THE OMAHA DAILY JVEE: WEDNESDAY, JU-SE 5, 1901. Jl SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement far these eolunma 111 lis taken nnlll lit ni, for the evenlot; edition and nnlll Ni.10 i. ta. for BioraluK Dnd undiiy edition. Rate, 1 1.2c n rrnrd firm Insertion, 1c rror thereafter. NotMiiit tnl.en for leaa than 2,.o (nr the first Inner (Ina, These advertisement most be rnn eoaseca lively. Advertiser, or requesting a nam hered check, can hnve ananera ail dreaaed tn a numbered letter In car of The nee. Answer ao Addressed will lie delivered oa vreaeulatluB at tka aeak aalv. Waxted-.mai.k help. WANTED- We haye steady work for n few good dust Icra of good habits and xppear ftnec. C. F. Adams Co., 1W5 Howdrd Ht, B-8IS BARBER trndfe taught thoroughly in short time; catalogue and partk'i.inrsj free. Western Hurbeis' Institute, Omnhn, Neb. 11-813 WANTED, mnh with horse Mid light wiring wagon. 1617 Howard Ht. B-MI82 HUSTLING nnd energetic men, ilon't lie Idle; wrlto tho Hawks Nursery Co., Mil waukee, Win., for special term and ter ritory. B-M346 Jc2l XHE Hqultnblo Life of New York will make desirable contracts with one or more business getters In Colorado, tnl Wyoming. A good renewnt contract If offered to the right man. References oa to Integrity nnd nullity to nccompnny applications. C. A. Steyn, MnnnKer, Denver, Colo, n-M9l6 6 WANTED, r young man to take rnro of horse, cow and lawn. Address T 47, Roe office. H 272 (5 WANTED,, tit nnce, two experienced unci dent Insurance solicitors; salary nnd com ml Ion paid live men. ' Address Trens nrcr. Room 24 Columbian Hide.. Topekii, Kalians. . B 290 11 .MALE It7lti wnritedf $75.00 to $125.00 n month to good men- taking orders for llnrnv Nursery stock, fruit nnd orna mentals. Positions permanent. Apply quirk, with references. stating age nnd territory wanted. I..- 1). .Mill- ft CO., HI, I'aul, Minn. 11-2,7 fi 5 PERMANENT position for tho right tnnn to represent, old-established company having $2(10,000 capital; $ls.OI per week and expenses to begin, payable weekly direct from out olftcc;"no deception: nb HOlutely straight salary, not conditional on sureess; oha'nco for promotion nnd In rreaso of salary. State age, references nnd business experience. Address Uni versal Mfg. Co., IJox 733, Philadelphia, Pa. BA I.ES M E N. n "n'r'tir wTt l long-cst nbllshcd trade with 'physicians, will receive np nllcntlnns for vacancy In their corps of traveling. men; nlso one, for outside city; permanency. Address P. O. Hox KW, Phlln delpnia. " n-'M 5 "WANTED, everywhere, hustlers, to tnck slens, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no rnnvneslng: good pay." Sun Advertls Ing Rurcnu. Chicago. H-2J t S.M.ESMKN WATEI). 8ALESMEN for pen carbon copying books nn.l other quick selling oltlce specialties: flpe side lines; catalogue, free; earn $20 wecaiy. mouoi .Mig, co iiux li, south Vena. Ind. M13S Jel4 WAJITKU-KKMAI.r, lli:i,l " WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 .Dodge. Tel. S76. C-SoO WANTED, Indy Turkish bath operator; musi unvi nan gooa experience. , Apply C-0j2 room ziv, nee ouiiains;. RELIAULJJ help. .Canadian office, 1522 Doug. v. 001 I I I I I , WANTED, girl for general housework. 1030 vieorgia Ave. C 131 GIRL' for ecricrnt housework, fornln. K39 Call- C-90S 4 WANTED', first-class conk. Apply Mrs. W. H. McCord, 2201 Cnss St.' C-238 WANTEC.. a cook HtNo. 52S 8x 2tith at" M.y, .ythur MQtz. ' . C-2'3 6 WANTED, sklrtmaker, also nil errand gin, one wno .cnn sew, . it:j uodge st. ' C-283 5 FOR RE.N'l HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented place W10IU Willi CI1UWU u uu. u boi TO MOVE right, get Omaha Vnn Storago unite ion;i ruiiiiim, or tel. ibo'J-Nu. , D-&53 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. in riiimii-i.u vc v.u., o.v .-juuin lain street. D-S31 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, raxlon block! - D-8S3 SEE HENRY" B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. ' D-S58 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad. 1521 Douglas. D-S57 HOUSEB and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. ... u 605 IOUHES wanted. Wallacc.MJrown block. D-859 0HA8'.' E.- WILLIAMSON. 1203 Fnrnam St. 4 u-suo MODERN 7-roon), near park. 1509 So. 21th. D-100 TO I.ET, elegant large 13-room homo; large lawn ilia nam. ia per moniii. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. M D-M2D3 9-ROOM houtn, bath and closet, 36th nnd v-naricn, .nuuroo cc 1,0,, mi in. iuiii Ht. D-M534 2739 S. 13TH ST., 7-room house, city water tn kitchen; large barn and almost two acres or ground ror carnon: rent, sit. QMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 1 16th and Douglas Sts. ( D-MS23 COTTAOE on Omaha lieach, Lake Okobojl, for rent". Captain Slaughter. Army Head quarters.- jj nu jett FOR RENT, June 1, S-room brick house. ail muuern. aid i, mo di. u J4S 1414 S. 13TH .ST., 3-room eottngo; freshly pnnered: will rent to a good tennnt with reiereneea ror a mantn, OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO,, ICth nud Douglas Sts. f D-MS22 2314 K ST., South Omaha,- 5-room eottngo in goou repair; rent, u'.w. OSIAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts, D-MS21 MODERN T-.'oom flat, $25. Hi B. Qrahnm. 24th nnd Farnam, U .M5J9 NEW. dainty cottasc. 9 rooms. 29th Ave. and Dodge; ready Juno'l. Strictly up-to- uatc. can awn uongo st. u Ji'aa 11-ROOM modern house. 2113 Cnnltol ave nue. Thb O. F. Davis Co., 652 Bee Bldg. FOR.RENT-4171 Cnss St.; very desirable modern cottage, largo yard, good barn, $17.50. - 4170 Chlcngo St.. 10-room modem, freshly painted and papered, largo yurd, good imni, gas, Patterson & Yctter. 423 Paxton Hloclc. , i D-932- U28 CASft. 9 rooms. dnoderni -nnd bnrn. N. ISth t.. 6-room cottage; largo yard; io.w. 1000 in. .-'Jin. rooms, ulnars, itingwaii, tiarker d.k. u .mjm FOR. RENT, elegant 10-room houre, nil mpdern: Juct repapcred ainLncw. plumbing tmt liu Rood barn. 1S2I Wirt st. Jlrcnimii- i.qve yo,, ai'j if, lain st. u M9w 7 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat, Davldtte OKIE,, opposite-ruy nun. (room modern nouse, soots Mason st., near park, nice lawn and shade. JOHN W, ROBHINS, ml FARNAM 8T. u 147 ll -J .. FOR RENT, modern residence, 8 rooms. 2027 N. iOth-st. Brennan-Lovo Co.. .W 8. 13th st. u-mu:9 7 FIVE unfurnlihcd rooms; all modern. 5711 North 22nd St. u-977 7.ROOM fumlshc-1 -House for tho summer to parties without small children. 2067 Mason t. - 1 ' U2D7 p l-RCOM ropdtrn flat, $27.50. 2364 Douglas. D-.M2H 8 5 ROOMS, N 2thi hear Cuming. $9.00. 1 rooms, a, -.'uui. near vinion, vt.w. I mnr.i i-.V, nAa 1 t . till 1.1 ? , uuiii'. .vim iicni i-.-,.. vii ..,. ii. mi, ... good repair. Has oellnr and laundry, $10.00 W, L. SELBY. .. 4JUAUD UI-' TRADE BUILDING. D-2C3 6 FOR HUNT-HOI SE. AN ELEGANT APARTMENT In the AJ RION, lOtlv and Pacific sts., of FIVE ROOMS, Janitor service, telephone, pas ranges, laundry, electric light or en-, strides and awning., good neighbors only. We will nlso have n .SWELL SIX-ROOM apartment in the WINONA by- July 1. Come In rind nee tin. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. Main floor, N, Y. U Hide. D-.S1 FOR RKNT, modern 10-room house, 522 North 19th street, $15. Brcnnan.I.ove Co., 3(9 South 1.1th st. D-2S9 5 I'OII RENT FIHXISIIEI) ROOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Famam. L. AM THE THURSTON, 13th nnd Jacltson: steam. ti BUI $4 up. 2G23 st. E-S32-JeM HOUSEKEEPING room, Mnry's. PLIIAHAN'tITy Inentcd room for vounix lady, with or without board; privnte' family. nx a. istn. , .-.-.i-j I'L'H.MSIinil ROOMS AM) HOARD. LJ CTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-!ia OLENCAIRN,traiislelit9,1.2l day. IKC.Douk. 1 OVM THE Merrlam, ailriimcr rcsotf. C3 &..podge. NICE south room. Tho Prntt;.212 S.IMh'St. 1- alu. NTciTrooni s" wi t h" lwaTti74 Tn . :S t li S t . . .r 22 e TWO large front rooms with bo'nrd. 1!K)9 Capitol ave. j. , F-MD47 . I.AROE soutl'i front room, 'with boiird. Ii ri. istn hi. - i. l-'Oll Hi:T-l!.Mtlt.'M!lli:i ROOMS. DESIC room space, $5- per montlu ground, floor room In The Ileo building, facing l-'arnnnl street; no expense., fur; light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agent., IJcc building. a-4it 6 UNFURNIBIIED chambers for mrttv und wife. 319 North 17th St. , u-ri UNFURNISHED basement rooms' In n cottage for houeeKeepiug; no children. flfMI . IT, I, II.U i . tllll. i 0-972 kou iiij.t stores' a.xii 4h;kices. FOR RENT, storo In .llrst-class location; rent rcasononic. Apply it. .c. I'eicrs fli Co,, ground Hoor, lieu llldg. , I 2to FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Ree at 916 Farnam St. It has rour stories ana a uuHemcm wnicn. wns formerly used ns tho llco press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested nnnlv nt oucn to C. C. Rosu- water, secretary, room iw, ueo, uuiuung. I Ml FOR RENT, one of the best locations In ucnovn ror butcher shop or any ptner business. Address Hox 7, Cicncvn. Neb. I-M232 a Atili.Vrs WA.N'I'EI). WANTED. raiivnHslmr.. ncenta '.In every county to solicit sunscriptions ror this TWENTIKTll t'KISTl.HV KAIU1KK mill the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid ,bonk .contains 1,400 imperial octavo pagas, mw onjcct-ieacn-luir enarnvlnas nnd Ih the only book on live stock ever published adapted to tho every-day, prnctlcol, money-saving use of everv farmer nnd stock owner. Steady employment with nstuired good Income. Agents In the country with horse nnd buggy especially desired. Canvassers muKn ensnv iw to iiw ner mouui. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Burenu, Heo Huiidiug, umana. J. i AGENTS make $0 dally selling the ohenpest nnd most perfect water tiller ever In vented; rotalls at $1.S0; big profit; ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co.. Sen eca, mo. J .M9is Jen WAN.TED Severnl enpnble men In, ench si.ite lo irnvei-iinti apiiiiiii nncnin, umary lioo per mnntn nnu expenses, logciner wun commission on. snies mauo ny ugema ap pointed; position permanent to tight nnrlv; no exner enco necessnry. but un- nucstloned references as tn high Charac ter must be furnished. Address, Jobber, 913-356 Dearborn St., Chicago, a .MSi G' STORA4JK. PACIFIC Storage nnd -Wnrchouse Co,, 612- 914 Jones, general storngo and forwarding. SB3 OM. Vnn Stor. Co,, 15114 Farii.. Tels. lt9-63. S69 WAXTED-ZI't) IIUY. WANTED Secondhand furniture, large cr small lots; highest prices paid drop a card or Tei. 771. J. iLevine, 304 n. lBtn. IN MH9fc-JCl3 1 WANTED 50 secondhand Indies' wheels. Nebraska cycie co cor. istn .t tiaruuy. WANTED To buy flro and-burglar proof un'.. l.l.lp,,.,, l.11 r.'n.,,.m C3t DtllU, ,,IIU.L0 .'I. I U1HHIII ,JH N .M4M Je2U 1' 1 WANT to buy nt once.tho best bargain I can get from i,mw to' a,wo. Answers nddrcss. T 49, Bee. N-281-5 I HAVE-customers for the following lines of business located-111 uva country 'town; llnrdwnre. Brocery. Harness, .general mer chandise, confectionery and furnished hotel. Give particulars-fully n first let ter. J, II. Johnson, New York 1.1 re. M 2a2 - FOR SALE KIinXlTt'HB. i-HlCAGO. FURNITURE CO.. 1410 DodBC; Tel. 2io. New c znnnnd turpuuro unugnt, sold, exchanged. t US7Q. UPHOLSTERING, 16th & llworth:1 Tel. 1401.- U-BIl V.NTEHPR1SE FURNITURE CO.. 102-1 S. 14tli Hi. ici. ...u. aow aim secnnuiuuu furniture bought, sold and cxchnugi'd. . , Q-fl75-Jly.31' FURNITURE 7-room Hat for sale cheap. 617 H. lutn, ju poor. u .Mica a FOIl SALE-HORSES, VEHICLES, KTC. i.MnST.CLAS8 ton huggy. rnnonv ton siir. rey nnd speeoing wngon; sugntiy. Hlion worn, but good as new; all bargnins. O. M. Hart, 1307 Jones St. P-366 FOR SALE, top phaeton. 22W N. 19th St. J' .Ml Hi je7" 2 HORSES, fine matched carriage tenm. II. E. l-redrickson, loin ana jjouge t. r-67l JC24 FIRST-CLASH top .buggy, '.extension, top . surrey tyid spoeuing wagon; nil. siiftnuy shot) worn, but, good ns new: all bar gains. ,0. M Hart, 1307 P-J66 S .-,-'lV Clll T.- an.llA lf. ,ll.t..'-l.r...0.'A I'UIV n,l,V(, VIUII.IU 1I1IV, iiaiii 111,, .If, iiui.v. we win sen our gray iiuiy, sanuie ana light driving horse, ut n, feaspnable price to the right parties. Ho may, he Inspected nt our stnble.. 1115 Cnnltol live., where-his good qualities will be explained as .well as ma ie.ieciaK itepiy nt once, v. u. Bennett Co. P-276.4 GO TO II. Frost for flntf-class vagop ra pairing, ,14th und Leavenworth, Tel.. 1417,- -X- at. FOR SALE MISCHI.LAXHOIIS; SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry an hog fence. 901 Douglas. g-873 nd 2DHAND sufo cheap. DorlglH, 1119 Farpam. Vi-!ll TIMOTHY hoy. and all kinds- of feed and coal. Monroe & Co., 869 N. 16th. Tcl.jTL i?r SAFES, buy, sell, exo'ge. Schwnru. 114 S.13, Q-S,6 REPAIRS und suppUeii for nil makes bl- cyclea. Omaha Bicycle Co., lti.Ui & Chicago. 520 - -1 i- ft ! WIRE fence for poultry. Bslglau hare, hog field or lawn, wire worKs, w n- ma hi. 1 q Miia jy.i BIG line of it secondhand wheels, J. $5, $S, $10, Bicycle Co.. lth tun1- Chlcngo Sts. -U-i2i. UuiMin l.OOO.dOO RRIC.K for salo. John I'- Weaver, ti i-eari at , council uiuris. y .Mv. jcj FOR SALE, .ono iBut'cher-Boy cooler, six by eignt. ton ict rwKn. in gopu .coiuiiiion. ti.i..t.i e.;.nxvii ....v. 1141b1'. ui'VViVli 4 Mil I1IVIIV, i:i'. Q-.MSI1 : KOH SALE-MISCF.LLAMiOl S. FOR SALE-Two cows, one Jersey and cne Durnnm, young nnd gentle, srco wrnster at w i- STYL18H suit, latest fashion, uncalled for. nt greatly reduced price. s. J. HronertcKs tnlfor -hop, 16U Fnrnam. Q-262 4 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 19 North lfith. 8-S77 MME. GYLMER, palmist. 315 So. 15th Sj. 2515 MRS. 13. C. HENRY, medium, 1707 Cnss. a-.w personal. DR. ROY, chropodlit; corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. it. .2, t- ienzer block, u- silt PRIVATE home before and durlnc conllne- ment, babies udopttd. .Mrs. uurgiii, zu Uurdettc. VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, , , ,, wiioie.iomo home trcutmcnt. is uee iiiub. U-SM SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines for rent. White Hewing aincnine, lts-u uouk las, Tel. -m NEW rollers for clothes wringers. Novelty iron und uruss worKs, 417 a. lutn. l'tiono lo. RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no uanger; send tor ciruuiurs. umpire nup turo Cure, ax.' N. Y. 1.1 to liulldlnit, Omaha. U iW PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and uuring coniiuement; names nuopteu. s'm urani at, u i M. OOI.DMAN & CO., onlv perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the. west; mall orders solicited, dulto 2uo, Douglas 13 lock. U &S6 FRENCH ACCORDION PU3ATINO: mall orders solicited, umahu Pleating uo., loJJ Douglas. U Syl WE. RENT sewing machines at "So week Wc repair and sell parts of all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner lath und Hurncy. "Phono ICiiJ. U-77t-Je$ NO better work done In any shop In tho world than Rrowu block barber shop; neat, clean, nntlscptlc; face massage; ele vator entrance or through Ttacy's. U-19l-Jel6 WANTED 25 secondhand tyiiewrlters. Ne braska (,'ycic Co,, (.'or. 15th nnd Harney, U-283-JclS ADROIT HAIR UA.AR-Ncw locntlon. 1G20 uougins; private iiootns ror hair dressing nnd manicuring: ladles' shoe shining and massaging- u M43S DR. CUSCADEN, 113 S. ISth. U-572-.Ie2l LEARN hypnotism ; complete course by mall, 50c; palmistry, 25c; particulars free. Globe. News Co., 1615 Farnam st,. Omaha, U-M218Jyl AN UNDENIABLE FACT. A fact which cannot bu denied Is that tho Prince of Omaha is made wholly by hand and the very best material that could pos sibly be put Into a Dc smoke. It is made by men who have made hnnd-mado cigars for years nnd a bad clgur could not pos sibly be turned out. This Insures tho smoker tho same size and quality at all times. Smokn tho Prince of Omaha and take no other. It Is Cc straight THE W. F. BTOECKER CIUAR CO. Save the bands of the Stocckcr clears. U-M213 8 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. MldUlemlst. Tel. 125S. Rest of city references. Leave order at 1519 Farnam. U 277 10 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. U-27S-1U 1(00111 7. WM. LEESE has removed his law office from 1400 Farnam to Room 931, Now York Life building. U 279 11' MOXKY TO 1.0AX HEAI, ESTATK. LOANS o'n eastern Nebraska nnd western lowa arms ni o per cent; Borrowers can pay $100 ,or nny multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Rreunan-Lovo Co., 3u9 S. 13th St., Omaha., .Nob. W S87 MONEY to, loan on Improved Omaha' real estate. urciinan-Lovo co on boutn istn, , - w-sss WANTED, city loans, bonds and wnrranta. ucurge 4t company, lwi nrnum street. W-S89 WANTED, city and fnrm loans; also bonds nnu warrants, ji. j. i-eters s CO., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 890 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-891 MONEY to loan nt 41,4 and 5V4 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclkle. 401 8. 15th. W-892 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas, FIVE und 51,3 per cent city nnd farm loans. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam St. W 894 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-893 CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton, 603 Bee, W-S96 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved rent estate; u per cent interest; nn commission; privi lege of pnlng $100 or more before ma turity. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co,, John W. Qlsh, special loan agent, 214 First Nat't Bank Bldg., Omnhu, Neb. W-S97 5 AND 5V, per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, f irst isatinnni iianK Duuaing. iei. 1648. W- WANTED, city loans nnd warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 13:0 Farnam Ht. W-M561 MOXEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We lonn $10 and up on furniture, pianos, nurses auu otner cnauni. SALARY LOANS without mortgage to peoplo holding penna- neni positions. 1011 cnn get me money in n few hotlfa after making niillcutlon and tnku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 mouths or mure In which to pny It bhek. and you need not pay tor It one day longer than you keep It. We charge nothing for papers and we give you tho full amount in cash. There nro no lower rates than ours; our terms are tho easiest; our business is confidential nnd our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) 306 S. 16th St. A Uul LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON PLAIN NOTE. Thore goes Fritz, coming back again to get lower rates aim easier payments, ite Hays our rntes are lower and payments easier than other companies. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. THIRD FLOOR, ROOM 303, PAXTON BLOCK. X292 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household furniture, pianos, horses, wngons, etc. In two hours' time; nlso to i-alnrled people on their plain notes, with out security. Easiest payments and low est rates lu Omaha. Privnte Interviewing room. Anierlciin Lonn Co., room 312 Hrown block, Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts.; entrnnco on 16th St., opposite Y. M. C. A. Bldg. X-902 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO ' SALARIED people, merchants, teurn ftcrs. boarding nouses, etc.. without se curlty; easiest terms; 40 offices In principal cities. Mcimuu, iu uoani 01 iraue uiug, X-899 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. live stocK, etc. yulcK service and lowest ratest guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 6U (ton Door) Paxton block, northeast corner 10th and i'arnam; entrance on 16th street. X-903 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry, uun ureen, it. s.uarker blk. A Vvt SHORT time loans. Joe Pleasants. 54 X-905 Barker block. "sonSulfe "310, nr ."' JU '., tulck. M. J. Kennard & OWIl DIOCK. A 91H1 MONEY loaned on pianos furniture. Jew- eiry, norses, cowo, etc, C. F. Reed, 319 8. 1J. X-907 iil'siness chances: , Fi OR SALE, for cash at n bargain. $2,500 stock of drugs In good eastern Nebraska town. Address J. cure of Hce. V ni J4 WANTED, experienced physician to take charge of our Lincoln office; will also Btart offices In other cities for competent physician. Thyroid-Lymph Co.. Sir) Bee Lldfa'. Y-M965 Jc3J niSl.XESs CHA( F.l. tw IH'YS th? best pnying restaurant in the state, call nt cnnnuian oince. is..' Douglas. Y-M209 3 foil" EXCHANGE, clean staple stock of general dry goods, fiirnlshlng goods, no tions, etc.; complete nnd salable; few. If nny, broken or odd lots: store only run about 10 months, so everything up to date; owner closed hy creditors nnd will give liberal exchange; Invoice original cost $m,20u; ensh required .1,ifi0 to settle bills, balance good real estnte, write quick giving full description of property; nn other pood stock of $.1,100; cash required. $1,710. hnlnnce real estate; mention which stock wanted. Somers Hrown, 507 Man hattan Hldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. Y FOR EXCHAMIE. 2D-IIAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels. Onmha Ilicycle Co., istn ami Chicago hi. Z-908 FOIl SALE RBAli IZSTATE. KOUNTZE PLACE citizens nro nmong the best In Omnhn. You nre sjro of good neighbors If your home Is there. PAYNE KNOX COMPANY, Bole Agents. HE-267 5 WANT offer on fine lot nnd seven-room house, close to good enr line. Eastern owner nnxlous to sell. M. J. Kenuard .V Son. 3C9-10 Hrown block. RE-911 FOR SALE, on monthly payments, 8-room modern house on North 24th St. car line; also vacant lots which will be Improved xor purcnaser on moooraie payment down. Mutual Loan nnd Uulldlng Asoclutloli, (J. M. Naltlnger, secretary, Dec Rldg. RE-911 KOUNT.E PLACE has level streets to nnd from the business center; easy on you nnd your tenm "when you drive. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, sole Hgents. RE-291 6 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho Union I'ncillc Railroad company. II. A. McAllaster, land commissioner, Cliuii I'acino Headquarters, umana, Net). RE-912 HOUSES and lots In nil parts of city; also aero property nnd farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 562, uci HUIldlllg. ; HE-909 KOUNTZE PLACE citizens nre nmong tho best In Omaha. You nre sure of " good neighbors If your home l.i there. PAYNE KNOX COMPANY, Solo Agents. RE-26S 5 C. F. HARRISON, 913 N, Y. LIFE. FARMS. hi; loy jou FOR SALE, chean. lota 27 and 23. Pnulscn's Addition to Omaha, or will trndo for Des Moines property. jMnkc nn nrrer. o. p. Herrold, 460 Uood block, i;es Monies, lu, RE-M7S5-Je27 KOUNTZE PLACE has level streets to nnd from the business center; easy on you nnd your team when you drlvo. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, solo agents. RE-293 6 FOR SALE, or exchange for Columbus (Ohio) property, two Iota In Tlioriiburg rnd one Burlington Plncc additions to Omaha; nil freo irom incumnrance. Aiiaress, .i, -. Hart ey, 81 N. High St., Columbus, o. RE-M113 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE, RE-910 HOUSES, lots, fnrms. lnnds, loans; also lira insurance, liemts, I'axton uik. iiu-iiia FOR SALE, stock rnnch consisting of SOO acres of deeded land, good frame house, barns nnd outbuildings, , about 275 head of cattle. 25 horse, hay machinery, wngona nnd harness; nlso lease, of about 6,000 acres of land, Including 1,000 acres or hay land that will cut SOOtons of hny. on ilm I'liitte river. In Lincoln county. Neb. Prlre. $12,000. For terms' wrlto Ruchnnaii & Patterson, real estate agents, North Platte, Neb. - , RE-270 ii' KOUNTZE PLACE nmong tho best In Omaha. You .arc paro- of good neighbors If your homcilfiithero, PAYNE- KNOX COMPANY, Solo,-')flts. ..RE-269 ,1 . r, ,.iu, - 3-ROOM house, .2 Idts, J6tlr nnd S St., South umana, nonemian settlement, lor snio 011 monthly payments of $10.Oi). 4-room house. 33-ft. lot, hrtrn, tor. sale, payable $15 monthly, 19th St., near Vinton. $1,0.' W. L. SELRY, BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. RE-201 6 ARM OtJRDAL E 'a D D I T 1 6 N "TO SOU'ni OMAHA This beautiful addition Is lo cated at 26th and Archer streets. Just otitsldo, the city limits. We nro offering ACRE LOTS In this addition for $200 and upward. Wo will assist' purchasers to build In this nddltlon. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Exclusive Agency. RE-363 WILL sell my home, R-room house, two lots, barn, Just nt about your price. Ad dresn, T 48, Bee. RU 2S0-5 KOUNTZE PLACE haR level streets to nnd from tho business ijcnter; easy on you nnd your tenm when you drive. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, solo agents. RE-'JM 0 MEDIVALr RHEUMATISM WHISKY Why suffer from rheumatism when there Is a snccltlc corn for vou'f Whv he it slave to wlilskv. opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaine when wo guarantee to cure you? Answer this by" writing tho Ensor Remedy Co.. -.-South umana, incu. tincorporatcu 111 iwj.j M70O-JCS DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged leading specialist in diseases or women m umana. would call .the attention of .suffering ladies to tils unsurpassed accommodations ticiora nnu during conuuement, nnu 111s treatment for irregularities, no .natter what cause, call or address. Willi stamp, Dr. Prleu, 15)3 DodgO St Omaha, Neb. ' M 52.V J 023 LADIES, $500 reward for nu abnormal ob- sttunte caso of suppression, nny cause, my rcpiiiator fails to relievo in twenty. four hours: positively guaranteed; no ergot or pills; 'many saved ffom suicide; Ideal snfo homo treatment; mall, $3. Dr. Jackson, R. C, 167 Dearborn, Chicago, -174 li DR. LE Dl'K'S Fetnnlo Ronulntor. nosl tlvely warrnnted to euro the most t-tub-bum cases of monthly stoppage, Irregu larltlcs, obstructions and suppressions brouuht on from whatever abnormal, un natural diseased or pathological cause; $2 a package, ot 3 for 5: sent nhywhere pre paid on receipt of price. The- Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. Americau olllcc, retail, wholesale, Mycrs-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha: M A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davit Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of icgttlmato rubber goods, PATENTS. MASON. FENWICK & LAWRENCE. Patent Lawyers. Solicitors and Experts, vv asnington. u. v., H. J. COWG1LL, Western Representative. Room 315 Ramgo Blk. Omaha, Neb, Phono 1708. ADVICE FREE. -141 Jcl9 PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues & Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nub. Advice free. l&s.jyi5' WILL BUY nny good Invention or patent. Auuress l.ock mux m .uunics, in, -M939 OSTEOPATHY, JOHNSON Institute. 513 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. WHi Alice Johnson. D. u., ladies' dept.; um u. Joiinsoii, usteopa.tuisi, .-vigr. -918 DQNOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk, Tel. 1367 VI i A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Kurbsch Blk. Tcl.2332 M 111 MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK, Douglas block. M 473 Je21 HIIOHTIIAM) AND TYPEWRITINrt. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y, LI fo. 918 BOYLKS' College, court reporter principal, Heo Bldg, -919 NER. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. two GRKOQ Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug, IllCVtl.l'.S. SECONDHAND bicycles (mm SS.on up. Ne braska Cycle Co, Cor. IMh and Harney. -285 JelS NEW nnd lnilles' wheels rented; fo cents for the evening or afternoon, except Sun day. I-ouls Flescher, 1C22 Capitol Ave 7M FIMII.NO AM) IM.IIASI III- Ri:OltT, IF YOU want good hnss nnd croppy nMiInc go to i.angtion, .mo, very nest or notei nceommodntloiis. Plenty of bouts nnd minnows. Wilte R. A. Dlttmnr for rates, 970 WAITED TO I1IIH HOW. WANTED To borrow $l,tX) nt 7 per cent on improved residence property, sotttn Omaha, renting for $210 per yenr. Ad dress, S 18. Ree. -MS9 SIDEWALKS. FORREST E. REHM builds macadam and cinder walks tuid driveways, Ho s. istn street. -275 10 nARHAtin iiai M.(i. ANTIMONOPOLY Oarbagc Co, cleans cess pools & vaults, removes garnaRC .v qen'i animals tit reduced prices. t;2l N. 10, tct.iiV, -271 Jl'3 LAI'XDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars. :c; currs, 4C. i7o L.eavenworm. ici. oi. 922 CAIll'E.M EllS AM) .IOHIIEIIS. ALL kinds' of carpenter work and repairing promptly nuonueu to. J. t. ucnuiree, .-vui nnd Lake Sts. -370 KX1T.HT Al'COl'XTAXTSt. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, it, la, com. .Mil, naiiK, u. it. Kainoun. 923 HOII, Kit MAKERS. OMAHA Holler Works, steam boilers, tanks. stacks, cfc. Tel, 1309. 12111 nuu izara h. ACM)H010. PI.EATlMi. ACCORDION' pleating: cheapest, best. oiilekest. Mrs, A. C-Mnrk, S. iu, Cor. 17th -926 nnd Fnrnam. ! VW.VHHOKEHS. EAOLE Loan Oltlce, reliable, nccommodit- lug; ail business conuucnuai. uui Luuhmj. F V It X IT HI K H EP A I R I X (S. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St, TAII.Olll.VCi. -. it.'rj fi.'.vn on veil- hlch elnss tailoring. latest designs. Stephen J. Rroderlck. 1617 Fnrnam St. Mu2t Ja.J STA.MSIKRIXC. A.M) STtlTTKRIXti. CURED. Julia Vuughn. 130 Ramgo Bldg, AUTOMOBILES. -aa-Bap Plonecis and Prime ftiSt Promoters of the Hone JiliffftCtttff. 'eS3 Vehicle Industry .im for tho entire west. puaaavaaaa Don t fall to visit our . . salo emporiums nt umana or Lincoln. See our most wonder ful machines In onurntlrm. I nillew tmrtliMi larly Invited to learn how simple tho nrt of tiiiuf i ,un reauy is. umnna pnone ijjj i.incoin pnono Wl. losroi-Fici: xoricc. (Should bo read' DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur at uny time).' Foreign malls for the week ending Juno 8. 1901, will close. (PROMPTLY In all cases 1 ine general posionico as iouows.:, 1'All-; CKLS 1'UHT -MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown,. below. Parcels post mans tor Germany close at & p. in. Wednesday. Regular nnd supplenienthry malls close, at foreign branch half hour later than closing time, fciiown uciow. 'I'rniiH-A tlnnilu Mulls. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 n. m. for EUROPE. per s. s, hi. i.ouis, via ouinnmpinn; at 7:30 11. tn, for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Arciumeilo (until for Italy must be ill reeled 'per s, . Arciumei u"): at 8:30 11 in. (supplementary 10 11. tn.) for EUROPE per x. w. uei'innnic, via yueensiown; at 10 11. m. for BELGIUM, per s, h, Zeeliind (mnll must no directed per s, h. Zeel mid ". THURSDAY -At 6:30 n. tn. for EUROPE per s. s. l' HismnrcK. via Plymouth nnd linnuiurg tmnu tor i- ra nee. hw tzor ami Italy. Siain, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt Greece. British India nnd Lorenzo Mnr- quez, via Cherbourg, must bo directed vper s. s. r . iiismiircK-i; ni 7 n. 111. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LOR ENZO MAK(iT per s. s. Lu Chnin pni'ne. via lluvro (mail for other pnrts of Europe must be directed "per s. a. La Clm m 1 111 if 1111" ) . SATURDAY At (1:30 it. m for EUROPE. per s, s. Jitruria. via wueenstowii; at 7:30 11. m ror Netherlands direct, per h. s, Potsdam (mall must bo directed "per h. h. I'otsuam ;; at iu a. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Anchorla (mall must bo directed "per a. s. Anchorla"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes I'rinieu .Matter, commercial Papers und Sninplct fur Germany only. The same class 01 man matter mr other pa ot Europe will not be sunt hv tills ul unless uneclallv directed by ner. rts uhlp Aftor the closing of (ho Supplementary TiHiiH-Atlunuc .Minis nueitiii nuuve, ad ditional supplementary malts uro opened' on tho piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, mid re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of uulll;: o: ivainer. .Mnll for South nnd C-ufi-ii Anicrlcn, Weal Indies. i:ie. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. for BRAZIL. per s. a. neveiius (ninu ror Northern Brazil, Argentlnu Republic, Uruguay ;:nd Puruguay mJBt be .directed "per s. h. HeveTllls,): ut 9:30 a', m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. e. Helvcrnon; nt 12 in. for CUBA, YUCATAN. CAMPECHE TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per h. s. Es- pfrnuza, via Havana and Progreso (mall lor other parts of Mexico must bo ill rected "per h. . Espernnza"). THURSDAY At 12 -m. for NASSAU, UOANTANA.MU mill BrtNTl AGO. per S. s. Bantlngo: at 6:30 p. tn, for JAMAICA, ner h. s. Admiral Sampson,-from Boston. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Urlzuua, via lampico tmnu must bo di rected -per s. s. Orizaba"). SATURDAY At 9 n, m. for PORTO RICO, per a o. I'once, via nun Juan; nr 9 n. m. (supplementary 9)30 n. m.) for CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s. s. Hildur (mall for Savnntlln and Cnrthngenn must bo dl-i-ccted "per s, s. Illldur";; ut 9j30 . m. (supple mentnry 10 a, in.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMER ARA, per s. s. Prctnrln (mnll for Guiida loupe, Martinique and Barbados must bo directed "per s. h. Pretoria"); nt- 9:."0 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. in,) for FOR. TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8A VAN ILLA, C A RT II AG E N A and GREYTOWN, tier h. s. Alleghany .(mail for Costa, Rica must be directed "per s. a. Alleghany"); nl-10 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per rf. s. Silvia; at 10 a, m. for CUBA, per a. ti, Morrn Castle, yln Havana; at 10 n. m. for GUADELOUPE. MARTINIQUE and HARBARDOS, per s. s. Tnllsmuiu Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Hyuney, nnu iiiencu ny sicuiucr, close at this ofllco dally nt 6:30 p. tr... connecting close heio ovory Monuny, Wednesdnj nnd Saturday. Mnlls for Mlquelon, by mil to Boston, und tnenco by stcmnei', close nt this office dally at '!:.w t. m. Malls for Cuba, by ran to rori Tamiia, Fla., and thence by tenmer, close at this oltlco dally, except faunday, at "6 u. m, (tho connecting closes nro on Monday, Wcdncs day and Buturduy). Mulls for Cubu, by mil to MWnil, '.''la,, mid thencu by jteanie; i.'.ose at tniK oincc every huh day ut 0:10 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless sueclnily addressed for dls'jstch hv steamer, close at tins of fice dally ut t:30 p. m. und U p. ni. .Mails tor Costa Bleu, Bollze, Puerto Cortez und Guatomalu, liy rail tn New Orleans, und thence by steimur. close at this oltlce lnllv at "1:20 o. m, (coniifCtlnf closes here Mondajs for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemaln and Ttiesdayr. tor Costu Hlca). "itegisiereu man ciosea in p. m. piovlous day. Trnns-I'nclllc r.lnll. Mnlls for Hawaii, via Sn i Francisco, cloee hero dally ar o:30 p, r.i. up to June "a, (nr HtBiuitrb ner s. Zenianillu. I Mulls fcr Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil- POrrOFFM.'E NOTICE. Ipplne Islands, vlt San Francisco. olop nere tinny nt b:3u p. in. up to june Inclusive, for dlsnnieh ner s s. llaeln. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, close lure iintiy at t:u p. m. up to june 11. Incluiihc. for illsiinteli ner s. s. Em press of .lapnn (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). MH for A us I nil In tc.scupt West Austrnlln, ivn-cii is lurwnruea via isuropej. c euiaiul, Fiji, Samoa nnd Hawaii, vtn Willi Francisco, close here dally at :30 n, tn. after May '2ii ntul up to June "IS, inclusive, nr on orrlvnL of s. . Umbrla. duo nt New York June ''lo, fut Ulpntclt Per s. . Vrntiirn Mails for llnwnll. China, Jnpan nnd Philip- imiea, via nnu i- rnncisco, eiose nere uaiiy nt 0:30 p. in. jp to Juno M7. Inclusive. tor lllstwltell twv m. a. IfntieWntit Mnrtt. Malls for China and Jnnnh. via Seattle. close here dully at 0:30 p. m. up to June MS. Inclusive, fin- dlfpatch per a. s. Kin shin Maru (registered mall must be di rected "via Sealllp"). Malls for Chlnn nnd jiipnn, via Tacoma, 1, .Inllt, .1 ...., .... ... t.... Illll- I, I ..MO ,, III. IIJI IV. .iinir 20, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Tu ronin. Mnll fot AustrnlU' (except West Australia, wnicn goes via ;unipe and rsew .eniiino. which goes via flan Francisco) and FIJI lilands, via Vancouver, close hero dally nt 6:;w p. in. after June 15. nnd up to Juno S'.', inclusive, ror dispatch per s. s, Mlowera (supplementary malls, via Sent tie iihd '"Victoria, closo at 6:30 p. ni. June 2.1). Malls tor Tahiti nnd Marquesas Islands, via sail t rimciaco, close hern dany nt :: p. in. up to June -5. Inclusive, for dis patch per 8, s. Austrnlli. Trans-Pacific malls a're forwarded to port of sailing dallv nnd the scncdule of clos ing is arranged on did presumption of tholr uninterrupted transit, Registered mail closes at u p. in. pre vious' da, COHNKLlf" VAN POTT. Postmaster. Postoillco,. New York. N. Y.. May 31. 1901. I.IKJAL XOTH.'ES. RlCEivER'p"NuTICi:. lu thp.-Disinct court lu and for Douglas Cr.tinu Nebraska. WllliOm G. Madden. DlnliitHT. nrnlnst No. brasku FIrri Insnrauco Company et nl., do- tenonnts. .-noiico to creditors or said in surance company to present their claims for dividends. To Ml creditors ot the Ncbrnskn Flro In- stiiaiice company who have not claimed or received their respectivo dividends hereto fore ordered in the nboyo entitled notion: Yju. nnd ench of you. are hereby unfilled that In und b the order of the court in tho above entitled nctio.n. mauo aim cti'crcn on tho 4th dny of May. A. D. 1901. von must present, for payment your respective claims for dividends heretofore ordered In Fold action within no days from the completion of the publication of this notice, which t'mu will expire on mu 3ist tiny or August, . u, 1901, nnd that unlesi you so do your respec tive I'Lguis to Hiicn niviiienns win nc con cluded and you will be barred of the right to particulate in tno funds appropriated therefor. HJch claims may be presented nl tho office of the undersigned receiver In tho Hrown block, in tho city of Omnhn. In Douglas county aforesaid, or transmuted U 111 lit at that address by mall. uiui-ii mis .uiii !in ui iiity. . i-f. Ktvi. ALBERT U. WYMAN. Receiver of the said Nebraska Flro Insur ance company, .May30d-6tin-30t NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received nt tho oltlce of t'ia Commissioner of Ppubllc linds nnd Rulld Iiiks until 9 o'clock n. m,. Juno 15th. 19UI. for furnishing the following articles to the Nebraska Hospital for the Insane nt Lin coln. Nt-lnnsKn. All tho articles mentioned to ba delivered at said ho'tiltal. Estimates nre lettered A, R. nnd C. bidders may bid upon nny one or nil. A 150 metal be'ds. 1,7) rockers, 250 dining H 136 hair mnttroMes. 156 cotton mat tresses. 156 moss mattresses, Lie pillows. C 2,200 yards unblenched sheeting, ftw ynrds unbleached muslin, 175 white qulltx, 1,000. yards a)l linen unbleached crasii, 500 yards bleached muslin.' 100 ynrds tnhlo oil cloth, white: CM yards unbleached table linen, 1 gross No. 40 Coatcs' white cotton threud. The description of nil articles may he found nt the office of Commissioner of Public Lnnds nnd Buildings. No proposnls slinlt bo received unless In the office of Commissioner of Public Lnnds nnd Build ings oii or before tho hour nnd day abovo mentioned nnd no bid Is considered ns awarded until revenue stump Is nlllxed to bhnd. No' bid In which samples nro called for will be considered unless same are; submitted!. Tho board reserves- tho right to reject nny and all bids, - GEO. TT. FOLLMER, Com. P. L. & B. Lincoln, Neb., May 29, 1901. -M31dl0t (i O V Kit X .11 MX T XOTICIJS. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Oniab'a, Neb,, Mny 31, 1901, Sealed tiro posalv, lu triplicate, subject to tho usual conditions, will bo received at thin office until 2 o'clock p. m central time, Juno 15, 19ul, for remtslellng the latrines of two cavalry bnrrneks nt For Riley, Kan,, and placing sanitary plumbing lu same. Full Information furnished upon application tn this office, or to tho iiunrtermnstcr. Fort Riley, where plans and specifications may bo seen. Proposnls to bo marked "Pro posals for Latrines nt Fort Riley, Knn." F. II. HATHAWAY. C. 1. M. J4-6-12-13 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Fort Leavenworth, Knn., Juno 3, 1901. Senled proposals, In triplicate, will bo received hero until It n. 111.. central time, Juno 17, 1901, for epiiHtrJCtion of roads, curbs, sldewMKs. gutters, drains, cntch basins, nlso grading, top soiling, seeding and sTidillng nt' this post. Information fur- .nlslied on nppllcntlnn here, or at ofllco depot quartermaster, Omaha. V. S, re serves right to accept or reject nny or nil proposals, or any part thereof. En velopes tn 'bo Indorsed. "Proposnls for Grndlug, etc." addressed I). E, M'CARTHY, Q, M. J4-3-6-7-1I-15 6 FF I f E CI 1 1 E F Q IJART ER M A 8TE R Omnha, Neb., May 23, 1901. Scaled pro popular In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will' bo received nt this otllcn nnd by qunrtermnstor, Fort Riley. Kan sas, until- 2 o'clock p. in., central time, Juno 7.. IMl, for the Construction of two (2) artillery stables and one (1) hospital stnblo t Fort Riley, Kansas. Full Infor mation furnished jipon application to this ofllce, or to tho qunrtei'master. Fort Riley, where plnns and specifications mny be seen. Pioposals tn lie marked "Proposals for Stublos ut Fort Riley, Knnsns." F. II, hatiiaway; c. g. m. M27.2s-jei.5-M COUNTY OFFICIAL XOTICIIS, ATTENTION. TAXPAYERS' The. Board of Cotlnty Commissioners of Douglas county, Ncbrnskn, will sit ns a board rif equalization for tho purpose of equalizing tho nssessment of Douglas county for ho year 1901 in the commission er's chnmbcr at tho court house, Omaha beginning Tuesday, June 11, 1901, nt 10 o'clock:- a maml continuing from duy to day uji to and .lncjudlng June 27, 1901 I5 days, not V ,ll'LIUlll ing Sundays). Alt nersonn owning. real or personal nronortv subfeet tn taxation Eiiniiio cnn auu exummo tlielr as sessuientr that any errors ns to valuation may be adjusted by said board, as the law provides. uy orocr ot tne uoara oi county com miHslcnr-ro. Omaim.vMiiy sr. -inoi. v Ii, M. HAVERLY. County Clerk. By.CL. HARRIS, Deputy. . - t. May27 d'lt RAILWAY TIME CARDS. UNION PACIFIC'-'THE OVER r laud Routu" Oonerul Offices N. E. Cur. Ninth und Furnnm Hticcts. City TlCkut Ulilcc, 1321 Farnum Strctit.. Telenhouc, 316. ijcpui, icnui aim .uuicy ats -ruiepnoue, , i Leave. Arrlvo. The Overland LlmltuiL.u 8:20 nn Tho Chicago-Portland Special a 8:20 am The Fast Mali ,... 8:50 um a 7:30 pm a 7:30 pm a 3:25 pm u 4:25 pm u 6:50 am The Mnll-and Jixpies..uu;ao pm The Colo.-ndo Special.,. ll:35 .ppv 1 Innnlli HcntrlOO Mid strnmsburg Express. .b 4:03 pm bl2:30 pm Tho Paclllo Exprss....a.:.a p.n The Atuiitlc r.xpress... Grand Island Local., .,.b 5:30 pm n 6-50 am b 9:35 um a Daily. V, uaiiy except aunuuy MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL, road Geneiul Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas bts. j ciopnunc, iui. . uopot union ntutiun. Leave. Arilvc. St. Louis nnd City Ex-press Kansas ,,,,,.a iu:w nm a 6:23 pm u o:i5 am IV. C, HI L. Express.. a iuw pin Leave from Mill and Webster dtrcttst Nebrasgn Local, Via Weeplrit.- ater 1)4:10 pm M0:43 am n Dally, b Dally except Sunday. W ABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce.- 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 222. De pot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Sts Telephone. 625. Leave. Arrive. St. LouU Express a Dally. Cannon Ball" -, a 5:15 pm aSi'.Mnm daffiH3 It AILW A TIML CARD. CHICAGU NORTH -iiiii Riiihuy-"l'ho NorthiNCStirii Llllo" -city llckit Othce. 1401 l-ui until at. 'IvlepllOlU, ..til. Depot, Tenth Mid Aiarcy Htrects. Ten P none, 6.9. i.iuvii. Arrive. Da light Chicago Spo- e n 11 i:uo u in uii:.v pin Chicago Pns-engv't' a 4:13 pm a M40 utn Eastern t;xm ues Moines, Marsb.ililuvwi, Cedar Rapids and Chicago u!0:5u um 11 4:05 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago nnd East a 4: pin a iWi tun Fast Mali, Chicago to umana n ::u pm OmaliM-Chlcagu L't'd. . .a 7,43 pm kIMuiii 1 1 tt .Mall u s:m am Cedar inplds PasseliSwi'. u u:w pm 11 uany. FREMONT, ELKHORN As Missouri Valley ttuiiro.ul "riie Northwestern Lino" Geitfrnl unices. United States National bank Building, S. . Corner Twelttti and Far- Ticket Ulilcc, 14ol Farnam St. 61. Depot. 11th una Wutuur HtS. 1 ili'llhntii'. llt. Leave. Dl.tck Hi. Is, Dcadwood, Hot Springs n 3:00 pm yoiiilug, Casper nnd Douglas d 00 pm Hustings, lurk, David City, sUipeitor, O.'iicva, Exeter und Howard.... U 3:00 pin Norfolk, vviuigro ana Fremont b 7:30 am Lincoln, . anoo ,t Fre tnont b 7:30 am Fremont i.tieti) 7:Si1 am Arrive a 6:00 pm e 5:00 pm b 5:00 pm bl0:2J am b!0;23 um c L'.ttly, b Dally except buiuiay. c Sun dny oni d Dully except Saturday. 1 Daily except -Monday. CHICAGO, ST. I'AUL, Minneapolis & Umulia Hallw ay "Tho North winern Line" General Olllccs, Nebraska Divi sion, 13th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Oltlce, liul Furuam St. Telephone, 401. Dcput, lot li Mid Webster Sts. Telephone, 1158. Leave. Arrive. Twin t ity Par'eiiger 1 6:00 am a :10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:13 pm nllilo am Emerson Local b 5:3U pin b 8:30 nm a Dally SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General unices. United States National Hank Building, d. W. Corner Twclun and Farnam Sts. Ticket Ulilcc. iitd Fnrnnnt St. Telephone. 561. De pot, -renin and Murcy Sts. 'lrlophone, 629. L,:ave. Arrive. Twin City Express... Twin City Limned... Sioux City Local .,. a 1 ally. ..11 CM Mil a 10: 26 pm 11 8:15 um 11 3:50 pm ..A 7:55 pm .a 8:00 am BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Otllces, North wtst Corner Tenth and Furnam Streets. Ticket Ulllce, 1502 Furnam Street. 'r'cli-tincnu .m. ltui'iiugion station, ucuui and Aiiiojn Stieets. 'telephone 12. iA.'dve. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings und MeCous. a 8:40 am u i!3j Pm Lincoln, Denver. Colo rado, Utali, t.'allforiila.a 4:25 pm Ahlaucu Lxprcss n 4:.m pin Lincoln & Black Hills.. a 9:w pin a 3:00 pm n :1:1.x ) pm a tJ-,15 um a 6:45 am u 9:17 am bll:53 nm a 0:13 nm bll;05 am Montnu.t, 1 duel Sound. .a 9:00 inn Lincoln Fust .Mail u s:w pm Wymote, Heatrlcu und Lincoln n s : 10 am Denver 'ulornuo. Ulan and California Fort Crook, So. iiund, IjOUIsvIIIo. Plntlsm'tli.b 3:20 pm Bellovue, Plnttsmoiith & Paclllo Junction a 7:40 pm a 8:20 um Bellovue, Pluttsmuutli ii Pacific Junctinn a 3:10 nm u Dally, b Dally except 8unday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO seph .Si Council BluffM Bullroad-'Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Olllcc, 1502 Farnum Street. Telephone 250. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tela phone 12S. lcuvc. arrive. Knnsns City Dny Ex... ,a 9:20 urn 11 6:X pm Kansas ClU Night Ex..M0:30 pm n 6:15 am Bt. Louis Flyer, fer at.' H ' Joseph and St. Louis. n 5:10 pm nll:Jj am a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON jtt .Quinoy jtanroao "Tne Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllce, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone1 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnson Streets. Telcphonu 128. Leave. Arrive. nl0:20 pm Daylight Chicago Spe clal a 1 :00 am Chicago Vcstlbuled 4:00 pm a 7:43 um Chicago Local Express. a 9:30 nm a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited h 1 iiii 1. la 11111 Fast MM1 a Dally. u 2:45 pm OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL rortd Omaha, Kansas City .t Eastern Railroad "The Qtllncy Route" Ticket Of llce, 1415 Farnam St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Murcy Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive. at l.miU Cnnnoil Ball Express .....n 6:15 prn rt 8:20 um Kansas City and QUlncy Local -i I.VJ am a 9:00 pm n Dolly. CHICAGO, ROCK 1SL nnd ei Paclllc Railroad "Tho Great Ror.k Inland Route" City Ticket Ofllce, 1323 Far nam Street, Telephone, 428. Depot, Tenth und Murcy Streets, Tele phone, 0.9. Leave. Arrive. EAhT. Dea Moines nnd Davon- . , port Locu. ......a i;;o am iui:& am Chicago Exiiress 1)11:14 am a 8:10 am UCB lines i.ocni ...a i.-v pm u i.iu imi Chicago Fust Express. . a 5:0u pm a 1:23 pm ijch .Moines, hock is'- und and cntcago.......a pm a ; pm WI3ST. Lincoln, Colorado Hpgs., Denver, J'tiemo anu West a 1:30 pm a 4:16 pm Colorado. Oklahoma & Texas Flyer ..a 0:20 pm a v.w am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of fice, 1102 Fnrnam Ulreet, Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. ClilcuHTTExproas a 7:00 am a j:io pm Chicago Limited... A a 7:15 pm a 8:05 am jwiuiien.ious .t .. ' . . ... , Expreei b ":v0 am b 9i40 ptn Miniteu'pollE ti St. Puul Limited n 7:13pm a 8:05 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 4:50 pm a 8:13 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs h 0:tX) um a Dully., Ii Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE fi St. Paul Rnllway-city Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Fafna Street. Telephone. 251. Dupnt, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tclcpltono, 029 Leave. Arrlvo, Chicago Limited Ex.... .u 6:00 pm ft 0,. am Chicago Ai Omaha Ex..b 7:15 om b 3:40 pm ti Dully, b Dally except Sunday. Direct Route to filg;ovT Exlilliltlon ANCHOR LINE Jtciiinhl from New York Weoklj' for tiL.istiow m.v i,(i.m)ii.mi:hiiy; Saloon, $50'nnd up. Second Cnblr.. 132,50 nnd up. Third Clu.11, 2U Mid upwards. For Illustrated foldor and further Informa. Hon npply to HENDJ5HSON BROTHERS, Chlcngo, or J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Fnrnam St,, GEO, E. ABBOTT, 1321 Farnum Ht Omaha. Three Hnilnu Dniita SrrnreiL 1 HAN FRANCISCO. Juno 4, Tho Sun Francisco Athlatlc club has secured three matches for Its open air exhibition, which It to bn held nt Sixteenth nnd Folsoin streets on Urn afternoon of July 4. Jack Mnffatt' of Chicago and George Gardner lire to but tit. for tho middleweight championship of the world; Jack Root nnd Kid Carter, who ure now In the light heavyweight class, nre to box twenty rounds nnd the opening event will be between Al Nelll and Chnrles Thurs ton. Anirrlrnn Hugnr Declare Dividend. NEW YORK, June 4. Tho directors of the American Sugnr Refining company have declared a dividend of li per cent on UnltPd StutrH common stock for the quar ter, which Is unchanged (or tho last dividend. nam Sts. Telcphui.e. fMlLWAUXW