Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Giniftl Rarita! .Work Planned bj the
Ministerial Unitn.
."Noted Iterlvallut Telle Ilriell)- of Whnt
its K.pect to -Accomplish While
Carry. iik Un the
rtcv. Mcrton Smith, the evangelist,
preached Sunday morning and evening at
the First Haptlst church, prefacing his
morning sermon with a prospectus of his
summer's work In tho city. Under direc
tion of tho Ministerial union of Omaha, ho
said, he proposed to conduct a scrlca of rc
vtval meetings In a big tent, which would
be moved from time to tlmo until every
section of the city had been covered. Tho
tent would he pitched for tho first servlco
July 7 nt some point on the north side, not
yet definitely determined.
"The plan Is," said he, "to bring pcoplo
Into that tent who are not In tho habit of
nttcudlng church services, and It Is pro
posed that In the congregations this class
will predominate, but In order to accom
plish this It will he necessary to havo n
Jargfl nucleus of active church workers
whoso office will bo to bring tho others In.
' hope to convey tho mossagn of the gos
pel to every homo In tho city. Wo will
divide the city Into districts as we did In
Chicago, and send a messenger to every
home with a word of cheer and an Invita
tion to attend the meetings."
l.ovr In ii .nturiil I'niiet Inn.
The subject of Mr. Smith's morning ser
mon was "Tho Love of Ood," which he con
trasted with the human love. "It Is as
much tho function of the heart to love,"
said he, "as It Is to pump blood through
the system. We might tell our heart to
of the Season Monday in Cloak Dept.
Skirt and Waist Department
Women's skirts, mado of excellent qual
ity taffeta, very wide, deep llnro flounce,
trimmed with four rows of tucked taffeta,
od here In Omaha for $10.00; Itayden's
price, $6.08.
Women's silk skirts, made of better qual
ity taffeta, elaborately trimmed with laco
applique, with pleated flounce; told In this
town as n bargain for $12.00; Haydcn's
price, $9.50.
Women's silk sklrtB, elaborately tucked
and trimmed with lace: magnificent gar
ments; wo bought all these cheap; worth
$25.00; Haydcn's price, $15.00.
Tho greatest crowding and tho greatest
xelllng of women's wash waists we ever had
and tho prices will be lower than ever
Wash waists at 19c.
Wash waists, trimmed with Insertion and
embroidery, at 39c.
Wash waists, In colors and white, lawns,
'dlmttlcs, percales and other materials;
worth up to $2.00, for 60c.
Great Jewelry Sale
Special values for Monday:
William Roger,' 12 dwt. knives and forks
at $2.26 per set.
William Rogers' dessert spoons, best
per set, fl9c.
William Rogers' dessert spoons, best
grade, per bet, $1.69.
nerry spoons, plo knives, salad spoons, at
Gravy ladles, 19c.
Wallace Rros.' 1S35 soup ladlci, OSc. Every
pleco warranted.
Lemonade Jugs, silver mounted, good Iml
To Mothers of Doys
We Invite you to visit tho inmost nml
most complete children's clothing depart
ment in Omaha. Nowhcro else can you
And such a great assortment of all tho
nobby new Ideas; nowhere can you buy
the best makes at such economical prices.
Fp'r Monday we put on salo 830 boys'
bulls, 'this summer's best styles closed out
Men's 75c Summer
Men's fine Dnlhrlzirnn Shirts anil Draw
era, made In plain nnd fancy colors, shirts
made with pearl buttons and silk finished ;
drawers mado with pearl buttons, holdup
btraps and outside bands, regular 75c qual
ity,' on sale at 25c.
Boys' $1.00 Shirl Waists 29c.
A t)lg assortment In nil tho best fabrics I "Mothers' Friend" brand, worth up to $1.50
and patterns, In" all- sizes, tho well known will bo on sale Monday at 29c. ' '
Ladies' Furnishings
rancy rarnsois in great variety oi very
pretty designs on cole at special reduced
Children's very handsome Parasols at
15c Up.
Ladles' and Children's Hose, In plum and
fancy colors, Hcrmsdort dye, seamless and
Wall Paper
The only complete stock of Wall Paper
t,o .select, from In the city at prlcos lower
than ever.
Gocd White nianks, regular 5c qualities,
at 3a per roll.
Good Gilt Papers at 5o per roll.
Drug Department
Hood's Sarsaparllla C0c
Uwarop Root 75c
Pierce's Medicines Ii9c
Vlnkham's Compound 09c
FlR Syrup 25o
Foot Comfort 13c
Mcnnen's Talcum Powder 12c
Guaranteed Pile Cure ISc
flottle Perfume, 5c and lOo
Terfuine, per ounce 10c
Great Auction Sale on Carpets and Draperies
from the Chicago Auction Sale.
Haydcn's bought only the newest and
choicest lot. Not an Injured pleco In the
entire purchase. All fresh, now, clean
poods. Prices most astonlshly low.
Cottop cbaln, extra super Ingrains, worth
60c yard, 39c.
All tho medium wool Ingrains, sold all
season at die and 70c, for 49c.
t All the best all wool Ingrain Twills and
other best makes, eold all season at 75c
ind 85c, at 59c.
30x60 Smyrna, Rugs, worth $2.00, 9Sc.
30xC0 Wilton Rugs, worth $2.50, $1.23.
All tho sample mg lengths ct Wilton, Ax-
cease pumping blood, but It would go on
pumping Just the same. We might say, 'I
will shut out from my life, the love of all
human creature,' but It would be vain, for
It Is natural for the heart to love some
thing. Many times It Is not nn exalted
love. The French have a saying that 'Love
Ik a double egotism,' but this applies to tho
kind of love as defined In tho dictionary and
not to tho kind tho Dlblo speaks of. They
ore as different as the sun and tho moon.
And this Is not a bad Illustration, as scien
tists tell us that the light of tho moon Is
Imply reflected from the sun, and so tho
Infinite love of God pales the love of earthly
things, which shall pass away.
"Tho lovo of Ood Is apparent In all the
walks of life. The principles of It aro built
Into the foundation stones of tho nations
themselves, and the nation .of which this Is
, not truo Is foredoomed to destruction. You
I may tulk about the law of evolution and
I tho survival of the fittest as much as you
I will, hut when the hand of Cod Almighty
appears we seo they aro tho biggest He that
I was ever uttered.
Clvlllriitloti I .Mmi-Miiitr.
"It Is written tlmt 'If any man love the
world tho love of God Is not In hlm,' and
you ask, 'How can this bo? Docs this deny
to us the natural human loves thu love of
mother, tho lovo of wife, of child?' By no
means. You must remember that the Dlble
Is a translation and that the word 'world'
In the original Greek was 'cosmos,' which
means tho arrangement of things civiliza
tion. Civilization Is a man-mado thing,
and In many of Its phases might properly
bo termed devlllzatlon. It Is this we arc
forbidden to love. Tho love of God Is ever
lasting; that of man for man tho human
lovo Is fleeting and shall pass nwuy."
Until, Hie True 0'iiiitcrt.
For tho evening service the evangelist
choRo his text from tho first chapter of
Ruth, using the picture of the three women
Naomi, Orpha and Ruthto typify tho
threo classes of converts to tho Christian
"Tho church today Is no worse than It
wan then," he said. "You will hear pco
plo talk about the decadence of tho church,
Unnuestionahlv the
Greatest Offerings
Ffnc Imported waists, trimmed and mado
up In tho most elaborate styles; mado of
fine Imported linens, lawns and other fash
ionable fabrics, nt $3.00, $1.00, $5.00, $6.00
and up to $12.00.
Women's Eton Jackets mado of excellent
quality taffeta In clusters of tucks, lined
with Skinners' satin. Wo bought them
cheap. They coU you $12.00 chowhore. Wo
will sell them for. $4.50.
COO wash suits made from finest wash ma
terials, with two and three rows of flounces,
trimmed with Insertion and laco; the waist
mado In bolero styles, elaborately trimmed
with laco and Insertion, with tho new cuff,
trimmed with lace, In all desirable patterns
and figures. An excellent lot of wnrm
weather suits. We bought tbe3o exceed
ingly cheap. They were made by the manu
facturer to sell at $7.50 to $12.50. Monday
wo will sell them for $3.50.
Another lot of women's wash suits, all
tho nowest styles, not nn old garment
among them, worth $6.50. On sale for, esch,
tatlon cut glass: Monday's sale nrlre. J1.4R
Silver plated Ico pitchers, beat quadruplo
plate, at $2.48.
Good silver plated knives and forks, per
set, $1.50.
Sterling sliver teaspoons, dessert spoons,
tablespoons, bon bon, orange, and olive
spoons, solid silver cream ladles. Jelly
spoons, and nfter coffee- spoons a most
astonishing variety.
Solid silver napkin rlncs. 60e.
Silver plated napkin rings, 49c.
to us for snot cash bv the well imwn
ufacturors, Cane. McCaffrey & Co. These
will go In four lots, at 95c, $1.75, $2.50 and
$3.50; none worth less than $1.73 and up
to $7.50.
Hayden's Is tho only stnro where you
can find the new Ideas In boys' clothing.
Underwear at 25c
Men's $1,23 Lisle Underwear nt r.hnn
lot of Men's flno Lisle Thread Shirts nnd
Drawers, tho Otis Underwear tho best
brnnd made all silk finished nnd mado to
sell nt $1.25; on sale at 60c.
every pair warrautcd; regular 23o valuer
Ladles' and Children's fjne Llslo sto'ek
Ings in Hermsdorf dye, plain and fancy
colors, regular 60c values at 25c.
Ladles' fine Jersoy Ribbed Drawers, um
brella stylo, lace trimmed, now French
bands, regular 60o values, on salo at 25c.
and Paints
Extra flno embossed Gilts at n., ,n
The best ready mixed Taint on tho mar
ket nt OSc per gnllon.
Wo havo also varnishes, stains, enamels,
brushes nnd room moulding, all at greatly
reduced prices.
Florida Water. 7Rr. wtin
Elder Flower Soap, 3 cakes....
Tar Soap, 3 cakes
Hard Water Soap, 3 cakes
loiiot aoap, 2 uoxos
Shandon Ucllo Soap, per box i9Q
Whlto Tar Paper, per box i8C
Moth Ralls, 3 lbs. for jn0
Paris Green, per Ib ;oc
Roach Powder, per ib ', ;sc
minster, Moquette and Rrussels Carpets,
25c, 39c, 59c, 76c and OSc.
Fine Nottingham Curtains, all good pat
terns and very .desirable, 39c to $2.50 pair.
RruesolB and Irish Point, $2.48 upwards
pair. '
Tapestry Curtains, every ono a bargain,
from $1.98 pair up.
Curtain Scrim, 3c yard.
Sllkollno, flno quality, 5c yard.
Drapery Fringe, 3o yard.
Drapery Cretonne, So yard,
Oriental Tapestry Pillow Covers, 2oo
but If you will turn to Christ's message In
the Book of Rovolatlons you will find that
tho church of that time fell far below tho
standard of tho Ideal church. Dut, you
say, the church Is divine, why, then, Ib It
not perfect? Mecause. It Is mado up of
men and women, with all their human
"It Is a common thing In the bible for
women to be used to typify tho church,
and so we sco them In this first book of
Ruth. The three women represent tho
three classes of converts exactly as we
find them today. There was Naomi, tho
mother-in-law of Orpha and Ruth, who rep
icscnts the backslider In the church; Orpha,
who represents tho weak, superficial con
vert, anil Ruth, who represents tho true
Ill .Mrn(tr In tlir Mm of Athens
AlMillm Attn to Mm of Oiuitliii.
Rev. A. C. Hirst, pastor of tho First
Methodist church, spoke Sunday morning
on tho thomo of "The Unknown Ood," ad
dressing his remarks to tho utterances of
tho Apostlo Paul on Mars hill In tho city of
Athens. He drew a poetic plcturo of tho
beauty of tho city In that day, and de
scribed In detail tho statues that wero built
to the gods, the heroes nnd the passions,
which the pcoplo were wont to worship with
sinful revelries. It was In truth a city of
Idolaters nt tho time when Paul went
nmong tho pagan philosophers and sought
to leach tho living Christ. Dr. Hirst ills-
cussed the tendency of humanity to find
Ood by Intuition and each man sought to
Idealize n god that partook of his own nt
tributes. No god conceived by man could
approach the divinity of Christ. It was
among these worshipers of gods of human
creation that Paul went to preach the
truths of Christianity. There were great
minds in that day In Athens, and ninny of
tno men or thnt city havo come down to us
In history. When Paul faced them nnd
sought to lead their minds to the fnlth he
preached he faced a task which required
more skill, tact and courago than thnt of
any of tho conquerors of tho world's his
tory. Paul had the art of the Greek, tho
conscience of tho Hebrew niid the courage
of tho Roman, and there wan consummate
tact In tho utterances with which ho sought
to lend the thoughts of tho pagan worship
ers to thoughts of the Christ ho hnd come
to preach to them.
"For as I passed by, nnd beheld your de
votions, I found nn Hltar fvlth this Inscrip
tion, 'To the Unknown God.' Whom there
fore ye Ignorantly worship, Hlm declare I
unto you."
Taking the various utterances of Paul the
speaker depleted how apt and forcible thoy
wero to nppeal to tho thoughts of his hear
ers, "For In Him we live and move and
hnvo our being," nnd "Ho hath made of one
blood all nations of men for to dwell on all
tho face of the earth," Hut the masterpiece
of his eloquence and tact was In his assur
ance, "Rccuuso He hnth appointed a day In
which He will Judge tho world in righteous
ncs by that man whom He hath ordained."
Dr. Hirst took his hearers back to tho
Athens of history, to tho historic struc
tures and marvelous statuary, and drew n
plcturo of Paul ns he stood nmong the Eol-
curcan nnd Stole philosophers to eomhat
tneir pagan philosophy. Ho told of the ef
fect It had upon tho multitude and how
Dlonyslus, tho Areopaglto and tho woman
named Damarls wero touched by his dis
cussion and accepted his teachings.
From the story Dr. Hirst drew a picture
of people of this 'day to avoid knowing God,
pointing out tho way to know Him. Men
are too much given to forgetting Hlm In
temporal nffnlrs and to knowing Him only
In those relating to eternity.
Dr. TnrMc AilitrrxnrN the Coiikituii
llon nt KniintzR Memorial,
Rov. A. J. Turklo preached yesterday nt
Kountze Memorial church. Ho was greeted
by a largo congregation and expressed his
delight at being permitted to occupy again
the pulpit which ho tilled for many years.
Rov. Turkle was particularly pleased with
tho Improvements In the church building
and aasurcd tho congregation that there Is
no more beautiful house of worship In tho
general synod.
"It shall bo well with them that fear
God" was tho therao of his morning ser
mon. Particular stress was laid upon tho
necessity of unwavering faith In God, the
sort of faith which Is not Influenced by
"There nro those who think that doubt is
n sign of mental acumen," said Rev. Turkic
"It Is a sign of mental Immaturity and
shows that the mind lacks the power to nr
rlvo at conclusions. Nothing Is weaker
than the agnostic's answer, 'It may be so.
I don't know.'
"In striking contrast to tho unsettled
mental condition of such n man Is tho
faith of n Christian who bravdly moots
sorrows nnd adheres to his belief In nn
nll-puwerful being who does all things
well. Tho mind of such a man Is like the
noonday sun, while tho hazy mcntnl pro
cesses of tho agnostic ure like tho twi
light. "It is marvelous to find the spirit of a
Fanny Crosby sending; forth sweet praises
of God from surroundings of grief nnd
sorrow. Faith transcends nlli It brings
tho soul Into communion with God and
points out tho glorious futuro that awaits
those who have accepted a father's lovo."
A PriMHirntlon Hint Will lleittroy the
Dniulriirr (Jit ni lllfiru vitciI.
Finally the scientific student has discov
ered a certain remedy for dandrufT. When
It tlrst beenmo known thnt dandruff Is the
result of a germ or parasite thnt digs Into
the scalp nnd saps tho vitality of hair at
tho root, cnuslng falling hair nnd hnldness,
biologists set to work to discover some
prepnrntloti that will kill that germ. After
a year's lnbor In ono laboratory the dan
druff germ destroyer was discovered and
It Is now embodied In Newbro's Hcrplclde,
which, besides curing baldness ntid thinning
hair, speedily nnd permanently eradicates
dandruff. "Destroy tho cause, you remove
the effect."
Ragtime every other number at Roll
stedt's concert tonight. A program to pleaso
Xotlce to Com motors.
Scaled proposals will ho received at the
store of W. R, Dennett Co., 15th and Cap
itol avenue, Omaha, Neb., until 12 m., Sat
urday, Juno 15, 1901, for the construction
of the W. R, Dennett Ilulldlng company's
building-, located at ICtli and Harney
streets, Omaha, Nob., according to plans,
specifications nnd conditions ns furnished
by Fisher ft Lnwrle, architects, Paxton
block, Omaha, Nob. Plans and specifica
tions can be seen at the office of the abovo
architects or at W. R. Bennett company's
store. Tho right Is reserved to reject any
or all bids.
-SllMl Awful I
$14.75 to Chicago and return July 12, 13,
14 and 15. Gocd till September 16. Corre
spondingly low rates during the summer to
Detroit, Clovoland, Cincinnati, Duffalo ex
position. All via
1401-1W3 Farnam stret.
Special facilities for securing low rates,
berths and Information regarding steamer
trips on the great lakes.
Kniimi City and rtvttirn.
On June 10th and 11th the Missouri Pa
cific will sell round trip tickets to Kansas
City at very low rntes. For further In
formation call or address company's agents,
S, E. corner 14th and Douglas streets.
.T. I'. GODFREY, 1'. and T. A.
Sunday School Pupils Show Their Christian
Training and Ltarning.
HlKtitrcii novo nml lllrls, tirnilnntcN
from dm tntrriiirillntr I)einr
niiMit of First CiniKrcjtn
tlonnl Sunday School.
It has become the custom In tho Congre
gational, Presbytorlan nnd some of the
other churches to set aside the second Sun
day In Juno of each year for tho children
of the Sunday schools to demonstrate In
special exercleca what they have accom
plished In Christian training and learning.
On this annual occasion, which has come to
bo known as Children's day, the boys and
girls of the Sunday schools arc put on dress
parado for tho edification of their parents
nnd older friends, nnd their exercises, com.
posed of blhlo drills, songs, recitations nnd
readings, were given In many of tho O ma lit
churches cstorday morning nnd last even
At the First I'oiiRremitlniinl.
Children's day nt the First Congregational
church was celebrated by a special servlco
In the forenoon, In which all of tho Sunday
school pupils participated. Eighteen boys
nnd girls were graduated from the Inter
mcdlato department of tho Sunday school
and each member of tho graduating class
was presented with a bible by tho pas'or,
Rev. II. C. Herring.
Recltntlons by members of tho class,
vocal solos nnd tho singing of hymns mado
up the program, In addition to n brief ad
dress by the pastor, who complimented the
graduates upon their Christian work and
predicted for them n most useful and bene
flclal experience in the church.
Thero was a profusion of palms, ferns nnd
cut flowers In the church cdlllco and at the
conclusion of the exercises each member of
tho drat nnd second classes In the Sunday
school was presented with n geranium
At tho Plymouth Congregatlonnl church
tho Children's day exercises were held In
the evening nnd the program was replete
witn praiseworthy features, After tho tro
ccsslonnl there was a responsive rending
by tho children of the Sundny school. Red
tatlons wero given by Philip Lehmer. Jnmes
Leyden, Rose Oordy. Margaret Thornton.
Htlllnrd Holbrook, Edwin Hush nnd Howard
Canon, well written essays were read by
Raymond Hllllard, William fiallard and
Wnrrcn Chrlstensen, several songs were
splendidly given by tho Sunday school chll
dren nnd Interesting numbers wero contrlh
uted by Marian Snmson, Mnrgaret Smith
nnd Helen Thornton nnd by tho classes of
Miss Raker nnd Miss Mock. A motion song
by tho primary department wns a unique
and pleasing feature. The auditorium of
the church was beautifully decorated with
plants nnd-(lowers.
KxcrrlNcn at Oilier Churches.
Children's day exercises wero also given
at tho St. Mary's Avenuo nnd Hillside Con
gregational churches, tho First, Westmin
ster, Cnstellar Street, Lowo Avenuo and
Knox Presbyterian churches, tho HnnBiom
Park, Trinity and Seward Street Methodist
churches, the Graco Daptlst church, the
First United Presbyterian church, the First
United Evangelical church and the People's
Chnlrrn Mnrliun n ItniiKcrmm I)lNnc.
In ninny Instances nttneks of cholcru
morbus terminate, fntnlly beforo medicine
can bo procured or .i physician summoned.
Tho safe way Is to keep nt hunil a reliable
medicine for use In such cases. For this
purpose there Ismotlilng so sure ns Cham
berlain's Colic,- Cholern and Diarrhoea
Remedy. W. E. Bosworth of Lafayette,
Alnbamn, says: "In Juno, 1900. I had n
serious nttack of cholcru morbus and ono
dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und
Diarrhoea Remedy gave mo relief in fif
teen minutes." For salo by nil druggluts.
Vln Hock Inlnnil Ilnutr.
Juno 12, 13, 14, 15. Chicago and return
Juno 8, 9 and 10, St. Paul and return
Juno IS to 30, Denver nnd return $19.
June 18 to 30, Colorado Springs and ro-
turn $19.
July 1 to 9, Denver nnd return $15.
July 1 to 9, Colorado Springs and return
July 4, 5 and 6, Cincinnati nnd return
July S, 6, and 7, Detroit and return $22.
July 6 to 13, San Francisco and return
Every day Buffalo and return $23.76.
Also vory low rates to all summer resorts.
City ticket office, 1323 Farnam street.
Noblcn Turn Their KnoUlcp TiMvniil
the Nntlounl Con volition nt
KaimnN City.
Fifty members of Zuhrah temple. Nobles
of tho Mystic Shrine, arrived In Omaha
from tholr home city, Minneapolis, yester
day morning and during the brief period
of their stay wero royally entertained by
tne members of Tangier temple, tho locnl
organization of Shrlners.
Tho Minncsotons wero on their way to
the national Shrlncr convention, which Is
In session In Kansas City this week, con
tinuing through'Monday, Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday. They came in over tho
Illinois Central railway at 8:30 nnd were
ushored to the Dellone hotel for breakfast
and a confab with members of their clan
In Omaha. At 10 o'clock they departed on
two special cars over tho Missouri Pacific
rond, reaching their destination at 5:20 last
Omaha Shrlners will not leave till noon
todny, when 100 of them will board a. spe
cial on tho Burlington road, arriving In
Kansas City for a lato dinner tonight. A
vast number of Shriners from over tho
country will attend tho convention. Tho
smaller meetings will bo held In tho
Masonic temple, while Convention hall will
be tho sceno of tho large gatherings.
The lack of energy you feel, the back
acho and a run down condition generally, all
mean kidney disorder. Foloy's Kidney Curo
will restore your strength nnd vigor by
making tho kidneys well. Take no substi
tute. Ragtime every other number nt Roll
stedt's concert tonight. A program to pleaso
Mortem Woodmen,
Lowest rates,
Special accommodations,
St. Paul and return
"The Northwestern Line,"
June 8 to 11.
1401-1403 Farnam street.
Publish your legal notlcej .u The W;kly
Re. Telephone 23S.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Roe.
We will give them proper logal Insertion.
Telephone 233.
Ten nollnra.
To St. Paul and return,
account M. W, A. convention.
"Tho Northwestern Line,"
1401-1403 Farnam streot.
Dr. R. D, Mason.rectal surgery.Browa blU
Men's All Wool Gossimsre Suits in brokun plaid
Italian serge lining, elegantly runde and trimmed, piped neutus and cut
In the latest fashion real $12.00 suits for
Men's All Wool Gussimere Suits in a pretty lino
tatln piped, oxtrn quail y satin llnlug, perfectly tailored, regular
prlco elsewhere $12.60 hero for
Men's Pure Worsted Suits in fancy patterns,
of gray mixture, trimmed with thu best quality of trimmings. Your
morchant tailor would say $25.00 If made to order cur prlco only....
Men's Blue Sene Suits All wool wide wale, pock
ets stayed, eatin piped soutns, seams ull sowed with puro dye
stilt and tho stitches havo just tho proper tension to avoid break
ing. Its tho hoit suit iti Omaha for tho money ru:il value
$12.50 our price only
The clothing we carry is absolutely the bsst mado
in A merica. We have free choice of the jlncM production of the yrc if
est mMiiM'tictttrmaw! you are limited to no one man's idtn vf style, or
color, or pattern, or ship;, for ice offer the pickjrom all the acknotcl
cdyed leaders in clothuu.dcm.
Before you glvo up your money todny Just compare any ndvertlsed
10, 12 or 15 dollar suits sold elsewhere.
Thero Is somethlnc nhnm
' tiiuiini Hill)
plngB thnt seems to imhtm nn .u
- un mi ca
trnordlnnry spirit of enthusiasm and when
ever n play Is brought out In which char
acters wcnrlnc tho bnnii
- ft . " -w...w Minimum
of Lnclo Sam's Infantrymen or the yollow- trousers, top uoots nnd sabers of
his cavalrymen nredoml
caslonnl view of old Klory i3 RVCn. It Is
i..uiiy sure to ue well received If tho piece
Itself Is passably cood nml nnlv rnii., .ti
presented by even n mediocre company.
rnvoriio son,- which Is tho piny of
fercd by the Ferris Stnw rnmn.. -
nrst half of this week, nnd which hnd Its
nimai presentntlon Sunday night, Is a
play of this stylo am! L ih .,i...n
or hclng well presented by a capable com
pany, it B what might be termed strictly
a military drama, being on tho order of
inc i,in j Loft Behind Mo" nnd "Ari
zona" and seems to fit the capabilities of
the Ferris nlavers holt
offered by them hinco their engagement
Tho Sunday nlcht nudiVnro
a record-breaker In both size and en
thusiasm. Every seat In the theater was
occupied, ns well as all the available stand
ing room nnd many who came late wero ro
fused admission. The fnct that tho play
met full approbation was thoroughly
demonstrated and nil of tho strong scenes,
of which thero nre many In the piny, wero
enthusiastically applauded.
It WOllld 1)0 Ullfillr In mnnllnn ,- i.
of ono of tho Individual members of tho
cunipmiy anove that of another, for each
ono In the cast is equally deserving nnd all
handled tholr parts In a commendahlo man
'A Favorite Son" rnnllnimi until ti-.
day, when "Sapho" will be produced.
At KniK I'nrk.
Tho weather
crowd at tho popular Krug park yesterday,
notwithstanding a good-sized crowd availed
themselves of tho various cntortulnments
offered. Relng under roof, the shooting
galleries, merry-go-round, cafe and bowl
ing nlleys wero tho most favored. Tho
Lorenz concert band gave two concerts,
both Of which worn ilnllcl,tr,,i
being nil selected. The snnaniinnai
",....... ,uu., ILUIUIO
of Morris Rros,' dog nnd pony show wns
Innlf M 4 1 M .
n, me lamous leaping cat, tho
animal that mado tho pnrnchute leap from
tho Ferris wheel nnd tho Masonic temple
In Chicago.
l 1th a nlenrtnt- nn,l
. ,, ..aiiuui up III
weather the popular park will again enjoy
n big pntronare. Tho nttractions aro high
class, tho conduction of tho park strictly
on n plan suited to women nnd children
nnd It Is n delightful placo to spend tho
nut-1 uuiiu huu evening.
Ragtime every othor number at nell.
stedt's concert tonight. A program to pleaso
su.MMKu nxcuitsiov HATES.
Vln the Mllunukre ItnllTrny.
July 12, 13, 14 and 15, Omaha to Chleaeo
and return, $14.76.
July 4, C and 6, Cincinnati and return.
July o, (i and 7, Detroit and return, $22.
July 20, 21 and 22, Milwaukee nnd return.
Low rates to summer resorts.
City ticket odlce, 1501 Farnam Rt. Tel. 2S4.
Ofllclul llnute in St, 1'jiul.
The Illinois Central has been selected na
tho official lino for tho Modern Woodmen
to tno Head Camp meeting at St. Paul.
Juno 10-15.
In addition to recular trains, a "Wnrul.
man Special" train will leave Omaha Sun
day ovenlnK. Juno 0. at 8:30 n m. nntiv
$10 for tho round trln. For full rmrtlpulnr'i
and ropy of handsomely Illustrated circular,
can on or nciaress w. II. Drill. I). r. A..
I. U. it, H 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, Nfb
Moileru Wiinilincii.
Lowest rates,
Special accommodations,
St. Paul and return
"The Northewcstern Line,"
Juno S to 11,
1101-1403 Farnam street.
ThciiIj-I'Ivp In tin- Clnx,
GRAND ISLAND, Nob., June 0. (Spc
clal.) Tho baccalaureate sermon to tho
graduates of tho High school wns delivered
In tho opera house this morning by Rov.
L, A. Arthur, rector of tho Uplscopai
church. The graduating exorcises will bo
In the oporn house Thursday evening. Thero
nro twonty-flvo In tho class.
Allen Halverson of West Prairie, Wis,,
says: "People romo ten miles to buy Fo
ley's Kidney Cure," while J. A. Spero of
Ilolmer, Ind says1 "It Is the medical
wonder ol lbs ng."
S P Er- 1 !l
$12 Men's Suits for $7.50
Not laid back on. a special table and only shown when
asked jor, but piled up in the most conspicuous place on
our clothing Jloor that all may see,
Men's All Wool Suits in black
cheviot with pin strlpe.i, extra good qual
ity lining, elegantly tailored, worth $12, for
oil wool Gray Mix Suits
tailored with tho greatest rare, shaped
with perfection nnd nothing Is left to bo
desired In trimming and finish, worth
$12.00, for
Arrnimrincii t Mmlr to l!u(i-rliilti
.Mnny t'nrloml I, nl lit Oninliu
i'otlii) .
A large delegation of lornl freight agents
and their Indies, numbering over t00. will
t be In Omaha today, and will ho tho guests
of the Omaha Association of Local Freight
! Agents, who will bo assisted In the enter
I talnment of the visitors by the members
I of tho Omaha Commercial club. They will
arrive on two special trains. The dele
gates from southern territory will comu m
over tho Missouri Pacific 7:30 o'clock on a
speclnl train of fourteen sleeping cars.
I Tho eastern delegates will eomo In over the
I Rurllngton nt 8:30. They will bo taken to
tho Millard hotel, where brenUfast will ho
served, after which they will be the gueat.i
of the Council Illuffs Association of Locnl
Freight Agents.
Tho entertainment on the other side of
tho river, the tlmo bolng necessarily very
limited, will bo confined to n quick trip to
Lako Mnnawn and return. The party will
then conic back to Omnhn and nt 10 30 o'clock
they will meet nt the depot a special train
of fourteen sleepers, bringing from Chi
cago the delegates from enstern territory.
The consolidated delegations will tako
street cars Immediately for South Omaha,
whero thoy will visit the packing houses
and tho stock yards, nnd partake of lunch
and refreshments, which will bo sorvod In
each of tho pnriclng house.
Returning to Omaha they will enjoy n
trolley rldo nround the city, visiting Hans
corn park and other places of public In
Lake Mannwn nnd return,
tercst. At 2 o'clock they will assemble at
tho concert pavilion, whero short nddresse.i
will be made by Mayor Moores, R. W.
llrcckenrldgo nnd J. A. Munroe, nnd n re
ply by J. A. Judge of Leavenworth.
At 1 30 o'clock thoy will attend tho first
rehenrsal of the public school children In
connection with the Delisted! Concert band.
No ono will bo permitted to attend this
rehearsal excopt the visiting railroad men
and their Indies, The Commercial club,
through the Musical Festival commltteo
and Mr. Bcllstedt, mado nrrongements for
tho presenco of tho strangers nt this re
hearsal, as It was their only opportunity
to hear thn band.
At 5:30 they will leave for Denver. An ex
curslon to Salt Lako City over tho Colorado
Southern, Colornrlo Midland nnd .Dcnvor &
Rio Grande Western railroads will follow
tho Denver meeting.
Tho special Invitation extended by the
Union Pacific rnlwny to tho delegates to
return from Salt Lako City over that rond
has been accepted, and they will mako tho
entire trip ennt over tho Union Pacific to
Denver, nnd thence over the enmo lino to
Omaha nr Kansas City, as each dtiegato
may elect.
We ship goods to out-of-town people
HUT tho ensh miiKt come with the order,
together with 23o for enrtnge, unless cnodn
can bo sent by express or mall, hh t'nelo
Sam nor the red wagons do not chnrgo for
taking their stuff to tho train. No casli
no goods; no books no bookkeeper.
Sexlne IMIlii 7.1n
Hlinoii'n llrstorntlvn Tonic TOe
Trinptnt Ion Ton In (ir.o
Hire's Root Beer He
Whlto Ribbon Remedy (liquor Cure). M-'A
Quinncotol (latest out for colds) c
l'inkiiain'H Compojnd t!e
Peruna (why, certnlnly) 5D.'
Prickly Ash Hitters ic
Duiiii'k Kidney Pills :9c
Dodd's Kidney Pills :e rPc
West's Hrnln and Nerve Treatmont .... ',"e
Tnniy, rotten Hoot and Pennyroyal
Pills (2.01) h7d) i",e
Ilclladonna Plasters "e
Ilor's Malt Whisky 7',e
Ocm Cnturrh Powder ma
Uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure IV
All kinds of Rubber Ooods nt cut pri .
Tel. 717. S. W. Cor. Jlllli unit rlilciiKo.
Goods delivered FRRK to any part of city.
Drug Slaughter.
Peruna 5c
Mermen's Talcum Powder !0c
(From h n. m. till p. m. only nt this pilce)
Ilring money -and wo will show you tho
goods nnd the prices.
West's 'Nerve nnd Hrnln 'Irentmcnt ivc
Uncle Sam's Tobaco 'ur 1o
50o Hinds' Honey nnd Almond Cream
60c Pozzonl's Powder tor . .. . Jtie
23c Thompson's Cherry Phosphnto for Do
25o Tetlow's Swan Down for 10o
$1,0) Hurnham'H riawnpiirlllu for 4'J,
23c Stuart's Arnica. Salvo for Ho
;;c Carbolic Salvo for He
$l,U) Warner s iok i aimi Barsaparuia rjc
Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go.
"Tim Drug Store on tho Corner."
Cheap Rates
Via the
The places, tho round trip
rates, nnd tho dates of sale
mny bo found bolow. All
other dotnllo may bo had for
the asking nt the Durllngtou
ticket odlce.
CHICAGO, $14,75,
Jt'NB II!, Iti, 14 AMI l.f.
BUFFALO, $25,75
J l I.V I, ft nml II.
DETROIT, $22.00,
.ILLY n, II AM) 7.
.11 I.Y II TO HI.
MILWAUKEE, $16.75,
Jt 1,1 1!0, nml 'JV.
TO lll..M)Iti:i)S OF OTIIICIl
ticket orricn
1502 l arnam St.,
Telephone 250.
Burlington Station.
lOtliand Mason Sis..
Telephone 128
A. Mayer Co.,
Phone 1716
Re-No-May Powder
Net only relieves, but positively cures all
disorders of tho feet, stops odorous pcrspl.
ration, cures tender, swollen nnd painful
Pricj 50 Cents.
For Sale by all Druggists
and Glove Dealers
Consultation Freo from 2 to t.
When ordering by mail add ! cents for
Ito-.No-Mny Skin Food for facial massage.
IlC'N'o-.May Cream tofious and whltons
the hands and fact,,
ImIm n imimB iIVI
BOOKS '"th" Ave!'
wvwimw Omaha. Nob.