THE OMAHA DAILY JiEEt SATt'HDAY, JtSE ft, 1001. 3.t I WW An Excellent Combination. The pleasant, method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Brnui' or Fios, manufactured by the California L'io Svnui' Co., illustrate the vnluoof obtaining tho liquid laxa tive principles of plants Icnown to be medicinally laxatives and presenting them In tho form most refreshing to the tosto and acceptable to tho system. It is tho one perfect fitrengthcnlng laxa U , clcaiising tho system ciTcctunlly, ainpclllng colds, headaches nnd fovcrr gently yet promptly and enabling ono toovercomo habitual constipation per manontlj. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality nud sub stance, and its acting on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs aro used, as they are pleasant to tho taste, but tho medicinal qualitiesof tho remedy aro obtained from r.cnna and other aromatic plants, by a method knotvn to tho Oamfoiikia Fio Sviiup Co. only. In order to (rut iti beneficial effects and to avoid imltntioiiH, pWaso remember tho full nnmoof tho Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FKANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KV. NEW YORK. N. Y. VorMle by all P'ugglsts. I'rlcoWc. ocrbottla HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW SUMMER SUITINGS? Over Jf0G0 patterns to select from the best cutters and the best tailors employed to make them up to fit you $20 to $4U for a suit made to your or der. Wo Kiinrnntco every suit to fit and Klvo satisfaction.-, Trouscra, $5 to $12. Credit tailors charge twice as much. THE TAILOR Karbach Block, 209 11 So. 15 St. NERVITA PILLS Rtsfore Vitality, Lost Vigor anJ Manhood Ctmlmpoteacy, Night Emissions, Loss ot Mem. , orr, an wauling utseasos. all oilecto iir suir-abuso or exccii and Indiscretion. A nerve tonlo sud blood builder. BtIuks the plult !ow to pala cheeks ana restores the hflre ot youth. Hy mall SAOd nfir lull. 11 linlM fnr 98.00, with oar bankable irnurantee to our or nrana we money pata. send for circular and eiy ot our bankabla guarantee bond. NervitaTablets EXTRA STREN0TH htttJIW LAiriA IIIUI5UIB1B cwis n....i... Positively (runri-.n!el euro for Loss of Power, Varlcocoln, Undeveloped or Shruoliou Organs, Pared, Locomotor Atnxln, Norvous I'mstia. Uou, Hysteria. Kits, Insanity, Pnralynh and tfio HMUlta of Kxcosilvo Uso ot Tobncco, Opium or Liquor. Bv mail In plain parkiiirn, 81.00 a box, 6 for 80.00 wttli our. bankable truax ntee bona to cure in 30 days or refund Money paid. Addrot.s NERVITA MEDICAL CO. IntonA Jackson St.. CHICAGO. I LIU For sale by Kulin & Co., 15th and Douglae Bti., Omaha, Nub.; Quo. 8. David, Council uiurts, iowa. Only $14.75 Chicago and Return via the Great Rock Island Route. TICKETS 0 S.U.U ,IlXi: 111. 1H, 11, 13, ItliTl ll. LIMIT SEPT. in. CITY TICKET OFFICE, l.liiil l'll.A.M STHIJUT. Special Excursion Rates. Kansas City, Mo .In n I. Hllli nuil 11 tli. Detroit, Mich Jul)- ,1tli, tllli nml Till, Cincinnati, Ohio Jul)- -ltd, ."tli nml (1th. Homeseskers .lime ISth. i tp'kiit ori'irn, I. E. Cor Mth nml Douuln fit. 6r PILLS' 50 cts. ; VICTORY FOR THE MILLERS Minooapolii at Laii Wins & Gtmt from the fiortrka Family. SCORE STANDS FIVE TO FOUR Content In Spirited nt Times nml He- ulU Show Tlint It Isn't Hlint Von llntr lleen, but Wlmt Vuu Are Turin)', Pitcher Graham lost his own same to tho Millers yesterday, and that desplto u desperate rally In tho last lnnlnc. which he led himself, and which came within one of bringing In the number of runt) necessary to tie tho score. It was the last game of tho srrlei with Minneapolis. nd, after Thursday's walkaway and Wednesday's victory, cveryono expected hat Omaha would make a clean curd of It. Hut Hones Parvln was In the box for tho northerners and did some flno work for eight Innings, striking out nine men and keeping the hits fairly well apart. .Moreover, Graham Boomed to exercise poor Judgment, and tho spectators exhib ited no confidence In his prowess after the firm few Innings. The hits off him were not so ninny, but In tho fourth Inning they came four In a row, making a run, and In the seventh ho mndo a wild pitch that cost another score. That ono mistake made tho bunch of thrco runs piled up by the Qmnhaa In the ninth inning useless. Until the fourth Inning tho score was S to 1 for Omaha, but then the Millers tied It, and from that time on no hope was held out. That Is, not till the last bats of the Ilourko mnn. This proved the fea ture of the game. When tho visitors wero Anally put out In the ninth the score stood 5 to 2 In their favor. Ornham was the first mnn up, and peoplo started to go homo, for ho had not seen first base dur ing the game, striking out twice. Hut right there tho rural twlrler Bprting a surprise by n aklng n good hit. Everybody cheered .up and rooting began In earnest. An event so unexpected seemed to presage good to follow, and Genius was at tho bat. He had made four hits already, how ever, and another was too much to ex pect. Ho was thrown out at first base. I'nim Itiiurke'M Nose. Tho popular heart sank again, but tho next ralnuto It had Jumped clenr out of bounds, for Papa Stewart took the ball squarely In tho nose and Left Kidder Del den folded his arms and watched It go over tho fence. It was the hit of tho year, and as tho captain chased Graham In homo tho crowd was figuring the chances for n victory. There was only ono out, and only ono run was needed to tto the score, two to win. McAndrowo came to bat and Parvln landed tho bal. In his loins, tending him to first base. That run looked llko a cinch, and when Letcher followed with a hit It seemed as though tho two to win would bo forthcoming, nut hero tho shndowa fell. McAndrews tried to steal third, nnd was caught, by a fair de cision, which many peoplo seemed to ques tion. Two outs, and Calhoun at the stick. Ho took a base on balls. Tho atmosphere cleared onco more, but It was tho flnal rally. Iteld stepped up and batted a grounder to Second Tlaseman Ilrashcar. who throw Letcher out at second base, and the end had come. Umplro Popkny was n man of sorrows. Nothing 'ho did suited, and he was scored alike by both teams, but especially by the Omaha boys and tholr supporters. Once, when Captain Stewart kicked on a strike. out scored on him, Popkay ordered tho veteran to his seat In no gratlo tones. Then .Pitcher Parvln executed four straight balks In succession, la threats toward Mc- Androws, Genlns and Letcher, 'who were on bnso. nut Poplay wouldn't see them, and the crowd wan furious. Finally an especially patent break of the thrower's caught his eye, and ho advanced all throe, scoring Genlns. Something Unexpected. In tho second inning occurred a thing never seen boforo on nn Omaha diamond. Calhoun batted a very swift ball straight at tho feet of tho pitcher. Parvln Jumped aside, and tho ball struck right In tho little hole whero tho twlrler fits his toe In addressing the batter. Tho sphere shot directly up In tho air, and It seemed that It would never fall. Calhoun was safely on first when It finally foil within a few feet ot tho hole which had sent It upward. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. AH. It. H. O, A. 12. McCrocdle. rf t 0 0 0 0 0 llulden. If 3 2 10 0 0 Concilium, cf.., B 1 1 0 0 0 Urnshear, 2b 4 0 14 4 0 Cockmnn, h 4 0 1 !! 5 0 Tiinndhlll. 31 5 2 2 3 10 McConnell, :.. 4 o s li z o Klelnow. lb 4 0 2 7 0 0 I'arvln. n 402010 Totals i 37 5 12 27 13 0 OMAHA. AD. n. II. O. A. E. Onlntf. If , & 2 1 0 0 Stewart, 21).. 4 113 2 0 Mc.inurews, ju.. ...... . v i i - v Letcher, rf 4 0 2 3 0 0 Calhoun, lb 4 0 1 12 0 0 rtekl. of 2 o o o l o Toman, ss 3 0 1 1 4 nondlntc. c 3 o o c 2 Qrahnm, p 4 110 2 Totals 32 4 11 27 U Minneapolis 10 0 10 110 1-5 Omaha 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2-1 KnrniMl runs Mlnncnnnlls. 4: Omaha. 2. Homo run: Stewart. Throe-base hit: Mo- Andrews. Two-lmso lit: ornliam. sacrinco hits: Iteld, Stowart, Haaci on bnlls: Off Parvln. 5; oft Grnhatn, 1. Hit by pitched bull: Hy Parvln, 2: by Graham. 1. Struck out: Uy Parvln, 9: by Graham, 3. Wild pltchcH: Parvln. I; Graham, 1, Stolen oases: item, ueiucn, iimc: liu umpire Popkny. Today comes tho tlrst game with St, Paul nnd Coona will pitch for Omaha. The threo contests will bo fierce, ns It Is a strugglo between these two teams for second place In tho league standing. IIUOWN WILD AT KACII G'ltlSI. Ilea MnlncM Pitcher Preaentii fiiiine to Nt. I'mil. DBS MOINES. June 7. nrown's wlldneas nnd loose playing at crmcni times cave si. Paul the game. Attendance, boo, Score: H.H.E. St. Paul 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1-7 7 2 Pea Jlolnea ...osouoooo 02 8 S liattcrlcs: SI. Paul, Cogan and Wilson Den Moines, Drown nnd Coto. ST. JOSICIM! IH-LOOSU AM) CAH KLICSS. Alno limbic to lltt the llnlM Denver (.erven. ST. JOSEPH. Jimo 7,-St. Josenh lost to day oy iniuiiB io nu ine Dan ano oy loose, careless neiuiiiB. .vnouuunce, j.iaaj. ecoro n.n.13. Denver " - " o u s l s a st, Joseph ...2 0100000 lt 6 ll.ittorlcs; Denver. Sullivan and Schmidt; Ol, JOhvJJII, UUUIll uuu w iihvi WUIIU, KANSAS CITY IS SHUT OUT, llevlllc'a Willi Tliroiva to First Are Jllicu io iiiniur. wiih shut out today, tho home team losing tho gomo by Ilevlllo s wild throws to 1. ...n. ltlin(.' hilttlA 111 1'M1, l1 1 1 j n had a shade the better of It. Attendance, tV)0. Sroro: u.ii.t;. Colot Spring... OQ000020 02 5 1 Kansas City... 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 00 7 t Ilatterlrs: Colorado Sprinux, McNcoly and cnuhuo; Kansas City, tllbsan nnd Uevlllc. IVmtrrii Lrnifim StnmlliiK. Won. Ist, P.C iinsns uiiy ; St. Paul 17 Omaha .tfi MlnnenpollH Colorado Springs ,...H St Joseph , lfi 10 16 16 16 14 .515 ,5'0 .51) .61X1 17 J! ,4S4 nenver u Des Moines , U .331 REDS STILL IN THE RUNNING Despite .Nrvlin' Set en tilft t.liic-lu- tmtl .Notion n In llrnl Nerv York cm I'll re,, to Ttio. CINCINNATI, Junu 7. Newton pavo seven bapes on balls, but win always sternly with men on tho bases. A muffed fly by Hurley gave the visitors their two runs In tho sixth. Doheny pitched u steady game and after the tlrst inning kept the hlln well scattered until the tenth, when Mellrlde's single, u sacrlllce nnd lierkley'H rattling doublu gave the locals tho victory. Attendance, 3,f.t. Score: CINCINNATI. . NEW YOtlK. Il.H.O.A.B.I H.II.O.A.S. Dobbn. ef 1 0 0 0 0 Vll'tren, cf.O 110 0 Mctlrld, cf..t 1 1 TUrlfy. U....0 0 1 rtSdbach, lf...l 0 .1 0 o S.HtMne. 2b.. ..1 0 14 0 lUckley, lb., 0 3 7 Hickman, rf.O 119 0 Davln. M 0 12 11 0ntl, lb....O 0 1 0 0 lluflow, 3li...O 0 0 i 0 llowtrman, e.O 0 4 I 0 Doheny, p....O 1 0 t 0 Crawford, rf.l 0 1 FtHnrdl, Sb..o i 4 rwln, Jb 0 t l Mil goon, n...O 1 9 lran, c. ..0 l ft Newton, p....O 0 0 Totsln 3 15 1 Totals 3 9 3'.' 15 4 One out when winning run was made. Cincinnati 2000000 On 13 New York o o 0 0 0 2 0 o u o ;: ISnrnpil rnnm Clnolnnnll. 5. Two.baso hits, Heckley, Magoon, Three-base hit: llergen. Stolen base: Irwin. Double play: Stelnfcldl to Mngoon to Heckley. First on balls: Off Newton, 7. Hit by pitched ball: Doheny, 1. Struck out: Hy Newton, u: by Dohenv, 3. Passed ball: Uowcrman. Time: :w. umpire: Kmsiic. CltOWD I'HOJI THU lltll ISX'T IX IT. St. l.oiiln, ivlth I'oivrll In the llox, llentM hy Spore of H to II. ST. LOUIS. June 7. Powoll was an en igma to tho Howton Nationals for live In nings, whllo his own team won the game at the bat. The visitors batted out two In tlio ninth, but Qrosnrt, a trial lleldcr, pui an end to the rally. Attendance. 2,dOO. Score: ST. LOUIS. i UOSTON. Il.ll.O.A.H. ll.ll.O.A.E. Ilnrkett. If.. .2 13 11 Hamilton. cf.O 13 0 0 lMdrlck. rr. t 1 .1 0 OTinn.r. lb...l 2 8 0 0 McOann, lb..l 3 10 t 1 Ilomont. 2b.. .1 10 3 0 Donovan, r(..0 0 2 1 0 Uinn. ...... 0 2 2 1 2 i-amcn, jt,...i z i l o Smith, rr.... u u i Wallacp. M..1 1 0 S lldrnnirl. If . . .0 0 2 0 0 Kru?er, 3b.. .0 0 11 0 lllntnn, Jb...O 0 2 2 1 Ilvan. e 2 i;ntriiUn. c.O 1620 Powell, p 0 0 1 3 0 Nichols, p....l 1 0 1 0 Totals 8 9 27 13 2 Totals 3 8 24 9 3 St. Louis 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 - Hoston 00000100 23 Karned runs: St. I.nuls. 2. Two-baso hits: Klttrldge, McOann. Threc-b.ise hits. NMrhnlM. I.nnir. Ilplrlrlck. Left on bases: Hoston, 2; St. t Louis, R. Doublo plays: Donovan to McOann, Wallace to raiiuen to .icuann, iiurKcti to i-iinui-n. Pnssed ball: Klttrldge. Stolen base: Ilyan. Wild pitches: Powell, Nichols. Hoses on balls: Off Nichols, 1. Struck out; Uy Nlcholft, 6; by Powell, 4. Time: 1:10. Um pire: Cunningham. ClItCAfiO PLAYS HBTTICIl 1IAI.L. Which Sninc Acuountn for the Clunk- era' llrfcnt, tt to . CHICAOO, Juno ".-Chicago defeated the Philadelphia Nationals today by better play, both In the field nnd with the stick, hucizlpabv wnH hit bard nnd was poorly supported In tho seventh and eighth. At- leuusincu, score: CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. 11.11 0.A.C. ll.ll.O.A.E. Ilnrtzrt. If...l 0 1 1 0 Thomas. cf..l 13 0 0 Orm, cf 1 1 2 0 0 Il'hanty, lb..O 0 9 0 0 Dexter, in. .,0 2 8 0 oi'llcK, rr i i i i v Dolnn, rf 0 112 0 IUrry, 3b 1 12 4 3 Child. 2b. ...0 0 3 3 0 Single. It 0 2 2 0 0 Itnymer. 3b.. 0 1 0 3 0 DoukIufk. c.l I 3 0 1 M'C'mlck, us. 1 2 3 3 0 C'ro, ss 0 14 0 1 KllnK. o 3 2 7 2 1 llallmnn. 21..0 0 0 4 0 Menefec, p...l 1 0 3 0 DiiKKlcsby, p.O 0 0 0 0 iOrtr, " v v Totals 6 10 27 16 1 I Total. 4 823 9 3 Oreon out on Mencfeo's Interference. Hatted for Mcnefee In the ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 - Philadelphia 2 00002000-4 f.nfi nn 1 iimns: Chlrnco. 10: Phlladclmiia. 5. Two-buso hits: ThomaH, Single, Cross. Three-base lilt: Mccormick. Homo run: Green. Sacrlllce hit: Mcnofoo. Stolen bases: Harry, Dexter, struck oui: uy Mcnefee, 3; by Dugglesby, 1. Passed ball: r)nnijln.. Ilnses on balls: Off Menefee. 3: oft Dugglesb, 3. lilt with ball: Hy Mene- ree, uross; ny uuggiesDy, iucncicu. iimu. 1:25. Umpire: Dwycr, HHOOKLYN AMITHKR PAUL IMttahurK MnkeH Klve lluna to tho Champion' Four. PITTSBURG, June ".It wns Tannehlll's off day and Chesbro relieved htm In tho fourth. He gave two hits In the fourth and one in the eleventh. Donovan was also a puzzler. Pittsburg Nationals won by Kelly and Keeler'a errors. Attendance, 2,500. Score: riTTSUuno. i iliooklvn. ll.ll.O.A.E. I It.H.O.A.E. Ifmont, cf...2 1 0 0 0 Kelly, lb 1 2 7 11 Ultchoy. 2b. .0 1 l 1 1 Keeler. 3b. ...0 1111 Wagner, rf...O 1 1 0 0 Sheckanl, If. 2 2 4 0 0 ll'ntleld. lb...l 2 15 0 0 Daly, :t 0 0 12 0 Leach, 31 1 1 2 4 0 Dulilen, M...1 12 3 0 l'oole. If 0 2 7 0 0 McCrcory. cf.O 0 S 0 0 Ely, a 0 0 1 & 1 Davis, rf 0 0 i 0 0 Zlmmer. c. ...0 2 ." 4 0 Kltaon. rf....O 0 0 0 0 Tannehllle. p.l 1 0 2 0 Karrell, c 0 1 7 0 1 Cheibro, p....o o l s o Donovan, p..o v l s o Total S 11 33 18 2 Totnl 4 732 9 3 Two out when winning run wns scored. Pittsburg 0 02000020 15 Hrookiyn uzuoouoo o i Two-bane hits: Poole. Kelfev (2). Shccknrd. Three-base hltx: Sheckard, Dahleti. Sacri fice hits: uaiy, Donovan. Htoien baties: uranHllclil, uaiy. f irst on bans: ort Tan nehlll, 2; on Chesbro. 1; oft Donovan, 2. lilt bv Ditched ball: Heauinont. Ilalv. Struck out: Hy Tannehlll. 1; by Chesbro, 2; by Donovan, 7. Passed ball: Farrell, Time; 2:20. Umpire: O'Day. National leiiiiu Stnnillnir. Won. Lost. P.C. .lu'O .575 .Wl .527 .' .470 ,VQ .SbS New Y'ork ,., .IS 11 Cincinnati .. 19 21 19 IS 16 12 14 II ir, 17 19 IS 18 21 Pittsburg Fh ndeinnia St. Louis Hrookiyn Huston Chicago SHOW WASHINGTON NO MERCY ChlcnKn'a American Team 1'oumU Out n Victory of Fifteen to I'o ii r. WASHINGTON. Juno 7. Tho Chlcngo 1 Americans defeated Washington todny through heavy batting and tlrlinth's excel lent work In tho box. Tho visitors hit Car- rick hard and consecutively. They made threu singles, two doubles nnd n homo run In the alxth Inning, Grltllth kept the few hits of the localH well scattered, Hoth teams fielded Indifferently. Attcndann. 3,153. Score: CHICAOO. I WASHINGTON. n.H.O.A.K.I H.II.O.A K. Hoy. cf 4 2 3 0 0 Farrell. cf...0 1 .1 n 1 Jones, rf 3 3 110 Duncan, lb .0 1 10 1 0 Merice, so.. ..1 4 t t 1 wumn, :t 0 1440 Iibell, lb 3 1 7 0 0 Foster. If 2 13 0 0 Hartman, Sb.0 1 5 2 2 Mercer, rf....2 0 0 0 0 Hhuuart, ..0 3 2 3 0 Clark, c 0 2 0 3 0 McP'land, If. 2 2 3 1 0 Cllnitman, i0 0 4 6 2 Sullivan, c.l 0 3 0 0 CouRhlln, 3b0 1 3 0 1 Orldlth, p 1 2 0 1 2 Carrlck, p....O 0 0 5 1 TotaU 11 17 27 '2 l Totals I 7 j? 16 "s Chicago 0 0 1 3 1 5 0 3 215 Washington 0 2 ( 0 0 2 0 0 04 r.' ..... 1 -,,na W'.nlilnnlAn ,. .1 - I . ..iiiiir'i ,.ai,tiih..'JI, 1, lIIICagU, u, Two-baso hits. Jones, Mertes, lsbell. Homo iiino. i-uoiri, ,, in,,,,, ,uit'ii uiinrs; tioy t2). lsbell, McFarland. Sacrltlco hits: Mer- ssw PllniFiTMiri Utill i vi winiBiimni nil, t iiai IJUrC Oil balls; Oft Carrlck. 3; off Grltllth. 2. Struck out: By Grlfllth, 2, Left on hates: Wash- l ..... nn C. Phlnnnn 7 Tr,asn.l I...,,. Time: 2:12. Umpire: JUikkell. SIX HU.H AM) Till! OA3I H. llnltlmorn lliinchea It Luck In the Seventh lulling, BALT1MOHK, June 7. Tho Raltlmore Americans won from Cleveland today, pull ing the game out of the tire in tho seventh. The muddy condition or the grounds was responsible for muny mlsplays, Attend, ance, 812. Score: (lALTIMOltE, I CLEVELAND. H.H.O.A.E.I H.H.O.A.K. McOraw, 3b.. 1 112 0 IMrkerlnic, cf.j 0 3 0 0 Dontln, IL...1 1 1 0 0 McCarthy, If.l j i n 0 Williams. 2b.2 2 I 1 OO-rtrlen, rf.. 3 4 l 0 0 Ktlster, s..,l 0 3 3 4 lACh'nce, lb.3 1 5 0 o Pymour, rf..l 0 2 0 0llradly, 3b. .1 10 11 Jackson, ct..J 3 4 0 0 Wood, o 1 l o 0 Hart, lb..... 1 2 10 0 1 Deck, 2b l ; s 2 0 llresnahan, c.O 2 3 I 0 llnfter. s,. ,0 0 1 3 2 M'Olnnlty, p.l 1 0 0 Moore, p,...o 1 o j o Totals 10 12 27 1' 3 Totals .... H U 24 7! 3 Baltimore 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 io Cleveland 0 0 00 5 0400-9 Two-base hits: O'Hrlen, LaChanc. Wll- ..Ma t.m.t Qlnt.H I ..... . . , - . T -. . . It 111,1113 u.iiicii MU I-VCIOIIT. lOllUle Plays: Beck to LaChance, Kelstcr to WIN llams. Bases on halls: Off McGlnnlty, 4: off Moore. 2. Struck out: Hy Moore. 1; by McQInnlty, 2. Left on banes; Baltimore, 1.50, I'mplrcs; mii.w.m ki:i: m:ns to iiosto.v. tut ( niitnlii DurT)- (Jrta Ills Lot Inn Cup, Ail) hint, HOSTON, June 7. Hoston Americans won today In the seventh, scoring three runs on a wild throw by Connor nnd four singles. Young was very steady nt critical moments. Captain Duffy was presented with n silver loving rup when ho stepped to thn plate In tho second Inning. Attendance, 6.0u0. score: llOSTON. I MILWAUKEE. It.H.O.A.E. I n.H.O.A.E. Ilowd, If 0 3 3 0 0 Watdren, rf 1 0 2 0 0 Htahl, cf... .0 0 2 0 Odllbert. 2b... 1 1230 Colllnx, 3b.. ..0 a 0 3 l.Hallman, If. .0 2 10 0 Kreeman, lb.l 1 IS 0 I Anderson, lb.D 1 10 0 1 Hemphill, rf.l 10 0 l;('onroy. 0 2 10 Parent, M....1 1 1 4 liPufty. cf ....0 1 S 0 0 Perrlf. 2b.. ..0 1 3 S 0 Iturke. 3h 0 0 1 S 1 Shreek'ft, c.l 1 3 0 0 I'enncr, c 0 1101 Young, p 0 0 0 2 0 Held)-, p 0 0 0 3 0 Totals 4 S 27 12 4l Totals ....!" fin 1 Hoston 0 0 1 0 o 0 0 3 -4 Milwaukee 1 0 u 0 0 1 0 0 02 Two-base hit: Dowd. Three-base hit: Tint! ... f. .. tl . t t. n . - . ,, .....1.1, ... niiiiii- ciuit'll I ilium. I.JOIIU1C Plays: Ferris to Freeman, Conrnv to till bert to Anderson, Freeman (unassisted), rum diipp nn nans: uii iiriuy. z. sacriuco hit: Hemphill. Struck out: Hy Young, 2. Pnased bails: Schri'Ckongost, 2, Time: 1:10. Umpire: Mannassnu. Aiiirrlciui (intiic l'ostponcil. At Philadelphia - Philadelphia-Detroit: rain, Aliierli'nn Lcuitue SIhiiiIIiik. Chicago 26 ' 12' ' .'tail tl.tfrntt 9 IS R'l". Washington 17 13 6 llHltlmnr.. lit 11 .Kit Hoston 15 hi .4;3 rnnniielphla 16 19 i7 Mllwiillkvn ... . II "(S Cleveland 11 25 .2 5 Wnlioo Attn 1 11 llefentn Lincoln. WAIIOO, Neb,, June 7.-(Speclnl Tele gram.) Wahoo won from Lincoln again this afternoon. The gnmc was not ho snappy nnd rull of Interest ns It was yes terday. Score: H.H.K. Wahoo 2 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 2-10 S 4 Lincoln 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 4 S 11 9 Hatterles: Wahoo, Olson nud Johnson; Lincoln, Mlckle, Goodwin, Clnrk, Spencer nnd Abbott. Two-baso lilt: Linn. Three base hit: Iverson. Struck out: Hy Lin coln, 6; by Wahoo, I. Umpires: Cook and Crawford, Three-I LetiKiie. Southern delimit. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., June 7. Score: H.H.E. Chattanooga ..1 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 2-8 10 3 New Orleans ..1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 01 5 0 Hatterlesi Chattanooga, Hrumer and Wood; New Orleans, Mulkey and Abbott. NASIIV1LLK, Tenn., June 7. Score: Il.II.13. Memphis 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0-5 7 3 Nashville 1 01 00000 0-2 6 2 Hatterles: Memphis, Shields and Kalk I10IT; Nashville, Dobbs and Fisher. At Davenport Davenport. 7; Decatur, 3. At Hoek Island Hock Island, 10; Tcrre Haute. C. . ... At Cedar Haplds Cedar Ilaplds, 4; Uloom- "vtl.ockford Itockford, 15; Kvnnsvlllc, 1. Western Aaaoclntlon. At havlnn-Dnvton. 7! Marlon. 2. At Indlanapolla-Fort Wayne, 13; Indian apolis, 9. . At Columbus-Columbus, 4; Toledo. 2. At Louisville Louisville. 7; Wheeling, 3. TRANSMISSiSSlPPI G0LFIST5 Dozen Towns of .Nrhrnalin, lotvn, Knn Mnn nml MUsoiirl Arc llep rrncntril. Tho first meeting of the Transmlsslsslnpl Golf association will bo nt 10 o'clock thia morning ut tho Country club. A dozen clubs In cities of Nebrnska, Kansas, Mis souri and Iowa will bo represented, twenty five delegates having- signified Intentions of iittcmllng. A permanent organization will be effected at unci-. The next business will bo the de termination of a place and time for tho Trnnsmlsslsslppl tournament, In which all clubs of the association will compete. Country club representatives will mako a strong bid to have this come to Omaha nnd the directors of the club have already tendered the use of the house and grounds for that purpose. Tomorrow afternoon- will bo taken up by Informal matches, to, be arranged In tho morning. All visitors who. have brotght their golf outfit with them will bo privil eged to enter. LINCOLN GUN CLUB TOURNEY Hondater Clnh Also I'litiia ItnelnK Mat inee for llenetlt of Kn Klne in -n. LINCOLN. Juno 7. (Special.) The Lin coln Gun club has arranged for a tourna ment on Its grounds tomorrow afternoon, beginning at 3 o'clock. Johnson of Mllford nnd Schroedcr of Columbus are among the non-residents who hnve entered, Tho Lincoln Hondster club litis decided to give a racing matinee at Lincoln pnrk July 4 for the bcnetlt of the englncmcn of the state, vho wl'I havo a picnic In tho park that day. Kthellxirt Shown tSrent Form. NEW YORK, Juno ".Horsemen familiar with conditions on the Metropolitan circuit aro looking forward to a broken record In the running of the Surburban handicap next week nnd ono of tho most recent Justifications for this bellof Is the latest performance of ono of the most prominent candidates, Perry Belmont's Kthclbert. Over tho courso ot the Coney Island Jockey club at Sheopshoad Bay ho worked the fastest trial over shown for a Suburban handicap, running the mile and a quarter In 2:00, and his boy was pulling him up all through tho last furlong. . Horsemen who witnessed tho work say It wns tho lest prlvato performance seen In years and one of tho best ever seen. Tho only trial that ever excelled It that they could iccall was that of Tenny, when in his trial for his fa mous match race with Salvator he worked tho dlstanca In 2:05',; Tho record at that tlmo wns 2:06H. made by Kingston, afd which In the match race was reduced to 2:05. Ktholbert'H work was dono In Impres. slve style, tho horse nt no time, apparently, being extended. In tho opinion of horse men tho Shcepshcad courso this year Is faster by two seconds than It ever was be fore Last year Brighton was the fastest track on the Metropolitan circuit, but this year It will havo difficulty In holding Its own with tho Coney Island course. American Filly AVIna Hie Oaks, LONDON, June 7. Cap and Bolls II won tho Onks at Kpaom today. Caji and Bolls ii In n hn v or Virnwn 1111 v. bv Domlno-Bcn Mv Chrce, owned by Foxhall ICcene. Tho conditions or tho race wero as fol lows: Tho Oaks stakes of 4,500 sovereigns, by subscription of DO sovereigns each, for 3-year-old llllies, to carry 128 pounds each, about one mile and a half. Tho following wns inn result in detail: Foxhall Keemvs Ally Cap and Hells II. by Domlno-Hon My Chree, tlrst; Lords Klles. moro'a brown filly St. Hrlnettn. by KM-warlln-Snbrn, second; Hlchard Croker's bay filly Minnie Dee, by Fltzslmon-Klnz's Daughter, third. Twcnty-ono horses ran, Tho owner, horse and Jockey are all thoroughbred Americans, so -tho victory was not diluted, ns It was In the cafo of the Derby. Yesterday long odds were ob talnnblo against tho American horse, but these odds shortened this morning until Cap nnd Hells II stood nt tho head of tho list nnd started at 9 to 4 against. Tho hoi luwness of tho victory detracted from tho Interest In the raco. Punctilio, a chestnut filly, owned by Sir K. Vincent and ridden by Lester Relit, won the Acorn stakes of 1,000 sovereigns for 2-year-old (lilies at live furlongs. Fourteen hor.-ics ran. illtr City Twenty-Five Abend. The Gnte. City bowling team defeated tho Omaha Bedding company's bowlers last night on tho Gate City alleys, Score: GATE CITY. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Neale lsj 151 172 t&5 Howmon im no it'i 451 Hoth 101 179 170 515 YOCUm 197 15il 153 WO Soaman 159 181 150 493 Totals S93 7S0 791 BEDDING COMPANY. 2.470 1st- 2d. 3d. Total. Huntlnston I. 153 147 4SS Plotta 157 101 1 si Stapenhorst 162 171 im 501 Skinner 151 191 mi mj Hengele 142 US lfio 459 Totuls .S03 S30 812 2.115 Fremont HIkIi School Field l)ny. FREMONT, Neb.. June 7.-fSpeclal.)-The nnnunl Held day contests of the Fremont High school wero yestenlny afternoon nt the Driving park, Lloyd Havens won the tint prize with a record of 3I4 points. War ren Mulllken second, with 27 points, nnd Robert Jens third, with 20 points. The run ning races wero especially good, Lloyd Haven making the 220 yards In twenty-tlve seconds nnd Robert Jens the 100 yards In eleven and one-quarter second. Mulllken won the pole vault with seven feel nine Inches. On nccount of the wind slow time was made In tho bicycle races. 7. Cleveland, 7. Time: Sheridan and Connelly. INCHES COUNT AT ST, LOUIS Tbrts of th Dtft Finiihii Are Nose-itnc!-Noi. LEE BRUNO DUMPS THE RING MEN They Put Lour Odd ABnlnat Him nml He llenla Sue .lohiiaon In, Despite Ilia 1 1 ml Uct nuny. ST. LOUIS, Juno '".Three hair-raising finishes marked today's sport at the fair grounds. In tho first event Ethylene cauie from nowhere with an amailng burst of speed and beat Ituby Itay a head on the post. In the fourth Kuhn, on Lee Ilruno, was practically left at the post, but ha Picked his way through tho big field with great proclsloti and, catching O'Brien, who had the mount on Sue Johnson, napping, nipped the long end of the purse by a nose. The ring laid as high as CO to I against Leo Bruno. In tho concluding event Amelia Strathmore Just had enough loft to beat Quldc Hock a noso Track slow. Three fa vorites, one second choice ami two outsiders won. Results: nur'e81 ffi, ,Mr and a half furlongs, il Unl"-lohr third. Time: 0:5S. wm si fr'': live furlongs, purse: Knfllr HOf"'. "ooond, Phonulite third. Time: ...V.A rnco. six furlongs: Ml.s Aubrey Tim!.: LU-i! V !H'C("U,' Stono thlrif. wnnUrs,M'.riV'l;onp mll' ?lllnir: Lee Bruno thh"d. Time" "moV eCn1, A,',nlral Stlllc sehlfm. rK,?JV ,In,ln twity yards, Ale!"'h.rdatTlmef aWn KmA' li?.'-Xlhv,,,n!: P,"1'0 "ml ,l" 'iKlith, sell ing. Amelia Strnthmoru won, Guide Rock second. Ruslillelds third, Time: 1:68, TllUlin FAVOIIITi:.S AT I.eonorn I.orlnw. Ilnllieriller it ml Hot .,. "In In the Muil. Lorlng, Halberdier nnd Roxnne. The Myrtle, ,,ee'P,"0 n,,J ",rdsvi 2 tho feature of the day. Five horses faced the, starter, with Potento a slight favorite ?JL), "ir1nH n Kilogram made play for the lead and cot to the turn tlrst. there I o others hatF to take tho mud from his heels Potento ran second to tho fnr t i n i n !n!JerBa,,e'"y VIn,Mn and 1 truslv " a0a7,af.Wnnes,'ft,h:rr CnS"y b" " ,Cn3Ul Find race, live fjrlongs: Leonora Lorlnc Time: l!M.r"nl'U SCC0"''' Iec w,,r ,hl n,u'Lrni'- ,I! M'r"fi stakes, selling, one mile and seventy ynrds: Klllogram won, Latson second, intrusive third. Tin !) lilt Til Of 1 rnin .r)1 m i..A i . s- ir..w;. n ' . .M,"h. nun a nail iur longs: .HnlhenJIcr won. WlUl Onta aeootui. men kmc thlnl. Tlmo: 1:014-5. ,-,- mm ncveniy ynnift: third. Time:' 491.3 " nvtu"u' "'"'urucr , .''P. T",00' about six furlongs, selling: nlil Ivnlih, '. 1- third. Time: 1:12 1-5. ",u"re mv,l, f 1 . . m n . 1 . I .... .... ,,: "" " Kn.-nine iiiiu ii sixieenin: t ne Rhymer won Terminus second, Sherbert ( llllV I J o ua riini;i; oaicl.wd itinniis spill. Lento I'nlla nml Ilonlty nml Lnn AVelxn Are Tripped. RAN PIIAVeiopn i,.n. .n, ... ,i.T . .... . .." u.u."1- -nirce 01 1110 Ivo startera In the fifth race at Oakland """ i inn inr turn nml Jockeys w..., " riuiniicroy narrowly es- caped fulnl Injury. Faunticroy pulled over ruin l.enfn lilu rtinttr. UH..M1. r.A and fell. Royalty nnd Lou Welza also went 1. .11 inixup Al mo track nosp tnl It was found that neither boy was hadlv In jured. Hnsslnger, on Royalty, got off with out a scratch. Gultcrrez won three of the i..u iiii-un nrecciiing tno acelrtent. Lou Molzn, on whom he fell, was favorite. Odd Lyes w-as bid up trom $100 to $300, but waa retained by the stable. HcHults: r ir.n nice, mx mriongs: iiuuiestako won. M'-'.y nigga second, Pldulla third. Time: 1 tl.iU Hannnil a ln.l ... r, n . . .v...... ,,,, inur. l-l)l ueil won, Cousin Sue second. Robert Bonner II third. Third race. hx furlongs, selling: Odd Kyes won. ulo second, Frank Woods third. Time: 1:15. Fourth race, one mile, selling: Matilda O won, Lucra iccond. Cerro Santn third. Time: l:t2Vi. t.'.lftl. r. a n..A ,. ,1 , . 1 I,.,, ...w-, Mini i, nun nirieugs, handicap: Jarretlerre won, Torso Maid sec ond, Vnssalo third. Time: i:in. Dixin nice, one mue nnn 11m varilH, sell ing: Merops won, Alicia second. Lost Girl 111 ! T I nml till) t, III i 111 if; 1 .ids 110x1: y imv sucoxn at"hawtiiohb llcaeiln Defeiita the Fnrorlte Illfrht llnmllly. CHICAGO. June 7. Reseda defeated Honey Boy handily In tho feature event at Hawthorne today. An nireiit nf Mnckay has bought of John Rodegnp a 2-year-old colt by Wagner-Bonnie Bird. Tho price is said to havo been $0,000. Weather clear and track good. Results: First race, nve runongs, selling: Chanil nnde won, Arlnn second, I. Samuclson third. Time: 1:0314. Second race, ono mile and twenty vnrds: Shut Up won, Bright Night second, Mnplo third. Time: 1:17U. Third race, four and a half furlongs: Ilargls won, Emmet Orr second, Atnoto third. Time: 0:6fi;. Fourth race, one mile, selling: Reseda won. Boney Boy second, Grnndon third. Tlmo: 1:43. Fifth race, one mllo nnd twentv yards; Lee King won. Blue Lick second, nen Chnnco third. Time: 1:15. Sixth rare, seven furlongs, selling; Im promptu won, Hortlo second, Domndgo third. Time: 1:30. Heaulta nt Hamilton. HAMILTON, Out., Juno ".Results: First race, six furlongs: Alfred C won. Kettlo Court second, Our Lizzie third. Time: 1:16. Second race, five furlongs: J. Patrick won. Pilaster second, Dunrnbln third. Time: l:om. Third race, seven furlongs; Custodian won, Ben Eckert second, Flying Bess third. Time: 1:30. Fourth rnce, Walker cup, steeplechase, two miles. Jack Carey won, Arnuobua fccc ond, Angus third, Tlmo: 1:43. Fifth race, one mile: Free Lance won. Winepress second, Trekln third. Time: 1:44. OPENING YACHTING SEASIN Much of Intrrcat Center on Work of Hunt h- You 11 u HerreNChoff. ROTHESAY, Flrth-on-Clydo, June 7.-The muBHuiY uxniuiiiun rcguiia opened today. The yachts started In a brisk northwest breeze over a courso In the form of n square, lying between the Island of Bute and Ayrshire, giving a fair trial on all points of nailing. Twice round the course aim a - uiHiancu to iargs ana back madu a total of tlfty miles sailed, The race was divided Into two classes. both having special points of Interest to Amerlcnns. In the llrst division Shamrock I was pitted against tho best single stlckerx in jirmsn waters. 11 was heavily tinnul capped under tho British racing rulca. kIv Ing thci Meteor 45 minutes 39 seconds, the Sybarlta 42 minutes 21 seconds nud tho Knrlad 47 minutes 4 seconds. Interest In tho second raco centered in Charles F. Herrchoff, Jr.'s, new cutter .evatia. u waa ucsiguvu wun utile regard for tho restrictions of the British racing rules and If successful will either set tho fashion for British dcslcnlnc: or force Hi., Racing association to materially modify tilo measurement rules, Itu competitors, thu Lulu, Carina and Tutty, were inlrly repiu sentatlve nf tho work or British builders two seasons ago. The four big yachta wero sent off with light weather conditions to a capital "start, 'ino Karlad, Meteor and Bybarlta wero beam and beam, with Shamrock 1 half a length astern. They had an easy ilve-mlle raco to the tlrst mark. When the former cup challenger turned the tlrst mark It led the Meteor and tho Karlad by half a ml nil to and tho Sybarlta by ono minute and twenty-four seconds. When tho next leg was llnlshcd Shamrock I led thu Sy barlta by tine minute, anil fortv-fnur i,pc.. onds, tho Meteor hy four minutes and tho Karlad by over ton minutes. The wind then softened and tho paco ulackenul. In thu other class tho Nevada was well placed at tho start and In the softening wind ran ahead nnd passed the steoml mark one mlnuta nnd thirty acconds ahead of the Carina, two minute ahead of Uia Tutty and nearly threo minute nhead of tue 1,111s. On the last leg of the llrst round tho Shamrock 1 showed well and toed tho mark 9 minutes, 50 iccondti before the ,j ,,... n. . ,,,,,, .n nckuiiu.i ahead of the Meteor. On the fecorid leg of the second round the Shnmrock I beamed off Cumbrae, with all thne tlvals passing It there After having tailed half of the tlrst round In llrst rate style, It passed the Syb.irtta nnd wns third to nnlsh the round, 9 minutes IS seconds nfter tho Tutty. WYOMING PROVES A WINNER till Wella, Copper .Mine nml tireen Fields re llrlntiliiK Nelulibur IliK Mute to the Front. C. A. Black, right-of-way agent for the Union Pacific, who has Just returned from a trip through Wyoming, speaks assurlngly of the future of that section as a wealth producer. Ho had spent ten days In In spection of Its development and will ro turn thither next Sundiy. "People have no Idea," said Mr. Black, "of what Is doing out In that state. Wyo ming Is certainly In better shnps now than for years past, and the country will hear from It more and more. Capitalists are squatting out there In large numbers, and many more of them have tholr eyes on the country. In the first place, weather conditions have been all that could be asked. Cold, wet weather has been tho rule all the year, and that Is Just what the sheep ranges nourish tm. The entire range district Is In superb condition. "Then the oil fields aro holding out great promise. At Evanston the finds have boon of the best grade of Illuminating oil, and I am credibly Informed that they are al ready shipping machinery In there. Carbon county la tho other scat of oil activity, nnd all along the twenty miles between Wol cott and Rawlins they are staking It out as fast as they can. Then the mines, too, arc whooping It up Peoplo ore hot after cop per. A fourth interest In a new mlno at Laratulo sold for $50,000 tho day I left, and that place han put out $40,000 In oro al ready." CIIAMIKH I.N mULINCTO.N MUUVICi:. Tno C'hlenKii-Hni eiiimrt Trains Tnkrn Oir on .Mine !. General Passenger Agent Eustls ot the Burlington road has announced several changes In the train service on that line. The principal one becomes effective on Juno 9 nnd consists In discontinuing trains Nos C3 and C4 between Chicago and Davenport. ; As a substitute a chair car will bo at tached to No. 13, leaving Chicago dally except Sundays at 0:05 a. m. This will connect ot Mendota with tho train running from thcro through Mollue ami Rock Island to Davenport, arriving at 1:35 p. ni. On tho return trip the chair car will leave Davenport at 4 p. m., connecting with No. ii on tho main lino at Mendota and reaching Chicago ft 8:30 p. m. A host nf other minor changes In time on different Illinois branch routes are to be Inaugurated. Xew ChlenKO Ilonte. Tho pcopo HVIng along the lino of tho Fort Dodge division of tho Rock Island aro making nn effort to Induce tho Rock Island management to so change the tlmo card on tho division that thero will bo close connection In Des Moines with tho nor train east to go on June 16, The new fast train leaves Des Moines at 10:10 a. m., whllo the Fort Dodgo passenger nr rlvcs twenty-live mnutes later. By chang ing the time on tho branch so ns to mako connections in Des Moines n new daylight train from Fort Dodgo to Chicago will be provided. (iet Your Tleketa to Hi. I'll ill Todny. Woodmen and their friends ran purchase tickets and make reservations today for special train leaving Omaha Union depot for St. Paul, S:30 p. m Sunday, Juno P, nt Illinois Central city ticket office, 1402 Farnnm street. You will save tlmo and trouble by purchasing your tlckots In ad vance. lI3.NMOS FOn WHSTEIIX VUTi:ftA.H. War Survivor Ititmrnilierert liy the tacnrrnl flovcriiiiient. WASHINGTON, Juno 7. (Speclal.)-Tho following pensions havo been granted: Issue of May 22: Nebraska: Orlclnal Asahnl W. Mvers. I'onca. ftf. Additional fleorce Esser. Saint Helena, 12. Restoration :ind supplemental Special accrued, May 23, James P. Crowley, decoased, Niobrara, J2. Original widows, etc. Minors of Reuben Johnson, Stamford, JIB; special accrued May 2.1, Electa Crowley, rionrara, a; uaroara usnoru, rora, !.. Iowa: uris-lnai Jonn T. rotter. Hattlo Crock, $6: John P. Wclsensee, deceased, Ida C.rove. J10; Heuben H. Huff, deceased. Oil man. JS. Increase Harris Howey, Wapello, $30: flera Palmer. Albion. Sir. Orlclnal wld- ows, etc. Marcaret K. Curtis, Knoxvllte, JS: .Minna wciscnsee, ma urovc, v, AiurRaret Huff, Oilman. J8, special May 23, I,ottlo C. Wlllard, Fort Madison, J2 (supplemental); reissue, rsancy J. lllsnnn, Hioux City, 112; special accrued May 23. Kllzaboth A. Hrunk. Pulaski. J13: Mary Scholtv. Fort Mndlson. JS; Nancy A. Short. Mllo, JS. War with Spain, orlclnal Henry J, McNnmara, Dav enport, JI4. (irt . . 1, TlfiL-ntii YMnrAnun !).). Tl 1 . . .',,. ., ,,.. i itn..- , UlCI 1JIUUIIH, Hot Sprlnca, $12. rxortn uaKota: uriciuai widows, etc. Special nccrued ilay 23, Nanfiy J. Doyle, Hope, JS. Colorado: Increase Jamison C. Dunn, l.oncrnont. $12. Orlclnal widows, etc. Sne- clol accrued May 23. Lydlu A. Hawkins, Denver, js. THUNDER FOR TWO DAYS .Vi'lirimkn unit lotvn tn He ISooil ami Wet noth Todn- nml Toniorruvr. VASHINOTON, Juno 7. Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: For Nebraska Showers and thunder storms Saturday; Sunday cooler; ubowora; variable winds. For Iowa Showers Saturday and Sun day; warmer In northwest portion; Satur day increasing easterly winds. For Missouri Showers and thunder storms Saturday; Sunday Bhowcrs. and cooler; easterly winds. For South Dakota Fair In northern, showers In southern portion Saturday; Sunday showers nnd cooler; varlahlo winds. For Kansas Showers and thunderstorm Saturday, with cooler In southern portion, Sunday clearing and cooler; varlablo winds, For Colorado and Wyoming Showers and cooler Saturday; Sunday fair; winds shift ing to northerly. I.nenl Ilrcuril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER nL'TtEAU. OMAHA. Juno 7. Olllclal record of tem perature and precipitation compared with tne coriciipunuiuK uny oi me last tares years: 1901. lttOO. 1S3.1. 1RR Maximum temperature.,,, fc9 00 75 77 .Minimum lemperniuro,... vi 73 M ci Mean temperature. 57 81 fi5 ft) Precipitation T 00 T .01 Record of temperaturo and precipitation at umana ior mis nay npu since .March i: Normal temperature 6D Del c eney for tno day 12 Total excess since March 1, 1901 1M Normal preciptation 18 inch Dcllclency for the day IS Inch Total precipitation since March Incheg Detlclency alncc March 1 2.45 Inches Detlclency for cor. period, l&oo..., 1,32 inches Detlclenoy for cor. perion, iwj... 2.42 incites llrjiurta from Stations nt 7 I'. M. Ha : c 2 : i o n ; n a !;? j '"fiil li'J1 't tt) 76 70 7k ,04 76 82 T 72 ,(J0 CJ til 64 (A ,00 62 If, ,00 74 7& ,00 VI 51 ,CH) fi2l 64 .110 7fi St .00 5l Hi, .us 52 118, ,00 f2' tt .(') S2 D(i ,tJ STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHUR. Omaha, cloudy North IMatte, raining Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake, partly cloudy..,, Itapld City, partly cloudy,,, Huron, clear Wllllston, partly cloudy ChlcaKO, cloudy St, Louis, clear Hi. Paul, cloudy Davenport, clear Kansaa City, clear ., Helena, cloudy ,,, Havre, ralnlnir Itlsmarck, clear , Oalvt'ston, clear ,.. T Indicates tracu of precipitation, U A. WELSH, Ki Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. What Is worth doing ut nil Is worth doing well. If you aro golrifj to uso eotnothlntr. to help digest your tood, uso o preparation that will tllircst com pletely everything you oat. A Rreat. many people take pepsin In some form, after eating; but icpslti simply aids the digestion of eggs, meats nntl other albuminous foods and doesn't holp the digestion of fats and starchy foods. Wo usually eat moro than meat, clieeso and eggs; it) fact we have to cat freely of grains, potatoes and other starchy foods If wo supply tho variety of nourishment necessary to maintain tho various tissues of tho body, lint these aro the things most people who Buffer from dyspopslacan'tdlgcst. And 80 wo would suggest that when you take anything to help digestion, toko what will digest every kind of food. Thero Is only ono preparation known that does this, and that Is ICodol Dys pepsia Curo. It coutalns nil tho ill gestantsand completely digests what you cat. No other preparation does this. It can't help Bsut Prepared only by E.O.DeWitt .V Co., Chlfagn. The fl bottlo contains 2'.-4 tliatu tho SO, ilio. dcwitts wkcb Hazel saive A corlaiu cure for piles ami bkln diseases MULL'S GRAPH TONIC Cooling, Bracing, Sustaining. A REGONSTRUGTOR. Mode of Grapes, Fruits uud Health Giving Herbs. POK 0VEKV.0KKK1) MEN. FOR DELICATE WOMEN FOR WEAK AND SICKLY CHILDREN It stlmula'.t's, strengthens and sustains the system and builds up tho nervo cuntara at:d worn-out tissues. Stomach Troubles, Uyspcpslu and Hick Headaches disappear with Ita It over comes latitude and thu cumplalnts peculiar to this season nf tin- year. iVclH us a mild laxtitlvc, thu.-i clennnlliK tno system and kcuplni; it In a hsalthy condition. It has proven so bcnellclal that wo feci constrained to urge you to ndopt ltu uso at once. Get a larKo bottte for 60c, most as large as you pay tM for of other lUmi.i, only remember this Is a fruit remedy, tho only thins of J tin kind known. Us worth Is unequitilcd. Hvcry dose Is worth u dol lar to your health Yours truly, Vour druKKlst. o I Mull's Ltahtiilng rain Killer Cureu Killer Cureu Known to tho t It. 25c. an tno acnes nnu pains Ki: cony, nun ii on or urinic . . o IBJL.IHIIj J "1 A MAN becomes languid, irritnbte nud de. spondetit, throtiRhlo?!. of nerve vigor, I,lfe seems n mockery The couroge, force, vigor nud action which charac terize full-blooded men, are Inciting. have kindled the llghtcf hope In many a man's f.-iee. They liriiig vigor to the weak and ambition to llic dcsiraiident. They permanently checlt the weak erjiug drains feed the nerves, enrich the blood and make men over gener ally. M OOr'rbPxj C, lwesS'.OO. With a So 00 older we Ismic a wiitten guaraii tee to refund the mouey if no cure be effected, llool: free.' (or siiln bv- Kulin Sr. fTn.. "a-,. A. nlllon. Fuller i'alnt & Drug Co., Omaha; and Davis Drui; Co.. Council I Huffs, in. The Best Heater for You Is tho ono that burros any kind of fuel, con sumes nil Bnai-a iniii niuvmu, ...-ijuii.m lllllit attention; send heut through thu houso and not up thn chimney. Such U tliu ROUND OAK FURNACE Don't buy a furnaco until you got our fur nace booK, sent free. Eilate MP, 0 UECKWITII, Dowaglac. Mich. Bold In Omaha by Milton Uogt-rs & Son. Dr. Mc Crew Specialist ii years experience 15 yenrs In Omatw DI8EA8ES OT MEN ONLY. urluocvie, ajutocoic, oulclwlc, iJlonU DUeauea In all athi,-i:.i, .NcrvoJu Debility, and all unnatural Wuakneftu, Cureu Uuar. antecd, Chargeti Low Hours. 8 u. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays, St, ra to 5 p. in. Hox ,iiu. OWcu over 215 tio, nth St . between Kurnam and Douglua fitu., Omaha. Neb. CURE YOURSELF ! Vm Wgti fur minatuml lli-hiii'ai,uiHuiniutlaiic, Irritatlunt or ultciatli.ii nt mn en in niii':rnii'i. raliilim. mid out nj'uu- lEv,.jCHtU.tlLC0 Ot liulmillPlll. or i'ni in ruin wriipr'. l.rti, or 3 IwttlrJ. u!Vi. Ircuor nt vu jniuvt!. MONEY IWIMIIUGU,! anteoDr Kay's Renovator' potion, liver and Iddners, lieit ionic, laxatlvr. blood purlllor known for all ibronlo illhfiir,eH: renovateiiHtidlnvlKomtC'i'hnwholuByntem iitni cures vory worst casen. i,"t trial box at ont-e. If not aatlstled with I; notify in, wo will refund !2C',r)Mr1lcIA(lvlcn,iiaii1pIoand proof. 25 .fc Mo at druanisti. Ur. U. J. Kaj-.fantatosu. N.Y. mm (iuirittci V. fcl mri ti itrictur. fiTilTH