Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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at i.n m .uu.vrio..
iJtvlfl (.ells drugs.
fctockort sells laco curtains.
Kino ADO beer, Netimnycr's hotel.
Victor Huatcro. Uixby & Bonsaucnts.
Wolltnnn. scicntlllc optician, 4' U'way.
Schmidt's line photos Kuarantced to please.
Miss Kculi! Mlkexcll is homo from ft visit
at JMicun, In.
ltoy Uoscn In home from the military
academy nl Mexico, Mo.
Karl Maynn left Inst evening on a busi
ness til to Kansas City.
Ideal heads In water color. C. E. Alex
ander & Co.. 3SJ IJrondwuy.
Tho Journeymen barbera will meet to
tilRht In labor hall to orttntilze.
Ten inn wanted for hauling In town. E. A.
Wlckhim fc Co., 19 Siott, street.
W. F. Ornff, undertaker anil dlilnfactor,
lul South Main street. I'hono 005.
Clot your work done at the popular Kafclo
laundry, .21 Uroudwoy 'I'hono 157.
.Mrmnrlal day exercises will be hold In
tho puhllu Kchools of tho city today.
Oram! hotel cafn and restaurant. Very
best ucrvlco u la carte. A. Mctzger & Co.
Mrs. V. Frees of Audubon, la.. 13 uuest
of her daughter. Mrs. C. H. Orvls, ash
Ington avenue.
Mrs, Owens, organizer of the Antl-Cifnr-tte
lengue, will speak tonight In the First
.llnptlHt church,
Judge Thnrndl returned last night to
Ids home fit Sidney, where ho will hold
court Saturday.
Tim Council Bluffs High School Alumni
ftsiioclatlon will meet tonight nt 8 o'clock In
tho Hloomer school building,
Pottawattamie trlbo No. si. Order of Im
proved Ited Men, will meet this evening In
Marcus" hall to elect olllccrs.
Tako hom a brick of vanilla cream. U
cents, or Neapolitan, 33 cents. Will keep
one hour without Ice. A. Motzacr & Co.
Theodore Petcrcon, carrier of rural mall
route No. 1, has resigned to go Into busi
ness, lie will bo succeeded by John Jacob
ton. Former Sheriff John Morgan wns seized
with another paralytic otrnko Monday and
his condition yesterday was reported criti
cal. The Lutheran Woman's Home and For
eign Missionary society will meet this
afternoon in St. John's Kngllsh Lutheran
Holand t'rnrkwell has gone to Cambria,
"Wye, to act as mining engineer una
nssuyer for Kllpatrlck Uros. & Collins of
the Cambria Mining company.
A meeting of fruit growers and gardenors
of Council muffs and vicinity has been
called for Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
In the olllco of tho Orupu Growers' Ship
ping association.
Wishing to retire I nm offering for sale
my entire business wood, coal, feed and
grocery with nil Improvements. For par
ticulars Inquire ot Thomas Itlshton, 2IM
AVcst Hroadway.
Kd C. Krown of Sheldon, la., candidate
for the republican nomination for stato
railroad commissioner, whs In this city
yesterday railing on friends and looking
after his political fences.
Congressman Walter I. Smith has been
selected to deliver the address Memorial
day at Stunrt. la. Ho will address tho
members of the graduating class of tho
High school at Ncplu Juno 7.
Catherine I-',, Ifi-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, C. lludlo. 15) Vino street, died
yesterday morning of paralysis, the resjlt
of an nbscess 011 thu brain. Miss Hudlo was
a sophomore In thu High school.
Itev. 8. It. Olson of Omaha will preach
a memorial sermon next Sunday nl Ultfo
a. m. In St. John's English Lutheran
church. The pastor, Itcv. O. W. Snyder,
Issues a special Invitation to all old soldiers,
A special train of twenty-eight cars
loaded with threshing machines from tho
factory of the Minneapolis Threshing Ma
chine company, West Minneapolis, Minn.,
will arrive at Council Uluffs Wednesday
afternoon, May 10.
Mr, and Mrs. K. H. Mathls nnd niece.
Miss Nclllo Hell of Omnha, wont to Kear
ney, Neb., yestcrdny to attend the com
mencement exercises of the Military acad
emy, wheru Mr, nnd Mrs.,-Mathls' son
Charles la a cadet.
City Astessor Everest and his deputies
have been working over hours nnd expect
to have the assessment books ready in
time to turn them over to tho county audi,
tor for review by tho Board of County
Supervisors Monday.
Hazel cami) No, 171. Modern Woodmen of
America, will meet at Hughes' hall Thurs
day afternoon at 1 o'clock to tako part In
tho memorial exercises. Tho degree team
will appear In uniform. Council Uluffs
camp No, 71S1 Is Invited.
Mrs. F. II. Hill loft yesterday for HoMnn
to bp present at tho graduation of her
daughter, Miss Zoe, who completes her
studies at LaSailo seminary. Mrs. Hill
and her daughter will visit In the east
several weeks before returning homo.
A. W. Monizell will hayo a hearing Fri
day morning before Juslieo Hryiint on a
complaint died by F. II. Hunte. charging
hhn with tho larceny of a pocketbook con
taining J3B. Mrs. Hunte lost tho pocket
book, which it Is alleged Montzell picked
up and refused to return to the owner.
Tho case nqalnst 13, W. Reynold?, charged
with operating a lunch car without a city
llrense, wan continued In pollcu court yes
terday morning until tho return of City At
1.nVyi!l!lawortl1' "eynoUlH has intimated
thiough his attorney that ho Intends to
test tho validity of the ordinance enforcing
Urn payment of such a license.
u nnil exercises or tho dny. All old
soldiers and sailors who have served In nny
mi. ".5Y.n,2 of ol'r eountry nro Invited to
(. ,'", ) u.uifc-e 11. mes, s, v. C. and
Ldwln j, Abbott, ndjutnnt.
rh.u.i'ccl Va ln ,tho B"ero fund at
iinrt ?i W1 .."""IS, ,wuck umounte.
W.W being $03.10 below tho estlmi
I to
Marring;!- I.leeimea.
Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name nnd Residence.
Chrlitensei,, Shellleld. ill..
Mnmlo Mudhen, Council Ulurfs...
)' J,- "rubor, Council muffs
L, R. Cronln, Council niutfn
... 29
... 21
... 23
... 19
A Full
Of this papVr would be
occupied In describing the
different, up-to-date styles
und good qualities of our
Fhoes. They really must
bo seen to be appreciated,
nnd better still, to test
their vnluo, must bo worn.
Wo guaranteo every pair
sold, which Is BUftlclent to
convince you that no bet
ter goods are made, Whnn
you want tho best for tho
monoy always go to
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C, Estep)
2S I'UAIII, &TKHUT. 1'liun OT.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N, Casady, Jr..
U'tt Muln St., Council Bluffs.
You Have a Chance
Vet to get ono of our TOOTH
They're not a cheap brush only
D ciV G. Morgan's Mray.
11,,, f PhS?'11 ''nl1 No' S9' Gran1 Ar"- of
L'.? I.tC.ublI,lV wl" Wf0t at l""t headquar
ters In tho Everett block. Pearl street, ni l
o'clock Memorial clnv. in (r.u ....... i". ..
V 111 Lilt!
io'IimTCiiW l.he Lteiy i" thi fi
to unto to $1.'.'. in tho manager's fund tho
m.?.?.lr,Wfre mr5' bp.",K .TB below the
I.!8 f.."W .w,lek .'"' Increasing tho ilc-
un 11,1 Lin, 1 iirmnr nv,.Aana .1.
i.i-iii;' 111 huh lunu to jai.M to date.
Erd ef Education Propoias Ohaaf in
School SttlarUi.
InnlntN Figure la High IIiioiikIi Al
rend) Hei'iicnt of .ntl-(;l-nrctte Is Hi
At tho meeting of the Hoard of Educa
tion last night the committee, on teachers
and rules submitted a report suggesting
several changes In tho rules governing thu
schools. Ono of thu proposed change?
raises tho pay of thu kindergarten teach
ers for thu first year from $30 to $,15 a
month, with an Increase of to a month
each preceding year until tho maximum Is
reached, and fixing tho salaries for graded
work from tho first to tho sixth grado at
$35 for the first year with a maximum of
$60, whllo the maximum for tho seventh
and eighth grades shall bo $65. This makes
but llttlo cbango as regards graded teach
ers, although altering the form of tho pres
ent rule.
Another Important change recommended
Is that tho salaries of tho principals shall
ho determined according to thu number of
looms In tho building without regard to
grades, as heretofore. This will mean an
Increaso In almost all of the salaries ot
tho principals. Tho report also suggests
that the minimum salary of a High school
teacher shall be $75 and that the maximum
shall ho based upon the professional qual
ifications, experience nnd success ot tho
teacher as determined by tho hoard. Tho
present rulo Is that the salaries of High
school teachers shall be based upon their
professional qualifications.
As to tho supervisors of drawing and
music tho committee suggested that tliolr
salaries shall bo determined by the board.
Heretofore tho rulo provided that their
qualifications should govern tho matter of
Some objection was raised by Member
Swalne to the suggested changes. He said
that tho teachers In this city wero being
paid higher salaries than In other cities
In tho state. Action on the report was
postponed for ono week.
Mrs, W. L. Owens, organizer for tho Na
tional Antl-Ctgaretto league, asked permis
sion of tho board to visit tho larger schools
ami extend an Invitation to tho pupils to
attend her meetings next Sunday. SwaJno
protested against permission being granted
and on his motion tho request was refused.
Opening of bids for opera seats for tho
auditorium of tho new High school was de
ferred until tho next meeting, as several
of tho bidders had been unablo to havo
samples present.
Tho resignation of Miss Ethel Shepard,
kindergarten teacher, was accepted and
Miss Cora Trcynor was appointed to fill
tho vacancy.
It was decided that tho new school year
should begin tho second Monday In Sep
tember and should bo for thlrty-slx weeks,
with two weeks' vacation at Christmas and
ono week In tho spring.
Tho report of the appraisers fixing tho
value of tho school property ordered sold
was approved and Secretary Ross was In
structed to advcrtlso for bids, which will
bo received up to Tuesday evcnlag.
N. T. Plumbing Co , ttnepnone ZiX
DcLong will print It right.
loarpli Scott KiiIIn to Recover from
Inline Ilnllnnl.
Tha Jury In tho district court before
which was tried tho damage suit of Jo
seph Scott against Isaac Ballard, con
stable at Pacific Junction, and Jack Pln
ncll, a former membor of tho Council
Bluffs police force, decided that tho plain
tiff was not entitled to .recover any dam
ages for his alleged falso arrest, and de
tention in tho Jail nt Pacific Junction In
October, 1899. After being out a short
tlmo yesterday morning the Jury brought
In a verdict for tho defendants. Scott sued
for $2,000.
Tho motion of the defendant company
for n now trial ln the suit of Henry Dranz
against the Omaha & Council Muffs Rail
way and Bridge company was ovorrulod by
Judge Thornoll yestorday. The caso will
bo taken to tho supremo court. In the
caso of Herbert Ttnley, administrator of
the cstato of Leo Stein, Judgo Thorncll
took tho motion for a new trial under ad
visement. A motion on behalf ot the plaintiff was
filed yesterday lu the suit of John A.
Murphy ngalnst Edgar A. Mueller.
The suit of George H. Scott against D. S.
Frank, In which the plaintiff seeks to re
cover nttorney foes, was begun yesterday
beforo Judgo Wheeler and a Jury.
Davis cells paint.
It Ik to lie Fireproof nnil to Htnnrt 011
Writ llronrtwny.
The Citizens' Gas and Electric Light coin
ppny will erect Its sub-station on leaned
ground at tho rear of 631, West Broadwny.
The structure, which will bo fireproof, will
fnco tho alley, nnd within convenient dis
tance of the company's ofllco on Pearl
street, Tho contract for the building was
lot yestorday to Wlckhnm Bros. The sub
station, with Its equipment, will represent
nn expendlturo of botwocn $15,000 and $20,.
Tho controversy between the Citizens'
Gas and Electric Light company nnd the
motor compnny ovor polo rentals has been
amlcnbly sottlcd.
City Electrlclnn Bradley has suggested a
plan for tho temporary strengthening, of
tho auohors of the Broadway and Fourth
street light towers', which will bo carried
out by the company according to tho In
structlons of the city council at Its last
Petition in Donkmpter.
William L. Reynolds, a tiller of the soli
In Crawford county, filed a petition In
bankruptcy yesterday In the United States
Novelty Cloak Store,
O.trt llrnadiray, Council ninffK,
Custom Work u Specialty
From Ynnr GumU or Onri,
Your Credit is Good
district court here. His liabilities, of
which he desires to be relieved, amount to
$1 315.95, whllo his listed assets aggrcgato
$2,254.70. Of this $2,000 represents ti policy
of life Insurance; which Is not available
for his creditors. Ho claims as exempt
$29 worth of clothing, but Is willing that
$23.90, which Is tho sum total of the ensh
he has In the bank, shall bo used to offset
his liabilities.
Sprclnl llui'unlim for Wcilncadii' nnil
Men's pcrcalo working shirts, on sale, 25c.
tloys' overalls, sizes 3 to 14, on sale at
Men's black and white stripe worklug
shirts, on sale, 45c.
New Hue of men's string and bow tics,
latest styles and colorings, at 25c.
New style men's and women's bow tics,
with wide ends, at 50c.
Men's balbrlggan shirts and drawers, on
sale at 25c,
Men's fine balbrlggan underwear, In plain
and fancy colors, at ",9c and 50c.
Illg line of ladles' vests, on sale, fo.
Ladles' white gauze vests, taped neck,
regular 10c value, on salo at c.
Large assortment of ladles' llsla and
gauze vests, at 10c, lS'.ic, 15c, 17c nnd 25c.
Ladles' black hose, doublo solo and toes,
and high spliced hie, guaranteed stain
less, on sale, 10c.
Ladles' black drop stitch and lace stripe
hose, all sizes, on salo at 15c and 25c.
Ladles' Mocha font black hose, extra good
value, on sale ,t 20c.
Children's fine ribbed black cotton hoso,
on salo at Cc.
Misses' and children's black rlbbsd hose,
on sale at 10c nnd 1214c.
Hoys' bicycle hose, nn extra heavy ribbed
hose, on sale nt 19c, .1 for GOc.
Indies' flue sunrncr corset3, made of good
net, well boned and stayed, with side Btcels,
on salo, 25c.
Ladles' extra good quality summer cor
sets In fine net, whlto only, at 39c.
Fine summer corsets In white and colors,
net nnd batiste, regular 75c quality, on
sale nt 60c.
75c quality ladles' shirt waists, In colors
only, on salo at 50c.
Good lino of shirt wlnsts, made of flno
pcrcalo, on sale nt 75c.
Largo assortment of shirt waists. In col
ored, whlto nm nntural linen colors, alt
neatly mado and trimmed, at 89c, $1, $1.25
nnd $1.50.
An extra good assortment of ladles' white
shirt waists, mado In newest stylcB nnd
elaborately trimmed, at $1.60, $2, $2.50, $3
nnd $3.50.
Don't fall to examine this line.
Check nainsooks nnd lawns, were 12V&C,
on salo Wednesday nnd Thursday only at
15c line of whlto goods In checks, strtpca
and fancies, on salo nt 9c.
Line of imported French plquos, assorted ,
stripes, on sale at 19c. 1
New Hue of silk wash ribbons, from No.
5 to No. 60, from 5c to 15c.
Now line of fancy ribbon In No. 5 only,
in largo assortment of colors, on sale at 5c.
Now line of laco curtains, all new nnd
neat patterns, on sale at the following
prices: 69c, $1, $1.25, $1.50. $2 and $2.50
Somo extra good bargains ln millinery
during tho next two days.
Ladles' and misses' trimmed walking
hats, In black, whlto and colors, regular
valuo 60c, on salo at 15c.
Ladles' trimmed walking hats, trimmed
with large wings and buckles, former price
$1.60, on sale a. 65c.
Misses' nnd children's trimmed leghorn
hats, in good assortment, at 60c and $1.
Ladles' and misses' trimmed hats. In
great varloty of styles and colors, extra
good values, at $1 nnd $1.60.
Other values In Indies' trimmed hats in
newest and latest styles, nt $2, $2.50, $3,
$5, $6 and $7.50.
Boston Store, Council Bluffs, la.
John Itontli Driven to Oninlia nnil
'I'lirre the Police Lone Trull.
John Roath. night clerk at tho Noumnyer
hotel, is missing. Ho locked up tho office
and left tho houso about 2 o'clock yester
day morning, when ovorybody ln the houso
was presumably fast asleep, A considerable
sum of money was subsequently found to
bo missing nnd Proprietor Neumaycr has
suspicions that Roath's motive in making
such a sudden move was not altogether
nonest. Ho has confided such suspicions
to tho police, with n request that they try
to locate Roath,
Investigation yesterday showed that
Roath hired a hack nbout 2 o'clock i ester-
day morning nnd was drlvon across the
river to Omaha. On reaching Twelfth nnd
Douglas streets ho dismissed tho driver
and that Is tho last trace the pollco havo
ueen able to secure of tho missing clerk.
President Greeted by Silent Courtriy
nn Train Pauses.
Outside of tho employes there wore few
pcoplo at tho Union Pacific transfer depot
yesterday morning when tho special train
bearing President McKlnlcy nnd party
passed tnrough on Its way east. No stop
was mado at tho Northwestern local depot,
whero a small crowd had gathered. There
was no demonstration, out of respect and
sympathy for Mr3. McKlnlcy, but every
man on the platform raised his hat In silent
greeting and courtesy as tho train passei
Younu Mun Churned with DruTvliiK
Revolver on S vrllelininn.
Pat Ryan, tho young man charged with
drawing a rcvolvor on Edward Blythe. a
Northwestern switchman, and threatening
to end his earthly career, was bound over
to the grand Jury yesterday by Justico
uryant. An Information diamine Rvnn
with being mentally deranged was filed with
mo board of Insanity commissioners, which
win investigate his case this morning.
DavU tells (last.
Gravel roofing a. II. rad, 541 Broad'y.
S. Mndaen Informed AkuIiiiI fur A
leued Xiilsnnce.
S. Mndaen, owner of the Senate saloon
at Broadway and Bryant street, was ar
rested yesterday evening on an Information
charging him with maintaining a nuisance,
Tho complaint was filed by Attorney John
State Ilnr AnNncliitlon.
The executive and program committees
of the Iowa State Bar association will meet
In this city this afternoon to arrange for
the annual meeting of tho association In
July. The executive committee Is composed
or one representative from each con g red
sUnal dUtrict lu tho (Ut-
8upriin Court Justifies Critical Kcait oi
Iafiricr Ihtatricali.
Inltcil I'renlij lerlnn lioneriil .siciiill
Vote AunlnM All l.oilucn null
Will I3i cl Present Members
of .Hueli OrKiiiiUntlniin.
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May 28. (Special.) The
Iowa supremo court today rendered nn im
portant decision affecting tho rights of
newspapers ln publishing criticisms of pub
lic rntertnlncrs and gave tho Cherry Hi
ters and their entertainment a hard rap.
Some years ngo when these sisters wore
making tours of tho state the Des M0U103
Leader rc-publlshcd from tho Odebolt
Chronicle , sarcastic article about their
entertainment, beginning with .1 declaration
that "Efllo Is an oid Jnde of oO 'summers
Jcsslo a frisky filly of 10 nnd Addle, the
flower of tho family, a capering monstroe
Itv of 35." The artlclo closed with this
relerenco to them: "Efllo Is spavined,
Addle Is strlnghnlt, nnd Jessie, the only one
who showed her stockings, has legs with
calves ns classic In their outline as the
curves of a broom handle," For the pub
lication of this ono of tho trio sued the
newspaper for damages and tho district
court, after hearing the testimony of th'
performers nnd witnessed some of their
performances, ordered a verdict for the
defendant. This the supremo court today
nfnrmed and, after reviewing tho testimony,
"If thcro cor was a case Justifying ridi
cule and sarcasm, aye, even gross exngger
nllon. it Is tho one now before tis. Ac
cording to tho record tho performance given
by tho plaintiff nnd tho company of which
sho was a member, was not only childish,
but ridiculous In tho extreme. A drnmatlc
critic should bo allowed considerable II
censo ln such case. Tho public should bo
Informed of the character of the enter
talnnient, and In tho nbsence of proof of
actual malice tho publication should be
held privileged."
Tho court lays down rules with regard to
the rights of newspapers which allow the
widest discretion In such articles, and It
is a signal victory for the newspapers.
I.nwycm Are Mot Klneil.
The supremo court this afternoon called
J. H. Scales and John Jamison before It to
answer for contempt ln having filed n
paper containing reflections upon tho court
Both attornys mado apologies to the court
for having had anything to do Ip
case. Mr. Scales admitted having frcP3"1
tho nrtlclo ln nner and said ho felt when
his attention was called to It that the
court would overlook It. In view of their
apologies tho court discharged both men
upon payment of costs and an agreement
thoy will withdraw
the objectionable
Court Decisions.
Tho following are decisions of the court
K. M. tlestenn. frensurer of ShelbV county
ugulnst Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway, nppelliint; from Shelby county
Judgo Smith: nction to recover tux on cle
vntors: ulurmeu.
R. Becker. & J5ccan. appellants, against
Fred Stoab: (rom Jones county, Judgo
inoinpaou; replevin oi citiiiu: reveraeu.
Peter Rcfslmw: ngalnst U. F. Ogden, np
pelliint; from Clinton county, juugo nouso
question or nppeni irom justice court; ai
F. II. Mai lev. appelant, nra nst P. I ,
Miiney; irom roiK county, juugo i-rouiy
actlon to quiet title : ufllrmed,
Frank H. Woodbery against R. R. .acli
nry, appellant; from Jasper county. Judgo
uijwey; suit on mortgage contruci; re
Mount vernon Stono Company ncalnst J
R. Shceley & Co.. appellants: from Polk
county. Judge Conrad: suit on contract to
deliver stone; nlllrmed.
Statu Bank or Imllnnn, appellant, against
Marvin J. Gates; from Linn county, Judgo
Remley; action on promissory notes; re
versed. Addle Cherrv. nnnellnut. ncalnst Des
Moines i.enuer: trum i'oiK county, Judge
uisuup; uc(ion ror udoi; ninrmeu.
Church ICxolndvN Secret Societies,
By a vote ot 90 to C3 the general as
sembly ot tho United Presbyterian
church at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon
adopted the report of tho Judiciary com
mlttee upon tho cbango of creed with re
gard to article xv. This action Is Inter
preted to mean that lt'forblds the admis
sion of members ot secret societies to the
church, and according to somo of tho dele
gates expels thoBO belonging to tho church
which are now members of secret orders
When tho general assembly opened Its
session nt 10 o'clock this morning It Im
mediately plunged Into n discussion ot the
report of tho Judiciary committee as to tho
change In creed with regard to admitting
members of secret orders loto tho church
During the argument demands wero made
that a vote bo taken, but tho moderator
overruled theso nnd permitted a full dls
cusslon of the question.
Tho trend of the argument wns whether
or not members of labor unions could bo
ndmlttcd Into tho church, tho contention
of some being that unions, to far as socrot
Isra was concerned, wero tnaro to be feared
than any other order, while tho ministers
nnd delegates from Pittsburg, Pa., main
talned that If such u position was taken
by tho church that working men would bo
barred from being ndmlttcl, and that the
churches ln Pennsylvania would sutler ma
torlally In tho withdrawal nt a great many
of Its mcmbors,
Rev. I). O. Campbell ot College Springs
la., moved to amend the report by stUK
tng out the following section;
"This nction Is not to lo construed a
to exclude from the church tho member
ship of n largo number ot societies which
are not bound' by oath or afllrraatlon or do
not pledge to secrocy In things uultnct'vn, or
Inculcate a Christian rellgun.
Mr. Campboll snld bo held that if the
section in question remained It would bo
a tacit endorsement of these societies
Dr. J. A. Grler, chairman of the committee
on Judiciary protested against the change
for tho reason that thete has been a ron
stant call for a definition. "Tho article,'
said the doctor, "does not put such to
cletlcs as the Grand Army of ihs Rcpubli
under tho ban, and, on the other hand, we
are not endorsing them."
Dr. J. H. McClorken of PPtsburg, Pa.,
said he favored tho Judiciary report bo
cauio it discriminated between the good
and the bad secret societies
Wuiits YVnrlilnKnicn Admitted,
Dr. J. M. Wallace, also of Pittsburg, said;
"I do not believe that the church sho ild
bo stirred up by nn overture, For the ake
of tho worklngmon, I do not want this part
of tho report stricken out. The working
men havo Just ob good a tUht to form a
union as Morgan has a trust and I do
object to tho worklngmcn being Ytul out
of the church because they torm them
selves into a union to protect themselves
against tholr oppressors."-
Rov. J. P. Ross of Ohio favored the
amendment becnuso the great secret orders
are rivals to the church for tuo reason that
they trado In a false religion. "They have
wine parties, card parties and mcny other
snares," concluded the speaker
In cloning up the debate, Dr. Grler said
j "I am ashamed ot the United. Friby Urinal
church In Us shuflllug tit ti. matter. Tho
report of the committee Is moro to the
point than the nmcndmetit proposed, ln
tho way we say we shall not take pagans
Into the church, even If '.hey are caned
Masons. Wc say labortng men. Grand
Army men nnd such havo right3 lu the
What will bo the effect of this report,'
askid Dr. McConnell, "on those who are
already .Masons nnd In the church?"
That Is a most difficult thing to handle.
said Dr, Grler, "but when men know the
truth and do It not, to them It is to bo
counted i. sin."
Rev. A. 11 Llttlo offered nn amendment
which would permit Masons to become
members of the church, but It wns voted
down. Then came tho voto upon the
ranendment offered by Rev. McConnell, nnd
It was nlro voted down. A vote wns then
ordered on the report jot the Judiciary cqm
mlttee, but on u point of order It was post
poned until the afternoon session.
The nssoinbly adjourned tonight.
Xcw .nrinirnlloni,
Articles of Incorporation of tho Warner-
Ilyers company of Lucas wero filed today,
with $20,000 capital, for general mercantile
Tho National Telephone compnny of Cedar
Rapids has been Incorporated, with $15,000
capital stock, Tho Incorporators are: N.
M. Hubbard, Jr., J. W. Bowman, W. H.
Durln nnd II. L. Walker.
The German-American Telephone com
pany of Mount tlnralll. la., has been Incor
porated by W. T Wright and others. Tho
capital stork Is $1,000.
Arc lihlstiiii Kenue'M Record,
Archbishop Kcono of Dubuquo has re
cently made nn extensive tour of the
parishes ln eastern Iowa preparatory to
his1 taking a Journey to Europe and to
Rome. Slnco ho entered upon tho work Inst
fall he has visited over 100 parishes and
has confirmed more thnn 10,500 persons In
the church,
Trnchers. Innt Mules.
Stale Superintendent Barrett today an
nounced tho dates for the County Teachers'
association In Iowa as far as they have
been made. Dates In counties of western
Iowa arc as follows, tho name ot tho town
being given nnd dnte for opening term:
Greenfield, August 5; Corning, March 18;
Audubon, August 6; Boone, July ; Storm
Lake, July 29; Rockwell City, August S;
Carroll, July 22; Atlnntlc, Juno 17; Chero
kee, August 12; Denlson, August 5; Leon,
June 17; Sidney, Juno 21; Jefferson, July 8;
Gnrnir, July 15; Logan, July 22; Ida Grove,
July 22; Algona. July S; Wlntersot, Juno 18;
Glen wood, Juno 21; Onnwa, July 29; Red
Oak, August 20; Clnrlnda, July 29; Council
Bluffs, Juno 17; Mount Ayr, July 15; Sac
City, July 29; Harlan, Juno 10; Bedford,
July 8; Crcston, June 10; Corydon, August
5; Sioux City, July 29; Lcmars, June 17.
ForKets the Stump.
A warrant for the arrest of Arthur Nel
son, manager of the Nelson theater In East
Des Moines, Is In tho hands of Mnrshal
Ocorgo M. Christian, and will be served as
soon as Nelson's whereabouts con bo lo
cated. The Information upon which the
warrant was Issued charges him with vio
lation of the revenue laws In that he
omitted affixing the nocessary revenuo
stnmps to half a dozen bank checks Issued
by him ln payment of bills. The Informa
tion wns drawn up and filed by E. W.
Komble, Internal revenue collector for this
district ot Iowa.
Crop Reports Ciood.
The Iowa weather and crop bureau
makes tho following report for tho past
Cooler weather with fairly well distrib
uted showers and n large prcccntage ot
cloudiness wero tho important features
of the week. Tbo dally average temper
nturo was four tc six degrees below nor
mal and at tho closo of the week light
frosts were noted nt numerous stations,
but no material damage resulted. Tho
tihowora wero highly beneficial to all crops,
though somewhat less than tho present
needs ln portions ot tho southern and cen
tral sections. The moisture, cool weather
and excessive cloudiness wero especially
favorablo to meadows, pastures and small
grains, but tho conditions were not so
good for growth of corn nnd planting was
somewhat retarded, though nearly com
pleted In all districts. Nearly all reports
Indicate that corn Is making good stands,
with not moro than tho usual necessity
of replanting on account of defective seed
and damage by worms. Tho work of cul
tUatlon Is ln progress, under Improved
conditions of soil. Meadows, pastures and
grain fields show decided Improvements In
larger part of the state.
Reports as to fruit aro generally favor
able, but tho applo crop will bo lighter
than usual In portions of the southern and
central districts.
Suicide of Iiidlnn Wninnn.
An Indian girl at tho reservation ln
Tama county committed suicide Sunday
noon. Sho was 19 years old nnd had been
married three years and was tho mother
of one child, which was born somo mouths
ago. Her unmo was McGee and she had
been separated from hor husband throe
months. Tho supposition Is that she hud
had some recent trouble with him which
drove her to tho deed of taking her own
life. Sho appears to have loft her wickiup
about noon with a revolver and with but
ono chnmbcr loaded fired the fatal shot Into
hor forehead, tho bullet passing entirely
through. Tho father of tho dead woman Is
Jim Poweshiek, one of tho United States
Indian pollco at the reservation. Ho Is
one of the few Indians who Is entirely ln
sympathy with and supports tho Industrial
school for lndlnns. Ono slstor and two
brothers of tho suicide ore now lu tho
school. Poweshiek departed from the usual
custom of the Indians In that he purchased
a coffin at an undertaker's In which to bury
his daughter.
Dies nt Ills IMott.
Henry Packard, n farmhand, unmarried,
was found dead on a farm live miles south
of town last night, lying face downward
In plowed ground.
Ho was ln tho employ of Leo Wilson, a
tenant on the farm of George Cardln. Tho
latter saw tho team standing ln tho field
at the same place for two hours and upon
Investigation found tho dead man with ho
lines wrapped about him.
Tho man was subject to epileptic fits and
it Is supposed he became seized with a
fit while plowing.
Two More Conventions. .
Republlcau conventions were hold ln
Dallas and Winnebago counties today nnd
In both cases there were Instructions glveu
for Cummins for governor,
K. II. I.nniliersiiii Kills Himself After
Arrest for Horse
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 28. (Special Tele
gram.) E. H. Lamberson of Wallaco, Mo.,
whose family Is now In Council Bluffs,
killed himself at 9:30 o'clo:k tonight, utter
having been arrested for attempting to
Bteal tho horse of Dr. W. B. Davis. He
was caught Just after entering the buggy
by Patrolman Kleffer nnd R. L. Davis, a
brother of tho doctor. He had his revolver
lu his Inside coat pocket, where It was not
discovered by the policeman. As eoon as
he entered tho wagon ho shot himself
through tho chest and sank to the seat ln a
dying condition. Ho was n blacksmith by
trado and had been In Wallace only a short
I'nur Comity Prliunriea,
SHENANDOAH. Ia May 26. (Special.)
Tho republican primary election, wau held
In Pago county Saturday. Those nominate!
are: V. Graff for representative, W. .
Lundy of Clarlnda for treasurer, C. S. Fos
ter of Clarlnda for sheriff, Prof. G. II. Col
bert of Shenandoah for superintendent, Tho
minor offices were nil re-elected, A close
contest fook place b.'lwcen Lundy of Clar
imln nnd Mayor Conway of Shenandoah for
the office of county treasurer. Lundy win
ning by a majority of twenty-six. Colbert
had the largest majority, namely 500. For
senntor. lcwls of Clarlnda defeated Fergu
son of Shenandoah. Foster wns nominated
by n majority of 250 over McCord of Essex.
Many democrats took part In Saturday's
Those nn lluiiril Diuunueil Hunt Xcvor
lu DniiKer nnil Vessel Only
MlRhtly Injured.
KURLINOTON. Ia., May 2S -The steamer
J. R. W. Young arrlvcd'hcre today with the
passingcrs and part of tho freight of the
steamer Dubuque, which sunk eighteen
miles nbovu Burlington last night. Tho
boat lies In shnllow water nnd can easily
bo raised. It Is not much damnged. There
was no excitement, the passenger finishing
supper after having heard what had hap
pencil. Some of them went to bed. sleeping
t,II the Young came to transfer them. All
the pnssengeis havo been sent to St. Louis
by rail.
Horrible Threat Mnile to liinn fllrl In
I'll mi Mhe llcfnses lo
DAVENPORT, Ia May 28. The police
aro looking for the writer of several let
ters to Mary Shaw, granddaughter of the
late millionaire lumberman, Ocorgo S.
Shaw of Cloquct, Wis, Tho letter-writer
threatens to blind Miss Shaw's sister If
$10,000 cash was not placed where he could
get It. The man confronted tho younger
girl hero a day or two ngo nnd repented
tho demands made In tho letters. Sho
kept nn appointment made with him, after
notifying tho police, but tho man did not
Iiiivuns Ask for Wilson.
CARROLL, la., May 23. At tho stops
through Iowa the people who gathered
about tho train r...ked for Secretary of Agri
culture Wilson nnd ho appeared upon tho
platform, with the prcsldeut, to receive the
greetings of tho residents of his native
stnte. Secretary Cortelyou this morning Is
sued tho following statement ns to
Mrs. MeKlnioy's condition:
"Dr. Rlxey reports that Mrs. McKlnley
hnd a good night and that sho Is slowly Im
proving." CnnipnlKii In Ileveuth District.
SII1LEY. Ia., May 2S. (Special.) The
congressional campaign ln tho Eleventh
district for Thomas' succession In 1903 may
be said to be on. Judge Thomas' second
term expires March 4, 1003, but tho Plymoth
county Cummins convention, decided lu
favor of further continuation for Repre
sentative Thomas. The judgo Is understood
to be a recent convert to the rnnks of A. B.
Siunlliiox nt Xnrmnl School.
CEDAR FALLS, la., May 23. (Special
Telegram.) Tho Odell club of the Stato
Normal school was placed under quarantine
todny for smallpox. The city council held
a special session and ordered n pesthousj
erected and nil students to bo vaccinated.
Miss Minnie Smith. Mlddlcsboro, Ky
writes: "My llttlo slstor had th. croup
very bad. I gave her several dozes of
Foley's Honey and Tnr nnd sho wns In
stantly relieved. It saved her life "
I own llonril Kleotn Dlree t orn.
CEDAR RAPIDS, In., May 28. Tho s ock
holders of the ChlcaRO, Uurllngton & Nor h
ern Railroad company met- hero todny and
ro-elected directors whose terms had ex
pired. The directors then re-elected the
present ofllcers of the company.
Good news your washing
done better with half tho work
Fels-Naptha soap.
Your grocer returns your
money it' you don't like it; 5e.
Fels & Co., makers, Philadelphia.
Run via tn
Leave Omaha
,u A.cnib kou inroun woioraao ana i
For Information and "Tourist Din
address City Tlcktt Office, 1323 Famum St.
Omaha, Neb.
Under entire .VtMV .Vtn unm-meii t.
44th fit., .enr lli-iiiiilr.ii'.
Alianlutcly Fire Proof, modern null
Insurloua In nil Its niiiJiitiueiitN,
Centrally Located.
American 11 ml Riiroiii'iiu plan,
HooiriK-lnle 11 ml eiiNiilte
J. I. Ilnmliteu'a Sunn, I'roiia.
Moat Beirut reNiirl on (lie New Jeracy
The above books are for sale by tho
Megeath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnam St.
Motor and nil piping froa No charge lor
anything but tho stove.
T,,c Council Bluffs Gas Co.
Open Evenings. 26 Pearl Street
Milwaukee: ,
Connoisseur fully iiiirci'lnle
nil r I'M tl 1 1 - detect the superior
II ii mm- of mult nnil hops so pro
nounced In these heers.
I3eiy ilrlnUer of the Iiimithui1'
rei'oKnlxes Itlulr. quality. A trlnlO
Ik the most convincing iirKtimuut. Q
'Phone our order. q
O (Noti-IntoxUanO Q
O Tonic for W:ak Nonas a id Weak Doilies o
O Druggists or Dlrcct q
g Va!-Blatz Brewing Co. , Milwaukee g
q (1)1 VII lilt AM II, 0
0 Mil! Ilouulns St. Tel. Itmi.Q
$5.00 A MTEt
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 years In Omaha
fB Wl if'Cf' II TUMUIjLLL cured.
W)rtrV'U Method new, wlthou,
I('i(. 7 e, X 1 iMttlnsf. niln or loss
,Wf' of time.
CVDU II le cured for lite ana ttionolson
O 7 r n 1 1! O thoroughly cleansed from
thesystrm. Soon every plgn and symptom
disappears completely and forever. Mo
"IUtEAKlNO OCT" of the olnasu on tho skin
or face. Treatment contains no dangeroui
drugs or Injurious medicine.
WEAK MEN from Kxcesie or Victims
Wastimu Wkaknkss with Kahi.y Decat ln
YoiiNC. nnd Mtt)ii:.e Aiiko, UcU of rim, vigor
and strength, with organs impaired and ueak.
STRICTURE cured with it new Roma
Treatment. No pnln, no detention from bust
neis. Kidney rind IllnCdr Troubles.
Consultation f-rrr. Treatment by Mall.
Call on on or address 1 19 So. 1 4th St.
Dr. Soarles & Scarlet Omaha, Nob.
MKN If you lift din all, nrik
orpnni, lust power or wtaLenlnjc
fltnln uur Vacuum Oman Pevc loir
Mil it'Moic 'i without (Imtrs or
WfctrlWt) htrleluit- and Varlcui'rlo
pr-rmftht'ntljr vured fn 1 tn 4 f-riPt
75.000 In nep. not one fatlurr i not
dSyk "J nnB returned, effect Immedtnten no
t'J&SS 7W fmuil, wrtto for (re rt1cu.
"-iAifS Un( mh ppftletl in I'laln ntelone.
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO. 136 Thorp Blk.( Indlcmpolii. Intf.
If So, See Us.
Trunks, Traveling DnRS, Cr.ccs.
Larccsl i.nrt finest line In city.
Omaha Trunk Factory
1"1 l-'uriiuiu St., Omuliiti Neli.
"In All the World
No Trip Like This"
( . .XL,
(I'll :i-A merlon 11 12 posit Ion.)
Vlu orthern M'iiiinIiI 'o.'m Mile
Tho Exclusively Passenger
"North Land" and "North West"
will make kiiIIIiikm Mvlce-u- eel
between Chimin", .llllwiiiiltee, llo
Irolt, Cleveland, l.iiiiulo nnd Hn-
1 (it li throughout season. Every Satur
day nnd Wednesday nt 2:."'l p. in.
from Chicago, und every Tuesday nnd
S-aturday at 10:15 p. m from lluffulu.
Klrst MiilliiK from IiulT.ilo June 11.
from Cluciiuo Juno 15. Tills trip via
tho Croat Lahes, calllnc, at Milwau
kee, Harbor Springs and Mackinac Is
land Hhora iiihoiv, wheru connection Is
made with one of the llnust boats of
the compnny for IJuluth and Saulte
St. Mnriu) will bo tho libal way uf
vlrltlriK the Exposition, cxuibltilng nil
the tonic and rest of nil orenn voyago
In (.month water Eu ilpment. ap
pointment!) nnd culHlne unexcelled.
Vrlto for p;irtleulur to
W. M l.mvrle, (i, 1. A lilllVnlo, . Y.
1 1 m i 1111 ill 11 1 1 miii 1 ) 11 mil n cuu-aWiTfji
Can be Klvon 111 li.ui.s ot Winer, lia or
Co ft to Without l'alient a Knowledge.
Whllo IttbiiKii l'.ciucu ui iure or da
stroy tho diseased upputlle for alcoholu
ulmulaniH, wimtlier tne patient In .1 con
firmed tnebr.iti.- a tippler, -octal urlukoi
or drunkard, tusteless, odorless.
impuMiiiHu in. .11... one 10 mi vo an ap
oetlta for alconm.c nu.iors atter 'lain 8
White Itlbbon Homed v lt mall Jl. irlul
paekai" 1 '( bv wntlni; Mr 1 C Mooro,
W. C. T. U.. Ventura, California.
Hold in om 1 Acu " a) ' tcnaefer,
I6tl: and Chlcico Ktrenu.
5 tl rffi n tfV .