THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY JUNE 7, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wiather it Af tin the Ooitrolliag Futnr. in Grain Market. PRICES SAG ON REPORTS OF PAIN Vlirnl, Corn unit Oat. Close loner mill l'rnt lelon. I" the Only AfTnlr (lint Kxhllilln An) MrctiRlh. CHICAGO, June 0.-Wcathcr conditions ci,,. trolled the wheat Hltuatlon iikhIii todsy, li.'iiw raliiH till throiiKh thu northwest In, inn Iiik notiilili! weiikncss In the pit. July iI'smi lv lower; July torn lwl'.ne lower, July outs VdHc lower and provision from tu Uf lusher, .., tl tiimlly mi. client market was iltni. Jw on account ot reports of bencflcim Mini! Hi the northwest, opening iinehuhKi'd to '4r lower at WiWte. Then; whm ii con t.ilerjblo (lunntlly offered and unlckly tlio mirkct declined to "I'ic. llcports irom Missouri Indlcntcd a crop condition of W 43 Inst month, anU tills put u check i ji notli ficptPtnlKr una July , offerings, i li n was some prnilt-takliiK ly f'hnrts, i id tin'" clrciiniHluuecN emmo a reaction to 71 4r. The Improvement was only tent poraiy, ltnurnr, ami was a kniiIiiiiI m dim to Ihr- end. Uut for the fai t that the bull leader In corn, who previously hail lictn rm both skint or the market, bi-Kiin lnyliiK llbetitlly July fuM liuvt: sulfeietl ii nint h Krratrr lois. September fulled to iiifilutiilii Its ariy limitless una onsed In wmpathy wlih July. The latter closed v.i nkcr and l,e lower ot "3).c. '1 he volume uas not extensive riepteuincr wheat sola btlwteli T'J-V ami 71V- anil closed 1V1'4' lower ttt ttV''i'- Tc" loads of wneat wcie rtporteil taken for export. Primary ictflpts ot wheat anil Hour wero cutiii! to tlijiw bit.. Kalnst bu. a year ano. and seuloaril tloiiritnoes of wheat and Hour were ciicul to bu, .Minneapolis ami Dnlutli reported till care, against Wi a year I so, .Hid local leeelpts were S7 cuts none I I lontrai i snide. ..... The corn market was easier to begin with (ml decliletlly weak later In the session. Tht nbeenre ir whipping Inquiry ami Hi atldltloti.i belli,; made dully to the domestic Htm k i were the causes ascrlbtd lo tlu weakness ;.ntcness or I ho crop, with cold weather heatletl toward tin com belt, thiritenhm killing frot. lecelyea no con sliler.itlnll from those Who-e selling cntlsed Hi" lifeline .It. !y com sold between '.S'o ntitl 'Fur untl closetl weak und l'ul'if lower lit ); it:i't 'I he volume of ttade was Miiall 'Klglitcon loads were reported taken or t xpntt. Local receipts were 110 cars, ID i f co.innct grmlc OnH wire weaker and iinsettleil, A back- .nil crop was reporteil, hut itgnlti the mar-ii-' was koIiI down by local longs. It re cntictl for a Miort time, but elusi'd near tut. bottom. In sympathy with wheat ami corn Tile Missouri crop report mukes tlio cat condition only 07. ngninst i'J last month id Sfl a year lino. There waa a fair out Mtlo tlcmantl. July oats sold between 27Vic and anil closed easy anil Ml'Vio lower a 7c. Local receipts were M Oars. The provision market alone showeil strength, laril tending. Commission houses wero Ktiotl bllyeis, both of lard nnd 'ribs, but offrltiKH Were not plcntllut. July pork business was executed nt the advance Gpot tin was quoted at JJl?i 79 6d oral futures 127. This news Inspired confidence In trade circles and resjltetl In n kooiI gnln score berore the close of huslness. Copper In Ionilon anil at New York tllsnned a unlet it ml unchanged market, closing nora lnall here at II lor l.ako Superior and J16K!i4 for costing and electrolytic, while spot copper abroad closetl nt 9 6 3d nnd futures .CCD 17s fid. I.cnd ruled nulet nnd nt unchanged prices. London closed at 12 fid I'd. Speller continued dull at, t3.Kfti.Wi In London values wero redtlced s M, Domestic Iron warn nt a ruled more or less nominal In the absence of buslno'ss. Gins row warrants closed at 53s 6d and Middles borough at 15 fid, OMAHA WIIOI.KMAt,!-: MAItKKT, 1 I'mitl 1 1 Inn ii f Trntlr nntl tluotn t Inn tin Maplr nntl I'n nc j' rrtitliiec. KfiriH Hecelpts liberal; Rood stock, firm, KKllOU,,-. LIVH I'Ori.THV-Hcns. 7c: younsr and oltl roosters, ;'(tic; turkeys, fpjsc: ducks nntl Keese. t!c; sprint; chickens, per II)., lSfiCiV. Hl'TTKIt-fominon to fair, MWulSc; cholct' dairy. In tubs, llflSc; Fcparatnr, ISe. KHKSIt KISir-lllack bass, ISc: white baas, 8c; blueilsh, lie: billlhends, 10c: blue linn, 7c, buffalos. lie; cattish, 12o: cod, 0c; crapples, 7fiiac; clscoes, 7c: halibut, He: her rlnc, tic; haddock, 10c, pickerel, 7c: pike, ao: retl snapper, 10c; salmon, lie; sunllsh, To; trout, fc; wldieiish. c. IMOi:ONS"Llve, per doz., 51. VHALS -Choice. flV. 1IAV Trices quoted by Omaha Wholesale May Dealers association! Choice upland, i)..0; No, l upland, tin; medium, JO; coar.te, Wo". Ityn straw, V6.50. Theso prices are for hay of kooiI color and quality. Demand tnlr, Ilecclpts, 19 ears. OATS- No. 2 while, SOc. COIl.V- No. 3, 43c. HKAN-tlj, VKUKTAnMJS. SPINACH-Per bu. box, 40c. ASPAHAdCS Native, iter doz., 3o04Oc. Kllt'liAHH -Home ttrown, per lb., Hie. Ni:V HUKTS- Per doz., 45c. NICW CAIlltOTS -l'cr tloz., Sfle. NKW Tl ltNIPS-Per doz, 60c. Ci;ci;siHi:itS-llothoUHe, per doz., GOc $ CAtlHOTR Per lJ SOc. LICTTI'CIC-Per bll.. 2i)tir,C. lt.DlSlli:S -Per tloz.. UftJOc. PAKSLHV-IVr doz., 30o. POTATOKS-Pcr bu 7(gc; Colorado, CAHHAC.K-New California. !c. TO.l ATOMS Klorlda, per 6-baskot crate, fancy. $.1.r.o OMONS-Hennudas, per crate, $2.!5; now California. L'o. CACLII'LOWKH-St. t.ouls. per crate, 2. HliANH Wax. per bu., 75c; string, per j bu., 7te. PICAS- -Per bu . J2; per Hi bu 75c. CKLKltV -California, per hunch. r,0B76c. NICW POTATOKS-l'er lb.. 2Ui33c. I'll I' ITS. grown, J2.23; box, .STItAWtinUHHCS-Uomo Missouri. J2.2V Clli:UHIKS -California, per S-lb, tl.7r: Mbsourl. Per 24-tit. case. $1.75. PHACHKS -i'allfornla. per box, $1.50. APHICOTS-Callfomla, l-baskot crates, $1.75. (!OOSi:HKItHli:S-Per !l-qt. case, $2. TKOPICAL FRUITS. OltANOKS-Callfomla seedlings. $2.75 3.ii; navals, $3.Mi; .Med. sweets. $3.'.'5Q3.r0. l,i:.M()NS-Callfoinla, extra fancy, $3.75; choice, 53.25. HANANAS Per bunch, according to size, J2.(e5l'J..Vi. KIUS California, new enrtons, 75c; layers. twe; imptirien. ner in.. iuai:c. sairs, oc unl. 1..., .....n til 7. 1IJ D II I i yioc higher at $ll.tr2i,i; July lard sold bo- ' ''7. 1 '.; H' "". boxes, .,' s.-rrii. n ml i.n . n,l closed at S.S.3J: I l'.r.J ' "1'owec n. .'.io per lb. . I..!.. ..u.u Jr.ij i.n. i? piii nmi ifn'i . PINliAPl'I,KH-l'er doz.. tlJoii.OO kJ M I j iun rtwitj in i ocvii ft ivm ;s 7Ue Imiirnveil at $7.!i2'i. MI SCULL AN ROUS. estimate! receipts tomorrow: Wheat, C cais, corn. SIU cars; oats, 210 cars; 1ioh, L'l.t ) heud. The Uridine futures ranKcd as follows: Articles. Open. i HIkIi. : Low. Cl0ie. Yes'y. Wheat June. July pt. i. hi n .lurn July Sept. (Mils -July Sept. Poik Jnly Sept. Lard July Sept nibs July Sept. Willi 7i!yu! .3 I 7IM 4:!'.i il'1; I lllt'tMll?.1i: i ,:7J(,1t2S l:fi'.(7 .. .. I .. I 14 w in (;;... t It 70 , II kO I 8 1 I 12 42 i WillSW.,! 41 iHtnItU ,31 70iT0,,iil 2(i. 27141 s r.o S 32',i 7 S7',il 7 00 I S 4' ! S Mi 7 7 X I 71J, 43, 4I, i 'A 2ti'.l 14 ns II 70 S 30 I 8 30 ; 7 S7uj 7 .S7: 1 1 (12!!. i II 75 I I S33 i s:;7!i ( I 92J4 l'2'il II o" 14 (';, s 2.. t -7i4 7 7 k74 No. 2. iash riuotutlons wero as follows: FLorrc-steuUj': wuitln-'pateins. $3.soy3.o0; MI"vlKhts, $J,2iHlU.i"0; eears. J2.ti0tj3.40; sprlliR spcciuls, $1.20; hard .patents, u.o4j:i.S0; h riilk'hts. p.u'.fli;.',. 1 1 HAT No. 3 sprlnB, ISUKc; No. 2 red, 71 'f'iin: t'OKN-Xo. 2. l2'i1J42'ic; No. 2 yellow. 4.1' ,1:. UATS-No. 2. 2Sl(28Hc; No. 2 white. 2:)'4fr' 2!i-,e: No. :l while, 2-SU(ir29'ic. llAKLi:V Kalr to choice malting, Suiii e.ic. SUNDS-No. t llax, $1.71; No. I north western, $1.71; prlmo timothy, $3.60; clover, (ontract Krade. $'J.50. PltOVISIONS-Mess pork. ier bbl tll.fio lilt.tVi Lard, per ICO lbs., $8..l5fiS.S7& Short rlba sides (loose), $7.S51JS.OO. Dry salted shoulders (biixeil). C.S7Vi!!lj7.12',t,, Short clear Blilts (boxed), $S.10fS.20. WIUSKY-Hasls or high wines, $1.27. Following arc the receipts -xnd shipments for today: Receipts, Shipments, Hour, bbls 20.0HO 17.0W Wheat, bu 'Ji.000 125,rrt) Corn, bu 339.000 ai7,fi) Oatf. bll 329,000 3oi'.,000 Hyo. bu 2,() ....... Uarlcy, bu 7.000 l.OOo Un thu I'roiluco exchange, today the but ler market whb steady; creanierlrs, IK'lsc; dairies, 1401 liu. Cheese, steady. K'i'olOijc. Hbks, 1os off, cases returned, 10iSll't'. SKW VOUIv (iK.VKHAI. MAHKIiT. tluotn I Inns of the liny tin Vnrlnu C'ommoilltlrs. NICW YOKK. .Line K.-l'LOUR-Ueceipts, !,!.si bbls.; exports, 10.122 bbls.; quiet and easier with wheat; winter patents. $3.65n 4.), winter straights, $.i.5og:: fe; "win far extras, fiMlti.'M; Minnesota bakert, $.';5 2.55; Minnesota patents, $i.ti0ft4.3i): whiter low tirades. $2.30fi2.10. Rye Hour, tlull; fair to Rood, $2.30y3.10; choice to fancy, $3.201j 3.50. COIINMKAL Kasy; yellow western, Mc: city, le; llranilywlnc. $2.45fi5.'. UY-Dull, No. 2 western. 59c. afloat; htiite, R55(Mc, c. I. f., New York cnrlots. I1AHLKY -Quiet; feedltiK. 4Sc. c. I. f iNcw.ork, multliis. 6S6.'c, c. I. f., Now nrk cailotu. HA HI KY JIAI.T-U11II: western. 63B72c. Wl I HAT Receipts. 4G9.150 bu.; exporis, ..,U."i liu. Spot, weak; No. 2 red. S2'4c. f. o. b.. alloat: No. a red. Mo, elevator: No. 1 northern Diiluth. S6'4c, f, o. b.. nlloat (nidi; No. 1 hard Dulutli, soi4c, f. o. b., alloat. Oi llons wero Kent-rally weak nntl lower nil day, slinwlin, the effects of further unload lUK. forelpn senilis, easier cahs, j.oor speculativo demand nnd Indifference towird .MOVEJ1K.MS IX STOCKS AMI IIO.MJS. revrrlshnr Shown In Itnrk Island wln to l-Vnr tif Corner. NKW YORK, June & There was n. de cided subsidence of speculative nctlvlty In stocks today, with a resulting depression In prices. Losses were quite Inrne In some of the principal active stocks, which have been recent lavorltes In the speculation. The market was ruled largely by technical con siderations. There were rumors current all day that the covering by tho bears yester day had been achieved at considerable tost and more or less uneasiness was caused by this tact. A depresxlng Influence was the disclaimer, on the part of parties Inter ested, of the assumption that the entrance to the Atchison directory of a member of the llrm of J. P, Morgan it Co. was an In dication of Morgan holdings of the stock with a view of establishing community of Interest. The net changes In stocks give no adequate Idea, of the extent of the day's price ranges, There was a considerable show of strength at the opening, pnrtly due to the Influence of London c.i account of I lit. reduction In the Rank of Knuland late and also 011 account ot operations by a coterie of Americans now In London. The selling pressure made an end of the advance tie tore tho end of the llrst hour. The levcrlsh tone of Hock Island was a somowhnt unsettling Inlluence, owing lo fears that a, corner may develop In that stock. The Issue of jin.oijn.O'rt new stork yesterday came as a total surprise to the street. There hoa been an enormous accu mulation of Hie slock recently, and the out standing short Interest Is known to bo large. The renctlon In the Block In sym pathy with the general market did not serve entirely to reassure sentiment. There were 11 lew points of positive strength, which, however, had only slight Influencu In offsetting the general reactionary tend ency. The vnrlous tobacco companies were most prominent, and advanced on the In corporation of the new company In New Jersey, which Is believed to be for the -purpose of taking over and combining nil the nrcseiit companies. American Tobacco rose an extreme l'i. Continental Tobacco 2i, the preferred t-i ami American Snuff IV Loiilslllo A Nashville wna consistently strong oil the ground of Its comparative low price nnd earnings ami advanced 2H. Missouri Paclllc rose at one time 2'4, be lieved to bo on account of progress in the greater Missouri Paclllc" project. In the ilron after thu onenlng the grangers. Pa- cities, southwesterns ami New York public utilities suffered most severely, St. Paul loflng 4. the prefened 4 '.4 and others In the group from 2 to 3 points. Declines of 1 to 2 points wero fnlrly general In the active list. There were late rallies In the bond mar ket which redeemed It from tho early easy tone, trailing the changes for the day irreg ular. 'i.v tal sales, par value, $3,71U.0oa. Culled States lefunding 2s advanced 4 ner cent and tho new 4s ',4 per rent 011 tho last call. The following are Hit, Closing pricos on the New York Stock exchange: New York exchange, 10c discount bid, par asked. t HICACIO. June !.-Clearlns. $26,797,747: balances, $2.s;s,Ml; posted 'exchange, t)4.Mt New York exchange, par. , PHILADELPHIA. June d-Clcarlngs, $19,-Co-IM; balances, $I.73S,V4. IIALTIMORK. Juno 6.-Clearlngs, $(.. 102, balances, $o92,7lo. BOSTON. June ti.-CIearlngs, $:6,206.S1; balances. J2.145.4SS. CINCINNATI, June e.-Clcnrlngs, $3,C23, 750; New York exchange, 20c premium; money, S'.Jflti per cent. I.nmlnn .ttnok qnotntlon. LONDON, June 6.-4 p. m. Closing: Consul, money ., do Bfcount AU'hlion , f'anaiftan Pacific St. Paul Illlnol Central ., l.iililll t'nloli Pae. pfd.. N Y, Central ... i:n . !.' do let pM 1 . lit Pennsylvania. ... . 9IH llenrtlns lf0 .No. Pacific pM. I78'i!nrnnd Trunk ... 141 1I1H . M Anaemia Unnit Mln I". t. tee . do pfd .. 7: .. .. in, .. II .. m .. 42S .. MU ..103 I1A11 SILVER-Slendy, 27 7-1M per ounce. MONHY 2 per cent; the rate of discount In the open mnrket for short bills Is 31i3'i per cent; for three months' bills, 3 l-lKj3'.ti per cent. ,r York Mlnllts fltoeUa, NKW YORK, June G.-The following are quotations un mining stocks: Ailams Con Alice llreece ltrnnsivlck Con .. ComMock Tun.... Con. ChI. 4: Va.. Deadnonil Terra Horn SIHer Iron Klher Irfiitlvllle Con (Little Chief 'frt a l 2) 11 I'ft V,r.hle H I Phoenix 3 qnlnet I Pa vane Sierra Nevada Small llupes ., Istnnlanl .230 .11S . so .. 12 ..775 .. 90 .. 11 .. 8 .. 7 7 .. 45 ..S70 HONKY Callfomln, per 24-scctlon case, CI DMR Per bbl., $1.50; per half bbl., $2.75. NCTS-KnBllsh walnuts, per lb.. 15c; 111 berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb.. 18$(20c; raw peanuts, per lb.. CKiS'jc; roasted, 6ir& 7Vt'! Hrazlls. Mo; pecans, lniic. I1IDKS No. 1 green, 5Hc; No. 2 green, I'.So; No. 1 salted, li'ie; No. 2 salted, 5Hc; No. I veal calf. S to 12Va lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal cair, 12 li 15 lbs., tic; dry hides, MilSc; sheep pells, 23ft 75c; horse hides, $I.SOijS..'5, St. I. mil firnln nntl Prnrlalona. ST. LOUIS, June fi.-WHUAT-Lowcr: No. 2 red cash, elevator. 71o; track. 7lti 7l'ic; .lub. liSijc; September, 67;ko ; No. 2 hard, 7;'4li3l.jc. CORN-Lower; No. 2 cash, H'.c: track. 42ti42'2c; July. IP.jOi September. 42aC OATS Lower; No 2 cash. 29c: track, 29ti29'4c; July, 27ic; September, 26c; No. 2 white. :iKrt3l,o. RYi: Lower nt 5Cc l'l.OI'll-Fairly active: patents. $3.55 3.75; extra fancy und straight, $3 151j2.uO; clear. S2.Suif3.iK) FLAXSKKD-Steady; no market. CORNMHAI. Steady at $2.30, I1HAN Dull, weak ami lower- to sell; sacked east track, r5c. HAY-Steady; timothy, $9.00i?13.00; prairie, $9.C0fjl0.50. WHISKY-steady at $1.27. 1 RON COTTONTI1SS-$I.03. UAtJfj ircti i;iifi7o. iii:mp twink-'jc. PUOVISIONS-Pork: Steady; Jobbing. $15.75. Lnrd, higher at JS.22U. Dry Bait meats. Ill in: boxed lots, extra shorts. $8.25; clear ribs, $S.:i7V6; clear sides, $8.50. Ha con, llrm; boxed lots, extra shorls, 9; clear ribs. J9.121-,; clear sides, $9.25. MKTALS Leatl, firm, $I.32V(I.35. Spel ter, llrm at $3.s2',s. J'Ol'LTH Y Firm; chlckenn. "c; springs, lSfdtic; turkeys, 6c; thicks, tic: springs, i:'c. geese. 1c; springs, tic. Hl'TTUR-Steady; creamery, 15Q19C; dairy. 12yl3c. liUCiS-Steady, 10i4c; rcpacketl and cases Included. RKCKIPTP-Flour. 6,000 bbls.; whent, 2, 0Ut bu.; corn 5(O0 bj.; oats, 44.000 bu. SHITSrEnrrs-FIour. 7.OOO bbls.; wheat, 36.(100 bu.; corn, 181,000 bu.; outs, tS.uoo bu. Liverpool Crnlu und I'rovlalon. LIVKRPOOL. June G. Wll EAT Snot, llrm; No. 2 retl westerti winter, 5s HHdlNo. 1 northern spring. bs2d; No. 1 California, tis2tl: July. 5s ll'.irt; September. 5s 10ad. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, new, 3s HHd; American mixed, 4s 3id. Fu tures, quiet; July. 3sllVd; September, :is ll'kd, October, iiomlnnl. PICAS Canadian, steady, os Sd. HOIVH-At Lididon (Pacific coast), steady, 4fH 12d. I'L01'R-Fanc winter, dull, fis. PROVISIONS-Heef. steady; extra India mess, C2s.'!d Pork, easy; prlmo moss cru, COt 6d. Lurd, llrm: prime western. In forces. 4 In ti 3 ; American refined. In null 41s rid. Hums, short cut. II to If! lbs., llrm. His Bd. Llnctin, llrm; Cumberland cut. 2b" to 30 lbs.. 44s Dd; short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs., 15j3iI; long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs.. 12s; long clear middles, heavy. 35 to 40 lbs., lOslkl; short clear hacks, 10 to 20 lbs., I0s9d, clear bellies. 11 In 16 lbs., 1lsd. Shoulders, nquurc, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, 36. TALLOW-Prime city, quiet, 25s 3d; Aus trallaii. In Lnudon, steady, 26s 6d. HCTTUH-Dull; lines t .United States, 8Ss; gord United States, C6s. CHHUSF American (Incst white, dull. 47s; American tincst colored, quiet, 40s. K ii ii mm City raln nnd Prnrlalana. Atchlfnn do ptil llalthnore & Ohio. do pM Canadian Pacific ., Canada So Chee. & Olili Chlcaco & Alton ... do prd C. H. it CI Chi. Ind. U I, do pld cm. & i:. iii Chicago & a. w... do 1st I' fit do 11 pfd ChlCBBO i N. . C. 11. I. & I Chicago Tcr. Tr... do pld C. C. t.". A St. L.. Colorado Ho do 1st prd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson .... Del. L. & V Domer & It. O.... do prd Krlo do l't pfd do 2d prd Ot. Nor, .rd Hocking Valley ... do prd Illinois t'emral ... Imvn Central do pfd Iike Krle & W... do pfd I.. & N Manhattan L Met. tit. Ity Me. Central Mcx. Nalloniil .... Minn. &. .St. L Mn. Paclllc M., K. A T dn pfd N. .1. Central N. Y. Central Not toll: & W do l"fil No. I'neltle .-..T.... do pld Ontario & W Pennsylvania. Heading do 1st prd do 2d pfd St. L. & S. V do let pfd do Sd, r,rd St. I,, fcutithw do ptd St. Paul do prd. So. Pa 'lllc So. Hallway do iml. Tex. ti Pacific ... Toledo, St. L. & W do pfd L'nlon Paclllc do pfd Wabash do prd Wheel. & U Ii do 2d pM Wlr. Central do prd P. C O. & St. I... Adams. Kx American Kx IT. S. Kx We lis-Fargo Kx.... Anial. Copper Amer. Car &. K... do prd Amer. Lin. Oil.,.. do pld Amer. S. & It.. ,104 .', lor.'k . 704 r.n - 44 8u, .1M !)S 72 .123 224 S3 . 10 .202 ,170 , 23 , 4S , 8J4 . il . MS .P.7'i .:js . 52 , do prd . 914 Amr. Tobncco ... . 43'd Anac. Mining Co.. . 7C'a llrooklyn It. T . llYi Colo. Fuel & Iron. .l'l'i Con. Gas . ut'j'Con. Tobacco . ".st do pfd .itl'i Ocn. Electric . X Olucose Sugar . CI Hocking Coal . 60 Inter. Paper .120 do pfd .1081; inter. Power .II1'I Laclede Gas .Kl'J.Vntlonat lll.tcillt . . JO; N.itli.ilui lad .... . '.Pi National. Salt .05 do pfd .115'4 No. American .... . Silpnclllc Coast . C.i-7; Pailflc Mall .160 People's Gas .117 Pressed S. Car . 5i do pfd . S8 Pullman P. Car..., .100 Itepublle Steel . 9tit' do prd . 35i; Sugar .152 iTenn. Coal & Iron . 6H Union Hug & P. . . 7S do prd . 57 ,i;. S. Leather ... . 4s; do prd . SO U. S. Rubber ... . 7014' do pfil . 3 l S Steel . Si'il do prd .P0 Iwestcrn Union . 157 3t!i fi 45 2214 31 1(0 W4 21 . 43 , 00 . 33'i . 221. 47 , 74 .150 .192 . 94 .11.-. .115', . M', . SC . 18 . )S . IV, . M14 .'.I0i . . M' .102'. .'.21', . 70 .U9ib .2451, . 51 . 22'i . 21'4 . 78!. . 97 . 8.M, . 45; . 1.1 . 4Jli . 77H . 8) . 6i; . 42"i .116 . 414 . Sl"4 ,.:cn l2! . ,wi; .145U 00 . i?; 7Pi 14 7!.'i 204 62 51 ?3'4 imiiuwesi irosi news, viomcii weak nnd ISi i?c net lower. July, 79UiJ(80 3-lfic, closed ut ,9',c; September, 75V87iiittr. tidosed nt 75Wc: Octnbeiv "54fj7R?;o, closed ut Td'ic. CORN Heeelnts. litMVK) lin- ovnnri. 111 Ma bu. Sptil, cnsler; No. 2, 4S;c, elevator, tind 48Tic. f. o. h nllonl. Options market wus Inactive and cnsler with wheal, re llectlni; nlso lower cnblcs, general selling, situtll tjlearaiices nntl better ertqi news, '.l1,'".'!. llt uoi tlccllne. Juiv. l:f5i'is;4c, closed nt 473,e; September. 17"4W 4Si3c. closed nt I74c. 4 Urt ir--iieceipis. iis.wm PH.; expoits, ls,00il bu. Spot, dull; No, 2. 3ia4c; No, 3. 32c; No. 2 while. 22c No. 3 white, 3250 ; track, mixed western, iCifirdc: track white, S2'-037c. Op tions, dull and Imrclv stratlv. lv stradv II VY Steady; bhlnnlng. good to cbnlee. ns (i(!Cc. HOPS- Quiet; common to choice, 1901 t'liip. lOfrlle: old olds. 2iifici Paclllc coast. li") crop. lCtilPc; 1899. 11015c; oltLolds, Uric. I'inKS-Steady; Oalveston, 20s to 25 lbs .e; California,' 20 to 25 lhs 15c. LKATIIICR Stea dy; hemlock sote. Uticnos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 24fl:'5c; acid, 23'yll2llAiC. WOOL Dull; domestic fleece. 26H27c: 'i'ovas, 16?il7c. PKOVJSIONS-Heef. flrni; family. $10 50 (il.'.W: mess. $9.O0W9.r0: beets liams. $-0 WMf U.5'.'; packet. tlO.m 10.50; city, extra Hidla. mess. H5.Wrdl7.iXi. Cut meals, steady: 1 ck led bellies, SU'ilOHc; pickled shoulders JT.Wfl7.2S: pickled hams, $s 75fi 10.75. l"inf linn; western steamed, $8.50; refined llrin: toiitlneiit. $VS5; South America, $9.50; coni pound, $t,75. rork. firm; family, $ifioof' M.50: fchort clear, $15.506 17.00; mess, $15 a feflO.'.?. TALLOW-stciuly; city. Utc; country, fj' Ulf'U Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 311 Iii ; Japan, 4M4v. .5lOLAHSi:s-Stondy; Now Oi leans open Kfttle good to choice, 321740c. ni'TTIIR -Hecelpts. Mso pkgs.; steady; civumoiT. 15i9c, factory. Iltftlc. CIIMUSK-Recelpts. B.31S nkps,: quiet and c isyj fancy large colored, 8ic; fancy largo while Site, fancy Miiall colored and white, ,9.v. , KOOS-Receipts. 12.415 pkgs.: easier; west ern oantllfu, I3Ujfli3i4c; western unuraded, II'aJTI.V. POULTRY Alive, easier: springers. 21 Sic; turkeys. 1o: fowls, lie. Dresaed. steady; spruigeis, 235728c: turkeys. 7ft9c; fowls. 10,;. MV5TALS Cable Information nt hand wien the local metal market opened was of n surprising nature. Inasmuch as they In dicated a net gain of 2 on spot and future tin, as a result of speculation, und a good KANSAS CITY, July r..-WHKAT-July. CiTatitidc: September, fi4Vif63o; cash, No Intnl. taisJiJ'OWc: No. 3, eV,bS69Uc; No. 2 red ilo; No. ;i, C9Ii70c. ' CORN July, 40ii(r4O-V: September, 4lc cash. No. 2 mixed, 41-c; No. 2 white, 42c: No. 3. 4l?ic. OATS-No. 2 white, 20',Jc. RYK-No. 2, 55c. HAY-Cholce timothy, $U.003U.50; choice prairie, JIO.O). RUTTHR-Crenmcry. 16'4c; dairy, fancy, lSWllc. FCas-Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 9o per tloz.. loss off. cases re turned; new whltewood enses Included, '4c more. RKCIJIPTS-Wheal, 68,400 bu.; corn, 5,600 ou.; oals, ll.mvi bu. SHIPMKNTS Wheat, 81,600 bu.; corn, :, 4fJ bu.; oats, 11,'XO bu, Plilliiiletliblrt Produce Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA, June 6. BUTTER Steady und In fair demand; fancy western creamery, 19',Jo; fancy western prints, 19c; fancy nearby prints, 20c. F.QOS Quiet, unchanged; fresh nearby untl western, lie; fresh southwestern. 13c: Iresh southern, 12c. C 1 1 15 ICS U Firm : w York full creams, fancy small, OViiiMic; New York fuli creams, fair to choice, S',Sij9!4c. Toledo lirulii nntl Seed, TOLV2DO. June 6. - WII13AT Active, weak; cash, ,3l4c; July, 73ic; September, ila4f. CORN Lower; cush. 44c; July and Ben tember. I4l4c. OATS-Actlve; cash, ISc; July, 2;ic; Ben tember, 2t,c. ' RYU 54c. (JLOVICRSRHD Cash, $6.25; Octobor, Mliiiii'iiiitilU Whrnt, I'lotic and limn. JiiNeKAi'DLis, June K WHKAT-Cash. c: July. 701171c; September. 1Vvc, FLOUR First patents. $3.P5fT4.0.-i! .nmnri $3,'i5H3.8j; iirf-t clears, $2 7orr2.80: .dear. $2.054t2.I5. patento, second 1 HRAN In bulk. $11.501711.76. Peorln Mnrkel, 4it4cn,A' Ju"n C'-C011N'-Sc:"y; No. s. OATS-Iiinctlsc; No. 3 white. 2Sc, billed through. ' WHISKY-On the bails of $1.27 for fin Ishod goods. MllvrnuUrr titnln Market, MILWAUKUi:, June H.-WHIJAT-Lower; -' ,,n,or,,Jrir,-n?c: No- 2 northern. 73fl UYR-Steady; No. 1. S3Uc. IlARLUY-Siteady; No. C6c; sample, Oc. The Conimerclnl Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket continues dull, with dcnllngs very mod erate In volume. Today's market was Inac tive but steady. The bank rate was re duced from I to 3t,i per cent. This was a favorite factor, but the nana s action had been generally expected and the effect wan thercrore pretty wen utscounicu. American shares wero the most brisk, but even In this line speculators were timid and were generally contented to dep.! In small lots. The list opened rather dull, but hardened somewhat on the announcement of the re duction In the bank rate. The advance was followed and supported by buying for the New York account. Toward tho end of the session tiuotntlous broke somowhnt. but there was a rally on buying on the curb after the close. The favorites were Louis ville & Nashville und Southern Pacific, the latter being innuencctl dy dividend lalK. On the street Americans were generally weak. Atclilson was I lower, 'me Hank of En el nnd bought 14.000 gold In bars. The rates remain unchanged, but the Hank of Hengal lias reduced the rate from 7 to t,. At the meetlns of the Metropolitan District railway today It was announced thai: Chnrles T. Yerkes and Ills associates enn- troled the Hne and that they would Intro duce electricity as the motive power of the road. Kxcnangc on ucrun is. u.Hft. Sew York .Moni-y Market. NEW YORK, Juno 6.-MONEY-On call, steady at 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper. "WWi per cent. STIRLING nxCHANGIi Firm, with ac tual business hi bankers' bills nt $4.SSl4f 4.88 for demand and at $l.85'i4.R5 for (dxty days: posteti rates, ? i,st54.tu: com Ill, it'll,, 1,11m. 1 .CI ?I,I,.II,. SILVHR-Certltlcates, nominally 60c; bar, fiOc: Mexican dollars. 48c. DONDS State, Inactive; governments, strong; ranroao, inactive. Tho closing pikes 011 uunds todav are a follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg... do coupon U. S. 3s. res do coupon t do new 4s, reg.... do coupon do old 4s, ick do coupon do Ss, ice do coupon D. of C. 3 65 Atch. seneral 4s.... do adj. 4s Canada So. 2s Clies. X. O. 4,s do 611 f.... C, & N. W. e. 7.. Mo S. P. deb. in. Chicago Ter. 4s... Colorndo So. 4s Denver . It. C. 4s. Krle general 4s.. .. V. W. & D. C. Is.. Hen. Klectrlo Js,.. Iowa Central Is... Lj.. & N. unl. 4.i d.. K. k T. 2s do 4s .06i .S Y. Central Is.. 107'; J. C gen. 5s.... 100 No. Pacific 3s K9 do 4 139 .N' Y. C & St 1. s. 131 '.V. & V. con. Is... tl"4 Orecon Nav. la.... HS',4 do 4s 70S',; 'Oregon S. U 6s.... 108". do consol 5i 125 fleaillng gen. 4s..., 101U mn G. W, 1 W Kt L A I M c. 5s... 10 St L it H F g. 6s.. lOT'i.'St. Paul consols... 119 'St. P.. C. & P. Is. 1424 Mo 5e 121V, So, Paellle 4s !M,,so. Ilnllwiy Js l'i 102; 1054 S. 11. & T. s. Tet, A Pacini) Is. M I'ntnn 111111.. J - ISS'jJWlllMSh IS 115 Mo 2S. 103VWst Sli Shore 4s.. M 'S'ls. Central 4s. JS X'a. Ce Centuries 107; U2; 1055 I0', 102', 109 1034 121 119 97',, 102 1161 114 184 1184 W 94 110 f.O 115 09 10B'i II74 HI 111 up; 9H4 Bid. Offered. nnatnii Miiok Qnotnllon H08TON, June fi. Call loans, 3jSV per cent: tlnio loans, S'i'.S Ppr cent. OOlclal closing: A.7T. S. F do pfd Amer. Sugar American Tel lkvtton & Alb'y... Host on r.leted Hoston .t Me t; b. & Q Dominion Coal ... do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Oen. Kltctrtc Mex. Central .... N. H. 11. .V O Old Dominion .... Rubber Union Pclfle .... Union !nd West Ktid . tti Atchison 4s .104 N. I!. G. & C. 5s. .H5i,ii Adientnre .174 lllnghani Mln. Co. 255 'Amsl, Copper .185'i Atlantic , ,19I nnrton A Mont .190 Cal, A Heclft . 344 Centennial .11 Franklin . f0; Humboldt . '.'i OsceoU .24 Parrot ,', . 2 .CJulncy , . 10 Santa l' Copper.. . 3J Tomarark 21 Utah Mining Winona , Wolverines , no , 3 . II 1 03 2'i i,'; 23'4 H9 Sf.'; 444 i1 2fi 17 2b it 170 330 31 2' 504 Hank Clearings. OMAHA. June a-Clearlngn. $1,160,431; cor responding dny inst year, Jl.P'l.HS; increase, $59,319. NKW YORK. Juno . Clearings, $321,371,- ja.i; iMiniices, M,i.i,ix.i. ST. LOUIS, Juno 6. Clearings. S8.140.97fi balance?, $1,125,(15; money, rJ" per cent; OMAHA LIVE STOCK. MARKET Obiiet) OattU Btiidy and iotW, Wkil 0:heri Win No Mtri Thu Study. HOGS OPENED STEADY TO SHADE HIGHER Wooled ft beep Ttrenlr-KIre lo Thlrtr Five Loner tir Week and Clipped l.anitis nntl Knes and Wethers Ten In Fifteen Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, June 6. Receipts were: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Olllclnl Monday i.Mi b,v 3.95 OthLlal Tuesday 3.W4 12..A2 l,oW Uhtcial Wednesday 2,151 10,00 1,422 Olllclnl Thursday 2,bot 10,24s Four days this week.. ,W 3S.7W 7.&0 Same tlays Inst week....l,3.'J 42.1S6 l.l.VoO Samu week before lu.iH ii.'Jis li',9'.ti Same three wccks ago.,ll,u90 ;w,l51 2o,IH! Satnu tour weeas agu..,12.)tU a7,Wi 16,475 Same days last year la,o3J M,M 6.'lJ Average price paid for nogs at South Omaha tliu past several days with com parisons: I lWl77uCljPaD.aWs"1897.lS9J.lR9S. Condition of the Trenanrr. WASHINOTON, June 6. Today's state ment of tho trensury balance In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reservo In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $164,189,6ol; gold, $96,015,221. Cotton MnrUet. NKW YORK, June C.-COTTON-At the hest level of the dav a net rise of 9vll points was apparent, with July nnd Ansust the mainstay of tho market. Poor crop ad vices, smaller receipts, wet weather In tho central and eastern belt, with more pre dicted for tomorrow, and continued drouth In narts of the southwest, all combined to MlfTen the market In the afternoon. The market was Dually quiet nnd steady, with prices net f-8 points higher. Spot, mid-illfni- lltitninlH. &i;c LIVKIII'OUU .111110 tv CU r I WIN npoii fair demand and 13-12d higher; American middling fair. 5 3-32d: good middling, 2.-,.32il: middling. !.16d: low middling. 4 11-32d; good ordinary, 4.1-32(1; ordinary. 4 Zi-5Sd. rne sales or tno tiny were i, bales, of which Wl were for sneculaUotl nntl export nntl Included 9.3on Amerlcnn; re ceipts, s,sw nnies,. an American. nM;V OULUANS, June 6.-COTTON-Steatly: sales. 3.650 bales; ordinary, 5Hc; good ordinary, G3-16c; low mldtlllng, "c; middling, 7T4c: good mldtlllng, Mic; mid dling fair, Sc; receipts, 1,482 bales; stock, 135.992 bales. ST. LOUIS. June fi.-COTTON-Stendy: sales, M0 bales; middling. 7-c; receipts, 1.850 hales; jjjilpnients. 1,324 bales; stock, 73,2i'i3 bales. w CJALVKSTON. Tex.. June 6. COTTON Steady at 7 13-16c. ColTee Mnrkel. NKW YORK. June 6.-COFFEK-Snot. ensc niul nulet! Xn. 7. Ini'nlce. 6Hc. Mild. dull: Cordova. Si;ifiSHc. The market was stupidly narrow all day in lndlrterent re snonse to tinner Kuronean markets anil comparatively modernte receipts In the crop country, uuropo nougiu n rew straggling lots in the rorenoon nntl at tne close, mn at best the market was n listless, feature less nffnlr. Tho close was tiulet, with prices net unchanged. Total sales were but 5,G"0 bags. Including June nt 5.15c: July. 5.20c: September, 5.33c; October, 5.4005.15c; March, 5.75c: May, 5.85c. Uvii'Miritti-d nntl Dried I'rnlls. NKW YORK. June 6.-KVAPORATKD APPLF8 All demnnd was urgent today and prices were held pretty firm nt the ad vance. Choice ami fancy varieties seem to hnve the best call nnd extreme prices are asked. The close wus llrm and values were tending upwiird: state, common to good, 3',i(i)5c; prime, D'fSc; choice, 6tj64c; fancy, 6Viilc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Were In nn unsettled condition nt a lower level. Prunes, 2il4Jll4t' per lb., as to s'ze antl quality. Apricots. Royal. SUc. Peaches, peeled, lllilSc; tnipeeled, OQlCc. Xew York Iry fitioda Mnrket. NEW YORK. JtfnV'G. DRV OOODS-Tho new print' prlcea have brought out more business thnn for ppme time past. Print cloths are Inactive and unchanged. Hnmo demand for lienvy brown cottons slow, but fair export demands still coming forward. Hleachcil cottons quiet and unchanged. All coarse colored cottons quiet at previous prices. Cotton linings dull and Irregular. Hosiery nnd underwear In limited request, but no quotable change In prices. Wool i-Market. ST. LOUIS. June' WOOI-r-Unchnnged. but Inactive nnd weak; medium grades. 11 iH17c; light line. UT14o; heavy line, 9llc; tub washed. IGffiSe. LONDON. Juno 6. WOOI A sale of sheepskins was held here todn.y, 4,673 bales being offered. There was an average at tendance nresent antl competition was ir regular. Fine grades sold ot an advance of 5 per cent and medium and coarse skins were & per cent lower. . Oil and Hnsln. NEW YORK. Juno 6.-OILS-Cottonseed strong; prime crude, nominal: prime yel low, 37V4c. Petroleum, tlull. Rosin, qulot; strained, common lo gooti, i.oo. LIVERPOOL, June 6.-OILS-Petroleum rellned. trUd. LONDON. June fi OILS Linseed. 3s Ud Turpentine, refined, 5s 15-16d. Turpentine spirits, .bs bd. SiiRnr Mnrket, NEW YORK. June S.-SUGAR-Raw, steady; fair refining, 3 21-32c: centrifugal, 96 test, 4'4c; molasses sugar, 4 3-16c; re filled quiet. NEW ORLEANS. June fi.-SUGAR-Mnr. ket quiet: open kettle. 3 3-1684c: open ket. tie. centrifugal. a'Wit'.c: centrifugal yel low, 4'iTfl U-16c: seconds, 2?4lc. Molasses, quiet; centruugai, ,(?noc. May 15... 6 66" May 16... 5 69 May 17... 5 72 May 18... 5 73!i May 19... May 20 ,.i 5 73 May 21... 6 6714 May 22... 6 63Vj May 2.1... 5 G1S May 24... 5 67 Mny 25... 6 bl?i My 26... May 27... 5 60 May 2.4... 5 634 May 29... 5 621; Mny 30... 5 tau May 31... 5 71V5 Juno 1.... & 70 June 2..,, Juno 3..., 6 70 June 4.. .. 5 71 Juno &.. . 5 70' 4, June 6.,,, OJl'ji 5 211 3 071 13 Gil 3 21 5 231 3 bM 4 25i 3 19; 6 20, 3 b0 4 46 5 ll 3 lll 4 29, 6 101 .'I ti 3 65 5 03 3 62 3 66 3 b2 3 hi 5 01 5 04 5 01 4 K 3 55 I 3 60 4 95 4 90 -I 60 4 3oj 3 51 4 16, 4 26 4 33 4 25 4 1(1 4 1 3 M 3 3 65 3 52 3 45 3 40, 3 3 3 11 3 U 3 07 3 03 3 03; 3 02 4 20 3 34, 4 U3 3 .11 t '3 845 4 H 3 5i 4 10 4 83 3 57 4 111 3 39, 3 5) 4 2l ;t , 3 55 4 l.' 3 32 3 69j 4 Ul 3 o6; 1 10, 3 3 5.81 3 31 4 8S 4 83 I S3 4 91 1 3 01 2 99 2 93 2 92 2 5i 2 93, 4 31 4 27 4 36 4 28 4 46 4 4.1 I 37 4 35 4 32 4 22 4 17 4 31 4 as I 39 4 i6 2 S6i 4 30 2 85 1 8-1 4 31 2 f7. 4 S9 2 9.t 4 .15 3 01, 4 29 Indicates Sunday. Tho official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses, I . lit) 3 .S I . , 12M 4 IS t ....... HM 3 ...5 2 1035 I'J 2 ?) 3 65 1...,. 26-) 4 25 1 520 3 7$ 1 ,...140 I 25 1 .13) 3 1 1 1' 4 45 1 ....V 3 5 1 .V0 4 40 1 11M 3 oi) 1., !40 4 40 1 12) i 00 1 850 i irt 1 12)0 4 PO HEIFERS. I 10 2 '5 1 63) 4 M 1 3 ?i 23 620 4 35 2 io .i i t:o 4 a 1 tV 3 50 7 TJ 4 JS 1 tM 3 M 1 DM 4 M 4 M3 3 55 1 ;) 4 3.3 I ) 3 15 1 1130 4 M 2 7) 3 75 ! 4 0 1 t 3 1 620 I f$ 1 7M 1 00 1 ii, 4 :s 1 30 4 00 f no 4 ;j CALVES. 1 21" 3 M 1 ISO 11 -,5 1 70.) S 00 1 13,) f,;; 1 340 5 W 3 1M fi 75 4 250 5 00 1 13.1 s ;j 1 2i0 J 10 1 1:,) ;j 1 2.00 5 M 1 200 1 W0 i 10 2 135 7 3 214 6 (X) 3 153 7 o,) 1 240 M 1 i) T ft) 3 150 . JS 1 2.) 7 ,m 1 10 M J im 7 ,v) 2 150 10 4 170 7 t) t M M 1 12,) 7 00 5. lit 4 10 1 1J0 7 M 8TACIS. 1 14M 4 ft) 1 1:3,) 4 -.J 8TOCK COWS AND HEtF.ERS. 1 1010 2 Cm J 11:0 .) 2 72-) 3 JS M.1 3 IS 2 757 2 75 1 tv) 3 .V) 3 S73 3 (0 1 mo ;t M 1 10 3 00 1 in.) 3 h3 1 40 3(0 2 y 3 7. 1 1000 3 (0 1 ) 3 1 970 1 10 2 i 4 tf.) 2 Stt 3 SO J 1110 4 00 17 414 3 4) 1 tM 4 ,o COWS AND HEIFERS. 2 4 00 24 IM 4 70 4 800 4 y STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 14 ttt 3 10 5 ,M2 4 40 8 S7.H 3 I) 2 fi-V, 4 40 1 M0 .1 JO 13 403 4 4S 4 470 3 75 703 4 50 2 325 .1 75 6 413 4 SO t fc'O 3 )0 4 767 4 !A 1 f.V 4 to 1 ;m 4 f.n 1 710 4 23 1 MO I 50 4 710 4 2S 3 S10 4 K 1 40 4 20 1 B.V) 4 .V, 4 70) 4 10 3 613 4 70 7 S 4 0 31 470 4 75 C. M. &. St. P. Ry O. .St St. L. Uy Missouri paclllc ity 9 inlon paclllc system ... 20 it v, v. uy F.. E. & M. V. R. R 26 S. C. ,t P. Ry 1 C, St. P., M. & O. Ity.. 12 II. M. It. R. It 21 !'., H. oi Q. Ry 8 1. C. U St. J.- 1 C.. R. I. & P.. east 2 C. R. 1. He P.. west 3 Illinois Central 1 St. I, mils Live Slock .Mnrket ST. LOUIS. June G.-CATTLE-Rece!pts, 3.100 head. Including 800 hend Texans; mar ket steads' to strong: native shinning and exporting steers, $5.00!itl.00: dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $4.75"fi5.fiO: steers under 1,000 ins., 54.t10Mj.3a; cows nnu neirers, ;.30r 5.30: cannon.. $1.50fi2.S5; lulls. $3.00' l.t'0; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.5OJT5.20: cows and heirors. IIOOS Receipts. 8.100 head; market stead) : pigs and lights. $5.655.S0; packers, jj.70oro.Ns: Dutcners, u.mii.uo. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 3,200 liead: market 10f15o lower; nntivn muttons $4.0tWi-4.50; Innibs, $i,2.vu5.25; culls and bucks $2.5Cfr4.00; lockers, $2.50112.75. N'imv York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK. June fi.-REEVES- Rccelpth. 1,214 head; steudy; no change In cables; no cx'iorts. CALVES-Recelpts. 33 head; weak; fair to prlmo venls, $5.E0t5.85; buttermilks, nom- nal. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 3,072 head; sheep and yearlings, steady: lambs a trifle weak: common to good sheep, $3. 00ft 4.00; culls, $2.50; yenjllngs. $l.7fifro.l(i; lnmb, $5.40ft6.50: one cnrlllolce nt $6.65; culls. $5. HOGS Recelnts. S.087 Head; llrm; mixed svestern hogs, $3.(5fij3.10. CiiiiBiT nt tho Commencement. (l.U.KSIH'nf!. 111.. June 6. Commence ment exerciser of Lombard college, held here today, celebrated the lirtietii nimiversnry of tho founding of the Institution. Gov ernor Richard Ynles anil United States Minister to China Conner were guests nt Honor and were precept at tho banquet following the graduating exercises. Til K HI3.VI.TV MWIKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs- nay, juno i: Wnrrnnty Deeds. tp A, A. Tlbblts anil wife to A. A. Clarke. 2S.1 acres lax lots 2 antl 5. w of Papllllon creek $ 1,820 A. !-. connetl ami wire to luggin Lucas, lot 2. block 1. L. P. Ham- mnnil's ad 400 F. J. Persons nnd wire to w . L. Selby, lot 6. W. L. Selby's subdlv 1 O. Kountze jnd wne to ii. !;. Dunsconibe. Jot IS. Haas' suhdlv.. u. I-;. iJiinscorniio Hamilton, same and wife to O. A. E. L, Delanney el al lo .Mary flrls son. e no feet Iota 11 and 12, block 61, South Omaha A. H. Murdock et al lo C. W. Miller et al, trustees, s 20 feet lot 5, block 73, South Omaha Rachael Simpson and husband tn Hyron Recti Co.. lot I, block 17, Pop- plelon park ... , Henry Eby 10 Amelia Mllilnff, lot 8, Elmwood ad , J. W. Scott 10 D. H. Rnverness, lot 22, block 4, Prtiyn park M. J. Trimble to S. E. Hobson et al, lot 5, block 24. Omaha O. M. Hrontlwell und husband to E. A. Htiier, 32x120 feet, commencing at point 120 feet s antl 6 feet e of nw corner lot 4, block 7, Klrkwood nd 20) 50) 250 (A) 1,7(0 575 450 1.075 10 4 3 19 3 50 1 12 26 4 13 Total receipts lus 14 3 4 The disposition of the day's receluts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. ner 01 neati indicated: , Ruyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'n. Omaha Packing Co 316 1.700 .... Swltt and Compuny 378 1,292 .... cuuany racxing co ecu 3.227 310 Armour & Co 681 3.995 .... Omaha Pack. Co., K. C 296 Hwitt and Co., K. c t Armour & Co., Sioux City 48 It, Decker & Degan 22 Lobman & Co 12 .... .... Livingstone ,fc Schaller... 70 L. F. Husz 22 H. L. Dennis & Co 29 Wolf Ac Melrnan 3 Other buyers 116 .... 1 Totals 2,479 10,214 067 CATTLE There was not a havy run of cattle here today, and anything good met with ready sale at very satisfactory prices. The market svas fairly active on goou stuff, and the bulk of such kinds was out of first hands In good season. Receipts Included about 75 curs of beef steers and the market could bo quoted steady to strong. The cattle showInK weight nnd quality were, of course. In the best demand, and while the prices paid did not show much of any change trom yesterday still It was noticeable that packers wuuted the cattle. The commoner grades sold about steady with yesterday In the majority of cases, though the mar ket wus a trifle uneven on the kinds sell ing from $5 down. Tho market on cows started out In good shape antl the better grades brought good steady to strong prices. Along toward tho last end the market was not as active antl cases were noted where sellers had to sell for less money than tho same kind brought earlier In tho day. The feeling was weak particularly on the lighter weight cows and heifers, and some sales were mado that looked quite a little lower. Cattle showing the effects of grass can safelv be quoted 50c under tho prices paid for tne dry lot stun unu ouyers do not seem to bo nt all anxious for the grass cattle. Hulls sold In Just about the same notches they have been for the last several days, antl thu samu is true of veal calves and stags. Stockcrs nnd feeders continue in light supply, and alt that can be said of the market is that It Is holding Just about steady. Representative sales: UttHD' STJittllS No. 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 10 1 1 20 7 , 9 Av. 1'r. .600 2 1.0 .mo m . 690 a 7; . S02 3 rs .1100 4 25 1... I. .. 4... II. .. 28.. I 10... 1... 11... 7 t 40... 3... 23... 13... 1... 4 8 1 23 ;o 1 18 18 6 13 21.'.'.'.'. 19 ll"!!l 21 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 860 .1000 . 947 . 9S0 . 790 . 924 . E0I .1018 .1153 .1050 4 ?5 4 SO 4 50 4 50 4 .'4 1 0 4 60 4 r-i 4 70 4 75 .1110 4 75 57.". 4 85 4 4 85 4 S5 4 90 4 9S 5 l) 3 I'O U0D W2 953 1071 1030 1167 1007 10S5 3 (V) 1036 3 00 1106 5 03 1285 5 (5 1100 5 05 1220 S OS 932 5 05 1000 5 f$ 1132 5 05 m o :o 1260 5 10 1082 5 10 10S2 5 1) 1011 5 10 1228 i 10 110S 5 15 12S1 S 15 .1068 5 13 No. 16 10 , 24 , 10 10 21 17 13 , 43 , 43 , 40 21 13 , 22 24 , 12 , 41 19 17 18 26 , 13 21 h'.'.'.'.y 21. ..... 1 30 43 21 21 35 5S it!!!!!! 16 36 6 20 f,6 49.... A v. Tr. 10.13 5 IS 9S0 6 15 F$7 5 15 1320 3 20 , 119.' 5 30 1084 i 20 1114 5 70 1221 6 50 1267 A ?5 10S3 5 25 1009 5 25 1222 5 ai 1252 5 IS 1 105 8 30 1141 1097 1172 1182 1213 1112 1072 1150 5 ,-s 1202 5 35 1222 5 35 1356 5 25 1252 5 10 1213 990 1175 1232 1113 Hit 1367 1278 1245 150 1321 1243 14(6 1173 5 bO 1114 5 rs 13S2 8 -0 5 30 5 30 8 2" 6 20 5 20 5 fS 5 40 3 40 40 5 '9 5 10 5 4) 5 40 5 3 5 45 5 so 5 $ 5 ' STEERS AND HEIFERS. 5 ,0 70; 704 SIS osj 300 I 00 1 00 .... 700 .... 7.50 ....810 2 i .... 780 2 25 .... 910 2 50 ....970 2 50 .... 910 2 50 ....1000 S75 ....lOOO 2 75 ....1010 2 75 .... 920 2 25 .... ."150 .... 920 ....1073 .... 901 70S :i 90 4 IS 21... 4 ro 13... 4 65 13... 4 : a... COWS. ....106: .... 769 .... 913 .... 977 5 10 ....1043 5 30 4 75 4 t'O 0) 2 75 I 01 3 OI 3 00 3 ro . . 750 3 W . . 770 3 CO .. ' 3 '0 ..112) JC0 990 3 10 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 15 Total amount of transfers ,,,, $ 7,373 in.. 3.. 1.. 4.... i!!.'! 20.... 3 25 2 "5 3 25 3 r, 55 3 25 Z ? i 31 : 33 3 50 3 M 1(01 740 931 990 HwO tfll) 1"43 0 9(0 1040 9.-) lftU 973 Oil 820 ItT.ift 3 60 1110 3 75 1130 3 7,5 99S 3 75 1020 3 75 975 3 PO 125 3 fi Ml 3 00 W8 3 90 NW 4 01 IPu 4 "0 840 4 00 IfOO J IV) 1510 3 n 1170 3 3) 970 3 40 12.50 3 45 1IW 3 60 fino 3 "0 1220 3 .'0 ,..,,1U5 3 5i) , . . . f7 1M 1050 3 60 I 1 1 2 1 1 o!.'.'!! 13 3 it!!!!!! 2..... lo!!.'!!! 13!!'.!!! 1 4 4 1.... HULLS. is!!!! 1200 100 1020 915 830 SCO 1104 1102 916 1173 1155 9S0 1042 1034 1111 I(2u 910 1180 100, 94) 1200 780 1010 1190 1070 1220 4 23 100J I 25 1100 4 33 1220 I 35 1130 1220 1195 11' SfO 841 1 105 U2 1M0 1066 1110 1190 lt0 W0 883 9S0 0PO 9V) 1SI0 4 10 4 00 4 CO I CO 4 00 4 CO 4 11 1 03 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 IS 4 20 4 :o 4 25 I 25 4 23 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 "5 4 !5 4 35 4 40 4 I) 4 (0 I I) 4 10 4 11 4 45 4 15 4 M 4 50 4 M 4 M 4 50 4 ;o I S) I 81 4 55 4 5 ...,f1 .... 1X0 .... 500 ....1810 ....14.10 ...171) ....156.1 . ..1610 ....1100 . ,. 720 ...1820 4 f0 I n.) 4 ftfl 4 n 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 to I 10 4 10 4 20 HOOS There was about tho usual supply of hogs on sale this niornliu and the mnr ket opened rather slow but steady to a shade stronger than vesterdav's general market. Tho bulk of tho hogs sold at $5.70 and $S.72W. Some of the choicer loads brought $..75 or better, but It was notice able that buyers did not take quality Into consiacruiiou us mucn as mey nave been doing In the oast antl for that reason It wns difficult to get over $5.72V4 unless tho hogs were fancy. The hogs did not move toward the scales very rapidly, as buyers ana sellers tin not ngree nn prices. The last end of tho market did not show much of any change In thu prices pnld. but was a little more active and everything was sold 'n good season. The high price was the tntne as yesterday. $5.80. with th bulk at $5.70 and $5.7214 end the light stuff from $5.7o down. The average cost todav Is Just a shade better than yesterday, llepre- sentativc saies: No. C.9.. f9.. 61... 13.. No. SI... 91... 33... 83... 82... 05... 82... S3... 61... 2.. 15.. 65.. 64.. 71.. 3.. 70.. 65.. 72.. 64 74 70 70 65 80, Co.. 69. 69. 81. 64. 74.. 77. 49. 63.. 6. 89. AV. 8h. IT. ....190 120 3 CO ....ITS 120 5 60 ....189 ... 5 C5 ....20.) SO 5 05 ,,..190 120 6 65 ....194 240 3 C'H ....178 13) 5t.;i, ....213 ... 5 CIS ....222 160 5 t,7H ....24 240 5 70 ....235 120 6 70 ....236 120 5 70 ....202 80 6 70 ....226 2S0 5 TO .233 10) 5 70 80 5 70 !) 5 70 ICO 5 TO 280 120 60 kO 160 80 81... 75... 62... 63... 27... 44.... 64.... 69.... 44.... 75.... t9.... 23.... 69.... 83.... 28.... 92.... 33.... 33.... 3S.... 70.... 75.... 71.... 10.... 77.... 80.... 67.... 80.... .... 69.... 67.... 67.... 67.... 72.... 71.... 67.... 70.... 11.... 73..,. 51. ...211 ...249 ...235 ...Jt4 ...221 ...218 ..SOO ..2.10 ..241 ..215 ..214 232 ....203 ....261 ....241 ....229 ....211 ....229 ....208 ....234 . . . .249 ....232 ....1SS ....223 . . . .SO ....217 ....243 ....213 ....299 ....218 234 ....230 40 80 SO 24) 6 70 5 70 6 70 5 70 5 70 5 ro 5 70 6 70 5 70 5 70 5 70 5 70 160 5 70 120 t 70 ... 5 70 120 5 70 120 I 70 160 5 70 SO 5 70 80 5 70 SO 5 70 160 5 (0 40 5 '0 160 5 71 ... 5 70 160 5 TO 120 5 TO 60 5 70 80 6 To ....230 160 5 TO ....217 240 6" 70 ....200 ... 5 71 80 5 TO 56 18 56 65 66 49 53.... 65..., CS... 72..., 68... 56..., IS..., 15..., 10..., 5..., 63..., 79... 36... 53..., 74... 62... C2... A v, Ph .206 40 .272 160 .299 ... .320 .238 .270 .248 .2.58 .235 .252 ....269 ....254 ....241 ....218 ....251 ....237 ....273 ....342 ....293 ....264 .. .266 ....243 ....214 ....222 ....237 ....289 ....213 ....248 ....248 ....225 ....273 ....215 ....212 .. 215 ....232 ....250 73... 79... 60... 76... 59... 68... 71... 67... 76 253 80 40 150 200 'so 160 240 80 ...213 ....249 ....20J ....210 ....229 ....210 ....234 ....249 ....223 ....228 ...,!25 ....209 25 !!!!5:5 ....219 ....540 ....224 ....217 ....241 ISO 160 SO 80 40 120 .203 .208 .215 ....203 ... ....213 100 ....243 160 ....210 ... ....228 120 5 70 ....220 101 5 TO 90 225 160 5 TO i 0 5 .0 5 70 5 TO 70 f. 70 5 70 5 70 5 :o 5 70 5 70 5 TO 5 TO 5 50 3 70 5 TO 5 TO 5 TO 5 -0 5 70 5 -0 5 70 6 TO 5 70 6 TO' 70 (.9.. 66.. 62 . 62.. 71.. St.. 61.. 61.. 71.. 63.. 75. . C8.. 84.. 63... 62... 63... 69... 67... 63... f.6... 55... 62... 65... 74..., 65... 27... 51... 67... 60.,., 59..., 68..., ro. 249 242 230 20) 233 267 247 254 213 251 213 270 20S 80 40 80 40 80 160 80 40 80 SO SO 8) SO 256 240 5 12'j 233 ... 40 160 ..3' ..261 ..241 ..239 ..237 ..251 ..238 ..264 fr. 5 TO 6 70 5 70 5 75' j 5 72', 6 2lj 5 T2'z 5 ,24 5 72'i 5 721, 5 72', 5 72V, 5 724 5 7-!'i 5 72' 5 721, 5 T'.'i 6 72', 5 -f, 6 72', 5 72'i 3 72', 5 72', 6 '2H 6 72V, 5T2, 5 721 i 5 ,25, 5-72', 5 T2'ti 6 7!', 5 71', 3 52'i 5 72'-, 6 T2!4 5 I2'.a 5 T2i 5 T2',4 5 72', 5 5 TS'.i 5"2', 5 2',4 5 -2'i 5 72'i 5 7:', 5 2li 5 72', 5 '2'j 5 72V, 6 12', 5 72'.., 5 7'J , 5 72' 5 72', 3 72', 6 72', 72, ....211 ....215 ....294 ....333 ....274 ....SSI ....27 ..t.275 4 SO B 72, 5 75 5 " C9 300 SO 64. 60.., 66!'.! 33.., JS... (... 36.. 30.., 58.. .2T6 241 331 227 259 50.' 249 250 '.'45 288 240 160 5 75 6 7n 5 75 5 75 6 TS 5 T5 5 T5 5 75 6 15 5 T5 5 T5 5 .5 5 77'.i 6 771, 5 SO SHEEP-There were only Just a few little muicnes or sneep ana lamus nere louay ami not enough to test the market. A choice bunch of clipped lambs sold at $4.75 and a hunch of wethers brought $1.00. Hoth rales were considered high In nronortlon to the way stuff Is selling at other markets. For tho week It is safe to quote wooled Iambs 25CT35c lower than thev were last week and clipped limbs are 10C(J15c lower. Clipped wethers und ewes are also easily 101715c. lower. According to Chicago papers It required well fed sheep yesterday to fetch $4.00 or better and the top was $1.15, which w.ib paid for exporters. Ewes were slow sale from $3.(0 to $3.75. The demand for wooled lambs w.ih nlso vorv weak, tho ton nrlce be ing $5.2S. whllo it took tho nrlmest shorn klnmbs to fetch $4.80 nnd not many natives 1 ni iBirin ni in,, ,nr nr ninnH Kniii nvpr jt,...,. The best snrlng lnmba sold around S5.50. From the above cnicago quotations 11 is readily seen that the following prices ap plicable to this market nro well In line. The Chicago mantel louay is quoted wena to a dime lower. Quotations: Choice ollpped wethers. $3.S5 J4.00; fair to good clipped wethers, $3.70'u 3.85; choice clipped ewes. $3,251)3.50; fair to good cllnned ewes. $3.MT3.25: choice wooled lambs, $1.90ftS.10; fair to good lambs, $i,70jp 4.90; choice clipped lambs. $l.505j-l.75; fair to good clipped lamus, ji.-j.nai.du; spring lambs, $5.00H5.50; feeder wVAtliers, $.).50j4.00; feeder lambs, $4.0041 1.40. w Representative sales; No. I buck 26 bucks 15 clipped culls 5 cull Iambs... 205 clipped wethers lib Clipprti lumus Av. 100 137 ion 76 17 76 Pr. $2 00 2 00 2 00 I 25 4 00 4 75 CHICACt) LIVE STOCK MARKET. Choice Nteora nntl Sheep Mend; lloas .Strnnit to UUJier. CHICAOO, June 6 -C'.WTLE-Receipts, 12,000 head, Including (") Texans; choice steers steady, others slow; butchers' stock weak, Texans steady; good to prime steers. $5 5O'q6.10; poor to medium, $4.5ei5 10. dockers and feeders, weak at K.Ci'n 1,75, cows, $2.75fl,75; heifers, fancy up to 85 35, I2.fnjj5.16. canners, $2.mfi2.70; hulls, low ecept choice at $2.S0fH.5O; calves. $I.W'Tt 6.00, Texas fed steers, sales up to $.''J. $1.505 60; Texas bulls, $2.75f3.80. HOOH-Recdpts today, 21.OOO head, to morrow. 20.0Oi bu.. estimated, left over. 3,000 head; strom to 5c higher, closing easier; top, w.wi; mixed aim nun-m-i .'. t5.70fi5 97!4: com! to choice heavy. JS.MrtC 6.02U,: rough, heavy, $j.65fl5.75; light, $5.65'! 6.90; bulk of sales. $f,.LWiS.fi5, HI1EKP AMI LA.MIIH-lH'reiii. , head; sheep, steady, ewes, weak; liirubs, stoutly, rprlng up to $5.65; gootl lo choice wethers, $4.OOfH.30. fair to choice mixed, $3.65f4.1r,. western sheep. $1 lO'ul.36, Texas sheep. $4.25fi4,40; native lambs, $4.00ft5.2J; western lambs, $4, 50175,25, Kama a Cllr I.lve Slock Mnrket, KANSAS CITY. June 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, natives, 600 Texans, 350 calves; native and Texas beef fleers, steady; veal calves 25c lower, other cattle easy; choice export anil dressed beef steers, $5.Mfj5.fii; fair to good. Vt.VWM; stoekers nnd feed ers, $3,751(4.40; western fed steers. $,8"J' 5.60; Trxnns and Indians, $irf5.I0; Texas grass (.leers, n.&Olfl.riO, cows, $1.3511 Jl.ra; heifers. $3.65115.23; fanners. $2,501)3.16; bulls, $3,251)8.70; calves, $3.50115 50. HOas-Rccclptu 19,01; market IfiV.-c higher; top. $5.J5; hulk of sales. $J.70iJ.$74l heavy, $5.8o'rj5.!tt, mixed packers, $.-i.i0 6.85: light, $5.55f5.75, Pigs, $l.905.t0. S1IEEP AND IiAMIIS- -Receipts. 2,500; market strong to loo higher Western lambs,$4.70l75.BO; western wethers, $I1M.60; western vearllnn. l.ftOff I.IHl: ewes. $.1.itVr 4.25; culls. $2.rj0fl.l.p.i, Texus grass sheep, $3114.15; Texas lambs, $l.40f(l75; fprlUK lambs, $4.7585.75. SI. .Inseitlt Live Stock Mnrkel, ST. .IOSEPH. June fi. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.138 head; market strong; natives, $l.60ft5.S5; cows and heifer, $4.a"iff5.20; veals. $I.OO1i0.5O: bulls nntl slags. $4.1505.(0: Blockers anil feeders, $2 75471. so. HOOS Receipts. 7.IK2; mnrKet hyio higher; light and light mixed, $,'.70iio.(j; medium und heavy, $5.75Ti6.05; pigs, $.1.MM 4.75; bulk, $5.7515. S3 SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recclpts, 1(0 hold: market steady. Stock In Slitlil. Tho following table shows the recelnts of cuttle, hogs and sheep ut the lour principal llvo stock markets June 0; Cut He. lines. Hheen. Houm umana 2,501 pi.'jis Chicago 12.000 2,000 Kansas City f,.iii lli.on St Louis 3,100 S.ioo Ttitnls 1.701 (V.-..CIS 15,613 Stunt City Lite Muck Mnrkel, SIOUX CITY, June 6.- (Special Telegram.) -CATTLE - Receipts, km head, sternly; beeves, $5.lVi1i5.50; cows and bulls, mixed, $2.75(5.00; slockers and feeders. $3.utwlf 1.10; calves ami yearlings. $.i.r.t ;m HOOS Receipts. 3.5i head. 5c higher, selling at $5.tV33.75, bulk $; !' jOJTi.TO. Dr. McCrevv Specialist 26 yennt experience 15 years In Omulia. DISEASES OF MEN ONLY. vurltucuiu, iijurocuic, aiiinuic. iiiuotl Diseases In all stages, Nervous Debility, and all unnatural Weakness, Cures Uuur antced. Charges Low. Hours. 8 u. in. to 3 p. m. Sundays, S 11 m. to 5 p. m. Hox Too. Uftlce over 215 So 14tll St., between Ful'ium and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Go., Otnaka, Neb. Manufacturers of Tents and Canvas Goods. Send for Cntiilouc Number 23 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. lAesiern Electrical yy Company Electrical Supplies. UltKtrte Wirier Belli aad Ota Llgkttaft a. V. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Howard 8U Davis & Cowgili Iron Works, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBBRS OF MACIIINERT. GENERAL REPAIRING A aPDCIALTI IRON AND BRABS FOUNDERS. 1001, inOU and 115115 Jaokion Street, Omaha. Neb. Tel. AIM. B. Zabrlsklo. Acent, J. B. Cawrfll, MfT, ELEVATOR SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Easy Rlilng Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevaiors. AUTOMATIC HATOH GATES Rend for catalosue. KIMBALL BROS.. COUNCIL, BLUFFS. 1 UM ftk Bltatt. Veleplign 10). c H. Davis & Son An-eata for the Rlchmoa Safety Gates anil Fire Door. Blttator Hydraullo and Hand KletaUri. Elevator rcralrlui a specialty. Leather VaWe Cups for EUvatori, Engine aad rriatlng Pressies. ftANE GO. Manufacturers and Jobberi of Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. 1014 nntl 1011! DflL'nLAS ST, WALL PAPER. Yefter Wall paper Co., joiinHua WALL PAPER. Larse, well selected stock, prices same a rastrin houses latest novelties. Dealers send for 1M1 sample line and terms, laif.-i'-'f. ii-ni s . nniniin. COMMISSION. Hsvi'J Goie G3., Fresh Cresset! Poultry. Oysters and Celery. 418 So 1 llli Ht. Omaha DRY fiOODS. HE. Srmih ft Go. Importers and Jobber, of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goodt AND NOTIONS. PAINTS ANU OILS. National Oil & Paint Go. (Incorporated.) MANUKACTimr.llS AMI .IOIIIIKRS. Paints for all Purposes. Varnishes, etc. 1015 and 1017 Jones at., Tel J'.Sl. Omaha. T'iitiuiif! Kl.ltf, Boyd Commission Co Successors lo James K. Hoyd & Co., OMAHA. NEB. COMMISSION (III A I.V. I'lmVIMO.NH AM) STOCKS. Iliinril of Timlf llullilliiK, Direct wires to Chicago and Now York. '.oric6;'onali';e, John A, Wuneu 4b Co.