Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1901, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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    HMIIrt MM All A I1A1I.V filTX'HA V. .ll'XM " UlOl.
ftihUntblii Embuci Almtit Anj 8irt of
New Direnon.
l,n r UN nml I'lrnli: Millie Memorial
Dny .N'otiMvortli K cry llotmt Unit
n UndivrliiK '"'' .Mmi) 1'ori'liCN
U UltllCC.
Woman's Work in Club and Charity
Chnpln and Mis Ellen M. While. while Iho Nehrorta lenww ml Iho offlccri . rx- Kralon tnm and to tho VntVd
cnroutc to his homo from tho Philippine!, ftcl to have nt least 1,500 members In at- ,,urlnK tho last year were. mrMllwlj,
...... ., . , ,,.,. ..... Mr. tendance, nt tho nmitial meeting, i 16S.S25 nml 62,503. Sixty-one per cent ot
Mrs. W llilen of St. I.otils unci Miss .mc- ' ' , ... , ,. itnii,i Riutnn Thn
v...... u u.. t... .. . . . . . tho former went to tho United mates, mo
tho children nro still detained or allowed
to loiter there warrants will bo sworn out
for tho nrrest of tho proprietors without
further delay.
In tho utter absenco of anything formal
society seems to have gone to the other
cxtrcmo and tho lata week has been
marked by nny number of Binall affairs
and tho fashionables have embraced almost
any kind of amusement that would serve
bb a diversion. There were at least a
dozen mntlnco parties at the dog show,
numerous 'larks aud picnics on Decoration
day, uninvited gatherings nt uveryono's
house and Informal and Impromptu dances
on front porches, and even on tho lawns,
besides tho many llttlo dinners aud gather
ings at the Country club.
It Is notlcenblo that tho buds nro less en
UiJBlastlo over golf this summer than they
tvero last, nnd this Is sayltig much, con
sidering their scant Indulgenco then, when
l good coat of ton was considered eminently
Correct. Whllo tho Country club Is by far
tho most Interesting place In town, It has
fcoeomo evident that It Is not tho game
that has nttractcd tho girls, which would
Boom to ludlcato that BUnburn Is not going
to be as popular this season as It was last.
The young matrons, however, aro more
devoted to golf than ever, nnd play on,
even nt tho risk of freckles.
The perfect weather on Thursday
brought out tho largest crowd that has
ever visited the club and tho links were
filled with golfers, while tho big veranda
was taxed to accommodate those that pre
ferred watching tho game.
Whllo tho Couutry club attracted tho
majority of tho fashionables that day,
there woro n few that preferred other
places, and among theso was a. party that
went rtutlcatlng down In the vicinity of
Bellovuo. With no definite placo In view
they started out shortly after 0 o'clock,
ten of them In two carriages. Somo placo
inroute tho party beenmo separated, and
is tho lunch was all In ono carriage, bIx
of tho varly, nftcr a frultlcsfl senrch,
started for home, reaching tho city nbout
I o'clock.
I'lcnmiren I'nM.
Tho homo of Mrs. Arthur C. Smith was
tho meeting placo of the Sewing club on
Monday nftcrnoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunt celebrated their chrys
tal wedding on Saturday evening, with a
Banco at tho waterworks.
Tho Misses Goctz entertained tho last
mooting of tho A. O. T. Howling club nt
Metropolitan club on Thursday.
Complimentary to Mrs. llertlg of Para
guay, Ark., an elaborate dinner was given
t Metropolitan club on last Sunday by a
lumber ot friends.
Mrs. Allison was hostess at a pretty
luncheon on Thursday, when tho guost ot
honor was Mrs. Mclntyro's guest, Miss
Bergen ot St. Louis.
Mrs. Iludolf Hnarmann entertained tho
members of tho l'rtscllla Kensington club
on Wednesday nfternoon at her homo on
South Twontloth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haas entertained
tho Washington Whist club on Wednesday
evening, when tho prizes were won by Mrs.
II. Hlltor nnd Mr. Herman Colin.
Sirs. Carl Ochlltrco entertained a large
party of women at a card party on Tuesday
afternoon at her home, 1915 Spencer street.
Eoveral handsomo prizes wcro awarded.
Mr. and Mrs. Itahm and Mr. and Mrs.
Molksel entertained tho Hawthorn Bowling
Jlub at Krug's park on Saturday ovonlng,
It being tho Inst meeting ot tho season.
Tho Cooking club met at tho Country club
tin Wednesday and In addition to tho regular
members thero woro present Mrs. Wheeler,
Miss Decrlng, Miss Preston ot Chicago nnd
Miss Nell Dodgo ot Council Bluffs.
Tho Chafing Dish club spent Decoration
day at Seymour park and besides tho mem
bers of tho club, Misses Preston, Kountzc,
Wobstor nnd Deorlng, Messrs. Strickland,
Btunrt nnd Anderson participated In tho
lark and tho picnic dinner.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Honry W. Yntes entertained
Bt dinner on Wednesday evening, when
their guests wero: Bishop nnd Mrs. Wil
liams, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Morse, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Lewis Heed, Mrs. Morgnn, Miss
.VVelghtmnn, Dean Fair and Mr. Darling.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyman gnvo n din
ner party on Thursday evening, tho tablo
Decorations being of pink and rod peonies
tTho guests present wero: Mr. and Mrs
D. B. Yost, Mr. and Mrs. Joslyn, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Itedlck nnd Mr. and Mrs. Bld-
Miss Laura Jordan cntcrtntned tho G
JV. club Saturday afternoon In honor of
Iho Misses Iloser of Topekn. Those pres
ent wero: Misses Porter, Burns, Brady,
Harris, Butts, Do Graff, Mack, Ncalo,
Fotera, Hcrdman, Valentine, Gotz, Iloser
nd Jordan.
Tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Dale was
filled with flowers and friends on Wednes
day, the occasion being tho SCth birthday
ot Mrs. Dale's mother, Mrs. H. II, John
Ban. For many years a resident of Omnba,
Mrs. Johnson hns a wldo qlrclo of friends
and on Wodncsday nfternoon ono and all
,pld and young, called to bring good wishes
ana nowers
Tho gamo attractod a large attendance at
the Country club yesterday afternoon nnd
lator dinner was sorved to sovcnty-flve. Tho
On Friday nfternoon the Clio rlub en
Joyed nn nfternoon nt the suburban homo
of Mrs. Haycr, Just beyond tho old fort.
An Intellectual feast on "London" was sup
plemented by refreshments thnt appealed
most temptingly to the physical. Tho next
meeting will bo held nt the homo of Mrs.
McKchrcn, when the nnnual election of of
ficers will occur.
Tho officers of tho political nnd social
The ointory department of the Woman's Juno 26, 27 and 28. It recalls tho organlza-
club met for tho last tlmo this year at Hon n year ago of tho women's auxiliary
a picnic nt tho homo of Mrs. B. F. Car- of that society. Tho president of tho
pentcr, Thirty-seventh and Leavenworth women's auxiliary Is Mrs. Herman J. Hall
streets, Wednesday. In nddltlon to tho of Chicago and tho secretary Is Miss Edith
dinner, which was served nt noon, tho long A. Cnnnlng of Wnrten, Mass. Tho auxiliary
afternoon out of doors and an Interesting Is a member of tho General Federation of
program, by members of tho department, Women's Clubs.
made up ono of tho most pleasant occasions
of the year. . Tno ,ast rnectlng of tho yenr of tho Dun-
. dco Woman's club wns held on Wcdncs-
Now that the garden flowers have be- day afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Tallle-
comc so plentiful, the Emma Flower Mis- fcrro, a large number of members being
slon will endeavor to dlstrlbuto flowers present. The annual election was tho fen-
even moro widely than before nnd tho turo of the meeting, tho following ofllcers
rrinmia nf ttir. unfit nml nil nersnns hnv- belne the choico of tho club: President.
Ing flowers to contribute ore asked to sond Mrs. E. A. Henford; vice president, Mrs. sclenco department of tho Woman's club,
them to Mrs. George A. Hoagland, 41S D. L. Johnson: secretary, Mrs. W, B. How- Mtsdamcs W. E. Adams, C. S. Loblnglcr,
unuiti sirtonnth Rirrot. nn Thursdav morn- ard: trensuror. Mrs. W. L. Solby. W. Clark, H. A. Wngner nnd A. K. Oault,
Ing, or telcphono her nnd they will bo A stcrcoptlcon lecture by Prof. Everett wero hostesses nt n flag party on Saturday
nnlimi tnr .. Dm ,1 U t plhii tlon Is niado on on "A Trln Across the Hockles" was given afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Adams, u.i
thnt day. nt tho school house on Thursday evening Miami street, nt which tho members of
. under the nusnlceH nf the club nnd on Frl- tholr department, the members of the
Wednesdny, Juno 5, will bo Visiting day evening tho club gave Its annual party household economics nnd political nnd so
Nurses day at tho Beaton-McGinn soda nt tho home ot Mrs. James W. Marshall. clal science departments, nnd n few others,
fountain, when everything will bo In charge wero tho guests, nbout eighty women being
nf tho women nnd tho proceeds devoted to There wns n consultation nt tho loung present. The houso decorations consisted
tho work of tho association. Tho patron- Women's Christian association rooms on entirely of lings and ferns, tho flags being
esses of the occasion nro: Mesdames E. A. Saturday between somo of tho prominent drnped at nil of tho doors nnd windows, nnd
Cudnhy, Klrkcndall, Barker, McKcnna, mlBslon workers of tho city for the pur- ns each guest entered she was given n tiny
Mandcrson. Yates, Cowin, Yntes nnd H. pose of devising somo plan by which chll- ling to wear. Tho nftcrnoon's entertainment
McCord, The assisting women will be: drcn can bo prevented from visiting tho consisted of n contest In which tho flags of
Mesdames Morlarty, Able, Mawhlnncy, saloons and dlsroputnble houses of tho all nations were shown and ench women
Woodard, Stevens, Myers, Cartnn, Burgoss, lower part of tho city. For somo tlmo
Adams, Kellnr, Baxter, Gllmore, MeShane, tho women have been wntchlng this mat-
Cnnnell nnd Anglln, Misses Curtis, Wakclcy, tcr and they now havo proof that ho law
McKennn. McRhnne. Kountzc, Moore, Bar- Is being ovndcd In many cases. It Is no-
ker, Cnad, Allen, Elizabeth Allen, Storz, tlccnble that It Is tho llttlo girls, and not
Morse, Her, tho boys, that aro hoing sent on errands
to theso places and nftcr talking the situa
tion over It was decided to bring tho mat-
Nnlly nf Chllllcotho nro guests or Mrs. jinr- i nltnl stilt nl .Mo!.
gnrct McDermott. LONDON, Juno 1. A Parliamentary paper
After nn absence of seven years Mr. Ld I juit Issued shows the emigration nnd Imml
Sherwood spent a few dnys with friends
In Omaha last week.
Mrs. Charles Ilobcrts of Chicago 1b In the
lly, tho guest of Mrs. J. S. Sykcs of 209
North Twentieth street.
Miss Davis Martin of Hnnnlhnl, Mo,,
spent Inst week with relatives In tho city
while on her wny to Mlnnenpolls.
Miss Gertrude Pnrrnugh of Burlington,
Vt., was tho guest last week ot her mint,
Mrs. William Barrows of this city.
Hnnchott, Lomnx. Smith,
Garclssen and Towle.
The fifth annual convention of tho Amer
ican Park and Outdoor Art association
required to guess to what country It bo
longed. Out of tho sixty Mrs. P. E. B. Sill
guessed forty-three and won tho prize, n
handsome silk flag; Mrs, Katz nnd Mrs. Bur
bank guessed the next highest number nnd
each was given n bunch of flowers. In tho
refreshments which followed Iho nntlonnl
colors wero ngaln carried out and nftcr n
tcr beforo tho authorities. This will bo talk on tho different flags of tho world by
dono nt once, but the women will con- Mrs, Heller the nfternoon closed with the
will ho held this yenr at Milwaukee on tlnuo to watch tho places offending and It singing of the "Star-Spangled Banner."
well attcrded nnd the evening wholly en
joyable. Thn gamo of the afternoon re
sulted ns follows: W. J. Foye, 78; Tom
Klmbnl, 81; Harry Laurie, 85; J. 1). Itahm,
87; E. M. Fairfield. 89; A. V. Klnslcr, 90; H.
O. Lenvltt, 90; W. E. Martin, 90; It. II.
Kimball, 91. W. D, Bnnckcr, 91; J. E. Buck
ingham, 91; Edgar Morsman, Jr., 96.
Tho Six-Handed Eucbro club held Us
closing mcstlng of tho year at the homo of
Mrs. W. It. Kclley on Monday. Mrs. Frank
Colpetzor held tho highest score for the
season nnd received a silver loving cup.
Mrs. Wood was awarded tho silver candle
stick for tho second placo and Mrs. W.
Morrman n silver tonbon dish for tho third,
Mrs. C. It. Chlsam, 3846 Hamilton street,
entertained nt a kenslngton Wednesday
from 2 to 5 In tho nftcrnoon. Those pres
ent wero: McBdaracs. J. F. Wngner, It.
L. Metcnlf, It. E. Harris, Henry Wilson,
It. S. Ncclcy, V. D. Reynolds, I. n. An
drews, C. D. Hutchinson, P. M. Conklln,
Hertert McCoy, W. A. Gardner, A. E.
Shaver, J. E. Stowcll, It. C. Wngner, It. M.
Harris, O. B. Dake, J. W. Austin, Lewis
Brcndorf, A. A. Buchanan, C. F. Edwards,
Herbert Campbell, G. B. French and J. W.
Complimentary to Mrs. A. II. Noyes, who
leaves shortly for Chicago to mako her
home, Mrs. Byron Smith gavo a beautiful
red and whlto luncheon on Wednesday at
her homo on Georgia nvenue. Shower
bunches of red roses occupied tho center
of tho two tnblcs, whllo the places were
marked with llttlo ribbon-bound boxes,
each bearing tho namo of tho guest for
whom It wns Intended. Mrs. Smith's guests
wcro: Mesdames Knox, Dinning, Comstock,
Hoffman, Olmstcad, Moore, Wood, Dcnncy,
Burgess, Reynolds and Misses Comstock.
Miss Itcno Beckwlth was hostess at a
pretty luncheon on Monday, given In honor
of Miss Beth Ames of Ackloy, la., who Is
her guest. Tho color scheme of pink and
whlto was carried out In every detail of
tho tnblo decoration and In the Ices, cakes
and canay. Chains of white daisies and
pink carnations extended from tho chando-
Her to tho corners of tho tablo and tho cen-
terplcco was a flat bed of daisies from which
cxtnded a shower bunch of carnntlons. rink
and white fairy lamps furnished the only
light nnd thn places of tho twelve guests
wero marked alternately with small bunches
of tho prevailing flowers.
Ono of tho moct enjoyable affairs of re
cent occurrence wns tho dance given at the
Country club on Tuesday evening In honor
of Miss Preston of Chicago, who Is Miss
Gertrude Kouutzo's guest. Tho party was
originated and managed entirely by tho men
nnd wns entirely Informal and altogether
delightful. Among those present wero Mr.
nnd Mrs. F. A. Nnsh, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Burns, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnrren Itogers, Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. C. Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bur
gess, Mr. nnd Mrs. Klrkendall, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Palmer, Mrs. Herman Kountzc; Misses
Preston, Kountzo, Wobster, Swcnsburg,
Peck, Moore, Lindsay, Helen Smith, Lomax,
Decrlng, Spurgen and Dodgo ot Council
Bluffs; Messrs. Chase, Fonda, Powell, Shlv-
erlck, Haskell, Gannett, Will Burns, Battln,
Ezra Millard, Ed Swobe, Scott, Kchoe, Sher
wood, Strickland, Howell, Colby, Qeorge,
Dodgo and Stuart of Council Bluffs. After
tho dance supper was served In tho dining
In honor of her guest, Miss Etta Jncoby,
Mrs, Hugo Brandels entertained nt "spin
ster's" luncheon nnd tea on Saturday, tho
guests nil coming dressed as tho most old
fashioned of old maids, curls, poke bon
nets, full skirts nnd nil. The luncheon
wns served at 1 o'clock, all of tho decora
tlons being of tho old-fashioned sort, quaint
old china and silver and In tho centor a
hugo bunch ot old-ttmo garden flowers
Tho candlesticks wero also of an anti
quated pattorn, but tho plate cards woro
modorn nnd unlquo In tho oxtreme, each
girl, with an accompanying inscription In
quiring to whnt extent this frivolous
creature amazed tho proper spinsters. The
Items of the menu were designated In a
most puzzling manner, among them being:
"Warranted to pop," a bottle of ginger
ale, nnd "Sadly missed," klssos. After
tho luncheon, the nfternoon wns devoted to
a reading of reminiscences from tho lives
ot tho spinsters, ench of which hnd brought
nn old-fashioned photograph of the hero of
their "ono affair" nnd ench a written nc
count of hlra, his fnults nnd his virtues
nnd why ho wns not ncccptcd. Late In
the nftcrnoon old maid's tea was served,
tho young women present being: Misses
Louise and Mao Heller, Lena and Hnnchcn
ftchfcld, Goctz, Hattto Drclfuss, Knthcrlno
Polack, Jncoby and Mrs, Brandels.
the east. They will be at home at 921 North
Twcntyfltth street after Juno ID.
opening ot tho Bcllstedt concert divided the
Interets In tho evening, but tho hop was being ornamented with a very gay ballot
Bankers Union
of the World.
My attention having been culled to the fact that unscrupul
dub competitors are sending out in circular form a report thnt
the Bankers Union has been sold to another order, I desire to
Btate that no such sale was ever made or even contemplated, by
myself or by any other ofllcer of the Bankers Union. How such
report happened to be given to the press I do not know, but it
must have come from some unfriendly source.
Supreme President.
Omalia, June 1st, 1001 - "
Social Chit Chat.
Miss Decrlng will be Mrs. Charles Hull's
guest next week.
Miss Yntes Is expected homo from St.
Joseph this week.
Mrs. Dalcomb nnd Miss Bnlcomb leave !
July 1 for Macklnnw.
Miss Jean Wallaco la recovering from
bor recent sevcro Illness.
Mrs. C. E. Yost has Issued cards for a
whist luncheon on Thursday.
Mrs. Kllpatrlck and Miss Kllpatrlck will
summer In tho Adlrondacks.
Miss Bessie Brady Is expected home from
Miss ScovlU's school tomorrow.
Mrs. Clarkson expects to spend the sum
mer in the mountains of Tennessee.
Miss Gertrudo Bothwoll will entertain
at a porch party on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Peck expect to go to
their country placo at Calhoun this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Drolfuss and family
are now residing at 2013 Harney street.
Mr. and Mrs. Klrkcndall will llvo at tho
Paxton until the completion ot their new
Mr. nichnrd Baum and Mr. Lyman Peck
nro expected homo from St. Taul's school
this week.
liov. E. B. Borg and daughter expect to
lenvo on Tuesday for a three months' visit
to Europe.
Mrs. Cbnrles Lyman will visit Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Lyman In New Haven some tlmo
during July.
Mrs. M. J. Pound Is seriously 111 at the
homo of her daughter, Mrs. J. II. Butler,
2116 Wirt street.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Selby expect to
glvo a garden party Juno 15 at their homo,
4808 Davenport utrcot.
Mrs. S. S. Curtis, Mrs. Bird and tho
Misses Curtis will summer at their cottage
at Lako Geneva, leaving about the middle
of June.
The Junior Cooking club will meet at tho
Country club next Wednesday and during
tho summer give Its luncheons there every
two weeks.
Miss Janet Rogers, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Rogers, will return tomor
row from Miss ScovlU's school, where sho
has finished.
Tho WIntor club will give tho first of
Its summer outings on Thursday evening,
when a party of nbout 100 will go for a
tallyho ride.
W. E. Clnrko expects to leavo soon for
Memphis, Tonn., where ho will locate In
business.. Mrs. Clarko will follow him In
about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Fisher left on Fri
day for Colorado Springs, wboro they will
remain for somo tlmo for tho benefit ot
Mrs. Fisher's health.
Mrs. Cummlng will receive on Friday
afternoon in honor of Mrs. Hamilton and
the Misses Hamilton, who returned last
week from an oxtended tour nbroad.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brldowoll and children
will leavo on Tuesday for Denver, whore
they will remain for two weeks nnd then
go to their collego near Solma, Colo.
Cards are out for tho marrtago of Miss
Sara McFarland and Mr. Oeorge McElroy
of Vinton, la., which Is to occur at tho
home ot tho bride's mother, 116 North
Twenty-fourth street, at 5 o'clock Wedncs
day evening, Juno 12.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Fallon havo taken
tho houso at 722 North Nineteenth street.
Dr. Jean Whlnnery, Jr., who was ro
cently appointed dental surgeon, with rank
ot first Ueutcnaut, In the regular army,
arrived In the city from Washington on
Sunday, leaving two days later for San
Francisco, from wbero he will sail for
Mr. M. F. Campbell of Kansas City, but
formerly of Omaha, passed through hero
this week on his way to Bolso City, Idaho.
Ho announced to his friends in this city
his marrlago to Miss Laura Ratcllft ot
Boise City on Juno C. The bride was also
a resident ot this city until recently.
After the ceremony the couple will go to
Kansas City, whoro they will be at home
to their friends after Juno 25.
Mil vrnii'iitn ami Whri riitiont .
Miss Helen Peck Is In Chicago.
Miss Linn Curtis went to Chicago on
Mr. Paul Harm hns returned from Colum
bus, O.
Mrs. John A. McShnno has returned from
Mr. Tom J. McShnno left Inst evening for
Mr. T. P. Mnhoney returned from Ogden
on Sundny.
Mrs. F. H. Gnlncs returned today from
New York.
Captain nnd Mrs. Erwin went to St. Loul.i
on Monday.
Mr. J. C. Wharton has returned from
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wilcox have returned
from tho east.
Mr. T. n. Godfry returned from St. Louis
on Wednesday.
Mr. Fred Nash, Jr., returned from Now
lork on Monday.
Mr. Charles Hart will return home from
Tarklo tomorrow.
Miss Blancho Hungate has returned from
a visit to Chicago.
Master Haldaln Mooro Is In Calhoun, tho
guest of Alfred Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Warwick went to Mem
phis, Tcnn., on Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Kuhn arrived homo
from Chicago on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash and Miss Lomax
went to Chicago on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dozler havo returned
from their visit to tho south.
Mrs. Harry Lnufcnburg of South Omaha
has returned from Kansas City.
Miss Lena Rchfeld spent last week' lu
Peru with hor sister. Miss Hattle.
Miss Daisy Doano has gone to Hannibal
Mo., to visit Mrs. Frank Wcssolls.
Mrs. J. D. Kite of Wymoro Is tho guest
of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Dempster.
Mr. Clydo Morris has gone to Denver to
spend Bovcral weeks with his bister.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grecno spent tho
early part of last week In St. Paul, Minn
Mr. Frank Murphy, Mrs. Hamilton and
tho Misses Hamilton arrived In Omaha on
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ford have re
turned from a short visit to friends in
Dubuque, la.
Mls3 Amlo Davlcs and Master Baterton
ralmer nro In Spencer, 111., visiting tholr
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Wlthnell and grand
son have returned from California nnd are
at tho Merrlam.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore returned Wednesday
from a week's visit with Dr. and Mrs. Fred
erick Teal of Norfolk.
Mrs. L. M. Boyor and Mrs. S. A. Smith
left Monday for Denver and other places
of Interest In Colorado.
Mr. R. B. Douglas left on Friday for New
York, whoro ho will Join his parents and
make his homo In future.
Mrs. Poppleton nnd Mrs. Learned havo
returned from Chicago whero thoy have
spent tho last six weeks.
Mr. Elijah Conklln returned on Thursday
from Memphis, Tcnn., whero he nttended
the reunion of tho confederate veterans.
Mrs. Robert La Ing returned on Saturday
from an oxtended visit with friends In Ohio
nnd Kentucky.
Mr. W. O. Tompleton returned on
Wednesday from Red Oak, la. Mrs. Tcm-
plcton and Miss Florence will remain two
weeks longer.
Mrs. Adclaldo Mlllspaugh Zannor of 1716
Dodgo street leaves tomorrow for Fari
bault, Minn., to attend tho graduating exer
cises of her son nt Shattuck Military acad-om.
Mrs. Georgo Prltchet went enst on Mon
day to attend tho graduation of her son nt
St. Paul's school. Sho wilt spend tomu
tlmo on tho Atlantic coast expecting to re
turn to Omaha about the first of August.
'WnlilliiKH nml UiiKiiKciiimU.
There was a qulot but pretty wedding at
St. John's church on Wednesday evening
when tho marriage of Miss Mary Peetz and
Mr. John F. Engel was solemnized In tho
presenco of a few friends, Father Brons
gecst officiating. The bride was gowned In
an Ivory satin nnd was attended by Misses
Blanche Flnnnery and Katie Kochcn, both
wearing pink batiste and carrying bouquets
of La Franco roses. The groomsmen wero
Mr. John J. Rlly and Mr. Frank R. Smith
After tho ceremony a wedding supper was
served at the home of the bride, and later
Mr. and Mn. Enjel left for Chicago and
Immigrants wcro mostly Jews irom uussia,
Poland and lloumauln.
MIbs Mock of Omaha spent last Sunday
with friends In Benson.
A. Larsen's father, who was bndly hurt
n a runaway, Is recovering.
Miss Emma Edllng ot Omaha spent Inst
Friday visiting tho Benson school.
Jnmcs A. Howard Is erecting two resi
dences In tho south part of town.
Georgo Snell has had his homo near tho
Military road painted nnd repaired.
W. J. Joseph of western Knnsns wns a
resent visitor nmong old friends In Benson.
Tho children of Mrs. Chris Mnrtlg nrc
much Improved In their recent serious
Mrs, Harvey J. Grove and children went
to Ashland Thursday to visit a few days
with friends.
Fred Wranch, who has spent tho last
month In California, returned homo last
Friday morning.
Miss Margaret Safford of Lincoln, Neb.,
nrrlvcd In Benson Inst week and Is visit
ing with friends.
Tho Lndlea' Aid society meeting wns
postponed to meet nt tho homo of Mrs.
N. Horteu Thursday afternoon.
Miss Gertrudo Lowo hns returned homo
from Lonu Pine. Neb., where sho wns a
teacher In tho Bchools tho last year.
Ben Morten, who hns been visiting nt the
homo of his niece, Mrs. J. N. Hortcn, left
for his homo in Kansas City Wednesday.
Tho annual reception of tho Independent
Order of Odd Fellows' lodge wns given to
tho members nnd families nt the lodgo hall
Friday night.
Children's day exercises of the Benson
Methodist Episcopal church will bo next
Sunday morning nt tho usual morning
hour for services.
Services will bo today at tho Methodist
Episcopal church nt 11 o'clock; Sundny
school nt noon. Tho pnstor will tnko ns
his topic, "Tho Prevnlency of Provarlca-
Hans Nelson, Jr., has been sick for tho
last few days.
Mrs. J. Chapman of Omaha was a visitor
horo Saturday.
Mrs. E. K. Turner and Olga Tucker went
to Blair Thursday.
D. L. Garrison spent Saturday night and
Sunday with his family.
Mr. B. F. Hallcr and wife of Blair, Neb.,
wcro visitors hero Wednesday.
Thomas Miller of Lookout, Wyo., Is visit
ing relatives hero for a few days.
Mrs. Mlllor and daughter Ida visited
friends In Omaha Saturday and Sunday.
Tho Florcnco bnso ball team and tho
Uniques of Omaha play ball hero this after
John Flqkcnkollor returned Saturday
from tho" west, whero he has been building
a flour mill.
Mrs. Christian aud son Walter visited
relatives In Lincoln for two weeks, return
ing home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis went to Blair
Thursday for a visit with friends and to
attend Memorial day exercises.
Jonathan lodge No. 225, Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, elected these officers:
N. G., Joseph Taylor; V. G., Elmer Guy;
secretary, James C. Kindred; treasurer,
Thomas Walker.
Out of Tmvii fliimtfl.
Mr. W, A. Paxton, Jr., spent Saturday
In tho city.
Miss Helen Harris of Chicago Is visiting
hor aunt, Mrs. Taliaferro.
Mrs. W. W. Brlggs of Fort Worth, Tex.,
Is visiting friends In tho city.
Mrs. Gates arrived on Wednooday to bo
tho guest of Mrs. Herbert Gates.
Mrs, J. M. Hublcr of Marshalltown, la.,
Is tho guest of Mrs. Georgo B. Eddy,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fallon havo as
their guest Mrs. J. M. Gross of Wavorly, la.
Mr. Ed Swobo and Mr. Dwight Swobe
wero In tho city for several days last wook.
Mrs. Brotherton, who has beon tho guest
of Mrs. W. II. Wyman, left on Friday for
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. VanCamp of Hollls,
Ind., aro guests at tho homo of Miss
Encra Barnes.
MlS3 Anitn Nunnelly of Atlanta, Ga.,
arrived on Tuesday to be tho guest of Miss
Myrtlo Howard.
Mrs. Lafayette Anderson, who Is now a
resident of Washington, la., Is spending a
week In tho city.
Mrs. Caroline Clinton Johnson and llttlo
daughter of Minneapolis arrived on Thurs
day to be tho guests of Mrs. C. N. Rich
ot 2110 Lake stjeet.
Captain C. M. Brownell of the Twenty
sixth Now York volunteers Bpent last Sun
day in Omaha, tuo guest of Mrs. Walter
I'lcnmirc nnd Dlnplcnnure.
Tho summer Is nt hand with Its pleas
ures nnd displeasures, nnd one strives to
nvold tho latter. If you will follow the
ndvlco which wo aro happily able to give.
your wishes may bo realized. This Is tho
season during which all porsplre moro .or
less, but nil enough to bo discommoded.
Tho hnnds which persplro nro nlways
moist, clammy nnd dlsngrocnblo to the
touch, oven thoso of our youngest nnd most
beautiful women. Moro thnn that, there
Is tho lnconvenlenco of soiling In ono day
gloves which aro costly, nnd a prnctlcul
person will find economy and relief In a
box of Re-No-May powder. It prevents
both onnoyanco nnd needtess cxrense.
Used nt tho Bnthcry, Boo building, nnd
Bold cverywbero by glove dealers nnd drug
For tliP I.Hillea.
The vendors of patent medicines havo
been trying for years to mako pcoplo bo-
llovo that springtime Is tho proper season
for tonics. Don't bellovo It. Of course,. wo
fcol languid and aro frequently ovcrcomo
with that don't-want-to-work fooling, but
wo don't want a tonic wo want something
that will rest us put snap nnd life Into
us. If you foci that way try me nninery.
Nothing like n massage or Turkish bath,
followed by an Invigorating sea-salt run.
The Rcntstrom treatment will cure that
tired feeling nnd mako life worth living
ngnln. For soothing tired nerves, elcnrlng
tho complexion, rubbing out tho wrinicios
or bulldlug up tho figure, It has no equal.
Try tho Bathery, 220-224 Bee? lulldlng. For
Indies only. v '
School ClillilriMi Arc IiitorrHtert.
Plnno & Organ Co., 1316 Farnam street, havo
taken tho matter up nnd will sco It tlirousn.
To Interest more pople In music, thuy
ngreo to glvo ench child, under tho ago of
16, twenty piano lessons free, you to choose
your own teacher, and nil thoy nsk lu re
turn is tho namo of one prospective piano
purchaser who will buy a new piano within
thirty davs from date iho namo Is reported.
Wo will glvo you 10 days, beginning Juno 1,
to think of your friends who expect to ouy
nlnnoH. All wo ask Is tho name, v:o win
do tho rest. To assist you we will, mako
special prices on every piano In stock. Wo
will receipt each namo when given. The
celebrated "Hardmnn" and other Btnndari
pianos to select from.
Tho oldest muslo houso west of Chicago.
Tel. 1098. 1316 Farnam street.
Miss Maud Shonfold leaves tho first of
tho week for n short vacation, expecting, to
return early In tho fall to resume nor
vocal studies with Delmoro Cheney.
Neliruikn Ilrpiililleuu I.eiiKiir KxtemlM
Invitation to Tlicoiloro
Tho Nebraska Republican league expects
to havo Vlco President lloosovclt speak
at Its annual meeting tho day preceding
the state republican convention. Mr. Rooso
velt has not given a deflnlto answer to
tho Invitation, but tho members of tho
league feel confident that ho will accept.
Tho time and placo of tho stute conven
tion have not beon decided upon, but tho
leaguo officers will follow the usual cus
tom nnd have their meeting tho day pre
ceding tho convention and at tho sarao
placo. Thero are 400 republican clubs In
Wheeler & Wilson
Ball Bearing
Three times the value
f ......
magic. WKV. J3 rK,? ,1. "i "" UU1V1.
Uiie-third easier.
One-third faster.
The only sewing machine that dooa not fail
in any point.
Rotary motion and ball bearings mako it tho
lightest running machine in tho world.
Quiet awd durable. Tho rotary motion docs
away with noiBo and woar catisud by tho forward and
backward movement of tho shuttle.
Best for all kinds of sewing. Will bow tho
lightest goods without puckering them, and on
heavy work makes a seam that is elastic, stroug and dur
able. We buy these machines for cash and sell them to you
for 95.00 cash ami 75 cents per week. We keep a compe
tent instructor who will call at. your house and teach your
wife to use all the attachments at no expense to you. h'
you want a cheap machine we enn sell you one and save
you money. But before buying a cheap machine you ought
to look over our line of
Second-Hand Machines
Never such prices for such goods offered before, nnd If nt any tlmo within ono
year you wnnt to buy a new machine wo will tnko tho old ono back at exactly
what It cost you.
Tho following Is a partial list ot whnt wo offer for alt this week:
Former Prlco This Week.
1 Domestic $ 8.00 1.00
1 Domestic 20.00 10.00
3 Singers, high arm 24.00 12.00
1 Singer, now Improved 30.00 15.00
1 Wheeler & Wilson, No. 0 25.00 12..r,0
1 Household 10.00 5.00
1 Household , 20.00 10.00
1 Union 10.00 5.00
1 Whlto 16.00 8.00
1 Whlto 10.00 5.00
1 Wheeler & Wilson, No. 8 4,00 2.00
1 Wilcox & Olhbs 25.00 12.50
1 White, tailoring 40.00 20.00
3 Shoemaker Machines 30.00 15.00
I Now Homo 20.00 10.00
1 Singer, tnllorlng 40.00 20.00
Three modern drop head machines, slightly used, at one-half tho regular
Wo rent machines at 75c per week, or $2.00 per month.Thcso nro modern,
up-to-dato machines, with all attachments.
Wo sell needles nnd parts for and repair every sewing machlno manufac
tured. Nebraska Cycle Co,
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts.
We are showing an cxqulilto lino from $10 up. The
newest thing In Brooches is tho Baroque wo nro showing
a beautiful lino mounted in artistic designs. Como In .and
sco them.
Jewelers and Art Stationers. Cor. loth and Douglas.
S Muslin Underwear
At tho lowest prices on tho mnrkot. We enn astonish you with pretty
goods and low prices.
Muslin Skirts with India linen kneo flounce, with cluster of ten tucks
nnd 6 Inch embroidered ruflle nnd dust rufllo, prlco $1.25.
Cumbrlc skirt with Indln linen kneo flounce, three rows lace Insertion,
extra rufllo on flounce, tucked and edged with 3 Inch Inco; dust ruffle, prlco
$1.50. Same stylo with embroidery, same price.
Very handsomely trimmed skirts, $3.00, $1.50 nnd $3.00.
Seo tho new drop ruffled skirt, clnborutoly trimmed with lace, $7.60.
Whlto Hltlrts, with 6 Inch hemstitched cambric ruffle and dust ruflle, CSc.
Lnco nnd embroidery trimmed skirts, 75c nnd $1.00.
Good gowns, 50o up. See our assortment for SSc.
Handsomely trimmed French hand-made gowns, J6.S7 up.
Ladles' hemstitched drawers, 25o up. Children's drawers, lOo up.
So many Indies tell us we havo tho prettiest corset covers In the city,
prices 25c tip.
Goblin Art Draperies nml Cretonne. 15c nnd 20c goods for 10c. 15c 811k
allnc for 9c. 10c Bllknllnc for 6c.
Time for
Straw Hats
50c to $2.50.
of all kinds
The $2.50 Hatter
107 So, Kith St.
An .T.nlnr toll.t li not rom,
pl.t. Mlttiogt th.t Uit touch
of roilonr. Mfdlf.tett Con
pl'tlon rowd.r, It protect,
od pieiMtei tea .kin,
will at remote. .11 blem.
UI..I, Uf.uie t U ikln
rood, (Jont.lni no rol.oqi or
Inlurlom .1 io
rn.ny cbeajj Imltttlont do.
Stmpl. free. j)oi SOc,
J. A, Co,
St. Louli tvr 2'ew Tork.
Women's Feet fitters
A foot-fitter Is a shoo that fits tho foot
comfortably, bocomlngly and well. A
shoo that looks and foela well, not only
whllo you are fitting It on, but after you
havo walkod and walked again.
Walking tolls.
A shoe that hurts aftor walking In them
Is not n fit.
Sorosls do double duty In that respect,
Thoy aro not only the finest for carrlago
wonr, etc., but thoy aro tho Ideal walking
shoo also,
Thoy are shown In that ldp woman's
storo where thoy have tho Itcst Iloom and
tho telcphono, writing and reading tables
at your disposal. Deter visit thnt now
Sorosls Storo
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street,
' Frank Wilcox, Manntfer.
New Catalogues now ready.