THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUKE 4, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES Aaertlaeanenta for these eolantni will lake (II la in. for the vaalaat SUtlan. i4 aatll SillO p. m. tor Marla aa tfaaAa'y tfdltlou. flat, 1 l3c) word. Arat Insertion, la a wr4 thereafter. Kathlaat taken far lata than 28o for tho flrat inner tlaa. Theaa aaWertlaeaacata ataat ha taa) oaseeatlelr Advertisers, br requesting- a aam feeresl check, eaa hare aaavtara ad a)rae ta a nawbered latter la ear t Tha Ha. Aaawere a aiMreaeea' will he delivered oa rcseatatloa af taa aheak aalr. WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED We have steady work for a few good hustler of good habits nmt appear nc. C. F. Adams Co., 1805 Howard 8t. D-848 iBARRER trade taught thoroughly In short time! catalogue and particulars free. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb, ' B-819 'WANTED, mnn with horse and Unlit Hprlng wagon. 1617 Howard St. H-MIB HUSTLING and energetic, men, don't he Idles write the Hawks Nursery Co., Mil waukee, Wis., for special terms and ter ritory. B-M549 Je24 THE Equitable Life of New York will make desirable contracts with one or more business getters In Colorado and Wyoming. A good renewal contract I offered to the right man. References as to Integrity and ability (o accompany applications. C. A. Steyn, Manager, Denver, Cdlo. B-M916 6 WANTED, Rhyming malt to take care- of nnrse, cow and lawn. Address T 47 tire omce. jj 272 9ALEIMBX WANTKD. IALE8MEN for peneartion copying books ana other nulck selling office sbecln'ltles: fine sldo Unas; catalogue free; ciTrn J20 S')1' iyucl .-pub; -"i o(uwi Dana, inu. t .uija Jvi WA5ITKD- HELP, .QIRL tor general housework, fornla. 25 Call- C-WS. 4 WANTED, first-class cook. Apply Mr . n. nicv-qra, ran tass si. . U FOR HE.Vr-IIOUSIfig. IV YOU want y'bbr houses well rented placo them with' Benawa A Co. D S3.' TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage Co:, office lHHi Farnani, or tel. 1&5B-S6.1. D-W3 . ., , HOUBES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Love Co., 89D' South 13th street. D-S3t HOUSES, stores. Oemls, Paxton block. ' ' D-S55 BEE HENRY 13. PAYNE. 60i NT-TiVET D-856. HOU8K8, etc. h D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. ' , D-8S7 T ' I I'. ' ' ' - - HOUSES and flats. Ttlngwalt, Darker block. 7 - . . . D-S58 HOUBES wanted'. Wallace, Brown block. ' ' D S5D CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam 8t. i u sm T.OH RENT, 2124 Sherman ave., 10-r., mod em, $35 Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th. D-S61 MODERN 7-room, near park. 1&09 8o. :thT D-lCfi 2222 IZARD ST.. 6-room modern flat, III. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th St. D-8 'r8"" IQ LET..lelant.large,13-room homa; larife lawn and barn. 175 per month. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1126 Farnam St; l-rtAOM Imiiiie. lint I, ntul nlnmiti tfiih .n,t Charles. Monroe & Co., 811 N. 16th St. IM53l I lran a 1 fl 1 an T . in kitchen; large barn niid almost two III II UUllll ll'l 14(1111-111 l"IIV. i1 I OMAlf A LOAN-A-TRITRT m . 15th and Douglas Sts. ..-. - , , .Ti.-t.w COTTAOK on. Omaha Reach, Lake Okoboji, ' for rent. Cant a In Slaughter. Armv Heitd. quarters. b M513 JeJI . 1 1. ,,, fur msrrr, June i, s-room brick house, all modem. 3IR N. Md Bt. D-342 ,1414 8. 13TH 8T.. 3-room cottage'; freshly, will Mnt . a nrm .1 n,,,Lll iM,.c,.a, ... iciti ... n Qww., tenant nun reierenccn tor a mnn in. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 18th and Douglas Sts. " D-rMS2 1001 S. 80TH AVE., 6-room modern, cottage wim uani; imm cnniminii; mil, ra, . OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. . -. llth and Douglas Sts. a D-Jdm FOR RENT, 2215 Farnam, 11-r. all modern large yatd.good barn; 160. Byron Reed 1314 K ST., South Omaha, 6-room corrhge In. I gooa repair, rent, tu.ui- OMAHA LOAN A TRUST CO., 40111 KI1U UUUI'H Din. V Jt-H MODERN '7-.'o'om flat, 24th and ' Farnam, 12. H. R. Graham. DrM53 1 1 NEW. dalntv enttaaa. 0 rooms. 29th Ave. and Dodge; ready June 1. Strictly up-to-- date. Call 2906 Dodge St. D-M39 U-ROOM modern house, i24I8(Cd nltol avo- Bee Bldg, FOR RBNT-4174 C- Btl' Wy desirable moderns cottage, .larga j yatj. good' barn. ii.wj.f- ... U70i'Chlcluji?l., itf-coom-moderni freshly painted nnd papered, large yard, good unrn, - .a Patterson t YeUr, 423 Paxton Block. U2iCA68,. rooms, modern, and barn.- 2222 Ni llth st.( 6-room cut toga;, largo yard; tli.00. 15SI N. iOth, 4 looms, I10.0U.. Others. Rlngwalt, BarkfMkr i) D-MU4 !--s Ci r"OK RENT, elcgtiht 10-room hbuse, all mederp; Jut repapcred and new plumbing it in; goon Darn, isz-i'vviri si. isreuniti ve Co., 309 8. 13th at. D-M95 7 roAtiitWtil ..t,. -room moirn npu, dim Mason, m., near park, pjoe lawrt and shade; i5h bobbins; iw. ,rvM si-., FOR RENT; modern residences 8 rooms., . 2017 N. 20th sti Bremian.Love.Oo1. ?M 8. utnsi.- , i tf , skMyt!'. -. . i .i ii . . . . ...... FOR." RENT, desirable, furnished cottage,, modern, location excellent; T 35, .Ue , FIVJ3 unfurnished rooms; nil modern. 2711 North 22nd Bt: ' D-977- FOR RENT, for the summer, lo small fam- IlX. fWlli-'.Turnlshed Jn9i,chtt:e.'Mocan tlon,.opp0sll8 IJjgh sfhool" Addrem T'30. ,-Kea$ i . ty'-.DUMW 4 BVANTkIJ 2tVJ atrln TM nH, t1 7R ill" Wrivv (J 1 c iA.i'i-.uirt -ur - Live. 8,rlB' a2i Dodge. TeAS.. STOCK AND COMPLETE' 8TOCK DOrt, , ,7... TOR. This splendid .book 'cpntafn,!tVl.40O WANTED, lady Tlirkfsh' bath' operator; JPM, i'PS,'16!1: must have had -cood I experience Apply "r -Y&K feSu'ViV J'0.0 .-fcl room 220,0 girding. C-fcV $ tff&fa RELIABLE help. Canadian ofncc.1622 Doug., &$iW$l .,-.. VAgenw liv.tlio c6unto' fttV horse? iind WANTED, grl for gehtra( housework. ,100 -!!K?cinJlly, W I3: fiAi0la a t i 1 - ,r.O make panllv J 60 to S100 per month. ..Ad IlX. fMIH-'.Turrilshed iio9i,che4t:e.'Mocanh.i4j1g4prnoaa,i.J.-HrfliUar. 203 Nvtl.t; 7-ROOM furnished house .for,'Hq, aurrimer Mason" tv ' ''"" '"! - . -1,287 r r- i i t-RCOM modern flat, 2T,50. 254 pous'fts " ' . ' ' D-M331 5 ROOMS, N. 2th, near Cuming. 19.00, 1 rooms, b. iutn. near vinton, is.oo. ttTUUIH, mil, , en T..I, in, u 111 geod repair, ,laa f"" laundry, Jio.00 BUAHU Ur, TAU,ti UUIUUIISli. . " ' D-2G3 i? FOR RENT FURNISHER ROOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-S63 THE THUR8TON, 15th an Jackson; steam. HOUSEKEEPIN.G room., JlmSi: Mary's. . - E-832-JetS' PLEASANTLY located foom for young to&yr'yo sr rthI0Ut ' b E-225' KLRNIftllRI) ROOMS ASH HOARD. UTOPIA, 1M1 Davenport 8t, , K ,F-t465. aLCNCAlRN.iransleatsil'.Jiijn; leC9oliR. TJUli. Merrla'm, summer resoV.i. ",2 &Po7k.' . 1 - " l".C v. 57, N?CB frafj .Q.ath flt, NICE.robrns wljh b'oar'd.1, $? Bt" two large irorit ro'oms.'wllri board. Capitol ave. V K-MJ47 NICELY filrnlshed rooms, with board. 110 Chicago. ' FM2I7 4f; ROO.M8, first-class borird. 258I Harney. , . 'y-931-1. LAROE south front room," with board. 3W N. ISth Bt. "F-259 7 KOH HKNT UNFUHMfl,IIKD ROOMS. DE81C room space, $J per- month, ground Moor room In The lice building, facing Farnam street! no expense for lleht. heat or Janitor, service. R. C I'etcrs & Co.,, itemai Ageni-, nee nuiiaing, u no 6 UNFURNISHED chambers for man and wife. 319 North 17th 81 O 8M 2 UNFURNISHED bascmenti rooms In a cottage for housekeeping; nw children. 1120 N. 17th. Q-372 FOR RE-yr-STORES A$HloFFICKS5 FOR RENT, store In first-class 'location: rent reasonable. Apply R. ,C. I'eters '& to,, grouiuj.noor, uce uiag. i-.w FOR RENT, the hulldln formerly occu pled by The Ree at 916 Farnam St. It has fouc storlcH and a basement which was formerly sed an the nee- press room. This, will iio rented very- reasonably, if interested apply at --,'.'.u.,.Kose- wator ecretarK.-roon; 'IJcp. vbuMJlng. F.bR Ri:NT;..opt Hf.ithc Jest.-locatlq'tiaMh ' Ctcno,VA, for.hvitcher hi)j;Ot', Hny: Atjier AGENTS M.iXTK.,,r "' J.A 1 J, - r ', - . -' .-f .-II T WANTED, canvhsslng wgenW In. .every r-nnrtK- In nllclt subscfinfloits for Till! ' TWENTIETH CENTURT 'FARMER Wil in dress Century Farmer Solicitors IturenU, net lsuiiuing, umana. , j n AGENTS make IS dally RelllhjMhe obeapeet 1. w and moat perfect water ; mter, ever, if--S3i . ventertr n.tnlla at 11.50: hfrf profit:.' ex- elusive tirrltory. Seneca Filter Co.. .Sen- eca, Mo. WANTED Several curable meri In' each siaie 10 iravei aim nv"i" tiKciim, uniary M rjl ...... nn.l. ' r, w A U H A h " S n W. .-lli. commission on . nates maqe py agenu ap pointed; positlo'tt pcrmn.t)crtt to right party: no experience neccsenry, qui un questioned references a,t0.hteh cllawc- ter must be furnished. AJdrcs-r Jobhcr, 94SM Dearborn 8t Chicago., JrtMsr. y ' , ' t, ' ,,. . . vat storage:. PACIFIC Storace and Wnrrh'duse Co..t512 'Jit jones, general storage ana rorwaruin 1 Ctf OM. Van StorCo.. HliFarfiUjtels. Kja-iCS. WASTKll-TO IIUV. WAN.TED-Serondhand fjirnlturt. large cr small ioik, nigncsi pneeuf paia; arop a caru or re., J. Lcvlne; 304 Ni .ISth . ' N-MHB-JftW. WANTED-) secondhand ladles wheels Nebraska cycle t-o., uor. Mtn ft Harney . itf-wi jets WANTED To buy flro and burglar proof safe. Address, zsu vnrnam bi. - FOR SAI.B FURMTURB. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New & 2dHand YufnltVfe bobght, eoldcxcnangea. --e. t ... -o-to UPIIOLSTERING.Kth & l.Iworthv Tel, Hfil ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO.. 102-1, 8 14th St. Tel. 229fi. Now and secondhand iurnuuru uuukiii, auiu nuu -uKciiaiiKcti, s'. 0-9754JIJ-31 FlmNITCRE 7-room flat for sale4 lienp, VII Vlf "! w u . - r? , , 'i. -........ FOR SALE.. furniture focl,w.O J-rionvllats i cnoil indAtlon: nil rooms rented.' ill ! r : ( v' r FOR. SALE, aulck. at a .big sacrifice. Joa lug city, line Wilton carprt, Monitor steel range, folding bedr. ahff lots Of 'btherfirfl cles. 13U s. mn Ave. ;Orw s L- - FOR SALE HORSKS, V.KHICI.ES, 'ETC, . . . 1 SELL new, up-to-date buggies, runabouts etc. ii. ! rost, lftn ana , vet worm. . FIRST-CLASS, .ton buggy,, canopy sur- Vey and speeding wagqji; all slightly shop worn, out goou as new; an bargains. L'O.-M. Hart,-WOT Jones St. .P 36ft FOR SALE, top phaeton.. '2209 'N. Isth 8"L P-M797 Je2T" J JlORSES. fine matched carriage team,. 41. i ft"' .' .. 7p-71Jc24' . FIRBT-CLA8U top buggy., extension , top surrey ami speeuing wagon, uu sugiuix snotl worn, oui goou ib .new;-'au ottr gains. O. M Hart, 1307 Jqnemt. IV-366 8 FOR SALE-MISCEILAJiEOtJS. SAWDUST, 'cheapest post. poultry arid nog icnce. m uougias. i v-nu 2DHAND safe chap. Deright, 1119 Farpam., 0-874' TIMOTHY hay and -all kinds-of feed and cpai.-.Mojirpe u vo., bus, ,ie. SAFES, buy, sfl,,exo'Be. Sphwart3( il4 8.13. REPAIRS and supplies for all makes ot bi cycles, umana uicyc;e wp., win, at-unicago, WIRE fence for ndultry. Belglan.-har. hog field or lawn. r wire. WorJ W7.8, 10th. Bf. . , ... , Q-MS78 Jy7 --1 H '..i,,. '' BIO llneiof secondhand wheels, 13, $5, 18,(110. r0mho,tBlcycJo,Ca,r lth and Xjhlcajro Sts. tr.,'. T,00:ow ITRICK' fortaaleA iJdhn P.-AVeaVr, I'-ir-Arwatouncuy.., WRnwtcA:iet' cun,,rTiTrJino(ajcomcmwjn A W-righU" SoeAlefc FatrnQjatfc Ne - :?T,r? ,,. ?sitir. rjrORSXLE-4.Ttvo' cdwrnxiOno-Jre: Jersey miilivitei . Durham; yflpng arul, gentle. 2S24 Yfbttri SI. 1 r r' ' ' nrQ-97b-T-' -,t--1 i p ano. mtrat Ktvie unriant: noutrni re- cwitlyt tlwap.fcraih'M J)ax fyrlejfVlnktflty . AddrwTMti.Jloc. T : jiftlJiSiiL flTVDISirbfilt)flatot fashlorn iticalUddr, I- at greatly reduced price. -8. Js.IUrqJSrlcH'j 1, slv?). 1617. Fqcua.nt.,- ?' j.yf Mm':sAr-.I5. ItrtjrAndfThtrih'.tdgai ftwhrfr!-. 'ciYArRVOYASTs.-n , f.l r' MRB' FHlTZ' mwl,ura' N.W- bfa ... . . a : ri..-,- - MME. OYLMER. polmUt,v315 8o. 15th St. L ,.,;.(,, 3 .r7, MRS. E. C. HENRY, medium, 1.07 Cass. 1 r,t! JJ't ELECTRIC TREAT3IEMT. MMEv SMITH, baths. 113 N. JSth. 2d, nnr, Room 7. ' ' k KvT-7M' PBRSOVAUi-l-T !'i r?l- DR.410Y.-chrqpodlsi corns fvpfluoua I'oci nair.reinovea py aiectrniiy.. it. i., i,"r Aif - t a ' it'i n wi .iifltsiK P WXird'ttt Rurdette, v' , " ,-,) ';. U-SSO VIAVA. woman's way to health; rhllnnal I 'vt,0,"0,n bo-:trtnjR)i-if PERSONAL. UPPLIE8 for all machines! machines for k-nt. vtime sewing Machine, it-u uoug- las. Tel. 2234 U-452 EW rollers for clothes wringers. Novelty iron and Brass Works. 417 8. 10th. 'l'hone iZtt ti ,,) ., H-.M722-J.eiM RUPTURE -cured; no.,. knife,. rm pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture uure, 93i a. 1. 1-1 10 uuuamg, umana. U-WJ PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and uuring connncmeni; DSDies aaopteo. Grant 8t. U-4 M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only perfect ac- X'ordion pleating plant in the west; man oruers solicited, suite vm, uuugias miock, U-8S5 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited, Omaha Pleating Co., 10:4 Douglas. U fsii WE RENT sewing machines at 75c ,er weex. c repair anu sen parts ot an makes of machines. Nebraska .Cycle Co., corner 15th ahd Harney. 'Phone 1663. U-77ft-JS NO better work done In any shop In the worm tnan iirown diock uaruer snop; neat, clean, antiseptic; face massage; ele vator entrance or through Tracy's. U-19l-Jel WANTED 25 secondhand typewriters. Ne- orasKa uycic uo uor. jam onu iiarney. U-283-Jel8 ADROIT HAIR BAZAR New location, 1 uougias; private pootns tor nair dressing and manicuring: ladles' ehoe shining ana massagthg. ' U-MI5S DR. CU8CADEN, 113-8, 18th. U-672-.Icii MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. Hdom 7.. jt38 3 PIHLDREN for Adoption-Three beautiful girt Danes, une uiacK-eyetr ooy years or ; age, one boy. i years -old -with blue eye, one boy 11 ytjars. of-age for the farm, and '.several other children. Chi d Savltig In stitute, 50 Sd.'ISth "St. U-9V3 LEARN hypnotism; complole course by iiiaii, u..-, iiuiiiiiHirx. -ocj funicular tree. Globe News Co., 1515 Farnam St., Omnhn. U-M2UJyl AN UNDKiNl Ani.K PACT. A fact which cannot be denied la that the Prince or Omaha Is made wholly by hand ond the very best material, that could pos. slbly be pus Into .a 5c smoke. It Is made by men who have made hand-made clrars for years and a bAd cigar, could not pos- siuij- ue lurneu out. inis insuros tnc smoker the same size and nuallty at nil times. Smoke the Prince of Omaha and outer, it is he straight THE W. F. BTOECKER !'!( All C.fl. Save the bands of the Stoecker cigars. U M213 8 MO.MEV LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa taring, at o per cent; borrower can pay 1100 or1 any multiple; uny Interest date;' no delay. Rrennan-Love Co., 309 8. ISth St., Omaha, Neb, W-X87 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha, real esiaio, urcnnan-L.ove v.o., rj noutn utn. W-SS WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. ueorge v-ompany, ltwi i-arnam street. , . W-fl89 .WANTED, city, and farm loans; also bonds ,' and warrants. R. C. Petera & Co.,, 1702 FIVE percent money: Bemls, Pdxton block. w S91 MONEY to loan at 4Mi and 54 per cent on umana property, w. u. ateikie, ioi s. 15th. W-S82 PRIVATE money. F; D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W 893 FIVE and. 5U. per cent city and farm loans, Garvin Uros., 1613 Farnam St. W-631. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L, ". W-895 CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngtqn, COS nee. ilGNBY TO LOAN on Improved ral estate; ' R ner cent Interest: no commission: orlvi- I . L- A I.. t tAA W MA.JI WA,. VMM , ivbv u t'nJi'm v. iiiuiq I'vtui p itiip turity. iNorinwcRiern Aiuiuat i.iic ins. Co., John W, Cllsh, special loan agent, . ;i4 First Nat'l JJank Bldg Omiha, Neb. ' ,i W-897. a, AND. 6H per cent loan. W. H. Thomas, First; Natiprtal .jliank building. Tpj. 1648. iWANTED. city, .loana,,and warranls.,W. arnam-omun . v-o., iuj ratnara oi. .... W-M581 "MONEY TO I.OAH-CHATTKLS. DO YOU NKED MONEY? We loan 10 and lip on. furniture, pianos, norses.ana otner.cnatieiB. .... without morticage to Deonle holding nerma- ncnt positions. You can got the money In a .few. hours after making application and take 1. 2. 3. 4, 6, 6 rnonths or more In which to pay. It bock, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. We charge nothing for papers and wo give you the full amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours; our terms are the easiest; our business Is confidential and our motto is "try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 419 Board of Trade Uldg.. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) 306 8. 16th St X-901 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on. household furniture nlanos. horses. wagons, .etc, In two hqurs', time; also to rolarled. peoplp on their, plain-notes, wlth-J out securitv. Easiest uavments and low est rates In Omaha. Private Interviewing room. . American Loan Co., room 312 Brown blpck. Cor. 16th and Douglas. Sts.; entrance on jttn: at., opposite x. xvi. u. a. uiug. , T JV Jv LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED-PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, .bdurdlng houses, etc., without se curity ;'easlest terms; 40 offices In principal cities. Tclman, 440 Board of Trade Biag, -v ostj 8ALAR.Y. LOANS - unon nlftln notes: no mortgage; no inaorser; no punucity; lower rates; much easier payments. RELIARLE CREDIT CO., Third, Fioor, Room 303, Paxton Block. ' ; x-900 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. live, stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 6X1 (ton floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance on 16th street. X-S03 MONEY' loaned on pianos', furniture, horses, cows, jeweiry. uurt ureen, iu ,uarKer uik. X-904 SHORT, -time loans. JOe Pleasants, 54 X-905 uarker biocn. 11,000.00 TO place quick. M. J. Kennard & uon, suito 3iv, iirown diock. a sou MONEY" cleaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, noraes, cows, etc. u. i- .neeu, aia a. u. X-007 ii WI'nusiNEtS CIlANCEK. FOR SAE, for cash at. a bargain, 12,500 stocK or drugs in gooa .eastern iseoraiKa town. Addrts,8.Jt care of Bee. Y 777 Jt WAJTEU.. experienced pfiyslclan to take cnargv -oi our i.incoin omce; win aiso start offices In other,cltlts for competent physicians. Thyroid-Lymph Co.. 500 Bee bl'dg. Mj Y-M963 Je30 DRU0 STOCK and at bargain; hc- comit.eucKncei. Auuress uox -. i ronton, Neb. Y-M8I4 4 BEST 'opportunity for man. with capital to taKft, .cnargc tu wooqworKing Dimmers Address T 65, Bee. Y-974 3 PIJVKING mill In first-class condition for sale or rent. Good location. Address T 1 34, nee. y 7 3' FURNITURE of 12-room flat, fine location. filled with flrt-class roomers; owner must leave city; great bargain. J, H. Johnson, N, . l.ue. x-tn PURE tobacco and hand work are the es nentlalltles of the Prince of Omaha. Y-M0 4 1600' DUYS the best paying restaurant In the state. Call at Canadian office. 1522 Douglas. y-m-.vj o RESTAURANT furnltura and fixtures, nil tlrst-ciass, best location In city, grand op portunity for restaurant man to control lurge uuntuesa; uu rriinunnuir inter ic Jected.' J. H. Johnson. N. Y, Life. Y 196 KQH E.VUUAN'UE. 2D-HAND men's wheels for 'ladles' wheels. Omaha Bicycle Co., lth and Chicago Sts 1 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bid; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.. KOUNTZE PLACK cltlrens nre among the best In Omaha. You are sure of good neighbors If your home Is there. PAYNR KNOX COMPANY. Bole Afrits. R-:or5 WANT offer on line 161 and seyen-roorn House, close' to good car nno. eastern owner anxious to sell. .M. J. Kennftnl Ac Son, 3L9-W Hrown block; Rl-?ll EVERYRODY who Is anybody smoke the Prince of Omaha. iUJ M215 4 FOR SALE, on monthly payments, l-room modern house on North 24th St. car line: also vacant lots which will be Improved for purchaser on modorato payment down. Mutual Loan and Utilldlng Asoctattmi. O. M. Natttnger, secretary, lire HMg. HE-MI RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. 11. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. UiiIjii Paclllc Headauarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-912 HOUSES and lots In nil parts of city r also acre property and farm lands. The u. F. Davis Co., Room 652, Rco Uuildlnc, Rli-OiO KOL'NTZE PLACE cltltcns arc amoiiR the best In Omaha. You arc sure of good neighbors If your home Is there. PAYNE KNOX COMPANY, Sole Anc'nts. UE-:CS 5 C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. LIFE. FARMS. RE-lOO-Jeli FOR BALE, cheap, lots 27 and 28, Paulsen's Addition to Omaha, or will trade for Dcs .Moines property. Make -an offer. O. P. IlerroUl, 460 Good block, Des Moines, la. RE-'M7S5-Je27 T FOR 8ALE, ,or exchange for Columbia ttOhlo) property, two lota In .rhomburg l nd ono Burlington Place additions to Omaha; all free irom Incumbrance Address, J. A. Hartley, 84 N. High St., Columbus, O. . . HE-MllJ, SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601, N. y7LI FE." , J'E-910 HOUSES, lots, farms, londsf loans; also fire insurance. Ucmls, Paxtori Ulk. .itu-Si" FOR SALE, stork rrtilch consisting of 800 acres or deeded land, goon lrntno nousu, barns and outbuildings, about 275 lion rl of cuttle. 2i horses, hay maohltiery. wtigons and harness; nlso leaser of about i5,W0 acres or lana, including i,wv acres' or duty land that will cut fdn tons of hay. on the Platte river. In Lincoln county." Noh. Price, 12,0iW. For terms write Ruchnnnn & Patterson,- realieatata ngejitH, North Platte, Neb. , , RE-O.y KOUNTZE PLACE cltUcn'a nreuTnoitg'the 'best In Omaha. You nt& sire of 'good .neighbors If your homo Is Where. PAYNE- KNOX COMPANY; Solo Agents'. f UE-2!D o -ROOM house, 2 lots, 16th and S St Solith Omaha, uohemlun seiticnipnt, ror sale on monthly novmentn.or 110.00. 4-room house, ,33-ft. lot, , barn, for sale, payable us mommy, iuui si., near Vinton. W. .U SELHY, BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. RE 264 6 ARMOURDALE ADDITION TO SOUTH OMAHA Tina bcautirtu, itdiutlon Is lo cated .at ,26th and Archer streets. JunI outside the- city. limits. 'e nre offering ACRE LOTS in this addition for I2C0 and upward. We will assist - purchasers to build in thin addition. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Exclusive Agency. RE-363 MEDICAL. RHEUMATISM r- WHISKY - Why suffer from rheumatism when there is- a spccltlc euro for you? Why be a slaye to whisky, ODlum. morphine, tobacco Or cocaine vhen wo guarantee to cure you? Answer this by writing tne Knsor Remedy uo., rfoutn nMnkn K7a1. . I ........ ... ....... .1 (n 1 C n O '.V -M760-JeS DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading rpeclallst In diseases ot women In Omaha, would call the attention .of suffering liw1lft fry lm 1lnHtirfi) Acpyimmnrlilllnn. before and during contmement, and his treatment for Irregularities; no matter wiifiii cause, uau jjt uuufroK win ntnino, ur. I'riep, iai3 uoazo P'-. urqana. mou. 't .,, ait-523-Je23 LXblES, 500 rownrd ifor ffiT abnormal oV- stinaio case ot suppression, any cause, my repulator. falls to ,rcHcve In twenty four .hours: positively , (guaranteed; no , ergot or pills ; many sa'vwl fropi '-suicide; Ideal sate home .treatment; mall. 13. Dr. Jackson, R. .C.,,167 Dearborn, Chicago., , , I , -174 13' VIRTUAMA cures tmpdlency, resulting from Indlscrollonsuor , debility.;-. glvcvl tallty, vigor, restoring ienlres, umbltlons, asplrntlona of youth, health, fitting for success, happiness In, .business, profes sional,, social, married life; 12, or 3. fur 15. Sent" anywhere prepaid on, receipt of price. The Kldd Drug .ph., Elgin, ill, American Office, retail, wholesale, M;'eta Dlllon Drug .Co., Omaha' M. A. Dillon, South Omaha!' Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. FuU'llne legitimate rubber goods. LADIES1 Chichester's English Pennyroyal PIIIb nre the best; safe, reliable; tnko no other; send 4c stamp for particulars; "Re lief for Ladles" In letter by return rnall; nsk your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, .Pn. - ' . . . ' ' l PATENTS. MASON,- FENW1CK & J.AWRENCE, Patent Lawyers. ' Solicitors' and Experts, Washington, D. C. H.'J. cowoill; Western" Represents tlvo. -Room 315 Ramge Ulk. VOmaha, Neb. - 'Phone 178. ADVICE FREE. ,' V . -441 Jeir PATENTS No fee' unless successful: Sues "& Co., Bee BIdg., Omaha, 'Neb.' Advice free. . -168 Jyl5 WILL BUY nny good Invention or patent, '. Address Lock Box 760, Dea Moines, In. -- -M933 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. BIdg; Tel. 1J.' 1,1 T n U ..... n n fV I4l.7anl I ITTI j AllbC JUIIU.UII, w., .uu..b ,' . . I Uld'-U. Jonnson, ustcopninni, igr. 916 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367 'A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Karbnch Blk-, Tel.2352 f ' Al 1 11 MRS, JOHN R. MUSICK, "Douglas 'block. SHORTHAND ANU TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN 8ANT'S school. " 717 N.'. Y. Life via BOYLES' College, court reporter jirlnclpal, ueo uiag. g'v NER, Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's ' Theater. . -920 ..i.t.,-1 OREdO Shorthand. Om, C Col;, 16 & -Doug 'f n,r ; it n ' 921 1 LOST. TJIftT 'i7nlil rini nt with rttlal.. surrounded Dy rose aiamonas. v muer -picunu iuuiu to i.r! N, SSa Street aim BBv , ' Lost 970 3 i - ... .i . LOST, dnrk Iron krny horsey 5 -years dirt weigns i,w, rigni ui om. iuim u- port to pence station, . iqbi to j I1ICYCLE9. BECGNDHAND bicycles f rom'15.00 up. No braska Cycle Co., cor. latn ana tiarney. . -i ;' f 265 JelS N'KW ami laillen' wheels rented: 50 ceht for the evening or nfternoon, except Sun day. Louis riescner, w.i v.apitui Ave. 1 753 FISHING AND PLEASURE RUNOUT. IP vnn wnnt ennd hass and croiinv flsliln trn In l.ane-rinn. Mo. Vers' best of bote accommodations. Plenty of boats nnd minnows, write R. A. Dlttmar ror. rates 3,6 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED-To borrow 11.000 at- 7- per nen on Improved residence property, Sotitt Omaha, renting for J240 per yvur. Ad dress,. 8 48. Bee. -M31 SHOE REPAIRING. 4- SOLES, 40c; rubber heels, soles, 76c, Neb. Repair CO.. Hi pi. loin. Joe t-uioue. i-rop, - 254 3 LAL.MIRY, OMAHA Stenm L.iutidry; shlrtc. 7c, collar. 2Ci cuffs, Ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel, 54,. -9rt ('ARPEMERS AM) JOUhEH. ALL kinds of enrponter work and repairing promptly tittended to. i. T, Ochiltree, 20lh . nnd Luke Sts. r-3Z0, EXPERT ACCOimTA.Vl'S. WESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.. day Wf-Min ing, it, id, .nt, liaiiK. ti. iti ltatnimn. 2S MAKERS. OMAHA Roller Works, stenm boilers, tntiks. stacks, etc. tci. lsjy. i:tn ana is. 9i At'nmnioN PLEATi.xri. ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best. quickest. Jira. A. m. .MarK, a. n. t-or. inn and Fiirnnm. 920 PVWMHIOKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; nil business cutilldcntmi. 13U1 1)oukm.. K t R M T L tt E REPAIR I Nil . TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln. 2111 Cuming St. y3 TAILORING. 25 PER CENT saved! high class tailoring; latest resigns, aicpnen J. iirouencK. itw Farnam St. M526 J28 IPIIOI.STERINU. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 I.env'tT). Te.l.'2.'9. AtTOMOIIILES. I . .Plonccrj and Prime l'romotcrs of the Untie. Don't fall to, visit tttr Omaha pr Lincoln. See our most vorttlkr.- . .... ...mi nno in wp.n iiuini. i,miies parncui" liwi'tVlVi-JftJi1 fnr m,.w the lirt'ct CHAUFFEUR really Is. Omalia phono Qur' Dental Office i , U tho best equipped -west of Chlcngo. We make bdth Jatigh lug. Cas ond Vitalized Air for painless extraction. Bailey the Dentist Third Floor Pnston Rlook. PHONE 1CS3. a ' I'OSTOFFICE .NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested as cliHiigca niiij' occur ut any time). Foreign niitlla for the week ending June 8, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In all case.) at tho guneral postotllco us follows.- PAR CELS POST MAILS closo one hour earlier than closing tlmu shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany closo at 5 p. m. Wednesday. Regular 'nnd supplementary malls class 'at foreign half hour later than closing tlmu uhown( below. Trnna-Atlnnilu Mnlla.. ' WEDNESDAY At :30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. b. St. Louis, via Southnmutoni at t:C0 a. in. for- AZORES ISLANDS, por s. s. Archlmcdo (mall for Italy must be di rected "per s. s. Archlmede")'. at fi:S0 n. in. (supplementary 10 n. m.) for-EUROPE, per s. h. Oernintilc, via Qucenstown: at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM, per s. s.- Zeelnnd (mall must bo directed "per s, a.- Zeel find"). k.. , . . 0 - . HUHSDAV-At flao h. m. for EUROPE, per s. s, F Rlsmarck, via Plymouth and Hamburg (mall for France, Switzerland, Itnlv. Spain. Portugal. T'irkev. 1-Jcvni. Greece, Hrltlsh India' nnd Loron20' Athr iliiez, villi Cherbourg, must be directed per s. ft. i-i rusmnrcK"): nt 7 a. in. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITAr.V -SPAIN. PORTUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT (JllBKUK, UICITlBll 'INDIA nfld LOR ENZO MARQIIEZ. ner s. s. Lit- r?hnnt. paviie. vla"llri.vri'' (rriall for other riarts of Europe, must b directed "fitr s. a. Lu ('liiiinnaeno"). '' ATUHDAY At :30 n. in. for EUROPIs I.ND direct, per' s. . Anchorla" (mall must do tiirecicu - per s. s. Anchorla') PRINTED MATTER. rrfC.-Thls steamer taxes iTiiucu iviaLier. uommerrini 1'nni.ra nnd Samples for Germany only. The came Liasa ui uiuu inuiinr mr Qtncr parti ot Europe will not be sent hv this whip unless speclallv directed bv ner. ' After the closing of the Supplementary x i oiiD-itiiiiiu .iiiiiib uuaieu aimye, au dttlonal supplctncnt'ary malls' aro' opeiiud on tho plors of the American, English French--and' German' atekmera' and , main open' until within Teh. Minutes' of iuo-iiuur ui Diiii:: ui aieiner. Mnlla for' Son th and Central 'America. ' ' Wept Indies. Et.' '' . TUEBDAY-rAt 2!30'a. m. for NORTHERN inwvjii., per a, , i.noonene; .nt,:j) a arcnadu; at 0:30 p. m. for .JAMAICA, por , ------,-- ,--. 1 IIV. XL p. m. 111 urtmym-n, per a. s. uranla, from Phi ndelDhla. WEDNESDAY At 7 n. m. fnr nmHri Brazil, Argentine. Republic.. .Uruguay ..Tnd '.'Paraguay directed "per s. s Hevelluit"): at. 9:30 n. m. for INAOUA oar h. a. nrvu iuh iniHii rnr Nnp ha,n nt u uani) pr n. a, ueivernoii; at 12 m. for CI'RA YUCATAN. .CAMPECHE TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS, per, s. a. Eal ptranzn, via Havana and Progreso (mall for .other parts Qf Mexlcomust bedl rented "ner h. s. 13snerann"i THURSDAY At 12 m. for v NASSAU. 'QUANTANAMp and, SANTIAGO, per s Ort 11 llrt nf Clin v A La,. . n. otniiKiKM. " "1. lUf, JAMAICA, per s. h. Admiral Sampson, from Boston 'RIDAY At m. for MEXICO, per V. e Orizaba, via Tamplco (mnll must be dl reeled ''per s. s. Orlxabn")'. SATURDAY At 9 n. m. for PORTO RICO. por s 0. ronce, via ban Junn; at Q a. in (Hiipplemontnry 9:30 a. In.)' for CURACAO' .nnif VENEZUELA. Per h. a. Hlldur (mall for Savunllln and. Carthagena -must bo cil rected' ".per.s. . midur,r,' at 9:30 a.,. m. (supplementary 10 a, m.J for ST THOMAS. ST. CROIX, LEE WARD, -und WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEM'ER- otipe. 'MhrtWrnne' atid nnrbhdWrnuHt 1 directed 'fper . 8...Prtbrfs."); at s:3ti a. Iin''(auppwmentnry 10:30 n. m.Mfor jfrt'Rl'. TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, HAVAN ILLAt CARTIfAOENA nnd OREYTOWN, ner a. h. Alleghany (mall for Con in niAa must bo directed' "per s. h. Aljeshariy"); it 10 a. ni, for NEWFOUNDLAND, ft6r h, b. Silvia;, at 10 n, m. for CURAV yfcr s. s, Morro Castle, via Havana; at It) . m. for OUADELOUPB, M'ARTINIQUH Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to'ttnttW 'Sydney, und thence by steamer,' close at "this offlr.e dally at 60 p. m., cVrtncctlnu eioso here every Mormuy, Wednesday 'nna flttlurdiiv. Mails 'for -Mlmlulub. hvi-i.n tn Boston, and tnencc by steamer, close, at this offlco dally nt 0:30 j. m. Malls -'or uuua, iy rdii to run xampa, W la., and by riteamer, close at this Offlco dally, except Sunday, at a a, m. (the connecting closes are 011 Monday, Wednes day nnd Saturday). Malls for Cubn. hv ml) to Miami. Via., and thr.nt-o by jtcanier close ut thin office every Sun day Ht 6:10 )). m. Malls for Mexico t-.'ity. ovorianu. unless sutfcliiliy addressed fnr ilU'ntclL hv yirnmer. pIomh At ttilu nr. ftco dally ut 1:30 p. m. und 1.1 p. m.. Malls for Costa Pica, ltellze, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, .and thtncu by steimer, close a, this otllce dally at '1:30 u. m. (connecting closes here Mondays, tor Dellze. Puerto -Cortex and Quiitemala und TueHdayr. tor Costa Rica). "Registered mail fit v p. m. pievloua duy, . , 'rruna-i'niiitic ninli.. Mulls for Huwall, via San Francisco, close here dully nt b:30 p. rn. up to June "a ror ilispatcn per s, s. .eairumia, Mnlla for Hawaii. Janan. China and Phil lpplne. Inlands, via San Francisco, close ; iicro iiBiij' oi ' i'. nu i" ' I inciueivc. or -aispaicn, per s.-s. uutut, urn iibi b, n, i-.uiiiui, ui ui'unaiown ; at .3d n. m for NETHERLANDS direct, n"r s. r. Potsdam' (mall must be directed "per h. b. Potsdam")! nt !0 n. m fn Jr'r' i- m. (supplementary 10;3O';i. m.) for CEN TRAL AMERICA (exeunt Cos ri , Rico) and..SOUTH PACIFIC IQRT8. per aJs! Cl-y of VVuhlnglon, ,vla Colon (maib.for GuateniAla must be .(JlrecUd '.'per. a. h. City of Washington"); at TO a. m. for tiitt;..u, ana iitiisiiJAn. P4)STOFFCE .NOTICE. Malls-for Chlnn and jApan, via Vancouver, .oinsenera tinny at p. m. up to uune "U. Inclusive, for dHpatch per a. s. Em- lpross of Japan (registered mall must be uurcL'tsa "via viincoavrr ). i Main tun- Australia (except v wrilrll M fnrtb-nril.t vtA y.eniqnd Fiji, Samoa and iSart FTanelsro. close here i Irtj. nflor Mnv 1A a n.l tin Inclusive, or on arrival of e. ?, I'mbrln, I uue at Mew- lornuunr "lo, tor aupatt" per b. a. -Ventura. ut tv in. tin to June "17. Inclusive, in iiiaiuiirii up i m . m. nnnrHiina iini i.wis iur iiinii ntui uupuii, via onuuci i-iono-nere tiony nt n:w p. m. up J"" 'is, 'jnoitisive. for aisnatcn ier s. s. Kin -shin Marti (registered mall must bo ill- reeled, "via Mrniiin". I ..inns mr .niim nnu jnpnn, via incinn. close here dally at fi:30 p. m. up to June Jo. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ta I'omiip ' Mall foi Atlftralta (except West Attttratla, wini'ii- goes via h.urope una .cw eaianu. .IllUnnitt l9UipiVUIIllTll Illlllir. m Ptttl' I .1 j ,..,..i. i - X. .. i . . .. - I 3)., Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 P. mi up lo-June 26. Inclusive, for d!s- patch per s. a. Australia. . Trans-flclflo malls are forwarded to port or sailing tianv and th ma is'arranaeil on tl tig daliv'and the schedule of clos- the presumption ot iPiV....""'"'.-'?!!1 i.ran,:,.,l vimlf d.iy. COHNELIfo VAN COTT. 7?ntmrtster. PoslOfflce.' New York. N. Y. May 31, 1901 I.EUAL" NOTICES. -r- RECEIVER'S NOTICE. lnMhfr Dietrlct Ctiurt In' anil for DotigUs 1. .,,.1... MaI....!... iWIHUnj.G. Madden, 'plaintiff, ngninst Ne- braska Fire insurance Company et n .. de- fendants. Notice .to creditors of said In- sjranco company to present their claims . .ll.J.l.n.l. iui uniuviiun. . - , slirance Uompatiy. .who' have hot claimed or recelvethqlhrlsriVspecOVo. tllvldends hereto- fore ordUMiint the nbovo entitled ftclloiv. Yau, ant! coch if you,' are' hereby notified that In and bv the order ot Iho court In the above entitled action, mado and entered on thi. 4th dav of Mnv. A. D. 1901.' enu must To All rreuuora or Tne etirasKa Mrc in- present for payment your respective claims for dividends heretofore ordered In raid ncllonvwithin i ouys rrom the completion of h6 publlcatlorttot this notice, which time will expire oii tho ;ilst jkiy ot.AUKlut, A. D. 1901. and tnaEUtllcs-.ypu o no your Tcspcc tlve rluhts-.o surli tdlvldrhds will be con cluded And -you will-be barred UfMhe right to participate In the funds appropriated theiefor. , " SJch claims may be prsentiUl nt the offlco of the .undersigned r.elyef In tho Iirown uiock. in .inor-iciiy ot umaim. In Douglas cotiittj'aforesnld, or transmitted to him at that address by mall. uateti tnis.ajtib un-y or May, a.- n. jsoi. f n ALBERT U. WYMAN. Receiver of the said Nebraska Fire Innur- nncei company. MBy3ua-!iin-aui notice . To-- rimiiKrts. 'Notlcu'ls herebv alven that aflalerf nro- posals will he received at the office of tho Commissioner, df Ppublle Lands and Build ings uttll 9 o'clock a. jn., June 16th, 111, 5C!srKJJle)f'!.g,nr,,cle" .t?,'.he Neb?ask i llosolla) for the insane at Lin- to be delivered at said hospital. Estimates nre lettered A, B and C. illdders may bid upon any one or nu. A 156 metal ,beds, 150 rockers, 250 dining room chair; H J56- hair mattresses. 15G cotton mat tressc. 158 moss -mattresses, 156 pillows. .C 2.200 vards unbleached sheellne. ti1 yards .unbleached muslin, 175 white cjulli. j,iai ynruH, bii . unon unnieacnea crnsii, ww yards bleached muslin, 100 yards table oil cloth, white; 250 yards unbleached table linen, 1 grdss No. 10 Coates' white cotton l no iicscriptiou ,91 i)ii , nriicies may on found ,,nt,, the ofllcc .of Commissioner of Public Lands and .RtllldlliKS. No nrnnosals shall be received .unless in tl,d nfllce of t;ommissioncr ui I'tiouc i.angs ana ijunci lugs on or before the hour'nhd day above mentioned 'and no" bid Is considered as awarded until revenue stamp Is affixed In bond. '.No .bid In which iimnlii nrn called for- will be considered unless fame nfe kubmltted. rrhq Toari. reserves the right to reject apy ana nu niu?.-' GEO. D. FOLLMER! t'nm. P. L. & n. Lincoln, Neb.. Mayi29, 1901. . - -MJldlOt GOVERNMENT NOTICES. CHIUF bUAR.TERMASTER'S OFFICE .Omahit, Neb., May 25. 1901.; Sealed pro- ponin, in iripiicBie. win oe rccetven nere n ml 1 1 1 ndli-Mi nf OilnrlATMnO.-. n. tloiiit named, inlll 2 p. m., central time, Jihe 28. 190V, rtnd then opened for furnlsni big OaBrnjt. Hay and Straw; during the irrs mi in 'nimji itu-iimm. liURiiiiTi. xijul. AfKan -.Jk trttf Tra-A ff V. ,T T a . IhhKr accept 'any niNhll 'prorxisfils.- or any part thereof Information furnished on applica tion here, or (o Quartermasters at stnllons named. Envelopes containing proposals should bo marked ''Proposals for Forage," and addressed to'uudersgned, or Quarter masters at stations above named, F. H. HATHAWAY, C. Q. Mi ' ' -M3l Jl 3 4 25 26M OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER tJ'J'?Infe".nR'no'at.rln'8 of tw0. uinuiij. LNirruuKn nr. i- or iiuey, jian,, nna placing sanitary plumbing in sume. Full Information furnished upon application to U ZS"Z;u,"rJ" a"Jfia?!."l!: i" a-.lj. ....v.". ,1'iu.m Cl.ll, njlUUIIIVIIllUllO JI1UY We Bcerr. Proposals tt be. marked "Pro- E?fJ? .0.rjA',r.,.n.eS. a. Fort Riley. Kan." h;H. ' HATHAWAY. fi M. JI-5-12-13 OFFICE 'CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- t5SfittS,"'V?t' Lenvenw'prth, Knn.. June 3, rdW Junft 17f li;: for construction of roads, curbs. 'Bldewalka. gutter,' drains, catch '".o-dd" nlshed on application 'here,- br nt office 2fJ?v.1. $Shl".,Ua,Xin',0mSh;'i V' a r"' FA?Twt rfnereofa.n'EnC velones :to .be Indorsed '.'irnnn..i. tw Grading, ctj.V'?addrdsd b. E. &I'CARTHY. q' M JI-5.6-M4-15 OFFICE 'CHtEF QUARTERMASTER- conaitions, win do reccivea at this ofllce rthd, by- qimrtermafter; Fprf Riley. Kan- RkU7?&iMoCr artillery hhuips anil -one (1) hospital "taWe Si.rifwJV1oy;l?an,'n.?' ..Fuil ,nf25"' mationr'firrnlshed uport'nppllcat on to this ofllcc, or.W trie TtuarWrmaliter. Fort Riley, wnere pmns nnu epecincations may be ?SSn.h,i2S0.,a,S-nV? nMmaf1?...0,S,,,. for Htables at rort ltlley, Kansas." F. H. HATHAWAY; CO. M. M2T.2S-Jo4.5-M WANTED -For U. 8. artny. nblr-bodled KftWfcfc'.? g"oo5 chftrifctefana temperate 'habits, who cah 5PinJFA.JS9.!LiilAlkrtSi5i.5.nli,ll-i '5T.An' SKi. ittXStXrX0'' l'r' ,M 1 ?-: ''- -. : ' i.-.- ,' t.ii '1 ' 1 " !m TTTTtSS 1 , qa4V.4)FF,I;iL,OTICtSS :u i 1 .fi.-i ;i . ATTENTION. TAX PATERS! ' Tha Board of County. Commissioners of Douglftfl coupty.. Nebraska, wlll slt- aa s cnuntv. Nebraska, will alt, aa bourn c oqualtxl coimtv bi 7e'quallatloti for the, purjipso of lh lh rf i 1)ah frta'at er's chamber umber at the court house, Omaha, P sessment. that any'errbrs a t0 villuatlon Er..S;. a.Uitcd Ty !1.oar,1 01 th Uw ' n. nrd...'nf In. Tlnarcl ni fTnlintv i!nm. uj V ' . . ' . . " T : - . , m s chera.V ' lOmahai' May i-'.. 1901. ' ' HA VERLT, County Clerk. By C. L. HARRIS. Deputy. ' May27 dllt RAILWAY OfJIDE .UNION TATION-HITII AND MARCY. t.'nlon .Pacific. Leave, Arrive. LlncoTn8trom.brg..B.f:C5 pm bU: uiii a d ni n?and i ia7.d.ocal 1 . " bSlODm b i-U Urand island L.OCai......D pm n s.u Pacino & Atlantis' Ex'. Chlcatfo A. Northvreataru Chicago .Special a. 7:00 am all:30 Chicago Passenger.. .'...a 4:15 pm a 1:40 Eastern express a!0:55 am a 4:06 liastern,Spcla.l,...,, 465 pro a 4;M tvnicu itoos via Han KriinriKcoi ntui nn i i..? - .... Islands, via Vancouver, closo here dally f?" H-1':".': 5i '.7? ?I r'in. ?I5 at 6: p. m. ufter Juno "15. and tii to Chicago Lxnrcss. bll 15 am ti lu am June "23. -inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Des Moines Lock.. ...... .a 4 JO pm a 4 45 pm ti ' i . u-,, o. i ii,i,.drn irttiif rcxnres3..n o:w um i i u un nBum -jcui VUIUMIC111.111E jui- 1. iwi, ui nainon IV) and un second Cabin. Ktz.Bvana Forls Crook. Niobrara and Robinson. Ne- H",2 onVliird Class-126 and upwafdai av,tF0t-;bJ??i, Jeffc? ForllteTl "folder and further InWtna- iXla . 'in T-.;;:,iifiil i .Vi . .lPa v, secretary of the navy, passed through- Dn- poSHl8,.'ln triplicate, subject to -tho usual - . . . ,. i., . conditions, wjll bo received at: this office ver enroute to Washington after a visit of until t O'olotlftn. 'Ki;! central time. .Tinin Ahniit twn weeks with his family. DOW Stoar- FK'h'llWS 7 A.uesaay, june u;, jwj, a.t ,10 in' the 'interrsi mi concernea. wilfl re- daTurand"'j?:' ilSf ,s rance,ot universal good ,rcitll)s," dUys, n6t ItVcludlhk Buridnys;.. All. nersons . ,M..'f 4v..iii' '' ' owning real or personal proner.ty.s.utiject to t. Htv to, Ayiia. I roniii. , , tuvniinn sbmlTd"ca 1 and examine their as- Now Is the time to provide yourself, and nu..lan T imlfArt a K:20 Am a. I'.Ki nm I FaS Mall..;.-........'..:. ..a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm Il"Ptkrr ui iedhls MU and Expre......v...a .35 pm a, 4:25 pm iXhWi I'mnrann -sdic ki t RAILWAY allJDE. (Fast Mall , ,, , a 2:45pm unmna - cnicago it'a,..a 7 ;5 pm a i:w am Fait Mall , ;...n 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm aionx uitr .t i'nninr pm am pm Chicago Limited a 6:00pm a 1:03 am tnicago & umana kx.,d jus am o j:w pm Illinois central. a 7:00 am a 5:10 pm c, ftaiii i.imii-j it nm niv iiinnii nnna a . u nam Extiress b 7:00 am b (149 cm Fort Dodge Local, from fort Dodge Local, from ...... n itin. , .m Wahaah, St. Louis "Cannon Hall" ' Express a 5:15 pm a S:I0 am ChlcnRo, Hock Island At Pavlac. v...-- - - Ti Mnlnrq. Itnok Island & Chicago a 7:40 pm a ;5j pm Lincoln. Colo bprtng. Denver, Pueblo und . .., West .a 1:30 pro l.ll pm Colorado. Oklahoma and Texas Flyer a 6:20 pm a 1:50 am Missouri Paclnc. St. Louis Express al0:00-am a 6:25 pm k, C, & HI. Li, uxpress..aiu;ou pm iim omnha A St. Louie. St. Louis ' Cannon Ball"rtS:l pm a 1:20 am L.ucul . a, i;waui j.w (ira a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. , WEnsTEii depot la'rii & wtniTKit, Chlvaiio. St. l'lilil. MluneapalU A ' K A A .N Omnha. Twin Cly PanriKcr....a B:bO am ' a'O'.lO'.ptB I$?x fy p.uiengef. .a 1:45 pm iU:WS g;mcr6ii Local ....... 5:30 pnr b;5; m l-'rciiHinl, Eiunorn Js" 1iUsirl .Valley Leave. 'Arrlva, Black 1IIIU, Deadwood, Hot Springs ...... .i.. .a J.OO. pro a l.-OO.pra Wytmilng, i-asper and ..D0.u8,a .""1;"',V.':,'lVd 3,co pra s,:W'I,m ,'a.ff",,K,-R 'nn ' City, Supe 'u ,.M.nm ht.L. ' . Exeter and Seward...,b 3:00 pm 6:00.pi I.lntiln itnrt Kr.miant -. b 7:30 nm bl0:26 8B1 Fremont Locals c 7:J0 am .MIsourl l4notlli?. ' ' ' Nebraska Local, Vis Weeping Water ...... .b,4:10 pm. .aW:5 tea T)nltw. t tlnllv ex'cenl' SilWdljr.' c'SUnt ay only, d Dally except Saturuftya Daily .except Monday. ' "' ' . . i. ' llt'RLINGTON STATION IOTH MASON nurllngton A Mlsionrl.IUer. Nebraska ft Colorado ' ' ' Express n a 8:10 Am n 7.33. pm Wymote, Heatrlce & ' Lincoln ..n 8:to nm bjl:55 an Denver Limited...'. h 4:2j"pm a B:o prh Ulacu lints it Puect Bound, Denver Can- , . nectlcn , a9:0f-pm a :4J art Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm a 9:17 an Fort Crook and Plaits- Beilevue .,Pac'ific'jct'.'.n 7:40 pm a s:20 a nlllcvuo & Paclllc Jet. .212:10 am mnUtn u i;-v om utiiw kiii t-liitami. otiriiuuioa ,v n.r. Chicago .Special .....a n!0:20.iim Ch cngo Vestlhuied Ks..a 4:W pm a ,: am Chicago Local a 9:30 am n 4:05,pm ClllcaSS Llmlled..: a 7:50 pm a 7;4J am Fast Mali ?: V Kiinnns City. SI. Joaepli Council UlnrTs. Kansas City" Day Ex. ..a 9:20 am a :25 pra Itansas City Night Bx..al0;30 pm a,?:".;" St. Louis Flyer .a 6:10 pm oli:I5 am a Dally, b Dally cxet-bt Sunday. IWeetri Vamt i Ban. 7 Hsurt. tt a1lnataa. I '" ' , ..,.':..w ' t 1" aosiufi to LiraaruuL is uyeaaaiuri. Cemmenwsatlh, Tain Scrtv, 12.000 Tan Jun B I N Enaiand, I PORTLAND Ivincouier. I ts LIVERP004, via 0UKCNIT0MNI ni. " lunaiai IVsncouier.... June 22 I Dominion I"' J I Csmbromtn .lunt 81 Vancouver June 221 Fer Itrlktr Ishraitllos. slants C ni;'i Offlm. 9 Ptsrtare Ctlcaf. HI. , Direct noate to filasnorr Bxalbltlan ANCHOR LINE , dtrautaUlpa.froiu Nctt Yol-W,eaUlF JA GUASGOW - VIA MINDONDBBbY.i OEO-. E. A B HOTT. 131 Fa rpa V j Omah. ' i 1 1 i GOOD POLICY AND GB0D LAW Secretary I. onu tJlira Ills Vlerra on the Hoprrmn Conrt De- I DENVER, Junn '3. Hon. John D. Log, Ding at Colorado Springs. While here He , , , .v.. ,, K out for. the first time a statement or his views on. the supreme court decision, la the Porto Rlcan cases. It follows; I , , , . . m . . , ,,' , The decision of tho Downes ease atrs- tains trio, ant? Is,, if tne'vow of the republic In act-.OrdaOce cans In con- bTs. I understand tliat It recbgnlzei' fully and clearly the power of congreas ,to legls- lte In it. discretion W.h" regard' 'totho revenue relations of our Insular possessions, Any other construction of tho constitution than 'this would have, made the regulator, of our relations with tho territories a, maia of Inextricable confusion and Inefficiency " Pl ' '"ow t0 i wniiM hvn resulted In the stav of 'our. ceaa- merca prdgreVs. It Is not eaay o detail thK embarra,Bn,entB''ln which Ihe' adm.lHl- tratlon of lnanlar affairs would havo been lereiu irou mai ui mn hii i io that the tamo leglslatldn for both Is simply impracticable. This Is so c.eir that lt .ee. wiinoui anting, nuu 111m ucciaiuu ia iuiiu- nte. Now because of this' very thing, there . ,u ,w 4h-, .., aro thoie wh0 that ,tho c0Urr been governed ny ino necessities 01 uc ciia and the Interests of the administration. On .. . .-r ..i.i. ,hB contrary. I believe no other decision waa justifiable as a pure matter ot consti- tutlbnal law' and" OT precedent. Tl 1s tha Ue.lon Ruined by John'Jn.lncy AdkmiM .John Marshall, by Dame)-weoeter.-jDy toe most" eminent athorltle'"hnl . by pWki'us WW c6urt,lfae(f. f'ihf ,bld,ptd slavery days'.ttbe pffjirj: was made1, to- oarr: j. -j'-k i'H'.iin;i.arvii,ii'.. uJL'jim carry slavery into tno lorriiories'unner lae.aeory that ,tho t;onst)tutlonvr'eBt.-'there .l(ilt, " . uui: L? P0!," Pf'"'"!'.' .'',"' 1 "v5 a the present, decision 01 me-supreme court. "The country will breathe freer and, tha I .. - . , ,. ... ' strengthened In lis work, will carry Ien family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, .'iCls al- most certain to he needed before the sum mer Itf over, and II procured now may Save you a trip to town In the night or In, your busiest season. It Is everywhere admitted to be tho most successful, medicine In'ute for taowel'complalnts, both, for children and adults. No family can afford lo be wllpput It. For eale by all druggists. Soldier Iboota Workniau. DENVER. Colo,. JUnOv-Ji.O. Ay"er. a worKtnan in tne employ or junge a. w. near rort iAgaii, .was morning by. Private the Drovost auard of am i - --..T7- v.'-r:. ...l .' - - 1 ' " . . . 'rn pm ary no. . waa m . n,, lm aTiard house.' Wright aaya the killing waa am ,,. . itf. intended to r nvar th head of Avers, whom lie mistook for tha pm escaped prisoner, and who did not obey the am .order to get out of a ditch in which the pm prisoner was thought to .be hldlrjg. An pm inquest will be held. MtfrnMi .New V'O'Expres.. a ; am- al0;25 iiV.h vln i win t- ny i.imiteu; acsu pni b:io daUy at sYso Sioux City Local. ,.... am a 3:50 ft June 15. iiiirnnn, .niiTrniiKre v si. - I I ri.- IIaIh.. X. IVlvnn.