TFTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. JV2sE 12. 1001. 11 f fl SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for thee columns will be taken until 12 m. for the Trains; edition and until stint) p. tn. (or anemias; Bad Bandar edition. Kate, 1 J -2c a worn flnt Insertion, Se a word therenfter. flothlnic tnken (or leaa than Sf.c for the nrat Inifr tlna. Tlirae od ertlaesaenta mnil be raa rnaaera tirelx. AdrertJaera, by requesting a num bered check, can have uniwrri ad tfrraaed to a narobered letter la car f The Urr.ABintri so addrcaaei will he delivered oa nreaentatloa ml tha fcaak oatr. SITUATIOAS WANTED. SITUATION wanted by bookkeeper of ex perience and good hablta. Good refer ences on request to W 6. Bee A-154-11' WAXTUU-HAI.G HI XT. WANTED We have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and upiear ance. c. PAdama Co., Itiu5 Howard St B M8 BARREIi trade taught 'thoroughly In short time, catalogue and. particulars free. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B M9 WANTED, mart wJtb horse and light spring wagon. 1617 Howard -8t. B-AI482 HUSTLING nnd energetic men, don't be Idle; write the llmks Nursery Co., Mil waukee, Wis., for upeclal terms and ter ritory. B M546 Je?4' WANTED, at onee. twtr experienced nccl. dent Insurance solicitors; salary and com mission paid live men. Address Treas urer, Boom 26 Columbian Bldg.. Tupeka, Kansas. B 2W 11 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; 60 monthly paid graduates, Just completed arrangements to place our barbers on palace trains, other positions u!.o, eight weeks complete, tools presented, call to day Moler Barber Collect, 1623 Farnam street. B 235 IT WANTED, fifty good responsible district or ganizers tor lowa. Missouri, Nebraska, llbtn.1 pay. F. F, House, Fraternal Union of America, Omaha, Neb, B A1330 12 THE Equitable Life of New York will mane uesirame contracts witn one or more Dusiness getters m -Colorado and Wyoming. A good renewal contract la offered v the right man, References as to Integrity ana ability to accompany applications. C. A. Bteyn, Manager. Denver, Colo, II M448 29 AY ANTED, two good cunvusscrs; big money, don't apply unless you are ex perienced and a hustler . Call between 9 una k i, in i Douglus block. 16th und Jjuagc. B-523 16' WANTED-Carrluge trimmer Drummond Carnage Co. at mce. B-517-13 PERMANENT position for the right man to represent old established company having X2w,0uo capital, 118 per week and expenses iu I'tKui, puy&uie weeKiy uireci irom our office, no deception, absolutely etrulght salary, not conditional on success, chance for promotion and increase of salary, state .age, references and business exper ience. Address Universal Mfg. Co.. Box 733, Philadelphia, Pa. B-557 12 WANTED. everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute vlreulars, samples, etc., no canvassing, good pay, Sun Advertis lng Bureau. (. nlcago B 556 M12 MALE help wanted, JT5 to J123 a month to good man taking ordors for Hardy Nur sery stock, fruit and ornamentals; posl lions permanent. Apply quick, with refer ences, stating age. ana territory wanted, L. L. May a: Co., St. I'uul. Minn. B-553 M12 YOUNG man who understands care of horse' can earn scholarship in Omuha's best business college. Address W 22. Bee. B-353 M14 HaLEHMU.N WASTED, SALESMEN for pen carbon copying lioolts and oiher quick selling olllcc specialties; fine side lines; cutaloguc tree, earn $2u weekly. Model Mfg. Co., Box B. South Bend, Ind. -M138 Jell WA.NTKU 1'UJlAL.Ii 1111, r. WANTED, 2W girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C Kill WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator, must have had good experience. Apply room 22U, Bee buliulng. C 12 RELIABLE help, Canudlun office, 15"2 Doug. U 851 COMPETENT 2225 Farnam. girl general housework. C-3K ANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or massage, unusual demuiia lor grudustes jn account ol summer re sort positions, tl-' to 15 weekly pula. Catalogue mailed iree. Moler College. iu.'3 Farnam street. C Mwi 12' WANTED, bright, capable lady to travel and appoint ugetits, must be in good health, unincumbered unu lurnlsh iirst claas relereiices; salary flwu per month and all expenses, position permanent, no cxpcrlcn -e necessary. Sales Dept.. Iwo Star Bldg., ChlcHgo. C Alias 18 WANTED, competent girl for general housework; no washing or Ironing; wuges . Mrs. G. H. Payne, 3c Lincoln boule-va'd- C-345 WANTED, cook. 3510 Farnam street. C 5WI 12' WANTED, girl for general housework, family ot three. 2o22 Poppleton uvc. C-A1UI2 13' DINING room girls, laundress and cham bermaid. Goou wages. Delmonlco Hotel, 27th and N streets, South Umalia. C Ms-OS LADY to travel In Nebraska, $G5 monthly and 071 expense to curi; -peTmanent position If sutlsiuclary, selt-uduresKea en velope tor reply Address Room 3l5-o2 Deurborn St., Chicago. C ,16! Ml2 WANTED, girl for housework and cooking In small family. 14i6 DoukIhm st. C-0C4 Mil FOR IllS.VT-HOI SE,. IF Y'OU want your huuaes well rented place them with Bunuwa Co. u 82 TO MOVE right, get Omaliu Van Storage Co., offict lailVt rarnutu) ur tel. liiou-TiUi. DsjS HOUSES for rent In all pan of the city. Urcnnan-Love Co., 2--u South Uih street. D 854 HOUSES, stores. Be ml 1, Paxton block. D-835 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE, D 856 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-S37 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. U 818 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D 859 EllAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St, D 860 TO LET. elegant large 13-room home; large lawn und barn, 175 per month. w. i- arnam omnn v-o ijju r-urnam St. D-AI293 r-ROOAl house, bath and closet, 30th and r Wiunca. uuiiiwci k wu., 011 ;. Itim D-.M534 COTTAGE on Omaha Beach. Luke OkoboJI. for rent. Captain Slaughter, Army Head- quancra. u niuu Jen FOR RENT, June 1. 5-room brick house. an muueru. jq 1. u ok. 1 543 "S14 K ST . South Omaha, 5-room cottage tn. ' good repair; rent, (12 00. OMAHA LOAN Ji TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sta. D-AIS21 MODERN 7-.-oom flat, 24th and Farnam, 125. H. B, Graham. D-M559 NEW, dainty cottage, 9 rooms. 29th Ave, und Dodge, ready June 1. Sttictly up-to-date. Call 2906 Di.dge St. D-Al"5 11-ROOA1 modern house, 2413 Cunltol uve. nue. The O. F. Davis Co., 552 Bee Bldg, D-S02 FOR RENT, strictly modern But. Davld-;e bldg., opposite city hall room modern house, 3ii6 Mason st., near park, nice law-n and shsxle. J6HN W. ROPBINS, 1S0I FARN AW 6T D 1 11 FINE location, central "seven-room house nve-room flat, four-room flat three-rom cottut. Tliard, a N. 24th. D-534-16 FOR tENT-IIOtSES. ; AN ELEGANT APARTMENT In lh Air BION. 10th and Pacific tte.. of riVK ROOMS, jar.ltor service, telephone, gas ranges, laundry, electric light or gai, shade nnd awnings, Rood neighbors. We will abo have a SWELL, SIX-ROOM apartment In the WINONA by July 1. Come In and sct us. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. Main floor, N. T. L. Bldg. D-886 S-ROOM, strictly modern, house .in fine con dition. 12J4 So. 25th st.. 430 per month. Oeo. i' Bemls, Paxton Block. D 303 FOR RENT 414 Cass St.; very desirable modern cottage, large yard, -good barn, Jli.W v 417u Chicago St.. 10-room modern, freshly pointed ana papered, large, yard, good barn, gas, ' Pultcrson t letter, 43 Faton Block. riVE unfurnished rooms, all-modern. JT11 -1UIW1 mIIU OU .'II 6-ROOM rottuge, with water: ia Park D-315 v nae ave. "ROOM modern house for rent nnd furni ture lor sale 546 Bo, ICth n-vr. (D-342 FOR RENT, furnished house; S rooms, for the summer, within walking distance, to lirlvate family only. - Address W 14. care The Bee. D-532 16 FOR RENT, two new, very attractive, east front, (.-room houses, facing curtlss Turner Park, on Thlrly'-flrilt' avenue; will decorate to suit. See owner, Koom 325 Board of Tradu Building. 'Phone 1953. D-AI416 II' FURNISHED 5-room modern tifrtise for rent tor July and August, near High school; $25 tr month. V. H. Gate, tl New York Life. D-M586 11! FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, JM Seward street. Apply Cl'4 South Fifteenth street, Phcnlx Insurance company. D A1534 13' FOUR-ROOM modern flat, 1112 South 11th. JJ 044 SIX-ROOM modern cottage, southeast cor ner 13th and Pacific. D 540 FOR ItENT. furnlslied. house for the months of July and August, Apply lU'i ; o. -m Ri. a- iuitw jt FOIl lti:.M-'lH.MMlCU ROOM!), DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and Farnam. THE THURSTON, 15th and Jackson, steam. E bb4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 6 Up. 2G23 St. Marys. E-tCT-Je"' THREE furnUhed rooms. 2564 Harney. E-M433 J6 CHOICE, newly furnished rooms, thor oughly modern. 2213 Dougms, E-M52k.11' NICELY furnished rooms, modern, 212 Farnum street, thlru floor, west, tele phone L241W. E M54& 17' FURNISHED room wanted by a physician in private tamlly, vicinity of Vt ainJt or Clltton Hill. W 16 Bee. E-M538 12 FRONT room, first class board, 25M Har ney. AlUw 16 FOUR unfurnished rooms, modern, North "sineleenin street, rcit-renees requirea. L-Ali32 12 THREE rooms, light housekeeping..- 1112 South lllh. E-S45- 1)7 FARNAM, furnished rooms; reasonable. 1-Mii0o 1.' SUITE of 2 or 3 large, cool, well-furnished rooms; modern, phone, etc. 116 S. 26th st. E Mt5u riH.MMIEU ROOMS A.VD HOARD. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-C5 GLENCAlRN,tranlents,"1.25 day. 1609 Doug. F S6t THE Merrtam, summer resort. 25 & Dodge, F StW NICE south room. The Pratt, 112 S.26th St. p F S15 TWO large front rooms, with board. 1900 Capitol uve. F-AI947 ROOA1 and board In private family. 2516 Davenport. F-311 12" THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms and board. F-562 AUyi2' FOR KENT IM'lItMMIKU ROOMS. DESK room stiace. S5 per month, ground noor loom m 11 ne iiee 1 ouiiainB. iucii g. i ai 1 Willi MIlTli 4IU -tJ-l'Vaie-V llt- nvt a.. .,.. j i- l.t . Ur JltilllUi rci 1 4. II, Wi cn;a -a- VUi IICIIIUI Aiteill-, XJl-r uuilu.Uh. u 110 FOR II DAT STORES AM) OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In flrst-claBS location; rent reasonable. Apply It. C. i'eters A: CO.. ground rloor, Biv Bldg, 1 266 FOR RENT, the building formerly occa- plea by J lie Bee at 9it t arnam si. 11 nas lour stories and a basement which was lormerly used as the Bee press room. This -will be rented very reasonably, if Interested apply -at. once lo C. C. Bose wuicr, secrctury, room 100, Bee building. 1261 AGENTS WA.M ED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county 10 solicit subscriptions tor this 1 lE'i L Ei 1 Lrt 1 FARMER und the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book- contains l.iOO ltnnrrial octavo uncus, oblecl-tcacii-. lng engravings and is the only book ot live siock ever puousneo aoupiea 10 tne evexy-day. practlcul. .mopw-suvlng .use of every furmer and stock owner, steady employment wnn assurca gooa income. ,Agents In the country witn, Jiose, and buggy especially desired, Canvost-eis make easily bo to jioo per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau, Bee Building, Omaha. J 487 AGENTS, selling this Is a snap; wrlto for lt;eiio, mtran iuirrp. fiunil Climoera. window worKers ana ourgtnrs nreau our automatic door and alarm, no electricity or nttnehments required, sells on sight. Automatic Alarm Co., Chicago- J-560-Ail'-1 WAVTEll TO UilXT. WANTED, by gentleman and wife, large well furnished room with board, none but nrst-ciass neea answer w zi, ne. K-5M M12 STORAGI2. PACIFIC Storucc and Warehouse Co.. H" U Jones, general storage'und'f'orwardlns. 66S OAI, Van Stor. Co., 15111i Farn. Tels. 1536-863. v STORAGE Ho-isehold goods and bther aitlcles stored at low rates. J. J. Deright & Co.. J i-urnam si. Tel. 351. Al 517 W A .N T 11 U TO BtV. WANTED 50 secondhand ladles' wheels, Nebraska cycle Co., Cor. lath A: Hume. AVANTED To buy hrc and burglar proof N-M450-J8SD 1 WOULD like to buy an interest in a good steam merry-go-rounj. Address. George Rlpenburgii, i-opiur. juiih, Menominee. Michigan. N-309 12' WANTED becondhund furniture, large cr small lots; nignest prices paia, arop a turd or Te.. tl. J. Levlne, 3v4 N. 16th. N M119 Jel FOR SAL15 FLRMTl.HE. CHICAGO FURNITURE .CO., .1110 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New & Sdhund lurrvluiru bougnu sum, excnuiigca i ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO.. 102-4 S. 14th St. Tel. 2296. New and secondhand urnlture bought, sold una exenangea, . p-Wi-Jly-l FOR HORSES', VEHICLES, ETC FOR SALE, top phaelon. 2309 N.-lth St, P-M7-7 Je27' 2 HORSES, fine matched curjlage team. 11. E. Frediickvuru JMh und Ddg St. P-571 Je24 LTG1IT Omnibus. In good rrmdltlon. at I sacrifice. H. Frost 11th and Leavenworth F-S7S FOR ALE-MtS-"LL4.-.EOl.. EAWDUBT. cheapest posts, poultry and hog fence. 901 Douglas. Q 873 REPAIRS and supplies for all makes of bl- cycles, omana uicycie uo , ittn a vmcago (J oik JDHAND safe cheap. Deright. UU Farnam. v SAFES, standard makes.sold.rented 114 S. 13 WIRE fence for poultry. Belgian hare, hog field or lan. Wire Works, 61 8. 16th St. q mkts jy; l.coo.mio BRICK for sale. John P. Weaver, 6 Pearl St , Council Bluns, Q M4& jei FOR SALE, S cows, young and gentle, at S526 yebtter st. Q-iYn U' SMITH-PREMIER typewriter, No. 1. for sale cneap, Aaaress, is, cer Q S."5 11" BIG line of secondhand wheels, S. ii, IS, 10, Omaha Bicycle Co., ICth anc1 Chlcagets. CLAIRVOVAT. MRS. FRITZ, medium. Hi North 36th. S-S77 MME. GYLMER, palmist, SIB So. "SthJSt DR. 410 Y, chropodlst; corns & superfluous ba,ir re.noved by lactnclty. tl. 12. Ftenzer block. U SiS PRIVATE home before and during confine, ment, babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2t20 Burdette. U-fcbO VIAVA, woman's ay to htalth, rational, wholesome home treatment- 34S Bee Bldg. U-ssi SUPPLIES for all machines, for rent. White Sewing Machine, 1S2U Doug las. Tel. 2234. U-!2 NEW rollers for clothes wringers. Novelty iron und Brass Works, 41 S. luth. 'Pbona 12S0. U-M722-JC26 RUPTURE cjred; no knife, no pain, no danger; sena lor circulars. Empire Hup ture Cure, US N. Y. Lite bullalnt, Omaha, PRIVATE hospltaJ for ladles before and 'during conltnement; babies adopted. Grant St. U KM M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion pleating plant in the west, mall orders solicited. Suite 2uu, Douglas Block. U-8S5 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mail orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., Is24 Douglas, U is NO better work done in any shop in the world than Brown block barber shop; neat, clean, antiseptic, tace miissugc, ele vator entrance or through Tracy's. U-1M-Jel6 WANTED 25 secondhand typewriters. Ne braska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. U-2W- J CIS ADROIT HAIR BAZAR New location. 1C20 Douglas; private booths for hair dressing and manicuring; ladles' shoe shining ana massaglnc U M45S DR. CUSCADEN, 113 S. 18th. U-572-Je24 LEARN hypnotism; complete course by mall, 50c, palmistry, 25c, particulars free. Globe News Co., 1515 Farnam St.. Omaha. U-M2l8jyl 500 BUSINESS CARDS for tl. We save you one-third on all Job printing. Socialist Printery, 1515 Chicago street. U313 15 WM. LEESE has removnd hU law office from 1406 Farnam to Room i31, New York Life, building. U-27l-ll' THE Prince of Omaha Is unlike any other 5c cigar In kIiuiho Uie lung smoker shupe is original with 'us and is not used by other cigar manufacturers, excepting on 0c goods and hlgber-prlcea cigars, nor is the quality in nlgher-prlced goods any better. It Is .sold to dealers at $37.00 pur thousand and 1 retailed at strictly uc no six for a quarter. Manufactured by W. F. SToECKER CIGAR CO. Save the bands -of the Sloecker cigar. U-M507 12 WALL PAPER Cleaner C. MWdlemlst. Tel. 125S. Best of "city references. Leave order at -HI Farnum. U M541 17' AIME. SMITH j-iiBths,- 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. j Jioom i. m jy PRIVATE lessons In German by com petent teacher," 50 cents; special rate to classes, W 20, Bee, U 558 All 4 JlO'Cr TO OA KKAL KSTATliT" LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowu farina at 6 per cent, borrowers can puy tluo or any multiple; any interest aute; no delay. Brennun-Love Co., 3uv s. lath St., Omuhu, NcB. W M', AlONEY to loan on Improved Omaha reul cglnlu, Brennun-Love Co.. 309 bouth 13th. ! 1 V " I " OM ,v,vTrn lnnn. Ueurge ts company. 1W1 rarnam street. W 89 WANTED, city and farm loans, ulso bonds una wurrunih. 11. c. I'etera Ac Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 590 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, l'axton block. W-891 MONEY" to loan at H and per cent on Omaha property, w. a. MeiKit, 401 s. 15th. W-892 RIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. vv am PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. v 893 CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton, 605 Bee, W-890 AlONEY" TO LOAN on Improved real estate; l per ceni raiereRi; no cumciiaaiou; privi lege of pajlng J100 or more before ma turity. Northwestern AlutuaJ X.lfe Ins. Co, John.W. Glsh, ppeclat loan agent, ,214 First, Nil'l Bank BJdg., Omaha. Neb. W-897 5 AND 6H per cent loans. W. H, Thomas, f irst ."Miwonai iiuii. punning, ici. jm8, W 898 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Fsrnam smith v CO., ibo i-arnam St. W-M5C1 5. 54 P. C. loans. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. v ail jy MU.MSl '111 I.IIAA CA 1'1'tiL.S. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan J10 und up ou lurnlturc, pianos, norses ana otner cnaiieir. .SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions, jou can geL me money in a few hours after making application and take 1. 2 3, 4, 5, 6 months or more In which to pay it Duck, and you need not pay for It one day longer thun you keep it. We . char- nothing for patters and wo give you the lull amount In eush. There ure no lower rates than ours, our terms are the easiest; our business is conlidenllal und our motto Is "try to plcaBe." OMAHA MORTGAGE OAN CO , 119 Board of Trade Bide Tel. SSlrj. (Established 1892.) 306 S, ltth St. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON PLAIN NOTE. There goes Fritz, coming back again to get lower lates ana easier payments, lie suys our rates are lower und payments easier man uiuer r.ompanica. cuu una ot convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.MPANV. THIRD FLUOR, RUUM 3U3, 1'AATUA BLOCK. X292 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc. In two hours' time, ulso to tulurled people on their plain Cotes, with out security. Easiest payments und low est rates In Omahu. Private Interviewing room, American Loan Co.. room 312 Brown block, cor. ICth und Douglas Sts.; entrance on 16th St., opposite x. m. c. a. Bldg. X-902 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PLOI'Lli. roerchunts. team slers, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices Jn principal cuies. 1 1'liiinn, iiv uuiiu ui iriiai- uiag, X-8V9 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE live stock, etc. Quick service und lowest rates guaranteed, j. w. taiuje, 6l itop floor) Paxton block, northeast corner )6th and Farnam, entrance on Ibtn street. X-903 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- eiry, norses, cows, etc c. t . neea. 319 . li. MONEY loaned on Pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelry, Duff Green, R. t.Uarker blk. SHORT- time loan. Barker block. Joe Pleasants, 54 X-905 11,000.00 TO place quick. M J Son, Suite 510, Brown block. Kenntrd & X-90 1 WANTED. exerlenced physician tb take rharge of our Hiitoln office, will ttlsu start offlees In other cities for competent ph'rloans Th rold-L mph "n . Jou Bee bldg Y-MJK Je FURNITURE and leafe of neat hotel, full of boarders, some transient Al busi ness Enquire of tni agent, Lyman Waterman. W Bee building. Y MM II COMPETENT bookkeeper with H.trfW wishes to become partner In good business, l$t. Ilee Y 35S Mil FOR SALE or rent m bUtl;mi:h shop and wagonmaker hop. doing god busw ness, on necnunt of tn health U i' Walter. Norfolk. Neb. T-.M56I Jytt FOR 1-XCH.lXfil 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. Z-POS FOR -Al,tS IlCAli CM'ATE. BIG INVESTMENT Highly improved property in th hpart of the city, bringing now JIG a monh, netting nearly 15 per cent on price asked. Owner must have money at once. Price iM3. Want nn offer. C. F. HARRISON, t'13 N. Y. LIFE. RE-5S1 U' SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE UlU RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Paclllc Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner, Unlju 1'uclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-912 WANT Oder on line lot and seven-room house, close to good car lira: Eastern owner anxious to sell. At. J Kennard Aj Son, 3CO-10 Brown block. IiE-914 FOR SALE, on monthly payments, 5-room modern house on North !4th St. car line; also vacant lots which will tie Improved lor purchaser on moderate pigment down. Mutual Loan and Building Asoclbtlsn. U. AL Nattlngcr, secretur Bee Bldg. RE Ml HOUSES and lots In all parts of city, also acre property and farm lands The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 5a2, Bee iijlldlug. RE-9JB C. F HARRISON. 013 N. Y. LIFE. FARMS. RL-lKt-Jel2' ARMOURDALE ADDITION TO SOUTH OMAHA This buautllul addition Is lo cated at 21 th and Archer itrccts. just outside the city limits. Wc are oiTcrlug ACRE LOTS In this addition tor J250 r,nu upward. We will Bsslst purchasers tu build in this uddltlon. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Exclusive Agency. HE 363 HOUSES, lots, farms, lends, loans, ulso fire Insurance, lit ml a, l'axton Blk. RE-S13 BIG SNAP In wholesale property 44 ft. front on Howard sttect, Just west of old Mercer hotel, S,0"0. WILL GO QUICK. PAYNE-KNOX COA1PANY, SOLE AGENTS AIAIN FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BLDG, RE-AI52 IS FOR PALE REAL ESTATE. , Of the bargains offered last week two have been sola and the following described pieces ure Just as good, nnd at the prices j quoiea snouio sen hi iiiii-c ii win tie i worth while to Investigate them If you want an Investment or property that will i afford you a .home und a hundsome ad- , vnnce In value in the future ONE ACRE of land saving a south frontage I of 133 feet on Spencer street by 295 feet in depth, two blocks from 24th street cur line. The whole He's a'brttit tour feet above .the grade ot Spencer strict 'with a tx- ' room house und city wslter, sheds, etc. This lahd can be subdivide! Into seven good lots. Price, is unry",:oo. Terms, . ii.oou cash, balance ?20, monthlj LARGE two-story, iram'c. six rooms or more, with full lot. east, front, on 34th j street neur Duvenport. lor i,2ii on favor-' ubie terms, improvements ,-aiorie worm more than the price askid. WVA1AN, -.- KK rOMl'AM , DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases ot women in Omaha, would cull the attention ot Huflmug ludies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement, and his lieutment for .rrcgulurltlee, no .nutter what cuuse Call or address with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omuhu Aeii, Al-o2.v-JeSi LADIES, $500 reward for an npnormul ob stinate case of suppression, any cause, my regulator tails to relieve In twenty-four hours. KOBttlvely guaranteed: no ergot or pills; many saved irom suicide; ideal sale nome treatment; mall. t'S. Dr. Jackson, U. c M4, JO uearuorn, cnicugo. -174 15' DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure tho most stub buin cuses of monthly stoppages,, lrregu. laritles, obstructions una suppressions brought on rrom whatever abnormal, un. statural dlseused or pathological cause, 12 a package, o. 3 for lo, sent unywhere pre. paid on receipt of price. The Klfld Drug Co., Elgin, ill. American uffice, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha: Al A. Dillon, ' South Omana: Davis, Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full Una jf legitimate rubber good. 1'ATE.VI'ii. MASON. .FENWICK & JwAWItENCE. Patent Lawyers, solicitors nd Experts, H J. COWGIDL, Western Representative, Room 315 Humge Blk. Omuhu, Neb. 'Phone 1198. ADVICE FREE. 441 Jcl9 PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues k Co., Bee joiag., umanu, rstn. Advice tree. 15S Jylo' WILL IUY any .good Invention ur patent. Aaaress lock isox ,w, utt iiomes, ta. -rM929 OSTEOPATHS , JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y". L, Bldg. Tel. 1664, Alice Johnson, u. u., ladles' dept ; Uld E. Johnson, osteoputhist, Algr. 916 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1307 917 A. T. HUNT. D O.. 305 Karbach Blk. Tel.2332 .vi l AIRS. JOHN II AIUS1CK, Dotiglas block. K 472 Je21 SIIORTHAM) AMI TYPEWRITING, A. C. VAN SANT'S school. H7 N. Y', Life, vis BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Bee Blag. vi NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. viv GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug. -921 BICYCLES. SECONDHAND bicycles from 3.00 up. Ne. brurka Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. 2S5 Jel8 NEW and ladles' wheels rented; 50 cents for the evening or ufternoon, except Sun day. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. LOST. LOST. Indies' black sealskin belt satchel. Finder have at 313 Karbach block foi re ward. Lost-563 M13 GARIIAGE II A I LING. ANTIAIONOPOLY" Garbage Co. cleans cess pools & vaults, removes garbage & dean animals at reduced prices, iCl ,N, 16, tel.l"9. 274 Jya CARPENIEIIS AM) JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing rrompHy attended to. J. T Ochiltree ;oth and Lake Bt. -iO IILMM-.xs t'IIAiti:, .vii iuiih iij-t- in iijijj.-ju j. wiiii ci ose 'V;'"wf V. ni ? I tl'ls post Information furnished on appll- RE-5,,.- M14 1 at the general postofflce as follows PAR- c8tlo her. v s rt,h0rVrs right to accept C.KLS' ,ro,ST MAILS close one hour earlier or reJect ,lnJ. or nll r,ropo(iHi or unv iurt MEDICAL. lhn .Pl0.i'n?lrrvncin -t - thereof Envelopes to be indorsed. "Pro- "-',ICA-- post malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. ..osals for sewer, etc.." uddreised D. E. llllir.l AMI Ill.ANK". THE p"lntl -g of lawyers' briefs in n per te snilfctor manner rr ;-ilrei training cMteruni- and cjulpment The Omaha Alert ury dons this work Just right. Legal blatiks hutulreds of forms for sale. Send for alalogu a1," Jv4 UIIF.SSMAK1XI. IN famlllis Aliss Sturdy. 51 So. 26th st aiu Jj-6 FISIIINO AMI FLEAM III U1XIHT. IF Y'U want good bass and croppj flshins go tc Langdon Mo Very best of It. tl accommodations Plenty of boats ani mltintvts. 'Vrlte R. A. Dlttraar ror rates, -876 M'AM.MKHIM AM) STl TTERl.Ma. CURED. Julia Vajghn. 430 Ramge 3ldg. 130 SIDEWALKS. FORREST K. BEHM builds macadam and cinder walks and driveways. 145l S. 15th street 273 10' w.iMiai-To ntuiiuiw. WANTED To liormV JLO-iit at 7 ner 'rrnt oil improved resioence property, souin j . . - 7 ..... : - , Omaha, renting for "240 per year. Ad dress. S 4!. Bee. -M295 H.7O0 WANTED on Improved property worth $4.(), 5-year loar, 5 per cent Ad dress W 12, Bee M631 12 IIOIl.EH MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tank-, Macks, etc. Tel. 1.159 12th and Izard Hs. 825 Accoiinio. i'Li; ACCORDION pleating, clieancst. best, quickest Airs, A. C Mark, S E Cor ith and Tarnam 920 lWnilOKlllt!. KAGLE LoBn Oftice, reliable, aocommodit Inc. all business contldcntlul. 1301 DougUj. -927 TAILOH1AG. 25 TER CENT saved; high class tailoring. latest designs. Stephen J. Broderlck. 1617 Farnam St. M526 J22 i:xri:iiT accoi xta.t.. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or ivn tng, R 15, Com Nat, Bank G. H. Ratbbun. Ma LAI .M)RY. OMAHA Steam Laundry, rhlrts. 7c, collar', 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 54". Ft RMTt RE ItnPAllUNC. TEL. 1321. Al S Walklin, 2111 Cuming SL P.'i SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS Stone, cement, brick We) shans und Tile Co,, 3'J9 So ""th st 512 Jys . Those Runabouts Have vou seen them' So many aH I new styles for 1901 Colors. carmine, yellow und coaching red, The price is the only thing that's modect about them. Drummond Carrlagt Co 17111 unu iinrnrji. FOSTOITK E AOTICE. 'Should be read DAILY by oil interested ns changes may occur at any time) Foreign mails ror tne wcck ending June Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than clos ing time shown below. Trim-A Unu tic Mnll. WEDNESDAY' At 8.30 a m. (supple mental 10 n. mi for EUROPE, pel s s. Alujestlc. via Queenstown; at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, tier s. s Frlesland imnll must be directed "per s. s Fries land '). at 1:30 p m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s s Manilla (mall for Italy, via Naples, must lie directed "per s s Manilla" 1. THURSDAY At 7 a in for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO AlAR QUEZ. pel s. s. La Lorraine, via Havre (mall for othei parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s La Lorrulne"); at 9:30 11 ni (supplementary 11 a. m.) for EU ROPE, per s. s Deutschlund, via Ply mouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s s, Alaasdam (mull must be directed "per s. b. Alaasdam"). at 10 0 m. for tcurL,A"u direct, per s. s. Furnetslu (mull must be directed "per s h FurncHfla "1. at 11 a m. for DEN AIARK direct, per s. s Norge TmoJl must be directed 'per 8. s Norce");'at 11510 a. m. (supplementary 1 p. m ) for El" ROPE per s. s. Cumpatiln. via Queeni1 town. ut 12 m. for ITALY, per s. s Trave. via Naples (mall must be directed Ver s. s Trave"), nt 2:30 p. m. for ITALY, per r s Nord America, via Naples Mnall must be directed "per s. s Nord America") PRINTED AIATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Mnlter. Commercial Pa pers and SampleF for Germany only. The same cliitu of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed iiy her. After the closing of the Supplementary Tt ansHtluntle Alall., numed above, nd dltlonal supplempntary 'malls are opened on the piers of the American. English. French and German steamers, and remriln open until within Ten Allnutes of the hour of Falling of steamer MnlU for Sonlli Mini Cent nil America, est Indira., Etc. WEDNESDAY' At 9:30 u. m for INAtfl'A and HAITI, per s s. Lauenburr, at 12 m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. C'A AIPECHK, TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS, per s s OH zoba. via Huvana nnd Progreso (mall for other purts of Alexico must be directed "per a R Orizaba"). THURSDAY At 6:30 p. m for JAA1A1CA, per s s. Admiral wcrner, rrom Boston FRIDAY'- m . for TURKS ISLAND and DOM fx! 1CAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. New Y'ork at 11 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s a .A, 19-'lth . nt (supiilemeritary 1 Sicilian, from Philadelphia SATURDAY' At n m. (supplementary 9:30 n m ) ror iuu j u ju- u ivih san juan), VENEZUELA und CURACAO, per s. t'arucus (.mull for Snvanllla and Curtha genu must be directed "per s. s Cara cas 1, ut 9:3 u m. (supplementary 10 a. m l for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD find WINDWARD ISLANDS nnd DEAIERARA. per t s. Rcralmn, at I1.30 a m (supplementary 10:30 b. m. 1 for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAAIA1CA, SAVA N1LLA and CARTHAOENA. per h s. Altai (mall for Costu Rica must be di rected "per h s Altai" 1 . ut '1:311 a m sup- ,u..uM .. w. . Mccartny. w i js-io-ii-k-i7-i luriiiii ,ui JV..X, ,,- ,., ,v, jini 1 1 llliu gos. ut 10 u m ror mkak u, per s s Segurancu, via Tamplco (mull must bo di rected "per s s Seguranra"); at 1 a m for CUBA, per s s. Mexico, via Havana, nt 10.31 a m for ARGENTINE REPl'B l.TP l'lll-GfAY and I'AnAfSl'AY tier s s. Aititon. bi iz;xj p. m. lor ,mata- ZAS. CAIBARIEN. NUEVITAS. GIBARA und BARACOA, per s. s. OUnda (ordinary mall only, which must be directed --per s s. OUnda '). at 1 p. m. for BERAIl DA, per s. a. t nniuuu. Alalls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sdne und thence by steamer, tlose at this. office dally ut 6:30 p. m. (connecting rlose' lure eterv Monday.' Wednesday and Satur- daj - Malls for Allquelon. by rail to Bos. ton and thence by steamer close at IhlS office daily nt 0.30 p. m Alalia for Cuba b) mil to Port Tampu. Fla , and then Y . steamer, close at thls ntllce dnlh ler-ept Rundaji at tarn tthe tonnec ting i-jses ure on Alonday Wednesday and Saturday) Mails f rCiba by rail to Miami Tla nnd tben. e b s'ramer close at this offi. e e er Sunday at 6 a m Alalia for Alexico ' ' overland unless special! nddressed f t Cis- SANTA A1ARTHA, per s. s. Andes at 10 Des Alotnes and Daven a m for SANTIAGO, per s. s. Clenfue- port Loca. a 7:25 am rosTOFrJcc .hoticb. pttrb by strainer, close at this office dally st 1 3 p m and 11 p m Malls for Costa Rica Aelltc. lMerto l ortet and Guatemala by rait lo .New Orleans nnd thetico by steamer, close at this office dally at "1:30 p m leonneotlng closes here Mondays for I Belize. luerto Cortez and Guatemala rnd Tuesdajs for Costa Rica) Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day j Trnns-Parlflc Malls. i Mails for Hawaii. Javan, China and Philip pine lsiandti. via San Francisco, close here I dally at S-:ki p. m. up to June ?. Inclusive, .for dispatch per s s. Gaelic Alans lor China and Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to June "11, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, Em press of Japan (registered mall must be .directed "via Vancouver"). Alalls for Australia (except West Australia, whlelr Js .torwanled via L"urope New Zealand. FIJI. Samoa und Hawaii via San 1-rsnclsco, close Jiere dallv at fU p m, after May "26 and up to June "15, Inclu sive, or on arrival of s. s. Umbrla. due at New YjarJf June "15, for dispatch per s. s Ventura. JIalls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pines, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6;30 p m up to June "17. Inclusive, lor dispatch pr s. s Hong Kong Marti. Malls fnr China and Japan, via Seattle, i lose here dally at t,.7m p. m up to June 1R. Inclusive', for dlstuitch rr s s Kin shin Muru .(registered mall must be di rected "via Seattle' ). Mulls for China and Japan, via Tucoma. m-.T- UDII, I,, ,1..,,' 1, ,11 U,' ,1" ciose nere uauy at r.w p m up to jnno -. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Ta owilll Malls for Hawaii. Via San Frandsco. -l-ie here dally at 6:30' p. m up to June "21. for dispatch per s. s. Zealandln Alalls for Australia texcept AVest Australia. which ct via Curotie. nnd New r.ea- land, wht'-h goes via San Francisco) and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close her dallv at 6:30 p m. after June "15 nnd up to june "it. inclusive, tor aispatcn per s s Mlowera (supplementary mtils, via Seattle and Victoria). cloe nt 630 p m. June "23. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Son Francisco, close here ilally at 6-30 p m. up to June "25, Intlusl.e, for dis patch per s. s. Australia Trans-Pacinc mulls arc forwarded lo nort of sailing dull and the schedule of closing Is arranged cn the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit "Registered mail rloses at 6 p m tirevlotis day CORNELIUS VAN COTT Postmaster Fostotllee. New York. N Y . June Hhi l.E(j At, (ITII'1, RECEIVER" NOTICE la the Disiiirt wourt In and for Douglas Counts-. Nebraska William G Aladden. plaintiff, against Ne- I Y.rAfilfn t'tt'c lrtRttmnM, Pntiinnv fi itl H 1 renuunts. notice to creditors or said in-' surance comjian to present their calms I for dividends ' To all creditors of the Nebraska Fire In- t surance comimny who have not claimed or received their respective dividends hereto- lore oroerea in tne atiove entitled action. You. and each of you. are hereby notified that In und bj the order of the court In tho above t milled action, made and entered on the 4th day of Alay, a D. 19ol vou mun prerct.l for payment your respective claims IUI Hniuciiur unviuiutv uiuiii'ii ,11 rillU action within 60 duys Irom the completion of the publication of this notice, which t'mc will expire on the 31st duy of August. A V 1901. und thut unless you so do your respec tive rights .o such dlvldmds will be con cluded und jou will be barred of the right to participate In the funds impropriated theietot. Sjch claims may be presented at the office of the underrlgnea receher in the Brown, block, In the city of Omaha, In Douglas county aforesaid, or transmitted , to iilm ut that address by mail. , Dated this 25th day of Alay. A. D. 1901. i ALBERT U. WYA1AN. Receiver of the said Nebraska Fire Insur ance company. Aiuy2od-sun-3ot In? the matter of the estate of Richard, Kitchen, deceased," notice Is hereby given lo me legatees und all other persons inter ested lu the nbove estate that a motion to confirm the sale of the assets of said estate, made py Jumes B Kitchen, executor, on the 3d day of June, n report of which sale Is now on file In this court, has been filed In the county court of Douglas county Ne bruskil, and that said motion will be culled up for .hearing on Thursday, the 20th day of June, 1901. at the hour of 9 o'clock a m, and that unless sufficient cause Is shown iigalusl said sale the same will be con firmed and such other orders made In the premises as may be proper and necessary DUNCAN AI. V1NSON11ALER, County JJdge Junel2dM.M OOVER3IENT !OTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER muster.. .Fo-t Leavenworth, Kansas. June E, 1W1. Sealed proposals, In triplicate will ne receivea nere uniui ji a m.. central time, June 19, 1901, for construction of hos- OFFICE CHIEF Ql'ARTER At ASTER Omuhu. Neb.. Alay 31. 19J1. Sealed pro posuls, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will bo received at this office until 2 I'clocl; p. m , central time, June 15. 1951. for remodellnc the latrines of two cavalry barracks at For Riley. Kan., nnd j iiuiiut, Miiiaai, luuiiituiif, 111 Mime I Ull nformatlon furnished upon application to this office, or to the quartermaster, Fort Riley, where plans ana specifications muy be seen. Proposals to be marked "Pro posals for Luirlnes nt Fort Riley, Kan.' F. H. HATHAWAY C Q. Al. J4-5-12-13 OFFICE CHlEr QUARTERA1AFTER- Omaha, Neb. Alay 27, 19J1 Sealed pro- posals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p m. central time, June 15, 1901, for the construction of four (4) Hoy neas iu j-ori juicy, ivuiisns r un inrorm- it Lion luuiinnru upon uiijiiiuuiinn 10 mis office, or to the Quartcrmuter. Fort Riley, where plans and' specifications mnv be seen. Proposal, to be marked "Proposals for Hay Sheds ut Fort, Riley, Kansas, ' nnd nddressed to ih'e undersigned. F. H HATH AWAY, C, Q. M, -MSI Jel 12 13A1 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omuhu, Neb., June b, 1901. Seuled pro posals, -in triplicate,- subject to the usual conditions, will be received nt this office until 2 -o'clock p. m central time, Juno 18, 1901. for the construction of n pump house and henter room for water tank at Fort Roblnoon. .Neh. Full Information furnished upon application to this office, or to the Quartermaster, Fort Robinson, where plans and specifications muy be seen Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Pump House, etc . M J-"ort Robinson, Neb.." and ad dressed to the undersigned. F H HATH WAY..C Q, M AlornD12-13-15-17 . COUNTY OFFICIAL AOTICU. ATTENTION, TAXPAYERS! The Board of County Commissioners or Douglas county. Nebraska, will alt us a board uf equalization for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Douglas county for the, year 1901 in the commission er's chamber at the court house, Omuhu, beginning Tuesday, June 11, 1901, ut 10 o'clock a m and continuing from day to day up to and Including June 27, 194 (15 duys, not Including Sundays). All persons owning real or personal property subject to luxation should call and examine their as sessment, that any errors as to valuation muy be adjusted by said board, as the law provides. iiy oruer 01 me xioara 01 county com i rn'sslcmra. Omaha, A h ... 1ML - ,?V,1,,IETRL1 County Clerk. By C. L. HARRIS. Deputy. Muy27 d21t RA1LWA 'I'lalti CARD. CHICAGO, ROCK 1SL ond & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rork isiuna Jtoute" city Ticket Office. 1323 1-nr. nam Street, Telephone, 428, Depot, Tenth unu Marcy Streets. Tele phone. C29. l-eu e, Arrive. HAft'f. 011:35 am rhteuEo Extiress.. . .Dii .10 mil a .10 am Des Alotnes Local a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chicago Fust Express.. a 5:oo pm a 1:25 pm Des Alolnes, Rock Isl and und Chicago a 7.40 pm a 9:35 pm j Lincoln, Colorsdo Spgs., 1 Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4.15 pre 1 Colorado. Oklahoma Ar Texas Flyer..., a 6:2u pm a 9:50 am 11 Dally, b Dally except Sunday, . omaHA & ST LOUIS RAIL, sf Zd-bmihi riw Ba. a? cistern lWlIrodI"Th. QTk oulncv R?.uteS-c)-7t Of! tf ?pi 10s rftrnm 8L Tele xffJTl?7 SEnni n,ot Tenth ' W'r Mftrc' St? PTelenhonp vJ" ?.nd Marcy 8t- Telephone, Nf -J. a,h,.- ' Leave, Arrne. St Louis Cannon Ball Express . . . a 5.15 p.n a 1,20 am I Kansas City and Qutncy Loral ,..,a 7.00 am a 9 00 pm j a Daily . mini sewer, man no es ana nusn lanKs ut RAILWAY TIMB CARDS. CHICAGO A NORTH western Railway "Tin Northwestern Line' -City Ticket Offlc. 149: Farnam 8L Telephon fl. Depot. Tenth ant Marcy Streets. Tels pnsne, t-n. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . ,. . ,.s7:roam aU:S0 pn Chicago I'assensor a 4.15 pm a ;40 nrr Eastern Express. Des Moines, Marahalltow-n, Cedar Rapids and Chlcngo al0:t5 am a 4. -05 prr Eastern Special, Chi cago and East ... . a 4.55 pm a 4:05 pir Fast Mall, Chicago to Omaha ..... .... - . . a 2:45 pn Omaha-Chicago Ltd a..4pm a s:0o an I nst Mall a ; an Cedar rapids Passenger. a 5:30 prr a Dally, FBEAIONT, ELKHORN 4 Missouri Valley ltallroat The Northwrstert Line" General Offices United States Nations Bank Building, s. W i-nmer Twelfth and Tar nam Sts. Ticket Office, .1401 Farnatn St Teleptal.e. 561, Depot, lh "l0 NebsteJ Sts. .telephone, 145&. . , Leave. Arrl. Black Hills. Deadwood, , , Hot Springs a J:00 pro a 5:00 pn Wjomlng, Casper and , Douglas . . . . .d S:W pm e 5:00 pn Hastings, lork, David City, supeilor, G-neva, . . Exeter und Seward. ...t 3:00 pm b 5:00 pn Norfolk, s emigre ana Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:2S an Lincoln, Atioo & Frt- . .. . nioiu ... . .. ,b i.SOam bl0:2a arr Fremont Local c 7:30 am c Dallj b Dally except Sunday, c 8un day oni d Dully except Saturday. Dally except Alondav CHICAGO. ST. FAU1 Allnnespcllls & Omahi Railway "The North western Line" Qenera. Offices, Nebraska Dlvl slon, loth and Wcbstei Hts Cltv Ticket Office 1401 Furnam St, Telephone, Mil. Depot, lith and Webster Sts. Telephone, ifw. Leave. Arrive. Twin vit Passenger Sioux City Passenger. Lmersi-n Local . ... a Daily ,a 6:w am a i:V prr .a 2 45 pm aU.10 atr .b 5.30 pm b S.SO air SIOUX CITY i PACIFIC Railroad 'The North western Line" Genera Offices, United Statei National Bank Building ri. V, Corner Twelftt nd Farnam sis. Ticnei wince, mi j-arnnm si. i eietmoiie, uu pot, Ttnth and Marty Sta. Telephone, Leave. Arrive. 'I win ' r.xpress . a 6:o5 am alo:r5 prr Twin City i-ltniu-u . ...a 7:55 pm a s.16 utr Sioux City u 1 ully Locul a o:w am iui BURLINGTON A Mis souri Rher Rallroad- The Burlington Route" Oetieral Offices, North west Corner Tenth and Furnum Streets. Ticket office, 1502 Furnam Street Ueltpuciie -.w. Burlington station, ienm and Alu-Jti Streets. 1'elepluinc 12j. Lxau. Arrive. Lincoln. Hustings and McCous. . S:40 am a 7:S pre Lli.ruln. Dener, Colo- rado, L tali, California. a 4:2a pm a 3:ou pre Alliance Express u 4:u pm a 3:00 pn m ,ntanu I uget Suunu .u n:oo pm a 6:45 utr L,lncoin i'ast Mull L 3:t pm a t:17 air w yniorc. Beulrlce and uncol a 8:10 am bll:55 arr Lincoln & uiacK inns .a v;w pm u n; Deii-r Colorado. L'tan and cAilforiuu Fort Crook. So. Bend. a 6:45 arr Louisville, Plattsm tn.b 3:29 pm bllAS arr rtellevue. 1'latlBmouth & Pacific JuiiUljr. .a 7:4" pm a 6:20 utr Bellevue, P.altsmouth At I'nufl Junction a 3.10 am a Dally, b Doll) except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO seph & Council Blufff Railroad "The Butllngtor Roule" Ticket Office, 15W Farnam Street. Telephoni 250. Depot. Tenth snc Alason Utteets, Tele, phone 128. .eave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex .u 9.20 am a 6:(. pn Kunsus Clt Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:15 art St. Louis riyei, fcr 2t. Joseph and St LouU.a 5:10 pm all :1s an a Dully CHICAGO. BURLINGTO & Qumcy jfaliroaa "jn Burlington Route" Tlcke Office, 1502 Furnam Street Telephone 250. Depot lentn ana Mason Streets Telephone 128. Lenxe. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am ui0:20 pn Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.u 4:00 pm a 7)45 an Chicago Local Express a 9:30 am a 4:05 pn Chicago Limited ,a 7:50 pm a 7:45 an Fust Alsll ....... a 2:45 pn a Dally. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER, land Routt" General Offices N. E Coi Ninth and Farnan Streets. City Ticket Office. 132 Farnum Street. Telephone, 216 Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sta '1 eiephone, 625. ieuvc. Arrive, The Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am a 7:30 pn The ChlCH go-Portland suoda! a 8:20 am a 7:30 pn I The Fust Alall a 8M0 am a 3:16 pn The Alall und Express.. all:33 pm a 4:26 pn Ti,e Colorado Special. ..all:35 pm a 6:60 an Lincoln Beatrice and 1 stroniBburg Express. .b 4:06 pm bl2:30 pn 1 The Pacific Express. ...a 4:25 pn The Atlantic Express , a v ou bit b 5:20 pm b 9:35 en 1 Grand If.lund L.ocai a Daily. b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Officei ant Ticket Offices. Southeaa Corner 14th and Douglki Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot Union stutlon. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis and Kansas City Express. aWarn a 6:25 pn IC C., St. L. EKpreas..alO:50 pm a C: an Leave from 15th and AVebster Street: . NebrusKa Local. la Wrepins "1 ater b 4.10 pm al0:45 an a Dally. K Dally except Bunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAI Ranroad City Ticket Of flee, 1402 Farnam 8tret Telephone, Ub. Depot Ttnth and Marcy Street Leave. Arrive. a 7:ij am a on ChIccol"xiresi Chlcugo Limited ...a 7.45 pm a 8:05 an Mlnrien.inllu X- f 1'IUI Lxpreri . b 7;X) am b 9:40 pn Minneaptilit tn St, Paul Limited -..a 7:45pm a S:0a an Fort Dodg- Local from Council Bluffs b 4:50 pm a :15 air Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs C.'OO am u Dally b Dally except Sunday CHICAGO. AIILWAUKEI fCSJc2Sl i- 8t- Vhu1 Railway Clt; 'ST.nti I Depot Tenth and Maaot ailuciB. civi'tiuiin, lt.0 Leave. Arrlv. Chlcnro At Omaha Ex b 7:15 am b 3:4? pn Chicago Limited Ex .a CrtH) pm a s:os an u Dully b Dally except Sunday e-. 1 h..l, "rinnnn Tiall" Express a 5.15 pm a Dally a : Direct Roule to Glaaauyr rVaalbHIan ANCHOR LINE uteninshlpa from Hew Yrrk Waekly GLASGOW VIA LOMJO.NDERRY. Saloon, 150 and up. Second Cabin. "32.50 anf up. Third Class. J26 and upwards. Tor Illustrated folder and further Inform tlon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS Chicago, or J. 8. McNALLY . 1323 Farnam St., GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnam St., Omaha (Mahler Kills Himself. TOPEKA Kan., June 11 A special to In state Journal from Dexter, Kn says Cashier Watklns of the bank here shot ani killed himself last night, and the banl Is closed this morning, awaiting action 0 Bank Commissioner Albaugh, Shoots the Wrong Couple. CENTRALIA 111. June 11 Peter anorl of Omega township shot and fatal); wounded Nathan Cox and wife, mlstakini them for his own wife and hr allege! param'ur Gooch Is under arrest rn luiMMf 31I& mm t. WABASH RA1LROAD- CtLfJLi Ticket Office. 1416 Fnrnan I IVICT Street. Telephone. 322. De . f.tlMari mi Tenth nnd Mnrcv Sts XizZSXi. Telephone. . I Leave. Arrive.