Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1901, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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    'Prn! nr a tt a n a it.v wir. crvnAv ix w o Kim
ThmofThtm Aro F&vorabli t Cummin
for Gmrnor.
Bfarslint Wmita .V. S. Ketehnni for
Ilnllrnnil Coiiitiilinlnncr Co nun I tin
Lend In .Ytllulirr of llelfKillcft
School Consolidate,
(From a Staff CorreHpondent.)
DBS MOINES, Juno 1. (Special. ) Five
republican county conventions were hejd
in Iowa today. Hardin county Instructed
lor Cummins for governor, Lyon county
Instructed for Colonel J. K. I Thompson
for llcutcnnnt governor, Marshall county
Instructed for N. S. Kotchnm for railroad
commissioner and Wayne county In
structed for Judge II. M. Towner for su
nrcmt turlcn. Tim Mnrshnll and Lyon
county delegation arc supposed to be
favorablo to Cummins for governor and i
tha Wayne county delegation against him.
Tho name of Ketcham for railroad com
missioner Is an entirely new one. The
present Incumbent Is Colonel Welcome
Mowry, an old soldier, a farmer, eervlng
his first term on the commission. He
lives In Tama county, but a candidate
for lieutenant governor has been brought (
out In his county for tho especial purposu
of Injuring Mowry's chances for rcnomlnn
tlon, as support of a candidate for lieu
tenant governor would end nil hopo of
electing Mowry as railroad commissioner, j
Marshall county Is lit the samo congres
sional district, and In vlow of tho local
quarrel In Tama county Ketcham has been
brought out as a candidate
Tho only other candldato Is I". C. nrown,
a Sheldon banker, who will havo somo
support In northwestern Iowa, although
his candidacy wan first started, to Injuro
Perkins In his canvass for governor. Mr.
Ketcham Is a dealer In agricultural Im
plements In Marshalltown, and It Is be
lieved that unless tho trouble Is patched
up In Tama county ho will get most of the
support which would have gone to nrown
In tho stato convention.
Tho candidacy of Colonel Thompson for
lieutenant governor Is In response to tho
general feeling that an old soldier should
bo on tho ticket for governor or second
plate, but no other county of his district
has Instructed for htm.
Itenult of the Convention.
Thus far there havo been twenty-nine
republican county conventions held, In
cluding thoso held today. Thcso have
been mainly In counties which were favor
blo to tho candidacy of tho Dcs Molnca
man for governor. There aro 501 dele
gates selected. Of these 319 aro Instructed
for Cummins and slxty-ono nro for Cum
mins without Instructions. Harrlman has
flfty-olght Instructed for htm, Herrlott has
fifteen, nnd fifty aro hot Instructed and
aro opposed to Cummins. Tho following
table shows the score to date:
For Cummins, Instructed
Jtoono '.'2
I'olk tvi
Story 21
Sac '5
Woodbury 34
Carroll , J2
Poweshiek 17
Bloux IK
Jda 9
Plymouth 1&
Dickinson x
Dallas 1!)
Winnebago 11
nuenu Vista 11
Lyons i 9
Hancock 12
Kossuth 17
Total !itt
Kor CummliiH, unlnstructed '
O'Brien 13
Humboldt 12
Grundy 11
Marshall 23
Total CI
Total for Cummins 378
Kor Hnrrlman, Instructed
Butler If.
Tircmer 22
Hardin 20
Total BS
For Herrlott, Instructed
Guthrie 15
Adams in
Union 13
Taylor In
"Wayne 12
Totnl TTo
School CoiiHollilntlon.
One of the most exciting school elections
ever In Iown occurred In Lincoln township,
Black Hawk county, on tho question of con
solidation of tho schools In accordance with
tho recommendations of tho stnte superin
tendent. The county superintendent has
been a firm believer In the consolidation of
rural schools and worked hard to get the
plan started In Black Hawk county. In
only one other township of Iowa has there
been complete consolidation of schools and
that Is In Winnebago county, where tho 1
small schools of one township have been i
abandoned and the pupils aro transported
to one central graded school at a village In
tho township.
Tho voters of Lincoln township all turned
out and the vote stood for consolidation 116,
against non-consolldatlon 103. Of thess
voting elghty-threo wcro women. All tho
rural rchool bouses will be abandoned and
a central school will be established at tho
town of Voorhee3 on tho Northwestern rail
road. Thero are threats of taking the mat
ter Into the courts to prevent carrying out
the consolidation scheme, as tho opponents
of the plan aro much disappointed, A sim
ilar movement Is In progress In many parts
of the state.
Killed lir n Tramp.
News has been received hero of the
strango murder of a young man at Perry.
ThU was A. D. Daughcrty, a man about
25 years old, who was walking on the edgo
of town In company with two other men,
when they overtook a group of tramps. One
of tho tramps had something to sell and
they engaged In a quarrel among them
selves. Finally ono drew a revolver and
shot nt his companions. The shot missed
Its aim and hit young Daugherty, killing
him Instantly. Tho tramps Immediately
fled, but were followed by ofllcers and cap
tured this afternoon ncir Itcdflcld.
A strango thing In connection with the
killing Is that Daughcrty's mother was al
most killed n few days ago by being thrown
downstairs by unknown persons. She had
gono to the PlTlce of her husband In a block
and encountered some strangers In tho hall
nnd one of them pushed her over the laillug.
Sho fell down tho stairs and sustained n
broken leg nnd othor serious Injuries.
Kiii'iiIiik Wny ThrotiKh College.
President MucLcau of Iowa university ro
ports that about 200 of tho students attend
ing that Institution are earning all or n
largo part of their living while they nttend
college. Of thcso fourteen arc women. The
university encourages this outside work
of students wherever U Is possible, and a
largo part of tho copying lor tho university
la dono by students on pay. Besides there
Is a steady dcinnnd for students who can
do odd Jobs out of school hours. Tho num
ber engaged thus In earning their way
through tho state university Is larger now
than ever before.
lift for CoIIprp.
Archbishop Keano recently purchased two
valuable) lots In Dubuque, and presented
them at St. Joseph's collego of that city,
and with this addition to the grounds the
plans of the faculty for a considerable en
largement of tho collego will bo finished. A
$50,000 addition to the college will be built
next fall.
Contract for Itullroatl (irmlliiR.
Tho contract for grading tho new North
& South railroad between Novada, on tho
Northwestern, and Dos Moines, has been
let to Kobcrt Elzy of Marshalltown and tho
papers have been signed. Not all of tho
right-of-way has been secured, but the sur
veys aro completed and much work has
been dono In securing right-of-way along
the route, whl-h raises through a rich agri
cultural region. According to tho contract
tho work must ho completed within a year.
Work has already been rommeuccd on the
parallel road to run northeast from Dcs
Moines, known as the Iowa FoIIb road. The
work has commenced within the city limits
of Dcs Molncs and will be continued during
tho summer along the rlght-of-wny.
Tho two roads cover tho samo territory
nnd thus far It appears that both will be
Iown CoIIckc Commencement.
Tho program for tho annual commence
ment week of Iowa college at Orlnnell has
been given out as follows:
Friday, Juno 7. At 2:30 p. m. Anniversary
of the Iowa Collece nendemv.
Saturday. Juno 8, a n. m. Meeting of
Hoard or Trustees, s p. m. uenerai rccuai
of the Collego of Murtc.
Sunday. June , 10:30 u. m. Baccalaureate
address by Actlnc President J. H. T. Main.
5 p. m. Alumni prayer meeting In college
chapel. 7:30 p. m. Address before tho
Young Men's nnd Young Woman's Chris
tian assoclntlon on "Tho Christian Scholar
In an Ago of Transition, by Pror. Mat
thews of the University of Chicago.
Monday, Juno 10, 8 p. m. Cluss duy pro
gram nt the Hand gymnasium,
Tuesday, Juno 11, 10:30 u. in. Hill prize
contest In extemporaneous address and
.sight Hinging. 1 p. m. Alumni reunion nnd
business meeting, o n. m. Alumni iianauct.
S p, m. Address before Alumni uF.socIntlon
bv F. J. Herrlott. W.
Wednesday. June 12. 9:39 n. m. Fifty-first
commencement of the Iowa college. Ad
rtresot bv Emll CI. Illrscb of Chlcnco on
''Culture nnd Scholarship." Conferring of
degrees, 8 p. m. uceepuon uy Acting
President .Main at me itanu gymnasium.
I.rln Ontnlilcru Conic In.
A meeting uf tho Stato Board of Edit
cation wot: hold hero today and the rules
wore modified so that hereafter oxamlna
Hons for state certificates will bo given
Monday's Extra. Specials
Our Croclcery Department has no equal Not only in variety, bttt poult ivcly th a lowest
prices ever named in Omaha SPECIAL MATTING- S A 1,15 MONDA If.
Tea Spoons plain or shell
0 for
Ton Spoons fancy handles
u for
Jewery Dept.
Table silverware of the very
best quality at Jknndt't clcarinq
prices. W'm. A. Roger's "A jYo. i"
74 o
Table Spoons plain or shell J OC
li for AiCt7
Tabic Spoons fancy handles f Ql
6 for m, .
Knives good plutlng 12 dwt. -1 i O
0 for X.40
Forks to match i i Q
B for X.0
1847 Rogers Bros'
Tcii Spoons fancy patterns J Q8
Tea Spoons plain or shell A.
putterits 0 for J f
Table Spoons fancy put- f ff
terns elegant B for v
Tublo Spoons plain O CIA
0 for fcCJ
Knives triple silver plate X.fff)
Forks to match 1 f-if)
0 for X. vC
Herry Spoons fancy patterns iif9
handsome goods, each ....-'"v
Hardware Dept.
We havo the real goods, at
a price to jrfcatc.
Jim's Gas Toaster the most perfect
nrangemcnt nintlo for toast
lug, on n gas stove price . ..f C
Grass slcKlc
Qrass Sickle tho
best mauo
Monday and Tuesday's Jic
ntoval sale.
Specials In Imitation cut WAT EH
SETS, complete with G glasses and
tray, a regular
98e valuo
gold stripes and assorted colors, a
real value of J 1.50
for Just
Clearing Sale Prices Mon
day tee place on sale tlie
best line of Matting in Oma
ha. These trices will move
the goods.
nt mattings He
15 c
2S cent mattings iir
go nt
Stationery Dept.
Things you need every day.
Jj you hutcn't litem, yrasp this oj;or
inn Uy.
12',4 cent ntnttlngs
go ut
13 ce
?o cent mattings
go at
21 cent niattlnss
go ut
, Illustrated,
or r.U hinds
0 huusohol 1
designs, tho
Hre proof, 73c
goods, yours
English dccornt'.d,
3 cent best cotton wnrp
go nt
Sec our remnants at one-halt price.
Tablo of NEW NOVELTIES In fancy
colored, nlcklo and platpd stand,
crystal mounted CARD and JEW
ELRY, shells, trays and boxes: this
cntlro lino will bo
closed nt YOUR
I'ott'B Irons set of three fQ
only vO
Family Scales weight to the QO--
amount of 24 pounds .JJ
Wheel Harrow wood with i fiQ
Hleel wheel A.XJU
Vegetable Sllcer a fnney tOn
cutter XUKs
Flour Bin Imitation onk O S Q
finish -r4iO
Cont llunt?crs heavy df
Our cntlro stock of THIN BLOWN
TUMBLERS of special stocks will go
at each
W. R. BE
Tapestry curtain
3(5 Inch by 3 yards ....
Tnpestry curtnln
io Inch by 3U yards..
Tnpcstry tablo
covers ..,
Tapestry tublo
Chenille curtain
Sti Inches by 3 yards..
Chenille curtain
40 Inches by 3 yards
Chenille tublo
covet h ,
Chenille tublo
Chenille tnblo
. X-OS
Webster's handy Amtrl-rn DIC
TIONARY, llltidtrstcd, conialnu u29
pages and Is bound In
binders' silk lliilfhod
cloth, only
White hoitfo cook book, Illustrated,
contains, Instra-tlons for r.U hinds
of cook'ng. and l.t'OO huusohol 1
rccclpee, bound In en- a " f
nnmlnil I'tntli T X
MONDAY, only
Paper napkins, nstorted designs, tho
regular 20c per hundred
kind, Monday, per
Venetian band noto ptper and en
velopes to match, extra "Tj
fine quality, per O
Juvenile noto pnptr, mltablc fcr Imi
tations, regrets, obliges, etc., en
velopes to match, nlco
llntsh, per
Scaling wax, perfumed, for Btylhh
and correct' correspondent!, &
sticks assorted
color, per
LoPnge's liquid glue, It certainly
holds tight, regular y
10c ?lzo Mon- rf"
day "
Fountain pen, with two extra gold-
plated pens nnd one
filler, complete
S porting Goods
Ifow is the. time, to use all
k 'fit ils of spoon bait for Jlsliiiuj. The
Jteh are at the siirflK and arc msili
cuurjht by our pirfcet honks of all k.tvJs
Try Mar, mf nalizc the sport.
Spoor, lmoks. nno-llutcd
a rwh each
Spoon hooks, xplnnots,
5 hIzch oach
Sjioon hooki. bended uplnncrs
i dzi-i ench
Grubf, cltrnlllo body, a
sure cnti'hcr
Rubber frogs, little fol
lows for bass
Mintl-xv frog, floaters, for Ji i(-s
bans and cmpplu
for Btylhh
pondent!, &
Hooks, Kerby's bent style,
ringed, Ftpai! dns
Carlisle' hook, small sire,
per duz
llcioks on double gut, small
Flze, per doz
Hods, grratest variety nnd oil
noits of small prices.
Woo l rod, it good one,
Wood rod, n better
one, for
Hntnboo rods, front tho best
down to joe, -he
Lines, a nice linen twist, 43
lcet long, for
A good linen braid, 73
feet long, for
A lino Boa grnss, 73 feet
long for
A silk line. 23 feet
long, for
A silk line, 73 feet
lonti, for
Heels, the best nlcklo or rubber, nt
prices varying from $3.00 grade, down
to 63c, 3"c, 23c. 14c.
.3 Go
persons from outside tho stato If their
credentials nrc good. Examination for llfo
diplomas will bo held hero November 29.
OpiionIiik 1'nrtlen Spt Out flnlly Pane
lo Help Their Cause
ATLANTIC. In., Juno 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Petitions wcro prepared today and
will bo filed early Mondny morning asking
tho courts to restrain Ernest Fisher from
selling Intoxicating liquor and tho Rock
Island rnllroad and Its agent, D. J. Vance,
from handling It. Petitions have been
filed against Druggists J. B. Jones, F. D.
Jeffreys nnd J. S. Gods. An effort has
been mado to secure removals of enough
names from the petition of con?ent to
make tho establishment of saloons Impos
sible. II. H. Abrams, president of the
Anti-Saloon league, Is hero leading th
work of tho nntt-3aloon people, supportt
by tho ministers. Ho Is getting out a
dnily shoot called Tho Forerunner. Today
tho other side got out a sheet caled Tho
Afterrunner. Tho question comes up be
fore tho Doard of Supervisors next week.
cred and whether the creation of a now
archdiocese would result In his elevation,
raid: "I havo nothing to say."
Bishop Cosgrovo Is In favor of division In
hla dlo.csaaid Archbishop Kcanc (avers tn
other archdloctse, which would mako Blsho?
Scnnncll an archbishop. Tho meeting of
thcso throo Is considered significant.
IllNhop Codnrove Favors DIvImIoii iiihI
ArchliUhop Dculrp Another
ArchilloeuNp fronted,
DUBUQUE, la., June 1. (Special Tele
gram.) In response to a telegraphic sum
mons Bishop Scanncll of Omaha and Bishop
Cosgrovo of Davenport had a long confer
ence with Archbishop Konue this afternoon.
After tho meeting Archbishop Keano tald
matters discussed wero private and ho
would mako no statement for the prtss.
Bishop Cosgrovo declined to say anything
aud Bishop Scanncll, In response to In
quiries as to whether division was consld-
Where theresAyerj
thews Hope
"Where there's life there's hope."
Never give up. that's the idea; for
often the most serious cases take a sud
den turn for the better and rapid re
covery follows.
Perhaps you arc very ill now and
have a doctor ; yet the medicine doesn't
seem to go just to the spot. Then why
not ask your doctor if he doesn't think that Ayer's Sarsa
parilla is what you need. Doctors arc very friendly toward
this Sarsaparilla, for it is the oldest, safest, and strongest.
They say there's more cure in a teaspoonful of it than in
a tablcspoonful of the ordinary kind.
No matter if you have taken other Sarsaparillas and any
quantity of other medicine, remember
Where there's Ayer's there's hope.
, I lufFered greatly from Impure blood. I was treated by a number of physicians,
but they did me no good. I tried many kinds of patent medicines, but without effect.
But when I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla I got hold of the right thing, fcr I was soon com
pletely cured." R. P. Ciouu, Attica, N. V.
One dollar
a bottle.
Alt druggists.
Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The probability
is he has prescribed it a great many times and knows just what it will do.
Then ask him if he does not think it is precisely the medicine you need this
spring. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass.
rienniit Townnhlii Vote InM ruction
for Cimtiiilna hy nn Overwhelm
Mnjorltr. ATLANTIC, la., Juno 1. (Special Tele
gram.) The republican county primaries
wcro held In this county this afternoon
nnd tonight. Tho contest for tho governor
ship did not enter Into It In many town
ships, tho locnl candidates bolng tho issue
mainly. Tho surprise of tho day was tho
passage of instructions for A. B. Ctira
nln3 in Pleasant township by an over
whelming majority. This Is tho south
west township of tho county and was sup
posed to bo n "Q" township. Tho In
structions wero passed over tho protest
of D. II. Scott, tho editor of the Griswold
American, which la a strong Conger
A hot fight has been made against Cum
mins by some of tho politicians. Tho
Third ward endorsed J. B. Rockafcllow for
delegate to tho stato convention. Ho Is a
strong Cummins man. Many of tho dele
gates nro known to bo for Cummins.
though thcro Is a strong sentiment for
Herrlott. However, ho Is not believed to
be among tho probabilities. Tho county
delegation will probably be for him and for
Cummins as second choice.
Dr. Plpler of Griswold entered tho con
test for representative today. llllam
Cool won out In tho contest for tho samo
office In Union township aver W. A.
Dowell. Several townships Instructed for
J. E. Bruco as state senator.
Lutheran Sjnod OeUbratcs Annirersarj of
Established Mission.
Prii!tlrnlly lint I re liny Cilvrn Over (o
I'xerrlscs In Connection vtltli
12 cut Money for
Ilnliiiriuunn MeiHenl Society Decide
On Plnce for KoIIoivIiik Ycnr'n
WATERLOO, la., Juno 1. (Spfclnl.)
Word has been received hero of the decision
of tho Hahnemann Medical society at the
annual meeting nt Des Moines to hold the
convention next year In this city. Sioux
City, was n bidder for tho honor, but wns
defeated by c voto of 83 to 7.
Tho doctors of tho homeopathic branch of
practice will endeavor to get a bill through
tho next lcglslaturo for n building for their
uso nt the State university, ns they now
havo no chance to test their remedies or
treatments. They will nho endeavor to se
cure recognition from tho medical manage
ment of tho hospital at Cherokee.
Mm, John Troiviirlilue of Cnrrnll Suf
fer l'ntnl tnjnriew While
Driving Home.
CARROLL, In,, Juno 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Whllo driving home from Carroll
tonight Mrs. John Trowbridge, a widow
whoso homo was a short dlstanco from town,
was thrown from tho buggy In which ahe
was riding and Killed Instantly. Her llttlo
son was with hir. Her shoelaco becoming
untied sho handed him the reins mid
stooped to tie It. Whllo doing so tho team
become frightened aud rearing Into tho nlr
throw her out of the buggy to the ground.
Tho boy rotumed to town nt mica nnd sum
moned medical aid. Deceased was a sister-In-law
to tho present county treasurer, Wil
liam Trowbridge
MUao'irl Vnlley Claim,
DKNISON. la., Juno 1. (Special.) Tho
commencement of tho Donlson High school
was at tho Gcrmanla hall Krldny after
noon nnd evening. Tho class Is tho largest
ever graduating from tho school, bolng
composed of poventoon young mon and
women. They nrp: Horaco Gregory, Harry
Morris, Charles Onhlo, Harold Van Winkle,
Luolla Cole, Kfflo Myers, Kdna Hoagland,
Isabel Marshall, Plorenco Odell, Edna Gil
brcnth, Wllletta Stralmn, Myrtle McCor
mlck, K(Tlo NorrU, Irene Oarber, Carrlo
Morris, Kthel Gullck and Carrlo Chapln.
Tho baccnlnureato sermon was preached
Sunday nt tho Presbyterian church by Itov.
K. M, Holmes of the Methodist church.
Doctor ('Itllril lo Account.
COLUMBUS. Neb.. Juno 1. (Spoclnl.)
Dr. Dnsslor has tiled complnlnts against
Dr. C. I. White, an nllcged magnetic
hcnler, aud Dr. Newman, nn eye specialist.
Tho latter was bound over to the district
court In J200 bonds and furnished them.
He cltlma that ho only treats tho oyo by
properly adjusting sl. Dr. White's
case was continued. ,
DES MOINES, Juno 1. Tho Evangelical
Lutheran general tynud today celebrated
tho twentieth anulvcrsary of tho establish
ment of a western superlntcndcucy of home
missions and the appointment of Dr. Samuel
B. Barnltz of Des Moines as western sec
retary. A reception wub tendered him by
tho delegates at tho Savory hotc'l this
afternoon, tho receiving party consisting
cf Dr. and Mrs. Barnltz, President W. S.
Krca3 of Baltimore, Dr. and Mrs. John
A. Wirt of Dcs Moines, Dr. M. W. Hamma
and wife of Washington nnd Dr. A. Stewart
Hnrtmnn, general secretary of tho Home
Mission board.
Tho anniversary services tonight will bo
nddrcsscd by ReV. Dr. Jacob A. Clutz, Rev,
Dr. Ncelandcr of San Francisco, Judgo
Poter S. Grosscup of Chicago, Rev. Dr.
lloury L. Wiles of Mansfield, O., and Dr.
J. A. Wirt of Des Molncs. Tho music will
bo by Miss Grace Beciman of Dayton, O.,
nnd a Gcrmnn quartet, consisting of Rev.
O. Saalborn of Holland. Ia.; Rev. J. Hansen
of Hartford, S. D. ; Rov, William Schuelzke
of Sprlngflold, 111., and Rev. Neumann of
Burlington, la.
Visiting Lutheran preachers will occupy
all of tho local church pulplta tomorrow.
At tho homo mission meeting Friday even
ing f 4,D00 was raised In contributions,
largely through tho efforts of Rev. Dr. M.
W. Endcrs of York, Pa.
The report of tho Factors' Fund society
showed that the number of ministers and
widows aided during the past blcnnlum had
been nlnoty-slx. The number regularly on
tho "funds" nt present Is twcnty-slx. Tho
amount received was $22,024 and tho
amount expended $20,327, leaving n bal
ance of $1,1)97. Every year tho number
of applications for aid Is Increasing, In
volving at present a monthly outlay of
$1,000. The society has proven a great
blessing and Is becoming moro useful and
I'liiUHinoiith Woiiiiiii'n Club.
PLATTSMOUTII, Neb., Juno 1. (Special.)
Tho last meeting for the year of tho
Plattsmduth Woman's club wns at tho
homo of H. J, Straight lost evening. Before
suppnr a song written by Mrs. H. D. Travis
was .sung by tho choir. The report of tha
treasurer showed $12.81 In tho treasury.
After Bitppcr Mrs, R. O. Follows was pre
sented by tho club with a sot of ohlnn, con
sisting of nineteen pieces. Mrs. Fellows,
who has been president of tho club for two
years, turned tho gavel over to Mrs. Travis,
tho newly elected president. Tho othfr ofll
cers nro: Mrs. Mary Herold, vlco president;
Mrs. W. C Smith, sccretnry; Mrs. Elizabeth
Polk, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Fannie
Elson, treasurer; Mrs. Mary Rawls, audi
tor; Mrs. Follows, editor-In-chlef of the
club paper. '
The Prettiest
Woman in
OmccoIii Olllcci'x Uleeleil,
OSCEOLA, Nob., Juno 1. (Special.) Ris
ing Star lodgo No, 75, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, at Its last mectlug elected
these ofllcers: N. G Frank M. Fox; V.
O., A. A. Gray, nnd tho Robekah degree
lodgo elected thoBo oBlcorst N. G., Mrs.
W. S. Miller; V. G.. Mrs. E. A. Walrath;
sccretnry, Mrs. Oliver Westbcrg; treasurer,
Mrs. S. W. Gttsheo; financial secretary,
Mrs, T. H. Saunders: delegate to tho stato
assembly, Mrs. O. Westbcrg; altcrnato,
Mrs. Joseph Korror.
lias beautiful hair. She has lo have
that or tshe is not the prettiest woman
in Omaha. Any one, man or -woman, can
have beautiful hair if they are not trou
bled with the Deadly Dandruff Germ.
Dandruff causes itching, brittle hair,
falling hair and linally baldness. To
euro Dandruff you must KILL THE
DANDKUFF GEKM, and you cannot
do that with any of the hundreds of hair
preparations on the market but
Stops itching instantly, stops falling
hair in a few days; impels hair growth
after a few applications, and enevitably
destroys the deadly dandruff germ. No
other preparation is oven made with a.
view to killing the dandruff germ, and
none other does kill the dandruff germ,
and without dandruff, hair must grow
abundantly and be luxuriously soft.
A physicians experience:
Have noted nftcr uslnt; ono fulWsizo bottle of
vour nrplc!do Unit It oortnlnly hits tho proper
ties of stopping tho hnlr from falling out, nnd
leaves tho fcealp clean nnd froo from Dandruff.
1533 Iluchnna St., Sun Franobco.
Wash tho fcnlp thoroughly with "Hcrplddo Soap"
boforo applylnir thn Hcrplddo flluuld) for n moro
speedy cure. Tho best toilet and lmlr uml Mcalp noap
made Is "llcrplclda Soup,"
W. !. T. V. In Orjinnlneil.
WEST POINT, Nob., Juuo 1. (Special.)
A branch of tho Women's Christian Tom
pcranco union was organized In this city
with the following ofllcers: Mrs. F. W.
Lcavltt, president; Mrs. Ornco Battels,
vlco president; Miss Emma McLaughlin,
corresponding secrotnry; Miss Irono Lud
wig, recording secretary; Mr. W. t Cobb,
treasurer. Nineteen members joined tho
branch at tho first meeting.
f'hnllf nuit from W'jinore.
WVMORE, Nob., Juno 1. (Special.) Tha
hose team of tho Wymoro flro department
has raised a purso of $100 and challenges
any volunteer hose company In tho state to
raci for It on thn Fourth of July. Several
teams havo entered for tho contest. The
officers elected to serve tho flro department
nro S. P. Bacon, chief, II L. Anderson,
assistant, R. O. Knowlcs, secretary; John
Mobrbacker, treasurer.
Woodmen $
Official Line
St. Paul
Special train will lcavo Omaha Hl'NDAV. Juno 9, nt 8:30 p, m. Itrfc-u.
lar trains lcavo at 7 n m. uml 7.15 p. tn. Low ratus and tt good tlmo for
all. Particulars at
en r ticki:t officii, i toa faun.ui hthukt.