Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Union Pacific Otmptoj Sails Fifty Thonitid
AcreiWitbin i Wetk.
Dnnknril Wlio Iteccntlr Attended
Coi trnlliin nt Lincoln Are
l.nrnrlr Itrjirpiirntpil In
M the I'urt'hnnea.
The Union Pacific land department has
during tho last week Hold 60,000 acres o(
grazing country In Wyoming, besides con
siderable laud, both tillable and pasturable,
In Kansas.
The latest sale 'was tho larscst. having
been consummated yesterday. Just nfter
the rain of the night of June 3 had watered
the entlro eastern half of Wyoming. Cron
berg IJros. of Medicine How, Wyo., aro.tho
purchasers and they have taken 19,000 acres
of grazing turrltory In the eastern end of
Carbon county. The purchaic adjoins tho
tract nold late last week to Queally Ilros.
of tho same place, consisting of 12,000 acres.
The third salo of the soven days occurred
yesterday, when Charles JackBon of Ilaw
llns, Wyo., hourht 13,370 acres In tho vttt
end of tho same county. Another deal Is
now under way. Involving the purchase of
a vart tract In tho samo district by a syu.
All purchasers are sheepmen and It Is
largely for this stock that these grazing
lands are used. For this purpose the coun
try Is unexcelled when the rains are fairly
regular. In Kansas, however, where the de
mand Is very large and heavy sales In
smaller lots are reported, moit of tho land
is reversible, bclpg good for cither agricul
tural purposes or pasturage, while boiiic of
It Is really high-grade tillable wheat soil.
Here the purchases have been mostly by Im
migrants, who have taken small portion.
Tho fact that the Dunkards who recently
visited Lincoln for their national confer
ence have done much of this buying Is an
Interesting feature. While they wcro not
attending tho sessions, and especially after
the conclusion of tho conference, the Hap
tlst Ilretliron were hauled over tho country
In special excursion trips at reduced rates.
Lured by the low prices, ranging from $1.50
to $ nn acre, many of them nbandoncd
their eastern homes for the new country,
There were 0,000 of them at the conference,
but only a small percentage of them re
turned to their former abiding places.
Ittnnrta from Itnllroniln Miovr Siilen
llil HhIii.
Tuesday night's rainfall, following that
of tho previous twenty-four hours, almost
cinched the future of tho grain In Nebraska
for this season, In tho opinion of railroad
men. One or two more scasonablo little
howers will complete tho certainty. The
double wetting followed tho old Nebraska
precedent, and enmo Just In the nick of
time, but that mado It all tho more valua
ble. Twolvo million dollars Is tho esti
mated valuo placed on thoso two rains this
Tho last shower was practically as wide
spread as the first, according to railroad
reports, although It wns more Irregular,
amounting almost to n cloudburst In places,
neports to tho .Missouri Pacific ofllco yes
torday from Paul, Neb., a llttlo station
Just south of Nebraska City, told how
tbcro was a foot of water lo the station
agont's bouse, and from that depth to two
feet In most of the residences there. The
country is very low, and the town Is built
long the flats of a creek bottom, which
explains tliu Inundation.
'Fremont, 11horn& "MlssburTVdlte'y "re"
ports said that there had been a good rain
over the entire South Platte country, and
also all along the Sioux Ctty & Pacific line.
Burlington and Union Pacific headquarters
reported general rains throughput Ne
Jievr rfiiKfr Ascent nf Krle Ilnitd
Once Lived Here.
Press dispatches yesterday conveyed the
Information of the advancement of Dclos
W. Cooke, a former Omahan, to the Impor
tant position of general passenger ngent of
tho Erie railway, with headquarters at New
York City. Hallway officials hero say that
this position Is tho best among passenger
gcnclos in the country and consider Mr.
Cooke most fortunate. He will succeed
Duncan I. Koberts, resigned.
Mr. Cooko Is about 38 years of ago aud
tarted his railway career In Omaha. lie
was rato clerk at tho 'Fremont, Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley offices for a long time and
resided hero altogether about ten years,
leaving Omaha about 1890.
Smith SneoeedM Floyd.
Considerable Interest was aroused around
Union Pacific headquarters yesterday
by the announcement of the appointment
of ft. A. Smith to the. position of cashier of
the passenger department. Mr. Smith will
fill the vacancy caused by the death of J.
O. Floyd last week. He has been In the
employ of this rood for ten years, and his
present promotion Is from a rate clerk's
position. Previous to that he was private
ecretary to General Passenger Agent Lo
max, and bo entered the offlcos as a stenog
rapher. Hallway Motex nnd Personal.
C. A. Qoodnow. general superintendent of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, hus
arrived In the city from Chicago,
O. V. Bldwcll, general manager of the
Fremont, Klkhorn & Missouri valley rail
road, returned Tuesday night from Chicago.
Nelson Vanderpool. the northwestern
passenger npont of the New York Central
railway, with headquarters In Chicago, was
In Omaha- yesterday.
W. It. Stlllwcll, assistant general super
intendent of the Hock Island road, with
headquarters at Davenport, Ia arrived In
Omaha Tuesday night.
The Hock Island route will open Its new
line from Liberal, Knn.. to Dellhnrtc, Tcx
on Juno 15. This comprises 110 miles of new
track-, tho completed portion of the new
lino being built through to El Paso, work
on which was begun Inst January.
Tho Nebraska Educational association
hns nnnouncuil the Wnunah road us the of
ficial line to be used from Chicago to De
troit by Nebraska toncliers enrouto to tho
convention of tho National Educational as.
eoclatlon to be held In tho latter city from
July 9 to 12. inclusive A special train will
tako the Nebraska, visitors from Chicago
J? their destination on July 7, leaving the
Windy City at 10 o'clock In tho morning and
arriving In Detroit between 6 and 7 o'clock
that evening,
The Sleeping Car
on the OkoboJI special train will upon ar
rival at the lake be set on a siding within
a few hundred foct of the lake. They may
be occupied while there.
Woodmen to St. Paul.
The Illinois Central will sell round trip
tickets to St. Paul, on June 8. 9 and 10, at
rate of 10. Long limit returning. "Wood
man Special" leaves Sunday night, June
t, at 8:30 p. m. Hosorvatlons at city ticket
office, 1402 Farnam street.
Reserve Yonr Sleeper lierth Early,
for tho OkoboJI excursion via the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. Berth rate,
11.50 each way. City offices, 1501 Farnam
atret, Omaha, and 620 Broadway, Council
Good Porch Rockers, 75 cents, SPECIAL.
Btonecypher prints anything. Tel. 1310.
Arnold' Park Lake OkoboJI,
here the Milwaukee. Ry. lands their pas
engers, Is on the lake shore, aa At' alone
worth coins to tee.
nemnrkahle Snte l.ndlen Silk Wnlat.
Wash Wnlat. Skirt nnd Milliner)-.
$5.00 SILK 'WAISTS, $1.98.
COO new taffeta silk waists, as displayed
In our window, In black and colored taffeta,
plaids, pllse and corded taffeta, In plain
colors, nil of tbem mado In the latest style,
now sleeves, new collars, new backs, every
one worth 15, In all sizes, on main floor
bargain square, 91.03.
Silk waists of poau de sole, gros grain,
taffeta, etc., etc., plain and fancy, tucked
and hemstitched, bishop or puff sleeves,
narrow band cuffs, on sale at $.1,98.
Hundreds of exclusive styles In new shirt
At 75c and 98c you will find an Immense
assortment of mercerized cotton and chain
bray, percalo and gingham. Theso are nil
with tucks, box pleats, hemstitched front
and back, In alt the new colors, at 73c and
$5 LADIES' SHHIT WAISTS, $1.G0 & $2.50.
Half of our entlro second floor Is de
voted to the display of everything that Is
now nnd up-to-dato In lsdle' shirt waists.
In this magnificent array of shirt waists
you will find many exclusive Parisian ef
fects, Swiss lawns, white and colors, nil
of them richly trimmed with lace and In
sertion, many foreign novelties In waists
of tissue gingham, etc., go on sate on sec
ond floor at $1.60, $2.50 and up to $5.
On our second floor we have made spe
cial arrangements to display summer hats,
Including our beautiful draped .leghorns,
trimmed profusely wljh roses, These are
exclusively shown by us and heretofore
sold at $5, on sale tomorrow at $2.25.
$15 AND $10 HATS. AT $5.
In this assortment are many pattern hats,
nil of them fresh new goods, trimmed ar
tistically, on sale nt '$5,
New shirt waist suits. $1.25 to $.05.
Pique, denim, duck' and crash. $3.60 wash
skirts, 98c.
Ladles' $.1 all wool golf skirts, $1.98.
$3.50 ladles' mercerized crepon' skirts,
Ladles' tailor made suits; $3.98 and $5.
J. L. Hrandois,. & Sons, Proprietors.
Selling Roger, Poet Cowmen's clothing.
I'Mve I.nrKe MsciirHlnti Stennier
and hundreds of small boats will help to
entertain the Omaha people who go to Lake
OkoboJI on the Milwaukee Ry, excursion.
The Inn at Okobjl, Iowa opened Juno 1.
Golf links In connection with tho hotel free
to guests. ' r
It Cause Trouble nnd Lend lo Din-
ctiHNlnn in 'Uncle Smn'a
Len Ccarns, a saloonkeeper .at Merrlman,
Is On trial In the farfArnl rnurt nn a rhnrirn
of having sold liquor to Wllllo Red Shirt
ana standing Bear, two Sioux Indians. It
Is asserted by the government that Cearns
took n Jug of whisky to tho barn behind his
Baioon ana disposed of It to tho Indians,
and Willie Red Shirt confirms this charge,
but says that before he and his fellow bravo
had a chanro to taste of tho nectar of tho
Indian god. Mondamln, n man with a club
tOOk the lUC awnv from Ihnm. Th mnn
with n club Is supposed to be a Merrlman
Via HoeU Ulr.i,.-, Unnte.
Juno 12, 13, 14, ,15; Chicago and return
Juno 8., 9 f.n5 10, St. Faul and return
June "is to 30. Denver and return $19.
Jji.e 18 to 30, Colorado Springs and re
turn $19. '
July 1 to 9, Denver nnd return $15. '
July 1 to 9, Colorado Springs and return
$16. '
July 4, 5 and 6, Cincinnati and return
July 5. 6. and 7, Detroit nnd return $22.
July 6 to 13, San Francisco and return
Every day Buffalo and return $25.75.
Also very low rates tp all summer resorts.
City ticket office, 1TJ23 Farnam street.
SIenluK Cnrn.
For thoso who desire them, sleeping cars
Will bo attached to the Oknlinll finoMnl vln
the Milwaukee Railway. next Saturday. The
sleeping car rato will be $1.60 per double
berth each way In addition to the railroad
faro of $3.00 for the round trip.'
Kmg Park.
It has long been a faney among animal
keepers to have n monkey Christmas, which
bring to the fact that cold weather Is not
tolerated by these animals, has always been
hold In Juno. Tho 'monkeys at Krug park
will have their Christmas tree Saturday, all
laden with such sweets" aa are calculated
to bring Joy to tho heart of the monkey.
It Is a most unique and funny event, and
ontlrely new to Omaha, this being the
first one to be held In hl " niiiM...
...... I J VUIO.IVH
aro free every day n a great crowd of
i "nm uuco ure expectea to attend the
monkey Christmas. Morris Bros., dog and
pony show continues to win success, tho
attendance Is good.
City Ticket OHIee, 1(104 Pnruaiu St.
and see a picture of string -of wall-eyed
pike captured this week at Lake OkoboJI by
Mr. Daniel Baum' of Omaha 17 fish, weight
62 pounds, '
Lake OkoboJI and .Return, $3.00.
On Saturday. June S, the. Chicago. Mil
waukee & St. Paul railway will run an
excursion .train from Omaha, to Lake
OkoboJI, returning Sunday night. Excel
lent coating ana, nening and an outing
at one of tho most, beautiful resorts in
the west. The .very low $3 will be
mado for the round trip. Full particulars
on application at the, city ticket office, 1504
Farnam street. F.' A. NASH.
, General Western Agent.
Next Saturday.
Tho OkoboJI special train, via the Mil
waukeo Hy leave tho Union 'depot at 8
p. m. next Saturday.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to- Tho Bee.
We will give them proper legal Insortlon.
Telcphcno 238.
Publish your legal notices in The Wekl;
Bee. Telephone 238.
How They Bite
If there Is any one thing more annoying
than another, it's to wake up in tho night
and find tho bugs nre out on n lark. You
can avoid this nnnoynnce by using Schae
fcr's Sure Death. It's the preparation thnt
kills 'em. One pint bottle will get rid of
them no matter how many. 20c for a bot
Prickly Ash Bitters , , 65C
Snoop's Restorative Tonic, , 70o
Peruna , 5!c
Doan's Kidney Pills S90
Dodd'a Kidney Pills 3ac
Kld-no-olds ic
Red Cro Kidney Plaster-the best..,. 20c
Plnkham a Compound .- 69c
West Brain and Nerve Tonic 25c
Uncle Barn's Tobacco Cure (guaranteed) 60c
Qulnocetnl (latest out for colds) 2oc
TW.".y' Ll10!1 noot nno Pennyroyal
Pills ($2.00 aUe) , , 750
Beladonna Plasterr 70
Tel. T47. S. W. Cor. ltlth and Chlrao,
Goods delivered FREE to any part of city.
The Greatest Sale of Eoji' Clothing Ever
Know in Omaba.
llntlre SloiU of the Conililtiit (Ion Chil
dren' ('lutlilnir Co., ,p lrk
Retired from lluolne, (iocs
In Six Lot Tomorrow.
There Is not a poor pattern or old style
In the lot. They ure all new and up-to-date
In every particular, besides being tho best
fitting nnd wearing suits on the market.
All the boys' casslmerc, cheviot nnd fancy
wnuted suits (ages 3 to 15) mado lu double
brepsted Jackets nnd knee pants. Alsp
vestee suits, coat, pants and vest, go at
98c anl $1.29. Absolutely worth double.
BOYS' SUITS, $2.39 AND $3.39.
All tho boys' (8 to 16 Btzes), flannels
nnd cheviots, plain and fancy casslmeres,
cheviots ar.d worsteds, In single breasted,
3-plecc suits, coats, pants and vest, and
double breasted suits, also all ages (3 to 8),
Junior, vestco suits, sailor suits, Russian
blouso suits nnd Norfolk suits, go at $2.39
and $3.39, positively worth double.
All tho youths' long pants suits and
young men's suits, in single and double
breasted, straight or round cut sack coats
(sizes 14 to 19 years), go nt $2.98 and $4.9S,
actually worth double.
Today we will place on sale on our
second floor nn elegant lino of shirts for
boys and llttlo men, In ages 3 to 10 years,
In percale, madras, etc., mado In the latest
style with collars attached or detached.
J. L, Braudcls & Sous, Proprietors.
Selling Rogers Pcet & Co. Men's Clothing.
Vln Hock I xlii ml llnnle.
Juno 12, 13, 14 and 15, Chicago and
return $14.75
Juno 8, 9 and 10, St. Paul and return. 10.00
Juno 18 to 30, Denver and return 19.00
June 18th to 30th, Colo. Springs and
return 19.00
July 1st to Oth, Denver and return.... 15.00
July 1st to Oth, Colo. Springs and re
turn 15,00
July 6, 6 nnd 7, Detroit and return.. 22.00
Huffalo nid return 25.75
Also very low rates to all summer re
sorts. City Ticket Oftlcc. 1323 Farnam street.
Clienper Thini Stnylntf nt Home.
The low rate of $3.00 offered by the Mil
waukee railway for the trip from Omaha to
Lako OkoboJI and return makes It cheaper
to go than to stay nt home. Excellent boat
ing and fishing nnd nn outing at one of the
most beautiful rssorts In tho west. City
office, 1504 Farnam street.
Speelnl Trnin for Slirlnrr.
Tho Shrlners' special for the Imperial
council at Kunsas City will leave tho Uur
llngton station, Omaha, nl 12 o'clock, noon,
Juno 10. "
Shrlners and members of their families
desiring to 'travel on the special should at
once nllvlso W. B. Whltchorn, chairman
entertainment commlttoe, ctty bnll, Omaha.
Modern Woodmen.
Lowest rates,
Special accommodations,
St. Paul and return
"The Northewestern Line,"
Juno 8 to 11.
1401-1403 Farnam street.
Good Porch Rockers, 75, cents. SPECIAL.
In Time for Work Monday.
The OkoboJI special train, via the Mil
waukee Ry., will on tho return trip arrive
at Omaha nt C a. m. Monday.
Ht. Pnul nnd Hetnrn. f 10.0(1.
"Woodman Special," via Illinois Central
railroad, will leave Sunday, June 9, at 8:30
p. m. Particulars at city ticket office, 1402
Farnam street.
1901, aged u. years, ii niontns, s days.
Wife of Carl M. and mother of William,
Mntthow, Antono, Henry, Charley, Annn,
I.oulso Bchneckenburgor and Mrs. Hugo F.
. Hllz of this city nnd Emma Weber of
Buffalo, N. Y.
Funeral Thursday nfternoon, June 6. nt
2 o'clock, from her Into residence, 123114
South Thirteenth street. Intermcn Forest
Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited
A Shirt Waist
Poifc Eppstoin, Rothachild & Sumner, known to tho
1 Cllld trade as the largest shirt waist house in America,
failed in New York about 15 days ago. Wo bought their en
tire stock of shirt waists all this season's make also
their piece goods at 3HJo on the dollar.
The waists arrived three days ago. They art fully ar
ranged aud will be in ship shape for sale Thursday.
A sale on waists the like of which
was never known before.
25 doien Women's Wash Waists, made of excellent quality percale, newest -g
styles, separate collar, BOc quality, for l"w
60 dozen Waists, made of percales nnd lawns, with the now cuff and rtQ
now collar, worth 75c, solo price
65 dozen ladles' Waists, In lawns, percales and dimities, trimmed with Insertion and
brnld, with the new cuff, new collar and now sleeve, In every Imaginable figure, In
cluding a lot of white waists with solid colors, trimmed with lace, ' G5f-
goods worth up to $2.00 your choice for OvFCi
70 dozen women's wash waists, somo of
. ... I 1
OI ino marKCl, mcilltliug ruiurn mm nunc,
worth up to $2.50, your cholco for
rif t;r Vta nrffn r snip nf
UHl IIIK A&ftk7 "
commencing Thursday wo will sell 30 dozen
Wash Skirts, worth up to $1.00, for
To mako it still moro miuruHiing wo nave
-Altd f-m tVin miln.iirn Tlrtrolt And nilffnln ft.nplrq SjftK?mit1
suits worth up to jju.uo somo siik unea
all this season's styles that we will sell
The goods alone would cost you double
Also 75 Sample Suits, worth up to $35.00
lined throughout which wo will sell
for M.JiJJ
100 ladles' Silk Eton Jackets, mado from elegant qual
ity taffeta, lined with white Batln sold In A Ca
Just arrived by express 400 women's
maao irom me very oest taiieia, eiaoorateiy trimmed,
mado up In the very newest styles they will be ready
for tomorrow's salo at $6.9S, $S.98. $10.75 and 112.90.
Thu rfnin.uut irnliinci ni'iir oli
in America.
! Vln (lie MltM nuke fly.
Leaving tho Union drpot, Omahn, nt 8 00
( p. ra. next Saturday, the Chicago, Mllwau-
kco at. Paul railway will run n special
train of roaches nnd sleeping cars to Lnko
OkoboJI, In., and return. Tho train will nr
rlvo nt Arnold's park on Lnko OkoboJI at
6 o'clock Sundav mornlnc: returning, tho
train will lenve nt about 9 p. m. Sunday
nnd arrive nt Omaha promptly nt 6 n. m.
Monday. Tho round trip mil rate Is $3.00.
Tho sleeper rate Is $1.50 for a double berth
each way.
City ticket offices, 1501 Farnam street,
Omaha, Tel. 2S and 520 Broadway, Council
Bluffs, tolcphono 186. Y. A, NASH,
General Western Agent.
Vln The lliiTiTiiKlon Itonte.
Buffalo, N. V and return. J33.15 Choice
of routes nt corresponding rates.
Kansas City, Mo., and return, June 10
and 11, $7.75.
Cincinnati, O.. and return, July 4, 5 nnd
C, $22.60.
Detroit, Mich., and return. July 5, 6 nnd
7, $22.00.
Summer tourist rates to hundreds of
other points.
Additional Information and tickets, 1502
Farnam street.
OITlelnl Itnuie in St. Pnul.
Tho Illinois Central has been selected as
the official lino for tho Modern Woodmen
to tho Head Camp meeting nt St. Pnul,
Juno 10-15.
In addition to regular trains, a "Wood
man Special" train will leave- Omaha Sun
day evening, Juno 9. nt S:30 p. m. Rate,
$10 for tho round trip. For full particulars
and copy of handsomely Illustrated circular,
call on or address W. H. Brill, D. P. A..
I. C. R. R., 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
Modern Woodmen,
Lowest rates,
Special accommodations,
St. Paul and return
"The Northwestern Line,"
June 8 to 11.
1401-1403 Farnam street.
Ten Dollar.
To St. Pnul nnd return,
account M. W. A. convention.
. "Tho Northwestern Line,"
1401-1403 Farnnm street.
Stonecyphcr. printer, 1201 Howard st.
Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgery. Brown blk.
Wire Screen Paint,
Nothing looks worse than n rusty scrocn
door or window screen. Why not havo
them bright, clean nnd fresh looking by
PAINT, especially prepared for painting
wire screens. A screen door painted with
this paint will last for years. Also
ndapted for pnthtlng wlro flower stands.
Colors, green, black. Half pints 20c. Tints,
Yes, Wo havo them, too.
Brushes to paint with.
Brushes to enamel with.
Brushes to varnish with.
Any kind of a brush you want, from 6c
to $3.00.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go.
ti. W. Corner tilth nnd Undue. '
We carry a line of
Witidpw Glass
and can supply your wants for all kinds
and In any quantity. You may want n
GLAZIER to reset a broken light. Call up
Hello, 349 send you n competent man,
who will charge only a reasonable price
for his work,
14th nnd Donsln St.
tho cream n
m ill i Jm(7
lVfvF P&ifM
urm'stu. i&r
- fkrf
selected bbbBYO
g QQ
the price.
nearly all silk
-4 g t l$v
Silk Skirts, wg
. 1
mi m
Oood quality light and dark colored per-
calo waists, nil sizes, each &4CjJ
Fancy colored madras cloth nnd percale blouso waists,
with lnrge sailor or small collar, nlso regular pleated
(Mother's Friend) wnlsts, In many hand- y Cj-i
somo patterns, nt tCw
Largo varloty of styles of fancy trimmed blouso wnlsts,
largo or small laundered collars, nlso beautiful plain
whlto embroidered wnlsts, sizes from tt
2V4 to 8 years, each J
Iki V .V OBH iV' li
Fashion's Foot Fitters
It Is ono thing to wrap up a pair of shoes
and hand them to a buyer. It Is another
thing to lit that buyer's feet with them so
who may walk all day nnd then say: "My
shoes nro very comfortable." Sorosls tiro
mailo In nil tho different shapes of tho
woman's foot. One shape may bo ndapted to
your foot, nnother to your neighbor's. Kit
ting feet with Sorosls Is not llko your den
tistry you don't need to dread tho having
It done,
Tho bhoo shapes In Sorosls aro tho foot
Bhapes of the human family, femininely
speaking. Sorosls nro easy fitters, fash
ionable shapes, worth $5.00 of anybody's
money, and cost $3.50 here, nt tho factory
or any plnco they nre sold In tho United
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street,
Frank Wllvuz, Mummer.
Send for catalogue.
lavatory, closet nnd laundry, ns well
as for tho kitchen, you will llnd In all
the new Improvements and conven
iences In our stock of supplies. We
will lit up yor bathroom with any
thing required, us well ns doing all
kinds of repairs, gnu and steam fitting
In tin expert manner nnd at reasonable
Free & Black,
1800 Farnam.
Phone 1040
America's favorlto per
fumea very sweet nnd
perfectly true essence pro
pared from the fresh blos
soms. Tho connoisseur of
today demands perfumes In
n highly concentrated form not to secure
n loud or pungent effect, but to so combine
delicacy nnd strength that only a few drops
need bo used. Aik for a souvenir took of
"uotii cKvrritv toii.kt iiixt.h."
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
1 (it U tin J I'u rn a in Sts.
Kits, Mice and all other Vermin
cannot live where
STEARNS' eVea08Tthe'
in U8KD.
DrucriiU tnd Orooen. Sic. a box.
The Boys' Clothing Departmeiit at this store has
reached that point where it calls for sis much atten
tion almost as that of the men's. Mothers have
learned that there's economy here in many ways
First, in the quality, followed by quantity, style,
make aud price,
Thursday will be a great day for the mother and
her boy.
iCp 1,,or Children's Kneo Pants, sizes
f-w 4 to 15 years,' they come lu
checks, broken plnlds nnd casalmercs, made
to bo worn with auspuidcrs or wnlsts 00c
Is tho price they bring elsewhere.
Og? Kor Children's Knoo Pants, sizes
JJ 4 to 11 years, mado up In checks
or plain casMmeics, Scotch mixtures,
Htrlpcs nnd fancy patterns, two shades of
corduroy most of theso pantd nro all wool
nnd woll worth double tho prlco.
EZrhfi Kor Children's Odd Knee Pants.
4 to 16 yenrs, mado up from blun
serge, nil wool and fast colors, light nnd
dark colors, In corduroy, fancy cheeks,
striped cheviots, plaid or plain cn;slmcres,
In light or dark colors, with patent wulst
tmnd nnd buttons for suspenders.
60, 75c aud 85c
A wonderful lino to select from pants
nmong them worth $1.00, $1.60 nnd $1.75.
Heat grade of
wnlsts, laundered collars nnd cuffs, stylhh
patterns, also plain white
basket cloth, nil sizes, ench
patterns worth Just double-each
This Is n great
1 Mil il 'iJWlilMll
On Sale Thursday
$35,000 worth men's, women's and childron's summer
underwear, closed out to us by tho manufacturer, at about 50
cents on the dollar. This purchase includes finest balbrig
gans, plain and fancy lisle-thread and best mercerized goods.
Thousands of dozens men's ribbed and balbriggan shirts and
drawers, summer weight, children's underwear, in ribbed or
plain, with short or long sleeves. Ladies' fine balbriggan and
lisle vests and drawers, in white, ecru, pink and blue, all well
made and nicely trimmed, go on sale at about half lhoir regu
lar price. Tho best values in now, dainty, absolutely perfect
unde rwear, ever put on sale at this season of tho year.
In the Bargain Room
10c Lawns, per yard ....
loo Percales In remnants
25c Mercerized finteens..
12V4C Whlto Dimities
::c Imported Dimities....
lDc urgunaicH ...
SO Percales, tho 13c grado 6c
Shirting Prints 2Hc
Lawns In nil colors ,
ltemnnnts of Dress Goods nt less than
one-half their cost.
Needles per paper Jc
Skirt Ulndlng. per ynrd Sisc
l.".c millions, per yard lc
Xc Klbbons, nil colors Gc
All our 15c, 20o nnd 23c Lnces, per yard Be
All our 25c JleltH, each c
A largo lino of Ladles' Holts, each lc
Bone Collar Buttons, per card 2io
Grocery Sale
F pounds Itollcd Onts
Orcou Heuns, per can
Lima Beans, per can
1-pound Powdered Starch, pkg
Largo Bottle Blulnff
Kvaporatcd Penrs
Fancy Oregon Peaches
Huby Prunes
D-pound Pall Jelly
Lnrge Can Lye
4 Bars Wool Soap
Baby Mix, per lb
Lemon Gem, per lb
German Honey Cakes, per lb
Mnrshmiillows. walnut, per lb
Fancy Jelly Fingers, per lb
Gem Arrowroot, per lb
Assorted MurshmnllnwH, per lb
Iced MolnsscH,, per lb
Spring BcautlcH (now), per lb
Pecan Wnfcrs, per lb
Assorted Chocolates, per lb
JIurshmnllow, orimgo drop, per lb,.
Cocoa Creams, tier lb
. 10c
. flHo
. 6Vio
. mo
. .7',4o
, r.c
. ir.c
. 5c
. Wo
. 100
. ir.c
. 15c
. Uo
. lic
. irc
. 15c
. 15c
The Chicago Record
hi" 61 of these Type
writers In dally utt
If you want a typewriter, why not
come tlrst where you can see
WltlTKH In Its best form?
of all kinds for all machines,
New Century
The finest catalogue
ever issued is
yours for the asking.
United Typewriter and Supply Go,,
1(114 Furuaui St., Oninbu.
Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900.
F. R. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE
SI. 'Jo for Hoys Two'l'icco Suits
mado up of n choice lino ot suitings, mndo to
wear thoy nro correct lu stylo nnd well
mndc they como In light nnd dnrk checks,
plain nnd fancy patterns, Just the thing for
school or to romp In during tho summer
vncatlons Mwy nro mado In vestee or dou
ble breasted styles, patcut wntst-band and
$2.50 for Boys' Suits
This Ir tho greatest lino of suits ever shown
In Omahn for tho money--vo.iteo or two
pleeo suits, serges, cnsslmores, Scotch plaid,
checks or plain, they aro wejl made. We
want you to look through this department
before you buy your boys' clothes. If wo
do not convince you that there Is money In
buying your bos' clothes of lis we'll not
urno you to spend a cent In the department.
French Percalo nnd Imported madras blouso
A beautiful lino of white, Inwn nnd colored mull uqlstR,
with embroidered l'auntlcroy collars, many hnndsomo
.$1.50, $2, $2.50
store for tho mother nnd her boys.
ihfH ! I 1 IM 1 1 Wl IB1 i I
flrCkfii WnAaf urano
Plated Collar Buttons, per card Sy
EOc nnd 75c Laco Curtnlus, per pair, S3c & 4o
Very good largo Hammocks C5o
ino iinmmocK, Willi Hpread Pillows,
etc., n gooJ 1.00 urtlclo 75o
Finest lino of Hammochs In Oninhn,
from 63c to , J3 00
Hardwood, nicely turned set, 4 balls,
nil cumplnto In nlco wooden box, and
woll worth 75c 4;0
Extrn tlno sot hardwood, 1! balls, In
structions, oto., worth JI.00 73o
Very ttnu bet S bnlls, everything com
plcte nnd generally sold nt JI.5U; this
lino set will go at jso
Flno professional sets, $1.60; tho llnost
Iirofcfcslounl sets made, culled tho
Club, mado to soil nt $3.50, our price. .$2 60
Meat Sale
No, 1 Sugar Cured Hams 100
No. 1 California' Hams 70
Cholco Lemi Bacon lio
Chipped Drlod Beef 15c
C pounds Pure Leaf Lard 41c
Fresh Now Bologna tie
Fish and Fruits.
Family Whlto Fish 4o
Family Mackerel, ench 7'c
No. 1 K. K. K. K. Norway Herring ... luo
Fancy largo Lemons, per dozen lOo
Choice Sweet Oranges, por dozen ....120
Your !
Should recrlvo close nttcntlou, ns your
npiienrniieo cannot ln good with poor
teeth. Our work nil guaranteed,
Set of Teeth $.1.00 up
U'dd Crowns $5.00
; Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
I 1517 DougiiiH St.
WORK to Make a Oood lOo CIGAR