TIIE OMAHA DAILY 33 EE: "WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1H01. rv CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS bo appraised by appraisers appointed ft i.rovlilcil liv law. Where the crailc Is changed tlio grading ahull not ho done un less (litmuKea awarded have been tendered or tender thereof wuvtn in wriuiiK. I ui)ini? tnnvtDun uv rvnciPQ' ftremounu'(,,onoihcT8'nr,,),,c,m,n,,riw1 DluULv IVlUilrtI LI) Dl li 1 1 jlLiJi inas and writings from the association's educational deportment and on the other statistics showing the progress of tho work Musical i or iciiucr increoi wiiivcu 111 wnmiK. -MiuiflmB oii""ih r'-'f""'1 "v w -rt . - I Furthermore, nil improvement must e t . , nrc neatly nrlutcil ami Illustrated. Qm.W. LUing.rWlllfcrT. Wt0tMti B.rl Camp, of F.rtun. T.ll.r. Kun Amucx : nr MBp,M of fr,0mml aml th Park Board. Sections 149 and 165 of the charter con tain theso provisions In detail. . . , . t.. i vf. jiffl iAr invnrs rnn men ui untiiiK I . ..-.... HIS REAPPOINTMENT IS UNANIMOUS these rules printed In convenient shape for GIRL IS SEIZEU UUKINb IHt HUM I members of the council to carry In their pockets. ItiilldltiK Pontoon llrliliti'. A company has been Incorporated with a capital stock of $25,000 for tho purpose of operating a ferry and pontoon bridge' across tho Missouri river at South Omaha. The Contain Daniel W. Her. who Is acting chief of police during the absence of Chief 1. . . - Ii.n.l n tnlflfTtnttl vPktnrrln v " i.. . , i. 1JOU 11 UL'. lULfUVH tfc ' Otlng of tho city 1 " unficrsioou toot mo un on mock mru. , ,rom a mnn who llgM hlmseir Bitted Mr. Unln. company will urnl.h a por Ion of tho funds 7'yX AtlnntIc, aylnB ,hat his II for roappoint- l" "- daunhti Unrty In .tunc tlir Council Will llrgln ! KimnlUiiMiin of Tnaea Cltr Ktinltioer Hpportn on Cost of AMiltnlt Ilcnnlra. Voiiiik llii.slnn Knlstlit Urrnnt. Iiik llnml of Sin .-. I'tirnm (i H' Cnrutnn, Willed In llcndcil for Oinulin. Tho recital by Mi. Jnn .J ilaiim List ntgdt r-a. mm nt llirt .1 i-l uttpift.ftfnl rn:icprta nf architectural drawing, npectuiens of hand-i lialni .,,.. . fr ,.u., i n.,iniin writing, statistics -showing the progress Mr Qallm hag twi Heiuscd of being to.i of every branch of the association's work aRRrcgsive In his protest against Inslgnin , and photographs of tho athletic teams, of nnd transitory program music, tut su 'h i the gymnasium classes, oi uic nigni scnooi, a sprt the utily one which sc 'iircs n . i of the past and present oflleers of the foundation for tho best music In any lty. eiltl- I 1. . I tU.. ,trnn hi, It. Mm nml . , 1. I UI K"linuliujl, in wiu v. .f,. ..m. "...."."r IlIlOUl 11 ICW ll.irillg Fpiriis MH.-1I an of the present quarters. - 11 mo ailHnouri river hv ouutu uiuuuu. i u Icorgo W, Ltnlngor will succeed himself Incorporators of the company ore! II. S. member of tho Hoard of Park Commls- J;r n, J. U. otklus. V. S. King. 1 A. ncra. His term of oflito expired early In Wells, W. J. C. Kenyon and It. A. Talbot. Ci OK olrincrs May. At last night's ceo council Mayor Moores submltt ucr's name to thu entinc mrnt and tho cholcs of the rr.iyor was un s'luaro yards of defective nsphalt paving In Omaha would be about $15,000. UrfuiM-N (o AIloiT Clnlm. the cast end ,of tho Douglas street brldgo on tho . , I lUWil BIIIU Ul IUU IIUU line the river. ..... ..... ui i inr,i. nnii In case tho plans of the company ore -"" "V"" "", crrlM out farmer. In Iowa will bo greatly y' ":'ual "'C. ' "u cled overland from Atlantic, la., and con tlnucd In a direct courso it would bo duo In Omaha about now. Wiirm l'lKlit nt Alluiitlf. A Bpeclal telegram to The Hco from At lanta, Ia is to the effect that Ooorge Ulado is one 01 n band nf Husslan fortune thrponon "Kit- being bull. ?''. Ulad' had b"U klJnaPCd nnlmously approved. Mr. Wnlnger's np- the company Intends to run a ferry boat oir.,y , ' t0,e , ,,augUler thrce ony3 polntment Is for a term ending In May of wkh wll be In charge of Captain I . A. mMa Thoro wcf0 fty l'jO'l. v-uuwl...6 rv . , n A , , t 9ecn wero ncajcd On Juno 11, 12 aad 13 tho city counall ,.,ease investigate and wire will sit as u boarl of urniallwitlon uud win """"'",u""" "" V" v" -'-- t. ii,. nrnn n-,mf.nia Whllo no dcOnUo location has been d" mode for thu construction of s'.x district cldeil upon for the bridge terminals It U ccrs ,he mlttirlia wllh ln8lrUcl0U1) to sowers and to- tho grading of the follow- understood that tho ladling on this side locallcf) wlipre g.palt,8 nro , lhe Ing streets. Tnujy-second, from Fowler bfi. l1ho4fo?t 0 N,or "l e.? habit of camping. If they nnd a camp the avonuo to Mci..i-.n avenue? Jones, from v ...... Twenty-fourth to Tw-tityslxlh; Twenty. 8nurl PD" . nrm18' ,;oua" T for tho lost child. So far ns known there arc fifth, from Jon-s to Leavenworth; Twenty- rlcs of flat boats i or barges no K.psles , tho vicinity of Omaha at tho fifth avenue, from !avm worth to SI. tscther, w th a heavy planking for a road- o ,M Mary'y nvonuc Complaints will nUo bt wn- ' "le 1""r,,tu""1 l" , or more of them wero camped ajt heard on the assessments for tho cponlng '- " -i"- ",v "V end of Urowno Mr-,.t west of Twenty-fourth "ro " cnBe Doa,B ae"re lo Paso up ,,unu Iowa : side of tho river and late In April street nnd for tiir opening of Frances street between Filth nnd Sixth streets. council that the cost of repairing tho 10.000 Hcn?fH' ?8 !hcy cal? KCL.,.!V0.-!.,,Ck. of theso ha'vo left. It Is estimated that If JU-... tho gang referred to In tho telegram trav long drlvo around by Council Muffs or tho . ,.i.,i t .i brldgo toll of H per car. Only a nominal chance will bo made for tho passago of Tho cleric of South Omaha reported that vehicles or Btock over tho brldgo or ferry tho council of thnt city refused to allow nti the lown patrons of this market will a claim of J19J, which tno omana ncaitn bo given tho very best of terms and attcn commissioner seeks to collect for tho caro i0n. of smallpox patients who came from Sout'j I School Hnmncrntorn. Omaha. Tho porsonH treated wero rct.l 0n Juno , tho emlraerfttors appointed by tollers which passed through that town dents of South Omaha and tho Omaha ,ho I)oard of Educaton at thc regular ment- Monday. "'Whllo here," says tho telegram, authorities Insist thut thoy wero sent to '.he i , ... ,, n,.. ,., vlIii nnm. "ho told the story of n light between his umnna pesuiousq wun me unuersinnmnR mcI1C9 taking tho annual census of children pariy anu a uami oi kjtpdicb hi that South Omahn would pay for their care. ac,00 nro. Tho rnumcrntors are; uay before In which iilstols wero used, otic First Ward A. O. Jacobs. or two of the belligerents being wounded Second Ward Jerry r.ooney. Whllo tho hostilities were in progress, ho Four'th MugSff'Sillchcll. V0 " frn!" th y CBn)! Fifth Ward Wllllnm Ilrodcriek. raided his wagon, kidnaping his 10-ycar-old Sixth Ward James I'ollnril. daughter, Sophia, and running away with Illonks nre now being prepared for the her. Tho young vomon had probably been use of tho enumerators and beforo starting gagged, as no ono heard hor scream. Her to work Attorney J. J. Drecn of the Hoard absence was not observed until nearly a half Cltv Comptroller John N. Westbcrg re- of Education will givo detailed Instructions nour ater. which gavo -tho gypsies a good ported that ho audited tho books of tho as to how tho canvass Is to bo made. Some start. Dmnlin fin romnanv and found that the now features aro Included In tho blanks to ..The rntlie caravan of llusslans stnrted amount of royalty pnld to tho city for t90O, bo usod this year, ono being the necessity at once ln pur8Ut. Ulado nlono rcmnlnlng $11,913.14, was correct. for parento swearing where children wero UOumi. Ho Is putting in his tlmo sending ciii.trr Walk llesolutlon bora' As tho cmlmerators are not notaries telegrams nnd in urging tho local pollco to a .M..,in . -i,i.h ' .may .n "'e mcun in comp.y wun as3flt 0 act8 Ilko a mn(1 mau. " ' - ' i"- mis ruio. ueriain niiorneys nsscri inni i j.'rn.n nii ronorts Sonhla was a very that no additional cinder cross walks aro this nortlon of thn law Ib Imnractlcablo and . ' i n,,..ia . ., .,,,,. , ,,, .r ,nls PO"lon 01 mo iaw is irapruciicnoio anu uaniiBomo young woman. Tho Husslan to bo constructed In tho Hfth ward. cannot bo pnforrpd. i- i i-.i i... .... Tho appointment of Richard Urown as nlnr. t r Inn I tnynnntnp ti'flu .nnflpmorl e rn,n,,i.- M,nni nrinn.ip.i rni.nnii An oven dozen omployes at Armour's here ." "L'", 1, L ni2 "0,.7 Plant at Slou City and the delegation left had a very bad case of kidney troublo and .. vpaterjav my bock paineu mo su i cuum uui Tho council adopted a resolution which 3 . nroviOU8iy statcd c. W straighten up. Tho doctor's treatment did requires tho city building inspector to pro- J0 on '"Vr o, ,ho new mo no good. Saw Foley's Kidney Cure vent tho moving of buildings over asphalt C and work under "ho'd.rectlon of U advertised ond took one bottle which cured (lUVlIlK IIUII'HB nUUU IIIV1IIK to iiiuruiiKuijr i n . plnnkcd under the direction of the building tnspoctor Tho claim was referred to City Attornoy W. J. Conncll. Jnmcs Cameron nnd Harry W. McVca re- nlgncd their positions us .members of tho board for' tho examination of plumbers and wero reappointed. An orror wns made ln tho proceedings leading up to their orig inal appointments. search party Is said to bo headed by her nfuanccd uusbond." Thomas Maple, htrkbeck, III., writes: "I health oflleers. i4 South Omaha News C. Howe, general manager of. the plant m nd I havu not been affected since. I horo. From tho ofrico force hero W. J. Ka'r "c"""uc"u tu' .... r,- .Ll. 1 ...111 1.- I 1 Johnson & Larson, lossees of the FBr- ,., A. w . tnnMM ,i xv n ii,A. Will. FXM BIT AT BOSTON ... . t.l m..l ii ii,it """""" ...... mw... ........... . ... .mi.. Duuut i " u. u v...... i,a.Uv FrC(, WaBsem wlll bo B,lpernt0ndont of the dotnogcB, sold to have been sustained ns a boef j,min(. department and Anton Droth Onmhn Younn Jlrn'ii ChrUtlnn A resuu oi quiiruDiino eBiuuimni.il mo uujr Blln-rntcn(jnt nf tho beef coollne and load- ol.tlnn to Show It Work Ing departments. A. Holderson will have nnd Prnxress charge of tbo hog killing nnd cutting rooms and Arthur Deatty will look after tho olco Omaha Is to be fittingly represented at and lard refining department. "William tho fiftieth anniversary Jubllco convention Stry has been placed In charge of tho of tho Young Men's Christian association n.ui i t, w,,.m it,. u hn. h.H i.. sausage making department nnd William O. of tho world, to he held ln Boston Juno 11 , .iui nu.nu.m.n. t.vl WUhelm will attend to the hide cellar. Wll- to lfi. Secrctnry Willis and other omcors for street Improvements some changes ni Volz Is superintendent of tho beef and of the Omaha association will attend tho wore undo In tho new charter which. If fol- !' "K .lepartments and Patrick Burns convention and tho work of the local or- is to do in cnorgo or mo cellars, somo oi KHuiiaiiuu m uv cjuiuhcu uj n ci ui thc force for the now houso will be drawn about thirty large cards from Chicago. In every Instance hero the Local iiseoclatlons every whero have been removal to Sioux City is a promotion for inskcd to make n showing of their work on thoso who leave South Omaha. cards of uniform size, to be exhibited nt Pimm far 'nvtllon Mechanics' hall ln Boston, nnd tho ex a i .,... i. r hlblts of tho Omaha organization, which ? hJ IVlLlfL IU IIM V IIMh. " HI'UH l'HHU lt I . . . ....... . action upon any Improvement petition to a 1(U.ge avlllon to bo erected at Twenty- navo hcen in preparation ror tno mat tnree . . . .i I " 'I Mnnlha nft rtnm nl r1 ami rnnrlv t n tin pave, rcpavo, macauamizo, euro, gutter, ro- flfth and 0 streets, to bo used by the Stroet '",""' , y ' Fair company. It Is expected thnt tho bull r"'1;' 1,1 , ' flghtB contemplated will bo held ln this pavilion. While thcro is some llttlo oppo sltlon to bull fights here, a portion of tbo lowed, will protect the city. In order to place tho main points In handy form beforo tho momborn of the city council City Attorney Lambert has pro- pared a set of rules for tho guidanco of tho authorities;. Mr. Lambert enys that be foro the council Is authorized to take any curb or .regutter, grade, or chango tho cs- tablishcd grade tbo condltlonu which fol low must, bo compiled with. Hero aro tho conditions: The enrds aro about twenty by twenty- TENT IS NOT LARGE ENOUGH Hon nml Pony SIhmv lint 1lrnvliiK I'imrr Hint 'IVwti 'iiinolty of 'I'rnt. If the weather continues pleasant tho Gentry Bros, will probably break nil their ptevlous records for big business ln Omaha. At tho matinee yesterday and again last night people wero unable to sccuro seats and many were turned away. "Wo are in n hole." snld Mr. Gentry last ulght, In answer to why he did not get n larger tent. "When wo were hero last year our seating capacity was 1,800: this year It Is double that nmount, nnd still wo can't take caro of all our friends. To got n still larger tent would force us to go to tho country for n lot large enough to put It on, nnd thcro is no way out or it but to put Omaha on our list for a week Instead of four days In the future, and play two matinees every day If necessary." Tho engagement concludes with tomorrow night's performance, two performances being given today and tomorrow. HIGHWAYMEN ARE YOUTHFUL Their .prolnlty l Aninnltlnn tltlirr lloyn nml TiiUIiik Their lllfyfli'n. John nnd I'cter Tnrjaczwckl, aged 10 nnd 12 years, wer arrested last night ut Shecloy Station on (V warrant charging them with robbery. It Is alleged that thoy met tho young son of A. J. Lovelace, llv'ng at 2Dlfi Arbor srut, riding a bloyclo ln Hun sconi park Sunday nnd assaulted him. Then they ran off with the bicycle. Tho bicycle was recovered 0 Officer B:ldwln, Ten days ngo tho boys were tho principals in a similar trnnsa t!on. After tho whtel was recovered tho prosecution of thc rnee was dropped, but 'icy will not get off so cosily this time. CUSTER POST ENTERTAINS liiNtriiini-nlnl .mil Voenl Music nml ItenilliiK" Make I'li-nfinnt Hvrn liiHT nir VrtfrniiK. Gcorgo A. Custer post. Grand Army of tho Ilcpubllc, held nn open mooting and campfiro last night at its lodge rooms ln tho Continental block. Thc program opened with a selection by tho Veteran Drum corps. Miss Georgia Kllett sang a song and Miss Lottlo Hamilton gavo a read ing. Captain H. E. Palmer spoke on army reminiscences. At the conclusion of tho program refreshments wero served by tho women of Custer Belief corps. LOSES MONEY, GETS NO JOB Clnrvnvc Gibson of Xorn, lotm. Italia Aiiioiik Thieve In Oinnhn. Clnrenco Gibson of Nora, la., camo to Omaha yesterday looking for work. He met a man near nn Eleventh street labor agency who represented that lie wanted a grocery clerk. Clarence put ur J250 to cluch the Job and thi n waited for two hours In a hallway for tho'ogen' J'o j'oturn with tho contract. When ho finally became con vinced thnt ho had been fllmiUmmcd bo complained to the pollco. WORKING A SMOOTH GAME ImnoMtcrN Sollolllnn Alii in Onutlin for .Siuinoneil (niindlmt -JJrniifU Suflrnr. Two men have been soliciting in the north part of the city for clothing nnd monoy for tho relief of supposed drouth Bunorers in the vicinity of Winnipeg. Manitobu, and a number of charitably disposed citizens have contributed. W. V. Bennett, Canadian gov ernmont agent nt this point, nays there has been no drouth In Manitoba and tho solid Joseph Gatim, the music of Omn'oa would descend to a standard thnt would bo cas ly attained by anyone who loves the common est ditty of Coondom. The acoustics of KmtnUs Memorial church nro very fair for n good conceit, but the existence of tho sldo g.illorli's 's not conducive to the best results, voice nnd Instrument losing much from tho sud den rebound and from the omnipresence of tho audience which seems to encircle ono Ilko a surging multitude. Mr. Gahm was suffering from a nervous nttnek, which he thought affected his play ing, but It was not noticed by the critics. Tho piano numbers were played In tho usunlly characteristic manner of Mr. (lahtn. Ills playing Is always suggestive of Intel lectual Interpretation, absolute trchtiuiue and cmotlonnl tcmpernnient, and It whs decidedly so last night. Tho warmth and finish and style which were Introduced into the playing of Mr. Gahm's selections were Indicative of tho player's ability. As a composer Mr. Gahm proved himself n master. Ills songs wero worthy of the best thoughts of tho leading writers of German "lledor." Of course, this does not mean thnt Joseph Gahm Is n Schumann, n Schubert or a Ilublnstelii, but bis songs nre classic gems and will bo used by thc great artists. Mr. Gahm has been particularly successful ln the two aongs "When Thou Art Near" and thc "Lullaby," although the Bong "What Do the Birds Say?" was most wnrmty applauded. Tho songs woro presented by Mrs. Thomas J, Kelly, whose rich and flexible soprano voice was hoard to tbo best nil vantago ln tho various numbers of tho composer-artist who was tho attraction of tho evening, Mrs. Kolly was In particularly good voice nnd sho sang with a clear, enunciation nnd much emotional expres sion, whllo her Interpretation wns satisfac tory. Sho sang with a breadth of tone nnd nn amplification of voice that wns most enjoyable, Mr. Bauraclster plnycd exceedingly well and wns n distinctly strong adjunct to tho program. He Is a violinist who appeals to tho people In his audience who look for finish. Mr. Baumolstcr Is nn artist who Is n constant student nnd ho Is consistently authentic In his work. Mr. Kecfcr proved himself n very sympathetic accompanist. As a violinist Mr. Gahm Bhowed himself a distinct success, but In this recital he was a pianist and thcreforo lot It rest there four Inches In size. On some photographs tors aro frauds. PERSINAL PARAGRAPHS. II. K. Johnson of Friend Is n Millard guest. Charles M. llnynes nan cono to New iorK on iiusincss, Mr. nml Mrs. It. F. Kloko of West Point nro at tho Her urund. Judge C. F. Itcnvls of Falls City Is n guest nt tne iier urnnn. C. A. Woodworth, 7.. A. "Williamson nnd K. Flotro of Albion nre registered ut the Murray. Mrs. SiiKnn Weltv of Frnmont Is In the city, the guest of Mrs. S. A. Strickland, SX2 Ucorgla avenue. Nebrnsknns at tho Merchants: Mr. nnd Mr A J. fTrnHsmmi. AtklnHOli: O. JI Storv, F. J. Story, Plerco: W. G. linker, n. M. Owen. Norfolk: J. A. CnrlHOtl, Stromsburg: Charles Vollmer, North Platto: W. L. Walker, Sewnrdj Y. II, Bender, Humphrey: C. A. scnrnmi, Aurora A. Itubanuall, Madison. THK 1U5AI.TY MA1IKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday, Maya; Warranty Derila. J, J. Fitzgerald et nl to Joseph Tlarta, lot 22. block 6, Potter & C'b nd.......$ 300 L. A. Phelps, executrix, eni u Uedlck's subdlv of Bedlck's ndd..... 2.2..0 V. II. Slocum to A. II. Aniens, bVj lot 23. Horbncli's 1st add 2,500 Unit Clnlm l)cr!. TTiiirh Kennedy to W. O. Uro. lot 12. block U. South Omaha 50 llt-cil. Sheriff to Htchurd Edwards, lot 9, bluck 8, 1st add to South Omnha 1,200 Total nmount of transfers G.IWO As to Realty Prices Advances Not Now Warranted May Come Soon. A petition signed by owners, representing peop e want to see tho fights go on, und It a majority of taxable feet front, elgnnturoH ' 1 , . .,. 7,-i., ,-Ioir.i to bo signed In Ink und without conditions was stated by Secretary Catkins yesterdny attached, that tho show would be pulled on as an- JoW&W n'otnY'y vertlsed. Ho said, however, that the lights luiiiiie. would represent, as nearly as possible, the The city uttornoy nnd the city engineer fights as given In Old Mexico without any There Is a ery Htrone feeling among general way of Omaha prosperity ore some- yond the reach of present purchasers, and represent o. majority of the taxable- feet of the brutal features. No horses or bulls rcal estate dealers in tho city that prices times Inclined to withdraw their property this, dealers saj, Is a mlstoken policy, iroru upon 1110 airtoi or ttucy 10 o ini win no hiuuu, uui tuctu u uo ubu judi 0 umana properiy win wuuw cuuaiuuiuuiu uiu luuiur luoiuintf, mnwu mu uunb - nrnVPCl. anm. vf taw vonrr finmA Jiv Air nn.l Mm. Tlirtlnr. nml In nil tiroh- I'nre AlfttltldU Sold Utit, -.TJ!. ..HP.!".1."" ?.'.u.8.! S.". n.,f,.L he city hUBtlllle corarattee renorts success ln h..T-,- -n far n i Knv that If the abllltv will not chance hands during the A striking evidence of tbo way in which Cll-'IIV LIIM lOlllH II.UDv UG nilllUa.CU UJ " - ..vw.-.o - - " - ... . at icnsi iwo porsonn. A copy of tho petition, with names nnn soliciting subscriptions from Omaha mcr- growth of the city reaches tholr expecta- llfo-tlmo of these two old citizens. There tho West Farnum Btreot resldenco district u.. i - a i .i,,. K. . ..; .... J. . ..... i i. ,i, . Is being built up Is furnished by tho fact description of property must be published - V?' U0DS KWI". . ' ,."L " 1 . " " "...L 7 that practically every lot In Summit Place. live consecutive times in tno omciai paper w " j"u., ten years Duiore pricto uru uuun iu av w .uii u ,.n n...vu ...u .- --,.ii m u . ., , of the city. , M the entire consignment will reach here on wns vM ten nnd twelve years ago at tho value. n.ot P10"8' ""s been Bold Binso Twenty dnys must lie.. allowed for pro- , . .. . V. .u. n.i rin i 1 innn thl nri.nilnn wns 'no beginning of Inst year. Tho only ex- WlrV "matZ 0sna,Sefi,m,sn8 ffoKed Jol.nslon S.ln l-..tp...r,l. ' Bald I one agenryeSterd7y: "It Is com- placed In the hands of I). V. Sholes. then "P" "o wo lots Immediately east of 0fflonJl0n,lmdVmusthaboernvallable or Th of lots In Spring Lake Park monly supposed that we have ground of tho Potter-Slioles company, and this " ?LSVll'n innt, n'fr J&hWwy itli or&M"c' addition advertised extensively by Ed enough In Omaha to contain a population agent has disposed of twenty-two lots for f01' J"0" i, ' k "B ' " lion charges, or charges for other portions Johnston did not come off yesterday, for the subject to special taxntion. reason thnt late Monday night It wns de- In mnktng nnd completing tho Improve- elded to change the plat. City Enginoer mcnts certain conditions must be observed npn i. n.iw wnrklntr nn a now riot which In nrdor that tho acts of thc authorities now worKing on a now piat wnioti bo leal, will show the streets from A to O opened In the first plnco an improvement ills- through the new addition on straight lints, i uord" "n,Wm This change Is made In accordance with tho In ease of paving, repuvlng, curbing or wishes of residents in the locality and also recurblng, guttering or reguttcrlng. thirty of thoso contemplating purchasing property duyH from the approval and publication nf .. ... ..., , ., ,M ,, 'v.,j the ordinance declaring the same necessary In the now addition. The salo will bo held must be given property owners In which next Tuesday at 1 o'clock, tn select material, If within this time ... ' . nllowed by lnw the property owners do not Quorum Aitnln. nndgcminclIhnu'dorKo thB" ,h mayor when the council met Monday night only In the case of Kradlni or tho ohnnce of throe members were present and an nd- r grade damage to property owners must journment wns taken until last night. Again there was no quorum. Mrs. Adktns, wife of President Adklns, is seriously 111, and n previous important engagement kept Van- sant away, whllo Johnson wns engaged with engineers In re-nrrauglng his plat to Spring Lake Park addition. The next moot ing will bo ou Juno 3. Mnvic Clt' Honnln. A rnse n f dlohtherla is reported at tho home of Mrs. McDonough, 2211 M street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Alter. Thirtieth and It streets, report tho birth of a daughter., The Harmnnv club concert nt the Metho dist church last night was n greut success. Chief Etter Mushed N street yesieniay and the pavement Is now In good condition. Harry U Cohn has been tendered tne position of secretary to the street fair company, A meeting of the High school alumni wns held last nlfiht and arrangements mndo tor tne graduating receptions, Mayor Kellv went flshtnir vestordnv and had n remarkuble streak of luck, fie re turned with a line string of Htm. Mrs. Bert Walker nnd Miss Palmer of Cedur Hinds nro the guests of Mrs, K. A. Clark.-Twenty-first and K streets. John F. Schultz and fnmllv returned yesterday from Washington county, where they spent a tew aays wun relatives. City Knglnecr neal will commence work today staklm; out nn addition on the Jotter property ln the Third wnrd for Hurry uiirisuo. John Gallagher has been fined 130 or thlrtv davs on tho rock idle for stoallncr iu irom a cnuu oi j. v, uonncu, uaua ghcr takes the thirty days. Fred Melcher. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Molchpr. was on tho streets vestcrdav for the first time In two mouths. He has nearly recovered from a serious nines Mnrrlnuc Murnat-a. Licenses to wed have been Issued by tho county Judge: Kumf nml Residence. Aire, Hans Thomson, Omahn & Mury Jorgensen, Omahu 31 Aninn Culek. South Omaha 25 Mary Itoublnek, Oxford Junction, la.,., IS Jnsoph Benescll, Albion, Nell , 3 Currle Vodlcka, Omaha , i 80 and Not Gray "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a great many years, and although I am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a gray hair in my head." Geo. Yei.lott, Towson, Md., Aug. 3, 1899. Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color to gray hair. We know exactly what we are saying when we use that word " always." It makes the hair grow heavy and long, too, and stops falling of the hair. Keep it on your dressing-table and use it as directed. On dollar a bottle. If your druggist cannot supply you, (end u 1 1. 00 and we will express a bottle to you, all charges prepaid, lie sure and give ut your nearest express office. J. C. A van Co.) Lowell, Mais. fiend for our handsome book on The Hair. . , . , , , . mv. I. nn,l.l n. nrr..nn.n nf t f. ,ir,n Tttn Inla fnna nn 111 of several minion puopie. mm i ouuivi, .... ahfiichio u, .un,..., ...u u,s ....w jyPtv ,OWe vfiiue Home a mistake. Of course, If wo wero to cover Thlrty-second. Thirty-third and Thirty- w A w t muD1 0'f -xu.treefs every lot with sky-scrapers and pack tho fourth streets, find llo between Farnam , aDQUt tQ erecl ft re.Wence on people together as they nro crowded on and Dodge streeis. It Is sold that prac- Lowo nvcnuo Jugt souUl of Cnfornft . ..... ,i.,i n.rinlnlv rnnlil nnn. Ilrtitlv Av.rv nrmmrtv nn tries, ntrnn.ts that .. . ... . . iiiiiimn w. ........ - .. - . siren, ins pians snow a two-story frnmo tain au Immenso population; but there Is has been placed on tho market within the awollltlg of 0snt ro0ms, Tho homo will no ronson why there should ever be any pnst year has been sold. B,,1(i on iot r Knni' nh,iiuui nf t.,.,u serious overcrowding In Omahn and If tho Closely adjoining this addition, nlso, there nlac hllvlni. nftv.fnnt uobi fmnin..o ,,n town Is built up as it snouiu oe duiii Homo- nave uecu innny iruiioiura. t uiw nujra nKw Lowo avenue. Tho prico paid for tho lot thing like 250,000 or 300,000 people will bo tho C. W. Pnrtrldgo home, at 110 North wns 110o. all that wo can well accommodate." Thirty-first avenue, was sold by W. Far- Among tbo other homes being started Asked for somo figures to bear out his nam Smith & Co for JG.000 to J. blbbern- at tn8 tlmo Is ono on Georgia nvenuo, on statement the agent said! "Within tho Ben, formerly of Columbus, Neb. Tho houso jot 39( Rees' place. This lot was bought city limits of Omaha aro twenty-four is nine rooms, modern throughout, and the by George Woodard from Peter Jensen squaro mllos of territory, or this six or lot is io. in diock n. vtesi r.nu auuiuon. for ji.gbo, which Is considered a low figure seven square miles has not yet been for property on that strcot. The lot fronts platted. A largo part Is occupied by parks, Looking liiiokvnnl Two V.-iir. wcst nmj sopes a little to tho rear, giving by churches and schools, by omces nnn . immci, wvu.u n Ilno outlook Irom the rear of tho houso stores, by railroads, by public buildings Cattle company of St. Guorgo, Utah, who ncross to tho Iowa bluffs. The houso of all kinds, and is not nvallablo for res- was until a couplo of years ago a well wI11 cost from $2,000 to $2,500. m.,. n,lrnn.. Tnklnc- tho onttro nrca known real esta'o man of Omaha, was ln Mra. Hartman la bulldlne n J4.nnn frnmn of twenty-four miles, howover, wo havo 1C,- the city yesterday talking enthusiastically reeldcnco on tho northwest corner of 360 acres, which makes about 73,800 lots. " ui" "-- Thlrty-ilrst ave,nue nnd Farnam street. Now, If every lot contained n cottago and here. He says that Omaha people aro al- Tho house Is being put up for an lnvcst every coltngo a family of four persons wo together too much inclined to think that tho ment nnd wln mnke a first-class rental should novo less than 300,000 persons. And ' : property, racing cast onto uurtiss Turner while It will probably be many years be- Omaha, after ess than two years' nbaence, park, . i..iL ,rhn thnt flci.ro It seems to him, he says, that tho growth Is remarkably rapid. The building of tho itpturnlnn from Cnnndn, Union depot and of largo warehouse proper- Mr8i Carrie Flnlayson, whoso husband tlej around Tenth street, tho development waH woii known ns a enntrnc tor In flinnhn of several residence districts, notably West BOveral years ago and who Is now living farnam sireei unu nemm parK, wnicn wub nt Bioomflold, Ont.. has decided to re wild land two years ago, aro given by him turn t0 Omaha nnd to make her homo as evidences of solid growth. hern. Rhn has hnutrht n hnmn In PMflnn For some months after leaving Omaha Hllli known as 4028 Seward street, for OTr. iiumer rvaineu iu ami i.iikb wi, 2.600, and will bo living thcro In a short where ho came into closo touch with tho t(me,, real estate conditions of that city. He says ' thero Is no doubt that better homes can be HUty-Hooni Hotel for Auburn. bought in Omaha for 51.000. or for J2.000, or y, A. Henninger is druwlng plans for fnr 14.000. than can bo had for thn an mo ton aaa uai - ..i for the money that they would get out of , 'Salt uka clty, and tllla.-otwlth- The" house Is Vo he rectid 1 the their property. One remarkable Instance Btnna-nK that more Improvements have been business men of Auburn and will havo has been noted whero the owners of a mni!e , 0malm nnd pald for , Salt Lake nbo(Jt sU fQ outH,(le Qf e valuable downtown block who have been tha befit residence lots sell for MOO a front offices, kitchens, etc. Tho front will bo nnxlous to sell refused to accept within foot. This is on Drlgham strcot, which is 0f pressed brick. tne last moniu a nguro iui ...WIT unpavea. iiecent saics in umana, on ootn offored tho property since the beginning of 8dC3 0f Farnam anil on Thirty-eighth nnd Toilny'a KxcliiiiiKr Jleellnw, this year At the same time the number Thirty-ninth Btreets, have never exceeded Tho members of the Heal Kstato exchange, of genuine buyers looking for valuable about $65 or $T0 a foot, even whero tho after tho weekly meeting at noon today, property for Investment is probably larger streets wero well Improved with asphalt will take n trip to Ilcnson to celebrate now than It has ever been since tno boom pavements. If property In Omaha, Mr. the opening of the through enr line. They days. Harder says, ever reaches the level of Salt will bo the guests of K. A. Benson. While this enhancement may come prop- Lako City or Denver thero will bo many No formal speeches nre arranged for erly within thc next few years, agents say people here who will wish Uiey had not today's meeting of tho exchange, and there that attempts to boost prices at tho present waited so long to buy. will bo llttlo business of Importance. The time are generally premature. As a rule On tho train Mr. Hardor talked with a name of Willis Todd, formerly manager of owners living ln Omaha are no more in- rental agent from Denver, who declared that tho land department of tho Hnmtnond cllned to raise than to lower their prices, rents were never higher and houses never Packing company, will bo proposed for Outstdt owners, howaver, who bear in a Iioni tho market or to put their prices be- membership, foro Omaha's population reaches that figure there will also undoubtedly bo a greatly enhanced value to every platted lot in the city long before thnt tlmo comes." Another reason that Is given why prop erty should advanco in tho next few years Is tho quantity of money seeking Invest ment. At present there nro evidences that the abundance of monoy Is keeping down the number of sales. Dealers say that non resident ownors have frequently within recent months refused prices which thoy would havo boen glad to nccept a few years ago on the ground that they have no use 0XYD0N0R Will cause any disease to b: cured by super-animating: thc whole system. Oxygen is life, and OXYDONOR fills your body with pure oxygen, eliminating disease naturally without thc use of drugs or clccu'icity. OXYDONOR wi 1 cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Asthma, Grippe, Insom nia, Catarrh, Bronchiiis, Sciatica, Dyspepsia, all nervous disorder?, Colds. TrnJeMftrkReRlJlerejNov. It will Improve tho appetlto nnd strengthen the nerves, glv lug Bound sleep and thoroughly soothing tho overworked hrnln. It Is Invaluable for nil diseases of women nnd children. Can bo used for all tho family and will Inst a lifetime. Absolutely harmless. Our descriptive book A. full of Interesting Information and reports from responsible people, will bo mailed frco to any Inquirer. Send for I'. S. court decree. Beware of Fraudulent Imitations. $U)G Reward. To protect your health nnd our reputation wo will pny this reward to any one who will furnish us Information 011 which we run sccuro convltlon of nny dealer who usea his Influence to sell, cither directly or Indirectly, imitations whero Oxydo nor nro called for. The only reason n dealer Imposes a faked artlclo on you iH.becouso thero Is a lnrgrr profit In It for him. DR. II. SANCIIE & CO., Omaha, Neb. NDV V0RK CITY. Other Offices: DETROIT, .Mich. CHICAGO, III. MONTREAL, Que. 1. wmi IVV.7 !,;,,, v'ft.-Vf iV;f 'i MyfifX' DAYLIGHT RIDE TO CHICAGO You linvts no Men liow lionutlful Uic country foutweoii Omiilin nuil CIiIciiro really Is ,IC you Imvo ul ways trnverKiMl it In the nlKht. The Ileitis of lown nnd Illinois nro especially pretty ut this sensou of tlio year. l'or n elinnge, tnku n iltiyllKht rltlo to UhlciiKO the next tlmo you go Knst. Leave the HttrlliiKton Station, Oniaha. nt 7:00 a. m. Arrive Iu tho Tnlon Station In the heart of Chi cago at 8::) p. in. tlio same day. Chair enrs, buffet lllirary ear una iliulng cu? all the way. TICKET OFFICE, BURLINGTON STATION, I502 Farnam St. I0th and Maon Sts. Telephone 250. Telephone I2I. 2. - . . . . .. 111 1 i nn,t enrc camdi a FKbC, AUVIUL uy iiur j-uj.-ii;,u.,.i wiim r n t,b wM,fir-t.b , of our meuiu ne also Froo Homo 1 rontmom "i""1", uu", 1 Sescrlblng symptoms nnil cause ot disease.! with test treatment, also many valuable ' j ..1,.,, i ii i-,r,,.,,:.r.i.. iivlnL vouhuavv doctor's bllla. ask for IL Dr. Kay ?s Renovator ho very worst enscR of Hvspcpsla. Constipation, Headache, Palpitation of Heart and Kldnov dlseusos 'and bad rcsulta of I.nUrlpno. Hond for proof of it. jh about ull your syinptonm. Sold by drunglsts, donH accept any fubstltute buti ,k ..1 nn,i .... ..-in e. ,.1 nr if i.v'H itnnnvnmr iv reiarn man. auuihi. Cures tho 1 Liver 1 Write 1 DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Its Reputation is Built on a Firm Foundation The Bee Building The Bee Building rireproof Architectural Construction. Deauty. Absolute Perfect No Dark Cleanliness. Ventilation. (Kikes. All NlKht 21 Hours Satisfactory Perfect Cloators. Electric Lljjht. Janitor Senlcc. Heating Service. REAS0NAI1LE COURTEOUS THE BEST RENTS. SERVICE. OFFICE NEIGHBORHOOD. "Omaba's Best Office Building" R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents. (JROUNI) FLOOR, UEli HUILDING. am I