Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Ettnrdaj Another Vtj of Unaiual Earjaicn
in Hosiery aid Uidirwetn
I'ntlireltim, Knncy I'nrmnU nml Milrt
Vnltn III mi I titiniinl Air(inrii
if ljli' a ml I'rleen A Look
Will Convince Vim,
Ladles' nml children's hosiery and under
wear bargains! for Saturday.
Every artlclo advcrtlBcd will bo found
Just as represented. Wo have tho largest
nd raost romplcto stock and lowest prices,
Ladlei fast black fine cotton hose, doublo
solo, hrol and toe; our price, only 15c pair.
Ladles' due cotton or llslo thread hoso,
blgh-Bpllccd heel and toe, doublo nolo, drop
stitch or plain,' spoelnl quality, Saturday,
lioc pair.
Ladles' Imported Kronen llslo thread hoso
Hnd fine cotton, tmiro soles, laco Males and
drop stitch In black, tan and fancy colors;
our Saturday's price. 33c, 3 pair $1.
A lot of ladles' fine Imported llslo thread
hose, plain or drop stitch and pretty lace,
A beautiful assortment of faucy hoso, fast
colors, exclusive patterns, double sole,
high spliced heel nnd toe; 50c, "oc, 83c, $1.00
to 13.00 per pair.
Our children's hoso are all right In quality
end price; I5r children's fast black school
hose, doublo knee, heel ami toe, sizes 6 to
Allsfes' Imported Ann black llslo thread
hose, line ribbed or laco pattern, Krcnch
foot, double knee, heel nnd toe, regular 3."c
qualities. Saturday's sale, only 23c pair.
Wo iiavo a complete line of children's
fancy hose; nil new patterns nnd colors,
navy red nnd black polka dots, at 33c pair,
lace llslo In red and blnck, embroidered In
steps nnd fancy stripes, at 50c pair; nil fast
colors, very dressy.
Infanta' lisle hose nml soxs, In white,
pink-sky nnd red, only iiuc pair.
Ladles' vests made of the best Sen Island
cotton, silk tapes, nicely finished, Suturdny
lie, 2 for 23c.
Just received a big lino of ladles' fancy
llslo thread vests, In white only, silk finish,
low neck, sleeveless or wing- sleeves, a
warm weather comfort, fully worth 35c,
special for Saturday, 23c each.
Ladles' umbrella kneo pants, Krcnch yoke
belt, wldo bottoms, with laco trimming,
sizes 3 to 0, our Saturday's price, 23c each.
Ladles' Milk and mercerized vests, perfect
ns to (11, finish nnd workmanship, the now
shield shape silk vests, In pink-sky and
cream, laco yoko mercerized, also fancy
colors; cntlro lino on counter at 50c each.
Tho celebrated "Munslng" union suits,
noted for superior fit nnd wear, low neck,
sleeveless or wing sleeves, high neck, long
or short sleovcs, nil sizes, 50c, $1.00 anj
$1.50 per HUlt.
Children's line ribbed white vests, low
neck, sleeveless, silk tapes, selvcdgcd edgo,
nil sizes, only 15c, 2 for' 23c.
Hoys' Unlbrlggnn shirts and drawors, high
neck, short or long sleeved shirts, knee or
nnklo length drnwers, well made, sizes 21
to 34, only 25c each.
The "Munslng" union suits for boys or
plrls, high ncek, long or short slcoves, low
neck, sleeveless, knee length, all sizes for
nil ages, 50c suit.
Ladles' very pretty fancy parasols, whlto,
with two ruflles, very pretty handles, Sut
urdny only $l,(i.i each.
Wo have nil tho now novelties In fancy
parnsols, Shangtong silk embroidered and
hemstitched, very handsomely tucked, fancy
stripes, checks nnd plain colors, from $1,23
to $15.00.
ladles' Ifi-lneh nil puro silk umbrellas In
blue and red, lino natural Princess handles,
Paragon frame, worth $3.00, Saturday $2.23
Children's fancy parnsols, nil sizes for all
ogrs, 23c to $2,00.
Corner Fnrnnm and 15th,
orr fur it IMriiNiiut ItutliiK.
Tho best opportunity wer offered Omaha
peoplo to tnko n pleaHant outing anil seo
tho most beautiful lnko In tho western
country Is offered by tho Milwaukee railway
today In their Lako Okobojl excursion.
Round trip rato, $3. Train leaves at 8:00
p. tn. today, Union depot.
Via Till IhirlliiKtmi Itnufe.
Buffalo, N. Y., nnd return, $33.13. Choice
of routes nt corresponding rates.
Kansas City, Mo., nnd return, Juno 10
nd 11, $7.75.
Cincinnati, O., and return, July 4, 5 nnd
G, $22.50.
Detroit, Mich., and return, July 5, 6 and
L $22,00.
Summer tourist rates to hundreds of
other points,
Additional Information and tickets, 1502
Knrnaiu street.
Read our nil on puge 7. Haydcn Pros.
Tulip limr Wilis, MMer. filial sueel-
to Lako Okobojl, on tho excursion today.
Every nttentlnn wilt tin unlit In. Dm rmil.
fort nnd convenience of the lady passen
gers, Mllwnukeo railway.
.Modern Woodmen,
Lowest rates,
Special nccommodAtlons, t. .
St. Paul and return 7 j t
via , i (
"Tho Northewcstern Lino," I
Juno 8 to 11.
14011403 Knrnnm street.
Our prices touch tho pocketbook like n
light lireere. Ilayden Pros. Read our ad
on pa go i.
Toilnyl Tiulny!
THIS IS TUB DAY of tho Okobojl ex
curslon. Train leaves tho Union depot at
t:00 p. tn.
Till- SiMiltUli MKlltlllKHlr,
'4ss Mary Burnett of Aberdeen, and
Bccvllnnd'ti most famous violinist. Miss
Jennie Thomson, at Kouutze Memorial
church.. Thursday evening, Juno 13. Aus
pices Cjan Cordon of Omaha. Admission,
C5 cents.
liniire TiiulKlit.
Jolly Eighty lively ball thin evening.
tvasnington nan, Kigniccnm anu ttarucy
streets, flno orchestra, ii grand good time
for you. Gents, 25c. Wolcome.
M. I'll u I and Itctiirn. S1U.OO.
"Woodman Special," via Illinois Central
railroad, will leavo Sunday, Juno 9, at 8:30
p. m. Particulars at city tiexot omce, no:
Fnrnam street.
Arnnlil'M I'nrk I.nkr Okobojl,
whero tho Mllwnukeo Ry. lands their pas
cengcrs, Is on tho lake shore, nnd is nlone
worth going to sec.
RKED Agnes. Juno 5. only daughter of
Lewis S, Reed and Lunula llulcombo
Funeral services Saturday nt 3 o'clock
from residence, 2121 Davenport street,
Mixed Palntn are Just right and they go
fnrthor last longer look better and are
easier to apply than any other paint.
CRKOSOTR PAINT for barns, roofs, etc.
gallon, 60e.
gauon, T&c; gallon,
INTERIOR COLORS quarts, 60c; H gal
Ion, S5c; Fallon, $1.00.
VARNISH STAIN "4 pint. 25c; pints
45c; quarts, 75e,
ENAMEL PAINT-Vi pints, 35c; pints
60c; quarts, $1 00.
INTERIOR WHITE-plnts, 30c; quarts
EXTERIOR WHITE-quarts, 50c; (4 gal
ion, fcsc; gullon, $1,60.
Sh8rman & McGonnell Drug Go.
"Tho Drug Store on tho Corner."
1.0 w rati: r.xt 1 hsi(. I laicd nK01111.1t i iti; ixit.v, i:i.oo.
In III.' MllniiiiUei- lt.
Leaving tho t'nlon depot, Omnha, nt S 00
p. tn. this evening, tho Chicago, Mllwau
keo k St. Paul railway will run n special
trait) of coaches nnd sleeping cars to Lako
Okobojl, la., nnd return. The train will nr
rlvo nt Arnold's park on Lako Okobojl at
5 o'clock Sunday morning; returning, tho
train will kuv. nt about 9 p. m. Sunday
and nrrlvo at Omaha promptly nt 6 a. m.
Mondny. Tho round trip rail rntc Is $3.00.
Tho sleeper rate Is $1.60 for n doublo berth
each way.
City ticket ofllces, 1501 Fit mam street,
Omaha, Tel. 2S1 and 520 Droadway, Council
Illuifs, telephone 15G. F. A. NASH,
Ocnernl Western Agent.
Vln Ruck 1-lnnil llmilr.
Juno 12, 13, 11, 16, Chicago and return
Juno 8, 9 and 10, St. Paul and return
June 18 to 30, Denver nnd return $19.
Juno 18 to 30, Colorado Springs nnd re
turn $13.
July 1 to 0, Denver and return $15.
July 1 to 9, Colorado Springs and return
July I, 5 and 6, Cincinnati nnd return
Jnly 5. C, and 7, Detroit nnd return $22.
July ti to 13, San Francisco and return
Every day Huffnlo and return $25.73.
Alo very low rates to nil summer resorts
City ticket ofllce, 1323 Farnnm street.
Oood Porcli Rockers, 7,3 rents. SPECIAL.
Dr. R. I) Mason, rectnl surgcry.Hrown blk
In Tlnie for Work .tliimtii- .
Tho Okobojl special train, via the Mll
wnukeo Ry , will on tho return trip nrrlvo
at Omaha at ii a, m, Monday
Our ad Is on pngo 7. We'd like you to
read every line of It, Ilayden Hros.
M-vllli- PUN 7.-.L'
MioiiIi'k !t!-tni-iitlv- Tonic "
Ti'iniitntloii Tonic Il.'i!
Meeker's Cuscarllla 76c
Whlto Ribbon Remedy (liquor cure). . .$1.00
Qillnnrotol (latest out for colds) 20c
Plnkhnm's Compound fi'Jo
I'cruna (why. eerta(nly) 59c
Prickly Ash Hitters fi.'.e
Doan'H Kidney Pills .",'.ic
Dodd's Kidney Pills ;i9c
Kld-nr-olda ,T,ie
West's Urnln nnd Nerve Treatment 25c
Tansy, Cotton Hoot nnd Pennyroyal
Pills ($2.00 size) 75c
llclladnnnn Plasters 7t
Iler's Malt Whisky 75c
Duffy's Malt Whisky S3e
(lem Catarrh Powder 3"c
1'nrle Sam's Tobacco Cure t 13c
By-Mo .'$1.00
JC Cut Price
l)rtif istoro.
Tel. 7 IT. . . t or. Kllli nml ( liliimu.
Goods delivered FREE to any part of city.
"Wo ennnot Imnglnn whero you buy such nice
goods that you sell for so little money." Remarks like
this arc heard every duy mid every hour In our cloak
department. Wo can answer nil with plain, siniplo facts.
Wo buy largo quantities; we pay spot caBh; wo sell for
spot cash; no tlmo or credit naked for or given.
Unquestionably the greatest offerings thnt wo hava
ever had this season will bo on sale Saturday.
Crme In tho forenoon If possible.
Women's Eton Jackets made of excellent quality
taffeta In cluUcrs of tucks, lined with Skinner's satin.
We bought them cheap. They cost you $12.00 elsewhere.
Wo will tell them for $4.50.
.Women's man tailored suits, mado by tho foremost
manufacturers of Now York City In cheviots, Venetians
nnd serges: every thread wool, sponged and shrunk, nnd
gunrantcd not to spot In all the new styles. Wo bought
theso cheap. They cost you $1S.00 to $23.00 elsewhere.
Wu will sell them for $9.90.
Women's tailored suits in homespuns, broadcloths,
serges, in oil tho now ntylcs. Wo bought them nt our
own price. Sold by other merchants as high as $15.00.
Hayden's $5.00.
500 wnsh suits mndc from finest wash materials, with
two and threo rows of flounces, trimmed with Insertion
nnd laco; tho wnlHt mado In bolero styles, elaborately
trimmed with laco nnd Insertion, with tho new cuff.
trimmed with lnce. In all desirable pattern s and figures. An rxccllont lot of warm
weather suits. Wo bought these exceedingly cheap. They wero mado by the manu
facturer to sell at $7.50 to $12.50. Saturday wo will sell them for $3.50.
Another lot of women's wash suits, nil the newest styles, -not an old garment
among them, worth $0.50. On salo for, each, $2.60.
Skirt and Waist Department
Women's skirts, mado of excellent qunl- The greatest crowding nnd tho greatest
ity taffeta, very wide, deep llaro llounce, bcIIIpk of women's wash waists wo ever had
trimmed with four rows of tucked taffeta: i ,, th ccs , b ,
so d hero n Omnha for $10.00; Haydcn s '
price. $0.98. batnrday.
Women's silk skirts, mado of better qual- WnB'1 waists at 19c.
Ity tnffcta, elaborately trimmed with laco 1 Wush waists, trimmed with insertion and
applique, with pleated flounce; sold In this embroidery, nt 39c.
town as a bargain for $12.00; Haydcn s AVnsh wnat8i , coora nm, w,lU0( ,awMi
prlcO, $9.50. .llmUl nrn! rn,t
Women's silk skirts, elaborately tucked ' 1 v """.
njid trimmed with lnce; magnificent gar- I woml l"' l" Ior l,uo-
monts; wo bought nil theso chenp; worth 1 11,0 ""I'orieci waisis, trimmed anu mado
$25.00; Haydon's price. $15.00. "P 1,1 tno nlost elnborato styles; mado of
Miturilnr lll In- the :trd .lay of (IiIn " Imported linens, lawns nnd other fash
Brent luiinufnotiircrH' nlt of miimIi lonnble fabrics, nt $3.00, $1.00, $5.00, $0.00
vnlslK. 'nml up to $12.00.
Women's Wrappers.
Women's wrappers, mado of excellent ( EXTRA SPECIAL From 7 until 9 o'clock
quality percale, with 10-Inch flounce, extra 1 Saturday evening we will put on salo 75
waist lining, regular $1.00 quality, for 45c.1 dozen wrappers, our. regular $1.50 quality,
Women's Sea Island pcrcnlo nnd lawn for 50c. Nono to peddlers or dealers. Read
wrappers, worth $2.00, for 90c. ' ad on Pngo 7.
IIAflEil' Sale of Manufacturers1
nllY I IrNt Stocks of Men'sand
in mt Bill'
Boys' Clothing.
Tho ontiro surplus stocks of men's summer
suits closed out to us for spot, cash by Hart,
fck'hairnor & .Marx, 11. Kuppeiiheliner & Co., and
Hie Stein-Iiloch Co., at. abouL 50c on the dollar,
now on sale. These are the very finest suits
made in the best selected fabrics and pat
ternsartistically tailored and finished by the
foremost tailors in America and guaranteed
to fit perfectly and hold their shape. An op
portunity to get the best suits manufactured
at less than you would pay for the poorer
grades elsewhere. The labels on this cloth
ing are sufficient guaranties of the styles being
the newest and materials tho best. Such low
prices were never before quoted on highest
grade suits.
At $5.00, a Regular $ 8,50 Suit At $10,00, a Regular $16.60 Suit
At $7.50, a Regular SI2.50 Sulit At $12.50. a Regular $20.00 Su'.t
We invite you to visit the largest and most complete chil
dren's clothing department in Omaha. Nowhere else can you
find such a great assortment of all the nobby new ideas; no
where can you buy the best makes at such economical prices.
VOll SATUUDAY we put on sale C() boys' suits, this sum
mer's best styles closed out to us for spot, cash by the well
known manufacturers. Cane, McCaffrey & Co. These will go in
I lots, at uTtcl.'o, 2.50 and 11.50; none Avorth less than 1.75
and up to 7.50.
Hayden's is the only store where you can find the new ideas
in bovs' clothing. k Head great sales on pngo 7.
Selling tho Most Clothing in Omnha.
B"nWWMM1 IHMliriilllU
nr ran iriarf ni
Shirt Waist Sensa
tion for SeLtxirday
-The greatest that ever happened in this or any
other store in Omaha,
The entire stock of America s greatest waist factory
amounting to 3S5 dozen will be offered you at less than
cents on the dollar,
T -.a. 75c Women's Waists 25c 115 dozen women's shirt waists made of tho best
JvV V k standard percales in pretty stripes and checks Theso waists are mado as well and lit
us perfect as any high prico waist in tho market nnd 75c would bo cheap for Ihem ;plcU Saturday
v.' 1"
Lot 2
$1 Women's Waists,
45c 00 dozen women's
waists made of line ginghams, madras
cloths and plain chambruys also black
lawns some trimmed with braid and
insertion a handsomo lot of
waists and well
worth 1.00
Lot 3
SI. 25 Women's
Waists, 59c
75 dozen women's shirt waists
in fino lawns pretty stripes
mado with largo sailor col
lar to match also in white
lawns with 18 rows of tuck
ing down the front all with
new collar and cuffs-
a 1.25 value
Lot 4
$1.50 Women's
Waists 69c 00 dozen
women's shirt waists made of lino
lawns, chambrays and madras cloth
in plain colors and handsomo stripes
trimmed with embroidery and tucked
white front 1.50
values for
T nt $2'00
M-iKJl O Waisti
Waists 95c 45
dozen women's shirt waists in im
ported lawns and plain mercerized
chambrays mado with the now
sailor collar handsomely trimmed
also in white sheer lawns with
four rows of lace or embroidery
and 24 lows of tucking down tho
front a better waist than you
get anywhere
for 2.00
v i s tsa
Men's Sum
mer Clothirvg
How are you situated regard your
Bummor clothing nro you comfortable?
Somo from contentment nit brooding npart
ho has troubles, no doubt, and hi9 woes It may
bo lovo's arrows havo nloreed through his heart,
or perhaps Its tho lit of his clothes.
There's notJiing better in the way of
comfortable clothing than serge.
Jci's Blue Serge Coats CC
wnll ni.Klo-lnillKo liluu JJ
J felt's Blue Serge Coats CC
uriiiitnn Iwilxo sorgo doublo- j JJ
Men's Striped Flannel Coats 7 EL
nlcoly miulo nnd llniahed comfort- M tj
nbloiuid dropsy
Mcns Coats and Pants A ZSL
oil wool tiluo llunnol with whlto M. Kj
pin stripes vury nobby
Men's Coats and Pants SL EL
In nil wool fam-y favorlto J jj
Men's Fancy Striped Suite 17 EL
in dark Kroen nlcoly mado J JL
very sty Itsli
Men's Striped Flannel EL(
rPvnnafito (mailo with artjustablo tJJ,
j.vuoi.o bjniN) . . I
Boys' Clothing
for Children's Knee Pants, sizes
1 to 15 years, they corao in cheeks, broken
plaids nnd cnsslmcrcs, mado to ho worn
with su3pcmler3 or waists uOc is tho prico they bring olae-
for Children's Knee Pants,
sizes ,
4 to 11 yearn, mndo up In cheeks or nlnln '
uisslmorrE, Scotch nilxturea, Btrlpcs ami
fancy patterns, two thadea of corduroy most of thesu pants aro
all wool and well worth doublo tho price.
gSf- for Children's Odd Knee Pants,
10 'car3 nindo up from bluo Bergo, nil
wool and fast cnlnrn. light and dark colors,
in corduroy, fancy cheeks, Btrlped chovlots, plaids or plain cns
slmcrcs, In light or dark colors, with patent walstbutid and
buttons for suspenders.
60c, 75c and 85c
A wonderful line to select from pants among them worth $1.00, 51.50 and $1.75.
$1.25 for Hoys' Two-Pleco Suits mado up of a chnlco lino of suitings, mado to
v:car they nro correct In etyle and well made they como in light and dirk checks,
plnln and fancy patterns, Just tho thing for nehool or to romp In during tho Bum
mer vacations they uro made In vestoo or doublo breasted styles, patent waist
band and buttons,
$1,50 for UoyB' Suits This is tho greatest lino of suits over bhown In Omaln
for tho money vestco or two-pieco suits, serges, casslmeres, Scotch plaid, chocks
or plain, they aro well made. Wo want you to look through this department
beforo you buy your boys' clothes. If wo do not convince you that thoro la money
In buyliiK your boys' clothes of us wo'll not urgo you to spend a tent in tho department.
w mm
Ulilil Al.ailJIBMlll.llllll
" lY'llllTM
Sachet Wood Violet.
It Ih the faint, delicate suggestion, hero
tnr lli mnnipnt mill COIIO tho next, that
eatclicB nnd holds tho fancy. Here's the
title of n chapter from Hudnut h free
souvenir book,
"Woman, n ilower symphony How she
may entiinglo In luee.s and ribbons, skirt
drapery and bodice frills, tho latcit and
oddeHt perfume hints."
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
Kith and Fa run m Sts.
Should receive clone attention, as your
nppearnnco cannot be uood with poor
teeth. Our work all guaranteed.
Set of Teeth.. $5.00 up
, Uuld Crowns .
i Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
j 1517 Douglas Hi.
.-- a
rnSifa all your hymptoms. Itcnovailnsthe
iiyite tn la th only sufo and suro metbfKt of cur
inc all Chronic DUonsg. Dr Kuy Heiiovator
Is tho only perfect fl Mem renovator- I-'rceiam
Vies aud buul;. I)r. Ii. J, Kay, Saratoga, .N
Little Folkes,
The Rochester Shoe Co.,
Qmalla's Finest Shoe Store
Tho assortment here Is unsur
passed In stylo nnd originality.
It Is not tho common every day
kind of baby shoes, but Is espe
cially mado and designed for us
In every contelvablo stylo and
color, width and slice. Hanging
In prico from
25c to $1.50-
LOU, especially designed for tho
accommodation of the littln
ladles of Otiiuhii. the pride of all
1515 Douglas Street.
Hotter than Imported.
Cook's Imperial
Dellclous-lnvlgora ting -harmless.
Absclu'ely pure
T T 1
unaerwear i
All colors, fabrics and weights an J
enormous choosing COc a garment up I
Straw Hats !
Rough or flmooth-all tho newest
Ehupcs -G0o to $-'.50.
Soft Shirts
Absolutely the lieM JUiO chlrt to bo
found anywhere. Exclusive iiatterns.
Tlio $2.50 Hntter
1 07 ho. Kith St.
We carry a line of
Window Glass
and can supply your wants far nil kinds
nnd In my qunntlty. Vou may want a
GLAZIER tn rrsot n broken light, (.'an up
Hello, 319 send you a competent man,
who will cbnrRo only a rrasonablo price
for his work.
llth uml UniiKlnn Sta,
Serviceable Slioes
In lh'- furl v-tlo different styles of
women 1 .Soi "-is i vcry nnii Iioh tho ilmran
tir, llninli and win ni a shoe that u
paid 'i'i li'f bi lori' you i iitnmelired wear
ing .SniiihlH.
S'iv feet nre cumfortnlile. So s
vuiir piirsi .
Ah In buying porosis you get the saron
nr ! iter Miln' ami hnvo n dulliir and 'i
half left out uf tho live dollar hill
S'U'isI" ni'' In nil leathern- but not a'l
jjrl -- hi y ate alwajH j:t.'A
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South loth Street,
Fi'tiuU Wtluo, Uiiimuer
Send for catalogue