12 THE 03rAHA DAIJjY TUT EKPAV, MAY 30, 1001. BOOM AT SUNRISE D&tti of Memorial Daj to Be AuBnncd by Ron af Big Gum. HEALTH OF FLOWERS IN WAITING Urdhiiliiiiry ArrniKcmt-nl Incident to lliiirml t Ucuortttloii Orf iiuiiiltfR) Stood ( iiiiilc( .'Mn or Moore Iftmirn 1'rorlniiwi t Ion. GREAT SHORTAGE OF BOYS At sunrise this morning Omahans will Vo nwakencd by salutes Ilred at Pros pect Hill ami Forest Lawn cemeteries. Sor Ijcant Allison ami a snund o( men from .Tort Crook will lire tho salutes In the tfrand Army of the Republic clrclo at For est I.awn and member of Company h will have chargo of the firing at 1'rospcct Hill. A Spanish gun captured at Han Tnmas, I'hlllpplnn Island!, will be used by tho members of Company L,. Tho decoration of kmvcn I" Iho various cemoterics of the city will take place this morning. Company U will march to I'rcspoct Hill cemetery and caro for the graves of departed members. Itov. A. C. Hirst will offer prayer nnd a song will be rung by a mnlo iunrtet. Tho cernmonles will conclude with tho blowing of tups. At 10 o'clock the Grand Army of tho Re public will hold brief ceremonies at Forest J.awn cemetery. In tho other cemeteries there will bo no formal exercises, but all oldlrrs craves will bo decorated by com mittees from tho Orand Army of tho Ke publlo and Woman'H Ilcllef corps. l''ii'in:illon of I'nnnlf. , Tho Memorial day parade will form at Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue at 1:30 In the afternoon. Tho Tenth Infantry band from Fort Crook will lead the procession over tho following lino of march: South on Sixteenth to Farnam, west on Farmtm to Twenty-sixth, south on Twenty-sixth to St. JIary'h avenue, west on St. Mary's nvenuo to Twenty-seventh, south on Twenty-seventh to Leavenworth, west on Leavenworth to Twenty-ninth; south on Twenty-ninth to .Woolworth avenue. At Woolworth avenue tho (Irand Army posts and auxiliary bodies will Join tho procession and march Into Hanscnm park to the gravo which has been prepared In j memory of tho unknown dead. At tho con clusion of services nt the gravo them will bo exercises at tho speakers' stand. Dr. A. C. Hirst will deliver tho Decoration day oration. Mnyiir'n rroelninntlon. Mayor Moores has l6ued tho following Decoration day proclamation: To tl.c CltlzenB of Omnlin: On next Thursday, overywhens throughout tho country and even In the lands fur over the sea, ioyul American will Join In ex pressions of loyalty and patriotism. With the return of this season of tears nnd of (lowers all classes of citizens with bowed hendH and reverent hourtu should once more do hotnaije to the nation's mar tyred dead, while with patriotic ardor they clasp HKnln tho hands of her living heroes and wish them "godspeed." It Is particularly lining nnd appropriate that thoto who liavo been born or reached maturity since the stirring days of civil war should drink at this lountaln of pa triotism, by Joining In tliesii hnllowed me morial services In behalf of tho posts of the Orand Army of tho Republic I would most earnestly renuest nil proprietors of storey factories nnd other places employing labor, to close their establishments on Decoration day nt J2 o'clock, noon, so that nil clashes of our citizens may have the remainder of tho day tor their own uses nnd may lie enabled to attend tho Memorial exercises, of which full notice will bo Riven In the dally papers. I trust also that everyono will decorate his residence and place of business In a manner appropriate to the occasion. FRANK K. MOORKS. Mayor. Tho city hall will bo closed during tho cn tlro day tomorrow and Mayor Moores Is very anxious to have all offices and busi ness houses give their employes an oppor tunity to observe Memorial day. TRADE BELONGS TO OMAHA Illch Trrrlturr In .Mlsmnirl Which l .Vow Covered liy Other Cities. A prominent business man of Omaha, who has returned this week from a week's visit In northwestern Missouri, Is asking why moro Omaha merchants do not reach down Into that country for trnde. There arc two good railroads between this city and Chllllcnthe, whereas Kansas City has direct communication by but ono road. Uetwcen CbllUcotho and the Nebraska line Is a rich farming country and some good towns. Thrco or four leading Omaha bouses are Poking trade there, but there, appears to bo opportunity for others of which tbey aro not not availing themselves. This section Is supplied with shoes largely by St. iouls and Jefferson 'city. St. Louis, It. Is said, has forty-six wholesala boot nnd shoo bouses, and thero aro sevea shoo fac tories In Jefferson City, Including two in which convict labor Is employed. Tho suggestion Is made by tho Omaha man re ferred to above that this city should be able. to make somo of tho shoes that aro eold In that territory, and that there Is scopo for three times as many shoo factories In Omaha ns aro In business here now. IIIkIi .Vcliool (ilrlK Affect .Mniirnlnu tnrl on Account of Ciuleln' Alcnee. Tho High schoo! was a boylcss echool yes terday, all but n paltry thirteen of tho sterner sex being at the Ashland encamp ment. It was an odd coincidence that the glrli should appear In mourning. Nearly every one of them, In lieu of the usual bright ribbons, wore streamers of crepe, with somber -hued rosettes upon their sleeves. They hastened to explain that It was not becauso tho boys wero nway that they ex ploited these cmblcm3 of grief. It was be cause, they said, they had positioned the school board for a holiday and It bad been denied them. They wanted a holiday bo tnuso tho boys were hnvlng one nnd thought tlni board wan real mean. However, It was generally understood that tho glrlB wero loncnomo, and hence tho woods. The situation somehow sug gested the anclont pong: Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking Whnt a snd world this would be, If the men were, nil transported Far beyond tho northern sea, llnyileit Urn, ('loir. As usual, the big store will close at noon In honor of Decoration day. HAYDKN HHOS. REAL ESTATE MEN TO PICNIC Committee ronnliterx (lie (location for .Member nf (lie V. cliniiatc. At the meeting of the Real Hstnto ox rhango yesterday the question of n picnic to be held In a short t ling was referred to a committee consisting of tl. S. Uenawo, F. I). Wead and It. F. Dally. A committee comprising K. P. Hicks, S. A. Jlroadwoll and M. F Kenuard was appointed to In vestlgato the proposition to render aid to tho Omaha Fleet Syrup and Chicory com pany. Willis Todd mndo application for mem bership In tho exchange und tho nutter went over under the rules. Lot 2, block t, Parker's addition, was ap praised nt 541.73 per foot. Tho o.chnngo then took an excursion to llctison under tho invitation of E. A. Benson. LOUIS GODOLA ON TRIAL Cm in Which Ooiticlion M&j Mrau DiMh on Gnllom. EXAMINING JURORS FOR QUALIFICATION .Not I'rnliiilile Hint TnkliiK of Textl nioiiy Will lleuln Until 'l'lmr Ji ll ii) Murdered Mnn's Willow In Court. Attetitlnu, .Sir KnlKuU. Tho Plr knights of Mt. Calvary Com mandery No. 1, Knights Templar, aro re quested to asserablo nt the Asylum Friday, May 31, 1901, at 1 o'clock p. ra,, to nsslst at the Templar service of the funeral of Blr Knight John Ilrevoort, tho oldest mem br of tho order in this coramandery. So Journlng knights are invited to attond. DKNJAMIN F. THOMAS, Commander. Attest: KHEN K. LONO. Recorder. oaiclal Ilonte tn St. I'anl. Modern Woodmen of America. The Illinois Central has boen selected at the official line from Nebraska to the Head Camp meeting at St. Taul, June 10-15. In addition to regular trains, a "Wood men Special" train wilt leave Omaha Ban ay evening, Juno D. Hato, 510.00 for the round trip. For full particulars and copy et handsomely Illustrated circular, call on or address W. H. mill, D. P. A. I. O. R. R., 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. c.u sr. or iwm.inc ii.vut. liinlru(T, AV hi eli In n tierm DUeniei Kill the fierni. Falling hair is caused by dandruff, which s a germ disease. The germ In burrowing u to tho root of tho hair, where it deitrnys ho vitality of tho hair, causing the hair to fall nut, digs up tho cuticle In little scales, nlled dandruff or scurf. You can't stop the falling hair without curing tho dandruff und jou can't cure the dandruff, without killing the dandruff germ. "Destroy tho rnuke, you remove tho effect." Nowbro's Herplcldo Is the only hair preparation that kills the dandruff germ. Herplcldo is aUo a delightful hnlr dressing. ' Krnir I'nrU Open iin n I'll mil)- lienor!. The Krug park will bo opened ns n family summer resort today. Kvorythlne is In ro.id- lucsi nnd a great surprise is In storo for the big crowd that Is sum to attend todny. Tho children's playground, tho picnic ground, the merry-go-round, tho beautiful garden and numerous other features have been completed nnd will show up In elegant style. At night tho brilliancy of the place will be a strong reminder of tho Trans mltslsslppl exposition. W. W. Cole's shows, allied with Morris Bros.' pony nnd dog cir cus, will give afternoon and evening per formances under their monster tent", which nan been pitched In tho arena In the center of tho park. Lorenz's cornet band will ren der concerts, which will undoubtedly prove a big drawing card among tho music lovers. In anticipation of a tremendous jam the stroct railway company will run a number of extra curs on the Walnut Hill line. Loul.i Codnla, charged with murder It. the first decree, was put on trial lu the criminal division of the district court you terday. It was after 11 o'clock when tho cape was called. When the caso was called Deputy County Attorney Thomas, who Is conducting tho piosecutloii, stated to tho court that Po liceman Dwyor, ono of the witnesses for the state, was sick and unless the defenso would allow tho trunscrlpt of tho evidence given by tho olllccr at tho coroner'B In quest to be put In at this trial ho would havo to ask for a continuance. The attor neys went over tho transcript of Uwycr's testimony nnd reached an agreement as to what portion of It should bo admitted at the trlnl In the district court. Oodohi, who Ik on ball, was then called to tho bar, and the Information charging him with the murder of William Lauder at Joseph Gee's saloon on South Thirteenth street was read to hltn. Ho did not lllncli under tho awful arraignment, showing no more feollng than could have been dis played by an imago In stone. Mrs. Lnudcr, tho widow of the murdered mon, dressed In deep mourning, wan In the court room, as was also tho brother of tho victim of Ocnloln'a deadly bullet. Tho llrst twelve men called to the Jury box to bo examined as to their quallflca Hons to sit ns Jurors In the case were James Dolau, Mlrhncl Clark, Joseph Dvorak, Harry Rathkuf, John H. Daly, John Menrs, Fritz Clements. William S, Hlland, Theodore Lyon, W. J. P. C. Cramer, Isano Levi and C. P. Brlnkley. Mr. Dolan said that he had read of the case, but had no opinion as to the guilt or Innocence of Godola. Sympathy for the widow of tho murdered might Influence hla action as a juror. Ho doubted hln ability to servo fairly in tho case. Mr. Dolan lives nt 4731 Hamilton street and Is em ployed by tho Omaha Water company. Michael Clark declared that he had formed n fixed opinion In tho case and could not be an unbiased Juror. Ho was chal cnged for cause and excused. David Kellogg, a colored man employed at tho postolllco, who was called In Clark's place, said ho had no opinion ns to tho guilt or lnnocenco of the defendant and no scruplas against capital punishment. Joseph Dvorak, tho South Omaha alder man, said ho had known Godola for about Bovcn years, hut this acquaintance would not provent him from deciding fairly In the case. He declared that ho could conceive of no enso In which ho would bo willing to lmposo the death penalty. Cheaper Tluiii Mtnytnn nt Home. Tho low rato of 53.00 offered by tho Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. for the trip from Omaha to Lake Okobojl and re turn, makes It almost cheaper than to stay at home. The special train leaves Omaha at 8 p. m. Saturday, Juno 8, arriving at tho lako early tho noxt morning. Return ing, the train leaves tho lako at 8 p. m Sunday evening and arrives at Omaha early Monday morning. Full particulars cheerfully furnished at tho Omaha city ticket office, 1504 Farnam St., telephone 284, or Council Bluffs City ticket office, 620 Broadway; telepbono 186, F. A. NASH, General Western Agent, Lake Ol:oliojl nml Return Ijl.t.on. On Saturday, Juno 8, tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railway will run an excursion train from Omaha to Lako Okobojl, returning Sunday night. Excel lent boating nnd fishing and an outing at one of the most beautiful resorts In tho west. Tho very low rote of 53 will bo mado for tho round trip. Full partic ulars on application at tho city ticket of fice, 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. WONDBUPIII.bY LOW nATKS. Via The Ilurllnicton Route. Buffalo, N. Y and return, 533.15. Choice of routes at corresponding rates. Kansas City, Mo., and return, June 10 and 11, 57.75. Cincinnati, O., and return, July 4, 5 and 6, 522.50. Detroit, Mich., and return, July 5, 6 and 7, 522.00. Summer tourist rates to hundreds of other points. Additional Information and tickets, 1502 Farnam street. Modern Woodmen. Lowest rotes. Special accommodations, St. Paul and return via "Tha Northwostern Line," June S to 11. 1401-1403 Farnam street. Stonecypbor, printer; 1201 Howard St. Didn't know our prices were the lowest of any storo in Nebraska? Then read the urlces given below nna learn the tacts. W'o aro slaughtering nil goods which bear revenue, stamps and lots of articles that ure not Biumneu ai an. imported iiuiiyiiin iij joj water. .ion Temiitntltin Tonic 74c Bring cash (money) to bay at these prlcew. ouc Minus iioney ana a mona jream for ,....I9c b0o Pozzonl s Powder for 2c 25c ThompBon's Cherry Phosphate for.. Do 2oC Tetlow's Swan Down for 10c 51.00 Hurnham's Sarsiiparllla for lac c stuart. h Arnica baivc tor lie 'Jic Carbolic Salvo for 11c Jl.OtrWnrner'H Log Cabin Sarsaparllla,...4!c .jo ivOiogno ana i lonua water tor ioc WIIITU FOR CATALOGUE. Hnlldnr wMli Omaha Ciidetn. Cheap trip to Omaha High School cadets' encampment at Ashland. Special train leaves Burlington station, Omaha, 9:30 -a. m May 30. Returning, leaves Ashland, 6:30 p. m. Rouud trip tickets 75 cents. Siieolnl Train to Cntlct'a ICnenmpmen t. Special train to Ashland will leave Bur lington station, Omaha, 0:30 a. m., Memorial day, May 30, Returning, will leave Ashland, C;80 p. m. Round trip tickets, 75 cents. Dr. R. D, Masco, rectal surgery, Brown bile MRS. J. BENSON New Shirt Waists In mercerized, Pongee, Linen, Batiste, Lawns nnd Percale. Wo can glvo you very hsndsomo colored or white waists. We have Just received another lot of Black Silk Dress Skirts lined and unllned, tucked to the waist, flounced with ruchlng and ruffles or hand some appltquo prlco from 59.60 up. Now thing for summer wear, Havo you seen our Lattice Ilatlsto Cor set? Colors white, pink and bluo prices 51.50 and 53.00. Tho most desirable girdle In tho market Is tho Straight Front, linen tape stylo price 51.25. Initial writing paper best quality parch ment tinted writing paper, dainty Initial price 35c a box. Bend articles of lncorpi"-Ktion. notices of stockholders' mcotlngs, etc., to Tho Be. Wo will glvo tbesn proper legal Insertion. Telephono 238. For Sale A new, late stylo Kimball plane at a bargain. Inquire O. B. TxschucV, Bee business office. Stonccypher prints anything. Tel. 1310. What's That? Sherman & McGonnall Drug Go Corner Kith ami DoUue. IIOSTO.N STOUK WILL CI.OSI3 AT .NOOX. Do Your TrntlihK l t'he .Mornlim Milt Iltimnln In Hollilii)- Ittlri. Todny being Decoration day we wilt close itt noon. Very special bargains w-lll be offered In all departmenta, espe cially in the goods you will be In need of to complete your holldiy dress. Our clothing department offers somo very special Inducements to buyers of men's ttud boys' fine clnthlug. We guarantee to save you nearly half of your money nnd give you the best clothing mnde in America. Remember tho sale of the four great stocks purchased lu Chicago offers unusual opportunities for money staving. BOSTON STORK, OMAHA J, L. Brandcls & Sons, Proprietors. Agents Rogers l'eet & Co.'s clothing. .Modern Woodmen. Lowest rates, Special accommodations, St. Paul and return via "Th Northwestern Line," June 8 to 11, 1401-1403 Farnam street. ?1.). TO I.I.MOI.X AMI UUTL'ltN. III lliirllnuton Route. Every day, May 24 to 31, Inclusive. Ticket good to return till Juno I. Trains leatu Burlington station: 8:10 a. m., 4:25 p. m. and 9:00 p. tn., dally, snd 3:00 p. tn., dally, except Sunday. Ksi'limlnn to Anliliiml, Memorial day, May 30. Omaha High School cadets' encampment. Round trip tickets 75 cents. Bpeclnl train leaves Burlington station, Omaha, 0:30 n. m. Returning, leaves Ashland, C:30 p. m. Ten llollur: To St. Paul and return, account M.W.A. convention. "Tho Northwestern Lino," 1101-1403 Farnam stroot. Publish your legal notices in Tho Weekly Bee. Telephone 23S. A Howl From Rome Some J rtlirtrln I li.ivti lioon tmiklmr a lilwt (llflilav of TemMatlon To tilts tho nast few days and "holding you up" for ll.uu n but- tie. we saltl nothing tut yesteriiay wnen w cut the price to "oc. Of course we had to buy It right to tin thl but wc know how to buy nml wo don't bellevo In holdlni: peoplo up Just becaiiHO wo can. Tho special agent from Franco emtio to pee us nnd nowieii ma head orr Just because we cut it. Hut his bluff won't work, und the prlco la 75c vet. Coko's Dandruff Curo S2o Newbro'a Herplcldo 5'.c Syrup of Fins Wo Monnen's Talcum Powder 11c Ueladonna 1'lnsters 7c Hyomel Soap 13o Woodbury's Facial Sonn 11m Cutlcura Soap 0c I'lnkham'a Compound (Dc Undo Sam's Tobacco Curo (guaranteed) 50c Tansy, Cotton Root nnd Pennyroyal i'uin u-.w size; 70c Cut Price Drug Store Tel. 747. S.W.Cor.lllth nml Chleno. Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. SCHAEFER'S A Hurry Call for the Plumber la nlways 'dnstve'red by us promptly and with etflelfcnt workmen. When your pipes lca.lt. or your closet be comes oDStruguud, ' your faucetH won't work, your filrnaco needs cleaning, your roof leaks or anything In tho plumbing lino that Is tn bo done In small Jobs or largo contracts, you will always Und us prompt and expert, as well as HberaKRi our' charge. Free '& Black, 1800 Farnam. Phone 100 The Fitters of Feminine Feet have much responsibility upon their shoul ders. An lll-llttltig shoe Is not a Joy for ever. A coinfonnblo fit nml n comfortable price makes 11 beautiful combination. Sorosls nre always 53.50. Sorosls Is tho best there Is nt any prlco. The homo of Sorosls In Omaha Is fur nished with nil modern conveniences. The Rest room is (lain. 1 1 furnished and Is al ways open to visitors. A maid Is always In attendance. Sho shines ladles' shoes without charge. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th Street, FriuiL Wilcox, ilminccr. New Catalogues now ready. -. rf'j ! 'TU IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT You don't want a cheap paint that will last ono season and then begin to crack and scalo off. You want n good paint nt the right prlco. Wc have It. 1 gallon Outside Paint, best 51.30 1 quart Floor Pnlnt, best 40c 1 quart Carriage Paint, beat 75c 1 quart Ollwood Stain, best 50c 1 pint Bath Tub Enamel, best 50c Ask for Color Cords and estimates. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Kith and F.irn.-uu Sts. Only $12.00 For n Celluloid Set of Teoth. The most beautiful plate mado. No rub ber gums to show when you laugh, but natural looking gums. Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Tin Chicago Record kr tl of tbcie Typa wtueri la daily tut YOST FOUR BIG STOCKS EI EFirii' FROM THE CHICA- ULm GO UNDERWRITERS SALE AT 50c ON THE DOLLAH. Sensational bargains in dry goods, carpets and draperies, notions, furniphings, etc., etc., from tho 4 immense stocks of J.C. Lutz & Co., Chicago, Felmer & Co., New Orleans, Tuomy Bros, Detroit, Williams 6c McNulty,Scrantou Bought at auction they were secured at a ridiculously low price and are on sale in Hayden's Bargain Room. Such colossal selling - such gigantic bargain giving such astonishingly low prices were never heard of in the west befora. Hayden's great sale of the four big stocks is crowding the big store daily. ,4 Big Stocks Wash Goods I Great Grocery Bargains in uiu Durham nuum It you want a typewriter, why Bet cam first wher you can e EVEItV GOOD SORT OF TYPE WRITER In its best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all machlats. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS UK PAIRED. New Century The finest caUlof ue ever iuued is yours for the asklof. Wrlteo7call. United Typewriter and Supply Go,, 1014 Frnut St., OmaJi. flflFJPJHKlHBaBiV Paint Business From tho way paints aro being advertised In Omuha It would sem tho easiest thing tn tho world Is the pnintlng business. Ilut our oxperlcnce Is gome of their customers got stuck. Wo havo had thrne of their casea lately. Ono party wanted eome QUICK DRYING varnish. They got lt "IN THM NKCIC." Tho varnish would not dry In four or Ave days, but It wus varnish. Another fellow got some other varnish: It was so thlclc It would not spread. Ho wont back nnd kicked. Put turpentlno In It." they said. Ho did. Htll It wuuldn't work. Then ho came nnd paid u for thu right stuff. Ha got it and It worked. Tho othor fellow didn't know. Bee? We H.11 MASUnY'S PAINTS. They are standard. Nothing better. Information cheerfully given for applying STAINS, FLOOR OILS, VAHNI8HE8, etc. Remnants of 10c Lawns, yard lc Remnants of 20o Mercerized Satin ....2',4c Remnants of 30-lnch Pcrcalo 3ic Remnants of 19c Dimities 3c Remnants of 10c Shaker Flannel Sc 10c Nainsooks 3o 15c Nainsooks 4 Vic 19c Nainsooks tc Remnants of 25c Batlsto Printed .... Cc Remnants of 19c Madras Cc 15c Olengarrlo Gingham &c 25c Percales Cc 25o Organdlce Cc 5c Shirting Prints 2Vso 6c Lawns ., 2 Vic 15c yard wide Sllkoline Cc Notions in Bargain Room 10c large spool Linen finished Thread., lo Holding Bros. Silk Thread, spool lc Embroidery Cotton, per spool lo 75a and 11.00 Ribbon 15c 50c Belts lo 60c Uclts Cc 4 bars Wool Soap 10c 10 pounds Corn Meal 10c Pall Jelly 16c llottlo Catsup 8c California Prunes , Be 5 pounds Moth Galls, for 10c Meats and Lard No. 1 sugar cured Hams 10c Potted Meats, assorted, per can 3Vc Lean Breakfast Bacon 12u 5 pound pulls l'u ro Leaf I.nrd 41c 10 pound palls Pure Lent l.arrt STc Fruits, Fish and Cheese Choice large Lemons, por dozen 10c Fancy Pineapples, each 7Vic Brick Cod Fish, per brick 7c No. 1 Herring, each 2 Vic No. 1 Family Mackerel, caeh 7',io Fancy Luncheon Cheese, Jnr 10c Young America Chceso 12Vo Wisconsin Full Croam Cheese, So nnd 12c 4 Big Stt cks Dress Goods iMiiia ,,.. I 1 J 20c Ribbon Co '50c, 73c and J1.00 Dress Goods, yard ..l.'ViiC 15o Ribbon lo 25c Dress Goods, yard Cc Fnnev Work Baskets, each lc 1 yards hklrt patterns, worth COc yard 25a ButtonB, per card lo j entire patterns for 98c 25c Pearl Buttons, ner dozen 2Uo ' All wool Challls, 32-tnch wldo 19c Belt Holders, each lo 10c Hose, black nnd tan, worth 10c... Cc lc Boys' colored shirts, worth 50o 19c 25c, 35c and 50c, Laces, all go at So ' Ladles Vests, with or without sleeves buoo uiceef per Duncn FULLER i)uu; and IUINT 14tk m OttBclna tl. CO. worth 25o 10c It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND WORK to Make a Good 10c CIGAR tHE This Store Advises WHS- Today is Memorial Day the store will close at 12:30. Don't fail to do your trading before that time, lt'a very annoy ing to want what you can't got when you can't got what you want. Wo can only advise you to como early. Men's 0. A. R. Suits for $ 7 00 Men's Straw Hats for 25c Men's Negligee Shirts for 45c 10c 2 00 4 75 25c 25c Men's Good Linen Collars for. . . Men's Blue Serge Coats for Men's Blue Serge Suits for.... Men's Balbriggan Shirts for ... Men's Balbriggan Drawers for. . Women's Skirt Waists 45c Women's Sailor Hats for 35c Women's Oxfords for i 25 Women's Strap Slippers, with pretty bow 1 50 Children's Slippers, patent leather 1 25 hatevor the need in men's and women's furnishings this is a safe storo for you. wH-ii-PJ.i;.ia:im-M..viir.ia Special Sale on Men s AVnCli Furnishing Goods El AT UCH Is Now Being Made From Fins Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900. JT. It. RICE M. C. CO,, Manufacturers, St. Louis, UNION MADE s A very handsome apsorttnent in all tho new styles and shapes, bows, strings, Windsors. Xing Edwards, Prince Alberts, otc., etc. in silks, satins, gronadines. and all tho stylish weaves for spring and summer, will be put on sale Thursday at 25o and 4(.)c. They aro from 50c to $1. A big purchase of men's sample shirts, tho hP9t makes, very lino qualities of madras cheviots and porcales; capably and dependa bly mado In tho now styles shirts that retail up to $2.00 on ralo at 49c, 73c and OSc. A very special valuo In men's sox, tn black and tans and fancy colors all tho new patterns hie assortments all sizes worth up to 25c, ko on salo at 10c. A line of men's flno suspenders, leather ends, mado of the very best webbltiKS, new patterns, comfortable, serviceable and stylish, a regular 50c mispondcr, at Hay den's for 25c. Men's $1 hells, In all tho now shades, patent leathers, etc., a bis nesortuient, worth up to fl, on sale at Hayden's for 25c. MEN'S HATS Pino straw hats on salo at 10c, 25o, S5o and 60c, In all tha new styles, Mexicans, Alpines, etc., etc. They aro worth from 25c to $1.50. Our leader A flno full fur stiff hat worth up to $2.50 and fully equal to thoso sold around town nt that price, on salo at $1.50. MOST ASTONISHING SALE OF FINE SHOES EVER SEEN IN OMAHA Tho cntlro floor stock of mcn'B sprlnj nnd summer shoes, fine $3.50, $4 and $4.5( fIiops closed out to us for spot cash a' f'Oc on tho dollar, from tho "Crown" shot manufacturers, on salo Friday. 1200 pairs of men's flno volour calf well solo shoes all latest styles, salo at $1.96. .100 pairs of men's flno $3.50 coltskln wcl solo shoes, In laco and congress, mado oi tho London tip nnd wldo common senso Ins' on snlo at $1.06. 250 pairs of men's flno lluisla calf nn( vlcl kid $3.50 oxfords, on salo at $1.00. Over 4,500 pairs men'H flnost vclour calf vlcl kid. Russian calf, coltskln and boi calf, welt solu shoes in all tho newest styles, go at $1.98. (Seo our big 16th street window display) Every man In Omaha should havo a pall of these flno, stylish $1 shoes at $1.96. ,Two pairs for less than tho prlco of ono A flno showing of tan shoes In tho summei weights. Your choice of all nt $1.96. V aro agents for tho Stetson shoe. 1000 pairs of men's Uncst vlcl kid well solo $4.50 shoes, In black and tans on salt at Sl.Dfi. $3.50 600 pairs of men's flnost Russia calf $4.C( now welt solo tan slices mado on tho now Cambridge last on salo nt $1.96. 800 pairs of men's finest box calf welt solo laco shoos made on tho Doston lart, on salo at $1.96. HAYDEN BROS. Big Sale of stern Horses We. will hold our first western horse sale on Tues day, June -i. 3901, at the Union Stock Yards, South Oinnlia, Nob., nnd will consist of 1250 head of well bred Oregon horses weighing from 1)00 to 1800 pounds. These horses are fat and have been carefully selected and fully hnlf will bo matured geldings and dry mares, balance mares nnd colts, yearlings and 2.year-olds. The record we made last year is a guarantee to every pur chaser that we will have the number of horses adver tised and will positively sell to the highest bidder in car load lots and the quality of the horses just as rep resented. Sale to commencee at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp, McGreary & Carey. Wm. Holland, Auctioneer.