SffcCiAL K0T1CES Adrertlsctneuta tor these column will t take until IS in. for (lie ermine edition nnil nntll H Ml j. m. fur innralnR find Similar edition. Rate, X 1-Sc a nutd Oral Insertion, le a rrtl thereafter. Nothing mkrn for less tbnn Xfie. tor the first lner tlon. Tbrtr dTertlteatati most br ran eoaseca tlTely. Ail ertlarra, by reqnestlnar a nan herrii rhrrk. ran hare ninrri a d - mini In a i.i.l.rrril letter In car i of The nee. Anintn .o addrea.ed will be dellrered o. preaentatloa at th ataak oaly ITt ATIO W AVriJIl. 3'TtAT10N vanted t. V.ftokkeeper of x pfritnet and sood habit Good refr- es on reriuest to C Bfe A-lfc-H' v ANTno .male inn.i'. WANTED We have steady work lor u few rood hustlers of cood hablta and appear ar.ee C. I". Adams Co., ItBS Howard St B-M8 BARBER trade taught thorotlahly In short time; catalogue and particular" free. Western Barbirs' Institute, Omaha, Neb u-m WANTED, man with horse and light aprlng waeon. Ifl7 Howard St. B-M4C HCSTLINO and energetic men, don't be Idle; write the Hawk Nursery Co., Mil waukee, Wis., lor special terms and territory-. B-MM6 Jcgl' WANTED, at once, two experienced acci dent Inr.urnnce solicitors; salary and com mission paid live men. Address Treas urer. Room !i Columbian llldg.. Topeka, Kansas. li-Tj) 11 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; WO monthly paid graduates; Just completed arrangements to tilnw our barbers on j Cnc irnina, oiner posuions uiso, eigiu weeks (omplctc, tools nrcHcnted, call ti ilnj. Molur liarber College, VZ Farnam street. 11-335 WANTED, fifty good responsible district or. gnnlzcrs for Iowa. Missouri. Nebtusku, llbernl pay F. F. Roose, Fraternal Union of America, Omaha, Neb. U M3S0 in WANTED, exjicrlenccd bench and machine huiicis, cutters and rippers; steady work. Kood wngi'i.; non-union preferreu. cres lont Planing Mill Co.. St Louis. Mo. U-Stf'J 1C BE sure that you get Die Prince of Omaha, nnd don't thke a substitute. It Is the .nly tc cigar of Its kind B MBOs 11 THE Equitable LJfc of New York wi" make 0elrali1c contracts with one or more bnMhes gettera In Colorado and Wyoming A good renewal contract Is offered to the right man. References as to Integrity anu ability to ncrompaiiy applications. C. A. Stcyn, Manager. Denver, Colo. B Mils 20 WANTED. Smith-Premier operator capable of Instructing business department public school The Smith-Premier Tpcwrlttr Co B-r: 10 ALE6Mli WANTED. SALESMEN for pen carbon copying books and her Quick selling olllce specialties, fine side lines; catalogue free, earn S2 weekly. Model Mfg. Co , Box B. South Bend, Ind. Mia Jel4' WA.VTIJU FKMALU III: LI. W ANTED. 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. E76. WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator, must have had good experience. Apply room 22U, Bee building. C j2 RELIABLE help. Canadian ofllce, 1522 Doug. C SOI WANTED, girl for general housework. 1050 Georgia Ave. C 1& COMPETENT 2225 Farnam. girl general housework. C-SEi WANTED, ladles to learn halrdrcssing, manicuring or massage; unusual demand tor graduates Jn account of summer Te non positions; $12 to S15 weekly paid. Catalogue! mailed Iree. Moler College, ltLM Farnam weet- - ' C M3J1 12 WANTED, bright, capable lady to travel unri apiiolnt agents, must be In good lieclth, unincumbered und furnish tirst cims reteretiecji, aalary Jlw per month und all expenses, position permanent, no oxperlen :e necessary. Salts Dept., imu Star Bldg., Chicago. C -MSS3 It WANTED, competent girl for general housework; no washing or Ironing, wuges 14. Mrs. U. H. Payne, 3W2 Lincoln boule vurd. C 345 WANTED, cook. S510 Farnam street. C 509 12 l'Olt RENT HOl.SEf. IF YOU want your houses well rented place , . I . , . , , . . . A..... " " . i O., TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage CO., uiucc. jsxis ruiiniii, ur it' I. liou-SU!. D SS HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. X3rcniitiii-i-,uc cu., m.u auum uiu aireci. D-654 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-S55 SEE HENRY B. PAY"NE, G01 N. Y. LIFE. HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. D-S57 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block, D &5S MOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D-S53 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St, V b6U TO LET. elegant large 13-room home; large lawn una oarn, .o per monin. NV. Farnam Smith Co.. 1120 Farnam St. D-M203 MODERN 7-room, near park. 1509 So. ;sth. U 106 0-ROOM house, bath and closet, 36th and Chants, wonroe at uou &u iutn St. D-M534 2739 F J2TH ST.. 7-room house, city water In kitchen; large barn and almost two acres of ground for garden; rent. $14. OMAHA LOAN TRUST CO.. ICth und Douglas Sts, D-MS23 ft'OTTAGE on Omaha Beach, Lake Okoboji. for rent. Captain Slaughter, Army Head quarters. D M543 Jcl4 FOR RENT, June 1. 6-room brick house, all modern. 316 N. 2Sd St. D 542 5314 K ST.. South Omaha. 6-room cottage In aooil repair, rent. J12.00. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. lWh and Douglas Sta. D-MS21 "MODERN 7-.-oom flat, 24th und Faniatn, J25. H. B Graham. D M559 NICE 5-room cottage, new'lj papered and painted, at 120 N. 27lh st. D-M51I If NEW, dainty cottage, 9 rooms. 29th Ave, und Dodge; ready June 1. Strictly up-to-date. Call 29?6 Dodge St. D-Mffl .11. ROOM modern house. 2413 Capitol ave nue. The O. F. Davis Co., 552 Bee Bldg. D-SU2 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat. Davldse bldg.. opposite city hall, f-room modern house, 3W Mason st.. near park, nice lawn and shade. JUH.N w. ROBBINS. 1W.' FARNAM ST. D 147 11 AN ELEGANT APARTMENT in the AL BION, 10th and raciflc tts.. of FIVE ROOMS, Janitor service, telephone, pas ranges, laundry, electric light or gas, shadee and uwningr, good neighbors. Wa will aleo have a SWELL SIX-ROOM apartment In the WINONA by July l Come in nnd see us. PATNE-KNOX CO.. Main floor, N. Y L, Bldg, D-2SS t-ROOM. strictly modern, house In flne con. dltlon. 1X3 So. 2Sth St.. S30 per month. Geo. P. Brmls, Paxton Block. D 303 FOR RENT 4174 Cass St.; very desirable monuiii coccufie, laro (H7.60. 4171 Chlcgo pt . 10-roor pointed and papered, barn, gas, KJ-Lo. modern cottage, large yara, gooa oarn. H7.60. io-room inoacrn, rrt,ni large yard, good Patterson 4 Y'ttter, O Paxton Bio-k. D- $Z- Kill tni HOI SIS. 1 iVE mil virnlshtiJ rooms; all modern 1711 ,!' nd St. D-7,- 6-Room cottage, with water. 1J1 Prk D-lli "hf'M modem house for rnt.htid farnl t :re for sale. M6 So. 26th avt. D-342 Toil KENT, two new, very attractive, east front, t-room houses, raclne Curtt T'irn-r Park, on Thirty-first avenue; will decorate to suit See owner. Hoard ul Trade Building. Phone D-M416 11 1640 DODGE. 5 rooms, modern. 1.22. Kll Dr ei axe roomf , cl t y 'a' r ' 1 GAK IN BKOS.. 161 FAftNAl,7 city water, iu. 10 Von KENT, furnished houne for the months of July and August. Apply 1LU ; w .sin si. .me- ii roil Itll.vr KtK.MsllEU KOUMS. DEWEV, European hotel, llth and Farnam, E-3C3 THE THURSTON, 15th and Jackson; steam. E-MU HOl'fiEKEEPING rooms, 1G up. ZOt St. Mary. E-sr-JeW SOUTH rooms IS" Capitol ave. E-MSJ7 10' TWO furnished rooms, modern, up to date; board if desired, licti 6. !2d St. E-3SJ 1U FOR RENT, three well furnished rooms, housekeeping. ISIS Pinknty St. . . t E-M4S1 10 THREE furnlthed rooms. Harney. E-Mt U 1S07 FARNAM, furnl'hcd rooms; reasonable 1-Mf.lb 11' CHOICE, newly furnished rooms, thor oughly modern. 2"12 Douglas E-MSl'! 14 IlltMMIEU ROOMS AM) IJO.VItn. UTOPIA, 1711 Davenport St. F-Sa GLENCAlRN.tranUcnts.ll.Ia day. 10 Doug. F 36b THE Merrlam, summer resort. :i t Dodge. F 66,' NICE south room. The Pratt, S12 S.2Sth St. , F 15 I TWO large front rooms, with board. 1M0 Capitol ave. F MMi ROOM and board In private family. J51C Davenport. F 811 1. FRONT room, first-class board KM Hsr jicy. F M 4StS It) FOR HlT-l'M'lllMMIEU ROOMS. DESK room space, 13 per month, ground floor toom in The Bee building, facing Farnam street, no expense for light, heat or Janitor service K. C Peter Ac Co., Rental Ageri-. Bee building. G 116 : UNFURNISHED basement rooms in a cottage for housekeeping; no children, 1120 N 17th. G-D72 FOR 11I3NT STORES AJfll OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable Apply R. C. Peters ii Co.. ground floor. Bet Uldg. I 2CC FOR RENT, the building formerly oecu- pled by The Bee at SIC Farnam St. It has lour siones ana a oasemcm v. men w as furmerlv used as the Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C C. Hose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building, 1261 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents in every county to solicit suoscnpiions lor the TWENTIETH t'EMt'lll FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains l,40u imperial octavo pages, bOO object-teaching engravings and Is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to the cvery-lay, practical, money-saving use ol every farmer and stock owner. Steady employment with assured good Income. Aeenta In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers 4 make easily to jiuu -per inontrr. Ad drees Century Farmer Solicitor Bureau, Bee Building, Omaha. J 187 AGENTS make iC dally selling the cheapest ana most peneci water niter ever in vented; retails at fl.60. big profit, ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co.. Sen eca, Mo. J M?1S Jell STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., S12- V14 joncs, general storage ana lorwaroing. 88S OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511W Farn. Tcls. 1059-k63. 5S9 STORAGE Household goods and other articles stored at low rutes. J J. Dcrlght A- Co.. HIP Farnam st. Tel. 353. M 517 WANTED TO HI V. WANTED 60 secondhand ladles' wheels. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. lith Harney. N-2S1-JC1S WANTED To buy fire and burglar proof safe. Address, iill Farnam St. N M450 Jc20 1 WOULD like to buy an Interest In a good steam merry-go-round. Address George Rlpeiiburgh, Poplar Point, Menominee, Michigan. N-309 12 WANTED Secondhand furniture, large cr small lotx; highest prices paid; drop a tard or Tel. 77L J. Ltrlnc, 304 N. lth. N MU&-Jel3 I HAVE customers for the following lines of business located In live country town: Hardware, grocery, harness, general mer chandise, confectionery and furnished hotel. Give particulars fully in first let ter. J H. Johnson, New Y'ork Life. N 282 FOR SALE Ft It. MTI RE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2V20. New A: Jdhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged O 870 ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. 102-4 S. 14th St. Tel. 2290. New and, secondhand furniture bought, told and exchanged. v 975 JlySl FOR SALE HORSES VEHICLES. ETC. FOR SALE, top phaeton. 22t N. 19th Bt, P-M797 Je27 2 HORSES, fine .matched carriage team. H. E. Froarickson, 15th and Dodge St. P-571 Je2t GO TO H. -Frost for first-class wagon re pairing 14th and Leavenworth. Tel, 1417 P BT -5ES FOR s LE-isrKijfcjgit:oi. s. SAWDUST, cheapest voilt', poultry' and hog fence. 901 Douglas, Q-673 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Farnam, Q-S74 SAFES, buy. sell, exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 S.12. Q-S7C REPAIRS and supplies for all makes of bi cycles. Omaha Bicycle Co.. 16th & Chicago, Q 520 WIRE fence for poultry. Belgian hare, hog field or lawn. W'lre Works. C17 S- ICth St, Q-M67S J7 BIG line of secondhand wheels, S3. J5, IS, 110, Omaha Bicycle Co.. 16th ano" Chicago Sts, l.OrtO.OuO BRICK for sale. John P Weaver. 6 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. Q-M4S5 JelS FRESlTjerscy cow for sale cheap 8006 So Ninth. Q-MS36 10 FOR SALE, Rambler bicycle. Christie sad die, lamp, nearly new, 120. 325 Board of Trade. QTLi V FOR SALE. 2 oows, young and gentle at 2SS0 Webstsr st, Q-523 11 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. SIS North )th S 577 MME. GYLMER. palmist, 815 So. "SthJSt LAI MIIIV, UMAHA Steam Laundry . shirt. Jc; collars, 2t, cuffs, 4c, 1750 Leavenworth. Tel 647 522 1H OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, Jl'SE 10, 1!U1. PERSONAL. DR ROY. chrop dll. corns & s.ipfrfluou hair te.net ed d.. electricity it. ii. ltn"r i block U-7 ( PRIVATE home before and during : conntjf. , IKEi ..""" " . ?wiuciic. i VIAVA. woman way to health; rational, wholesome liom treatment. 346 Bee. Bldg. U Sil 6LPPL.1ES for all machines, machines for rent. White Stwlns Machine, lew Douc Us. Tel :. t i NEW rolltrs for clothes wrlnceis. Novelty iron and Brass Works, 1T B. 10th. 'Phone lsSa U-M7-Je:6 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger, send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure. iR2 N. 'i Lite Bulldlnt. Omaha. L W3 PRIVATE hospital for ladle before and j Grant"' SCt0n"'1Cmtnt' adpt U-SM . , M. GULUMA.N 4; -'U., oniV pericci ac- cordlon pleating plant In tne west, mail orders solicited, tiulte 2w, Douglas Block. L. 65J FRENCH ACCORDION rLEATING. mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., U:4 Douglas U SSt No better work done In any shop In Ihe world than Brown block barber shop; ueat. clean, antiseptic, lace massage, ele vator entrance ot through Tracy's. U-lW-JtH ANTED 26 secondhand typewriters. Nc braska Cycle Co., Cor. IMh and Harney. U-MJ-JelS ADROIT HAIR BASJAR New location. 1C20 Douglas, private booths for hair dressing and manicuring: ladles' tlioe shining una massaglni: U MI3& DR. CUSCADEN. 113 S. lfth. U-57S-Je:4 LEARN hypnotism; complete course by mall. 50c, palmistry, W.c, particulars free. Globe News Co., 1M5 Farnam St.. Omaha. U M21Jj-l WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemlst. Tel. IKS. Best of city references. Leave order at U19 Farnam. U TTi 10 COO BUSINESS CARDS for SI. We save you one-third on all Job printing SoeiaiUt Prlntery. 1616 Chicago fctreet. UEI3 It MME SMITH, baths. US N. lsth. 2d floor. i, Room L-2.S lir WM LEESE has removed his law nlnce from 141 Farnam to Room in, New Y'ork Life building. U-:7&-ll THE Prince of Omaha Is unlike any other 6c cigar In shat the long smoker shape Is oriclnal with us and is not used bv other cigar manufacturers, excepting on 10c goods and higher-priced cigars, nor Is tne quality in nigner-pncea gooas any better It Is sold to dealers at $37.00 per thousand and is retailed at strictly 6c no six for a quarter Manufactured by W. F STOECKER CIGAR CO Save the bands of the Stoecker cigar. U-M507 li MONEY TO OAN HEAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay Ili'J or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Rrennun-Love Co., Mi) H. 13lh St., Omaha, Neb. W SS7 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 8U9 South Uth. 44i WANTED, c.ty loans, bonds and warrants. George x Company, lfc'i Farnam street. W SUO WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Uldg. "W Kw FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. W 891 MONET to loan at 4U and 6H per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle. 401 S. 16th. W-fci-2 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W tvi PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. 1. L. W-8S3 CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton. 605 Bee. W-SPC MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate; 6 per cent Interest: no commission; privi lege of ;mlng 1100 or more before ma turity. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.. John W, Glsh, special loan agent, 214 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. W-97 a AND 6 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First Natlnns.I Bank building. Tel. IMS. W-69i WANTED, city loans and warrants. W Farnom Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. W M5C1 6. 6H P. C. loans Garvin Bros.. 3G13 Farnam W 351 J'7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU .NEED MONEY? We loan 110 and up on furnltuie, pianos, norxes ana otner cnatiew. SALARY LOANS nnnoui moriLaEC iu eicuuici iiuiuiok Dermn- nent positions. Y'ou can get the money In a few hours after making application and take 1, 2 X. 4, , C months or more In which to pay It back, and yoj need not pay for it one day longer than you keep it. We charge nothing for papers and we give you the full amount In cash. There ate no lower rates than ours, our terms are the easiest, our business u confidential and our motto is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. UD Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1S92.) 306 S. 16tb St. N-9J1 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON PLAIN NOTE. There goes Fritz, coming back agatn to get lower latrs and easier payments, rie says our rates are lower and payments easier than other ompaniea. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. THIRD FLOOR. ROOM 303, PAXTON BLOCK. X292 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc. In two hours' time, also to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security. Easiest rifcvmciits and low est rates In Omaha. Private interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown block, Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.; entrance on Itth St., opposite Y. M, C, A. Bldg. X !m LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, tram vtcrs, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; eaFlest terms, 4u offices In principal titles. Tclman, 44U Board of Trade Bldg. X-S99 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed, J. W. TAYLOE, 3J Hop floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 10th and Farnam; entrance on ICth street. X-903 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 319 S. 13. X-907 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, hore, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. 6,Barker blk. :c-&04 SHORT time loans. Joe Pleasant, 51 X-905 Barker block, Sl.0u0.00 TO place riulck. M. J. Kcnnard ii son. suite an. mown mock. . 9Jb HISINESS CHANCES. WANTED, experienced physician to take charge of our Lincoln office, will also start offices In other cities for competent physicians, Thyroid-Lymph Co.. 50u Bee Dldg. Y-M935 JeJO rLANING mill for rent or will form part nership. Address T t6. Bee Y' 253 10 FOR SALE, a good, established restaurant, two choice lots, at a barsaln. Canadian Office. 1522 Douglas Y-MM7 11 FOR EXCHANGE. CD-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels Omaha BlQde Co. 16th and Chicago Sts. Z 90S PATENTS. MASON. FENW1CK &. LAWRENCE, Patent Lawyers, Solicitors and Experts, Washington. D. C H J. COWGILL. Western Representative, Room 315 Ramce Blk. Omaha, Neb. Phone 179b. ADVICE TREE 441 Jel9 PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues &. Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Advice tree. lies jyis WILL BUY any good Invention or pate.it. -MS29 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. F HARRISON MS NEW YORK LIFE 24' acres. Sarp county, abeut 12 mM from p,.th 0mnh-ti of the finest irxn !.rm. . the Mmlt-m,, arrWd. ' - - i m find fine building A place one w ouU be attracted to In driving through the coua'rj. Owner old and his boy have left home. Well worth feu an acre; tK bu it. Subject to sate. :m. Liourlas county, a part of it rough, but oer ilJ flne level land; fair butldlncs. In driving distance of Vnlsn Stock yards. South Omaha. Owner ha 1 boupht larger place Rnd will sell cheap ' Only an acre. kxj acres, the finest smooth land n Sarpy cojntj ; not very good buildings, t,Ut enough for a tenant. Owner wants to go into cattle and offers the farm for f59 an acre. l.OoO-acru ranch in west part of Douglas county; from J.10.0TO to W'orth or barns and buildings on it. Fine, level land; much of It sub Irrigated; produces the finest corn and blue crass in the world. Owner, acquired it by foreclosure. Will sell cheap; f.SS.O0 will buy it, a part may run at 6 per cent M0 acres, pcrhupi the finest full section for sale in Douglas county, fair buildings; land level and fine. Owner needs money. Will sell at H7.S0 per acre. 2i)0, near Omaha; good Improve ments; owner lives In Omaha; can use money to good advantage In his business; IX an acre. M, 6 miles of Omaha postofflre; the biggest snRp offered, t5ft an acre. F HARRISON, MS NEW YORK LIFE. RB-7f i FOR SALE, ten clear lots, vacant, in block S, Fayette park. Here Is about two or three ac-es of ground In one body. Make mt an offer on it. A. P. 'i Jkrj , aoard or Trade RE-"."JS t FOR PLATTING OR BUILDING. I am authorised to sell for u lew days only at extremely low figures the following propcrti suitable for subdivision or for building moderate-priced homes for sale or rent. J2,60fi-The tract facing east on 27th Ave., running from Lake to Grant. 470 ft. Ions, 110 ft. deep, sewer through alley the entire length, water and gas at either end. Will make 15 lots that .will sell for tM each Best place In the city to bjlld Jl.tw to S1.2W homes for sale on easy payments 2,ivi''-A tract bounded by 27th street. 27th Ave.. Lake and Ersklne. 2itt ft on Lake, 126 ft deep to Ersklne Four corner lots, the cream of that part of the city, would to sell at an average of mmodate a doten houses act facing west on 27th make eight lots Jooii each, or acconi I1.60O-That tine tract Ave., running rrom urant to t;rskine 2Wx 106 feet Divided Into lots will hell at J10 ner foot other nronerty Is srillni: at that iirice In that vicinity What is said of the above lots may be said of this all are I nne, ana i tnina in cneapesi property In Omaha for subdividing or platting. Si veral parties are now ngurlng on one or the other of these tracts to Improve them, which will add to the value ot the others. Look into this at once. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block, ICth and Douglas Sts. ILE-221 6 SEE HENRY B TAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE RE-!?10 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company, u. A. McAUastcr, land commtEsloncr. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 912 FOR SALE, or exchange for Columbus (Ohio) property, two lots in Thornburg . nd i one Burlington Place additions to Omaha; I all free lrom Incumbrance. Address, J. A. Hartley, M J. High bt., Columbus, o. RE M1I3 WANT offer on flne lot and seven-room house, dose to good cut line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kcnnard ii Son. SC-10 Brown blo;k. RE 914 FOR SALE, on monthly payments. 6-room modern house on North Mth St. car llnr, also vacant lots which will be Improved for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Building Aaoclatlon. G. M. Nattlnger, secretary, Bee Bide. RE-911 HOUSES and lots in all parts of city, also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552, Bee Building. RE-909 C. F. HARRISON. 913 N. Y. LIFE. FARMS. RE-109-Jel2' ARMOURDALE ADDITION TO BOUTH OMAHA This beautiful addition is lo cated at 20th and Archer streets. Just outside the city limits We are offering ACRE LOTS in this addition for $25ti and uuwara. w e win assist purchasers iu build in this addition ONEIL'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Exclusive Agency. RE 303 OWING to other business I wish to sell or trade my heavy livery business, 'consist ing of four hearses, six carriages and twenty head of hori-es, located In city of 40,000 population; price. $12,000; I nm board ing ninety-flve horaes. Box 452. Sioux City. Iowa. RE 3C9 10 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls. Paxton BIk. RE 913 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases ol women In Omaha, would call the attention of suftctinc ladies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement, and his treatment for irregularities, no .natter what cause. Call or address with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. M-42iWe23 LADIES, $:') reward for ap Abnormal ob stinate case of suppression, any cause, my regulator tails to relieve in twenty-four hours, poslthcly guaranteed, no ergot or pills, many saved from suicide: ideal safe borne treatment; mall. IS. Dr. Jackson. . c, tu, ibi ucaroorn, cnipago. 174 15 DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure tne most stuD bom cui.es of monthly atoppages, irregu larities, obstructions ana supprestons brought on from whatever abnormal, un natural diseased or pathological cause; 12 a package, o 3 for Jo, sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co . Elgin. 111. American office, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. M. A. Dillon. South Omaha, Davis DruR Co., Council Bluffs, Full line jf legitimate rubber goods. GARBAGE HAI LING, ANTIMONOPOLY Garbage. Co. cleans cess- pools & vaults, rcmcves garnage & dead animals at recuctd prlctt. t21 .V 1C, tei.li.9 -274 JlT.' DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 31b So. 2th st. 340 Jyfi os r do pa Tin. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. U Bldg. Tel. 1664. Alice Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept., Uia L. jonnton, osteopathm. Mgr. -91C DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk, Tel. l.W -61T A. T. HUNT, D O., J5 Karbach Blk. Tel.2352 M 174 MRS. JOHN R MUS1CK. Douglas block. Ii m Je21 SHORTHAND AMI TVPEWHI INC. A, C VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -916 BOYLES" College, court reporter principal, Bee Bldg -918 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. -SSi GREGG Shorthand. Om C Col.. IC & Doug -921 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia. Vajghn. 430 Ramce Sidg 33v I.OST. LOST Ec.it rh roille dog brown with white, marks, reward f.r return or Bdvle J , E Maurtr. C16 Georgia ae. Lot-51 Irt , LOST pocket bonk containing mone;.. please return to Be' counting room Peari MooVthead i r nic cles. SECONDHAND bicycles from tr..'K up Ne braska Cirle Co, cor Itth and Harney :rj jus NEW and ladles wheels rented, ( cents for the cverlng or afternoon, except Sun day Louis rieschcr. 16JI Capitol Ave Dai -IMIIMi AMI I'LICAM III! llCs-OIIT. IF Y'OU want good liass and croppy fishing go to Langdon. Mo Very best of hotel accommodations. Plenty of boats and minnows, n rltt R. A Dlttmar for rates 9Ti SIDEWALKS. FORREST E BEHM builds macadam and cinder walks and drlvcwajs 1I5S S 16th street -?7S I0 wnti:d-to nonnow. WANTED To borrow 11.000 ot 7 per cent on Improved residence property. South Omaha, renting tor l:it per year. Ad dress. S 4i. Bee. -M2M CARPENTERS AND JonilERS. AL1 , kinds of carpenter work and repairing i ,,l"Bi ,,. T<0 ,0 3 T OC,"!?r"-::?0th "he'r'e 'Zt -d Lske Pts. jv dl,n,rh ,,cr a j pro and IlOl I. EH MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tank, stacks, etc Tel l.tif 12th and lmrd f-is. -D25 ACCORIllON PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quickest Mrs A. C Mark, S. E Cor 17th and Farnam. MS P VWMJROICERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommtidit Inc. all business confidential 1301 Douglas I'lll.MTl RE REPAIRING. TEL. 1X1. M S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St -fi.S TAILORING. . PER CENT saved, high class tailoring. I latest design. Stephen J isrocieriCK. iti Farnnm Bt -Mi26-Jc23 EM'KRT AC'COl NTAN'TS. LESSONS in bookkeeping, etc . day or -jv.-n-I ing, R. 15, Com Nat. Bank. G R. Rathbun H2 SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS Stone. cement .brick. W el- , shans Mantel und rile Co , 3W so. j.in si. ol-Jys . THE nrintl.-.c of lawyers' briefs In a per- fectlj satisfactory manner requires training, experience- and equipment The I Omaha Mercury docs this work just right i Legal blanks, hundreds of forms, for sale. , Send for catalogue, 297 Jy4 POSTOFF ICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested ns changes may occur at any time) Foreign malls for the week ending June 16, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In nil enses) at the general postoffice as follows. PAR CELS, POST MAILS t!o.e one hour earlier than closing time shown below Parcels post mailt, for Germany cloe at 5 p m. Monday and Wednesday Tlertilnr nnd snnnlementarv malls close at foreign branch half hour later than clos- ing time shown below. Trnnt.-Atlnntlr .11 nils. TUESDAY At C:30 a m. for EUROPE per s s K M rneresta. via cneroourg, Southampton and Bremen (mall for Ire land must be directed "per s s. K M. Thcresla"): at 6:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.i for EUROPE, per s. s. Servla. via Queenstown (mall must be directed "per s s. Servla") WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a m. (supple mentary 10 a. ni.) for EUROPE, per s s. Majestic, via Queenstown; at iu a m for BELGIUM direct, per s s Frlesland (mail must be directed "per s s. Fries land".: at 1:30 p m for AZORKS ISLANDS, per . s Manilla imall for Italy, via Naples, must bo directed "per f s. Manilla "I THURSDAY At 7 am. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAP. QUEZ per s s. Lu Lorraine, via Have (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s s La Lorraine' at :Wi a. m (supplemental 11 a m . for EU ROPE, per s s. Deutchland. via Ply mouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg. SATURDAY At 7:30 a m. for NETHER LANDS direct, j.er s h Maasdam (mall must be directed "per s. a. Maasdam' i: at 10 a m for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Furnerslo (mall must he directed "per s. s. Furnessla".: at 11 a m. for DEN MARK direct, per s. s Norge (mall must be directed "per s. s. Norge' ). at 11:30 a. m. (supplementary 1 p. m for EU ROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Queen town. at 12 m. for ITALY, per s. s. Trave. via Naples (mail murt be directed "per s. s Trave" i ; at 2:30 p m for ITALY, per f s Nord America, via Naples (mall must be directed "per s. s Nord America"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC -This steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa pers and Samplei for Germany only. The same class of mull matter for other parts of Europe will not. be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her After the closing of the Supplementary TiansHtlantlc Mall named nbove, ad ditional supplementary mailt are opened on the piers of the American. EnglNh, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of tailing; of steamir Mull for Minth niiel Centrnl Anterlcn, West Indies. Etc MONDAY-At 12 m for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s s. Hubert; at 1 p m for BRAZIL, per s s. Syra cuse (mall for Northern Brazil. Argen tine Republic Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s s Syracuse"! TUESDAY At 9:30 a m 'supplementary 10:30 a m for CENTRAL AM ERH ' (except CoFta Rlr a) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s s Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must he directed "per s. R. Advance"), at 10 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND per s s Silvia, nt 12 m for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per r. s Edenhall. at 6:30 p m. for JAMAICA, per s s Admiral Farragut from Boston, at 11 p. m for JAMAICA, per r s Barn stable from Phllaflelphla WEDNESDAY At 9:30 a n for INAGl'A and HAITI, per s s. Ijiuenburg. at 12 m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAM PECHE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS per s s. Ori zaba, via Havana and Procreso imall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s t Orizaba ". THURSDAY At 6:30 p m for JAMAICA, per s s Admiral Schlc) from Boston. rRIDAY At ir:3'J p m ist pplementary 1 p. m.i for TURKS ISLAND and DOMIN ICAN REPUBLIC, per a s. New York, at 11 p m for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s s Sicilian, from Phlladolnhln SATURDAY At 9 am. isjpplementary 9:31 n. m i for PORTO RICO (via San Juan.. VENEZUELA r.nd CI RACAO per s s Caracas (mall for Savanllla and Cartha- gena must do, oirertea 'per s k Cara cas", at 9 30 h in isupplemeiitarv 10 am. for ST THOMAS ST CROIX LEEWARD and AVINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA. per s. s. Rtralma. at 9:30 a m. (supplementary 10:30 a m i for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVA NILLA and CARTHAGENA. per s s Altai imall for Costa Rica must be di rected "per F s. Altai" . . at 9:30 a m (sup plementary 10:30 r m i for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA, per s. a Andes at 10 n m. for SANTIAGO. txr s f Clenfue bos. at lu a m for MEXICO, per s s Segurunca via Tamplco (mall must be di rected "per a . Seguranca"). at 10 a m for CUBA, per s s Mexico, via Havana, at 10.30 a m. for ARGENTINE REPUB LIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY', per s. s Milton: at 1J-.3H p. m. for MATAN- '.AS. CAIBARIEN. NUEVITAS. GIBARA and BARACOA. per s s Ollnda (ordinary mall only which must be dlrerted "per a. r Ollnda i at 1 p m for BERMUDA per ssi ruiiunu office dailv at K 30 p m Malls for t'uha bv ran to i'nrt lampa ta ana men e n steamer, close at this office dail exrept Mails f.r Newfoundland, bv rail to North It WABASH Sydiio and thence by steamer, (lost at this mC' "1 offlce dallv at .) p m n'?''''iln':c.:'!?.t i Street Telet. nere every, .tioiiun. fuiichin; "' J) t WllMil pot. Tenth h (lay. siaus nil .tliqurion. uj ran 11. ixif. , w Tl-si 'r.ler.hnn . nrA tt,.r, npmr , I,,... u. iVii V- --a. jeiepnone. Sunday, at 6 a,, m, tthe cnnerunc rioses j p(i!Tnrrui: notice. are on Monday. W ednesdav at.d Sa'irua Mall for Ciba. b rail to Miami I la " t lienor bv rtramrr. rinse at '"l offli-i- Qtirwlat At I. a tr. Mull for MeXll o I ' . overland, unles speclails address fi r is patch bv stccmer close at this office dai at 1 30 p m and 11 p m Mall for ostb uira nollM. I'nrtei and flua'rmala In rail to New llrlenns and theiiCf by steamer, close at this office dallj at "I SO Da- ight t h .ago Ppe- . lV1 ,,., t. m iconnertlnc closes here Mondays for c al .a am all. 30 pm Bella-. Puerto Corte and Ouatemflla I lid Chlrago Peng.-r .a 4.H pm a S;40 am Tuesflss for Costa RWa "Registered uastert. Lxpress. Des mall doses at p m previous day Moines Marsl ntown. . i Cedar Rapids and Trniifc-I'nelftr MnlU. Mails for Hawaii. Japan China and Philip pine Island. Ma San Francisco. ioe here dall atS.Jnp m up to June !, llicluslt t, for dlspati h per s Gaelic Malls for China and Japan, via Vaticauer close here dall at 6:so p m. up tt June t - 11 !ti(iule. for dlsnateh ier s s Em press of Japan irrglsterrd mal! must be directed "via Vancouver". Malls for Australia (except Wst Austr.lia whlrh Is forwarded via Earope' New Zealand. FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii. in Par rranclsco. rinse here dall at S.S" v m after Mu 2t and up to June IS. In 'u sie. or on arrival of I'mbrla .fie i t New York June "16. for dispatch per s s Ventura Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Phmt plnis via San Francisco. rlop here diiu at r. p m up to June 17. Inclus4 . lor dispatch per s s. Hong Kong Maru Malls for China and Jnpan. via Seattle close here dally at 6..10 p m. up to June' "l inclusive. lor niFiiaicn ier s. -vi i- . shin Mhi u ireglslered mall mut be dl- i rMrl ''fla S,.n!tle"l. Malls fo- China and Japan. Ma Taeoma lose here dally at fi:30 p. m up to June "20, mcljsive. for dispatch per s Ta in Pan Francisco, '-lose m un to June "21. tor , i t.nlr-Vi iir.ru e y.enlnmlltt Malls for Australia (except West Australia which goes ln Europe, and New ". land, which goes via San Franeiscoi rod FIJI Island via Vancouver, close hrr dally at fi.S" p m after June "15 and tp n li.tiA (.mined. for dlvtiatrh fieri s s Mlowern (supplementary mailt attle and Vlctorlai. close at fi:Sw p Sea m lime "! Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Isla.ids. via San Francisco close here dalh at r, p. m. Up to June 25. inclusive. Icr d.e- paicn per s s auhthiih . Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded m nort of sailing dally and the schedule .if eloslig is arranged on tne presumpiion oi iimr un- itnerrupien overinno cransu --n'.ini-iru mall closes at fi p in jirevlous da CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postctllci . New York. N Y . June 7. 1 LEGAL NOTICES. RKCKIVER -VGTirE -Mr In the Do-iiid' o'urt in and "for Douglas Office J4U Farnam St. Telephone, 661. D Ccunt. Nebraska P"t. "nth and Many Sts. J elephone. . . William G Madden, plaintiff, against Ne- I .oSVi i.r.iki pire Insurance Cnnmunt et ul de- fendunts. Notice to creditors of said In- sj ranee company to present their claims for dividends. j surance company who have not claimed or I receded their respective dividends hereto I fore ordered in the above entitled action I Yju. and each of you, arc hereby ni tlflcd that In and b the order of the court in the above entitled action, made and entered o:. i in.. 4th dav of May. A. D. 1931 vou WJBt TO ail frpoiiors oi me -M'oruhKu rut' ur I present for payment your respective claims ! lor dividends heretofore ordered In said lC,inn within GO days Irom the completion o tnc pUi,ucatlim of this notice, which t me cxiire on the 31rt da of August. A D atia xnui unless you ru ug jour rurivb rights .o such dividends will be con- d and you will be barred of the right .artlclpate In the funds appropriates to na therefor Such claims may be presented at the , office of the undersigned ret-elver ii .the' Brown block In the C ty of Omaha, in pouglus county aforesaid, or transml.ted to him at that address by mall. Dated this 25lh day of Mil, A D SUA. . . .A?iI!rRTV..y.?iAi:. 1 uecc:ver oI cue """ ".:"' ance company. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro poals will be rcelved at the office of the commlesloner of public lands and build ings until 9 o'clock a m June 15, 1901. i?r furnishing the following article. to the Nebraska Hospital for the Insane at Lin coln, Nrb. All the articles mentioned to be delivered at said hospital Estimate are lettered A, B and C Bidders may bid upon an) one or nil A 16C metal beds. 150 rockers. 250 dir.lng B i,V hair mattresses. ;.6 eotton mat triintK 156 moss mattrehses. 156 pillows. ! "fin vardk unbleached sheettne. JfiO yards unbleached muslin, 175 white nulltr St l.ltou yards all linen unbleached crnrh, 5CO , yards D)eacnea mupnn, ivu .vurui. uiuip mi cloth, white; 250 yards unbleached tnble linen. 1 gross No 4j Coatct' white catton thread. ..... T" ,!... nllnn nf nil nr.lnlf.. mnv lie found ut the ofllce jf commissioner of pub- I He lands and imtiaingt-. -o proposals snail be received unless In the office of comml cinnr of nubile lands and butldlncs or or h-inra the hour ntiri dav nbove mentioned and no bid Is considered lis nwarded until , revenue stamp Is affixed to bond. No bid In which ramples are called for will bt con. sldcred unless same are ruomiuen The board resents the right to reject . nnv und all bids. GEO D. TOLLMER. Com P. L & B Lincoln. Neb . Maj 29, 1901. MSldlOt I NOTICE. Scaled bids will be received bj the build ing committee of St. Mary s cnurcn ai South Omaha on June 15 for the erection 1 of a church building. Plans and specifica tions mav be seen nt the office of O M Zander, architect, 2521 N street South ' Omaha. Neb The right is reserved to re ject any nnd nil bids J5d3t , GOVERNMENT NOTICES. , ST PAUL. Minn. June C, 191 SEALED PROPOSALS, In triplicate, will be received here or at lonowung namea ports until ii o'clock a. m.. July 5. WI. for furnishing 1 such OATS BRAN. HAY and S.TRAW as may be reqtitrcd during the fiscal year com- , ...... . , I, M O. T .. . . . , .1 t-., mcnrinK jui; i. ii-ji, m on. unu u, i -inelllnir. Minn.: Fort Yates. N. D, . Carol. Merrltl and Forts Asslnnlbolne. Harrison and Keogh. Mont , Fort Yellow stone Wyo and Fort Meade, S D Instructions fur nished on application here or to the quar termasters at the posts named U S re serves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part tnereoi. unvei' opes containing proposals should be marked Proposals f Forase and Straw "-GEO E POND. C O M Je6-7-6-lt.Jy3-lm OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER masler. Fo't Leavenworth. Kansas, June S, 1901 - Scaled proposals. In triplicate will be received here untlll 11 a. m. central ! plt'iil sewer, man holes and flush tanks at tl.ii oost Information furnished on antiM. cation here. U S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposal, or nn part thereof Envelopes to ne Indorsed "Pro posals, for sewer, etc , addrrrsed D E McCarthy Q M Jfc-lO-ll-lI-n-li CO I N'T V OFFICIAL NOTICE. ATTENTION. TAXPAYERS! The Board ol County Commlsnloncrs of Douglas counly, Nebraska, will sit as a board of equalization for the purpose of equalizing the assessment ot Douglas county for the year 1901 in the commission er's chamber at the court house, Omaha, beginning Tuesday. June 11, 1901, at lu o'clock a m . and m,t timing from da to day up Ui and Including June 27. 1901 (15 days, not Including Sundays;. All persons owning real or personal property suoject to taxation should ea'l and examine their as sessment, that an errors as to valuation may be adjusted by said board as the law provides. By order of tne Board of County Com. mlsfiiciK rs Omaha, May 2: 1901 D. M. HAVERLT. County Clerk, By C L, HARRIS, Deputj. May27 d21t RAILAV 'll.llb ClIIU. CHICAGO, ROCK 1SL- ana & menu p.allioud, "The Great Roi k Island Route" City Ticket Offic e, 1323 Far l am Street. Telephone, I uepoi, icntn anu Marcy Streets. Tele phone, e;- Leave, Arrive, EAbT. Des Molncs and Daven port Loca. . . a 7:25 am Ml. 23 am Chicago Express bll:15 am a :10 am Des Moines Local . ...a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express .a b:w pm a 1,25 pm Des Moines. Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7.40 pm a 9:25 pm vv i.ai. Denver. Pueblo and , , .... t Colorado Oklahoma &. I Texas Flyer a 1:20 pm a 9;50 am ! a Dallj b Daily except Sunday. RAILROAD . 1415 Farnam hone. 222. De nd Marcy Sts T2S, Leave, Arrive St Louu "Cannon Ball" , Expres .a 5,11pm a ,20 am a Dally. i it 1 1 tt ti timi: t.inti, CHICAGO NORTH, w "Stern Rallft'-',The N .rthwestern Line" city Ticket Office. 14(1 ( in nam St Telephone m Depot. Tenth and Mrc Htreets. Tele phone. C8. Leae. Arrhe. Chicago . . alf.65 am a 4:t pi Eastern Special. Chi cago and East a 4.56 pm a 4:0a pm Fast Mail Chicago to rimha a S:4j pm Omaha-Chicago t d a ; li pm a s:W am r Mall . a f :30 am aar rap' 3 Pasienskt at 4ikV fiU Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN Missouri Valley Railroad 'The Northwester Line ' General Offlcea. United States National Hank Building. 6. W. Corner Twelfth and Far- nam Sts. Ticket unite, lioi farnam iu ita. Depot, lath ana Webstar ic.cplK'.e. Ms ii'Hi'kolir, Hjk. Leave. Arrive. U .... I ti . 1 1 .. .. .1 n ,...1 Hot Siirmr.s a S:00 pm a 6.00 pra Wimii.g. Casper and ....d 5:00 pm e t:W P ..',uMa Hastltigs, lork. David Exeter and Son ard ...b S'M pm b 6l00 P Norlolk. ciu;gre ana . Fremont b 7;Io urn bH;J am Lincoln i.:icio .V Fre- .,.,, i,on; . ... .0 7:30 am bl0; am remont uveal c i;ou am r i-'aiil . O Udlil excepi au"""'' . " day om U Dully except Saturaa. Dally except Monduv. CHICAGO, ST. PALU SflfeaWfl Minneapolis & Omaha aaaBaR7tl.l i.niiunv 'TV, North western L.ine uaneiw unices. Nebraska Divi sion, 16th and Webster t. City Ticket Office, .401 Fari.an SL Iclephone, 5a. Depot. l.th ana Webster St. 'I'elephone, 14a. 'Twli.jt, passenger. sio-. l it v Passenger Lmrrnn cecal Ltava. Arrive. .a C:t"J am a :10 pm ..a '.'.45 pm all. 10 am . .b t:2u rm b M30 am 0 Dai; SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line' Oenorai umces, United Btatar National Bank Building W. Coiner Tw elite . nd Farnam Sts. Ticket Twin n tj Express a 6:05 um a!0:2J pm Twin City Limueu 7:5d pm a t.io um bloux City Local a S:w am a 3:60 pro a Lally Bl RL1NGTON & Mis souri River Railroad The Burlington Route" General unices, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Uttlce. 1502 Farnam Street, 1 .... fe2.n.ln-. T-nth JiMSK h'V , nl UUIIlilt.luu . - ttrrl.- Jilrtinolle 125. ix-ave. Arrive. Lincoln Hastings and McCooa J 6:t am a 7:36 pra Lincoln, Denver. Colo- r'V0" i'tah Cal f on.la.a 4:25 pm a 3:W pm A,""'ce' V" .a 4.2-. pm a s:00 prr Xtffi Hin, , ! w pm a 6:t6 am Mraan j ui,ei fauuna a v.w pm a . Lincoln Fast Mall.. ..f2:iOpm a K:l. am JfnjVat Mali. . ,.f2:iOpm a K:17 ' uCairiie ano "'"col" .. a fc:l0 am bll:55 Dt.,,v i-o'lorado. Utan "no . . a fc:)0 am bll:5o am "jnd j.iforma .' a 6:15 am ya f-.?o0'k g0 BeDd. Doulsvllle. Plattsm tn.o 3:20 pm MHOS am Bellevue. I'latlsmoutn a Pacific Junction . -a 40 pm a t:20 am Uelirvne. liattsmouth & Puclllc Junction a 2.10 am a Dally b Dnl'y except Sunday, KANSAS CITY. ST. JO siph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burlington Route -Ticket Offlce, 1503 Farnam Street. Telephone 250, Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 12S, i,cae. Anne i Kansas City Day Ex. .a l;.2u am a r.:y6 , Kansas c'lt NIsht Ex .aiu:30 pm a G:15 .M am a r:uo pm am i ... Tr.T. p- Joseph and St. Louis. a 6.10 pm all:15 am a Dally CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Thj Burlington Route" Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Street!. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- rial ...a 7:03 am aio::o pm Chlcugo Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:OJ pm a 7:15 am Chicago Local Express a 9:39 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited .a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Tast Mail a pm Dally UNION PAC1FIC-"THE OVER land Route" General Offices, N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets City Ticket Office, 132t 1- arnam Street. Telephone, Zli. ' Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sta. Telephone. 629, Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. a !:20 am a 7:30 pm The cnicagD-x-uriiuui- Km. rial . .a 6:20 am a 7:30 pm . .a 6:50 am a 3:25 pm The Fast Mall... The Mall and ExpreES. .aU:35 pro a 4:25 pm The Colo.'ado Special... all -.35 pm a 60 am i in,.l.. Itntrire ana stromsDurg trprKi .m. i" ine j-uciuc j.j.,u ..- - .. The Atuiuiu Lxpress. 6 50 im Grand Island ..Local b 6.-0 pm b 9.35 am a Daily b Dally except Sundai. . " i - uiccnnni tir'ttrir' wait . MISSOURI PACIT1C RAIL- road General Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. 'JVIephone, 104. Depot, Union Station. Leave. Arrlva. ,b,,u 10 00 ,.cli f,16 pinress a 10:50 C.. St. I. Express, .a iv.ov JjuiS ana rwausas um a n:d pm pm a C.15 am i Leave from 15vh and W'rbftrr otrrcts; Nebrasua Local, via Weeiilrs oater ... b 4.10 pm al0:4i am a Dally b uany except bunaay. OXIAHA & ST. LOUIS B.AIL roud Omaha. Kansas Citr & Eastern Railroad "Th Qulncy Route" Ticket Of flce. 1115 Farnam SL Tele phone, 322. Depot. Tenth and Mercy Bt. Telephone, C29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express o 6:15 prn a 6:20 am Kansas City and Clulncy Local ..." a V.W am a 9:00 pa a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of flce, 1402 Farnam Street, Telephone. 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive, . . .a 7:uu am a o;lu pm Chicago Express Chicago Limited Mlr.nt'H..tlls ft: a 7.45 pm a b;uj am . ; 7.00 am b 9:40 pm lixirreei Mini.eapour & at- Pft'Jl ... c , Limited -a i;4apm a 6:05 am Fort Dodge Loral from Council Bluffs . . . b 4:50 pm a 6:15 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs s. 0:00 am a Dulls b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE St, Paul Railway City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam htreet. Telephone. 264. Depot, Tenth and Maaon Streets. Telephone, 29 Leave Arrive. lUllWAOh c. hit a go Linjitep a.. . b t nicago unw i , c,,7,v a Dally u tan wtih Direct Route to Glasgow ExhtMtiaa ANCHOR LINE tenin.l.lps from New York Weeklr GLASGOW IA LONDONDERRY. Saloon. 650 and up. Second Cabin, 632.60 and up. Third Clas. 26 and upward. For Illustrated folder anfl further Inform, tlon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, or J. 8. McNALLY. 1223 Farnam St., GEO. E. ABBOTT, 13S4 Farnam Bt., Omaha. t!f G8 RESULTS TELL THE BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. J t(53)(tS? 1 iiffi ! itilfffffRiwii iilM Hi aaaKSSI 1mm mm