Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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farajt Exptmei Wrath it Misrtprtitntt
tiont of tht
.'Sebrnikn. I'lrat Tina nay I'rnelama
Him ! In.uril ColiinrU Announced
for l Hilary- Mnri Oninlni
uiiiiiii'" .Micer.
iTrom a Stuff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. June 7. (Special.) Governor
F.tnn, no uvueh wrought up by a report
published la an eastern newspaper, which
trtd tei to hira the remark: "Bull-fight-,ng
m.4 Lull-baiting are to be tolerated In
! I aska because 1 am In tnvor of that
(1, ci amusement.' His denial was era
j. j i enough tu satisfy the demands of the
I. t,t exacting
The tutlre dispatch Is a violent dlstor
t.on of the truth and Is shamefully menda
cicaf ' bald he. "The statutes of Ne
l aiku -MiriiMly prohibit such cxhlbl
t us and a heavy penalty attaches to a vlo-
la o i 'hereof. I am not and never have
bfeti a votary of barbarous sport. On the
i Miliary, In the abwcncu of statutory au
thority should n attempt be made to
fa ' I t any such Indulgence as a bull
ish! I ould retort to every means within
jns ommand to rcprefs It. The people of
Ntbmslia urc law-abiding and law-respcct-Ir.g
and it does not require executive, In-
r'encte and' perfuaslon to tnalnUln the
r- Jetty of the statutfs. nor Is popular
in'iment In this KtHto suih as to find
i la- and gratification In the practice of
1 jilt) to man and beast. The moral and
to ' 1 status of our eltliens will, i trust,
li uhMv compare with that of the cltl
. en- of any other state and I know of no
i pot n this broad domain where law, or
der and good Rovcrnment arc mure Jealously j lnc 00.Jse
conserved than in Nebraska, .tenner duii- i
fighting ner my oilier infraction or sue jjX dollars
criminal code will be tolerated ana in tins
ros lion 1 bolUve I sbaM have the unquali
fed Bjppoit of nearly every. If not every,
c.'U. n of this state."
1diriil.'i rir I'lnn Iln.
Tlio first Flag day proclamation for Ne
braska iicoplo has been Issued by Gov
ernor Savage. Following Is the full text
of the document:
COM. Neb., June 7. In pursuance of a
i.ifct m v.lilch I ilrem wise and romtnena
nt r, and In the nhenre of express Mnl
ut ry provision. I hereby designate 1
day Jui,c 14. YM. nn FIhb any and I rec
mrtnind that. o far it possible, the pa
triotic cltiicnb of Nebraska devote this day
to mich exercises an have a tendency to
Ktlmulate love of country and devotion to
our nattonnl omhlein.
On the above named date will occur tlie
K4i'i niii.lversarj of the l.lrth of our llng
ir i ,mli!.Tinc it relative functions. It
In proper that that day xhould
will soon be sent to officers of school dis
tricts over the state Besides containing
all las an" amendments affecting schools
that were passed by the legislature the
boolt tocludes rulings, supreme caurt de
cision and citations relating to school
(J rent Michl for Ak-Sar-Ilrn.
Oovsrnor Bavste anoouatis that he will
go to Omaha June? 17 for the Ak-Sar-Ben
Initiation. He expects nearly all of the
state officers and members of his staff to
accompany him.
Mix .MneUn'K Klectlnn.
Mli. Eugenia Mackln of Omaha, who this
jerr receives a master's degree at the
University of Nebraska, has been elected
lutru,tor of history and Latin In the
High school at Norfolk. Miss Mackln was
graduated from the university last year.
Affirm Mnrder Sentence.
The supreme court has affirmed the de
cision of the district cout of Dawes county.
by which George Coll was sentenced to
ten years In the state penitentiary for
murder. As a result of the hatred engen
dered by a .border cattle feud he killed
Thomas E. Ryan. Self-defene was the
plea In district court, and he was given
the minimum tentence for the off -nse. ,Rn.a
was a rival stockouncr and there had been
b'tter enmity between the two because Coll
was a sheep owner and the latter's animals
were destroying the range for the cattle
men. It developed at the trial that Ryan
had tevcral times threatened Coll. One
day Coll saw his enemy riding toward the
house. He seized n rifle and when Rjan
rode up shot him through the heart.
lirrmnii Count) Anainilt.
The court also affirmed the former de
I rimuu iiiiuiug uruce luupiusu ui r.ucuuu
county guilty of assaulting Ora Nell John
on. Ho Is sentenced to three years In
the penitentiary.
Iliirxlnrn In Lincoln.
The home of W. K. Tuttle at 7IS South
Fifteenth street was entered by burglars
last night, but nothing taken. Entrance was
gained by raiting a screen In the rear of
Thehonin of Mr. Bcnway was
also entered last night through a window.
In money was found and car-
lied away No description of the robbers
u obtained.
WnttiTilt if Eoata Dsksti Etu Error tid
Will Ttj.
Llrntrnnnt Colonel r"nrret H. H"
nnny Hellcveil b- .Mnjor BlrU
T. Ciinint)n ni Drnrtnient
QnnrterinnKter iniernl.
fall before morning. The surface of the i
ground has been dry for two weeks and
crops, especially winter wheat, were be
ginning to show the need of rsln. With
seasonable rains from now on there will be
the largest small grain crop ever raised
here Corn Is In fine condition and a good
stand, not showing any need of rain
Alfalfa Is being cut and shows a heavy
yield, also extra good quality for first cut
ting. It looks as though this would be
the record-breaking year since If 01 for
large crops,
( Ink of
l nrcrlira DIplotilH at
Arlirnokn City In-Ktltullon,
witness a
patriotic and righteous obxervance of the
i vent It Is well to consider that the In
fi " emblem wnose sovereignty scarcely
i "-re than a century ago v-a rentrlcted
to thirteen Mruggllng utatet. today noalj
majestically over the grandest and most
powirful nation in the world, extending
Its domain Into the Atlantic and Pacific
and currying civilization and hope to a
formerly enslaved and outraged people.
The StarH and Stripe may be seen today
bathing In the sunlight of the Hilltppines
and klsFlng the ocean mitts of every port
within the realm of commerce, and, abroad
as at home, no matter where Its sacred
f Ids are unfurled, It commands that
recognition and respect which Is alone ac
crrded the emblems of nations taking first
ri.nk among the ruling powers ot the
earth. Every American citizen has reason
l.i be proud of his country and Its flag,
nnd where the opportunity arises to sow
nuch seeds as .ire calculated to ripen into
a deeper and more lasting devotion and
reveienco tor both It should be generously
embraced, for devotion to our national
mnhlrm is the roc!: to which our Kreat
republic, tolnsure perpptulO', jntist be,,
kept tlrmiy inooreu. -j nc snreiy ana per
petuity of that nation Is secure whose peo
ple lova and rtvcie Its symbol of sov
ereignty. Having confidence In the loyalty, patriot
Ism and lntiiigence of you, my fellow
citizens, I offer the suggestion that the
lav be observed, trusting to you to wisely
determine the manner and character
H the Governor, EZRA P. SAVAGE.
(J W MARSH. Secretary of State.
More OiKtibn Colonels.
Governor Savage today appointed the fol
lowing as aides on his military staff, each
to held the title of colonel: Elmer E.
Ilryson of Omaha, Joseph A. Harris ot
Proken Bow, Joseph V. Thomas and Ira
W Wuynlck of Omaha, John B. Malktns
aud James G. Martin ot South Omaha. The
appointments complete the organization of
the povernor's staff.
Count?' Inttltntr Ctrrntt.
Superintendent Fowler was In the city
a few hours today enroute from the north
crn part of the state to Dewltt. where he
tonight made a commencement address be
fore the graduating class ot the High
school. Mr. Fowler will start on the
cunty institute circuit next week.
Trnnsinlsslsstppl fiolf.
S. H. Burnbam and H. C. Young will go
to Omahn tomorrow as delegates from Ltn'
coin to the meeting of the Transmlsslsslppl
Gr,f association. Sovcrul members of the
local club will probably accompany the
delegates to the meeting.
Printed copies ot Nebraska school laws
NEBRASKA CITY. June 7. (Special.)
Commtncemrnt exercises for the Institution
for tho Blind were at the chapel of the In
stitute this afternoon. The program con
sisted of orations, essays and music by the
J. J. Cardwell, one of the trustees of the
Institution, presented diplomas. The fol
lowing are the graduates Literary, Anna
Knapp, Mona Stuart, Nora Martin and Hans
Hexthausen. Musical, Nora Martin, violin,
Jennie E. Johnson, planaforte. Industrial,
John Rowe and Hans Hexthausen, In tun
ing, broom making and weaving.
Ilrntrlrc Uokk Trncr tu Cover .fi;ru
AkEiiilit ii t nml Tho White
BEATRICE, Neb., June 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The Fulton bloodhounds were
called to Savannah, Mo., early this morn
ing to trace a negro who attempted to as
sault the 14-ycar-old daughter of George
Dixon near that place. A message this aft
ernoon to the Evening Express says the
dogs had run to cover a negro and two white
men. They held the dogs and officers at
bay. with Winchesters and a mob Is now
reported to bo forming.
Mn sonic Cornerstone I.nld.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., June 7. (Bpeclal.)
The cornerstone of the Masonic temple was
laid at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. It
was originally intended to have President
McKlnley lay the stone, but the abandon
ment of bis trip caused a change In the
Colonel F. M. Foete of Evanston, thirty
third degree Mason and Inspector general
of the Wyoming and Utah comraacderlts,
was chief of ceremonies and laid the stone
in place. The address was delivered by
Hon. B. B. Brooks ot Casper. Mr. Brooks
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, June 7 (Special Tele
gram.) Attorney Griggs of Lincoln. Neb.,
had au Interview today with Commissioner
of Land Offlce Hermann relative to the
caie of WcstrrvclL who, It Is alleged, Il
legally cut timber on the government land
In the Black Hills, S V. The value of the
timber alleged to have been cut amounts
to 1150, for which Grlgss. as attorney for
Weslorvelt, offered to reimburse the gov
ernment. Through an accident, It op
pears, Wcitervelt's sub-contractors over
stepped the line nnd cut timber on the
government land, hence the indictment.
The loss to the government Is small and
the probabilities now point to a nolle
prosse of the case by tho attorney general
ClintiKt'ft in the Arm.
Major Edward T Coracgys. sur
geon, L. S. A.. has been re
lieved from fu-ther duty In the dlvlslen
of the Philippines and upon the expira
tion of his sick leave will proceed to Fort
Meade, S. D.. for duty In the Department
of the Dakota, relieving First Lieutenant
Samuel M. Waterhouse, airlstant surgeon,
V. S. A., who has been ordered to duty In
the Philippines.
Major John Pullman, quartermaster,
U. S. A., has been relieved from
duty at Jeffersonvllle, Ind.. and
will procetd to Omaha for duty as
chief quartermaster of the Department of
the Missouri, relieving Lieutenant Colonel
Forrest H. Hathaway, department quarter
master general, who has been ordered to
duty In the Philippines.
Post innstr r l'n- Hnlseil.
These changes have been made In the
salaries of presidential postmasters:
Nebraska Blue Hill, Increased from
n.oo) to $i,ioo.
South Dakota Bowdle. Increased from
$1,200 to J1.300; Parkslon. J1.000 to H.100;
Tyndall, J1.300 to $1,400; Watcrtown. J2.IO0
to $2,300.
F. E. Brown has been appointed post
master at Lewlston, Pawnee county, Neb.,
vice W. E. Atkinson, resigned.
Tho postofflce at Germantown, O'Brien
county. Ia., Is discontinued and Its mall
goes to Paulllna.
loivn nllnnnl Hanks.
An abstract of the condition of tho na
tional banks of Iowa, exclusive of Des
Moines. April 24, shows loans and dis
counts Increased from $12,806,233 to $".4,
407.C05; lawful money rcservefrom $4,304,
707 to $4,830,793; Individual deposits $51,
E17,13fi to $S7,168,fC5. and average reserve
held 32.36 per cent.
The Iowa National bank of Des Moines
has been approved as a reserve agent for
tho Commercial National of For: Dodge, la.
Vnrlims Appointments.
Joseph N. Pattlson has been detailed as
superintendent of construction of the Os
kaloosa (ia.) pcstofflce building.
Charles B. Burtls has been appointed sub
stitute letter carrier at Cedar Rapids, la.
Stephen R. Whitney ot Nebraska is pro
moted from $1,000 to $1,200 In the pension
Nellie Anderson of Iowa has been ap
pointed folder In the governmetit printing
ttcv. It. C. Herrlnn Delivers
Address nt Contention
ConcreoB t loimllsts.
( losing 1
ALBION, Neb.. June 7 (Special ) Ths
Columbus Association ot Congregational ,
Churches closed Its two days' session last '
night. The thirty-six churches In the as
sociation were represented by sixty dele
gates. It was the most largely attended
end enthusiastic mectlt.g for years
Steps were taken to divide the terrliory.
which Is now 200 miles Jong, In the center
and make two associations. Rev. H C
Herring of Omaha gave the closing Address.
J. A, Price of this city was chosen one
of the delegates to the national council ot
Congregational churches, which meets nt
Portland, Me.. In October.
i WmWM
aft? 7
I 1
Unnd Itlier Dninnnes Mill.
SHELTON. Neb.. June 7. iSpectal.) One
thousand dollars' damage was done by
water at the Sbelton Mill and Gialn com
pany's plant here yesterday. The recent
heavy tall of rain raised Wood river so
high that the rush of water through the
mtllrace washed the floodgates out and
cut away n large bank ot earth and partly
washed the rock foundation from uuder the
mill. The brick engine room was under
mined and the whole north wall fell Into
the water. A large force of men worked
all last night and now have the water
under control.
$12 Men's Suits for $7.50
AW laid back on a special table and only shown when
asked or, but piled up in the most conspicuous place on
our clothing floor that all' may seey
Men's All Wool Suite in black
(rntlnntrs nt lied flood.
RED CLOUD. Neb.. June 7. (Special. 1
Commencement exercises of the High scho:l
were at the opera house Wednesday and
Thursday nights. It was expected thnt
Dr. Fletcher Wharton of Lincoln would
deliver an addre.vs. but he failed to apnea
The graduates are. Susie E. Engles. Hugh
R. Beal, Alice I. Pope, Samuel G Foster.
Anna M. Hallock. Bud McCune Winnlfrcd
M. Sherman, W. Llgh Pope, Mabel S. Beck
with, Clarence M. Gross and Joseph S
cheviot with pin stripes, extra good qual
ity lining, elegantly tailored, worth $12, for
Jfcn's nil wool Grau Mix Suits
tailored with the greatest care, shaped
with perfection and nothing Is left to be
desired In trimming and finish, worth
$12.00. for
ill Wool Qissimsre Suite m broken plaid
Italian serge lining, elegantly made and trimmed, piped seams nnd cut
in the latest fashion real $12.00 suits for
Men's All Wool Caw'mere Suits in a pretty line
satin ripe-l. extra quail y satin lining, perfectly tailored, regular
price elsewhere $12.60 here for
Men's Pure Worsted Suits in fancy patterns,
of gray mixture, trimmed with the best quality of trimmings. Your
mer. hant tailor would say J2S.0O if made to order our price only .
Men' a Blue Serge Suits All wool wide wale, pock
ets sttiyed. satin plied scums, soams all sewed with purodyo
silk and the stitches have just tlie proper tension to avoid break
Inp Its tho licit utt In Omaha toe the money real vahto
$1.60 our i-rit e only ".
The clothing we carry is absolutely the best made
in America, lie Itavc frcr dtoictof the finest productions of the great
f.f manufacturer. ami yov are limited to no one man's ideti of style, or
color, or pattern, or shop:, for xcc offer the pick from nil the acknowl.
tdjul leaders in clotlmii (?r ni.
Before you give up vour money today Just compare any advertised '
10. 12 or 10 dollar suits sold eUcwhcrc
Id I
r I
Thirty .nrinnl Grnilantes.
FREMONT. Neb., June 7 I Special.)
The graduating exercise of the commer
cial class of the Framont Normal school
were at the Normal auditorium last even
ing. Diplomas were presented by Presi
dent Clcmmons to thirty students. The
address was delivered by Dr. F H. Sander
son of (he Methodist church After the
graduating exercises a banquet was served
in the college dining hall.
Seven Girls Crnilnntr.
TRENTON. Neb., June 7. (Special.) The
ninth commencement exercises of the Tren
ton High school were tonight at the Congre
gational church Seven girls were graduated.
They are Ethel Button. Louisa Duckworth,
Florence Woolpenden, Etta Jones, Josephine
Baker, Ethel Duckworth, Grace Jones. W.
Thompson, president of tho Board of Ed
ucation, presented diplomas.
For Tito Honrs Fire Kauri Uncon
trolled and It Look Like Anni
hilation for the City.
LEXINGTON. Ky., June 7. The Otts
cooper shop burned this afternoon and the
fire communicated to other buildings so
rapidly that It was feared for some time
that the city would be laid In ashes,, The
fire was beyond control from 2 until 4
p. m. Twenty houses, mostly tenements,
were destroyed with their contents. The
spoke of the fact that when completed tho loss approximates $SO,000. Only about one-
temple here will be the only one In the , third of the property was insured.
state owned by the Masons and used ex
clusively for Masonic purposes. Among
the spectators were a large number of Ma
sons from Denver and many towns in Wyoming.
Wj-onilnit Trial for Mnrdrr.
RAWLINS. Wyo.. June 7. (Special.) Al
Propat. the man that held up a store at
Medicine Bow last winter, pleaded guilty
In the district court here Wednesday.
Orlo MrSwaln, son of Deputy Sheriff Mc
Swaln of Baggs, was brought In for trial
today for the killing of James Taylor at
Baggs last fall. McSwaln will set up a
case of self-defense.
George Moore, a negro, charged with
killing a colored companion at Hanna last
winter, will be tried next week, as will alto
James McMahon, who killed a companion
in a grading camp nt Grenville last fall.
The case of the State -against F, N.
Nevlns. charged with cattle stealing, will
be tried at this term of court.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature mt
5m PacEiBtlle Wrapper Bctow.
Ilenvrr C'lt- Commrnrrmrnt,
BEAVER CITY, Neb., June 7. (Special.)
The tenth annual commencement exer
cises of the Beaver City High school was
at the Methodist Episcopal church tonight.
Tho address was delivered by Dr. F. N.
Wharton of Lincoln. The graduates are:
Daisy Myrtle Wilton, Anna Beth Grlffln.
Anna Ruby Bachelder, Nora Louise
Knclsel. Ida Mae Swalm. Levert Bernard
Simmons, Anna Bertha Lawson, Ethel
Isabell Payne. Bertha Anrllla Qulnn, May
Louise Tbee, Clyde Benham Rea.
Lodge Lets Contract for Bnlldlnar,
ALBIO.. Neb., June 7. (Special.) The
contract for the building of a new hall by
the local Modern Woodmen of America has
been let to Trank Roberts and J. II. Parker
for $4 225. It will be of brick, two stories
nnd basement The 'first floor will be used
ror n - ceptlon hall, the upper floor for
loilge . r.s
J H Father has established a new brick-
I yard ard Is now at work with a full force.
Yrr aaBall and mm aaay
V) 1
Foa Harness.
run au.uw kSMH.
m'&m I Prr YarrtaaleW
1 wmmmnmrmmmn
JikIkc linker at fnlrlmry.
FA1KBURY, Neb.. June 7. (Special.)
Judge 11. S. Baker of Omaha is presiding
at the district court here. The case of
Mary R. Moss against the city of Fair
bury to restrain tho levy of a special side
walk tax to pay for a brick sidewalk In
front of six lots, was decided In favor of
the city. The amount of (lie tax is $128.
RENOVATOR Invigorates and resnratci the
vnera purines and enriches the blood; currs
i no wort dyspepsia, constipation, headache,
i verutit Miners. S5candll otdruggitts Free
ran. advice sample and book B-B-w
rW Dr II. J, Kay, .Saratoga. N Y. iPinm
of tlir I iil rlty of Clilrnuo. Scholastic
work music, urt. all of high grade. Ncw
bulld ng. moderate ":cpene. Write for cata
1 pi.e M. P. McKEE. Dean. Mt. Car
1'u.L ill
JrlTrrfiii County .Mortirasra.
FAIRBL'RY. Neb.. June 7. (Special.)
The Jefierson county mortgage record fcr
May It Farti; mortgages filed, 20, $24,
r.CC.75, cameled. S'J, $40,80S.7i. City men
gages filed. 14. 57.721.C0; canceled, 5, $3,
SfiS. Chattel mortgages filed,. 7S. $24,605.91;
canceled, f.5. $27,820.27.
nifttrlrt Court nt fnlla City.
FALLS CITY, Neb., June 7. (Special.)
District court Is In session this week and
a number of cases have been disposed ot
A grand Jury has been empaneled. This
is the first grand Jury called In this county
for five years.
St. Joseph's hospital was at one time
threatened. Citizens rushed in to rescue
the Inmates, but their services were not
needed, as the department cut off cum
munlcatlon of the flames with the hospital.
Parts, Georgetown and Versailles were
called on for aid and held their apparatus
In readiness, but their help was not needed.
At 4 o'clock the flames were brought
under control. All three of the city's
brigades were then still hard at work.
Many are homeless tonight. Three other
calls were made for the department In
other parts of the city while the flames
were raging, but the damage in each In
stance was trivial. One man was hurt and
one child seriously burned, but no lives
were lost.
Commencement Kserrlum at Grand
Island Stndrnt from GlriiTllle
AVInn Dt'dainatorr Prise.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., June 7. (Spe
cial,) The commencement exercises of the
Grand Island college were at the First
Baptist church In this city last night. The
graduates are: Cora Neff, Grand Island;
Blanche Catherm, Bladen; Arthur G. Ab
bott, Grand Island; Alton H. Robins, Over
ton; Vertle Sears, Ottawa, Kan., Cora
Hlgglns, Shubert, Neb.; Abble Larrlck
Otto, Neb.; Frieda Peterson, Grand Island
Mr. Larrlck. Otto. Neb.; William Smith
Oakland, Neb.; Myrtle Dillon, Ctlca, and
Miss Carden, Grand Island. In the col
lege declamatory contest Monday night
Raymond Coon of Glenvllle won first prize
and Aldo Struble of York the second. In
the oratorical contest held Tuesday night
Arthur G. Wray of York won first honors
and Mis Florence Hopewell of Tckamah
the second, Mr. Wray will represent Grand
Island college In the next state college
oratorical contest.
Wlrea Ilnnontrnnre to I'renldrnt Mc-
Klnlry AB.iiiint Anion of I'ot
aifllrr Ilrinrtnieiit.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June 7. tip cial.)
A remonstrance against the action of the
Poetomco department in leaving the post'
office in Its present location was sent dl
rect to President McKlnley Ian night by
wire and was, signed by ICO business men
and citizens. It asked the president to look
Into the documents on file In the office o
the postmaster general, In which he would
find two reports from postofflce Inspectors
recommending a change In the location,
Hundred llonara nrlna; Ilullt.
FALLS CITY. Neb., June 7-(Speclal.)
In Falls City there are ino bouses In the
course of erection Several large business
blocks are alio being built.
Contract for Albion lllali School,
ALBION, Neb,. June 7 (Special.) A
contract has been completed between the
American Warming and Ventilating com
pany ot Chicago and the Albion school dls
trlct for the heating nnd ventl'atlng appa
ratus for the new Hljh school building. The
same company will equip the building with
the dry closet system. Work hat already
begun on the building,
Adam County MortarnKr Itrcnrd.
HASTINGS, Neb. June 7 (Special.)
The mortgages filed and released In Adams
county during Muy were as follows: Farm
mortgages filed, twenty-nine. $21,091.60; re
leased, forty, $35,f.78.34. City mortgages
filed, sixteen, $6,056.65; released, twenty
one. $24,022.83. Chattel mortgage filed,
ninety, $20,351.2;; released, sixty, $9,453.75.
Jtrvr Hank at Grand Inlnnd.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. June 7. (Spe
cial.) A new bank Is to be opened In this
city July 15, Mr. Hamilton of Julesburg
and Mr. Clayton of Iowa, together with an
other Iowa man, being the Incorporators.
The building formerly occupied as the Cit
izens' National bank has been secured.
Grand Island has only two banks.
Reads Like
a Fairy Tale
Crossing the Rockies on a 43 foot
grade, light, easy curves, SO-lb. steel
'spic-rofc rails, a perfectly ballasted roadbed.
over gigantic embankments, of
disentegrated granite through
tunnels bored in solid granite,
stone and steel bridge?, is now
an accomplished fact.
A fascinating panorama of marvelous engineering.
To see this, be sure your ticket reads over the Uu
Pacific Railroad.
Flrnt V ni Irs- Commencement.
VALLEY. Neb., June 7. (Special.) The
first commencement exercises of the Val
ley High school was at the opera house
last night. The class consisted of Kate uVto V Jf- ; v
Whltmore, Edith Helmbacb, Grace Agee. ""SVi. ..W X""
Bertha Lentlll. Boy Erway. Claude Lutton. l 3ssJ fftV S .v-?V.' tVvXWl
Jesse Whltmore and Charles Webb. U........ ".'V.Si,1- S , VH;W W
McCook Mn.onlc ..l S-JiS -&rZ. '&&CZa.
M'COOK. Neb.. June 7.-(Speclal.)-Mc V.M X I'" "Mt awugSSSfey.l
Cook lodge No. 133. Ancient. Free and Ac- V Ihf J l ""A--""
cepted Mar.ons, this week elected these Z-y.c, 7 J&Ay jW?
officers' M. O. McClurc, worshipful mas- ... "V"" " fV
iff, a. W. 'Wlllotts. senior warden; Em- A' l"u" - r
V101 -NCtm
f Ma
erion Hanson, Junior warden; G. S. Bishop,
secretary; Sylvester Cordeal. treasurer.
The Installation will be June IS.
.In men II. Gllitm Is Ilnrlril.
BATTLE CREEK, Neb . June 7 (Specie!.)
James B. Glbbs, who was killed on his
farm seven miles touth of this place, was
burled In the Falrvlew cemetery at 10
o'clock today. He was one of Madls:n
county's earUett settlers.
New City Ticket Office.1324 Farnam. Tel. 316
Onion Station IQth and Marcy, Tel. 629.
Hall Kill Lnml.
GRANT. Neb., June 7. (Special Tele
gram.) There was a heavy rain and hall
storm today north of Grant. George
Jacobs, a ranchman, lost several cattle by
lightning and E. H. Hill lost a number ot
Iambs by hall.
Ilolt Striken Krnrnrr Ft enldrncr,
KEARNEY, Neb., Jue 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The residence of Robert Codding
ton was struck by lightning during the
storm this evening and the upper portion
was destroyed. The loss Is fully insured.
Cholera Morlma a Dnnurron Dlnenxe.
In many Instances attacks of cholera
morbus terminate fatally before medicine 1
can bt procured or a physician summoned. ,
The safe way is to keep at hand a reliable
medicine for use In such cases. For this
purpose there Is nothing so sure as Cham
berlain's Colic. Cholera a'nd Diarrhoea
Remedy W. E. Bosworth of Lafnyette,
Alabama, says; "In June, J too, I had n
serious attack of cholera morbus and one
dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy gave me relief In fif
teen minutes." For sale by all drugclats.
Timely Hnln at Arnpnlior.
ARAPAHOE. Neb., June 7. (Special Tel
egram,) This section received a much
needed rain this evening of ,71 of an Inch
and prospects are tor a much heavier rain-
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday,
June 7. 1901'.
Warrnntj- needs.
C. W. Heimbnch to Emmstt Erway.
lots 10 and 11. block 6, C. K. Mayne's
1st add. to Valley $ 710 1
V H. Guthrie to William Guthrie, lot I
K. Park View 500
Edward Joslln nnd wife to K. W. Ho- !
man, e 55 feet of 114 lot S. block 1.
Park Place 00
Omaha Renlty Co, to Jennie Frank.
lot 6. block 9, Hanscom Place 4,500
C. L. Thomas to Mrs. M D Krause, 1
lot 11. block 120, South Omaha .... 550
Fort Podgo & Omaha Rallwav Co. to
Omaha Bridge & Terminal Rallwav
Co.. lots 1. 4. f. S, 9, 12, 13. 16 to 2S.
block 13, Kountte & R'p add 75,000
L. M. Benson to I. A. Edward, si- 1
lot fi and n 12H feet lot 7. niocK 16,
West End add 3,500
Qnlt Claim Ilrrdo,
J. W Greer and wife to C. A. Phelps
!i' of sW of eVJ swi,.. and n 20 ncres
of w 49.1lii acres of wtj seU $-16-13. . 1
M B, Greer to same; same 1
C. A. Phtlpn and wife to A. C. An
dreen; same 75
C. S. Stebbln to National Life Insur
ance Co., lot 2, block 25. Omaha... . 5.003
Sheriff to National Life Insurance Co.,
lot 2. block 25. Omaha 5.000
Sheriff to H. A. Talbot, lot 9. block 2.
gjb of J. I. Redlck's add 610
Total amount ot transfers p6,177
! Ilk. 7. ""SC;
W:-h,: ft?.:!
' EK'"i.'.ri,.
Now it's
j the Burlington
y '?
to St. Louis the same as to
Denver and Chicago.
Tho St. Louis Flyer leaves the
Burlington station every after
noon at 5:10 o'clock, arriving In
St. Louis the next morning at
7:19. This train Is preferred be
cause it makes fast time over
tho best track between the
I5C2 Farnam St.
Telephone 253.
10th and Mason Sis.
Telephone 128.
l You Can't 6plll It. K
II No Brush Needed. Ml
II No Evaporation. Qd
II No Wtiti and No In-
eroaMd Cost.
II You Can't put your glue
II brush In your Ink bottle be- DfJ
V causo thcro Isn't any brush. K
fij 1 Tho tame old clue thnt
ft holds WORLU'8 RECORD
yjll for strength,
It your dealer hasn't It, it'll
Win him to be tip-to-date and get It.
M RUSSIA CEMENT CO., Solo Mfrs., n
H Gloucester, Muno, jg
I aaaaMMHaWtaaWaWnKaWVM IB
llllUiillllllilillllliltlilll(IIIIMIIIltlllllliilllltl((llll H
IfcS. TBBR- !,!' Xll
A. Mayer Co,,
'Phone I7I
Re-No-May Powder
Not only relieves, but positively cures all
disorder of tho feet, stops odorous perspi
ration, cures tender, swollen and painful
Pricj 50 Cents.
For Sale by all Druggists
and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from 2 to 4.
When ordering by wall add C cents toi
Re-.No-May Skin Food for facial massage.
He-No-May Cream softens end yhlteni
the bands and facts.
JU' So I'ith Ave.
Omaha, Neb,
Cio v juiitr.tijoprespuonolaMuiomrrenrnpiiysieian.wwi qTOircurtj ui u
ii' rvuuior au"-,ui'ot the cemrauvo orcann, nuco & I.ot Itaanucxl, lnmala,
-uin in Hie llwu, kriulnal Kmluluui, nrrvum wt.huj, i iwi'iri
l'altlnek to Jlurrj, r.ihuillsi lraln, Tarlrorrlt-aud Coustlpnilon,
C'V juiitrttijopresrr'puonof af
ItlluftH linsesoydayornIr I'reventsquIeWnesiOf ducnaree.wlilelill notchncteo
le1 to brwrmaiorrlja'a and nil the Inrrors ot imwitency. t'tII,lI:!Kclenj)ttl.
liver, tue LKioeyn ana tbctcrtuury orgsui ot kil Impurities. CVI'IUEKKsireagtbew
and ivcul; nrparn.
'i nrfia saner.-rs are 1101 cared ny ixvuirs is wenone 110 per com are irouwea wun 1-1
COI'IDUNK tlie only known reniMly to cure ltbout n operaUon. Kit) testlmoiiUla.
paaranioe icirrn una raniirr returned 11 1. noxes ant
by mall, bena f-r 'iii.Kc!rcularn:(l tenlmnnlnis.
a wrlflfn
C boxes anea nut t?nct a permaaeut cars. L00 tax for
ur&ntoejclrrn and rnnm r returned
Adarcu IIAVOL IKDIUNK Vt., I: O. Itaz ZI7S. Ban Fnvncaeo. Cal
5 --'?n&3ftfr- T-
Han nearly KM) feet of vcrar 1a lik the abr, .
Ablch i.iksre ddcnt'1 t ar' a 1 1 far,Mc
hotel on the late slu re, i: outride r'wmt,, l0
liath rooms, Most oeUgfaifnl atiMinc place In
kummerortvlnterln the West, lomlnntesby
Jll. Central csil from theatre and hhonplne
dlstrlrt of Chicago. Fine' t hotelon greatlates
wttn polf . tennis, boating bathing and flr.hlne.
Bend tor handsome uev Ul-u-:ta booklet