Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Wbtat ftnlti Firm oi Export tf Drouth and
HiHiiB Fly.
Oata Until Slrmlj- vrlth Fairly CJooil
Commission lliiylnu for Onlslde
Aeconnt Provision Firm
on Hinder IIiiki.
ClIICAtiO. May 29.-Hlgher cable;, con
tinued drouth In the spring wheat district,
wllh report of (Infringe by Hessian lly,
cmtsoiJ a linn wheat market early today.
filtlioiiKh the- Haiti were not all maintained
wwlng largely to reports late In the srssloij
f rains in the northwest. July wheat
'Closed v,e lower, July com lie higher, July
rats unchnnged ami provision from tint-hanged
to 5c higher, . , , ...
Tim higher rubles from Llvcrpoot, which
market hnd been closed for n holiday since
Friday, were supplemented by report of
bad weather In the went, north west and
southwest, and these condition, coupled
with rumored damage by HeHslan fly stltn
Hinted n trotiR demand at the opening.
The Initial prim of the July delivery of
wheat wax a lnde to Ul'iC higher . nt .4
6l74ii' I'nder the execution of numerous
iutlde order the market advanced slend
lly to 7114c, A gooil part or the trading
was said to he for the export account.
Holder of lone lines nttracted by the op
portunity to make prollts bcRati selling in
large quantities, and Ihl. together with
report of heavy rain In the Dakntas,
caused a decline- to 7.1sic Home former
Heller then became buyer and a rally to
73Vd74c followed, but thl was only the
forerunner of another decline resulting
from a desire on the part of varlou trad
er to even up for over tomorrow's holiday.
The close was heavy. Klghtcen lonil of
wheat were reported for export. Hen board
clearance of wheat and Hour were equal
to MO.OO tin. Primary receipt were S6X.CM)
till. Minneapolis and nuluth reported 1ID
cars, against 20J last week. A year ago
was a holiday. Local receipts were 0 cars,
four of contract grade. ...
Thn corn market wa firm and moderately
active. July opened higher on Improved c
hles. light receipts and a prospect of 11
further 'eduction In receipt. The Initial
prlco for July wa 'y!V4c higher at IIMi
4l'ic. I'nder a good demand, with light
offering, an advance wns Hpcedlly innile to
41'iiC, professionals doing most of the trail
ing. Later. In sympathy with wheat. I no
market cased off under realizing sales, well
ing down to UMISc. after which on cov
ering by short It reacted to 4l!lf HV4c.
The close wa llrm and bn higher at 4lsC
Twentv-llve load were reported for ex
port Local receipts were 130 cars, 62 of
contract trade
Thn oat market wa steady, though
trade wnH not so active as yesterday,
There was 11 fairly good commission buying
for the outside, and commission houses
were good customer. Thn market seemed
to derive most of It strength from shorts,
however. July Mold between 2! and 28?io
mid closed unchanged at 2S1W23HC. Local
receipts were 21s cars.
Provisions were llrm, In sympathy with
higher hogs. Trade wa moderate. July
pork sold between $14.:i4 and $11.70 and
closed r,o higher at $14.67's; July lard be
tween S.174 and $8.201i8.22!i ami closed Re
lilgher at fs.lx; July ribs opened between
$7.87mi7.90 and closed unchanged nt $7.00.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
65 enrs; corn, IW cars; oats, 223 cars; hogs,
30 no head.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Attlclcs.1 Open. I High. Low. Closc.Ycst'y
May.. , July..
1 May... Snt;
I Jtily...l2SWii
28141 V
,4 70 !
14 70 I
II 77
8 22141
S 22U
8 25
70-, '
7 00
7 00
II 70
14 fi7Vj
14 75
S 20
8 17'i
S 20
7 95
11 r,7i4'
14 67'4l II fi2'4
14 B714 11 K &
II 75 II 70
14 to
14 75
8 20
8 1714
8 1714
70, I
7 8714
7 85
8 2214
8 17!i
8 15
8 1714
8 0214
7 90
7 8714
n 3)
S 2215
7 00 '
7 00
' May...
. Hcpt...
7 90 I
7 S714I
7 87141
. 'No. 2.
('ash quotations were a follows:
FLOUR-Qiilct; winter patents. $3, 8013. 00;
I all-nights, $3.2ou3.70; clears. $2.60133.40; spring
1 specials, $1.70: spring patents. $3. 4553.80;
' straights. $2.00y3.20; baker. $2.2iVg2.60.
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 6Vf72nc; No. 2
led. 74T75c.
CORN No, 2, 421ii2?ic; No. 2 yellow, 42$r
OAT8-N0. 2. 30M3OV4c; No. 2 white, 30?ic;
No. :t white, 28!ifi9i4c.
RYE-No. 2. 52He.
HARLEY-Good feeding, 40fl46c; fair to
choice mailing, WV4fi2c.
8KKDH No, 1 flaxseed, $1.72; No. 1 north
western. $1.72. Prime timothy, $2.0003.(0.
PROVISIONS-Moss pork, per bbl., $11.65
11.70. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $s.20Sj 8.2214. Short
rib side (loose), $7.S5fiK.05. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). $6.751i 7.00. Short elenr
side (boxed). $S.12,4fl8.26.
WHISKY-Rnsls of high wines, $1.27.
Following aro the receipts nud shipments
for today:
nccelpts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls . 32,o1 IH.fliit)
Wheat, bit I... 143.0.X) 535,0i
Corn, bu 1,149,000 624,000
Oat, hll 574,000 474.000
Jtye. bu,., 9,no 8,(X)
Uarley, bu , 15,000 l.ntio
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was strong; creameries, llHlSlie;
dairies. lld?16c. Cheese, firm, ftfj lOlic, Kggs,
loss off, cases returned, HUc
Quotation of lie lUy on Varluns
NEW YOHK. Mny 23.-FLOUH-Recelpts.
53,733 bbls, ; exports, 12,163 bbls.; quiet
nnd barely sternly: winter patents, $.1.65
dit.OO; w Intel straights, $3.45iirf3.60: winter
extras. $2.4502.85; Minnesota bakers, $2.Wiir
3.2r.; Minnesota patents, $4 0OUI.25; winter
low grades. $2.3002. 10. Hyc Hour, quiet;
fair to good, $2.&O03.1O; cliolco to fancy,
COHNMEAlz-Stcady: vllow western,
.Sir: pity. !c: Brandy wine, $2.43 02.53.
HYE-Hteady; No. 2 western, 601ie, nfloat;
slate, B705Sc, c. I. f., Now York carlots.
BAHLEY Dull: feeding. 4501S'4c c. I.
f., New York; malting, 62070c, c. I. f., New
I York rat lots.
BAHLEY MALT Dull; western, 5O0fi2c.
WHEAT llerelpts, 19.850 bu.; exports.
133.2VJ bu.; sales. 2.i55,000 bu. futures and
40,0l bu. ensh. Spot, easy; No. 2 red. S23ie,
f. o. b., alloat; No, 2 red, 79To, elevator:
No. 1 northern. Duluth. SlTic, t. o. b., alloat;
No. 1 hard, Duluth. 9l?c. f. o. b nlloat.
.Options hnd n strong, notlve forenoon on
bullish homo crop news, higher continental
cables, covering and freedom from offer
ing. But a subsequent rumor of rnln in
'tho northwest caused heavy unloading,
which broke tho late market, so that tho
close was easy, at ie advance, on May and
unchanged otherwise. May, SlV40821c,
closed ut Rl'ie; JMly. 79 5-I60SOV4C closed
nt 79Jc; September, 6i077 13-16C, doted nt
COHN Ilecclpts, 09,000 hu, ; exports, 102
bu. Spot, steady; No, 2, 50c, elevator, and
tO'ie. f. o, b.. nlloat. Options market was
stronger at Ural on crop news, small Chi
cago cnrlot arrivals, the rise In whent
and a fair export trade, closing Arm nt
0!4o net advance. May. 6vjf5014c, closed
at 50c; July. 4S0l3ic. closed at 4SHc; Sep
tomber, 48l',04Sc. closed nt 4SN.C.
OATS Receipts, 9l,&no bu.; exports. 20,475
bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2, ,33c; No. 3. 321ic;
No. 2 white, Alci No. 3 white, 32Wc; track
mixed western. 320 31c: track white, 32140
37c. Options slow and about steady, fol
lowing the other markets.
HAY Dull, shipping, 70075c; good to
Choice. 9214095c.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice.
3900 crop, 10c; 1899. 11011Hc; old old" ui
tl7u: Pacific coast, 1900 crop. 16019c; 'U93.
11016c: old olds. 206c. " lw
HIDES-Bteady; (Jnlveston. 20 to 23 ih
lRi4c; Cnllforula. 20 to 25 lbs.. 19C; Texns;
Uiy. -1 lu 117 llin,. 14fii73v.
, LKAT1 1 EH Quiet ; Hemlock sole. Bueno
Ara II irllt t,t Urn 'V Welch! ri "lff...
TALLOW-Steady: city ($2 per pkc.).
445c. rountry (pkgs. froo). 50514c.
PHOVISIONS-Bcef. quiet: family. $10.M
mi-.i'j; mess, 3.iwo.iw; ncei nums, :uilt
21.50: racket. S10.0if 10.60: city, extra Imiln
,mess, ll&.iWfn.OO. Cut meats, steady; pick e,i
bellies, 81i'ulOHa; pickled shoulders, 714u;
pickled hams. $9.75010.00. Lord, llrm: west
ern stenmed, $S 45: rellned, llrm: covitlnent,
H.60; South Amorlca, $3.25: compound, $6.75.
I UIA, nivMuj, tniiiiij, iigwu D,0U yBl
HICK-Qulet: domcKtlc, fulr to extra, 3i
(j 6c: Japan, I'MUHc '
MOLASSES-Htendy; Now Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 32040c.
lll.'TTEn-neeelpts. 8.911 pkgs.; firm;
creamery. 15010c; fuctory, H013'sc.
CIIEESE-Hecelpts, 2,819 pkgs.; firm:
fancy, large, colored, SHuSio; fancy, large,
white. S140SHc; fnncy. small, colored, 9'i0
P'4e: fancv, small, white, 9091ic.
EOQ8 Receipts, 3,336 pkgs,; western tin-
grsded, Uiil2Vju: western, selected, 1301314c,
POULTRY Alive, steady upd unchanged;
dresffd, lower, fowls, O'Sc, turkeys, 7'4?3c;
broilers, 22g2'c
MKTAL8 A slightly higher level was
maintained In tin In the local and foreign
metal markets toda. The cause for the
strength was attributed largely to n re
newal of the speculative movement, to
gether with a better turn to the statist! -al
department of that metnl. In London the
tin market closed steady at a rise of 15.
Hpot quoted at JC12S 15s ami future nt
JJI2710 ATtcr n (inlet day the locnl mar
ket wa finally llrm In tone at $2S.12;41&
28.35. Copper In London was 2a Od higher
today owing to an absence of sellers, the
close being steady at 0 3 Od for spot and
JC6 15 for fiturcs. Lead ruled (inlet and
steady at unchanged price both here and Speller wa dull and nominally un
changed at $3.ti5ff4.oo. Domestic Iron mar
kets were also dull and featureless. Pig
Iron warrant. $9.50fi 10.50; northern foun
dry, $15.52?i 16.50; southern foundry, $14.001i
16.50. and soft southern, $13.Wracl5.50. Ola
row warrants closed qulel at ols 6d and
Mlddlcshoroilgh 45s 3d,
Condition of Trade and itantntlon
nn Staple mid Fnucr Produce.
KOG8 tlecclpts liberal; good stock. Arm,
Wl 1014c.
LIVli POULTUY-Hcns, 7c; young and
old roosters, 3fitio; turkeys, COSe; ducks and
geese. 6c; spring chickens, per lb., I?g20o.
Hl'TTKH-Common to fair, ll'412c;
choice dairy In tubs, Htil.'c; separator, 18c,
FKIiHII I'lSII-Jliack bass. ISc; white
bass, 8c, blueflsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c; blue
line, 7c; buffalo. 6c; catfish, lie; cod, 'jc;
croppies, 75IO0; clscoes, 7c; Halibut, llcj her
ring, 6v; haddock, 10c; pickerel, 7c; pike, 3c;
red snapper, Jt'c, tnliuon, lie; sunflsh, 5c;
trout, bu, whltcllsh, 10c.
PIUKONS-I.lve, per d0., $1.
VliALH-Cholce, 'j'ulQc.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha "Wholesale
liny Dealers' association: Choice upland,
$in.50; No. 1 upland, $10; moc!'.;.m, $3; coarse,
$S. 30. Hyp struw, $6.50. These prices nro
for hay of good color nnd quality. Do
maud fair. Receipts, 3 cars.
OATH No 2 white, 23c.
COHN-No. 3, 4Jc.
U1AN-$15. J
SPINACH-Pcr Ini. box, 40c.
AHl'AHAOUS-Natlvc, per dor,, 40350c.
itllUUAUU- Home grown, per lb.. IVic.
NI-:W JILUTS-Per doz., 43c.
NtlW CAKlluTM-l'tr doz., 60c.
N1JW rUHNlPS-Per doz.. i'tc.
CI'Cl'MHEHS-IIothoiise, per doz., GOcO
I'AHSNIl'S-Per bu., idc
TUHNli'S-Pcr bu 6va .
UEKTS-l'er bu., 4uc " t '
CAIllloTS Per bu., 40c.
LHTTL'CIC Per bu.. 20026c. '
HADISHKH Per doz., 15920c.
PAHHLUY-Per doz.. 30c.
POTATOKS-Per bu., M)c; Colorado, $1.00.
CAlllJAUi- -.New calUutmn. 21tc.
TO.MATUKS i lorlda. per 6-basket cr.tte,
fancy, $3.50.
OMONH Ilcrmudas, per crate, $2.23: new
California, 2i4c.
CAIJLltLuvKH-St. Louis, per crate, $2,
BEANS Wax, per 1-3 bu., 75c; string,
per 1-3 bu., 7oc.
Ktlti plaint Per bu. box, $3. '
l'EPl'EHS-Ptr bu, toss, $2.2o.
PEAH Per 011., $2; per 1-3 bu., 76c.
CELEHY Cdlltotntu, per buncn. Wltlis.
NEW 1'OTATOEH Per lb.. 2Hc.
STHAWHKHHIES Kentucky, $2.25; Mis
sourl, $2.O02.23.
8-lb. bos.
OOOSEBEHHIES Per 21-qt. case. $2.00.
O HA NOES California seedlings, $2.75
3.00; navels, $3.233.50; Med. sweets, $3.23.
LEMONS California, extra fancy, $3.75;
Choice, $3.25.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
FIUS California, new cartons, 76c; layers,
63c; Imported, per lb., 104flc.
DATES Persian, in tw-lb. boxes, rinlrs, 60
per lb.; llullowoen. 614c per lb.
PINEAPPLES-Por tioz., $1.75(32.00.
HONEY California, per 24-sectlon case,
C1DEH Per bbl.. $4.50r per half bbl., $2.75.
NUTS English walnuts, per lb., lie; fil
berts, per lb , 13c; almonds, per lb., 15W'-'0c;
raw peanuts, per lb., 6W6Vbc; roasted, U!44f
714c; llrnzlls. Uc; pecans, 10'tt22u; cocoanius,
HIDES No. 1 green, 6J4c; No. 2 green,
414c; No. 1 salted, oljc; No. 2 salted, 514c:
No. 1 veal calf, S to 12!s los., 8c: No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry hides. S13c; sheep
pelts, 23075c; horso hides. $1.50i2.2J.
St. I, out firnln nnd Provision.
ST LOl'IS. May 23. WHEAT AVeak;
No. 2 red cash, elevator, 72Hc: track, 74140!
it'.tc: May, 72'ic; July. 7014c; September,
63c: No. 2 hard, 730J3Vtc.
COHN lilgher; No. 2 cash. 42jc: track,
421i042'4c; May, 421,c; July, 42?c; Septem
ber, 4214c.
OATS-1 Uglier; No. 2 cash, 29o; track, 230
23Uci May, 2"Jc: July, 2Sr: September, 261i0
26c: No. 2 white. 3014S30ic
HYE Firm nt Bfiic.
KLOI'H Firm; patents, $3.5503.75; extrn
fancy and strulght, $3.1503.30; clear. $2.W0i
FIAX8EED-No market.
COllNMEAI-Stnady nt $2.30.
11HAN Dull; sacked, cast track. 6Sc.
HAY-Stcady; prairie, $11.05; timothy,
WIIISKY-slendy at $1.27.
PHOVIHIONS-Pork. llrm: Jobbing, $15.75.
Jyard, higher, nt $S.10. Dry salt meats,
quiet: boxed lots, extra shorts, $8.25; clear
ribs, ss.;;7i4; clear smos, uncon, qniot;
boxed lots, extra shorts, $3; clear ribs,
$3.12'4: clear sides, $3.25.
Mi'i ais iat, mgncr. strong; ii.jiw
l.ffi. Siielter. quiet at $3.80.
POIfl.TTlVStnnili". rhlelten. fil(.fl7e!
springs, 11016c; turkeys, 00; ducks, 606c;
springs. 12c; geese, 4c; springs, Sc.
lll'TTEH-Steady; creamery, 15019c;
dairy. 12015c.
EGOS steai y. lOc. repacked nnd cases
HKCEIPTS-F our. 6.000 bbl.: wheat.
17.() bu.: corn. 80,000 bu.: oats. ."!5,0c0 bu.
SHI PMENTS Flour. 7.000 bbls.: wheat.
60,(X bu.; corn, 41.000 bu.; oats, 57,000 bu.
Liverpool (irnin nml Prorlalnns.
steady; No. 2 red western winter. 5s HHd
no, 1 nortnem spring, bs o: .-vo. 1 uair
forn a. hs l'.jd. f utures, quiet; juiy. os
lisid: Stntember. Bs 10-lid.
CORNHpot. quiet; American mixed,
new. Is Ud; American mixed, old, nominal.
f utures, stcauy; .May, nominal; Jtuy, ;is
li'iii; Hepietnuer, livid.
HOPS At London (Pac lie coast), steady
at 404 13.
PlluviHlDNH neer, steady; extra India
mess. 62 3d. Pork, steady: prime mess
westeni. fins td, Hams, short cut. 14 to 16
lb., steady, at 16 6.1, Iard. steady: nrlmn
western, 4 3d; American rellned. In palls.
41h 3d, Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30
nii-iiiij, in i.i, ii,.i i i u.i, in iu .1 lun.,
steady: clear middles, light. II nn. at 42 Oil:
11... ..,..!.. 1 . n. , . r. 1 al.nw. kII.b 1 .1 . n. 1 1. ..
long clear minuies, neavy, stenoy at to on;
short clear hacks, steady nt 40s 3d; clear
bellies, llrm at 45s. Shoulders, square, light,
Bteady. nt 36 Od,
BUTTER Dull; finest United States, SSs;
good United Stntep, 66s.
CHEESE-Amerlcan finest white, dull nt
47s: American Hurst, colored, onlot at 46s.
tallow l'nmo city, quiet nt jes; aus-
trnllan, in London, stendy nt stss 3d.
KiinsB t'lt- lirnln nnd Provisions
Mc: September. 65ic; cash, No. 2 hard.
6014070c; No, 3, 67?i069c.
llntIK' U.V , lOX'.t 1 .
i uii.i'diiif, ii ,1., uvi'ii; llll.ll , l.(tDII,
iso. i mixen, lu'.ic; o. z wnue, iiijc.
tiAia iso. wnue, aoiiUJic.
RYE No. 1. 65c.
HAY Choice timothy. $11.00011.50: eholc
prairie. iu.vo.
BUTTEH-Crcamcry, 1401614c; dairy,
fancy. lMiHo.
LllUh Weak: fresh Missouri nnd Kansas
stocK, O'.ic doz,, loss on, cases returned
new whltewnod case Included, lie more.
RECEIPTS-Wheat, 14,800 bu.; corn, 20,800
bu.; oats. 11.000 Sin.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 65.600 bu.: corn. 3S.-
iw nu.; oais, n,ij uu,
Toledo fJ nil n and Need.
TOLEDO. O.. May 29. AVUEATnull nml
weak; casn ami .May, i&o; July, 74,c: Sep
tember. 72Hc.
CORN Dull nnd strong: cash and Slav.
44e; July, 44c
UATH Qiuei ana uncnangen, casn and
.May. c: amy, ;a;c.
CLO VERS EED Cash, $6.50: October.
.Mlnuenitolla Wheal, Flour and II ran
M1VWRAHOI.1S Mnv -xi WltPiT
Cash, 72lie: July, 72sc; September. 70!ic.
FLUUit uu let: nrst natents. x3.75w4.uo
second patents. $3.6003.90: first clears, $2.80
Hj -.." : second clears,
BRA IS" In bulk, $11,50011.75,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. May 29.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3,
OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 29;c, billed
, WHl8KY-On the basis of $1.27 for fin
lhed goods,
Suaar .Market.
NEW YORK. May 29,-SUaAR-Qulet for
A .reiining, ii'io; cenirirugai, it test
4 9-32d. Molasses sugar, quiet; refined
Quiet; open kettle. 3 3-1603 13-lfic: open ket
tle, centrifugal, 3 7-18041ic: centrifugal yel
low, 401l-l&c; seconds, 2TiRlc. Molasses,
lUICl, VCIIllllllKill, 1(Jlt7C.
Co Ren Market,
iiv, Muti, 4V, , iniuiw, q o-ioc, iiuu, quivt
Cordova, S'itf 12i' Lower prices and
nnuinniion were me features 01 tonay
market The opening wns steady, with
prices 5010 point lower, none of which
wns iccovered during the rest of the ses
sion. Selling wns for local nnd foreign
account was based almost solclv upon
heavier Brazilian receipts than expected
nnd weakness In European markets. Ab
sence of speculative support made It easy
ior inc near, wnue uoiucrs saw notning
In the general situation to wnrrnnt further
opposition to n lower market. The close
wa easy, with price tiet fifilo points lower.
Total ale. 12.000 hag. Including July at
$5.4005.45; September, $3.55: October, $5.60;
uecemoer, )., .Moren, js.Oojje.w.
More .Strength Shomi In .llnrket, lint
iienintK i.srurly I'rufrAniiinn I.
NEW VDIltO. Mnv " tfn nddl. netlvltv In thn mnrllrl InilnV r. ml
considerable strength and variety, but the
neanng were still evldenly In large part
professional and the points of strength
were SOtnewhnt spilt lnrr.,1. If tvn Mnftrn.
able, also, that profit-taking was going on
in stocks which have recently advanced
tinder the cover of the new nolnt of
strength. Thus, while Atchison, Pennvl-
vanla, Southern Pacific nnd the Southern
railway stocks were going upward today
the Tobacco Rtoek. f .mkn wmitm. Wiilt.i1i
stocks and American Car were held back,
in"""!"! iiiiicn less active man miring me
tlmo of fielr recent advance. Something
TVn tn ifl,i f l.n i.bHha .. r , , . ...
' .i . 11 1,1 muni I .1
elllc stock from the list of collateral for
1 11 1 """ "c'i'c convcrtinie doikis.
"''"tuiniK a prospect 01 a settlement or
Nnrtlinrti tnliln ,llun,itn Ti, I -
..... . Itim.Mlli IIIIH I1,,U
Issue is fjupposed to provide means lo pay
ui inn .urincm i-nciuc stocK itougllt, as
well ri for the Southern Pnclllc, which Is
IncKided In the collateral. A clause In .ho
mortgage leaves the power unimpaired to
Northern Pacific purchases. .Southern Pa
cltlc presented a very strong statement of
net pnrn nnfl mi.1 Unntti-v,, rn 1 1 n.n .. t..iA..
V iW r ..uuuirtii 1(1,111,1,1, 1 limn
made good showing for April,
Them nlso were rumors that announce
ment soon would be made of largo Pennsyl-
inula iiuii 1 is in nouinern Jiallwny and
that tho Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville
nil nilnfl lo flu. niH..l .e ,1...
Hal way. Report were current that I'nlod
Pacific wns extending It holdings of South
em Pacific so as to secure absolute control.
The extra dividend on Minneapolis St.
Loj s account for the wtrcngth of that
Pth .'i1'"10' -Mall's rise was hi sympathy
v., 'v1'"- (iviuv. 11 rise 111 uenver
tlln r-rjmilfi wnu iiiinvl,ilA,i f nt.i
.v. ...... iifitiuiiiii, iti,iii i'ii-
dflcrpTnriiitM win i,. n . i . .
""d- ......... .u.. (ik KM,- lllMlj ,l ff.lKMfRt,
These were later reduced to $3,930,000 to
'""! "mi iiiaiirniice requirement.
There wns ome Irregularity In the Viond
market 011 a fair volutnn of dealings. Total
sale, nnr fnln.i ittAiji 1 ..t. i c.....
- ., , ..,.u., 1 iiui'ti nunc
bond were nil unelinnged on the last call.
1 in; i. uinmcrciai Auvcri iscr- London
financial cablegram snys: The stock mar
ket wa Idle, but flrtn, today, except lor
.. . " ; " " "i winnu 1 ni a
quarter of n pound discount. In view of
1 no special seiuemcni. ror a week from
tomorrow, the account as arranged today
wns the lightest for many months. There
were evidences of n. reviving interest In
American hares, which were dealt In more
iictij mini n,r some time. Americans
were bought steadily, partlciilnrlv the
Atchison nnd h.rtn laottAa tu -.1 . 1..
trong nt the top notch of the day. A
U....1 i. V,1 "J . ",r ft''w snares of
Southern Pacific. This wa regarded n
n stgniiicnnt sign, since no one hnd hid
for mnrrt flinii n I r.l.l. i.. .i.L'
weeks.. past. The general contantro rate
2,asr, ' i"1 Denvpr preferred. I. nnd on
St. Paul 3 per cent. Money Is slendv nl
unchanged rates, except for bills, which" nre
3.1ii n..p ronf Tim fi..i, t.-:.i".. !
nut CJn,i(V . r. IIpni.ll . . 1 n in i . rV. n
.... ,w .,1,1,1 UIUJ 1i),V.PI 10 i(Otl-
The following are th closlnr prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
do nfd
. 30' i
. 1".
. n,i j
. S5
. 2:;
. tut,
. C'4
. 31
. 2)
do pfd ,
P. Pacific
n. & o ,
. 91
8. Hallway
do pfd
do cfd
Can. Pacific ..
Can. Southern
. c:
,... .w ...l.iii;.....,
IT.. St. I V...
Ches. & O
ail. & Alton ,
45l do 11M
. 4'i Union Pacific ..
. Tf'i do pf.i
.135'i 1Vahah
. 33i do pfd
. 7.!4 W. I.. K
.124 do 2d pfd .....
. 2li; Wis. Central ...
. SO do pfd
44 P., O.. C. it St.
.'Oi'i Adams Ex
American Kx....
. r. a. i'...
do pfd
C II. & Q
C. I. & L
to nfd
a. & e. 1 ,
c. a a. v....
do A pfd ....
do D Pfd ....
C. & N. W.
. St
. V.U
. SJ
. H'.i
. 44
. lst
. 9C'i
C It. t. &
Oil. T. & T.
do pfd
. 421, Wells-Pargn Kx..
. Slll'Amixl. Copper
. IS Am. Car. & P
-"1 do pfd
. 21 Am. Llnneed Oil ...
165 do pfd
ill Am. S. & II
. 43H do pfd
. ?S'i Am. Tobacco
. 4114 Anaconda M, Co.
. 6'? Hrookln It, T
. olli Colo, P. & I
.179 Con. Oas
i'.'i Con. Tobacco
" do pfd
.110 flen. Kleetrio
. K Oluione Sugar
. 62(s Hocklnx Coal
. 1.1 Inter. Paper
.::0 do pfd
lOJVlnter. I Vmer
.115 lUiclede (las
.W'i'Nnt. Iltseult
. 23VVNat. Iad
. UU Nat. Salt
9M; do pfd
.IMVn. Am-rlcan
. 2fli Pacific Coaat
. 8'T, Pacific Mall
.1SR " I People's Oas
1M14 Pressed S. Car
. H do pfd
. 8;ViPullinan P. Car....
14S iltepul.llo Steel
J do pfd
. 33.i Sugar
lOS'Tenn. Coal & I
43!i'Unlon 14. & P. Co.,
C C, C. A St. I...
Colo. Southern
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
l)t. & Hudson....
l) ).. .t W
D, & rtlo O
do pfd
. 41
. S4
. MU
. f.i
. 'Ji'i
. or,
. 81',
. 41
Krlo ,
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Gt. Northern pfd...
Hocking Valley ....
do pf'l
III. Central
Iowa Csntral
do pti
L. n. & W
do pfd
Louis. : N'Rh
Manhattan L ,
Met. St. Ily
Mex. Central
Mcx, National ....
M. & Pt. I, ,..
. It'j
. 76
. 60
. 3Ti
Mo, Pacific
M K. & T
do nfd
N". .1. Central
N. Y. Central
Nor. & West
. 4
do pfd
N. raolflc
.. I."i
1. 7r
do pfd
Ontario & W
,. 12H
do 1st pfd
do 2d pM
do nfd
. 7' '4
. 11'.
U. S. Iz-ather..
Pt. L. it S. F
. 4;,U
do nfd
. 70
do 1st pfd
do 2d nfd
U. H. Rubber ...
,. M'S
. 6li
do nfd
St. L S. V
. 33
. (3
C. S. Steel
,. 4.V,
do pfd
do nfrl
,. 9f
St. Paul
Western Union
S York Money Market.
steady, nt 2.4ji3i4 jier cent; last loan nt 3
per cent; prime mercantile paper, tyi'.J per
.m i.
tual business In bankers' blllx m si ksiisi
I.SS? for demand nnd $4.S5ii4su tnr .ivtv
days; posted rules. $45j and $4.89; com-
iiiiil-iiii uuin, ''a'n.q-i';,,
, SILVER-Certincates, nominally 60c; bar,
Ui"4V , Oil :A,l-(l(t 111, Hill D, 601.
HONDS-Government. steady; state. In
active: railroad, steady.
in ciusiug puces uu uunas toda are at
U. S. ref. 2, reg...
N. Y. C. 1
.. 71'.
do coupon
do 3i, res
do coupon
do new 4a, rtg...
do coupon
do old 4i, rec...
do coupon
do It, ttg
do coupon
N. .1. C Bfn K
j.N'or. Paclllo D....
no 4a
N Y C & St L It
N. & W. (V
Ore. Nuv. Is
lift I,
Oregon S. L. 6s..!.
oo c. JS
'Reading nen. 4...
Itlo O. W, Is
h I M c. Ss..
8t I. . S P is. ..
St. Paul c
fit. P.. C. & P. g.
D. of C. 3 6S
Atchlion gpn. 4...
do ml). 4n
Can. Southern 2...
Ches. & O, 4Vi
.m i
. 95
. 9f;
. ss
. IH
. iS
. .100S
. .1 ls V,
no 6i
C. & N. W. c. 7...
do Si
do 8, P. d. 5s....
8. Pacific 4s
S. lUMunv .1.
.. 9)ti
Chi. Terminal li...
Colo. Southern 4s..
Standard H, &'t
6s 63
.. 9J
I), t Tllo CI. 4s
ICrle (ten. 4
Ft. W. & I). C. Is,
Tex, & l'. is
do 2s
Union Taclllc 4i..
0n. Hleetrlc 5i...
wniiasu in .......
Iowa Central !...,
U & N. unl, 4a
M,. K. T. 2i....
do 4a
do 2
West Hhor ( ....
. .11314
Wis, Central 4i..
'V, Centuries ..
... 131,
... ;
Loudon Stocli Unotat Inns.
LONDON. May 29.-4 p. m.-ClosInc:
Consols, money...
do account
Can. Paclflo
St Paul
Illinois Central ..
Union Pacific pfd,
N, Y, Central ....
.. 1
do 1st pfd ...
N. Pacific pfd
Orand Trunk
Hand Mines .
U, 8. Steel ...
do pfd
... TO
... Ill
... 10
- 9014
... 4i;
... 96i;
RAR SILVER-Steady, nt S7Vjd per ounce.
MONEY 213 per cent. The rata of dis
count in i ne open mnrxei ror short bills Is
3!43s per cent; for three months' bills, 3ft
.er York Minlnc Xlocba.
NEW YORK, May 2y.-The followlnc aro
quumuuns uu iiiiiiiiib aiocKC.
Adams Con
Alice ,
llrunsn-lck Con...,
Comstock Tun.,..,
Con. Cal. Ya,, ,
Peadwood Terra .
Horn Silver
Iron Sllvar
Leadvllla Con
.. 20
.. 41
.. n
.. i
.. 1
Little Chief ...
.... i:
.... 90
.... 11
I'hoenlx ........
Potosl ,
Sierra Nevada
.... 10
.... 4:
Small Hopes ,,,
ntannard ,
Cattle Htcaipta Hiitj, but Prion HtldJ u
Abont Stitdy.
tiiioil I.IkIi4 Weight t.nmlis Acllie nml
teail, but llciiy WelRhli Were
liin nnd Weak, While Sheep
Did ut SIiim .Mili'h CIiiiiirc.
Rccelnts wem: Cattle. Hons, riheep.
Otnclal Monday 4.1K1 l.t.. I'.fvXJ
uiiiciiii ruesnny ......... a.otxj )
Ulticlal Weunesdny t.Vi'J lo.o'.'J i',W7
Thrc itnva ttil ivitili. .11.101
111, 141
la, vis
Satnn ilnvs bitt wnlt k.ltf.
Wamo week betorc 11, Us
Same three weens iiko..11,3:'J
snme rour wcoks ngo, . . .io,4J(
Same days last vear 11.&I6
vrrnne price paiu ior ni'K in
Omaha tho ikiii Hnveral duvs with
I 1901. UW0.lSW.lS9a.lfc!)7.lWb.lBlS.
I. ..,
II. .
26. . .
I o 4V 6 M
I b ilM b 1
I & 24 b li
i il
J mi
1 i
3 b
3 J
4 kt
w 6il
3 65
i o:
3 66
3 Ml
3 671
3 63
3 6UI
3 19
3 651
3 bo
1 2t
3 -3i
1 3V
3 I9
a il
V i
0 l'.'l
3 17,
3 20
3 211
3 19
3 11
3 L'
1 0I
3 031
3 03
3 V2
4 41
4 t
t 0
4 44
4 XI
1 ii
4 4
4 4J
4 1u
4 44
4 ,1u
4 SI
4 27
4 3U
4 IS
4 46
4 4j
I 37
4 35
4 32
4 2:
4 17
4 31
4 3S
i ID
3 Hi 3 '
3 VJ 72
3 93j 3
3 VJ J M
3 V 7U
i il
3 e
d Vji 3 6b
3 t 3 hti
4 1S S 6,
ij 3 tb
3 611
4S I
4 io 3 6j
4 VUJ 3 o2i
4 35; 3 hll
4 2t 3 bi
4 26 3 bo
I 3 52!
4 33 .(
4 25 1 3 4a
4 I , 3 40i
4 1M 3 .
4 20 3 34
4 Oi. I 3 3l
! 3 36,
ft Ms -l
I b U
l 1177.
T tmi I
1 1 6 bt i 21
i u ut .a ivi
,( 6 bb b li,
. I u ni i a ii
I b Utg J luj
i ay
b Mft
u II
f oti',4
6 W
& In
6 2lj
6 23
6 201
6 Ul
6 10
i 73
O bfi
5 03
6 U8
6 Oil
5 VI
i (Hj
4 99
0 W'4
5 61.
6 67
3 62
i 63
3 621
5 61
3 Dil
3 04
2 991
3 w
3 60
' I
3 60
I o I" f
I 5 63U 4
5 62U, 4
2 93
2 9.'
2 901
Indicates Sunday.
The official niimher of cars of stOCK
brought In today by each road wns:
Cntt e.IIocs.Sh 11.ll ses.
C, M. It St. P. Ry.... 6 16
O. & St. 1 Ry 2 4
Mljsoiirl Pncltlc Ry.. 11 4
I'nlon Pacific system. II SO 8
C. & N. V. Ry 7 6 1
1. E. & M. V. Ry.... 37 42
S. C. & P. Ry 7
C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 32 29
11. & M. R. Ry 2S 85 3
C, U. & Q. Ry 4 24
'., it. 1. & l'., cast.. 13 XI
C R. 1. & P., west.. 2 2
Illinois uentrai 4 n .. ..
Total receipts .... 1S7 226 11 1
The disposition of tho day's rccelnts wns
as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num.
oer 01 ncaa inuicatea
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
.. 3S3 2,621
.. 827 1.421
Omuha Pncklnc Co
Swift and Company....
Cudnhy Packing Co....,
.. 1,0?6 3,221
.. 1,455 b,3V.I
Armour & Co
Swift, from country....
it. iiecucr uesau....
Lobmnn & Co
LIvlnRstonc & Schaller
11. I j. uenuis ti Co
A. S. Mnwhlnny
Other buyers
Total 4,071 15,653 2,937
CATTLE There was a cood llbernl run
of cattle hero today, and In view of tho
liberal receipts packers started In to buy
tneir supplies for n little less money tnnu
they did yesterday. Sellers, however, held
for steady prices, so that while tho market
was Mow In opening not much chango wns
Ileef steers made tin the bulk of the re
ceipts, tho same as' has been tho enso lor
homo little tune, it was a llttlo lato be
fore many sales were mndo owing to the
fact that packers were bidding lower, but
alter buyers nnd sellers got together tho
cattle chanced hands nt a rapid rntc nt
Just nbout yesterday's prices. The heavy
weignts continue in tnc best demanu, uut
still the llgliter.-Mgrades, if of desirable
quality, sold without dimculty. It was tho
ugni common nuiiininai wns siow sine.
Cows were In light supply nnd good de
mand nnd no material cnanse was notice-
nblc in the prices paid. Packers bid good
sicnuy prices ami oougni up wnui was
offered In good season. Choice heavy
weight heifers In particular moved freely.
Bulls also were In active demand this
morning, nnd anything at nil desirable In
qunllty sold In good season nt stendy prices.
xnu same wns imp 01 mugs unu caives.
The simply of Htockers and feeders wns
very light again today, nnd tho few that
weto offered changed hands at practically
the same prices that were Paid yesterday.
There were not enough here, however, to
mako 11 goon test ot 1 110 market. Repre
sentative sales;
No. Av. Pr. No.
Av. Pr.
1172 3 10
1119 5 19
1107 6 10
1163 b 10
960 i 10
1 1033 3 10
WS 3 15
1131 5 15
1163 3 13
1250 5 13
10)7 4 15
, 1193 & IS
1115 5 15
, 1310 5 13
10S5 5 15
, 1143 i 15
1212 S 15
, 1211 6 15
, 1037 5 13
, 1M 5 15
1133 3 29
1094 5 20
130ii 5 20
, 1030 3 20
1234 3 20
1150 5 29
1278 & 29
1132 b 25
1199 6 25
1131 6 25
1227 5 25
1249 3
1204 A 25
1251 5 ;:,
1227 & 23
, 1247 5 2.5
t23l b 25
1231 3 10
1222 5 TO
, 1243 b 30
1) b 30
13 3 75 :i
700 3 75
73 3 90
9M 4 f'O
lft) 4 00
690 4 3S
iii 4 10
m 4 41
M6 4 40
657 4 11
826 4 r.O
955 4 SO
1501 4 50
14 ,
20 ,
n 1
1000 4 10
mi 4 1'5
?I0 4 70
MO 4 70
9:0 4 75
654 4 73
1000 4 75
1053 4 75
977 4
m 4 7;
910 4 !
784 4 iD
791 4 ti
1007 4
r.i 4
939 4 f5
91 4 83
1016 4 90
1095 4 99
1163 4 f'O
990 4 90
111 4 90
9C3 4 90
10 4 93
l:: 4 J
1001 4 5
1031 4 93
1200 3 00
1033 b09
1129 o 00
914 3 HO
1060 6 00
100 5 00
3 V)
SO 1194 5 20
...1164 5 30
13) 5 ?5
1201 5 35
1IM 3 23
13J5 5 33
1340 3 rs
14W & 35
1344 3
1439 5 35
1224 5 35
1312 2 33
1194 3 40
1316 5 40
1135 5 40
1215 5 40
1248 5 45
1475 t 45
1297 5 39
128 5 39
14SC 3 CS
m 5 09
,. 953 5 CO
102S 3 00
1033 3 0)
9SI 3 00
954 5 05
1024 3 05
1142 3 03
1991 5 03
1126 JOS
1179 3 05 22.
1030 5 19
3 m 5 10
.1360 5 10
S33 4 60
877 4 A)
757 4 75
19 4 90
18 10S9 5 05
29 1166 3 13
6 1210 5 13
37 1124 3 23
17 125 4 5 23
17 1034 3 14
.1029 5 W
830 2 CO
10fU "00
I'M 2 30
M 2 75
k29 2 75 ,
W) 2 75
9i0 S H)
1040 3 09
1069 3 ")
... 870 4 10
...1010 4 19
...1124 4 10
2 1040 4 15
t 963 4 15
3 1269 4 2)
2 903 4 29
1 1249 4 29
1 i0 I 29
1 lOtO 4 21
1 960 I 23
29 771 4 25
2 1240 4 23
1 1139 4 23
3 939 ( 23
5 800 4 39
3 1229 4 39
10 S00 4 30
2 830 4 3)
1 1030 4 20
3 1225 4 30
5 1030 4 59
10 1216 4 33
2 915 4 40
2 1055 4 I)
t KM t 4)
1 1429 4 19
5 ISM 4 IS
U 1128 4 39
2 1025 4 50
3 107S 4 69
9 1161 4 39
5 819 4 39
10 1237 4 59
5 1064 I 59
4 1057 4 C9
1 1130 4 69
12 1259 4 )
1035 I 60
. KM) 3 15
. b49 3 23
.1056 3 23
.1010 3 25
. 920 3 2)
.1050 3 23
3 iT.
3 :
929 3 35
MbU 3 30
1159 3 59
1099 3 05
950 3 65
970 3 63
1126 3 65
910 3 "0
7(4 3 75
849 3 76
1069 3 75
1115 3 15
890 3 75
503 3 "3
2 1100 3 ti
,.1125 3 U
, 914 1 83
,1070 4 M
,1139 t (9
.1139 4 09
1..., 1110 4fO
1 1023 4(4
.....1013 45
10M 4 0
...1440 4 71
-... Ml. 4 1-1 1 I.W 4 tO
7 10M 4 00 II 11V, 3 C3
8 C30 4 60 27 1021 4 SO
1 90) 3 39 1 W 4 39
1 459 3 75 1 649 4 33
1 770 3 73 1 5S9 4 V)
1 399 3 (9 1 1M9 4 6)
3 W, 3 91 1 37 ) 4 63
1 630 4 l 2 760 4 63
1 339 4 10 1 56) 4 71
1 38) 4 2'. 1 10S0 4 73
2 1115 4 23 2 14P9 5 15
2 329 4 39 1 169 4 01
7 :3 I Hi 1 9) 1; CO
1 339 4 75 1 129 6 09
1 SO 4 73 1 169 6 23
3 261 5 (9 1 12) 23
1 359 3 00 3 206 M
2 ,,. 175 5 75
I !1 2 59 1 tOJO 1 f9
1 9T0 3 90 1 ttr) 4 eo
1 12"0 3 19 1 1519 I 19
1 10 V) 3 2 . 1 1410 4 19
1 12S1 3 23 1 1109 4 10
1 1469 :l 59 5 15S.) 4 19
1 104) 3 10 1 1359 4 11
1 131) 3 fO 1 1") 4 2)
1 1339 3 30 1 1111 4 23
1 110) 3 35 1 12M 4 l".
1 12S9 .1 V, 1 1139 I :5
1 1270 .1 73 1 1460 I 25
I IM 3 76 14 92) 4 39
1 6T0 3 73 1 1170 4 39
1 1620 4 00 1 107) I 50
1 9C0 4 0)
1 14J0 ! 23
4 612 2 3) 23 546 3 61
1 7T9 3 00 1 1119 3 75
1 670 3 '1 1 929 3 75
3 423 3 23 5 1134 4 63
1 910 3 fO 3 494 4 85
2 459 3 5)
1 703 3 25 3 476 4 59
5 4V1 4 CO 23 ii!S 4 M
3 334 4 0f s 701 4 63
1 1639 4 19 7 154 4 TO
2 7I9 4 24 32 681 4 7,"
1 379 4 25 27 719 4 !5
8 191 4 35 13 441 4 55
7 535 4 19 10 (36 5 01
1 720 4 59 22 371 5 09
1 719 I fO
IIOOS There was n very heavy run of
hogs hero today, over lo.f'Oo head being on
sale. Tho demand, howcxer, was equal to
the oicaslon. ns Is shown by the fact that
everything wns sold In good season, with
me marKoi averaging oniy a snaiie lower.
Packers started In bidding mostly I3.W, or
2Vic lower, but sellers held on for steady
prices, nnd for that reason the market
whs u little slow In opening. Finally, how
ever, packet's raised their bids and began
paying J3.60 and At thoso prices the
hogs moved toward tho scales nt n I'apld
rato nnd It wns not long before practlcnlly
everything was out of tlrst hnnds. The
choicest trades sold largely nt $5.03 nml
as high nt J5.75 was paid for a nrlme load.
The lighter lions sold from 5.60 down. Thn
lost end or tne market was very near
steady with yesterday, so that the average
cost today Is only a shade lower. Repre
sentative sales:
No. Av. Sii. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
93 191 ... 5 ." 67 245 $0 5 421,
59 199 ... 5 f.7'4 61 251 129 2 "12'.,
10 1S ... 5 S7l 65 260 120 5 42',
79 117 59 5 374 40 j 40 3 2'4
"8 206 VA S 371, 69 232 t(0 5 62',
83 297 129 3 37'j 24 279 41 5 i,
25 S79 59 f.i) 62 245 89 .'. 02',
14 257 ... 5 6) 64 212 89 5 S21,
18 262 129 5 61 62 244 120 5 rji,
lf.4 231 89 5 C9 53 241 ... 3 fji,
12 224 ... 5 fO 68 244 129 3 62'4
62 219 40 3 60 1C9 232 121 3 62i
80 202 ... 3 69 62 251 49 5 6J',,
63 233 ... b to f,r, 233 ... 5 S214
70 234 89 3 i 63 23S 129 6 '2V,
9 2(2 ... 3 M (9 259 89 5 42'i
7S 219 ... S 69 76 220 ( 9 5 62',
To 299 ... 5 49 65 243 $0 J 62',
73 222 120 5 69 78 197 ... 5 621,
64 236 169 3 69 63 251 ... S 62',
67 234 169 3 61 72 214 41 3 62",
58 253 80 5 60 68 243 89 3 62'i
93 194 ... 5 69 63 260 W) 3 d'.'ij
69 244 ... 3 61 67 246 49 5 (21,
42 235 49 5 69 83 212 49 5 6:",
"1 221 169 5 69 7S 2) ... b b2',
68 2.'6 SO 5 CI 79 226 M b i:7
65 219 1 5 49 f 22i ... 5 62',
87 199 43 b '0 74 247 249 5 62'3
60 277 ... 5 69 74 219 169 5 62'j
70 221 ... b tJ'4 64 214 89 n '2't
64 224 40 5 62'j 60 230 ... 3 621,
fl 254 ... 5 42', 65 255 ... 5
73 231 ... 5 124 65 229 129 5 62',
33 231 ... 5 42 1 i 63 241 160 3 62',
141 248 ... 70 263 129 5 624
43 272 50 5 62'-
fin 239 160 5 S.'l.i
60 223 80 b C2'4
69 241 169 3 62'j
70 214 ... 5 62',,
79 259 200 0 62',
S3 244 80 5 62',
67 34) ... 5 42',
6 239 SO 5 fljij
35 261 SO 3 41V,
43 244 8) 5 62',
73 2(1 80' 6 f,ij
43 330 241 5 621,
77 20! 80 6 02',
74 216 80 5 S2',
74 212 ... 5.121,
64 231 ... 5 42'j,
13 224 ... 5 42'.
64 253 160 5 62'j
59 264 ... 5 62'9
64 241 49 5 62U 62 24 ... 5 421
79 238 SI b 62'i 67 244 169 5 62 1,
73 253 89 6it 75 242 169 5 62',
42 264 ... 5 o2!i 66 256 129 6 62V
61 254 ... 5 6214 69 269 129 5 2'.i
21 242 ... 5 421, 6 223 169 5 C2',
"3 231 161 5 624 64 262 ,.. 5 1.2V,
62 255 50 6 121, 57 294 16) 5 621,
64 226 ... 5 62 4 72 254 ... 6 1211
67 242 SO 6 C24 75 244 169 5 42',
C3 272 ... 5 4 4 71 231 320 & 42',
76 225 129 5 42'., 49 261 41 5 42',
61 214 41 6 69 61 244 240 6 42 4
S9 183 81 5 SO 72 213 40 6 624
46 231 SO 6 60 67 251 SO 5 42',
14 238 ... 5 61 74 217 60 5 42',
12 260 89 5 40 6" 263 169 b 63',
72 215 ... 5 ft) 33 231 ... 5 624
70 226 81 5 69 60 243 ... 5 63
71 203 ... 5 fo 63 305 SO f. 65
10 234 ... 5 6) 65 260 SO S 67
12 233 SO 5 60 69 249 160 5 63
72 211 ... 3 69 54 279 ... R 63
70 221 ... 5 61) 61 310 89 5 63
77 231 SO 5 60 55 311 SO 5 CS
23 234 SO 5 69 20 319 ... 5 65
85 194 219 5 bl 49 299 ... 6 C5
25 211 41 5 CO 56 247 ... b C5
34 22li SO 5 ft) 5!) 289 89 5 05
82 231 41 5 69 76 254 S9 5
45 199 SO b ill 64 283 80 5 65
64 229 ... 5 60 C9 263 ... D 62
46 221 81 5 ti) (. 252 SO 5 63
78 215 IW 5 40 65 247 89 R 65
65 235 169 3 i9 53 276 S9 5 63
78 192 ... ft ft) 32 316 169 3 65
84 214 S9 5 60 62 244 89 3 65
60 241 89 5 69 56 278 1ft) 5 65
78 227 169 3 69 73 273 121 5 63
76 215 ... 6 69 39 263 89 3 63
34 226 89 3 69 54 24 340 3 C
63 251 ... 3 69 64 256 129 5 63
71 204 ... 3 60 64 259 ... R 63
64 215 169 5 60 69 391 161 5 63
71 173 121 3 (V) 61 2S7 ... R 65
82 211 ... 5 69 76 267 89 5 65
57 271 140 5 ft) 64 284 S9 5 f5
71 2.11 ... 5 40 76 253 ... 6 63
61 227 SO 5 69 79 321 80 5 4714
89 214 169 RfO 63 329 ... 2 67 4
78 214 80 3 624 55 304 80 5 671,
56 2S9 80 R 62U 84 291 ... R 674
S7 223 ... 5 634 66 307 ... 5 674
C9 222 41 R 62 4 30 333 ... 5 70
69 217 169 R 4 Bl 329 ... 5 70
64 297 SO 3 '.24 5 327 69 R 79
135 241 2(9 2 621, 59 294 ... 5 70
72 246 SO 5 02 4 50 343 ... 2 73
HHEEP There were only a few carH of
sheep nnd lambs here today nnd the mar
ket on the lighter weights of lambs was
fairly nctive and Jusl uDout stenuy witn
yesterdaj-. Tho clipped lambs sold mostly
from to 10.90. wn c 1 nr res avoragu up
nbout tho same ns yesterday. There were
no choice wooled lambs offered. Tho heavy
weight clipped stuff, was slow sale tins
morning nnd a little weak.
There wero scarcoly enough sheep on
sale to test thu market. A hunch of
clipped wothers sold nt 14.23. which was
fully as much a they would have brought
any time this week,
Quotations; Choice clipped wethors, $4.25
4.50; fair to good clipped wothers, $4.0OS
4.25; choice clipped ewes. $3.63iIJ4.00; fair to
cood dinned ewes. S3.30fi3.Co: cliolco wooled
lambs, $5.4035.69; fulr to good lambs, $3,20
6.10; choice clipped lambs. $l.75fi5,00; fair
to good clipped lambs, $4..r.044.75: spring
lambs, $3.00fi.W; feeder wethers, $3.COJfl,00;
feeder lambs, J4.0OSI.40. Representative
No. Av. IT.
51 cull Colorado lambs 60 $3 50
S clipped Colorado ewes 101 4 ()
10 clipped Colorado lambs, culls. G.5 1 00
239 clipped Oregon wethers 8.9 4 25
4tvS clipped Colorado lambs 4 75
48)9 clipped Colorado lambs 92 I W)
S57 clipped Colorado lambs 07 4 90
7 sheep 116 4 t
239 shorn Colorado Inmbs 87 4 65
Knuini City 1,1 e Stock Market,
ceipts, 5,000 natives, 600 Texans, 40 calves;
native and Texas beef steers, stendy to n
shade highest; stockers nnd feeders, slow,
cows nnd heifer, stendy to 10c lower; choice
beef steers, $5.60ff5.S5: fnlr to good, Vi.Wlt
6.40; stockors and feeders, $3,75fC.OO; west
ern fed steers. $1,551(5,55; Texans nnd In
dians, $4.60g5.Wi: Texas grass steers. $3.40fl)
4.23; cows. $3.26fi4.75: heifers, $.1.65f(5.35;
canners. $2.:5ft3.15; bulls, $3.50$ l.W; calves,
IIOOS Receipts, 16,700 head, market
steady to 2Vo lower; top. $5.90; bulk of
sales, $5,fVfl5.85; heavy. IS.sWiu.fu; mixed
packers, $5,C5(B5.S3; light, $5.40175.75; pigs,
SHEEP AND LAM 118 Receipts, 6.300
head market Fal5c lower, western lambs,
$1.iWfl6,y; western wethers, $t,Wi4.S0: west
ern yearlings. $4.30fl4.'.: ewes. $3.755i4.23!
culls, $2.75ft'3.50; Texas grass sheep, $3.6019.
4. Ot: Texas lumbs, $L23SI.60; spring lambs,
St. I.011U Live .Stuck Market,
ST. LOUIS, May 29,-CATTLE-Recclpts,
2.700 head. Including 1,250 Texans; market
steady; natlvo shipping and export steers,
J5.u0flfl.00; dressed huef and butcher steers,
It. WiiS. 60; steers under 1.0W lbs,, $LWt4.90;
1 1030 4 N i
2 ... ... . 1010 01 7
1.... 1229 4 0) 1
stockers. nnd feeders. $2 SSff4 ); cows nnd
heifers, ll.onin.M. canners, 31.25fl2.S3; hulls.
J3.00fll.10; Texas and Indian steers, $3.60
ri.Ci; cows nnd heifers; $I.50Jrl.l0.
IIOOS Rccelnts, 7,900 head; market
strong; nigs and lights. S3.6o4.i6.70; packers,
$3. WW. 75, butchers, $3."m0.f.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.800
head; market rtroug; native muttons. $4.2o
JTt.ft'i; Inmbs, $5.50ip.:5; culls and bucks,
ciiicAiK) 1,1 vn vroi.ii: MARKET.
Sheep "! t holee Cnttle MenUy Hob
StrntiK to lllnlier.
CHICAGO, May 29.--CATTLE Receipts,
20,iVio head; choice steady, others weak:
good to prime steers, $3.35116.00; poor to me
dium, Sl.DflO.a, stockers nnd feeders, $J.2S
'do.tu; eotts. $L93'(j4.90: heifers, .M.OvgS.OO:
canners, $J.255.J2.90; bulls. $3.CKIL40. calves,
steady. $l.oof0.25, Texas fed steers, J1.25U
5.40; Texas bull-, ?2.7yd3.90.
II017S -Receipts today, 31,0X1 head; tomor
row. 30,(i. estimated. Wt over, 4.i0: mar
ket opened strong to Be higher, closed easy;
top, $5.95; mixed and butchers, .Ci.G5fij.90;
good to cholco heavy, $i.7o'(lo.93; rough
heavy, S.tVr4i.".T0: light, So.OWS.S.i; bulk of
salen. S5.77i'(t5.87'j.
SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccelpts, 15,00)
head; sheep nnd lamb, nbout stendy; shorn
lambs up to $,16; good to choice wethors,
J4.3nft4.6o: fair to choice mixed, $4.1Cf?l.3o;
western sheep, $1.25(7 1.50; yearlings, Jl.."0ii
1.05: nntlvu Inmbs, JI.W'oS.OO; western Inmbs,
Xevr York 1,1 e Stool. Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Mnv 29.- REEVES- Re-
celpts, 2,174 head; trade brisk; 1011 15c higher;
steers. $5.2.if6.25: bulls, jii.oojH-'O; extra ex
ports, $4A5; cows, $-'.M.1f 1,10. Cables, firm;
shipments, l.oun onarters of beef.
CALVES-Receipts. 2.611 head; fair de
mand; veals, generally 23c lower; butter
milks, steady; venN, $I.CKVif3.75; extra, $5S3ff
f,.(i); buttermilks. $3.SO?r..75.
SHEEP AND IVMIIS-Recelpts. 12.217
head; sheep and choice yearlings, steady;
under grades, lower; lambs, 10ifl5c lowsr;
sheep, $'!.tn1l.6fl. yearlings. $l.(j.'V4(f5.76;
lambs. $6.507.00: 1 car extra, J7.25.
IIOG8-Rerelptf, R.P9S hend; feeling trlflo
film; quotations, S5.9MI6.20; choice extra,
St. .looplt Live Stock Mnrket.
SOl'TII ST. JOSEPH. May 29.-(SpsclaI.)
The .lournnl quotes:
CATTLE Receipts, 2,100 head; m.itkt
stendy to Iiv higher; unlives, $l.3StfG.6S;
Texns nnd westerns, S1.731i5.C0: cows nnd
heifers, S2.SSM3.10: bulls and stngs. $2.2Jff
t.SO; yenrllngs nnd calves. $:t.6$tjl.M): stock
ers and feeders. S3.40fTI.65; veals. S4.tO'i10.75.
IIOOS--Rccelpts. 9.&UO head, tntifket about
steady, all grades. $5.6Cii.90; b.llk of sale,
$3.7ufi5.fl; pigs unchanged.
HHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccelpts, 2,3i
head; market steady; Inmbs, Jt.75fJS.ol;
yearlings. M.25tM.6'; wether, S3.50'o l.?5;
ewes, S3.23fi1.Oo.
Stock In Slubt.
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs nnd sheep nl the four principal
live stock markets May 29;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
South Omahn 4.079 15.591 2.P37
Chicago 20.5fO 34.000 15.CM
Knnrns City 5.oo 16,7") fi.3"0
St. lotils 2,700 7.900 LSD
...32,79 74,193 26,037
Sioux City Live Stock Mnrket.
SIOl'X CITY. May 2f.-(Bpeclat Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200; mnrket
stiong; beeves. $4.90fi5.C5: cows and bulls,
mixed, J2.76fhM.00: stockers and feeders, $3.50
P4.40; calves nnd yearlings, $3.234.50.
HOOS-Rerelpts. 3,600; mnrket strong,
selling at $5.525i6.ff: bulk, $3.5503.60.
Mne llnnilied Letters from Fsrmeri
Show tienerul Conditions Are
CHICAGO. May 29-The Com Rclt,
issued by the Burlington, will print tomor
row exhaustive crop reports received from
500 correspondents throughout Nebraska,
Iowa northern Kansas nnd northern 'Mis
souri A brief summary follows:
Nebraskn: Corn -52 reports say outlook Is
excellent: 242, goo.l; 2S, fnlr; 6, poor; 10,
rain needed; 2, best prospect state ever
had. Winter wheat 30 reports, good; 175,
better than last year: 120, about the same;
IS, worse. Spring whent 13S reports, good;
3S. fnlr: 11, poor: 5, rain needed; 2, bugs
beginning to damage; 2, stand Is thin,
Oats II reports, good: 8. excellent; 66, fair;
33. poor; 8, need rnln.
Iowa: Corn 73 reports say outlook Is
17 reports, good; 2. fnlr. Winter wheat
17 reports, gdo; 2, fair; 2, poor, 1. reports
Hesslnn fly. Spring wheat 36 reports, good;
12, fair: 2. about same as In 19f); 3, poor.
Oats 14 reports, good: 19, fair; 3, excellent;
9, poor.
Northorn Missouri: Corn 7, excellent: 33,
good; 19. fair; 2. poor. Winter wheat 11
reports, better thnn 1P00; 15, good; 4, fair.
Spring wheat 4. good. Oats 9 reports,
good: 11, fair; 16, poor.
Northern Kansas; Corn 13 reports, good;
6, excellent. Winter wheat 15 reports, bet
ter than 1900; 3, excellent: 1, fair. Soring
wheat reports, good; 3, fair; 1, excellent.
tin 11k Clenrlntis,
OMAH . May 29. Rank clearings today,
$979,317; corresponding-day last year. Deco
ration day.
CHICAGO, May 29,-Clearlngs. $23,347,119:
balances, $2,053,936; posted exchange. $4.S5M
1N.S9; New York exchange, 10c premium.
ST. LOl'IS. May S9.-CIcarlngs, $6,935,018;
balances, $1,232,658; money, 597 per cent;
New York exchange, 35c premium bid, 6c
premium nsked.
CINCINNATI, Mny 29.-Clearlngs, $3,286,
350; tioney, 315176 per cent; New York ex
change, 3of35c premium.
PHILADELPHIA, May 29,-C'learlngs,
$18.84,1.660: balances, $2,633,753.
RALTTMORE. May 29.-Clenrlngs, $3,KS6,.
609: balances. $635,974,
NEW YORK, May 29,-Clearlngs, S2SV
608.507: balances. $12,617,893.
ROSTON. May 29.-Clcnrlngs, $20,4$,235;
balances, $2,606,622.
Sew York llry (JooiIn Mnrket.
Contlnued bad weather hns ngaln nffected
the spot mnrket. store trade proving slow
throughout. Mall orders of nn ordinary
character. Tono of the market dull, but r.o
quotable change In quotation In either rot
ton nr woolen goods. Print cloths Inactive
nnd unchanged. Wide goods easy. Prints
Plow of sale, Men's wear woolens nnd
worsteds quiet, without quntnhle change.
Dress goods Inactive and Irregular.
OH nnd Hosln.
NEW YORK. May 29.-OII.8-Cottonseed.
stendy: prime crude, nominal; prlmo yel
low, 35H-C 'Petroleum, dull. Rosin, dull;
strained, common to good, $I.62',t. Turpen
tine, dull. 3.-H(i3fin.
OIL CITY, Mny 29,-OILB-Credlt hnl
nnces, $1.05; certificates, no bid; shipments,
1.11,073 bbls,; average. 93,570 bbls,; runs, 111,
811 bbls.; nverage. 92.573 bbls.
LIVERPOOL. Mny 29. -OILS-Turpentlne
spirits, steady, 27s 3d.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. May 29.-Today's state
ment of the tronsury onlnnces In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $150,0o0.fioo gold
reserve In the division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balance, $161,537,6.14:
gold, $92,923,021,
Port Wnyne Mnclilnlstn Strike.
FORT WAYNE. Ind.. May J9.-A1I
machinists nnd Helpers In tho Rass Foundry
nnd Mnrhlne works, numbering 150, wnlked
out todny. They want ten hours' pay for
it nine-hour day nnd Saturday afternoon
INSTRUMENTS placed on file Wcdnesdny,
May 29, 19011
tViirrmit? Ileeila.
Conservative Saving and Loan as
snclntloi. lo Mary Dever. lot 2.
Srhnell's add ...$ 1,013
M. D. Woodelton and husband to F,
R. Whlttnkcr ct nl. lot 4, block ?,
Forest Hill 900
Emllv Ranch nml husbnnd to P. A.
Smith, lot 18 nnd 19, block 2,
Stevens' Place 3,000
A E. Smeallle to Henry Hansen, lot
21. block 4. Clifton Hill 9-.0
Scottish Investment Trust company
to Kdwnrd McEnehron, lot 2, block
2. Sherwood's suhdlv 1,525
Edward McEachron nnd wife to R.
A. McEachron. same 1,500
Mary Johnson nnd husband to G H.
Pnyne. trustee, lot 12, block 4, Van
Camp's ndd 1 69
Atlnntlo Realty association to Wil
liam Simon, lot 7, block 1. Remls
Park 450
E. M, Tate nnd husband to George
Dnwey, lot 13, block 24, KounUe
Place 3.M0
C. S. Shenaril to Jo.ei)h Adams, lot
3, block 1. Hamilton Square 2,860
M. R. Davenport nnd wlfo to C. T.
Johnson et al, lot 1, block 1. Rurn
ham Place , uW
W. II. Male et nl to J. N. Rrown
lot 9, Archer Place I
Unit Clnim Deeds,
Adam Ramsburg and wife to O. I.
Park, lots 4 to 7. N. J. Smith's ndd . 1
A. K. Rrumhaugh ct al lo George
Porter. e2M feet of w.M's feet lot
3. block 2, Sweety's add 1
Sheriff to Richard Edwards, lot 9,
block s, 1st aau. to rwuui umuuu.
Sheriff to Joticph Cockflcld. n33 feet
lot 15. block 9, E. V. Smith's add.... iS
Total amount of trantfer $17,'.'W
A imioi,ivt mavs m:tcii.
Ills Pipe ItcnunTd tt hen lie I'nlla
Asleep While SimikliiR In Red,
"I have n friend over In the Old Quarter '
said n dweller In New Orleans' Hoheml.i,
to 11 limes gosslpcr, "who has expended 11
vnst ntnottnt of riigeuulty on labor-saving
devices calculated to promote his personal
I'otnrort ami snve him from needless oscr
tloti. People who don't know him very
well Imagtno he Is supernaturally lnr.y, but
thnt does him an Injustice As ho explains
It himself, he suffers from it constitutional
aversion to all kinds of toll, Inherited from
his fnther
"Rut whnt I started to tell you nbout. '
continued the Rohcmlnp, "was a very clever
arrangement he rigged up In his den this
winter to enable him to enjoy n couple of
rather dangerous habits In pence nnd com
fort. Llko most men of his temperament
ho Is fond of smoking nnd lending ill bed.
but both practices, got him orlglnnlly Into
110 end of trouble. You see, he was nrcii'
tomod to propping himself luxuriously on
n pair of pillows with it book In one hand
nnd n pipe in the other, nccesMirlly expos
ing his arms nnd chest to the treichero'is
night draughts, and, needless to sit, n
continually catching tcrrlllc colds. That
was nothing, however, compared to tho
risk he rnn with his pipe, for ho would
frequently glide off Into dreamland without
knowing It nnd tho blamed thing wotiut
slip out of his band nnd set the bedclothes
011 fire. He nunc noir being cremated on
several different occasions, nnd between
the danger of perishing by cold on the one
hand and hent on the other he wax getlltig
In an unhappy frame of mind, when the
excellent scheme he now employs suggested
"The cold problem he deserve 110 ciedit
for disposing of. 11s he solved it by adopting
a garment Invented by the Inr Eugene
Meld, consisting of an old sack coat nlth
the entire front part cut nwny, hack as
far ns the sleeves, All thnl N nrcefsnr
Is to put It on the wrong sldn In from
nnd the arms nnd rhest nnt fully protected
ns one lies In bed reading. There In no
back. It Is true, hut no back Is needid As
for thn pipe, my friend rigged up 11 minia
ture pulley depending from the celling
directly over his bend. At night It Is nt
Inched by sninll metnl Ffiap: to his big
meiMschaiim, and n weight nt the other
end of tho cord keeps the pipe elevated
horizontally nbout two feet above the nn
fnee of tho bed. No exertion whatever Is
required lo pull it down for smoking, nfd
slnco the installation of the apparatus thn
nitppx man never bothers himself about
anything after he goes to bed When
slumber overcomes him his book lldes
liijrniliissly out ,,1 hi relaxing rliiteh.
whllo his pipe ascends gracefully to a por
tion of safety.
"In this way." nilded the Rnhemlan, "In
hns guarded himself ngnltiM the dements
and put In a pretty comfortable wlntei.
This summer he proposes to ndd nu attach,
ment which, will cxtliigiiMi the Intnp and
Mnrt n smnll fnn at the moment he fall
Into the nrins of .Mnrphous "
CAVUl.VS m:w iI hills.
Dominion lliinilllnted lij n Vlicnrlte of
the Ainerli'nii Locks.
Uncle Sam Is not umnlly partial to Cnn
ni an money, but our new four-dollar bill
w-lll have his best wishes for an rndurliig
circulation, reports the Toronto Mall. On
Its honest fnco It hears a llatterlug picture
of the lock on his Sault outinl. lining 11
personnge who takes n ilollnrs-nud-ceuts
v ow of things, he will perceive that this
vignette on 11 Dominion note Is something
more thnn n delicate compliment (o his
progresslveness, It Is, Indeed, an offering
of very substantial service to him. Our
hlg neighbor knows well the value of a
free advertisement, nnd where could ln
get a better one except In n flrst-clas
newspaper thnt goes Into the homes of all
the people? Our circulating medium, cspe.
elnlly In the dcnomliintlniin that am uinct
hi .demand. Is a capital advertising medium.
The Amerlcnn canal at Sault Ste. Marie is
beautifully displayed on the considerable
Issue of four-dollar hills our finance de
partment has Just let loose. Who would
travel by the Canadian canal after th"
Caundlan government gave such n certifi
cate, ns to the superiority of the American
lock? It Is true, our own cnnnl Is 11 gfHiid
work, one of the wonders of engineering
science, but the government fnneles the 0110
on the other side of the river more. Ah
these four-dollar notes pass from hand to
hand, tho wistful gaze of those who pnit
with them will rest on the American lock
the gateway through which the government
would direct their travels, Since thev canif
Into office the Canadian ministers have tried
to forget their old disparaging language
about our canals, and have lately spoken
very favorably of these. Rut mon'ev talks.
A picture of our Sault cnnnl, or of (itiii
other great Canadian work or scene, should
occupy the place given up to the American
canal. This foreign cnnnl look depleted
on our four-dollar bill Is a humiliation to
il. That picture Is a record of blundering
or something worse that will never be
forgotten. Specimens of Iheie four-dollar
hills will be preserved wherever there Is a
collection of monetary curiosities. Th"
people of Snillt Ste Slnrle nre deeply of
fended nt the government for Its selection
of the Amerlcnn canal as the object most
worthy of depletion oil Its new' Issue.
Life Clouded liy Crlcf lb rr the Den Mi
of Ilin Svi cetlienrl.
"When a young man, rising to fame ns nn
author, Washington Irving fell In love with
Mathilda Hoffman," writes William Per
rlne. in the ladles' Home Journal. "To
his eye she was such nn Image of delicacy
and purity that his love for her grew Into
nn Idolatry. In the midst of his dreams
of future linpplness there came an over
whelming blow from which lie never fully
recovered. Mathilda was taken sick with n
cold; it rapidly turned Into consumption,
nnd It was his agony to behold her fade
away In a single winter, but In his sight
beautiful nnd more heaiitlful to the last.
During the three days and nights of her
flnnl sufferings ho did not leave her hoil'e
nnd scarcely slept. He wns at her hediddo
when she died; his was the last face that
she looked upon, and when the grave
closed upon her the world became blank
to him (11 his distraction. In the nlghn
of his first anguish after Mathilda's death
he would carry to his bed her bible and
nrayor book, and place them tenderly tinder
Ills pillow Ever afterward he kept them
with him In all of his many wniiderlims
nnd travels. When he died at flunnyslde
he had renched his three-srore-and-ten, 1111 I
his celibacy was still unbroken. There wns
then found 11 little repository of which he
hnd nlways kept the key. It was opened,
nnd there lay n faded memorandum which
told the story of his sorrow, a miniature. 11
braid of fnlr hair, and n slip of paper on
which ho had written 'Mathilda Hoffman,' "
Lniiscunfre to Remember.
New York Marine Journal, "lly the red
headed god of war, I'll have that book
If I hnvo to sell my side combs!"
Tho mermaid was rending hastily, al
most breathlessly, the advance sheets of
"Fighting Rob" Evans' book.
"I'll hot there's n shudder In every line.'1
The timid creature was recalling with n
sort of ecstney how the torrid language
of Captain Evan, stnndlng god. llko nnd
terrible on thn deck of the Yorktown In
Valparaiso harbor, held tho wholo Chilean
navy In awe and sent the mermaids In
hiding for threo wholo days under tho
ledge of a coral reef.
Cold GoIiirt to Europe.
NEW YORK. May 29.-Goldman. Sachs &
Co. will ship $1,000,000 gold to Franco to
morrow. There Is $600,000 additional gold
ordered nt tho nssny nfllce, hut no nnnie
Is given. Total thus fnr engaged, J3,100,ooo.
Tho National City bank has Increased lis
shipment of gold by tomorrow's steamer to
$700,000, making 11 total of $3,050,000.
At one time today tho engagements for
shipment of gold by tomorrow's steamer
aggregated $t,6.V),0o0, bin, ns the Insuranco
companies objected to Inking a risk In
excess of $l,0oo,000, tho National City bank
canceled half Its order.
Humility nnd Pride.
Denver Times: "You," growled tho
Great Man to his menial, "get a hump on
yourself and. push thnt work through. I
won't tolerate any laying hark."
"You," suld tho better half of the Great
Man, nftcr ho had left the dinner table,
"get a hump on yourself nnd give me suffi
cient money to take Helen and myself to
the mountains this summer, nnd hurry up
about It. I won't tolerato any laylna.
"Yes, dear," replied tho Great Man,
mTiTnsrT safest! iTksti "
Money Will Enni llltr Monthly llelnriu
Tho Inventor's Fund Puys Scml-Monthly,
Th oloest estnbllsht'd In America. No
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