Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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An Excellent Combination.
Tlio plensn'lit method nnd beneficial
effects 6t the well known remedy,
Hvnur or Flos, manufactured by the
CAMFOHKr.v Fid BynuP Co.. Illustrate
the value of obtaining tluv liquid laxa
Uto principled of plants .known to'bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in tlio form most ruf resiling to the
tasto n,nd acouptnblu to the Byntein. It
is the one" perfect htrc'iifftlionitiK laxa-tl"-,
cleatislu' the system effectually,
dispelling colds, Iioatlaches nnd fevere
Rcntlv yet promptly and, enabling one
to overcome liabltu'ril eonstljiatioiincr
inanently. Its. perfect- freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and itn netinidn tlio kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without weakening
or irritation them, make it the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing flff
are used, as tlicy are 'pleasant to tho
tnst.n, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtnl.ied from henna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to the Cam ronNtA Flo Stbop
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
moibvilxj:. kt new vona, it. r.
Tor Mis to; alt luigia'.a. Price K)c. oar bottlst
Cm 0m Otst to CtptuaUr Term f
Enprtms Cetfl.
$5.00 A MONTH
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 years In Omaha
Method new, without
cjttlutr. pMn or Ion
oi lime.
CVDUII cured for lire ana ttiepoison
O T n I Ul O thoroughly cleansed from
the eTs'.im. .Soon every sign aud symptom
disappears completely and forever. No
"DKKAIUNO OUT" ot the disease, on the-skin
or face. Treatment contains no dangerous
druca or Injurious medicine.
WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victims
to Tikkvouh DsaiLrrr or EXHAUSTION,
Yoowl aud Middle Aur.n, lack of vim. vigor
and strength, with organs lmpalrod and weak.
STRICTURE cured with a new Home
Treatment. No pain, no detention from busp
ce?s. Kidney and Hladder Troubles.
Comiltitloit free. ' Treatment by Mall.
Call on on or address 1 19 So. 14th St.
Op. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Neb.
Kestorc Vitality, Ll Vljtcr end Msohood
Caro iMpotency, Nlpht UmlMions, Loas of Mem
Nrhrnskav's KfTort tn nerover Tyro
llnndred Tlmaannd nn Acconnt of
llnrtler Crops Not So Thlrstr
a Reported.
(Krom Htttft Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., June 3. (Special.) Be
cause of the failure of one of
tho defending nttorneys lo appear
laH week before the referees, tho
caeo of the State against tho Standard OU
company will have to ro over to tho Sep
tember term of the supreme court. In the
meantime the referees will complete the
taking of testimony nnd their report will
doubtless bo filed In time to permit an early
hearing when court convenes. The case
was assigned for hearing during the sitting
which begins tomorrow', but as the referees
havo not completed their work It will be
An effort will be made tomorrow to ad
vance the case Involving the constitutional
ity of the oftlce of Lincoln tax commis
sioner for hearing during this week's ses
sion of court. The case Is being fought by
several Lincoln corporations on the ground
that the legislature had no constitutional
authority to delegate to any Individual the
powers provided for the office.
Tho cas of the State against the Omaha
National bank, an action to recover $201,
884.05, which tho state lost through the
defalcation of Hartley, Is on the call for
hearing before tho supreme court this week.
Harlan Cotintr Objects.
From Harlan county comes aa emphatic
complaint against the statuto allowing
..ntmlv r.nnrHc in nlrl nffrlptllt lirsl Societies
with nubile money. Edward L. Wllllts. who SUPERIOR. Neb., June 3.-(6peclal.)-
Is a taxpayer In Harlan county, began a wheat In Nuckolls county has been rapidly
suit In district court in 1897 by appealing heading and maturing during the last week,
from the action of tho county board In Tho continued dry weather has caused
uranllne J300 to the local agricultural so- much of It to head within six Inches of
clety nnd J50 to the fair association. The the ground and the harvesting of it Is
county board afterwards rescinded Its a serious problem In some localities. A
action in regard to the $50. but refused to half crop Is a liberal estimate on the
do so with the larger amount. 1 yield
Tho trial court held that the claim was Oats are In good shape, with plenty of
valid against the county, nnd assessed tho straw, and the yield will be good. Not
costs to Wllllts. Firm In his resolve to test much ryo was planted In this county, but
the law the latter appealed to the supreme the yield will be fair. Corn Is In no wlso
court. Injured by the dry wenther. Its growth Is
Stat Fair SHe Unscttim. retarded, but the fields are clean. The
After listening to the appeals of several pastures have failed nnd the farmers aro
mombers of the Commercial club nni stock- beginning to put their stock on dry feed.
hnl1r In thi Whrnnka Exnnsltlon asso
.lotlnn hn SIb nnarrt nf Puhlte Lands and Ulsnajrrrs over Woman's caae.
niilMIn this mnrninir ncrcod to defer rn.c.iur.1, .u juiio .. levels,.,
rire BtarttQK In Baanan'a "rner
Resists All Effort o
Cheek It.
FREMONT, Neb., June 3. ftflfJL
The Are department was called oat at 8
o'clock this morning by a Are In Dauman's
hack barn on D street. The east end of
the barn was on fire and a few minute
after a general alarm was turned In, to
which all the Ore companies In tho city re
sponded. The main barn, a largo Iron-clad
structure, another smaller barn In the rear
also belonging to Mr. Dauman and a barn
across the altcy belonging to Mrs. Agnes
Htckey were destroyed. Dauman's house,
northeast of the barns, was saved, but badly
damagod by fire and water. A houso
across the alley south of the barn was
badly damaged and n barn belonging to
C. 0. Sweet. All tho horses, hacks, car
riages and nearly all the harness were re
moved from the Dauman barn and ell the
contents of the other barns.
Dauman's loss on his barns Is nbout $!,
COO, with Insurance on the building. Ills
house was Insured for $1,600 nnd the dam
ages to it will amount to $250. The dam
age to furniture was $200, principally by
water, and with no Insurance. Mrs.
lllckcy's loss on her house and barn Is $200
and Is covered by Insurance. Tho houso
was occupied by L. Parsons, whose loss Is
$150, with no Insurance. Sweet's less Is
If 00, with no Insurance. The fire caught
in tho back part of tho large barn and
spread rapidly. The Urn department had
hard work to save the Bauman and
Hlckey houses. Fifty cadets came down
from their camp and removed furniture
from Bauman's house. The boys worked
Wheat In the Conntr la llesrlnnlnajr to
Head Defore Ftilly
Bsa I. OfcftatwB tf Bsttsr City Boosts
IkMtlf Brim Ik Itmllj,
Ballet Take Effect and Leaves Him
In Frveatioaa Condition Asserts
Domestic Trouble Is Caose
of Ills Act.
BEAVER CITY, Neb., June 3. (Special
Telegram.) Ben H. Chambers, nlno mites
south of here, attempted to commit suicide
yesterday afternoon by shooting himself
with a thirty-two-caliber revolver. Tho
ball took effect below the heart and he Is
In a precarious condition. Ho did tho shoot
ing In the presence of his wlfo. and chil
dren, Mrs. Chambers realized her hus
band's Intention too lato to prevent the
deed, although sho sprang to his side as
the shot was fired. Chambers claimed that
domestic troubles was '.("sponsible.
Mr. and Mrs. Chambers are parents of
the prlie Nebraska baby, which weighed
sixty-five pounds at six months of ago.
At present It Is 5 years of age nnd wclgh
over 200 pounds. It was exhibited at the
Omaha exposition, Nebraska state fair and
throughout the cast,
AtnsTTorta Yonth Calls Father,
teatlon, hat It Is Too I.Ate
to Save.
AINBWORTH. Neb., June f, -(Special
Telegram.) A 15-year-old ion 4 llllr.m
Orame, four mllet north or thl ,,,1 vaa
drowned yesterday afternoon ' tick
tn Bone creek lr.ll'poad. Mi Orams and
tTo fcr.3 were fishing along tbn banks of
the creek, when all went In bathing. Boon
after, while the father was on tho bank
dressing, the youngest boy called r,,.U
his brother was drowning, but beton.o the
father could look around the boy had sank
to rise no more. The alarm was given, but
it was 11 o'clock this forenoon before the
body was recovered. A jury was called
by Coroner Crano and found from the evi
dence that Is was a case of accidental
Ilia Conduct Will tin IHscnssed
ItepreaentntlTc of Twelve
ORINNELL, la., June 3. (Special.) I
The trial of Prof. Oeorge U. Herron, for
conduct unbecoming a minister and a man,
comes up here tomorrow. At the recent
Congregational convention held nt Baxter
a commlttco was appointed to call a coun
cil and Invite a trial of the Herron af
fair. This council has notified twelve
churches of the association and Is now In
readiness tor the public trial tomorrow.
Tho twelve churches selected by the Orln-
nell council are as follows:
The First Congregntlonal church of Ches
ter, Center, Newburg, Oilman, Marshalltown,
Carnforth, Victor, Iown City, Oskaloosa,
Kellog, Newton, Mltchellvllle and Burling
ton, and tho Plymouth church of Des
Dr. Herron has announced that he will
send a letter outlining his belief on mar-
rlago and divorces In general and his own
In particular.
It was expected that Dr. A. L. Frlsble
would represent the Des Molncs church,
but word was received today that he would
bo unable to nttend, and Hov. F. J. Van-
Horn, pastor of Plymouth church, Is now
expected. All of the twelvo churches Invited
have accepted nnd will participate.
Evidence will be Introduced bearing on
the Herron divorce at Algonn and the Her
ron marrlago at New York City. His teach
ings and preachings wilt not be considered
at all, except so far as they deal with the
main matter of the trial.
.Mim, nn h .tnt. flr erounds nroDosltlon Tho Jury In the district court In tho case
until next Monday. This extension was of tDB B,al8 ot Nebraska against Martha
asked to cnablo a canvass among the cltl- Wcst. o'l" Martha Daniels, was unable
zons ot Lincoln for contributions to mako aecuro wncmer me uerenaant was gumy,
up thn difference between the board's offer anrt a't" bol"K out forty hours, was dis
of SlS.OOO'for the old grounds nnd tho price charged this morning. They stood seven
fixed by tho association, which is $22,233. 'o nve. me case win protaoiy ue tried and each teacher in tho county is expected
Tho controlling owners of the property de- again. The case of the state against to be present a portion of tho time,
,.nfn thev will take not a cent less Thomas Hruza, charged with breaking the
(hn ih nmnnni alto.l nnd their attitude Slocumb law. by kecDlne llauor for sale University Cndetw nt Home.
... . ' .. . , .iVi.., it i. ti.1. 1 PPEMflVT. Nph.. June 3. (Knirtnl.1-
iviii rnprfl inn misineaa men iil unicorn lu a iicuav. to uu mai iuuii. 1,11a - - - -, . ' - -
rnJso n fund of $4,232 before a deal can bo case was tried at the last term of court, and The encampment of the university cadets a,.,,,,,,,,,,,, stntloneil at Dahnqne
Snmmer Xormnl of Itrovrn Connly.
AINSWORTH, Neb., July 3. (Special
Talegram.) The summer normal school for
Brown county convened In Alnsworth this
morning for a four weeks' session, with
twenty-seven teachers In attendance nt tho
first roll call. Prof. T. L. Knight, principal
of tho Long Pine schools; Mrs. T. L. Knight
and Prof. H. L. Barrlck, principal of tht
Alnsworth High school, are tho Instructors.
Miss Daniels, county superintendent, has
used every effort to make tho present Insti
tution a success and from the present out
look there Is no doubt of Its botng one. An
Increased attendance each day Is promised
.dn,. r the American Academy of
."cillelnr, Xoir In Session In
St. Pnnl.
ST. PAUL. Minn., June 3. Although the
main business session of the American
Medical association does not open until
tomorrow, Its Judicial council of twenty-
one was In scsilon today and there were
many meetings of the auxiliary bodies.
The American Association of Life Insur
ance Examining Surgeons held Its second
annual convention In Masonic hall taday.
electing officers as follows: President, Dr.
James H. Vowcll, Chicago; vice president,
Dr. J, H. Ilced, Battle Creek, Mich.; second
vice president, Dr. Talbot Jones, 8t. Taul;
secretary-treasurer, re-elected, Dr. T. A.
Stevens, Cnney, Kan.
Tho American Academy of Medicine lis
tened to paperB read by Dr. Curwon, Hnr-
rlsburg. Pa.; Dr. E. O. Carpenter, Ohio;
Dr. J. E. Robblns, Pennsylvania; Dr. Hill,
Iowa, and Dr. Ooldscholin, Chicago, who
related the result of years of experience
In treating diseased minds.
Tho afternoon program Included papers
by Dr. Holmtc, Denver; Dr. Bert Ellis, Los
Angeles; Dr. Everett Flood, Palmer, Mass.;
Dr. Taylor and Dr. Foshny, Ohio; Dr.
James A. Spauldlng, Mnlno.
Tho American Medical association will
begin business nt Metropolitan opera house
tomorrow morning. 1
made with the state board. the Jury after being out seventy-two hours,
Member of the Board of Public Lands was unnble to agree,
and Buildings are considering the advts
ability of employing convicts in the recon
structlon of the penitentiary building. Sev
Take Illn Vlrnt Vncntlon Since
Anniiilnpr Chnrr.
Water Power nt Stnnton.
STANTON, Neb., June 3. (Srcclal.)-
, or, all waslio disease.
; nil cllectsol svir-aono or
l.tfnju.u u.l.l
j)?KA nervo tonlu and
1 lilnril liulldar. Hrinm
V. W.'ih nlnlt ff'nnr to tinlo
f ehrnhn nnd restores tho
eral of the contractors who Intend to bid rop, ProSPeCtS J,? ,hlsc loc-?Uly ln J
for tho work will agree to reduce their bid ""r'shl?R J'"- Small grata Is well
i ...., .. , ., )Vl advanced. Corn has nn excellent stand and
rhcelis and restores tlio I
-flr of yoiiiu. ly maul
vfiOa Dnr luix. ft boxes fort
Rli.OO, vltli our b.nXrvblo irRurentce to cure
ir reiurta uio money rmia. eraci lor circuiai
11ml o'vrot our baiiUablo ijuarantce bond.
fmt,r1lflt Detttlta
!' "ttlvely gntirnntnod euro for Loss of Power,
If permission Is given to, employ the prls
oners, but there Is a wide difference of opin
ion as to whether the saving would be great
onough to wnrrnnt the concession. The mat
ter will bo considered further when tho
bids are opened by the onrd apd no definite
action will be taken until that time.
Hnttcrmakera' Xext Convention.'
broke up this afternoon and the boys left
for Lincoln. Sunday afternoon the camp
was filled with visitors, normal and High
scnooi siuoenis oeing m majority, uoou ntllinotlK. Ia.. June 3 ISneclal.l
health provalled during tho stay of tho Archbllll0p Kenno Is off on his first vacation
caaeiB ana no nerigun cuscn ui uiuess wcru , si.n nn (nnl rhnrir nf this nrchriloeese.
reporxea. Hn ,, ,0(,av on . trln t0 irian(. that
tho ground Is In first class condition.
Fifty thousand dollars' worth of building
Doniphan Mason F.lcctlnn.
DONIPHAN, Neb., June '3. (Spoclal.)-
Is being pushed to completion In this city DonlDhan lodite. No 86. Ancient Free and
ann many now rnoaorn nomes are to do Accoi
erected soon.
Work on the mlllrace. for the Stanton
pted Masons, Saturday-night elected
Schwyn, W. M.; 'D.'c.'dldeon, S. W.;
p. . Lowcry,
Benjamin Wilson
J. W,:
Nervita Tablets
lv I
nrlco;oe. Undeveloped or KlirunVon Organs,
Water Power company. Is advancsd and treasurer: fl. C. Humphrey, secretary. The
ii.tfrrm.wrra . " the dam across the Elkhorn river will be folowlng were appointed,' F. W., Camp, S.
Secretary E. Sudcndorf of tho Nntlonal constructed ln July, all work to be com- D. p v Humphrey ' J D' I T Ward
reamery Buttcrmakers' association Is au- pleted and tho new mill ready for operation t '' . ' ' '
thorlty for tho prediction that the next an- j by August 1.
mini mnvmtlon of the buttcrmakers will
l,n hM ollhnr In Kansas Cltv or Milwaukee. nnnnuers lonnir 'I earners .Tieet.
Th time nnd nlncc for tho moetln will WAHOO. Neb.. June 3.-(Speela1.)
Osceola Olrlcers Elected.
OSCEOLA, Neb., June .3. (Special.)
'I.a Osceola lodge No. 6fi, A. F. and A, M Sat
stltute opened I .,... ,v... 4U.,. u. ,.,,
Paresis, locomotor Ataxia. Norvous Prostto. bo decided by the executive committee, but maunders county teachers institute opened nlrtit'at their hall elected these
Hon, lfye!rlA. Pits, Insanity. Paralysis and tie ., . .rmv .,,ured that the choice Is hern odav n enrollment of 128. It ui,aay n,g. ... " ' if at.L m tt to
ltesiilu of KxcenuVe Use of Tobacco, Opium or ls "'ready url " choice is thouht the number will reach near '00 offlcers: Laurence shaw. M. D., W. M.;
Liquor. By nvUl In tdaln paoknge. 8J1.00 u between these two cities, nnd If the usual , 6 numBer w"' "f r , Oliver B. Mickey, S. W.; Arns V. Nelson.
Ivir II far stin rui urUh n!ir he.nfcD.hla rusx-
untoo bond to euro in 3C clayn or refund
ciouny puld. Adilp
o.i.tnm u fnllnwed the meetlne will he before the close ot the week. The following . w. ... A.. .,,.t.r. r.,.
during the early part of February. Mr. Instructors have been secured, all of whom BM Pulver.'trcasurcr. ' They will 'be In-
Sudendorf was ln Lincoln today conferring , . "r Y'L . I itHeS Into office June 16.
n . j . ti.,.-ii il. ,, , -. W. W. Black. J. W. Searson and Charles 1
rr r.nn J I ' -Ti J ' I III - . . . . . n . . . , .,. . I n . . .
- ..., miner, miss uena ai. uurgen ana air. L,. I Fire urainnru sinncnin
FS!" "'l?P.y..iv,Wl1. U ' , .In. Beermaker Dr. E. Denlamln Andrews. BRAINAUD, Nob.. June 3.-(SpecIal.)-
V' l.v""""" ' I n T,,.-,. c ,. i y-.i f-- , .....1... .. n..l..
IIIUKB. lOWa. ilnn will nrnhnhlv mpi within thn nnl "' umcn, oiuiu nuci miuuucin ruwicr I im cuiuuicukuiuh t.nuo u. ,,,ui,,n,w-
fw mnntha to nrranae for tho national aua ala, inspector w. uraoiree win aro Mign acnod wtm ai uib opera no.ise
meeting." he said. "While many cities lecture during the week. Saturday evening. The graduate, wore
i,i rfm.h.t... h tn v,t ihn rnnv.n. .... . . 7 . Emma Wesley. Anna Dobrusky. Wllma Wca
.m , .. ..f lo that Vho race I. be. M1 v.'IV "V.f" Jey. Charles Kavalec and Florence Talbot.
Men Suffering
from low of nervous force often owe
tliclrcrindltlon lo youthful Ignorance
that fearful enemy .to'licnltli.
It Is the business of (Science to repair
the ilama;;e caused by the thoughtless
practice uf youth.
Nervous Debility never gets well of
Itself. Its victims drag through a
miserable existence, weak, listless.
literally feed the hungry nerves, giving
them the Dtccli'e inureillcnli de.
maiuled by nature. This wonderful
STANTON. Neb.. June 3. lSneelal.1 .. .. - .,.. j
l.n Knn.n. rllv nnd Mllwti1A. Tlnth r, .u - ""V. II. n. IlBrmoa oi utiu vujr, ucuvircu
1 " i juiiiuif uvciuuui cAurciBcs oi inc amnion
are well located nnd It will be Imposslbio Bchool wcro Saturday night. The class
for tho committee, under the circura- consisted of six girls and five bovs. The
stances, to make a bad selection. Tho con- orations wero delivered In the Oermanla
ventlon In St. Paul this year was a big hall. Bev. Trefr of Omaha delivered an
success, but wo have every reason to be- address. This Is tho largest class In the
the address.
Ualloon Goes Up nt Tekmnnh.
TBKAMAH, Neb., Juno 3. (Special.) A
balloon ascension here Saturday afternoon
attracted a la rare crowd from tho country.
llovo that tho next one will bring out as history of the school. Tho teachers nre all There wore also two running races on tho
large a representation or mo creamery ana engaged for next year, Mr. Mason's salary track and a matched gnme of baso ball be
reiuedv rures Nervous Debllltv. stool
all .drains, icnlsces wusted tissues.
stnd rich, warm life blood tingling
thriiujth, every part, milking every or
cup net and causlug you to iaw with
$1.00 per box; 6 boxes (with, guaran
tee lo cute), 3').00. Hoot free.
tor sate by Kulin & Co.. M. A. Dillon,
Fulle.' Paint & Drug Co.. Umuha; nnd
DavU Drug Co.. (.'ouncii uiurrs, in.
The famous llttl Ml
For Biliousness, Torpid Liver, ConKtl.
hat I nn Rlnlr TTonrlnr'hn. llzilnegl. ID-
lesttnal Obstrclloii9,j Jonndlco and
all ntlior Liver nml , Uowci xrouoics
iinonunlled. Thov act Dronintlv and
aover grlpii. Tbey nre m "small that
iney can ue i.iKeo wii.inrui.4ni- uuuuic,
prepare"; r. uotiu uo unwii
dairy Interests."
Mr. Sudendorf declared . that his visit in
Lincoln had uo bearing on tho affairs of
tho association. Ho will probably return
to Elgin, 111., his home, tomorrow or
Rayiit lllithlnnilers at Lincoln
Lincoln noxt week wilt bo the meeting
place for officers aud delogaten from all dls
being raised.
Speed Association Forms.
TEKAMAH. Neb., June 3. (Special.) A
speed association was organized here Sat'
urday night with theso officers: W. W.
tween Decatur and Tekamah. The business
men here Intend to furnish amusement each
Baccalaureate Sermon.
WRST POINT. Neh.. June 3. fSneclnl.)-
Latta. president; Alva Smith, vice presl- Th. baccalaureate nddress to tho craduat
aeni; i.a LAita. treasurer; J. it. Sutherland, inff. Pia of the West Point Hleh school was
sccrcinry. i ney joinea me state circuit delivered last evening, by Itev. A. B
and will hold n four dav's men meellnr , o - t .k..i.
trlcts of tho fraternal organization of Royal here unrtcr the aU8plce8 'of tho Nebraska ' " ""'" "
lllgnianuers. mo lerruory represemea sneed association, bcalnnlna: Julv 23. Woman Adlndgetl Iniiane.
will Include ten states and the District of WAHOO. Neb.. June 3. (Special.) Mrs
Columbia. Tho visitors will come to attend umcers ror wnkoiieiii Mnanna. John Bellk, aged 40 years, was adjudged
tho third national quadrennial convention wAivr,r i&l,u, inbd., June 3. (Hpeclal.) insane today, and will be taken to the
of the executive caatlo of their order. Corinthian lodgo No. S3, Ancient Free and aaylum. Her home Is near Prague.
President W. E. Sharpe. whoso office is Accepted Masons, Saturday night elected
In this city, says that nearly all districts tneso omcers: uyrus B. Hunter, W. M.
of the order will be represented at the Nolson H. Hansen, S. W.j Robert Mathew-
Heavy nnlu at Alnsworth
AINSWORTH. Neb., June 3. (Speclrtl
meeting, which will bo the first In a period J- W.; John O. Molr, secretary; Levi Telegram.) A heavy rain visited this sec
of four years. Ono entire floor of tho Lin- Kimball, treasurer,
! coin hotel has been engaged for tho officers
and convenient accommodations will also be
provided for other visitors.
(SriiTrliiir C'rnM Xnt Ho Thirsty.
ehrnskn nnd Mchrnskans.
Tho third bank Is about to be et'tntillshert
in me inwn oi fscwcnsiie
I'. E. Foster, who ran a renuhllrnn nwi
nnnr At Plnlnvlpu fur mwrnl ..a tm !
cocaiiniK iui i icnsi nun mi MB nccuuo i now eniraKtu in mo same uusiness in wun
of the state. I can say truthful v that ingion.
irrowInK crons are not suffering from lack lnT "'oom'nB,on. .P. ' the Prlekisy
tlon thla afternoon. It was much needed
aa the ground was parched.
may keep him nway all summer. On the
ICth Inst, he will preach the sermon at
tho dedication of a now church at Let
torkenny, Donegal, his native city. 8lnco
coming to this diocese last fall the arch
bishop has visited nearly every parish,
confirmed over 10,000 persons, dedicated
three new churches nnd united his church
In a way it has never been united before
He has decided to expend $50,000 In Im
proving St. Joseph's college here. This, to
gether with his order that candidates for
the prlcBthood In this archdiocese shall
complcto their studies at St. Paul Instead
at Montreal, Is not construed as meaning
that tho proposed erection of a great theo-
logolcal seminary tn Dubuque has been
abandoned. The new seminary will not be
built for some years, and perhaps not
until a sufficient sum ls secured to found
an Institution that will compete success
fully with that controlled by Archbishop
Ireland. It ls said that Archbishop Keane
will visit Rome beforo his return to this
!"nrty DelcKtttrs from I.lnn County
Solid for Hint for Governor.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., June 3. (Special
Telegram.) Senator J. H. Trowln of Al
lamakee county, won his first decisive vic
tory ut the Linn county convention today.
Tho forty delegates to tho stato convention
are solid for him. Ringing resolutions were
passed endorsing his candidacy for gov
ernor, condemning the Cummins faction
for its Insinuation that tho republican party
tn Iown la In need of reform, and resenting
tho tupport of Cummins by democratic
Millions for llnsr flnU.
A million of dollars aro spent every year
upon the game of base ball, but large as this
sum It, it cannot beglu to equal tho amount
spent by pcoplo ln search of health. There
ls a sure method of obtaining strength,
and It Is not a costly one. We urge those
who havo spent much and lost hope to try
Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters. It strengthens
tho stomach, makes digestion easy and
naturul and cures dyspepsia, constipation,
biliousness and weak kidneys.
of rain," said Treasurer Stuefer thta morn
tng. Mr. Stuefer passed Saturday and Sun
day at West Point, and during these two days
Pear have been consolidated and will bn
puniisneu nerenurr unaer ine name or the
moomingion Aovocaie.
It Is reported that eastern parties are
ho talked with numerous firm.r. concern- Va'J'd's d0? tttnySS3r.?h"t!m
Ing agricultural prospects.
"A good rain would undoubtedly do much
good, but so far as I was able to see or
will erect a summer resort hotol thereon.
A Genoa man had a nrlahbor nrrt,i for
cutting down four peach trees. The man
wus trieu nerore a justice named Crab-
111' So. 25th Ave.
Umuha, Neb.
HOT 101.8.
hear enrp and wheat and all other grow- tree. It was a hard combination to beat,
Ing products in the vicinity are getting no mo. n.
along nicely. There has been no frost In J.Ji-T.ilTJ . A,i ""'"""y thieves are
a ... .a .- I 4 VftUStSS MDIMIIn Hl irillCICI V HT1I1
mai eecuon oi ine siaie. tak ne cut dowers and nlants. Thn noonle
The State Hoard of Purchase and Sup- of Hfalr are greatly Incensed and If the
piles met this afternoon and opened bids J,J; $Tj$m cnugu wl" maKe Bn "
lor supplies .iur lut, ysnoua lusuiuuuni. I c rjrooke. who wn r.eenUv
Contracts will hi awarded tomorrow. elected president of the United Brethren
simrrlor Man for ilteocnliira Blbllrnl seminary, was formerly n resident
superior .nan tor liestniar. Qf Neurftskni Al one tme ne w'nll prindpRj
it. u. .ucuuuuen ui oiinenor ia manning nr. ine coiicro conuuciru uv ine aenomina
to go to Lravenworth. June 10, to take an llon nl ",oon- .
examination for a commission In the regu- LiiSS'n?. Vl.S IS '.VnS
lar estnbllshmenu sicl-onnell was a mem- electric light plant at Auburn. Tho Idea
ber of the First Nebraska volunteers, re- I" to get bb many as possible to tnko
turqln: as a second lieutenant of tho "'""c Ically" coat at ' service. "1 "l
Superior company. Ho relnllited after the a, short change nrtlst worked Norfolk
Tlrst was mustered 'out and was assigned one day last week. Several merchants
. t-ui.... .i.ii., ,,..... n. ........ nave n reminner or nis visit in tne snane
iu niu iiiii,j-.,.i..ii ''... , .l.nrlt In thlr rAh nminl A t lr
with that regiment throughout Its. cam- working his game tho man disappeared and
palgn In the Philippine Is lands. ins victims aro sun looKing ror mm
Has nearly 10OO feet of veranda lice the above.
A hlgh-clasarrsldcutlal, tourlataud transient
hotel ou the lake shore. VO outside rooms, 2.'0
iMinrrami, Most aciiniaiui a maiog luacc in
Blinimer nr winter In the Went, in mlnntft hv
111. Central exp. from theatre and alicpplng
dUt ili'tof C'hlcniro. bvtel on great lakes
;iw tenuis, iKiaung pbit ga'iiuni'ip,
Scndler haadwruc acw illontratkil bookleu
Ohjrrta to Ills AtlverlleluK.
Tho secretaries of the State, Board of
Health met thla nflemnon and liatennl
to nreumont nml iMiimnnv in the rase nr attacked him In a vicious manner. Before
n aL,K"mBI11 fan.a '"'""on) in toe cate of h(J c0UlrJ be reKcue, np was Eerlously,
A small son of Thomas Oormnn. who
lives near Ponca, while playing about the
Elacc crawled Into a pig pen. The boy got
etween tho old sow and her pigs and she
Dr. Tolson of Omaha, against whom com
plaint was filed by Dr. Somers, also of
Omaha. Unprofessional advertUlug ts at
teged as tho reason for the proceedings
At their" next meeting the secretaries will
pass upon the case. Twsnty-sts cbrllfl-
eaten to new physicians were srantsd.
though not fatally Injured.
Horse buyers have been particularly ac
tive In the vlelnlty of Superior during the
laat season. They have nicked un all the
large horses they could and have been bo
successrui in clearing ti.e country ot
large animals that hnrness dealers say
there Is practically uo market for collars
oi utrse sues.
Kt f
tsars Lf
i t mr
Any Kind of Fuel
Round Oak Purnacen burn any kind of fuel,
give great heat, and hold fire 12 hours with
wood, 54 hours with coal. All of the fuel the
gases from the fire and the black smoke is
consumed, an economy of fuel impossible
without the characteristic principle of
Round Oak Furnaces.
Round Oak
sre very easy of operation and rcqulro but
llttlo attention. They aro roado of the boat
materials, con
structed by
skilled workmen,
thoroughly In
spected before
shipment nnd
guaranteed without
reservation to give
entire, satisfaction.
Send or ourree
furnace book. .
Ettsto ot
Dosaglac, Mich.
Makert of Dctkvt'i Itoumi
CM. IS wmi famoui
Hove in the world.
Usuas Oak Furiiae are fur ate, In
Onatu by Milton Rors & Son,
rtoanil Oak Turuaaa
with outer casing rcraofos .
Dyspepsia Cure
Htay dlgMtir coapouada aid tablet r recommended t
eure dyipepola b digesting food with the pepsin they contain.
Moat of these poaeesi merit, but the all fall In man case, be
cause pepetn digest only albuminous foods, such as eggs and
meat. But we must eat more than eggs and meat; and soma of
the worst cases of dyspepsia are caused by iudlgestlon of fat and
tarches nnd other foods which pepsin cannot digest.
There Is one preparation that contains all the dlgcstsnts. It is
Kodol DYsrxrsiA Curs, which digests what you eat, and has
been used with remarkable success, not a single failure to euro
being reported from the many thousands who hare used It.
J. E. Peabody, Fitcairn, N. T., says: "The first doso of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure relieved my son of stomach aud heart trouble,
and feur bottles of It cured him. 1 heartily recommend It."
It oan't help but do you good
ired by B. O. DeWltt Oa, Ohlcaf 0. The . bottle contains t H times the 60c. sits.
When you suffer from biliousness or constipation, use the famous little liver,
pills known as DcWItt'a LlttU EARLY RISERS. The uever gripo.f
THE CURB of Nsrrous Ailments and Weaknesses by Kleclrtclty Is not a
long, tedious process. Strength nnd Vliror bain to return from tho very
first application. The Nerve Force, Eneriry a-d Ambition the Life Itself
of a man la nothlna-but Electricity, and when
there ts a lack of It In the system you nre sick and
cannot become sound igaln until Electricity Is sup
plied. The moment Electricity Is nnnlled new life
ts given to every Tart, Muscle and Fibre of your body.
ine iserves act as conducting wires and transmit
tho llfe-slving current to every part of ;our be
ing. My Electric Dolt Is a guaranteed cure. 1 studied
the best part of my life to find a method of nDolv-
Ing Electricity to the human system which would
cure these ailments, and I have succeeded.
Vs a Reward far Mr Marly oA niscnrery the
United States Oorrrnmrnt lias Given Me the I3srln
sire Ittatht tn My Method nf ApplylnR F.lrrtrlclty
for the Perfect Core nf llnmanlty's Ilndlly Weaknesses.
Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt
la entirely different and must not be confused with the many
so-called electric belts now being offered the public. Every
appliance or merit cans out many wortuicss imitations. My
Belt has soft, silken, chamois-covered sponge electrodes which
do not burn and blister as lo the bare metal electrodes used
on other belts. It has Interchangeable Hattory Cells mid
can be renewed when burned out for only 75c; when others burn out they are
wonnieBB. n wiii ourn out in iinic 11 iney give a. current.
"Wr .i t Is an aliment which nffects four men out of every
VairiCOCcIc nve- and one which. If not properly treated, will rob
T 7" , . J"."" of hlR vigor In every caae, nnd Is tho rnuso of 75
per cent of the paralysis and locomotor ataxia eases. An operation for Varicocele
Is very dangerous, and owing to the puncture nnturo of the wounds made by tho
operation, oryelpelns Is liable to set In; another dnngei Is that. In nn operation
tho veins must bo severed nnd Hunted, which cuts off circulation for nil time to
como. whleh robs the parts of nutrition nml Ihev soon wltlinr mi ,iln. vumrlr..
tty, as applied by my Ilelt nnd special nppllnnoo tor men, 1 guarantee to cure
varicocele m every case. -1 ne surrerer from UiIh ob.itlnntn ailment enn thank Na
ture for furnishing means of restoration without pain or danger, for Electricity Is
Nnturo'n Remedy.
My Electric Holt Is guaranteed to cure Vnrlcocele nnd nil Weaknescs In either
hcxr restore Lost Vigor nnd Vitality; cure Rheumatism In any form. Constipation,
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Troubles, Stomach Disorders, all Female Complaints,
Write todny. sncrcdly confidential. My Hooks on Nervous Ailments and their
cure by Llectrlclty free, postpaid, to any one. Diagnosis nnd ndvlco without cost.
Sold only, by
Dr. Bennett Electric Belt Co.
172 to 175 Union Bldg., DENVER, COLO.
;:!. v.wv.. .i..t'
mum i&i r i
vjty.y.x' j 11 ca
$14.75 .
and Return
Tickets on sale June 12,
13, 14 and 15.
Return limit Sept. 15.
Tnree Chicago Flyers
leave Burlington Station
every day 7:00 a. m.,
4:00 p. m. and 7:50 p. m.
1502 Farnsm St. 10th and Mason Stt.
Telephone 250. Telephone 128.
Pan American Exposition X
Should remember that there are
Eight Trains Daily
LaKe SKore
and Michigan Southern Railway.
The Only Double Track Line
AU tickets orer this route afford use of steamers either way between Cleveland
and Buffalo, also stop at Chautauqua oa the return trip within limit of ticket
Book of Train and PanAmerican Folder on application
W F. M. BYRON, G. W. A., Chicago.