THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1901 MORE COIN FOR FAIR GROUNDS twehty-eight graduates 6ttU lUim I'.i 0fr cn Disctnrj of Mori Acri. PEOPLES' BANK CLOSED AT GOTHENBURG Kinmlurr TnUra Clinrpr I'rnillnic .p liolnlnieut of IteeelTrr Cnmpiilun lor I'lirn rood la UICIlL'll, 1 Clnm of Young People Hfcrhr plnnm from Lexington Itlttli i School. Ill- LEXINQTON". Neb., May 2S.-lSpcclal. Tho commencement exercises of the Lex ington HUli school took place In Smith's opera house tonight. Twenty-eight grad uates received their diplomas at the handJ of tho treasurer of the Board of Educa tion, V. 1.. Temple. Rev. Hobert Mclntyro : delivered his lecture "Uuttoned-Up Ttoplc" I to a densely packed audience. Thise arc jthe graduate. Margaret M. nrumbatisli, ("rom a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, May IS. (Special Telegram.) - Tho Stato Hoard of Public Land this afternoon decided to offer $13,000 for tho fair grounds northeast of this city. This action was taken after an Inspection of the property under consideration. "Wo discovered this afternoon that thero are thirty acres of land belonging to the Exposition association Ihnt Is not en closed by fence, making altogether over 10J acres," said Attorney General Trout. Our offer of J16.000 was -.for the seventy u'ue acres within the Inclosure. After careful consideration it navo agreed to raise tho amount offered to tWfiOO for alt of the property. This proposition Is flcnl." IntcrKcluilnitllc Track Men. Relegations to the ln.tersctaolastlo track meet which will take place tomorrow begun to arrive today. Teams from tho Falrbury and Hebron High schools arrived this morning and put In the day practicing lor tomorrow's events. Indications point to a large attendance of spectators from th various schools represented In the.con tct. Ipi:ilr' Stnte Ilnnk Cloticil. Uccaudu of tho poor condition of Hi paper tho People's State bank of Gothen burg was ordered closed today by the Stst Ranking board, tank Examiner K. E Emmet: wl'l rcmalr. In chargo of tho Institution until a receiver Is appointed. The People's bank wan organized In UOO, and in 18D6 was consolidated with the First Stnte bank. Several days ago Secretary Koyst of the banking board sus- Pcttd ifimethlng wrong In th-) manage ment of the Institution and an examination lat.v avi-l It to be In an unsafe condi tion. I u Intimated by Mr. Royso that lh poor vper of tho Institution had been h"lV ovi-r from the panic period. The deposits of tho back amount to $'.',j(i0 and the loans and discounts to S72.000. The cnpltal eto.. Is 125,000 and the liabilities 5J0.000. Its ofrtccrs are: L. O, Lloyd, president; Coarad W. Lloyd, tashlcr, Clyde W. Lloyd, assistant cashier. CninpnlK" for Pure Food. S. C Raesett of Gibbon will come to Lin coln Juno 1 to open the offlce of tho pure food department. He Is planning a vigorous campaign against tho Illegal manufacture and sale of Imitation dairy products, but will tako no active steps toward enforcing the law until ho has tho office opened and his department well organized. His assist ants will be chosen In a few days. Orrnt Gnln In York. "There has been more general Improve ment In York during the last year than In all tho other years since 1S90," said E. J. Halner of York today. Mr. Halner came to tho city on legal business and returned to York tonight. "This Improvement has not been confined o nnv tiartlcular line Of business. It Is and affects everybody. All condl tlons In our section of the stnte are en rnnrnelnc and we are looking forward to tho brightest period In our history." Xtntr IllRlorlcnl Society The cxefUfive.'.toarcf Ofthe State 'His torical society has appointed the following nfflr staff- Jny Amos Barrott. Lincoln, nrslstant secretary and librarian; A. H, Sheldon. Lincoln, director of field work; Hlarenco S Paine. Omaha, collector of curios; Miss Daisy Talln, Lincoln, news paper clerk; E. E. niackman, Roca, arch acologlst. Oolf nclrcntm for Oinnlin. The Lincoln Golf club has elected S. II. Rurnham and H. C. Young delegates to the meeting of tho Western Golf association, which will be held In Omaha early In June. irnlvrritlty "Weekly Iiii-orpornlcx. Articles of Incorporation of the Hesperian Publishing company of this city were re corded In tho secretary of state's office this morning. Tho company Is formed for the purpose of publishing the Hesperian weekly newspaper for university students Mnto .Mllitnry Ilnnril Postpone A meeting of the State Military Board scheduled far today, was postponed by Ad lutant General Colby. Tho dato of the next meeting will bo announced later. Floyd Mauk, Earle Rosenberg. Mamto Mont gomery, Henry 0. Hasenkarap, David R. Woodward. Edith E. Oldfather, Edith J. Rldgway, Clara A. Bradley, Joseph E. May, Florence It. Cole, Edgar A. James, Sylvia M. Joy, Kline M, Peterson, John R. Rob erts, Elizabeth Sutphen, Lena E. Scott, Klla V. Roosa. Mabel B. VanCleave, Ida M. Wells, Calvert L. Emmons, James E. Davis, Thomas Crawford, Charles A. Wlsner, Jen nie M. Hanson, Jesse Johnson, Cora A. Da vldion, James E. Pickering. Monday evening occurred the elis day exercises, which closed with an address by State Superintendent W. K. Fowler. On Sunday evening the baccalaureate was preached by Rev. J. W. Hill', pastor of the Presbyterian church. STOCKMAN IS SHOT BY BOY P. J. SturKeon of Allinnee Hpi'flicj Two llullel Kir oil lij- lotniu .lilt n. ALLIANCE, Neb., May 25. (Special.) P. J. Sturgeon, a stockman fifteen miles east from Alliance, was shot today by a boy 16 years old, named Zurk. Young Zurk put two shots Into his victim, one through the arm and one Into his body, an old pistol being his weapon. No cause Is assigned, except a dispute over some range land. Nothing Is known of the young man who did tho shooting except that he Is a Ger man. Ho la too young to hold land him self and It Is though', that he has been prompted to do the shooting, There Is no definite newt yet from tho tragedy, the man coming after the surgeon knowing but very little about the details. NEXT CONFERENCE GOES EAST Dunkirdi Dicidi to Meet Anth Yur b Qutkir 8uti. WOMAN WHO OFFENDS IS SENT AWAY Mrs. .iteCrnekn l quickly Followed liy IJrrclt lllaelow Verdict Attn In at nn Oniulin Instir nnre Conipnn). ST. JOSEPH VISITS FAIRBURY Cammerclnl tlnb Comes on ?peclnl Trnln nnit Stops nt tirnkn Ton n. FAIRBURY, Neb., May 2S. iSpeclal Tel egram.) The Commercial club of SI, Jo seph. Mo., visited Falrbury tonight, com ing on a special train over the St. Joseph & Grand Island railway in charge of Gen eral Manager Depuy and General Passen ger Agent S. M, Adsltt. The party num bered suv tnty-flve and was met at the de pot by the business men of Falrbury and an hour's drlvs taken around through the city, after which they were entertalued nt dinner at the Merchant's hotel. Later a reception and smoker was given tho vis itors at Steele's opera house, where they were welcomed to the city by Mayor J. C. Hartlgan, whose address was responded to by President Hundley of the Commercial club. Short speeches, music by nn or chestra, plenty of cigars and n well-filled punch bowl were prominent features. Thu reception committee comprised 100 of tho merchants and professional men of Falr bury. BEATRICE MISSIONARY HOME Robert Emm ItPtiirtiN from Clilnn, Where He Wim In slur at Pekln. BEATRICE. Neb., May 2S. (Special Tele gram.) Robert Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. D, EvanB of this city, returned homo from China last night, accompanied by his family. Mr. Evans has been engaged In missionary work for six years In China. When the trouble broke out In China Mr. Evans Hnd family left the Interior nnd went to Pekin, where they remained until they were rescued by the allied forces. -J KILLED BY HEAVY HAMMER Walter Morixnii if York fllea from R fleet of Accident lu Athletlo TralnliiK. YORK, Neb., May 2S. (Special.) Walter Morgan, who was accidentally hit by heavy haromar In the school yards las Friday, thrown by one of his schoolmates who was throwing the hammar in prepar atlon for tho Intercollegiate field meet died yesterday afternoon at t o'clock. Walter Morgan Is the son of ex-Mayor Morgan and n graduate In this year's clas In the York High school. He was the only child. Editor Tllton to Speak. BEATRICE, Neb.. May 28. (Special Tele gram.) Colonel W. S. Tllton, editor of th Times, goes to Osborne, Kan,, tomorrow to deliver the oration on Memorial day Itelicknlt I.oilKe District Convention FREMONT. Neb.. May 2S. (Special.) The members of Robekah lodge, district No. 1, embracing lodges from Tekamah, Lyons, Blair, Arlington, Fremont and South Omaha to tho number of W0, are In session here today. At the opening session this morning the address of wel come was delivered by I. P. Ga'ge, grand secretary of Nebraska Odd Fellows. The program this afternoon Included a school of Instruction In the secret work, con ducted by Mrs. Emma Talbott of South Omaha, president of the state assembly, and the exemplification of a part of the secret work. This evening the remainder of the work was exemplified and there was a competitive drill by degree staffs of the various lodges. IleHtrlce Mnn Kleeteil. BEATRICE. Neb., May 2S. (Special Tele gram.) L. E. Mumford ( of this city was today elected suprelntrtident of schools at Nelson, eb. Mr. Mumforfl graduated from the High school here with the class of 1S?5, and In the same year entered the State university and graduated from that In 1S9D with the degree of B. A. Ho, has been Instructor In history and mathematics In the High school here tho Inst two years. Turn Out to ce Prcxlilcnt. FREMONT, Neb., May 28 --(Special.) The special train conveying President Mc Klnley and party passed through here about 6 o'clock this morning. In spite of tho early hour thirty people were at the depot, hoping that It would stop, but were disappointed, as It went through at a high rate of speed. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 251 (Special.) After a protracted contest the standing committee of the Dunkard conferenco today decided that the next annual conference of the denomination shall be held In some city of Pennsylvania, probably Philadelphia. The northwestern division of the confer ence was clamoring for Ohio and the Buckeye advocates proved to be an un comfortable close competitor to the vic torious state. After a deadlock of over a half hour the Quaker state was chosen. Large crowds attend all the meetings. It Is practically Impossible for all the people to hear the lectures and exhorters, to vast Is the assembly. The Dunkards are con ducting a dining halt under the auspices of the church; some sleep In tents and the remainder find quarters In the city. Every where the visitors have been hospitably re ceived nnd the affair Is pronounced a com plete success. Tho business affairs of the various com mittees were discussed today. The finan cial questions In no way obscured the de votional exercises, as the committees met In executive session. Detailed statements concerning matters of administration will be made public before the close of the con ference. Newcomers are still arriving from all portions of tho country. Few of the breth ren who came early have left the grounds and the great crowd Is constantly Increas ing. One of the questions of church law which the Dunkards are deeply Interested In Is the subject of divorce. Congressional enactments are being studied by the breth ren and the matter Informally discussed It la altogether unlikely that any change will be made In the rules of the denomina tion, which are firmly opposed to divorces The conference refused, after long dis cussion, to make any changes In the church law by allowing the sisters the same privileges In the conference as the brethren. The district of Oklahoma and Indian Tcr rltory sent a petition to the nnnual meet - . . u . . . V. , t V. In rift IBIS IU BiUlll cuuuuca innv ...-m w . ..!, !- . i i. ii i .v, iim. nt gram.) S. H. Mclntire, su me pn lieu-- ul i-mtuniuh .-- i n the salutation at the love feast and nave It after the cup. Instead of having It be tween the supper and the communion, as It now Is. The petition was granted. Nearly the whole day was given over to doctrinal discussion, the religious services being limited to the early morning devo tlonal meeting and the regular sermon In the tabernacle at night. Arrested vlth Her Companion Although her husband was lying dead In the morgue a few blocks away, Mrs. Ed gar McCracken sought solace In the com panionship of Errett Blgelow and was ar rcntrrl hv the nollce while occupying a room with him early this morning. The offenders were locked up In the police sta tlon, where they remained until late this afternoon. The woman was released to go to her home in Ohio. She left on the Bur lington and Bigelow followed her on the Rock Island passenger train, vowing that she would wait for him In Omaha. Last Sunday McCracken. who, In com pany with Blgelow, was employed at the nsvlum. discovered his wife's unfaithful ness, llv reported the matter to Dr, Greene and left for the city, where he iwnllowed a dose of morphine. No sooner was he dead than the wife sought the com pany of Blgelow. Last night the couple were arrested. Blgelow Is well known In Lincoln and comes of a respected family. During tho Spanish American war he sorved In Colonel Bryan's reslment. He was retained as an at tendant at the institution at the sollclta tlon of Mr. Bryan. .liny File Supernedenn llond. In the district court today, Judge Cornish hrld that the State Journal company may PE-RU NA DURES CATARRH OF KIDNEYS EVERY TIME SWEDE ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Krle Oleann Alma Iltillet nt Ills Henrt. tint It Kit tin to Kill. FAIRMONT. Neb.. May 25. (Special.) Eric Oleson, a young Swede who has been living In this neighborhood for the last year, procured a pistol and retiring to a nearby lot shot himself. The bullet en tered over the heart, passed around the breast bone and was extracted by the cor- tor back of the shoulder. The doctor thlnki If no complications occur he will recover. No reason Is given for the act. GOLD FROM DUNDY CSUNTY Ttro Cnrlondo of Jletnl-llenrlUK Mind Skipped to llemer Muclt Iuk Plnnt. BENKELMAN, Neb., May 2S. (Special.) Two cars ar- being loaded today at Max, a station nine miles east of this place, with gold-bearing sand from Muddy creek In eastern Dundy county, for shipment to n Denver smelter. A number of small sam ples have been shipped during tho past three months, which ran from S3.20 to Sis per ton. CRUSHED UNDER CAR WHEELS It. Melntlrc FnlU from MovIiik Trnln nt Kearney While llentlnK II 1 Wny. KEARNEY. Neb., May 28. (Special Tele- a lineman from Macon Ga,, who was beating his way from Omaha to Denver, Tuesday morning fell from a westbound freight train at this placo and was crushed about the hips and chest. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA AWNINGS AND TCNTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Go., OutnliM. JVeb. Manufacturer of Tents and Canvas Goods. Send (or Cntnloguc Number 23 BUILDERS' SlirPLIES. DANGEROUS KIDNEY DISEASES CURED l'crtina Creating a National Sensa tion in the Cure of Chronic Ail ments of tiie Kidneys. Mr. John Vance, of Hnrtford City, Ind says: "My kidney trouble U much better, t have Improved so much that everybody wants to know what medicine I am using. I recommend I'cruna to everybody and some have commenced to use It. The folks all say that It Dr. Hartman's medicine cures me It must be great." Mr. .). Hrake, of i'etrolcn, Onta rio, Canada, writes: ''Four years iiuo 1 hud n severe attack of Hrlcht's Disease, which brought me so low t are sure to follow If the poisons are al tlie doctor said nothing more could I lowed to remain. It gives great vigor to he done for inc. 1 began to take the heart's action nnd digestive system, l'ci uiia and .Manalin, and in three , both of which are apt to fall rapidly In this uiontns 1 was a wen man, ami nave disease. continued so ever since." Pcrtina cures catarrh of the kid- At the nppcarance of the first symptom ' neys simply because it cures ca of kidney trouble, Peruna should be taken, tarrh wherever located. This remedy strikes nt once tho very root u you do not derive prompt and satis of the disease. It at once relieves the ca- factory results from the use of Peruna, tarrhal kidneys of the stngnant blood, pre- i write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full venting the cseare of scrum from the blood, 'statement of your case and he will be pleas Peruna stimulates tho kidneys to excrete cd to glvo you his valuable advice gratis. from the blood tho accumulating poison. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho nnd thus prevents the convulsions which -Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Fnll from lc-houne Cuuaea Death. WINSIDE, Neb., Ma 25. (Special.) Charles Walters, who was Injured by fall ing from the roof of an Icehouse Sunday, died last night. He was under the Influ ence of liquor at the time of the acci dent and became unconscious soon aft erward. He has a brother In Minnesota, who has been notified. Tho rest of his rel atives are In Sweden. The deceased had considerable money at the time of his death. He will be burled here tonight, un less his brother comes 'and makes other arrangements. Ilnchelnr 'In Fonhil llfnil. GENEVA. Neb., Mar iS.MSpeclal.) Yesterday afternoon a neighbor, on going Into the .home of Ben Stttll,, a bachelor, who lived' alone three miles west of town, found him dead. He had apparently died long before. An Inquest was held and the Jury decided he had died a natural death. The relatives of the deceased live In Ohio. McCLURE'S for JUNE IMnliivleir Memorlnl Service. PLAINVIEW. Neb., May 28. (Special.) Memorial services were held Sunday. O. W. Lottlg nnd Rev. McKcnzle of the Meth- odlst church each delivered nn address. , Dr. J. W. Bowlus of the Normal college preached, In the evening, the baccalaureate I sermon to the graduates of tho Plalnvlew High school. BOSTON Plain-Clothes Man's Town Whai S. S. S. Does for Children Children are constantly exposed to all sorts of dis eases. The air the3 breathe is filled with germs, sewer gas and dust from the filthy streets are inhaled into the lungs and taken into the blood. At the crowded school looms and other public places they come in contact almost daily with others recovering from or in the first stages of contagious diseases. You can't quarantine against the balance of the world, and the best 3-011 can do is to keep their blood in good condition, and thus prevent or at least mitigate the disease. You have perhaps learned from observation or experience that healthy, robust children (and this means, of course, children whose blood is pure) arc not nearly so liable to contract diseases peculiar to them, and when they do it is generally in a mild form. On the other hand, weak, emaciated and sickly ones seem to catch every disease that comes along. This is because their blood is lack ing in all the elements neccssarj' to sustain and build up the bodj. roisqns of every description accumulate i:i the system, because the polluted and sluggish blood 1.1 unable to perform its proper functions. Such children need a blood purifier and tonic to give strength and vitality to their blood, and S. S. S., being a purely vegetable remedy, makes it the safest and best for the delicate constitutions of children. S. S. S, is not only a perfect blood medicine, but is pre-eminently the tonic for children; it iucreases their appetites and strengthens the digestion and assimilation of food. If your child ren have any hereditary or acquired taint in their blood, give them S. S. S. and write to our physicians for any information or advice wanted; this will cost you noth ing, and will start the little weaklings on the road to recovery. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. file r. supersedeas bond 01 J1&0 in tne man- Jo.epb Whoeler .Tuinn III llond. j damns case brought by North & Co. against LOUP CITY. Neb.. May 2S. (Special Tel- the Stcto Printing Board. The plaintiff egram.) Joseph Wheeler, a short gray- ebjected to this course, but the Judge In- tvhUVprorl mnn nf T.R venrs. nrrpstfil undor Mated that It was no abuse Of QlSCre' a charge of atrocious assault, rode nway ' tlon to allow the supreme court to review the case. Verdict AKnlnut Omnlia Conipniir- The Jury In the rase of F. H. Parker against the Merchants' nnd Manufacturers' Insurance company of Omaha his morning returned a verdict of $522 In favor of the plaintiff. Barker took out a policy in the company and Instructed Surapter, local acent for the company, to collect some money and pay the premium. This Sump ter neglected to do. Barker was absent on business trip and when he returned the loss had occurred, The company refused to pay the loss. The evidence BCemed to convince the Jury that the money was prac tically In the hands of Surapter and they decided In favor of Barker. Ttmmna MeCnrty Paroled. Thomas McCarty, sentenced to fifteen years' Imprisonment for highway robbery in Sarpy county, has been paroled. After vis itlng a short time with friends, be left the city to aeek a location for a blacksmith shop. He Is a good mechanic and will fol low the blacksmith- trade In the future, McCarty formerly belonged to the renowned McCarty gang In Sarpy county. Ilnrglar Baeane. Several calls for the police were turned in yesterday afternoon for the country west of Woodlawn. Detective Malone re sponded, but was unable to locate the ex rltement. It Is said that a burglar en tered the house of Farmer Quick, who lives three miles west of West Lincoln, and stole a gold watch, He was seen to leave the house and a chase ensued. The man es capei tnrougn a mua. Keeping his pur suers off by flourishing a revolver, Cnicney Case Today. The case of Catherine McEntee against Bishop Bcnacum, involving the removal of the remains of Richard Cagney from Calvary cemetery, Is set for bearing be fore Judge Cornish tomorrow morning. Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, who was made a defend ant with the bishop, has Instructed her at' torney to make no appearance In the case, as she will taks no part In the controversy, ItnelnK Mutlnee I'oaalhle. If tho Dunk-ird conference at the fair grounds is completed by next Thursday the Gentlemen's Roadster club will hold a rac. Ing matinee there that afternoon. Other' wise there will be no Decoration day races, the meeting being postponed. on a bay norse last nlgnt. lie was out rn ball to appear at a preliminary examina tion today. I.orltte Hleet Ollleeri. BEATRICE, Nel May 2S. (Special.) Beatrice lodge No. 26, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, elected these officers last night: O. P. Ltston, worthy master; J. L. Anderson, senior warden; A. S, Wada worth, Junior warden; O. L. Cole, treas urer; Bert Spiilraan, secretary. Heil Men to Inltlnte. BEATRICE. Neb., May 2S. (Special.) Otoe trlbo No. tfi. Independent Order of Red Men. will Initiate thirty new members at Its wigwam tomoirow night. This tribe of Red Men was reorganized here May 2S and now lint a membership Of ninoty. Onta 11 l'nrtlnl Failure. LINWOOD. Neb., May 28. (Special.) The oats crop Is going to be a partial failure In thlc section awing to poor seed. Many fields aro being plowed up and planted lo rorn. Other crops look well, but need rain Electa rinM City Teacliera. DAVID CITY. Nib., May 28. (Special.) The Board of Education last night elected these teachers: J. F. Ray, superintendent; Nora Holland, Josephine Cobbey. Arthur Fenlon, Carrie Ackorman. Prof. Ray filled the position of principal last year. Ilnniboldt nacenlnurente Sermon. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. May 28. (Special ) Rev. J. A. Currle delivered tne bacra- laureato sermon at the Presbyterian church. The class was composed of seven young women. J0SIAH FLYNT V AWallStreetStory''P;sPweakorvBusr WOMEN. An Appreciation By e. s. martin Other Contributor to this numbor: ELIZABETH STUA.RT PHELPS, RUDYA.RD KIPLING, CLARA. MORRIS, ROBERT BARR, DAVID GRAY, SARA ORNE JEWETT, JOHN BURROUGHS, ETC. Johnson-McLean Co Manufacturers of Sash, Doors. Blinds. Mouldings, Stair Work, Builders' Supplies. Telephone IKIT. tit K anil Jonea Mreet, Omaha, Nrb, DRY GOODS. E. Smith & Co. Importer! n4 Jobfctraot Dry Goods, Furnishing Ooodi AND NOTIONS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. lAesfern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Eltctrto Wiring Balls id a as Ltikttntj Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Howard St. SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Ilnll's Safes, Cnsh Registers, Typewriters Hall Safe and Lock Company, 1 1 lftFurntiin St Davis & Cowgill Iron Works, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF MACHINERY. OKNERAIi RRPAiniNO A IPBCTAIVn IllON AND BRAB3 FOUNDERS. 1B01, 1503 1005 Jackiti S treat. Omaha Neb. Tel. B.TS. B. ZabriskU. Aztal. 3. B. CewcUI. Ugq ELEVATOR SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Easy Klstag Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATOH OATtS. Send for catalogue. KIMBAfcJ, BROS.. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ! 10M Itb Bitot. Vtlephgn 1U. c. H. Davis & Son SIX SPLENDID SHORT STORIES EVERY PAGE WORTH READING IO Cents a Copy -l.OO a Year Aceata tmr the KlohmaaO iafetr Gataa and Vire Doora. EltTator Hydraulic and Hand EhTttara. ai.atr meairlue a snectalty. Laatbef Vale Cupa far BUratori. Entjtnea Printing Presasaa. aad BANE GO. Manufacturers and Jobbars of Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. . 1014 nml 1010 DOUGLAS ST. WALL PAPER. Yetier Wall paper Co., JOBBERS WALL PAPER. Large, well selected stock, prlcea Barns aa eastern hous latest novelties. Dealers send for '.SOI sampl line and tortni. 121. ' " fct . Omnhn. COMMISSION. Thrown from Xprlnu WnRnii, HUMBOLDT, Neb., May 2S. (Special.) J. Corwln Fergus, a farmer and stock raiser of this section, was thrown from his bprlnK wagon while coming to town this morning and Iniurel severely, striking the ground on hi head and shoulders. .Indue !auni!er Improving. OSCEOLA. Neb., May 2S. (Special.) Judge T. H Saunders, who was severely Injured by a fall 011 a floor two weeks jo, Is again able tc be In bis offlce. Senntor Eilitnr to Spent. BEATRICE, Neb., May 28. (Special.) Old soldlors are making preparations for n program on Memorial day. Senator V. H. Edgar will make the address. 5eliroakn anil .Vehrnnknnii. The Utlca Sun Is enjoying tho luxury of a orient new aress. Tho Knuih Sioux City Arstus has passed Its twenty-second birthday. Nnrth Platte contemplates, amonc other public improvements, tho contructlon of a sewerage system. Tl Cnnsrecatlonal sts 01 I'lcrce expect to build a new church this year. The prob. abln cost Is 13.C00. The veterans of the civil nnd snnn sh wars have arranged to have a reunion at Crawford June 30 to July 5, The Argus Is the name of a n'w paper started at Gross, Boyd county, by T. H Armstrong of the Butte Gazette. The members of the different fraternal societies In Valentino have organized a company to erect a hall which will be used by all the fraternal and secret societies. The appropriation of J5.000 made by con gress for bridges on me umana ana Winne bago reservation will soon be available nnd work on tne structures wm no com menced at once. A government Inspector has been lookinc arnund In Cherry county to see what parties, If any. have government land under fence. His visit Is said to havo caused n considerable flurry nmong some of the stockmen, I A man who said ins name was Charles Horker was arrested nt I.elph nnd bound over on the cnarge ot ronoery wnen searched a small sum of money, n razor and n small (lie were found concealed In a pocket Ir. 1U boot. S. w. Hall or Louisville bored a well several hundred feet deep, but did not j nntl water enuusn iu up ui nny vuiue Someone suggested to him that the well be dynamited and he tried it. The usult was tne water rose iw irci 111 mu wen ana 11 now furnienes an aounaani hiippiy. Nine years ago a number of seedling pine trees were set out on the sandiest and most worthless piece of land which could hA fnund in Uartleld county. The me grew beyond expectation and nre now over twenty teei nign. me fcuvernmeni expert will co to the section and make an In vestigation. An organ was recently placed m n country church in Lincoln county, but ap parently someone am not upprnvo or the net. One night ft dead skunk wns placed In the organ and services were dispensed with the next aunaay on account or t he odor. The next Sunday when tho church wus opened It was discovered that sonip one had taken an ax or hatchet and com pletely ruined mo organ, Perry starrora. a roan who nas lived in Auburn for several years, his been ent to the poor house, a confirmed Invalid. For years nli wife took carr of him. but a follower 01 uowir, ine uiucuko luun neaier, advised him that Dowle could cur. him. He was sent there, but the promised cure did not materialize. The Duwieites asserted that It was necause or iuck ot laitn on tna part or stanorn s wiie ana atauora was Induced to discard the woman who had worked for and tenaed mm ror years, wnen this failed to cure him and Stafford's monev was ;one he was sent back to An. burn with nothln; but the poor house atv-ad or him. COLORADO Ono of the Richest Mining States in the Union. s picto Reached best by "The Over land Route," The Union Pacific. Do not make a mis take. All Western States and Points of Interest Reached with least Inconvenience via The Union Pacific. STUDY THE MAP I? VI VVJW?-' 71 '1V. ri-rt- . ' , Vl..;'.. 'i-VVi I V"- i . 1 wmm m ukP or union none utimeo 6 New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam. Phone 316. IMaaKMBWBMaiBaamB itnsoins. LONG ISLAND ei ii!U!"tTmi con " e r I e 32 M T I i N T I C o e t i n New York's Seashore Ideal for the Summer's Rest and Recreation. t ooUimI IIIIIm nml Perfect Hrnc-liex, THE OCEAN, BAYS or SOUND. Conlnrl b' Hie Summer South Winds. Mom ' Accessible Summer Kesort on the i;oil orrni tio in 114111111 lur i-onir inland an Illustrated debcrlptlvo booki iK for summer HOTim ilfmrrlpilv,- of Hotels and Itoardlnz Houses, Se for "Unique Lon Island," photo rmphle reproductions, vo for Lon Island sports LONG. ISLAND RAILROAD CO., IIOWAKO M. SMITH, II. II. FUI.I.EHTON, urn i ran, Aimi. np i Agi, I'HM, uepi, I.ONO ISLAND CITY, Y. Havid Cole Co,, a w n I n 11 rresn uressen rouiirji Oysters and Celery. 116 So. 11th St. Omaha FAINTS AND OILS. National Oil & Paint Co. (Incorporated.) MAKUPACTLHKKS AND JORBEH9. Paints for all Purposts, Varnishes, etc. WIS and lOli.Joues St., Tel. 178. Omilu, TREE MEDICAL ADVICE, '".i?1 oil your symptoms, llcnovatlnijtho system Is the onlr safe nnd sum method ot cur ing all Chronlo DIicmcb. Dr. Hat's Honovntor It the only perfect kyMem renovator. Kreesanv pie 1 and book. Vr. 15. J. Kay, Saratoga. N X. Q s1 Refistered A. Mayer Co., 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. Phone I7I Re-No-May Powder Not only relieves, but rosltlvely cures all disorders of tho feet, stop odorous perspi ration, cures tender, swollen and painful feet. , Pricj 50 Cents. For Sale by all Drug-gists and Glove Dealers Consultation Froo from 2 to 1, When ordering by mull add 5 cejils for postage He-No-. May Skin Food for facial massage. lte-No-Mny Cream softens and whitens the hands and face. 9 22 DR. fcCiBkV RENOVATOR InWeurntes and renovate j tbi typtcm purines and rurlcbrs the blood; cures the worst dyspepsia, constipation, he&dach, liver ail kt1nys. 2fcandfl atdrupglsts- Frc R advice, sample end book. Or. 11. J Kay.fcuratoja.N V ENOVATOB 1