Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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IiUrtiting Fhua of Indian Lift it Brught
Out in Court.
lUrrr on I'niicn Hrnrrvntlnn Freely
Offer" HI" Ottii t.ite. In Ilc
turn for the Iilfe He
From tho cha,ln of circumstances sur
rounding a caso now being heard before
Judge Munger In federal court It Is appar
ent that, whatever may be said for or
against tho probable susceptibility of In
dians to civilizing Influences, all of them
have not accepted thy scriptural admonl
tlon that vengeance belongs to the Lord.
Among the aborigines tho belief appears to
be Impregnable that vengeance Is tho ex
clusive right of aggrieved humanl). and
In the case mentioned tnls tonvlctltia was
io fait uf. illy rccogiilicd that tho mu-dcrei
of a young Indlrtn dellberutcly proffered
bis own llfo as a sacrifice to tho relatives
of his victim, and tho latter manifested
cot a moment's hesitation In accepting tho
The scene of tho tragedy, which Is typi
cal of primitive Indian life and customs, In
iplte of the Inroads mado upon them by
tho studious and strenuous systems adopted
by the government for Inuring tho Indian
to Christian customs and habits. Is laid
upon the reservation of tho I'onca Indians
near Niobrara, and tho time was tho last
day of April, 1000. Tho facts aro devel
oped in connection with tho suit of the
government against Adam and John For
ester for tho alleged sale of liquor to In
dians. Out of tho salo complained of Is
alleged to havo como a tragedy that cost
two lives nnd hs ever Blnce excited a
great deal of feeling among' tho 250 or 300
I'oncnn domiciled on tho reservation.
gtory of the Trnnnly.
Just how' many or how few of tho facts
may be brought out In tho trial now In
progress Is not known, but from some of
the witnesses brought down to testify, tho
story of the tragedy Is obtained. It Is to
tho effect that Adam nnd John Forester
operate a brewery Just outside tho town of
Niobrara. Formerly thero existed In that
vicinity a Blot machine that appears to
have swrabuii the Ingenious contrivances
so common In more advanced communltlej.
Tn one of tho buildings which was Hot a
rccoRnlied portion of the brewery property
thero was Inserted In the wall a pigeon hole
Into which could be shoved the price of a
keg of beer, when Immediately another
larger apcrturo Just beneath would opon
and u keg of the nmber fluid would come
rolllur out. It Is raid that this unlquo de
vice Is no longer In operation, as the pub
licity It gnlncd through the events re
counted below made It advisable to discon
tinue business.
On tho last day of April of last year
four young I'onca braves, Peter Bird Head,
Perry Larvlcr, Horace Warrior and Hun-nlng-Aftor-Arrow,
or, as he Is ofton known,
Black Hnlr-Horse, were among tho patrons
of this cunning device for the avoidance of
tho congressional regulation against selling
liquor to Indians. They invoked the hidden
dispenser of booze twice and as a result of
their financial Incantations they carried
away with them two kegs of tho Juice of
Mondamln. When they had attained a dis
tance of about two and a half miles from
the amber fountain they stopped and
emptied one of the kegs ot Us stimulating
contents. They then went on to the homo
ot .Peter nlrd Head, about eight and a halt
miles from Nlobrnra, whero tho other was
soon drained ot Its contents. The result
waH that tho young bucks became Intox
icated and ugly. Young Bird Head ahd
Ferry Larvlcr bad always been firm and
fast friends and churns, but In somo manner
Ihey, too,, became Involved In tho trouble,
which appears to have originated with the
other two. There were some women In the
vicinity and one ot them discovered that
Larvlcr was carrying a revolver and was
disposed to uso It after ho had had a strug
gle with young Illrd Head. When sho di
rected attention to tho fact Bird Head
started toward Larvlcr, who was but a few
feet away from him In front ot his home,
whereupon perry drew his revolver and
hot Peter In the face, killing him Instantly.
Offer HIh Own Life.
Stricken Instantaneously Into a state of
sobriety by a realization of the enormity
ot his act, he did not run away, but went
Into tho Bird Head home, whero ho found
old man Bird Head and his wife, Takcs-
the-Pelts. Going up to the latter, who was
the mother of his victim, he handed her his
revolver, saying: "I have killed my friend
Now kill me, so that I may go along with
The enraged and grief-stricken mother
lid not accept his act as a pretense to win
compassion. It was recognized as an es
lontlal compliance with the Inexorable law
if Justice, and without hesitation sho took
the tevolver from bis hand and shot blm
lead. The repulslveness of her act might
well be condoned among those who are ac
uatnted with tho Indian character, Us lm
nulslvencss and still savage Instincts, but
no one can And in the traditions of the
race anything to Justify the reputed fiend
lshness ot the elder Bird Head, who, after
bis wife had killed young Larvler, took an
x and chopped the body Into fragments
Takes-the-Pelts, or Mrs. Bird Head, was
arrested and has ever since been confined
In the Douglas county Jail awaiting trial
for the murder of the slayer of her son
The Foresters deny responsibility for the
operation of tho slot machines, which
yielded beer by the keg, and their attorney,
Alex Altschuler, says that It will be shown
In the trial that they had nothing to do
with It whatever, and that it was operated
by another man for whose acts they were
la no way responsible.
Ten Dollar.
To St. Paul and return,
account M. W. A. convention.
I "Tho Northwestern Line,"
1401-1403 Farnam street.
Colored Sun Umbrellas, $1.50. Black Sun Umbrellas, with very handsome pearl and
liver bandies, $1.60. "
Very handsomo black Umbrellas or colored, with borders, $2 up.
Bee tho good wearing Umbrellas we are selling for 98c. ( '
Protty whltii Parasols, $1 up. Handsome colored Parasols.' solld or figured, $1.25 up.
Protty black and white Parasols, $1.50 up. 1 '
Very ebolep styles Parasols from $2.00 to $11.00. '
A large stock of children's Parasols from 16o to $2.60;
Gold trimmed taffeta Boas, with chenille ends, regular price $3.76, Wednesday $1;76.
Chenlllo ends, regular price $3.75, Wednesday, $1.75.
$1.25 all black Boas, Wednesday 9Sc. ; '
Colored rbonllle 5o yard, Wednesday, t . . ..
J-Inch all silk, satin and gros grain ribbon, Wednesday af5e yard. - -
Tie rockcttieoks, black or colored, 48a. V
novs' ci.oTin.xn sale tiiuiisday.
Combination Children' Clothing Co.'
Hull re jitoclc from 708 nrnarivTny,
cold on account of retiring from business
at one-half wholesale price to
As we are sorting out this stock getting
It ready for the first day of the sale
THURSDAY, JUNE 6, each case Seems to
hold nicer patterns and better suits than
the other.
We never saw such a splendidly assorted
stock of boys' and children clothing.
Every garment Is made and trimmed so
nicely and tits so welt It's a 'pleasure to
see the boys dressed In them.
And to crown It all, we'll sell these sulta
to you at Just one-Kilt their wholesale price
Thursday, June b.
Tomorrow we will give you tne fullest
particulars In the papers about tilts' sale.
Bo suro to come Thursday to
J. L. Brandels it Sons, Proprietors.
Belling Rogers, Peet & Co.'s men's clothing.
Or. Trnl Clear the Norfolk llnspltnl
for the limnnr of the ilrrnd
Dr. Frederick F. Teal, superintendent of
the Hospital for Insane at Norfolk, was In
the city yesterday forenoon. Ho was asked
about the recent outbreak of smallpox at
tho hospital, and said' It was completely
stamped out. Only, four cases developed
and these were all at once. A pest house
was prepared at once and tho patients
Isolated. All havo recoyered and there Is
no sign of other casg. developing.
"I was quite apprehensive for a ..time,"'
said Dr. Teal, "having 300 .patients -under
the ono roof, and realizing' the "danger hnd
dlfllculty that would attend a general out
break of tho disease. Prompt measures
checked tho threatened epidemic right at
tho start."
In Norfolk tho local authorities are
making a vigorous effort 'to control the dls
oaso and nro maintaining a rigid quaran
tine on tho known cases. Quite a start was
given tho epidemic thero kby the action of
tho doctors who refused to. treat tho dls
caso as smallpox. Since "tho State Board
of Health has pronounced' it .smallpox tho
treatment has been mpre rigorous. At
Wayne, Madison and other places In the
vicinity there arc many cases. The dlseaio
was Introduced to the stato hospital by a
patient from Madison.
Modern Woodmen.
Lowest rates,
Special accommodations,
St. Paul and return
"The Northewestern Line," '.
June 8 to 11.
1401-1403 Farnam street. ,
Vln Hock lalnnd Ilnute.
June 12, 13, 14 and 15, Chicago and
return 114.73
Juno 8, 9 and 10, St. Paul arid return. 10.00
Juno 17 to 30, Denver and return,... 19.00
June 18th to 30th, Colo. Springs and
return 19.00
July 1st to 9th, Denver and return.... 16.00
July 1st to 9th, Colo. Springs and re
turn 15.00
July B, 6 and 7, Detroit, arid return.. 22.00
Lvery Monday, Buffalo and return... 26.00
Mso very low rates to all summer ro-
City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam streets
Via The Bnrllft'Kton Route.
Buffalo. N. Y.. and return. r.hnlr
of routes at corresponding rates.
Kansas City, Mo., and return, June 10
and 11. $7.75.
Cincinnati. O.. and return. July 4. R and
6, $23.50. '
Detroit. Mlcb.. and return. Julv E. and
7, $22.00.
Summer tourist, rates to hundreds of
other points.
Additional Information and tickets. 1S02
Farnam street.
Sneclnl Train for Shrlnera.
The Shrlners' (menial for thn tmn.Hoi
council at Kunsas City will leave the Bur
llngtoa station, Omaba, at 12 o'clock, noon,
Juno 10. ,
Shrlners and members of their families
desiring to travel on the special should at
once advlso W. B. Wbltch&rn. r.hnlrman
entertainment committee, city hall, Omaha.
Take our. Family.
for a day'B outing at" Lake Okobojl next
Sunday. A beautiful lake, miles In extent
and blue as tho sea. Special train via the
"Milwaukee Hallway" 8. p. ra. next Satur
day. All day Sunday at the lake. Round
trip, $3. Sleeping car rate, $1.60 each way
for double berth. City ticket office, 1504
Farnam street.
Modera Woods
Lowebt rates.
Special accommodations,
St. Paul and return
l .
"The Northwestern. Llie,"
June 8 to 11.
1401-1408 Farnam street.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee.
We will give them proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 238. '
Woodman to t. Paul.
The Illinois Central will sell round trln
tickets to St. Paul on 'June 8, 9 and 10, at
rate or 110. loag limit returning. "Wood
man Special" leaves Sunday night, June
9, at 8:30 p. m. Reservations at city ticket
omce, 1402 Fariam street.
I 1 M 'if , ' ll V.
Good Porch Rookert, 75 cent. IPBCIAL.
1901, aged 52 years. 11 -months, s .lays
Wife of Carl M. and mother of William
Matthew, Antone, .Henry. Charley. Annn
gilz of this city and Emma-' -Weber of
Funeral Thursday afternoon. June . a
I .V?SSi from n'r late residence; 123IH
"umn intrificmn street, interment'1 Forest
" i-ciuciery, rrienas invitea.
and Parasols
are offering -Borne bid bar
in both buu umbrellas and
Siperinteidsnt Petri Ditoniaei the Niw
High Echtol fcjitim.
Sn Ihe Xrw Iden lln Already lleen
In Oiirriitlon for Monte Time
Member of llnnrd Are
Opposed to I'lnn.
"It Is news to mo to hear that the plan
of dividing classes at the High school Into
sections and allowing tho pupils to carry
work according to their ability has been
kept under tho hat. At every meeting of
the High school teachers for a year the
plan has been discussed, and both Mr.
Waterhouso nnd myself havo talked ot It
froely," remarked Superintendent I'carse of
the Omaha schools, "It Is not our purpose
to do away with classes In tho High school,
but to allow bright pupils to mako the
rapid advancement they morltnnd tho sys
tem is nireauy in operation.
C'erlnlK Work Itrqillrrd.
"It has been our Intention to require a
certain amount ot work in each courso
which must bo don,e by students who dcslro
promotion. This will bo tho minimum
amount. Pupils who nro capable of doing
moro will be put into advanced sections
and allowed to accomplish as much as they
nro capable of. Take a Caesar class, for
example. Grant that thrco books of Caesar
Is the minimum amount on which credits
will be given. This work must bo dono by
all pupils. But while some studcntB are
plodding through theso books brighter stu
dents could easily read five books. Wo be
lieve that th-s children who learn rapidly
should not be held back on account ot tho
'The classes In the High school are so
large that there are several sections In each
subject. Pupils can be grouped In sections
according to tbelr ability without making
any radical change. Tho pupils who aro
sent to the High school from tho grades
each year are grouped by the principals
and te.iehers In various city schools. This
classification would aid the principal of the
High school tn arranging the sections. As
the children show their ability In the High
school It would bo nn easy matter to placo
them In sections where there arc children
of tho same mental caliber. Such a plan
would, In my opinion, make the work of tho
teachers easier and give pupils an oppor
tunity to do their best work."
Mr. Chrltle OnnoHe.
'I am opposed to any plan which would
do away with the classes In the High
school," said W. B. Christie, member of the
Board of Education. "Four years Is not
too long for any pupil to remain In the
school. No pupil should try to do the work
In Icbs time. Thou I bellevo that this new
sehemt' for advancing students would ru-
qulro more teachers and I am opposed to
increasing the teaching force at the High
school. We have moro teachers now than
wo can afford to hire."
When asked for an opinion concerning
the plan ndvocated by Mr. Pcarse, Fred
Stubbcndorf, member of tho Board of Edu
cation, replied:
"I am opposed to any change that would
Increase the number of teachers at the High
school. The High school is costing us
moro than we can afford now. I havo no
objection to a division of classes which will
enable the brighter pupils to do more work,
In caso such a division would not rcqulro
an enlarged forco of teachers. Four years
Is a short enough time In which to complete
such a courso as that at, tho High school.
I would not favor any chango that contem
plates tho 'graduation of puplla tn less
Good Porch Rockers, 70 cents. SPECIAL.
Stonecypher, printer, 1201 Howard st.
Did You Ever Notice
Tho difference between our ads nnd some
of our would-be Imitators? Thero are sev
eral differences, but we don't want to tell
them all nt once for two rensons: Tho first
reason Is It mtgnt give the Imitators n case
of hydrophobln. Tho second Is we're dead
scared they might catch on and bo better
imitators nnd tne main ono is mat wo
always quoto prices on medicines that
people want nnd are known, nnd not on
"ills' If 1lt" A ttn r a 1 1-1 rr
Peruna 59a
uoaivs Kinney nils 39c
Dodd's Kldncv IMIIs
Kld-ne-otds sac
Red Cross Kidney Plaster tho best.... 20c
Plnkhnm's Compound esa
West Urnln and Nervo Tonic ' 25c
Uncle Sam's Tobacco Curn firimrnntri-in KOn
Qulnocctal (latest out for colds) 20c
Tansy, Cotton Root and Pennyroyal
i'uin i..w hizoj 75Q
Bcladonna Plasterr 70
SCHAEFER'S c Drug Store.
Tel. T4T. S. W. Cor. 10th nnd ChtcaRO.
Goods delivered FREE to any part of city.
$1,000 REWARD
will be paid any one who can detect
any other Ingredients but malt and
hops .In the manufacture of our nat
ural process beer. Wo guarantee that
wo do not uso antiseptics of any kind,
which find their way Into ho many
breweries for tho purpose of Increas
ing the keeping quality of beer, Put
havo a most dangerous effect on the
stomach of the consumer. Our beer
Is well fermented, thoroughly aged by
the old faahloned natural process
without the aid of any antiseptics nnd
handled In the most expert and ap
proved manner.
Its a beer that will plcaae the most
fastidious taste.
or Mtlvrnnkrr.
A. J. SHORT, Manager Omaha Branch
624 S. 16th St., Omaha. Tel. 1124.
Prepare for Your
Vacation Trip
Get a CAMERA or KODAK now and
learn how to work It beforo going
for your trip. They are simpler than
ever and we Instruct you free,
Eastman Kodaks from $4 up
A first-class 4x5 Magazine Camera
The Cyclone No. 6 to bold twelve
plates now only $7.00.
All other Amateur Photographic
Supplies at lowest prices.
1215 Farnam Street. .
Wholesale and Retail Dealer.
Aenntnr Mlllnrd nnd Dlelrlrh Mnke
Kffort to Tlx Uultnlile I'lncc
for lllin.
Senators Millard nnd Dietrich aro both
exerting themselves In behalf of Captain
Thomas Swobe, who has been slated for
discharge from the army some time during
the current month. Tho dispatches Indicate
that Senator Dietrich Is busying himself In
Washington with the case In the hopo of
having Captain Swobo commissioned to n
suitable and adequate position In the regu
lar army. This ne Is understood to be doing
at the request of Senator Millard, who Is
doing all he can In tho same direction.
Captain Swobe Is now nctlng as assistant
quartermr slcr at Zamboanga, which Is the
chief city In the Island of Mindanao, the
next In Importance to Luzon In the Philip
pine archipelago. Letters from Cnptnln
Swobe to relatives in this country convey
tho Information that his npproochlng dis
charge Is based upon results of an examina
tion by one of the examining boards, which
was not satisfied with tho efficacy of his
hearing and vision. Attention of tho mili
tary authorities bf tho government Is being
called to tho captain's superior fitness for
quartermaster's work, ns he has served In
that capacity In the civil, Cuban and Phil
ippine wars, and hopes aro entertained that
ho will be pcrmonently estobllshed In on
adequate position In tho regular service.
Chenper Than Mtni'lnic nt Home.
The low rate of $3.00 offered by the Chi
cago, Mllwaukeo & St. Paul Ry. for tho trip
from Omaha to Lake Okobojl and return
makes It almost cheaper than to stay at
home. Tho special train leaves Omaha at 8
p. m. Saturday, June S, arriving at tho lake
early tho next morning. Returning, tho
train leaves tho laka ot 8 p. m. Sunday
evening and arrives at Omaha early Monday
Full particular cheerfully furnished nt
the Omaha city ticket offlco, 1504 Farnam
St., telephone 2S4, or Council Bluffs city
ticket office, 620 nroadway, telephone 186.
F. A. NASH 'General Western Agent.
ft. run I nnd lleturti. Ijl 10.().
"Woodman Sneclnl." vln Illlnnln rnntral
railroad, will leave Sunday, June 0, at 8:30
p. m. Particulars at city ticket office, 1402
Farnam streot.
Stonecypher prints anything. Tel. 1310.
Publish your legal notices m The Weekly
Bee. Telephonn 238.
Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgory, Brown blk.
Wire Screen Paint
Nothing looks worso than n rusty screen
door or window screen. Why not have
them bright, clean and fresh looking by
PAINT, especially prepared for painting
wire screens. A screen door painted with
this paint will last for years. Also
adapted for painting wire flower stands.
Colors, green, block. Half pints 20c. Pints,
Yes, We have them, too.
Brushes to paint with.
Brushes to enamel with.
Brushes to varnish with.
Any kind of a brush you want, from 5c
to $3.00.
Sherman & McConnell OrugGo.,
8. W. Corner Iflth and Dodge.
- OMAHA, ..i:il.
The Bellsteclt Hat
We've Got It.
See It iu our Window.
Everybody Wears Our Hats.
Straws 50c to $2.50
All tho new things In
Men's Neckwear
The $2.50 Hatter
,107 So. 10th St.
A fortunate spot cash purchase of men's, women's and
children's 'eummer underwear, amounting to $35,000 -at
about half actual value. The goods are now on sale. This
is a manufacturer's entire stock and includes finest balbric-
guns, piam anu iancy iisie-inreaa ana best mercerized goods.
Thousands of dozenB men's ribbed and balbriggan shirts,
Great Shoe Sale
Closing out our big purchaso of $3.60, $4
and $4.50 shoes at $1.96.
920 pairs "Naylor's" Rochester made la
dles' shoes, In patent leather and vlcl kid,
at $1.96.
760 pairs men's flno shoes, In blacks' or
tans, welt soles, in vlcl kid, velour, Rus
sia and box cnlf, all tho newest lasts, se
cured In tbts purchase and worth up to
$4.60, will be closed out at $1.96.
1100 pairs of ladles' elegant $1.60 vlcl
kid, turned sole strap slippers, on sale at
Shoes in Bargain Room
Women's 40o serge house slippers, 25o, f
Women's $1.35 kid oxford ties, 98c.
Boys' $1.35 satin calf lace shoes, 9Sc.
M.en's $2.00 eatin calf lace shoes, $1.33,
llluh School Crndtintrn of Former
Yenr lo Meet nt Metro-
iiotltnii Unit.
The alumni ot the Omaha High school
will hold a reception at the Metropolitan
club Saturday evening, June 22, In honor of
the class which graduates this year. Paul
II. Ludlngton Is president nf tho Alumni as
soclatlon and tho other officers aro ns fol
lows; Arthur V. Jcsscn, vice president;
Henrietta M. Rees, secretary; Frank P.
Manchester, treasurer. Tho executive com
mittee Is mado up of tho above officers, Bcs
slo T. Dumont nnd Nathan Bersteln.
Itrnrrrr Vnnr Hlfoner llcrttt r.rlv
for the Okobojl excursion via thn Chicago,
.Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. Berth rate,
J1.C0 each way. City offices, 1504 Farnam
street, Omaha, and 620 Broadway, Council
Notice to
Piano Buyers
Tomorrow we will place on sale a num
ber ot samplo pianos from renowned east
ern factories, a number of pianos returned
from teachers leaving tho city nnd lastly
all tho pianos taken In rxchnngo for new
Stelnway Uprights. THESE INSTRU
Ebony Upright, 7 1-3 octaves, only.,$ 63.00
Mnhogany Upright, good condition,
only O3,oo
Samplo Piano, latest design, only.... 125.00
Beautiful Flemish Oak Upright, only.. HS.00
6 Square Pianos, $10, $25, $35 and up,
Brand now Organs, from $35 upwards.
Special bargains this week In now
Stelnway, Vose,
Emerson, Steger,
Steck, Ivers & Pond
Packard and
Pease Pianos
New pianos for rent. Artistic tuning nnd
repairing promptly done. Wrlto for cata
logues nnd prices, or mnko us a visit of
Inspection. It will pay you.
I.nrnreat I'lnno Ilnnxr In the West.
i:ii:i Fiirniiiii St Oiiiiihn.
:t:t7 llroiiilivii)'. Council IHuffa.
Telephone lMUtt.
We have a
few we would
like to tell
to mothers
of well fed,
hardy boys.
Hard to keep them in shoes.
Our Boys' Shoes
Made to our own Ideas style nnd wear
looked after In every detail. Our boys'
shoe department by far the largest In
Omaha. Patent leathers, vlcl kid, box and
Russian calf all the widths and sizes. Our
shoes, sizes 2H to 5i, at $1.50 cannot bo
equalled tor less than $2.00 anywhere.
6nccensora to THIS HOWE.
1515 Douglas St., Omaha.
AsfonUhintv UnriArufAsr wiminHi
ana drawers, summer weight children's
underwear, In ribbed and plain, with short
' or long sleeves.
Ladles' fine balbriggan and lisle vests
and drawers, in whlto, ecru, pink and blue,
all well made and nicely trimmed, go on
sale at about half their regular price.
The men's summer underwear goes In
two lots at 25c and 60c, worth up to $1.25.
Tho women's summer underwear goes In
three lots nt 10c, 16c and 25c, worth up to
The children's summer ' underwear goes
In four lots at 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c, worth
up to 75e.
Theso aro the beat values In now, dainty,
absolutely perfect underwear ever put
on salo at this season of the year.
Be Critical
Shirt Waists
Special SalesntCuty IVnEir
Prices Wednesday A I KJCIlS
Grocery Sale
6 pounds Rolled Oats 10c
ureen norms, per can fihe
Lima iiciuix, pnr run
1-pound Powdered Starch, pkg T'ac
Large Dottle Hilling 5c
rivnpornted Peiirs "Mc
Fancy Oregon Peaches ."Ho
Ruby Prunes : '. 6c
6-pound Pnll Jelly , 15c
iirgn win i.yo so
4 liars Wool Soap luc
Cracker Sale
Soda Crackers, fcer lb 6c
Oyster Crnckers, per lb 6o
IJuttor Crnckcr9, por lb 6c
Ginger Snaps, per lb 6c
Milk Crackers, tier noutid 5c
Quaker or Unecda IJIfcuU. pnekngo... Sia
Graham Crncltrrs. nor nnckniro 8ii!
Oatmeal Crnckers, per pnekoge S'to
vaniuu wniers, per pnexage 160
Lomon Wafers, per lb l5o
Bultanims, per lb 16c
Fig War, pur pound 16c
Sugur and Molasses Cakes, per lb "lAo
Oatmcnl Cruckers, por lb 7Uc
Assorted Lady Fingers, per lb sc
Assorted Jumble, per pound SUo
Genulno Cantcrbcrry, per lb 1-Vio
Hardware, Stoves
Screen Doors t0c!2.ln sipnl Pmiiwiin
ourcuii v irp iwc
uunranteeu Harden jioso ao
Hardwood Hose Heels Wo
ll-lncli Luwn Mowers
,J2 )
fi-fnnt Hten I.nriders IT.n
Adjustable Window Screens Hind
Wood 25c
In the Bargain Room
10c Lawns, nor yard lc
15c Percales In remnants .".c
23c Mercerized Sateens 2Ho
12',4c White Dimities 30
2oc Imported Dimities "Ho
19c Organdies oo
36-lnch Percales, tho 13o grado Cc
Shirting prints zc
Lawns In nil colors 2V4c
Itemnants of Dress Goods at less tlinn
oiio-lialf their cost.
Needles per paper , lc
Skirt Hlmllng, per yard SHc
15c Ribbons, per yarn ic
20c Ribbons, nil colors , Be
All our 15c, 20c nnd 2fc Laces, per yard 5e
All our 2f.c Pelts, each 3c
A largo lino or i.aiucs uens, encn ic
Hone Collar Iluttons, per cord I'.io
Big Sale of Ladies' Oxford Ties
I Sixty new nnd
JL. different
On sale in
June Weddings
Wo oro showing ninny beautiful things fm acceptable wedding glfts
Gorham Silver. Cut Glass. Chests nf Gorham Flat Ware, ranging In pric
from $50 to $3 00, We'd like to show you our zoods.
.Irtvrler mill Art Nlntlonrr
D, V. 8.
OfllA ttb and IaveTrwortk Slraat
Robertson Stabtca.
Qwimiiinilinrs solicited.
critical in your exami
nation of the quality of the
cloth, the excellence of the
styles, the general finish and
workmanship and the perfect
fit of each garment.
That's the instructions wo wish
you to get when you como horo for
your clothing.
Wo want you to bo satisfied
that wo give you your money's
worth in every transaction.
Special Sale and show
ing of boys' clothing and
for Thursday,
Haliy Mix, per lb
I .ciiKiii Gem, per lb
German Honey Cukes, per lb
MnmhmallnwR. wnlmit, per lb .
Fancy Jelly Fingers, per lb
Gem Arrowroot, per lb
Aborted Marshinallows, per lb.
Iced Molasxes, per lb
Sprint; Ilcaiitlcn (new), per lb .
Peonn Wafers, per lb.
Assorted Chocolates, per 11
Mnrshmnllow, orange drop, per
Cocoa Creams, per lb
. lOo
. . Kh'
... 16o
... lf.o
.. .12Ho
... 11K3
... i:.o
... 15o
... 15a
Meat Sale
No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams 104c
No. 1 California Hams To
Choice. Lean Dacon lZo
Chipped Dried Heef ICo
6 pounds Puro Ixnf Lard 4lc
Fresh Now Ilologua 6c
Fish and Fruits
Family Whlto Fish 4o
Family Mackerel, each 7V4o
No. 1 K. K. K. 1C. Norwny Herring.... lOo
Fancy largo Lemons, per dozen lOo
Cholco Sweet Oranges, per dozen ....12VS0
and Housefurnishings
Rniiti s,i f-rRB iinnliu
. " ,, , ,, . V .
C Rolls Uollot I'npcr for lOo
Steel Fro ma Wringers
..Jl 09
' nr..n .. r. i.-.VA..MAVn
Gasoline Stoves (33 hind.) u'p'from":
1 13
1 KS
irra jowci uciriBcruicir, up irom oao
I Grass Catchers 43a
. Plated Collnr Iluttons, per card Bo
DOc and "5a Lace Curtains, por pulr, 39c ,t 49a
' Very good largo Hammocks ffio
I'liui iinmmncK, with Hprcaa 1'lllows,
etc., a good 11.00 nrtlclo 75a
Finest lino of Hammocks In Omaha,
from C5a to to 00
Hardwood, nicely turned sot, 4 balls,
nil completo In nice wooden box, and
well laorth 75c 47c
Extra flno set hardwood, 6 balls, In
structions, etc., worth $1.00, 75o
Very lino set 8 balls, everything com
pleto nnd generally sold at $1.50; this
flno set will go nt 03c
Fine professional sets, $1.50; tho finest
professional sots made, called tho
Club, mado to sell at $3.50, our price.. $2 50
Patent leathers,
blacks, tans,
high or low heels
on sale on
main floor
On Bnle in
Ladies 98c
Oxford 89c
Ties 69c
mill nnil nouiclu.