Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1901, Page 7, Image 19

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    .tunc 11)01.
Curious Features of
the Tie that Binds
When Mary Ellen Mnrtln ami A ml row don't change their quarters after they
Dougherty became engaged at Now Hruns- get on the train when they see what a mess
wlek, N. J., thirty years nun, they made their friends have mnde around them,
up their minds not to marry until they hnd then they have more presence of mind
enough money Hi unable them to snap their than you would expect of them under the
lingers nt any number of rainy days. When circumstances.
the girl's parents died she started a board- ..Joining Into town one night a while uK
g house Andrew too k rooms there. wo K0(i Ilt p tho road. n VHUR
They still cur ed, but their friends t.oll0 Jusl mnrrIed 'nnrt tIlrtlllf,
hough all possibility of their ever marry- Uu,lr Wt,(,,, Jmr T , f , , ,
nK had passed. Andrew put some money lmil C0IIU, (Imvn , Hoe ttloll) woro ,
n the savings bank Saturday. May IS, Vl!nlnK ,lrt,8s thdr ,,., , ,
hat jus brought his capital up to what n,Rhti Tlu. , C() , ,,,,
hey had regarded as the marrying point. ,i,nvn (Iu. nlso ()f ,
oxt day they wcromarrlwl. of yolu f(1mvs , BWn0W ,., ,,.
In telling nljouTSom'.. People I Have "ftor ""'J"' ,lle lu,!"' nllt' "r 'p 'ot
Married." In the Ladles' Home Journal for carrying a I.Ib sheet of paper which ho
lug nn 1 1 1,11 ''""I'le as lliey walked,
formal try,nK ," I'1" 11 0,1 their backs, nnd on
which was uinrKCu:
.lune, Hev. 1). M. Steele says: "Being nn
Episcopalian I always use the
printed service of the prayer book. In this
the grentest stickler is 'obey.' One day a
couple came to- me, bringing as witnesses
the parents of both bride and crnom.
Everything proceeded smoothly to the point 'n 1,10 ,l!'c, "f 't they occupied
'love, honor nnd obey,' when the bride re- M,L" "tnor folks, young men
"'We have Just been married.'
"When the couple took their sent the
lively youngster with the sign pinned that
fused to say the last. I repeated It ami women, gnyly dressed, who had eomo to
waited. Again she refused, and I shut up eo ymng couple off. llhd past them
my book. Then there was n scene. They the aisle and threw rice over them
talked It over, and the more seriously they s l,lt,' went by.
nrgued and discussed the more stubbornly "When they got outside again they lined
she refused. The parents beenme angry, up on the station platform, a Jolly, hand-
the groom excited and the bride hysterical, some party, opposite the window the young
To humor her he joined In the request to couple sat nt, and walten there until the
have me leave It out. Hut I liked tlu; fel- train stnrted. The minute the train did
low and decided that n little sternness start the young fellow got up ami led his
from me In the present might bo n favor bride Into tho parlor car ahead, where ho
wished to know If his life would tie safo.
and also If there was an opening there for
nn honest lawyer. Mis Arkansas corre
spondent replied (hat he could come with
perfect Impunity, as the game, laws would
protect his life, anil that as nn honest
lawyer he would be absolutely without com
petition In the ntale.
Detroit Journal "Why," roaied the
Hilton, glcwerlngly. "do you persist In act
ing the part of the dog In the manager?"
"In order." replied the Hoer, with forced
dignity, "to bow-wow to the Inevitable!"
Two hours later tho Hrlton might have
been seen suddenly to kick himself In Mint
ho had not thought to ask the foeinan how
It veldt to bo so witty.
vivor of the only volunteer regiment from
the state of New Vork which participated In
that wnr.
Ilia lili.aalm- ,,,1 Hind Mutrn und n nlllnt lit.
1,1 !. ..,..- a t ...1.1 ,1 I. -.I , . ..... ... """ 'v. ...... .,...- ..v-
I.. mi in nn- iniiiiu. on i iiiiu mi in iii.ii i. ,i,i nciiiB in nuvauco, leaving uio jj0 celebration
I had no nuthorlty to change It nnd would enr with tho rlee-covered lloor nnd tho
not do so. I tried to show tho foolishness scat with the sign up, 'Wo have Just been Ahmif XntPli Poonlo
of her objection, but It was no use. Finally, married.' to bo occupied by whoever might iluuul 11ulwu 1 "J'1-
I said to him: 'Well, this household must chance to take It. Cololl(!l cllark.H I)t,n, fol.,1)ur InlnIaU!I.
have n head somewhere. I will leave It out "They really began their Journey In tho to China, Is said to havo a knowledge of
for nor If you wll say It. Then It was his other car. In quiet among people who had the Chlneso language nnd literature equaled
time to reruse, wnicli lie did. He gathered not seen tho send-off. Of rniirsn. ns nnnn Ins Iml fnu twtptwttiu In tlilu cminlrt' lt-i
up his bat and started for tho door when. ns they had gone wo took down the sign speaks tho higher sort of Chinese d'alects "yimng men skylarking, bonneting ami
iresto change! she, sprang nfter him, led frm the back of the sent and then there nlmost ns a nntlvo and reads the language kicking up n rumplloii; nnd there was a
Told Out of Court
An (dd English repoit says that a wltnes.i
testllled that in a public house ho found
i.i i i . i . i. t ,i ,..i... i ... ......
.. . . ye '. up Wns nothing unusual left III the enr but qulto ns well ns ho docs English.
at m ti nnd said It. tho scrunching rice under foot; but no- $
i body over minds that."
It Is seldom that a man forgets tho dny
appointed for his wedding; It Is safe to say G
a woman never does. Hut Newark, N. J., llu'ru wns 'u"u " lIt'npfi nt little romance
has n mini who enjovs the distinction of ln nrnnlln tho other day. Mr. Mneburgh
having overlooked the fact that one day two mm rinranco, lmt li well-to-do resl
weeksagn was the time set for his marriage ,,(',I,H of of ''hurches. were at din
to a charming widow of that town. His m'r- whp" " father, turning to his son,
namo Is l.ouls Zimmerman. Ills bride was nsl,'l: "rinranco, why don't you get mar-
Mrs. MnL'ifle MlnlL'n. Tied.'
Tho day originally fixed for the wedding
of tho couple wns Wednesday, May l.'i. Or.
that evening Zimmerman went to call on
his betrothed as usual. He was suprlsed
Krnest August Homier of Cincinnati Is
ono of tho few survivors of the twelve men
appointed to carry tho collln of Nanoleon 1
at the tlmo of Its removal from St. Ilolcua
to Its present resting place In Paris ami
ho Is the only ono of tho twelve not u native Comment that some years ago a lawyer
piece of work. This witness explained Hint
by tho term 'bonneting' ho meant that the
persons were striking each other upon the
hat, so as to drive the hat down over tho
face of tho wearer."
An Arkansas lawyer writes to Case and
ter-ln-law?" returned Clarance, smilingly.
"Why, yes," answered the father.
"All right, I'll bring you one homo," said
to nnd evidences of a festival. Mrs. Mlnlga Clarance.
wns attired ln n brand new gown and a The old gentleman Inughed, nnd then the
house full of guests were present. conversation took another turn.
"Wo were beginning to wonder what had Now, It happened that young Mr. Line
become of you," said Mrs. Mlnlga. burgh, who Is a builder and prominent in
"Why, whnt does all this mean?" asked Masonic circles up town In Hrooklyn, hail
Zimmerman, perplexed. been only waiting for n chance to tell his
"Don't you know this Is our wedding father that ho was engaged to marry Miss
night? The guests are all here and we were Louise Kov. who lives on Crnnd nveniie.
waiting for you to bring a magistrate," ,ftnr dinner nn Friday evening ho loft the
said tho bride. house and went direct to the homo of Miss
Zimmerman was startled. His forgetful- Fox. whom he surprised bv telling her he
ncss hnd been complete. lie wns under the wanted her to come right out with him nnd
Impression that the wedding wns fixed for KOt married.
Frldny. Ho was willing to enter Into wh ,,,' p,.,,,,,... ,.,,,,,, t0 wll0m tho
matrimonial bonds nt once, however, nnd ntuatlon had been explnlned, wns getting
started In search of a magistrate. It was 1 n,a(1Vi lho POmlnK i,r,iegrooni mnde use of
o'clock ln the morning when Justlo Cor- lp ,,mo b telephoning his friend William
iminus war, io.iiiu.
of Francs, his blitbplacc being Hanover.
Steps are being taken for the erection In
'Would you really like to have a daugli- num,LL' Scntlniiil. of a granite inonuu.e.t
over tho grave of James Bowman Lindsay,
who died there forty years ago. Mr. Lind
say was a student ot electricity, having
reached such a stage In his Investigation ns
wnrranted him In writing a pamphlet on
tho subject ot tolegrnphlng without wires.
In 1851 ho transmitted telegraphic signals
through wntcr, sending thorn across tho
harbor of Dundoo.
Lord ()erti nn. tho millionaire peer of
fllasgow, has conducted a bible class of
about fitin young men In (Jlnsgow for moro
than thirty years and as a preacher and
evangelist he Is much In demand. Ho Is
speclall intonstod In everything that has
to do with tho wollbelng of young men nnd
mining other tilings lie pays a well-known
Scotch minister .Cl.nftn a year to devoto
himself to tho work of nn evangelist.
James M. Hock of Philadelphia, assistant
attorney general of the United States, has
ITolsnr to nltnnd lllm nQ irrimrnctmnii fr
Then tho wedding guests decided wns ,,, ,,, , ,, .. ' '
too Into, nnd It wns arranged that all those r' T T... ' . Pn, ' ' '' been invited to speak for the Amerlcnn bar
na.l.l.l .hm.1,1 mnl nnln Rll...lnv tiloht. ""I L.' TwlnPf hary Protestant . , .. ... , .,,.,..,,,. ..
when tho ceremony was performed.
. . .11- iiiit .iiiiiiui n in, ii in,' iiiii.i.t ,,i nw-
Rplsropal church on the telephone nnd got , ,,,., i.i,
,, . . . . , , , ill laiiiiiimi, iiii, 1,1,1, ni iiit nui n-.i
1.., In I ... I, ,n lltn Tin nnn HAnl.lnnnn IHUn.
inn, , nn li, I nn iii-iui 1 i-niuuiiut.'. I IIIIIU
of the Inns of Court will give on June 5
111 London to Mallre Labnrl, the eminent
Accordlnc to a brakeman on a railway ,hpy WPrp JnInp', ,,ltPI '' '0 "n(1
passenger train all the newly married bridegroom nnd the marrlnge ceremony wns Prrwh n,u.nPaVi wIl(, defended Dreyfus.
couples starting out on their wedding tours i"-" im-u.
nro not ns oblivious of matters In general An hour or sonfterwnrd tho newly wedded
as many suppose. "Sometimes," ho snys, I'n'r rang the door boll of the Llno-
"thoy nppenr to know n thing or two. burgh residence. Mr. Llnobiirgh, sr.. opened
If they got n lively send-off they take tin the door.
parting greetings of their friends, lnclud- ''Father," said the bridegroom, with n
Inir the showers of rice and that sort of happy smile, "permit me to present to you
thing, In ono car and then, ns soon ns tho the daughtor-lti-lnw I promised to got you ',p'lii last winter that during tho oxclt
traln starts, move Into another. early this evening." IK times thorn n wealthy Amerlcnn sug-
"I Imagine that often they must havo Tho older Llnobiirgh gnsped with aston- gested to Chaffee that citizens of
this all plnnned out In advance. If they Ishment When he recovered he gave them tills country might ns well get a sharo of
tho loot that was be
Mr. Heel; has also been Invited to reiipond
to n toast at the dinner of the Amerlcnn
society of London on the next Fourth of
It Is related by a traveler who was In
Ing seized. Ho of
fered to pay for the
transportation to New
Vork of two splendid
temple bi'c'iics If Di
general would v r
look their removal
"Tho American eaugh
looting will ho si).
at once," wns Chnffco's
answer nnd the rich
man retired with wha'
dignity he could command.
t the finical o
the lato General Fltz
John Porter a dele
gation from tho Aztec
club, of which the
deceased had been a
member, wns con
spicuous. This club
wns formed moro than
half a century ngo, at
tho close of the
Mexican wnr, In which
Oeneral Porter plnyod
a distinguished .art.
In tho delegation wns
fJonernl Pinto, who
wns the commnndor
and Is the sole sur-
llvlug In Illinois thought ho might venture
to open an ofllco In Arknuuns, but first wtote
to nn ncqnlntnnco there, telling of his plan,
but saying Unit he wns a republican and
Thai legend otighi
to lie pasted on
ewry bottle of
Metz Hoer When
you don't care
when any old thing
Is good enough
don't usli for Moiz
Untiled Hoer.
Adultoiated beer
Ih cheap there Is
more prollt In It
for brewer and
dealer but tho
after elTocts are
Try a good beer
notice the differ
em i the price to
you is no more
in fael you pay
less and you can
wear the same hat
in tho morning.
Think it over and phone 119.
Cases of pints or quarts
as you order.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Photographic Art Studies
These nro tho works of the Tonneson Sis tors of Chicago, and there Is probably no
more capable photogrnphlc artists in t lie w olid than these enthusiastic young women.
Thorn are twelve subjects from which to ehooio, of which we reproduce, two, Tbui
pictures nro hnudsome enough for nnyone's drawing loom and may be used effectively
unframed. or will look splendidly with a b liuplo dark finme.
How to Get Them
These pictures are mounted on hamlsoiii 0 ,c( rnw Hn mounts, 12xlG Inchei, thu
photographs aro 7x!t Inches. These havo n((V(,,. Hii ,,t tho urt stores for less
than ono dollar. Hy securing an Immens,, quantity of them we aro able to offer
With a Coupon for 10 Cents.
When ordering state the name of tho subject, and If they nro to ho mulled enclose
four cents additional for postage and packing.
17th and Furnnm Sts.
Prebent at Heo Olllco or mall this couion with 10c and got your choice of
Photographlo Art Studies. WTou ordorlng by mall r,dd 4c for postage.