12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAT 29, lfOl. DISCUSSION OF NEW WORK . pces take a bib tumile Coaferenci Bttwam OontraoUn and Unita Facifio Offio!a1. NOT READY YET TO LET CONTRACTS SlcArtlmr Ilrothrm, Mlkr lllliiorr nnd OIIiitb Are in Oiiinlm TnlUInu Jl ti Kim-UK atcrn Work I I'riiKrt'KftiiiK ltnilill-. A number of prominent railroad con tractors, Including the MacArthur Bros, of Chicago, Mlko Kltuoro of Alliance and others, arrived In the city yesterday for the purposo of conferring with Union Pacific officials relative to the nw work which ill be contracted for as Boon as thi sur veys for tho new Hoe from Salt Lal;o to Los Angeles nre coinplctcd. No contracts noni let yesterday for this work, and It Is Authoritatively slated none will be con sidered for at least two months, "There Is no question," said a Union 1'aclflc official, "but that the Oregon Short l.lnn proposes to bullil ttouth from Bait Lake to l.os AukcIcs, nnd It has bi.cn vir tually determined that tho englnccrlm? will bo performed by tho engineering depart ment of the Union I'aclllc. Surveyors are now In tlin field and several routes are In contemplation. None lias as yot been de cided upon, and until this Is done no con tracts will bo let. Within sixty days tlmo, I think, the route will have been selected, and then contracts for tho work will bo lot. Tho proposed new line will bo built without encountering any problems In an enplrieerlnR way whatever, so that tho contracts will bo for ordinary grading work." In connection with tho visit of the con tractors to Union Pacific headquarters yos terday It Is learned (hat the work on the Union I'acKlc line In Wyoming Is progress ing rapidly. All of the cut-offs which were contracted for havo been completed except tho Aspen cut-off, whero n tunnel a tnlla nnd a half In length Is being built. This will be completed by autumn. "The visit of the contractors to tho city today," said an official connected with the engineering department of tho Union 1'a clflc, "Is for the purposo of discussing roil lino matters relative to work that has al ready been done. No bids for new work havo been called for and none are for tho present In contemplation." DICKINSON NOT A OANIMDATK. Drulri lleliiK In Mur for cv York On I nil 1'ri'Klilriu')'. If Edward Dickinson, general manager of tho Union 1'aclflc, Is being considered by the dlrccton. of the New York Central for the presidency ot that railroad, ho doesn't know It, so ho declares. "I have nc Information relative to this matter," said Mr Dickinson when shown a dispatch from New York stating that he was u candidate for tho nresldcncy of tho Now York Central, "except what Is con tained In this message. I am not a candi date for tho presidency of tho Now York Central and If my name Is being considered It la without my knowledge." Klltht Cnrlond of Merries (.'time nt Once nml Olnt the l.oenl Mnrket. Eight carloads of strawberries, or 100,000 quarts, were thrown on tho Omaha market yesterday. It was the most berries that have ever been put on tho Omaha market In one day. The result was a terrific slump In prices. Very good berries sold as low as 11. The best shipping stock sold nt $2 and prime berries for the local market brought J1.73. Missouri, Kentucky, Arkan Has and Iowa bcirles were on the market. Homo grown peas made their first ap pearance on the market and sold at $2.25 per bushel. California apricots also made their first appearunco and brought Z per crato containing four .boxes. Texas cab bago also showed up on tho market for the first time this season. IIiiIIttii' iitm mill I'rrnonnl. Ueorg" D. Rogers, district passenger agent of the Northern Pacific, with head quarters lit Lies Moines, was a visitor In the city yesterday, V. H. Tleach, traveling passenger agent ot the Minneapolis & fit. 1,0111s, Is down from MlnneapollH today culling on tho local railroad fraternity. Samuel Hlgglns. superintendent of mo tive power and machinery of the Union Pacific, left yesterday morning' for Chey enne tor rt short business trip. The Ilurllngton will run a special train to Ashland Memorial day In order to give the relatives nnd friends of the Hlsh school cadets who arc encamped there an opportunity to visit the soldier boys. The train will leave hero Thursday morning nt 9:30 and returning, leave Ashland ut C:S0 In the evening. A I. on 1)b nt l.nkc OkolioJI for Ifll.dll. Dig excursion via tho Milwaukee road. If you enjoy good fishing or a pleasant, quiet day at one of thn most beautiful summer resorts In the west, make you plans to Join tho excursion to Luke Okobojl, la., which leaver Omaha at S p. in. Saturday, Juno S, via special trnln on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, arriving at Omnha on tho return trip" early Monday morning. Tho round trip rate Is $3. City ticket office, ISO! Far nam stieet. P. A. NASH, General WeBtern Agent. Telephone 284. Ilnlldiiy iv'lli Omnha Cndrta. Cheap trip to Omaha High School cadets' encampment at Ashland. Special train leaves Ilurllngton station, Omiha( 9:30 n. m., May 30. Returning, leaves Ashland, 6:30 p. m. Hound trip tickets 75 cents. Modern Woodmen. Lowest rates, Special accommodations, St. Paul and return via "Th Northwestern Line." June S io 11. 1401-1403 Farnam street. Publish your legal notices in The Weekly flee. Telephone 238. .4 I'lrnaitiit Journey. A representative of the lice heard a well-known Morrlsvltlo woman, who fre quently visits o married daughter In New York, telling some friends onn day this week of her first experience riding on tho Kmplro 8tnte Express. "I was coming up from New York," she said, "and thought I would try that famous train I've heard so much about. Well, we rolled nlong smooth nnd easy nnd pretty soon 1 noticed a lot of tho men getting up and putting on their overcoats. 1 thought all these men could not bo getting cold, for the car was very comforlnble, and In Just a minute the trainman called out 'Albany!' I could hardly believe It; I would Just as soon have expected to bo In California so quickly. Wo loft New York nt half-pnst 8 and were at Albany a llttlo after 11 and at Utlca before 1 o'clock. I changed to an accommodation train there and was In Canastota a few minutes after 2. Myl it seems almost like flying." Now whenever this good lady wants to visit New York she goes a good bit, out of her way that nlio may travel by the New York Central. From tho Canastota I3eo. Announcement of tlie Thentcr. The "Aro You n lluffalo" nurlesquers arc an attraction of clever artists, pre senting an acceptable offering of vaudeville and burlesque at the Trocadero. The at tendance this week has been Tory good. Rosenthal's amateurs nnd benefit, with out any exception, will be tho largest ama teur event of this kind ever witnessed In this city. Tho Hat of applications received has been extremely large and Includes W. E. Cornwcll, tho Ezra Kendall of the vaude ville stage, and Miss Tcnnlss Robbing, "The Olrl from Southern Tennessee." A female wrestling match will bo nn Inter esting feature. Manager Rosenthal will entertain his numerous friends with nn original specialty. To Mnlie n l'amile Toilnr. W. W. Colo's show, allied with tho Mor ris Ilros". dog and pony circus, which will bo one of the features at the Krug park, tho now summer resort that will be opened tomorrow, will mnko a street parade at 10 o'clock today. Over 150 performing an imals are carried by this show. Stonccyphcr. printer: 1201 Howard St. Modern Woodmen. Lowest rates. Special accommodations. St. Paul and return via "Tho Northwestern Lino,;' June S to 11. 1401-1403 Farnam street. Card of Thank, We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their help and sympathy In our recent bereavement and deepest sor row In the loss of our 'husband and father. MRS. PAMELIA REEVES. J. C. REEVES. MRS. J. H. QUINN MRS, II. Pi RHODES. MRS. P. M'EVOY. DIETRICH MAY GO ABROAD Senntor In Considering Invitation to Accniuiinnr Orflolnl Pnrtr Around thn World, Senator Dietrich Is considering an Invi tation to accompany a congressional party on a trip around the world In a govern ment transport. Congressman Mercer Is going to be one of the party, which will leave New York June 20, going by way of Dermuda and the Suer. canal to the Philip pine Islands nnd returning by wny of San Francisco. Tho party will be absent about four months. Senator Dietrich has not yet fully made up his mind whether to accept or decline the Invitation, for the reason that he objects to being nwny so long Just at the time required by tho trip. I.nke Oknltnjl nnd Return :i.O. On Saturday, June 8, tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St, Paul railway will run an excursion train from Omaha to Lake Okobojl, returning Sunday night. Excof lent boating nnd fishing and an outing nt one of the most beautiful resorts In the west. Tho very low rato of S3 will bo made for tho round trip. Full partic ulars on application nt tho city ticket of fice, 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. omelnl lloute In St. Paul. Modern Woodmen of America. The Illinois Central has been selected a tho official line from Nebraska to the Head Camp mooting nt St. Paul, June 10-15. In addition to regular trains, a "Wood men Special" train will leave OmihA Sjb day evening, Juno 9. Rate, $16.00 for the round trip. For full particulars and copy nt handsomely Illustrated circular, call on or address W. II. Brill, D. P. A. I. C. It. R., 1102 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Sneclnl Trnln lo Cndet'si lincnnntmrtit. Special train to Ashland will leave Ilur llngton station, Omaha, 9:30 a. in., Memorial day, May 30. Returning, will leave Ashland, 6:30 p. m. Round trip tickets, 75 cents. IIIKI). KELLY At Clnrkson hospltnl. Jimmy, ron of Martin Kelly, aged 14 years 3 months. Funeral notice later. nHEVOORT-John. 25Sfi Jones street, nt C o'clock Tuesday evening, Mny 23, fnther of Mrs. F. A. Green. Funeral notice later. Good White Paint 1.05 TO LINCOLN AXII HttTtmN. Via MurllnKton llanle. Every day, May 24 to 31, tncluaivn. Tickets good to return till June 4. Trains leave Tlurllngtan station; 8:40 a, m., 4:26 p. m. and 3:00 p. m.. dally, nnd 3:00 p, m dally, excopt Sunday, Mortality MtntlKllen. Tho following deaths and births were re ported to the city health commissioner for the twenty-four hours ending at noon Tues day: Deaths Mrs. A. L. Cook, HI. Joseph's hospital, aged SS, lllrths-G. A, Pegnn. 270(5 South Nine teenth, girl; Otovcr Jones. 2431 South Eight eenth, boy. Roy Putney, 521S North Thirty seventh, girl: Alonzo T, Anthony, 3J44 South Nineteenth, boy; Richard Larsen, 2410 South Twenty-ninth, girl. Excursion to AahlHnd. Memorial day, May 30. Omaha High School cadets' encampment. Round trip tickets 75 cents. Special train leaves Durltngton station, Omaha, 9:30 a. m. Returning, leaves Ashland. 6:30 p. m. Stonecypher prints anything. Tel. 1310. For Sale A new, late style Kimball piano at a bargain. Inquire O. D. Tzschuck, Be business office. Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgery, Brown blk. PIANOS AT A CLEARING SALE To Immediately reduce stock we have set aside a number of new and lightly used and second band pianos which we offer at a heavy reduction from regular prices. Ebony Upright $65 Rosewood Upright $110 Beautiful Oak Upright $125 Elegant Mahogany Upright. . .$148 14 square pianos all In good condition $15, $25, f 45 and up. Stemway Vose Emerson Ivors & Pond Steck A. B. Chase Steger & Packard Pianos sold for caab or on the easy monthly payment plan. New pianos for rent. Fine tuning and repairing promptly done. Call or write at onco for complete bar tain list and full particular!, You can make a great saving by buying now. Schmoller & Mueller, The Largest Piano House in the West. 1313 Farnam, Omaha. 337 Broadway Co. Bluffs TELEPHONE 1625. a THE DRESSIEST COSTUME would not be complete without one of our beautiful Sash Tins and Chaletalne Turses we'll take pleasure In showing you theso goods. We close at noon Decoration day. MAWHINNEY & RYAN CO., Jewelers. Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts. A beautiful white paint Is the hardest of nil paints to get Just right, but the SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. fully appre elate this and make whlto mixed paints adapted for every purpose. TUX (10) KIXI1S OK WII1TK I'AIXT. (Note carefully.) 1. "Family White I'nlnt." for Inside uso. ',4 pint. 15c: pint, 30c; quart, DOc. 2. "flloss White," exterior use. Quart, 50c; H gallon, 85c; gallon, J1.C0; C-gallon cans, J7.50. 3. "Flat White," Interior uso (for fine work). Quart, COc; M gallon, $1.10; gallon, J2.00. This should be used for FIRST 1 or 2 coats, and then FINISHED WITH WHITE ENAMEL. .4. "Inside Oloss White," pure white. Quart, C5c; V4 gallon, $1.25; gallon, $2.35. 5. "China Gloss White," Inside uso. (Slightly lvory-tlnged.) Quart, 50c; gallon, 85 c: gallon, J 1.00, 6. "Bicycle Enamel," pure white. ,i plrit, only 2Cc. 7. "Enamel Paint." puro white. U pint. 20c; i pint, 35c; pint, COc; quart, $1.00. S. "Enamel Paint," Ivory white. U Pint, 20c; M pint, 35c; pint, 60c; quirt, $1.00. 9. "Bath Enanui," Ivory whlto. Mi pint, 60c; pint, $1.00. 10. "llath Enamel," Porcelain whlto. . (Puro white.) '4 pint, 60c; pint, 51.00. Call for color card and ask us about SHERWIN-WILLIAMS" PAINT. Sherman & McConnell DRUG CO., Co in it Illth nnd Undue Mlrrrtn. Omaha's Finest Shoe Store. The artistic touch on OUIt SHOES distinguishes them nt a planco from SHOKS sold flsowhcre. 0(JU MANA GER, who Is now onst, stuffed In 100 eiiflcs of men's nnd women's lluest nhoes, comprising standard makers. To clean them up In two days wo have marked them at such LOW IMHUKS that will till the store with buyers THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Not the ordinary shoes usually offered nt special sales. Impossible to give detailed descrip tion. COME THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, Bncceiiori to TUB IIOWH. 1515 Douglas St. 1515. THE "CENTURY" CAMERA Has Arrived Dease call and see this new line, of strictly first-class Cameras. Tho "CENTURY" GRAND Is the finest thine on the market of Its stylo and has several new features to be had In no other make. Prices also up to date. Send for catalogue. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farnam Street. Exclusive Dealers In Photo Matt rial. WONDBItri'MiV LOW' MATES. Via The IlnrlltiKtnn Itnutr, Buffalo, N. Y., and return, $33.15, Choice of routes nt corresnondlntr rates. Kansas City, Mo., and return, June 10 and 11. $7.75. , Cincinnati, O.. July 4, 5 and 6, $27.50. 1 Detroit, Mich., and return, July 5, 6 nnd I 7, $22.00. Summer tourist rates to hundreds ot other points. Additional Information and tickets, 1502 Farnam street. 1n tlullorn To St. Pnul and return, account M.W.A. convention. "The Northwestern Line," 1401-1403 Fnrnain street. Send nrtlclss of mouruo-snon notices ot stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho nee. We will give them proper legal Insertion. Telepbono 2SS. Ought to Be Thumped- Tho CltV rVilltirlt Vllfpil Ihft nllinr ilnv 11ml perty owners must petition them If Hie wish the holes In the streets ropnlnji pro y oiim mini oi Kiti piny is iiusv ny nun i they no ahead anil make tho needed repairs nnd nssess thu properly If neet'ss.iry. No, Ifrinl'M .... . 1 ,....1. in... "lv W4U uittu tin- nuvrin iimiiv nni: with holes In 'cm bis cnouph to put a. wagon In, than do something that will please the citizen". Temptation Tonic 7.e Peruna 533 Wine of Cnrdul 4:0 Coke's Dandruff Curo ffic Newbro's Hcrplclde J'.io Syrup of FIrb , 29o Mennen's Talcum Powder lie Castorla CiThe kind you havo nhvnys boucht") iic Ileladontm Plasters 7c llyomel Sonp u0 Woodbury's Facial Soap l3o Cutlctira Soap ipc JJnclu Sam's Tobacco Cure (Ktinrnnteed) 50c .,"?.' -i'011 "oo1 mat Pennyroyal Pills ($2.01) size) 75c Plnkham's Compound toe And nil others at same ratio. Cut Price Drug Store T-l. 717. S.W.Cor. HMIi nnd ( lilcnuo. Goods delivered Fit IS R to nny part of city. SHRADER'S. Not ONCK can anyone say that Shrader's 10 Minute Headache Powders failed to re lieve and cure the most obJtlnate sick and nervous headaches. It Is a positive relief and n positive cure In 10 minutes. Why For It Is the only dry effervescent headache poilcr In tho world that liberates that sickening gas of the stomach that enuies such sick headnches. It Is an nnodyno for nil pains and n nervine for the nerves, Why? For It dilates tho contracted blood veins nnd arteries nnd Rives tone to the nerves In 10 minutes, Shrador's 10 Minute Headache Powders contain no opiates as ethers do. This Is as harmless as siiRar. Sold In nil up to date drtiR stores In 10c and I5c packages. Write for sampler. Address W, J, SHRADER MEDICINE CO,, New York and Omaha, Neb. SCHAEFER'S Soft Hats Soft Shirts Soft Ties To Kxrlirinuc I'or Hard or Soft Money. Straw Hats 50c to $2.50. T ! BLACK, The $2.50 Hutlor j J.OT So. Kith St. I Are You Ready Aro you ready with tho wanted ar ticles for Thursday? Many of you will nogleot this until tho last min ute; then in your hurry will not find what you want while tho more careful ones will buy early and find just what they want. $ You can et (J. A. It. Suits for S 7 OO ; " mi can jjet blue serjje coats ami wsts lor un You can net ilauticl coats and vests lor..... 2 75 You can get 11 mnel coats and pnnts for 75 You can pet fancy il.innet suits for 5 '25 You cm get koo J straw hats for.. '25i You can get ool percale shirts for 45c You can get better ones In madras for 75 Vou can get fancy half hose for.... 15c You can uot uood suspenders for.. 15c ou can got Kood leather belts for '25c You can get better ones for 45c You can u-.t 50c values in necUwear for 23c You can not hoik! linen collars for IOc You can net a better one for 15c Yen can get a good undershirt for 25c You can ucta piir of dr.iwjrs for '25c You can get a flood cool shirt for !?5c You can t;ct a good pair of pants for 1 75 You can get a blue serge suit for 4 75 You can got more for your money in this store than in any olher store in Omaha, ray iff w FQUR BIG STOCKS FROM THE CHICA GO UNDERWRITERS SALE AT SQs ON THE DOLLAR. Sensational bargains in dry goods, carpets and draperies, notions, furnishings, etc., etc., from the 4 immense stocks ot J. G. lull 5 Oo,, Gbicrp Felmsr & Go., Mevj gkis Tuomy Bras., Detroit , Williams & Mully, Ssranfon Bought at auction they were secured at a ridiculously low price and are on sale in Hayden's Bargain Room. Such colossal selling -such gigantic bargain giving such astonishingly low prices were never heard of in the wOSt before. Hayden's great eale of the four big stocks is" crowding the big store daily. four Big Stacks ash Oesds in hd Bargain . oom iiomnam.i 01 iuc i.nwnii, yard .... Itcmnants of 2uo Mcrccrizod Satin Remnants of 3fi-lnch Percale ... Rcmnmits of 19c Dimities KcmnantB of iuc Shakur Flannel . 10c Xalnsonkn 15c Nainsooks 19c Nainsooks Itcmnants of 23c n.itlsic Printed HommintB of 19c Madras Sreai Grocery 10c 10c lue 8c I bars Wool Soap .... lu' 10 pounds Corn Meal ...S'so I'all Jelly ...3v-jc 1 iiottlo Catsup '"tjl California Prunes Go "i!up! 5 I)0lintl3 -Motli Halls, for 10c ...ihc . . . Tie ... 5c fefs bm Lard ' No. 1 sugar cured llanm .10V lSo Glongarriq Olnzliains 25c Percales fio . Potted Meats, aesortrd. per can 3',fcc 2jc Orfiandjes r.c , i.ean Breakfast Macon 12c f ?'"'nB 'Tints H,c 5 pnm, ,mlls j.uro 1r!lf IjQI,, Uc 15c yard wldo SHUolluo , Notions 1 in Bargain 'oom, 10c large spool Linen flnitlied Thread., lc Heldlnc pros. Silk Thread, spool lc Ktnhrnlitrtrv Pnttnn nni annnl In 73c and' $1.00' Ribbon 13o I 50c Uelts lo1 liOc Bolts nc1 20c Ulbbon f,r 1 16c Ribbon lc Kancy Work Bankets, each le 25c Buttons, per rd lo 25o Pearl Buttons, per dozen 2'ZjO Belt Holders, each ic 25c Picture Frames it 1 25c, .15r and 50c Laces, all ko at r.c oiiuo i.Eces, nor uuncu , iu Four Bit Stock Dress Coods 50c, 75c nnd $1.00 Dress Goods, yard .,12'jC Ziio Dress Goods, yard 5c I yards skirt patterns, worth COc yard entire patterns for 9Sc All wool Challls, 32-Iuch wide 19c 10c Hose, black and tan, worth 10c... 5c Boys' colored chlrts, worth 50c I9c Ladles' fVcsta, with or without sleeves worth 25o 10c 1' c , 10 pound palls Puro Leaf Lard 87c Fruits, Fish and Shegss Cholco large I.eraons, per dozen 10o Fancy Pineapples, each "Vic Brick Ccd Hah, per brick 7c No. 1 Ilorrlnu, each 2ie No. 1 Family Mackerel, each "ic Fancy I.unrhcon Cheese, Jar lOe Young America Cheese 12'.'..c Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, Sc and 12c China Si Crockery Plates IViC 2c nnd ,1c Vegetables, 2c, Sc and 5c Platter, 3c, 5c, 7o and 10c Cups and Saucers. lVfcc, 2c and 5c each. Wash Howl and Pitcher, 19c each Chambers 15c Tumblers lj,c Crystal Saucd Ulsho3, 2 for lo Seml-Porcolaln Sauco Dishes lc And remember these goods are direct from tho manufactory, tho best selected goods iBk mn ana n wasu uuuas Bargains in High Class Goods. All our special dress patterns In flno embroidered St, Goul Swiss M ffa worth $9.60 to $12.00 each go on salo tomorrow tho J JjfJ entire dress pattern for TfWl Special line of Satin Raye (satin stripe) Floral Dimities, a fabrlo never AA offered at less than COc yard go on solo f f ( tomorrow at, yard MWV Batiste Superba 40-lneh wide, In colors an extra choice lOl m quality (25c grade) (jo on salo 1 oR tomorrow at Finest quality of Importod Mercerized Sateen Foulard styles IO a 35 cent fabric on special salo IJJC Washable Chiffon In the wide widths In colors and black. A fabrlo more desirable than any other plain cotton for Dresses, Waists, etc Never sold AA at less than COc anywhere on special cale ijSju tomorrow at, yard HAYDEN BROS. ri Ttie Constarvt Incoming a 2.90 Wpp Sifc Htnl nlcelv trimmed with hrnlu now oxtrn wic TtJP?2'j Houiico f-ltirt trimmoii with roufllca unil braid CHfllvair very lmiulHomo mid nttrac- lVXtJ tivts sultrt tlioy cannot bo du- H (I R 1 fcfr plleiitPd ol.owhoro for Iom -J: ZjfJ o. " m Women's Wash Waists made of lino quality uf lawn, In pretty strlp.-s, made with now sailor collar to matih stripes the new Bishop sleeve real valuo $1.00 nt Women's Wash Waists in linens' ehambrays, madras, clutbs and lawn plain tolora In all tho leading shades some mado with tucked sailor collars, others trimmed with four rows of em broidery and twentjvfour rows of tucking down tho front anil many other pretty ami up-U-dato styles among them $1.50 and $2.00 value' at tlmii te WuilnuBil.iy pi ioo. Big Sale of Horses of new styles makes our Summer Dress and Shirt Waist depart ment, this time of the iear of great interest to women, lhursdny will b docorntion day and you'll want to dress cool, yot dressy wo aro sure you can find tho wanted kind of clothes hero at a most reasonable xir.ce. Women's Wash Dresses Hundreds of pretty things in Lawn, Dimity, Linen and White. Wash Suits mado of tho bot quality of olmtn bray, plain colon, oxblood, bluo, oto. lnrtfo mllor oollai'x, ttimuiod with braid skirt in Ktndutttod llounco styles, trimmed with four row of braid a vory protty ntiu nobby bitlt, ierfeet fitting you can approoiato tho beauty only nftor soolni: thtim regular $." valuoj NVeilucsday Women's Wash Suits mado of fine lawns, in pink and nine, with In ko collar and rovoro of nil-over embroldory, nlsn L'rahs'linon huUh with laiJ' laco collars and nlcelv trimmed with braid now extra wldo 69c I 95c. v , rw - -I We will hold our first western horse sale on Tues day, June 1, 11)01, at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., and will consist of 12."0 head of well bred Oregon horses weighing from 1)00 lo J .'00 pounds. These horses are fat and have been careful l.v selected and fully half will he matured geldings and dry mares, balance mares and colts, yearlings and Lvoar-olds. The record we made last year is a guarantee to every pur chaser that we will have the number of horses adver tised and will positively sell to the highest bidder in car load lots and the quality of the horses just as rep resented. Sale to commencee at 1 o'clock p. in. sharp. McCreary & Carey, Win. Holland, Auctioneer. rzatrnmii J 9