THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, .Jl SE , 1001. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for th(ir column Will he tlkru nntU 12 lit. for ttte' enlnaj etl( ton itnd nntll 8,no p. m. for mormlnic 'anil '8 una1 ay edition. Hates, 1 l-2c ttoril first Insertion, la TrarA therenfler. Nothing taken fnr lea than 2tk Tor" (lie flrat Inner lon. These advertisements must be van conaecntlvelr. Advertisers, by rrqnestlnsT nam tiered ehecU, enn liare answers ad dreaaed to a namtiered letter In ear f The nee. Anmcn no addressed trill he delivered ob preaentatloa at the heek emir. WAXTIin-ltAI.I! Hi:!.!'. WANTED Wo have steady work for few good hustler of Rood habits and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co., 1003 Howard St. B-MS BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short tlmn; catalogiio nnd particulars trie. 1 Western Barbers' Institute, Omiihn, Nob. B-8IS WANTED, mnn with horse nnd Kgtit nprlnK wagon. 1S17 llownrd St. II-MIS2 Jit 8TL1.SO and energetic , men. don't bo. Idle,' write the Hawks Nursery Co., Mil waukee, -Wis., for special terms and ter ritory. , B-M546 JC2P TUB Equitable 17lfofNcw York'wlil make desirable contracts with one or mora business getters. In Colorado and Wyoming, .A good renewal contract Is offered to the right man. Reference's' as to Integrity and Ability to accompany applications. C. A. Steyn, Manager, Denver, Cofo, " n MOM 6 WANTE.D, ii young man to take care of norse, cpw and tawn. Address T 17. Jlco , omce. It 272 6 WANTED, at -once, two experienced ncol dent Insurance pllcUor; sa,)ary and com mission pftld live men. Address Treas- . urer, Room 2 Columbian 'UldR.. Topeku, Kansas. - , liZ9) l MALE' help wanted; I75.W) (0 123.00 it month to good men taking orders for JInrdy Nursery stock, fruit '"nd orna mentals. Position permanent, ADP'V quirk, with references, stating age and territory wanted, L. 1,. May ft Co., Ht. Pnnl. Minn . . It R. PERMANENT rtoi'Ulori for the right malt to -represent old-established romputiy having; 1200,000. .capital; llfWH per week and expenses, to. , begin payable, weekly, direct from otir 'office;' fro deception: ab solutely stralghti.ssln.ry, -not conditional on success; chance for promotion and In crease of salary. Btnto age, references and 'business ojtp'crleifW-; Address t'ut versal Mfg. (Jo.,JBax 73D, Philadelphia, in.. SALESMEN', a flrTnwlunMi.elnbilsned trade with physicians, will receive up' ullcaUons for .vacancy, In their, corps of travHIng'men; nlso'oilo for oulslfle city; permnuency. Address P. O: liox hns; rhlla ,delphln, . -j5 5 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers, to tn'ck' signs; dlstrlbtitn clrcrolar, samples, 'etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing JJurcau. Cltlca;o, ( li-SSI.G'- WANTED.. ut, once',' (Irstvclasa barber: no other need apply; salury, HO per. Address t U. I,, aingras, (Irlifwpld, In., U-J0.7. WANTED, experienced bench and machine' hands, cutters and rippers; steady, work, good wages, nonunion preferred.' Cres cent riardnK Mill Co., fit i,ouls, Sto. n-aio s WANTED. In western Wa town, regis-' terert pharmacist, wnges, 140. Address T 62, lVe. . , . . K-317 SAI.KSMIiX WAXTKII. SALESMEN for' pen carbon copying books ' and other'qulck' selling oHlco specialties; fine -sldo llneBj cutaloguo frco; earn .J21 weekly. Mpdcl Mfg'. Co., Jo.x II. South , Dendlnd. -MISS Jel4' I" i. 1 . n WAHTriU KEslAI.U IIICM'. WANTED, 200 :lrls,.152l JJodgo. Tel. i: , ' r .'C-80 WANTED, lady .aTurklsh bath'joperdtor; must hays had. .Kopd,. cxpurlonge. Apply, room 'J20. Bee bu titling! k p 6!p KELIAULK help. Canadian otllce, J622 UoueA WANTED, girl-for genorul.housework. lo;o Oeorgla .Aye. i-, , -9 '91 WANTED, Ilrst.class.cookj -pply Mm.1 W, li, McCord,. 2201 Casa St. ,C-2M-. WANTED, a cook ntNo7S2S ffo. '26th' st. Mrs, Arthur Meti. . C 293 0 WANTED, sklrimaker, also an errand glrl.'ono wh can 'sew.. ' 1623 Dodgt st. ' - : r i - C-2S3 1' COMPETENT- - girl "general' 2J25 Farnam. h6usevt1rk. C-302 ' WANTED, '4lrl fnr'Rcheral housework: ti per weak if competent. 1916 Wirt St. ' 0-2S9-(r UANTfcD, 2S experienced operators on shirts uml duck 'Clothing, also learners on Jackets and overalls. Apply to llyrno & Hammer D. G. Co., 12th .and Howard. C-306 0 WANTED, bright,. capable, lady to travel Snd,.JPJ0'1 ."Bfnts: . must. ba. In .gaod healtli, unincumbered and furnlih ilrst claas references: silarv. llil ri.'.r ,.! nv and nil exnensos; pojiltion permanent; ,no S?p:rlt5."ice ?alc' dept.. MY Star' Bldg., Chicago. T C-31S 17 ' t'Oll HIC.VT HOIISES. j : - IF YOU want your houses well -rented place TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van 'Storage Co., omce ,lMlVi Farnuin, or tel. 1U9-8U. HOUSES for rent in nit parts of the city. uic,i,au-4vt -v puutii ioin sireci., . ,.. .U.-bJl HOUSES,, stores. UcmlJ, I'axton block. D-S55 BEE HENRY U, PAYNE,' C01 N. Y. LIFE ' ' D-S56- HOUBTJS, 'etc. I D". Wead. 1521 Douglas. - ' D.t.37' HOUSES nnd flats. Rlngwalt, Uirker blook. ; ' ' iww HOUSES wanted. Wallace, IJrown block." D-S5D chas: e: Williamson; Kos'l-afnam' st' J ' '- IJ !tJ-J MODERN 7-roont, npur park. 13C0 So, 2Sth. TO J.ET, elegant largo 13-room home; large: mwii.unii uarn. a per iiioutn. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-M20.1 ' 9-ROOM "house, bath nnd closet, SAth nnd wiuiricB. .nunruo 6& (o.i u luin Ht. j, D-M53I :;;9 S. UT!! ST., T-rooni hotse, city water in fuu.iiuw, laruw nnrn. anu aimusi -uvo acres ot groumi ror:frarln: rent. lit. omaIlv.lOan,, f jtysT-co icih'aml.DougfasjW'i. COTTAHE,oti gmahit Reach, Like flkobojl, for rent. Chptaln Slaughter, Army Head- TV"1. '- -!: FOR RENT. Juno 1." brick house, ail iiiutiiim wiu t aoi f, 1414 S. 13TH ST.. 3-room cottage; freshly ponered; will rent to a gooj tcnunt with rrnriir(n-for Ill.fVI h ' OMAHA LOAN TRUST CO., - 14th and Douglas Hu. - D-St5 2J14 K ST.. Sotiih Omaha, B-room cottacti In O.NIAIIA LOAN &TRITRT CO.. 16th, and Dqugtss Sts. D-MS21 MODERN" T-."6om rial,- 2l(h and it, u. Mraiiam. U Ms3 NEW, dainty cotlane, 9, rooms. 23th Ave aim uiiage; rmu junc i. oiriciiy up-to date. Call 2906 Dudge'St. )l-ROOM modern house. 2413 Canltol nve nyu. The O. F, Davl' Co., 1W llco uldg FOR RENT, strictly mndaru, lavlls bldg., opposite city hall.'. . 8-rooni modorn house. a04'Mason st near purs, nice tawn ana snaac; JOHN W. ROUB1NH. i0i FAKNAM 8T 4- . 'i)-ini,; FOR RENT; eUrkftnP 10. room ihourr. sit mcuprii; jui-i repapereu nun new pulmonis put in; goon mini, ixii wirtrsi. tireniinii Love Co., 309 S. 13th st. D-MWS .' roll RENT, modern residence, 8 rooms wi ,n. .oih st. ltrennan-Lo-o Co . jns t tfth su . D-MW9 i roit .ti;vr-iiot nut. FOH RENT -U7I lass. f Pvrry desirable modern cottage, Irlrgc yard .good barn, tl7.fA 4Lo Chliugo fit., Irt-room modern, frostily Painted nnd papered, largo yard,' good tmrtt, Kan, I.M.M". Patterson ft Yottcr, 423 Faxtdn Block. , D-032- FIVE, unfurnished rooms; ,011 modern. 1711 Nor(h 22pd HI. .' D-077- 9-ROOM modern flat, j:7.So. di Douglas. , "D-M2U 5 ROOM S, NTlitth, "licit r'c7tml n g, ixwT t rooms, S. 2nii. near Vinton, $9.00. 4 rooms, 4Gth. near Leavenworth, all In good repair, lias cellar and lajintiry, $10.00 W. I.. SELBY, BOARD OF TRADE UUILDINO. ' D-263 FOIl RENT, flat 705 So. 16th. rooms, bath, gas, city water, range, janitor service, UJ.M: references required. I. C. I'eters te Co.. 1703 Farnam. D-,104 7 S-HOOM, strictly .modern, luiuso In inn cpn dltlon. 1MI Ho. 2Sth St.. $"f per month. Oco. V. Hcmls, ,ra,xton Ulocli.. . U.-SnS AN' ELEGANT AI'AltTMNt Irt "iheTAL 'ltiON, 10th and racllie" st;, of. FlVti ROOMS, JanUor. service, telcpltortc, gPs ranges, latindiy, electric ldjtit. or cas, slndes nnilV-nfnKsI Kod'nelghbijrs only. We will nlso havo a. SWJIt.g SIX-RUOM apartment U the WINONA by" 'Tilly 1. Como In and; -. ,. , .'l'AYNE-lfNtiX CO., , Main rloor,;N, Y. it. BldR. V-fii ' FOR RENT, modern in-roonv hottse, 522 North 10th street, JIS. Hfennan-I.ovo Co.,' ."y.3 South 13th st. I) -20 6 6-ROOM cottage. 2617 Chicago St., With welf and Astern. ' Inquire 2615' Chlcnito St. C-ROOM cottaRC, with WtVT. 1213 I'arR Wilde- nVe. M)-31B ; FI'RNISIIEIf iiouse, prTdnms, )fHodcrii, Ann lawn and shade, neitr WVst F.irnam, 3 month!. Address T Do, 'Uce. p -JI3 h 8-R. MOD.. 267J Dodge,- J2S.50! 7-r., city. water," .H714 Dodge. $U.m). - A. F, CVmu Wi N. Y. Life. M'lionc,vtP5. D-.H0 I nueii FOIL IIMYT I'L II. VI 'IIED , IKIOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th nnd .Farnam. THE THURSTON, 15t(i apd: Jivcksort; steam. HOl'SnKEEl'lNQ rooms, 16 UP. i23 Ht, t M-S:2-Jc2V Mury h. ., LHASA NTLY located room- for, young"- lady, with iur witnout 'Doaru; privain tamily. -ftju'S. IStlt.. E-A-22l-3 CHOfCE, newly furnished rooms, thor otiRtily modern. 2213 Douglnsi E-316 3"" i'i;U.MKin:i rooms asd hoard. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. i ,F-863 aLENCAlRN,translcnts,11.q5day. 100D Doug. 'i l. . I' Bt) THE Mcrrlam-,' summer resort. & Dodge. F bo NICE south room. The Pratt, 212 S:2Sth 8fc .F-815 , ; f NICE rooms with board. 4Ili N, 25th St. F-226 TWO-largo front rooms, with board. 1S09 uapiioi uvo. - a -nmi LA ROE south front room,"wlth board. 2'tt IN. IStll ,Ht. Si'J T ROOM and board In prlvtitc family. 2B16 uavenpori. i -iii j j- OH' REV!' I)AFIJUMS1IKI ROOMS. DESK room itfiftce, $5 per month, "ground uonr room in ine uee nuiiuing, tucing Fariiam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Pcterii & Co.,' itcntul Axunf., J ico building. o lie UNFURNISHED chambers for man and wife.' SIS North litlt HL C14 UNF,URNlSHEt basopient rooms In. a coiihhh or nouseKcopins; no cnuuren HW..N17ih. r. k G-,972, I'OR ItBXT-STORES AND OFFICES- FOR RENT, store In- flrat-cln'ss locution rreni ireasonnuio.- Apply it, u. reierH '& o.;a;r,ouno, lloor,-lico lliug, I 2i FOR RENT, the bulldtng.forraerly ocou- picaiuy 'ino uce.nt. nii tiirnum aw it has four .stories and a basumurK which was .formerly used ns the- Bee press room. This will be. rented vry rensonably.- If iniQreiU",ppiy 0.1 pneo to vou. koso. water, secretary, room 100, llco building. 1261. RENT half ot ofltce. Inqulro 12.. N! Y, 1-314.5 Life Illdg. Atii;.TS WA"NTE1. WANTED, canvass ng agents In everv county to solicit subscriptions ror THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA, OF. LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book .contains 1,400 Imnerta! octavo pages. SCO obJoctMeach- Ing engravings and -Is the only book on 'live stock 'CVer publishedi adapted to the" every-day. ' practical,, mmiey-savlng "use of every farmer and stockowner. Steady employment with - nssqred rgood Incomru lAgcntu tn -tho, country h with hqrso-. and buggy especially,- desired. Canvassers -.make easily 160-. to $100 par month. wAdr. dress Century Farmer,. Solicitors Uiireuu, .Uee Building, Omaha.j . k ) . , .J4S7 , A'OENT8 make 18'dally selling ti ote'apest ana- ,w .period- nr -uncr ever' in vented; retails at. $1.50: Up profit; -exclusive ttrrltory.- Seneca F4ltt!r-Co,. Sen eca, Mo. a-MPlAJell" WANTED 'Several cn rablo .men "In ai?h stato to travel and api)0iiu-aeit;, salary $100 per month and expensesMqajnthAr with',. pointed; position pf'cijvnont to- right liftj-, liw UAi'V.IVULIl UVli-npil j I'MI. .Hl- il'cstlnned references ns'fq'.blgh .charc, ter must ho .furntshicd, 'A'ddreSs, jobber;' vi.-ooo uearoorn ni,. liiiicaKO, j 1 13- STORAiai. PACIFICTtitoraga ttnd Waroh'ouse.Co"., S12- iut joucsi uriinai uion-ge-nun lorwaming. l ' ' ' '" A ' v" OM. Vtln-Stor. Cb., 151R4 Farn.- Tefs. 1569-S63, ' ' : ' - - 1. .T -rQ WANTHII 1 IWX: W'ANTED-54ecnnihnnd f urn.l(ure. largo 'fcr? . small loth;' highest .prtccs jtald; drop 11 C4rd or Te!i 771. J, Lcvlhe',"".HH N. 10th. 'N-Mll'JeW WANTED-50 -secotidhaud ladles' wheels.' ' Nebraska Cycle C6.', Cor. lith'& Harnoy. . VOJBtl l. 1 S i,- ''. WANTED Tp buy ftfo'iand. burglar proof' Bitfe. Address, 2Jii Farnain sr. , . 1 '! --; ;n-i,hm-jc20 - JJ-a:j -!r- WANT to buy at once the best bargnln I can -get froin IbfJJ 'to' $3,0tu AiHwers address; T 4'j; "vh. ? .v-2'1-51 1 ciisiomci ror mt luiiowiug uucs of business loeim-d in-llvo'-cotistry town: Hardware, grocery. hamcM. general -ipur-chanifls. 't-onfeotlonnry and-t furnished' botei.- utw pArt'cuiius ruiiy 111 nrs t .01 ti-r. J. IL Johntrnn, 'New York.. Life. . ' i N'-2?.V I WOULD like to buy an intervst. in n. cood tanm nieM-v.-.o.tlllilil. .it,lrei t.nnriifl Tllponburgh, Poplar Point, Mehnmiitrfj Michigan. 'N'-'JOO. lit Ftl li sir. E-FIj It S I TUlt u CHICAGO FURNITURE CO,, 1110 Dodpe. Tel. 2020' New &'2dhhnd furniture bought, sola, exenung- u sio i."NTI.'llPHftH FlMtNlTURE CO.. 101.1. A 14ih St. Tel. 2290. New it ml fcecomlhitnd farnlture bought, sold ana exchanged. o-Uia-Jtyai. FURNITURE '-room 'llat "or sn1e"ihap. 61T S. lth, a noqr... . u mix ii iftmsXiii-iiousK!-, viuci-us, btc:, FOR SALE, top phaeton. "2C9 'N. 19th' "St." r iiivi -jm:,-. 3 HORSES, fine matched carriage tenm. H.' 1,. t-reuricKsoii,.iutn anu uoose si. ' 1 . .. , .- . 7-5il Jf2 FthST-CLASS top. IjriRgy. tchtoiv' top surrey, nnd snood his wnxdn. All slightly shop worn, but good as new.; all bsr igttlns. . Q-. M Hart, 130T Jones st. IVT36i'8 GO TO II. Frqt.for tlrst-class wagon re pairing. Utn and Leavenworth. Tel. 144.. i"-r!i I'Oll f I,H-,M1.M i:iXANKI)l.-. SAWDt'ST, rhbapest posts, poultry ahd nog icnce, ji uougias, w in 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. .... y-si TIMOTHY hay and alt kinds of feed and coal, Monroe & Co., wj r, tutn. tci, vn, Q-S75 SAFES, buy, sell; exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 8.13. y 87i REPAIRS nnd supplies for all makes of bi cycles, omana uicycio uo., ietn & cntcago. Q-520 WIRE fence for poultry, Relglan hare, hog neiu or lawn, wire worKs, Bi7 h. istn Ht, Q-MS7S J'7 UIO line ot secondhand wheels, V 13, IS. $10. oma ta uicycio t;o., i6tn nn ':iiicago tits. l,0fi0.COO RHICIC for sale. John P. Weaver, D I'eari m., council uiuns. w .hijo joh f'l.AinVOV.lXTN. MRS. FRITZ, medium. S19 North 16th. . . S-677 MME. OYt-MER, palmist, 315 So. 15th- St. , 2 eis MRS. E. C. HENRY, medium. 1707 Cass. ONE large unfurnished room, newly- .papercn. mouorn nnvisr gnnapic ror iwpi board, If deslfpd. 415 N. 25th St. , , . ' ' ' S-MAS ! I'F.IIHO.VAL. f- DRi RO.Y, chrqpodlt', corns ' superlluoUs. nair ruinovcu uy electricity, it. ri, i- ienzvr block. ' - C !i3 PRIVATE "h0m6 before anil during contlnc meni: babies adoifted. Airs, llurset. 2ij20 uurdctte,. , u-Ss'J:. VIAVA, woman's tiny to health; rational, 'wholesome home treatment W lice Rldg, U-SS1 SUPPLIES' for 'nil machlfies; machines for rnt. Whlto Sawing .Machine, 1620 Doug las. Tel. 2231. ' U SS2 NEW rollers for clothes wringers. Ndv'clty jron aim urass WorKsi t it h. luttt. '1'iionc 13S0. U-M722-Jf2 RUPTURE cjred; nbknlfc, no pain, no uurigcr; send for circulars. Empltx1 Hup turu Cure, 'JSl .N. Y. Lite ilullulng, Otnahii. U- MS PRIVATE hospital for Isdlcrt before and during confinement; bibles adopted, z.ioti Grant St. . U-SSI M. GOLDMAN & CO., ontv perfect ac cordion pleating plant In tnc west; mall orders solicited. Suite 2uu, Douglas Block. U MO FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co,, lt2l Douglus. ' U WE RENT sowing nfachlnes. nt 75c per week. Wo repair and stdl parts ot all makes. ot machines. Nebraska Cycle Co,, cornet 15th mid Harney. 'Phono 1663. " U-77U-JeS NO better -work dono In uny shop In tho world than JJrowti block barber shop; neat, clean, antiseptic; face massage; ele vator entrance or through Tracy's. U-19l-Jel WANTED 25 secondhand typewriters. No brasku Cyclu. Co., Cor. 15th and Hnrney. U-2S3-JclS ADROIT HAIR UA55AR New location, 1620 Douglas; prlvuto bodths for hair dressing and manicuring: ludles' shoe shining and massaging U M45S DR. CUSCADEN, 113 S. 18th. U-572-Je24 LEARN hypnotism; complotc course by mall, 60c; palmistry1, 25c; particulars free. Globo New h Co., ir.15 Farnum st., Omaha. ' U-M21SJyl - AN'UNDENIAIJLE FACT. A "factv which cnnnot'be dented Is that tho I'rlnco of Omaha is mado wholly by hnud And tho very best material that could pos sibly bo put Into a Be smoke. It Is mado by men who havd made hand-made cigars for years and a bad cigar could not pos sibly bo turned out. This Insures thu smoker' the same slo and quality at' all times. Smoke the Prince of Omaha and tnko no other. It Is 6c straight THE W. F. 8TOECKER CIGAR CO, Savo tho bands Of tho Stocckcr cigars. '' ttM!is tr t WALL PAPER, cleaner. C. Mlddlemlst. Tel. 1258. Rest' of; city references. Leave brHcr'nt 1319 tfarnam; . " U 277 10 ' MME. SMITH.-baths. liS,N.,15th. 2d floor. Room f ; , u zi-j iir WM. LEESE has; removed his law offlce from 1106 Farnum to Room,931, New York. Life build ng. ' '" U-379-11 MOXEY I'O LOAX HIAI, 15STATE. LOANS on; eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple; any interest date: no delay. Iirennan-Lovo Co., 309 8. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-H87 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. lirennan-Love Co., 209 Bouth 13th W-SSS " WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. George & Company, 1G01 Farnam street. W-HS9 WANTED, city nnd farm loans;, nlso bonds aim warrants, it. m, i'eters &. uo., 1T02 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W S90 FIVE percent money. Uemls, Paxton block. ' i 01. MONEY" to 'loan at 4V4 and per c6nt on C I ... -1 1.. li.n.inr,,. 1 1 1. 1 J At a . . . I W-892 PRIVATE money. F. P. Wead, 1524 Douglas, . ' W 833 FIVE' and'Oii. per. cent city and farm loans, uaryin ,uron., jou ramani 01, w sl PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 337 N. Y. L. ' n Vio-. CASH onhand. G. E. Turklnglon, 603 Bee; . v JS MONEY TO L'6aN on Improved real estate; o pur L-vili. imcii-Bi, ,iiu LuiiiiJiisniou; privi lege of .paying $100 or more, beforo ma turlty. "Northwestern Mutual. Life Ins. Co., John W, Glsh, special loan agent, 214 First Nat'I Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. w-so7 i AND 6V"" per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, , First National Bank bu,lkilng. Tel. 1641. WANTED, city loans ami warrants, W. Farnum smiin ft cp,, wo i-aruam St. 4 , W-M561 MONEY TO I.O A. CHATTELS. ' 1 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wo loun $10 and up on furniture, pianos, nurses unu oilier cnuucis. ' SALARY LOANS without mortgnRo to peopto holding perma- IIVIIV JU7iiiui,n. lull i.ti Koi lilt: II1U11U 111 a few hours utter making application nnd take 1, 2. a. 4, 5, 0 months or more In which to pay it back, and yoj need hot nay for it one day longer than you keep It. Wo charge nothing for papers nnd wo give you thu full amount In cash. Thcro nro 110 tower rates than ours; our terms are tho easiest; our business Is confidential and our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., US Hoard of Trade Bide. Tel. 220I (Establlcbed 1S92.) ' 206 S. 16th St. A! -901 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON PLAIN NOTE. There coes Fritz, coming back again to net lower tafes nnd- easier payments, lie says our rates are lower and payments easier man oiner companies, unu anu do convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. THIRD l-L,UUlt, KUUH M3, t'AMUK Ul.Ul.K. X291 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household furniture, nlanos. horses. wagons, etu , In two hours' tlina; nlso to saiariea peopio on men- piuiu notes, wttn out security. Easiest Payments and low est rates in Omaha. I'rlvato Interviewing room,- American Loan Co., room 312 Brown block. Cor. 16th and Douglus Sts,; entrance on 1 ut 11 si., opposite . m. -, a. itmg X-803 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team- sters, boarding houses, etc, without se curity; easiest terms: 10 omcts in principal cities. Tclman, 410 Board at Trade Bldg. X-4SV SHORT tlmn loans, Barker block. Joe Pleuuants, 34 X-905 $1,000.04 TO place quick. M. J. Kennard & Bon, suite 310. Brown blocK. X-90G MONEY loanrd on pianos, furniture, Jew- ciry, norscs, cows, etc, c. i. itcea, an . u. wi iki.xbv to i,tAx-tii.'rri,i:s, LOANSON SALARIES,' Fl'RNtTf RE live stock, etc. Quick' service nnd lowest rates guaranteed. J,, W. TAYI.OE, 64'! Hon floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance on 16th street. X-SS13 MONEY loaned on pianos, hirhlturff. hordes, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green. R. S.llnrkcr blk. ' N-904 Ilt'l.E9S fllAXCES. V. ANTED, experienced physician to take charge of our Lincoln omce; will also start offices In other cities ror competent physicians. 'ihyrold-Lymph Co.. sou Hee fildg. Y -M065 Jew FOR SALE, stock of general meroliandlsc. store building nnd residence In small now town In N. E. Nebraska, I'.Cmi; property nil new and good; doing cash business; will take other property ror h.tlf of above; an excellent opportunity for nnyon with a little property nnd money to get Into business. Address T M, Hoe. Y "0t 9 FOR KXCIIAMii;. 2D-HAND men's wheels for l.ldle.s' wheels. Omaha Illcycle Co,, 16th and Chicago Sts. Z-90S FOH SAM IIP. A I. IJSTATU.. KOL'NTZE PLACli citizens arc among ttio best in Omaha. You arc saro of good neighbors If your homo Is there. PAYNE KNOX COMPANY, Sole Agents. RK-2C7 5 WANT- offer on film lot nnd soven-room house,' close to good.inr line. Easlcrn owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kctinard Son. 3C"j-lo lirown block. P.E-911 FOR SALE, on monthly payments, 8-room modern house on North :nh St., car line; also vacant lots which will bo Irnprqvoti tor purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Liultdlug Asoclatlotl. U. M. Nattltlgct', bcctotury, Ueo Hldg. RE-!)U KOUNTZE ".PLACE hasVvel strects"tt) nnd from thts business center; easy on you and your tenm when j'6u drive. PAYNE-KNUX COMPANY, solo agents. It E -291 fl RA N C lT A N D 7f A RM lands for cnlo by the Union "PaclHc Itnllroad compaiiy. li. A. McAUastcr, laml cominlsstoncr, UiiIjii l'uclllc Headquarters, Omaha, N6b. ' RE-912 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm latuls. Tlie.O. F. Davis CO.", Room lo', ilva Uulldllig. RE'-0 KOL'Nl'151-: PLACE tltlzcns nro ninoug thn .bcst In Omah.i. Yoll nro .Lire of. good neighbors If yo'ui' home Is there. PAYNIJ KNOX COMPANY, Solo Agents. RE2'S 5 C, F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. LIFE, FARMS. RE luy-Jel." KOUNTZE PLACE has level streets to and "from tho business center; eaB.v on 'ou nnd your tenth when you drive. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, solo agents. RE-203 0 FOR 'SALE, or cxchtmgo for Col um tuts (Ohio) property, two lots In ThornhuiR 1 nd ono Burlington Placn additions to Omaha; all frco irom incumbrance. Address, .1, A. Hartley, it N. High St., Columbus, O. HE-M112 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-910 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso tiro Insuruncc. Bcmls, Paxton, Blk. RE 313 FOR SALE, stock ranch consisting of MM ncrea of dqeded laud, good frame house, barns and outbuildings, -about 275 head of cattle, 2J horses, hay machinery, wagons nnd harness; . also lease of about it.Orj acres of land, Including Low acres of liny land that will cut MM tons of hay, on tho Platte river. In Lincoln uqtiuty. Neb, Price, ,$12,000. For terms, write llticnanuu & Patterson, real estate, agents. North Platte,. Neb. -h- RE-270 KOUNTZE PLACE 'cltlziuffc nrq among the. best In Omaha. You-so' sure of good neighbors' If -your homo Jsll&re'. PAYNE KNOX COMPANY.iBafelBc-tts. f ' 'RE-2C9 3 3- ROOM house, 2 lots, 16th and S St., South Omaha, Bohemian settlomcnt, for sale on monthly payments of $10.00. 4- ruom house. -33-rt. lot, barn, for Hale, payable $15 monthly, 19th st near Vinton. $1,000. ' W. L. SELUY.. BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. t t RE-261 h ARMOIIRD A LE ADDITION TO SOUTH OMAHA This bautltill.ivddttlon Is -located' at 26th nnd Archer streets. Just outside tho city limits. Wo nro offering ACRE LOTS in this addition for $2M und upward. Wo will assist purchasers to build In this addition. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Exclusive Agency. RE-36.1 WILL sell my home, ff-room house, two lots, barn, Just at about your price. Ad dress, T 48. Bee. , RE 2SC 5 KOUNTZE PLACE has -level streets to and from the business Venter; easy on you nnd your team w;h'n you drive. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, sole ngents. RE-296 C FOR SALE, ten clear lots,--vacant. In block 3. Favetto Dark, Here Is about two or three ne'es ot ground tn our body. Make me an offer on it. A, P. Tukey, Board of Trade.. RE-2M 8 MEDICAL. RHEUMATISM WHISKY Why suffer from rheumatism when there Is a Bpeclflo ooium. mornhtno. tobacco or cocaiuo vhen ,wo guaranteo to euro you' Answer this by writing tho Elisor Remedy Co., South (.'mana, ncu. tmcorporaxea in wa.) -,M7t JoS DR. PRIES, the acknowledged lending specialist tn ulst-iises or women in umatia. would call the attention ot sintering ladies to his unsurpassed accommodations beforo nnd iltirlnir confinement, mut bis treatment for Irregularities, no .nailer wnai cause, can or .tuurcss wun stamp, Lir. I'rit'B, jqi-i dou&u at., umana, ncii, M-52.V-Je23 LADIES", $500 reward tor an abnormnl ob stinate case or suppression, .any causa, my renulntur falls 10 relievo lu twonty- four hours; positively guaranteed : no ergot or pills; many saved from suicide; ideal eafe homo, treatment; mail, $3, Dr, jacKson, it. c, ju; ucuruoru, cnicngo. . -174 15 VIRTUAMA cures lmpotency, resulting irom inntscruiions or ueoiuty; gives vi tality, vigor, restoring lesii-es. ambitions. aspirations of 'youth, health, fitting for success, happiness lu business, profes sional, social, married llfo; $2, or 3 for 15. Sent nuywhero prepaid tin receipt of 'price. The Kldd Drug Co.,. Elgin, 111, American Omce, retail, wnoiesa'e; Myeia Dtllon Druir Co.. Omaha: M. A. Dillon South Omana; Davis Drug Co,, Cornell jJtuiTfv, j-iili line legitimaie ruuDcr gopos LADIES! Chichester's English t-iiis nro tnc oust; saic, rcimoie;, taico no oilier; scud to stamp ror particulars; "Re lief for Ladles'' In letter by return null: ask your druggist. Chichester Chemtcai lo.i I'nnnucipnia, i-a. PATENTS. MASON. FENWICK ft LAWRENCE. Patent Lawyers, Solicitor and Experts H. J. CO Will LL, Western Ronrcscntntlvc. Room 3IS Ramgo Blk. Omaha. Neb. Thone WW. ADVICE FRi-;E. -141 JciO PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues & Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Advlco rree. iss jyii- WILL BUY any good Invention or patent Auuivan x.ucn uu ivy, uv tuiiiL-u, la. -M0J3 OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute. 513 N. Y. L, Bldg! Tel 1601; Alice Johnson, u. o., ladles' dept Old E. Johnson, Osteopathltt, Mgr. -910 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1.-.6 A. T. HUNT, D, O., 305 Karbach.Blk. Tol.2332 -M lit MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Douglas block, JI-478 Jc21 LOST. LOST, near cornet- 23th and Cass streets, Tuesday morning, pncketlmok containing ensh nnd tickets Hejlstedt" concert. Re ward of one-half the cash If returned .to 115 North 251 h street. I,0t-n LOST, dark Iron gray Jiorse, 5 years old, weighs 1.2'A right ear silt, tf found re port to police station. Lost 312 6 SIIOII't'llA.MI AMI TYPKWIIITI.MI. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -SUJS BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Bc Bldg. -9t9 NEB. Business Shorthntul CoUegc, Boyd's Theater. ' 920 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Dour. -921 IIICYCl.F.S. SECONDHAND bicycles .from $5.Go up. Ne braska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th nnd Harney. -285 JelS NEW nnd ladles' wheels tented: 50 cents fnr th6 evening or Mtrrrioon. except Sun day. Louis Flcschcr", 1C22 Capitol AyO. 753 Illtll.r-S AND BLANKS. THE printing -of lawycrft! briefs In a per fectly .satisfactory, manner roqulres trnlntng, experience, nnd eqiilpniCnt. 'Che Omaha Mercury docs this work Just right, Legal blanks, hundreds of forms, for sale. Send for tutalogue, 297 Jy4 1 I'ISIIIMi AND PLEASI HE RESOItT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy fishing go to LaitHdoit, Mo. Very best of hotel accommodations. Plenty .of boats und minnow), . .Wrlto R.,.. Dlttruar for rates. ... -976- . WA.NTEII TO IIOIIIIOW. VA NT E D To borrow: Sl.'riyT nTl tier" emit oil Improved r'e.slfte-tir.e property," South. t,iim,iii, it-iiiuiK iui ifi-i 3Uttr. il dtcss, S 4S, Bee. , ' -M3W SI II IS WALKS, FORREST E. RI5HM builds macadam and cinder walks nnd drlvewnys. 1459 S. 15th' street. ' ' '-275 10 ;ariia:i: ii.m;. A NTl MONOPOLY Oftrhagc Cut cteans, cess pools v vaults, removes' gtirnage ft qon't nnlmitls at fedttqed prices, t,21 N. 16, ' . " -271 Jy3 i.Ai-ximv, OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, :c currs, tc. nw ieuvenworiii. xei. h, 922 CARPENTERS AMI JOBBERS, ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended -to. Jj i. ucnniree, auin nnd Lake Sts. 370 i:xpi:rt ACCOUNTANTS. pESSONS in bookkeepln'g, etc.. day or lug, R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. G. R. Rathbun. WA BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Holler-Works, steAin boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1309. 12th ami izara ms. 925 ACCORDION' I'I.EATIN't;. APCnilDinN' oleatlnc: cbeanest. best. quickost. Airs. a. u. aiarK, . cor. nin nnd Farnam. .'tt P tW.MIItOKKRS. 'At!:, I" Lou it Office, reliable, nccommbdlt- Ing; nil business confidential. 1301 Dougt.u -927 FlIHMTL'Itn IIEPAIIIIXR. ' TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St . .1 tl-'S TAlI.ORIXt;. I.". PER CENT saved: hlnb class .tullorlnir latest designs. Stephen J. BroderlcK, 1617 Knrnntn St. - M526 J023 ST A .11 M II R I X ( AXI) STIJTTJt3INO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo- ,31dg. Girls If you want to tie beautiful keep your teeth clean and keep de cayed spots filled, (.'old I'D 1 1 it km. I. SO up llrlilKC Tor II a.t.lltl Bailey the Dentist Third floor I'nxton Block. PHONE 10S5. 1'OSTOFFICn XOTICB.' iShnuld be read DAlLY'bv.ali Interested na .'liunces mitv occur'st anV 'tlmn). . Foreiirn malls for the week' cndlnsr Julie 8, iwl, win ciosu ix nw.M 1 1 1. x 111 nu cases; at tnu general posiomce as ioiiows:. rAtl CELS POST MAILS close .ono Hour earlier than closing time snown . uoiot'. t'arceia post minis tor uerraany cioso at 0 p. m weani'suu). . TteBiilnr and. stiPDlcrncntary ..malls clnsa at foreign branch half, hour .later than closing timo snov11 ui-iow. . l'l-ii ns-A tlniitlo Mulls! Til I' BSD AY At 6:30 a. in. for EUROPE per s. s. 11 uittmnrcK. viii-fj.'iymouin ana llamnurg imuii tor. v rnnce, HWitzerlnrul ltoly, Spam. Portagal, Turkey, Egypt rireeee. India and Lorenzo Mar. ciue.. via Cherliotirg,. must--bo directed "per s. s. F. Bismarck !); nt 7 a. m. for FRANCl--, MWJ'lV.i.Kl.A.NlJ. ITALY, SPAIN. PORTUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH. JNDJA and LOR ENZO MAUiiUii.. por s. e. lAi Chum nai'iie. via Havre (mull for .other imrln of Europo must ho 1rocted, "per s. s. La , Hu mnn 17110 1 . a -PI Till" AT At fl-.trt n . m. fnr irrrinMlM O.fc , W . , " , - .... aw. .. , )., per H. s. i-jiruria, via, wueenHiown; at 7;30 u. m. for NETHERIAND8 direct, per s. s. Potsdam (mall must b dlreutcd "vor . s. l'otsdnm j: ut. l'j a., m. for ww LAND direct, per a', s. Anchorla .(mall iiit hu ittrnnteil "nor a. a. AnehnHfi'1!. PRINTED MATTER..'ETC.-Thls.teantet tiiKes -I'riniiid .iaucr, i.ominorciai 1'apers und Sample! Ton .Germany only. The name class of mail matter fnr other parts ol Europo will not. bo sent 1 by this ship unless Bpciimiv virci.m uy iier. , After the. closing ot tho Supplementary Trana-Atlaiitlo Malls nuoieu kmovv. ud. dltlounl supplementary malls nre opened on 1110 piers or iiiu American, j-mgusn Vn-neh and German - stenmers.- und r. inuln open. until within Ten Minutes of tho hour 01 aain::, ,ie:mer. .11 11 1 to for Smith nutl Ct-iitriil Amerlcu Went. Iiiillea. T H U ItS DAY A t 12 ,m, for NASSAU, liUA I I A"NA31- 1111(1 BA.vri.iUir. per s . Santiago: at 6:30 11. m. for JAMir-. per s. m. Admiral Sampson, from Boston FRIDAY At Vim. lor JIEXICO, per s. s, unzuim, ii ,uiMy wu.iii iiiuHi oe in reeted 'nor s, s. Orizaba"). SATURDAY At 9 a. nt.- for PORTO RICO, rected "per s. s, Hlldur"); ut yj.10 n. m isunnil'lliriiiui y iu 11, 111. 1 ifir 'H-- THOMAS, ST. .CROIX. LEEWARD and V1N1J AUU 1a1.AINi.1a anil DEM ER a 11 A. Tier h. s. Pretoria (mail fnr riuno loupe, Martlnhiue nnd Barbados must be airei ten per n. r. i-ruioria' j; at atao a in. (suppiemcniarv iwiao mt; for .FOR TUNE IHLAiNiJ. JA.tlAlt'A. SA VAN 11 I V r'AIITHAfSI'IS.'A niirl nilPVTIlll-v- nnr s,' . Allcghpny tniall fur Costn Rico! must bo itlrccted ,'ler s. s. Alleghany"); nt 10 a. m. for NEWKQUND LAND, pen , b. Silvia; nt 10 ii. tu5 tor CUBA, pee s. s. Morrn .Castle, via Havana 1. nt JO a. hi. tor GUADELOUPE. .MARTJ.NIQUK ana ii.wiu.uvuun, m aiisinun. Malls for Newfoundland,- by 'rail,, to North Sydney, and thenco by steamer.-close at this office dally at 6:) 1, lr... connruttng eloit- Ii-to r-verv M0110.1v, '.vednasdsy np I Satui'd,!)'. Mulls for Mlquclou, uy rail ty per s a. x-inu-i.-, via .-in 11 juun; m y u, pi. supplementary 9:2(J a. m.) for (M'RAOAo and VENE.l'tltiA, pet- s. s. Hlldur (mail for Savanlllotand Carthngena must bo ill. POSTOFFII'l. NOTH t. Boston, und thepec by stfantet, ciose at ths otricc dally nt um p. in. Mulls 'or tuna. L-. rail to Port Tntmia. Kia.. nn.i tlienoa liv Ktenmer. close 11 1 this nin 1 daily, except Hunilnv. nt "it n to th,i connecting cUisps are on Monday, Wcdnes , day nnd Saturday). Mnll for Cuba, by lull I to Miami, yia nnd tin nee l JitJitie' ( vioe - in inm uiiici every ruin Triuts-I'neltlo r.lnll. MMIs for Hawaii, via Sari Francisco, close nere uniiy in vim p, ri. up to Jllllo J, fnr ftlnill-l, ir m 'aAinnll. Malls' for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, cloe here daily at 6:r(i n. in. un ti, .tnnr "3. inclusive, for dldpntch per s. s, Gaelic. Malls or China and Japan, via Vancouver, cinsc nurc tinny 111 uuu p. m. up to junc II, Ini-luslte, ror dispatch per s, s. Em press of Japan (registered mall must be directed "v n Vancouver"!. Mali for Australia (except West Australia, wnieii is rorwuriieu via Ktirope), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Oan Francisco,' close hero dally nt 6:3U p. nfT alter Map . and up to Jutm IS, IticluslvF, or, on arrival of s. t I'tnbrln. due nt New York Juno' "IS. for dispatch tier . s. Wnturni Malls for Hawaii: Chlnn, Japan and Philip pines, vtn snn i-rnncisco, close nero uniiy at ot.lft p. in. up to Juno 17, Inclusive, tor illsniteli net- s, s. Konetconu Mnru. Malls for China nntl Japan," via Seattle, ciohc nero unity nt mm p.- m. up to juiiu If!, Inclusive, for' dispatch per' s. . Kin shin Mnru (registered mnll roust ho di rected "via Sentttn". Malls for China and Japsn, via Tncoma. rinse nern'rinuy nt umu p. m. lip 10 jiiu? 2". Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ta-' coniHi 4ft , Mnll foi Australia (except West Atltralla, winviv goes, via r.urope nnu rsew ieninim. ivhlcb goes via Han Frunelsco) and FIJI ii'iniuis, via Vancouver, close lie re itatiy at rtia) n. m. after June 13. and tin to Juno 2.', Inclusive, for dispatch per s. . .wiowern isuppicmcutary mail, via Beat tie ahd Victoria, Clo,- at (JrSO p. m, June Mails for Tahiti nntl Marquesas Islands, vtn sun iTancisccT, ctoso tiere uatiy nt hot p. m. up to Juno 25, Inclusive, for dis patch per wvs. Australia. Trans. Pacific malls sr'n forwarded tn port 01 sailing as'iv una wo scncuuie or clos ing Is arranged op the presumption ot thclr... uninterrupted .jverlmd transit. TJReRblercii mall cldscs at 6 p. tn. pre vious Uny. CORX1-:LI!'o VAN mTT. IViitmaster. ostotnee. New York. N. Y May 31, W. I.F.CAI. NOTICE .NOTICE TO' BIDDERS. Notice it hereby. given thut scaled nrn- posals will btf received nt tho olllre of tho Commissioner of Ppubllc Lands and Build ings Until ! o'clock it. in.. Juno 15th. 1WI, fnr 'furnishing the folldwlng articles to Hip Nebrnska llosoltal' fm-i'llip Insunn ni I .In. colii, Nebmskn. Alt the. articles mentioned o; ne delivered at 'stint nospttni. l-.'stlnintes ire lettered A. 11 uml C. Illi1ilrs upon rtiiy one or nil. a ix nictnt' ueiii, iwi rocKers, 250 dining B 1M liulr mattresses. 156' cotton mat- resses. i&fl mo-js mattresses, 156 pillows. V. 2.2110 vorils "unhlenchriil li yards unbleached muslin. 175 white quilts. ,onu yarns 'mi nnen unbieacned crnsh, 000 aros Dieacneu inusun, luu yarns tabic 011 lntli. white: 250 yards unhteucheil inlile linen, t gross No. 40' white cotton thread. . The dfscrlptlon of nil art cles may be found nt the -ollloo of Commissioner of iiblh- Lands and Bui dines. X. nrnnosals shall be received unless in Hie office of Commissioner r I'ubllo i.nnus and Build ings on or before the hour nnd day above mentioned and no bid Is considered ns wanted until revenue stamp is affixed o Pond. ISO 1)1(1 In wntcli summon nrn called for will bo .considered unless rami nre submitted. Tho .board reserves tho right nn.v nnd ull bids, . to' reject GEO. D. FOLLMER, Com. Jncoln, Neb., Mav 29, IWL L. ft B. -MSldlOt receiver's notice. n tho District, court ,ln and for Douglas f'rmitv. NebrAskn. William G. Madden, plaintiff, ngalnst Ne braska. Fire Insurance Company, ct at.', de repliants. Notice to creditors of said In sjiunce company to present their claims taojjvianrurs. To all creditors of the Nebraska Flro In- surnnce. company who have not 'claimed or reoelved their respective dividends hereto- foro ordered tn tlie above entitled action: Yju.'nnd each of you. nro bdrutiy nnlltl,.,! that In nnd by the order of the court in tho above entitled action, .mado and entered on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1901. you must present for payment-your respectlvo claims ror uiviuoiids uereiorore- ordered in fold action within CO. days from thu rfimnletlon 'of the publication ot this notice, which t'mo win expire on tnc ;ust uay or August, A. D. 1901, and that unless -you so do your respec- tivo.rignis 10 suen tuviucniis win ne i-on-elinled und you will ba barred of tho rlRht to participate In tho funds appropriated theretor, , SUcli claims may bo presented nt the office of the. undersigned receiver hi tho Brown- uiock. in tnc city of gmnlia, in Douglas county nforesald, or transmitted to him nt that address by mall. Dated tiiia-.iuiii nay or May. a. d. 1901. ALBERT U. WYMAN. Receiver of, the said Nebraska Fire Insur ance company, uaysua-sutiiaot GOVERNMENT XOTICI5S. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER, roaster, Fort -Leavenworth, Kan., Juno 3, 1901. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be rocelved hero until 11 n. m.. central time, Juno ,17,. .1901, for construction of roads, crjrs,.,stdowaJlkH.. gutters, drains, ,catch basins, also grading, top soiling, seeding and sodding nt.thls post. Information fur nished on Oirinllcatlup,, here, or ut office depot .nuarterriiast6rrfcOmanii. U. 8, re serves -right to accept or reject any or all nroDOSiUs. or. any iwirt tberenr. v.n' velones.,t'oHbe 'indorsed. "Proposals for Grudlng, etc." addressed D. E. M'CARTHY, ST. "PAUL. Minn., Juno C, 1901. SEALED PROPOSALS,1 In trIMIcnte, will be rccelvod hore or nt following named posts until 11 O'clock 0. m.. JulV 5. 1901. for furnishing such OATS, 'BHANTIIAY. and STRAW as may be' required during tin fiscal year com. inencing diuy i, ju, ai hi, r'aui ana J-ort Snelllng, Minn.; Fort Yntcs, N, D.; Camp Merrltt and Forts Asslnnlbotne. Ilnrrlunn and Keogh, Mont.'; Fort Yellowstone. Wyo "!".' ii'iui'. ,f. u. iiisirueiions . inr- nlshed on ainllleiUlon hero or to tho quar-termasti-rd nt'lhn. ios(s named. U. s. re serves tho right tp neeept or reject any or nil .)roposals"dr 'nn' part thereof." Envel oped containing' proposals should he marked i-roposnis ror rorago anci tstraw GEO. E. POND, C. Q. M. ,Jer-7--l0Jy3-4m WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried, between ages of 2 and 33; cltlzonp of tho United States, of good L'lliimLicr iwiu uiii,ciniK -iiiiuiiv, WHO call speak, read and "write English. For In- inrmniion nppiy io itecruiung umccr, t;or, tf.ib nnd.-Dqdge Sts., Omaha, Neb. if A I LIV A Y 'Visfli CARD. CHICAGO. HOCK 1SI.. and ft Piiclflc Rullroud 'The Great. Rork inland. Route'' city Ticket Office, 1323 Far nam Streot. Tolephone, 428 Depot. Tenth anu Aiurcy nireets. Tele phone, 629, Leave. Arrive. Des Moines and Daven port Loca'..'. a 7:25 a Chicago Express bll;15 a Des Moines Local. ....... a 4:20 n m m bll:35 am n s 10 am pm a 4:45 pm Chicago Fust Express., a 5:00 pm a pm ues Aioincs, hock xsi? and and Chicago.. ....n 7:40 pm. a 9:33' pm i xa x, Lincoln, Colorado Spgs,. Denver, -Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 ptn Colorado. Oklahoma. & Texas Flyer ..a 3:20 pm a 9:30 am a Dully, li Daily except aunuay OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas city ft' Eastern Railroad "The Route" Tlckut Of. lice. 1U5 Furnnm St. TO e phone, 322. Depot, Tenth nnd Marcy Sts. Telephone, Leave. Arrive, at T n,il. e.nnnn Ittllt Express i.u 5:15 prn n 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local ........v.". a 7:00 am n 9:00. pm It LJUliy. ' V , W A II A B II RAlLliOAD roc-j Ticger un ce. hi lfarnum fVVllWi'A Street. Telephone. 322. De JVl!55!tv not Tenth and Marcy Sts, uvw iciepnone, w. : Leaver Arrive. nt. TjihU 'Cannon Ball" Express ft 5:15 pm a 8:20 am a Dally. , day nt ;tv -p. tn. .Malls for Mexico 4 ,',, ..'.i,' ,, ,"i'nrii,nnl City, ovorlntid, unless soeolaliy nddiTssed i!JV1r..Hi o""'"' 7 JJ n-ce T&sK wsuK; ? STS-S Sfj,;S: ,S s I thctico b)- stoamer. close nl this oltlce "JftnVnliu bf '3) nm dally nt M:30 p. m. (conntctln closes ri ) 'i .S,; -,' 1 ,m olm,3 pm bete Mondays tor ROllse. Puerto Cortes T. - ' l'c f1.iri-M'' 1 a S0 nm and Guatemala und Tuesdays tor Costu ,lr' iunt l ocal b 6 la nm b U;3J am fiV.tap,,ovloisf,d,aSrCtl ,na" " TuMiMyXtxtty.b ltll..V Tl.lll: lAIItt, L NlON PAOIFKVTHK OVER, land Route" -General Otllces, N E. Cor, Ninth and l'armtm Streets. City Ticket Ofilcc, 1321 1-urnam mrect. iciepnone, u. Depot, Tenth nnd M&rcy ivrcy Sts. At rive. Tcicpuone, lave. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. road- ilcncral Oftlccs nnd Ticket Olllces, Southeast Comer 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, Kl. Depot, Union Station, Lvuvu. Arrive. and City Express W'OO am a 6:25 pm K. C, ht. l. r-M"""'" w"r- ' " "111 t.envo from 15th Webster directs! Vn!.ui 1.,-irnl. ' I. I.lrt i-i.l nlrt.J-. .... wucpuitt 11 ui'-; ."A ' . ,1.1, n Dally, h Dnlly except Sunday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Office, 14)1 Fat'iuim fit. Telephone, 101. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tulo nlione. (29. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chlc.lgo Spe- . elal a 7:00 am alt:30 pm Chicago Pasaengr a 4115 pm a l:l0 ant uastern i;pross, ura Moines, Mursballtbwu, Cedar Rnplds and Chicago nl0;53 am a 4,0j pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and East a 4:5j pm -a 4:05 pm Fast Mall, Chuugo to ,' Onuihit a 2;Ij pm Omhhii-Chlcago L't'd...u 7:15 pm u s:w nm- fast Mail utn Cedar rapids Pafcicnscv, u oiW pin a Dally, FREMON1.', EI.KHORN St Missouri valley itatirusd "The Northwestern Lino" General Otllces, United btntcs, National Bank Building, S. V. Corner Tweltllt and rnr- nam Sts. Ticket Ottluo, 1401 Farnam St. 'rclcphor,e, 661. Depot; lith tid ','obStor sin. lcicphune, ;46t. Leave. Arrive. Btnck Hills, Deadwood, . . Dot Springs , a 3:00 pm a u:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas , d 3:00 pm e oiOO pm Hastings, VoiK,' Davtd uny, eupcitor, G-novn, Exeter and riev.anl,,,.!) 3:W pm Norfolk, oioigto and Fremont b :3o am b 5:00 pm bl0:23 am Lincoln, v atioo & i-ru-ipont b i.30 am blo:25 am Fremont c 7:30 nm c i-'ally. b Dally uxccpl ounuay. c Sun ,day onl d Dully except rjaturday. Dully except Monday. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, .Minneapolis -Ac -uniahu nallwuy "The North Wusttrn Lino'' U)iieial Ofllces, Nebraska Divi sion, l.itli und Webster His. City llcket Ottlce, Telephone, ibli Depot, Farnum lath una Webster Sts. "xoJuphono, 111. l.eavo. Arrive. Twin city rai:senger....u 6:w um u v:lu pm Sioux City l'anui)er.,.u 2:44 pm aliuo am Emerson Locul ,,, b 5:30 pm b tiiSO am a Dally SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Jtallroad "Tho North western Line" General Offices, .United States .National Bank Building, c. W. Corner Twelitu .ind Farnam Sts. Ticket Office, ilvl Farnam St. Telephone, Ml. De pot, Tenth and .Marcy Sts. Telephone, i'J. Lcuve. Arrlv'. Twin City Express a C:m um alo:25 pm Twin City i.iniueu ,a ":ii pin u atii am Sioux City Locul u h:w um a 3:5i pm ti Dally. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River ltatlroud "The Burlington Route ' Gent'ral unices, North west Corner Tenth ami ruiiium Sticcts. Tlckt Ottlce, 1502 Farnam Struct. Telcpni'iiu m. Burllngion Station, Tcntn and Mui.on Streets. Telepnone 12s. ueuve. Arrive. Lincoln, Hustings nnd McCoon, a t'.40 am u 7:35 pm Lincoln, Denver, . Colo rado. Utah, Callfornla.a 4:25 pm ft 3:00 pmi Alliance .-Jxpresa a, 4:2 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln ft Black Hills, . u a 6:15 am Montana. PuKet Sound.. u. 9:00 pm a6'.45 nm Lincoln t'V-sl .wail..:....b:W pm auill am Wymorc','1 iicatrlco- urid Llucobi a 3:40 am bli:53 nm Denvt-r I'olorauo. Utan and uailfuriini ,. a 6:15 am Fort Crook, So. Bend. Loitlsvllle, Plaltsm'tn.b 3:2) pm bll:03 am Bellevue, l'lattsmouth & Pacific Junction u 7'40 pm a S:20 um Bcllsvuc, I'luttsmouth ft Pacific Junction . a .lilO.nm a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO-" f-cph ft council Blurts Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office, 1502 Furuam Street. -Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele Khun 12$. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex....n 9:2U am a tl:vu pmj Kansas City Night,0:30 pm a .0:15 am St. Louis Flyct, f6r lit, Joscpn and at. r.ouia.u aiiu pm mi-.i am a Doily. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON' ft yuiney .Railroad "The Uurltigton Route,' Ticket Ottlce, 15U2 Farnam Street. Telepnone. 250. Depot, Tenth ind Mason Streets.. Tclephono 12. Ieave. Arrive. Dttvilght Chicago Spe- . . clal ,,n a 7;0) am alOi'.'O pm Chlcnco Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 nm a .':15 nm Chicago Local Express.u 9:30 am r 4:05 pm Chlcugo Limited ...... ...a 7:50 pm a 7;45 atrti cast aiuii u j.u prn. a Daily. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Ot flee, 1402 Ftirnam Street, Telephone, 245., Depot, 'Ivnth and Marcy f.lreets. lliiocf' i Leave. Arrive. ChlcagoExprcss a Tw nm a:lo pm, Chicago Limited. ........ ,h i!I5 pm a iwi am .Minnuiuions ci. x-uui .... Eiun-si b 7:W nm b 9:40 nm Mitini-npolis & St. Puul Limited a 7:45pm a $-05 am Fort Dodge Local from uouncu niurrs u pm a s:ii am Fort Dodge Local from (.ouncn uiurts ,,.. o:oo am a Dally, b Dally except Sutiduy. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE WitwmrwtrwSn rXICHUl Ullli.1--. twi X. llllilllll ilLWAUKtEl Hueeti Tttiephnne. 2i). "StpaUI I h De-tot. Tenth , and Mason ililtivt., . ..w,,,wt,v, w.a Leave. -Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . a ' pni a m am Chicago ft umann i....i ." "" '" a Daily, ll I'any e.-vt;i !.-,, . DlriTct ItoiiU' to GloBpVJ.BxUl1'Hloii ANCHOR LINE titcnnixlilps ir.ira .Veit York Wecltly for (il,VS(i()V MA I.OMlONDEIlllY, Saloon, $50 and up. Second Cabin, $32,50 and UP. rliiru uiubh, .u una upwuru. For Illustrated folder ubd further Informi, Hon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, or .1. S. McNALLY, 1323 Farnnm St., ... GEO, E. ABBOTT, 1321 Farnam St.. Omaha. .M.'II.UI'IIIHJ I Record Vo.ips Dm. 7 Hours. 12 MlnuttT UUSIOm ta LIVfcHfOOL vli OUECNsTOWM CornmonNesltli, Twin Screw, 12,000 Tom July 3 New Enalind.. " " tl.800 ' luna la PORTLAND 19 LIVERPOOL vis QUEENST0WN Vincouvsr,,., Juno 22 I Dominion I u I 3 Usmbromsn, ...June B Vancouver Junoi For Isrt tier Istarsi alios. sMmt Cssy' 0"k 0rtxra St.. Calais. Ills. I- RESULTS TELL is a) . THE BEE' WANT AOS PRODUCE RESULTS. .;.;) ffi S S(s(i) iw p(S",aP (Sa) I Ti. -i....i,1 T Imllr.l. n il-0 nm a ;.:W util , . , IilBHl t