Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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DuIh t,ell drugs.
fitockcrt sell laco curtain.
Kino A II O beer, Ncumayer's hotel.
Victor Heaters. Mxby & Sons, agents.
Wollman. sclcntlllc optician. M ll'wny.
Schmidt's lino photos guaranteed to please.
Idcnl bends Iti water color. C. E. Alex
ander & (Jo.. SSI Droadwny.
Horn, to County Superintendent and Mrs.
A. J Mi'Mntitis yestordny, n bom.
K. A Wlckhum and Thomas Howman wilt
leave today on a trip to Chicago.
Teams wanted for hauling In town. E. A.
Wlckhum & Co., lit Scott Btrcet.
. i Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector,
101 South Main street. "Phono 608.
Oct your work done at the oular Eagle
laundry, 724 llroailwuy '1'hone 1C7.
Grand hotel cafo and restaurant. Very
test Hcrvlco a la carte. A. MeUgrr & Co.
Contractor Wlrkham begun the laying of
hrlck for the hottotn course of tho paving
on I'ark avi'iiuc yeBterday.
C II. Stearns of Den Moines, on Ills wny
homo from Wyoming. Ih iri'Bl of Assistant
County Attorney C P. Kimball.
Take homo a brick of vanilla cream, 23
cents, or Neapolitan, 35 ccnlfl. Will keep
one hour without Ice. A. Mctzgcr & Co.
Mrs. K. II, Crandall Is at her home with
a Bpnilned ankle, tho result of n fall from
her blcycli- whllu returning from bake
.Manawa Mondity evening.
W Hutiyun of Park avenue has gone to
Anhiirv Piirk. .V .1.. to arcomnanv hlfl
daughter Edith home. They will vlrlt In
Washington, I). C on their wny.
M Ikb Sylvia Snyder returned home yen
terday from an extended eastern trip, dur- I
lug which she visited Washington, New
York. Cincinnati and other large elites
mi.. .n.w.v ..... n, ri-i.nri.
home nt 1111 Avenue H will be raised
today Tho records show llfty-one people
" y. iu..u..uc ii,. B.mi..i.u.
Wish tig to ret re I am offering for f.ale
my entire huslnesa-wood, coal, feed ,tu
groccry with all Improvements. For par-
Menhirs Imiulre of Thomas lllshton, IM.U
WuHt IlroadWay. I
All mcmberM of niuff company. Uniform
Ilank. Knights of l'ythlas, will assemble In
Hughes' tin 1 1 at 1 ii, in. today to take n.irt
In the Grand Army of tho Kepubllo Memo
rial day exercises.
II M. Melz. commercial agent of thn Mil
nnls Central nt this point, wan wearing a
broad fiiiIIi' yesterday and handing ur.iund
the cigars on account of the arrival of a
bnind nt-w baby boy at his home.
The display window of C. 15. Alexander
Co, contains a curiosity In the shape of two
lilrtlircs In nastel. doni-, In Holland In 1711.
nearly !f) yearn ago. The pictures &re the i
properly or u. j. iiourlcius and wero
lirought hero on his recent return from
Ei rope.
The Ideal club lias elected tlieso ofllcers:
I'resldcnt, Mrs. ThcmaH Melcalf; llrHt vice
president. Mrs. DoVol; second vlco prcsi
ilent. Mrs. T. E, Cuvlii; treasurer, .Mrs.
Ilebblngton; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
W, A. Sotilhard; recording secretary. Mis.
J. I' Organ.
Mrs. S. CVioley and Mm. M. Smith, whllo
pkklng up coal along tho tracks of the
Northwestern railway yesterday afternoon,
were placi'd under arrest by the company's
special oflher. I. Donnelly. They were
later released to appear In police court thin
morning. Hoth women live In tho vicinity
of the railway yards.
Tin- case against W. II. Copson. city cir
culator of a local paper, charged with keep
ing a vicious dog, which had been oidered
killed, was dismissed In police court ves
torday morning. Tho dog wiih iirodueed In
court and proved to bo a little curly-haired
hohtalled pet animal not much bigger
a cat. It was Bald to havo httten one of
Copsons' neighbors.
Pat Kyan. the young man bound over to
tho grand Jury on the chargo of drawing a
rovulver on Edward Hlythi. a Northwest
ern switchman and threatening to kill him.
was committed yesterday to St. Hcrii.ird's
hospital for observation by the Insanity
commissioners, nynn since his Incarcera
tion in the county Jail has shown signs of
mental derangement.
N U. Waelschll, representing an Omaha.
Installment house, was arrested yesterday
on an Information tiled iotnm rn.ti na
iler, charging him with nssuultlng j. jt.
Itambo, According to the complaint of
Itambo he and Waelschll hod some words I
Vl'.r ill0 l"!5i!nnt of n rxtH aml alleges yesterday from tbo second assistant post
".e.1sK, " VferBre ul'h , "l081" K"neral hl recommendation
j-iicii io miooi mm. wneirtui ga
uonu ami win nave a Hearing June 7,
N V Plumbing i.o , mpnono 250.
Tlllti:ATnM TO .SHOOT.
TerrlllOH u White Worn nil mill In Soon
Itlelmrd Singleton, a negro and a
Btranger to tho police, Is under arrest nt
tho city Jail, charged with threatening to
shoot Mrs. Joseph Smith, a whlto woman,
at Harmony and Logan streets. Single
ton walked Into Mrs. Smith's yard yester
day afternoon and was vigorously pluck
ing her recently planted flowers when Mrs.
Smith ordered him off the place. Ho
pulled n revolver from his pocket and,
presenting It nt Mrs. Smith, told her bo
would either havo tho (lowers or sho would
have tho contents of the gun. Tho woman
ran Into the house and as soon as possible
sent word to tho pollco. Ofllcers Claar
and Ed Smith gave chase to tho negro In
a buggy and succeeded In overhauling him.
Singleton attempted to draw his gun on
tho otllcers, but they were too quick for
him. A largo sU-chambered revolver,
fully loaded, was found on him.
Davis sells glass
Gravel rooflni; a M a. 541 tlroad'y.
Mnrrluifn Monism,
Licenses to ucd were Issued yesterday to
the following persons;
Name and Hesldcncc. Age.
J. F. Stevenson,1 Hancock, la...., io
Mury E. Sevlro, Council Muffs 33
Hlley Iv. Orny. Weston, la 2:
Elsie 1.. Fosdlck. Council Uluffs n
Charles M. lllrchard. Council Muffs 22
Nellie Drown. Council Muffs 21
Leonard H. Ogden, Council Muffs ,28
Jennie Carlson, Council Muffs 21
Walter Murphy, Yelter, In 25
Ola Glbsdn, Klllott. Ia !".":!
A Full
Of this paper would be
occupied In describing the
different, up-to-date styles
and good qualities of our
shoo. They really must
bo seen to bo appreciated,
and better still, to test
their vnlue, must bo worn.
Wo guarantee every pair
Hold, which la suRlclent to
convince you that no hot
ter goods are made. When
you want the best for the
money always no to
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Eatep)
3S 112 A It I, STHUBT, 'Phone 07.
Mrntlated in Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N, Caiady, Jr.,
126 Mam St., Council Bluffs.
You Havt a Cham
Yet to get one of our TOOTU
Tlioy to iiov u wnvi
in price.
Dell 0. Morgan's Kuroadw.v
Dr. R D. Toboy Brlngi Aotioa Against
FotttWktUmit O.unty.
J. II. MrKlniicHM Seeks to Recover
Ija.lMCl from 111 UUi .Mrs. Mag
Itle l.ctf Itelllrs Iter llnm
nr Clnlm,
Dr. S. II. Toboy began suit in the su
perior rotirt yesterday against Pottawat
tamie county to enforce tho payment of bis
bill for attending smallpox patients In
Washington township. The amount stied
for Is $100. Dr. Tobey's hill was originally
f 1,200, of which the Hoard of Supervisors
allowed $800, but refused to pay tho bal
ance. In his petition Dr. Tobey nets out that
ho wan duly appointed by the Hoard of
Health of Washington township to care for
all smallpox cases In that township, his re
muneration to be $200 for the first case,
$100 each for tho second and third cases
and $50 for earn succeeding case. Ho cared
for ,npip(,n rnsi-n In nil
tor nncteen casia n an.
The board In rejecting $100 of the claim
lld so on the ground that certain of the
families attended by Dr. Toboy were ablo to
,mv for 8Uch eervlccs. Dr. Tobey In his
,,.,,itinn .nri. n, f,m. i ....
Pot'Hon asserts that tho families In qucs-
Hon ore unable to pay for tho attendance.
Ho further Insists that the Hoard of Health
nf WmMm.lmi towiwlilr. t.alna. n ,li,l an.l
!,..,, n.. -... .,,; i,,, ?. ' .
'""'""J' organized body had the power to
iuhku ine contract u (lid wun mm anu mat
the coiiuty Is bound to nettle any obllg.i
tlonr. legally contracted by such boanl.
It In understood that the other physicians
whose bills wcro rejected In part by the,
county supervisors will Institute similar
J. H. Mcglnucss, whose marital troubles
wero recently mndo pubic In a divorce suit,
brought an action In the superior court
yesterday against .Mrs. Mary Meglnncss.
his wife, In which bo seeks to recover $2,963
for forty-five head of cattle, twenty-five
hogs, several horses and farm products,
which ho alleges she wrongfully converted
to her own uso.
Mrs. Maggie Lett, whose personal Injury
damage si-lt against the Chicago & North
western Hallway company wus dismissed
In court after tho defendant company had
filed a motion to take from the Jury, reflled
tho case yesterday In the superior court,
substituting the Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis
souri Valley and tho Sioux City & Pacific
Hallway companies as defendants. Mrs.
Lett ask $1,JDD for injuries received In a
crossing accident at Honey Creek.
The trial Jury In Judge Wheeler's court
was dismissed yesterday until Friday morn
ing, when tho case of George H. Scott
against I). S. Frank will bo resumed.
Saturday will be the last day for filing
causes for tho Juno torni of' the superior
l'ostmnatrr TrV.vuor Ortn
Incrvuxed Service by Motor
Postmaster Treynor received notification
of an Increase of service on tho motor
cars bctweon Council Bluffs and Omaha
had been concurred In. Commencing June
1 thero will bo two additional trips each
way on week days, making eight malls
dally from Council Bluffs to Omaha and
nlno from Omaha to Council Uluffa. On
Sundays tbero will bo four malls each
i'jstmaster Treynor also received word
from tho Treasury department that the
bid of Honry Lehman &. Co. of Omaha for
tho painting, plastering, reflnlshlng wood
work and other repairs In tho postotllco
had been accepted. The work will Include
all the repairs which were not Included
In tho Uattln contract. Lehman & Co.'s
bid was $4,770 and was the lowest of
tho three submitted.
Davli telU paint.
Annual Sranlnn Will lie In Council
II la IT .Inly 1(1 nnd 17.
Tbo annual session ot the Iowa Stato
Bar association will be In. Council Bluffs
July 16 und 17. This was decided upon at
tho meeting yesterday afternoon In this
city of tho executive and program commit
tees of tho association. Tho program for
tho two days' session was outlined, but
will not bo made public until It 1b known
whother tho speakers assigned for ad
dresses will accept.
On tbo first day there will be sessions
morning and afternoon. In tho evening
there will bo a banquet wlh a program of
toasts. On tho second day there will bo
a morning session, at which ofllcers will bo
elected. In the afternoon the visiting mem
bers will be given an outing at Lako Man
awa, wboro lunch will bo served.
While the program for the session was
only partly outlined, It was decided there
would bo three principal papers for dis
cussion and an address by somo prominent
jurist. Other matters for discussion will
be the reports of the various committees
on subjects of interest "and Importance to
the members of tbo'Iegal fraternity.
Thero are COO members In tho Stato Bar
association and It Is expected that 200 will
be present from out of town.
President Flnlgy Burke has called n
meeting of tho Pottawattamie County Bar
and articles of adornment can bo Indulged
la here as your fancy dictates, for our hair
ornaments, combs, plnB, brooches, stick
pins, and corsage ornaments have all been
selected from the very latest novelties In
this line, We havo a profusion for your
choice for gifts andweddlng presents.
Herman M. Leffert,
Optician aad Eatfrarcr.
association for Friday morning at 0:30
In the superior court room to arrange for
the entertainment of tho visiting brethren
who will attend the state association meet
ing. J. J. McCarthy of Dubuque, president of
the Stato Bar association, was present at
tho meeting of the committees yesterday.
Colonel C. O. Saunders of this city Is chair
man of the program committee.
Ilcv, T. J. .MueUnr of Oninlin Deliver
the Orntlon.
In order that Memorial day may be gen
erally observed by the cttlicns of Council
Bluffs Mayor Jennings yesterday, at the
request of tho Orand Army of the ncpubllo
post, Issued the following proclamation:
I, Victor Jennings, mayor, hereby request
that as far aa possible all business be sus
pended at noon today and that all of our
citizens unite In n tribute of respect to
the memory of Mir dead heroes and keep
burning In the breasts of the youth of our
land the lire of patriotism.
Tho exercises of Abe Lincoln post, Grand
Army of tho Republic, will bo at Falr
vlow cemetery, preceded by a parade, In
which the civic and military societies nnd
organizations of tho city will participate.
Tho principal address will bo by Hov. T.
J. Mackay of Omaha. Hon. John Hcrrlott
will deliver the oration at tho grave of
the unknown dead.
Tho parade will form at 1:30, right rest
ing at the southwest corner of Dayllss
park. The lino of march will be: South
on Sixth street to Sixth nvonuc, east on
Sixth avenue to Main, north on Main to
Broadway, east on Broadway to tho Meth
odist church, countermarch to Bryant
street, north on Bryant to Oakland avc
nuo and thence to tho cemetery.
'This will be the program at tho ceme
tery: Hevclllo McFadden Drum Corps
Call to Order and Hcmnrks...E. L. Sh'Jgart
Opening I'raver Ilcv. James Sims
Music Quartet
I. M. Treynor, It. W. Dalley. W. L.
Thlckstun and J. Haiton.
Music tree Hand
Oration Rev. T. J. Mackay
Music Quartet
Mimic ; '. Hand
Invocation , lie v. W. H. Cable
At tho grave of tho unknown dend this
will bo tho order of exercises:
Kcvelllo Drum Corps
I'rtlyer '. Itev. Father Smyth
Oration V. Hon. John Hcrrlott
"America" Dy Audience
Benediction Hev. Father Smyth
Tajui Drum Corps
Each society participating In the parade
will be entitled to one mounted aid and
should report to John Ltndt, commander.
Carriages will be at the Grand hotel by
1:30 o'clock. Mayor Jc'nnlngs and members
of tho city council and other municipal of
ficers nnd the tiro department, with Its
apparatus, will participate In tho parade.
These hours will bo observed today ot
the postolllco: Stamp window, general
delivery window and money order division
will bo open from 8 to II a. in. Carriers
will mako but ono delivery, leaving tho
postofflce at 9 o'clock. Thero will be a
collection made In tho business portion
of tho city, carrier leaving tho office at
1 o'clock p. m
Comrades ot encampment No. R. Union
Veteran Legion, will meet nt Woodman hall
on Broadway this morning at 9 and pro
ceed to Walnut Hill cemetery to decorate
tho graves of the i-oldlers burled tbero and
In the Catholic cemetery. There will be
no exercises at Waluut Hill cemetery in
tbo afternoon.
This program will bo carried out today at
tho Iowa School for the Deaf:
Song. "America" Retta Stedman
Prayer C. S. Zorhaugh
Song, "There's n Beautiful Flag"
Hattlo Glfford
Saluting tho flag The School
Address F. C. Ilolloway
Song. "Tenting On the Old Camp
Ground" Besslo Hodwell
Address Hon. Clem F. Kimball
necoratlon or gravea
Remarks and prayer Hiram Phillips
Patriotic exercises appropriate to Me
morial day wcro held In tho city schools
yesterday afternoon. They wcro attendod
by many of the parents and relatives "of
tbo pupils.
Trains for Lako Manawa will lcavo Pearl
Btreot and Broadway every half hour this
morning and every ten minutes after 1
o'clock p. ra.
Ileal Volute Truiifif r rn.
These transfers havo been filed In the ab
stract, title and loan office of J. W. Siulro,
101 Pearl street:
11. G, McGce run! wife to John and
Mary Gurnett, lotn I and 5, block
12. Howard's ndd.. w. d S 150
J. C. Marquardt and wife to William
u. .-Nieman, lots t and t, oiock i,
Mnrnuardt'H suhdlv.. Avoca. w. d..
James G Fullerton nnd wife to J. W.
Thropp, undlvji lot 16, block ,
Carson, w. d
H. O. Sclffert and wife to J. W.
Thropp, undlvV4 lot 16, block 6, Car
son, w. d
St. Pnul & Kunsnn City Grain com
pany to Neola Elevator company,
lots I; 2, 3. 4 and 5, block 7, Under
wood, w. d
Kilns Howland and Ovorge K. Hunter,
executors, to Margaret L, McGee,
lot 2, block 30, Everett's add.: lots
4. 5, 20. 21 and 22,- block 6, and lot 1,
block 4. Hnvllss' 3d add., ex. d
John C. Tcrhuno nnd wlfo et al to
Mary L. rcverett. lot 1, uiock 0,
BaylUs" 1st add., w. d 4,250
Christ Hamann and wlfo to Maggie
urunning, i ncro in nvk neu 11-74-42.
w. d
John Ucreshelm and L. F. Murphy,
receivers, to Oscar Bock, lot 9,
Greenwood add., r, d
Hattle O. Hardin nnd husbnnd to E.
S. Bowman, Jr., undlvVj lot 16, block
21, nnd lot is, block 24, Ferry add.,
w. l
Kate Marjorle Hellman and husband
et nl to Ai. 11, ana w. it. rieming,
lot 8 In swVi neVi and lot 3 In nwu
ncV4 30-75-43. q. c. d....i 1
Jane 8. Rogers et al to Leonard Ever
ett, lot II, block 13, and lot 9. block
20. William's 1st add.; lots 5, 6. 7
nnd 8, block 10; lots 5. G, 7 nnd 8.
block 22; lots 1 and 2, block 26, nnd
lots 5 and 6, block 27, Brown's add.,
w. d,.'. ' M0
Twelve transfers, total J5.576
D. I. Howes to Itobert T. Fair, lot 4,
block 12. Cochran's add, w. d
Benedict Hogg nnd wife to H. J. Nlel
11011, part of lota C and 7, In subdlv
of O. P. lot 209, nnd lot 1, In subdtv
of O. I. lot 222, and lot 3, In nubdlv
of O. P. lot 210. w. d
Alle A. Greenshlclds nnd husband to
Bortha S. Mynster. part lot 3 and h',j
lot 2, In Kihdlv of block 12, Mill add,
w. d
Lucy A. Wilson and husband to Peter
Jensen, lot 12, block 7, Hughes &
Doniphan's add, w. d
Total, four trnnfers $ 4,575
Council ninn llnll finmcs.
The Merchant Browns' ball team will
play the' Ganymede club nine this after
noon on the grounds at Sixteenth avenue
and Sixth street.
At Lake Manawa tho Carpontor Paper
company a Dan team win play the Klrken-
dall company's team this afternoon at 3.
Tho M. K. Smith team will play the i,ee-
Olass-Andrecsen company's team Saturday
atternoon at Lako Manawa. All four teams
belong to the Omaha Jobbers' Base Ball
DeLoDg will print It right.
Yoanar Sutherland Itrntored.
Charley Sutherland, 14-year-old son of
Mrs. Belle Sutherland, who was enticed
away from bit home at 1029 Avenue E by
a man named Louis Suthers Monday, Is 1
safo hands at Ida Grove, la. The boy sue
eeeded In escaping from Suthers at Carroll
and made his way to Ida Grove, where ho
made his story known to tho mayor, who
at once notified tho authorities hero, Mrs.
Sutherland telegraphed the price of a
ticket tor the boy and be la expected homa
this morning. Suthers was not, as was at
first suspected by Mrs. Sutherland, the
boy's father, from whom she was divorced
several years ago.
nmlrnlilc Cllr Lot.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho Hoard of
Directors of tho Independent school dis
trict of Council niuffs, lown, will receive
sealed bids for tho purchase of tho lots
hereinafter described, until 8 o'clock
p. m. of the 4th day of June, 1901. Bids
may be banded to tho secretary, D. L. Iloss,
or may be brought to tho meeting of said
hoard to bo held In the Bloomer school
building, Juno 4, 1901, at 8 o'clock p. m.
Tho terms of salo will bo one-third cash,
balanco due In ono and two years, bearing
6 pet- cent Intorest, and secured by a re
conveyance of tbo property In mortgage.
Tho board reserves the right to reject any
nnd all bids. Bids may be made tor sepa
rato lots, except as hereinafter stated, cr
they may be for all the property offered.
The said district will furnluli an abstract
showing clear tltlo and will make
under covenants of gonernl warranty. The
property offered Is as follows:
Lots 15 and Iff tn block 23 In Beers' sub
division; lots 17 and 18 (to be Bold to
gether) In block 23, Beers' BUbdlvlslon, In
cluding tho building thereon.
Ixits 1, 2, 3, 4, T, 6, 7 and 8 In tho sub
division of lot 167 ot tho original plat.
Lots 1 to 7, Inclusive, have fifty feet front
on Glen avenue and are 1C0 feet tn depth.
Lot 8 has a trontngo of CI feet and Is
ISO feet in depth, Slxtcen-fool alley tn the
rear of thoso lots.
Eait halt of lots C and 7, block 1, and
tho west half of lots 6 and 7, block 1, Glen
dalo addition. These each front 66 feet on
High School nvcnuo nnd havo a depth ot
72 feet.
Lots 1, 3, 3, 4, r, 6, 7 and 8 In tho sub
division of tho old Pierce street Bchool
grounds. Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, face on
Broadway and lots 5 to 8, Inclusive, face
on Pierce street. These lots have a frontage
nf 473 feet and a depth of 104 feet and an
alley In tho rear. Bids will be opened at
said meeting of June 4, 1901.
D. L. HOSS, Secretary.
Trains for Lako Manawa will leave Tearl
street and Broadway every half hour this
morning nnd every ten minutes after 1
o'clock p. m.
Company Innlntn City Iln No Hlght
to Bulla IMmit.
Judge Smith McPhcrson will hold a
special session of United States court hero
Friday to hear matters in connection with
tho application of the City Water Supply
company of Ottumwa for an Injunction to
ro3traln the city of Ottumwa from holding
a special election to secure the ratifica
tion by tho voters of a contract let by tho
city for tho construction of a water works
The City Supply company, In Its appllca
tlon tor an Injunction, alleges that the
action of the city council In undertaking
to construct a water works system Is In
fringing on Its rights given It by tho fran
chlso under which It Is operating. It also
alleges that tho city, by Issuing bonds to
pay for the construction of such a plant,
would exceed its constitutional limit of
Tho city of Ottumwa, March 26, let the
contract to the Fruln-Bambrlck Construe
tlon company on ItR.bld, of $380,091 for tho
construction or, a rwater- works plant and
the mayor called? a special election for
May 6 to scduro a ratification from the
electors ot the contract. May 1 Judge
McPhcrson granted r temporary restrain
lng order and tho election was Indefinitely
Tho hearing Friday will be on the de
murrer of the My to the petition ot the
plaintiff company.
Trains for La to Manawa will leavo Pearl
street and Broadway every half hour this
morning and every ten minutes after 1
o'clock p. m.
l'nite Connty Itepiilillcnna Inatrnot
I)clri(nca to District Senntorlnl
Convention for Hint.
CLARINDA, la.. May 29. (Special Tele
gram.) The Page county republicans held
a delegate convention here today, at which
delegates wore elected to tho scnatoria
convention of the Page-Fremont county dls
trtct at Shenandoah June 4. Hon. L. W
Lewis, a candidate for state senator, had 11
majority of tho delegates In the county
convention and was empowered to eloc
eighteen delegatus and eighteen alternates
In his favor, and they nro Instructed to
votu for him at the senatorial convention
This Insures his nomination, as Pago
county has a majority In tho senatorial con
ventlon. Fremont" county has no candidate
and Is expected to endorse Lewis. The del
egatcs to the state convcnjlon nt Cedar
Jiapms are: w. p. Hepburn. J. W. Wise
Edward English, August Floberg, J.
Nye, C. F. Cross, Gcorgo Bogart, P. E
Greer, II. I. Foskctt, J. W. Maine; V. Graff,
E. E. Webster, T. E. Clark, Charles Lin
derman, O. II. Frlnk, Frank Hooker, J. O
McCormlck and J. A. Dolk. The delegates
to the Btate convention wero Instructed for
II. M. Towner for Judge of the supreme
court. ro action was taken on thn gov
crnorshlp. Hepburn addressed the conven
De Molnea ll.iy Plrea nt Thirteen
Year-Old Kflle Mercer
Without Effect.
DES MOINES, May 29. Charles Neil
aged 19, an employe of tho Jewott typo
writer factory, entered the residence of J
W. Mercer at 9 o'clock this morning, drew
a revolver and calmly commenced shooting
at Emo Mercor, nged 13. He fired three
shots, taking dcltberato aim, but none took
effect. Ho fled, but was pursued and cap
tured. He pleaded guilty to a charge o
assault with Intent to do great bodily In
Jury and was bound over to tho grand Jury,
Tho Mercers were strangers to him and no
raotlvo for his crime Is apparent.
Cranbea ThrouKh Plnte Glnaa Window
and la CaiiKht In Hear
IOWA CITV, la., May 29. (Special.)
A blind horse belonging to E. A. Ballard
became unmanageable while being driven
by a young woman and dashed down tho
street. It crashed through the plate-glass
window in Henry Louis' drug storo and
breaking loose from tho buggy, went down
the aisle and was caught while trying to
go through tho rear door. The damage I
estimated at $400. Tho horse Is severely
Injured and may die.
Nlliley lllub School (irmliiatra.
SIBLEY, la., May 29. (Special.) Th?
commencement exorcises of tho Sibley Hlnb
school v. Ill bo In the Methodist church
Wednesday night. June 0. Tho names of
the graduates are Leo Person, Bessie Grant
Florence McOomland. Nellie Shell. Ell
'Cloud, Carrie Zweck, Haiel Nelll and
Maude Foster.
Appointment it National Bint Eiaminr
Promiiid to Rod Oak Han.
Supreme Court lloliln Itonri Super Imii-
.Not IteBpousllile lor Injuries Re
ceived from llml lloiid An
other Libel Suit.
(From 0 Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May 29. (Special.) D. U.
Miller of Itcd Oak will be appointed na
tional bank examiner for Iowa to succeed
tho late General Georgo A. Stone. Mr.
Miller is a civil war veteran, 55 years old,
lawyer, formerly of tho firm of Miller &
Bartholomew of lied Oak. Ho formerly
lived at Mount Pleasant.
At tho meeting ot tho Iowa delegation
last winter, at which tho question ot fed-
ral appolntmenta was considered, It wns
decided that there should bo no decision
until congress meets next winter, but as
General Stono was then 111 and not ex
pected to live It was agreed that the ap
pointment of his successor should go to tho
Ninth district. Congressman Smith has
promised tho placo to Mr. Miller mil he
will bo appointed, though tho appointment
may bo delayed because tho work Is now
being dono by a special examiner.
Iteturn nn from Dead.
A rcmarknble talo ot the return of a
lost boy conies from Oftumwa. After be
ing gono for seven years, with his paronts
believing him dead, Jacob Webb has re
turned to bis home with a tale that smacks
of an "Arabian Night's" fairy story. Jacob
wan 14 years old when ho went fishing
with a crowd of boys about his own ngo
nnd never returned. His foster mother be
lieved thnt ho had been drowned nnd after
searching for somo time gavo him up with
this Idea. Tho crowd of boys ho was with
returned home, but none of them were
ever ablo to give an Intelligent account
of what becamo ot Jacob. Ho was 11 years
old at the tlmo and strayed nwny to see
tho world, Ho says he was ashamed to
return, but Anally did so, much to tho Joy
of his mother.
IteaponMhlllty of llonil Supervisor.
Tho Iowa uuprcmo court, In a decision In
a case from Pottawattamie county, dis
cussed the question ot tho responsibility
of road supervisors for Injury to persons.
The case was that of Sells against Dcr-
mody. Tho defendant Is a road supervisor
and tho plaintiff was injured by reason of
the bad roads nnd sued for $10,000 dam
ages, The defendant demurred on tho
ground that It was not set out In tho pctl
tlon that tho defendant had been given
notice In writing ot tho bad roads and bo-
causo the neglect was of a Judicial nn-
turo rather than ministerial. Judge Macy
sustained the demurrer and tho court to
day affirmed this decision.
The court holds that a road supervisor
Is ltablo for Injury to porsous by reason
of his neglect of duty. The fact that ho
Is Indictable for neglect, docs not throw
the responsibility back upon the district
or county, nor is tho fact that ho performs
tho duties to somo extent under compul
nlon sufficient to relievo him. But whero
tho duties are Judicial and not ministerial
the officer nuiBt be nllowed latltudo In
determining what should be done. In short.
this was an error of Judgment rather than
a failure to perform a specific duty, henco
(ho demurrer was sustained and the plain
tiff cannot recover.
Another I.llicl Cnne.
In a case from Linn county, that ot Hoi
lenbcclt against Illfltlnc, tho supremo court
affliraed a decision of Judgo Romley In a
suit In which tho plaintiff secured a vcr
diet of damages for $683.33 on account of
tho writing of a letter. Hollcnbcck had
been for many years In tho employ of the
Cedar Uaplds & Marlon Street Railway
company. Rlstlne was tho physician of
tho company. He had a bill for medical
services ot old standing agalnHt Hollcnbcck
and thern was a dispute about Its Justice.
Suit was brought, but not pressed. Then
tho doctor got provoked and wrote to tho
president of tho company, complaining of
tho conduct of Hollenbeck nnd virtually
declaring that unless Hollenbeck was dls
charged the doctor would quit. Afterward,
becauso of tho writing of this letter, tho
employe was discharged, although beforo
that time ho had nettled tho bill. Tho
court holds that although the statements
In tho letter wero true. It was written to
cause the discharge of tho plaintiff and the
doctor should be held liable.
Court Oeelalona
Tho supreme court today announced tho
fnllnwlni; decisions:
James Hollcnbcck against J. M. Restlno
nppellant; from i.inu county, , jwiki- m-w
ley; nctlo'n for libelous publication; uf
Jennie II. Williams against Dos MoIiu-k
Loan and Trust Company, nppellant; from
Polk county. Jiuige aieveni-oii; iiuiriiuu.
D, K. McFarhiiul against II. McCormlck
-r,llnl' tmm Pnlk polintV. JlldUtt StCVOIl'
'son;' action for accounting; modified and
nmrrne . niHt citv of Waterloo,
annellant: from Black Hawk county, Judge
Blair: personal Injury cape; reversed.
G. W. Frollch, appellant, against E. M
Norman; from Sioux county, uiniRe i uwh
lnson; action for accounting; nlllrmed.
rtnnir ttt Tmllnnn. imncllaiit. ncnlus
n. W. Slentzi's; from Linn county, Judgo
Thompson, action on noun; n; 11 ni-u.
State of Iowa against Iowa Control Rail
way, appellant; from Franklin county
Judge Whltnker: nlllrmed.
Hannah P. Gill, appellant, against It. H
Candles; from Linn county, juuga j-rciwi
lor; action to recover possession of land
rCinhnCIT. Jack, annellant. against P. I
Cold; from Shelby county, Judge Jlacy; nc
tin,, nn nnttfM. IltllrmCll.
n norWor Ilecan. annellant. acalnst
Dalby Hros,: from .Tones county, Judno
Thompson; replevin of cattlo: ulllrmed.
Jncltson O. Tucker, appellant, nKalnst
William a. Stewart; from Dubunuo county,
JudRo O'Donnell; ndmlnlstrutor'H report;
ei fllrmnrl
Snda H Sells, nppellant. nptalnst John
Dermody; from rottawattamlo county
Judge Macy; personal ilamane case; ni
8. II. Fai?o ni?nlnst Peter X. Mlllcrton. ni.
nellnnt: from .superior court of Keokuk
JudRe Bell; action on promissory notes; ar
J. T. Hrooks, appellant, against J. It
innn, r.'hearlnir: nlllrmed.
Cuthbert A Thomas, appellants, npnlnut
11. Do I.a Mater; from I.yon county. Judge
nilvir! Inlincllon caso: nlllrmed.
State of Iowa against A. F. Smith, appel
lant; from Chickasaw county, Judge Hob
son; Indictment for Inrceny; affirmed.
McCormlck Harvesting Machine com
pany, appellant, ngalnst H. De I.a Mater;
from Osceola, county, Judge Oliver, af
Mark MeKrr Hlilrn on tlir Mi'Klnlry
Speclnl from Odnr ItnpliU
Hi Clinton.
CLINTON, la., May 29. (Special Tele
gram,) Mark McKoc, editor of tho High
School Optimist, went to Cedar Itaplds
and bad an Interview with I'resldnnt Mc
Klnley. Ho dined with tho cabinet mem
bern and came back on the president's
Indication, for Jlyrra.
SHILKV. Ia., May 29.-(Speclal )-Tho
Indications are that Assemblyman V. H. I!
Myers, republican, will be renominated
In tbo Osceoln-Dlcklnson-Krncst district.
Ho lives at Mllford, Dickinson county.
l-'urmrr Injured In Itiimmny,
OKOUfiK, la., May 29. (Special Tele
gram, ) A team belonging to Paul Dunkert
ran away today, throwing him out of tbo
Ho Is Injured Internally and may
CIiIi'iiko tlrrnt Western lluy Property
In Fort Undue for .Swltehlnic
FORT DODGE, In., May 29. (Special.)
Tho Chicago Great Western railroad Tues
day expended $30,000 In the purchase of
teal estate In Fort Dodge for the purpose
f enlarging their swltdi yards, Tho prop
rty purchased was along the line of tho
iresent Mason City A Fort Dodge rall.oad,
which recently became tho property of the
Great Western. Tho purchases made by
the inllroad Included halves of thrco blocks
and the holdings of thirteen property hold
ers wero cither bought or options were
taken upon them.
The road has also opened negotiations for
n largo tract of land near the roundhouso
east of tho city and will construct side-
racks upon Ibis property tor tho storago
ot material to bo used In tho work which
to be carried on In Fort Dodge In tho
1I crueller of Opinion AliimiK Mem-
lie in 111 to IIimv Cnne Should
He Conducted.
GRINNELL, In., May 29. (Special,)
The committee In charge of tho Hcrron
church trial, which is to be June 4, has
completed arrangements. There Is somo
dlffeicnco of opinion ns to how the trial
should bo conducted, While there Is much
ot certainty In the minds of tho church
people In rcgnrd to Hcrron, thero Is a
rauclty of tangible evidence. Tho divorce
proceedings at Algona wero In tho hands
of two Hkllltul lawyers and only tho barest
bits of evidence wero permitted to appear
on tho record. A private secretary of
Prof. Hcrron was tho only witness who
gavo testimony supporting Mrs, Horron'a
plcn ot cruel nnd Inhuman treatment and
It Is understood that ho has refused to
talk either to tho papers or to the com
mittee In churgo of the trial.
IIimv to Avoid Trouble.
Now Is the tlmo to provldo yourself and
family with a bottle of Chainborlnln's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is al
most ccrtalu to be needed beforo tho sum
mer Is over, and If procured now may snvo
you a trip to town In the night or In your
busiest season. It Is everywhere admitted
to bo the most successful medicine In ue
for bowel complaints, both for children and
adults. No family can afford to be without
It. For sale by all druggists.
Three WnrilN Out of four Kleet Dele
gate Inxtrticleil for lllm.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. May 29. (Spoclal
Telegram.) Tho Cummins men were suc
cessful at tho Marion cauciiH and tonight
three wards elected delegations for them,
with probably some Cummins men In tho
Fourth, in tho Second ward resolutions
were passed endorsing Cummins. Workers
from the headquarters In this city have
been active In Marion the last few days,
while the antl-Cunimlns element was
apathetic, only eleven votes being cast In
ono ward. Only ninety-four votes were
cast altogether. Caucuses In this city
will bo Friday night and hard work Is
being done by both Bides.
Great news for housekeepers
Fels-Naptha eoap saves half
of wash-day.
Your grocer returns your
mouey if you don't find it so.
Fels & Co., makers, Philadelphia.
NERVt BEANS quickly enra
Ncrvoumof, nllrtiultiof liut,
fulltnt manliiMHl. dralm, Iomci.
Married mm ami men inipmung
tn tnarrv should inke A t'OXl Iunlhlim r"ulUi
mull wrak pim and lost powtr reitored. S1.CO at
Sherman McConncU and Kuhn s to., umgglati
av nhb oil your symptoms. Renovating tho
system Is the only safo and turo method of cur
ing all Chronln Diseases. Dr. Kay's Renovator
Is theonly perfectsystem renovator. Freesam
pies and book. Dr. 1). J. Kay, Saratoga. N. Y
FREE ADVICE b? " Physicians and a FREE SAMPLE. . . 3
of our medicine also Free Homo
descrlhlnc symptoms and causo of dtseajes
receipts and proscriptions In plain language,
Dr. Kay's Renovator
Cures the very worst cases of Dyspepsia. Constipation, Headache, I'alpltnllon of Heart
Liver and Kidney diseases and bad results of I.n Grippe, bend for proof of It.
Wrlto us about all vour ayniptoms. Sold by druggists, don't accopt any eubstltnto but
send usirtcts. or (1.00 and vro will aand Dr. Kay s Henovator by return mall, Address,
ra a I 1 A V aacnlrsAI nn Roenlnanfinrlnira. N.Y.
ar . ..-. -
$10 $14
Meter and all piping free. No charge i'or
anything but tho stove.
The Council Bluffs Gas Co.
Open Evenings. 26 Pearl Street
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Facsimile Wrapptr tklow.
Terr small and as ouy
to take as aimffiur.
1 OKIIIinl nATM.
Dr. LVScCrew, Specialist
K6 years experience 15 years In Omaha,
Vurlcucfiv, 1 1 motel, airlcliuu, DIood
DUvasL'B In all Ktuges, Nervous Debility,
and all unnatural uukiiesa. Cures Uuur
anlevd. Charges Low. Hours: 8 u. 111. to a
p. 111. Sundays. S 11. in. to ( p. in. liox 706.
Olllco over 'Jlu Ho, 11th St., between Farnanl
and Douglas Bis., Omaha, Nub.
Mt'.N If you lino iranll, rak
nriMni, loft Kiwer or weakening
ilralim, our Vacuum organ Up eloper
will rt.tora you without drugi or
electricity, fctrlctun and Varicocele
tfrmancntly cured In 1 to I wcekii
J5.009 In we. not one fallurri not
mix returned 1 effect Immediate! no
P O.K. fraud 1 write for free reticu
lar, reni staled Inltlaln anvelone.
LOCAL APPLIANCE. CO. OS Thorp Ilk., Indlimpolli, In.
Rats, Mice nuct all other Vermin
cannot live where
STEARNS' elpea0sVe'0
Drurelata and Orocera. Sic, a box.
OHica-io. uti.
1 cunr.
anteo l)r Kay's lleiiovator
In cure dvt.rirnsln. rnnsLl
nation, liver and kidneys. Ilest tonic, laxative,
blood purlllor Itnown for nil chronic dlsravs!
re novates und Invlgo rates 'ho whole system and
cures very worst cases, (let trial box at onc.
It not smutted with It notify us, wo will refund
money by return mull. Wrlto your hymntonH
for Frro Medical Advice, sample; und proof, as As
Mo at druggists. Dr. 11. J. Kay.Saratosa, N.Y.
Treatment a no pace musir-teii nooic X3
with beet treatment, also many valuable
saving you ucavy uocior o Dim, asx lor ik
n r --
The "Comstock Process''
Is tbo most successful method for reducing and rellovln.
pain In all kinds of dental operations thut tins yot been
prctontcd to the public. It hss been used by leading den.
tlsts of the east lor nearly two years, nnd has been pro
nounced by them to bo ntlroly satisfactory. Our patients
ure delighted with the lesults It produces. If you art
nervous and your teeth art) sensltlva w will be pleaiod to
explain It to you,
. ..Telephone 115
K. A. Woodbury, D. D. ., Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St, Grand Hotal