THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY ai, 11)01. 1 Mike Daub, Charles Phoenix and William Muller Daub Is In the county jail. The stato's attorney has served notice on the UOEWAH t. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. JACI mayor to have him teniovcd nnd tho Jail fumigated. The disease Is In n light foim. White $mke COUNCIL BLUFFS. m:ou .Mi;.vno.. Dtvls sell drugs. fatockcrt eelts lace curtains. Vino A U O beer, Neuinaycr's hotel. Victor Heaters. Blxby i Sons, agents. Wollmnn. scientific optician, 4(6 U'way. Schmidt's llnu photos guaranteed to plonss. Ideal heads In water color. C. 13. Alex ander & Co., 333 Uroudwuy. Teams wanted for hauling In town. 13. A. Wlcklinm & Co.. Ill Scott Btrcct. V. 1. Graff, undertaker and dlslnfcctor, 101 South Main street. Tlione M. Get your work done at the popular Kaglo laundry, 721 Broadway. 'Phone lu7. Orand hotel cafe and restaurant. Very heist service a la carto. A. Mctzger & Co. C 13. Kimball and family loft yesterday for California to puns tho summer on tho coast, Mrs N. V. Williams him gone to Mlnnc npolls on u visit to her daughter, Mrs. Krama A very. Mrs. Clay Plainer of Cllen nvenuo re turned yesterday from a visit with friends In Craig, Neb. I'MivIn nnd Miss N'nra Durnnd of St. IxjuIs arc guestH of Mr. nnd Airs. Jacob Neunayer and family. City Solicitor Wiulswortli returned 'net evening from n six weeks' trip to California and Pacific coast points. Mrs. 11. Nolan Is home from Avoca, la., where alio attended the wedding of her brother, Patrick Mnnlor. Mrs. I,. U. Loutzlngcr of Kingman, Ariz., Is guest of her mint. Mrs. Phil N'aroliuin, I3ast Washington avenue. The Associated Charities will meet this afternoon at 3 In tho lecture room of tho Jlroadway Methodist church. Mrs. 13. C. Brush and daughter Allen of Zunesvllle, (),, itro guests of Mrs. O. M. Brown, South Seventh street, Two cloaks belonging to Miss Hogers and Miss Alby were stolen from Hughes' hall Wednesday night during a dance. N. I!. Tyrell suffered the loss of tho tops of throe lingers or his right hand yesterday while working In his planing mill. Tuka homn a brick of vanilla cream, 25 cents, or Neapolitan, 35 cents. Will keep one hour without Ice. A. Metzger & Co. Mrs. J. 1J. Lmvls of Walnut, In,, has been called hero by the serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. Robert Ueecroft, North Klrst street. Health Ofllcer Wareham sent In his resig nation yesterday to Mayor Jennings, to take, effect June 1. In has been appointed special olllcer nt Lako Munawa. Itlley K. Gray and Klslo L. Fnsdlck wera married Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Fosdlck by Ho v. H. I,. Knox of Graea Episcopal church. A marriage Itcenso was Issued yeslerdoy to Thomas Weatherlll, aged 24, and Maud Hopp, aged 19, both of Crescent City, la. Justice Hryant olllclated at the wedding. The city was compelled to reopen tho pesthouse yesterday to caro for u transient smallpox patient who'drlftcd Into town yes terday morning. Tho man Is John Warren of Denver. Wishing to rctlro I am offering for falo my entlro business wood, coal, feed and grocery with all Improvements. For par ticulars inoulro of Thomas Rlshton, 2106 West llroadway. Leonard Rich Ogdcn nnd Miss Jcnnlo Carlson weru married Wednesday evening nt the homo of H. L. Ogdcn, 2017 Fifth ',l.Y?.nu by Uc.v' v" w- Krlckson of the 1'lfth Avenuo church. Tho Men's Good Fellowship club of thn llroadway Mothodlst church will meet to night In the church parlors. An Interest ing program has been prepared nnd a so cial time Is promised. The Oakland Avenuo Heading club has elected these olUcers: President, Mrs. V. Street: vleo presidents. Mrs. Bltinchnrd. Mrs. lowslce; secretary, Miss Jeffries; treasurer, Mrs. F. C. Lojgce. II. P. Petersen, who hns been nineteen years engineer at St. Francis' academy, has accepted a similar position with Kerney & Illliupa nt their Mary Hell mine. Rochford. Saturday rr ,ho ulnck 11,118 Sr'nT" cr?h,lm and Murphy of Ofll ir. $ ,ru"" " hayo been authorized to sell to.J. II. Millard of Omaha tho fifteen clatlpn which formed part of tho nspets f H.fiOrt, but Mr. "Millard gets them for $150. B,Mh.lfe "-Jinr-old son of Mrs. Hello Sutherland, who was enticed nwnv by a nmn named Louis Slithers, reached home yesterday afternoon. From tho conflicting wtorles told by the lad It In believed that ho accompanied Slithers willingly, but later became afraid and loft him at tho ilrsi op portunity. 1 tu!?MknrS'tvc280.n of 1,n''coelc. In., nnd Miss Mary K. Swlro wero married Wedns- m,? u.enlnB ,U lh1 nomn of MIhh Reynolds. Madison avenue, by Ho v. W. J. Calfeo of wnKUi;oa,!Jwn.y R,?"10l'st church. The brldo .1 "1'-l",r In " city schools, Mr. In ! ilnnco'cl? teven80n wl" mako t,le'r ono The funeral of Catherine Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rudlo, will be this afternoon at 3 from tho family rsl dencc. conducted by Hev. O. W. Snyder of St. John s Knglish Lutheran church. Hurlal will bo In I'nlrvlew eemotery. These pall bearers have been selected: William linker, -fi or 1,5kt'r' ,Jon Wit. Cecil DavU JJIlllam Hus, Frank Ulank and Georgo ulnnk, hJ!m, "i"n.r0.Vl "V" .f Ifliolas Lnsh, HOI Boutli Eleventh street. wn playing Wed nesday ovenlng near tho tracks or tlio Mll u, r1n"ro'". when train No. 3 was pM1",Kn,l,rv.n 'rV"J Omaha, nnd ns the child fnlled to get far enough nwny from he track tho step of the sleeker struck him on tho head ancf fractured his skull. Tho :rlUcal.C0" " yeMorday wns to bo N. V. Plumbing Co,, tmepnnne 250t EMBODIMENT OF SACRIFICE Mimerial Bij It to Amiricina Like the Crcei of Galrarj, ORATION BY REV. T. J. MACKAY OF OMAHA ItlKlit nml Proper, Hi lleelnrr. Hint .Viillons Should Mine Itctnltiilrrn of Hie Folllrx or Thrlr Fitre fiitlirrs, Lest They Mrny. Anderronvllle lS.C'O of thorn went down to a norriDis iieam. Their graves are, too, un knewn Let us. for the moment, contem plate tho pntrlotle self-sacrlllce and herolim of these men. With death, starvation nnd tortures unspeakable staring them In the fncu only 211 could be found that would forswear their ling nnd government nnd take the oath of the sol them eoiiredprev. Thn pnges of history do not record such self-sacrillcliiK heroism. When the union called them thev came. She waved them onward and they died. Wherever these un- Known comraiics or ours ue, wnetner on tho battletleld, In the swamps or prison pen, or where the dreary hospitals win-row their dead, shadowed bv thu flat; thev shielded they shall stand forever thu guar dian sentinels of the nation's love. "t nxnown they reii within the sheltering sod, Yet known to Mberty and known to God." The exercises at the groves of the un known dend were opened and closed with prayer by llev rather Smyth, pastor of St. Frnncls Xavler's church. Cougrr nt Ilia Home Town. DKXTKH, la.. Moy 30. (Spoelal.) Me morial day here has been more than asually Improsslve, owing to tho fact that Major R. II. Conger presided nt tho serv ices. Major Conger, ns presiding ofllcer, poke only a few words nnd roferrcd In an Indirect way to tho year boforo, saying that nt ono time ho did not bellovo ho would partlclpato again In tho services for lis dead comrades. Gravl rooting a. II. ?.eaa, C41 Rroad'r. A Full Pagi Of this paper would bo occupied In describing tho different, up-to-date styles and good qualities of our shoes. They really must bo seen to bo appreciated, and better still, to test their value, must bo worn. Wo RUarauteo every pair sold, which Is sufflclont, to convince you that no bat ter goods are made. When you want tho best for tho money always go to SARGENT'S LOOK FOIl Tilt: IIUAII, LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to W. C. Esten) US I'KAHI. STHKKT. 'Plume 117. FARM LOANS 5 Negotiated In I3atern Nebraska ana Iowa. James N. Casndy, Jr., 126 Main St., Council Ulurr.i. People of Council Illuffs turned out yes terday to pay trlbuto to the soldier dead whoso graves dot the hillsides of tho sev eral cemeteries around tho city. Not nlono was this trlbuto paid to the soldiers of tho union In tho civil war, for tho men who lost their lives whllo volunteering In tho war against Spain were not forgotten, nnd flowers nnd wreaths were laid upon their resting places by loving hands. Tho day was a beautiful one. Tho streets were thronged with pcoplo nlong tho line of march of tlie pnrndo and largo crowds nt tended tho Grand Army exercises nt Fair view cemetery. Tlio exorcises began In tho morning, when tho members of tho Union Veteran legion proceeded to Walnut Hill and tho Cathollo cemeteries nnd without any formal ceremonies placed wreaths nnd flowers upon tho graves of their comrades. Tho exercises, In charge of Abo Lincoln post, Grand Army of I ho Republic, began at 1:30 In the afternoon, when tho parade. In chnrgo of Commander Llndt, formed nt tho southwest corner of Ilayllss park. Those In tlio Pnrndr. Heading tho column was a platoon of police, In command of Captain Denny, nnd directly behind rodn Commander Llndt and his nldcs. Major Abbott, Burgeon Macrae nnd Bugler Judson, followed by Company L, Fifty-first regiment, Iowa National guard, In command of Captain Matt Tin- ley. Then camo McFaddcn'a Drum corps at tho head of tho veterans of tho civil war, sovonty-two In nnumber. Behind thu veterans marched tho Modern Woodmen of America, tho Knights of Pythias nnd tho Odd Fellows. Tho carriages containing the speakers of tho day nnd tho ministers, tho women of tho ncllet corps nnd tho city odlclnls followed, tho rear ot tho column bolng brought up by tho flro department. Arriving at Falrvlow cemetery tho cx crclscs were openod after rcvclllo by the drum corps by K. L. Shugart, prcsldont of tho day, calling tho nssomblago to order. Hev. James Sims mado tho opening prayer and was followed by n selection by a quar tet, consisting of I. M. Treynor, It. W. Bailey, W. L. Thlckstun nnd J. Barton. Hev. T. .1. Mnckny'ft Orntlnn. Then President Shugart Introduced Hov. T. J. 'Mackay, rector of All Saints' Kpls copal church, Omaha, who delivered tho oration of tho day. Ho said: Today a nntlon walks with solemn foot steps nmong tho graves of Its dead. Tho turmoil and strife of tho common day Is nut aside, nnd with reverent henrts nnd loving hand a mighty nation of freemen aro gathered together to do honor to tho memory of tho noblo doad who freely gavo their lives, n willing Bncrlllco, that tho nation might forever live. Tno universal observnnco of this dny Is a beautiful evi dence .of how wo may safely trust to tho Instinct of humanity. The loving net of a few women In decorating tho grnves of their departed heroes has grown Into a national holiday, which outranks nil our festivals nnd great days, even that of tho Declaration of Independence. Ho then observed tho great difference, between tho numorous holidays of tho old world nnd tho few of tho United States, saying that ours aro tho result ot tho senti ment of a great nation arising ns one man and tho celebration marks tho grand under lying principles of a nation ot Intelligent men. For nearly n hundred years had the nation lived with a enncer eating into Its very heart, hnvlng, Indeed, n name to live for. but ready to die. Its birth Into n national llfo had, Indeed, taken place, but Its birth Into tho glorious liberty of a righteous living people had not occurred. Wo went Into that nwful conflict nnd enrn ago n nation of children, We enme out a nation of thoughtful men. It has been claimed that the celebra tion of such n dny na this serves to keep alive tho feeling of sectional animosity between two great portions of our union. I onco thought so myself, but now I say with solemn emphasis, perish the thought. It Is right and proper tnnt people and na tions should have reminders of what they unco have been, of the follies nnd crimes of their forefathers, lest their feet should stray In tho samo forbidden path. Thin dearly loved Decoration day stands to Amerlcnna nn the cross of Cnlvury to the Christian, ns a reminder nnd embodiment of tho grent nnd nbldlng principle of sncrl tlce. (ilnvrlnnr Tribute In Volunteer. Hev. Mackay paid n glowing tribute to the men who shouldered muskets during tho great crisis of tho nation's cxUtence. lie recountod the Spanish war, tho exten sion of our territory and tho noblo manner In which our now responsibilities hnd been met. Ho recalled tho fact that worn It not for the valiant work done by tho soldlcr3 In tho civil war our great commercial pros perity would not hnvo boon possible. "Let us recollect," he said, "that had It not been for tho heroism and the awful aacrlflcos mado by the Grand Army, tho relics of which you behold today In our thin nnd fast fndelng ranks, you would have had loday a country composed of little republics llko our South Amorlcnn neighbors." In closing Hev. Mnckny said: "And as our ranks aro thinning I see many a gap nlnco tho dny when, nearly twenty years ago, I camo among you. As our comrades fall by our sldo let us close up shoulder to shoulder In over Increasing love and friendship." The exercises were brought to n close with an Invocation by Kev. V. II. Cable, pastor of Trinity Mothodlst church. Al (iniVK of rnUiiiMvii Dead. The address at the grave of the unknown dead wob made by Hon. John Ilcrrlott of btuart, who delivered an eloquent oration, saying: This mound of flownm l n linnutf fill trlK. Uto to tho memory ot the unknown dead comrades. This, my comrades, let us con template with reverence. In Arlington cemetery an enduring monument, subHta.i- u,ii 'inn iiruiui hi us simplicity, covers nil that remains of 12.000 comrades, gathrvd from the tiattlellclds nr Hull Hun and along the Happnluinock, who could not bo ldntl lled. Dozenc of the killed nml weru burned to nnhes In thn terrllle Hits that swept n largo portion of the Wilder ness buttlelleld. of the 32.000 comrades and over who wero within tho stockades of Davit sellr paint. IRILEY INSTANTLY KILLED Ilrnkeinnn m .'nrtlinmtrru Falln I niler the WhcrlN In the liocitl Vnrils. W. W. Brlley, n brnkeman on the North western railroad, was run over and In stantly killed In tho local yards last even ing. Brlley, whose homo Is al Boone, came In vesterdny morning on the fast mnll ami was to return Inst evening on freight train No. 22. His train was mak ing up In tho yards when Brlley went be tween two car a to make an air coupling. Tlio train was moving slowly and It Is supposed he slipped nnd fell under tho wheels. His chest was crushed, his loft arm torn off nt tho shoulder and his right nrm almost severed from tho body. Brlley was 28 years old nnd was married. Coroner Treynor will hold nn Inquest this morning at Cutler's undertaking rooms, whero tho body lies. The body will be shipped to Boone. DoLong will print It right. LAKH Jl.tXAWA ATTH ACTS TIIIIOXGH. .tinny ,mv liuiirovriiiriiln for the Pull Hi' Are Under Wny. Tho flno weather Induced a lnrgo number of people to spend Memorial day at Lake Munawa and during tho nftornoon the cars wero crowded. The motor company put on n tcn-mlnute scrvlco during tho afternoon nnd evening and tho enrs were woll fllledj Members of tho boat club were trying their boats tor the approaching regatta and the lako was dotted with sail and row boatB. Tho Improvements under construction at tho resort aro well under way, principal nmong them bolng n now wooden promenade along tho lake front, a big frame structure in which will be four bowling alleys, and tho bathing pavilion on tho Manhattan beach sldo of tho lake. Tho motor company has under courso of construction threo lnrgo floating docks, one of which will bo used for hnnd concerts on tho lako. Tho new clubhouse of tho Rowing associa tion Is rapidly approaching completion nnd when finished tho club will havo ns hand some quarters ns any In tho west. Davis sells glasa. FL0YD STATUE IS UNVEILED In Honor of Member of Lrnli nnd Clnrk Expedition Stnndu on lllult Overlooking llhrr, You Havt a Chanct Yet to att one of our TOO Hi S1IKS for TUN CKNTH. lirtnsi They're not a, cheap brush in price. -only Dell 0. Morgan's Your Credit is Good FOIl JArivHTM, SI ITS, SKIIITS, I.ACi:. TAPF.fiTUV C'rilTAl.S ami su,vi:iiwAitn. Novelty Cloak Store, nail llrnadnny, Coitm-ll muff. Custom Work a Specialty From Your (inoila or Ours. SIOUX CITY, May 3. (Special Telegram.) This morning the exercises attendant upon tho dedication of tho Floyd Memorial monument were begun. The exercises were carried out on the bluff overlooking tho MUsourl river, on which tho beautiful shaft stands. Colonel II. M. Chittenden, United States engineer, delivered tho monument to the Floyd Memorlnl association, Presi dent John H. Charles accepting. This after noon, after n big parade, led by tho mem bers of tho Grand Army of tho Ropubllc, tho principal exorcise of the day were at tho opera house, whero tho address was dellvored by Hon. John A. Kasson on "Tho Expansion of tho Republic." The program of tho day will be brought to a closo at tho court houso this evening, when James Davie Butler of Madison, Wis., who was present at the discovery of Sergeant Charles Floyd's Journal, and Dr. S. 1. Yoomans of Marshalltown, la., will speak. Floyd was n member of tho Lewis and Clark expedition, which explored the Louisiana purchase In 1804-1606. He died near Sloux City August 20, 1804, and was burled on a bluff near tho Missouri river. SENIOR STUDENT KIDNAPED Cedar I'nIU Climsea Khkok' '" HoiikIi Time Ilefore Superintendent CnlU Time. CEDAIl FALLS, la., Mny 30. (Special.) Ben Parker, president of the Junior class ot thu High school, was yesterday kidnaped by a number ot the seniors. Ho was called from his class room and when he reached tho first floor was met by his captors, who took him to Itownd's bluff. His faco was painted and be was then dressed In rags nnd brought bnck to the school, where the Juniors attacked tho seniors. The door to tho cntranco was broken down and Super intendent Kelly called time on the rioters. A (ted 'resident of (he Uuy. SIBLEY, In., May 30. (Special Tele- gram.) Captain Rlloy, who homestead?.! near Sibley thirty years ago, now living at Lakeflcld, Minn,, and member of the Minne sota legislature, delivered the Memorial oration. At the cemetery Post Commander Reynolds nnd Chaplain Nelll led the cere monies, Tho parndo was headed by the Sibley band, Knights ot Pythias, Uniformed rank, veterans of the Civil and Sapnlsh American wars nnd Woman's Relief corps, followed by a lino of carriages, Gravel wero det'orated by veterans and school children marching together, preccedo! by the uniformed Knights and band. Mr. Rob inson, president of tho day, Is over 90 years old. TROUBLES OF LAW COLLEGE Inititutioi Connected irith Drake UiWer litj Tbrtftttni a Diiruptien. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS RENT AT ISSUE IlllnoU Central nnd uilhv cstern Contemplate Miorlenlnn- Tliclr Lines Two Tlinimnnd Persons In Pnrnde of Memorlnl Dnj. (From a Stnft Correspondent.) DES MOINES, May 30. (Special.) Disa greements between the Iowa Collego of Law and Drake university, of which It Is a part, may lead to the separation of tho law de partment from the university or the organ ization of a new lav. school. The law school entered Into a contract with Drake tint vcrsltv ten vears ago. but the two tnstltu Hons havo not worked together hnrmont ously. Next year tho contract expires nnd mcmberes of the faculty of tho law scnooi threaten to withdraw. The first trouble aroso over the fact that General Drake, thu head of Drako university, guaranteed Judge Cole, dean of the law school, $1,000 a year from the start If he would take his school Into tho university, tthen this contract was discovered by other members of ths fac ulty Jealousy sprung up. Judge Colo says ho will Btay with the university and others say they will favor separation. A matter of $5,000 difference on a question of rent Is nt Issue bclwoon the school nnd tho unl vcrslty. Much llnllrnnd Tnlk. The determination of the (Ircat Western to build n line from Fort Dndgo Into Sloux City has ercntcd great railroad activity In Iowa. It Is learned here that by reason of this movo on tho part of the flreat Western tho Illinois Central and Northwestern con template shortening their lines Into Sloux Cltv and tho Omaha road has plans for building a sepn-nte lino from Leraars to Sloux City. Tho surveyors of tho Croat Western pro nt work In a number of places along the new short line, both In the dl rcctlon of Omaha and of Sloux City. Memorial day was observed In Des Moines today, and never before in the history of the city hns there been moro general ccs Ration of business nnd recognition of the holiday. Tho parade to Woodland ccme tery In tho forenoon was n large one. there being 9,000 persons In line. Tho veterans of tho Sponlsh war participated In tho cere monies nnd formed a pnrt of tho parade. In tho aftornoon thero wero special services at tho Auditorium under tho auspices of the two Orand Army of the Republic posts of tho city. Dr. E. It. Hutchlns, n veteran of the civil war and recently In tho scrvlco In tho Philippines, presided; the Lincoln Get tysburg speech was read by S. H. M. Byers and tho address of the day was by Charles B. Pickett of Waterloo. Tho address of Mr. Pickett was eloquent. Ho sold: "Today our nation wears tho drapery of mourning. With loving hands It decks tho graves of Its fallen patriots. Tho republic ot tho living honors tho kingdom of the dead. The heart of tho bonoflclary com munes with tho spirit ot tho benefactor. The memories of'tlie past mingle, with the sentiments of' the present. Tho inhcrlters o freedom ack'h'qwlcdge gratitude for tho leg acy. A groat orator hns said that 'gratl tude Is tho fa'rest flnwer that sheds Its per fumo In the heart.' Nowhere Is this sentl mcnt moro beautifully exemplified than when a great pcoplo pays loving homago to Its patriot dead. "Pass If you will In review all the pyra raids, statues, triumphal arches, obelisks pantheons of greatness, nil tho Innumerable symbols by which tho peoples of tho world havo given expression to similar sentl mcnts, nnd tell mo whero In all their hound less realms you can find n picture grander In Its simplicity, more sublime In Its mod csty, more divine in Its humanity than th sight of this grent pcoplo pausing to pay reverent nnd loving homage to tho memory of Its citizen soldiers," Drnth of II I rn in Prior. News of tho death of Hon. Hiram Price I Washington was received hero today. H has long beon conspicuous In tho state, wns many years ago a republican member of congress nnd wns commissioner of Indian affairs at ono time. His homo was In Dav enport, but ho had lived much In the west and In Washington. Ho was Identified with the stato banks when they were In vogue In the stato and for many years was a business man nt Davenport. During tho civil wn he was a member of congress from tho old Second district, serving several terms. Not withstanding his well known prohibition v!ow8, tho Gcrmnn republicans of Scott county wero always willing to vote for him. While In congress bo was able to be of much benefit to tho Rock Island nrscnal and aided conspicuously In tho building ot tho government bridge at Davenport. At tho tlmo Klrkwood wns chosen United States senator Mr. Price was n candidate and made a campaign throughout the state, falling of election, Ono of his daughters became the wife of Judge John F. Dillon, then a young lawyer of Davenport, afterward a supreme Judge, federal udgo and now ono of ths leaders of tho bar of Now York City. Mrs. Dillon was lost in the sinking of La Bur- goyne. Another daughter becamo a wife ot Rev. Hobert Colycr. Men nice Wont n Tim. NI3W YORK. May 30. -The steamer aurcntlne. from Glasgow. May IS. itnsacd Handy Hook nt I2;m n. m. It hud in signals "Inform agents want steam lug immediately. Commiiiidni' Perkins Makes Addreis. ONAWA. Ia May 30. (Special.) At 10:30 loday Hantcom post No. 97, Grand Army of tho Republic, marched to the cemetery and decorated the graves of soldiers, At 2 o'clock services of tho Grand Army were at tho opera house. Commander C, G. Per kins mado nn address and Rev. f. N. Ly man of Alden, la., delivered the address o tho da Wnodenvrnre Fnolory. DUBUQUE, In.. May 30. (Special Tele- gram.) The loss by tho destruction of tho Woodenwnre company's mill early this morning Is placed nt $15,000, covering mill and manufactured stock; Insurance, $20,000, It employed eighty men. I'll mill n ml Is Clinrurd, LE.MARS, la.. Mny 30. (Special.) David Moretz, n young farmor In Garfield town ship, was arrested charged with assault upon Lulu Corroll, 10 years of age, tho daughter of E. F. Correll, for whom he was working. One Your for Ffriiery, FAIRBURY, Nob., May 30. (Special.) J. B. horward pleaded guilty In district court to tho chnrgo of forging a cheek and wns scmencca py juugo i.utton to ono year's Imprisonment In the penitentiary. STILL STICKS TO SHOWERS Wciillirr .Mini InsltH II In Memorial l)n Promise of Itnln Will Vet Mnterliillxt'. WASHINGTON, May 30. Forcast: For Nebraska Showers and cooler Fri day; Saturday, fair In western and showers In eastern portion; southeasterly winds. For Missouri Fair In eastern nnd showers In western portion Friday; Sat urday, probably showers; northeasterly winds, For Iowa Fair In eastern, showers anil cooler In western portion Friday; Satur day, probably showers; touthwestcrly winds. For North Dakota Showers nnd cooler Friday; Saturday, fair; northwesterly winds. for South Dakota Showers Friday, with coolc" In eastern portion; Saturday, showers; southeasterly winds, becoming westerly. For Kansas Showers Friday, with cooler In eastern portion; Saturday, fair In west ern nnd showers In eastern portion; south easterly winds. For Colorado Showers Friday, with cooler except In southeastern portion: Sat urday, fair and warmer; variable winds. For Wyoming Fair Friday, with cooler n enstern portion; Saturday, fair and warmer; westerly winds. Iioenl Itororil. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER DUHEAU. OMAHA, May SO-Ofllclal record of tern- peraturu nnti precipitation compared witn the corresponding day of thu lust threo years: mil. rjt. aw. js;m. Maximum temperature . 72 J2 SI 70 Minimum tenineriiture 50 M CI ,d Mean tempera turo dl "I 71 rfl Precipitation 0 .02 T T lleeord or temperature and precipitation at Omah'i for this day and since Mnrch 1! Normal temperature CK Oollcloncy for the dny 5 rotnl oxreHM muce Alitrrn l in Normal precipitation Id Inch netletcncy lor i ne nay is men Total since March 1 5. in Inch's Detlclency finer March l 3.1I Inches Dollclency for cor. period, lti'0 12 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1S93.. ..3.30 Inches ItrportH from Million nt 7 I. .11. from Soft Goal Hound O.ik l'ttrnnces have lurxt fcctl dtxirs, bum wood or but whatever they burn, give greater th.tti nttv other furnaces, Iiecattsc nil the gases nml nearly nil the smoke i.i consumed. The stnokc is white from n Uotind Oak l'urti.icc buttling unft fwil tll'it itif ma urt i.f. furtl Tit. jLJ principle h not new, hut the unpllcntioti holes ure cut through tlio fire pot. Roumti Oak Furnaces nro different from nil other.' In ninny other things -in nolld construction, In reasonableness of price. If you nio Kulnc to buy n furnace. Bond (or our free furtinen book contains tueful Infor mation about hrntlnuidl menslou,furtiiu'o regula tion, ventilation, etc. mtatk or P. D. BECIUVITH, tlowncl'Mlf h. .Vdtrri of Hrtktrith't A'nuivl Oak, Ihr mmt Almoin lltnr in I fie ItorM. Itouad OaU TuritKcct Mre far tale tn Omaha by Milton Rogers & Son. Ittfun.l Oak rtlrnnee nllti outer ruing removed. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. 4' If c 3 : t 33 ! ?i r.'j' I Omaha, clenr ToT 7; North Platte, nnrt r oudv 1 70 T'J Cheyenne, ruining I 5fi r.6 sail i.nice vuy. near i ,4 Hnpld City, raining I r.fl fill Huron, clear 70 Wllllstnn. clear 7Si Chicago, clear ! 4, St. IhiIh. clear to SI. Paul, cloudy (irt 70 Davenport, clenr I G tW Kansas City, clear f 701 72! Helena, raining I 4S R4 Havre, ruining I Bw fiO' Hlsmnrck. clear 731 7f Galveston, cloudy 71 7S T Indicates trace of prcclpltntlon. L A. WELSH. Local Forecast Ofllclal. .!! T .10 .11 .10 .11 .10 .01 .in T .11 .52 .'. .00 .10 GAS STOVES to Meter nnd all piping free. No charge for anything but the stove. The Council Bluffs Gas Co- Open Evenings. 2C Pearl Street Its Reputation is Built on a Firm Foundation ENDORSED DY MEDICAL PROFESSION WORLD FAMOUS MARIAN. TONIC THE EVIDENCE Submitted clearly ; proves that the medical profession ns well ns all who have used Vin Marianl pronounce it. UN)' QUA LEI). ABSOLUTELY SAFE AND RELIABLE. All Drimalsts. Keftise Substitutes Tho Bee Building Tho Ben Buildiii" Fireproof Construction. Architectural Rtauty. MONEY, B(..A.A We nbiuiiugu. I.uthernn Orphan' llonir, WAVKRLY, In,, May 30. Tho new orphan home of the Lutheran synod ot Iowa and other Btates, recently completed nt n cost of 135,000, was formally dedicated today In tho presenco of 5,000 pcrson"s, Addresses wero mado by Hov. F. A. Schaffnlt, superin tendent ot the Institution; Rev. S. Slctkes of Edwnrds, la.; Rev. O. K. Zcllllngcr of Oolweln, and Rev. Wndlx of Andrews, la. He turned O Hirer Tnlim Pari. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. May 30. (Sneelal The Memorial program began nt 10 o'clock, Tho speaker of the day was Prof. N, C. Abbott ot the city schools, In the after coon tho old soldiers formed In line nnd marched to tho cemetery and flowers were strewn on tbo graves of thoso who fell during the civil nnd Spanish-American wars. Captain J. P. Orlnstcnd, who last week returned from the Philippines with tho Thirty-second United States regiment, took part In the exercises. Al Trenton, TRKNTON. Neb., May 30. (SpecUl Tel egram.) Memorial services were observed today nt tho Congregational church. The program wns given by tho Orand Army of the Republic. A special choir nnd the Trenton band furnished tho music, J. H, Powers gave tho address. Immediately after the services n procession marched to tho cemetery and decorated graves, I nltrd Itrellircn Sprnlier, SKWARD Neb., May 30 (SpeoUl.) Memrrlnl servlcei were In the opera house this afternoon. Rev. George V. Shrceder of tho United Brethren church delivered the address. Smallpox ill Tynilnll. TYNDALL, B. 11., May 30. (Special ) Smallpox has broken out In this city. These families are under quarantine: T. V. Trlbel, William McBurney, Frank Ptak, 1 ffuar- nntio Dr.Koy's Renovator to cure dvnneml.'t. cnnhtl- Eatlon, liver nnd kidneys, nm tunic, Inxntlre, lood purifier known lor all; renovates and Invlcoriitcs M10 whole system nnd cures very worst cases. Uet trial box nt once. If not autlslled with It notify us, wo will refund money by return mull. Write your r.vmptoms for Freo Medical Advice, samplo und proof. S! & Mo t druggists. Dr. 11. J. Kay, Saratosa, N.Y. Absolute Perfect No Dark Cleanliness. Vcntllatlcn. (Hikes. All Night 2 Hours Satisfactory Perfect Elevators. F.lectrlc Uffht Janitor Scnlce. Healing Senice. REASONABLE COURTEOUS THE BEST RENTS. SERVICE. 0FEICE NEIGHBORHOOD. "Omaba's Best Office Building" R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents. GROUND FLOOR, DEE BUILDING . i vlMhJA TirijlWiaJhl iia4il'ifl iMln 4bet. i kikLkftL...v -b--j. , 1