Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1901, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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A New and Successful Method
of Restoring Weakened
Physical Powers, Curing
sexual weakness, Nerve Ex
haustion and Lost Vitality.
-he Prescription in Sent free to Any
One Who Writes.
A new scientific mentis of curing weak
nesses of men nml (Housed pecullur to the
nox Iiuh ut last been discovered, nnd the
ptercrlptlon lit being offered free to ull who
mud narnu unci ndUrcss.
. Dr. V. G. Llpcs, 1417 Stevenson Hldg.,
Indianapolis, Ind., In tliu discoverer of thin
temarkiiblu new Hyntem of treatment, and
ho suys there Is now no dllllculty In curing
the worm canes which may arise from dis
eases ot this nature.
'the Doctor Iiiik mmln n tnnir ntiiili- nf
Kex.iul Disorders nnd ho clnlms to have
Lizzie n 4 4 4a company defeated that of the Klopp &
i Timet 1.10H, 109VJ, l:10'i. 1;1H. Hnrtlott rrlntliiK company yesterday titter-
llalf-mllo trotting; noon In u close gnme. the score being 10 to
' Hlnckhnwk 3 2 S. Feat.trcs of tho contest were the pitch-
i Frank Messmoro - lug of Thelssen for the Hres team and tho
Large Crowd Enjoyi the Ennis it the
Driting Park. .
Home Shmv (,'uoil Form nn it (IUp
Splendid i:lilliHloii of Work Ill
dor Itiirnrnn In tbc llrllKlit
of the Wntchcrn,
2 a
Ksslo Woodllne
Time: l:17i, 1:1.
Iloadstcr race, trot or pace:
Pete 1 1 ;
I.ockct H ?.
Hot) 3 :i 4
Flora Queen 4 4 3
Time: 1:3"), 1:2", 1:31.
The management announced a matinee In
two weeks and a week's running races tbo
last week In June.
READY FOR THE MILLERS t'nUernlty llnll tin" In Hne
Condition lor Ttmiorrim'n
IIIK (Snnie,
Tho promoters of the Omaha Driving
I'ark association project could have not
enjoyed a finer day for a racing mntlneo At the Young Men's Christian nssoclnlon
than that provided for Saturday after- 'park at 3:43 o'clock tomorrow, afternoon trie
....... , . ... . . . . .. i frxli'liliin TTnlvemltv
.' " I' p.x ?.r.n7 cuicino wnicii removes noon-a Auuitorium ticncut nan tncy nan an I meet the team from tho University of Mln-
tho days of all tho Junes from which to . nciota ror the first time. This will bo tho
.j tifiti, . i,. .n,i.. i.i t. i ...... iitir evnnt nf tho Creluhton s base ball sen-
oviuwt. IlilU UVI I1U1111S HUVI UIS U. OU1U- - , V .1. IL-i. ,,,1,1 , A..n.ta
. , . ,, . ., ,. , ,.., son, and one of tho principal athletic, events
mer sun and clouds, It wns never too warm 0( tno yt.ur
for the comfort of thn sncctators and lust I Thn omniin ntudents have been nutting In
ln'ma7velousl7 short space "arm enough to enable the drivers to put -iroift .r'nSu' SS' glvVthc
uny weakened or emaciated their animals In condition by a few brisk Millers a hard battle. Tho Crclghtnn team
till traces of debilitating disease from tho
milium Bjnium, restores me nrc ana uuoy
iiney of youth, and supplies the strength of
body and norvoH that all wish for but so
few possess. Impolcncy, nightly emissions,
varicocele, nervousness and kindred trou
bles disappear
of time, while
orguns tiro restored In a very few days to ii.iiiiiiii Kizu aim vigor.
When you stop to consider tho possibili
ties or loving and being loved us only
btrong, well and huppy mon cin bo It does
seem that any sexually weak man should
no longer hesitate, but wrlto at onco for
tho receipt which costs nbsolutoly nothing.
There uro no restriction!! whatever, as Dr.
Lines is anxlouti that overy tiflllutcd man
who needs It should have tho benefit of one
of his free prescriptions without delay. Tho
treatment can be used In tho privacy of
your own homo without the knowledge of
even your most intimate friend or nsso
clnte. Wrlto today and learn that while the re
ceipt costs you nothing at all, it may
ihango your wholo oxlstenco from ono of
misery to a continuous life of pleasure and
turns around the track, which was perfect
for racing.
For a tltno It looked as If a light at
tendance would respond to the announce
ment of tho benefit, but before tbo first
heat of the first race there were upward
of 600 pcoplu present and It Is understood
that a good many tickets were still out
which hod beon sold. There was no charge
for admission to tho grandstand, which
was probably one-third full, and there
wore about 100 carriages strung along tho
homo strotch. Nearly half of thoso present
wcro woman. It Is claimed that women
always spur mettled horse to better ef
fort, and for a series of races without
appreciable purses Saturday's demonstra
tion of speed was n very crcdltablo one.
A band of music tent additional spirit to
tho event.
Thoro wcro flvo events scheduled, four
of which wero enacted without material
Incident, showing some exciting nnd evenly
contested matches of speed.
Ilnlf-Milc PiiclnK.
Consolidation of gigantic enterprises
Is tho order of tho day. Old Ideas aro
giving way to now; tho Individual Is
niurgod Into tho company, and the
company In turn Is swallowed up by
the coruoratlon. In union only Is
thoro strength and security.
financial Supremacy
Is tho secret of commercial existence.
No company or association can hopo
to survive unless It Is bulldod upon
the Bolld foundation of correct bust
"ncss principles and backed by great
resources safely conserved and In
vested. Tho Kqultnblo Life Assurnnco
Socloty of tho United States Is such
an Institution. It Is more It Is a
Profit Sharing Enterprise
Ita success la not dependent upon the
caprlco or whim of one man or set
of mcu. Evory policy holder Is also
' n stockholder, each' bound to the other
and tho society by the strongest In'
centlvo ot human trust and endeavor,
Community of Interests
The Kaultablo Socloty Is abreast of
tho times. It has accepted and antic
ipated tho now conditions nnd offers
to Its members liberal policies which
cover every contingency ot life. To
meet a growing demand for n safe In
vestment containing all tbo elcmonts
of sound lusuranco, It has recently
offered a now Issue ot guaranteed
r Per Cent Debenture Bonds
Thcso bonds aro equal to government
securities they pay a hotter rate of
Interest tho cost Is less they may
bo paid for In Instalments they aro
backed by n surplus of over $66,000,
000 Interest and principal aro
Payable in Gold
Tho Kqultnblo Life Is one of tho com
mercial giants of the Twentieth Cen
tury. Amung Insurauco compnnles it
Is known as thu "strongest In tho
world" and Its policies are always
equal to sight drafts at maturity.
TUIs great Ufa socloty nocds your
membership and co-oporatlon you
need tho protection which It can give.
Can you afford to stand alouo?
.Manager for Nebraska,
206-208 Bee Bid?. - Omaha
In tho lialf-mllo pacing race the starters
were John Doo's Tom Leo, Huck Keith's
Lizzie tl, It. D. Allen's Illrdlo A and T. C.
Ilryno's Oeorgo Castle. It was half-mile
heats, tbreo In five. Tho horses went
away In a closo bunch and It looked for
a time as If Huck Keith had a winner, but
tho delusion was dispelled at tho quarter
post, when tho Keith liorso broko badly.
Qcorgo Cnstlo was at tho front from tho
start, kept his clip without a skip nnd
won by a closo finish, when Illrdle broko
on tho homo strotch. In tho second heat
Illrdlo A took the lead at tho start and
malntnlncd It to the wire, Castlo finishing
third becnuso ot n bad breale near tbo
quurtcrpole, from which ho could not re
cover. Tho third heat was a dupllcato of
tho first. The fourth and last was tho
closest heat of all, Illrdle A led
quarter pole, when she went off her feet
under relentless pressuro from tho swift
and suro Goorgo Castle, nnd tho latter
finished first. Illrdlo falling back to fourth
place. Tho best tlmo of the day was mado
by Castlo In tho second hent ot this race,
llitlf-Mllr Trot.
The half-tnllo trot was evon more evenly
contested. Throo horses started Dick
Thompson's Dlackhawk, J. L. Klynn's
Frank Messmoro nnd II. II. Allen's Esslo
Woodllne. Two heats settled It, but In
each ot them It looked at any tlmo an It It
was anyone's race, except that Dlackhawk
took the lead and kept It each time with
a pace that was a marvel of steady, beau
tiful footwork. In both heats It was neck-nnd-nock
between tho other two horses
for second place, nnd each gained It once,
both being remarkably good seconds.
Hnnilntrr Race.
Tho third event was a roadster raco,
paco or trot, half-mllo heats, two. In three.
Thero wcro two pacor3 W. W. Umsted's
8-yenr-old gray gelding, Dob, and F. J.
Campbell's 6-ycar-old bay mare, Locket.
Thero wcro also two trotters II. Chat-
field's Flora Queen and C. C. Kendall's
bay gelding, Tote. The latter took tho
race In two straight heats, being pushed
at the wlro each tlmo by Locket. It was
surprising to note how Umstod's big gray
could get over the ground when It held
Its 'feet, but It went oft easily and lost
heavily In recovering, finishing third each
tlmo. After tho decisive heat was finished
tho contestants asked for the privilege of
going a third. It wns granted, and Locket
finished first, owing to the fact that Pete
got off tho track soon after be left tho
lino and traveled somo dlstanco In plowed
ground. When he regained tho track It
looked as If ho was out ot the contest, but
he camo up llko tho wind nnd finished
second, but about two lengths behind tho
wlnnor. Thcso horses wero driven by their
ownors to four-wheeled rigs.
"Votern' nncr."
The novelty ot tho afternoon was a trot
ting raco between horses over 21 years old.
Tho starters wero II. K. Durket's bay
goldtng, Ilowdy, which lacks a month of
bolng 22' Oeorgo M. Cott's Curtis of tin
certain age, W. F. KolloRg's Murphy,
which has seen an uncertain number ot
summers and was listed as 40 years old,
nnd C. D. Thompson's Day Frnnk, 21V4
years old. Thero were three easy marks
for old Murphy, who showed a clip that
would have dazzled many younger cqulno
champions, and enroe In an easy winner
In 1:39. Day Frank took the event ns
matter of courso and It Is suspected that
tho other horses were In tho barn when ho
camo grandly down tho stretch with not
wet hair on his hide.
Tho suminnry of events follows:
Hnlf-mllo pacing:
(ieorge unstie,
lias donu exceedingly well this season, and
its record is one to ! nroud of. Of the
mllpiTM rlii ik it 1 in h met tlie tiiciiinnu rnrx
ten in of Drs Moines, holder of the western
Intercollegiate championship. Is the only
ono thnt has been nblo to capture a vie
'I'll.. MlnllfMntn 1 1 II I IT l'K 1 1 V llflS II t Oil 111 Of
nntlnnnl repute, and this year It lias made
a lino record. With the big clubs It has
fared ns follows:
Minnesota, 6: Notm Dame, 7.
Minnesota, 13: Purdue, 9.
Minnesota, 8; Helnlt, 12.
Minnesota, 4; Wisconsin. S.
Minnesota, 1; Michigan, !,
Minnesota, Chicago, 4.
Minnesota, 8; Iowa,
Minnesota, 10; Notre Dnrao, 5.
Minnesota, S; Notre Dame, 4.
Vlntipfintn. lim'u. 0.
Thus It will be seen that the CreUhtnn
university men are going up against tho
real thing, but with their Stur battery of
Welch tint! O'Kcerc In tho pink of condi
tion nnd with such players as Lynch.
Ketwe. O'Kcefe nnd Crelghton In their wnr
Iinlnt tho locals are likely to glvo tho north
erners no stiff n light as they have enjoyed
this season.
Tomorrow's came will conclude Crelglv
ton's season. Its llrst In the Held of largo
collegiate athletics, and the C. U. men
have overy reason to be sntlstlcd with their
Initial venr The dlflleiiltles which in
variably arise nt the Inauguration of nlgh
urndo athletics nt a university have boon
overcome with comparative ease, and now
Crelghton and Omaiia can look forward to
nn excellent career and participation In the
bin umatcur events of the western univor-
slties. A very large uttcudnnco Is expected
at tomorrow s gamo nnd the management
has made endeavors to have everything In
proper condition.
.MIrhlKnii Itnlvrrnlty Winn Pcimniit
In the Crucial Content.
CHfCAOO. Juno 1. With the western In
tercolleglato record broken nnd one enunlled
the annual meet of the "big ntno" colleges
or tno middle west was neld toiiny ror tno
llrst time under tno nusnlces or tne new in
tercolleglato conference at Athletic Asso
tn ti I elation n.irk. Michigan wlnnlnir tho lien
i nam, wmi Wisconsin second anil unicagu
thlru. Athletes rcnrcsentlng the University
of Michigan ruptured a total of 3S polntH
nun Wisconsin z. wnne vnicago oareiy
won third nlaco from Minnesota, tho for
mer having 17 points to Its credit to Min
nesota's 11.
The Intercollegluto record for tho qurir-ter-mllo
run wns broken by Merrill ot Ue
lolt, who did the distance in 0:19 4-5 In an
exciting race. In which W. A. Mnlonev.
Chlcago'H star pitcher, ono of tho best run
ners in me west, was compelled to tuno
second place. Tho former record for tho
quarter-mllo was 0:50 3-5. In tho 120-ynrd
nurdlo raco i. u. Moloney or Chicago
onualled the lntercolleclnto record of
0:15 4-5. Michigan had right-of-way In tho
final heat of the 100-yard dash. Yebel of
that Institution winning first and second
placo respectively, with Hell of Illinois a
fioor third. The mile relay race was won
y Michigan. Wisconsin wns second and
Minnesota third. Tho points gained in this
raco wero not included In the list with the
other events, thus cutting 5 points from
Michigan h totnl score.
The total nolnts scored by tho various
colleses wero us follows: Mlchiiran. ZH:
Wisconsin, ss; unicngo, n: Minnesota, 14;
iicioii, n; Illinois, e; rnorinwesiern, &; . ur
due, 3; Iuwu, 1. Indiana futlcd to nmko a
Tom ljco.
Illrdlo A....
clover work of Pat McDermott, both at bat
and In the Held. Ilatterles: llces, Thelssen
and Killlan; KIopp & Durtlett, Mokey nnd
(rnml ItnpliN MitnnmT (lliri Men
Their ItHenxr .nM'hitloii
Will .M unime.
OIIAND HAP1DS. .Mich.. June l.-The
Grand Kuplds base ball slt.iation w.ts
cleared tip lato tonight by Manager T3llls
giving nil nis pinyers uieir release, 10 go
where they please. Ho had made arrange
ments for the Haltlmoro American league
team to come here from Detroit nnd play
Sunday, but late tonight Manager McOi'.iw
telegraphed that ho hail decided to go on to
Cleveland. When this Information leach-'d
Kill he ut once tiald off nil hi. i nltivcrq and
gnve them their releases. President Mows
or tno western association men negotiate
with tho team. He stilted later that the as-
soclutlon would manuge '.he team for tho
next ten days until a franchise was located
in somo oilier town.
Cornell tern Win n Cnine.
The Curnenter Pnner comnnnv nine nut n
crimp Into tho Uvrne-IIammer club yester
day afternoon. The fen Wren of tho game
wete two double plays by Davlr and I.U
plnskl of the Carpenters nnd the striking
nut of nine men by Leonard. Tho score:
r. p. Co l 2 s n i 2 i .1 -is
D. 11. Co 0 00002 0 0 4 li
Batteries: Carpenters. Leonard nnd 'Zet-
teraulst: Hvrne-IInmtners. Plotts. Fitz
gerald, O'Klcf and S.imncr.
I'l l"K Diitcliiunii In llpinl.
PAULS. Kv.. Juno 1 Tho noted rnco
linrnn ."ivlnir Illltehmiin. Itin urnimrtv. nf
Clay & Voodford ot tills city, died yester
day or ratarrnai icver nt we biock farm
of lien Woodford. As a 2-venr-old Flying
Dutchman was bought by Put Dunno rrom
Colonel W. L. Simmons of Lexington for
flrlniM'H, 11 Amen, ft.
OWNNHLL. la.. Juno 1 Iowa collcce
(Qrlnncll), 11; Iowa State college (Anion), o,
lllgli School Cnilctn Itetnrti After n
I'leiiniint Outing nt Aih
Inml. Thero were no stragglers from tho ranks
ot tho 260 cadets ot tho High school battal
ion when they marched up Fnrnam street
and to tho High school yesterday afternoon
on their return from tho annual encamp
ment at Ashland. With flying colors nnd re
sounding music tho cadets presented as line
an appcarnnco as they did last Tuesday
afternoon when they marched awny. Sun
burn and pealed noses wcro plentiful, but
nevertheless tlwro was only ono opinion
among them from prlvnto to commandant.
Every mun of them agreed that he had
passed tho most enjoyable week of his life.
A lengthy drill program every day gave
tho cadets plenty of work to do, but there
was lots of time for fun. Ilnthlug In the
Dluc, playing hall and other sports afforded
plenty of amusement. The week was so
lively thut not a dull moment remained
throughout, except perhaps for tho lonely
sentry as he walked his post tn the quiet
hours ot early morning. No accident of
any kind occurred to mar tho enjoyment of
tho cadets nnd tho beautiful Nebraska
weather added not n llttlo to their pleasure
Tho batalllon returned at 3:30 o'clock on
a Durllnglon spcclul train
Omaha Admlnri Turn Oat to Qrtet Litdtr
and Unsioiam,
Mnnnnn F.loel Ofllcern.
WEST POINT, Neb., Juno 1. (Special.)
-At tho last regular meeting of Jordan
lodgo of Masons tho officers elected wero:
Zed Ilrlggs, worshipful muster; Charles
Nltz, senior warden; Peter Poellett, Junior
warden; W. A. Dlnck, treasurer; Fred C.
Lcffert, secretary. A public Installation
will bo on St. John's day. Juno 24.
SHELTON, Nob., Juno 1. (Special.) At
Its meeting Friday night Shelton lodgo
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, elected
theso officers: II. II. Stedman, re-elected
W. M.; C. M. Wallace, S. W.; W. C. Dent-
ley, J. W.; M. G. Lec, treasurer; J. H.
George, secretary. Master Mason degree
was conferred on two candidates.
Den Moines Atliletlcn Mccontl In Inter
cut Ick In to .HeorliiK (Jrlnnell
In Third l'lnoe.
CHICAGO. June 1. Notre Dame univer
sity easily won the championship of tha
Western Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic
association in the. meet held hero today on
uavenswoou pent, winning a totnl or Ti
points, urnko of Des Moines wns second
with 32. Grlnnell third with 22. Knox fourth
with 14 and Illinois fifth with 4.
A record was broken In the shot-nut.
Uggcrman of Notro Damo putting It nt 40
feet 5V4 Inches. 214 Inches better than the
previous record held by Powers of Notro
Dame. Of tho sixteen events Notro Dame
captured llrst place In more than halt, Its
points on Hrsts alone bring more than tho
totnl or any other college. South Dakota,
L,uwrenco, uticritn, kuko rorest nnd carl.
ton coueges luuea to start any men.
Coiiiicllniiin In Acquitted,
HUMDOLDT, Neb., Juno 1. (Special.)
A largo crowd turned out to hear tho case
In county court como up yesterday against
Councilman S. M, Cbaflln, who was recently
arrested on tho chargo of drawing money
from tho city treasury on contracts, whllo
ho was a city ofllccr. After occupying a
considerable portion of the day hearlug
ovldenco Judgo Gagnon discharged tho ac
cused upon motion of County Attorney
Weaver, tho prosecutor, who thought It
would bo Impossible to secure a conviction
in district court. The case is tho out
growth of tho contest being wagod on the
llcenso question, which has created much
Meet Their llrrthreu
Onuiha nnd Send Tlieiu to
The boys of the Omaha Junior Young
Men's Christian association met detent at
base, ball yesterday at tho bunds or the
South Omaha Juniors. Tho rival teams or
tno uromcr organizations met ut South
Omaha, and the tlnal score or the game was
a to .'. jjowi pitcncrs imi wonderful work,
C'nughoy for Houth Omaha striking out
twclvo mon, while tho Omaha twirlor, Ben
ununngion, uccompiisucu tno similar down-
tan or nino ot nis opponents. Tne scoro:
South Omaha 3 0 2 n 0 0 2 2 9
Omaha ....0 l 1 0 0 0 1 U 02
Struck out: Ily Churlngton, 9; by
Caughey, 12. Pases on bnlls: Off Chnrlru:-
ton. 3. Stolen buses: Qulnn, Anderson,
Lott, Henlon, Charlngton, Swartz (2).
Double play: Lott. Time: 1:10. Umpire:
Diivrinuii luj,
I.rnven on Account of Debts.
MEAD. Neb., Juno 1. (Special.) C. II
Almqulst, a farmer south ot town, be
came so heavily embarrascd financially
that yesterday morning ho threatened to
kill hlmsolf. His wlfo sent for tho Lu
theran minister, who arrived and quieted
him. Tho minister drove him to Andrew
Swanson's farm anil from thero ho wen
to Ashland, and that wns tho last heard
of him. Dcforo leaving homo ho bid hi
family goodbye and told them they would
never seo him again. Ho owed in tho
neighborhood of $5,000, with no assets,
Mr. Almqulst has been n heavy feeder o
catlo nnd lost considerable money.
Noten f Future l.eiiKnern.
Tho base bull team of tho C. N. Dletz
Lumber company will go to Florence this
afternoon to meet tno diamond representa
tives of that town.
The base ball teum of tho Rees Printing
Prepare for Your
Vacation Trip
Get n CAMERA or KODAK now and
learn how to work It before going
for your trip. Thoy aro simpler than
over and wo Instruct you free.
Eastman Kodaks from $4 up
A first-class 4x3 Magazine Camera
The Cyclono No. 5 to hold twclvo
plates now only $7,00.
All other Amateur I'hotographlo
Supplies at lowest prices.
1216 Fnrnam Street.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer.
knowVuiatMe M0'&to&M
cury is a (Linger- M VtSf
oiw medicine
even when administered in very small doses, and
few constitutions can stand it for uny length of time.
Potah products inflammation of the stomach
and bowels, and a dangerous form of dyspepsia and
often chronic diarrhoea follow its use.
Now. the doctors will tell you if vou have
PnntairtmtQ ftlnrul Pnicnn vmt miutt tnlrf tliMi minerals for two vears or loncer ! I
first, a course of Mercury, aad when your teeth pet so sensitive and sore that you
can't eat, and the gums have a spongy, unnatural appearauce, you are told to stop
and a change to Potash is made. When the stomach rebels you are put on Mercury
agaw, ana so on aa tntnttum, or until me system becomes so iiiorougnty saturatea
with these noitonous dmtrs that the most distrusting sores break out on the bodv.
the bones become diseaaed. and the muscles and ioints are racked with the most
torturing paias, Mercury and Potash drive the eruptions and blotches from the
skin, but uie virus remains in the blood ana the reappearance ot tne oiu symptoms
aad the occasional sore mouth show that the poison is still active, and you can
never hope to completely eradicate it by this method of treatment.
I . S. S. S. is the only
HDIH A -mmm miuub iwDuiy-uua tm Ul v-
eirhtMa years aro, I coatraoUd. Blood Folaon tn a
bad torn, aad am atlaned that the rapid procreaa
tho dlseaaa waa Baking would aoon hava made me a
lUTa-lonr invalid or ended rny ltfe. Aa my aystem
came under the influence of 8. 8. 8., tho sores,
splotohcs and pimples rreduaUy disappeared and soon
no evidence of the disease was left. I am now thirty
nine years old, aad have aeon no sla-ns of It durinr
the past sivhteen years. 8. 8. 8. does alt ton olaisa
A It W. SMSTBiariH. tlv wn
ease waa contracted.
S S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known, nnd we offer $1,000
for proof that it contains any mineral ingredient whatever. The gcueral health
imroves as the Specific purges the system of impurities, and as new, rich blood
igipa iu uuw in iuc vema uic uusiuitj ouics uuu timer cvmcnccs ui uiuou poison
disappear : strength returns and vou are forever rid of tin's loathsome disease.
Our Home Treatment Book on Contagious Blood Poison tells you all about tht
cvmnlnmc .llV-.f nt tl.'o W ...'II -...II
tj wnvui.j Mtiihihw, " "b I -'-, w .- , i .7. , u i. nil, iiait -uF nee.
If you need advice or special directions, write our physicians : it will cost you
BotuinSnu, may naaien yow cure, in9mM srtvJrlW vUi n I LAN I Ai n
Pont innntrr Cnle'n C'ahr Continued.
TRENTON, Neb., Juno 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho term of district court that was
to begin Juno 10 has been annulled. At
this term J. W. Cole, nttornoy and postmaB
tor of Culbcrtson, wos to bo tried. Thl
caso ha3 been carried over and ndjaurncd
for n number of times. It Is alleged that
Colo stole soma ballots cast nt tho election
of 1S99 and County Clerk Stownrt was ousted
from olllce. This caso has become noted
throughout this part of tho stato. On ac
count If Ill-health Cole Is not nblo to ap
pear btforo tbo bar of Justice.
l'lnttnniiiiitli Lodges Ciinniillilnto,
I'liATTSMOUTH, Neb., Juno 1. (Special.)
-Th" two local lodges of tho Independent
Order of Odd Fellows hero wero consoli
dated nnd Grand Master I'. C. Johnson of
Homersvlllc, Neb., Installed theso olllcer.i;
Noblo grand, A. II. Hager; vlco grand,
Frank Huttery; sccretnry, I'. C, Hansen;
treasurer, H. J. Strelght. After which a flno
tmurjtiet was enjoyed.
antidote for this de
structive virus, nnd nn
infallible remedy for
this peculiar poison. It
tlestroysaud eradicates
evety particle of the
poison, and makes the
blood as healthy nnd
pure as Delore the tils-
TiMvnh Combine Itrvlvul.
WY.MORK, Neb., Juno 1. (Special.) A
union revival meeting ot all the churches
of Wyraoro nnd Illuo Springs will commence
Juno 9 and continue for two weeks. Tho
meetings .will bo In n largo tent located
between the two towns and will be con
ducted by Williams and Alexnnder, noted
evangelists, jissUted by tho local pastors.
Arrenti'd for lnniinlt y.
ASHLAND, Neb., June 1. (Special.)
Sheriff Fauss and a deputy enmo up from
Wahoo this morning and arrested Wnve G.
Allen. Ho was taken to Wahoo tonight,
where, on Tuesday, ho will ho brought be
fore tho Board ot Insanity.
Condition'. .Mure I'nt ornlili' 'I'll n ti I.UM
Venr nml Performance One to
Plrnni tbe IHnerliiiluiitlnu
1, overs of IIiii'iiiiiii).
Hermann Ilellstcdt nnd his Omaha ad
mirers were reunited Inst night. Three
thousand music-lovers tiled through tin
brllllautly-llghted arch over tho cntraneo
to the musical festival grounds nnd Im
agined tbat they heard tho "Friendly
Ireotlng" march ns the Uollstedt band
played It nt the concerts last fall.
Tho great crowd felt perfectly nt home
seated In the pavilion and prepared to
greet tho musicians. It wns u glorious
home-cotulng. The grounds are much Im
proved. A magnificent fountain. Bur
rounded by nnuatlc plants and brightened
by electric lights, Is tho first thing that
greets the visitors who pass through the
main entrnncc.
Within tho tent thero Is the greatest
mprovemcnt. Tho sounding board has
been enlarged nnd tho Interior decorations
aro much more effective than nt the fall
carnival. Tho stage Is artistically draped
with flags nnd banked with palms. The
entire north side of the tent Is u mass of
flags nnd nil poles and ropes nro wrapped
n tho national colors.
Tho lighting Is particularly artistic.
Rows of Incandescent lights surround the
sounding board and lino the seams In the
tent nml great circles of lncnndesccnts
surround tho three great poles In the
center of the pavilion.
YVflt-uiiM- fur tlir I. ruder.
When tho hour for opening tbc concert
arrived Mr. IJcllstcdt stepped to tho front
of tho stago and assured the largo au
dience that It afforded him much ptcasuro
to play again In Omaha. His speech was
brief, but It called forth heurty applause.
which died out as the great leader raised
his baton and brought forth tho sweet
strains of Weber's "Jubel."
Mr. llcllsteilfs band Is practically tho
same organization that visited Omaha last
fall. Only two changes havo been made
In Instrumentation. Two string basses
havo been substituted for n tuba nnd a
clarinet has rcplucod ono of tho three
trumpets which did Biich valiant service.
Tho audience, which greeted tho band
was a representative one. Among ins
crowds which promenaded during tho In
termission were many society people. The
Interior of tho tent was bright with dainty
hats and gowns.
With his usual tact Mr. Ilellstcdt offered
a program which pleased all his listeners.
It was vnrlcd enough to appeal to tne
ndmlrers of all sorts of music. Tho hearty
applattso which greeted tho leader s own
compositions must havo afforded him much
plcasuro nnd certainly nssured him that
he Is not n tnnn or olio composition,
"Friendly Greeting."
lli-Klnn Amid n Ituntle.
Tho program was a very nent affair typo
graphically and wn3 remarkably froo from
blunders, although n brief description of
some of tho numbers, notably tho "Fal
staff" muslo would havo served as a mate
rial assistance to many people unfamiliar
with tho scoro or tho story.
Tho sturdy old "Jubel" overture opened
tho nrogrnm of tho evening: that Is, after
tho few words gracefully but heartily BpoKen
by Mr. Hellstedt. and It was well played
Thero was, howevor, so much of that gen-
cral disturbanco which nttends tho Initial
performance of any season, that It was not
until tho mlddlo ot tho first part that the
musical pcoplo began to npply themselves
to tho study of tho instrumentation, tho
playing and tho acoustics.
Thanks to tho enroful preliminary work
of the commlttco on nrrangemcnts thero
was a very orderly and rapid entrance ef
foctcd and pcoplo wero seated with dhpatch.
This was u very valuable contributor to tho
general enjoyment of tho music.
When tho third number enmo It seemed to
bo tho unanimous opinion that tbo pavilion
waa far ohcad of last year from tho stand
point of acoustics. Tho extension of tho
upper part of tbo bandstand wns a happy
thought r.nd tho effect of tho cnsemblo
was greatly enriched.
Mr. Uollstedt prescntod n number of his
own compositions, ono n graceful, restful
sketch called "Dorlna Bella," an In ermezzo,
nnd nnother a very effective humorcsquo
entitled "Diogenes Searching for an Hon
est Man." Tbo plcco last named Is a clover
conceit, full ot tho story and ending In n
mnnncr which leads ono to suspect thnt
Diogenes wns disappointed, or elso that ho
lost his lantern. Mr. Uollstedt might now
wrlto a sequel "Diogenes Looking for tho
Man Who Stolo His Lantern" and end It
with a tonic chord Indicative that ho had
at least caught, tho "dishonest" man. A
now march of his was also npplnuded to
tho echo and will doubtless bo received on
futuro occasions "con splrlto," ns Its namo
Miinlo tlint In i:ujucd.
The over popular "Tell" overturn was
enthusiastically received and tho music of
Kdwnrd German, whoso Incidental music to
various pluys is known whorever tho
sounds of tympiinl. strings anil oboo nro
heard. Ho Is tho composer who wns selected
to finish tho posthumous work of Sir Arthur
Sullivan. Tho "Noll Gwynne" music, from
his prolific pen, will provo a fnvorlto num
ber nt theso concerts and It is hoped that
tho "Henry VIII dances will nlso bo
Tho Liszt number from "Mnzcppa" was
well worth waiting for and was transcribed
by Mr. nellstcdt for tho band.
Tho "Tannhauscr" number was a mighty
ono, and when tho bandsmen have become
moro accustomed to tho surroundings, etc.,
nnd have had a chanco to test well It will
bo moro satisfactory. It is n heavily ar
ranged program plero and demands every
thing the players can do. But tho gem of
tho evening to tho musician wns the very
clever arrnngctnent by Hellstedt of tho ex
quisite Wclngartnor orchestral scoro for
tho Weber "Invitation to the Dance." Tha
Bcorp of Felix Wnlngartnor Is nn Instru
mental wonder, his Interweaving and con
stant rccurrenco of principal themes being
Intensely Interesting to thcso who could
follow tho rontrapuntnl effects, and to
thoso who could not tho 'number must havo
proven a beautiful concourse of harmonious
Mr. Hellstedt has a splendid band with
him, and ho himself Is In flno fettle. His
solo playing evoked much entlui3lasra and
his technique wns, If anything, cleaner und
moro precise than when ho was here last.
Unbounded Faith
In our ff', in our assertions and In tho quality of our
gootls is otic t f the rrtifei ffis why our Iru'po biislnci urows lnt'Ror each
Muececdlni; yciuoit' customers hnvo lorn nod thnt tho ucwett gomh
nnd tho rmut M nl ni tA' .t nro nhvtiys displayed here thnt no matter
what other store attempt In tho way of vttluo giving you can always
(o kit r at tin 't'ipfV tfton. Tomorrow's Mile lellpns uniithimj over of
fered by nny store In Omaha, and thoso iioeiHng romotlilnp; In the
hoincfu, nlshlnij lino cmnot afford to overlook tin opporifiitf.
Still- Aurutn fur
Gurnsy ftefrig'r't's
Wo inn easily nun men you
Unit no oilier refrigerator Iiuh
tlio iniiny points of superiority
ns tho Otiniey, Air tl;lit door
- l't'iiiovalilo lee chamber- suvimi
walls of asbestos, elinrcoal, etc,
- tiiototiKli ventilation, etc, 100
refrigerators ko
011 sale tomorrow
at the little price ,
of ,
Quick Meal and Dnngior Gnsollno Stoves
150 Dangler uiiboiino
Stoves -on sulo
m for Hoy wood and Wnkoflold
S3) 111 III t'oellniiiir Rti-cart rubbor
W tiros and larRO parasol guar
nntccil RenrltiR worth $10.00.
for Iron bod --four
coats of white nn
umul brass trim
med any size. reg. value $1.
If inconvenient for you to buy for cash you may
nrranpo to pay a Hin di amount each wcok or month according to your
mean. Hy com;)(in"m you will (hid that our goods aro better and our
prices lower than stores that soli for cash only. We arrango tho terms
of payment to suit your convenience.
t.iiKO County .Milrinone Itecurd.
HKATRICE, Neb., Juno 1. (Special.)
Tho number of farm mortgages filed In Gaga
county In May was forty, amount, $86,554;
released, 40, amount, $30,179; city mortgage i
filed, 12, amount, $5,917; released, 30,
amount, $17,982,
T1111 Tliouniinil nt Picnic.
WV.MOItn, Nob., Juno 1. (Special.) Tha
picnic given yesterday wns participated In
by more than 2,000 people. Thero was a
parade through town In tho morning and a
, basket dinner nt the park.
Wenteru I.eiiKiu- IIiiIIiIIiik lit SI.
.lONi'pli C'ntt'lifH Fire from tiunu.
line IIpIiinIoii,
ST. JOSHt'H, Juno 1. The grandstand at
the Western League Hate Hall park hero
burned soon aftor noon today. The con
flagratlon was caused by tho explosion of
a can nf gasollno In the refreshment booth
under tha stand,
A. O, Ulanchard, West Hangnr, N. Y
saysi "I havo been troubled with kidney
disease, for tho last five years, Havo doc
tored with soveral phyatclans and I got no
relief until I used two bottles of Foley's
Kidney, Cure."
(tuk people's rcimrruuE ap ca.i'kt co.)
Lowness in price best in quality newest in stylo
all combined horo. Thoso exceptional values will not much longer
withstand tho onslaught of eager buyers.
A milciiillil llnln.v-Dn.v ur Wnlklnir
Skirt In light or dark grny, ull wool chev
iot flare bottom 1C rows of stitch
Ingregulnr $7.50 value a rQ.
special yO
l.'tr, iiiniiiifiii-tiirer'n nniiiilrn nf TnfTeln
Silk Skirts every ono excellent In stylo und
workmanship, lu plain or tucked body with
wldo llnro bottom, handsomely trimmed,
n!;th..up..,0.w?:.6.98, 7.98, 9.98
A lillililniiiue rend) -til-lvrnr Slilrt
Wnlst and Wnlklng Hat, tho Postillion,
Manhattan, Pan-American, etc., trimmed
with chiffon, liberty silk, Htruw, nulls,
Pon Pon or largo gilt buckles rtn
regular $1 special iOt
not) lniiiilnitiucly trimmed Leghorn
Hats, roses, foliage, chiffon, etc., O 1 (
rcgulnr $5 valuo special S IV
IM'Alt.l,i:i,ni) Null- of nil our nvrn
nnd Imported trimmed hats, toques, Gnlnes-
boroughs with plumes, flno horHQ braid
cuiuon, etc., -regular u sia una fi I
$20 hats special sale prlco
"Daiiderinc is Positively
all right."
Chicago, III., May 7lh, 1901. Gentlemen:
I trust that you will permit mo to Bay, al
though It may not bo iicwh to you, that
Dnmlcrlno Is positively nil right. I, llko a
great many other pcoplo hero, havo been
using It for some tlmo, nnd am very much
pleased with tho result, as it completely
stopped my hair from falling nnd has made
it much thither. I am recommending it to
all my railroad friends, Very respectfully,
L. U. DliLANIiV.
u - '
PasB Agt. Santa Vo It. It., Wichita, Kan
(Published by permission.)
has proved a complete revelation in its line, for it accom
plishes results that were hitherto deemed almost impossible
Some pcoplo Judge tho merits of an artlclo by tho salo It has. It that Is proof
Dandcrtno must havo ten times as much as nil other hair tonics combined, for thero Is
surely ten times as much or it sold. Ask your druggist If this Is not bo. It must bo a
truly wonderful preparation for tho hair If all tho endorsements wo seo about It aro
genulno," snys ono. Vou can tsatlBfy yoursolf regarding tho authenticity nf our endow
ments by writing to thosu who gnvo them.
Now for salo by nearly nil druggists lu thrco sizes -
25ct 50c niid$l per bottle. Fully guaranteed
Got tho genulno mado only by