several years and four one dollar slzo bot tles of Foley's Kidney Curo cured me. 1 would rccomend It to anyouo who has kid ney trouble." MOItr, LOW ItATICS. Vln the lltirlltiRttiti. Denver and return, J19, June 18-30. Colorado Springs and return, $19, 1S-30. St. Louis and return, $13.50, June Chicago and return, $H 76, Juno Buffalo and return, $25.75, today. Tickets 1502 Farnam street. Juno 12-15. 12-15. No Vacation is Com plete Without a CAMERA GET ONE NOW AND LEARN HOW TO USE IT. Instruction freo. !$6.50 A beautiful 4x5 Folding Pnco Camera this year's make, with bulb re lease and carrying!, case complete All other makes at lowest market price, KODAKS fROM 80C TO $63. The largest and most complete line out of Rochester. neforo getting a camera call on us or write for prices. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Fnrnam Street. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN PHOTO MATERIAL. Reasons Why Hvniivnonv needs suhadioii's KVAl'OHATICn FIG POWIIHH. 1st A laxative that never gripes, 2nd It prevents constipation. 3rd It prevents hendaches, 4th A positive appendicitis preventive. 6th It purliles tho blood by the action of the bowels. No other way It can be done, 6th A sure cure for catarrh of tho stoinat-h. 7th Epileptic ills cured tn 48 days, Sth Ono dose cures dizziness, 9th Ono box makes tho pale pink. 10th Sweetens a bad breath. 11th A euro for night sweats. 12th Stops vomiting In 10 minutes, 13th Removes gall stones In liver. 14th Removes pain In back caused by tho liver. 15th No other laxative produces alvlno discharges, Doctors can obtain this In bulk, with full directions, For any Information write W. J. Shrader Medicine Co., 170 and 172 William St , New York: or 1402 North 24th St.. Omaha Neb. STEINWAY, STECK, EMERSON, IVERS & POND. A. B.CHASE, VOSE. PIANOS We are. showing nn elegant assortment of Pianos tho finest wo have ever shown In Omaha. In fact wo aro overstocked. Our thrco floors and basement are crowded and several carloads at depot which we have no room for. Wo must sell to accommodate our stock and shall offer such Inducements to buy ers that they cannot resist. Prices low and terms easy. Come and see us and wo will save you money. New Pianos for rent. Old instruments taken In exchange at full value. Artistic tuning and repairing promptly done. We sell tho wonderful sclf-playlng PIANOLAS Instruments by which anyone can play the piano. Indorsed by Faderewskl, Saucr, Rosenthal, Moskowskl and Hoffman. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, Omaha's Leading Piano House, 1813 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. TELEPHONE 1625. Iowa Branch, 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Telephone 378. I hosiery and Handkerchiefs J HIT. . J. . A m interesting items tor the womenfolks, Friday is Remnant Day in Bargain Room HIYDElb lift I UbSld Remnants of lO I.iwn lc Romnants of 36-inch, worth 12c nt.. 2Vc Romnants of lino 10c Shaker Flannel.. 2?ie Romnants of 10c Whlto Goods 3',c Remnants of the finest Percales, In I long lengths, worth 19c, at 5c Remnants of 19c Batiste 6c i Remnants of IDc Dimities "i! Remnants of Scotch and French Ging hams, worth lur and l!)c, at SMc Remnants of Wool Dress Goods, 'yard, 5c, 7',c, 10c, Ha and 25c All Wool Challln 19c Silk Strlpo Challls... 25c Chock Dimities, .worth 10c, at 6c Check nnd Strlpo Dimity, worth 1214c and 15c, nt 6V4c i Check and Stripe Dimities, extra fine I quality, worth 20c, at 7c Brown Muslin 3c Blenched Muslin 4c Largo Honeycomb Towels, worth 15c, at 6c India Llnons, worth 15c and 20c, at .. 9c 200-YARD SPOOL COTTON 1C. Friday only we will hell 200-yyard Ma chine Threads at lc per spool. Beldlng Bros.' Silk Thread, 210 yards best sewing silk, In all staple colors and black, for 10c, worth 23c. GRAND RIRBON SALE. 15c Ribbons 5c 2.'ic Ribbons 10c 60c Corsets on salo at 23c 1 lot ladles', men's nnd children's 25c Hose at 10c 39c Underwear at 15c, in the Bargain Room 200 dozen men's and boys' Summer Underwear, all sizes. In shirts and drawers, in Jersey ribbed, plain and faneyt colors, mado to sell at 39c, Friday 15c. 50c and 75c Shirts at 29c, in the Bargain Room 200 dozen mon's and boys' Shirts, In all styles, colored and laundered, separate collars and cuffs; work shirts. In light and dark colors; every shirt warranted per fect and full sizes; worth up to 75c, on ealo at 29e. Big Bargains in Silk Remnants Friday Thousands of silk ends all tho clearings of former silk sales will bo closed out Friday, Tho most extraordinary silk will be sold regardless of co3t. Heavy taf fetas, In black and colors; fancy silk, real heavy quality, yaid wide white wash slik, black silk remnants by the score every Imaginablo ktnd of silk, in lengths from 1 yard up to 10 yards In this lot worth $1.00. $1.50, up to $2.60 all go at 49c yard. Two Manufacturers Fail Hayden Bros, get the stocks, Isaacs & Jacobs' wrapper factory, New York, and Simon & Rosenthal, tho well known man ufacturers of children's dresses. The wrap pers on sale Friday tho dresses Saturday. Women's Wrappers 25c Women's Pcrcalo Wrappers, 16-inch flounce, Bishop sleeve, extra waist lining, worth $1.25, for 49c. Women's fine Lawn Wrappers, In pretty patterns, with white yoke, rufHes over shoulder, trimmed with braid, 15-Inch flounce, $1.60 wrapper for 79c. 100 dozen Wrappers, In percales, dimities, lawns, elaborately trimmed with embroi dery, lace and braid; garments worth $2.00 to $2.50 on sale at 98c. During this wrapper salo wo have selected from our stock 75 Suits, In all wool ma terials, worth up to $15, which wo will sell for $5.00. 200 women's Rainy-Day Skirts, worth $5, for $1.98. Sale on waists still goes on. 100 dozen WaUts, trimmed with lace and braid, worth $1.00, for 50c. Groceries on Sale Bottle Mustard 3 bottles pure Tomato Catsup Pickles, Chow-Chow, etc., 3 bottles for 4 bars Wool Soap 3 packages Corn Starch , 10 bars best Laundry Soap 3 pounds Carolina Rico 3 2-lb. cuns Lima Reans 10 lbs. Granulated Corn Meal 3 cans Condensed Milk Ruby Prunes, pound San .loso County Peaches, pound.... 8 Fresh Fruit Sale Fancy largo Bananas, per doz Choice Lemons, per doz Meat Specials 3-pound palls pure Leaf Lard Salt Meat , No. 1 California Hams Rex brand Chipped llecf Rex Corned Beef German Summer Sausage Butter Sale Good Country Butter Cbotco Country Butter Best Country Butter Fine Dairy Butter Fancy Separator Creamery 3c 25c 25c 10c 10c 25c 19c 19c 10c 25c 5c l-3c 7Wc 10c 25c 7Vic 7c 10c 12c 15c . 10c .12Uc . 14c . 16c . ISc HAYDEN BROS, ANY GRADUATE will nppreclato n beautiful Set Ring, Sash Buckle. Brooch Pin. Chatelaine Watch, If It comes from us. Quality Is the best and tho styles tho latest. Bcforo deciding look over our stock. Mawhinney & Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art Stationers, 15th and Douglas. Women's Hosiery MVi We are showing for Friday's selling, a wo man's fast black seamless cotton hose, regular 26c values, In a complete lino of Blzes, as many pair as you want, per pair 10c Women's Hosiery Offering you full fashioned, onyx black, maco cotton hose, drop stitch, llsle-thrcad, In plain black, fancy and solid colors, regular Q, 40c values, lTKiay at ..... Women's Handkerchiefs 107 dozen tilaln whlto nit linon horn- oll.'rV'A I stitched- VVrr VV'V I colored j 4 y ' I bordors I - ;v '.' B nnd lnco i.-"-ri.:.i (Ji i aw " "a rlctv to chooso from Kn unch Women's Handk'chfs 120 dozen linen Wwn, plain white, hemstitched and fancy lace edges, many pretty designs, actual value loe to 25c- Q for Friday Ok Women's WqlsK Waists 25c, 45c, 59c, 69c, 95c In a wonderful collection of pretty designs and patterns Our sales show that the choice things arc surely gathered at this store. ANOTHER Now lino of soft shirts and they are fine. Blues, oxbloods nnd pinks. Seo them In our windows. There are n few men In town that don't wear our shirts but they will acquire the habit Kit It Streets. KELLEY & HEYDEN They make shlrtB. 4 YQU SURELY HAVE p friend graduate in whom you would like to make a gift of some kind. Why not let It bo a pearl sunburst r.,,nl nr unmn fnni'i- ttol rlnir a fountain Pen, or something else In our lino? Wo have hundteds of beautiful things to show you Spend a few minutes at out store. LOOK FOR TUB NAMK. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 151(i Douglas St. i aaaWaal wmm im aaaa A Few Words to Piano Buyers One of thn greatest piano sales that has ever taken plBce in Omaha is going on at tho present time In our Piano. Department in order to make room for a largo shipment of pianos. Wo have been compelled to cut tho prlco on ovcry piano on our floor. Flanos that havo been returned from rental for tho summer months nre going' at very low prices, Now Is the.tlmo to make' your purchase If you nro looking for a good piano at a low price. All Pianos Sold on Easy Payments if Desired. Here are a Few of the Bargains that must go in This Sale. 1 Upright, ebony case 1 Upright, rosewood case 1 Upright, walnut case 1 Upright, mahogany case 1 Upright, golden oak case 1 Upright, burl walnut case 1 Upright, mahogany case 1 Upright, ebony case 1 Upright, walnut case 1 Upright, mahogany case We also handle a large line of Checkering, Fischer, Frank lin, Jacob Doll, Haines, Keller, Marshall & Wendell and twenty one other makes to select from. Every, piano guaranteed to give satinfaction or your money refunded. Pianos tuned, moved and repaired. New Pianos for rent. Catalogues furnished to out-of-town customers on application. Sheet Music at Cut Prices this week. Also Special Cut Prices on all small instruments. Telephone 3G83. HAYDEN BROS. $60,00 $75.00 $95,00 x $125,00 $135,00 $148,00 $165,00 $175,00 $185,00 ' $195,00 HAYDEN ' Big Cash Purchases S from the Max Ernst Co., New York, Great Unloading Sale. Preparatory to moving to a new building and reorganizing their fac tory, they closed out their stock of mon's, youths' and boys' clothing to their leading agents, at a sacrifice, and as their largest customer WE GET TIIE BIGGEST SLICE OF THE "PIE" TO DIVIDE WITH OUK TRADE. THE SUITS AND THE PRICES Men's spring suits, regular 8.50 and $10 values, now fo.OO. Regular $12.o0 and 15 values, now $7.0. Regular ?18 and $20 values, now flO. Youths' and boys' spring suits, reg ular .?7.f0 values, now ?3.J5. Regular $8 and ?9 values, now 95.00. Regular $12.50 to ?15 values, $7.50. SAMPLE PANTS. 1701 pairs of fine sample pants, bought nt 45c on the dollar, all sizes, 2S to HO waist, 20 to 3S lengths. Regular -?.'5.n values now ?1.50 Regular $1.50 values now $2.50 Regular $i.i"0 values--now 3.50 HAYDEN BROS. SELLING THE MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. I